Cat tangles - how to get rid of? Cat tangles: reasons, how to get rid of them. Prevention of tangles in cats with long hair

How to get rid of tangles in a cat? The fur of long-haired pets not only looks luxurious, but also requires careful care. The most common problem fluffy seals - mats. Sometimes they appear quite suddenly and turn into a real headache both for the owners and for the animals themselves.

We will tell you how to prevent the appearance of tangles and what to do if they still form.

Why do cats get mats?

✔ The first reason is malnutrition and vitamin deficiency. Because of this, the cat may develop dandruff, which sticks together the coat, contributing to the formation of lumps.

✔ Shampooing for people can also be the reason for their appearance - after all, its composition and action were created specifically for human hair, which differ from delicate cat hair.

✔ Often, dirt gets on the cat's coat, which the pet cannot remove on its own. Just a couple of days is enough, and a lump of tangled wool forms in this place.

✔ Impaired metabolism and skin diseases are another reason for the appearance of an ailment.

✔ And probably main enemy smooth and silky coat - insufficient care. Without regular combing of the cat, the risk of tangled lumps increases significantly.

How to avoid their appearance?

1. We comb out and comb out again! Optimally - a couple of times a week, but if the pet is especially furry, then it is better to do this every day.

2. Bathe the cat correctly: apply the shampoo according to the growth of the coat, wipe it only lightly by running a towel over it - no need to rub the fur.

3. If the cat calmly reacts to the hair dryer, dry it after water procedures.

4. Watch your diet - it must contain all the necessary trace elements. Do not forget to give your pet for skin and wool.

6. Try to use a special - antistatic for cats - it makes the coat smooth and silky.

How to remove tangles from cats?

There are several ways to remove them:

1. Try to disassemble the lump with your fingers if it has appeared recently.

2. How to comb out mats? They can be cut along the hairline and removed with a fine comb. Please note that the cat must be held tightly and the procedure should be performed as carefully as possible. Suitable for such purposes.

3. And the last option is a grooming salon, where the pet will be trimmed, and he will finally get rid of tangles.

When someone takes a kitten, he expects that little cat grow up to be big and beautiful four-legged friend with silky hair. But in order for the animal to grow and develop properly, it needs to be properly looked after. Sometimes cats and cats have tangles on their fur. It is impossible to ignore it, and sometimes even dangerous.

Causes of tangles in cats

A mat is a dense ball of matted wool. Long-haired cats are more prone to tangles. Tangles are formed from undercoat hairs (thin, short, almost “downy” hairs) that have not been removed in time.

Persian cats are prone to tangles

Imagine a situation when you got into your hair chewing gum or plasticine. The hair is tangled, stuck together, and trying to clean out the Velcro is very painful. In cats, such "gluing" can occur due to contact with the coat, for example, oil or glue.

In addition, wool can become brittle and brittle due to malnutrition(for example, lack of vitamins). So the split hairs of the undercoat get tangled and turn into tangles. And finally, the main reason for the formation of lumps is improper care behind the cat's hair. Cats should not be washed with human shampoos. Sometimes after washing the pet (even with the help of cat shampoo), the owner rushes to dry the cat as soon as possible. Improper wiping of the cat after bathing also leads to the fall of the villi. Wool can be blotted with a soft towel, rather than rubbed.

Why are tangles dangerous?

if you ignore the formation of tangles, then this can affect the health of the pet

Tangles spoil appearance pet. Because of them, the cat looks untidy. Professional breeders can ruin their reputation if a purebred cat looks unkempt. And even if the pet is a simple domestic cat, but with tangles, it will be unpleasant to iron it. However, in addition to non-aesthetics, pets with tangles are at risk of diseases:

How to comb mats on a cat

you can fight with tangles: comb or cut

People who have little experience in caring for fluffy cats may not give special meaning the appearance of lumps. Some believe that it is enough just to cut off the tangle that has appeared. But in fact, the cat's coat after a haircut can change. The coat may change color and/or structure. Such changes are undesirable for purebred cats. Therefore, if possible, you should first try to comb them.

My grandmother's cat (Musya) was a very fluffy, albeit outbred cat. The cat often walked on the street, and because of this, she had tangles on her neck and stomach. Especially often this began to happen after 15 years. Old Musya was no longer so flexible and could not comb them herself. The cat's hairs were soft and thin, and this made them seem even more fragile. Therefore, we ourselves were afraid to comb it. Grandmother took the cat in her arms in the evening and stroked until she fell asleep. Grandma touched the tangle with her fingers. Sometimes it took several hours, but the cat was not hurt. Only once did Musya have to have a haircut when she came home covered in burdock thorns.

Classic combing and clipping

you can comb the tangles with any comb with frequent teeth

To comb the tangle with a comb, you need to follow the sequence:

  1. Wait until the cat is in a good mood.
  2. Lay the cat so that the formed lump is clearly visible.
  3. Talk to the cat and stroke it.
  4. Put one hand just above the tangle (to fix the skin).
  5. With short, unsharp movements, comb through the tangle until it is divided into several parts.
  6. In the same way, comb each part of the tangle.
  7. Stroke the cat in the place where the lump used to be.

This method is good for removing 1-2 tangles. It is important not to make any sudden movements because if you pull the skin, the animal will be hurt. Combing should not turn into torture. If there are several tangles, and it is not possible to comb them with a comb, you can cut them off with scissors. In such cases, the mat is cut along. Try to do this as carefully as possible so as not to injure the pet. The halves of the dissected lump can already be disassembled by hand, and the remnants of tangled wool can be removed with a comb. In this case, it is possible to maintain a neat appearance of the animal (when cutting the tangle “under the root”, bald spots remain). In addition, you can purchase a special remedy for tangles (sold in zoo pharmacies). With the help of such means, tangles are removed even easier.

sometimes it is advisable to go to a special salon

If there are too many mats (and they are large), the cat needs to be cut completely. Usually "fluffiness" is left on the head, paws and tail (the cat becomes like a lion). In the case when the owner of the animal has experience in grooming cats, you can carry out this procedure yourself. If you are afraid of harming your pet, you can contact a cat hairdresser (grooming master). In such a salon, not only mats will be removed, but they will also advise on how to care for the cat so that the matting of wool does not happen again. In very advanced cases(or if the cat does not allow itself to be cut) the procedure can be carried out under general anesthesia. In any case, the cat will be grateful for getting rid of unpleasant lumps.

I am categorically against haircuts as an option for getting rid of hair. I have 2 Persians, and with normal daily care, they practically do not need hygienic haircuts. If the wool falls off in certain places, I try to unravel it, but if it is completely impossible to do this, I cut off the tangle itself. Welcome hygienic haircut only if the animal is strongly running. The pure truth is that the color and texture of the coat can change after shearing.

JuliRien, forum user

Video: how Persian cats are sheared in salons

Koltunorez for cats

Except classical ways removal of tangles, there are more modern ones. One of the fashion trends is such an invention as. This is a special device with which you can quickly and painlessly remove a fallen lump. The splitter is similar to a comb, but instead of teeth (the number of teeth is from 4 to 12), there are thin blades. The use of the device is safe for animals. When choosing a splitter, you can try to save money by choosing a cheaper model. But the chosen model should be suitable for your pet (depending on the length of the coat, choose a mat cutter with long or short blades). In addition, other factors must be taken into account:

  • number of teeth;
  • tooth length;
  • blade material;
  • tool handle.

If the cat is well cared for, the risk of mats will be small. In such cases, a device with a small amount teeth. And if the animal is prone to the formation of lumps, you need to choose a splitter with the largest number of teeth. In addition to the frequency of the blades, you need to pay attention to their length. For a cat with already large tangles, a device with long teeth is suitable. In an attempt to save money, do not forget to pay attention to the material of the blades. Colt cutters cannot be sharpened. If the blades become dull, the device will have to be replaced, so it is advisable to choose a device with stainless steel blades. The handle of the device must be ergonomic (comfortable, rubberized). The packaging of the device must be intact. If it seems to you that the package was opened before you, treat the device with boiling water.

the blades of the vertical splitter are perpendicular to the handle

For medium-sized cats with large mats, a vertical mat cutter with a small number of blades is suitable. And if the cat is large, then to remove tangles you need a device with the maximum number blades. The horizontal splitter is convenient for frequent use. Outwardly, this device looks like a vegetable peeler. The teeth are parallel to the handle of the device. Rounded blades are sharpened so that one side of the blades is sharp and the other is blunt. Thanks to this, the chipper becomes safe to use. The length of the blades can also be different.

horizontal cleavers have blades with rounded edges

However, vertical and horizontal splitters are not very suitable for processing hard-to-reach places (ears, paws, etc.). Yes, and the animal may not let the “terrible object”, for example, to the groin. In such cases, a drop-shaped koltunorez is needed. This device is smaller than the rest of the mat cutters. Such a device has round shape and only one blade. It can be easily hidden in the palm of your hand, and at the first opportunity, remove the tangle without the pet noticing.

drop-shaped mat cutter is convenient for cutting mats in hard-to-reach places

However, it is not enough just to choose and buy a chisel cutter. It is necessary to cut the matted lumps so as not to harm your cat. It is not difficult to use a chisel cutter, but for this you need to know a few rules:

  1. Before combing, you need to calm the cat (give a treat, stroke).
  2. You can ask a family member (whom the cat treats well) to hold the animal during processing.
  3. Holding the cat, you need to start combing out the tangles according to hair growth. It is important not to press the blades on the pet's skin so as not to damage it.
  4. To facilitate the procedure, you can use a special spray that will soften the woolen ball and allow you to comb out the tangle much faster.

It should be understood that the mat cutter is intended for removing mats, but not for daily combing. Too much frequent use device may damage the animal's coat. Therefore, you need to try to prevent the formation of woolen lumps.

Prevention of the formation of tangles

so that tangles do not appear, the cat needs to be looked after daily

In order not to suffer with the removal of tangles, you can simply prevent their formation. To do this, you need to make it a rule every day to devote some time to caring for the cat. Mustachioed pets need to be combed. If the animal got into the house while still being a kitten, then you need to accustom it to the comb immediately. The daily procedure will become a habit, and when the cat grows up, there will be no problems with combing. However, you can’t just comb a cat with your (“human”) comb. Each pet should have their own toiletry items. For a cat, you need to select a comb depending on the type and length of the coat. For young cats and kittens, you need to purchase a brush. Artificial bristles (such as nylon) are antistatic and do not "pull" the hair down to the skin.

I comb my cat with a brush. Although Hosya has already grown up and turned into an adult, capricious cat, she is not going to refuse the brush. She rejects other combs. And since Hoshi has a short, smooth coat, you can not change the comb. The only thing I don't like about the brush is the small hairs getting stuck in the bristles (the depth of the tufts). Sometimes I have to comb Hoshina's brush with a simple plastic comb.

Additionally, you can purchase a rubber (massage) mitt. Such a little thing will help to comb the hair even after bathing (before drying). But a mitten cannot replace a full-fledged combing. Combs are suitable for daily hygiene. The tips of the comb teeth are rounded, which contributes to painless combing. Combs can be of any length and width. Such a comb will help to identify fleas, if any. If you like both combs and brushes, you can purchase a double-sided comb (brush). For very fluffy cats With long hair need a slicker (slicker). The slicker brush resembles a brush, but instead of bristles, thin metal teeth (with curved tips) stick out of the rubber cushion. Slickers are needed to comb out fluff, but can only be used to care for cats with healthy, good coats. If your pet already has tangles, the slicker can not be used.

If possible, you can buy a furminator. This is a special device (comb-trimmer) for combing out the undercoat. Not the most a budget option, but using such a trimmer saves time. Furminators are sold for different types cats (kittens, shorthair, longhair).

Photo gallery: types of combs for caring for cats

brushes are ideal for kittens or shorthaired cats
instead of a mitten, you can use a special nozzle on your hand
the longer the guard hairs of the animal, the thicker the teeth of the comb should be
in addition to a double-sided brush, you can also use a double-sided comb; the longer the cat's hair, the longer the teeth of the furminator slicker should be - this is one of the most expensive "combs", but also one of the most effective

In addition to combing, you also need to bathe the cat. Of course, you do not need to wash your pet every day (only as needed). It is difficult for cats with long hair to lick their “fur coat” completely (especially if dirt has got on the coat). Do not wash your cat with regular shampoo or soap. For animals there special shampoos and air conditioners. After shampooing, the coat may not dry properly, which is why a conditioner is needed. Also, some pet stores sell dry shampoos for animals. Owners of long-haired pets need to have one (suddenly the water will be turned off and the cat will get dirty). Dry shampoo will not solve all problems, but the impurities will be eliminated, static electricity will disappear, and the coat will become more manageable.

Some cat breeders dry their pets with a hair dryer after bathing. This procedure must be carried out very carefully (air heating should be minimal). Such drying can be carried out while combing the cat with a massage mitten. In this case, the wool will dry properly and completely.

And also do not forget about the proper nutrition of the animal. After all, the formation of tangles can be triggered by poor quality wool (for example, dryness, brittleness). This may be due to a lack of vitamins. Your veterinarian will help you choose the right food supplement.

Often pet owners do not understand the reasons why mats form in a cat. Unfortunately, not everyone knows how to deal with tangles and how to get rid of them.

Tangles appear in cats of long-haired breeds. Many fluffy owners often, without thinking about hair care, acquire just such cats. It is very important to get rid of the problem in time. Otherwise, you can spoil the fur beauty of your pet for a long time.

How mats affect the health of a cat

The appearance of tangles on the cat's fur is not only aesthetic problem. They interfere not even so much with the owner as with the pet itself. The wool falls into shreds, pulling the neighboring hairs and skin of the animal along with it. Cats have practically no opportunity to lick themselves on their own.

In places of a felted coat, it is formed favorable environment, it successfully develops fungal diseases or various microorganisms. These are fleas and lice, which can cause dermatitis. Lichen and others fungal infections skin pet, diaper rash and allergic rashes.

Animal psychologists claim that if you do not get rid of tangles in time, cats become irritable. In some cases, pets with a less stable psyche can become depressed.

Reasons for the appearance of tangles

Veterinarians identify a number of reasons why a cat has tangles:

One of the main ones is physiological. Untimely hair care, irregular combing contributes to the matting of wool. The villi are constantly updated, new ones have already grown, and the old ones have not yet been removed. Long-haired cats are not always able to get rid of them on their own. Tangles form under the neck and between the paws due to the natural movements of the animals.

Improper and unbalanced diet. It is necessary with great attention to select food for the cat, if it is purchased. And it is better when it is recommended by a veterinarian. If food home cooking, stands in without fail include non-fatty meat (beef, rabbit or chicken) in the diet. Vegetables, a complex of vitamins and minerals that improve the structure of long hair.

· Proper hygiene- cat owners do not always know how to bathe long-haired pets. There are special shampoos for long-haired breeds of animals. During bathing, in no case should you rub the coat or wash it against hair growth. Shampoo should be washed off in the same way. You need to wipe the cat very carefully, do not rub the pile with a towel. Otherwise, then it will not be possible to comb. Better light, with absorbent movements, walk with a towel in the direction from the ears to the tail.

One more or more worrisome reason, animal health problems. There are a number of diseases, as a result of which the fatty imbalance of wool is disturbed. Therefore, it is best to contact veterinary clinic and exclude all possible diseases.

How to remove small mats

If the cat is regularly combed out, then tangles may appear during the seasonal molt. They form on the neck, under the front paws and on the abdomen. The felted areas of wool are very easy to separate with your hands without causing injury to the cat.

It will be better to ask someone for help in order to get rid of the problem and at the same time calm the animal. You need to distract the cat as much as possible, stroke it and treat it with something tasty. Otherwise, the tools for removing tangles will eventually begin to cause aggression in the pet. Then it is necessary to remove the remnants of dead hairs with a special brush-comb.

How to get rid of large tangles in a cat

If the hairballs are of impressive size, they are terribly pulling on the cat's skin. He is initially already irritable and the slightest touch to such a place will cause the fluffy defensive reaction. An animal in the heat of the moment may even rush to own master scratch it.

Here you can not do without outside help and radical methods. All problem areas should be cut with special scissors with blunt rounded edges. A similar tool cuts the nails of young children.

First, you should fix the cat as much as possible. Make it so that it is comfortable for her, and inadvertently do not injure the animal. Further, each tangle is immediately cut along its formation. If done correctly, it will begin to straighten itself out, which will greatly facilitate further work.

With careful movements, slowly, you need to cut the tangle from the wool. For some breeds of cats (Angora and Persian), veterinarians recommend using special sprays, with their help it is easier to get rid of tangles.

There are special devices, tangle cutters, with which you can easily and painlessly get rid of tangles for a cat. Outwardly, they resemble a brush for combing with sharp teeth. The teeth are wavy or straight.

Such a device is suitable for use with small formations of hairballs. And you need to use it with care so as not to injure the cat.

Preventive measures for the formation of tangles

It is better to prevent a problem than to deal with it later. To do this, veterinarians recommend periodically combing the animal, at least twice a week. Persian cat breeds, especially during periods of molting, need to be scratched daily.

There are special slickers that remove falling hairs during molting. It should not be used at any other time.

Bathe your cat regularly with specialized shampoos and conditioners. Use dry shampoo to avoid static electricity.

If the coat does become matted, a spray should be applied before untangling it. After application, use a comb, only with blunt tips. Or disassemble the lump with your hands.

AT summer period it is desirable to completely shear the wool, leaving a millimeter length. This will help fluffy to survive the heat without overheating the body and heat stroke. Prevent the formation of diaper rash, tangles and other irritations.

Proper nutrition, right amount vitamins and fats will significantly reduce the level of formation of tangles.

Cats are incredibly graceful, have a charm peculiar only to them. Cats with long hair are especially beautiful. They are majestic, they are pleasant to stroke and just hold in your hands. But there are enough worries with long hair. Hairs that are not combed out in time have a predisposition to stalling.. It is a mistake to believe that tangles in cats are not a disease. What it is knows every owner of a long-haired animal.

Long-haired cats, bred artificially, for example, Persians, require careful care. They are lazy and will not properly care for their appearance. All responsibility falls on the shoulders of the owners. Cat breeds that are over a century old are more adaptable. They take great care of their outer skin.

Cat mats can be a sign of oral disease. It is not difficult to determine whether a pet is worried about something for an attentive owner. Indeed, in addition to tangles, the animal will refuse food, food. If several symptoms coincide, the cat should be taken to the veterinarian. At home, it will not be possible to examine the mucous membrane.

How to use a chisel cutter

The principle for cats is exactly the same as in this video:

Where, how and why do tangles appear?

Felling of animal hair occurs in places of friction where the hairs are softer. Along the perimeter of the spine, the hairs have a dense structure, the stalling of which occurs very rarely. In most cases, this area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe pet's body is the last to form rollers.

IMPORTANT! main reason the formation of twisted bundles is the wrong care for your beloved pet.

The coat on the abdomen, at the base of the paws, has a slightly crimped shape. This contributes to its rapid entanglement, and subsequently the formation of tangles. The hair under the chin also falls off easily. It is a mistake to assume that the animal does not suffer from what is happening. Tangled villi pull neighboring ones, which leads to skin tension. This state irritates the skin, the pet becomes lethargic, does not show interest in games, does not respond to the nickname.

The fight against tangles furry pets requires the calmness of the owner. It is necessary to accustom to the procedure from the moment a new family member arrives.. At first, the fluffy handsome man will resist, but with a little effort and patience, a trusting relationship is formed between the animal and the person. This will help teach your pet all the intricacies of behavior in a new home.

Methods for eliminating and consequences of tangles

The easiest way is not to give them the opportunity to form. But if they do, you need to act fast. Felling of wool occurs very quickly. With every move, the mat adds everything large quantity neighboring hairs. Therefore, it is not recommended to postpone the fight against this disease.

ATTENTION! It is difficult to remove large tangles on your own - a visit to the veterinarian is necessary.

It is impossible to comb with an ordinary comb. It is dangerous to cut off stray hair, you can easily damage the skin. It is necessary to cut off with scissors with rounded edges, while not pulling the tangle itself. Most safe option- use of a cleaver. it special devices for safe removal clumps of stray hair. The device will not be able to damage the pet's skin by carefully cutting off the tufts of villi.

If a cat's hair falls off, this can lead to disastrous consequences:

If the cat is all in tangles, you can not do without contacting the veterinarian.

How to remove tangles yourself?

It is necessary to remove the downed lumps with care. Any awkward movement will lead to injury to the pet.. The timing of the procedure is also very important. The optimal period will be the time when the pet is sleeping or has just woken up.

  1. Complete immobilization. It is impossible for one person to perform the procedure. Full fixation will help to remove from minimal loss time and effort. Small pellets can be combed with a comb.
  2. Degree of damage. If the lump has grown into the skin, it must be cut as close to the skin as possible. This must be done very carefully so as not to damage the skin. Small windrows can be combed out with a comb or use a cat plier.
  3. Subsequence. It is necessary to start removal from the largest, moving gradually to smaller ones. In case of severe damage, a visit to the veterinarian is necessary. You can try to remove lumps with a typewriter. But you need to understand that the noise of the machine will scare the cat. At complete defeat not without anesthesia.

The fight against tangles is not as difficult as it seems. It is difficult for long-haired pets to take care of their hair on their own. In order to prevent the occurrence of the disease, it is necessary to make constant combing, use special products in the form of shampoos, balms, which help the villi to be separated from each other and not tangled.

Getting rid of the resulting tangles at home, without anesthesia, can greatly frighten the animal. Regular combing and, at the first manifestations of the disease, the use of a koluntorezka will help to avoid pet health problems.

Useful video

Breeder's advice on raising a long-haired cat.

How to use the Furminator

Now you can find a huge variety of cat breeds, many of them have a long and thick coat. Such animals rarely cope with hair care on their own.

The most common problem with longhaired cats is tangles. This is wool that has fallen into hard lumps, which is extremely difficult to bring into a good appearance. They appear more often due to the fact that the cat does not have time to remove all the excess hair or simply does not lick itself enough.

The more time wool is left without additional care the owner of the animal, the more it rolls into lumps and becomes contaminated. The tangled cat not only spoils the appearance, but also leads to various diseases skin cover.

Factors affecting the formation of tangles

This problem can occur in any cat breed that has a coat. But long-haired pets suffer from it much more often and more strongly, since they have tangles even from simple manipulations and movements.

Cat mats should be removed as soon as possible after discovery. You can do this at home, especially if the problem has not become too serious.

Sometimes normal cat care is not enough, and hair problems return even with regular combing and other necessary procedures. In this case, you need to determine the cause of their appearance, this is often associated with general condition cat health.

How to get rid of matted fur from a cat

It is necessary to determine how the situation with the animal's hair is neglected. Any manipulations with a cat should be carried out in pairs. While one person removes hairballs, the other calms the animal and has the ability to immobilize it if necessary.

If the problem is at the initial stage, then the tangles can be carefully combed out of the wool. Small lumps are first tried to untangle with your fingers, and the remains are removed with a comb for the animal. This must be done carefully, moving from the back and sides to the chest to the front paws and stomach of the pet.

When the size of the matted wool does not allow you to deal with it with a comb, you should not immediately cut off the clumps entirely. First, cut them lengthwise with sharp scissors or a knife so as not to damage the skin. Then gradually unravel and comb out. So you can save most healthy coat of a cat.

Koltunorez - a special comb for animals, equipped with blades. This device helps to comb the cat and remove all matted lumps. The use of such a comb allows you to minimize the loss of your pet's hair and simplify the task of its owner.

If the cat's hair is in bad condition and fell down big clods, then you can get rid of it only through a haircut. Scissors, a special clipper for animals or a regular one, which is available, are used. Some recommendations:

  • use scissors very carefully - it is safer if the ends are not too sharp;
  • the nozzle for the machine is used at least 2 mm;
  • the animal must be well kept so as not to damage the thin skin;
  • the skin of a cat during a haircut is pulled along the body;
  • do not cut the paws, tail and head completely, if there are problems on these parts, it is better to remove them separately;
  • it is not necessary to carry out the procedure at a time, the cat may experience severe stress;
  • do not bathe the animal until the problem is completely eliminated;
  • after clipping, a special antistatic spray is often used, which prevents the appearance of new lumps and makes the cat's appearance more beautiful.

Not every owner will decide to carry out such manipulations on their own. There is a way out - contacting a veterinary clinic or a special salon for animals. There, the specialists will make a neat haircut for the pet, remove all problem areas of the coat and give recommendations for care.

It is better to prevent any problem if it is possible. Tangles can cause a lot of problems, especially for a long-haired animal, so all measures must be taken in advance.

The following actions will help prevent the formation of hairballs in a cat:

  1. 1. Regular bathing using special means for hair care can significantly reduce the risk of rolling. You can pick them up at the pet store or on the recommendation veterinarian.
  2. 2. A balanced diet and taking additional vitamin complexes will allow you to save healthy look coat of a pet.
  3. 3. Dry shampoo designed for grooming cats, makes the coat docile and soft, and avoids the occurrence of static tension.
  4. 4. Daily combing of wool. You can use a special comb for the undercoat, it effectively removes excess hairs. If the owner does not have so much free time, manipulation must be carried out at least 3 times a week.
  5. 5. Using a hair dryer after bathing avoids improper drying and matting of wet wool.
  6. 6. Regular visits to the veterinarian are always the key to a pet's health. So more likely detect diseases in initial stage or prevent them from appearing at all.

The owner of the animal can get rid of tangles on his own, especially if there are no other alarming symptoms. But you should do it carefully and with an assistant, there is various ways removal of matted wool, depending on its quantity and size.

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