What does the Adam's apple (maclura) treat, what medicines can be prepared based on it. The use of Adam's apple: effective recipes. What is maclura

A deciduous tree of orange or apple-bearing maclura, brought from South America to Europe in the early 18th century. It has strong wood and twisted prickly trunks. For the first time, the plant was used by people only as a wire for holding livestock and for making combat bows. The fruits themselves are not edible for animals or humans. But the healing properties that they possess were used in the East. AT modern world in alternative medicine really apply its certain substances to achieve therapeutic effect with various diseases.

The inflorescences of this plant grow together, forming a single light green wrinkled ball, which can be from 7 to 15 cm in diameter. And in appearance it resembles an orange or an apple. May be green or orange, depending on the variety. There are about 10 of its varieties. Inside the connected head is a white sticky substance, with gray seeds, which may not be there if there is no pollination. For treatment, only ripe fruits which, when cut, smell fresh cucumber. They may have other names: "God's tree", Chinese or Indian orange. But, most often, this false fruit is called the Adam's apple. The treatment he gives really covers a wide range of conditions:

A cancerous tumor, even a severe stage of development;

Diseases of the musculoskeletal system of an inflammatory and degenerative nature;


Systemic diseases;

Hemorrhagic changes;


How to be treated with Adam's apple? Recipes that you can cook yourself at home are quite simple. It should be borne in mind that the plant can be used with extreme caution, because. it contains a large number of toxic substances. It is not recommended to receive treatment with Adam's apple when acute condition violations of the functionality of the kidneys and liver, during pregnancy and during lactation. At elevated level sugar levels in the body can cause side effect due to the high content of sugar in the fruit. AT medical practice the action of the constituent components has not been sufficiently studied, therefore, people with allergic reaction treatment with Adam's apple should be carried out with extreme caution.
Signs of overdose or poisoning are nausea, vomiting, dizziness, shortness of breath.
Pharmacological effect:
- strengthening defensive forces organism;
- antiviral action;
- antibacterial action;
-improvement of the cardiovascular and nervous system;
-detoxifying action;
- antitumor activity
-improvement general condition organism;
- antisclerotic action.

Anti-cancer properties of maclura

The chemical composition is rich in flavonoids: isoflavones, kaempferols. They have an antitumor effect, which is the basis of therapy when cancer is treated. Adam's apple with such a pathology in the body can be used both for the treatment of benign and malignant tumors. This tool has the action of slowing down the division cancer cells. With this pathology, it can be applied topically and inside. For vaginal treatment candles are used. The plant affects the reduction of the tumor. The antioxidants included in the composition have a powerful anti-carcinogenic effect and anti-cancer properties. Oncology prevention can be carried out with a fruit connected in the form of inflorescences, which is called the Adam's apple, cancer treatment can also be carried out on different phases, during the progression phase it is recommended to increase the dosage.

Joint treatment

Biologically active substances, which are found in the total amount in Indian orange, are remedies for the treatment of very many diseases. Most often, the Adam's apple treatment of the joints is used. Reduced pain, activity inflammatory process also decreases.

Often pathological conditions joints are accompanied by a spasmodic state of the muscles. To relax them, the organic substance saponin, which is contained in this living biological species, is used.


How to use adam's apple in treatment, recipe and method of tincture:
1) Maclura is crushed with a knife on a grater. For external use, 70% alcohol is used, for internal use, 40-50% alcohol. Allowed internal use drops in the amount that will correspond to the age of the person, but no more. The maximum healing property of tinctures appears after six months, but after two weeks from the start of the preparation of the ointment and internal remedy you can also start using it. During ingestion of tincture, you can not drink any alcoholic beverages.

2) For rubbing the joints, you can take the prepared mass, in a ratio of 1: 1 (fruit and alcohol). It is infused for two weeks in a dark place, every day it must be shaken. Subsequently, the prepared mixture is applied to a piece of cotton fabric and applied to the sore spot on the area of ​​the oblique connection, wrapped in a warm woolen cloth for 30 minutes. This overlay is recommended. medicinal composition and osteochondrosis of the back. With arthrosis, gout, the resulting mixture can be rubbed and left overnight.
3)For internal reception getting ready healing tincture in the ratio (0.5 kg of false orange and 0.5 liters of alcohol or vodka). The effectiveness of the action of this tincture occurs after 1 month. The dosage of consumption begins with three drops 1 time per day before meals, with gradual increase. In the second week, the amount of intake increases to two times a day, and in the third to three times.
4) To use ointments, cut the fruits into 1 cm pieces, lay them out in layers, alternating with the subsequent filling of melted fat (lard) or beeswax together with olive oil alternately. All this is put into any jar and hermetically sealed with dough over a nylon lid. The container is immersed in water bath or in the oven and is there, on low heat for 24 hours. The resulting mass is subsequently filtered and placed in a clean jar, which must be tightly closed and placed in the refrigerator. You can use the ointment by applying to the body thin layer for 4-5 hours, alternating every other day. The maximum duration of treatment can be from two to three months.

Other healing properties of Adam's apple

The fruit of the Adam's apple in the treatment of joints according to recipes and reviews has a name home doctor. A single ratio of the composition of this healing remedy for the preparation of ointments, tinctures and infusions does not exist. But confirmation of positive results from people who have experience in herbal treatment speaks in favor of the action of the rich chemical composition of the plant.

So, for example, it is possible to reduce the bleeding of soft tissues due to the pectin substances included in the Adam's apple. Treatment of hemorrhoids can in this case be carried out with specially prepared candles in advance. They must be stored in the refrigerator. Treatment of hemorrhoids with Adam's apple helps to avoid surgery.
In medicine, they also begin to use macro- and microelements, compounds of flavonoids, organic acids in the form of ointments, gels, balms that contain these natural and unique components. They have an anti-inflammatory, anti-edematous effect, relieve local pain protect blood vessels and strengthen capillaries.

The health of the family is in the hands of a woman - a Simple Queen in the home kingdom

Hello, friends. Every year, when I was vacationing in one Crimean city, I saw the same picture every time: an old grandfather with a cane stood by the side of the road and sold incomprehensible green balls. Funny fruits were simply laid out on a newspaper, and next to it was a cardboard box with handwritten information. This is now the Adam's apple is successfully used in folk medicine, and then, in the early nineties, only the local people knew about the unique fruits.

Gradually, interest arose among the vacationers, and grandfather willingly explained what this interesting gift of nature was intended for. Bought, however, more from the exotic appearance fruit than from the desire to be healed. Even the name seemed funny to many - maklura, God's tree, or, as it is also called, Adam's apple.

It is strange that despite great amount positive feedback about the benefits of maclura, official medicine does not pay attention to the healing properties of the Adam's apple. The god tree has been cultivated for 200 years exclusively as an ornamental crop and a source of valuable timber. The fruits of this tree contain a huge supply of natural antioxidants and immunostimulants. The beneficial substances contained in maclura have such a powerful effect that cases of stable remission of cancer patients treated with fruits have been recorded. Chinese orange. Unfortunately, there was not a single medical enthusiast who would study this plant and create effective drugs based on it.

Adam's apple: use in traditional medicine

Maklura is not included in pharmacopoeias, as it has been little studied by official medicine. But folk herbalists use Chinese orange to treat many serious illnesses. These are mainly external means - rubbing, ointment, oil, tincture. Inside, Maclura preparations are taken with extreme caution strictly according to the prescription. The range of application of Adam's apple in folk medicine is huge, its healing properties are indispensable for:

  • problems of the heart and blood vessels;
  • fight against oncological and systemic diseases;
  • immunodeficiency;
  • to normalize metabolism;
  • pain in arthritis and sciatica;
  • treatment of hernias, including intervertebral;
  • treatment of skin diseases.

Adam's apple rub

Rubbing is prepared only from ripe fruits, choosing apples for this medium size. One serving of rubbing is one fruit. It is rubbed on a medium grater and the resulting mass is mixed with alcohol (70% strength) in a ratio of 1:1. They cork well and leave to infuse for 14 days, after infusion and straining use. This tool well regulates the water-salt balance in diseased joints. By the way, alcohol can be replaced with moonshine.

Maclura ointment

There are several ways to prepare the ointment. For one of them take as a basis pork fat, best interior and finely chopped maclura fruits. The fat is melted to a state of plasticity, and the fruits are finely cut. In a container of a suitable volume, these two ingredients are placed in layers. Close tightly and put in a water bath for a day. After 24 hours, the resulting liquid is drained and left to solidify.

There is another way when the base for the ointment, and it can be lanolin, glycerin or spermaceti, is mixed with a tincture of Adam's apple. If you want to enhance the effect of exposure, you can take ready-made pharmaceutical ointments- zinc or salicylic. You can also take ordinary ghee as a basis.

The healing properties of the Adam's apple are fully preserved in the ointment and are used in the treatment of purulent rashes and various skin inflammations, non-healing wounds and severe systemic diseases e.g. lupus.


Ripe fruits are cut into strips and poured with oil. You can take sunflower, olive or corn. After 7 days, squeeze the cake thoroughly and drain the oil into a dark glass dish. Used for eczema, psoriasis, various lichen and dermatitis. Maclura oil will be even more effective if you add one or more plants to it when insisting:

  • St. John's wort;
  • birch leaf;
  • calendula flowers;
  • pharmaceutical chamomile.

Adam's apple tincture

Preparation of tincture is a long process. The fruits must be ripe yellow color and without damage. They are removed from the tree in the middle of autumn, cut into several pieces, placed in a jar or bottle to the very top and poured with alcohol. Alcohol for pouring is taken at a lower strength than for grinding, not higher than 40%. And it is quite possible to replace it with vodka. The preparation time of the tincture is from 6 months to a year, and the shelf life finished product 5 years. The readiness of the tincture is determined by the color - it should be red-brown, like strong tea. You can start using the tincture for treatment as soon as its color changes to a soft orange. Apply tincture as an external (lotions, compresses, turundas) and an internal remedy.

Outdoor use: gout, , violation water-salt balance, heel spur, various hernias, mastopathy.

Internal application: in the treatment of tumors.

The benefit of maclura is that the tincture of its fruits is an excellent tonic that acts systemically, i.e. for the entire body as a whole. The action of the tincture will increase if you combine it with the intake of vegetable juices, especially carrot and cabbage.

Important! The finished tincture is stored in a dark place in a tightly sealed container without air access, as the product is subject to oxidation.

The use of maclura in folk medicine for joints

Adam's apple, although it is the closest relative of the mulberry (mulberry), is absolutely inedible, and besides, it is poisonous. Therefore, it is used in most cases as an effective external remedy. In the treatment of joints, he, perhaps, has no equal. In folk medicine, tincture of Adam's apple in alcohol or vodka is used to treat joints. Maclura is so healing that beneficial features oil cake is preserved even after preparation of rubbing, tincture or ointment, so it can be reused. For example, if, after preparing the rubbing, grind the fruits and mix with any oil, you get a wonderful base for a compress.

For back pain, sciatica, osteochondrosis, arthritis, bruises or dislocations

Compresses or rubbing from maclura are recommended. For compresses, you can use the following tincture: cut several maclura fruits (3-4) into a 3-liter bottle, pour the resulting mass with vodka and leave for a month. After that, use as an external remedy. On the sore spot put a clean cloth soaked in tincture of Adam's apple, then a piece of oilcloth, cellophane or compress paper of a suitable size, and finally something warm. big terry towel, plaid or shawl. If for some reason it is impossible to make a compress, then you can grind problem area tincture and attaching a cabbage leaf, burdock leaf or coltsfoot, wrap. Heat in this case will increase blood flow, which means healing effect will intensify.

Maclura: medicinal properties, recipes


In the treatment, you can use fresh fruits. Maclura is enough to cut in half and rub the halves on the chest. The milky juice released at the same time will active substance. A compress with a tincture of Adam's apple is applied to the chest for 2-3 hours. For the same purpose, you can use the ointment from the fruits of the "God's tree", but in this case, the compress should remain on the chest all night. Herbal tea from collection medicinal herbs(white acacia, sage, oregano and wild rose) will enhance the healing effect.

benign tumors

Maclura has many useful properties, it treats both benign neoplasms and malignant tumors. The process is long, requiring accuracy and patience. Most herbalists recommend applying the tincture using the harmonica method. What does it mean? Daily dose first rises ( we are talking exclusively about drops!), and then goes down. For example, the reception of tincture begins with 3 drops 1 time per day during the first week. Further, in the second week, they take 3 drops 2 times a day, then the number of doses of the medicine increases to three, and the number of drops increases by one for each dose of the medicine. Having reached the maximum (30 drops), the dose and the number of doses every 7 days are reduced to the initial dose - 3 drops 1 r / day. The indicated number of drops is given for people over 30 years of age. If the patient is younger, then maximum dose equal to his age. Full course treatment is 1 year.

With sinusitis, rhinitis, runny nose

Adam's apple tincture is diluted with water in the ratio of 10 ml of tincture per quarter cup warm water(50 ml) and in the resulting solution moisten turundas (cotton or gauze flagella), insert them into the nose and leave for 15-20 minutes in the morning and evening for a week.

For fissures or cancer of the rectum

Any cleansing enema, and then a microclyster is placed from the fruits of the maclura (1 tbsp. crushed fruits, filled with a glass hot water and infused in a thermos for 12 hours).

Tincture of Adam's apple on alcohol, use for the treatment of various diseases

Maklura orange is not called in vain God's gift, for it successfully heals all the hopeless. Adam's apple tincture on alcohol is used mainly for the treatment of neoplasms. different nature and systemic diseases.

  • Mastopathy, dermatitis, eczema, fibromyoma- externally in the form of lotions and compresses;
  • Cancer of the prostate, throat, lips, lungs- inside, by the "accordion" method, excluding alcohol and antibiotics during the reception;
  • Intervertebral, inguinal and other types of hernias- externally in the form of rubbing 2-3 times a day;
  • Osteochondrosis, salt deposition, polyarthritis- externally, rubbing and compresses, most often at night, warming the sore spot:
  • BPH- externally, as a basis for a compress on the perineal area;
  • polyps- externally, 1 teaspoon of tincture is mixed with the same amount of any oil (sunflower, olive). Turundas are impregnated with this mixture and placed in the nose for 30 minutes. After 2 hours, the procedure is repeated.

Using the fruits of the Adam's apple for treatment, it is important to follow a few rules. First, harvest the fruits no earlier than September. Secondly, the collection is best done with gloves. Thirdly, you need to beware of injections with dry spikes. Fourthly, follow the rules for taking and dosing the medication, and in no case combine Maclura treatment with antibiotics and drinking alcohol. In case of appearance unpleasant symptoms stop treatment immediately.

This is how it is, maclura - a cute round fruit that can both heal and harm if used ineptly. That is why it is so important to know all the subtleties and rules for using the Adam's apple in traditional medicine in order to avoid undesirable and life-threatening consequences.

In autumn, in the markets of the Crimea, the Caucasus, and Central Asia, one can often find maclura fruits - large (up to 15 cm in diameter) balls with a green wrinkled peel, which acquires an orange-light green hue as it ripens. In the people, these fruits are called Adam's apples, Chinese or Indian oranges. The pulp of Adam's apples is yellow, with an abundance of seeds.

In fact, orange maclura, imported from Central America, belongs to the mulberry family, the closest relative is mulberry. Adam's apples, although they have pleasant smell(similar to cucumber) and contain many useful substances, are inedible and slightly toxic. Even picking Chinese oranges is recommended with gloves to avoid thorns and not burn the skin with milky juice. However, in folk medicine, maclura fruits are used very widely, for healing power the plant was even nicknamed God's tree.

Healing properties of Adam's apple

Adam's apples contain a high content of flavonoids - compounds that perform the functions of antioxidants in the body, which have anti-sclerotic and anti-carcinogenic effects. Flavonoids also include isoflavones: substances that strengthen the walls of blood vessels. Isoflavones in maclura fruits - up to 6%, and most of all osaiin - a compound that is more effective for maintaining normal operation cardiovascular system than rutin.

Maclura also contains a lot of phytosterols, which are converted in the body into vitamins A, D, E and K. Adam's apple saponins thin sputum (promote expectoration), tone up cardiovascular system, stimulate the work of all glands, accelerate the absorption of nutrients. Paradox: being toxic in itself, in small doses maclura juice helps to detoxify the body, remove toxins.

  • osteochondrosis and salt deposition;
  • rheumatism and sciatica (as an anesthetic);
  • calluses and heel spurs;
  • joint pain and severe bruises;
  • gout and polyarthritis;
  • varicose veins and other diseases of the veins;
  • hypertension;
  • partial paralysis after strokes;
  • a cold;
  • eczema;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • decreased immunity;
  • prostate adenoma;
  • mastopathy;
  • myoma;
  • oncological diseases.

Recipe for tincture of Adam's apple on alcohol

Only ripe fruits collected in October - early November are suitable for tincture. Before preparing the medicine, they are thoroughly washed and dried, but due to the sticky milky juice, it is very difficult to completely remove all microorganisms from the surface of the fetus.

Some pathogens die only in 96% alcohol. Therefore, pure medical alcohol for making tinctures is preferable to vodka or moonshine.

In addition, Adam's apples are very juicy, during the infusion time the juice is mixed with alcohol, and by the time the fortress is ready alcohol tincture decreases to 55 degrees. Air access during the infusion period worsens the quality of the drug (due to the oxidation of polyphenols), so you need to immediately calculate the amount of ingredients so that the container is filled with tincture to the very top.


  • maclura fruits (Adam's apple) - 0.5 kg;
  • alcohol 96% - 0.5 liters;
  • vegetable or pork fat - 0.5 kg (optional).


1. Maclura fruits are weighed, ground on a coarse grater or in a blender (if there is a lot of raw materials, you can use a meat grinder).

2. The resulting slurry is poured with alcohol in a ratio of 1:1.

3. The glass container with the mixture is stored in a cool dark place (not in the refrigerator).

Infusion timeframes:

  • the best for both external and internal use is considered to be a medicine that has been infused for a year. Substance acquires Brown color;
  • if the medicine is required urgently, then the tincture for external use can be used after two weeks, for the internal one - after 1-6 months. In such cases, it is convenient to divide the feedstock into several containers, filtering the medicine as needed.

4. The finished Adam's apple tincture is filtered and stored in a dark, cool place; it retains its beneficial properties for 10 years.

The pressed cake cannot be thrown away: it is a very valuable medicinal raw material. Many useful substances in the composition of maclura are poorly soluble even in alcohol and remain in the pulp.

Preparation of fat-alcohol mixture

Alcohol disinfects, but burns the skin, so in some cases it is better to use a more delicate oil-alcohol mixture for compresses and ointments. To prepare it, olive oil is mixed with tincture in a 1: 1 ratio and beat a little so that the mixture does not delaminate. If there is no olive oil, corn or even sunflower oil (preferably unrefined) will do.

The oil-alcohol mixture is too thin. A thicker medicine is prepared from tincture and internal pork fat. In structure, it is very similar to human and is absorbed into the skin better than olive oil.

The internal pork fat is cut into small cubes and heated in a water bath in 2-3 doses so that it melts, but does not boil. Lard is drained, cooled to room temperature, mixed in equal proportions with maclura tincture and whipped. Cracklings can be used for culinary purposes.

Ointment from alcoholized cake

To prepare the ointment, the cake is mixed with olive oil or pork fat melted according to the previous recipe in a ratio of 1: 1. The resulting mixture is whipped in a blender.

Sometimes in the literature there are recipes for preparing an ointment in a water bath. However, a medicine made from raw cake is more effective, since with heat treatment many useful compounds decompose.

External use of Adam's apple tincture

With osteochondrosis, salt deposition, polyarthritis, arthrosis, sciatica, rheumatism, gout, severe bruises, a compress from maclura tincture is put in the evening. To enhance the warming effect of the compress, it is covered with a warm cloth on top.

With intervertebral, articular, inguinal hernia sore spots are very carefully rubbed with tincture for 5-10 minutes 3 times a day. Then the treated area is wrapped for 20 minutes.

Adam's apple tincture for joints will be even more effective if rubbed into sore spots. People with sensitive skin it is recommended to use a fat-alcohol mixture for rubbing.

Lotions from an oil-alcohol mixture or ointment are made for prostate adenoma, mastopathy and eczema. In these cases, the lotion is kept for no more than two hours. During the day, it is allowed to put 1-2 lotions.

Recovery motor functions after a stroke, an ointment from cake or a fat-alcohol mixture is carefully rubbed into the patient's skin in the evening. Yet best results can be achieved if you use maclura ointment during massage on one evening, and comfrey root ointment on the other.

Some herbalists advise combining an Adam's apple with a golden mustache. But both of these plants contain a lot of phytoflavonoids. The reaction of the body can be too violent, which is dangerous when the vessels are weakened.

An oil-alcohol mixture or ointment is rubbed daily into the affected areas with varicose veins. Warm compresses are not required in this case.

With polyps in the nose, turundas are made from a bandage, moistened with an oil-alcohol mixture, inserted into each nostril and held for no more than 2 hours.

With the help of lotions from maclura tincture or an oil-fat mixture, you can get rid of warts and wen.

With hemorrhoids in anus insert suppositories from frozen ointment (on lard).

After the massage with maclura tincture, wash your hands thoroughly.

Internal use of Adam's apple tincture

Maclura tincture reduces arterial pressure, strengthens the immune system, accelerates recovery from broncho-pulmonary diseases. It is noticed that taking the medicine slows down the development of metastases, and on initial stages diseases - promotes the resorption of neoplasms. Especially effective remedy for myoma and fibromyoma.

The tincture is drunk no later than half an hour before meals. For those who are starving or on a diet, it is recommended to combine the drug with the use of freshly squeezed juices from cabbage, beets or cucumbers.

You need to measure the volume of the medicine with a pipette: each drop is important, exceeding the dose is dangerous to health. Required amount drops are dissolved in a tablespoon of water.

Scheme of taking Adam's apple tincture with benign tumors and oncological diseases:

  • the first week - 3 drops in the morning;
  • 2nd week - 3 drops 2 times a day;
  • 3rd week - 3 drops 3 times a day;
  • 4th week - 4 drops 3 times a day;
  • from the 5th to the 30th week, each dose is increased by 1 drop: in the 30th week - 30 drops 3 times a day;
  • from the 31st week, they are reduced drop by drop per dose, until at the 57th week it becomes 3 drops 3 times a day.

If necessary, the course is repeated after 2 months.

With the syndrome chronic fatigue, metabolic disorders, hypertension, broncho-pulmonary diseases, 3 courses in a row are carried out:

  • 1st day - 3 times 1 drop;
  • 2nd day - 3 times 2 drops;
  • then every day the dose is increased by 1 drop per dose. 20th day - 3 times 20 drops;
  • from the 21st day, the dose is reduced by 1 drop per dose. 39th day - 3 times 1 drop.

Contraindications to the internal use of Adam's apple tincture

You can not drink tincture:

  • patients with diabetes (Adam's apple contains a lot of sugars);
  • pregnant and lactating;
  • with a removed gallbladder;
  • during chemotherapy;
  • while taking antibiotics.

Maclura tincture for alcohol, being a toxin, creates a serious burden on the liver. Therefore, while taking the medicine, you can not drink alcoholic beverages.

Attention! Self-medication can be dangerous, consult your doctor before using the tincture.

God tree, Chinese orange, Adam's apple are all one big plant, which is called maklura. The tree comes from South America, but it can be found in the Caucasus, Crimea, and Central Asia.

Judging by the legend, maclura grew in Eden. In the old days, it was called "God's gift." For its resemblance to citrus, in the East, the plant was nicknamed "Chinese" or deceitful orange.

The tree got its scientific name thanks to the American naturalist Williams Maclure. The scientist has been studying a representative of the mulberry family for a long time.

It is to this genus that the "apple of Adam" belongs. It has been cultivated for over 200 years for landscape design and the production of wood, which is valued for its strength and unusual color.


Maklura in the natural environment has several types, in post-Soviet countries only one grows orange maclura. The tree can reach a height of 20 meters. The leaves are large, elongated, have needles in their axils.

Blooms with small flowers. The fruits are medium-sized, shriveled, similar to pimply light green oranges. In the section "God's gift" has several dry fruits with one seed each.

They are interconnected by a fleshy center consisting of a sticky substance and small grayish seeds. Maclura ripening time is late autumn.

"Chinese orange" is poisonous and inedible, although it consists of many useful substances.

Important! Maclura fruits must be collected with gloves. They will protect against sticky juice and thorns. It is believed that dry thorns are poisonous.

Chemical composition

"Adam's apples" contain milk, which consists of pectin, lemon and bile acids, triterpene alcohols in the form of a fatty acid. There are also sterols and saponins.

But the most useful and necessary substances are flavonoid compounds, which are considered the strongest antioxidants. Most of all in this compound is kaempferol, which gives the fruit an orange color and isoflavone.

Isaflavone contains more osaiin, which is much more effective than routine.

Important! Strange as it may seem, but, despite all its useful “bouquet”, official medicine does not show interest in “ God's gift". The healing properties of the "Adam's apple" are little studied by them.

"Adam's apple" has healing properties thanks to the beneficial substances with which it is impregnated.

Maclura has anti-sclerotic, anti-carcinogenic properties. Struggling with viral infections, festering wounds. Strengthens immune system human, as well as nervous and cardiovascular. It cleanses the body of intoxication, has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the liver, gallbladder, spleen.

Important! "Adam's apple" has not received full recognition in official medicine, was recognized in the folk, where it found its application in the fight against many diseases.

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Medicinal qualities of "Adam's apple"

Maclura milky juice contains a large amount of biologically active useful substances and elements. Therefore, the "Adam's apple" has become popular in folk medicine.

This plant is primarily used to prepare medicinal products local purpose. Such as ointments, tinctures. Despite the fact that the fruits of maclura are not edible, they are poisonous, they are used to prepare medicine for oral administration.

It has positive effect in the treatment of neoplasms:

  • The sap of the plant has antibiotic properties, used in the treatment of viral diseases;
  • Helps with skin diseases. To do this, the affected areas must be lubricated with an ointment based on the "Adam's apple". It is advisable to take a tincture of this plant inside;
  • For diseases of the joints, to get rid of the bones on the toes, sciatica apply the pulp and cake maclura. They are applied to a sore spot or rubbed with tincture, and then wrapped in a warm scarf or blanket;
  • For the treatment of intervertebral hernia make compresses from the alcohol tincture of the "God's tree";
  • False orange juice is used to treat sinusitis, runny nose. To do this, turundas moistened with maclura oil are inserted into the sinuses;
  • A compress from the juice of the plant on the area prostate and simultaneous reception drugs inside helps in the treatment of adenoma;
  • Folk healers advise taking tincture to women suffering from gynecological diseases- cyst, myoma;
  • The extract of "Adam's apple" when ingested effectively acts on the vessels. Makes them strong, elastic, significantly reduces their permeability of the walls;
  • Cleanses the body in case of intoxication, removes carcinogens, calms the nervous system;
  • In cosmetology, an ointment based on maclura juice promotes resorption postoperative scars, helps to restore the skin;
  • In oncological diseases, the use of tincture of plant juice gives positive results. It is especially effective for cancer of the skin, bones, mouth, prostate, and lungs. The pulp of the "Adam's apple" acts on various formations and metastases as a resorbable substance.
  • Creams, balms, gels with maclura stop inflammation, swelling, pain. Suitable for warming up muscles during sports.

Important! positive result at benign neoplasms such as fibroma, myoma, mastopathy, the result must be expected within twelve months.

Before you start taking the tincture of the "God's tree", you should cleanse the body and switch to healthy food, raw food.

Important! Maclura treatment must be combined with hepatoprotective agents.

About read here.

Adam's apple tincture for oral administration, recipe

Preparation of tincture from this plant takes long time. The fruits are harvested in late autumn. They should be well ripe, not damaged. Alcohol must be taken no more than 40% of the fortress. Can be replaced with quality vodka.

Maclura cut into pieces and fill it with the desired container. Fill with alcohol to the very top, leaving no room for air. Close tightly with a lid. You can additionally wrap the top with polyethylene and secure with tape.

The medicine should be infused for 6 to 12 months. The tincture is ready when its color changes from light green to golden brown.

When the liquid takes on the color of tea, you should no longer be afraid of the presence of air.

Alcohol has taken all the necessary useful substances of the fetus, which means that oxidation will not occur.

After draining the liquid into a special container, the pulp is not thrown away. She also has medicinal properties.

By passing it through a blender or a meat grinder, you can get a cake, which is used as an independent product, and in the manufacture of ointments.

The tincture from the "God's tree" is stored for no more than five years in a dark place.

Maclura extract is a good tonic for the whole body. It is used internally for the treatment of neoplasms, lymphatic system, cardiovascular problems, joints.

The drug is used in the fight against oncological diseases half an hour before a meal or an hour and a half after a meal according to the following scheme:

  • 1 week - 3 drops in a small amount of water once a day;
  • 2 weeks - 3 drops twice a day;
  • 3 weeks - 3 drops three times a day;

Having reached 30 drops per day of admission, the dose used must begin to be reduced. This is done as follows - once a week, drink one drop less of the maclura extract. When the dose becomes initial - 3 drops of 1 r. / day, the course of treatment is over.

In total, it takes 60 weeks. Depending on the condition of the patient, a break of two months is taken, and then the treatment is repeated.

Important! When treating with tincture, it should be remembered that the maximum allowable daily rate no more than 30 drops for people over thirty years old. If the patient is less than the indicated age, then it is allowed to drink the medicine as many drops as there are years.

To cleanse the blood, strengthen the body and for the purpose of prevention, the treatment regimen is different.

Once a day before meals or an hour after drinking with a small amount water. For example, 1 drop per teaspoon, with an increase in the dose of water, you can take more, dessert, and then the dining room. Increase by one drop once a week. Having reached five drops for 5-6 weeks, drink the same amount, and at week 7 begin to reduce one drop at a time.

For diseases of prostate adenoma, mastopathy, myoma, the medicine is taken three times a week:

  • 1 week - 5 drops;
  • 2 weeks - 6 drops and so on.

The amount of the drug increases depending on the weight of the patient. With a weight of less than 70 kg, the maximum dose is 10 drops, with a greater weight - 15. Then they begin to decrease by one drop, reaching the initial 5 drops.

To enhance the effect of "Adam's apple" it is desirable to combine the reception of tincture with freshly squeezed juices - cabbage, carrot.

Read about here.

Chinese orange tincture recipe for external use

This maclura infusion recipe is easy to prepare on your own. For him, the ripe fruits of the “false orange” are taken, washed thoroughly and rubbed on a medium-sized grater.

Put the resulting mass into glass jar and pour 96% wine drinking alcohol at the rate of 1:1. Close the container tightly with a lid and leave in a dark place for two weeks. Shake the jar daily.

Important! Take 96% alcohol, this is necessary because over time the tincture concentrate decreases and becomes much less than it was. If desired, diluting the extract with vodka at a rate of 1: 1, you can get a 70% tincture. The quality of the drug remains the same.

Rubbing for the treatment of joints

It can be used externally as a rub for all joint diseases, radiculitis, muscle pain, spurs, rheumatism.

External treatment is carried out in the form of compresses. A rag soaked in tincture is placed on the sore spot, on top of it you can put special paper or cellophane and wrap it warm.

If you do rubbing, then on top of the treated area you need to put a leaf of cabbage or burdock and wrap it up. Heat will help achieve the desired effect.

Ointment from "Adam's apple"

To do this, you need to take the prepared maclura tincture and melted internal pork fat or butter.

Mix all the ingredients, put in a glass container and store in the refrigerator.

The tincture of the plant in the recipe can be replaced with a grated mass, previously simmered in a water bath.

Add lard to it and beat everything with a mixer. The ingredients are taken from the following calculation of 200 grams of maclura fruits and 50 grams of melted fat.

During treatment, the sore spot is smeared with a thin layer of ointment three times a day.

You can make an application. Before you collect the ointment, the spoon should be heated, and then scoop up the medicine with it and evenly distribute it over the cotton fabric. Matter is applied to a sore spot and wrapped.

Leave the compress on for several hours. The procedure is carried out every other day for three months.

From medicinal mixture you can make tampons that help with gynecological diseases and problems with prostatitis, problems with the colon.

To do this, make special candles measuring 2 cm by 1 cm, which are used at night. The course of treatment is two months every other day.

Treatment with ointment from the "God's tree" is effective for hemorrhoids, intervertebral hernia, arthritis, and for resorption of postoperative scars.

Important! More effective treatment achieved by the simultaneous use of ointment and tincture from the "Adam's apple"



Suffered for many years joint pain, osteochondrosis, arthrosis. I used medicine prescribed by a specialist. Relief came, but not for long. The pain returned again. About that, read here.


I can’t take this miracle medicine inside, I suffer from allergies, and as an external remedy I often use it for pain, bruises, and sprains.

Carefully! Before taking Maclura-based medicine, you need to know that it is contraindicated for people with diabetes, pregnant and lactating mothers. For those who suffer from allergies, the drug should be used with caution.

Maklura, "God's tree", "Adam's apple" plant, which not only can cure many diseases, but also cause harm when misuse. To avoid undesirable consequences before starting treatment, it is necessary to study all the rules for the preparation and use of maclura.

Pain and crunching in the back over time can lead to dire consequences- local or complete restriction of movements, up to disability.

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An unusual fruit with a loud name "Adam's apple" is a real helper in the treatment of many diseases. The following article describes the medicinal properties and uses of maclura.

What is Maclura?

Maclura, named after the American naturalist Maclura, has many other names: Adam's apple, false orange, Chinese or Indian orange, God's tree, God's gift.

Maclura orange, or apple-bearing, is a plant belonging to the mulberry family. It can reach 20 meters in height.

The wrinkled ripe fruits of maclura outwardly are very similar to oranges, and the smell of their pulp resembles a cucumber. But maclura, unlike oranges and cucumbers, is inedible. But its poisonous fruits have medicinal properties.

Fruits that ripen in mid-autumn should be picked wearing cloth gloves: their peel is covered with a sticky oil that does not wash off for a long time and makes hands dirty and sticky.

Plant distribution area - North America, middle Asia, Africa and Crimea.

Adam's apple composition

Adam's apple is rich in vitamins, esters fatty acids, organic acids, enzymes, saponins, flavonoids, pectin substances, macro- and microelements and others useful substances. Them chemical composition similar to the composition of mulberry fruits. The properties of these plants are similar.

We fight diseases with folk methods

Folk medicine has long been taking maclura for the treatment of various diseases. In official medicine, unfortunately, the plant is not used.

AT medicinal purposes freshly harvested maclura fruits are used, which acquire medicinal properties only when they reach an orange color.

The plant is powerful natural antibiotic, immunomodulator and antioxidant.

Maklura has the following properties:

    anti-sclerotic and anti-carcinogenic;

    painkillers and anti-inflammatory;

    soothing and bactericidal;

    wound healing and regenerating.

Thanks to maclura:

    salts, slags are removed and toxic substances from the body;

    fatigue goes away;

    the nervous and cardiovascular systems are strengthened;

    wounds heal quickly;

    the appearance of malignant tumors is prevented;

    viruses are destroyed;

    immunity is strengthened.

With the help of maclura, you can be cured of many diseases and strengthen immunity

With the help of the Adam's apple, various diseases are cured:


    liver and spleen;

    polyarthritis and gout;

    radiculitis and osteochondrosis;

    sinusitis and adenoids;


    inflammation of the lymph nodes;

    skin diseases;

    muscle pain;

    salt deposits;

    spurs and growths of bones;

    intervertebral and inguinal hernias;


    lung and prostate cancer.

To strengthen medicinal properties maclura, its use is combined with the juices of carrots, beets and cabbage.

An ointment, tincture and oil are made from the fruits of the Adam's apple. Plant preparations are used both internally and externally.

Preparation and application of ointment

To prepare the ointment, maclura fruits are crushed, mixed with fresh pork fat in a ratio of 5: 1. The resulting mixture is put into a pot, covered with dough and placed in the oven. In the oven, make a low fire and leave for 1-2 days. Instead of an oven, you can use a water bath.

There is another option for preparing an ointment: pork fat is mixed with maclura tincture in a ratio of 2: 1.

The ointment will help cure mastopathy, lymph nodes, intervertebral hernia, skin and rectal cancer.

To get rid of an intervertebral hernia and cure the lymph nodes, the tissue is lubricated with ointment, adjusted to sore spots and wrapped. The treatment is repeated every other day for 3 months.

Mastopathy and fibromastopathy are treated with cabbage leaf. It is dipped three times in boiling water, beaten off and smeared with ointment. At night, a compress is placed on the chest area and insulated. The course of treatment is 3 months.

For the treatment of rectal cancer, candles are made with a chilled ointment. Candles are placed at night for 2 months.

Excellent ointment with abscesses, boils, trophic ulcers, non-healing wounds, lupus and boils: it should be rubbed into damaged areas.

The ointment will help get rid of necrosis, tumors and metastases.

To enhance the effect of the ointment for osteochondrosis, intervertebral hernia and wear of the vertebrae, fish oil is added to it.

Adam's apple is able to cope even with cancer

Maclura fruit oil against skin diseases

Butter is also prepared from Adam's apple: the fruits are cut and poured vegetable oil. The oil is left for two weeks. Strained infusion is used to treat dermatitis, psoriasis and eczema: they lubricate damaged areas. Maclura oil is also instilled into the ears for otitis media.

Maclura fruit tincture

Maclura tincture treats:

    polyarthritis and gout;


    sciatica and rheumatism;

    spurs and calluses;

    mastopathy, myoma and fibrooma;

    colds and migraines;

    carcinogenic neoplasms;

    salt deposits;

    blockage and convulsions of the veins;



    eczema and allergies;

  • metabolic disorders.

Tincture renders effective action in postoperative period, helps restore the musculoskeletal system after injury, sprain, fracture, dislocation, rupture of ligaments and muscles.

How to prepare and take tincture?

The Adam's apple is crushed, put into a jar and filled with alcohol to the top, closed so that there is no air. The tincture is placed in a dark place and “forgotten” about it for six months or a year. The finished tincture turns brown instead of green.

How to take the tincture correctly?

The first week they drink tincture 1 time per day, 3 drops per day, the second - 2 times, the third - 3 times. Then every week the dose is increased by a drop. The number of drops should be brought to a number equal to the age of the person. If the patient is over 30 years old, then the number of drops is adjusted to 30. When the indicated number of drops is reached, they begin to reduce the number of drops by 1 every week. Continue until they reach 3 drops. After the end of the course, they take a break for 1-2 months and repeat the cycle for the purpose of prevention.

You can use another method of reception. On the first day, dilute 1 drop of tincture in a spoonful of water. Then the number of drops is increased daily to 20, after which it is reduced to 1. The course can be repeated 3 times, without interruption.

For cancer of the ovaries and uterus, the drug is taken 5 times a day, 2-3 drops, spreading with a tablespoon boiled water. The course of treatment is continued for a month. Then the use of tincture is stopped, and after a week they resume.

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