Is it true that a dog is a man's best friend? Dogs are man's best friends. dog devotion

Since ancient times, the dog lives next to the man, he is our friend and helper. This is the first animal that was tamed by ancient man. He shared food with the dog, and she helped him hunt and guarded him and his home. Since then, the true friendship between them has continued.

It is still not known from whom exactly the dog originated. Some thinkers are inclined to wolves, others to jackals, and still others believe that she had her own ancestor. Dogs helped with hunting and were watchmen. After all, the man used her guarding and hunting instinct. Subsequently, the dogs were divided into groups, which indicated their economic purpose. First there were guards and hunting dogs, later - decorative dogs from which no service was required.

With the development of mankind, the scope of the breeds of some dogs has changed a lot. At all times, people highly valued dogs, they were even worshiped as deities and objects of worship, they were also given to emperors.

First of all, a person sees his companion in a dog and finds him in every possible way. However, studies show that our pets can also improve their owners' health and increase their activity levels. And yet, it is dogs that reduce the risk of developing diseases that are associated with coronary insufficiency. And without even realizing it, a person who walks with his beloved dog, feeds and combs, this devotes much more time, also to his health. The lifestyle changes when you get a pet, which forces you to streamline your schedule. And yet, among other things, they teach the owner patience, give him unconditional and endless love and always remain loyal friends, and you can share your joys and sorrows with them.

Today, the role of a dog in people's lives is very important, it performs many functions. First, the dog is usually pet the whole family, which warms with its friendly attitude, entertains, guards the house. My mother loves dogs very much. She says that dogs are very smart, they know how to learn, they understand the owner even without words, feeling his mood. There are breeds of dogs, for example, the Labrador, which are very kind, they are taken into families with small children, and they become real friends and protectors for them.

The dog does a lot of good for us. Specially trained dogs help search for people in the mountains, rescue people on the water, serve in the police, and others become guides to people who have lost their sight, they will not let you get lost in the forest. I'm sure dogs can do a lot more that I don't know about. The dog took an active part in space exploration.

There are about 400 dog breeds in the world today. The weight of some dogs exceeds 100 kg, and the height is 1 m, but there are also dwarfs, inferior in size to domestic cat. Such a breed of dog as St. Bernards have an excellent flair.

People buried by an avalanche, St. Bernards smell under a three-meter layer of snow. If the dogs find a frozen one, then two of them lie down on the sides of the unfortunate person to warm him, and the rest rush headlong to the people and lead them to the found traveler. If the dogs find a person covered in an avalanche, they try to dig it out and free it.

There are also a number of observations that half an hour or an hour before the earthquake in Ashgabat pet dogs woke up the sleeping owners, dragged them out. And during the years of the Great Patriotic War 60 thousand dogs "served" in the army. Dogs performed important work. Among them were driving, liaison, sanitary, guard, sabotage.

In some countries, monuments to dogs have been erected: in Paris - to St. Bernard Barry, who slept during snow drifts in the Alps 40 people, in Berlin - to a dog - a guide of the blind; in Nome, Alaska, to Balt, the leader of the team, who delivered anti-diphtheria serum to a snow-covered village during an epidemic; in Leningrad, on the territory of the Institute of Experimental Medicine, to a dog serving science; in Osaka in Japan - a team of sled dogs left by an expedition in Antarctica; in Italy - to the dog Verny, who for 14 years every evening stubbornly went to the train to meet his owner, who died in the war; in Tokyo - the dog Hachiko for devotion.

The dog saw off and met the owner every day, who was leaving for work. The owner suddenly fell ill and died, but the dog came every day to meet him at the station and stayed there until the last train in the hope that someday his owner would come. This went on for 10 years until the day when the dog tragically died at this station.

It is no coincidence that Charles Darwin called dogs "loving us more than themselves." A dog is a true friend of a person who will not laugh or betray, will help in everything where he can, understand his mood and try to improve, despite the fact that he has four paws and a tail and cannot speak. And mutual understanding without words is even more valuable. Therefore, it is worth being grateful to our pets for their devotion and responding to them in the same way.

This is what happened to us interesting story: “It was snowing outside, and my mother and I decided to go sledding. While we were walking, a cute white dog with large red spots on its back followed us. She constantly whimpered, trying to explain something to us, and then lay down on her back and quickly waved her tail. We headed towards the house and our new friend did not lag behind us. We did not know what to do and let her into the entrance. At home, we thought for a long time with my mother what this cute dog was trying to tell us.

The next morning we got up early for school, took food for our new friend and went to feed, when we saw her, we could not believe our eyes, she was lying under the stairs, and next to her were five multi-colored puppies. Our happiness knew no bounds, now it is clear that she was looking for a home for herself and her puppies. All the neighbors were glad to see a new little family in our stairwell. Together they began to feed and care for the new residents.

And friendship is not a one-way game, so a person, for his part, must also be a real comrade to his pet. Usually people treat dogs well, take care of them, ranging from food to the now fashionable trips to dog beauty salons! Interestingly, dogs do not require much.

For a good attitude, they are happy with a soft pillow in the apartment, and an ordinary booth in the yard. They are willing to live their lives in captivity in order to be needed. Therefore, in my opinion, the most important thing is not to offend animals, because they also have feelings, and they love their owner.

A dog is a true friend of a person who will not laugh or betray, will help in everything where he helps, understand his mood and try to improve, despite the fact that he has four paws and a tail and cannot speak. And mutual understanding without words is even more valuable. Therefore, it is worth being grateful to our pets for their devotion and responding to them in the same way.

Any dog, with all their diversity, even the most decorative, remains a dog that loves and is devoted to its owner. There are no bad breeds among dogs, because any dog, including even the simplest mongrel, is worthy of respect or at least sympathy.


1. V. I. Davydenko encyclopedia of dog care.

The popular saying "A dog is a man's best friend" does not exist in vain. The dog will always be true friend, will not deceive, will not betray, any pampering is forgiven him. It is not entirely clear why such friendly relations developed between this animal and a person, maybe because earlier, thanks to such a union, it was easier to live or it became not so sad. These creatures are smart, incredibly kind, playful, always ready to help, and not so much is required of us. Thanks to this, the fact that a dog is a friend of man, quotes , said, the characters of popular films and stories began to be often used in everyday life.

About friendship

Wilfred P. Lampton said: " Anyone who says you can't buy happiness has never bought a puppy.", but do you agree that he is absolutely right? Now there are various shelters for dogs, as well as for other animals, where you can take home a four-legged friend for free. Imagine how much happiness you will not only gain yourself, but also how much joy you will give to an animal! But everyone will agree with the words of Luis Sabin: “ If a dog is all you have, you are still a rich man».

« A dog is not the meaning of life, but thanks to it, life takes on a special meaning.», said R. Karas. Become happy man much easier than it might seem. A dog in the house is a constant protection and positive emotions. Sometimes, of course, she likes to indulge, she can interfere with the owner’s sleep, but all this is just an expression of love for him. The dog protects the hearth, maintains a friendly atmosphere in the home, and in return she needs to receive affection and attention.

Relationship between dog and human

The fact that a dog is a man's best friend quotes are uttered by many who have connected life with the most devoted creature on earth. As the French artist T. Charlet said: “ The best thing a person has is a dog', which is hard to disagree with. Of course, people have managed to tame many types of animals, but the dog will always remain the best friend. Recall the famous drama "Hachiko", in which a dog at the station is waiting for the return of his master, leaving no hope. This story reminds once again that even after a long time, the dog misses the owner and waits for him to the last. It is difficult for them to come to terms with separation, they can refuse food and even die. Do not leave the dog to the mercy of fate, because this is a friend who will never leave you, will support you at any moment and.

J. Billings once said: “ The dog is the only being on earth that loves you more than itself”, but it’s true, it’s hard not to notice because she meets the owner of the house. Their self-sacrifice is legendary. After all, the animal not only served good service as a guard, but also rescued drowning or wounded people on the battlefield.

“A dog is the only animal whose loyalty is unshakable», - J. Buffon said. It will be true to the owner, no matter what the situation happens.

Many words have been said about the fact that this animal is the most devoted creature on earth. Quotes about this have passed through the entire history of mankind. But no matter how sincere their feelings, you should always remember the words of the Fox from the “Little Prince” by A. de Saint-Exupery: “ We are responsible for those who have tamed».

For thousands of years, faithful, irreplaceable animals - dogs - have been living next to us. It was they who became the first living creatures tamed by man. These animals guard the house, protect their owners, help hunt and graze livestock.

Tandem of man and dog

Dogs - best friends a person, because thanks to their instinct, endurance and special character, they organically entered our lives and are always nearby: at home, at work, on vacation. If someone does not have children and relatives, then the dog will become the closest living creature.


Over 20 thousand years ago primitive brought a completely wild wolf into his home. It took millennia for the predator to unlearn its habits and become a domestic animal. Initially, they guarded the house and, sensing danger, gave a signal. These creatures have well-developed hearing and smell, so they can hear and feel what is beyond the control of man. Dog - by nature excellent hunter. She hunted with pleasure with the owner, hunted down and drove game. When a person tamed other animals, the protection of livestock also entered the duties of dogs.

Role in human history

Archaeologists have discovered dogs during the excavations of ancient settlements, which indicates a long-standing relationship between people and these animals. Since then, dogs have been considered to be man's best friends throughout history.

AT Ancient Egypt there was a belief that the dog is a symbol realms of the dead. The Egyptians worshiped her and assigned the status of a deity. Ancient frescoes depict dogs sitting next to the pharaoh. They accompanied their leader to the world of the dead. Separate sarcophagi were built for dogs, they were buried with honors.

AT Ancient Greece and Rome bred fighting dogs. So, in the army of Alexander the Great there was a detachment, which consisted of more than 5 thousand animals. Four-legged warriors were chained in armor and sent to battle. The dead animals were buried with honors, like glorious heroes.

In Russia, most often the dog was taken with them to hunt. Especially for this lesson, famous hunting breeds, characterized by speed, endurance, agility and courage. According to historical data, Tsar Peter I had a liaison dog that delivered orders and letters.

They used such abilities of our smaller brothers and imperceptibly passed by the enemy and carried important messages. During the war years, field hospitals had nurse dogs. They were looking for the wounded on the field, each had a bag of medicines tied to their backs. Many soldiers owe their lives to four-legged rescuers. Therefore, it can be easily argued that dogs are man's best friends.

In some countries there are four-legged postmen who deliver telegrams and letters high in the mountains to tourist bases.

Dogs are man's best friends, they will always come to his aid, they will not leave him in difficult times. Due to this quality, these animals are used in search of missing people. Hundreds of cases are known when a dog pulled people out of the water, found those lost in the forest or in the mountains, and searched for victims in the rubble after earthquakes.

dog devotion

What is dog loyalty? Is it measurable and defined? Maybe it's just the attachment of a living being to a person or gratitude for affection and care? It's very difficult to figure this out. Some scientists believe that dogs certain period there is a need for a master, for submission to a stronger individual.

Others are convinced that these animals can have feelings close to human ones. The loyalty of dogs, like the friendship of people, must be cherished. After all, friendship and devotion are a priceless gift that is given only once, and these relationships are built on trust and love. Dogs are animals that subtly feel the connection with the owner. The behavior of a four-legged pet shows the features of its owner. Regardless of the dog was and remains the most devoted creature. Even after death, she does not leave her friend: she gives various signs, warning of danger or foreshadowing significant events in life. Repeatedly, people talked about night visions or about visits by ghost dogs that saved them from trouble and death.

The relationship between children and dogs

Many dogs become very attached to children. The four-legged pet will become not only a protector, but also a nanny for the baby. A loyal dog will never offend a child, it touchingly soothes and plays, rejoices uncontrollably at the sight of a little friend, worries when he is sick. It is children's sincerity and purity that attracts animals. It is not surprising that children at school write an essay "A dog is a man's best friend." Indeed, one can cite many examples of such friendship, both well-known and from own life. Schoolchildren enthusiastically talk about the dog Hachiko, who daily met her owner at the station and continued to faithfully wait even after his death. Children describe stories related to dog monuments known around the world, as well as stories that happened in their neighborhood in their hometown.

Get a dog - change yourself and your life

The dog will always be next to the person, ready to help him in any situation. extreme situation. For thousands of years, she faithfully serves, fearlessly protects, saves from cold and loneliness. Scientists believe four-legged friends help heal some psychological illness. A person who has made such a friend changes his character dramatically, he becomes more responsive and kinder. There are people who think that this is an exaggerated opinion. But, on reflection, it is difficult to agree with this point of view. With the advent of a dog in the house, a person is forced to become more responsible, take care of the pet, take into account its needs, which means that its selfishness decreases. Walking a four-legged friend, the owner struggles with laziness and begins to outdoor activities or even sports.

Here are a few facts that answer the question of why a dog is man's best friend:

  • a dog helps to gain faith in oneself;
  • a person becomes liberated and sociable;
  • the feeling of loneliness disappears;
  • relations with relatives, loved ones and friends become more harmonious;
  • gain confidence in achieving the goal;
  • the dog becomes a companion, assistant and guard.

A dog is an animal that is rightfully considered a man's best friend.

Everyone knows that a dog is a man's best friend. However, few people can say exactly why? Of course, we can say that dogs are loyal, funny, but all this will only be generalizations. How exactly do these pets deserve the title of the best?

Terrible short term memory

One of the most annoying traits of any friends is the fact that they always remember everything. If you do something or say something wrong, you will definitely remember it later. Which is absolutely impossible with dogs simply because of how their brains function. These animals very quickly forget everything that happened to them, so you can do whatever you want (within reasonable and human limits, of course), and your dog will quickly forget about it and will continue to love you with all his heart.

Excellent long-term memory

Even if the dog forgets that you stepped on its tail, since it has far from the best short-term memory, then it will definitely never forget what binds you together. The point is that, unlike short term memory, long-term in dogs is perfectly developed - this is precisely what explains their devotion, love for one person.


No matter what happens, the dog will protect its owner and its territory. Dogs are great protectors and they are capable of repelling any attack on you or your property if they understand what it is. real threat. However, it should be noted that dogs cannot always distinguish real threat from the postman or courier, so their defensive reaction may sometimes be excessive.

Imitation of emotions

People very often do not understand when you have a problem, you are angry or, conversely, incredibly happy. But dogs are real masters at this. If you are sad, then your dog will look at you with big sad eyes, lowering his ears and tail. If you get angry, then your dog will begin to growl - not at you, but just like that, into space. Dogs share absolutely all emotions with people and almost never make mistakes.

small dishwashers

Naturally, no one suggests washing dishes with dog saliva. But if there is too much food left on your plate to throw away, but too little to keep for the next time, you can offer this food to the dog. She will be happy, and it will be much easier for you later to wash the dishes that were previously cleaned by your dog.


Dogs love to be active, they need movement, they want to run, play, frolic, especially when they are still young. Therefore, you can use your dog as a way of motivation - take him for walks and runs, play active games with him outside, and you will be able to keep yourself in shape by combining walks with your dog with exercise.

Dogs are incredibly smart

It's far from a secret - dogs are one of the smartest pets you can have. Naturally, a lot here depends on the breed, as well as on luck, but if you are lucky, you will get a pet that is able to understand you perfectly, do what is required of him, and also live his own life. full life which will be a real pleasure to follow. Because every time you will be amazed at the things that your dog is capable of doing.

You won't be alone

Pets are The best way fight loneliness. It's always nice to have someone alive in the same room. However, if you have a rat or a rabbit, then you are unlikely to feel the company much, and the fight against loneliness will not be as effective. In this regard, dogs the best option. After all, the dog will always be with you - when you eat, work, watch TV or sleep. You can order her to stay in another room, and she will do so, but with an incredibly sad expression on her face. Because her basic instinct is to be with her owner all the time.

Dogs won't let you down

How often does each person have a situation when friends with whom you made an appointment call last minute and they say they can't come. All plans fall apart, the day is broken, and nothing can be done about it. But if you are friends with a dog, then this will never happen. The dog itself will constantly want to spend time with you - and he will only be happy if you suddenly decide to take a walk. She will not have any plans, unexpected situations and so on. Moreover, she will be ready to go with you even if she feels bad.

Dogs know how to live

Simply put, dogs behave exactly like humans would if they didn't have the burden of their "intelligence". The life of a dog is simple - she wakes up, enjoys every day, eats, sleeps, walks and goes about her business. And at the same time, she is always happy - she does not think about the bills that she needs to pay, about the work that she needs to go to again. Naturally, such a life for a person would be rather boring, given that the human intellect is much better developed, but the dog is always satisfied and happy with his life.

For those who love animals and would like to have them in their home, we advise you to get a dog. Not a single animal has such sensitivity to a person and the ability to understand him without words, like a dog. She subtly captures a good attitude towards her and is responsible for this with her loyalty and affection. Not just a dog will enter your house, but a rational being, a full member of the family, a friend, a companion, with its own character, needs, inclinations, affections and dislikes. Time will pass, and your family will become so attached to this miracle that they cannot even imagine their life without it. In response, the dog will warmly become attached to you, and this love and affection will be constant until the end of his life for all of you, but he will choose only one of you as his master - the “leader of the pack”.

If an internal connection is established between you, the dog will feel all the changes in your mood, will share with you all the joys and sorrows. Already by the sound of steps on the stairwell, she can easily determine which of the household is coming to the door, and in what mood. Deciding to buy a dog, get the one that best suits your character, lifestyle and capabilities. No wonder the British say that dogs look like their owners.

This is a real Russian breed, bred in Russia in the 19th century. This is an elegant and lean dog with long legs and expressive eyes deer-like.

If your doctor has recommended walking fresh air and move more, you won't find a better companion. After all, it is for the sake of the dog that you will cheerfully get out of bed in the morning and dressed somehow, run headlong for a walk. And these daily walks will not be boring, because your four-legged friend it will make you jog and throw a stick at a distance and jump, taking out some very necessary branch from a tree at that moment. And you will completely forget about the ailments that you had. Daily walks with your dog will raise your own vital activity, harden and add strength to you, make you more disciplined and responsible.

A better guard than a dog cannot be found for someone who wants to get reliable protection for your hearth and family. Your dog perceives the house and family as a native pack. A manor is either an apartment, a garden or a yard - this is a possession that a stranger does not dare to encroach on. If it will be big guard dog, then she will be able to detain any uninvited guest. And if it's small domestic dog, then he will drive him away with his piercing bark or draw your attention to him.

If your children have grown up and left their native nest, then this restless friend, as direct as a child, will be the most beloved member of your family. After all, he needs to be looked after, to show affection and tenderness, maternal care, and sometimes severity. At the same time, patience and perseverance in education are necessary, which, of course, brings a lot of trouble and becomes everyday work. However, do not forget that the dog will pay you for all this with love and fidelity.

If you decide to buy a dog for children as fun, or as a tribute to fashion, to accompany you to fashionable “parties”, or to humanize it, think carefully. After a while, she will become a burden to you and this will not bring joy to either you or your four-legged ward. You must understand that a dog is not a toy that you can throw away and forget after playing enough. This is a living being.

Moving more and more away from nature, a person, especially a city dweller, in modern world in the middle huge amount his own kind to become, oddly enough, more and more lonely. It is known that, communicating with a dog, a person to some extent tries to gain disinterested understanding and participation, which he so often lacks. four-legged pet will be able to show responsiveness to a person and create an atmosphere of devoted love in the house.

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