Human acclimatization in temperate latitudes. Acclimatization: what to do and how to avoid? Questions and tasks

The body is under enormous stress. This is due to climate change and, accordingly, weather conditions. Moving some 10 degrees of longitude or latitude affects the general condition of a person.

The fact is that our body, getting into unusual conditions for it, begins to quickly adapt. In the early days, the consequences of acclimatization are rarely felt, but in the future they can spoil the rest of the holiday.

Acclimatization is the adaptation of the body to the characteristics of the external environment. During this period, the functioning of the organs is normalized, respectively, to such factors as temperature, humidity, and atmospheric pressure.

During acclimatization, the body is subjected to serious stress. Even the most resilient and healthy people often suffer. What to say about those who have heart problems? It has been proven that air travel has the most detrimental effect on the functioning of the body, as the climate zone is changing dramatically. Therefore, it is recommended to travel by train. Although it takes longer, but the body will have time to adapt. After about a week of staying in a new climatic zone, human health returns to normal.

The acclimatization process is divided into two stages.

The first is characterized by the following symptoms: drowsiness, lethargy, insomnia, decreased performance, nervous tic.

The second stage entails more serious consequences. This is a decrease in the functionality of body systems, and the development of chronic diseases. Remember that if you have planned a long trip, you will have to go through acclimatization anyway. Therefore, when choosing a place to stay, consider this.

Do not purchase a short-term tour (less than 10 days) if you are planning a long trip. Before your body has time to adapt to the new climate, you already have to return home. And it won't be any better at home. After all, you have to re-acclimatize. Just imagine what kind of load the body will take on. Choose a trip for a period of 20 days, of course, if possible. So you will not only enjoy your vacation, but also take care of your health.

Features of acclimatization in a hot climate

Our body is able to quickly respond to excessive heat. During the period of adaptation to the heat, there is a severe headache, weakness, exacerbation of chronic diseases.

A hot climate can be of two types:

  • with dry air
  • with high air humidity;

In the first case, acclimatization does not greatly affect the body, since the process of perspiration is normal. As a result, the body has time to cool down. In areas where a hot climate is added to high humidity, everything is much more serious. Sweat is released profusely, but through high humidity it does not evaporate. As a result, thermoregulation is disturbed.

In this case, the following symptoms are observed:

  • overheating of the body;
  • increased heart rate;
  • dehydration;
  • difficulty in breathing;
  • heat cramps.

How to acclimatize in a hot climate

In order for the vacation to be unforgettable, you need to minimize the negative consequences of acclimatization. To do this, there is a whole list of effective recommendations. Let's look at them in order:

  1. Ventilate the room regularly. The air must be fresh. Thanks to this, you will get rid of the constant feeling of fatigue;
  2. Quench your thirst only after eating. This will help to normalize the water-salt balance. Drink water without gas;
  1. Follow the "southern" diet. This means that you can only eat in the morning and evening. If at lunchtime you want to eat, it is recommended to have a light salad or a couple of fruits;
  2. Wear light clothing made from natural fabrics. Don't forget to wear a hat;
  3. Take cold showers. At the same time, do not use various shampoos and gels. Such substances clog the sebaceous glands, which leads to sweat retention and impaired thermoregulation;
  4. With a noticeable increase in body temperature, immediately take antipyretic drugs.

What is acclimatization?

Acclimatization - adaptation of the body to new climatic conditions; a special case of adaptation to natural factors.
Most often, acclimatization reactions have a hereditary basis and relate to all regulatory systems of our body. The greatest tension of the reaction is achieved when a person enters extreme conditions (intense heat or cold, high mountains, etc.). Usually, healthy trained people tolerate this process easily, although in the first days there may be a feeling of malaise, decreased performance, appetite, sleep disturbance, etc.
In most people in the future (after 5 - 10 days), health and performance are restored.
Only in some cases, full-fledged acclimatization does not occur due to the weakening of the body's capabilities. This is usually due to training, overwork or illness.
Taking into account the patterns of the course of the acclimatization process, if you get to a place with unusual climatic conditions, overloads should be avoided in the first days.
Acclimatization can be divided into two main types :

  • to cold climate
  • to hot climate

Acclimatization to cold climates

This species is associated with such factors as low air temperatures, strong winds, polar night with ultraviolet deficiency, etc.
The main signs can be considered manifestations of insomnia (on a polar day) or drowsiness, chilliness.
What to do to relieve symptoms of acclimatization
First, you should increase the diet in terms of calories by 10-15% compared to the diet for the middle lane. After all, a large amount of energy is required to warm the body.
Secondly, try to organize yourself a warm overnight stay. In this case, the same principle of heat conservation works. Only here it should be noted that it is during sleep that the human body is the most unprotected, and, accordingly, any freezing can only provoke a more pronounced manifestation of acclimatization symptoms, not to mention the possibility of simply catching a cold.
Thirdly, your clothes should have increased heat and wind protection properties. To create the maximum warm air cushion around the body.

Acclimatization to a hot climate
This species is more familiar to the inhabitants of the middle lane, because. most often we prefer to relax in warm regions. And therefore, many people know that this type of acclimatization is associated with overheating, excess ultraviolet radiation, and in the desert zone - with dehydration of the body, loss of salts.
The initial phase may be accompanied by muscle weakness, palpitations, increased thirst, etc. Sometimes heat stroke and fainting may occur.
What to do to relieve the symptoms of acclimatization
In warm regions, it is important to maintain an appropriate water-salt regime. After all, the higher the temperature, the higher the sweating. And the higher the sweating, the more water and useful salts we lose.
Sleep is also essential. Only during sleep, the body overloaded with heat has the opportunity to fully recover.
And in order to avoid heat stroke, nausea and fainting, you should not neglect wearing a hat.
And let the temperature change not become an obstacle for you to receive positive emotions in other climatic zones!
Author: Natalia Kay

Acclimatization is a process of adaptation to new natural conditions that are different from the usual climate and weather in the place of permanent residence of a person.

Scientists have proven that moving within a range of ten degrees in latitude or longitude causes people to have all the signs of acclimatization. This is especially noticeable when a person travels by plane, thanks to which you can make a change of location very quickly. Such a blessing of civilization allows you to change the climate zone at an accelerated pace, which is a big burden on the human body. At the same time, many people begin to experience unpleasant symptoms that characterize the deterioration of their health and well-being.

ICD-10 code

Z60 Problems related to adapting to lifestyle changes

Reasons for acclimatization

The reasons for acclimatization are expressed in the need to restructure the body in accordance with new geographical and climatic conditions. Unusual factors of the surrounding world, such as temperature, air humidity, pressure, magnetic storms, a large amount of light or its lack, and so on, require the body to change its own “settings”. The previously established balance with the environment allowed a person to lead an active lifestyle and feel good. Now he needs to get used to those conditions that are not familiar to his body and psyche.

Such a restructuring does not go unnoticed, especially if the climatic zone has changed dramatically, in a matter of hours. The human body receives a kind of "kick" and feels "out of place." Therefore, there is a forced rapid change in adaptation settings, which cannot go smoothly and imperceptibly for a person’s well-being.

When the body adapts to new living conditions, another equilibrium with the environment will come, and the person will feel good. But for this, a certain time must pass, and certain measures have been taken.

Acclimatization and reacclimatization

Acclimatization and reacclimatization are two sides of the same coin. Because at the first stage, the body adapts to new environmental conditions and in a new territory. And the second is connected with adaptation to the usual conditions of the habitat, which were abandoned for any reason.

Usually, with short trips to new lands, upon return, a person receives all the symptoms of reacclimatization. They are expressed in the same deterioration in well-being, as in acclimatization, the signs of which can be found below. A similar situation is typical for a short summer vacation, especially in a hot country. As soon as the body has adapted to the new climate, it is pulled out of there and returned home. And now it is the turn of reacclimatization, which is even more difficult than acclimatization.

In addition, staying in new territories and the stresses received by the body trigger an exacerbation of long-existing and "sleeping" chronic diseases in a person. Therefore, it often happens that a healthy and thirsty person goes on vacation, and a “sick wreck” returns, which now needs to rest from the rest received.

Most often, upon returning from vacation, people complain of an exacerbation or occurrence of problems in the digestive system, as well as various skin diseases.

Signs of acclimatization

Those people who have experienced a sharp change in climatic zones know that the signs of acclimatization often resemble the symptoms of a cold. Also characteristic are symptoms similar to various types of allergic reactions, as well as food poisoning.

The strongest and most unpleasant adaptation occurs in childhood and old age. In the female body, specific processes that are characteristic only for this sex can also take place. For example, in some women, the menstrual cycle is disturbed, menstruation stops or disappears for a while.

Vacationers need to know that many chronic diseases are exacerbated by changing living conditions. And the symptoms of this situation coincide with the signs of an exacerbation of the disease. Therefore, having arrived on vacation, you can get a relapse of some unpleasant sore and devote all the time of rest to restoring your health.

Read more about the symptoms of acclimatization.

How long does acclimatization take?

In order to take care of their health, vacationers in new territories are interested in the problem: how long does acclimatization last?

Vacationers in hot countries, it is important to know that the adaptation of the inhabitants of the northern countries is slower than that of the inhabitants of the middle latitudes.

The processes of adaptation to new conditions begin to occur immediately after staying in a new place. But the sensations of acclimatization begin to appear in a person only on the second or third day after the temporary change of habitat. This is because bright and strong positive emotions from the impressions received allow us to survive the strong stress of climate change. But then, when the emotions have already become a little dull, the body begins to “act up” from such innovations as an unusual climate, food, water, time zone, and so on.

There are several stages in this process:

  • The most acute - from five to seven days.
  • The usual stage of addiction is from ten days to two weeks.

Therefore, the usual for our tourists week or ten-day vacation in hot countries takes place under the banner of acclimatization. And you can start to fully relax, without feeling bad, only after two weeks of stay in the country. Based on the foregoing, the most optimal period for vacation and stay in an unfamiliar country should be from eighteen to twenty days. This will allow you to get used to new climatic conditions as successfully as possible, as well as get a lot of pleasure from visiting a new and interesting place.

Acclimatization after rest

Acclimatization after rest is a reverse habituation to the conditions in which a person lives constantly. Re-acclimatization can be quite unpleasant, with more severe symptoms than the holiday situation. A person, first of all, is worried about a breakdown and fatigue, lethargy and drowsiness, as well as a low mood background. There may also be manifestations of insomnia and irritability. Sometimes there are even cases of real depression. And this is the case when a person immediately joins his working rhythm after a summer vacation.

Therefore, do not rush to run almost directly from the station to the long-awaited office. It is best to leave yourself three or four days to stay at home in a calm rhythm of life. You need to sleep a lot, protect yourself from haste and stress, do not bother your head with important and urgent matters, but let your body get used to the old climate and familiar life.

Acclimatization after the sea

Acclimatization after the sea, especially for residents of the northern latitudes and the temperate climate zone, consists in observing a passive mode. In which it is important to live inactive for a week, eat and sleep more, drink plenty of fluids, watch your favorite movies, read interesting books. In general, create a small oasis at home that will not be disturbed by any stress and excitement.

It is also important to minimize contact with others, as well as constant movement through the streets. The main thing is to let the body get used to such stress as returning to a stable life after a short rest in the sunlight, sea air and many vivid impressions.

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Acclimatization after Turkey

Acclimatization after Turkey depends on how close the Turkish climate was to the habitual living conditions of a person. This country has five climatic zones, which are very different from each other. It is quite hot in the Aegean and Mediterranean Seas, and the climate in the Black Sea is cooler than in the previous ones. The western part of the country is characterized by hot summers and cold winters. In Istanbul and Antalya, you can feel all the delights of a warm winter and a very hot summer. Therefore, reacclimatization in a person can take place either completely imperceptibly, or rather brightly and unpleasantly.

An important feature after a Turkish holiday is the inability to warm up at first. Especially for countries with a cold or temperate climate.

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Acclimatization after Egypt

Acclimatization after Egypt may not appear at all. Such unique cases happen when the climate of this country is ideal for a person. And his permanent living conditions suit his body and psyche a little less.

And vice versa, there were people who, after a trip to the heat and the sea, received pneumonia upon arrival. Simply, because they launched a disease that began with a common cold and high fever. Therefore, after returning from vacation, it is important to listen to your body and give it a sparing regimen. And at the slightest strange symptoms, it is best to consult a doctor to avoid severe and unexpected complications.

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Acclimatization after Thailand

Acclimatization after Thailand can be very harsh, especially for cold climates. But some people successfully undergo reacclimatization, complaining only of some minimal symptoms and ailments. So, a person may be concerned about:

  • Lethargy and feeling tired for five days to a week.
  • Constant chills and cold feeling.
  • Sore and sore throat.
  • During the first two weeks, problems with the digestive system are possible, in which any meal responds with heaviness in the stomach or other discomfort.

Types of acclimatization

Acclimatization processes are divided into the following types:

  • Thermal.
  • Altitude.
  • In climates with cold conditions.

Thermal acclimatization involves being in conditions of high air temperature with high humidity. It is this combination of climatic conditions that can cause a whole “bouquet” of adaptation symptoms in a person, disrupting his usual thermoregulation and complicating getting used to new conditions. Such difficulties await lovers of the seas and overseas countries with a hot and humid climate.

Fans of ski resorts will also face the need to adapt. But this time they will have to get used to the high-altitude living conditions. High-altitude acclimatization happens because ski resorts are located above sea level, and much more. At the same time, the concentration of oxygen in these places is reduced, which is completely unusual for the inhabitants of the plains, which are the majority of the population of the planet and the same mountain lovers. With this type of adaptation, the movement of blood flow slows down, and the amount of erythrocyte and hemoglobin also decreases markedly. These symptoms are typical for cases when the body enters an energy-saving stage. In addition, the low pressure that is characteristic of the mountains causes tourists to suffocate or show signs of severe shortness of breath.

Adaptation to the conditions of cold, which are characteristic of the northern latitudes, awaits lovers of the Arctic seas, sulphurous lights and mean beauties of nature. Travelers will have to contend with low temperatures, strong magnetic storms, and a shortage of ultraviolet sunlight, called light starvation. With such changes in the environment, people often develop insomnia, high fatigue and drowsiness, as well as a reluctance to eat.

Consequences of acclimatization

The consequences of acclimatization are expressed in a number of unpleasant processes that are triggered in the human body:

  • Exacerbation of chronic diseases with all accompanying symptoms.
  • Decrease in the level of immunity and body defenses.
  • The emergence of low resistance to climate change on new trips and exacerbation of symptoms of acclimatization.

Of course, not all people tend to react badly to new living conditions. Many tourists and travelers, on the contrary, are tempered in constant trips and changes in climatic zones. And their health and well-being becomes stronger and more stable.

37 First of all, going to new conditions of existence for himself, a person must prepare his body for climate changes. It is important to do such activities throughout the year in order to strengthen your own health. But in a situation where unpleasant symptoms are no longer haunting, it is worth stocking up on a first aid kit for all occasions.

This first aid kit should contain drugs with antipyretic properties and antihistamines, medicines for problems of the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, various means for sunburn are important, as well as means after sunbathing and for skin burns.

People suffering from chronic diseases should take with them all the recommended drugs that can help with exacerbation of diseases. It is also good to take essential oils with you, which will help you survive the adaptation to new conditions.

It is important to include multivitamin complexes with a high content of vitamins A, C and E in the diet. Food in which these vitamins are widely represented is also useful. These are carrots, lemons and tangerines, as well as other citrus fruits, spinach, cabbage. The use of garlic, pomegranates, cranberries and currants is also important.

The first two or three days you should not actively walk, go on excursions and sunbathe on local beaches. It is best to spend this time at the hotel, and use the morning and evening hours for walking. At the same time, it is necessary to wear loose and light-colored clothes with long sleeves, pants and long skirts.

If you want to go somewhere outside the hotel, it is better to take two liters of clean water, water with lemon or cold green tea without sugar.

Read more about the treatment of acclimatization.

How to avoid acclimatization?

Of course, every tourist and traveler asks the question: how to avoid acclimatization? Our helpful tips will help make this difficult task easier.

  • Experts recommend moving to a new country not by plane, but by train. When using aircraft vehicles, a person goes through a change in climatic zones very quickly, which is a great stress for him. If you go on a trip by train, you can slightly adapt your body to changing environmental conditions. Because the speed of movement will not be as high as on an airplane. This caution is very important for people with cardiovascular disease, especially those suffering from hypertension.
  • It is best to prepare your arrival in a new country so that it arrives in the evening. At night, the body will be able to rest and already adapt to new conditions for itself. What is very important and useful for a person.
  • Clothing for the flight, as well as for the first days of stay in a new place, should be light, comfortable and free. You should feel comfortable in it, so that it is neither cold nor hot. It is also important to be comfortable when moving and at moments of rest. Be sure to have a hat that will save a person from the rays of the scorching sun or, conversely, from the cold wind, rain, and so on.
  • Before going out for walks, going to the beach and on excursions, be sure to apply sunscreen to all areas of the skin that will be exposed to aggressive solar radiation.
  • To lead an active lifestyle outdoors, it is better to choose the right time. The safest periods of the day for walking, swimming and getting a tan are from dawn to eleven in the morning, as well as after five in the evening and before going to bed. Do not expose your skin to direct sunlight. From this, you can not only worsen your well-being, but also your appearance, which is important for the fair sex.

Acclimatization is a complex process of adapting an organism to new living conditions. A vacation is given to a person in order to get new impressions and relax. Therefore, you should take care in advance about preparing for life in a new climate and get the most out of your stay in an unfamiliar country.

Having flown from St. Petersburg to Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, in a short period of time (about 9 hours), a person will cross 9 time zones. If you fly from Murmansk, then after some 3-4 hours you can land in Sochi, from the harsh Arctic to get into the hot subtropics.

Such shifts are not uncommon these days. Someone moves to a new place of residence, someone goes on vacation, athletes fly to competitions, geologists go on an expedition, tourists go on a hike ...

As a rule, when we change our place of residence, we feel some discomfort. The fact is that we find ourselves in unusual conditions, the body is forced to rebuild, get used to (adapt) to them. And we must help him with this!

Change of time zones

In such a situation, the main factor affecting a person is the change of time. A person gets used to a certain rhythm. For example, getting up and going to bed at a certain time. Getting, for example, from the European part of the country to Irkutsk (that is, moving from west to east), you need to do this a few hours earlier. So, we need to change the regime. The best remedy for this is sleep. After sleep, you need to enter a new mode according to local time. In the first days, fatigue, rapid fatigue will be felt, headaches are possible. Don't worry, this will all pass. It is necessary to reduce physical activity during this time and organize a good rest.

Scheme 17
How to adjust to local time

It is more difficult to adapt when moving from east to west. But the rules of conduct remain the same.

climate change

When the latitude of the area changes, that is, when moving from north to south or vice versa, all natural factors affecting a person change: temperature and humidity, atmospheric pressure, solar activity.

It is better to inquire in advance about the peculiarities of the climate of the area where you have to move.

It's a good idea to consult a doctor if your health condition allows such a move. Often, “sores” in a healthy person appear when the climate changes. Therefore, doctors usually recommend resting in an area where the climate is not very different from the one in which a person lives permanently.

Scheme 18
How to adapt to climate change

You also need to think about clothes. It must comply with the new climatic conditions.

Special mention should be made of the sun. Probably, many of us experienced its gentle warmth, and then moaned all night long, dreaming that burnt skin would peel off as soon as possible.

Not only those living in the north, but also the inhabitants of the middle latitudes are unaccustomed to the southern sun. Excessive stay on the beach is detrimental to unaccustomed skin: it quickly overheats, sometimes invisible burns form on it. Sunbathing should be taken in moderation, starting with sessions of 10-20 minutes, gradually increasing their duration. The rest of the time you need to be in the shade. Loose cotton clothes with long sleeves, a hat or panama will help with this.

You also need to take care of your eyes. The southern sun, especially near the sea surface, strongly blinds the eyes, can cause their diseases. Wear dark glasses to protect your eyes.

With a change of residence, a change in food is inevitable. You should spare your body, trying new food little by little, not eating several dishes that are unusual for the stomach at once. Do not rush to switch to spicy food, which is usually eaten by residents of the southern and mountainous regions.

When traveling and moving, it is necessary to take into account the basic principles of adaptation when changing climatic and geographical conditions.

  • In the early days, do not expose yourself to excessive stress, sleep more.
  • Wear comfortable, loose-fitting clothing made from natural materials and a hat.
  • Be wary of exotic local food.

The body's ability to adapt can be trained. Travelers, tourists, the military better tolerate moving, changing external conditions. Therefore, tourism is not only good for health, but also a training that helps to adapt the body to various conditions and makes it easier to survive in extreme situations.

Acclimatization in the mountains

Acclimatization in the mountains is more difficult: there, with increasing altitude, atmospheric pressure decreases. In this case, the so-called oxygen starvation is observed. It is expressed in the fact that although the oxygen content in the air does not change with increasing altitude, but with reduced atmospheric pressure, it is less absorbed into the blood. Therefore, even with minor physical exertion, dizziness and palpitations begin, a person feels severe fatigue. As a rule, this manifests itself from a height of 1500 m.

At significant heights, even well-trained climbers work in oxygen masks.

In the mountains, there is often low air humidity, which leads to the loss of moisture from the body through the lungs during breathing.

In addition, the water of mountain rivers and streams fed by glaciers and snowfields is poor in mineral salts.

In the mountains, you can get severe sunburn even when cloudy or foggy. The fact is that on the plain, the ultraviolet radiation of the sun is much weaker, as it is scattered by the lower layers of the atmosphere. When climbing mountains, this dispersion decreases, the radiation becomes stronger (harder, as they say). Therefore, you can get a burn in the mountains much faster. The matter can be further complicated by the presence of snow in the mountains. In this case, the radiation reflected from the snow is added to the direct solar radiation. Here you can not do without a special protective cream.

Scheme 19
How to adapt in the mountains

Especially intense sunlight in the snow zone affects the eyes. Even more than in the south, sunglasses are needed here, and with glass lenses.

The first 1-2 days should be taken for acclimatization with a minimum of physical activity. The effect of lack of oxygen, low pressure usually disappears during this period.

Scheme 20
When adapting in the mountains, it is impossible

If you constantly feel thirsty, dry mouth, you need to drink more fluids, better mineral water or tea. It is advisable to add a little salt to the water. Try not to eat snow or drink water from streams (there is little salt in it).

In the mountains, the air temperature changes sharply and quickly. Strong winds often blow. There is a big difference between daytime and evening temperatures. Therefore, going to the mountains even in hot summer, you need to grab warm clothes.

You also need to take care of warm clothes when traveling from south to north. In this case, it is better to have underwear made of pure wool or cotton. Try not to use synthetics.

Shoes should be spacious, with a warm insole. It is good to have warm woolen socks.

Tight clothing or shoes are the main cause of frostbite.

The following fact should also be taken into account: in the mountains, due to low pressure, the boiling point of water is below 100 ° C. Therefore, the food here is cooked differently. Tea may not taste the same as at home, food is cooked a little longer than on the plain.

Questions and tasks

  1. How does the change of time zones affect the human body?
  2. What is the best way to get used to new conditions (adapt) in this case?
  3. What natural factors change when moving from north to south or vice versa?
  4. What are the main principles of adaptation when changing climatic and geographical conditions.
  5. What features should be paid attention to when adapting to the mountains?
  6. Why is oxygen starvation possible in the mountains at an altitude of more than 1500 m?
  7. Do you think it is better to boil or fry meat in the mountains? Why?
  8. Where is tea better brewed - in the mountains or on the plain? State the reasons for this.
  9. Is it possible to get burned when there is snow around?
  10. What will you do to facilitate acclimatization in the mountains; in the southern steppe?
  • Climate and weather. The concept of Medical assessment of the weather. meteotropic diseases. Prevention. Acclimatization. Physiological entity. Phases.
  • Climate. Definition, varieties. Health and performance. The use of climate for health-improving purposes.
  • The main factors that adversely affect the body are low ambient temperature (up to -60 ° in winter months), strong winds and violation of the light regime.
    In the initial period of acclimatization, there is a sharp change in the reactivity of the organism. Thermoregulation is carried out mainly by chemical means - heat production increases due to the acceleration of metabolic reactions. Then there is a restructuring of adaptive mechanisms. They are expressed by excessive fatigue, irresistible drowsiness during the daytime, decreased appetite, and sometimes shortness of breath. Violation of the usual light regime (change of day and night) can lead to insomnia and neurotic conditions.
    As acclimatization increases, the value of physical thermoregulation increases - the volume of circulating blood increases, the peripheral vascular bed expands, and the volume of blood flow in the extremities increases.
    The development of acclimatization is facilitated by training the body to low temperatures, therefore, acclimatization develops faster in hardened, healthy people. To speed up and facilitate acclimatization in the North, it is necessary to organize proper nutrition, provide appropriate clothing, comply with hygienic standards for the maintenance of residential and public buildings, lighting, etc., and establish a work and rest regime.
    The calorie content of the daily diet in the North should exceed the calorie content of the diet for residents of a temperate climate by 15-25%, and about half of the diet should be proteins and fats of animal origin. Given the great role of vitamins in the processes of acclimatization in the North, it is necessary to provide all visitors with a daily intake of 250-300 mg of ascorbic acid, as well as vitamins A and D in the form of fish oil, during the first 4-6 weeks.

    Clothing in the North must be equipped with a wind and moisture protective coating. The air temperature in residential premises and public buildings should be maintained 2-3 ° higher than in the middle lane. The intensity of artificial lighting during the polar night should be increased. During the polar day, the windows in the bedrooms should be curtained.
    Of great importance is the correct alternation of work and rest, mass involvement in systematic physical education and sports. Alcohol has a negative effect on the process of acclimatization, therefore, appropriate explanatory work is necessary.


    Planning of populated areas - placement in a certain territory of enterprises, dwellings, cultural and community institutions, transport and other functionally interconnected elements of the national economy

    The main hygienic principles of planning settlements are: choosing the healthiest area for a settlement, using local natural factors for recreational purposes, improving territories, proper placement of the main construction projects, maintaining normal population density, landscaping and implementing all types of landscaping that provide the most favorable living conditions. , labor and recreation of the population. At present, there is an excessive concentration of development, the enlargement of cities due to the construction of large buildings, resulting in overcrowding of the population and the difficulty of complying with hygienic requirements. Urban and rural settlements must be designed as elements of the country's unified settlement system, taking into account the territorial and administrative division, socio-economic and natural urban planning zoning.

    The main principle of the planning of populated areas in the USSR is functional zoning, i.e., the territory of the city is divided into zones: residential development (residential zone), industrial, communal storage and transport.


    Layout of the residential (residential) area. Structural units.

    The most healthy and convenient areas of the territory are allocated for the residential area, about 20% of which are occupied by green spaces. The main element of the planning of this zone is a residential quarter, which houses residential buildings, children's, cultural and domestic and commercial institutions, green spaces, playgrounds, etc., limited on all sides by city driveways.

    The central point of the residential area is the administrative center.

    When designing residential development, as a rule, two main levels of structural organization of a residential area are distinguished:

    neighborhood(quarter) - a structural element of residential development with an area, as a rule, of 10-60 hectares, but not more than 80 hectares, not divided by main streets and roads, within which institutions and enterprises of everyday use are located with a service radius of not more than 500 m (except for schools and preschool institutions, the service radius of which is determined in accordance with these standards); boundaries, as a rule, are main or residential streets, driveways, pedestrian paths, natural boundaries;

    Residential area- a structural element of a residential area with an area, as a rule, from 80 to 250 hectares, within which institutions and enterprises are located with a service radius of not more than 1500 m, as well as part of objects of urban importance; borders, as a rule, are insurmountable natural and artificial boundaries, main streets and roads of citywide significance.

    housing area- a structural element of a residential area with an area of ​​more than 400 hectares, within which residential areas are formed. Its boundaries are the same as for residential areas. This structural unit is typical for large and largest cities and is formed as an integral structural organism with the placement of service establishments for district and city use.

    The distance from residential buildings to trade enterprises of local importance, health care facilities (polyclinics, outpatient clinics, dispensaries without hospitals) serving the disabled and the elderly, no more than 200 m, and in the conditions of the existing development - no more than 300 m;


    Planning of rural settlements

    The basis of the modern planning of rural settlements also lays a clear division into zones: residential, economic and industrial and public center. A landscaped sanitary protection zone is provided between the economic and industrial and residential zones, the width of which is determined by the nature of the economic and industrial sector and its capacity.

    A site for the construction of a new or expansion of an existing village is chosen on a flat territory that is not flooded during a flood.

    The best part of the land plot is allocated for the residential area. The main elements of the residential area are residential quarters with residential buildings and adjoining household plots (approximately 0.25 hectares in area), cultural and community and medical institutions, public green spaces, and streets.

    In the central part of the village, a community center is arranged - a square on which the village council, post office, club, tea house, shops, and a hotel are located. Schools, kindergartens and nurseries should be located away from the central square.

    The feldsher-obstetric station is also located somewhat away from the central square and also in a place convenient for the population, not far from the industrial zone.

    All outbuildings of the collective farm and production complexes (repair and mechanical workshops, a fodder preparation workshop, livestock farms, subsidiary production) are located in the production zone.

    In sanitary terms, it is important that the roads for exit and entry into the production zone of agricultural machinery, transport and livestock run outside the village. The passage of vehicles and tractors through the village disturbs peace, causes dust in the air and is dangerous in terms of injuries.

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