Herbs for acne. What herbs help with acne when applied internally. According to the results of research scientists have made important conclusions

Pimples (acne) are indicative of human acne. Pathology is fraught with serious consequences and requires mandatory treatment. Remedial measures depend on the stage of the disease. On the face are determined by the number of abscesses. The first - up to 10, the second - up to 40, the third - over 40 units.

Causes of pathology of the first stage

The first phase of acne is often hormonal in nature. Pimples appear in adolescents of both sexes. The cause of the disease is an incorrect exchange of androgens (male sex androgens).

Cases of their sharp decrease and absence of comedones are rare. The disease manages patients without serious consequences. After the disappearance of abscesses, the face acquires its original purity.

In some cases, there is a delay in puberty in young people. Acne appears at 20-25 years of age.

The healing effect of herbs

Get rid of acne in just 2 months - POSSIBLE! In the last 10 years, hormonal preparations have become widespread, which also coped well with acne, but greatly undermined health and caused a number of side effects. So what to do in this, to put it mildly, difficult situation? Recently, natural preparations have become widespread, based on ...

At the initial stage of the pathology, the treatment is conservative. It is aimed at localizing the spread of acne and preventing deterioration of health. Pharmaceuticals are rarely used. The focus is on medicinal herbs. Medicines are applied externally.

The pharmacological action of plants in the first phase of acne pathology is aimed at solving the following problems:

  • normalization of the functions of the sebaceous glands;
  • suppression of inflammatory processes;
  • destruction of harmful microorganisms;
  • preventive cleaning, maintaining facial hygiene, preventing the penetration of dirt and bacteria into the patient's body through boils.

Herbs replace antibiotics and antiseptics. Side effects are minimized. Suitable for different types of skin. The fact that the treatment of dermatological diseases is a lengthy process is taken into account.

Therefore, it is preferable to use natural remedies, rather than drugs with numerous chemical components.

Forms of drugs

Facial cleansing is carried out by washing and rubbing. For these purposes, decoctions, tinctures, ointments, creams, plant juices diluted with water are used. Herbal masks give better results. Ready-made pharmacy products are used, as well as products that are independently prepared on the basis of traditional medicine recipes.

Increased attention is paid directly to acne, which. point treated with concentrated potent herbal infusions. Contact with the skin causes a painful reaction and redness, up to burns.

Medicinal products are preliminarily checked for the admissibility of application to a particular person. Contraindications are associated with individual intolerance to the components of the drugs by patients.

It is expressed in allergic reactions, redness on the skin, difficulty breathing and other symptoms. Testing is carried out by applying a small amount of a medicinal product to the affected area.

It is advisable for teenagers to reject cosmetics. Facial skin is sensitive to carcinogenic substances, mineral, chemical components. Allergic reactions are not excluded. It is predetermined by the degree of damage to the face by acne and the state of the sebaceous glands.

Features of treatment with herbs of the second stage of acne

The second stage is a complex type of pathology. The reasons for the increased number of acne, in addition to hormonal disruptions, are disturbances in the functioning of the sebaceous glands. Their activity increases under adverse working conditions, psychological trauma.

Kidney and liver diseases, diabetes mellitus, allergic manifestations, medications affect. In women, acne appears during pregnancy, during menstruation. The abuse of cosmetics containing alcohol, acetone, oils obtained from petroleum products has a negative effect. In 30-50 years, the second hormonal period occurs.

Treatment is complex. It is impossible to cure the disease with medicinal herbs alone. They are used in conjunction with antibiotic, antibacterial and other pharmaceutical preparations.

Used externally and internally. Skin application does not differ from the methods used in the treatment of the first stage of the disease. When ulcers appear on the face and body, patients take herbal baths.

When not to use herbs

The internal intake of the liquid form of herbs is associated with the characteristics of the impact on the body. Plants are safer than pharmaceutical drugs. However, if used incorrectly, herbs are harmful to the health of the patient.

  1. Chamomile is a strong antiseptic. But it relaxes smooth muscles. The plant is contraindicated for the treatment of acne in pregnant women who have problems with recurrent heavy bleeding. Causes iron deficiency anemia in some patients.
  2. has numerous beneficial properties. However, when taken internally, negative effects are common in people with low blood pressure, taking glycosides, suffering from cholelithiasis. Not recommended during pregnancy.
  3. Badyaga is a remedy for removing scars and scars at the final stage of acne treatment. With prolonged use provokes skin pathologies.

Improvement of patients' health is achieved effectively and quickly when using collections of 3-4 specially selected herbs. Plants complement each other, enhance the beneficial properties and eliminate possible side effects.

Difficulties in using herbs in the third degree of the disease

The third stage refers to severe diseases. The treatment is carried out with potent medicines or operations to open the skin. Herbal therapy will not bring positive results.

The risk of severe consequences in the form of scars, scars, other skin lesions, as well as the penetration of contaminants into the blood vessels with an increased risk of meningitis, stroke will increase.

But the importance of medicinal herbs increases in the postoperative period. Plants contribute to the restoration of the skin, the elimination of minor defects.

Ways to use herbs

Reviews of patients and dermatologists indicate that in the fight against acne in traditional and folk medicine, calendula, chamomile, badyaga and green tea bring the greatest benefit. Plants quickly cope with ulcers and return the skin to its original clean appearance. Scars and scars are not left

There are many recipes for using herbs. Based on the characteristics of each plant. The expressed medicinal qualities are taken into account.


Marigolds restore the normal functioning of the sebaceous glands. As a result, the main source of acne is eliminated. For external treatment of acne, calendula tincture is often used, which is freely sold in pharmacies.

Calendula tincture has an increased concentration and is a potent drug. Undiluted, used only for spot application on acne, For general facial cleansing

The plant itself is also used. It is preliminarily scalded with boiling water. Result: pores are narrowed, an analgesic effect is achieved. The preparations are applied to clean skin. It should not be damaged, open wounds.

Tincture of marigolds (salicylic acid) dermis is treated at night, but not more than 2 times a week. Decoctions for rubbing the face are used daily. Masks are often prepared in combination with chamomile. Apply to the face 2 times a week.

Internal diseases are not an obstacle to the cutaneous use of calendula.


Therefore, the treatment of acne by cleansing the body of toxins is an unproductive method. Nevertheless, the neglect of the internal intake of herbal preparations is unacceptable.

The main remedies are decoctions and teas. Most popular:

  • fees of calendula and chamomile;
  • a mixture of sage, nettle and birch buds;
  • a combination of chamomile and oatmeal;
  • chamomile on its own. But tea from this plant is not recommended to be consumed in increased volumes (2-3 cups per day);
  • nettle. It is used in many collections, as the plant cleanses the blood. With autonomous use, the course of treatment is 1 month. The infusion is required to drink three times a day, 100 ml. In fees, the duration of treatment procedures is reduced. In combination with sage and birch buds, the components are taken in equal proportions and boiled for 20 minutes. Calculation: 2 tablespoons per glass of water. A fresh decoction is prepared every day. Reception - 2 glasses a day.

The proportions are similar for mixtures of dandelion, dill (seeds) and licorice root, as well as burdock, elecampane and St. John's wort (or walnut).


When ingesting herbaceous plants, it should be remembered that each product contains components that, under a combination of negative circumstances, are detrimental to the patient's health. When using therapeutic agents, it is necessary to take a test for individual sensitivity of patients to them.

Allergic reactions are common. Alcohol tinctures require special handling. They are associated with the greatest number of negative side effects.

Acne can be treated using various pharmaceutical ointments and cosmetic creams. But if you are a fan of traditional medicine, then all kinds of herbs for acne on the face will also help solve this cosmetic problem. Moreover, you will get the greatest effect from treatment with herbal preparations and infusions by combining local treatment with taking a decoction inside. We will describe the most effective herbal medicine recipes for internal and external use.

Recipes for decoctions for oral administration

It is important to understand that although herbs themselves are considered quite effective in the treatment of various skin problems, therapy must be supplemented with proper nutrition, because diet errors can provoke this cosmetic problem. In case of rashes in pregnant women and adolescents, consultation of an endocrinologist will be required.

There are different herbs for acne, from which you can prepare masks, make infusions for rubbing the skin, but they will give a lasting effect only when conducting a complex treatment, so first we will give several recipes for herbal preparations for internal use.

Recipe 1. This remedy helps not only to remove inflammatory processes in the body, including on the face, but also to increase defenses. To prepare the medicine, you need to follow the recommendations:

  1. Birch buds, nettle and sage are mixed in equal proportions.
  2. Then 90 g of raw materials are placed in boiling water (500 ml).
  3. We insist the mixture under a closed lid for half an hour.
  4. Now we filter the infusion and squeeze it.
  5. We take the medicine twice a day for half a glass.

Recipe 2. This herbal collection will help cleanse the body, which will favorably affect the condition of the skin. It also has a bactericidal and disinfectant effect. To prepare, you need to do the following:

  • We grind the following herbs in a blender, taken in equal proportions: large burdock leaves, dandelion root, licorice, buckthorn bark and linden flowers.
  • Pour everything with cold water (500 ml) and put in a water bath for ½ hour.
  • Now the infusion is cooled and filtered.
  • We take 0.25 liters once a day.

Recipe 3. With this tool, you can get rid of purulent formations on the skin, carbuncles, boils and rashes of various origins. The medicine is prepared as follows:

  1. Grind burdock leaves until powdery.
  2. Pour 30 g of prepared raw materials with water (500 ml).
  3. We boil everything over low heat for a quarter of an hour.
  4. After cooling and straining, take 125 ml three times a day.

An excellent tool in the fight against skin problems is celandine. This herb has a complex effect on the body, completely relieving a person of acne and other local rashes.

Important: having received a good result, celandine-based products can be used as a preventive measure.

Herbal preparations for local use

Before you start fighting acne with any herbs, you need to do an allergy test. This is especially important if you are using the herb for treatment for the first time. To test, grind the plant and mix it with a little water. Apply this paste to the inner crook of your elbow and secure with a bandage. Leave the porridge overnight. Remove the bandage in the morning and evaluate the results. If there is no redness, irritation, burning, itching, or swelling, then the test is passed successfully, and the plant can be used for treatment.

Medications for oily skin

If you have oily skin, then for the face it is better to use herbs that have drying properties and slightly tighten pores. It is good if the remedy regulates the activity of the sebaceous glands. For treatment, it is recommended to prepare a collection of the following herbs:

  • 15 g St. John's wort;
  • 25 g of chamomile flowers;
  • 25 g of horsetail;
  • 25 g of calendula.

To prepare the mask, do the following:

  1. Grind all herbs to a powder.
  2. We take two full (with a slide) tablespoons of the prepared collection and pour boiling water (0.125 l).
  3. Cover with a lid and leave for a third of an hour.
  4. You should get a mushy mixture. If there is excess liquid, then the product can be folded onto gauze so that it is glass.
  5. We apply the mask on the face for half an hour.
  6. After that, we wash ourselves with warm water.

Attention! All products are applied only to cleansed facial skin.

Healing decoction for all skin

A good decoction for acne and blackheads is prepared on the basis of calendula inflorescences and chamomile flowers, taken in equal proportions. You can prepare a decoction according to the following recipe:

  1. It is necessary to take 60 g of raw materials and pour everything with a glass of water.
  2. We insist all this on a water bath for at least 1/6 hour.
  3. After the broth is filtered and squeezed.
  4. We soak gauze napkins with the prepared product and apply on the face.
  5. We hold the compress for half an hour. As the wipes dry, you can re-moisten them.

Herbal ice is also great for treating any type of skin. It not only fights rashes, but also tones and rejuvenates the skin well. To make ice you will need:

  • 30 g of birch buds;
  • 30 g of birch leaves;
  • 15 g of celandine;
  • 15 g of calendula.
  • All herbs are mixed and poured with water (500 ml).
  • We insist everything in a water bath for no more than a third of an hour.
  • Strain after cooling. If the volume of the resulting liquid is less than half a liter, then add a little boiled water.
  • After cooling, the infusion is poured into molds for ice.
  • Frozen cubes of herbal collection should be wiped on the face in the morning and evening.

One-component products

Walnut. From the leaves of this plant, a decoction is prepared for rubbing the face. To prepare it, take 200 g of walnut leaves and pour a liter of water. After that, soak everything in a water bath for half an hour. Let the product stand for 1/6 hour, then strain.

Yarrow. Flowers and the herb itself are suitable for the preparation of a medicinal product. From this plant, you can prepare decoctions, infusions and alcohol tinctures, which are good for pustular skin defects, as well as for ordinary acne. In addition, yarrow is widely used as part of multi-component collections. You can choose one of the recipes for preparing a medicine on yarrow:

  1. Tincture. You will need 30 g of grass. We fill everything with a glass of vodka or medical 70% alcohol (0.1 l). The agent is insisted in a room for about a week under a closed lid, after which it is filtered. The medicine is taken 30-50 drops before eating three times a day;
  2. Infusion. Pour 30 g of chopped grass with boiling water (0.25 l). After that, everything is heated in a water bath for 1/6 hour. Then everything should be infused for half an hour, then filter. This infusion is taken orally at 0.125 liters three times a day before meals;
  3. For topical application, you can take the juice of the plant and lubricate the rashes with it.

Celandine. Celandine helps with abundant acne rashes very well. Lotions are prepared from this herb. To do this, 120 g of raw materials are poured into 1.2 liters of boiling water and heated in a water bath for at least ten minutes. Then the broth should be infused for half an hour, after which it is filtered.

Dandelion. The juice of this plant (white milk) is used locally. They need to lubricate places with rashes. Good for acne helps alcohol lotion on dandelion. It is prepared in the same way as yarrow tincture, only used externally.

Pumpkin. For acne, you can wipe the skin with a piece of fresh pumpkin or prepare a mask. To do this, the pumpkin pulp must be mashed with a fork or chopped in a blender, and then applied to the face for 15 minutes.

Sage. You will need 1 large spoon of the plant. Raw materials must be placed in 0.15 liters of boiling water and insisted under the lid for a third of an hour. Now the infusion can be filtered. A cotton swab dipped in the infusion should be wiped over the skin twice a day.

Aloe. The effectiveness of aloe juice in the fight against various cosmetic problems has long been proven. To get medicinal juice, you need to cut a leaf of a plant and, wrapping it in a cloth, put it in the refrigerator for 10 days. Then the leaf is crushed, and juice can be squeezed out of it to wipe the areas affected by the rash.

Verbena officinalis. An infusion is prepared from this plant for internal use. 30 g of grass is poured with boiling water (0.25 l). The infusion should stand until cool. Now it can be filtered and taken 30 g three times a day. This plant has an anti-inflammatory, wound-healing, analgesic and restorative effect on the human body.

Birch buds. They are used to prepare a decoction, which is suitable for lotions, compresses and rubbing for acne. To do this, you will need a tablespoon of birch buds. They must be placed in boiling water (0.25 l). All this is required to boil over moderate heat for no more than a quarter of an hour and insist a third of an hour. Now the product can be filtered and used.

Calendula. You can prepare the next lotion. Pour 60 g of calendula flowers with alcohol (0.25 l) and add 4 tablespoons of cologne and 2 tablespoons of water. The remedy should be infused for 5 days. Then 3 ml of glycerol and 7 g of boric acid (5% alcohol solution) are added to it. Lotion wipe the skin of the face twice a day.

Also, from this medicinal plant, you can prepare an infusion for the care of problem skin. To do this, pour 30 g of raw materials with boiling water (0.25 l) and leave for a third of an hour. After straining, add a teaspoon of honey to the infusion. We soak a cotton swab with this lotion and apply it to places with rashes.

Acne on the face is a problem that can easily ruin your mood and even negatively affect your personal life. There can be many reasons for their appearance: these are hormonal imbalances, and digestive problems, and improperly selected cosmetics, as well as hereditary predisposition, etc. Unfortunately, it is not easy to find out why they appear, but I want to get rid of such a defect in appearance immediately. That is why you can try to cure acne with folk remedies that have a minimum of side effects.

Advantages of folk methods

The use of simple folk methods in the treatment of acne has some advantages over cosmetic and medical products:

  • As part of home medicines, there are no artificial colors and preservatives that are present in any factory products and whose influence can adversely affect the condition of the skin.
  • You choose the ingredients for your cosmetics yourself, so you can be sure of their quality and freshness.
  • The cost of folk treatment is much lower than professional. Most of the required components are available and inexpensive.

But you need to remember that the effectiveness of such treatment has not been proven, and if the situation worsens, only you will be to blame. When treated by professional doctors or cosmetologists, the risks are much lower.

Herbal remedies for acne

To combat acne, decoctions of herbs that have anti-inflammatory effects are usually used. Most often it is chamomile and calendula, birch leaves, celandine, mint, nettle, etc. are also used.

Chamomile decoction is an excellent remedy for acne

Chamomile contains many vitamins and valuable essential oils. A decoction of this herb helps to disinfect the skin, eliminate inflammation and get rid of edema.. Preparing it is very simple: for this you need to take 2-3 tbsp. l. raw materials and pour a glass of boiling water, and then insist until the liquid becomes the color of strong tea leaves. The finished decoction is applied to the skin of the face with a cotton pad. You can add a little alcohol to the finished product - this will increase its effectiveness.

Very popular among the people and a decoction of celandine. It is prepared similarly to the previous one, but care must be taken when using it, as this is a rather aggressive remedy that can cause irritation.

A decoction of celandine is an effective, but rather aggressive remedy.

According to the same recipe, you can prepare decoctions of green tea with mint, calendula, nettle and other herbs.. They can be combined, choosing the most suitable recipes for yourself. To increase the effectiveness of decoctions, in addition to alcohol, boric acid or aspirin can be added to them.

Folk lotion recipes (Video)

Lotions are usually more effective than simple decoctions, but they are also more difficult to prepare. They are made from both plant and chemical raw materials, often combining several different components.

To prepare a simple and effective acne lotion, you need a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar. It is diluted in a glass of cool boiled water and left for a couple of hours. With the finished product, you just need to wipe the skin of the face and any other parts of the body covered with acne.

Homemade cucumber lotion helps get rid of acne

Cucumber is a very popular base for making lotions.. Several small young fruits should be grated on a coarse grater and poured with vodka, mix well and you can start using. Store this remedy in the refrigerator and use it twice a day after washing. You can add a little lemon juice, camphor alcohol and egg yolk with honey to the lotion.

A very effective remedy is obtained from grapefruit juice.. It must be mixed with a tablespoon of fresh lemon juice and vodka, and then insisted for two days in a cold place. It is also used after washing.

If you mix 2 tbsp. l. cabbage brine with half a teaspoon of salt and a teaspoon of kefir and mix well, you get another acne lotion. Before using it, it is advised to wash with laundry soap, and after applying it, wait for the skin to dry completely and repeat the procedure.

A good lotion is obtained from spruce or pine needles.. 100 g of raw materials must be mixed with crushed chamomile and calendula flowers, as well as with plantain leaves (25 g in total). The herbal mixture should be poured with a bottle of vodka and put in a dark place for a week, and then you can start applying. The finished product must be poured into a dark glass vessel, it can be stored for a year.

Effective home masks

Face masks, even those made with the simplest and most inexpensive ingredients, can help eliminate acne and visibly improve skin condition.

Very good for the skin egg white. The mask from it helps to get rid of acne and enlarged pores, and also evens out skin color. To prepare it, you just need to take an egg, separate the protein and beat it until a white foam. The resulting mass should be applied to the face with clean hands and hold for about 15 minutes. After that, you can wash with warm water and apply your favorite cream.

Egg white is an excellent base for masks

It is very easy to prepare a face mask from baking soda. First you need to thoroughly wash your face. Then pour a little soda into the palm of your hand, moisten it with water and mix, and then apply it to the skin of the face. After twenty minutes, wash with warm water. Do not use this mask more than 2-3 times a week.

Some compositions of masks can cause allergic reactions, so you need to be aware of the possible hypersensitivity of your body and take this into account.

Very simple and effective and potato mask. To prepare it, you need to boil one medium-sized tuber in milk, after cutting it finely. Then everything must be ground to a state of homogeneous mass and after cooling, apply to the skin. After 15 minutes, this mask is washed off with warm water.

Honey mask not only cleanses, but also nourishes the skin

Honey mask not only helps to get rid of acne, but also enriches the skin with beneficial substances.. To prepare it, you will need 50 g of honey and the same amount of vegetable (preferably olive) oil, and also one egg yolk. All ingredients must be mixed and applied to the skin of the face, neck and décolleté. After twenty minutes, the composition is washed off with plain warm water.

An effective mask can be prepared from oatmeal. To do this, the porridge must be mixed with warm water and generously spread on the skin. After about 15-20 minutes, after pouring the mass, it must be washed off.

Acne treatment with plant and fruit juices

The juices of many plants and fruits familiar to all of us contain useful substances that help to significantly improve skin condition. For example, you can use cucumber. It is recommended to wipe the face with fresh juice from this vegetable, as well as make lotions from it. And if you use it for 3 tbsp. l. before eating, it will help get rid of acne and rejuvenate the body. It is very useful to lubricate acne with fig milky juice a couple of times a day. And on the affected areas of the skin, you can apply the juice of viburnum berries - it has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect.

Fruit and berry juice is a great alternative to expensive purchased products

You can use the juice of not only fruits, but also fresh plants: for example, stinging nettle, medicinal dandelion or odorous celery. They are not only applied to the skin, but also taken orally. It helps to purify the blood and get rid of acne. It is most effective to take them according to this scheme:

  • half a glass of nettle juice immediately after breakfast;
  • an hour later, half a glass of dandelion juice;
  • after another hour, half a glass of celery juice.

This procedure is carried out three times with a break of three days. It will be useful not only in the treatment of acne, but also in any chronic diseases. It is also often recommended to drink horseradish juice, but since it has a very pungent taste, it must be diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 1 and taken in a tablespoon once a day.

Steam baths for acne

Steam baths are an excellent solution for oily and rough skin, with acne, wen and blackheads.. With such problems, they can be carried out once a week. With dry skin, they are done once or twice a month, and with normal skin - once every two weeks. It is better to carry out the procedure in the evening before going to bed in a calm atmosphere.

Steam baths are contraindicated for too dry skin, as well as for bronchial asthma, dermatitis, eczema and psoriasis.

First you need to prepare everything you need: boil water, prepare dishes and a terry towel to cover your head. Boiling water is poured into a vessel, they bend over it and cover their heads with a towel. Such a steam bath is carried out for 5-10 minutes with oily skin, 3-5 minutes with dry skin, and 2-3 minutes with dry and irritable skin.

Steam baths help cleanse and rejuvenate the skin

After the steam bath, it is necessary to carefully remove all exposed skin imperfections with a cotton swab and wash with warm water. Then you can make a mask or wipe your face with a piece of ice.

For such baths, it is often recommended to use herbal infusions - for example, medicinal chamomile or mint. To carry out the procedure, a tablespoon of raw materials must be poured with hot water and boiled, and then added to a bowl for a steam bath. You can also use wormwood - it not only treats acne, but also rejuvenates and brightens the skin. If you add rosemary to the bath, you can also treat the respiratory system at the same time.

Acne remedies for oral use

Acne medications can not only be applied to the skin, but also taken internally. They are also used for prevention.

Many herbal infusions are more effective when taken orally.

Consider the most popular means:

  • Nettle infusion is prepared from two tablespoons of dry raw materials and 400 ml. boiling water. After insisting for two hours, it can be consumed 100 g 3 times a day before each meal.
  • A decoction of dandelion root is prepared by pouring a tablespoon of raw materials into a glass of hot water. Then everyone is boiled for 15 minutes on low heat, cooled for about 45 minutes, then sipped and drunk in a third or half a glass 3 times a day, about 15 minutes before meals. Such a medicine can be used not only for banal acne, but also for furunculosis and any skin rashes.
  • To prepare a decoction of burdock root, you need to bring half a liter of water to a boil, then take a tablespoon of ground dry raw materials and pour it in there, boil everything for 10 minutes. Then the broth is left at room temperature until cool and filtered. Take it in 100 ml. 4 times a day.
  • A little harder to find in pharmacies, spool herb, but it also makes a good remedy for acne. To prepare it, you need to pour 8.5 g of raw materials into 180 ml. boiling water, insist and consume during the day, dividing into several doses. Goldenseal can also be taken as a dry herb powder, 10 g twice a day, mixed with sugar.
  • To prepare the infusion of tricolor violet, pour two teaspoons of raw materials into 750 ml. boiling water and insist well. Then strain and take little by little throughout the day.
  • Very effective in the treatment of acne, as well as eczema wild rosemary. To prepare the infusion, you need to take a tablespoon of herbs and pour half a liter of boiling water. To make the product more effective, it can be left for 6-8 hours in a thermos. But you need to drink it carefully, with an eye on the state of your health and contraindications, since this plant is quite poisonous.

Pimples or acne are indispensable companions of problem skin. They arise due to disruption of the sebaceous glands of the skin and their inflammation. Acne mainly affects the skin of the face, back, chest, and shoulders. The treatment for this skin disease depends on the underlying cause. In therapy, medications, antibiotics, and hardware methods are used. A mild form of acne can be cured with the help of folk remedies, but always in combination with a healthy lifestyle, a balanced diet, as well as regular and proper skin care.

Folk remedies and homeopathy for the treatment of acne, despite the completely natural composition, can have side effects, allergic reactions, therefore, before using any traditional medicine, it is recommended to consult a doctor and also test the composition on a small area of ​​​​skin (usually on the elbow).

Treatment of acne folk remedies, recipes.
Aloe is an excellent anti-inflammatory and antiseptic. To dry inflammation and pimples, it is necessary to prepare the following composition: crush twenty tablets of streptocide, add juice from aloe leaves to the resulting powdery mass until a thick paste is obtained. At the end, add three to four drops of iodine to the mass. Apply the resulting composition pointwise to each affected area, it is better to do the procedure at night, and in the morning wash off the remnants of the composition with cool water using a cleanser for problem skin.

Aloe juice, if daily, twice a day, wipe the acne-affected areas of the skin with it, can eliminate acne and inflammation. To do this, fresh leaves of the plant must be cut, washed well, dried and put in the refrigerator for seven days, then squeeze the juice out of them and use as intended, or chop the chilled leaves (a couple of pieces) and pour them with 200 ml of boiled water cold. The composition must be left for an hour, then held on fire for a couple of minutes. Next, the mass must be filtered, cooled, and then applied to areas with acne. After fifteen minutes, the skin should be rinsed with cool water.

Acne masks.
Cosmetic clay, in particular blue clay, has been used for a long time to care for problem skin. Its regular use will not only remove existing acne and inflammation, but also prevent the appearance of new ones. This mask is recommended twice a week on a cleansed face. To prepare the mask, dilute a tablespoon of blue clay in powder with a teaspoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice, add the same amount of calendula tincture, and then add boiled water. The result should be a mass of consistency resembling thick sour cream. The mask is evenly distributed over the skin of the face, and after ten minutes it is washed off with boiled water at room temperature. This mask must be done at least three times a week.

A cucumber mask will also help to cure acne: chop one small fresh cucumber with a fine grater, pour 200 ml of boiling water over the resulting mass. Let the mixture brew for at least three hours, then strain and add a tablespoon of honey. The resulting mixture is necessary to lubricate the affected areas of the skin. After half an hour, rinse your face with cool water. The mask, in addition to the therapeutic effect, vitaminizes and tones the skin.

For the treatment of subcutaneous acne, oatmeal mask is ideal. Grind oatmeal with a coffee grinder or blender. Combine a tablespoon of the resulting flour with boiled water until a liquid mass (but not flowing) is formed. The mask should be applied to the face in a warm form, evenly distributed over the entire affected area and allowed to dry. After fifteen minutes, wash off the composition with cool water.

The usual protein mask perfectly narrows and cleanses the pores, preventing the formation of acne. To prepare it, beat the egg white into a strong foam and apply to the skin of the face. After twenty minutes, wash off the mask with cool water.

Green tea has a calming and healing effect. Wrap a couple of spoons of tea leaves of green tea in a warm form in a pre-prepared gauze napkin and apply to acne-affected areas of the skin. This mask must be kept for twenty minutes.

It also perfectly cleanses, dries up inflammation and removes acne on the face of a mask made from two teaspoons of oatmeal (ground oatmeal), beaten egg white. Apply the mass evenly on the face and allow to dry, then rinse with cool water.

Potato juice has a calming and anti-inflammatory effect. Wiping the affected area daily with it (several times a day) quickly eliminates the problem. Pumpkin juice can be used instead of potato juice.

To eliminate acne, it is recommended to do the following procedure every day: prepare a mixture of a teaspoon of honey and a tablespoon of potato juice (you can use onion juice). Apply the mixture with dotted strokes to problem areas, and rinse with warm water after twenty minutes. In case of inflammation of acne, the resulting composition should be applied to a gauze fabric folded in several layers (with slits for the eyes, nose and lips) and applied to the face, reinforced with a bandage. Remove the mask after twenty minutes.

Another effective folk method for treating acne is this mask: combine a tablespoon of honey in liquid form with two teaspoons of aloe juice, add three drops of iodine and hydrogen peroxide. The composition must be applied evenly to the affected skin areas, and after fifteen minutes, rinse with boiled water at room temperature.

Or such a recipe for folk medicine for acne: dissolve sugar and baking soda, taken in a teaspoon, in 200 ml of boiling water. In the resulting composition, moisten a cotton pad and carefully rub (without injuring) the skin areas affected by acne (it is advisable to carry out the procedure on steamed skin using steam baths). After that, you should wash your face with cool water, preferably with laundry soap. After this procedure, the treated skin must be lubricated with butter to eliminate its redness and irritation. After an hour, you need to wash again, but without the use of soap.

To get rid of acne once a week, it is recommended to carry out the following procedure: after steaming the skin with a steam bath, the affected areas should be rubbed with light massage movements with a cotton swab dipped in a mixture of white soap and baking soda for several minutes. Then rinse your face with cool water. During the rest of the days, it is recommended to wipe the skin daily with ice cubes from lemon juice.

Another effective recipe for traditional medicine against acne is the following: thoroughly washed and dried raspberry leaves should be doused with boiling water and squeezed juice out of them. The resulting juice should be combined with butter until a creamy consistency is obtained. This composition should be applied pointwise to problem areas and left overnight. In the morning wash with cool water.

Herbal infusions for the treatment of acne.
Medicinal herbs, due to their antiseptic, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and wound healing properties, help in the fight against acne. Combine a teaspoon of chamomile flowers, mint leaves and green tea. Brew the herbal mixture with 200 ml of boiling water and insist until it cools completely. The resulting infusion should be twice a day to wipe the skin affected by acne and acne. The resulting herbal infusion can be used within a few days, provided it is stored in the refrigerator.

Chamomile tea is also an excellent folk remedy for acne. A tablespoon of plant flowers brew 200 ml of boiling water, put on low heat and boil for five minutes. After this, the broth should be insisted until it cools completely, then strain. Use as a daily wiping of problem areas of the skin (morning and evening).

An excellent remedy for this problem is an infusion of elecampane. Brew a tablespoon of herbs with 200 ml of boiling water and insist until completely cooled. In the resulting infusion, moisten a cotton pad and apply it to the affected skin for half an hour. The procedure is carried out once a day. At the end of it, the skin should be lubricated with a moisturizer. This procedure contributes to the appearance of skin peeling, but this will pass quickly.

If daily several times to wipe the skin with acne freshly squeezed juice of plantain or parsley, or a mixture of parsley juice and a few drops of lemon juice, the problem will quickly disappear.

Strawberry tincture helps to improve the condition of the skin when it is affected by acne. To prepare it, you need to pour a glass of ripe berries into 200 g of vodka, carefully close and insist in a dark and cool place for a month. Then the tincture should be filtered and used as a skin rub in the morning and evening. Strawberries can be replaced with raspberries.

Infusion of calendula perfectly helps to get rid of subcutaneous acne and acne. To prepare it, you need to brew a tablespoon of calendula flowers with 0.5 liters of boiling water, insist for half an hour in a dark place. After that, the mixture should be filtered and applied directly to the affected areas of the skin. Moisten a cotton pad and apply lotions to problem areas, or wipe them.

Brew two tablespoons of celandine herb with half a liter of boiling water and insist until it cools completely. Then the infusion should be filtered several times through gauze. With its help, it is recommended to make lotions on problem areas twice a day. This procedure perfectly relieves inflammation, cleanses and heals acne-damaged skin.

Take part of St. John's wort and pour five parts of alcohol (40%). Mixture insist for three days in a dark place. Tincture to wipe acne and acne rashes twice a day.

A tablespoon of sage herb pour 200 ml of boiling water, put in a water bath. After five minutes, remove the mixture and let it brew for forty minutes. Strain the infusion and mix with half a teaspoon of liquid honey. In the infusion, moisten a cotton pad and apply lotions to the affected areas of the skin at least three times a day.

Tincture of white lily petals perfectly treats pustular diseases and acne. To prepare the tincture, put the petals of a white lily into a bottle and pour vodka. The mixture should be infused for at least two weeks, after which the tincture should be filtered and wiped over the skin of the face.

Acne lotions.
A tablespoon of mint leaves brew 100 ml of boiling water and insist for fifteen minutes. Then strain the infusion and mix with a tablespoon of boric alcohol, the same amount of calendula tincture and a teaspoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice. Wipe the skin with acne in the morning and evening with the resulting mixture.

Birch buds and leaves are excellent folk remedies for acne and pimples. Take two tablespoons of birch leaves and pour 200 ml of boiling water over them, put on low heat for five minutes, then let the broth brew for half an hour. With the resulting lotion, wipe the skin areas affected by inflamed acne several times a day. Walnut leaves can be used instead of leaves and buds.

Compresses from a decoction of birch buds perfectly eliminate acne. To prepare them, you need to brew a tablespoon of birch buds with 200 ml of boiling water, put on fire and cook for twenty minutes. After that, insist until completely cooled and strain. From the decoction, make compresses and lotions on the affected areas twice a day.

If you wipe pimples with Corvalol several times a day (pointwise), this will help get rid of this problem.

Grind with a fine grater one lemon and an orange along with the peel, add 100 ml of water and put in a dark place for a week to infuse. After the specified time, the mixture must be squeezed out and mixed with a teaspoon of glycerin and a tablespoon of water. Apply the product daily with point movements directly on acne.

Combine camphor alcohol, calendula tincture and boiled water in equal proportions. Wipe problem skin with this lotion twice a day.

For oily and problematic skin, green tea and lemon juice lotion is perfect. Mix them in the same ratio and wipe the skin with the resulting composition twice a day.

In the treatment of acne, acne on the face and back, this lotion will help: pour two tablespoons of calendula flowers with 50 ml of 40% alcohol and add 1/5 cup of water. The resulting mixture should be infused in a warm and dark place for several days. Then, 5 g of a five percent solution of boric acid in alcohol must be added to the mixture. Mix everything well and let stand, then strain. Add 4 ml of glycerin to the prepared mixture. Store the mixture in a tightly closed vial in a cool and dark place. Apply directly to pimples three to four times a day. This lotion perfectly cleanses, soothes irritated skin, relieves inflammation and soreness of acne, healing scars.

Mix a teaspoon each of turmeric and sandalwood powder. Pour the mixture with water so that it is not very thick, but not a liquid mass, which must be applied to the affected areas and kept for fifteen minutes. After the specified time, wash off the mask with warm water. The procedure is carried out daily, at night.

One of the most popular questions asked by dermatologists is what herbs are available for acne. Since ancient times, people have used various methods to combat acne. And medicinal plants in this list rightfully occupy the first place, displacing other antibiotics in the list of remedies. Nature has generously endowed them with life-giving forces, which, in combination with traditional treatment, do an excellent job with the task.

Where to Get Herbs for Acne Treatment

There are two ways: buy at a pharmacy kiosk and prepare yourself. In the second case, it is necessary to understand the varieties, to know their differences, the time for collection. It is important to properly dry and store. Plucked leaves and inflorescences are laid out in a dry, dark, well-ventilated place. Then they are placed in cardboard boxes or linen bags.

A variety on the shelves of pharmacies will satisfy any request. In addition to dry mixes, the assortment includes alcohol tinctures, lotions and ointments with the addition of herbal extract. The annotations describe the dosage and methods of preparation.

Herbs used externally to fight acne

Acne herbs have drying, antibacterial, decongestant, whitening properties. With their help, you can also comedones. As a result, the complexion improves, inflammation is removed, epithelial tissue is restored, sweating is normalized.

Most popular:
- aloe juice;
- calendula flowers;
- chamomile;
- St. John's wort;
- sage;
- birch buds;
- celandine.

To obtain an alcohol tincture at home, the raw material is poured with vodka (1:10), infused for a week, applied with a cotton pad to the affected areas. Water decoctions are suitable for sensitive skin prone to peeling. After steaming and cooling, you can freeze the solution and wipe the problem areas with the resulting cubes. Or, after wetting the cloth, apply a compress to the inflamed areas.

The use of medicinal herbs for acne orally

The greatest result can be achieved if you take herbal preparations inside.
1. A tablespoon of walnut leaves, burdock root, and elecampane mixed in equal proportions is placed in a glass of hot water. Boil. Drink 0.5 cup twice a day.

2. Pour two tablespoons of a mixture of sloe roots, nettle leaves and dandelion into a thermos, pour boiling water (2 cups), sweat for several hours, drink during the day. Treatment is for a week. A milk diet is shown at this time, eggs, fish, meat products, and alcohol are excluded from the diet. The drink cleanses the blood, removes toxins, improves immunity.

Not everyone goes to certain fees, therefore it is undesirable to experiment with your health. Before using any means, consultation with a specialist is the norm.

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