Steamed dill seeds. Dill seeds useful properties and contraindications. Another effective recipe for insomnia

In many vegetable gardens, dill grows like a weed, reproduces well by self-sowing. Not everyone knows that its seeds have healing properties. Therapeutic action dill seeds are useful to know and use for the benefit of your health.

Dill seeds are harvested from August to September, by which time they are fully ripe, accumulating nutrients. It is the rich chemical composition that explains why dill seed successfully used in traditional and folk medicine. They are widely used in cosmetology and aromatherapy.

The high concentration of essential oils explains the pronounced taste, rich smell of seeds and their health benefits. The composition contains all the vitamins used in cosmetology:

  • E - for skin health;
  • PP - to strengthen hair;
  • B - for shine and beauty of hair.

These same vitamins (E, PP, B) are needed by the body for normal functioning. There is ascorbic acid, it helps with colds and a small percentage of vitamins K and A.

Organic acids are needed for the vital activity of human cells, dill seed contains some of them:

  • linoleic;
  • oleic;
  • palmetic;
  • nicotine.

The composition of macro- and microelements in the seeds is convincing, scientists have identified great content iron, potassium, zinc, calcium. In a smaller amount they contain sodium, copper, manganese, phosphorus. In small seeds, nature has laid a whole storehouse of useful elements.

Ancient medicine took full advantage of the healing properties of a natural product. Aesculapius knew how to make the most of medicinal properties plant substances. With the help of dill seeds eliminated stomach problems restored men's health and reproductive function women.

For men

Men should pay attention to dill if there are problems with potency, intimate life overshadows premature ejaculation, decreased sexual activity. You can improve an erection, increase its duration with the help of a vasodilator infusion made from dry dill seed.

We prepare the infusion for potency in a small saucepan, pour 1 tbsp. l fruit, pour 200 ml of water, put on fire and bring to a boil. Remove the saucepan from the heat and, without opening the lid, insist until cooked.

Reference. In the old days, dill was considered an aphrodisiac, called a lustful herb.

Before use, we filter the remedy for potency. Recovery male power a man needs to drink 0.5 cups 3 to 4 times a day. Healers recommend drinking medicine with honey.

Individual men will have to refrain from taking this effective remedy. First of all, the restrictions apply to hypotensive patients. Dill infusion in them can cause a breakdown, lead to a decrease in pressure. Men suffering from allergies should refrain from taking.

For health, women can drink decoctions and infusions of dill seeds while exceeding the recommended daily allowance not worth it. Benefits of dill seed for women:

  • brain works better;
  • leads menstrual cycle back to normal;
  • eliminates insomnia;
  • helps to cope with stress;
  • cancer prevention;
  • maintains normal calcium during menopause;
  • face masks prevent the formation of wrinkles.

If there are contraindications, the use should be abandoned. But if there are no contraindications, and you become nervous and irritable during PMS time try a healing decoction. After a short time, the irritability will go away.

Beauty is a priority for most young women, so cosmetic recipes with dill are always a success. In cosmetology, you can use not only seeds, fresh panicles are suitable for whitening.

A whitening mask will help even out the complexion. You need to pick young dill, wash it under the tap, chop and stir in 100 g of sour cream. Greens need 1 tbsp. spoon. Gently apply the mask on the face, wash off after 30 minutes.

For Have a good mood and skin beauty women take baths with herbs. You just need to lower the fragrant bunch into a hot bath and a rejuvenating bath is ready. Duration water procedures 15 to 20 minutes.

Gynecology is one of the areas of medicine that uses dill seed to stimulate peristalsis. digestive tract. Pregnant women are prone sharp drops moods. The soothing effect of the plant is due to the presence of essential oils. A pregnant woman, after eating the fruits of dill, ceases to feel heaviness in the lower abdomen, gets rid of heartburn.

Reference. An infusion of seeds is useful for women to drink after childbirth for quick recovery uterus muscles.

It is useful for pregnant women to use dill fruits during seasonal epidemics of acute respiratory viral infections, the complex of vitamins that make up the composition supports immunity, reduces the risk of infection. Taking dill infusion during pregnancy, a woman prepares for lactation, after childbirth she will not have problems with milk during feeding.

  • premature birth;
  • nausea:
  • vomiting.

Adhering to the exact recipe, a pregnant woman easily tolerates toxicosis, improves stool (gets rid of constipation). Dill water will save the pregnant woman from flatulence, improve appetite, relieve swelling from the legs, and skin condition.

Many pregnant women suffer from cystitis. Instead of antibiotics, dill (seeds) can be used. The course lasts from 2 to 4 weeks. A decoction is prepared from whole seeds. Pour 2 tbsp. l glass of water. After the liquid boils, reduce the heat and boil for 10 minutes. The cooled and filtered broth is drunk in the late evening shortly before bedtime.

After the birth of a baby, many mothers do not produce milk well. Dill decoction will help in this case. The lactogenic property of dill has long been studied and used in life. In addition to the infusion, lactating women drink ready-made teas, such as Lactavit. They include dill seeds.

Babies encounter dill water for the first time in their lives. Pediatricians prescribe it from painful swelling tummy. Doctors consider dill water to be a safe folk remedy, the mechanism of its action:

  • reduces the spasm of the intestinal muscles;
  • normalizes the intestinal microflora;
  • relieves constipation;
  • soothes the baby.

The baby may refuse to drink water, then it must be mixed with breast milk. Drink from a bottle or teaspoon. Dill water can be prepared independently. Take 1 glass pure water and ½ teaspoon dill seeds.

Boil the water, pour the seeds, leave for 30 minutes, strain and give the child 1 teaspoonful 3 times a day. At normal reaction the body, the dose is increased and adjusted to 2 teaspoons per day. Vodichka is stored from 0 to 24 hours, it is better to drink it a little warmed up.

Young mothers will appreciate this folk recipe. Most babies suffer from colic. A freshly prepared broth will relieve spasms in a child, facilitate the passage of gases. Infants are given healing water to a teaspoon before feeding. Maximum allowable dose- 5 times a day.

Problems happen not only with babies. Adult children in puberty also need care. Acne, at this time, spoil the skin of more than one teenager. mask from acne prepared on the basis of egg white and chopped greens. Apply the mass for 20 minutes, rinse off cool water in 20 minutes. Acne disappears from the face after 2 weeks.

Violating the dosage of taking a folk remedy, instead of benefit, they get negative effect. Pregnant women are advised to limit their medication intake. There is a threat of miscarriage due to muscle relaxation. It is fashionable for pregnant women to drink dill water only after the approval of her doctor.

Dry dill seeds and their water infusion contraindicated in hypotensive patients. They can provoke a sharp decline blood pressure. Need to refuse folk medicine if after use there is a feeling of nausea, dizziness, pain in the abdomen. These unpleasant symptoms may indicate individual intolerance.

For people with gallbladder problems, dill is contraindicated in any form. Dill is able to set the stones in motion, which can lead to blockage of the bile ducts.

Kit dosage forms prepared from dill seeds is wide, they are used to prepare ointment, cream, decoction, infusion, tea. There are recipes that heat treatment. Seeds before use are ground with a blender or in a coffee grinder. The resulting powder should be drunk on an empty stomach, washed down with water. With the help of powder, a sick stomach is treated.

Infusions and decoctions help solve problems gastrointestinal tract. They relieve spasms and flatulence, help with diarrhea and constipation. Dill seed helps to cope with stomach cramps. The list of problems is long, and the recipe is simple and easy to use:

  • 0.5 l of boiling water;
  • 1 st. seed.

Infuse for 1 hour and drink a decoction of ½ cup three times a day.

With hypertension

The remedy, prepared according to our recipe, helps to reduce pressure and relieves headaches. It is necessary to grind the dill seeds, take 2 tsp of the resulting powder, pour it with 0.5 liters of boiling water. After 10 minutes have passed, put the pan on the fire and bring to a boil.

Strain the finished broth, pour into opaque, hermetically sealed bottles. Drink before meals ½ cup 3 times a day. With this decoction, you can get rid of headaches.

The recipe for weight loss includes the entire aerial part of dill. The weight loss formula contains the following ingredients:

  • 1 st. a spoonful of seeds;
  • 4 tbsp. spoons of licorice (root);
  • 1 st. boiling water.

In the process of cooking, the seeds and root must be crushed. The prepared raw materials are poured into a saucepan and poured with water. A decoction is prepared in a water bath for 20 minutes.

AT medicinal purposes drink dill decoction 3 times a day for 1/3 cup. It is important to take it 20 minutes before meals. The effect of the use of a diuretic, in addition, weight loss is due to an increase in the production of bile. When using a decoction, weight loss occurs slowly, gradually.

Doctors recommend drinking a decoction of dill seeds when chronic form pancreatitis. AT acute form reception is contraindicated, as it will lead to increased production of bile, and this will increase pain. You can also drink a decoction if the disease is in remission. Ingredients needed for cooking:

  • seeds - 1 tbsp. l;
  • boiling water - 1 tbsp.

Grind the seeds in a coffee grinder, pour boiling water. Cover the container with the infusion with a towel and insist for an hour. finished product need to be filtered. Drink half an hour before meals for 2 tbsp. l per day. As a result of taking dill infusion, putrefactive processes stop in a patient, intestinal peristalsis improves, bile outflow occurs, and pain decreases.

An interesting recipe for insomnia. You will need 50 g of dill seed and a bottle of Cahors. You can take another red wine. Pour the seeds with wine and put on the stove, heat until boiling. Broth store in a dark place. Drink a tablespoon at night. The drug calms, improves sleep.

If the child suffers from enuresis, then a dill seed recipe will help. We give the dose for an adult. Children take everything 3 times less. We prepare a portion for 1 reception, we drink in the evening before going to bed. Per serving you need 1 tbsp. l crushed powder and a glass of water.

Many people suffer from bronchitis. Miraculous dill seeds help to heal from wet cough. They can liquefy sputum, making it easier to clear the lungs. Some experts advise drinking dill decoctions for people diagnosed with asthma.

Prepare a decoction every day, you need to drink it fresh. Standard scheme reception - 3 times a day. It is recommended to consume the decoction on an empty stomach, usually done 30 minutes before a meal. A single norm for an adult is ½ cup. If necessary, you can store the broth for a day in the refrigerator, warming up before use.

Many diseases are treated with a decoction, but the cooking rules are the same, it includes ingredients:

  • Dill seeds;
  • water.

The cooking process lasts no more than an hour:

  • First, dry dill seeds are poured cold water. Usually for 1 glass of water take 1 tbsp. l raw materials.
  • Put the pot on the fire and bring to a boil. Before the broth is ready after boiling, 10 minutes should pass.
  • The broth can be slightly cooled, strained and used for treatment.

Dill, dill seeds - medicinal properties: video

Dill seeds: recipes for rejuvenation, insomnia, high blood pressure, headaches - video

Many grow dill on their plot or on the window just for the sake of fragrant greens, but do not ignore dill seeds - beneficial features every part of it vegetable plant so high that you can significantly improve your health by simply adding to your daily diet dill in any form, not limited to greens. Moreover, dill seeds retain their properties and high aromaticity very well for a long time. Frozen, dried or pickled dill greens are somewhat inferior to seeds in this regard.

What are the benefits of dill seeds?

hostesses umbrellas dill with seeds are mainly used in canning vegetables. When pickling cucumbers, this is the most popular seasoning, thanks to which pickles acquire a special, slightly sweet, spicy flavor and specific aroma. But in addition to preparing pickles and marinades, dill seeds can be seasoned with various dishes: fish soup, soups, stewed or boiled fish (in general, this seasoning is perfect for almost any fish dishes). In industry, seeds are used to flavor tea, biscuits, confectionery and fillings.

Umbrellas of dill with seeds

Like other parts of the plant, dill seed contains B vitamins, vitamin A and C, as well as trace elements: manganese, zinc, calcium, selenium, iron, copper, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, sodium. Although dill greens are richer in vitamin C content, the percentage of essential oils in the seeds is higher. Dill fruits are 15% fatty oil, including oleic, petroselinic, palmitic and linoleic acids.

Video about the treatment of kidneys with dill seeds

So rich biochemical composition explains the many and varied health benefits of dill, the seed of which is recommended for the following health problems:

  • insomnia;
  • stones in the kidneys;
  • inflammatory diseases of the liver, kidneys and urinary system;
  • diseases of the gallbladder and digestive organs;
  • gastritis with low acidity;
  • attacks of suffocation bronchial asthma and diseases respiratory tract;
  • flatulence;
  • chronic constipation, violation of intestinal motility.

The benefits of dill seeds also lie in their ability to increase appetite, but those who want to lose weight should also include seeds in their diet. Nutritionists recommend carrying them with you and chewing on a handful for a few minutes, when the feeling of hunger begins to overcome. So you can easily and for the benefit of your body can skip extra meals.

The benefits of dill seeds also lie in their ability to increase appetite, but those who want to lose weight should also include seeds in their diet.

Thanks to essential oils, seeds can be used as a bactericidal and antispasmodic agent. In addition, in folk medicine, seeds in powder form are used as a diuretic, choleretic, mild laxative and diaphoretic.

To restore sleep and calm the nervous system, it is not even necessary to take dill seeds inside - their medicinal properties are also manifested if you simply inhale spicy aroma seeds. And for babies who sleep restlessly, you can sew a pillow-dumka filled with dill fruits and put it in the headboard.

Ways to use dill seeds

The carminative properties of dill seed can be used in cooking, seasoning dishes with peas, beans, beans to reduce gas formation caused by these products. Many parents use the healing properties of dill seeds for flatulence (colic) in infants, making the well-known “dill water”: insist a teaspoon of seeds in a glass of boiling water for an hour and give a teaspoon three times a day. This infusion is great for adults too.

It is useful for nursing mothers to drink tea brewed from dill seeds, or add them to first courses, thereby increasing lactation and improving the quality of milk. In addition, through milk, useful substances that prevent flatulence will be received by the baby.

Dill seeds should be used with caution - their benefits and harms depend on the dosage.

With insomnia, gastritis with low acidity, digestive disorders, with liver diseases, as well as to enhance bile secretion, dill seeds are taken crushed into powder, or in the form of a decoction. Such a tool also helps to improve appetite and recover faster after illnesses.

With colds accompanied by a cough, dill seeds significantly contribute to recovery - their benefit lies in facilitating the removal of sputum from the lungs. These medicinal properties of dill seed are effective in the treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis: in order to quickly cope with the disease, patients are advised to drink warm milk in the morning with one pinch of crushed dill seeds.

However, in some cases, dill seeds should be used with caution - their benefits and harms depend on the dosage. For example, seeds have a beneficial effect on the circulatory system and normalize heartbeat but at reduced pressure a large number of seeds can cause fainting.

Video about the benefits of dill

Do dill seeds have contraindications?

Not only hypotensive patients should use dill with caution, contraindications to its use also depend on individual intolerance to certain substances that make up the seeds. If you feel weakness, blurred vision, or notice an allergic reaction from the use of dill fruits, then dill is not suitable for you.

For cosmetic purposes, dill seeds should not be used by those who have very sensitive skin- there is a high probability of manifestation of an allergy. Therefore, before resorting to the help of this plant, you should consult a doctor.

Dill has a surprisingly rich history in the culinary field, but in the medical field, he also worked wonders more than once. The ancient Egyptians used dill in the treatment of a great variety of diseases and ailments, and the superstitious inhabitants of the Middle Ages scared away dark spirits and evil witches with this plant. Currently, the healing properties of dill are not a secret to anyone. People have miraculous grass in their beds and even in flower pots.

Chemical composition

The chemical composition of dill is rich in vitamins and minerals, which provide invaluable assistance in the process of strengthening immune system human body. Among vitamins, A, C and B6 play the most significant role. Vitamin A is good for healing the skin and improving visual acuity. Vitamin C is important for protecting cells from free radicals and strengthening immunity.

List of major chemical elements in dill is:

  • Folic acid - supplies carbon for the synthesis of hemoglobin and is used in the production of endorphin, the so-called "hormone of happiness";
  • Riboflavin - helps break down fats and carbohydrates, converting them into energy;
  • Niacin is an important element in maintaining work nerve cells helps in the treatment psychological illness and also relieves insomnia;
  • Beta-carotene is a very strong antioxidant, a source of longevity and youth;
  • Pitoxin pantothenic acid- contributes to the normalization of fat and water metabolism, and also restores the structure and functions of cells, which helps to avoid side effects various medical preparations;
  • Thiamine - sharpens concentration, memory, improves brain function, restores nervous balance;
  • Calcium - strengthens the structure of bones and teeth;
  • Iron - plays the role of a catalyst in the process of oxygen exchange and provides them with tissues;
  • Manganese - takes part in the process of synthesis of nerve cells, together with calcium helps to strengthen skeletal system body, normalizes the digestive process;
  • Copper - contributes to the conversion of iron into hemoglobin, vital necessary element for healthy work circulatory system the human body;
  • Magnesium - regulates cellular processes in muscle and nervous tissues;
  • Phosphorus is an important element in the synthesis of enzymes, necessary for the formation active forms elements;
  • Zinc - necessary for the formation of phagocytes, elements that destroy microbes and dangerous viruses entering the human body.

The flavonoids in dill provide the plant with antioxidant, antiviral, and anti-inflammatory properties. It also contains quercetin, an element that reduces inflammation and prevents the risk of developing oncological diseases.

Beneficial features

List chemical substances in the composition of dill, it amazes with its length and effectiveness of each individual element, which makes the list of useful medicinal properties of the plant no less impressive.

Dill is not just a tasty condiment. Beneficial features:

  • The plant is used to treat bronchitis, colds, coughs and fevers. Dill seeds help reduce inflammation in the throat and also relieve pain while swallowing food. Essential oils, which dill is rich in, cleanse the respiratory system of the body;
  • Dill eliminates the problems of the digestive system of the body, including loss of appetite, intestinal gases, diseases of the liver and gallbladder;
  • Its seeds and fruits are used in the treatment of disorders urinary tract such as kidney disease and difficulty urinating;
  • Women use dill to restore abnormal menstrual cycle. The plant can be used for the prevention and treatment of female infertility;
  • As antimicrobial drug the plant is effective against certain bacteria, including staph and yeast infections;
  • Dill leaves and seeds can be used as a breath freshener;
  • With regular use, dill reduces general level cholesterol by 20%, and triacylglycerides fall by 50%;
  • Dill contains eugenol. This is a substance that can improve the health of diabetics and help regulate blood sugar levels by lowering serum glucose concentrations and increasing the amount of insulin absorbed;
  • Flavonoids and vitamin B normalize psychological balance, calm the nerves, and also help people to plunge into a long-awaited slumber.

Application in traditional medicine

There is an opinion that for the treatment of each disease there is its own folk remedy. And if that's true, then dill definitely made a big difference. To create useful medicinal preparations, all parts of the plant are involved: seeds, umbrellas, leaves, fruits and stems. Medicinal recipes with seeds are the most common.

Harvesting dill begins when the plant is half ripe. The cut plants are dried under a roof, after which the seeds are separated, the shelf life of which is approximately three years.

For home storage the plant must be thoroughly washed, and then the leaves and stems should be separated. They should dry out within a week. After that, the dill is laid out on glass jars and tightly close the lid so that the beneficial essential oils do not dissipate.

Dill harvested in this way is stored for quite a long time. As needed, it is taken out and used in treatment or in cooking.

For diseases of the digestive system

Due to its rich fiber content, dill relieves stomach pain and helps in the treatment of stomach cramps. In cases where a person suffers from flatulence, that is, bloating and the formation of excess gases, dill quickly eliminates unpleasant symptoms. Regular consumption of the plant is also considered to prevent stomach ulcers.

Dill is useful in treating the following diseases of the digestive system:

  • , or bloating;
  • Stomach upset;
  • Hypoacidity;
  • Colitis.

People suffering from the diseases listed above or wishing to avoid their occurrence, it is recommended to use more food seasoned with dill, and there is also vegetable salads with the addition of dill, olive oil and a small amount lemon juice.

Recipe dill decoction for stomach pain:

  1. Grind a few tablespoons of dill seeds in a coffee grinder;
  2. Next, you need to pour the resulting dill powder with 250 ml of boiling water;
  3. The decoction must be infused for ten to fifteen minutes.

Take the remedy once a day, preferably in the evening and after dinner. The decoction can be sweetened with natural honey, but unsweetened medicine will be more useful. Dill decoction relieves pain in the stomach, and also helps to eliminate bloating. Leaves and fruits can be used to prepare the remedy, but seeds have the best effect. Such a decoction is useful to give to young children who suffer from intestinal gases. It is better for women not to use the decoction during pregnancy, and also keep in mind that the remedy can suppress the menstrual cycle.

For respiratory diseases

Seeds, fruits, leaves and essential oils of dill help to clear the respiratory system during allergies and seasonal colds. The plant also removes mucus and phlegm from the respiratory tract, which are formed inside the body during coughing.

Healing remedies based on dill is used in the treatment of the following respiratory diseases:

  • Angina;
  • Bronchitis;
  • Pneumonia;
  • Laryngitis;
  • Tracheitis;
  • Tuberculosis.

The following dill syrup will relieve a cough and soothe a sore throat. It also tastes great, so young children don't have to be forced to drink the medicine.

Recipe for useful syrup for colds:

  1. Prepare dried dill, ginger, cherry, valerian officinalis and a glass natural honey;
  2. Next, you need to pour a teaspoon of each plant with a liter of boiling water;
  3. Keep the broth over low heat until its volume is reduced by half;
  4. Strain the liquid and add a glass of natural honey while the decoction is still warm.

Take syrup three times a day for a tablespoon, preferably before meals.

For bowel diseases

Dill is a plant that is friendly to the gastrointestinal tract and the digestive system of the body. In case of intestinal upset, doctors advise eating a small bunch of dill with meals. The consumption of fennel seeds is also recommended for those people who aspire to natural treatment dysentery caused by fungal infections. The plant is a natural remedy for constipation and diarrhea.

Healthy dill recipe decoction for indigestion:

  1. Take the seeds of dill, Indian cumin (azhgon);
  2. Pour a teaspoon of each plant with 250 ml of boiling water;
  3. The resulting mixture must be infused for an hour.

Take the decoction before meals until the bowels normalize. To improve the taste, you can add a little natural honey. Dill decoction is an excellent remedy for upset after heavy or fatty foods. The tincture is also useful for the prevention of the gastrointestinal tract.

For diseases of the genitourinary system

For diseases urogenital systems The organisms consume the aerial part of dill. To create medicines, both dried and fresh plants are used.

Fresh dill juice is a powerful stimulant of kidney activity, helps prevent stone formation and is considered a good remedy prevention of cystitis, as well as the occurrence of infection in urinary organs. For effective action, it is recommended to consume four tablespoons of fresh dill juice several times a day for a couple of weeks.

For insomnia

Dill contains many essential oils, the medicinal functions of which should not be underestimated. With the additional help of vitamin B, they help reduce stress and restore unstable sleep. Thus, people who regularly consume dill do not experience any particular nervous outbursts, but severe psychological trauma go much faster.

Recipe for useful decoction to treat insomnia from dill seeds:

  1. It is necessary to pour a tablespoon of dill seeds with 250 ml of boiling water;
  2. Close the broth tightly with a lid and let it brew for several hours;
  3. Take a decoction before going to bed, preheating it.

Alternative recipe remedy for insomnia from dill seeds with the addition of "Cahors":

  1. Take two tablespoons of dill seeds and half a liter of Cahors;
  2. Pour the seeds with a drink and boil the resulting mixture for an hour, then insist about the same amount;
  3. Take two tablespoons of the decoction before bed.

With conjunctivitis

The beneficial effect of dill on vision is a well-known fact that few people dare to argue with. The plant is used to prevent myopia, cataracts, glaucoma and conjunctivitis. An effective remedy with inflammation of the eyes, compresses are considered.

Recipe for useful dill seed compress with conjunctivitis:

  1. It is necessary to pour a tablespoon of dill seeds with a glass of boiling water;
  2. The broth should be infused for five minutes, then remove the seeds and carefully wrap them soft cloth, making a kind of flat cakes with dill filling;
  3. Get comfortable and lay down useful compresses on closed eyelids. Relief should come in fifteen to twenty minutes.

Application in cosmetology

The influence of dill in the area traditional medicine no doubt, however, cosmetology has also benefited a lot from the use of this amazing plant. When creating various anti-aging agents, almost all elements of dill are involved: fruits, seeds, leaves and essential oils. Most of cosmetic preparations It is aimed at restoring the health of hair, nails and facial skin.

dill recipe lotion, useful for dry hair:

  1. Prepare one tablespoon of dried chamomile and dill, as well as natural honey;
  2. You should pour boiling water over the herbs and let the resulting liquid brew for half an hour;
  3. Let the broth cool, filter it and add one tablespoon of natural honey;
  4. Treat clean hair with lotion, leave for half an hour, then rinse warm water.

Useful dill recipe face masks:

  1. Prepare dill seeds, natural honey and oatmeal;
  2. Next, you need to pour a third of a glass of dill seeds with boiling water;
  3. Infuse the resulting liquid for fifteen minutes, then strain;
  4. Add one tablespoon of natural honey and one tablespoon of oatmeal. Mix thoroughly.
  5. The mask should be applied to a clean and dry face and rinse with warm water after half an hour.

Natural face mask based on dill will be wonderful prophylactic for normal and fatty type skin.

Recipe baths useful for strengthening nails:

  1. Stock up on dill, sage, mint, lime and chamomile. All herbs can be purchased dried. You will also need dill oil;
  2. Mix the ingredients in equal proportions and pour them with a liter of boiling water, then leave for half an hour;
  3. Add ten drops of dill oil to the liquid.

The tincture is used as cosmetic bath for nails and skin. The duration of the procedure is about twenty minutes.

Dill during pregnancy

Regular consumption of dill will be extremely beneficial for pregnant women and nursing mothers. The plant contains two elements that are very important for the health of the child - folic acid and iron. The value of folic acid is positive influence on the nervous system body and bone structure of a growing baby. Iron is necessary to stabilize hemoglobin levels.

Pregnant women should include dill in their daily diet for a number of reasons. the following reasons:

  • A woman can use dill during pregnancy as a diuretic. The plant also lowers blood pressure levels and ensures normal kidney activity;
  • The herb has expectorant properties. If a pregnant woman has a cold and is afraid to take medicine, healing dill will be her savior;
  • During the last weeks of the third trimester, pregnant women often suffer from constipation, and regular consumption of dishes with the addition of dill helps to avoid this scourge;
  • Dill has a beneficial effect on quality and quantity breast milk. A newborn baby will definitely be satisfied, and his mother will be calm.


Healing properties dill is undeniable. However, despite great amount pluses, minuses this plant also has.

It is worth being careful while using dill for a number of the following reasons:

  • A severe allergic reaction is possible;
  • The use of dill in large doses helps to dilate blood vessels and reduce blood pressure, therefore, hypotensive patients should not abuse the use of dill-based products;
  • Too much frequent use dill can cause constant fatigue and sleepiness.

In what cases is it worth taking dill seeds, the medicinal properties and contraindications of which, we will consider below? Is it true that it is simple and inexpensive remedy able to defeat dozens of diseases?

The seeds are the fruit of a hardy, spicy herb that is used in cooking in dozens of countries. Next, we consider in detail the medicinal properties and contraindications of dill seeds.

What do dill seeds help with?

So, the effects that you can get:

  1. Say a resounding “no” to stress. The intake of fruits contributes to the proper functioning of the nervous system. Spice is useful for neurosis various etiologies, insomnia, nervous strain and other similar problems.
  2. Refuse chemical pharmacy antispasmodics. Dill-based products help relieve spasms of internal organs, as well as muscles and the vascular network. Thanks to this property, various decoctions and infusions help to easily reduce pressure and get rid of headaches, colic in the gastrointestinal tract, as well as other conditions caused by spasms.
  3. Prevent a heart attack and significantly reduce the risk of thrombosis. Spice seeds are considered curative for many heart diseases.
  4. Forget about constipation. The mild laxative effect is useful for those who suffer from constipation.
  5. To part with puffiness, regardless of the reasons that caused it. Dill seeds perfectly remove excess fluid from the body, so they are indicated for edema, as well as other conditions associated with fluid stagnation in the body.
  6. Remove stubborn mucus. Dill seeds are indispensable for strong cough, including those caused by bronchitis, pneumonia and other diseases of the broncho-pulmonary system. The respiratory system clears more quickly, which helps speedy recovery.
  7. Get a choleretic effect. Stimulation of bile production and its speedy evacuation is another property for which dill seed is valued.
  8. “Clean up” without antibiotics and aggressive methods for the body. The tool works great pathogenic microorganisms and putrefactive processes in the digestive tract.
  9. Disinfect infected areas externally. Various folk remedies based on dill seed are used to disinfect wounds, including complicated ones.
  10. Get a carminative effect. Reception of seeds removes fermentation processes in the digestive tract, accelerates the process of digestion of food, fights against increased flatulence.
  11. Remove inflammation inside. Anti-inflammatory and growth inhibiting properties pathogenic microflora allow you to fight inflammatory processes in the most different bodies and systems.

An interesting fact: unlike many other folk remedies, dill seed begins to help from the first or second day of treatment.

Dill seeds benefits and harm to the body

We discussed the benefits of dill seed in detail above in our article. Now it's time to learn about possible harm for the body:

  1. The seeds themselves, as well as an infusion and decoction of dill seeds, the benefits and harms of which are approximately the same, are contraindicated in hypotensive patients, since they reduce arterial pressure.
  2. Stones in gallbladderabsolute contraindication to receive dill seed, since the remedy can provoke their evacuation.
  3. Allergy to dill, although it is extremely rare.

At long-term use dill fruits in large quantities, the following unpleasant symptoms may develop: dizziness, weakness, fast fatiguability, fainting states.

Dill seeds for the pancreas

The most common pathology of this organ, in which spicy fruits are used, is pancreatitis.

Why are seeds “for the pancreas” good:

  • acidity of the stomach becomes optimal;
  • excess bile gently leaves the body;
  • spasms and swelling are stopped;
  • diarrhea goes away;
  • intestinal microflora is normalized

It is important to know: dill seeds for pancreatitis can only be used outside acute stage during acute pancreatitis increased production and the evacuation of bile can only aggravate the condition.

The best recipes for healing the digestive system:

  • decoction classic. Slowly heat a glass of water on the stove, into which you first need to pour one teaspoon of the seed. Boil ten minutes, insist eight hours, filter. We take this: three times a day, before meals, a teaspoonful;
  • grind dry fruits into flour, place in a container with a lid. We take this: a quarter of a teaspoon three times a day, washed down with water;
  • infusion classic. We insist a tablespoon of the feedstock in a glass of boiling water for an hour. We accept this: during the day, the infusion should be drunk in equal shares.

The course of treatment should not exceed fourteen days, then you can take a break and repeat the treatment program.

Dill seeds from pressure recipe

Dill seed in treatment hypertension is valued for its ability to have a complex effect on the patient's body.

Beneficial effects for hypertensive patients:

How to use? Firstly, the classic decoction of dill seed is useful, the recipe of which is given above. Secondly, you can use the following infusion: insist a tablespoon of ground seeds on a glass of boiling water for a quarter of an hour, take one hundred milliliters before meals three times a day.

If there is a problem with falling asleep, you need to insist a tablespoon on a glass of boiling water for a quarter of an hour, strain, drink half a glass before going to bed. Take hot.

Dill seeds for newborns

Long before the invention of modern bags and jars with probiotics and prebiotics, mothers of babies were saved with dill water. Against the background of regular intake, bloating, pain, spasms, problems with digestion of milk, etc.

Recipe: combine a spoonful of seeds and a glass of boiling water, keep in a water bath for half an hour, add water to the original volume, filter.

Take half an hour before feeding, three to four times a day, the norm: from a teaspoon to a tablespoon per reception.

Important to know: carefully monitor the reaction of the baby, dill can cause allergies. For achievement best effect the remedy can be taken by a woman during lactation.

Dill seeds for cystitis

With this widespread women's problem dill seed helps:

  • stop the inflammatory process;
  • reduce body t;
  • improve immune function;
  • accelerate regeneration at the cellular level;
  • relieve spasm;
  • improve the functioning of the entire urinary system;
  • relieve pain syndrome.

Three useful prescription against cystitis:

  1. For two weeks, four to five times a day, half an hour before meals, use two tablespoons of infusion. To obtain an infusion, pour a teaspoon of seeds with a glass of boiling water, leave for a quarter of an hour, strain.
  2. It is useful to take the ground seeds twice a day, half a teaspoon. Drink warm water.
  3. A teaspoon of ground seed insist on a glass of boiling water for an hour. Take the entire contents of the glass once a day, before breakfast.

The general course of treatment should be at least two to three weeks.

Important: any infection should be treated under medical supervision. Dill infusions and decoctions are means of auxiliary, and not the main therapy.

Dill seeds for weight loss

Dill can significantly improve digestion, rid the digestive tract of putrefactive processes, remove flatulence, and also accelerate the absorption of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. But it should be understood that without rational diet and an adequate level of physical activity, it will not be possible to lose weight with the help of seeds.

The easiest way to use for those who want to get rid of digestive problems: pour a tablespoon of dill flour with a glass of boiling water, cover, filter after a quarter of an hour and take it, divided into three parts. Best time reception - twenty minutes before the meal.

Treatment with dill seeds for urinary incontinence

Treatment of enuresis is always complex, so the use of folk remedies is an excellent addition to medical, psychological and other types of therapies.

Two best recipe from enuresis for children and adults:

In both cases, after a short break, the course of treatment can be repeated.

Dill seeds for prostatitis and prostate adenoma

With such a pathology, dill seed is also able to relieve unpleasant symptoms and help in recovery. Achieved effects:

  • fight with pathogenic bacteria. This effect is especially useful for prostatitis of an infectious nature;
  • antispasmodic. The pain that causes discomfort to a man and, as a rule, is poorly removed even with medicines, goes away;
  • normalization of the nervous system. Improving the emotional background, fighting insomnia, increasing resistance to stress - this also helps in solving “male” problems;
  • normalization of urine outflow. A man stops getting up to use the toilet every hour;
  • vasodilating action helps to improve the blood supply to the genital organs, delivering useful substances to them and ensuring normal operation.
  1. Alcohol tincture against chronic prostatitis and adenoma. Pour fifty grams of crushed seed with 50% alcohol, insist for two weeks, take a teaspoon before each meal.
  2. Means for increasing male strength and restoring sexual function. We mix in a thermos 35 grams of crushed valerian root, 200 grams of seeds, 400 ml of honey, add 1.6 liters of boiling water, insist for a day. Take fifteen milliliters, several times a day, before meals. The course can be quite long.

Helpful advice: seeds in the amount of a teaspoon per day can also be used to prevent male sexual disorders. Fresh or dried product should be chewed well and washed down with water.

Dill seeds during pregnancy

Let's start with the fact that taking the gift of nature during pregnancy is not prohibited, on the contrary, this tool allows you to:

  • reduce the urge to vomit during toxicosis;
  • reduce blood pressure;
  • improve kidney function;
  • improve the functioning of the nervous system;
  • normalize the work of the digestive tract.

How should expectant mothers take dill seed? The remedy in the form of decoctions and tinctures perfectly relieves swelling, helps with insomnia and headaches, stops inflammation and improves the functioning of the digestive tract.

But to defeat an attack of nausea, it is better to chew dry seeds and drink them with water. The amount should be small: no more than one teaspoon per day.

It is important to remember: when using dill during pregnancy, you should not be guided by the principle: “the more the better,” because if consumed excessively, the product can contribute to a premature start labor activity.

By treating with spicy fruits, you not only get several health benefits at once, but also saturate the body with a large amount of vitamins, minerals, dietary fiber and micronutrients.

Green sprigs of dill in cooking are used as spicy seasoning to food, and inflorescences (umbrellas) - for flavoring marinades. The benefits of dill are known in many countries and are often used. in folk medicine. The essential oil of this plant is used for medicinal purposes and in perfume compounds. Here's how they apply dill seeds, their medicinal properties and contraindications described in this article.

Composition of dill seeds

Dill grains are rich in essential oils, so they have a rich smell. The taste is bitter-spicy. The main ingredients are:

  • D-carvone is a terpenoid with a sharp aroma of cumin and citrus peel;
  • terpinenes - D-limonene, having a citrus aroma;
  • monoterpenes: alpha-phellandrene with a rich minty odor and alpha-pinene with the usual main aroma.

Dill seeds contain:

  • from 2.5 to 5% essential oils;
  • protein elements;
  • fixed oils;
  • coumarins;
  • flavonoids: quercetin, kaempferol, rutin;
  • nicotinic, folic and phenolcarboxylic acids;
  • vitamins B1 and B2;
  • salts of phosphorus, iron, potassium and calcium.

Moderately ripe for use, the fruits contain:

  • carvone,
  • tannin,
  • slime,
  • resin,
  • fatty acid,
  • vitamins,
  • mineral salts.

Medicinal properties

Botanists divide the plant into three subspecies:

  • garden,
  • Indian,
  • field.

Fragrant, familiar dill is garden. Its seeds ripen closer to autumn, have an oblong shape, a sharp-spicy aroma, color from grayish to light brown.

Properties of dill seeds:

  • tonic;
  • antiseptic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • lactic;
  • diuretic;
  • carminative;
  • relaxing.

Important! The bacteriostatic effect that dill seeds have on 14 microorganisms has already been scientifically substantiated and proven, including Salmonella, Staphylococcus aureus, Helicobacter pylori, Escherichia coli.

By reviews The use of dill seeds by traditional medicine gurus has the following effects:

  • enhances the work of the mammary glands during feeding,
  • normalizes the work of the digestive tract,
  • promotes bronchial cleansing,
  • is an effective aperitif;
  • weakening the peristalsis of the gastrointestinal tract effectively fights bloating and flatulence;
  • relaxes the nervous system sedation, is a mild antidepressant;
  • normalizes the process of bile secretion.

Watch the video! Dill seeds, useful properties


The most famous and popular use today is a decoction of seeds, it is given to babies to eliminate intestinal colic. Also, this decoction is effective for spasms, heartburn, bloating.

Bacteriostatic indicators of dill seeds give good results in the treatment of the respiratory, digestive, genitourinary systems. The anti-inflammatory properties of this remedy help to suppress the processes of fermentation and decay in the intestines, which has a healing effect on the gastrointestinal tract. Also, the decoction is effective when used against:

  • inflammatory processes organs of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • with violations of the cardiovascular system;
  • ailments of the respiratory organs;
  • inflammatory skin diseases;
  • complications of the urinary system;
  • violation of bile secretion;
  • colic in newborns;
  • with atherosclerosis;
  • eye diseases;
  • hard stool;
  • flatulence;
  • lack of sleep due to nerves.

Application dill seeds in folk medicine

For summer residents and those who like to make pickles in the winter, harvesting dill has a special ritual. Slightly unripe stems, along with unripe seed umbels, are cut and hung cut up to dry. This seasoning in the blanks gives a special flavor. Due to the fact that during this drying method all juices and useful components drain inside the trunk and remain in the seeds, the seeds collected by this method are the best raw material for the manufacture of the aforementioned decoction. It is best to store the threshed seeds in a glass hermetically sealed jar.

Powder from dried dill seeds in cooking is used as a seasoning for many meat dishes. In the form of a food supplement, it also has medicinal properties, but in a milder form. This is especially useful for people suffering from gastritis, inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract, diseases of the gallbladder and liver.

Recipe infusion to stimulate the digestive tract itself is quite simple to prepare:

  • 4-8 grams of dill seeds are needed;
  • pour 1 liter of boiling water;
  • leave to infuse in a thermos.

Drink this infusion should be 3 times a day after eating 200 ml.

To improve the functioning of the urinary tract, the grains are ground on a coffee grinder into powder and taken in pure form 3 grams three times a day, chewing slowly. This method is also effective for:

  • depressions;
  • indigestion;
  • nausea;
  • vomiting.

An effective method of treating cough with dill seeds. For this:

  • seeds are boiled in milk;
  • add honey to it.

Advice! Such a decoction contributes to the rapid discharge and removal of sputum.

During lactation, to enhance the secretion of milk, many women take dill infusion, and compresses from this remedy are effective in swelling of the mammary gland.

A strong healing and disinfecting effect is exerted by dill lotions for cuts, wounds, scratches, irritation or inflammation of the skin.

In order to combat bad smell from the mouth, the decoction is used as a mouth rinse.

Benefits for newborns and infants

The first thing young parents face is intestinal colic in babies. Up to 7 years and more in children, the digestive system is very vulnerable and not fully formed. In the process of its operation, gases are often formed, which is most often accompanied by painful sensations. With a strong accumulation of gases, it is most often used vent tube, but it is better not to allow this, but to use pharmacy herbal tea " Dill water". Additional additives here are anise and fennel.

Alternatively, you can prepare the solution yourself:

  • 1 teaspoon of seeds;
  • brewed in 1 cup boiling water;
  • the infusion is tightly corked and allowed to brew for an hour;
  • after the solution is filtered;
  • application - 1 teaspoon 15 minutes before feeding.

What helps

With atherosclerosis and thrombosis, the patency of blood vessels worsens, and with phlebitis and varicose veins, inflammation of the walls. The result of these problems is hypertension, insomnia and tinnitus. Dill tincture helps cleanse blood vessels and relieve inflammation. To prepare it, you need to calculate the proportion:

  • 0.5 cups of natural red wine;
  • 3 art. spoons of seeds;
  • the mixture is heated over low heat for 15 minutes, but not brought to a boil;
  • after which the broth must be passed through gauze or a sieve, the liquid must be drained into a dark container;
  • take 50 ml of infusion in the evening.

With severe sleep disorders, "dill wine" is prepared. It is prepared in the same way as with red wine, only they take other proportions:

  • 10 grams of seeds;
  • a glass of white wine.

The drug is used before bedtime 50-100 ml.

Bronchitis is treated with tincture according to the following prescription:

  • crushed dill seeds 50 grams;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of juniper berries;
  • 2 grams of ground black pepper;
  • 1 st. a spoonful of horseradish root passed through a meat grinder;
  • liter jar of vodka.

Everything is corked and sent to a cool, dark place to infuse for 2 weeks. After the expiration of the exposure period, the infusion should be filtered and applied 15-20 drops diluted with water.

Dill seeds for weight loss

Preparations containing dill stimulate the digestive tract and thus help improve metabolism.

Seed tincture normalizes excretion digestive juice and consumption by the body useful substances. Diuretic effect does not allow to stagnate excess fluid in the body and eliminates swelling of the abdomen and legs.

As a seasoning for dishes and salads for losing weight, dill is also used. It is useful for weight loss to drink a decoction, it is prepared in a thermos:

  • 4 tbsp. spoons of dill seeds;
  • fall asleep in a glass of boiling water;
  • kept for 2 hours;
  • then the filtered solution is taken 100 ml before meals for 30 minutes.

Also, to reduce appetite, it is enough to chew a few grains of dill before eating. The feeling of hunger is sharply lost and in the process of eating food, the amount of food consumed is significantly reduced.


Personal intolerance and manifestation allergic reactions, sometimes there is an increased sensitivity to related plants:

  • carrot,
  • fennel,
  • coriander,
  • celery.

Do not take dill oil:

  • children under one year old
  • pregnant and lactating,
  • people with low blood pressure.


Dill - a folk remedy for bloating and problems with digestive system. Studies have shown that leaves, seeds and essential oil plants have antimicrobial properties.

Watch the video! Useful properties of dill

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