Dream Interpretation lions dogs are huge in a dream. What does the lion dream about: interpretations in dream books

Our dreams are like another universe, like a separate infinite space in which its own laws reign, and where almost everything is possible.

What kind of guests do not look into the world of dreams - and what they want to tell us is always so interesting!

The king of the jungle, a fierce, brave and beautiful lion is a symbol of a brave heart, strong devotion, steadfastness and complete fearlessness. If he comes with a proud step into our dreams, it is not without reason.

But to understand what the lion is dreaming of is not easy - it is a bright, but ambiguous symbol. And, as the dream book states, a lion can promise both happiness and strong love, as well as dangerous enemies. So it should be interpreted carefully and wisely!

It all depends here, as you understand, on the image in which the beast appeared in dreams - was he meek or formidable, he dreamed of a woman or a man, and what he did. From this fact, in fact, depends on what the lion dreams about - and the options for such dreams are very diverse.

  • You saw it from the side.
  • You dreamed of a peaceful, calm, friendly lion or tiger.
  • You saw in your dreams a lioness with cubs.
  • I dreamed of a whole company of animals.
  • We saw an angry lion.
  • A lion or a tiger sitting in a cage in a dream.
  • Trainer and circus lion, tiger in the circus arena.
  • Heard a lion's roar in a dream.
  • We saw a young animal.
  • You dreamed of a lion's skin.
  • You have seen the lion games.
  • You dreamed of a lion cub.
  • The lion is in your house.
  • You dreamed of a hunting lion or tiger.
  • I dreamed of a lion in a trap.
  • You saw the king of beasts basking in the sun.
  • In a dream, he rushes at you, attacks, bites.
  • You feed the lion in your dreams.
  • Caress him, pet him like a big cat.
  • You are in the same cage with him.
  • You sleep on a lion's back.
  • Cut the claws of the predator.
  • In a dream, you were afraid of a big lion.
  • You killed him in your dreams.
  • They subjugated the lion, tamed it.
  • They caught a lion.
  • Ride on his back.

It should be understood that such a number of scenarios gives rise to interpret dreams in different ways, because each scenario has its own unique meaning.

Therefore, before interpreting what the lion is dreaming of, remember absolutely everything - to the smallest detail. This will help not only to correctly decipher dreams, but also to apply the knowledge received from the dream book in real life.

Predator nearby

The lion, who was aloof in your dream, you saw him, but did not contact him in any way, can mean a lot.

The meaning of dreams depends on what specific mood and habits the predator had, where and in what environmental conditions you saw him, and what he did.

1.Seen from the outside, a beautiful, proud lion promises you wealth, honors and a decent life. You, thanks to your good qualities and mind, will achieve a lot. Just show your best side.

2. As the dream book says, a meek, quiet lion that sits or lies calmly, without bearing a threat, promises great, pure, devoted love. She will come into your life soon!

3. If you dreamed of a lioness mother with a brood of cute cubs, boldly expect complete well-being in the family nest, prosperity and complete stability. Nothing will disturb your hearth, be sure of this.

4. A lot of lions in a dream is a sign that soon you will have to deal with high-ranking officials in reality. It can be communication with the powerful of this world, people with high ranks and titles. If you are reasonable and honest, such communication will bring you high status or other benefits.

5. But an angry, vicious lion promises you trouble. Be careful and don't be afraid of difficulties!

6. If the lion in your dream is sitting in a cage, this means that now in reality all the success of your affairs depends only on how strong and fearless you are in relation to your competitors.

Show strength - get victory and success! Just do not confuse strength with meanness and aggression.

7. If you saw a trainer who performs with a lion in the circus arena, expect complete good luck in all your affairs.

8. The young lion dreams of a new good deed, which, subject to hard and honest work, will bring a lot of everything desired. And, of course, good things for your future life.

9. If a woman dreams of a beautiful and proud lion, this promises her harmony in a relationship that will bring a lot of joy. Your partner is strong, brave, a model of a noble hero. You're lucky! Or you'll get lucky very soon.

10. Hearing a lion growl in a dream is a good sign! He portends a completely unexpected great success in some important business or serious event.

11. A here is the lion skin - this is a symbol that portends you undoubted prosperity, wealth and all the good things. Expect happiness from a beautiful, comfortable and peaceful life.

12. If in your dreams you witnessed lion games, this warns you that someone's ignorance and stupidity can harm you. Avoid people who, in your opinion, are not worthy of your circle, and do not bring you joy in communication.

13. A lion who ended up in your own home promises you peace and strong family relationships. As well as valuable and rare mutual understanding and full respect for all members of the home nest.

14. A lion cub, cute and funny, dreams of great happiness, peace in the house and harmony in relationships. Your loved ones love you dearly, and you can enjoy relationships with loved ones.

15. It is curious why a lion dreams in a dream, where he hunts a victim. Such a dream says that you are the master of your life! Now absolutely everything depends only on you, and you can safely lead your own destiny.

16. If the lion in your dream fell into a trap, this is a warning to you. Before you start headlong into some new business, enter the game, get involved in the enterprise - think about whether it is worth it.

A risk awaits you - unjustified and dangerous. The dream interpretation recommends thinking especially seriously before making decisions.

17. If in your dream the king of animals is lazily and blissfully basking in the sun, this is practically a guarantee that prosperity, pleasure and relaxation are about to come in your future life. Just don't lose your head!

Closer to the beast

The lion is a beautiful and dangerous predator. If in dreams you not only had a chance to contemplate him, proud and beautiful, from the outside, but also somehow come into contact with his strength and power, contact - these dreams are more significant and dynamic.

What did you do? Were they saved or attacked, stroked the predator or fed it? Remember - and find out the meaning of this dream.

1. If in a terrible and disturbing dream a lion attacks and bites you, beware of a serious ill-wisher. And remember that he is quite smart, strong and not afraid of anything. It may be better to avoid conflict altogether. Your powers are not equal.

2. If you feed a predator in your dreams - it doesn’t matter if you give him food from your hand, or put a bowl in a cage, or throw a piece of meat from afar - in any case, such a dream will certainly promise you great luck.

Know that you have entered a period of luck, so take advantage of it to the fullest! Only use the favor of Fortune for bright and peaceful purposes.

3. Caress, stroke the lion, play with him, scratch behind the ear - a dream can be pleasant, but not very good. He warns you that in reality a serious rivalry awaits you. This will require courage, intelligence and strength from you, so be prepared.

In any conflict, take an example from the lion who visited your dream - be strong, brave, but do not rush to attack in vain. Feel your strength and superiority, and the enemies themselves will not dare to attack.

4. Also, a dream warns of insidious enemies in which, for some obscure reason, you had to be with a living predatory lion in the same cage. Rivalry and conflict cannot be avoided, but being the victim or the master of the situation is always up to you, remember this.

5. And if, oddly enough, you just slept on the back of a lion in your dream, or just lay resting, this is a sign that you will be strong, significant, take a serious and honorable place in your society. You will be respected, you will have a very serious authority. Use this rare position wisely!

6. If you cut the claws of the beast in your dreams, you should know that you have or will soon have true, devoted friends. Those who you can really, really rely on - match them, be an example of a good friend, and appreciate these rarest relationships. Do not forget that such friendship is a rare gift.

7. To be frightened of a lion in a dream, but in earnest, is a warning. You seem to underestimate some kind of danger in reality.

It is worth looking around carefully, looking from the outside at your affairs in which you participate, at competitors and risks. Your carelessness can really bring great, irreparable harm - prevent this, be serious and careful.

8. If in a dream you killed a lion with your own hands - no matter in what way - this is not good. The dream interpretation says that you risk yourself, take it with your own hands, and destroy your own precious happiness. But if you're smart, you can avoid it.

9. But if you subdued a predatory lion in your dream, made it tame, or even trained it - know that you will become a true winner in life.

Everything that you intend to start undertaking will now develop in the best way for you. Your strength, character and courage are the weapons that will allow you to become a leader and occupy a very enviable position.

10. If you were riding a predator, this speaks of your true strength and courage.

If you cannot now say with complete immutable certainty that all these qualities are your strong point, then you will be able to develop and acquire them.

Take action! Such a dream is a sign that the potential in you is very strong.

11. And if you caught a lion in a dream, you will soon have a very valuable and strong friendship in reality. Treasure her and know from the very beginning that this is a person who needs to be appreciated.

Whatever the lion in a dream is - big and formidable, sweet and gentle, sleeping or attacking - just remember that this is a dream. Of course, without a doubt, it means something, but it does not change your life at all by itself. Only you can change it.

And sleep only helps to find out where dangers come from, and how to behave better in order to achieve success. And given the fact that "lion" dreams often promise happiness and wealth, be sure that nothing threatens your happiness, except for your wrong deeds. So, be happy - this is your task, and you will certainly be able to understand how you can do it. Author: Vasilina Serova

Lion is the king of the animals. Seeing this animal in a dream, on the one hand, to success and happiness, on the other hand, to troubles and failures. Let's figure out what's what? Believe me, you will be pleasantly surprised to find out the interpretation of your dream.

Meeting a worthy adversary

It turns out that in dreams this animal personifies the strong and powerful people of this world. The meaning of the dream and the future prophecy depend on how the meeting takes place. Leafing through the dream book: lions dream of those who face serious trials in the future. They warn of danger, suggest what to do in a problem situation, predict the outcome of complex problems and circumstances. You saw in a dream how a lion rubs against your leg, purrs affectionately and is friendly, which means that an imperious person will soon appear in your environment who will support you in everything. And he will be reliable, faithful. Trust this benefactor and try to justify his hopes and trust. In a dream, did you see that a flock of lions is protecting you? This is also a very auspicious sign. In reality, you have many patrons and influential friends. You are protected from enemies and protected from all sorts of misfortunes. It is very symbolic if you see in a dream how two animals are fighting nearby. Probably, in reality, someone is trying to win you over to their side and make you an ally. Maybe you will soon be offered a better job with decent pay. Do not rush to make a decision and leave your current position. As the dream book says, lions also symbolize the inner state of a person. It is possible that the animal seen in a dream is your inner world. You are a strong and powerful person, firmly making decisions, not compromising. It can be difficult for close people to convince you of anything, you do not listen to advice. And because of this, you often find yourself in unpleasant situations.

Lion attacked in a dream

You dreamed that you were hunting a lion. You have ambushed an animal and are ready to attack. The lion noticed the threat and launched an attack. How does the dream book interpret in this case? The lion attacks and you feel that the opponent is far superior to you in strength and dexterity? Know that in the near future you will have to fight and defend your opinion. The outcome of events in reality will depend on who won in a dream. Most likely, there will be a conflict at work with a colleague or boss. Be prudent, go into the shadows and leave everything as it is. Your time will come, and you will prove your case to everyone.

A woman dreamed of a lion

The lion interprets the beautiful half of humanity very interestingly. For her, such a dream means a meeting with love. The new admirer will be a true gentleman. Beautiful courtship, passionate hugs and words of love are prophesied to the charmer. Relationships can end in marriage if the woman does not push the boyfriend away and accept his feelings.

Lioness with babies

Another interesting interpretation worth mentioning is the dream book. Small lions in a dream symbolize children. If you saw a lioness caressing her cubs, know that in reality you will take care of other people's children. Perhaps you would like, for example, to present gifts to the kids of a neighbor or take a walk with them, or you decide to start a charity event by donating things and toys to the orphanage.

Trouble and hassle

Also, the dream book says, lions sometimes dream of troubles and troubles. If you saw a beast rushing about in a cage, or in a dream, walking in the savannah, you saw the remains (corpse) of a lion, then shame and humiliation await you. Someone will slander you, cover you with mud in front of people close and dear to your heart. It will be difficult for you to explain that everything is a lie. It is even more difficult to return a good attitude to yourself.

To summarize?

As you can see, dreams of both good events and bad ones. If in a dream you saw a lion, do not be afraid and run away from him. It is better to make friends with the king of beasts. And then in the real world you will find success, luck and happiness.

If you dreamed of a lion in a dream or you saw a whole pride, then the interpretation of such a plot in you will be extremely surprised. The dream interpretation reports that if these animals walked side by side in your dream, this portends the appearance of a couple of important persons in your life. Why else dream of the "king of beasts" is listed below.

Locked up somewhere

If the lion dreamed of being locked in a cage or put on a chain, you can take a leadership role, you will achieve the support of a powerful person. You can achieve everything if you get rid of harmful qualities such as pride, vanity, narcissism.

Aesop's dream book claims that a dreaming lion in a cage is a sign that you are now in a rather difficult situation and it is very difficult for you to figure it out.

If you dream of a lioness locked behind bars with a lion cub, then in life you should not take on several things at once, as this can affect the result. It is better to choose the most important and gradually implement it.

Azar's dream book believes that the lion couple imprisoned in the menagerie predicts complete humiliation.

Aggressive animal

If a growling and angry animal is dreaming, this is a bad sign characterizing that you inadvertently aroused the anger of an important person.

Did you dream that a lion was chasing you, swiftly attacking or biting your hand? Get ready to endure persecution and aggression from an authority figure.

Hasse believes that hearing a roaring lion in a dream is a danger. If in a dream a bloodthirsty predator torments you, you will lose property.

To dream of an animal running and growling - to danger, mental or physical injury. To be frightened of a lion means to arouse the wrath of the authorities.

If you dream that a lion was able to overpower you, then this means that you may remain unprotected from ill-wishers and competitors.

Dream Interpretation of Zhou Gong believes that a loud roar is a harbinger of wide fame and glory.

Dreamed of fighting a lion? So, in real life, you will show indifference to someone else's grief.

If in a dream a lion was killed by you - this is to influence and power.

kind lion

The universal dream book believes that if the lion appeared to you in a peaceful mood, then there is nothing to beware of. Ahead is only quick success, wealth and career advancement.

According to Hasse, caressing this formidable predator in a dream is a tender affection for a new acquaintance.

The Dream Interpretation of Health quite negatively unpacks a similar plot. This source believes that the dreamer will soon develop heart pain and neuroses.


If you dreamed of a lion couple and a little lion cub, then quiet family happiness awaits you. The modern interpreter advises to start paying attention to the most important thing and not to be jealous of the little things.

The lunar dream book claims that one lion is for concern, here are a few for a date with a very important person.

An explanation of why the pride is dreaming is also given by Aesop. Aesop's dream book reports that if in your nightly dreams you saw a lion flock chasing its prey, this means that you know how to independently manage your own destiny and therefore you will achieve a lot.

Unusual appearance

Did you dream of the winged king of the jungle? Sudden luck, popularity or wealth awaits you. The key word here is "sudden", so in this case you should not rejoice ahead of time and make plans for the future.

If the lion dreamed of a completely white color, then in reality an imperious patron, absolute happiness and success await.

A family dream book explains a similar dream as a symbol of successful changes in life.

Various interpretations

If in a dream this big cat climbed into the house, expect the arrival of high-ranking guests or an older family member.

There is lion meat in a dream - to an unexpected occasion, vanity.

Miller also explains why the "king of beasts" is dreaming. The predictor believes that to see this predator in a dream means that you are possessed by huge forces, and if you can subdue them, then consider that you will emerge victorious in any fight.

Tsvetkov promises the dreamer security, wealth, power, high patronage. Meneghetti, on the other hand, says that there is a power in you, the use of which is best temporarily avoided.

The interpreter of the dreams of Assyria explains what the dream of turning a man into the king of beasts is about. This is a symbol of loss and humiliation.

If you dreamed that the lion was sleeping, it means that you will be able to avoid serious danger.

ABC of dream interpretation

The lion is a symbol of an imperious, regal person. Identification with such a person. Positive volitional impulses in a person.

If a lion is chasing you, there will be a quarrel with the authorities.

Quiet, tamed - patronage of an important person.

Being in the same cage with a lion is true friendship.

American dream book

Lion (king of the jungle) - greatness; strength; bravery; headship. A test of courage. In some African tribes, as part of the male initiation ritual, the strength of a man was compared to that of a lion.

English dream book

Leo - this dream means your greatness, future exaltation. You will occupy an honorable social position. This dream for a young woman portends that she will marry a noble, highly intelligent, friendly man. To a young man - that his future wife happily combines frugality and intelligence, high spiritual qualities and thriftiness. She will indeed become his assistant and friend for many happy years.

Assyrian dream book

If a person turns into a lion in a dream, this promises him loss and humiliation.

Vedic dream book from Sri Swami Sivananda

Leo - such a dream predicts glory, growth and greatness. You will become a very important person, influential and happy.

Eastern dream book

Lion - symbolizes a certain force that is outside of you.

Defeating a lion in a fight is a sign that you can emerge victorious from any situation.

You also managed to climb onto the back of the defeated king of beasts - which means that your strength and energy will be enough to achieve any goal you set. If the fight ends not in your favor, be careful.

A dream in which you see lions locked in a cage - your success will depend on whether you can cope with the enemies.

If you see a lion trainer, it means that thanks to your mind and intuition, you will be able to achieve unprecedented success both in business and in love.

Lion cubs - dream of the beginning of a new period in your life, which promises to be successful if you prepare for it in advance. They can also portend the emergence of new, worthy fans.

If you saw a roaring lion's head with bared teeth above you, get ready for defeat.

Lion skin - dreams of happiness and good luck.

A dream in which you protect your children from a lion - enemies are trying to invade not only your commercial, but also family affairs.

Ancient Persian dream book Taflisi

If someone sees in a dream that he defeated a lion, in reality he is destined to defeat the enemy.

Running from a lion - to victory and fulfillment of desires.

Women's dream book

If you dreamed of lion cubs, be sure that a whole army of fans will appear. So you will have someone to choose from.

Idiomatic dream book

"The lion's share" - difficulties; “to rush into the lion's lair”, “keep your head in the lion's mouth” - fearlessness, it is unreasonable to take risks; “strong as a lion” - show courage; "secular lion" - a seducer, a noble man; "socialite" - a woman from high society.

Italian dream book

The image of a lion - indicates the presence of a force that must be bypassed at the moment.

Lunar dream book

Leo - to have anxiety; many lions - a date with an important person.

Muslim dream book

If someone sees in a dream that he has defeated a lion - to defeat the enemy.

Run from the lion - to victory and fulfillment of desires.

The latest dream book

In a dream, what is the lion dreaming of?

To be a lion in a dream - a dream speaks of your great life potential; you will easily overcome the ailment, if one suddenly appears. In case of illness, a technique related to the treatment of fire will help. To victory, recognition of you as a leader.

Sea lions - an old man likes you.

Psychoanalytic dream book

Leo - "furious" desire, erotic appetite, brutality.

Fighting a lion is an indicator of successful maturation, its species is not defeated or the lion is not killed.

A lion lying next to a lamb is a union or compatibility of oppositions; instinct and spirit. Pride or courage.

Russian folk dream book

The lion (the king of animals) is a symbol of courage, courage and greatness, but also self-confidence.

Family dream book

If a lion appears to you in a dream, then you are controlled by huge forces.

Subjugated him to yourself - you will be a winner in any business.

The lion defeated you - you will remain unprotected under the blows of ill-wishers.

We saw a lion in a cage - then success will depend on your ability to neutralize enemies.

A trainer with a lion - dreams of success in business.

Young lion - to new entrepreneurship.

If a young woman saw a young lion in a dream, she will have a new charming lover.

The growl of a lion heard in a dream is a harbinger of unforeseen achievements in business and success among women.

The skin of a lion - dreams of wealth and happiness.

We saw ourselves riding a lion - show courage and perseverance in overcoming difficulties.

dream interpreter

A lion seen in a dream means a meeting with a sovereign or an important person; to see a chained lion means imprisonment or exile from the fatherland; eating lion meat - portends wealth, honor, strength and royal favors; to ride a lion means to be honored with royal favor or to enter into friendship with an important nobleman; to fight with a lion means to quarrel with a strong enemy; to kill a lion - portends a perfect triumph over the enemy; to find a lion's prey or a part of his own body to his poor person - portends a recovery in his fortune, and to a rich man an inadvertent increase in his treasure; to see a lioness with lion cubs means family happiness.

Modern dream book

Find out what it means if a Leo is dreaming?

Seeing a lion in a dream is a sign that you are controlled by a great power.

If you dream that you have subdued a lion, you will emerge victorious from any situation.

If the lion overcomes you, in real life you will not be protected from the attacks of enemies.

Seeing lions in a cage in a dream means that your success will depend on your ability to cope with enemies.

If you dreamed of a man who trains a lion - such a dream means success in commercial affairs and the great possibilities of your intellect. In addition, women will be supportive of you.

Young lions or cubs are a prediction of new undertakings that will be successful if you organize them in the right way.

If a young woman dreams of cubs, she will have many wonderful admirers.

If a woman dreamed of Saint Daniel in the lion's den, in real life, thanks to her intellectual abilities and charm, she will achieve success in life and win over many admirers.

Hearing a lion growl in a dream is a prediction of unexpected advancement and success in women.

Seeing a roaring lion's head with bared teeth above you in a dream is a sign that defeat awaits you on the path to power.

The lion skin seen in a dream is an omen of happiness and good luck.

Riding a lion in a dream means courage and perseverance in achieving the goal.

If you dream that you are protecting your children from a lion with a knife - in real life, the enemies will try to suppress you and will succeed if you do not take the most drastic measures.

Dream Interpretation 2012

Leo, lioness - a reflection of creation (including potential). Reflection of destruction (including potential). Reflection of the qualities inherent in this zodiac sign.

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

What did the Lion dream about in a dream?

Seeing a lion in a dream, calmly resting and not threatening you, means that you will be pleased with the company of an influential friend, that you will be happy in love.

Feeding a lion is all the best.

If a lion attacked you in a dream, it means that parting with a loved one is possible, if it bites you and you are in pain, it means that you will be pursued by hated fans, rivals or envious people.

A lion in a cage - to losses and dissatisfaction, and for the fact that you yourself scared away your companions.

Being in the same cage with a lion is a call for caution: the intrigues of enemies are directed against you or your friends.

Sleeping on a lion means becoming a significant and strong person, killing a lion means irretrievably destroying your happiness yourself.

To see a lion or a lioness in a menagerie - to humiliation, to see him sitting on a chain - to receive reliable protection, to chase a lion in a dream - to a happy life, good luck.

To fight in a dream with lions means to be indifferent to someone else's misfortune; caressing cubs sucking a lioness - patronage and good attitude of older and influential people.

Caressing a lioness, for a woman, means fighting a dangerous rival.

Dream Interpretation of the Future

Leo - promotion, honors and awards; but if the lion attacked you and overpowered you, you will remain unprotected in front of your ill-wishers; hunting a lion is a happy life without failures; to see a lioness with cubs is the patronage of older and strong people.

Dream Interpretation for Lovers

A dream is favorable in which the trainer controls the lion - this means that with your mind and outstanding abilities you will be able to win success with the representatives of the opposite sex.

If a young girl dreams of a lion, this means that she will have a lover.

If a man dreams that he hears a lion's roar, this portends his success with women.

The skin of a lion - portends women a rich marriage.

Dream Interpretation Grishina

Leo to see - some phenomena associated with the human heart, and above all "noble, faithful friendship" / awakening of an active light principle in a human being.

A peacefully caressing lion is satisfaction in love.

Pounces, bites - the pursuit of an important person.

Feeding is the best.

Caress the lioness - there will be a fight with an opponent.

Being in the same cage with a lion is a call for vigilance and caution / intrigues of enemies against you and your friends.

Sleeping on it is to become a strong and significant person.

Lion cubs suck a lioness - well-being.

A lot of lions - you have to deal with the powerful of this world.

They are furious - an unfortunate outcome of the case.

They are humble - patronage.

To be frightened of a lion is to underestimate the danger.

To kill a lion is to irrevocably destroy your happiness yourself.

Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn

Lion - symbolizes greatness, strength, courage and leadership. The lion is the king of the jungle. It is truly time to take control of your life. Jung felt that the lion in the wild symbolizes our latent passions. Isn't it time to explore and release these passions? Isn't it time to live full-blooded and recklessly? It may also be a test of courage. In some African tribes, part of the warrior initiation ritual involved fighting a lion in a pit. There may be a test ahead of you. Gather your strength and you will win.

Dream interpretation for a bitch

Leo - huge forces dominate you.

Lion in a cage - your success depends on your ability to cope with complex and difficult cases in the shortest possible time and with absolute accuracy.

To subjugate a lion in a dream - courage and fortitude will help you emerge victorious in any situation.

A lion cub is an opportunity to start a new business that will be successful if you give it all your strength and knowledge.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Hope of Winter

A lion seen in a dream symbolizes strength and determination. Often, such dreams signal that a difficult problem awaits you ahead, for the solution of which you will need to show courage and courage.

A wounded or dead lion is a sign that excessive use of force on your part may end up sad for you. Often such dreams portend the collapse of some great undertaking.

To hunt a lion in a dream portends a difficult and dangerous confrontation with a very strong opponent. Some of your plans may meet very serious opposition.

Dream Interpretation of Health

To see a lion - heart pains, neuroses are possible; a roaring and running lion - is a symbol of danger, in particular, possible physical or mental injury; a lying or sleeping lion - the danger will pass.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in January, February, March, April

Leo - to deal with a strong and highly respectable person.

Seeing a dead lion in a dream is a loss of support and respect for a worthy person.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays of September, October, November, December

Seeing a loudly growling lion in a cage is in danger.

A lion walking free - to freedom from all sorts of prejudices.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in May, June, July, August

Dead lion - to the collapse of your hopes.

To dream of a lion in a circus arena jumping through a burning hoop is to deal with a strong enemy.

Dream Interpretation of Martyn Zadeki

Leo - dealing with an important person; feed him - profit.

Dream Interpretation of Medium Miss Hasse

What does it mean if a lion is dreaming in a dream?

Caress the lion - you will have affection; hear roaring - you are in danger; to be tormented - you will lose property; to kill him is power and significance; with lion cubs - you will deceive yourself.

Miller's dream book

Seeing a lion in a dream means that you are controlled by huge forces.

If you subdue a lion, you will be a winner in any business.

If the lion overpowers you, this means that you will remain unprotected under the blows of ill-wishers.

To see a lion in a cage means that your success depends on your ability to neutralize the people who oppose you.

To dream of a trainer controlling the behavior of a lion in and out of a cage means success in business: your knowledge and high business qualities will help you win the favorable attention of women and men.

Seeing a young lion is a sign that you are looking for a new business that will be successful if you give it due attention.

If a young woman sees a young lion in a dream, she will have a new charming lover.

For a woman to see St. Daniel in a lion's cave in a dream means that her intellect and charm will dispose fate and her most desirable lover to her.

Hearing a lion's roar in a dream is a harbinger of unforeseen achievements in business and success among women.

Seeing the head of a lion above you, showing its teeth with a growl, threatens to defeat your desire for power.

Seeing the skin of a lion portends wealth and happiness.

To see that you are protecting your children from a lion with a sharp knife means that the enemies threatening you will succeed if you succumb to their tricks and evade even for a moment from duty and business obligations.

Chinese dream book

Lion's roar - portends wide popularity.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

The lion is a symbol of royalty, power, tyranny.

Seeing a lion in a cage - this dream means that at a decisive moment the military leaders will not behave boldly and persistently enough, which will lead to the loss of prestige of a strong state.

Seeing a lion playing with a small dog is a sign of true friendship that will last a lifetime, until the death of one of your friends.

Seeing a lion wounded in the heart means inflicting a personal insult on the crowned lady, which will cost the life of the offender.

Seeing a lion and a bear eating the same carcass - this dream suggests that, despite the historical confrontation, Germany will make an alliance with Great Britain.

Seeing a hungry and thin, shabby and emaciated lion is a symbol of the period of reassessment of values ​​​​that will come after a hungry August.

Seeing a flock of lions surrounding the prey is a sign that Ireland will actively defend the right to independence and the case will not get off the ground until 2003 at the earliest.

Seeing a lion sleeping on a huge bed - this dream symbolizes the strengthening of the position of European states and the prosperous dominance of a new currency - the euro.

Dream Interpretation about Animals

Lion - symbolizes cruelty, ferocity, bestial lifestyle.

Dream interpretation from A to Z

Why see a lion in a dream?

The dream in which you see lions in the zoo means humiliating reproaches, all the more unacceptable because they have no basis.

To see lions performing in a circus number - in reality you will receive patronage, thanks to which you will advance in business affairs.

To imagine yourself in the role of a tamer of these predators means that you will emerge victorious in a dispute with strong opponents.

Caress a tamed lion - become attached to a person, what kind of attachment will replace love for both of you.

Fight with a lion - show cowardice in a dangerous situation and leave your friends in trouble.

To defeat a lion and subdue him to your will means that you will lie in such a way that you will deceive yourself.

Being bitten by a lion - in reality you will be pursued by a despotic and vindictive boss.

A lion tormenting you - portends the loss of property during its division.

Hunting lions in the African savannah means that you will have a happy life without setbacks and worries.

Hear the roar of a lion invisible in the night - you are in danger, but it is not yet known from which side.

To kill a lion - you will gain significance in the circle of professionals in your business.

To see frolicking lion cubs in a dream - in reality you will find a strong patron.

Cubs sucking a lioness - mean the appearance of a new fan who will win your heart.

A stuffed lion is a harbinger of unexpected success in business.

The skin of a lion is a sign of gaining wealth and the happiness that accompanies it.

To be riding a lion means, in real circumstances, show maximum resourcefulness in the most difficult and confusing situation.

Driving a lion into a trap portends that your enemies will achieve temporary but short-lived success if you succumb to their provocation.

Throw a net on a lion - you will find yourself a victim of a malicious intrigue.

Dream Interpretation of a Modern Woman

To see a lion in a dream means that extraordinary powers lurk in you.

To subjugate a lion to oneself means to become a winner in any business.

If the lion overpowers you, you will find yourself defenseless under the blows of your ill-wishers.

Lion in a cage - means that you will succeed by neutralizing the people opposing you.

A young lion in a dream portends a new venture that will become successful if you give it due attention. For a young woman, such a dream promises the appearance of a charming lover.

Lion's roar in a dream - portends a man unexpected achievements in business and success with women.

Seeing yourself riding a lion means that you will show courage and perseverance in overcoming difficulties.

Protecting your children from a lion in a dream means that your opponents will defeat you only if you succumb to their cunning and evade at least for a moment from debt and business obligations.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

Interpretation of sleep: Lion according to the dream book?

Leo - large, potential, vitality; hatred and jealousy; vanity, lust for power, wealth, claims; success, glory; boss, influential man or woman; powerful instinctive urges.

Dream Interpretation of Signs

Riding a lion, a white horse, an elephant, a bull, a bear is a complete success in life.

Dream Interpretation Tarot

Leo - passion, hobby.

Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

If you dreamed of a lion, you are in for some dangerous business.

You dreamed of a lion in a cage - beware of treacherous friends.

Seeing a lioness in a dream is a dangerous love adventure.

If you dreamed that you were stroking a lion, get ready to save one of your friends or relatives.

In a dream, you fed a lion - you have to hush up the misconduct of one of your friends or relatives.

Hunt a lion - to the appearance of a cunning enemy.

If you dreamed that you shot a lion, you will soon be lucky: you will defeat your ill-wisher.

Freud's dream book

The lion, like any wild animal, symbolizes sexual intercourse, but as a predator, and even more so from the cat family, the lion symbolizes increased sexual sensitivity and excitability.

If a woman dreams that a lion is chasing her, she dreams of a relationship with a temperamental man who will humiliate her in bed and at home, such is her ideal of a real man.

If a woman has sexual contact with a lion, she is dissatisfied with her sexual partner and does not experience an orgasm with him. In sex, she shows sadistic tendencies. She may not be satisfied with the whole way of her life at all and be overwhelmed by the craving for change.

If this is a lion cub, you want to transfer your dissatisfaction with your sex life to a child, or you want to have a child if he is absent.

If a man has sexual contact with a lioness, this indicates his strong masochistic aspirations.

If you identify yourself in a dream with a lion, you yearn for unfulfilled desires, for the impossibility of realizing what was planned, and are disappointed in the current state of affairs.

But if this lion hunts or devours prey, you are looking for new sensations and are ready to realize the accumulated sexual desires in the most exotic and unusual ways.

If a lion attacked a man, he should expect complications due to his love affairs.

A fight with another lion - portends you a lot of new and unknown sensations.

Meeting with lion cubs - portends changes in your sexual inclinations and behavior up to complete cooling.

A tame lion or a lion on a leash speaks of desires and fantasies that you strongly suppress.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

Leo - unexpected wealth, security; vanity, high self-esteem.

If you are afraid of a lion, he wounded you - you will not be able to resist the circumstances.

Aesop's dream book

Leo - personifies such wonderful human qualities as courage, self-confidence, greatness and wisdom.

After all, it is no coincidence that this beast is called the "king of all animals" - this means that you can rely on a person with such qualities.

Seeing a hunting lion in a dream is evidence that you are in control of your own destiny, make the right decisions and manage difficult life circumstances, and therefore you will achieve a lot in your life.

If you dreamed of a lion in a cage, this is a sign that in real life you are in a very difficult situation, which you still cannot fix, despite your willpower and wisdom.

To dream of a lioness with a small lion cub is a sign that in real life you should not take on all things at once, because you will not do any of these things with high quality; better to do one job, but good. Such a dream resembles one simple truth: it is not the quantity that is valuable, but the quality.

If you dreamed of a lion that fell into a trap, such a dream indicates that you should think carefully before taking on the proposed business, otherwise you will not only fail, but also find yourself in a ridiculous position.

To dream of a lion and a fox lying nearby means that in real life you will encounter something terrible and unknown, which after some time will no longer seem so frightening.

To admire a lion basking in the sun in a dream - such a dream indicates that you will be able to achieve a lot in life: material wealth, a high position in society, respect for a large number of people, family happiness. But, resting on our laurels, do not forget that life can turn unexpectedly.

If you dreamed that a lion was attacking you, in real life you underestimate your capabilities, and therefore you are very worried about your future.

Seeing a wounded lion in a dream is a prophecy that you should fight for your views and beliefs. Listen to the advice of wise people.

If you dreamed of a dead lion, such a dream is evidence that life circumstances will develop in such a way that you will lose a wise mentor, whose advice has helped you more than once in difficult times.

Medieval dream book

To see a running lion - to expectations or illness.

To see a lion chasing you - to hardships and strife.

French dream book

If you see a lion in a dream - in reality you will have an important meeting for you.

Fight in a dream with a lion - to active resistance to someone's intrigues.

A dreaming lioness promises trouble.

Games of lions - portend you a meeting with someone's stupidity, ignorance.

A lion cub is a sign of happiness for your home.

Ukrainian dream book

Leo - you will achieve wealth on your own.

The lion is chasing someone - unfortunately.

Hiding from him - you have strong enemies, you go to lion fights - you have flattering friends, an unreliable occupation.

Universal dream book

When we talk about lions, the words majestic and powerful immediately come to mind. Leos are also associated with the desire to be first and to be at the top of society - when you are at the top, you know that no one will attack you and you are the master of the situation.

If in real life you are a woman, the interpretation of sleep may be different. The lion can symbolize your partner, whom you must care for and feed, as well as educate your children. With a lion, do you associate a feeling of subservience or submission? How do you feel in a dream, being next to a lion? Is the lion a symbol of dominance? Or desire to dominate?

Lions often dream - to those people who are going to start a new business or move to another job. Perhaps the dream indicates that you have a firm intention to embody your ideas and ideas in a new situation or environment?

If you dream of a lioness, the dream speaks of a desire for interaction. Lionesses hunt only in groups. Do you prefer to work in a team? Snobbery is also associated with pride. Are you a snob? Or do you feel excluded from a certain social group? Do you have to compromise to be accepted? Or are you a member of a conservative group that does not tolerate new ideas or suggestions?

Gypsy dream book

Leo - you have a highly developed self-esteem, and others admire you.

A caught lion is a symbol of strong friendship.

If a lion suddenly attacks you in a dream, beware of betrayal by a friend.

Hearing a lion's roar in a dream - to the appearance of favorable circumstances.

Esoteric dream book

Leo - aggressive in you there is a thirst for power.

Calm - a thirst for self-expression, aggravated by a lack of talent. Be careful, you can get seriously injured if you don't change.

Dead - your ambitions are unfounded. You run the risk of getting sick if you continue like this.

Online dream book

The meaning of sleep: Lion according to the dream book?

In a dream, you see a lion - the dream book interprets this as a sign of some very powerful and even royal person who will soon enter your life.

He dreams that he is chasing you - expect a quarrel with your leadership.

If he is tamed and calm, some important person will patronize you.

You see that you are in the same cage with him - a dream promises you a strong and faithful friendship with one person.

If you lose in a battle with a lion, you should be extremely careful.

Little lion cubs dreamed - soon you will start your life from scratch, which will be quite successful if you prepare for it in advance.

See his skin - expect a lot of joy and luck.

Eat his meat - you will be rich, strong and revered by all.

Dreaming about how you killed him - soon you will defeat all your enemies.

We heard his growl - suddenly find yourself in the center of attention of the opposite sex.

If you are afraid of a lion, you slightly underestimate some danger.

Hunt him - in the near future you will fight and compete with a very strong competitor.

A dream in which you see how lions perform in a circus arena - in reality, you will receive good recommendations, thanks to which you will greatly move up the career ladder.

If he bit you, expect in reality a very harsh, vindictive and domineering boss.

If you dream of a lion, you will soon feel your importance and feel the respect of people. The justice of your actions and the power to influence circumstances will deserve due appreciation and admiration of others.

Leo also indicates the possibility of joint affairs with a person who has great power and a high position in society.

Who dreamed of a lion? What color was the lion in your dream? What were you doing in your dream? What was the lion doing in your dream? In addition to the lion, were there other animals in your dream? What was the lion in your dream like? Where did you see the lion in your dream?

Who dreamed of a lion?

If a woman dreams of a lion

When a woman dreams of a lion, she will have a man, a self-confident leader, a relationship with which will require complete dedication.

For a young woman, the lion is interpreted as a new admirer, occupying a high position in society.

The lion dreamed of a girl

If a plot with a lion appeared in a dream of an unmarried girl ㅡ a sign of a happy marriage.

The future spouse will have the best qualities: nobility, high intelligence, generosity and kindness.

When a man dreams of a lion

For a man who is not married, the dream of a lion portends a successful union with a loving, intelligent woman.

A successful partnership is predicted for many years to come. Loyalty and kindness will adorn the whole life together.

What color was the lion in your dream?

White Lion

Dreamed of a blue lion

If you saw a blue lion in a dream - in the near future, you will meet a new admirer who will hide his high social position.

Circumstances will force you to keep your relationship secret, but against the backdrop of general satisfaction, this will not cause concern.

When the black lion dreams

The meaning of the dream in which they saw a black lion, according to Felomena's dream book, is interpreted as a warning of danger from people representing power.

If the dreamer himself belongs to people endowed with power and power, abuse of his advantages is possible, which will lead to big problems.

What were you doing in your dream?

Running away from the lion

Killed a lion

The interpretation of the dream in which you killed the lion depends on the current life situation. If you are in the process of conflict or competition ㅡ expect victory, the advantage is on your side.

If now is a calm, measured period of life, the dream book warns that an unpleasant situation is brewing, which will result in an irretrievable loss. There is a possibility that you yourself will do the wrong thing.

Petted a lion in a dream

If you dream of a hand-held lion that you calmly stroke, a worthy person will appear in real life, temporarily in need of your care and guardianship. There will be very warm feelings and affection between you.

For a certain period of time, you will be the guardian and benefactor, but then he will return everything to you a hundredfold. Don't worry if you feel like you're giving more than you're getting.

What was the lion doing in your dream?

Lion attacked

Lion biting in a dream

When you dreamed that you saw a lion with an open mouth, ready to bite ㅡ in your life, a clash with a superior person is likely. This person can be your boss, showing his power and importance.

If a lion bites painfully ㅡ there may be trouble due to your high position. Most likely, fans who are unpleasant to you, envious people and competitors will appear.

A dream in which a lion was chasing

If in a dream a lion was chasing you ㅡ beware of a conflict with the leadership. Be careful in the process of work, in the deadlines for completing tasks, try to maintain discipline, and conflict can be prevented.

The woman is pointed out the need for a strong and powerful lover. The lion who was chasing her is the image of a real man, to whom she aspires.

In addition to the lion, were there other animals in your dream?

Lion and tiger Lioness and lion

What was the lion in your dream like?

If a manual lion is dreaming

A dream in which a manual lion appears means the patronage of a high-ranking person. An important person will treat you very favorably.

Gradually, close relationships will develop, flowing into love, and you will gain reliable protection and support in everything.

Where did you see the lion in your dream?

Dream about a lion in the house

When you dreamed that a lion entered the house, a visit of an important person for you will soon take place. This may be a respected older relative.

It is also possible that the guest will be a stranger who is very significant in your life. You will be happy with such a visit.

The lion is the king of animals. A majestic, beautiful and fearless animal causes delight on the one hand, and fear on the other, since a one-on-one meeting with a predator rarely ends successfully. Such ambiguity is also taken over by dreams in which the main object was a lion. To decipher such a dream, you need to take into account the main details: how the predator looked and what he did, as well as your behavior. Thanks to this, you will receive the most accurate and extended information.

Why is the lion dreaming?

If the animal is in a cage, this indicates that you will succeed, but only if you cope with competitors and enemies. If you see a lion with a trainer, this is a symbol of the fact that, thanks to your business qualities, you can earn authority among the people around you. A calm animal predicts great success, material wealth and new opportunities at work. The white lion is an omen of positive changes in life. If you see a lion chasing its prey, this is a sign that in reality you yourself are in charge of your life, which will allow you to achieve your desired goal.

A night vision where you stroke a lion is an omen that a new acquaintance will become very close in the future. If the dreamer sees several animals, then a meeting with an important person will soon occur. To see and be frightened of a lion is an indication that by your actions you will cause the aggression of the leadership. A night vision in which an animal fell into a trap is a recommendation that before taking on a serious matter, you need to carefully consider every step you take.

Why does a girl dream of lions?

Such a dream is a harbinger of the appearance on the horizon of a new promising lover. If you stroke a lioness, this is a warning that a fight with a rival is expected in the future.

Why dream that a lion is attacking?

An angry animal is a symbol of the power you want to achieve. Even such a dream may portend a negative attitude on the part of an authoritative person. If the animal attacked, then in reality you will find yourself unprotected against the action of enemies. Also, such a night vision can be a symbol that in reality you underestimate your capabilities, which raises many doubts about the future. A dream in which you defend yourself from a lion with a knife will tell you that enemies will actively act, which can bring significant harm if you do not resist the onslaught.

Why dream of killing a lion?

Such night dreams indicate that you are an authoritative and important person. A dead animal is a symbol that the future will turn out so that you will lose help from an important person. Night vision, where you kill a lion, is a symbol of the fact that you yourself will destroy your happiness.

Why is the big lion dreaming?

In this case, the dream reflects the presence of a strong patron in life. It can also be a harbinger of happiness and success in life. If you saw a big white lion, this is a positive sign that promises the fulfillment of cherished desires.

Why dream that a lion bites?

If an animal torments you, then in the future we should expect loss of property. Night vision, where you see a fight with a lion, is an indication that you will be indifferent to someone else's tragedy. An animal bite predicts persecution by an important person. Another such night vision warns that you will not be able to resist the prevailing circumstances.

Why dream that a lion is chasing?

Running away from an animal that wants to harm is a warning that a serious authoritative person may treat you negatively.

Lion, white lion, lion rushes, lion in the house, lion in a cage, lion chasing, fried lion, lion woman, lion and lioness, lion and tiger, lion with wings, lion bites, lion bites on the hand, lion cub, lion on a chain , Lion attacks, Lion hunts, Lion pursues, Big lion, Lion cub, Lioness, Lioness and cubs, Lioness bites, Lions and tigers

If you dreamed of a Lion in a dream, you saw a Lion cub or a Lioness in a dream, Dream Interpretation Forecasts will greatly surprise you. Lion and Lioness, Seen in a dream, According to Dream Interpretations, They have a rather positive meaning, Symbolizing some important persons. Dream Interpretations advise you to remember what kind of events accompanied your meeting with Leo in a dream. If Leo was peacefully disposed, And you did not experience aggression on his part, the Dream portends you public recognition, Success, Wealth and career advancement. And vice versa, If you saw in a dream that the Lion Growls or Bites, then in reality you will provoke the wrath of some high-ranking person.

Dreamed of a peaceful lion- Courage, Courage, Honor; growth of vitality; otherwise - excessive conceit and ambition.

The appearance of the image of a Lion in a dream symbolizes such human qualities as leadership, Purposefulness, Nobility and courage. However, you should honestly answer yourself - do you tend to exalt your virtues too much, Do you objectively treat yourself in real life?

I dreamed of a peaceful lion or lioness towards you- achieve the location of a high-ranking person; public recognition and honor.

The lion or lioness, who was present in your dream, depending on the gender, symbolizes a person who is really familiar to you in reality. This is a person who has power and is above you on the step of the social ladder. The dream gives a promising forecast - this "Lion" (or Lioness) will be very friendly towards you, you can count on help and patronage in reality.

I dreamed of a big white lion- a powerful patron; happiness and complete success in life.

In the traditional interpretation, the White Lion is considered one of the rare symbols that portend only the most favorable life changes.

I dreamed that the lion was in the house- visit of an important person; arrival of an older family member.

"Lion" for you can be either a high-ranking person (chief, official, boss), or a relative who is considered to be the leader of your family. You can find out the details of the upcoming visit by carefully analyzing the dream you had.

I dreamed of a lion in a cage or on a chain- be able to manage powerful forces; enlist the support of a powerful person.

Dream-tip, If you manage to pacify your own pride, Vanity and somewhat lower your obviously inflated opinion of yourself, you will be able to achieve and achieve a lot. However, it can also be about the danger that threatens you in reality (if you decipher "Lion" in the meaning of a powerful opponent or rival).

I dreamed of a roasted lion, Eating lion meat in a dream- vanity; surprise.

Dreamed of a lion with wings- fleeting luck, fame or fortune.

On the whole, the peaceful Leo that you saw in a dream is a rather favorable sign that portends public honor and financial prosperity. However, the Winged Lion in a dream does not carry the most encouraging forecast - your life success will soon fly away, It will be fleeting and short-lived.

I dreamed of a lion cub, I dreamed of a lioness and cubs- family happiness and well-being; the need to focus on the main thing and not to waste on trifles.

The iconic characters in this dream are the Lioness and the Lions. If a man had a dream, it means that his wife will lead and lead in his family. For a woman, a dream gives a slightly different forecast - you, like a Lioness, are ready to throw all your strength into caring for your offspring. And the general forecast for women and men - to achieve complete success in life to you, And focus on the main goal ("Lioness").

I dreamed of an aggressive lion woman, a lioness bites in a dream (for women)- a powerful rival.

I dreamed that a lion was hunting for you, a lion was chasing you and chasing you in a dream, a lion rushes or attacks, a lion bites your hand in a dream - persecution, anger or aggression from an authoritative authoritative person.

Dreamed of aggressive lions and tigers, Aggressive lion and tiger in a dream- Enemies, Detractors and competitors.

If in a dream you saw an aggressive Lion or Tiger, you should be as careful as possible in reality. Any Predator Animals Seen in a dream Personify very powerful, and therefore dangerous enemies and competitors that you have to face in real life. And at the same time, the Lion, Tiger or Lioness, Seen by you in a dream, Can symbolize some kind of authoritative or high-ranking person, Whose anger and disgrace you will cause in reality for some reason.

urgently. dreamed of a lion what is it for?


Oleg Shishkin

If you saw in a dream that you are protecting your children from a lion, it predicts that the enemies threatening you will succeed if you succumb to their tricks and even for a moment evade the fulfillment of your duty or your obligations.
A dream where you heard a lion's roar predicts unexpected success in business and in love. For a girl, such a dream promises good gentlemen.
The skin of a lion promises well-being and prosperity.
The dream of a young lion suggests that your business will be successful if you pay due attention to it.
Seeing a lion in a cage is a harbinger that your achievements depend entirely on your ability to nullify the impact of your rivals.
If you subjugate a lion in a dream, then in real life you will be a winner in any business that you undertake.


Elizabeth Malova

Seeing a lion in a dream means some kind of power that is outside of you. Defeating a lion means that you can emerge victorious from any situation. If the lion overcomes you, then in reality you should be more careful. A dream in which you see lions closed in a cage means that your success will depend on whether you can cope with the enemies. The dream in which you see a lion trainer means that thanks to your mind and your intuition you will be able to reach heights both in business and in love. Lion cubs dream of the beginning of a new period in your life, which promises to be successful if you prepare for it in advance. For a young woman, such a dream promises good fans. Hearing the roar of a lion in a dream, but not seeing it, promises men success with women. If in a dream you saw a roaring lion's head with bared teeth above you, then defeat awaits you on your path to success. To see a lion's skin in a dream means that happiness and good luck are prepared for you by fate. If you managed to defeat a lion and climb onto its back, then your strength and energy will be enough to achieve any goal. A dream in which you protect your children from a lion means that your enemies are trying to invade not only your commercial, but also family affairs.


Idiomatic dream book

Dream Interpretation Leo - "The Lion's Share", "rush into the lion's den". “keep your head in the mouth of a lion” - fearlessness, it is unreasonable to take risks; "strong as a lion". "secular lion" - a seducer, a noble man; "socialite" - a woman from high society.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays of September, October, November, December

What does Leo dream about - Seeing a loudly growling lion in a cage is a danger. A lion walking free - to freedom from all sorts of prejudices.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in May, June, July, August

Why Leo Dreams - To dream of a lion in a circus arena jumping through a burning hoop, to deal with a strong enemy.

Women's dream book

Why Leo Dreams - To see a lion in a dream means that extraordinary powers lurk in you. To subjugate a lion to oneself means to become a winner in any business. If the lion overpowers you, you will find yourself defenseless under the blows of your ill-wishers. A lion in a cage means that you will succeed by neutralizing the people who oppose you. A young lion in a dream portends a new venture that will be successful if you give it due attention. For a young woman, such a dream promises the appearance of a charming lover. A lion's roar in a dream portends a man unexpected achievements in business and success with women. Seeing yourself riding a lion means that you will show courage and perseverance in overcoming difficulties. Protecting your children from a lion in a dream means that your opponents will defeat you only if you succumb to their cunning and evade even for a moment from duty and business obligations.


The lion, like any wild animal, symbolizes sexual intercourse, but as a predator, and even more so from the cat family, the lion symbolizes increased sexual sensitivity and excitability.
What was the lion doing in your dream? How did he behave?

why dream of a lion



Seeing a lion in a dream is a sign of an important meeting that can have serious consequences for you and affect your future.

Anastasia Machuchina

If you dreamed of a lion, this indicates that you are ruled by huge forces. We managed to subdue the lion to our will - in any business you will emerge victorious. The lion defeated you - you will not be able to resist the blows of opponents.

I dreamed of a lion in a cage - such a dream tells you that you will succeed in something or not - it depends on whether you know how to neutralize the evil coming from your enemies.

I dreamed of a trainer with a lion in a cage or outside it - to success in business. You will earn the favorable attention of both sexes thanks to your knowledge and excellent business qualities.

A young lion dreams that a new type of entrepreneurship awaits you, very promising if you pay due attention to it. After such a dream, a young woman will have a new wonderful lover.

If you had a chance to experience a dream about the stay of the holy prophet Daniel in the lion's cave, for a woman it says that thanks to her intellect and natural charm, she will earn the favor of both fate and the lover with whom she dreamed of a relationship.

The lion's roar is a harbinger of unforeseen achievements in business, as well as great success with women.

The head of a lion baring its teeth with a snarl right above you predicts that your quest for power will fail.

If you dreamed of a lion's skin, happiness and great prosperity await you.

Riding a lion - overcoming difficulties, you will show courage and perseverance.

I dreamed of protecting my children from a lion with a sharp knife - succumbing to the cunning of enemies and evading even for a moment from debt and business obligations, you will thereby help them achieve their goal.

Julia Gazizova

There is a lot of strength and energy in you .. Throw it out, show courage in the business you care about ... Dare .. your present requires it .. And success awaits you !! Do not doubt!!


male lion .. higher than you in rank, probably older .. everything that happened in a dream with a lion will happen between you and this man

Tatiana Rybakova

You have a new charming lover...

Aisylu Galimbekova

Seeing a lion in a dream is a sign that you are controlled by a great power. If you dream that you have conquered a lion, then you will emerge victorious from any situation. If the lion overcomes you, then in real life you will not be protected from the attacks of enemies. Seeing lions in a cage in a dream means that your success will depend on your ability to cope with enemies.
If you dreamed of a man who trains a lion, then such a dream means success in commercial affairs and the great possibilities of your intellect. In addition, women will be supportive of you. Young lions or cubs are a prediction of new undertakings that will be successful if you organize them in the right way. If a young woman dreams of lion cubs, then she will have many wonderful admirers.
If a woman dreamed of Saint Daniel in the lion's den, then in real life, thanks to her intellectual abilities and charm, she will achieve success in life and win over many admirers. Hearing a lion growl in a dream is a prediction of unexpected advancement and success among women. Why dream of counting paper money

  • The mighty lion is a symbol of wealth, power, vanity, a surge of strength.
  • To be afraid of a lion is to be afraid of the boss; ride a lion - get the patronage of an influential person.
  • Lions are fans.
  • Lions in the zoo are a humiliation.
  • If you are bitten by a lion, you will be chased by a famous person.
  • The lion tormenting you portends the loss of property during its division.
  • Hunting lions in the African savannah means that you will have a happy life without setbacks and worries.
  • Hearing the roar of a lion, invisible in the night, you are in danger, but it is still unknown from which side.
  • To kill a lion - you will gain significance in the circle of professionals in your business.
  • To see frolicking lion cubs in a dream - in reality you will find a strong patron.
  • Sucking lioness cubs means the appearance of a new admirer who will win your heart.
  • A stuffed lion is a harbinger of unexpected success in business.
  • The skin of a lion is a sign of gaining wealth and the happiness that accompanies it.
  • Driving a lion into a trap portends that your enemies will achieve temporary but short-lived success if you succumb to their provocation.
  • Throw a net on a lion - you will find yourself a victim of a malicious intrigue.
  • To admire a lion basking in the sun - you will be able to achieve a lot in life: material wealth, a high position in society, respect for a large number of people, family happiness.
  • Seeing a lion that fell into a trap - before taking on the proposed business, you should think carefully, otherwise you will not only fail, but also find yourself in a ridiculous position.
  • Stroking a lion - get ready to save one of your friends or relatives.
  • Feed the lion - you have to hush up the misconduct of one of your friends or relatives.
  • Wounded lion - you should fight for your views and beliefs, heed the advice of wise people.
  • Dead lion - life circumstances will develop in such a way that you will lose a wise mentor.

See interpretation:

Eastern female dream book

  • It symbolizes some power that is outside of you. Defeating a lion in a fight is a sign that you can emerge victorious from any situation. Have you also managed to climb onto the back of the defeated king of beasts? So, your strength and energy will be enough to achieve any goal. If the fight ends not in your favor, be careful. A dream in which you see lions locked in a cage means: your success will depend on whether you can cope with the enemies. If you see a lion trainer, it means that thanks to your mind and intuition, you will be able to achieve unprecedented success both in business and in love. Lion cubs dream of the beginning of a new period in your life, which promises to be successful if you prepare for it in advance. They can also portend the emergence of new, worthy fans. If you saw a roaring lion's head with bared teeth above you, get ready for defeat. The lion's skin dreams of happiness and good luck. The dream in which you protect your children from a lion means that enemies are trying to invade not only your commercial, but also family affairs.

Dream Interpretation Lynn

  • The lion symbolizes greatness, strength, courage and leadership. The lion is the king of the jungle. It is truly time to take control of your life. Jung felt that the lion in the wild symbolizes our latent passions. Isn't it time to explore and release these passions? Isn't it time to live full-blooded and recklessly? It can also be a sign of a test of courage. In some African tribes, part of the warrior initiation ritual involved fighting a lion in a pit. There may be a test ahead of you. Gather your strength and you will win.

Family dream book

  • If a lion appears to you in a dream, then you are controlled by huge forces. Subjugated him to yourself - you will be a winner in any business.
  • The lion defeated you - you will remain unprotected under the blows of ill-wishers.
  • We saw a lion in a cage, then success will depend on your ability to neutralize enemies.
  • A trainer with a lion dreams of success in business.
  • Young lion - to new entrepreneurship.
  • If a young woman saw a young lion in a dream, then she will have a new charming lover.
  • The roar of a lion, heard in a dream, is a harbinger of unforeseen achievements in business and success among women.
  • The skin of a lion dreams of wealth and happiness.
  • We saw ourselves riding a lion - show courage and perseverance in overcoming difficulties.

Modern dream book

  • Seeing a lion in a dream means some kind of power that is outside of you. Defeating a lion means that you can emerge victorious from any situation. If the lion overcomes you, then in reality you should be more careful. A dream in which you see lions closed in a cage means that your success will depend on whether you can cope with the enemies. The dream in which you see a lion trainer means that thanks to your mind and your intuition you will be able to reach heights both in business and in love. Lion cubs dream of the beginning of a new period in your life, which promises to be successful if you prepare for it in advance. For a young woman, such a dream promises good fans. Hearing the roar of a lion in a dream, but not seeing it, promises men success with women. If in a dream you saw a roaring lion's head with bared teeth above you, then defeat awaits you on your path to success. To see a lion's skin in a dream means that happiness and good luck are prepared for you by fate. If you managed to defeat a lion and climb onto its back, then your strength and energy will be enough to achieve any goal. A dream in which you protect your children from a lion means that your enemies are trying to invade not only your commercial, but also family affairs.

Dream Interpretation French

  • If you see a lion in a dream, then in reality you will have an important meeting for you. Fight in a dream with a lion - to active resistance to someone's intrigues. A dreaming lioness promises trouble. Games of lions - portend you a meeting with someone's stupidity, ignorance. A lion cub is a sign of happiness for your home.

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

  • Leo to see - some phenomena associated with the human heart, and above all "noble, faithful friendship" / the awakening of an active light principle in a human being. Powerful positive impulses and associated worries, anxieties and dangers
  • Peacefully caressing the lion - satisfaction in love.
  • The lion pounces, bites - the pursuit of an important person.
  • Feeding a lion is all the best.
  • Caress the lioness - there will be a fight with an opponent.
  • Being in the same cage with a lion is a call for vigilance and caution / intrigues of enemies against you and your friends.
  • Sleeping on a lion is to become a strong and significant person.
  • To cut his nails is the loyalty of friends.
  • Lion cubs suck a lioness - well-being.
  • Many lions - you have to deal with the mighty of this world.
  • They are furious - an unfortunate outcome of the case.
  • They are humble - patronage.
  • To be afraid of a lion is to underestimate the danger.
  • To kill a lion is to irrevocably destroy your happiness yourself.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

  • wealth, security;
  • vanity, pretension;
  • power;
  • to be frightened - the anger of the authorities;
  • find the corpse of a lion - treasure, wealth, victory;
  • riding a lion is a high patronage.

English dream book

  • This dream means your greatness, future exaltation. you will occupy an honorable social position. For a young woman, this dream portends that she will marry a noble, highly intelligent, friendly man. to a young man - that his future wife happily combines frugality and intelligence, high spiritual qualities and thriftiness. She will indeed become his assistant and friend for many happy years.

Women's dream book

  • If you dreamed of lion cubs, be sure of the appearance of a whole army of fans. So you will have someone to choose from.

Psychoanalytic dream book

  • Leo - Promotion, honors - caress - you will have affection - hear a roaring - You are in danger - be tormented - lose property - kill him - power and importance - with lion cubs - deceive yourself

Esoteric dream book

  • Aggressive - a thirst for power lives in you.
  • Calm - a thirst for self-expression, aggravated by a lack of talent. Be careful, you can get seriously injured if you don't change.
  • Dead, skin - your ambitions are unfounded. You run the risk of getting sick if you continue like this.

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

  • Leo - Seeing a lion in a dream, calmly resting and not threatening you, means that you will be pleased with the company of an influential friend, that you will be happy in love. Feeding a lion is all the best. If a lion attacked you in a dream, it means that parting with a loved one is possible, if it bites you and you are in pain, it means that you will be pursued by hated fans, rivals or envious people. A lion in a cage - to losses and dissatisfaction, and for the fact that you yourself scared away your companions. Being in the same cage with a lion is a call for caution: the intrigues of enemies are directed against you or your friends. - Sleeping on a lion means becoming a significant and strong person, killing a lion means irretrievably destroying your happiness yourself. To see a lion or a lioness in a menagerie - to humiliation, to see him sitting on a chain - to receive reliable protection, to chase a lion in a dream - to a happy life, good luck. To fight in a dream with lions means to be indifferent to someone else's misfortune; caressing cubs sucking a lioness is the patronage and good attitude of older and influential people. Caressing a lioness - for a woman means fighting a dangerous rival.

Autumn dream book

  • Leo - Seeing a lion growling loudly in a cage is in danger. A lion walking free - to freedom from all sorts of prejudices.

Ukrainian dream book

  • Leo - You will achieve wealth on your own. The lion is chasing someone - unfortunately. Hiding from him - you have strong enemies, ride lions - you have flattering friends, an unreliable occupation. Levada

Summer dream book

  • Leo - Seeing in a dream a lion in a circus arena jumping over a burning hoop, dealing with a strong enemy, this is how this dream is interpreted in the dream book. What is the dream of a dead lion - To the collapse of your hopes.

Dream Interpretation of Medea

  • Leo - A symbol of an imperious, royal person. Identification with such a person. Positive volitional impulses in a person. If a lion is chasing you, there will be a quarrel with the authorities. A quiet, tamed lion is the patronage of an important person. Being in the same cage with a lion is true friendship.

Miller's dream book

  • To see a lion in a dream means that you are controlled by huge forces.
  • If you subjugate a lion, you will be a winner in any business.
  • If the lion overpowers you, this means that you will remain unprotected under the blows of ill-wishers.
  • Seeing a lion in a cage means that your success depends on your ability to neutralize the people who oppose you.
  • To dream of a trainer with a lion in a cage or outside it means success in business: your knowledge and high business qualities will help you win the favorable attention of women and men.
  • Seeing a young lion is a sign that you are looking for a new business that will be successful if you give it due attention.
  • If a young woman sees a young lion in a dream, she will have a new charming lover.
  • For a woman to see St. Daniel in a lion's cave in a dream means that her intellect and charm will dispose fate and her loved one to her.
  • Hearing the roar of a lion is a harbinger of unforeseen achievements in business and success with women.
  • Seeing the head of a lion above you, showing its teeth with a growl, threatens to defeat your desire for power.
  • Seeing the skin of a lion portends wealth and happiness.
  • Seeing yourself riding a lion means that you will show courage and perseverance in overcoming difficulties.
  • To see that you protect children from a lion with a sharp knife means that the enemies threatening you will succeed if you succumb to their tricks and evade even for a moment from duty and business obligations.

Dream Interpretation of Azar

  • A lion or lioness seen in a menagerie is a humiliation. Fight a lion - be indifferent to misfortune

Aesop's dream book

  • Leo personifies such wonderful human qualities as courage, self-confidence, greatness and wisdom. After all, it is no coincidence that this beast is called the “king of all animals”, which means that you can rely on a person with such qualities.
  • Seeing a hunting lion in a dream is evidence that you are in control of your own destiny, make the right decisions and manage difficult life circumstances, and therefore you will achieve a lot in your life.
  • If you dreamed of a lion in a cage, then this is a sign that in real life you are in a very difficult situation, which you still cannot fix, despite your willpower and wisdom.
  • To dream of a lioness with a small lion cub is a sign that in real life you should not take on all things at once, because you will not do any of these things with high quality; better to do one job, but good. Such a dream resembles one simple truth: it is not the quantity that is valuable, but the quality.
  • If you dreamed of a lion that fell into a trap, then such a dream indicates that you should think carefully before taking on the proposed business, otherwise you will not only fail, but also find yourself in a ridiculous position.
  • To see a lion and a fox lying nearby in a dream means that in real life you will encounter something terrible and unknown, which after some time will no longer seem so frightening.
  • To admire a lion basking in the sun in a dream - such a dream indicates that you will be able to achieve a lot in life: material wealth, a high position in society, respect for a large number of people, family happiness. But, resting on our laurels, do not forget that life can turn unexpectedly.
  • If you dreamed that a lion was attacking you, then in real life you underestimate your capabilities, and therefore you are very worried about your future.
  • Seeing a wounded lion in a dream is a prophecy that you should fight for your views and beliefs. Listen to the advice of wise people.
  • If you dreamed of a dead lion, then such a dream is evidence that life circumstances will develop in such a way that you will lose a wise mentor, whose advice has helped you more than once in difficult times.

Wanderer's Dream Interpretation

  • Leo - Large, potential, vitality; hatred and jealousy; vanity, lust for power, wealth, claims; success, glory; boss, influential man or woman; powerful instinctive urges, in the next dream book you can find out a different interpretation.

Dream Interpretation Hasse

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