America Staffordshire Terrier. An excellent companion and faithful friend of the Staffordshire Terrier. Characteristics of the breed and photos

There is an opinion that fighting dogs are distinguished by an extreme degree of aggressiveness and irascibility. But in most cases, this is just a myth that has nothing to do with reality. Proof of this is the Staffordshire Terrier dog breed. Staff, as the breed is also called, was bred by crossing a terrier and a bulldog. As a result, breeders have bred the perfect dog for the most dangerous sport - dog fighting.

As with any breed, the dog's future aggressiveness is determined by upbringing. Therefore, those who do not plan to give their pet to sports will be able to get a true friend and comrade in the face of this strong dog.

Because the Staffordshire Terrier belongs to fighting dog breeds, his exterior is appropriate. The body of the animal is compact, strong. The muscles are pronounced, distinctly dried. The dog combines the best fighting qualities, as well as a strong physique, which is demonstrated by the Staffordshire Terrier breed. The description of the standard provides:

color staffordshire terrier can be both spotted and plain.

The standard does not allow liver, white, or black and tan. Also, pink eyelids, a too long tail, light eyes and a light brown nose are considered “marriage”.

Staff is a strong and muscular dog with a downed build. The photo shows that the expression of the eyes is often kind, despite the aggressive purpose of the breed.

The physique shows a fighting dog, which is the Staffordshire Terrier. The price for a puppy largely depends not only on the exterior, but also on the “purpose” of the dog: it will be a sports animal or a pet.

The nature of the staff

In most cases, the character of the Staffordshire Terrier, like that of other breeds, depends on upbringing. However, there are a number of traits that will be inherent in this dog in any case.

Staff is a mood dog that can change at lightning speed. The dog can instantly move from a state of rest to combat readiness, as well as from a playful mood to alertness. This must be taken into account in everyday communication with the pet.

Staff has an almost unshakable balance. He calmly endures games with children, even if the kids do not treat him very kindly. A properly educated dog will never offend a small child.

In order for the staff to become angry, it is necessary to almost verbally force him to do so. it very patient animal.

Many are trying to get a guard from a fighting dog breed. The Staffordshire Terrier is perfect for this. The nature of this dog is fearless. By its nature, this animal practically does not feel pain, which allows it to rush at the offender, even if he is larger than the staff.

The protection of the territory is inherent in this dog in instincts. Even in a dream, this dog is on the alert, listening to what is happening. However, this breed is reserved. The owner will not hear unreasonable barking or howling from this dog.

Another positive quality of the Staffordshire Terrier is devotion to the owner. In the service of a person, the staff sees its purpose and tries in every possible way to please the owner.

In order for a dog that is a fighting dog not to turn into an aggressor, education must be encouraging. Also important is leadership, which must be in the hands of the owner. Education plays a key role in shaping the character of the dog. Therefore, an experienced person should be engaged in training.

One of the key tasks of education is the training of restraint. It is this quality that will not allow the dog to have skirmishes with other animals on the street.

The Staffordshire Terrier tries in every possible way to please the owner, so performing tricks is not difficult for him.

Raising a Staffordshire Terrier

As already mentioned, the education of the Staffordshire Terrier plays a key role in shaping the character of the animal. Training of this breed is a responsible matter.

Staffs have pronounced leadership qualities, therefore, from the very beginning of training, the owner needs to take an authoritative position. Only by making it clear to the puppy who is in charge in the “owner-dog” union, you can achieve absolute obedience from the pet. The owner will also need remarkable endurance, since this breed is very persistent and will test the strength of the owner’s decision more than once.

The socialization of a puppy should take place from the very first days of meeting new owners. It is necessary to give the pet the opportunity to explore the world around him and get acquainted with various situations. Walks should take place as often as possible. It is best if the puppy will regularly be in the crowd.

Encounters with other animals at a young age must be limited. Acquaintance of a puppy with foreign dogs should begin at the age of six months. If the dog is wary or frightened, the owner needs to be patient. Aggressively urging a frightened puppy into action can cause the animal to grow up short-tempered and inadequate.

At the age of up to one and a half years, special attention must be paid to the understanding of human speech by the dog. The dog must learn to distinguish not only commands, but also the intonation of the owner's voice. The owner must express the requirements in a firm, confident voice. The word of man must be unshakable. The puppy is naturally playful, and will try to convince the owner, thus testing the team's strength. If during this period the owner succumbs, the dog will feel the absence of a leader and will try to occupy a free niche.

There is also a phenomenon in the temperament of the Staffordshire Terrier as "rebellion". Usually staff starts to rebel during puberty. Disobedience is manifested in attempts to ignore the strongest member of the family, as well as the one who puts the most pressure on the dog. The dog is trying to take over the lead, and that's okay. Before this period, it is extremely important that the word of the owner has the greatest weight.

Physical influence in the upbringing of the Staffordshire Terrier is unacceptable. It is not only useless, but can also lead to the opposite result. A young animal will understand that conflict situations with a person must be resolved through the manifestation of strength. Yelling at the "violator" is also not worth it. If the dog rebels, the most that can be done is to give the puppy a good shake. But the best method is still a clear command, no matter how many times it needs to be repeated. Reviews of the owners are unanimous: patience and only patience.

Also a good method to curb a young dog is direct eye contact. It is worth watching until humility appears in the dog's eyes.

Staff training

The psychology of dogs is complex and requires a lot of attention. However, the owner, spending enough time every day for training, eventually begins to catch the slightest change in the mood of the pet. The change of mood becomes noticeable in the look, characteristic movements. An attentive owner always knows what the dog is going to do in a few seconds.

Staffordshire Terrier - hierarchy dog. The family for him is his flock. And it depends only on the owner what place the dog will take in this flock. A common mistake owners make is to over-reward the animal when commands are correctly executed. Allowing the dog to lie on the couch as a reward, the owner thereby "loses ground" in the eyes of the dog. Encouragement should not go beyond the reasonable, and training should always be based on subordination.

Staffordshire Terrier training is a responsible occupation, so many owners prefer to seek help from cynologists. However, it should be understood that the work of a specialist is aimed more at teaching the owner how to interact with the animal. Mistakes in the process of the course are the mistakes of the owner, not the dog, as evidenced by numerous reviews about the breed.

There are several types of training on the site:

  • General course. It involves learning basic commands: "Fu", "Sit", "Take". The dog learns to understand the owner, and the owner, in turn, correctly sets the tone for training.
  • Manageable city dog. Allows you to learn the basics of behavior in public places, as well as the commands and gestures of the owner.
  • Protective guard service. More difficult course. The nature of the Staffy means constant contact with people, so this course is not always suitable for this breed.
  • Bodyguard. The dog is trained as a personal guard. The course is suitable for owners of sports dogs, however, it is not suitable for ordinary pets. Having turned the dog into a bodyguard, the owners are faced with pet aggression against random passers-by, which can cause problems.

The price for the course will depend on the focus of the lessons and the reputation of the cynologist.

It is best to feed the Staffordshire Terrier with natural food. The basis of the diet should be lean meat. It is best if it is beef and lamb. In small quantities, it is useful to add vegetables and cereals. Also, the dog should have constant access to fresh water.

The main points in the preparation of the staff diet:

  • The naturalness of the components;
  • Caloric content of food;
  • Control the amount of food, avoid overfeeding;
  • Dairy products for calcium saturation;
  • Compliance with the diet.

It is better not to feed the staff with specialized feeds.

staffordshire terrier

“Staff is only a year old, and he has already clearly demonstrated temperament. Raising a breed takes a lot of time, however, it's worth it.

“If you properly raise a puppy, in the future you will get a great friend and a faithful guard. Do not show excessive force in training. This dog is smart and understands a person perfectly.

There are a great many breeds of dogs, among them there are bulldog-type terriers, a prominent representative of which is the American Staffordshire Terrier.

Past and present

The Staffordshire Terrier breed was finally isolated and registered only in 1972, and the United States is considered the place of their breeding. Previously, they were not separated from pit bull terriers and were also widely used in spectacular dog fights, therefore, selection was made based on the results of performances in the arena. The ancestors of these animals were English bulldogs and white terriers, whose features still slip into their appearance.

After the official recognition of the breed, a standard was adopted, and a specific description for the Staffordshire Terrier appeared:

  • adult weight 25-32 kg;
  • height in males 46-48 cm, in females 43-46 cm;
  • the color can be any, brindle is one of the common patterns (all shades of brown are involved, as well as different combinations of black and white);
  • average life expectancy is 12-14 years.

Previously, the American Staffordshire Terrier almost always had cropped ears, now, under the influence of animal advocates, this procedure is done much less frequently.

Although puberty in Amstaffs occurs as early as 8-9 months, it is recommended to carry out the first mating for females at the age of no earlier than 15 months, and for males no earlier than 1 year; after 8 years, it is undesirable to knit females.

In the course of artificial selection, the obedience of the owner was genetically fixed in these dogs and the stability of the psyche was developed, which was reflected in the characteristics of the breed: the peculiarity of the Amstaffs is the instantaneous execution of any commands.

Today, mass dog fights are a thing of the past, and people still have smart and loyal pets.

Until now, ignorant people often do not separate Pit Bull Terriers and American Staffordshire Terriers, although they are different breeds. They differ both in appearance and in character (despite some “bulldog” similarity in the exterior due to a common distant ancestor).

Staffordshire terriers are slightly larger in size (usually 4-6 cm taller than pit bull terriers), their white spots are not predominant in color, they also have more pronounced facial muscles with square jaws and a wider chest. Since both breeds were originally bred as fighting dogs, they have almost the same high pain threshold. At the same time, an amstaff, if he happens to fight with a pit bull, is likely to lose the fight, despite his superior size, because he has a stronger side - defense, and not attack, like his opponent.

Cynologists unanimously attribute Staffordshire Terriers to dogs with high intelligence and a highly developed instinct to protect the owner.

Education and maintenance

After hearing about a fighting past, some people mistakenly believe that the American Staffordshire Terrier is very aggressive. In fact, this is not so: this breed is easy to train and socializes in any society, the owner only needs to show firmness and perseverance in teaching his pet good manners, without showing cruelty. Females are more obedient and suggestible by nature, and males more often demonstrate self-will and independence.

In order to get a sociable and obedient pet into the family, Staffordshire Terrier puppies begin to be brought up from a very early age (from 2-3 months), encouraging their interaction with children and other animals living in the house - only then will socialization go in the right direction. Under the supervision of adults, even a 10-year-old child can train a Staffordshire Terrier. A properly educated and trained amstaff becomes not only a reliable guard, but also a wonderful nanny for small children, whom he will never offend.

In size, these dogs are considered medium in size, they are covered with smooth hair and fit well into an ordinary apartment. The main thing that pets need is physical activity, and therefore the owners need to give them the opportunity to warm up well (if it doesn’t work out at home, then on long walks). The upbringing of the Staffordshire Terrier must necessarily include outdoor games that allow you to splash out the energy bubbling inside and at the same time reinforce the execution of commands (catching a flying saucer or a ball, accompanying the owner on bike rides, just running together).

An amstaff tired of games is a happy dog, and its properly organized activity allows you to keep the interior of the apartment in its original form.

There is little noise from them: they very rarely give a voice without special need. They can bark a lot only for company with other "talkative" relatives. The short hard coat does not need special care, it is enough to comb it daily with a brush with coarse bristles. Bathe dogs as needed with special shampoos from the pet store (you can once a month).

With excellent immunity and a non-capricious character, Staffordshires are easy to please with food, and owners usually do not have problems with what to feed them. All the needs of the dog's body are fully satisfied by high-quality dry food. You can diversify your pet's diet with human food, but you should not overfeed with raw meat and give tubular bones with sharp edges. So that the owner's things do not suffer from other people's teeth, knowledgeable people recommend that you definitely provide your pet with special dog fun that you can gnaw (silicone bones, briquettes, balls).

Thanks to their cheerful and agile nature, Amstaffs make excellent companions for people who prefer outdoor activities. The only problem may be the unsuitability of the wool of these dogs to warm well at low temperatures. Loving owners prudently protect their pets from the cold - this is how the clothes for the Staffordshire Terrier appeared. The most common model is a quilted dog overall (sometimes with or without a hood), which differs for "boys" and "girls"; off-season jackets are also popular.

Weak spots in the body

In general, Amstaff health is strong and with proper maintenance and nutrition, on this side, usually, the owner does not have additional worries for most of the pet's life.

Some diseases in Staffordshire Terriers sometimes do happen:

  1. Hip dysplasia can develop from a poor diet, lack of physical activity, or a genetic predisposition. To minimize the risks, puppies should be bought from trusted kennels, and then ensure that your purchase has all the conditions for a healthy lifestyle. It is not difficult to notice the problem that has arisen: the animal becomes inactive, when moving, it begins to drag its hind legs, often tries to lie down on its stomach. It is treated only with the help of specialists, including operations.
  2. Inappropriate foods can cause bloating. A consultation with a specialist will tell you what to change in the feeding system to normalize the dog's digestion and prevent another danger - obesity.
  3. Among the diseases associated with the organs of vision, there are:
    • inversion of the century;
    • cataract;
    • retinal atrophy.

    If pathology is detected at an early stage and timely contacting a veterinarian, almost any of them can be cured.

  4. The predisposition to allergic reactions is mainly inherited, so the purity of genetic lines is of paramount importance for reputable breeders. If, nevertheless, the dog has reddening of the skin for no apparent reason, and it itches constantly, it may have an allergy. A veterinary clinic will help to establish an irritant.

A healthy pet of the Amstaff breed always has a good mood and is easy-going.

Thanks to a powerful immune system, the American Staffordshire Terrier has good body resistance to various ailments, and it is usually enough to make a series of mandatory vaccinations at an early age, and then periodically deworm.

The owner of the Staffordshire Terrier, who has earned authority with his pet, acquires in his person the most devoted friend, fearless protector and cheerful companion for any joint business.

In contact with

If you dream of a strong, courageous dog with excellent guarding abilities, then the American Staffordshire Terrier is exactly what you need. The characteristic of the breed prescribes to these dogs such qualities as fearlessness, strength, perseverance, devotion, intelligence, the desire to be useful to their master. The strength and power of this animal can be seen even in the photo.

Amstaff, as it is also called, requires an attentive attitude, needs skillful, proper training, active walks. The dog is not suitable for calm, insecure people, because they have a highly developed guarding instinct. The main condition - the staff terrier must be near the owner. This is an unusually intelligent dog that is able to distinguish between real and fictional threats. They need long, active walks, they feel great in an apartment or house, but such a dog cannot be put on a chain or kept on the street.

A distinctive characteristic of the breed is phenomenal strength. American Staffordshire Terriers are engaged in weight pooling - dragging weights over a certain distance (see video). By the way, this is a good way not only to keep the dog in shape, but also the opportunity to translate the indefatigable strength and energy of the dog into a peaceful direction. Staff won the hearts of those who are looking for a wonderful family protector, friend, companion.

The American Staffordshire Terrier was bred in the United States more than a hundred years ago primarily for dog fighting. The breed appeared after crossing game terriers, bulldogs, possibly fox terriers. These breeds were taken such qualities as endurance, strength, courage, unpretentiousness and, of course, intelligence. When the ancestors of today's dogs, called Staff Terriers, were brought to England, they were used to guard livestock, they were hunted, some were used for dog fighting. The American Staffordshire received official recognition of the breed only in 1972.

Characteristics of the breed American Staffordshire Terrier

The American Staff Terrier is an energetic, strong dog with a muscular, knocked-down body, but at the same time agile and lively (see photo). Description of the breed regulates the size of dogs. So, the growth of males ranges from 45-48 cm at the withers, bitches about 44-46 cm. Weight should be proportional to height, about 30 kg, but the amstaff should not give the impression of being overweight or inactive.

The American Staffordshire Terrier has a well-developed deep chest, wide-spaced forepaws (see photo). The head is small, with pronounced musculature, rather wide with a clear transition from the forehead to the muzzle.

The high set ears may or may not be cropped in countries where possible, but they must be erect. The eyes are only dark in color, small, deep set. The nose is black.

The American Staff Terrier has medium-sized, straight, strong-boned feet and a light and springy gait (see photo).

The description of the breed does not clearly regulate the colors, but black with tan, a reddish tint, and also white on more than 80% of the body is undesirable (see photo).


The American Staffordshire Terrier, as the breed description says, is a highly intelligent dog. Amstaffs are quite easy to learn, remember commands well, but require careful attention, repeated repetition of the command for unconditional execution in any conditions. Unfortunately, the reputation of the American breed is badly damaged and in inept hands, an adult Staff Terrier can become a rather dangerous opponent (see video).

It is worth noting that the amstaffs are quite stubborn, the owners must take this feature into account, becoming a leader for them, who must be unquestioningly obeyed. Despite the fact that the main characteristic of the American breed presents us with a formidable fighter, the staff does not attack just like that, but only if there is a real threat to the owner or his property. But for this you need not only to choose the right puppy, but also to raise him well.

Amstaff puppy training should begin from the first days of life in a new home. Commands such as “come to me”, “fu”, “sit”, “next”, “no” should be brought to automatism. The purpose of training is to make the pet obedient and act only after the command of the owner. Staff will not understand beating or coercion, a pet can only be punished by temporary ignoring, the dog must respect you.

A very important condition in raising a puppy is his socialization. Immediately after the appearance in your house, the amstaff must learn that others do not want to harm him, any attempts of unmotivated aggression must be stopped from childhood. Improper upbringing can be a danger not only to others, but, unfortunately, to the owner's family. Once again, I would like to remind you that the dog of the American Staffordshire Terrier breed is still “fighting” by definition, which requires certain skills in education from the owner, it is better for beginners not to start such a dog.

The characteristic of the American Staffordshire Terrier says that it is a short-haired dog without undercoat (see photo). You don’t need to comb or cut the animal, after a walk you just need to wipe your pet well, if it gets dirty, comb it regularly with a massage brush to remove dead hairs. In addition, it is worth monitoring the animal's ears, skin and, if necessary, regularly trim the claws. In general, this species is distinguished by good health and immunity.

High-quality physical activity, walks, games are much more important for the full life of dogs of the American Staffordshire Terrier breed, they help them learn how to interact with other animals and people. With proper care, Amstaff can live 12-15 years. When walking in crowded places, it is worth keeping your pet on a leash, it will not be superfluous to purchase a muzzle.


The description of the Amstaff breed contains a reminder of the propensity of these dogs to obesity, which entails a competent approach to the choice of food. From the first days of the dog's life in the house, the owner should decide to feed it with industrial feed or natural food. It is worth remembering, however, that natural nutrition is quite difficult to properly balance.

Dry food should only be of high quality, premium class, because it contains the right ratio of protein, carbohydrates, fats and vitamins, and also contains the necessary trace elements. There are fewer problems with it, because it does not need to be cooked, but often its disadvantage is a rather high price. Water with this type of feeding should always be fresh and freely available.

If it is not possible to feed your pet with good quality food, you should choose natural food. The diet of a pet staff terrier should include: lean meat - turkey, beef, chicken, offal, necessarily cereals and vegetables, but not more than 20% in the diet, eggs, cottage cheese, very rarely fish.

The correct nutrition can be judged by the condition of the coat, it should be smooth and shiny. In any case, you need to remember that it is absolutely impossible to feed a pet with food from our table, smoked meats, fried, salty foods, tubular bones.

The desire to see cruel and bloody scenes has been observed by a person since time immemorial. The medieval English were no exception, who loved to have fun, arranging dog fights with bulls, bears and wild boars. Most often, bulldogs and mastiffs were used for these purposes. The problem was that the dogs of these breeds were very large and not agile enough, because of which they often died from the blows of the hooves or horns of angry opponents.

The desire to "modernize" the fighting qualities of the dogs forced the owners to engage in breeding work. Terriers turned out to be the best candidate for crossing with bulldogs: dogs are active, mobile and, importantly, very smart. So, at the very beginning of the 19th century, bull terriers appeared, which perfectly combined the best features of their predecessor breeds. After the ban on bullfighting, which the English Parliament passed in 1835, dog fights came into fashion, and the “terrierization” of the breed that justified itself made it possible to obtain a phenotype that was perfectly suited for this purpose. Variants of the name of the breed - Staffordshire Terrier, Pit Bull Terrier - gradually transformed and became fixed in the single name of the English branch "Staffordshire Bull Terrier".

English migrants who rushed to America after the victory of the North over the South in the Civil War brought a large number of animals to the continent. Brutal dog fights, by this time already banned on the islands of Foggy Albion, gained particular popularity in the New World. The main direction of selection work was the development and consolidation of the fighting qualities of dogs. The United Kennel Club, created at the very end of the 19th century in the state of Michigan, chose the development and improvement of the Pit Bull Terrier breed as the main direction of its activity. The dogs bred here not only took part in battles, but were also successfully used to guard houses, farms, and hunt wolves.

At the same time, the voices of those animal lovers who did not share the passion for dog fighting and paid more attention to exhibition work were heard louder and louder. They set about developing a standard and improving the exterior of the pit bull. As a result, a dog was obtained, outwardly very similar to a pit bull terrier, but quite suitable for a “peaceful life”. They called it the Staffordshire Terrier, and it was under this name that the breed was recognized by the American Kennel Club in 1936. This led to the division of breeders into two camps. Some registered their pets exclusively as fighting American pit bulls, others preferred Staffordshire terriers and did not recognize pit bull terriers at all.

The FCI in May 1971 officially registered the Amstaff in its registry under No. 286. The following year, the American Kennel Club changed the name of the breed to "American Staffordshire Terrier", thereby emphasizing that the branches have certain differences - "American" is on average 8 cm taller at the withers and 5 kg heavier than the "Englishman".

The first amstaffs came to Russia in the 80s of the last century and very quickly gained popularity. High demand led to the fact that unscrupulous breeders did not bother to control either the appearance of the resulting dogs or their mental stability. This is the reason why Staffordshire Terriers have come to be considered "killer dogs". Such notoriety lies entirely on the conscience of the owners, who, either out of stupidity and inability, or consciously raised aggressive and ferocious dogs. Today, the trend has changed, Staffords confidently occupy the niche of companion dogs.

Video: American Staffordshire Terrier

Amstaff appearance

The American Staffordshire Terrier is a strong dog with well-developed bones and pronounced athletic muscles.

The height of males at the withers is 46-48 cm, females - 43-46 cm. Body weight - 25-30 kg and 22-25 kg, respectively.


Medium length, but very voluminous and wide. The skull is practically flat, wide between the ears, almost square in shape. The occipital protuberance is weakly expressed. The transition from the muzzle to the slightly convex forehead is clearly visible. The muzzle is of medium length, the ratio to the length of the skull is 1:1. Chewing, buccal and parietal muscles are relief, dense. The lips cover the jaws, but do not look saggy.


The lobe is black, rather large in size with well-opened nostrils.


The jaws of the American Staffordshire Terrier are very powerful, strong, dense.


Set high and wide. Amstaffs have options for both sharp and short cropped and non-cropped ears. The latter option is rated higher if the shells are naturally short and very stable on the cartilage (the so-called "rose").


Set low and wide apart, round in shape. The color of the iris is dark. Eyelids pigmented.


The teeth of the American Staffordshire Terrier are large, white. The incisors on the lower jaw are arranged linearly. Scissor bite.


Strong, well muscled, broadening evenly towards the withers. Length is medium. Folds and sagging are not observed.


The withers of the Amstaff are clearly expressed, muscular, with a smooth transition into the line of the back. The shoulder blades are long, pressed to the back.


Short, straight, line sloping slightly towards the croup. The muscles are well developed.


Slightly sloping, moderately rounded. Broad and muscular.

Rib cage

Broad and deep, rounded ribs.


The tail of the amstaff is straight and short. Set low, tapering slightly towards the end. In a state of excitement, it is held straight.


The forelegs, when viewed from the front, are parallel and straight, set wide apart. Moderate high predilection is observed. The backbone is powerful, the muscles are relief and athletic. Elbows look strictly back and pressed to the body.

The Amstaff's hindquarters, seen from behind, are straight and parallel, with well-developed (but not excessive) musculature. The angles of the joints are well defined.


Arched, not large, round and collected.


The coat of the American Staffordshire Terrier is short, moderately thick, hard to the touch, and close to the body. Straight and shiny.


Solid - from cream to black, but not white, as well as two-tone, spotted, brindle or piebald. White markings are possible if they make up no more than 20% of the basic tone of the Amstaff color.

The gender of the dog is clearly manifested in its appearance.

Possible vices

Any deviations from the standard, depending on the degree of their severity, can be considered either shortcomings or vices.

The disqualifying vices of the American Staffordshire Terriers include: cryptorchidism, flesh-colored nose, skewed lower jaw, undershot bite, deafness, long or docked tail, light eyes, and amble movement.

amstaff photo

Personality of the American Staffordshire Terrier

If we talk about the character of the Amstaff, then there is hardly another breed of dog whose character would be described by such diverse, and sometimes completely opposite epithets.

Reliable, intelligent, loyal, endowed with a considerable amount of fun and even some playfulness, balanced and seasoned - this is what lovers of the breed say about Staffordshire. Aggressive and vicious - such an assessment is given by critics of the breed. But the last traits of character are associated in almost all cases either with inept or with education aimed at the formation of precisely negative qualities.

Anyone who wants to have such an animal should firmly understand that the American Staffordshire Terrier is a very powerful dog with pronounced watchdog and fighting qualities. She will defend to the end not only the members of the family in which she lives, but also the integrity of the territory entrusted to her from any encroachment. With such inclinations, a properly educated amstaff will show aggression only if he feels threatened from the outside. The dog's intuition is so strong that sometimes it seems that he reads the thoughts of your ill-wisher. The Staffordshire Terrier attacks very often without a “declaration of war”. Barking and growling is for the weak. The dog fights until complete victory, it is almost impossible to stop him. In "peak" situations, this is quite acceptable, but in everyday life such behavior can bring a lot of problems, so proper upbringing and skillful socialization of the dog are very important. By making it clear to your puppy that all members of your family are his friends, you will eventually get a loving, attentive and devoted friend.

Initially, one of the goals in breeding the Staffordshire Terrier breed was to obtain a dog that was best suited to serve as a protector of the family. People of all ages can easily find a common language with amstaff. For children, the dog will become a gentle, attentive nanny who will patiently endure all the pranks of the kids. But leaving a dog alone with very young children is still not worth it.

The American Staffordshire Terrier in a calm home environment can be the sweetest creature, striving in every possible way to cheer and please his owner. But the authority of the latter must be indisputable, and only a fairly experienced owner can cope with such a strong spirit and body of a dog. In order to control the amstaff and manage his natural instincts, one desire is not enough - one cannot do without professional knowledge and skills.

Education and training

The American Staffordshire Terrier is a dog whose upbringing and training should never be left to chance. From the very first day of the appearance of a puppy in your home, you need to clearly realize all the responsibility that you have taken upon yourself by starting this particular breed.

The main thing at the first stage is to properly organize the socialization of the animal. You can start immediately after the end of the “vaccination quarantine”. Pay special attention to introducing your baby to other pets. A small nuance - for this purpose it is better to choose the most good-natured and affectionate pets (you probably know these in your yard or nearby). The puppy is very curious, and it is important that he has only pleasant memories from new acquaintances, since the experienced fear will be remembered for a long time and eventually develop into aggression. Surprisingly, a small amstaff can even remember the breed of his abuser. This is fraught with problems in the future.

Often the owners of Staffordshire Terriers, raising a pet, resort to two extremes. They either allow everything or prohibit everything. Both of these are wrong. In the first case, when the dog grows up, you will look funny on walks with it, to put it mildly. The sight of the owner, vainly trying to keep the powerful amstaff torn from the leash (even for peaceful purposes), is simply pathetic. In the second case, you will grow a coward. And from cowardice to malice - one step. And when your pet does it - no one knows.

Obviously, some people consider the American Staffordshire Terrier to be an unsafe dog. You should be prepared for the fact that during walks the reaction of passers-by may not always be adequate. Do not engage in arguments and explanations in a raised voice, the dog will feel your aggression and think that your opponent is a danger. It is not difficult to predict the consequences of such an assessment of the situation. The best way out is to pass by in compliance with all norms of peaceful coexistence.

Otherwise, the upbringing of the Amstaff is not much different from interacting with dogs of other breeds. They need to be dealt with from the very first day of the appearance of the baby at home. The principle is very simple. It says: “What is possible is always possible; what is impossible is impossible under any circumstances. What is good and what is bad must be explained patiently and persistently, but in no case using violence and punishment, without changing the rules of the game along the way.

Do not pamper your pet at least until you have developed a stable behavioral stereotype from him.

Amstaffs are very smart and can be trained well. The best results can be achieved by visiting special sites.

And the last thing: you don’t need to raise a monster out of a dog. It won't make you cooler than "cool Walker". Do not turn your pet into a tool for self-affirmation.

Amstaff is an unpretentious dog, and following simple rules will avoid many problems or at least minimize them.

Caring for an animal's coat is easy. For combing, a special brush is used, which not only removes dead hairs, but also massages the skin well. For daily hygiene procedures, you can use wet wipes (preferably fragrance-free and hypoallergenic) or simply wipe your pet with a clean towel soaked in water. But often bathing the American Staffordshire Terrier is not recommended. This can damage both the dog's skin and coat. Do not forget about the need to use special gels and shampoos designed for this breed.

Trim your dog's nails monthly. Amstaffs do not really like to do a “manicure”, so it would be better if the owner does this manipulation. Yes, and brushing your teeth with a special brush is also not trusted to an outsider. Do not forget to monitor the cleanliness of the ears and the condition of the nose. Dryness and cracks in this place indicate health problems in the dog.

The American Staffordshire Terrier is a naturally active dog, so be prepared to devote enough time to interact with it.

As for feeding, a number of important points should be highlighted.

  • A strong skeleton requires an increased content of “building material” in food - calcium, so vitamins containing this element must be present in the diet of the Staffordshire Terrier.
  • The menu should be dominated by meat, which can be given both boiled and raw. The use of exclusively dry food is not recommended.
  • The amount of food should be appropriate for both the age and sex, and the physical condition of the dog.
  • The amstaff diet should include cottage cheese, milk, boiled eggs. It is recommended to add vegetables to cereals and soups. Useful meat and bone meal and bones (but not tubular).
  • Puppies need to be fed especially well so that they actively gain muscle mass.

Health and disease of the American Staffordshire Terrier

The American Staffordshire Terrier is a healthy breed. These dogs are active and hardy. However, there are a number of diseases to which they have some tendency.

First of all, we can talk about hip dysplasia. The problem is typical for almost all large dogs. This does not mean at all that all amstaffs suffer from dysplasia, since a lot depends on the diet, intensity of physical activity, and also on genetic predisposition. When buying a puppy, ask the nursery about the heredity of your chosen one. Find out how often his ancestors had this disease, what was its development. No one will say unequivocally whether your dog will get sick or not, but some approximate forecast, based on the information received, can be made.

Bloating associated with indigestion is another problem that occurs in American Staffords. By contacting a specialist, you will find out which foods should be excluded from the diet (or, conversely, added) in order to normalize your pet's metabolism. Proper nutrition will help to avoid the complications associated with obesity.

Genetically, amstaffs can also be transmitted with a tendency to allergic reactions to a variety of irritants. Most often this is manifested by redness of the skin and severe itching. In most cases, it is possible to accurately determine the agent only in a veterinary clinic.

Eye diseases - retinal atrophy and cataracts - can also affect American Staffordshire Terriers.

Modern veterinary medicine makes it possible to cure or at least minimize the consequences of a very large number of diseases. It is only important to find them in time. Carefully monitor the condition of your pet: how does his coat look, whether his ears and eyes are clean, how active he is, whether he has a good appetite, whether there are any problems with the administration of natural needs. This will not require super efforts, but it will definitely bring the desired effect.

How to choose a puppy

Let's make a reservation right away: if you want to buy a thoroughbred amstaff, then options for the bird market or ads on the Internet are swept aside immediately and unconditionally.

The purchase procedure in a specialized nursery has been well developed for a long time, and you should definitely be familiarized with it in detail, if, of course, we are talking about a place with a good reputation. In this case, it is important to know that when buying a dog it is better to conclude a formal contract. Sometimes the form of purchasing a puppy “under contract” offered to customers has a number of nuances that can infringe on the owner’s rights both to the dog itself and to its future offspring.

The third option is to buy an American Staffordshire Terrier puppy yourself from an experienced and trusted breeder. In this case, experts recommend paying attention to the following points.

  • When planning a show career for your dog, ask the owner of the bitch to give you the opportunity to observe the development of the babies. Best of all, the future features of the Amstaff appear at birth, on the third day of life and at the age of one month. It is unlikely that you will have time to see the baby on the first and third days, but the monthly one should be studied more closely. It is at the age of thirty days that the small American Staffordshire Terrier is an exact miniature copy of what can grow out of it, subject to all the rules and conditions for raising dogs of this breed. Do not take seriously the stories that the shortcomings visible at this age can be corrected with the help of massage, a special diet, or some kind of “dancing with tambourines”.
  • In American Staffordshire Terrier puppies, in the color of which there is a lot of white, the nose, eyelids and lips may not be completely colored, but partial coloring must be observed. Finally, this process is completed by 8 months of age (sometimes a little later). The color of the iris of the eyes takes on the final shade even later, so you need to be very attentive to the eyes of a pale blue color, especially if the puppy has a fawn-blue or red-blue coat color.
  • The puppy's coat should be short, "velor", without bald spots. Skin without ulcers and pustules.
  • Ears should be clean and free from bad odor. The eyes are clear, without signs of souring. Under the tail - clean and dry.
  • If you notice a small hernia during examination of the abdomen, do not be discouraged. This problem can be dealt with by simple procedures.
  • A Staffordshire Terrier puppy at this age should weigh from 2.5 to 5 kg, look quite well-fed, without protruding ribs and maklaks. In the diet of the baby, in addition to the actual mother's milk, there should already be other dishes: kefir, cereal porridge, scraped meat, cottage cheese.

An interesting fact is that the bitch sometimes regurgitates recently eaten food to her puppies, and the kids pounce on such a treat with pleasure. This is absolutely normal and is explained by natural instincts. Moreover, such behavior indicates a well-developed maternal instinct, which with a high degree of probability will go to all female puppies in this litter.

You are unlikely to buy the baby you like right there. The sale of an amstaff is allowed after it reaches the age of 45 days and the owner of the bitch has completed the mandatory branding and expert evaluation procedures. Your first visit to the nursery will be rather introductory, but it will be useful to thoroughly prepare for it by collecting the maximum amount of information.

Photos of amstaff puppies

How much is an American Staffordshire Terrier worth?

Like most other dog breeds, the cost of an Amstaff puppy directly depends on which class it belongs to.

Prices for show-class animals, which have good inclinations for a successful show career, range from 25,000 - 35,000 rubles and more. Gradation in this case is associated with the eminence of the parents, as well as the personal inclinations of the puppy, the degree of expression of the best features of the breed.

Representatives of the breed class are cheaper - 18,000 - 25,000 rubles. These American Staffordshire Terrier puppies are well within the breed standard or have minor imperfections. They are unlikely to become champions, but they are quite suitable for breeding the breed.

Pit class is the cheapest. Prices range from 12,000 to 18,000 rubles. If you do not plan to become a breeder or spend time and money preparing a dog for championship shows, but simply want to have a reliable friend and protector, the Pit Class American Staffordshire Terrier will be the right choice.

In any case, no matter which puppy you choose, the responsibility for his happy future lies entirely with you.

American Staffordshire Terrier - according to some sources, this is one of the most ferocious and bloodthirsty dogs, according to others - the most devoted, faithful and affectionate creature that is impossible not to love. Experts say that a dog of this breed can really be a threat to others, but only if it has a genetic defect of behavior or in the process of learning the owner provokes the dog to aggression. In any case, the inadequate behavior of the amstaff is solely a human error made when training or breeding these amazing animals. Of course, a puppy of this breed is better to have an experienced dog breeder who can properly raise his pet and make him the best of four-legged friends.

Amstaff is the result of crossing two breeds from Great Britain - a bulldog and a terrier, which were brought to the States in the 70th year of the 19th century. Initially, the dogs did not have a name, they were called differently - a pit dog, a Yankee terrier, etc. A little later, a pit bull terrier was assigned to them, but due to the fact that there was no single standard, the breed was not recognized on international level.

At that time, these strong and hardy dogs were used for fashionable bloody fun - dog fights. In the 30s of the 20th century, taking Pit Bull Terriers as a basis, breeders bred the Staffordshire Terrier, which was recognized by the American Club. Already at the time of breeding, cynologists set themselves the task of getting not warlike animals, but pets. In the 70s, the breed acquired the final name, and a little later, the international standard, allowing Amstaffs to participate in various prestigious exhibition events.

Description of the breed American Staffordshire Terrier

According to the standard description, the amstaff is a large, downed, strong dog, with well-developed muscles, not devoid of elegance, lively and actively interested in surrounding events. This is a very brave dog that is ready to protect its family members:

Dogs conforming to the standard are proportionately built, growth females vary from 44 to 46 cm, males - from 46 to 48 cm.

Colors of American Staffordshire Terriers

There are several colors of amstaffs, most often dogs with wool of the following colors are found:

Amstaff character

The modern representative of the breed is an excellent guard, but at the same time, such a pet makes a wonderful companion. But, thanks to international recognition, Amstaffs show themselves well at exhibition events.

They are brave, courageous, devoted to their owner, sociable and inquisitive. Amstaff is mobile, hardworking, a dog that can be brought into a family with small children, he is aware of his power, so he treats him very carefully.

Ever since the time of dog fighting, during the selection there was a rejection of dogs with an unstable psyche. First of all, this concerned dogs, which ceased to distinguish between humans and dogs. This made it possible to obtain balanced animals that are not inclined to attack people without reason. A certain natural malice is present among representatives of the breed, but it is directed at rival dogs entering the same ring with them.

In addition, in America, the breeding of amstaffs had a completely different focus - here they were used as farm assistants. Whether a dog will be aggressive depends on many factors - heredity, upbringing, the environment in which he lives.

Cynologists claim that the owner of this dog, who gives the command, is more dangerous for others than the dog himself. Indeed, because of devotion, he is not able to ignore the desires of the owner. Amstaff needs constant communication with his family, and he gets along well with other pets.

For proper instruction on commands, visit .

How to train a dog

According to popular belief, amstaffs are difficult to train and are not able to learn anything but the simplest program. But this is another common misconception - dogs of this breed are quite successful in learning, moreover, they do not lag behind service dogs - Rottweilers, Black Russian Terriers and others. And they love to work on the site!

To be productive, the owner needs to find a common language with his pet, be patient and not forget about consistency. It is very important for Amsaffs to receive the approval of the owner, so they will go out of their way to please. But the owner should not use rudeness or physical force if the dog does not succeed.

If the owner has no idea about the training of the American Staffordshire Terrier, then there is always the opportunity to seek advice from a specialist.

Pet care and health

The coat of dogs is quite short and does not require special care. It is enough to periodically comb out the pet with a stiff brush and bathe when it gets dirty. To add shine to wool, you can sometimes wipe it with a suede cloth.

Amstaff should be washed no more than once every 8-10 weeks, using a special detergent - or soap, you can use baby soap. After bathing, the dog's coat is wiped dry with a towel with a soft pile.

In winter, you can do without taking baths, it is enough to periodically sprinkle the dog with a plentiful layer of snow and clean it with a brush with stiff bristles. And then the coat is wiped dry. In summer, a pet can be allowed to swim in various, but always safe, water bodies.

Such procedures allow not only to clean the coat, but also harden the animal's body, strengthen the nervous system, immunity, respiratory organs and the joint and bone apparatus.

Owners are advised to inspect the skin for damage. If after washing your dog smells worse than before the procedure, it is possible that he has a chronic infection and needs to be examined by a veterinarian.

The dog's ears need to be cleaned as they get dirty, using a cotton pad soaked in boiled water or an antiseptic. Eyes deserve attention, which should be wiped with a cotton pad. If redness appears, then you can wash them with a decoction of chamomile or weak tea leaves.

Another delicate problem is the care of the anal glands, since if the procedure is ignored, then an excess of secretion in them can cause an inflammatory process. Cleaning can be carried out by both the veterinarian and the owner himself. To do it correctly, you should see how a specialist cleans the glands.

Amstaff needs regular physical activity, and this is important not only for good shape, but also for emotional mood. Walking your pet in common areas will allow him to learn how to properly communicate with strangers, both people and other dogs.

Breed diseases of the Amstaffs

Representatives of the breed can boast of excellent health, but they also have “weak points”. First of all, they, like other dogs, can become infected with serious illnesses, so it is important to vaccinate your pet from them in a timely manner. In addition, they have a very sensitive digestive system, so disorders often occur. It is important to take care of the proper nutrition of the dog.

The list includes the following health problems:

  • allergic manifestations;
  • inflammatory processes of the genitourinary system caused by viruses;
  • colitis;
  • eye diseases;
  • benign tumors.

Proper feeding of amstaff

The owners have two ways - to feed the dog with natural food or industrial food, but in any case, the food must be of high quality. In the first case, it will be required; in the second, one granule is enough.

It is important to follow the regime - the feeding process should take place at the same time, and everything that the pet has not eaten must be removed. But this does not apply to water - the dog should have a drink all the time, it is advisable to replace stale water with new one.

With natural feeding, the basis of the dog's diet should be raw meat. Such active dogs must receive a sufficient amount of animal protein. It is best to give lean beef, 2-3 times a week - boiled offal and fish. It is useful to periodically treat your pet with pieces of raw tripe.

The menu should include fermented milk products - cottage cheese, kefir, yogurt. You can add raw yolk or an egg in the form of an omelette to food, but not more than 1-2 times a week. Dog porridge is cooked from rice or buckwheat, with the addition of vegetable oil, chopped herbs, and meat.

You can not overfeed the dog, and this applies to both the puppy and the adult dog. If a pet earns obesity, then this will negatively affect his health and well-being.

Content Features

Future owners should be aware that such dogs are not suitable for living in a booth or aviary. And this is only partly due to their short coat. In order for the amstaff to feel at ease, he needs to be with his family and receive the necessary attention, otherwise the dog becomes overly distrustful and even aggressive.

If the owner is not able to provide the pet with long active walks, then periodically being in the aviary will help the pet throw out excess energy. When installing an aviary, it is worth remembering that the amstaff is a powerful and large dog, which means that the fence must be made reliable, with good penetration.

In the house, the dog should have its own place where it could rest in peace. For these purposes, you can use, or give old furniture, an armchair or a sofa for the needs of the pet.

Photo of American Staffordshire Terrier

Video about American Staffordshire Terrier

Where to buy a puppy and what to look for when choosing

There are several options for dogs and owners before purchasing a puppy should decide for what purpose the baby is bought. If the owner needs a dog for future participation in exhibitions, then you should pay special attention to the standard data of the dog, because even the slightest flaw can complicate the task.

If the puppy is to continue to participate in breeding breeding, then a good pedigree is of great importance here. In addition, animals with any defects are not allowed to participate in matings. In this case, it is not recommended to purchase a puppy from an original female, it is best to give preference to an adult, young dog that has already produced 1-2 litters of healthy offspring that meet standard requirements.

Amstaffs make excellent guards, so if a person is looking for a puppy that will do such a responsible job perfectly, then it is important that the baby's parents have a stable psyche. You should not think that it would be best to protect a dog with increased aggressiveness, since such a pet, if it is wrong to approach education, can become a threat not only to others, but also to the family members themselves.

It is advisable to take a puppy into the house for 1.5-2.5 months and engage in his upbringing on his own. This is especially important if the family has small children.

You can buy a puppy with a stable psyche, without genetic abnormalities, purebred and healthy, in a kennel or from a private breeder with a good reputation. At least here you can get certain guarantees, in addition, help in growing a representative of such a difficult breed.

You should not rush, and if possible, first visit various kennels and breeders offering puppies of this breed.

The best amstaff kennels

  1. Moscow ZVEZDA AMERLAND S-vo No. 9835
  2. Kyiv "Endless Shine"

The American Staffordshire Terrier is a fearless dog, ready to fulfill almost any task of the owner and even give his life. So who is to blame that its excellent qualities are misused?

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