Secret rooms in a private house. Secret rooms of our dreams. Secret floor of the Empire State Building

If you are thinking about building your own house in the network mode of the Minecraft game, then, without a doubt, the first reason for such an act is the desire to protect your own things from theft. However, it may just be a whim of your imagination. Otherwise, why else would you need Chamber of Secrets in Minecraft?

We place

If you want to know how to do secret room in Minecraft, you have to consider the location of your own house. You don't have many options if you build your dwelling in an open field, and a lot more if you build it into a rock, for example. In this article, we will show you how to create three types secret rooms:

Secret rooms in houses are the first thing you notice when you walk through the door. But secret rooms are growing in popularity in homes across the country. Secret doors have definitely become more popular in the last few years, says Elissa Morgante, an architect and co-founder of Chicago-based architecture firm Morgante Wilson Architect. "We've been in business for 28 years and it's only in the last five years that we've seen them more often."

Designers can't pinpoint the exact reason for the rise in demand, but they say secret rooms are on a steady rise and market factors haven't affected their growth. Whatever the reason, the secret is "come out." Here is how you can create hidden room his own.

  1. Outside the house. If you are building your dwelling in close proximity to a thick tree or hill/rock, you can place your secret room directly into it. To do this, you can "lean" one of the walls of your building against these elements environment. This is probably not a bad option, with the exception that some adventurer may start digging up the hill and stumble upon your cache.
  2. In the house. Such caches require a relatively large amount of space and a fairly large house. For example, you can make a corridor with turns so that a triple wall is in the center. Then you need to create a cavity in the central blocks of this wall and install a secret door. Whoever walks along this corridor will never guess that there is another room right next to him.
  3. Under the house. Everything is simple here. Even at the design stage, you should plan a cave directly under the house. Check for natural voids with hostile mobs and dig a pit. Everything, now you just have to quietly place the hatch and build a ladder. For example, you can disguise the hatch as a toilet. Of course, no one uses it in the game, and if they go into the bathroom, it’s only to evaluate the design.

We collect materials

How to make a secret room in Minecraft? As already mentioned, you need to hide the passage leading to it. No, of course you can just remember the right blocks and break them over and over again with a pickaxe, and then put them back in place, but it's so uninteresting. The following items are absolutely necessary to create secret rooms:

Secret rooms in houses have not-so-secret expenses

First, the secret room is likely to be expensive. If you're on a budget, pick a room, measure your doorway, and start looking for underground door options. The Murphy door offers several types of bookshelf doors - with real bookshelves.

If you want to go to a fully functional Addams family, you will pay much more. Probably the most famous designers of camouflaged yet elaborate doorways to underground rooms, these engineers can make a wall and a castle look like anything. In the last two years of his decade in business, passages to secret rooms have been "in really, really high demand," Humble says.

  1. Doors.
  2. Hatches.
  3. Paintings.

They can be made from absolutely different materials, therefore, different resources will be required. Depending on the situation, you may need iron ingots, but in without fail- boards and wool to create a picture. There is a small feature. Iron doors cannot be opened manually, but only by mechanisms, but their strength is higher than that of wooden ones. If you are going to put an iron door on the cache, then take care to hide the lever. For this, a gate installed in the wall and also hidden behind the picture is perfect. Perhaps these are all the opportunities that Minecraft provides us with. How to make a secret room, or rather fixtures for it, read below.

They can pre-assemble entire walls and ship them to customers, who can install them by a local craftsman, says Humble. But the coolest thing about secret rooms can be tiny details like a well-made lock. Humble says they also installed knock-knock locks that will only open if you encounter a very specific pattern. One customer with an expensive wine collection had an unlock code that could only be triggered by turning three customizable wine bottles in a specific combination.


Before you make a secret room in Minecraft, you need to create everything you need. Here are some of the recipes you'll need.

  1. Boards. Crafted from harvested wood at a workbench.
  2. Sticks. Obtained from boards. To do this, put 2 units of material on the workbench in a "column".
  3. Painting. Place 8 sticks on the workbench, and put wool of any color in the central cell.
  4. Door. Crafted from 6 planks or iron ingots arranged in 3 rows of 2 on a workbench.
  5. Luke. Arrange 4 boards or ingots in a "square".

Creating Mysteries with Limited Space

And of course, for expensive jobs, they will go to the client's home.

Try to work with what you have. This is what Velmoed Sisson and her husband did 16 years ago when they decided to build a secret theater in their basement. The basement was divided into three rooms, so they removed the walls to make one large room hidden behind a bookcase.

If you don't have the space or the know-how, consult an architect. While larger homes make it easier to evict secret spaces, Morgante says "an experienced architect can find creative solutions to include this type of feature in many different scenarios."

  • To place a painting on a door, open it, sit down next to it and click on the door.
  • Use the hiding place as little as possible. If you play online, this will reduce the risk of being noticed.
  • You can hide the lever from the iron door behind a picture hung on a gate in the wall. Thus, you will not need to hide the passage. Let them rack their brains on how to get inside.
  • Nothing is safe. Your stash might be discovered. Therefore, create a "chest of the End". No one can enter it except the owner.
  • Before you make a secret room in Minecraft, look around. Suddenly, someone is watching.

Dark corridors, secret rooms hidden behind bookshelves, cellars hiding antiquities... Stories are full of secrets and doorways hidden from human eyes, but real life less interesting, right? It turns out that it is very interesting. It hides no less secrets and rooms hidden behind the walls, even in those places that we seem to know everything about.

The cost depends on several factors, including the type of wall treatment around the door, the cost of the door and interlock, and additional functions such as hiding doors on both sides. “Finishing is one of the main cost drivers because you need to add it up to create hidden elements,” says Morgante.

So, who buys in the secret room, not so secret, in the secret room? Secret rooms and passageways can serve as storage or panic rooms, but for others, it's a "childish fantasy". “Sometimes there are kids and they want to share that fantasy with their kids,” Humble says. "It's more for fun."

Walt Disney World is the most magical place on earth, and like all magical places, it is full of secrets. Most of Disneyland's secrets are best left undiscovered so as not to ruin the magic. It is not worth knowing what is hidden in the tunnels and who is hiding under the suits. But some secrets are delightful and almost as good as the fairy tales themselves and the cartoons based on them. For example, Cinderella's secret room.

From castles full of secret chambers to crazy squatters living in hidden clouds, we're counting eleven of the cutest rooms found in people's homes! There are sliding walls that reveal stone stairs, paintings that allow hosts to eavesdrop on dinner guests, secret wine cellars, and a trapdoor in the maid's dormitory. There is also a hidden treasure room accessible by a latch disguised as a coat hook and a secret passage leading to a sinister black-eyed dungeon. What's more, Imbjak also discovered a mysterious briefcase containing an old jewelry box, paper currency envelopes from around the world, and four one-ounce silver bars. He somehow raised his hands on the map, revealing a secret chamber at the back of the cabinet that only a hidden mechanism could open. Shortly after moving in, the couple discovered a small hidden room accessible from the corner of their room. little son. The pitched roof and four-foot Alice in Wonderland door made it impossible to turn the area into functional part your new home. Unaware of their function, they hid the strange hidden room behind their son's chest of drawers so that he would never know about it and set about renovating the creepy room in secret so they could present it to their son on their fourth birthday. They worked on it in secret for a year while their son was in school, and when his birthday arrived, made it public as their new "treasure room". The couple were getting ready to start renovating by scoring a lot in the five-bedroom two-bedroom home. Before the note it said: "You found him!" Unrolling it, the previous homeowner explained that there was a very serious problem with black mold. The Browns immediately canceled their plans to take over and sued the broker who sold them the house. The incident was like a treasure hunt, but with bad news instead of treasure. His home reflects his personality, with innocuous closets that hide doors and chests of drawers that serve as passageways to other rooms. If you're wondering where the scary part comes from, Dunnerden has something called the "Room of Doom" where guests are strongly encouraged to stand on a rocky ledge behind a waterfall. There are only two ways out of the fate room: swim through the flume or jump over the waterfall and hope you land in the pool.

  • The footage showed that Stanisław Gosse was behind the theft.
  • The monsters under the bed now have a cool new panel!
  • It was so bad that he threw the family away and made his children very sick.
  • The bottom of his house is a maze of creepy catacombs full of treasures.
For families who can afford it, secret rooms can be exciting news for happy kids or a safe haven where people can hide their valuables or themselves in the event of a break-in or emergency.

Imagine Cinderella's castle. It has a room with comfortable beds, a soft sofa, a jacuzzi, stained glass windows and a gilded fireplace. And in this room you can stay overnight with the whole family, and for free. True, there is one "but". You cannot book it and get inside until a park employee chooses you from the crowd of visitors and offers to spend the night in the castle.

What makes the rooms so unique are the secret, hidden passages or doorways that look like normal home furnishings or walls. The first step in designing a secret room is deciding how you will use the space or what you will use the room for. Do you want a panic room where your family can retreat if you have an intruder or some kind of elemental or man-made disasters? Are you an artist, avid crafter or woodworker who would like to see the secret workshop disappear when creating your next masterpiece?

The Vatican City is an ancient place full of secrets. Firstly, there are the secret archives of the Pope, which can only be accessed with the written permission of the pontiff. As near Paris, near Rome there is a huge City of the dead- catacombs that are not so easy to visit. In fact, a huge cemetery is hiding under the Vatican! Presumably, the very first Pope, the Apostle Peter, is buried there. The necropolis does not perfectly coincide with the modern territory of the Vatican, but they intersect, and this is enough to walk along the graves of the saints.

It is important to first determine the function of the room so that you have a better idea of ​​how much space you need, as well as the features, furniture, or fixtures you need to include in the room. The next step in designing a secret room - decide where to put it. It is natural that best way include a secret room - this is if you are building a house and can include the space in the source drawings for that structure. A central location or a room within a room could be an option. The room could also be located at the back of the house, or perhaps in the basement.

Paris is a city of light, love and romance. This magnificent place is full of history and art, and it is also a home eiffel tower- one of the most famous, religious buildings in the world. And at the top of the tower are apartments that excite envy in any person.

Only one person lived there - the one who created the Eiffel Tower, the architect Gustave Eiffel. He had his own small apartment, for which many important and rich people were ready to offer their souls. But no matter how much money and power people offered to Eiffel, he did not sell or rent his apartment.

If you find a room on top level, noise will be considered as it is easy to hear footsteps or people moving above you. In an existing home, you should consider any unused space. Sometimes you can find a place under the stairs. You can also convert a large closet or storage room into a room. An unused bedroom, attic or garage are all areas that could be suitable for redesigning into a secret room.

Once you've determined what the room is for and found a comfortable spot, do as much remodeling, redesigning, and furnishing as you can spare. Things you should not attempt without proper training or licensing include electrical work and plumbing. Make sure the room will have adequate ventilation, heating or cooling if needed. Consult professional contractors for any improvements you cannot make yourself.

This does not mean at all that he was stingy with invitations, he often hosted other famous geniuses there, including Thomas Edison. The apartment is still not rentable, but you can at least, visit these mysterious apartments.

Hidden behind Abraham Lincoln's head is a room designed to house the entire history of America. Today this room is locked and hidden. Unfortunately, due to the treacherously unreliable breed, tourists are not allowed to go to the apartments.

However, feel free to strap on your belt and do any drywall, paneling, painting, and flooring work. Be sure to include appropriate lighting, a workspace, an armchair, or other furniture or decorative items that make this a comfortable, functional space.

Perhaps the most intriguing part of designing a secret room is creating a secret entrance. This is another area where you should leave it to the experts to create something amazing for your home. A small group of companies specialize in setting up secret rooms. Mechanical engineers can create a fully automated doorway or walkway that can turn ordinary home furniture into a hidden doorway. The door can look like a bookcase, wardrobe, chest of drawers, fireplace, stairs, or can be camouflaged to fit into the surrounding wall.

It was in this room that the creator of the Mount Rushmore Project began his chronicling activity. He began to document the entire history of the United States, but died before finishing what he started. After Gutzon Borglum's death, others completed his endeavor, sealing the room afterwards.

There is a large white arch in Washington Square Park in New York. Most people are aware of its existence, some have even seen it. However, few people are aware of the secret room hidden in this archway. In addition, this secret room even has access to the roof of the structure.

A book or decorative toy sitting on a shelf can be picked up and tilted to open the door. Automated walkways are built outside the site in the company's workshop. Each comes in a pre-cut doorway specifically designed to fit through the rugged door of the client's home. Each secret passage is custom made and will come with a full set of installation instructions. Some companies will even send a team of installers at your request to help.

Exit to the roof of the arch is like a fabulous adventure. First you must find a small door, it is smaller than the usual one. Once inside, you need to go through a narrow tunnel, at the end of which there is a narrow metal spiral staircase, just like in Gothic novels. It leads to the attic, from where you can get to the roof, where you can see a beautiful view of the Empire State Building.

Unfortunately, today there is almost no chance to get into the attic, and the creepy staircase is not to blame. The room set up to serve the arch was locked today, but you can look for the door, just out of curiosity.

Theme parks are full of mysteries and secret rooms, but most of them are built for park workers. As long as they walk through the tunnels away from the eyes of the public, magic remains magic. In other words, almost all the secret rooms you will see in the Universal Studios park are pretty boring: they are full of workers and equipment. But there is a secret room at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Who would doubt that! An entire book in the series has been written about it.

True, there is no basilisk, no ghost, no Phoenix in this room. And it’s not magical at all, it’s just secret, and not everyone gets there. The fact is that at Hogwarts, a roller coaster ride around the castle, known as "Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey," is popular. After the slides, a considerable number of people feel unwell and struggle with nausea. The owners of the studio are not very happy when guests are unable to contain the urge to vomit in the territory of their offspring, so the organizers of the theme park have allocated a secret room for those who need to recover after a trip. In the room they will offer you water, let you rest and even help you change clothes if you still get sick on the slides.

What is the secret in the fact that the pyramids are full of secrets and halls that cannot be reached, you ask and you will be right. The very essence of the pyramids is that they were built for the very purpose of hiding secrets and not revealing them until the end of time.

Apparently, the pyramids have rooms with highest level secrets that scientists were not even aware of. By using the latest technologies today, researchers can look at the design of the pyramids without opening them and create detailed map ancient burials.

It turned out that in the pyramid of Cheops there is a secret hall 120 meters high - the largest hall ever discovered in the pyramids. It's not the only secret room, just the biggest one. It is not known what else can be discovered with these new technologies.

Secret floor of the Empire State Building

Some buildings have secret passages, some have secret flights of stairs or cellars. Some have secret rooms, halls, and attics. And then there is the Empire State Building, a symbol of New York and a majestic building for which a simple room would simply not be enough. That is why a whole floor hid in the iconic building. This is really secret place capitalized! And from a great height.

The entire 103rd floor of the Empire State Building is kept secret and cannot be accessed without a special invitation. This is not a massive floor as it is located at the top of the building. That is why the view from the windows more than compensates for the lack of space. The room is surrounded by a narrow terrace, on which only a low balustrade, not reaching even to the knees, separates you from falling.

Of course, the view from this floor is hard to imagine and, unfortunately, there is no way for mere mortals to go there. Only celebrities and influential people can climb the 103rd floor of the Empire State Building. If you ever decide to sell your soul to the devil for money, power and fame, you might have a chance to look down on the city that never sleeps from the highest accessible point of its main building.

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