The first eco is unsuccessful when the second is possible. Second eco, reasons for failure

modern medicine provides numerous ways to artificial insemination. However, in some cases, an unsuccessful eco occurs, after which you need to decide what to do next. With the help of an experienced doctor, you can understand what tips and actions will contribute to the onset of pregnancy in the future.

The reasons

Sometimes an unsuccessful protocol is noted even if all the actions were performed correctly, the advice was followed. This is due to physiological reasons. Most often, a lot of responsibility is required for artificial insemination and pregnancy. Only 30-50% are diagnosed with pregnancy.

Why the first eco attempt may be unsuccessful:

  1. poor quality embryos. For a successful procedure, high-quality embryos should be used, which have high rates divisions;
  2. pathology of the uterine tubes. The presence of fluid in the fallopian tubes always requires effective treatment;
  3. hereditary factor;
  4. the similarity of men and women in terms of HLA antigens;
  5. endocrine and hormonal problems;
  6. polycystic ovary syndrome, in which the eggs cannot be of high quality;
  7. a decrease in the follicular reserve, which occurs with ovarian exhaustion, inflammation;
  8. chronic diseases of the reproductive system, kidneys, liver, gastrointestinal tract, lungs and other organs and their systems;
  9. infectious diseases;
  10. influenza, SARS, trauma or exacerbations chronic diseases during IVF. In this case, the body fights the underlying diseases.

Pathological processes affecting the endometrium. The success of fertilization is guaranteed when the size of the endometrium is from 7 to 14 millimeters at the time of embryo transfer. Chronic endometritis leads not only to infertility, but also to.

Antibodies in women that make pregnancy difficult. In this regard, a woman should take tests after an unsuccessful IVF. It is recommended to conduct a survey at a comprehensive level, because often the problems are explained by genetic abnormalities.

It is important to note that the second eco after the first unsuccessful first event requires a more thorough approach and taking into account numerous nuances.

Repeat procedure

When can I re-eco after a flight? If the first artificial insemination was unsuccessful, and pregnancy did not occur, the second protocol should be approached in a special way. However, it is advisable to wait before repeating the event. certain time.

The duration of the preparatory activities depends on the situation, and necessary examinations, characteristics of the female body. Most often, the break is from 2 to 3 months. This period is required not only for re-preparation, conducting all diagnostic measures, but also recovery of the ovaries after stimulation. It should be understood that IVF always becomes severe stress for the female body.

A second attempt can only be made after menstruation has returned and any irregularities are in the past.

Regular menstruation is a mandatory aspect for, after an unsuccessful one. Otherwise, the risks of failure will outweigh the chances of success.

The doctor carefully evaluates the previous protocol in order to understand how after an unsuccessful first event. Most often normal ovulation passes in the first or second menstrual cycle s.

It is important not only physiological, but also psychological rehabilitation. The future mother should not be in a depressed and depressive mood. In this regard, a woman needs special support from loved ones and her spouse. Good mood guarantees fast recovery body and strengthening immune system.


Before repeating eco after failed attempt, interaction with an experienced physician and a clear understanding of the potential results of artificial insemination becomes mandatory.

The doctor draws increased attention on the following aspects:

  • quality of the endometrium and embryos;
  • the level of preparation of the female body for a potential pregnancy;
  • features of the response of the ovaries to their stimulation;
  • the presence or absence of the fact of fertilization;
  • physical parameters of the female endometrium at the time of its transfer;
  • the quality of embryos initially developed in the laboratory;
  • potential causes of non-pregnancy that can be taken into account and eliminated;
  • deviations in the development of the endometrium during fertilization;
  • the need for additional diagnostic measures before the second procedure;
  • the possibility of changing the protocol for repeated IVF, which consists in the specifics of ovarian stimulation and certain drug therapy;
  • optimal timing repeated procedure;
  • the need to use a donor cell.

After unsuccessful artificial insemination, additional interaction with the doctor becomes mandatory to determine the optimal further actions.

Often requires additional techniques treatment: drug therapy using antibiotics, laser therapy, physiotherapy, Spa treatment, homeopathy, herbal treatment, hirudotherapy. Body support is a guarantee of pregnancy, which can proceed successfully. The doctor's control and the analysis of an unsuccessful protocol make it possible to understand what results should be expected in the future, and how much the chances of a favorable outcome increase.

Further actions

To increase the chances of pregnancy after a second attempt, it is extremely important to take care of the successful preparation and consideration of additional factors.

What to do next after an unsuccessful eco? The first attempt allows you to get pregnant only in 30 - 50% of cases. For successful fertilization, many women try to change the clinic and find another doctor. You need to understand that cooperation with an experienced specialist is half the success. At the same time, unsuccessful embryo transfer can be associated not only with wrong actions doctor, but also with the specifics of the state of the female body.

How to prepare for eco after a failed attempt? Each patient should understand what is the best thing to do if IVF was not successful. Proper preparation increases the chances that if the first procedure fails, it will still lead to pregnancy.

To prepare for a repeat procedure, you need:

  • it becomes mandatory to pass complete examination with the surrender of all necessary analyzes. Such health monitoring reduces the risks associated with repeated failure;
  • it is recommended to return to personal life “at will”. During the break, adherence to the schedule is not mandatory;
  • recovery is essential. At the same time, the ovaries after an unsuccessful IV must restore optimal level its functionality;
  • getting out of depression is another mandatory task for a woman.

Before the next protocol is required to go to correct image life: light sports, doing gymnastics to improve the blood supply to the pelvic organs. Only this approach guarantees high level effectiveness of the upcoming event. You need to remember: overweight is a major barrier to IVF.

Only the right approach to health and emotional state increase the chances of pregnancy.

Research will make it possible to understand what is the reason for the failure and what the consequences may be after repeated IVF. After that, treatment becomes mandatory, which is necessary for the complete elimination of inflammatory processes and guaranteed conception with a further successful pregnancy. The treatment carried out often increases the chances of having a baby with the help of artificial insemination.

Many of the fair sex are interested in what to do next after 2 unsuccessful eco. Physicians note the absence negative impact on the female body of the IVF procedure. The required number of procedures is determined on an individual basis. Sometimes 8-9 procedures are required, but usually after 3 or 4 unsuccessful attempts, alternative options are offered, among which is the use of a donor egg or sperm.

Modern medicine is developing rapidly, so IVF is no longer the only possible way to get pregnant for couples who have difficulty conceiving and having a baby.

In most cases, the causes of in vitro fertilization failure can be eliminated, so pregnancy is still a possibility. Every woman has the right to experience the happiness of her mother, but this often requires effort.

To begin with, I really sympathize with the girls who have gone through unsuccessful protocols and in order to help them overcome these failures, I will try to systematize the procedures and tests that need to be carried out for the next, successful and pregnant IVF.
Aware means armed, so as not to tear your hair out of desperation, but to come to the doctor with a list of questions you need to know what to do next.

So: If you don't get pregnant after your first IVF attempt, of course you will be very upset and disappointed. However, remember that this is not the end of the journey - this is just the beginning! After an unsuccessful IVF cycle, you will meet with the doctor and analyze what conclusions can be drawn.

When analyzing an unsuccessful IVF attempt, the doctor pays special attention to the quality of the embryos and endometrium, as well as other important points:

  1. Was the body optimally prepared for pregnancy? Of course, the fact that certain common and gynecological diseases does not always affect the onset of pregnancy, but on the other hand, a decrease in the ability to conceive in many diseases cannot be ruled out. Therefore, it is necessary to prepare the body for conception and conduct IVF during the period without exacerbation of any chronic diseases.
  2. Was the ovarian response to stimulation good enough?
  3. Has fertilization occurred?
  4. Were the embryos received good quality did they develop normally in the laboratory?
  5. Was the thickness and structure of the endometrium optimal at the time of transfer?
  6. Were there any deviations in the development of the endometrium during the IVF program?
  7. Did the implantation, determined by a blood test for the hCG hormone, occur two weeks after the embryo transfer?
  8. Why pregnancy did not occur (although there is no answer to this question!).
  9. Is it necessary to carry out any additional examination before the next IVF attempt?
  10. Do I need any treatment before next cycle ECO?
  11. Can the same treatment regimen be repeated, or should it be modified before starting the next attempt?
  12. When can I start a second IVF cycle?

Even if you didn't get pregnant, the very fact that you went through IVF will allow you to move on with the knowledge that you did your best by using the latest technology that modern medicine has to offer.

Possible failure factors after IVF:

  1. autoimmune factors. In the presence of these factors, the woman's body has increased aggressiveness towards the fetus. Immune factors are divided into factors of cellular and humoral immunity:
    • To autoimmune humoral factors relate elevated levels antibodies to cardiolipin and other phospholipids, ?2-glycoprotein 1, native and denatured DNA, factors thyroid gland, to nerve growth factor, high numbers of B1-lymphocytes.
    • to autoimmune factors cellular immunity include increased numbers of cytotoxic cells (killer cells): CD8, CD56, CD16. Diagnosis of such factors of miscarriage is carried out special study blood - immunogram. When high numbers of killer cells are detected, an additional molecular genetic study is desirable: analysis for polymorphism of cytokine genes (study for a cytokine profile).
  2. Alloimmune factors are conditions when the cause of miscarriage is the similarity of tissue compatibility antigens in the husband and wife. To diagnose such factors of miscarriage, an examination for class II HLA genes (HLA-DRB1, DQA1 and DQB1 typing), as well as a mixed culture of lymphocytes, is carried out. In this case, both spouses donate blood.
  3. thrombophilic factors. The tendency to more active blood clotting in a woman (thrombophilia) is one of the important causes of recurrent miscarriage. To diagnose these factors of miscarriage, a number of studies are carried out: hemostasiogram, analysis for mutations in the hemostasis system, blood homocysteine, D-dimer, activated protein C, lupus anticoagulant.
  4. Hormonal disorders.
  5. Anatomical changes in the genital organs (anomalies in the development of the uterus, uterine fibroids, endometrial polyps, etc.).
  6. infectious factors.
  7. Chromosomal disorders. For diagnostics chromosomal disorders a study of the karyotype (chromosome set) of the spouses is carried out.
  • karyotyping,
  • HLA typing for a married couple,
  • blood test for antiphospholipid antibodies,
  • lupus anticoagulant,
  • serum blocking factor
  • antibodies to hCG
  • study of immune and interferon status.
  • Doppler study of the vascular bed of the genitals. The method allows you to painlessly, quickly, informatively determine if there is a lack of blood circulation in the uterus, and, accordingly, oxygen starvation in embryos.

In addition, hysteroscopy and separate diagnostic curettage are recommended to assess the condition of the uterine cavity and endometrium.

Pathology of the endometrium

In order for the implantation of the embryo to be successful, the size and structure of the endometrium is of great importance. In practice, it has been proven that a successful outcome in in vitro fertilization is most often observed if the size of the endometrium at the time of embryo transfer is from 7 to 14 mm. As a rule, the doctor pays attention to this in the first place.

If there is any doubt about this, it is best to focus on the treatment of endometrial pathologies when preparing for the next IVF protocol.
Endometrial diseases:

One of the main diseases of the endometrium - chronic endometritis - is usually detected using echography. The transvaginal sensor allows you to detect an increase in the uterine cavity (up to 3-7 mm), as well as the presence of fluid in it.

AT recent times there is a dependence of local immunity on the state of the endometrium. Thus, B-, NK- and T-cells, as well as macrophages, are contained in a healthy endometrium of non-pregnant women in a very a small amount. Chronic endometritis provokes a powerful activation of various local inflammatory reactions. And this factor should be taken into account when choosing a method of infertility treatment.

Inflammation of the endometrium is accompanied by an increase in the number of NK cells, T-lymphocytes, macrophages, an increase in leukocyte infiltration endometrium, as well as a powerful increase in IgM, IgA, IgG titers. Being activated, local immune responses prevent the normal implementation of the processes of invasion, placentation, development of the chorion. According to doctors who manage pregnancy, similar pathologies often lead to miscarriage.

With pathologies that affect the basal layer of the endometrium, scars can form on it. Restoration of the endometrium in this case is very rare, and the formation of significant synechia often causes infertility.

Presence of chronic viral and bacterial infection in patients mixed genesis, for a long time flowing without obvious symptoms, becomes the cause of the activation of the immune system and hemostasis, initiating an unsuccessful outcome of IVF - the death of the embryo and its rejection. Procedure
First of all, it is necessary to carefully examine, and then undergo appropriate treatment.
To get started, do diagnostic hysteroscopy, according to the results of which your doctor will choose the methods of treatment.
Hysteroscopy allows you to identify not only endometritis, but also diseases such as polyposis, adenomyosis, the presence of inflammatory process in cervical canal, as well as the existence of fibroids and septa.

Very often, along with hysteroscopy, doctors prefer to take an analysis for sowing, which helps to identify the causative agent of the inflammatory process. In this case, it would be most appropriate to assign antibacterial treatment. Do not forget to find out this question from your doctor, who will perform a hysteroscopy, as well as an endometrial biopsy.

Patients suffering from infertility, in whose anamnesis there are various surgical procedures, such as cleanings, abortions, childbirth, hysteroscopic examinations followed by diagnostic curettage, automatically fall into the so-called risk group. It is in such women who decide on IVF that they often have hidden symptoms inflammatory process, concentrated in the uterus.

Treatment methods in this case depend on many nuances, these can be:

  • laser and physiotherapy;
  • drug therapy (antibiotics);
  • alternative medicine (homeopathy, hirudotherapy, herbal treatment);
  • Spa treatment.

In some cases, another study of the uterus should be performed to assess the parameters of the biophysical profile of the uterus. Perhaps the reasons for the unsuccessful outcome with such a method of infertility treatment as in vitro fertilization lie precisely in this.

And lastly, dear girls, believe in yourself, believe in your lucky star!!!

*** The article does not replace a trip to your doctor, should not be considered as a medical recommendation

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Unfortunately, none of the ART methods is a 100% guarantee of pregnancy. According to statistics, the effectiveness of IVF ranges from 30 to 60%, depending on the age of the patient, the number and quality of the embryos obtained, as well as many other individual factors and the state of the body. However, do not despair if the initial attempt was unsuccessful. You have every chance to achieve the desired result in the repeated protocol, the main thing is to analyze the causes of failures and find the right approach.

Nowadays, the IVF procedure has become more accessible as a treatment method, more in demand and, to a certain extent, less dangerous, thanks to the accumulated knowledge and experience of reproductologists. More than 4 million children worldwide have already been born thanks to IVF and other types of ART. In parallel with this, the level of clinics providing these services is increasing, the range of programs and opportunities for conceiving a child in the most seemingly hopeless conditions is expanding.

Competent analysis of previous stimulation protocols, as well as subsequent stimulation of superovulation by an experienced reproductive specialist who regularly monitors general state patients and the response of the ovaries to stimulation - reduces the risks of complications to a minimum, and the effectiveness - to a maximum.

Reasons for failure in IVF:

1. One of the most common causes non-pregnancy after IVF is the quality of the embryos. It depends both directly on the quality of gametes (oocytes and spermatozoa), and on external factors, important of which are the level of equipment of the embryological laboratory, the qualifications and experience of embryologists, the quality of the media used. The patient's awareness of these parameters is important before deciding which clinic to conduct subsequent IVF attempts. The presence of its own genetic laboratory and full-time specialists - geneticists, urologists, andrologists, therapists, psychologists - is a big plus for the ART clinic, since only with a comprehensive and competent approach can the success of the procedure as a whole be ensured.

2. For successful implantation importance has the state of the endometrium at the time of embryo transfer. by the most frequently asked question The patient's pre-transfer question is "Has the endometrium grown well enough?" To date, there is no unequivocal answer - how large should the endometrium be before transfer. It must be understood that the thickness of the endometrium is not so important as its timely transformation, structure and receptive activity. There is a concept of the implantation window - these are the days of your own or prepared cycle, in which the implantation of the embryo is most likely. For each woman, this window is individual, and it is most promising to adhere to natural cycle. However, in its absence, the reproductologist will always "support" the endometrium with hormonal preparations, both in the first and in the second phase, and will also control the level of their own hormones, which will allow you to choose optimal time for embryo transfer. Independent and uncontrolled reception hormonal drugs can result not only in pregnancy failure, but also serious health problems.

Important before the IVF procedure is an exception infectious pathology endometrium - chronic endometritis. Chronic infections of viral and bacterial origin, which are often asymptomatic, activate immunological reactions and disrupt local vascular processes in the endometrium, preventing the implantation of embryos and contribute to early miscarriages. Experienced Specialists during pelvic ultrasound can detect indirect signs chronic endometritis. The hypothesis can only be confirmed histological examination endometrium, the material for which can be obtained using an outpatient pipel-bopsy or hysteroscopy. The choice of this or that method depends on the presence of additional suspicions of the pathology of the enometrium - polyps, endometrial hyperplasia, etc.

3. Pathological changes fallopian tubes - hydropyosalpinx (overstretched, filled with liquid contents the fallopian tubes) are sometimes the cause unsuccessful IVF. Stimulation of the ovaries can provoke their growth and an increase in the focus of infection, with all subsequent adverse effects. Tactics for removing similar pathological formations before the IVF procedure has proven itself successfully and is highly recommended, especially in preparation for repeated attempts.

4. genetic problems.

Karyotyping of spouses - the study of the chromosome set - one of the most important research, especially if the couple fails in IVF one after another. An abnormal cryotype (other than 46XX in women or 46XY in men) may be the cause of non-pregnancy. Carrying certain chromosomal mutations in parents can adversely affect the offspring, so if parents are aware of this pathology, preimplantation genetic diagnosis is recommended. The procedure for determining the quality and quantitative change in the chromosome set of the embryo allows you to increase the chances of pregnancy up to 65%, and reduce the risks of early losses. At the Next Generation clinic, pre-implantation diagnosis is carried out using the Array CGH method, which allows diagnosing all pairs of chromosomes in the embryo simultaneously.

5. Endocrinological problems

One of the factors for the unsuccessful outcome of IVF can be diseases endocrine system. Consult with an endocrinologist in advance and inform your reproductologist about existing problems.

6. Immunological disorders

Prolonged infertility, multiple failures in IVF may be due to a number of immunological disorders. One of the most important may be the relationship of spouses at the level of tissue compatibility antigens (the so-called HLA - human leucocyte antigen)

Normally - incompatibility of spouses for HLA antigens and the difference between the fetus and maternal organism is important point needed to maintain and carry a pregnancy. At normal development pregnancy, "blocking" antibodies to paternal antigens appear from the very early dates pregnancy and determine its normal course.

The similarity of spouses in terms of tissue compatibility antigens leads to the "identity" of the fetus to the mother's body, which causes insufficient antigenic stimulation of the woman's immune system, and the reactions necessary to maintain pregnancy are not triggered. The embryo is perceived as a foreign agent, which leads to the launch of an abortion.

7. Excess weight.

Overweight and obesity adversely affect all stages of the IVF procedure, the subsequent development and carrying of pregnancy. Dietitian and endocrinologist consultation overweight required before protocol planning. Often, weight loss even by 5-7 kg leads to dramatic changes in IVF outcomes.

8. Age.

The cause of unsuccessful IVF may be the age of the patient. In women over 40, the effectiveness of each subsequent attempt, unfortunately, drops sharply. The reason for this is age-related changes in the chromosomal apparatus of the egg. We strongly recommend that such patients undergo preimplantation chromosomal screening of embryos in the IVF cycle using the method of comparative genomic hydridization in order to detect and transfer only viable embryos into the uterine cavity. In the absence of such after the study, we are always ready to offer alternative programs using donor material.

Let us consider in detail the advantages of having a second IVF procedure in NGC in case of a negative result of the previous attempt.

  • Stimulation of superovulation. Be sure to bring your previous stimulation protocol with you. Experienced reproductologists of the clinic will analyze possible reasons failures and pick up the most suitable therapy. The pharmacy of our clinic is equipped with all necessary drugs according to the most affordable prices. The storage conditions of medicines are carefully monitored. The medical staff of the clinic will always advise and train you in the proper handling of injectables, since the timely and correct administration of medications causes adequate maturation of the follicles in the ovaries.
  • Puncture. Correctly chosen puncture date is the most important component of success. Receiving immature or degenerative eggs, unfortunately, leads to the impossibility of their fertilization and the disruption of the program. The lion's share of success depends on the discipline of the patient and the exact observance of the medical prescriptions of the attending physician. If an additional explanation of the appointments, time, dosage and other features of the protocol is required, it is always worth asking clarifying questions to the doctor or medical staff of the clinic. Do not be shy, an extra question is another step towards success!
  • Fertilization. Our embryologists carefully take care of each patient's egg. Savings on media for fertilization and cultivation of embryos is not our rule. To improve the effectiveness of ART programs, the board of doctors and embryologists of our clinic decided to use specialized media for all groups of patients, which are used all over the world to overcome infertility in patients of older reproductive age.
  • Cultivation of embryos. The cultivation of embryos in our clinic is carried out in multi-gas incubators, which is a significant advantage compared to using CO2 incubators. We are committed to 5 day embryo transfer. In addition, our doctors are unequivocal supporters of the transfer of only one embryo (SET-single embryo transfer).
  • Embryo transfer. The most important stage IVF procedures. The experience of the doctor is of no small importance in this manipulation, as well as the conditions in which the transfer is carried out. After embryo transfer, we recommend leading a habitual, active, more moderate lifestyle, avoiding pronounced physical and emotional stress. However, we are not adherents bed rest after embryo transfer, as well as over-administration medications(polypharmacy). All therapy after the transfer has its own justification, and is prescribed exclusively according to evidence-based medicine.

So, summing up this section, we recommend that our patients do not despair, but after analyzing the reason for the negative result, when trying IVF again, trust experienced reproductologists and believe in success, because a lot depends on your attitude and self-confidence!

When carrying out artificial insemination, it is not always possible to get pregnant the first time. If this fails, a second IVF attempt is made. will be successful, with a rigorous analysis of the previous failure, conducting an additional examination.

Reasons for a failed attempt

In spite of careful preparation to the procedure, no one gives a full guarantee for positive outcome. The first embryo transfer is rarely successful, but the chances of a second IVF attempt increase markedly. Re-fertilization does not harm the health of the patient and is absolutely safe.

Some parents-to-be are worried about having possible deviations in children born after replanting a frozen embryo. According to the results of the research, no pathologies were found in the development of the child. The percentage of children born with any disorders, using cryotransfer, is not higher than that of children conceived naturally.


After how much can you do a second eco? The timing of a new attempt at artificial insemination mainly depends on the recommendations of the attending physician and the desire of the woman. By agreeing these indicators, after a certain time, IVF can be done, usually it is 2-3 months. But considering individual characteristics organism, only the doctor will determine when you can make a second IVF attempt, after two months or after a longer time.

But, no specialist guarantees that the second IVF attempts will be successful. Therefore, it is important, after each failure, to correctly determine the causes that prevent the occurrence of pregnancy. But the inability to get pregnant for the first or second time is not a reason for despair. Many factors can be eliminated, and in half the cases a woman carries and gives birth to a healthy child.

Only in difficult situations, after three unsuccessful attempts, doctors suggest taking other options. For example, the use of donor embryos, sperm or eggs. Sometimes, only surrogate motherhood is possible. But do not face the decision to refuse to make another attempt at fertilization.

Modern medicine uses the latest techniques, and now, practically, every woman can become a mother. Everything should be considered new stage on the way to successful pregnancy. At next transfer, are minimized negative factors previous procedures.

Already behind the painful expectation of the result. It seems that all the tears have already been shed, but they are still flowing ...

“Well, why am I so unlucky! Look at others, everything works out, but for me ... " Sad eyes a husband who tries to be brave and console. It's hard...

Unfortunately, many of us have gone through this several times already.

It is impossible to get used to grief.

And when other than heartache begin to pester more and health problems, it becomes nauseous.

So, what is “bad luck” and how to deal with it.


Many people think that depression is a constant being in a bad mood, tearfulness, etc. Therefore, many do not consider their condition after an unsuccessful IVF to be depression. Rather, we say “apathy”, noting depression, lack of motivation (“I don’t want anything”, “feeling of emptiness”, “everything falls out of my hands”, “I come to the kitchen and don’t remember why”, “I don’t want to see anyone”, etc. .P.). Even after sleeping for 10 hours, you feel sleepy and overwhelmed. It starts to hurt here and there, but the doctors find nothing. All desire to have sex disappears - “Why? It still won't work!" So, all these are signs of hidden depression.

What to do?

Unfortunately, at this point, I don't want to do anything. I want everyone to be left alone. We don't believe in own forces, nor doctors. And time goes by...

The best advice is to contact good psychologist. But, as a rule, psychologists have a vague idea about IVF and cannot make contact. Even IVF clinic doctors complain about this, sometimes they invite psychologists to consult their patients. Until we created an office psychological support(and this is in our plans), we will deal with this problem with available means.

Here sample list what helps:

1. Speak out and cry.

2. Draw up a further plan of action.

For example,

a. try to find out the reason for the failure,

b. restore shattered health

c. think about changing doctors or clinics

d. plan your next try

e. go to rest, etc.

3. Go to gym and

do fitness, shaping, go to the pool, etc. Physical activity contributes to the production of endorphins - “hormones of happiness” (And we will lose weight at the same time!)

4. Go headlong into work.

(Obviously with a head! Otherwise, we can drag our mortal body to the office, and continue to scroll through eco-friendly thoughts in our heads)

5. Do something interesting, but requiring concentration.

6. Buy yourself good books.

8. Deal with other people's problems.

For example, go to relatives and find out that my grandmother's refrigerator is broken, and my mother has not been able to decide to go to the dentist for six months, cousin quarreled with a friend, and dad urgently needs to translate the article, but everyone is afraid to disturb you, because you have so many problems of your own. (I would not have survived the death of my babies if I thought only of myself.)

9. And don't forget that time heals.

(Tested on my already fairly shabby skin).

In addition to depression, there are several other psychological problems:

1. Blaming doctors for the failure, getting angry at them and, in the end, winding yourself up to finally lose heart (it happens often)

2. Blame yourself for everything, self-flagellate and bring yourself to nervous breakdown(happens often)

3. Blame your husband for everything, regularly quarrel from scratch and bring the situation in the family to a boiling point (happens less often)

How to deal with all this?

Tell yourself that neither the doctor nor you and your husband are the Lord God, that IVF is a chance, but not a panacea. Nothing can be changed in the past. But the future partly depends on us. The road will be mastered by the walking one. In such cases, stories about long-awaited pregnancy after many tries.

Health problems

Unfortunately, after an unsuccessful protocol, health problems often begin. Not all doctors invite you for an examination after a failure. Most often, they simply say: “Come back in a couple of months for a new protocol.” If your doctor did just that, then you will have to take the initiative into your own hands. Be sure to do an ultrasound of the uterus and ovaries and go to the mammologist. It is better to hear once again that everything is in order than to miss something serious. There have been cases of polycystic ovaries, cervical polyposis, neoplasms, etc.

Quite often, after stimulation, the menstrual cycle is disturbed. Those. the first menstruation comes 3-5 days after the support is canceled, but then the cycle starts to jump. It can take several months to recover, sometimes six months, sometimes a year.

What to do?

Let the body recover from hormone therapy, i.e. do not start to jam him with drugs. Leeches help someone, herbs help someone. Check out our recipe box

Pay attention to the B vitamins and vitamin E.

Quite often, problems with the stomach begin (gastritis, ulcers). On the one hand, not everyone responds well to drugs, on the other hand, stress exacerbates old sores and provokes the emergence of new ones. I’ll immediately share my experience - I cured an ulcer with a diet (banal oatmeal) and sea ​​buckthorn oil- no medication. The gastroenterologist could not believe his eyes - the ulcer healed completely and without a scar.

There may be problems with the veins in the legs. It's better not to start the situation. In the event of a long-awaited pregnancy, deterioration may occur. Creams help someone, special tights help someone, and sometimes you have to go to the surgeon ...

The kidneys begin to play pranks, swelling appears. The reason, as a rule, is the load on the kidneys due to taking drugs + exacerbation of old problems due to stress. My advice as an old kidney (not to say pepper?) is to be careful with diuretics. It is better to just drink lingonberry tea and cranberry juice. Do not severely limit fluid intake - this is a common misconception. It seems that if you drink less, there will be less swelling. And the body is smart. If he feels that he is “underdone”, he will begin to store liquid. In principle, swelling can go away on its own in a couple of months.

The most important thing is to keep loving and taking care of yourself. Our future children need healthy mothers!

Weight gain

Almost everyone who has made 2 or more attempts is faced with these. Gain from 2 to 15 kg. On the one hand, metabolism is disturbed due to hormonal imbalance, and on the other hand, we usually console ourselves with sweets.

In principle, you can not pay attention to this, because. a skinny cow is not yet a gazelle. But there is evidence that excess weight, as well as its lack, can lead to disruption of the cycle and interfere with conception. So why add trouble to yourself?

First, I propose to decide whether the weight gained is overweight. I bring the "fork" normal weight body according to the latest data from the Research Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences. Height in cm. Weight in kg

Most likely, everything is not so scary.

Personally, I "ate" 5 kg and did not even reach the upper limit of the norm. Sometimes your reflection in the mirror seems to be the fattest for absolutely no reason. But if excess weight after IVF still became a problem, then throwing it off may be more difficult than the usual “winter” fat.

What to do?

If you haven't hit the gym to fight depression yet, now is the time to start. If you (like me?) are an animal from the breed of sloths, then you will have to limit yourself in food.

When Maya Plisetskaya was asked how she manages to maintain such good figure, she replied: "You need to eat less." Rough, but honest. And how much is less?

The Research Institute of Nutrition recommends reducing the caloric content of the diet depending on the nature of the activity. Your current norm of kcal per day is your weight x 32.5 (when doing mental work, which includes the usual office work) or your weight x 35.5 (if you consider your work to be light physical). For the sake of interest, you can calculate your rate for moderate (x 41.5) and severe (x 48.5) physical labor. But it's definitely not about you.

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