Adam's apple description and application. Healing properties of Chinese orange. Appearance and distribution area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe Adam's apple

Maklura - Adam's apple. According to legend, it is believed that the tree grew in the Garden of Eden. The plant is poisonous, which confirms that the paradise apples should not have been eaten by the inhabitants of paradise! What would happen if this didn't happen? Joke!

The name Maklura was given to the apple in honor of the researcher of the beneficial properties of the plant, about which there were legends among the people. Plants are referred to as mulberries.

You can also find the name "Chinese orange", in the east, many diseases were treated with fruits.

We grow Adam's apple in the Crimea. The other day I was given this unusual fruit. A relative arrived from rest and brought me this wonderful apple.

I collected them in the Crimea myself. The trees are tall, the remarkable thing is that the thorns grow directly from the leaves. The fruit is similar to an orange, but its texture is with larger convolutions. In October, the fruits fall to the ground and are easy to collect.

The birthplace of an unusual tree is North America. The plant was brought to Russia in 1833.

The leaves are the same in shape as those of an ordinary apple tree. A distinctive feature of the plant is the flowering of male and female flowers that are different from each other.

Flowering is short, about 10 days. An interesting tree, with no less amazing fruits.

Useful healing properties

In folk medicine, the fruits of the "Chinese orange" are used to prepare tinctures, ointments.

Of course, one fruit will not be enough to make both a tincture and an ointment, you need several of them. And I decided to make a tincture.

She cut the apple in half. The photo shows that when cut, milky juice stood out.

It is he who has unsurpassed healing properties.

But we will continue to prepare the tincture, and we will talk about the properties later.

Alcohol was prepared by me in advance, 40%. She poured the cut fruit, placed in a jar, to the brim. I quickly closed it with a plastic lid. It takes a long time to grow the Adam's apple from 10 weeks to a year.

Reception strictly according to the scheme.

What are the healing properties of maclura?

Restores vascular elasticity

Stops the growth of cancerous tumors and neoplasms

Strengthens the immune system

Normalizes metabolism

Relieves joint pain in arthritis, gout

It is used in the treatment of intervertebral hernias

has been successful in the prevention of cardiovascular disease.

Natural natural antibiotic - Adam's apple. The main thing is to learn how to use it very carefully.

And so the reception scheme:

1 day, 3 drops three times a day.

For each next one, add 1 drop to the dose, bringing it to the maximum dose - 30 drops per dose. Next, we begin stage 2 - dose reduction, 1 drop daily.

Full intake of the drug will be 60 days.

Medicinal plants have a positive effect, but they must be used for a long time, a single dose will be ineffective.

How to prepare an ointment?

For the ointment, we need the milky healing juice of the plant, mix it with oil: coconut, jojoba or others, in a ratio of 1: 3, heat it in a water bath and cool.

Ointment should be stored in a cool place.

Ointment and tincture are used for rubbing the joints, the body externally. Rub it in carefully. That is how I will use it.

First of all, I want to try for the treatment of joints.

But besides, external means from maclura will help in the treatment of boils, skin inflammations, eczema, dermatitis.

Contraindications: not recommended for diabetes, pregnancy, nursing mothers.

Here is such a southern fruit I “preserved”, I will try it for the first time. But I myself will consult a doctor on the correct use of the tincture and I advise you to get a consultation if you decide to try its effect on yourself.

Let useful plants bring only health to your home!

I wish you this from the bottom of my heart.

I believe in the power of medicinal plants, they have always helped me out.

Powerful antioxidant and immunomodulator. It is also used as an antitumor, firming, analgesic, sedative and wound healing agent. Maclura fruits are used to make ointments and tinctures.

How to make a tincture of maclura fruit

The recipe for this healing elixir is as follows: prepared fruits are cut into slices and tightly packed in a three-liter jar. Then vodka is poured into the container. Insist the drug from 6 to 12 months. After the healing composition is poured into dark glass bottles and tightly corked (there should be no air here, otherwise polyphenols and iron-containing substances will be oxidized).

Also, a tincture prepared with a prescription can be used for treatment. To do this, the maclura fruits are cut into small pieces and the juice is squeezed out of them (ointments are made from it and compresses are made), after which they are poured with vodka. For 1 kg of crushed false oranges take 200 ml of vodka. Infuse the mixture for 2-3 days, after which it is filtered. Store juice and tincture in the refrigerator.

Store juice no more than 2 weeks. The shelf life of the tincture is unlimited.

Features of the use of tincture from maclura fruits

The tincture can be used internally and externally. So, externally, it is used in the form of rubbing and compresses for rheumatism, sciatica, polyarthritis, spurs and other ailments. For example, when it is recommended to rub the chest and shoulder blades with this drug. And with rheumatism and osteochondrosis, they rub the affected area, make lotions and leave them all night. For inguinal, articular or rubbed with tincture 2-3 times a day or apply a compress for 7-10 minutes. But for greater effectiveness, tinctures are combined with the internal intake of the drug.
During treatment with tincture of maclura fruits, the use of alcoholic beverages and antibiotics is prohibited.

Internal reception of tincture is recommended for inflammation of the lymph nodes, metabolic disorders, oncological formations, dermatitis, arthrosis and other diseases. Take it by (before meals):
1 - 3 drops three times a day;
2 weeks - 4 drops three times a day;
3 weeks - 5 drops three times a day, etc.
And so increase until a single dose is equal to 30 drops. This is considered the maximum for those who have reached the age of thirty, and older people (for those under 30 years old, the maximum number of drops is equal to the number of years). Then gradually reduce the dose (every week by 1 drop) and reach 3 drops. This is a complete course of treatment. Then they take a two-month break and again start using this healing elixir.

But there is another tincture of maclura fruits inside. It is considered softer. On the first day, it is recommended to drink 1 drop of the elixir diluted with 20 ml of chilled boiled water. The dosage is increased daily, that is, on day 2 - 2 drops, on day 3 - 3 drops, etc. The maximum dose is 20 drops. Then gradually reduce the dose (1 drop per day). The full course lasts 39 days. It is recommended to immediately carry out 3 cycles of treatment without taking breaks.

Maklura orange - deciduous tree with an interesting fruit, which is often called Adam's apple, false orange. This fruit is more valued not as a food product, but as an invaluable medicine. In folk medicine, maclura is prescribed high antirheumatic, vasodilating, anticancer, disinfecting and vasoconstrictive properties. What diseases can the Adam's apple cure, and what remedies can be prepared from it at home?

Adam's apple - useful properties and indications

Maklura has a balanced composition. It contains saponins, flavonoids, pectins, sugars and other useful nutrients. Thanks to them, the Adam's apple has a complex healing effect on the body.

Medicinal properties of maclura:

  • activates self-purification of the body from toxins and harmful bacteria;
  • exhibits a long-term antioxidant effect;
  • is a powerful anti-cancer agent;
  • restores defective metabolism;
  • restores joint mobility;
  • prevents the accumulation of salts;
  • relieves swelling of the lower extremities and restores the venot;
  • strengthens the vascular system.

Medical indications for taking drugs with maclura are various pathologies of the musculoskeletal system and diseases of the vascular system. The herbal medicine is used in the treatment of polyarthritis, gout, osteochondrosis, rheumatism, varicose veins and sciatica.

Important! Maclura is prohibited in diabetes mellitus, allergies to herbal remedies, during gestation and breastfeeding, as well as in childhood.

Adam's apple tincture - recipe and method of application

Often an alcohol tincture is prepared from an Adam's apple. It is highly active in relation to diseases of the musculoskeletal system and has a general strengthening effect. For its preparation, only two components are needed - 500 g of alcohol and 1 maclura fruit.

The process of preparing the tincture is simple:

  1. Take a ripe fruit, wash it and chop it together with the peel using a blender or meat grinder.
  2. Transfer the pulp and all the juice to a glass container (preferably dark) and fill with alcohol.
  3. Then tightly cork the container and set aside for a period of 1 to 6 months.
  4. Shake the contents of the jar daily.
  5. After preparation, strain the tincture, use for grinding, compresses.

Maclura tincture can be taken orally. But here it is important to observe the dosage. You need to start taking 3 drops a day, after a week the dose is increased to 3 drops twice a day. The maximum daily dose is 30 drops.

Adam's apple ointment - how to prepare and use

You can prepare an ointment based on this fruit yourself or buy a ready-made remedy at a pharmacy. This form of medication is used to treat varicose veins, spinal hernia, mastitis, hemorrhoids, arthrosis, osteochondrosis.

To prepare an organic ointment with your own hands, you will need 400 g of soft pork fat and 200 g of maclura.

The ointment is prepared and taken as follows:

  1. Take a clean refractory dish, put a thin ball of lard on the bottom, put the maclura slices on top.
  2. In this way, alternate layers until all the ingredients are gone. The top layer should be from melted fat.
  3. Close the container with a lid, put on a steam bath and cook for 24 hours.
  4. Use the ointment to rub the affected areas, or make compresses out of it, distributing the ointment over the surface of the cotton fabric.

Maclura vegetable oil

Oil tincture of false orange is a universal remedy. It can be used for massage, preparation of cosmetics, instillation of ears and gargling, rubbing, warming compresses.


  1. For oil, take 1 liter of vegetable oil and 3-4 fruits.
  2. Cut the Adom's apple into pieces, pour into a glass jar.
  3. Fill the fruits with oil, close the jar.
  4. Shake the jar of oil for a month, and after this period, strain it.

If you decide to get rid of your diseases with the help of Adam's apple, do not forget to consult your doctor in order to make the treatment more effective.

In the modern world, people are increasingly turning to traditional medicine for help, some because they are confident in the effectiveness of remedies that have been tested for centuries, others because they do not trust modern medicines. One of these methods is the treatment with the fruits of the Adam's apple.


Adam's apple in biology is called orange or apple-bearing maclura (in Latin Maclura pomifera) and belongs to the Mulberry family, like mulberry. Its other names are "inedible orange", "Chinese or Indian orange", "god tree", "false orange", "dye mulberry".
The fruits of the tree resemble an orange about 15 cm in diameter, only shriveled, and do not deteriorate until 6 months, but they cannot be eaten. They ripen in September-October. Maclura comes from South America, most often it can be found in the state of Texas, it was brought to us in the 19th century.

Because of its unpretentiousness, it can grow anywhere, therefore it is grown to create shade in Kazakhstan, the Crimea, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, among the inhabitants of the Caucasus.

Benefits of Adam's apple

Maclura fruits contain flavonoid compounds that help a person resist malignant tumors, protect against harmful substances, affect blood clotting, tone up, strengthen blood vessels, and improve metabolism.

Fatty acids, which are rich in Adam's apple seeds, serve as a source of energy. The leaves of this tree contain citric acid, which helps heal wounds.
Official medicine has not yet studied the beneficial properties of this tree, but in folk medicine it is used to treat:

  • inflammatory processes in the joints;
  • hemorrhoids;
  • varicose veins;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • burns;
  • depriving;
  • eczema;
  • warts;
  • fungus;
  • boils;
  • cancer;
  • sclerosis;
  • mastopathy;
  • prostatitis;
  • uterine fibroids;
  • calluses;
  • heel spurs;
  • colds.

Furniture is made of wood, planted as decoration or hedge.

Healing recipes

In folk medicine, treatment is carried out with the help of tinctures, ointments and oils with Adam's apple.

Recipe for tincture for joints external

The high efficiency of maclura in the treatment of joint problems was noted, for which a tincture is made. You will need:

  • adam's apple;
  • cutting board;
  • vodka;
  • jar with lid.

Important! Be sure to wear gloves when handling maclura.

Finely chop the maclura, put it in a jar and pour vodka or moonshine. Insist 2 weeks. With a small amount of tincture, rub the joints red before going to bed and go to bed. You can additionally tie them with something woolen.

When choosing a container, pay attention to its compliance with the volume of the prepared tincture, since the tincture will have better properties if it does not come into contact with air during infusion, so fill the jar to the top.

For this purpose, an ointment is also made, which can be made using:

  • adam's apple;
  • internal lard.

You will also need a grater or meat grinder, a cutting board, a knife, gloves, a jar with a lid for infusion and dishes for rendering fat. Cut the lard into cubes (the smaller, the easier it will be to melt), put in a clean bowl and put in a water bath.

Pour the melted fat into a separate bowl, cool it. The resulting lard should not be hot, but do not bring it to solidification. Maclura grate or grind in a meat grinder. Spread the Adam's apple and fat in the jar in equal layers so that the bottom and top layers are lard.

Did you know? In Tanzania (Africa), bacon must be in the dowry of every bride.

Transfer the covered jar to a dark warm place and leave for 10 days. Keep the finished product in the cold. For treatment, 1 tablespoon of the ointment is placed in a warm place to soften, then applied to a piece of bandage or gauze folded in several layers (cotton fabric can be used), applied to the sore joint before going to bed and wrapped, preferably with something woolen.

The next morning, the bandage is removed, the place of application is wiped clean with a napkin and put on ordinary clothes.
Candles can be made from the ointment to treat diseases of the straight cat. Put 1 teaspoon of softened ointment on cling film, roll up into a thin “sausage” and twist the edges. After solidification in the refrigerator, the suppository is ready for rectal use.

Recipe for tincture of Adam's apple on alcohol

In order to prepare alcohol tincture from maclura, you must:

  • Maclura proper;
  • alcohol with a strength of 96%;
  • gloves;
  • a jar with a lid;
  • cutting board.

The Adam's apple is well washed, chopped, put in a glass jar, poured with alcohol so that the fruits are completely covered, sent to a dark place away from heat sources (however, a refrigerator is not suitable for this purpose).
It is better to take strong alcohol, since it is very difficult to thoroughly wash the fruit because of the sticky juice, and some bacteria die only at such a strength. The most useful tincture is the one that has been infused for a year, although it is considered ready after it has stood for a month.

After cooking, it is filtered. Elixir does not lose its useful properties up to 10 years. This tincture is recommended to be taken orally to achieve the best effect in the treatment of various diseases.

The reception scheme looks like this:

The course of treatment can be taken twice a year with an interval of at least 3 months. Tincture can be used externally for the treatment of osteochondrosis, colds and other diseases.

Prescription for the treatment of heel spurs

Maclura is also used to treat heel spurs. For this you will need:

  • adam's apple;
  • olive oil (or any other vegetable oil);
  • gloves;
  • grater or meat grinder;
  • blender;
  • container for cooking with a lid.

Adam's apple is grated or ground with a meat grinder, poured with vegetable oil, whipped with a blender and allowed to brew for 10 days in a dark and warm place.

1 tablespoon of the finished product is spread on a plastic wrap, applied to the heel, bandaged loosely to keep it in place, and put on a sock. It is best to do this at night, take the film of such a size that the product does not flow out from under it. The course of treatment is 7 days.

After application, the skin in this place will darken, but after a while the natural color will return. In this form, the remedy is applicable for the treatment of corns, skin inflammations, as well as massage.

How to treat varicose veins

The use of Maclura for the treatment of varicose veins makes it possible to:

  1. Reduce pain.
  2. Remove excess liquid.
  3. Improve vascular patency.
  4. Prevent congestion.
  5. Ease the course of the disease.

To do this, a softened ointment based on Adam's apple (see the recipe above) is applied to the area with sore veins in the morning and evening for 10 days and bandaged with an elastic bandage.

Did you know? In the time of Hippocrates and Aristotle, it was believed that the blood in the human body is located only in the veins, and the aorta carry the air.

In addition, problem areas can be rubbed with alcohol tincture or a tincture based on finely grated maclura and apple or carrot mixed with softened butter. The treatment regimen is similar to the previous one.

In order to relieve pain in diseases of the joints and prevent these diseases from progressing, it is sometimes useful to use in the treatment not only medical methods (medicines) and, but also. Good folk remedies for arthrosis and arthritis are drugs based on Adam's apple. Another name for this plant is maclura. We will tell you about it today.

What is "Adam's apple" (maclura)?

Adam's apple is popularly called the fruits of a tree called maclura orange, or apple-bearing. Other names for this plant are Chinese orange, false orange, Indian orange, "God tree" and others.

Maklura grows in our country in the Caucasus and Crimea, in the Krasnodar, Stavropol Territories, as well as in Kazakhstan and Central Asia.

Maclura tree can reach up to twenty meters in height and one and a half meters in diameter. It was called the Chinese orange because its fruits, when they begin to ripen, gradually turn yellow or orange. In size, they are up to 15 cm, so outwardly, indeed, they can resemble an orange.

This is where the similarity between maclura and citrus ends, because this product is poisonous! When you see its green or ripe fruits, remember this and in no case try to eat them! Instead, it is better to collect more false orange fruits and use it as.

The fact is that the fruits of the god tree are used in traditional medicine recipes for the treatment of a variety of diseases. So, maclura can be used as an effective remedy for benign neoplasms (mastopathy, prostate adenoma, uterine fibroids), as well as for malignant diseases - such as stomach cancer, cancer of the uterus, intestines.

Since most of the medicinal substances of Indian orange are contained in the milky juice of this plant (both in fruits and shoots), its milky juice is also used to treat many skin diseases, such as eczema, dermatitis of various origins, skin cancer. Also, Adam's apple in folk medicine is an effective remedy for hypertension and hemorrhagic lesions.

But, probably, the most famous Adam's apple in the treatment of joints and diseases of the spine. This drug helps well with deforming arthrosis, arthritis, polyarthritis, sciatica and rheumatism.

We have already talked about how arthrosis can be treated with folk remedies, including, as well as methods of treatment. Therefore, today we have added to this piggy bank folk recipes for the treatment of joints with Chinese orange.

Folk recipe number 1: rubbing for joints

what does maclura fruit look like

Take the maclura fruits, wash them thoroughly, and then grate them on a regular medium-sized grater. After that, transfer the resulting grated mass into a jar, fill it to the top with alcohol in a ratio of one to one and tightly cork.

Leave this tincture in a dark place to infuse for a period of two weeks. But at the same time it is necessary to shake the container every day. After this period, the maclura tincture is ready.

Use the tincture as follows. Take a small piece of clean tissue made from natural materials, soak it in tincture and apply it tightly to the diseased joint. From above, wrap the sore spot with a warm woolen scarf and leave it for 30 minutes. After that, it is necessary to remove both the scarf and the matter.

This recipe can be successfully used for almost any joint disease - arthrosis, arthritis, as well as for various muscle pains, and for cervical osteochondrosis. The main thing at the same time is not to leave the disease only in the care of traditional medicine, but to combine alternative treatment with that of competent doctors.

Recipe number 2: tincture for oral administration

And here is another healing recipe for maclura tincture. Take a few ripe fruits of the god tree (half a kilo) and chop them finely. Then pour the chopped pieces of maclura fruit into a jar and fill them with half a liter of ordinary, but high-quality (not pale) vodka. Close the jar tightly and leave it to infuse in a dark place. The tincture should stand there for at least 30 days, ideally up to six months, as it only gets better with time.

After the tincture is ready, it should be taken according to the following scheme, with increasing doses. In the first week, the reception begins with three drops of tincture at a time once before meals. These three drops should be diluted in half a glass of water and drunk.

In the second week, the dose is increased: it is necessary to take the same three drops of tincture before meals, but already 2 times a day. In the third week of treatment, the dose of Maclura tincture is increased up to 3 times a day.

Then the dose continues to be gradually increased so that by the thirtieth week of treatment the daily dose of God's tree tincture is 30 drops per day (10 drops 3 times a day). The guideline here is that 30 drops is the maximum dose for a person thirty years and older.

If a younger person is being treated with Maclura, the maximum dose of the tincture (in drops) should correspond to the number of years of his age.

After that, a gradual decrease in the dose of Chinese orange tincture begins, one drop at a time, to the level of 9 drops per day (three drops three times a day).

Thus, the general course of treatment with Maclura tincture will be 14 months, after which it is necessary to take a break in the reception for a period of one to two months. If the disease has receded, you can stop taking the tincture or switch to its prophylactic intake, and if not, the course of treatment should be repeated.

This treatment regimen is used to get rid of benign and malignant formations - with intestinal cancer, fibroids and other oncology.

Recipe number 3: the same tincture, but for external use

The prepared tincture of false orange (see above in recipe No. 2) can also be used as an effective external remedy for arthritis, gout, salt deposits in the joints, heel spurs, osteochondrosis and other diseases of the joints and spine.

To do this, Maclura tincture is used as a grinding. It is done at night, before going to bed.

Take a clean natural cloth and moisten it with tincture. Then moisten the skin around the affected joints with this cloth, and then rub the remaining moisture remaining on the skin into it. After that, insulate this area by wrapping the area of ​​the affected joint with a warm and clean woolen scarf. Leave it overnight and take it off in the morning.

No. 4: healing ointment

Such an ointment is prepared as follows. Take the freshest lard, and then melt it into lard. After that, take a clean jar in which you will store the ointment, and put the resulting lard in it in an even layer about one and a half centimeters thick.

Then take mature maclura fruits, wash them thoroughly, and then cut them into slices of 1 cm or a little less. Pour the sliced ​​\u200b\u200bfalse orange fruits into the jar so that their layer is 1.5 centimeters (like the layer of lard). After that, you need to add a layer of lard again of the same volume, and you need to alternate these layers until the jar is full, but the topmost layer should be lard.

Close the filled jar with a tight plastic lid, and then wrap the dough around it for tightness. After that, you need to put this jar in a water bath or oven on very low heat for 24 hours. At the end of this time, strain the resulting drug blank into another jar so that the jar is completely filled and there is no room for air on top of it. And already put this jar in the refrigerator and store it there until it runs out.

Apply the resulting therapeutic ointment maclura as follows. Take a teaspoon, heat it over the fire, then scoop the ointment from the jar. Then put the ointment from a spoon on a clean cloth made of natural materials and spread the ointment evenly over the cloth. After that, apply a cloth with ointment to the diseased area - the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe spine or the sore joint, and then wrap this area with a warm, clean woolen scarf. Leave such a compress for 4-5 hours, and then remove. Such compresses with maclura ointment should be done every other day for two to three months.

This recipe is used for various diseases of the joints (arthrosis, arthritis), as well as for intervertebral hernia.

If the ointment from the fruits of the Maclura plant is used to treat mastopathy, then the recipe for use changes slightly. The ointment must be applied to a leaf of burdock or cabbage, which must be applied to the chest, and then strengthened with a cotton cloth and insulated with a woolen scarf, and then leave the compress for the night. This procedure should be done every other day or a little less often for 2-3 months.

For the treatment of hemorrhoids or rectal cancer, Maclura (Chinese orange) ointment should be used in the form of suppositories. Prepare candles with a thickness of one centimeter and a length of 2 cm, cool them in the refrigerator and use at night every other day for a course of 1-2 months.

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