Essential tangerine oil for problem skin. What are the benefits of mandarin essential oil? Uses of mandarin essential oil

good health and a spectacular appearance are earned by daily work, but there is a way to make the process of working on yourself more enjoyable and speed up the achievement of the desired result - through the competent use of essential oils. Mandarin and its fresh citrus scent need no introduction, but this fruit is not only worthy of attention due to its strong association with the winter holidays: mandarin essential oil is also an effective cosmetic and therapeutic agent.

Mandarin oil - history and properties

The homeland of the tangerine tree (Citrus nobilis or Citrus reticulata) is considered to be southern China, India and the Philippines. Cultivation of this type of citrus began more than 3 thousand years ago in China, and then in Japan: their juicy fruits were eaten, and the seeds were taken orally to improve digestion. AT early XIX century, the tangerine tree traveled from Indochina to Europe on the ship of the Portuguese colonialists and gradually gained general popularity. Today, these evergreen trees with fragrant white flowers and bright orange fruits grow on every continent except Antarctica.

The fragrant peel of tangerines contains 1-2% of valuable essential oil

A characteristic feature of this plant is the high content of essential oil in fruit peel, which is extracted by cold pressing. Consistency finished product- liquid, flowing; color - from yellow to yellow-orange. Depending on the harvest season, there are:

  • spring harvest oil - with a sweet and sour, "green" aroma;
  • autumn collection oil - with a bright, fresh, typically fruity aroma.

Essential oil (tangerine petitgrain) is also obtained from the leaves and shoots of the tangerine tree, but with slightly different properties.

Chemical composition and benefits

Mandarin oil is a mixture of biologically active volatile substances (limonene, pinene, linalol, terpinene, myrcene, cymene, thymol) with a wide therapeutic spectrum actions:

  • accelerates metabolism, enhances blood circulation and lymph flow;
  • improves skin elasticity, reduces the visibility of stretch marks and cellulite;
  • lowers blood pressure;
  • normalizes digestion, stimulates the liver, relieves spasms and nausea;
  • improves complexion and whitens skin, lightens freckles and dark spots;
  • exhibits antibacterial and antifungal properties;
  • improves the condition of the oily problematic skin;
  • accelerates the resorption of post-acne and scars;
  • improves sleep, soothes, relieves migraine pain;
  • one of best oils- antidepressants;
  • suitable for children;
  • with the permission of a doctor, it can be used during pregnancy (starting from the 2nd trimester) and breastfeeding.

How to choose and store mandarin oil

When buying essential oil, it is recommended to give preference to the product in a dark bottle; The packaging should indicate the species name of the plant on the Latin and country of origin. Like other citrus esters, tangerine oil oxidizes quickly, so it should be stored in a dark, cool place, preferably in the refrigerator.

Sometimes you can find such names for the essential oil as "Red Mandarin" and "Green Mandarin" - this means the harvest season, but the type of plant is the same.

Precautions and contraindications

Mandarin oil is one of the safest essential oils with low toxicity, however, follow these simple rules:

  • avoid use in the first 3 months of pregnancy;
  • not recommended for children under 6 months of age:
  • tangerine oil is moderately phototoxic, so avoid applying before sun exposure;
  • can cause allergies, therefore a tolerance test is required: apply a few drops of mandarin oil diluted with base oil to inside forearms - if irritation, itching or swelling of the skin occurs, do not use tangerine oil;
  • do not apply undiluted to the skin and mucous membranes.

Application methods

There are many options for using tangerine oil:

  • an aroma lamp with mandarin oil (3–5 drops per room of 15–20 m 2) will help relieve stress, anxiety and tension both during the working day and in the evening after it;
  • moisturizing and cleansing the air of microbes (drop into 1 teaspoon Epsom salt or ethyl alcohol 15 drops of tangerine oil, stir in 60 ml of distilled water, pour into a spray bottle, shake) recommended during the heating season and during epidemics;
  • bath with tangerine oil (dissolve 5-10 drops in 1 tablespoon of base oil, honey or cream, add the mixture to the bath) strengthens sleep, relieves depression (including seasonal and postpartum), stimulates metabolism, relieves swelling, improves skin color, causes a pleasant feeling of freshness;
  • massage with mandarin oil (3-5 drops per 2 tablespoons of almond, peach or apricot oil) has a pronounced calming effect, therefore it is recommended for children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder;
  • adding tangerine oil to a natural base cream without fragrances (1 drop per 1 ml) just before use will refresh the complexion and increase the elasticity of any skin type. Do not use before sun exposure.

Aromatherapy with mandarin oil

In terms of its effect on emotional condition mandarin oil can be described as harmonizing, antidepressant, anti-anxiety, clarifying consciousness and relieving dark thoughts. This oil is especially recommended for those who suffer from winter depression and emotional exhaustion. Most right time for the use of tangerine oil - the second half of the day, however, this product can be used at any time of the day, including mixed with other essential oils that enhance its aromatherapeutic properties:

  • 3 drops tangerine, 1 drop nutmeg- creates a feeling of warmth and comfort, recommended in the autumn-winter period;
  • 1 drop of rose, 1 drop of vetiver, 1 drop of lavender, 2 drops of mandarin - relieves anxiety and stress, helps to relax after a hard day;
  • 3 drops of tangerine, 2 drops of sandalwood - relieves irritability and irascibility, smoothes mood swings;
  • 3 drops of lavender, 2 drops of tangerine, 1 drop of Roman chamomile - helps to fall asleep with a deep and refreshing sleep, relieves headaches;
  • 2 drops lavender, 2 drops chamomile, 2 drops tangerine, 1 drop vetiver, 1 drop ylang-ylang - soothes hyperactive children with emotional instability;
  • 4 drops pine, 2 drops lavender, 2 drops sandalwood, 1 drop frankincense, 1 drop tangerine and 1 drop nutmeg New Year in a bottle."

Mandarin oil is also combined in any proportion with oils of ginger, cinnamon, bergamot, cloves, grapefruit, neroli. Such mixtures can be used in an aroma lamp, as well as added to the base oil for massage and bath.

The use of mandarin oil in medicine

The use of mandarin oil in medicine is due to its antiseptic and antispasmodic properties.

Table: how to use mandarin oil for various diseases

Indications for useMode of applicationResult
Inflammation and bleeding of the gums, stomatitis, gingivitis of bacterial or fungal origin1 tablespoon liquid coconut oil add 1 drop each of mandarin, lavender and clove essential oils; rinse the mouth with the resulting composition every time after brushing your teeth for 10-15 minutes. Apply directly to sores and bleeding areas in the mouth gauze swab dipped in a mixture of 10 drops of rosehip oil, 10 drops of wheat germ oil and 5 drops tangerine oils; keep for 10-15 minutesIt has an antiseptic effect, relieves inflammation, heals wounds and sores on the oral mucosa
Viral infections accompanied by a debilitating cough, malaise and loss of energyMix 2 drops of mandarin oil, 2 drops of thyme oil, 1 drop of cardamom oil, add the resulting mixture to a container with hot water; breathe ethereal vapors for 10 minutesStimulates the immune system and detoxifies the body, has an antiseptic effect, helps to cope with the infection faster
Muscle and joint painMix 2 drops of cinnamon oil, 2 drops of clove oil, 6 drops of tangerine oil with 4 teaspoons of base oil; use the resulting composition for massageIncreases blood circulation, reduces pain and inflammation, creates a pleasant feeling of warmth
Gastrointestinal intestinal disorders, spasms smooth muscle, constipationAdd to 4 teaspoons of base oil 2 drops of lemongrass oil, 3 drops of tangerine oil, 3 drops of peppermint oil; use the resulting mixture to massage the abdomen: in the supine position, make circular movements clockwiseRelieves spasms and pain, restores normal intestinal motility
NauseaAdd to a container of hot water (or on a handkerchief) 2 drops of cinnamon oil, 2 drops of coriander oil, 4 drops of tangerine oil; breathe ethereal vapors until the condition improvesRelaxes the muscles abdominal cavity relieves nausea, stimulates digestion and release of toxins from the body
Fungal diseases of the skin and nailsDilute 2 drops of mandarin oil in 1 teaspoon of coconut oil, apply the resulting mixture to the affected areas 2 times a day. Under the condition of normal tolerance, the ratio of essential oil to base oil can be increased up to 1:4. The course of treatment - at least 10 daysEliminates fungal infection relieves itching and inflammation, restores damaged epithelium

Mandarin oil in cosmetology

Mandarin oil - effective remedy for face and body skin care, hair and nails, as well as for solving specific cosmetic problems.

For hair strengthening and growth

Add to 1 teaspoon of castor or olive oil 2 drops of mandarin oil and 1 drop of rosemary oil, rub the mixture with massage movements into the hair roots; wash your hair after an hour.

The result of weekly masks with tangerine oil for 2 months

Moisturizer for face and body

To prepare a universal care product, take:

  • 4 drops of mandarin oil;
  • 4 drops of lavender oil;
  • 4 drops of frankincense oil;
  • 2 tablespoons base oil ( grape seed, jojoba - for oily skin; almond, peach pit - for normal and combined; olive, avocado - for dry).

Mix all ingredients in a glass bottle, store in a dark, cool place. Shake before use. Apply the product to wet skin massage movements. This mixture maintains the hydro-lipid balance of the skin, improves elasticity, brightens age spots and prevents the appearance of wrinkles.

The result of the whitening effect of mandarin oil on the skin (one week later)

Anti-inflammatory cream for oily skin

This cream moisturizes oily skin, removes inflammation and refreshes the complexion. Required Ingredients:

  • 20 ml of jojoba oil;
  • 2 drops of mandarin oil;
  • 2 drops of geranium oil.

Mix all the ingredients and put the mixture into a clean glass jar. Store in a dark cool place for no more than 2 months.

Whitening mask

This mask brightens the skin color, whitens freckles and age spots, and also moisturizes and tones the skin. To prepare, mix the following ingredients:

  • 2 tablespoons of aloe juice;
  • 2 tablespoons of honey;
  • 4 drops of mandarin oil;
  • 5 drops of cucumber seed oil;
  • 1 drop of cedar oil.

Apply the mixture on the face, neck and décolleté for 15-20 minutes, then wash off the mask with cool water.

Natural remedy for stretch marks

One of undesirable consequences an increase in the volume of the abdomen and chest during pregnancy is the appearance of stretch marks on the skin. To prevent the development of this cosmetic defect, it is recommended to apply a natural remedy with tangerine oil twice a day to the skin of the abdomen, thighs and chest. If stretch marks have already appeared on the skin, regular use of this mixture will help to gradually get rid of them. The composition of this tool:

  • 2 tablespoons of almond oil;
  • 1 tablespoon of wheat germ oil;
  • 10 drops of borage oil (borage);
  • 5 drops of carrot seed oil;
  • 5 drops of tangerine oil;
  • 6 drops of lavender oil;
  • 7 drops of rose oil.

Mix all ingredients and shake; store the mixture in a dark, cool place for no more than 2 months.

If you prefer thick creamy textures, you can prepare an anti-stretch mark recipe with this recipe:

  • 2 tablespoons of cocoa butter;
  • 4 drops of jasmine oil;
  • 12 drops of mandarin oil.

Melt cocoa butter in a water bath and add essential oils; put the mixture into a glass jar. Apply the product 2 times a day on the skin of the abdomen and chest.

Talk to your doctor before using essential oils during pregnancy.

Massage mixture against cellulite

Tangerine oil improves blood circulation, stimulates collagen synthesis and improves skin elasticity, thus being one of the most effective anti-cellulite products. Add 5 drops of mandarin oil to 1 tablespoon of almond oil and massage with the mixture. problem areas from bottom to top 2 times a day.

A nourishing citrus hand, nail & cuticle cream

This rich natural cream makes hands soft, strengthens nails, whitens age spots, reduces wrinkles and gives cuticles a well-groomed look. Cream composition:

  • 4 teaspoons of almond oil;
  • 2 teaspoons of cocoa butter;
  • 1 teaspoon beeswax;
  • 5 drops of mandarin oil;
  • 5 drops of lemon oil;
  • 5 drops of chamomile oil.

Melt the wax and cocoa butter in a water bath, then add almond oil, stir; when the mixture is completely cool, add the essential oils. The cream should be stored in a ceramic or glass jar in a cool place.

The resulting volume is quite enough for the entire winter season.

This recipe has been tested several times by the author of the article. The cream prepared according to the indicated recipe turns out to be slightly watery, even when stored in the refrigerator. You can choose the desired cream consistency by changing the proportions of the components: if you increase the cocoa butter content relative to almond butter, the cream will be thicker, and vice versa. But it should be remembered that the final consistency of the cream acquires only after complete cooling.

Refreshing mint-tangerine foot bath

  • 300 grams sea ​​salt;
  • 25 drops of peppermint oil;
  • 20 drops of mandarin oil;
  • 5 drops of bergamot oil.

Mix all ingredients in glass jar, shake several times and leave for 5-6 hours so that the oils are evenly distributed throughout the volume. For a medium-sized bowl, you will need 3-5 tablespoons of the mixture.

Video: how to make winter tangerine lip balm

The use of mandarin oil in everyday life

With all the rich assortment of cleaning powders and gels, natural products do not lose their relevance, as they are not only pleasant to use, but also safe for health. To prepare a natural pine-citrus cleansing spray, fill the 500 ml spray bottle according to the following list:

  • 1 teaspoon of drinking soda;
  • 1 teaspoon castile soap;
  • 10 drops of lemon oil;
  • 10 drops of pine oil;
  • 5 drops of mandarin oil.

Top up with purified or distilled water and shake several times. Such a tool gently removes all types of household dirt from washable surfaces in the kitchen and bathroom, windows, mirrors, wooden furniture; disinfects, leaves a pleasant fresh aroma and is safe for human and animal health, as it does not contain aggressive chemical components.

Video: how to make a citrus air freshener

Fragrant and sweet tangerines, which we associate primarily with new year holidays belong to the most popular citrus fruits worldwide. These amazing juicy fruits, which seem to have absorbed the sun, got their name in honor of Chinese tangerines, to whom they were traditionally presented as a gift.

Actually, the origin of tangerines from China remains unconfirmed, but the most ancient sources that have come down to us about magical properties of this citrus plant belong to this particular country. The properties of the fruits of an evergreen tree with fragrant flowering and dark shiny leaves to cheer up and heal diseases have been known since ancient times, as well as the unique talents of aromatic oil, which can be obtained from its crusts. Today, tangerine peel essential oil remains one of the most actively used additives not only in cosmetology and medicine, but also in the culinary industry.


Spectacular, light and joyful essential oil is obtained as a result of cold pressing of peels of ripe fruits of the tangerine tree. Outwardly, it is fluid, transparent, with a clear shade of radiant yellow or orange color.

It is believed that the main advantage of the oil is its aroma, which is liked by absolutely everyone, regardless of age and gender. Sweet, rich, perceived as a complex from the first breath, it conquers with a combination of bitter tones with floral and fruity bases. The smell of tangerine oil is deeper and velvety than other members of the citrus group, so it is often used as a shading additive.

In addition to mandarin essential oil, on sale you can find essential oil from the zest of unripe fruits, which has a milder effect (green mandarin).

Oil can only be stored in completely sealed packaging and for no more than two years.

Tangerine oil goes well with, bigardium, aromatic oils and.

Impact on the emotional sphere

Mandarin oil brings peace and tranquility, as in internal state as well as in relations with the outside world. Its aroma drives away gloomy and pessimistic thoughts, relieves, relieves anxiety and irritation, a feeling of dullness and routine.

Increasing the productivity of the intellect, its aroma shows intelligence, activity and originality. Tangerine oil promotes positive attitudes, helps to find joy and revives hope.

This is one of the best oils for working with psycho-emotional states. during pregnancy, andin children and the elderly.

As a light aphrodisiac, tangerine oil promotes the development of fantasy, builds mutual understanding, and causes playful moods.

Medicinal properties

Among healing properties essential oil from the peels of the fruits of the tangerine tree most actively use the ability to stimulate and tone up digestion, improve the functioning of the liver and stomach, and soothe intestinal disorders. Tangerine oil has a general cleansing effect, stimulates appetite and promotes recovery from illness.

Thanks to high content provitamins, it qualitatively improves the state of immunity and increases defensive forces organism. Due to its optimistic effect, it relieves, acting not on the symptoms, but on the sources stress disorders, reduces nervousness and relieves manifestations of menstrual syndrome. The optimizing effect of tangerine aroma oil also manifests itself in the effect on the circulatory system.

In addition, this aromatic oil effectively copes with inflammation and bleeding of the gums. Due to its mild effect, tangerine oil can be used to treat childhood diseases and even during pregnancy (several centuries ago, it was tangerine oil that was considered the best remedy for the treatment of hiccups, belching and eating disorders in newborns in France).

Mandarin oil is an ether widely used in home cosmetology and traditional medicine. The product has a rich composition and has an impressive list of useful properties. However, it should never be used blindly. The fact is that misuse this oil can be harmful to health. That is why, before the independent practice of using tangerine ether, you need to familiarize yourself with the features of this product.

Mandarin oil is a product obtained by steam treatment of the peel of the fruit of the same name. The second stage of its preparation is cold pressing, which preserves beneficial features fruit.

Tangerine ester has good fluidity and an orange color. The oil has a pleasant citrus aroma. It is stored in a dry place protected from light. An open concentrate is recommended to be used within two months. closed product can be stored up to two years.

In ancient times tangerine peel used in medical purposes. This practice was especially popular in the East. Removed with citrus peel inflammatory processes and recover from illnesses.

Mandarin essential oil pairs especially well with oils made from the following:

  • Marjoram. It has analgesic, antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory properties. It also has an antifungal and antiseptic effect, due to which it quickly heals wounds and other damage to the epidermis.
  • Coriander. The strongest bactericidal ether. When using it, almost any damage to the epidermis heals quickly. The ether also warms and anesthetizes the areas treated by it.
  • Lemon. Helps to normalize work sebaceous glands, fights pigment spots, softens rough epidermis and restores skin tone. The oil from this citrus has other beneficial properties that allow it to be used for nail care, with colds and so on.
  • Petitgrain. Enhances tissue regeneration processes, improves blood flow, removes toxins from cells, fights against premature aging skin.
  • Palmarosa. Promotes removal pain during menstruation, helps with colds genitourinary system. It has antiviral and bactericidal effects.
  • Lime. Tones and refreshes the epidermis, normalizes the production of sebum and smoothes fine wrinkles. Soothes the skin and effectively heals minor damage.
  • Rose. It has a tonic effect on the skin, due to which it actively fights against its sagging. Besides, rose oil is a vasodilator, diuretic and choleretic actions, which allows it to actively remove accumulated toxins from the body.

There are other oils that combine with mandarin ester. But the previously mentioned are the most popular in traditional medicine and home cosmetology.

Chemical composition of the product

Mandarin oil contains the following active ingredients:

  • hydrocarbon limolene;
  • terpenic aldehydes;
  • methyl anthranilate;
  • thymol.

Thanks to these substances, tangerine ether is widely used not only in cosmetology and medicine, but also for the production of food products. In addition, the tool is used in pharmacology and perfumery.

Useful properties of ether

Mandarin concentrate affects the human body as follows:

  • Effectively fights diseases caused by viruses.
  • Promotes quick recovery after severe illness.
  • Struggling with depressive states relieves anxiety. The oil has a relaxing effect on the body, normalizes sleep and calms the nerves.
  • Eliminates spasms. The latter can cause convulsions, coughing and vomiting. Mandarin oil helps relieve muscle tension internal organs digestive and respiratory systems. Interestingly, just a few drops are enough to eliminate the unwanted condition.
  • Serves as an antiseptic. Tangerine ether forms a thin protective film on wounds and other damage to the epidermis, thanks to which microbes simply cannot penetrate into places where the integrity of the skin is broken. The fact is that platelets and leukocytes accumulate in oil-treated areas, due to which the antiviral barrier becomes more reliable.
  • Accelerates blood and lymph flow. Tangerine oil improves microcirculation at the cellular level, due to which the constant treatment of the skin with the product increases its elasticity. Increasing blood flow is also helpful in relieving the symptoms of arthritis and rheumatism.
  • Improves regeneration processes. Mandarin ether helps to stimulate the growth of new cells and tissues, so that wounds heal faster, and scars, scars and stretch marks gradually dissolve.
  • Purifies the blood. Oil helps to remove toxins from the cells of our body. Due to this property, the regular use of tangerine ether is an excellent prevention of diseases (acne, gout, etc.) caused by impurities accumulated in the tissues.
  • Improves digestion. The aroma of the product speeds up metabolism, stimulates the outflow of bile and other digestive juices. Mandarin oil also prevents ulcers, increases appetite and fights diarrhea, constipation and flatulence.
  • Normalizes the work of the liver. Mandarin ether contributes to the normal production of bile and the protection of organs from infections.
  • Tones the whole body. Mandarin oil improves immunity and contributes to the normalization of all systems: digestive, cardiovascular, excretory, respiratory and endocrine.
  • Rejuvenates the skin. Regular external use of tangerine ether helps to smooth wrinkles and prevent sagging of the epidermis.

Thanks to its rich composition, mandarin oil is ideal for improving appearance human health and restoration of health. Of course, traditional medicine and home cosmetology suppose different methods product use.

The use of mandarin oil in home cosmetology

In the field of cosmetology, tangerine ether is used for hair and face care (it is a component of masks), nails and body.

Hair care

Tangerine ether has a powerful antibacterial effect, thanks to which it contributes to deep cleansing of the scalp and serves as a prevention of dandruff. The product moisturizes curls and enhances their growth. In addition, mandarin oil prevents hair loss.

Most often, when caring for hair using mandarin oil, masks are used. The most effective of them are prepared as follows:

  • Mask for strengthening hair follicles and giving strands a luxurious shine. Combine 3 drops of sandalwood oil, 2 tbsp. avocado pulp and castor oil, 6 drops of mandarin ether. Apply the resulting mixture to the root zone of the hair. Complete light massage heads. Tuck your hair under a plastic cap. After an hour, wash off the product with water at room temperature.
  • Mask for split ends. Combine two 2 drops of ylang-ylang, bay and coconut oils, add 1 drop of orange ether and 6 drops of mandarin oil to the mixture. Apply the resulting composition to the root zone of the hair. Spread the rest of the product over the strands. Put on a cellophane hat. After 1-2 hours, wash off the composition with shampoo.
  • Mask for the prevention of dandruff. Mix 1 tsp. lemon juice, 3 drops of bay oil, 6 drops of tangerine ether, 2 drops of castor or burdock oil, 2–3 tbsp. low-fat classic yogurt. Apply the resulting product to the root zone of the hair (be sure to step back 1 cm). Remove the curls under a plastic cap and keep the mask for an hour.

Face masks

There are many recipes for face masks with the addition of tangerine ester. The most effective of them are prepared as follows:

  • Mask for oily skin. 1 tbsp clay white color dilute with water so that the finished mass has the consistency of thick yogurt. Add 4 drops of mandarin ether, 1 tbsp. to the mixture. sour cream, 1 tsp lemon juice, 2 drops of rosemary ether. Apply the mask to cleansed face. After the product dries, remove it with damp cotton pads. At the end of the procedure, it is recommended to wipe the face with an ordinary tonic. The tool helps to narrow the pores and relieves the epidermis of accumulated impurities.
  • Mask for nourishing and toning the skin. Mix 1 tbsp. pomegranate juice, 1.5 tbsp. crushed oatmeal(you can take ready-made flour or scroll it yourself in a coffee grinder), 5 drops of tangerine oil, 2 drops of lime ether, 1 tsp. cream, 1 drop of rose ether. Lightly beat the resulting mass with a fork / whisk. The product should be kept on the skin for about half an hour, and then washed off with plain water at room temperature.
  • Wrinkle mask. Mix 5 drops of tangerine oil, 2 drops of lavender essential oil, 1 tsp. peach oil, 1/2 tsp olive oil, 2 tbsp. oatmeal flakes. Apply the product to clean skin. After 20 minutes, wash your face and wipe it with an ice cube. The mask helps to saturate the cells of the epidermis with vitamins.
  • Mask for problem skin. Mix 2 tbsp. cottage cheese, 1 tbsp. natural classic yogurt, 4 drops of mandarin oil, 2 drops of rose and lime esters. Puree with a blender or mash 3 strawberries with a fork, then add them to the mixture. The tool can be applied not only on the face, but also on the neck. The exposure time of the mask is half an hour. The procedure helps to relieve inflammation and deeply moisturize the skin.
  • Skin cleansing mask. Combine 6 drops of mandarin ether, 1 tbsp. wet coffee grounds, 1 drop each of lavender and chamomile esters, 1/2 tsp. sea ​​salt, 1/2 tsp peach or coconut oil. Apply the mixture on your face. After a third of an hour, wash off the mask.
  • Mask for the care of dry and aging skin. Prepare pumpkin puree (you can bake the vegetable in the oven or boil in the usual way). After cooling, puree the product with a fork or in a blender. Combine 3 drops of tangerine ether, 2 tsp. heavy cream, 1 tbsp. pumpkin puree. Apply the composition to the skin. Wash off with warm water after 30 minutes.
  • Skin rejuvenation mask. Mix 10 g cornmeal, 20 g fat sour cream, 8-9 drops liquid vitamin E (sold in capsules at any pharmacy), 7 drops of tangerine ether. Apply the product to the skin. Wash off after 15 minutes.

Masks for hair and face are recommended to be done in courses, which, as a rule, include 10 sessions. The frequency of the procedure is 1 time per week. At the end of the course, it is recommended to interrupt for a month, and then you can resume sessions.

Products for nails and hands

Regular use of tangerine ether in nail care evens out the color of the plates and helps to strengthen them. The tool will also help eliminate minor damage to the epidermis and soften the cuticle.

There are several ways to use tangerine oil for nail care:

  • Aromavanna. During the procedure, the skin of the hands is smoothed and softened. The optimum water temperature should reach 35-40 o C. To prepare the bath, you will need 1 tsp. coarse salt, a little heavy cream, in which you must first dissolve 3 drops of tangerine ether. The fact is that otherwise the concentrate will simply remain floating on the surface of the water. It is recommended to do baths 1-2 times in 7 days. The duration of the session is one third of an hour.
  • Compresses. There are two types of this procedure: hot and cold. The latter is more suitable for the care of irritated skin, and the former for dry and damaged skin. It is necessary to mix any base (almond, olive or other) oil with tangerine ester in a ratio of 5:1. If it is a hot compress, you need to preheat the resulting mass in a water bath. Cotton wool or a napkin should be moistened in an oil mixture and applied to the skin. When performing a cold compress, a damp, cool cloth should be placed on top. 15 minutes for the procedure will be enough. It is recommended to do compresses once a week. Course - 10 procedures. Then you should stop for 14 days and, if desired, you can resume the sessions.
  • Masks. Before the procedure, steam the skin of the hands in an aroma bath or under a stream hot water. Then rub the mask into the epidermis for five minutes, making a light finger massage. The procedure is recommended to be performed 1-2 times a week for permanent basis. Most effective recipes masks for hands and nails with mandarin oil are:

Body care

Mandarin oil tightens, moisturizes and evens out the skin of the body. The product is famous for its anti-cellulite properties and, with regular use, contributes to the complete elimination of a cosmetic defect (tubercles and depressions). There are several ways to use tangerine essential oil for body skin care:

  • Scrub. The product removes dead cells from the surface of the epidermis, enhances blood microcirculation in the affected area and improves tissue regeneration processes. To prepare the product you will need: 1 tbsp. peach oil, 3 drops of tangerine ester, 1 tsp. wet coffee grounds, 1 tsp. coarse salt. Scrub must be rubbed into the areas affected by cellulite for 5 minutes. Then the composition should be washed off, and the skin should be moistened with lotion or cream. The tool is designed to soften the epidermis and fight cellulite. It is recommended to use a scrub with mandarin oil once a week (without interruptions). Alternative recipe: 2 tbsp. natural liquid honey, 2 tbsp. olive oil, 5 tbsp. coarse salt, 1 tsp lemon juice, 1 tbsp. lemon zest (you can grate the peel), 5 drops of tangerine ether.
  • Bath. To prepare the product you will need: 2 drops of esters of mandarin, fir and lavender, dissolved in 10 ml of liquid cream. Pour the resulting mixture into a bath filled with water at 35–40 ° C and pour a handful of coarse sea salt. The procedure helps to soften the epidermis and strengthen the immune system. In addition, a bath citrus oil uplifting and is an excellent prevention of the occurrence of "orange" peel. Sessions can be held 1-2 times a week. Course - 20 procedures. Then you need to take a break for a month and, if you wish, start taking baths again.
  • Massage. To two tablespoons of base (coconut, almond, olive or peach) oil, add 5-6 drops of tangerine ester. The resulting mixture is used to perform manual massage. The procedure improves blood circulation in the affected area, helping to even out the skin relief. Massage is performed in courses of 15-20 procedures. The frequency of sessions is 1-2 times a week. At the end of the course, it is necessary to let the skin rest for a month, and then, if desired, resume the procedures.
  • Wrap. It is considered one of the most effective anti-cellulite procedures, since during the session there is Greenhouse effect through the use of cling film. In addition, wrapping with mandarin oil perfectly relieves stress, tightens the skin and prevents the formation of stretch marks. There are several effective recipes preparation of the composition for the procedure:

The use of tangerine ether in traditional medicine

Mandarin oil has many beneficial properties for the body, due to which it is often used in traditional medicine. The product is used for the following purposes:

  • Fight insomnia. Add a few drops of mandarin ether to the aroma lamp and place the device in the bedroom. This must be done half an hour before bedtime.
  • Strengthening the immune system. Combine a few drops of tangerine ether with 1 tsp. liquid honey. Eat a sweet treat once a day in the evening. Especially relevant is the use of this remedy during periods of beriberi (autumn, spring).
  • Treatment of angina and runny nose. Pour 3-5 drops of tangerine ether into a liter of hot water. Tilt your head over the liquid, cover yourself with a large towel on top. Breathe in fragrant vapors for 8-10 minutes. You need to do this 2 times a day until complete recovery.
  • Improved digestion. Prepare an infusion of chamomile: dry flowers (50 g) pour a liter of boiling water. After half an hour, add a few drops of tangerine ether to the infusion. Drink the resulting tea in small sips. Repeat 1-2 times a week.
  • The fight against colic in children. 1 tsp combine almond oil with a drop of mandarin ether. Massage the baby's stomach with the resulting mixture. in a circular motion(necessarily clockwise).
  • Elimination of headache. Mix 2 drops each of geranium and mandarin esters, add one drop of bergamot and orange oils to them. essential mixture pour into almond oil (1 tbsp). With the resulting composition, rub the whiskey with a headache.
  • Struggling with muscle and joint pain can be done using the following methods:
  • Fight stress. There are several ways to get rid of this problem:

Contraindications and precautions

The only contraindication to the use of tangerine ether is individual intolerance. It is rare, but just in case, it is recommended to do a test for allergic reaction before using the product. Just put some ether on your wrist and wait a day. If after the set time there is no irritation, feel free to use the remedy.

Also, when using tangerine oil, some rules should be considered:

  • Do not use the product right before taking sunbathing or a visit to the solarium. The fact is that the oil is phototoxic, that is, it produces harmful substances when interacting with ultraviolet rays. The use of the product before going outside on a sunny day threatens to cause burns and redness.
  • You should consult your doctor before taking ether internally. Each organism is individual. Tangerine oil is a powerful remedy. Its use in the presence of certain pathologies and diseases can adversely affect health.

These juicy and fragrant fruits are associated with the New Year and Christmas. Perhaps the tangerine is the most famous and popular citrus fruit in the world.

The mandarin tree is relatively low. Often thorny and prickly. The evergreen tree has thin twigs and broad lanceolate leaves. Their color is rich green, with a glossy finish.

The flowers are white, either solitary or in great abundance. The fruits are round, flattened, small diameter. The color is rich orange, sometimes turning into red-orange when ripe.

Mandarin is a delicate plant, easily damaged by cold. It grows mainly in countries with a tropical and subtropical climate.

Oily liquid of saturated yellow-orange color. At the same time sweet and tangy aroma that surprises with its softness.

The radiant, warm fragrance has a calming effect. Removes quickly Negative consequences daily stress, promotes deep, restful sleep. Supports feelings of contentment and well-being.

Essential oil extracted by cold pressing fresh peels - this allows you to save all the beneficial properties. Contains alpha thujone, alpha pinene, beta pinene, camphene, citral, citronellal, gamma terpinolene, geranial, geraniol, limonene, linalool, methyl anthranilate, myrcene, nerol, sabinene and terpineol.

Mandarin essential oil has special properties that are valued in medicine, perfume and food industries, and cosmetology. The list of its magical qualities is quite impressive, it is not for nothing that it is actively used in Ayurveda and many health practices.

Tangerine oil, like all citrus fruits, contains limonene. It is the main constituent that is essentially a powerful antioxidant that protects the body from cancer, heart disease due to arteries and other damage caused by free radicals.

The properties of tangerine oil are used to treat some states:

  • Insomnia.
  • Relieves stress and tension.
  • Increases blood and lymph circulation on the surface of the skin.
  • Reduces fluid retention.
  • Helps reduce the visibility of stretch marks after pregnancy.
  • It is used externally to treat microbial and fungal infections.
  • It has a beneficial effect on restless children and people.

Mandarin essential oil has found its application due to its properties.

Relieves spasms.

Tension in the muscles of the internal organs or spasm in the respiratory system makes a person suffer. A debilitating cough and shortness of breath exhausts a person, and convulsions can be very painful.

Spasms in digestive system cause vomiting, pain in the stomach and intestines. Voltage in nervous system leads to nervous breakdown. Mandarin oil successfully corrects such conditions, without any side effects. Just a few drops and the spasm will be defeated.

Antiseptic use.

Mandarin oil protects against bacterial and viral infections damage to the skin. A thin protective coating on the wound promotes the accumulation of platelets and leukocytes in the affected area, thereby creating a barrier to the penetration of microbes.

In addition, the ether has bactericidal and fungicidal properties that kill them and thus enhance the protective effect.

Improves blood circulation.

The use of tangerine ether significantly improves blood and lymph circulation, in particular, under the skin, which looks rejuvenated, becomes elastic and toned.

Increasing the speed of blood circulation creates warmth, gives relief from rheumatism and arthritis. It also helps growth and boosts immunity.

Promotes regeneration.

The oil stimulates the growth of new skin cells and tissues, and helps speed up the healing of wounds and other injuries. Just this property of tangerine oil is used for acne scars and scars. This activation of cell growth promotes proper growth organism.


The use of oil cleanses the blood, helping to quickly remove toxic and unwanted substances from the body through excretion in the urine, including feces and sweat.

This greatly reduces and prevents diseases resulting from the deposition of toxins such as abscesses, boils, acne, gout and arthritis.


Tangerine oil is popular for digestive problems. The rich, pungent citrus aroma promotes better digestion and stimulates the flow of bile and other digestive juices.

Such properties of mandarin oil are good in fighting infections of the stomach, protect it and the intestines from ulcers, support optimal level of hydrochloric acid and increases appetite. Eliminates diarrhea, constipation, flatulence.

Helps the liver.

Tangerine oil is good for the liver as it helps maintain proper bile production and protects it from infections. It also strengthens the liver itself and optimizes its functions.


Another name for tangerine oil is “happy”. Of all the citrus esters, it is the most soothing. If you need to calm the child and normalize his sleep, use mandarin oil in the bedroom.

Although the oil has a common sedative effect, such an action is more noticeable with sadness, grief and anxiety. They can calm epileptic attacks, hysteria and convulsions. It also relieves stress and anxiety.


Mandarin oil tones, improves general state health and improves immune system function.

Being a tonic, it helps the body grow and regulates body functions and everything. organic systems functioning in it, including respiratory, digestive, cardiovascular, blood circulation, excretory, nervous and endocrine system. Strengthens immune system organism.

Mandarin oil and its use in cosmetology is so multifaceted that every woman should have it on her cherished shelf.

Attention! Avoid direct sunlight for at least 12 hours after local application. Mandarin oil is phototoxic.

Ether has unique abilities to prevent the development skin infections and diseases. It is used for acne, oily skin, age spots, scars and wrinkles.

The regenerative ability of the oil is used when stretch marks occur. Regular massage of the abdomen will help not only to get closer to the child, but also prevent stretch marks on the skin.

Stretch Mark Recipe:

  • 1 drop tangerine
  • 1 drop neroli
  • 1 drop of frankincense
  • 10 ml peach oil

Cellulite Mandarin Oil used in almost all massage mixtures. Vigorous rubbing of the skin and special substances make blood and lymph circulate faster, which means that the effect will be noticeable after a few sessions.

Mandarin body oil can truly work wonders. Renewed epidermis, smooth surface texture makes you feel more confident and attractive.

  • Add 1 drop of tangerine to a handkerchief or 2 drops of oil to a diffuser. Inhalation of sweet vapors increases appetite, and supports the metabolic process.
  • Adding 2-3 drops of tangerine to warm water bathing can help in getting rid of gas, flatulence, nausea and indigestion.
  • Gently massaging the abdomen with 2 drops of this oil mixed with 10 drops of wheat germ oil can help treat ulcers, gastritis, esophageal spasm, intestinal infections, colitis, dyspepsia, bloating, flatulence, hiccups and indigestion.
  • Add 2 drops of tangerine to the water before bathing. This will help relax tense muscles, ease the flow mental disorder, epilepsy, convulsions and nervous ailments.
  • You can also add 3 drops of mandarin essential oil to your diffuser, burner, or vaporizer to treat anxiety, worry, fear, fatigue, irritability, stress, tantrums, and other negative emotions.
  • Adding 2 drops of tangerine to water steam baths helps in removing skin irregularities, blemishes, blackheads, pimples and scars. Enhances the natural beauty and radiance of the skin.
  • A massage with 3 drops of mandarin essential oil and 15 drops of jojoba oil helps to improve blood circulation, improve skin elasticity and reduce scar marks.
  • Add 3 drops of mandarin essential oil to your regular skin care cream and apply it on the affected areas.
  • Put 3 drops of tangerine essential oil into a bath or massage with 5 drops and 2 ml of coconut oil to get rid of unwanted substances from the body and sad thoughts. This massage will help in the treatment of spasms respiratory system, intestines, muscles and nervous system.
  • Skin massage with 5 drops of tangerine and 2 ml sesame oil improves blood circulation and helps reduce varicose veins veins, remove congestion, rheumatic pains and arthritis.
  • Improving immunity. You can add 2 drops of oil to your vaporizer, burner or diffuser at any time of the day or night for a boost of youth and energy.
  • Skin renewal. Prepare the sugar scrub: Combine 2 cups brown sugar, ¼ cup coconut oil, and 10 drops each of tangerine and mint. Store in a hermetically sealed glass container. Apply once a week.
  • House spirits will help to improve mood. To do this, in a vial (10 ml) drip 3 drops of ylang-ylang, 3 drops of bergamot, 9 drops of sage, 9 drops of lavender and 12 drops of mandarin essential oil. Top with coconut oil or your favorite oil. Apply to the skin and inhale the fragrance throughout the day.
  • Add 10 drops of tangerine and 5 drops of lavender to a spray bottle. Top up with water and use as a facial spray.
  • I take honey with tangerine oil eating disorders, abdominal pain. Take honey in a teaspoon and drip 3 drops of mandarin oil. Dissolve in the mouth.

  1. Always check for skin sensitivity prior to use.
  2. Excessive use of the oil can lead to skin sensitization.
  3. Protect eyes, ears, nose from mandarin oil.
  4. Not all oils are of good quality. Never use an oil that doesn't inspire confidence in you.

Mixing with other esters

Mandarin oil, being citrus in itself, mixes with most other similar oils, such as neroli, grapefruit, orange, lime, lemon.

Along with this, it also pairs well with basil, black pepper, bergamot, cinnamon, sage, clove, frankincense, lavender, palmarosa, ylang ylang, geranium, chamomile, and nutmeg essential oils.

Mandarin gave the world an essential oil, the properties of which have been used for a long time and very successfully. Joyful, invigorating and invigorating, it will always be in demand not only to fight the blues, but also for health.

The extract from tangerines is obtained by cold pressing technology, the impact of the press on the peel of fruits that have reached maturity and are fresh. Since ancient times, this orange-colored liquid with a delicate, sweetish and citrus amber has been used for a variety of purposes: in cooking, folk medicine and beauty. Today, this product does not lose its popularity, and its scope is only growing.

Properties and use of oil in cosmetology

Mandarin essential oil has properties due to its composition. It is rich in limonene, myrcene, caryophyllene, camphene, pinenes, linalool, geraniol, nerol.

There are vitamins and minerals, mono- and disaccharides, organic acids. it unique remedy With cosmetic effect can well tone up and refresh sluggish, tired skin.

Moreover, there is an opinion that it is in his power to even out the relief of the epidermis. The use of tangerine essential oil is as wide as the spectrum of action. With it, you can restore the epidermis to its former firmness and elasticity, reduce the appearance of cellulite, and make pigmentation less visible.

Mandarin extract fights the first signs of aging, improving the color and general condition of the skin. Use this product for hair problems. It prevents moisture loss and dryness of the hair, while at the same time healing the scalp.

Hair under its influence becomes stronger, livelier, and the number of split elements decreases. An extract from these citrus fruits is used for massage, mixed with vegetable base oils, and this product is one of the main components of aromatherapy aimed at increasing immune protection body, general tone, elimination of the effects of stress.

Hair oil

Tangerine oil is used even in severe cases when there is cardinal damage to the structure and a serious malfunction of the follicles. Essential extract activates the growth function, actively fights against alopecia.

It is able to eliminate oily and dry seborrhea, dull hair, nourish curls useful components, which creates the effect of "silk". The extract from this citrus fruit is not recommended to be mixed with shampoo or conditioner, the greatest benefit can bring masks, aroma combing and head massage.

  1. Mix in equal proportions an extract from mandarin, chamomile, frankincense and sandalwood.
  2. Warm up, rub into the roots and wrap with a warm cotton cloth.
  3. After an hour, rinse with water from the shower using the usual detergent.

Recipe for strength and silky shine

  1. In 1 st. l. base - almond or coconut oil, add 5-7 drops of mandarin essential extract.
  2. Soak on the strands for about 30 minutes, and then remove in the usual way.

Skin oil

Due to its antiseptic action, tangerine essential oil is widely used to care for excessive oily skin face, which is characterized by enlarged pores.
Masks, tonics and emulsions based on it can cleanse the skin well, narrow enlarged pores and eliminate inflammation caused by pustules.

But the owners of mature, fading facial skin can use it to return former beauty, freshness and elasticity, improve complexion and achieve greater smoothness of the epidermis. Sensitive skin extract will soothe, relieve irritation and itching. Well, those who have age spots on their faces can easily get rid of them thanks to the use of mandarin oil.

Mask recipes:

  • you can lighten freckles and pigmentation by rubbing the skin with sea buckthorn oil with the inclusion of a few drops of mandarin extract;
  • to 1 st. l. add 3-4 drops of mandarin extract of avocado oil and use this composition both as a mask, applying to the face for 30-60 minutes, and as a night cream.

Recipes with mandarin oil

As you know, the fight against overweight are complex, affecting the body both from the inside and from the outside. To increase the efficiency of this process, at the same time eliminating obvious manifestations of " orange peel”, stretch marks and swelling will help aromabath. It is enough to put 10-15 drops of mandarin essential oil into a hot water bath and enjoy the smell and active action.

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