Essential oils are of good quality. World production of essential oils, the most sought after essential oils. The best oils for oily skin

In the world production of essential natural oils, citrus essential oils ( and ) make up about 40% of the world production of essential oils. These are the cheapest oils, which is due to the fact that they are currently a by-product in the production of citrus juices.

The need for citrus oils is high due to the fashion for fresh citrus flavors in perfumery, cosmetics, chewing gum, beverage flavors, household chemicals and detergents.

Makes up to 13% in the global structure of production of essential oils. can be called a hit among essential oils. Peppermint essential oil is widely used in the food industry, medicine, in the production of toothpastes and chewing gum. From high-menthol types of mint oils, natural menthol is isolated, which is indispensable in the preparation of a number of drugs for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases.

The main volume of production of essential oils is concentrated in the countries of North and South America (40% of the world production of these products), Asia accounts for 30% and 25% is produced in Europe.

On the American continent, the largest producer is Brazil, which produces about 6 thousand tons. essential oils, including mint, citronella, sassafras, lemongrass, eucalyptus, vetiver, patchouli, palmarosa and rosewood essential oils.

The United States produces about 5,000 tons of essential oils, including 1,000 tons of mint - citrus and cedar - as well as oils of clary sage and sweet basil.

Argentina produces citrus, citronella, guaiac, lemongrass, mint, non-role essential oils in the amount of slightly less than 1 thousand tons. Paraguay produces mint and petitgrain; Guatemala, Honduras and Mexico - citrus and lemongrass; Salvador - Peruvian balsam; Haiti - non-role, petitgrain and vetiver; Columbia - tolu balm; Peru - rosewood essential oil.

In Asia, the largest producer of essential oils is China, which produces mint, citronella, cedar, and, to a lesser extent, geranium, jasmine, patchouli, eugenol, basil, lemongrass, sandal, star anise, and ginger oils.

India produces more than 120 tons of essential oils (santal, mint, palmarose, lemongrass, citronella, etc.) and almost the same number - Indonesia (citronella, clove, vetiver, patchouli, sandalwood). Vietnam produces a large volume of essential oils (citronella, star anise, cubeb).

Japan produces about 200 tons of essential oils (mint, geranium, citrus, patchouli, vetiver, rose) and at the same time the country is one of the major importers, in Sri Lanka - up to 100 tons (citronella, lemongrass, cinnamon, cardamom).

The largest producer of essential oils in Europe is Spain, which annually produces up to 1500 tons of essential oils, mainly lavender, eucalyptus, rosemary and thyme. France produces about 1000 tons of essential oils, mainly lavender and sandal.

Italy is the main producer of citrus oils.

Bulgaria produces the best in the world, etc. In the Soviet Union, from 800 to 1300 tons of essential oils were produced, among them the world's best coriander oil, as well as mint, rose, lavender, and sage oils. In the 90s. This industry has fallen into decline, but is gradually beginning to revive. At present, the production of fir oil, which is highly valued all over the world, has been established.

The level of development of the essential oil industry in a particular country can be assessed by the quality of products and a wide range of essential oils in production. About 30 years ago Europe had the highest level of development of the essential oil industry. France produced over 60 high quality essential oils. In the Soviet Union, 25 items of this product were produced, followed by Italy, Spain, and Bulgaria. In other countries, the range of oils was limited to no more than ten items, with a pronounced specialization of one to five types.

The United States is the largest exporter and importer of essential oils in the world market. But if the basis of US exports is only four types of essential oils (orange, mint, lemon, cedar), then imports are more than 30.

Large quantities of essential oils in a wide range are imported by the countries of the European continent, primarily France, England, Holland and Germany. Export deliveries in these countries are much lower.

Crisis phenomena of the 70s. of the last century in the world economy, the rise in prices for energy resources and land plots led to an increase in the cost of all types of industrial and agricultural products, including essential oils, the production of which in some cases became unprofitable. All this resulted in curtailing the production of essential oils in a number of countries.

Significantly reduced the volume and range of essential oils produced in France and other industrialized countries due to difficulties in providing cheap labor and acreage. Under these conditions, France took the path of organizing a joint production of essential oil in the developing countries of Morocco, Egypt, etc.).

Competition significantly hinders the development of essential oil production. Thus, coffee and soybeans have become serious competitors for the production of essential oils in Brazil and Argentina. Growing demand and high prices for coffee and soybeans have contributed to the development of the production of these crops to the detriment of ethereal plants.

It hinders the development of essential oil production and the growth in the production of synthetic aromatic substances, which in some cases successfully replace natural essential oils.

Traditional centers of essential oil production continue to move to third world countries, which are located in optimal natural and climatic conditions for the cultivation of essential oil, have cheap labor and relatively free land. Gradually, China is becoming one of the largest producers of essential oils.

Now here is the main world production of high-menthol Japanese mint essential oil, which in 1940 was concentrated in Japan and then in Brazil. The main production of citronella oil moved to China from Sri Lanka, and eucalyptus oil from Australia.

The United States has ceased to be a monopoly in the production of cedar oil, as China is intensively developing the production of its cedar oil from mourning cypress wood. The center for the production of vetiver oil has moved from about. Reunion to Indonesia, and the centers of production of geranium oil are located in Egypt and on about. Reunion. The main production of jasmine oil, which was traditionally produced in Italy, Morocco and France, moved to Egypt.

Fraudulent essential oils

Many mistakenly believe that artificial and synthetic oils are fakes of natural essential oils. This notion is incorrect even if commercially they are passed off as natural essential oils. Such perfume base compositions can rather be called a “surrogate” of natural essential oil.

The use of synthetic and artificial essential oils in perfumery is legitimate and very convenient in the preparation of perfume compositions, as it ensures the consistency of composition and aroma, which cannot be achieved using only natural essential oils.

After all, the composition and smell of various batches of natural essential oil of a particular name may vary significantly depending on the quality of the processed plant materials, processing technology and other factors.

However, the use of synthetic and artificial oils along with natural ones in the food industry, medicine and aromatherapy is unacceptable, since they do not have those consumer and pharmacological properties that are inherent in natural essential oils and can be harmful due to the presence of components and isomers that are unusual for natural essential oils and have other effects on the human body.

The falsification of natural essential oils should be understood as a deliberate change in the composition of a natural essential oil with a mercenary purpose by mixing various additives and partial extraction of the most valuable components of the essential oil while maintaining the appearance of the commercial quality of the product. An oil obtained from falsified plant materials can also be considered falsified.

Synthetic additives, volatile (the so-called turpentine fractions of some essential oils, cheaper essential oils, as well as purified kerosene, fatty vegetable and even mineral oils) can be used as falsification products of essential oils.

Usually, unscrupulous manufacturers resort to adulteration of essential oils in order to sell non-standard products, especially when it comes to expensive essential oils.

Rose essential oil can be adulterated with cheaper oils containing terpene alcohols (citronellol, geraniol), geranium oil fractions, or palmarosa.

The very expensive essential oil of lemon verbena can be falsified with citrus essential oils or synthetic citral, and vetiver oil with the addition of synthetic 2-methyl-2,4-pentanediol.

Melissa essential oil, which has a pleasant mint-lemon smell due to the presence of neral, citronellal, geraniniol, linalool, caryophyllene oxide, is very expensive due to the low yield and high labor intensity of its production. These components, synthesized long ago, can be used for falsification.

There are known cases of replacing the essential oil of lemon balm with lemon blackberry oil (West Indian lemongrass oil) or citronella. There are ersatz (substitutes) for lemon balm oil. However, substitutes, if they are not issued for natural essential oil, cannot be considered falsification. In order to be sure of the authenticity of lemon balm essential oil, a complete instrumental analysis of the sample should be carried out. The essential oil of pharmacy chamomile is falsified by the addition of synthetic bisabolol or chamazulene and even high-boiling fractions of cheap essential oils.

Expensive and scarce Indian santal essential oil is falsified by the addition of cedar and guaiac oils or their fractions, as well as synthetic products with a santal smell.

Expensive jasmine concrete is adulterated with waxes obtained from the production of jasmine absolute oil in concrete. Jasmine absolute oil is adulterated with jasmine-scented synthetic products. Mixing cheap essential oils with more expensive ones is a very common counterfeit technique for many other oils.

Hyssop essential oil, widely used in aromatherapy, can be adulterated with cheaper essential oils or their fractions, such as cheap eucalyptus oil.

Caiput essential oil, containing up to 60% cineole, is also quite often adulterated with eucalyptus oil.

Ho oil is used to adulterate coriander essential oil. Orange bitter (orange) essential oil, obtained by pressing from the peel of ripe orange fruits, is adulterated with the addition of cheaper, sweet orange oil, or with volatile fractions separated during detoxification of citrus essential oils, or with essential oil distilled with steam from the peel after pressing.

In turn, the orange (bitter and sweet) essential oil from the peel, as well as the turpentine fractions of these oils, can be used to adulterate the more expensive petitgrain oil obtained from the leaves of this plant.

The essential oil of neroli from orange blossom and sweet orange is adulterated with the addition of petitgrain oil.

Clove oil from the buds of the clove tree is mixed with oil from the leaves and pedicels; and geranium with citronella. Pimento essential oil from the fruit is mixed with cheaper clove oil.

Rosemary essential oil is faked with cheaper camphor or eucalyptus oils.

Laurel essential oil can be adulterated with cheaper eucalyptus or cajeput oils.

To falsify some essential oils, vegetable and mineral oils, as well as purified fractions of kerosene, are used. Turpentine oil is falsified with oil fractions, ylang-ylang oil is falsified with vegetable (castor, coconut, etc.) and mineral oils, essential iris oil is used with castor and some mineral oils. The content of falsifying additives in cassium (Chinese cinnamon) oil can range from 20 to 60% (rosin, fatty oils, refined kerosene, etc.).

When falsifying essential oils, various products of organic synthesis are widely used, especially cheap synthetic fragrances. Thus, synthetic linalool and linalyl acetate are used to adulterate lavender oil. Typically, these components are added to substandard lavender oil containing linalool and linalyl acetate below the standard.

Such an additive is alien to natural lavender oil and disrupts the harmony of its composition. Organaleptically (by smell) such a falsification is almost impossible to recognize. This can be done using chemical methods. Synthetic linalool and linalyl acetate are also added to sage and bergamot oils, and linalool to iris and coriander oils.

Synthetic terpineol and benzyl alcohol can also be found in adulterated coriander oil. To falsify anise oil, synthetic anethole is used, which is 20 times more toxic than natural. Cheap synthetic eugenol, linalool and geraniol are added to basil essential oil.

Oil obtained from falsified vegetable raw materials can also be considered counterfeit. For example, patchouli leaves are mixed with low-grade patchouli leaves or leaves of other odorless plants, mixed with earth and sand. Impurities can reach 50%.

Many essential oils turn out to be adulterated after the most valuable natural components are isolated from them.

Essential oils intended for aromatherapy require a more in-depth study of quality assessment. Aromatherapy involves the use of essential oils in a concentration greater than for perfumery and cosmetics (usually from 1 to 3%) and deeper penetration into the human body through the skin (massage, baths), through the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx and lungs (especially when inhaled), some schools of aromatherapists practice the ingestion of essential oils.

A course of aromatherapy using the same essential oils can last up to three weeks. During this time, a cumulative accumulation of some components of essential oils in the human body is possible. Therefore, aromatherapy must use the highest quality natural essential oils and the evaluation of these oils must be especially strict!

It is also important to pay attention to the following aspects:

Since world prices for essential oil raw materials are unaffordable for the Russian cosmetic market, manufacturers of finished cosmetic products mainly use imported surrogates. As a rule, cheap essential oils are brought to Russia, or even worse - surrogates identical to natural ones. For example, the price of clary sage or lavender oils produced in our country fluctuates between 100-160 dollars per kilogram, and is not affordable for a domestic cosmetics manufacturer. And imported lavender oil costs 30-35 dollars. At the same time, no one has a question why, with the cost of lavender oil on the world market of 90-100 dollars, and rose oil - thousands of dollars, we buy these imported oils for 30-40 and 200-250 dollars, respectively, or even cheaper? It does not arise, because everyone understands: these are some cheap analogues and they have a distant relation to natural oil;

Table 1 - Main areas of production of essential oils in the world

Types of oils Country
Azhgonovoe India
Anise Bulgaria, Poland, USA
orange Jamaica
badianovoe Vietnam
basil Brazil, Italy
Bergamot Italy
Vetiver Haiti, India, Indonesia, Congo
geranium Italy, Morocco, Tunisia, Algeria, Reunion
Spruce Poland
Ylang Ylang Madagascar, Reunion
Kanangovoe Indonesia
Cardamom Guatemala, Ceylon
Cedar USA
Coriander Poland, Russia
cinnamon Ceylon
Cubebove Vietnam
lavender Bulgaria, Ukraine
lavender Argentina, Bulgaria, Ukraine, Yugoslavia
Lemongrass Argentina, India, Congo, Mexico, Honduras
Limettnoe Jamaica
Nail oil. tree Zanzibar, Madagascar
parsley oil Poland
Wormwood oil USA
thyme oil Spain, Portugal
Myrtle Morocco, Tunisia, Algeria
Juniper Poland
Carrot Poland
mint Bulgaria, Spain, Portugal, Italy, China, Poland, Russia, USA, Ukraine, Yugoslavia, Japan
Non-playable Haiti, Italy, Morocco, Tunisia, Algeria
patchouli India, Indonesia (raw materials are also exported)
Rosemary Spain, Portugal, Morocco, Tunisia, Algeria
Pink Bulgaria, India, Italy, Morocco, Tunisia, Algeria, Turkey
sandalwood Haiti, Indonesia (raw materials are exported), India
Caraway Poland
Fennel Argentina, Yugoslavia
Coniferous USA
Citronella Argentina, Vietnam, Guatemala, India, Indonesia, China, Mexico, Honduras, Ceylon
citrus Brazil, Vietnam, Guinea, USA
sage Poland, Yugoslavia
Eucalyptus Argentina, Brazil, India, Spain, Portugal, Congo, Morocco, Tunisia, Algeria

More than 200 tons of essential oils (mint, citrus, geranium, patchouli, rose, vetiver) are produced in Japan, the country is a major importer, in Sri Lanka - up to 100 tons, in Vietnam a large amount of citronella, star anise, cubeb essential oils are produced. In Europe, the largest producer is Spain, which produces up to 1500 tons of essential oils annually (lavender, eucalyptus, rosemary and thyme). France receives mainly lavender and sandalwood oils in the amount of about 1000 tons. Bulgaria is known to produce the best rose and dill oil in the world. Plantations of essential oil plants are located in all parts of the world (Table 2). The crisis phenomena of recent years in the world economy, the rise in prices for land and energy resources have led to an increase in the cost of essential oils, the production of which has become unprofitable, as a result, production in a number of countries has been discontinued.

Table 2 - Location of plantations of essential oil crops in the world

Continents and countries Aether Plantations
Australia cajuput, naioli, tea tree
Austria fur tree, pine tree
America cedar
Balkans beans, blue chamomile
Bulgaria rose flower
Brazil naioli, rosewood
Eastern India sandalwood
Guatemala coriander
Guinea neroli
Greece cypress
India limette, black cumin, frankincense, ylang-ylang
Spain anise, eucalyptus, rosemary, thyme
Italy bergamot, grapefruit, mandarin, oranges, lemon
China lemongrass, mint
Madagascar carnation
Morocco Moroccan chamomile, myrtle, verbena
Nepal palmarosa
Paraguay petit grain
Porta Rico vetiver
Singapore patchouli
Somalia myrrh
France fennel, jasmine, lavender, marjoram, oregano
Czech hyssop
Sri Lanka ginger, cinnamon
Countries of the former Yugoslavia valerian, sage, juniper
Java citronella, lemon balm, nutmeg

Table 3. Physical and chemical properties of some types of essential oils

Essential oil name

Yield, in % to raw materials

Main Components


Anethol (80-90%), methylchavicol (up to 10%)


Eugenol (52-82%), ocimene (10-16%), linalool (10-16%), cadinenes (10-12%)


Linalyl acetate (32-44%), limonene (18-30%), linalool (12-15%), bergapten (5-6%)


Eugenol (85-96%), eugenol acetate (2-3%)


Citronellol (38-46%), Linalool (10-12%), Geraniol (15-18%), Menthoni Isomenthone (15-18%)


Linalool (65%), linalyl acetate, pinene, borneol, terpinene, myrcene, decanal


Linalyl acetate (30-56%), linalool (10-20%), geraniol, caryophyllene, lavandulol


Limonene (up to 90%), citral (3-5%)

Menthol (-50%), Menthone (20-25%), Menthyl Acetate (4-10%), Cineole (~ 6%)

Citronellol (30-35%), Geraniol (1-5%), Phenyl Ethyl Alcohol (40-50%)


Santalol (~ 90%), its acetate (~ 2%)


Anethol (~60%), fenchone, limonene, methyl chavicol


Linalyl acetate (up to 75%), linalool (up to 20%),

Used materials from the site

Aromatherapy is making its way around the world, and more and more people are addicted to the wonderful properties of essential oils. Where demand increases, negligent manufacturers always appear, caring little about their own reputation, and even less about the health of their customers. Thanks to them, the shelves in pharmacies are loaded with counterfeit products in packages promising 100% natural products. Specialists easily distinguish fakes, but how to choose an essential oil for an ordinary user?

What is the danger of synthetic oil

It is difficult for a beginner to distinguish between a natural essential oil and a synthetic fragrance by smell. This is a professional who will tell you how many levels and notes the remedy has, and an artificial fragrance may seem even more interesting to a person from the street. The difference becomes noticeable only after application, and, unfortunately, instead of a magical transformation of appearance or improvement in well-being, a person gets a headache, fever and other "joys" of allergies.

The use of surrogates in the absence of such a reaction also poses a threat, especially in the case of making solutions for inhalation, use in aroma lamps, flavoring food (for example, tea).

Artificial components, penetrating the body, can cause unforeseen consequences, up to the appearance of an asthmatic attack, jumps in blood pressure, eczema, and general poisoning. Even in everyday life, it is very dangerous to dispose of pseudo-essential oils - washed floors or cabinet walls will exude a specific smell for a long time to come.

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Low price pitfalls

The crudest fake of aromatic oil is a mixture of a solvent with aromatic fragrances. This is the most striking example of falsification, but there are many other production methods that reduce the cost of the final product with significant damage to its quality.

These include replacing an expensive component with a cheaper one: lavender is replaced with lavender, kananga takes the place of ylang-ylang, and dill - fennel. In addition, vegetable oil, such as jojoba, is added to the essential oil (supposedly to improve consumer properties).

One of the methods for extracting esters is extraction, which involves the secondary processing of natural raw materials. Thus, it becomes possible to obtain the maximum amount of aromatic substances from a smaller volume of raw materials, but the potent reagents used in this case significantly change the chemical composition.

The oils obtained in this way are called naturally reconstituted. They are great for perfumery and cosmetic products, but completely unsuitable for therapeutic purposes. Knowing how to choose the right essential oil will help you not to run into a fake.

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How to choose the right natural product

The only way that guarantees obtaining reliable information about the real chemical composition of the essential oil is a chromatographic study. In large cities, there are laboratories that provide such a service for a fee. Those who do not have this option have to limit themselves to indirect signs that characterize a good quality product. Some of them can be determined even before making a purchase, and the second part needs to be studied by experimenting with oil (but not with health!) At home.

Only a chromatogram of an essential oil gives a detailed idea of ​​its naturalness.

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What to look for when examining packaging in a store

A conscientious manufacturer always tries to indicate all the information that is important for the end buyer. If the packaging contains a lot of advertising promises with a minimum of specifics, the product should already arouse suspicion.

When choosing a natural essential oil, you should definitely pay attention to the following points:

  1. The label must say "100% natural, pure and whole" (or 100% Essential Oil, Pure and Natural, 100% Naturelle, Pure et Complète). Other inscriptions - "100% essential oil", "100% environmentally friendly oil" are often a marketing ploy.
  2. The bottle in which the aromatic concentrate is located must have a dispenser protected from opening, and must be made of dark glass. Any other container does not ensure the proper safety of the product. The volume of the bottle is no more than 10 ml, and even less for the most expensive types of oil (rose, mimosa, verbena).
  3. The following information is very significant:
  • the name of the plant in Latin, its genus and species, the part from which the ether was obtained;
  • country and address of the manufacturer (countries with highly developed essential oil production include Austria, Switzerland, Germany, the Czech Republic, Italy);
  • the composition of the components in percentage terms and the expiration date.
  1. The cost of the bottle also indicates the quality of its contents. The prices of natural and synthetic oils can differ tenfold. However, the high price in itself is not a guarantee of the purity and naturalness of the product.
  2. It is great if the packaging has one or more of the following certification marks:
  • Ecocert certifies that this oil is 100% natural, as described, and contains no additives;
  • Agriculture Biologique certifies the origin of the plant material from which the EO has been extracted;
  • NaTrue is assigned only to genuine organic products, while classifying them with a 3-star system;
  • Nature Progres demonstrates that the product is free from artificial colors and fragrances.

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Quality control at home

Aroma oils should be purchased in stores that have positive recommendations from regular customers. Here, experienced sellers will advise you on how to choose a quality essential oil, select the type you need, and suggest how to use it.

  1. Smell the contents: real oil will have a subtle unobtrusive aroma that changes character over time.
  2. Consider: a high-quality blow is transparent or has a uniform natural shade, without any precipitation.
  3. Put a drop on white paper and observe it from 30 minutes to several days: natural essential oils tend to evaporate without leaving greasy and colored spots.
  4. Refrigerate: The esters of some plants (such as anise or rose) freeze at low temperatures.

After making sure that the purchase corresponds to the declared characteristics, you can proceed to its direct use.

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How to test an essential oil for allergies

To exclude troubles in the form of rebellious immunity, before the first experience of using any type of essential oil, it is imperative to examine the reaction of your body. To do this, it is recommended to go through 3 stages:

  1. Apply a few drops of the product to a cotton pad and periodically inhale the fragrance. Natural oil should not cause headaches and discomfort throughout the day.
  2. Mix the concentrate with any neutral herbal (olive, jojoba) in a ratio of 1:4 and apply the mixture on the crook of the elbow. A positive result is the absence of any signs of inflammation.
  3. Add 3-5 drops of an aromatic product to 50 g of honey, mix and pour the mixture into a warm bath. You can take it no more than 5 minutes.

If all stages are completed without negative reactions, you can safely use the selected essential oil for its intended purpose and open with its help the endless possibilities of natural cosmetology and aromatherapy.

The choice of essential oils on the Russian market is quite large, the range is represented by many domestic and foreign manufacturers.

At the same time, aromatherapy lovers find it difficult to find a quality product due to the spread of prices and lack of awareness. Is it possible to determine which brand essential oils are of high quality? Quite if you know a little more about the product.

We define quality

The production of essential oil is not regulated by law; there is not even a clear definition of it. Under the guise of natural products, dishonest merchants can quite legally sell ordinary flavored oil, which is completely useless to health. There are several criteria to determine a quality product:

  1. The oil is made from essential oil plants. These include Umbelliferae, Rosaceae, Myrtle, Labiaceae, Conifers, and Citrus. Cucumber or, for example, watermelon oil cannot be essential.
  2. The cost of different oils from the same manufacturer varies. The most inexpensive due to the cheapness of raw materials and ease of production are coniferous and citrus fruits. It takes a ton of flowers to produce 50 ml of rose oil, which is why it is the most expensive.
  3. According to the international standard, oils are packaged in dark glass bottles equipped with a dispenser, with a volume of 6-15 ml. Elite products are available in containers from 1 ml.
  4. There are no marks on the label: “environmentally friendly”, “aroma oil”, “100% essential”. For domestic manufacturers, the quality indicator will be the inscription "100% natural essential oil", for foreign - "100% essential" or "pure and natural". Be sure to indicate the botanical (Latin) name of the plant from which the oil is produced.
  5. The price of a good product cannot be cheap. Cheap oil is either synthetic or made from low-quality raw materials, in violation of technology.

To determine which company has quality essential oils, you should carefully study the information about the company, its range, and production features. Reviews on the Internet are often false, aimed at promoting a product or discrediting competitors.

Reliable data can be obtained on the official website of the company and thematic forums of aromatherapy lovers. For example, consider several popular manufacturers.

An Austrian company with almost a century of history is directly involved in the production of oils. A serious international corporation has grown from a small family business. Production points are located all over the world - from Europe to Australia. Styx has been present on the Russian market since 1994 and operates through official distributors.

Essential oils from Styx are of high quality and certified according to the international standard. They can be used for aromatherapy, cosmetology. According to some reviews, oils are imported to Russia that cannot be used for medical purposes, that is, for oral administration. Products suitable for such treatment can be purchased in foreign (European) online stores. The prices of oils "Styx" do not differ in availability. This is an elite high quality product with a corresponding value.

Russian company, more than 20 years on the market. Engaged in the production of aromatherapy, perfumery and cosmetic products. All raw materials, including finished oils, are ordered from trusted foreign suppliers, and production takes place in our own laboratory.

In addition to the production of its own products, Iris offers a number of unique services: aroma diagnostics, aroma peeling, professional aromatherapy services. Has its own clinic. The company provides training in aromatherapy on a fee basis. All these facts characterize Iris as a serious organization with a responsible approach to business.

Essential oils from Iris have Russian and European certificates. The products are positioned as absolutely natural and safe even for medical use. According to many buyers, the price of oils is too high for a Russian manufacturer. Meanwhile, "Iris" holds the quality bar high, professionally organizes the accompanying service (consultations and training), so that the cost of production is fully justified.

A relatively young company, founded in 2001. It produces cosmetic and perfumery products, raw materials are purchased abroad. The company is quite solid, at the All-Russian exhibition in 2014, Botaniki massage oil won first place in its category. With aromatherapy products, things are more complicated.

The first thing that attracts buyers of Botanica essential oils is the price. It is on average 10 times lower than that of competitors. A natural product as difficult to produce as real essential oil cannot be so cheap.

The label contains the botanical name of the ethereal plant, there is an inscription “Essential oil” and is separately marked “100%”. Information speaks in favor of the natural origin of raw materials. At the same time, the inscriptions indicate that the content of the vial is not real essential oil produced by the traditional extraction method.

Botanica oils are most likely synthetically produced from low quality raw materials. They can be used for air deodorization, during wet cleaning, in home experiments with perfumery. For aromatherapy or enrichment of cosmetics, this product is practically useless. The manufacturer indicates that the oil is not intended for oral administration.


To find a reliable manufacturer of essential oils, you need to carefully study all the available information: the company's website, the range presented, product reviews.

A serious passion for aromatherapy or natural cosmetics is quite an expensive pleasure. It is impossible to save on the quality of essential oil without risking beauty and health.

In previous articles, I told you about certain types of essential oils. Today I want to tell you about the TOP 10 essential oils that are most often used in everyday life. You may need such a rating if you are going to buy several vials of the coveted liquid at once in order to receive a discount or a gift from the store. For convenience, I have duplicated the list of essential oils in the form of a table. So let's get started!

Table of Top 10 Essential Oils

In the table below, I have listed the top 10 oils, with their main properties and the average price per 10 ml bottle. By clicking on the desired item, you will move to the section you need.

Oil Essential oil properties Approximate price of essential oil from well-known manufacturers
  • Antifungal
  • antiseptic
  • Wound healing
  • Disinfectant
  • 300 - 700 rubles
  • Disinfectant
  • Flavoring
  • Tonic
  • 120-350 rubles
  • Premium stamps up to 1000 rubles.
  • Flavoring
  • Moisturizing for hair
  • Skin Moisturizer
  • Antivirus
  • Diuretic
  • 300-800 rubles
  • Premium stamps up to 2000 rubles.
  • soothing
  • Flavoring
  • Skin smoothing
  • Aphrodisiac
  • 300-500 rubles.
  • Premium stamps up to 1200 rubles.
  • Tonic
  • Flavoring
  • 200-500 rubles.
  • Premium stamps up to 2500 rubles.
  • Tonic
  • Flavoring
  • Helpful and gum
  • 200-500 rubles.
  • Aphrodisiac
  • Flavoring
  • For hair growth
  • 500-1200 rubles.
  • Flavoring
  • Therapeutic (renal diseases, colds)
  • Anti-dandruff
  • Cosmetic (for oily skin)
  • 800-1300 rubles.
  • Emotionally restorative
  • Healing (ENT organs)
  • Anti-inflammatory for the skin
  • Flavoring
  • 300-700 rubles
  • antiseptic
  • Painkillers (particularly for toothache)
  • Improves digestion
  • Tonic
  • 200-400 rubles

Description of oils

Tea tree

Rightfully takes first place among the 10 best essential oils. This is one of the few oils that can be applied undiluted to the skin (but only in the absence of allergies). Read on our website for more information about tea tree essential oil and its properties.

fir oil

It is a rather budgetary oil, but nevertheless, due to its useful properties and wide distribution in Russia, it is included in the 10 essential oils that are often used and available for purchase. Like other coniferous oils, fir ester has excellent disinfecting properties. It is also a great idea to make a DIY fragrance for your home or car.

rose oil

This oil is a pure feminine essence. Distinguish oil of a classical and Damask rose. The tool is not included in the list of budget essential oils, but nevertheless, due to its excellent cosmetic properties, it is included in the rating of ten essential oils for private use.

Be sure to read the detailed information about . Learn a lot of interesting things.

lavender oil

Lavender essential oil is the king of scents. Great relaxant and aphrodisiac. Add a couple of drops to your pillow before bed and you will have a great night's sleep. And if you want a sensual night with your loved one, then add oil to the aroma lamp.

By the way. An alternative to lavender oil can be. The properties are similar.

For more information, I suggest you watch the following video:

Peppermint Oil

Great oil for headaches. A couple of drops on the fingertips, rub with the base oil, and grease the whiskey. You can also add to the aroma lamp - a charge of vivacity is provided to you. This is one of the few essential oils that you can buy at the pharmacy. As they say cheap and cheerful. Also suitable. “The copy fits perfectly into the top 10 essential oils.

essential oil of lemon

This ester belongs to the oils of the top note, which means that the oil will evaporate very quickly. This means that for frequent use it makes sense to purchase bottles of 20 or 30 ml, but only from dark glass.

Whiskey can be rubbed with oil (previously diluted with base oil). Can be added to aroma lamp or bath. You can also make applications for teeth.

Attention! The oil should never be used in its pure form.

Ylang Ylang Oil

Ylang-ylang essential oil is a worthy representative of our ranking of the top 10 essential oils. It is mainly used as an aphrodisiac - to attract men. But you can also use it to care for your hair.

juniper oil

For some reason, it is more expensive than other representatives of fir. But nevertheless, it is in demand not only in pharmacies but also in cosmetic stores. Most often it is used in aroma lamps for aromatization of rooms. The second most popular way is hair care by adding a couple of drops to a shampoo or hair mask.

Geranium oil

The strongest side is an increase in mental and physical activity. You can also dilute with an emulsifier and gargle to kill germs. The oil is quite rare, it will be problematic to get it in a pharmacy, but it will be quite easy to find it in special stores (more often in online stores).

Essential oil of clove

Clove essential oil completes our list of 10 essential oils you will most likely need. At the same time, this is the oil that is best to always have at home. Ask why? And because the essential oil of cloves is number 1 in solving issues with toothache. If you have a sharp throbbing toothache, do the following: take any carrier oil (such as olive or almond), add 3-4 drops of clove oil and compress the tooth with a cotton swab. Within 30 minutes the pain will go away.


Summing up, I want to ask you to leave a review about your favorite oils. Perhaps we will review the manufacturer and include it in our rating!

Essential oils are diluted essences from fruits, flowers and trees - it takes a lot of work to get even a small amount of essential oil. That is why the price is high, but at the same time they are incredibly potent, and a small amount can be used for a long time. They are usually sold in 10 ml bottles containing an average of about 200 drops. As you will see from the recipes, 200 drops can take a very long time to use.

The quality of oils is the key to health

An extremely important element of aromatherapy is quality and origin of the oil . Real and complete aromatherapy properties are only natural oils, not processed, not diluted, obtained directly from the distillation apparatus. In the perfume industry, in order to obtain a standard scent, oils are processed, unified, stabilized, etc. In other words, they undergo chemical and physical operations. Too much demand for aromatics, with the simultaneous need to reduce their cost, leads to the fact that commercial oils are often diluted with solvents or cheap oils, devoid of important and necessary components and adulterated with synthetic additives. Sometimes they can replace the entire essential oil, selling a cheap fake in return (for example, instead of lavender oil, sell lavandin).

Poor quality or adulterated oils can cause irritation, allergies, and even serious skin conditions. For example, a very popular pine oil, if not stored or expired, as well as falsified with turpentine, can be oxidized, and the products of the process - peroxides - can lead to skin tumors.

Synthetic oils - zero effect

Synthetic materials that mimic the aroma and appearance of an essential oil may not have the same therapeutic properties as the original and should not be used in aromatherapy. Synthetic chemicals carry the risk of harmful and unpleasant side effects just like synthetic drugs. It is absolutely impossible to reproduce the true composition of an essential oil in the laboratory. The most important components and substances, from which there are only particles, will inevitably disappear. Only all components of the essential oil, taken together, form a healing effect. If the oil says “identical to natural”, then the oil is synthetic, obtained in a laboratory and, therefore, unsuitable for aromatherapy. Synthetic oils also lack the life-giving power of essential oils derived from living plants. Living plants have a beat of life that chemicals don't.

When buying essential oils, keep the following guidelines in mind. They will help you find the highest quality oils with maximum therapeutic properties.

Rules for buying essential oils

1. Dark glass bottle

Sunlight and ordinary light are detrimental to the components of essential oils, the quality of the oil quickly deteriorates with prolonged exposure to light, and, accordingly, the therapeutic effect decreases. It is best to buy oils in stores with a high turnover, in which the oils are not stale on the shelves.

The bottle should not be made of plastic, as the components of the oil will definitely react with the plastic and poisonous substances will enter the oil. For the same reason, there should be no rubber seals in the bottle cap. And when making mixtures according to recipes, do not use plastic and metal containers.

2. Ring of the first opening

The stopper of the vial must have first opening ring.

3. The presence of a dosimeter in the neck of the vial

This will make it much easier for you to measure the number of drops without making mistakes. Practice before using the oil for the first time, as some pipettes will drain oil much faster than others.

4. Date of manufacture and expiration date

Be sure to pay attention to their presence. Aromatic oil is a product that, in an "expired" state, will not bring any benefit.

5. Small bottle

Always buy small quantities of oils. Usually, oils are packaged in 10 ml bottles, especially valuable oils such as rose, jasmine, verbena, tuberose - in 1 ml, 2 ml bottles.

6. The presence of the inscription 100% natural essential oil

When buying, pay attention to the fact that the bottle has one of the inscriptions: 100% natural essential oil, 100% pure, 100% essential oil, 100% pure, 100% artifisches (essentail) oil. Only pure, undiluted essential oils can be effective in aromatherapy. This is as true when used in burners and baths as it is when used in massage. Any oil that is not a pure essential oil may have a good aroma, but will not have the same therapeutic effect as the pure oil. Don't buy products labeled "aromatherapy oil" for the same reasons.

7. The presence on the label of the Latin and Russian names of the oil

The labels must indicate Latin and Russian names essential oil.

8. The presence on the label of the manufacturer and the method of obtaining oil

9. Oil price

As a rule, price is an indicator of product quality. Buy the most expensive oils you can afford. If you have a whole shelf with different oils in front of you, and the price for everything is the same, do not buy anything. Neroli, for example, can be 20 times more expensive than lavender. Buy from reputable places. If you still decide to transform yourself with the help of aromatherapy, do not spend a penny, remember - saving on your health and beauty is simply stupid!

10. Overseas oils

If you went on vacation to an overseas country, do not rush to buy aromatic oils there. Today, in our specialized stores, the choice of aromatic oils is so great that the eyes run wide. Therefore, there is no need to chase after overseas "curiosities", and besides, it is still unknown what they "splashed into a glass" there.


"Delicious" smells. Essential oils of violet, apple blossom, lilac, lily of the valley, peach, apricot, linden, lotus, magnolia, fern, coconut, mango, banana, strawberry, strawberry, kiwi, watermelon, melon, cucumber do not exist in nature! These plants are not essential oil plants.

Label advertising. In accordance with International Standards, the label should not contain advertising information. If the label flaunts an inscription about the extraordinary benefits of this oil, then this indicates the low quality of the contents of the bottle. Companies that mask the low quality of the product stick a label with inscriptions like: “environmentally friendly oil”, “oil for professional aromatherapy”, “highest quality oil”, etc. The labels of manufacturers confident in their quality are standard and concise: 100% pure, 100% artifisches (essentail) oil (100% pure; 100% essential oil), because such oils, regardless of the use (professional or non-professional) are not capable of harming anyone.

The inscription "Oils for aromatherapy" - a group of preparations consisting of a mixture of essential oil (10-15%) with mineral, vegetable oils or alcohol (85-90%). It is not fake if the label on the bottle clearly states that it contains mixed oil, ready to drink. If, on the other hand, the mixture is sold as an essential oil, it is usually qualified as adulteration.

Low price. Large producers of essential oils have the best prices in the commodity market. Small companies act as distributors of large ones, purchasing essential oils at a higher price - the law of the market. If the seller of fragrances is a small company, then the price of quality essential oils is always higher than that of essential oil oligarchs. Competitive prices of small companies arise only when the quality of the product decreases: this is where thinners, synthetic fragrances, etc. appear. The cost of essential oils depends on the cost of raw materials.

Fake. Using a brand name from a well-known company to “promote” an unknown product, usually locally produced, is a common form of forgery found in the bazaar trade.

Substitution. When an essential oil is replaced by another, cheaper one.


Styx Naturcosmetic (Austria) —

It all started with the Stix family estate. Where the secrets of the production of cosmetics and fragrances of impeccable quality have been passed down from generation to generation. The trademark itself was registered only in 1975.

The president of the company, Wolfgang Stix, is a pharmacologist by education, he develops his father's business, preserving the purity of the natural material and the traditions of the healing formulation of natural cosmetics. The company monitors the ecological situation and characteristics of the yield of plants used for the production of essential oils by visiting plantations of essential oil plants in all parts of the world. All cosmetic products and essential oils of Styx naturcosmetics are certified at the highest international level (GMP, ISN) and have certificates of organic plantations where plants are grown without the use of chemical fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides.

Today it is one of the largest and most well-known companies operating in this industry in the world. Declare high quality oils. However, products of lower quality are exported to Russia compared to those sold in Europe. Oils purchased in the CIS countries are for external use only. In addition, the Styx technical line is sold in pharmacies - these oils are only for aroma lamps, they cannot be used orally for medical reasons.

Bergland - Pharma (Germany) -,

A major European manufacturer of high quality products based on natural plant ingredients. The company was founded by a German pharmacist more than 25 years ago, and during this time has won 32% of the Western European market for essential oils. In 1996 Bergland-Pharma built a new plant certified to the highest GMP standards. Bergland products do not contain artificial preservatives, colors and flavors, refined petroleum products and animal ingredients. The official representative of Bergland Pharma in Russia is Paramed. Bergland-Pharma products are sold only in pharmacies and medical institutions. Various categories of products are presented in more than 200 pharmacies in Moscow in accordance with the specialization of the pharmacy.

High quality medically refined oils. Can be used internally.

Aromaterapie Karel Hadek (Germany) —,

Karel Hadek is a well-known aromatherapist from Germany, Czech by origin, a chemist by training. Author of many unique recipes. Production is currently located in the Czech Republic, Stribro. The company has been operating since 1983. In 2002, the company was issued a certificate, which confirms that the Quality Management System complies with the ISO 9001:2000 standard. The Association of the Czech Republic for Quality Assurance has issued the ORGANIC PRODUCT mark to the cosmetic products of Aromaterapie Karel Hadek, and the PURE ORGANIC mark to essential and vegetable oils.

Product lines: Aromatherapy cosmetics, Hygiene products and Essential and Botanical Oils.

The advantage of this company is the absence of mineral oils, chemical stabilizers and preservatives in the production. Only substances of natural origin, essential and vegetable oils of the highest quality are used.

Distinctive features of Karel Hadek cosmetics is that the same product can be used to care for different parts of the body. For example, with hydrophilic oil for intimate hygiene, it is quite possible to wash your face and take a shower. Most of the products (except for creams and tonics) of a famous aromatherapist do not contain water at all.

The products of this company are of high quality, it can be used internally.

Vivasan (Switzerland) -

The company was founded in 1997 by Austrian entrepreneur Thomas Gettfried. Later, the international trademark VIVASAN was registered with the head office in Moscow and numerous branches throughout the country and abroad. Vivasan does not manufacture products, it is a registered brand. Vivasan is the general importer of products of large Swiss manufacturers: SWISS Caps AG Dr.Duenner AG ELIXAN GmbH INTRACOSMED AG OSWALD GmbH and the Italian company COSVAL srl. VIVASAN partners are not new to the world market, they have international recognition and authority. They produce exclusive high-quality products for the VIVASAN company and under the VIVASAN brand. All Vivasan products are certified, there are global GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) quality certificates, hygiene certificates and from the Ministry of Health of the countries where they are imported.

Just (Switzerland) -

The largest European concern for the production of medical and preventive products, founded in 1930 by the Swiss entrepreneur Ulrich Yustrich. The company has its own plantations in the Alps. The main production is located in Walzenhausen, Switzerland.

Natural therapeutic and prophylactic cosmetics developed in Switzerland in the own laboratory of YUST (Walzenhausen) according to ancient monastic recipes and manufactured using the latest technologies based on environmentally friendly medicinal herbs from alpine meadows. Just products are intended for face and body skin care, as well as prevention and treatment of various diseases.

The big advantage of Just products is that they: do not contain hormones, antibiotics, synthetic preservatives and components of animal origin; do not give side effects; hypoallergenic, i.e. do not contain substances that cause allergies; dermatologically tested; have a long lasting effect.

According to experts, these are the highest quality oils today, but their range is limited, but there are unique products.

IRIS (Russia) —

The Iris Aromatherapy Center has been operating in the Russian market of the beauty and health industry since 1994. CA Iris imports natural and vegetable oils from more than 50 countries of the world, and produces preparations from them for clinical, aesthetic and home aroma and herbal medicine.

CA Iris is the first and only company in the world with a full cycle of professional aromatherapy, has: Certified laboratory production of aromatherapy, phytotherapy and cosmetic products, Trade network covering all regions of Russia and the CIS countries, Aromatherapy clinic, where copyright technologies and tools are successfully applied, International Institute of Professional Aromatherapy - MIPA (where both specialists - doctors, psychologists, cosmetologists, masseurs, and ordinary consumers of products are trained).

CA Iris products are 100% natural vegetable and essential oils produced from valuable organic raw materials of the Bio category (BioACP is a biologically active complex of natural polyterpenes, the most valuable fraction of 100% natural essential oils) is the proprietary know-how of CA Iris. There are no analogues on the market. Based on this raw material, the company produces aromatherapy and cosmetic products for professional and home use.

Aromapreparations "Iris" have no analogues due to the unique compositions and the content of rare polyterpene fractions of essential oils in them. And cosmetics created on the basis of such oils work wonders!

Primavera Life (Germany) -

The German company Primavera for the production of aromatic oils and other products used in aromatherapy is the undisputed world leader in this field. For more than 20 years, Primavera has been devoting itself to the study, production and distribution of aromatic oils. Primavera uses only 100% organic plants in the production of aromatic oils.

Magnificent oils of medical clearing. There is a huge choice, but there is no direct delivery to Russia - only through intermediaries, or buy it yourself in Germany.

Original ATOK (Czech Republic) —

The company was founded in 1997 in the Czech Republic by splitting from Karl Hadek AÖK. All Original ATOK cosmetic products, high-quality vegetable fats and essential oils meet the highest European criteria.

You can buy through official representative offices.

Aura Cacia (USA) -

In 1982, Doug and Ann Nowacki founded Aura Cacia in Weaverville, California. Aura Cacia is the world's leading company in the production of natural oils and aromatherapy blends based on them. In its range of more than 300 of the purest natural oils that meet the highest standards. Aura Keisha produces exclusively 100% pure natural essential oils. To do this, careful selection of raw materials and modern testing methods are carried out to ensure that each oil is of the highest quality, and to completely eliminate even the possibility of counterfeiting.

Dr. Torres (Italy) -,

The DR .TAFFI brand of Natural Research Laboratories was founded by Dr. Enio Taffi in 1983. During all these years, Dr. Tuffy has been actively researching in the field of chemistry and cosmetology with the aim of producing cosmetic products based on a vegetable formula. Research has led to the fact that at the moment DR.TAFFI has an exceptional superiority over other cosmetic companies and has almost no competition due to the production of exclusively natural products.

IKAROV (Bulgaria) —

EOOD IKAROV (Ikarov) was founded in 1991 in Bulgaria, the city of Plovdiv. Ikarov's products have the ISO 9001:2000 product quality standard (certificate) code and quality confirmed by European certificates. All products are certified in accordance with the requirements of the State Standard of Russia. It has hygienic conclusions, test reports and a GOST R certificate of conformity. The products have proven themselves excellently with stable sales for many years in Ukraine, Belarus, Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia.

Touche Flora (Russia) —

The beginning of the company's activity dates back to 1996, when the first deliveries of little-known and, at that time, rare varieties of essential and fatty vegetable oils on the Russian market of cosmetic raw materials were made. Touche Flora specializes in the import and supply of a wide range of raw materials for the production of cosmetic products. The company is constantly searching for new, unique products for the Russian and world cosmetic markets, trying to make any exotic novelty really accessible to domestic cosmetics manufacturers.

In the Internet very praised according to reviews IRIS and Vivas n .

And the article about oil production in the USA and Europe .

Laws governing the distillation and use of essential oils differ between the US and Europe.

95% of essential oils sold in the US are edible, not medicinal - that's the difference.
In the US, for an essential oil to be labeled internally, it must be re-distilled. This means that after the first distillation, the essential oil is distilled again under high pressure and temperature. In Europe, essential oils not are considered medicinal if they are re-distilled - that is, European legislation does not require this in order for the oil to be sold for oral use.

Another injustice that US law allows is the dilution of essential oils with less expensive esters or plant oils while still labeling "pure and natural" - which is what a huge number of companies use. In fact, it would be perfectly legal to dilute an essential oil with vegetable oil up to 90% and sell it as “pure and natural”, since vegetable oils are also natural.

Many saw the inscriptions " Premium"(a strange word that, in principle, means nothing); "perfumery grade" (has nothing to do with aromatherapy); or "high altitude" (also used mainly in perfumery and vaguely related to the medicinal properties of esters).

After distillation of the essential oil, the process is repeated several times. The oil molecules obtained first are the smallest and most volatile. Sometimes the distillation is repeated over and over to produce different levels of aroma for a specific use, mainly in perfumery, as is the case with Ylang Ylang. ‘Ylang Ylang’ means ‘Flower of Flowers’ and has a stunningly sweet floral scent. To obtain this aroma, it is distilled 4 times. The first circle is called "Extra", the next - I, II and III distillations. With each successive round of distillation, the essential oil evolves from high, more floral, "top" notes to more masculine notes with a hint of whiskey. Next, the essential oils obtained by distillation of Extra, I, II and III are taken in equal amounts and mixed to create the Ylang-Ylang "Complete" fragrance. All essential oils go through a similar distillation, but ylang is the most talked about and openly sold on the market under the appropriate label.

In addition to the distillation and separation of essential oils comes the status "organic". In practice, this means that no synthetic pesticides, chemical fertilizers, or genetically modified organisms have been used at all stages of production, from growing a plant to processing it.
Thus, for the buyer, the mark "organic" or "certified organic" does not automatically mean the highest, medicinal quality of the essential oil, since 95% of all essential oils produced under the "organic" certification are flavorings for the food industry, and, therefore, are distilled under high pressure.

P.S. Due to complaints from manufacturers, the list of manufacturers of essential oils that are only suitable for use in an aroma lamp has been removed.

Literature: 1. Allison England. Aromatherapy for Mother and Child. 2. Anastasia Artyomova. "Aromas and oils healing and rejuvenating." 3. Vladislav S. Brud, Ivona Konopatskaya. "Fragrant Pharmacy. Secrets of Aromatherapy". 4. Denis Vicello Brown "Aromatherapy". 5. Lavrenova Galina. "Inhaling the marvelous aroma. Aromatherapy is a pleasant and easy way to heal." 6. Leonova N.S. "Aromatherapy for beginners". 7. Libus O.K., Ivanova E.P. "Healing Oils" 8. Tatyana Litvinova. "Aromatherapy: A professional guide to the world of scents". 9. Novoselova Tatiana. "Aromatherapy". 10. Dmitrievskaya L. "Deceiving age. Practices of rejuvenation". 11. Kedrova Maria. "Fragrances of beauty and health. Secrets of Cleopatra". 12. Nikolaevsky V.V. "Aromatherapy. Handbook". 13. Semenova Anastasia. "Oil Treatment" 14. Edited by Zakharenkov V.I. "Encyclopedia of aromas". 15. Carol McGilvery and Jimmy Reed. "Fundamentals of Aromatherapy". 16. Wolfgang Stix, Ulla Weigerstorfer. "In the Kingdom of Smells". 17. Mirgorodskaya S.A., "Aromology: Quantum Satis". 18. Internet.

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