See what happens to the skin of the face. Problem skin treatment. Treatment of facial skin problems: what to do, which doctor to contact

The health of our skin directly depends on the general condition of the body. But one of the main causes of skin diseases are disorders in the functioning of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract, and especially the intestines. Let's see what problems with the skin of the face can arise due to the intestines.

How bowel problems affect the skin

In case of violations of the intestines, its contents, which must be removed from the body, begin to penetrate into the blood in small doses. This leads to autointoxication (poisoning with poisons). The body tries to cleanse the blood of toxins by expelling them through the excretory systems, the most accessible of which is the skin. Thus, there are problems with the skin of the face due to the intestines.

In diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, the following changes occur on the skin of the face:

  • tarnishing of the skin, increased fat content;
  • expansion of pores, which leads to the appearance of "black dots";
  • the spread of infection in the body causes acne and blackheads;
  • red spots appear;
  • the skin becomes very dry;
  • scars appear in place of acne.

Thus, we see that problems with the intestines directly affect the condition of the skin. The lack of beneficial bacteria leads to a violation of the protective functions of the epidermis and causes the development of various infections and inflammations.

Dysbacteriosis and skin

Dysbacteriosis - an imbalance in the intestinal microflora - is the most common cause of problems with facial skin.

Our intestines are inhabited by many microbacteria. Among them are useful (lactobacilli, bifidobacteria, bacteroids), harmful (staphylococci, streptococci) and "neutral". With dysbacteriosis, the number of beneficial bacteria decreases, while harmful ones, on the contrary, increase. This leads to indigestion, violations of the absorption of useful vitamins and minerals, as well as fats.

It should be noted that dysbacteriosis is rarely an independent disease. Often it accompanies diseases such as gastritis, pancreatitis, intestinal infection. In addition, quite often dysbacteriosis occurs as a result of taking antibiotics or changing the usual diet.

The main symptoms of dysbacteriosis:

Treatment of dysbacteriosis begins with the restoration of normal intestinal microflora. For this, prebiotics, probiotics, and synbiotics are prescribed:

  1. Prebiotics- These are substances that stimulate the reproduction of beneficial microbacteria in the intestine and prevent the development of pathogenic microflora. Popular drugs: "Hilak forte", "Duphalak", "Lactulose", "Fervital".
  2. Probiotics- These are "live bacteria" that inhabit the human body and are necessary for the normal functioning of the intestine. Popular drugs: "Bifiform", "Linex".
  3. Synbiotics- combined preparations that contain prebiotics and probiotics. Popular drugs: Maxilak, Laktiale, Bifiliz, Bifidobak.

Healthy foods for the intestines

With rashes on the face, it is necessary to abandon the use of alcohol, fatty, salty and sweet foods and enrich your diet with foods that are good for the intestines.

And here is a list of the most useful products that will help restore the intestinal microflora and, therefore, improve skin condition:

  1. very rich in beneficial substances for the intestines. It contains a large amount of fiber, which normalizes cholesterol levels and promotes digestion. The most useful is bread made from rye flour. It lowers blood sugar levels and has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract.
  2. Bran and cereals. They contain a large amount of dietary fiber, which cleanse the body, reduce bloating, improve intestinal motility and motility. Oatmeal is an ideal breakfast option for diseases of the digestive tract.
  3. - a source of useful vitamins and minerals for our body. It contains a large amount of ascorbic acid, calcium, magnesium, riboflavin and other elements. In addition, pumpkin contains a lot of fiber.
  4. Legumes. Lentils are a unique source of iron and zinc. In addition, it contains fiber in its composition. Lentils help to eliminate toxins from the body and improve digestion. Other high-fiber legumes are also considered beneficial for the intestines: black beans, beans.
  5. known for its cleansing properties. Carotene in carrots restores the intestinal mucosa and improves its functioning.
  6. Broccoli- a source of fiber and vitamins. Broccoli is not only useful for the mucous membrane of the digestive tract, but is also a natural antioxidant, because it helps to eliminate toxins and cleanse the body.
  7. sea ​​kale contains a large amount of iodine and iron, which remove harmful toxins and promote digestion
  8. . This product contains useful phytoncides. These substances destroy pathogenic bacteria in the intestines and stomach.
  9. Jerusalem artichoke helps to quickly cope with dysbacteriosis, normalizes the microflora.
  10. apricots and plums have a laxative effect and promote the removal of toxins from the body.
  11. - a source of useful vitamins (B1, B2, PP) and organic acids. Great for helping with constipation.
  12. green vegetables contain insoluble fiber, which removes excess cholesterol, bile acids and toxins, as well as beta-carotenes and iron.
  13. Flax seeds contain soluble and insoluble fiber. Used to lower blood cholesterol levels and as a natural laxative.
  14. (almonds, pistachios and others) contain a large amount of nutrients, have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract.

If you have any questions about nutrition for severe rashes on the skin of the face, watch the video:


Remember: we are what we eat. Everything that enters our body affects the beauty and health of the skin of the face. And if the intestines cease to function normally, then this will certainly affect the condition of the skin. Watch your diet, be healthy and beautiful!

Each person can have problems with the skin of the face. This applies to both teenagers and people of mature age, young and healthy. Not only women, but also men are at risk. Today we will reveal all the reasons why facial skin problems may arise, we will tell you about the best vitamins and masks to eliminate the disease.

Who can get skin problems

Most often, the face suffers in adolescents when puberty begins. Not only practically harmless pimples appear, but also severely inflamed acne, from which ugly scars remain. Of course, you can get rid of scars, but it is still better to prevent their appearance.

Also, acne and pimples, enlarged pores and, as a result, oily sheen appear in pregnant and lactating women. At such intervals, the body is most susceptible to various misfortunes, and it begins to ask for help, showing its weakness with various manifestations, including a rash on the face.

People of mature age, leading an unhealthy lifestyle, working in hazardous industries, malnourished, athletes taking special nutritional supplements to build muscle - all these people can suffer from skin problems on the face. Before choosing a treatment, it is worth understanding the reasons why there are various kinds of problems associated with the skin.


Actively released testosterone affects the sebaceous glands so that they no less actively begin to produce sebium, which maintains the necessary protective environment. An excess of sebium leads to the formation of pimples or blackheads.

This problem usually occurs in adolescents who have a transitional age. But what if acne appeared in an adult? The causes of a rash can be:

  • hormonal failure when taking hormonal drugs or after childbirth, during breastfeeding;
  • constant stress;
  • heredity;
  • oily skin;
  • insufficient or inappropriate care;
  • dysbacteriosis, intestinal diseases;
  • change in climatic conditions;
  • malnutrition, lack of vitamins.

Acne treatment

To get rid of a rash on the skin in the form of acne and blackheads, it is worth using complex therapy. Creams and ointments should be accompanied by vitamins that are necessary for the health of the skin.

Acne treatment is necessary not only for adults, but teenage facial skin problems should not be ignored, believing that they will disappear by themselves over time.

The doctor will definitely prescribe the intake of vitamins, you can choose yourself from the list provided, if you are sure that the cause of acne lies in malnutrition, devoid of the necessary vitamins. Also, these funds can be taken in the winter and spring periods to prevent the appearance of a rash.

The best vitamins for facial skin:

  • "Elevit".
  • "Dragee Merz".
  • "Doppel Hertz".
  • "Complivit".
  • Ascorbic acid.
  • Vitamins of groups B and E.
  • Retinoic ointment.
  • Salicylic ointment.
  • Erythromycin.
  • Sulfuric ointment.
  • Zinc ointment.
  • Streptocid ointment.
  • "Zinerite".
  • "Klindovit".
  • "Baziron AS".
  • Skinoren Gel.
  • "Metrogil".

Homeopathic remedies:

  • "Arnica".
  • "Sulfur".
  • Nux Vomica.
  • "Tuya".
  • "Gepar Sulfur".

There are also a large number of masks that will help in the treatment. One of these is the activated charcoal face mask. Making it yourself is quite simple, and this tool will cost quite inexpensively. Later in the article we will tell you how to make this tool and how it works.

As always, I would like to say that you cannot choose the treatment yourself, it may simply not be suitable. Only a specialist is able to choose the right treatment, focusing on the type of skin, the causes of urea and acne.

Oily sheen

Every third woman is accompanied by such a problem with the skin of the face - pores. When they are enlarged, the skin begins to shine a lot, and this type is called oily or combination. Excessive androgen production, improper skin care, and stress can be the cause of pore enlargement. Only a specialist can say exactly why there are problems with the skin of the face. The reasons can lie deep enough, so you should not look for them on your own.

In case of improperly selected treatment, not a single cosmetic product will help, frequent washing in order to dry out the skin. Sometimes the shine disappears during pregnancy, but resumes after childbirth. What to do to make the treatment prescribed by a specialist productive?

Dealing with enlarged pores

At the time of treatment, it is necessary to give up alcohol, foods high in carbohydrates, animal fats. Also, before going outside, you should use sunscreen. Only by protecting the face from harmful influences as much as possible, it will be possible to expect effective treatment.

During the course, when washing, it is worth excluding the use of soap, which violates the acid-base balance of the skin, it will be replaced by a special one containing vitamins A, B, E.

Proper cleansing is necessary, for this you need to use peeling or scrub twice a week. These products will help get rid of dead cells, cleanse pores, narrow them, get rid of oily sheen.

Be sure to use masks for combination skin, you can create them at home, and buy ready-made in a pharmacy.

Problems with the skin of the face after 50 years

With age, the skin begins not only to age on the outside, but also gives signals of help to the entire body with various manifestations. The most common signs that it is time to see a doctor are age spots, acne, rosacea (redness in the nose, cheeks, forehead and chin), keratomas (growths on the skin). With each new age-related manifestation, it is necessary to contact a dermatologist, therapist, gynecologist and endocrinologist. Specialists will prescribe tests, according to which it will become clear what is happening with the body. After 50 years, facial skin problems cannot be eliminated only with masks, creams and vitamins, the cause must be sought from the inside, and most often it is:

  • hormonal disruptions:
  • indigestion;
  • lack of minerals and vitamins;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • liver problems.

Only after the problems are eliminated from the inside, it is possible to deal with superficial manifestations. Here, creams and ointments, face masks, vitamins (group A, B, E and C) will come to the rescue.

The most effective means for dealing with skin problems at any age, many women include activated charcoal, sold in pharmacies. The activated charcoal face mask has been popular for a long time, but many simply forgot about it, trying to put their appearance in order with the help of expensive advertised ointments and creams.

What are the results of activated charcoal masks?

Charcoal retains all the beneficial properties of wood that are essential for our skin. Women of different ages use masks that include activated charcoal. With their help, you can get rid of many problems with the skin of the face:

  • the skin becomes less oily, shine disappears;
  • deep cleansing helps to eliminate black dots;
  • acne and blackheads disappear, inflammation quickly disappears;
  • the relief of the skin due to deep cleansing becomes smoother;
  • peeling of the skin disappears.

Activated charcoal has a beneficial effect on the skin of the face. With its help, many women began to look more attractive without spending huge amounts of money on expensive cosmetic procedures and products.

Rules for the use of activated carbon

To get the desired effect, it is worth buying only fresh coal, avoiding the use of old and especially expired, it will not harm, but also benefit.

In very rare cases, an unfortunate side effect is possible - an allergic reaction. Therefore, before using an activated charcoal mask, it is worth taking a test by applying a small amount to the inside of the wrist.

To achieve the desired result, the mask is used for six weeks, once every seven days. If there is a need for a second course, it can be started only after two months.

The most effective mask acts on steamed skin, so it is better to use it in a bath or after a long stay in a hot bath.

Mask Recipes

Black dot mask

To make such a mask, you need to mix a crushed charcoal tablet with two teaspoons of gelatin and the same amount of cold water or milk. Heat the mixture in the microwave on the highest setting for 15 seconds. Cool, apply to problem areas, remove after 15 minutes from the skin.

Ice cubes for oily skin

Ice with activated charcoal will help to narrow the pores and rid the skin of oily sheen. To prepare it, you will need a quarter cup of water. Coal must be crushed, mixed with water and frozen in ice molds. Wipe your face daily.

Acne mask

It is necessary to grind seven tablets of coal, add a teaspoon of aloe juice, half a teaspoon of sea salt and two drops of tea tree oil. The mask is applied for 20 minutes, after which it is washed off with water. The effect will be amazing: inflammation will pass, acne and pimples will dry out quickly, there will be no scars, the work of the sebaceous glands will normalize.

There are a lot of recipes for making masks with activated charcoal. They are suitable for all ages and all skin types.

Do not forget that problems with the skin of the face have internal causes, and in order to put your appearance in order, it is worth starting treatment from the inside. Even the most expensive means will give a short-term effect if internal disturbances in the body are not eliminated. Problems with the skin of the face should not be ignored, even with the most insignificant it is worth consulting a doctor.

Skin problems are caused by disruption of various body systems. By restoring the body as a whole, you also remove skin problems.

If the body can not cope, the skin takes over the functions of cleaning. All the muck gets out through the skin - hence the problems with the skin.

  1. Digestive disorders cause of acne, allergies, dermatitis, acne. One of the powerful factors in violation of the skin condition is a violation of the digestive system, as a lack of beneficial microflora. The more beneficial microflora in the intestines, the clearer your skin.

The gut itself is a powerful immune system. Throughout life, we lose beneficial bacteria obtained with mother's milk at birth. Then we can't restore them. Yes, and kill with antibiotics. 70-80% of people suffer from severe dysbacteriosis.

Babies are born without these bacteria at all. Your baby gets good bacteria at the very first feeding. It is MANDATORY to breastfeed the baby immediately after birth. And it doesn't matter if mommy has milk or not. There is colostrum, without which the baby's intestines will not work well.

Violations of the functions of the excretory system - poor functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, constipation, disturbances in the secretion of bile (and it works to break down cholesterol), poor functioning of the liver, kidneys - all this is the cause of skin diseases. Therefore, the first way to deal with skin problems is to restore the digestive tract.

  1. Nervous system . Problems with the nervous system lead to disorders such as neurodermatitis, urticaria, itching, hyperpigmentation. Here is the second solution to skin problems - restore your nervous system.
  1. Endocrine system . (thyroid gland, pancreas, gonads, pituitary gland, adrenal glands). Changes in these glands will provoke dermatoses, acne, purulent lesions.

Signs of disorders in the work of the pituitary gland - pallor, swelling.

Adrenal lesions - bronze disease.

Violations in the activity of the gonads provoke the formation of a large number of fat cells, they put pressure on the connective tissue, on the nerve endings, on the vessels - tissue nutrition worsens, which leads to cellulite.

Here you need to contact a specialist.

  1. Hematopoietic system . Violations in this system lead to dermatitis, pale skin, dryness, changes in nails (concave), hair loss.
  1. The immune system . If the immune system fails, this leads to skin diseases such as dermatoses, individual inflammatory areas, blisters, papillomas, tumors, allergic dermatosis, psoriasis.

The immune system produces cells - killers, antibodies. If immunity is normal, these cells kill viruses and bacteria that enter our body.

And if the immune system is impaired, antibodies perceive our body as foreign and attack. The immune system opposes its own cells. Autoimmune diseases - multiple sclerosis, lupus erythematosus, type 1 diabetes.

  1. Irradiation, inflammation, a large number of drugs, low-quality perfumes can also lead to skin problems. You can use creams, shampoos, ointments - but if the problem is inside, then it must be solved from the inside. Avoid chemistry.
  1. Metabolic disease - furunculosis, xanthomas (yellow grains on the skin filled with fat), itching, rough skin, dark, rough skin on the hands, on the elbows, hole-shaped nails, inflammation of the mucous membrane, seizures, brittle nails, seborrhea, hair loss, eczema, dermatitis , hypergamatosis, glossitis (inflammation in the tongue).

The cause of skin diseases is the increased formation of aggressive peroxide compounds and free radicals. These compounds are especially dangerous when exposed to ultraviolet (sunlight), stress, environmental pollution, malnutrition, lack of antioxidants.

If they form compounds with proteins - allergies, with fat cells - cancer, with ribonucleic acid - a change in heredity. They change the structure of membranes. The blood pressure rises.

Violation of protein and fat metabolism - lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis or cellulitis;

Violation of carbohydrate metabolism - pustular diseases, allergies. The reason is the lack of vitamins and minerals.

To remove skin problems , we begin to gradually restore all these 7 systems from the inside.

Antioxidants help:

- vitamins and vitamin-like substances: A, C, beta-carotene, E, B2, B3, PP, H, linoleic acid

- minerals: calcium, iron, copper, selenium, zinc, manganese,

amino acids (glycine, glutamic acid),

- polyphenols.

The mechanism of action of antioxidants:

- delivery of oxygen

— utilization of oxygen,

- prevents the formation of free radicals.


The main skin types are normal, oily, dry and combination. Any of them can become problematic for one reason or another. Cosmetic deficiencies occur at any age - both in adolescence and in adulthood. The cosmetic industry offers a variety of products to combat facial skin problems.

Causes of problem skin

Dermatologists call the epidermis problematic, prone to greasiness, dryness, the appearance of a vascular network, pigmentation, acne and other cosmetic imperfections. It is believed that the main cause of defects is external influence. This is not entirely true, because the skin has powerful defense mechanisms that can cope with environmental threats.

It is much more difficult to resist internal violations.

Cosmetic defects on the face often indicate malfunctions in the body:

  • Hormonal disorders. This is the main cause of acne in adolescence, as well as rashes on the face during the premenstrual period, during pregnancy and menopause in women. In men, the problem occurs due to increased testosterone levels.
  • Decreased immunity. The skin has its own defenses. If they are violated, for example, after exposure to ultraviolet radiation, low-quality cosmetics, stress, malnutrition, bad habits and other reasons, acne appears on the face, the dermis becomes excessively oily or dry.
  • genetic factors. Cosmetic problems can be inherited. If one of the parents has oily facial skin due to disruption of the sebaceous glands, then the child is likely to have the same defect.
  • Allergic reactions. The reaction of the body to irritants (allergens) is often the appearance of inflammation, rashes, itching.
  • Chronic diseases. Skin problems arise for another reason - the presence of diseases. These include pathologies of the stomach, intestines, liver, endocrine ailments, including diabetes mellitus.


Skin problems on the face are dry flaky areas, oily forehead, sagging, double chin. In adolescents, hormonal changes in the body stimulate an increased secretion of sebum. This is manifested by acne, acne, too porous dermis. Other signs of skin defects:

  • black dots;
  • furunculosis;
  • enlarged pores;
  • acne;
  • oily sheen;
  • dark spots;
  • excessive pallor or yellowness;
  • fungal infections.

Problem skin care

It is necessary to deal with skin defects in a complex way: diet, drug therapy, regular cosmetic care (at home or with a cosmetologist). To determine the type of skin and the cause of the violations, it is advisable to consult a dermatologist. The doctor will give individual recommendations for care.

The main steps are cleansing and moisturizing.

Basic rules to follow at home:

  • correction of the diet;
  • meticulous facial hygiene;
  • proper selection of cosmetics;
  • observance of the regime of work and rest.


Cosmetics should be selected based on the cause of skin disorders. The composition of face care products should include components that improve the composition of the epidermis. These are vitamins, essential oils, herbal extracts. Pharmaceuticals are used for treatment.

They contain substances that eliminate oily sheen, irritation, acne. The reproduction of bacteria is counteracted by acids: mandelic, lactic, malic, citric, glycolic.

The form of release of cosmetics is masks, scrubs, creams, gels, ointments, tonics.


To combat acne, inflammation, enlarged pores, doctors advise choosing facial cosmetics containing zinc, activated charcoal, and acidic components. The most effective care is multi-component masks for problematic facial skin. Most Popular:

  • Clay magic from L "Oreal. The composition of the mask includes kaolin, montmorillonite, gassul, red algae extract, eucalyptus, coal. The tool is used at home. The mask deeply cleanses pores, removes oily sheen, and has a detox effect. Suitable for both young and aging skin. You can apply a clay mask 3 times a week for 15 minutes.
  • Mineral mask from Vichy. Contains thermal water, white clay, glycerin. The mask dries acne, fights inflammation. Suitable for any type of epidermis. The product should be applied to the face 1-3 times a week for 5 minutes.


Problematic facial skin requires high-quality cosmetics, which can be purchased on the Internet, pharmacies or specialized stores. Creams will help remove external problems of the epidermis. When choosing care products, the type of dermis should be taken into account.

Dry and dehydrated skin requires deep hydration, oily skin needs normalization of sebum production. For the first type, you need to purchase creams with drying components, for the second - without heavy oil bases. The best cosmetics in this area:

  • Mattifying Cream by Garnier. Designed for oily and mixed dermis. The composition of the product includes maple extract, glycerin, drying and antibacterial additives (ethyl alcohol, salicylic acid). The cream masks imperfections, removes redness, peeling, small pimples. Suitable for daily use.
  • Moisturizing cream "Bioderma". Suitable for dry skin. Helps to get rid of dermatitis (atopic, seborrheic), eliminates itching, stimulates lipid synthesis. Active substances - zinc, natural biolipids, filaggrin. The cream is very dense - helps protect the skin from frost.


Mandatory care at home - cleansing the face. Washing gels are ideal for this, and should be used daily before applying the night cream. Most Popular:

  • Gel for washing "Propeller". Contains salicylic acid, zinc, lactulose, sulfur, silver chloride. Suitable for all ages, but designed for problematic teenage skin that is prone to acne. To eliminate acne, you should wash your face daily in the morning and evening.
  • Clearasil Daily Care Gel. Excellent exfoliating, anti-inflammatory agent. With daily care, it does not allow the infection to spread, removes oily sheen, acne, blackheads. Contains zinc, glycerin, cetyl alcohol. Use morning and evening.


You can take care of your face at home with the help of vegetable oils. They help to get rid of pigmentation, dryness, acne.

Oils regulate the hydro-lipid balance, therefore they are also suitable for oily skin types.

They can be used on the face instead of a daily cream. The best products for problem skin:

  • Almond. It is used to eliminate peeling and moisturize dry epidermis. With daily use, you can get rid of eczema, dermatitis, herpes at home.
  • Walnut. Universal care product for all skin types. The oil perfectly copes with age-related defects, regulates the production of sebum, accelerates the process of tissue regeneration.


Mandatory cosmetics for the care of problematic dermis - scrubs. To remove oily sheen, cleanse the face, eliminate comedones (white pimples), you need to use this tool 1-2 times a week. It is not recommended to use a scrub more often. Owners of dry skin should be especially careful with this type of cosmetics so as not to injure it. Best Facial Scrubs:

  • Scrub Pure Effect from Nivea. Gentle gel-based cleanser. Exfoliates dead particles of the epidermis, removes blackheads. The composition contains magnolia extract, glycerin, betaine.
  • Scrub cleansing from the "Clean Line". Suitable for problem combination skin. The composition of the product includes crushed apricot kernels, chamomile extract. The scrub relieves inflammation, tones the epidermis, evens out the color, and helps eliminate acne.


This type of cosmetics is also used for cleansing. Tonics and lotions have the ability to matte, moisturize, whiten the epidermis. You need to use them, depending on the problem that you want to solve. The best cosmetics of this kind:

  • Tonic "Bark" with prebiotic. Designed for oily and mixed dermis. Regulates the work of the sebaceous glands, relieves inflammation, tightens pores, increases the effectiveness of the day cream. The composition contains salicylic acid, prebiotic lactulose, phytoextracts. Apply to face every morning and evening.
  • Cleansing tonic from Natura Siberica. Suitable for combination skin types. Tonic contains extracts of green tea, sage, oregano. Provides deep cleansing, matting the epidermis, eliminates oily sheen. Use this type of cosmetics 2 times a day before applying the cream.

Problem skin treatment

Before taking measures to eliminate skin defects, you need to find out their cause. To do this, you should contact a dermatologist who will refer you to laboratory tests (blood tests for hormones, sensitivity to antibiotics, skin scrapings, and others).

At home and outside the home, treatment is carried out only after receiving the results of the study and identifying the cause of skin defects.

With a mild degree of pathology, local care is prescribed. In the presence of a serious problem, medicinal ointments are used for treatment. With the hormonal nature of defects, pills for oily facial skin may be prescribed. With an allergic reaction of the body, the main treatment is aimed at stopping exposure to the allergen.

Medicines for treatment

Medical elimination of epidermal defects is carried out according to indications. Depending on the cause of the problems on the face, the doctor may prescribe systemic drugs (capsules, tablets, suspensions, injections) and / or external agents (ointments, gels). In order to avoid complications, self-treatment is strictly prohibited. Groups of medicines:

  • Zenerite. Antibacterial drug, which is available in two vials. The first contains a dry mixture of zinc acetate and the antibiotic erythromycin, and the second is a solvent that needs to be diluted with the main components before use. Apply the solution 2 times a day to problem areas of the skin to eliminate pathogenic bacteria. The tool will help reduce the production of sebum. The duration of treatment is 12 weeks. The average cost of the drug is 650 rubles.
  • Adapalene. Gel, which is intended for external treatment of acne. The main component of adapalene is a dermatotropic anti-inflammatory agent. The gel stimulates tissue regeneration, exfoliates old cells, prevents the formation of blackheads and comedones. The agent is applied to problem areas 1-2 times a day for 2 months. The approximate price of the drug is 550 rubles.

diet therapy

Problematic skin care necessarily includes nutritional correction. Diet therapy requires the exclusion from the diet of the following products:

  • Fatty varieties of poultry, meat. Under the ban duck, lamb, pork.
  • Animal fats, store-bought sauces. These include ketchup, mayonnaise, lard, margarine.
  • Smoked meats, pickles. It is necessary to abandon sausages, balyks, carbonades, spicy cheeses, marinades.
  • Bakery products. You can not eat cakes, cookies, muffins, white bread.
  • Sugar containing products. It is necessary to exclude sweets, chocolate and other sweets from the diet.
  • Alcoholic drinks, black tea, coffee. They provoke the production of cortisol, which activates the sebaceous glands.

Cosmetic procedures

Treatment of epidermal defects on the face involves salon procedures. These include various types of peels, ozone therapy, plasma therapy and others. Popular procedures:

  • mechanical cleaning. If there is greasy skin, black dots on the face, then cosmetologists advise this procedure. Mechanical cleaning takes place in three stages: preliminary cleansing, steaming with deep cleaning and elimination of inflammatory processes by squeezing. The plus of mechanical cleaning is an affordable price (3000–5000 rubles), the minuses are soreness, trauma.
  • Chemical peel (light). Recommended for those with oily skin. Purification is carried out with the help of fruit acids. Peeling renews the skin, eliminates dead cells, regulates the sebaceous glands. Of the pros - a painless procedure, cons - it is undesirable to be in the sun after the session. The average cost of chemical peeling is 3000-7000 rubles.
  • Ozone therapy. Cleaning is carried out by introducing ozone subcutaneously into the problem area. The gas reduces tissue irritation, removes inflammation, tightens the contour of the chin, eliminates pigmentation and dark circles under the eyes. Plus - the result is noticeable after the first session, minus - a large number of contraindications. The approximate price of one session is 1000-3000 rubles.
  • Plasma therapy. Skin treatment is carried out by injecting the patient's blood plasma into the epidermis (top layer). The method is aimed at combating aging, pigmentation, acne, rashes, fat content. The plus of the procedure is the absence of a recovery period, the minus is that preliminary preparation is required (diet, refusal from sports, smoking and alcohol). The cost of one session of plasma therapy on the face is 4800 rubles.

Decorative cosmetics for problem skin

In the arsenal of cosmetologists and dermatologists, many cosmetic products have appeared that combine healing and masking properties. For a problematic dermis, you should choose cosmetics that include ingredients that remove redness, can disinfect inflamed elements, dry hyperemic acne. Recommendations for choosing funds:

  • When buying cosmetics, consider the type of skin.
  • Give preference to the means of well-known manufacturers.
  • Depending on the problem, choose cosmetics with medicinal ingredients (anti-inflammatory disinfectants and others).
  • For oily and sensitive dermis, the presence of UV protection in cosmetics is relevant. Ultraviolet leads to a deterioration in the condition of the skin.
  • Before use, check each remedy for the presence of an allergic reaction in your body. Apply makeup for 15 minutes on the back of your hand. If there is no redness and itching, you can use it.

Makeup Features

If you apply decorative cosmetics on oily skin at home, you will notice that it blurs after a while. To prolong the durability of makeup, you must follow some rules:

  • Look for salicylic acid in foundations and primers.
  • Makeup for problem skin is applied after it is completely cleansed.
  • To keep highlighter and blush for a long time, combine dry and wet cosmetics. For example, on top of cream blush, apply similar dry ones.
  • In order not to focus on comedones and enlarged pores, do not use shining textures on these places.

Prevention of skin problems

During and after treatment, it is important to remember that it is forbidden to touch your face with your hands so as not to introduce an infection. The skin will remain clean if you adhere to the following preventive measures:

  • wash your face with warm water (20-22°C);
  • carefully remove makeup at night;
  • use the face wash every morning;
  • do not buy scrubs with too large abrasive particles;
  • before applying the cream, refresh the epidermis with a tonic;
  • During the day, remove oily sheen with matting wipes.


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Problem skin of the face - care and treatment

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