What to give a child from a cold 5 years. A cold in a child - how to quickly cure: inhalation with a nebulizer, folk and drug treatment. Drug treatment of the common cold in children

The common cold is one of the most common diseases. Many kids get sick several times a year, often feel very ill and do not attend educational institutions. However, during illness, children develop immunity, so that in the future they will be able to more easily endure such conditions. It is important to choose the right therapy in order to get rid of the disease as quickly as possible and prevent complications.

Typical symptoms of a cold

Colds usually start abruptly. The child wakes up with a runny nose, sneezes, sometimes has a fever. The baby can be irritable, complain of a headache, cough develops over time, the mucus from the nose becomes denser and darker. The main signs of ARI also include:

  • in most cases - elevated body temperature;
  • weakness;
  • sore throat and pain when swallowing;
  • irritability;
  • sometimes - the urge to vomit and diarrhea.

In a one-year-old child, other symptoms may be added:

  • significant deterioration in appetite;
  • tearing and redness of the eyes;
  • fast fatiguability.

If a child catches a cold, his temperature stays above 38°C for about three days. Most often, unpleasant symptoms in the form of swelling of the nose, vomiting, headache join when the thermometer readings begin to decline. The disease almost always begins with a rare transparent snot and cough.

What are the most dangerous symptoms for a child?

Parents should definitely know the symptoms of a cold, in which you need to urgently consult a doctor. In babies up to a year, dangerous signs are:

  • strong cry;
  • cold sweat;
  • sudden lethargy;
  • a sharp decrease in body temperature;
  • rashes (pimples and spots are especially dangerous, which do not change color when pressed).

Signs of complications in older children may include persistent loose stools and frequent vomiting. In this case, the child should be given a solution containing a small amount of soda, salt and sugar to restore water balance. The following are also considered dangerous:

  • fainting;
  • forgetfulness and inappropriate behavior;
  • sudden hoarseness of voice;
  • respiratory failure;
  • swelling in the head and neck;
  • sharp pains in the abdomen.

Dangerous symptoms are rare. They talk about the threat not only to the health, but also to the life of the child. Hospitalization is the only way to get the help you need.

It is also important to distinguish the common cold from the flu:

  1. with a cold, a runny nose and cough first appear, discomfort in the throat, and only after 1-2 days the thermometer mark rises to 38 ° C (usually no more);
  2. the flu starts abruptly and immediately with a high temperature - the child at one moment begins to shiver, a cough appears, the temperature rises to 40 ° C.

Medication treatment

A good effect is provided by preparations for washing the nose, which allow you to clear the nasal passages of secretions and mechanically remove pathogenic microorganisms. Seawater-based products are non-addictive and harmless:

  • Morenasal;
  • Fluimarin;
  • But-salt;
  • saline sodium chloride;
  • Aquamaris.

If, nevertheless, it was not possible to avoid the disease, and the child’s cold is actively developing, it is necessary to resort to the use of stronger drugs. It is worth adhering to certain recommendations in the treatment:

  1. For babies under 3 years old, it is better to give funds in the form of syrup and drops, it is recommended to lower the temperature with rectal suppositories.
  2. Children from 4-5 years old can be taught to gargle using herbal decoctions. Kids already easily swallow capsules and tablets, they can dissolve pastilles, so the list of medicines is expanding significantly.

In therapy, the means are often used:

Name of the drug Action Application features
Genferon, Derinat Antivirals. Effective in the early stages of the disease
Nose drops Kollargol, Pinosol They are used for the accumulation of purulent secretions, have an antimicrobial effect. It is not advisable to use longer than 7 days - they are addictive
Dr. Mom, Hexoral, Gerbion, Alteyka, Bear cub Bo Ready-made pharmacy syrups for different types of cough It is advisable to use the minimum dosage. Means simultaneously have a mucolytic, antitussive and anti-inflammatory effect
ACC, Ambroxol, Bromhexine (how to dilute ACC 100 mg powder for children: instructions for use) Used for wet coughs They do not suppress the cough reflex, they effectively act by thinning sputum.
Efferalgan, Paracetamol, Nurofen, Ibufen, Ibuprofen, Panadol Syrup Reduce the temperature The temperature is recommended to bring down at rates above 38 ° C
Chlorophyllipt, Lugol They are used to kill bacteria, relieve inflammation and clean the mucosa. It is necessary to treat the mucous membrane of the throat
Isofra, Polydex Antibiotics Appointed very rarely
Anaferon, Viferon Strengthening immunity Better to use after consultation with a specialist

It is worth remembering that while the child feels fine, there is no need to rush with pills or syrups - the body will cope with the disease itself. Some features of the use of drugs:

  1. Tablets that have a bitter taste are best crushed to a powder and mixed with jam, honey.
  2. When using syrups, it is not advisable to drink water or eat within 20 minutes after ingestion.
  3. Children under 12 years of age should not use aspirin as an antipyretic. Tablets can cause severe side effects.

Treatment with folk remedies

If the child has a cold, most parents treat the baby's condition as inevitable and hope that he will recover in 7-10 days. However, the disease can be cured at the initial stage, quickly, without pills and other medications. Traditional medicine recipes can also be used at an advanced stage of the disease as an additional therapy.

At the first sign of a cold, when microbes begin to overcome the body, you need to use products that help to quickly remove toxins. Fruit drinks from berries are ideal for this purpose. To replenish vitamin C, children can be given teas from sea buckthorn and rose hips, as well as add parsley, oranges, and kiwi to food.

Tea with raspberry jam in a shock dose is able to "strangle" the initial manifestations of a cold

You can cure a cold in 1 day:

  1. At the first manifestations, make inhalation with hot water with the addition of salt / soda (1 tsp per glass of water). Rinse your nose and gargle with the same solution.
  2. Make a foot bath for 10-15 minutes with mustard, gradually raise the water temperature to 40 degrees.
  3. Drink a cup of tea with raspberry jam, lime blossom decoction. Lie down in bed, wrap yourself up, breathe hard and sweat for half an hour. Free your head from the blanket, wrap it in a towel and sleep until morning.

What should parents do if the baby suffers from a cold? There are several effective ways to deal with nasal discharge:

  1. Make a steam inhalation - add 3-4 drops of menthol or eucalyptus essential oil to boiling water. Bend over a bowl and cover with a towel, breathe for 15 minutes. Adding dry cinnamon to the water will help you sweat, and cayenne pepper will improve blood circulation and relieve nasal swelling.
  2. Soak your feet before going to bed for 10-15 minutes. Blood will rush to the lower extremities, and the vessels of the head will narrow, which will lead to a decrease in mucosal edema. Do not keep your feet in hot water for too long, otherwise the opposite effect will occur. Temperature is a direct contraindication to the procedure.
  3. A runny nose in both a one-year-old baby and an older child can be treated with carrot or beetroot juice. Pour boiling water over fresh vegetables, grate and squeeze the juice. Drip 2-3 drops up to 4 times a day.
  4. Prepare onion drops. Mix fresh onion juice with boiled water in a ratio of 1:20. Bury 2-3 times a day.

Under the condition of normal temperature, to get rid of a runny nose, you can steam your legs and sleep in woolen socks for 2-3 evenings in a row. Cough

The following folk recipes are suitable for treating cough:

  1. Licorice root, chamomile, mint, calendula, coltsfoot mixed in equal proportions. 2 dessert spoons pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, let stand for an hour. Give the baby 50-100 ml three times a day after meals.
  2. With a dry cough, lemon balm and chamomile (1 tsp each) are poured with half a liter of boiling water. The drink should be given warm 4-5 times a day, 2 tablespoons.
  3. An effective remedy is milk (250 ml) with honey (1 tsp) and butter (1/2 tsp). The liquid should be warm, but not hot, otherwise honey loses its beneficial properties.
  4. Hot compress of water and apple cider vinegar in a ratio of 3:1. Apply to the throat and chest for 15-20 minutes.

Sore throat

If the baby catches a cold, his throat will definitely hurt for 2-4 days. Rinsing will help to cope with discomfort:

  • add 1 tsp to 200 ml of boiled water. propolis tinctures;
  • per glass of water - 1 tsp. salt and 3 drops of iodine;
  • pour a collection of equal proportions of chamomile, calendula and sage into a liter of boiling water, leave for 40 minutes;
  • add 3-4 drops of thyme, cypress or eucalyptus oil to a glass of warm water.

You can gargle up to 6 times a day, preferably at regular intervals. The antibacterial effect of these funds will help to quickly overcome the infection.

Mistakes in treating a cold in a child

An increase in temperature is a normal reaction of the immune system to the penetration of the pathogen and the onset of the disease. However, it should be understood that the symptoms of a respiratory disease can appear even when there is no cold at all. Snot and cough can cause a foreign body in the respiratory tract, irritation from dust and smoke.

If it seems to parents that the child has an acute respiratory disease, but the disease proceeds without fever, then this is either an allergy or a foreign body in the nose or throat. In this case, treating the baby for a cold is useless. However, the absence of fever can sometimes indicate a mild form of the disease.

When treating a cold, many parents resort to medications that are not necessary. Consider the main mistakes in therapy:

  1. The use of antibiotics. They can be used only if indicated, otherwise the drugs destroy the natural microflora. This will only exacerbate the symptoms of the disease.
  2. The use of antipyretic drugs. If you give them to a baby at a temperature of 37-37.5 degrees, the crumbs' immunity will develop incorrectly (how to deal with a temperature of 37.5 in a child at 5 months?).
  3. Antitussive drugs. You should not give them just because you want to quickly eliminate this unpleasant symptom. Cough is a natural reaction of the body, which is trying to remove sputum from the bronchi.
  4. The use of all drugs at the same time. With a combination of drugs, it is worth studying the instructions, taking into account the indications. Ignoring these factors will lead to a backlash.

When treating a cold, it is important not to overdo it with medicines and use strong drugs only as prescribed by a doctor.Other recommendations

If the baby has a cold, then at the first signs of illness, it is necessary to create the most comfortable conditions for him:

  1. You should not place the child in a warm and stuffy room - he will get worse. The air temperature should be no more than 23 degrees.
  2. It is necessary to maintain the humidity in the room 60-70%. If the baby is cold, he needs to be dressed, and not turn on the heater.
  3. You should not force-feed a child if he refuses to eat. Give him tea, juice, fruit drink, milk - the bulk of microorganisms and toxins are removed from the body with liquid.
  4. Bed rest is required. It is highly not recommended to carry the disease "on the legs".

When a child is ill, you need to bathe - during the hygienic procedure, he breathes moist air, which helps to moisturize the mucous membranes of the nose and throat (is it possible to bathe a child with a runny nose, according to Dr. Komarovsky?). The ban on bathing came from the time when children were washed in a trough and were afraid to get too cold. The procedure is prohibited only at high body temperature. You can also play outside. It is important to dress your baby for the weather and minimize contact with other children.

During the period of a cold, provided that there is no elevated body temperature, you can and should walk in the fresh air, dressing according to the weather Prevention of a cold

It is better to prevent the development of the disease than to treat a cold child. In an unfavorable epidemiological situation, it is necessary:

  • exclude handshakes;
  • try not to be in crowded places (public transport, shops);
  • limit contact with sick people;
  • wear a gauze bandage, changing it every 2-3 hours;
  • try to spend more time outdoors, walk in the park.

In the prevention of colds and flu, daily work on the development of immunity and health promotion will help:

  • choose healthy foods (fresh fruits, vegetables, sour-milk);
  • buy clothes made from natural fabrics;
  • do sport;
  • observe the optimal temperature regime;
  • harden the child from an early age.

It has been proven that during the day a person's hands repeatedly come into contact with discharge from the mouth, eyes, nose. A huge number of pathogens are transmitted through the hands, as a person daily touches door handles, handrails, money, etc. It is advisable to give the child an antiseptic, wet wipes and remind him to wash his hands before eating, after going to the toilet and immediately after returning from the street.

With the onset of autumn, we are increasingly beginning to encounter such a phenomenon as a cold. It is damp outside, a piercing wind is blowing, and now the child comes home from school with a runny nose and cough. Close to temperature. Therefore, every caring parent tries to prepare children's cold medicines in advance. Let's look at how you can protect the body from seasonal ailments, as well as how to help if the disease has already begun to manifest itself.

It's easier to warn

Everyone knows this rule. Respiratory diseases most often a person falls ill in autumn and winter. Children's cold medicines are especially popular at this time. However, in one family they are used from September to May, with a short break, and in the other they are hardly used. Because one child's legs slightly cooled down, as soon as the throat turned red and a cough began, while the other's body did not react in any way. It's all about immunity.

Strengthening immunity

If you do not want your child to get sick, take care of strengthening the body's immune system. Start the day with a workout, and then take a contrast shower. Warm - cold, but you must finish warm. The child himself, most likely, will not want to do the exercises, and even more so douse with cold water. Therefore, you will have to carry out all the activities with him.

Sport is the second component of a healthy lifestyle. Swimming, skiing or running - take your pick. Children especially love to visit the pool. They do not perceive classes with a trainer as a serious physical activity.

And the third component is proper nutrition. You will have to work hard to explain to your child that every day he needs to eat fresh vegetables and fruits, meat and fish, cereals and dairy products. Then you simply won't need children's cold medicines.

Let's help your body

If the immune system fails, then he needs support. Echinacea tincture is excellent for this. Just remember that it is good for prevention, and not when the baby is already sick. In winter, make it a rule to lubricate the nasal cavity with oxolinic ointment before leaving the house. This will protect the body from unwanted infections.

With the onset of winter colds, you want to wrap your child warmly before leaving the house. Unfortunately, this not only does not save you from colds, but often accelerates their onset. If, upon returning home, you find that the T-shirt is damp, then you need to wear one less blouse next time. And of course, change your child immediately into dry clothes. Even a slight draft for a sweaty child can result in serious consequences.

Children's cold medicines can remain on pharmacy shelves if you correctly carry out preventive measures. And the simplest procedure can be called hardening of the throat. To do this, it is enough to keep boiled water in the refrigerator. In the morning, after washing your face, drink a sip of cold water. Start with a tiny sip. Some parents offer their baby kefir and milk straight from the refrigerator. The sooner you start this practice, the more likely it is that a cold will bypass you.

Folk methods of treatment

The best children's cold medicine is not sold in a pharmacy, but in an apiary. At the first sign of the disease, immediate action should be taken. If your child is overcooled, you should immediately give him tea with linden honey. If it is not at hand, then you can replace it with raspberry jam. These are irreplaceable antipyretics that contain vegetable salicylic acid. After that, it is important to cover yourself with a blanket and lie down for several hours.

If this measure did not help, and the throat hurts, start rinsing it with a solution of salt or soda. Ideally, an infusion of eucalyptus will help. The healing power of this plant lies in the antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory action. No wonder children's cold and flu medicines very often contain extracts of this plant.

Most women consider themselves experts in three areas: medicine, cooking and raising children, so write on the topic: “How to treat a cold in a child?” - a thankless task. And yet, I will try to discuss a topic about which kilometers of text have already been written.

The common cold in children in medical language is called acute respiratory viral disease (abbreviated SARS). The word "viral" is highlighted by me intentionally, as it is the key to the further narrative.

Signs of a cold in children are as follows: a sudden, most often asymptomatic rise in body temperature, followed by a thin, clear discharge from the nose (in Russian - a runny nose). If the discharge turns yellow or green, then this is a symptom of an attached bacterial infection in the nasopharynx. The cough is dry at first but becomes wet over time. You may experience sore throat and sore throat, as well as sneezing.

How to treat a child with a cold?

Every mother, sitting over the bed of a sick baby, asks the question: “What to give a child with a cold?”. Here are the rules that are taught to any medical student in a pediatrics class:

  1. The fight against fever - paracetamol in an age dose.
  2. Drinking plenty of fluids is the prevention of dehydration caused by fever.
  3. With a dry cough - antitussives (contraindicated in children under 2 years of age), in the presence of a wet cough - expectorants (bromhexine, ambroxol, ACC, etc., see the overview of all cough expectorants).
  4. After the temperature has returned to normal, physiotherapeutic methods can be applied: steaming the legs, soda inhalations, etc.

How not to treat SARS in children

World statistics says the following

90% of respiratory infections (upper respiratory tract infections) in children are viral in nature. It is a virus that antibiotics do not work on. Unfortunately, most mothers consider antibiotics to be medicines for fever and begin to feed their child with them for any cold.

There are no safe drugs, taking antibacterial agents causes allergies, intestinal dysbacteriosis, depresses the immune system and forms antibiotic resistance of bacteria.

Pediatricians, of course, are aware of the dangers of antibiotics in ARVI, but it is difficult to distinguish a cold from pneumonia, and even at the patient's home, using only hands, eyes and a phonendoscope, especially with insufficient experience.

It is easier for most pediatricians to prescribe an antibiotic to a child on the very first day and, as they say, “do not bathe”: the harm from them is not very noticeable at the beginning, pneumonia, if it was, will pass, and if it does not pass, there is an excuse, I prescribed the treatment correctly, and my mom is calm.

I summarize: antibiotics for colds for children under 12 years of age are not used for the first 5 days. If you have weak nerves, then every cough or runny nose should be accompanied by a visit to the clinic and additional studies: a blood test, an x-ray of the lungs, an examination by an ENT doctor, a urine test, etc.

Rise in body temperature

Adults and children over 6 years of age should fight fever if it exceeds 390C. This temperature is no longer considered physiological and can harm the body. In young children (under 6 years of age), antipyretics should be used at a temperature of 38.6 ° C, due to the threat of convulsive syndrome. And also in children with convulsive readiness or previously recorded febrile convulsions, the temperature goes astray from 37.5-38C.

Temperature is an important part of the body's fight against infection. With a fever, the vital activity of the causative agents of the common cold is inhibited, and the body's defenses are also mobilized. Therefore, excessive struggle with fever only delays recovery. In addition, absolutely all antipyretics can cause allergies, stomach ulcers or severe kidney damage, up to their failure.

In addition to tablets, there are physical methods of cooling. Of course, in adults they are not very effective, but in a child they can lower the temperature by a whole degree (see how to lower the temperature without medication):

  • If the child is red - with red hyperthermia, when the child is pink, you should not wrap up the sick baby, but on the contrary, undress him to panties and leave to cool in the air. Cruel but effective.
  • If the child is pale - white hyperthermia, he should be wrapped in a light blanket and given a warm liquid to drink.
  • Rub the child with vodka (not suitable for young children, especially under 1 year old), it is better to rub locally - arms, legs. The evaporating alcohol will quickly cool the skin. Do not use alcohol solutions higher than vodka concentration. Children's skin may suffer from this, and the child may also become tipsy, since some of the alcohol will be absorbed.
  • Cold on the main vessels. In normal language, it sounds like this: we take a plastic bottle, pour cold water into it and apply it to the armpits or inguinal areas. The water will cool the large blood vessels passing there.
  • Do not wear a hat on a child indoors, especially on a sick person. Grandmothers of the “old school” love to do this. The head is the main source of heat loss in the body, up to 80% of heat is removed through it, so when you have a fever, you need to cool your head in every possible way.

With fever, the evaporation of fluid from the skin increases significantly. Therefore, the child must be given plenty of water to avoid life-threatening dehydration. Any liquid will do: compotes, fruit drinks, tea, juices and just pure water.

The story of how domestic pediatrics makes healthy children sick


  • Mom is an average Russian mom who thinks she knows EVERYTHING about a cold.
  • The kid is a normal, healthy five-year-old toddler who regularly attends kindergarten.
  • Pediatrician - recently completed his studies and was assigned to an average Russian clinic, full of knowledge about how right treat a cold.

So. The kid returns from the kindergarten sluggish, snotty, coughing and with a temperature of 38.50C. The next morning, Mom calls the clinic and calls the doctor at home.

The Pediatrician comes, examines the child and diagnoses: ARVI. He was taught that at this age, 90% of respiratory infections are viral, which means they are treated as described at the beginning of this article. He prescribes paracetamol, plenty of fluids, as well as ascorbic acid, and leaves with peace of mind.

But the disease does not go away, the temperature stays around 390C, the child cries, refuses to eat, snotty and coughs. Mom knows for sure that ascorbic acid is not a medicine at all, and paracetamol only brings down the temperature. She calls the clinic and swears at everyone and everything, saying what kind of ignorant doctor you sent me.

In order to "not tease the geese", the manager leaves for the Kid. pediatric department or deputy. chief physician and prescribe antibiotics. The motivation is clear. Firstly, so that Mom does not interfere with work with hysterical calls. Secondly, if pneumonia still develops, and an antibiotic is not prescribed, Mom will immediately sue. In general, we treat “not as it should”, but “as calmer”.

As a result, a cold that could have passed in 7 days flows for 3 weeks. During the fight against the disease, children's immunity is greatly weakened. The kid is taken to kindergarten, where someone will definitely sneeze into him and the cold will catch on again.

After a week of going to the kindergarten, the Kid again has a fever, runny nose and cough. Mom makes a house call again. Last time, the pediatrician was called "on the carpet" and explained "how to work with patients." He comes to the Kid and prescribes an antibiotic from the first day. Everyone is happy: Mom - that the treatment is correct from her point of view, Pediatrician - he will not be deprived of his bonus again, the management of the clinic - there will be no showdown with another complaint.

And again, the disease that could pass in a week, a month flows. What kind of children's immunity can withstand this? Again a kindergarten, again a cold and again a month of “treatment”. This is how our heroes turned a healthy toddler into a frequently and long-term sick (the official term, by the way). I hope you understand where frequent colds come from in a child?

Some of the most common parenting questions

Is it possible to bathe a child with a cold?

This question goes back 200 years ago, when there was no hot water in the houses, and children were washed in a trough in the hallway or in a bathhouse, where one could get sick even more. In the 21st century, it is possible and necessary to bathe a cold child, but it is worth remembering that a hot bath at elevated body temperature is categorically contraindicated. Enough to limit yourself to a warm shower.

How can you know that the child has recovered?

Positive dynamics can be considered 3 days of normal temperature. It is also a good sign that a dry cough turns into a wet one (provided that the discharge does not turn from transparent yellow or green). But if a recovering child has a fever again, then we can assume the addition of a bacterial infection.

If a child is sick, should he eat better?

With a fever, all the forces of the body are spent on fighting the infection, and the digestion of heavy protein foods requires a lot of energy. Therefore, at a high temperature, food should be light, as rich as possible in carbohydrates and vitamins, but a convalescent child should be fed well and densely in order to restore his strength.

"The child has a cold!" - a phrase that scares many parents. However, do not panic. It is worth keeping yourself in control and calming down, because a cold is not terrible, as it seems at first glance. It can be dealt with quickly and easily, without even resorting to pharmaceutical preparations. Traditional methods of treatment will help the baby find a restful sleep, good mood and excellent health.

What to do if the child has a cold?

If the child has a runny nose, then it is best to rinse the nose. For this you will need half a teaspoon of salt. It must be mixed with another half teaspoon of soda and dissolved in a glass of warm water. For this, a small pear is suitable, thanks to which parents can wash their child's nose. Immediately after this, it must be cleaned and dripped with plant-based pharmacy drops from a runny nose. But you can make them yourself by preparing them on the basis of aloe or Kalanchoe. So, the juice from it must be squeezed out and diluted with the same amount of any vegetable oil. Olive oil is best for this, It will not burn and will evenly contribute to the recovery of the nose from a cold.

You can help get rid of a runny nose by warming his nose with dry heat. A boiled egg or table salt, preheated in a pan, must be applied to the area of ​​​​the maxillary sinuses. If we talk about salt, then you can drop two drops of iodine into it, after wrapping it in cotton cloth. But only it should not be hot!

Another way to deal with a cold, very easy and high quality, is inhalation. It has an anti-inflammatory effect. It is best to do inhalation from sage. This amazing antiseptic disinfects the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract, and fir oil helps to expel sputum. 10 minutes is the optimal amount of time to set aside for inhalations. During this time, the solution will not cool down, and the little one will not get tired.

I gargle. To do this, parents will need decoctions of herbs. It can be St. John's wort, sage, chamomile. Its temperature should not exceed 37 "C.

Cough is a rather evil "enemy" for the body of a small child. If you do not take precautions in time and start coughing, then the baby can get many different complications. Therefore, do not hesitate to start a fight with her!

First of all, you will need breast fees, which are easy to brew and make an infusion from it. Then it can be given warm to the child 20 minutes before meals. In general, it is worth saying that he is supposed to drink as much as possible. So sputum is liquefied, toxins are washed out of the body. And in order for the baby to sleep sweetly and calmly, before going to bed you need to prepare warm milk with honey or raspberries. This delicious medicine will appeal to children.

We steam our feet. If the child has a cold, then the procedure will undoubtedly only benefit. To conduct properly hot procedures, it is best to increase the temperature gradually. For example, from 37 "C to 40 - 45" C. You can add a few drops of fir oil to the water and steam for at least 10 minutes.

Need to remember. In no case should you soar your legs, carry out inhalations or heat the child if he has a fever.

If a baby has a cold

The body of a baby in the first year of life is very fragile. And any, even the mildest disease, can very quickly weaken it. Literally immediately, various complications can appear. Shortness of breath, rough cough, shortness of breath - these are the signs that are observed in infants.

Here's what you need to do first:

  1. A sick child should definitely call a doctor!
  2. before his arrival, do not forget to be a crumb first aid. It will consist of:
    • providing the baby with fresh air, oxygen;
    • airing his room, ensuring silence and cleanliness, dryness in clothes;
    • "distracting" him from an attack (in medicine there is such a thing as "distraction therapy"). It consists in putting mustard plasters on the chest, back, larynx area, making mustard foot or general mustard baths;
    • immersing the child in a bath up to the neck in warm water, the temperature of which should gradually rise. After it, it is worth giving the baby warm milk with drinking soda or tea;
    • giving the child the long sleep he needs. This is a fairly powerful factor in the recovery of a weakened body. The baby needs to be put to bed 3 times;
    • feeding a sick child, which at that time is an impossible task for his mother. Healthy children should not be forced to eat. It is doubly unacceptable to force-feed the sick. According to doctors, the number of feedings can be increased by reducing the amount of servings accordingly;
    • in love. After all, a small child, like no other, with all his being needs affection, care and tenderness. Therefore, the mother should be constantly there to ease the pain, to calm him down, to inspire confidence, to bring him joy if the child has a cold.

Many parents do not know how and where to measure the temperature that suddenly appeared. And you need to do it like this:

  • The first and easiest way to check the temperature is by mouth. To do this, you need to let your child suck on a special so-called nipple for this - a thermometer. The result will follow immediately. You will see it in just a couple of minutes.
  • The thermometer with an infrared sensor, which is designed to check the temperature of a child's ear, is suitable for all children, regardless of their age and gender. With it, you can see the exact data, despite the fact that it is inserted into the ear for only a couple of seconds.
  • For babies, the only place where it is most convenient and painless to measure the temperature will be the groin. To do this, you need to make sure that there is no diaper rash or sweat on the baby's skin. An electronic thermometer would be very suitable for this. This will take no more than 30 seconds.

If a newborn child has a cold

If a newborn baby has a cold, it is advisable to immediately consult a doctor! Do not wait until the child starts to cough, the temperature rises. The sooner a doctor sees him, the better. Please note: if there are signs of a cold, and the temperature does not rise, this is not a good sign!

What can you do before the doctor visits you?

  1. Do not start treating your son or daughter with adult medicines. Not only will they not provide him with any help, but on the contrary, they will significantly harm him.
  2. Try to lay the baby in such a way that he can breathe as easily as possible. To do this, you can use a pillow on which you should put it, before that, lifting your chest higher. Put it so that your baby's breathing is not difficult.
  3. Do your best to clear his nose. You can do this with ordinary cotton wool. Tear off a piece of cotton wool, stretching it a few centimeters beforehand, and roll it up so that you get a cotton swab. Do not confuse with ready-made cotton buds. They are only suitable for adults. Then, after moistening this stick with your breast milk, carefully clean the spout. Milk can be replaced with beetroot juice. But know that you should not use it immediately after pressing. Let it stand open for at least a few hours. This juice can also be used instead of drops. If the discharge from the nose is abundant, then you can remove them from the nose with a pharmacy pear.
  4. With a cold, bee honey can come to the rescue. But before you try it, do a test. To do this, take a little natural honey on your finger and apply it on the skin of the child and bandage it. Look at the results the next day. If in the place where you smeared with honey yesterday, no inflammation and rashes appeared, you can safely apply it if the child has a cold.

If a monthly baby has a cold

Many believe that traditional medicine for babies is extremely harmful. But if you use it in moderation, then you should not be afraid. After all, all means are natural, and therefore not harmful. But once again we repeat, the doctor must be called by all means and be sure to consult with him about the use of certain folk remedies. The main principle, both in medicine and in any other field: "Do no harm", so that doctors, in the event of protracted troubles, are not powerless in the face of the disease that has appeared.

Some mothers do not use chamomile for their babies, because their children have diarrhea from it. Others, if the child has a cold, feel free to use it. Some believe that an allergic reaction can be caused in a one-month-old baby. Therefore, it is not recommended to give Kalanchoe juice to crumbs. It can cause severe irritation of the mucous membrane; salt water and breast milk are used to wash the nose. The second use drops. The rest of the mothers are not fond of them, believing that any vasoconstrictors are dangerous by addiction and their effect on the mucous membrane. They are not afraid, seeing how their child safely perceives the kolanchoe juice, which is dripped (as a rule, it is diluted 1: 1 with boiled water), as a result of which his nose is cleared of snot.

If a child has a cold for 2 months

The main thing is not to panic. Any deviation from the norm is normal. Just a child, grows, matures, adapts to the reality around him. It is believed that calm mothers have calm children.

  1. The first thing to do if the child has a cold is to follow the instructions of the doctor.
  2. Refrain from any walks in the near future. You can do without them. The main thing is to periodically open the windows, ventilate so that there is fresh air.
  3. It is not recommended to wrap your child heavily. Be attentive and observant. The child should not sweat, and also lie wet. It needs to be kept warm. The temperature of the arms and legs will be a signal for you. They must be warm.
  4. At this stage, many parents have a question: "Is it worth giving a lot of liquid at a temperature?" Fluid is essential, but in moderation. The baby should not be offered a lot of water at once, otherwise, he may vomit. It is best to give it in doses, drop by drop from a pipette, wiping his lips with water if they are red. But do it regularly. The same can be said about food: if the child does not resist breastfeeding or formula, then give it in small quantities. The child must be undressed so that he is not so hot by removing his diaper. The house should not be too hot and stuffy. Periodically it is worth airing the room.
  5. Only in case of urgent need, you can give the child an antipyretic. If the baby has a fever, then be sure to call the doctor at home so that he can understand what is the reason for it. And only after that, you can give antipyretics. And before his arrival, you can do a rubdown, after undressing the child. Remember, when a baby has a cold, it is important to bring down the temperature in a timely manner.

If a child has a cold for 3 months

If the child has a cold, the nose is blocked, then for this it is necessary to carry out preventive methods of treatment. So, here are some of them:

  • Sometimes it happens that his nose can be clogged with a crust that remains when spitting up. Then, getting into the nose, it prevents smooth and clean breathing. This may cause the child to snort. It even looks like he has a runny nose. Therefore, in order for your baby to breathe freely and not difficult, his nose must be cleaned daily using a cotton wick, preferably made with his own hands and pre-moistened with baby oil.
  • If a runny nose in a baby is a consequence of SARS, then you can drip safe products based on sea water into his nose. As for the other methods of treatment, they can only be used with the permission of the attending physician.
  • Do not forget to clean the baby's nose during the time, especially when it comes to feeding. The nose of the crumbs can be cleaned thanks to the same cotton wicks.

If the temperature rises and lasts for several days, then this is a cause for concern. Another question arises: "How many times a day and in what quantity can antipyretics be given?" It's definitely not worth giving them too much. They can be given no more than a couple of times a day, for 2-3 days. The fact is that with a normal infection, the high temperature lasts, as a rule, no more than two days, and on the third day it decreases. If the temperature is elevated for more than 3 days, then this is already an extreme reason for a new appeal to a specialist. This suggests that the so-called secondary infection has begun, or rather, complications or any manifestations of the nervous system. In this case, the child will already need special treatment.

If a child has a cold for 4 months

If the child caught a cold, suddenly became lethargic, capricious and completely lost his appetite, be attentive to his health. Take the temperature, observe the runny nose, throat. If at least one of these symptoms is present, you should worry and take appropriate measures.

And so, what to do if a 4-month-old child has a cold. Here are some simple rules that will help him recover faster.

  1. Give your baby more fluids. Up to 6 months, it is necessary to drink it preferably only with warm boiled water. If the little one is breastfed, then this is very good for his health. Since this milk contains immunoglobulins, they help the body fight infections. If the baby has already begun to be fed with additional mixtures, then all kinds of purees prepared on the basis of fruits and vegetables, which are rich in various vitamins, will be useful to him.
  2. If a child has a fever, then it is not worth it, as we have already repeated to wrap up and put on him as many things as possible. On the contrary, he should be dressed in breathable cotton clothing, and simply covered with a light blanket.
  3. You should not go outside with the baby until the temperature returns to normal. During this period, you need to refuse from daily bathing. If the temperature is 38 ° and above, then it is worth giving him an antipyretic in a small dose, characteristic of the age of the child. In case of vomiting, the baby must be given an antipyretic in the form of rectal suppositories. If the temperature has risen above 39 °, then a folk remedy is best suited for this, which consists in wiping the child with vodka or vinegar, which are first diluted with water in the correct proportions. Many parents are also advised to put on the forehead - a wet wipe.

If a child has a cold for 5 months

If the child has a cold and his nose is blocked, then try to clean it yourself. There are many ways to do this, but let's talk about one more, not mentioned in the previous subheadings.

To do this, you will need a solution of chamomile, which is important to drop 1 pipette into each nostril. Then you should clear your nose. To do this is quite simple. Pinch one nostril, and pull out the contents from the other with the help of a prince. Then administer vasoconstrictor drops to the child. But do not forget and know the measure. Such drugs can be used no more than 3 times a day and no longer than 5 days in a row. If after these few days the runny nose does not go away and causes inconvenience to your crumbs, then you should immediately call a doctor.

If a child has a cold for 6 months

Children get sick often and a lot. At any age, almost every month, he is haunted by some kind of cold. If at the age of 6 months the child has caught a cold, then in order to bring down the temperature, get rid of a runny nose and improve well-being in general, it is useful for the child (if he is not allergic) to give cranberry and lingonberry fruit drinks, rosehip infusion, dried fruit compote. It is better to drink in small portions, but as often as possible.

A decoction of chamomile, which has an anti-inflammatory effect, will also help if the child is worried about the throat. They can drink a child older than six months, 1 teaspoon 3 times a day. If he has a cough, it is very important to consult a pediatrician before using any medication, since the choice of drugs is related to the nature of the cough.

It is sad that ARVI is dangerous not so much for its manifestations as for its consequences. For example, a harmless runny nose in children or a cough can turn into otitis media, bronchitis, and pneumonia in the near future. Therefore, if you notice symptoms of a cold in a child, it is better to immediately contact a pediatrician who will examine the baby and prescribe an appropriate course of treatment for him.

Most importantly, before his arrival, you should not self-medicate, which consists in the simple, at first glance, the use of antibiotics. Many doctors believe that parents are harming their child. The liver of the baby is weak and the load is not yet under her strength. Therefore, in order for the cold to pass without any complications, do not act on your own, so that in the end you do not become an enemy of your own blood.

If a child has a cold for 7 months

Approaches to the treatment of SARS can be completely different for different doctors. Some believe that it is better to play it safe and prescribe more drugs, while others, on the contrary, prefer to wait and let the body fight the infection one on one, believing that mild methods of treatment are the best for the child. Therefore, if a child has a cold, but he does not have serious serious illnesses, then they do not pose much harm. Light food, warm drink and rest, as well as "folk methods" of treatment will be enough to help the child overcome the disease and bring his body back to normal.

If the child has a cold, then, as a rule, his temperature rises, which is a signal for immediate action. This means that the body is fighting infection, because it has been proven that when the temperature rises, metabolism speeds up, making the immune system work much better and more efficiently.

Despite the fact that when the patient's temperature rises, take it down to alleviate his condition, some pediatricians insist that it is necessary to reduce the child's temperature only if it exceeds 39 "C. Therefore, if the child does not have severe chronic disease, it is better to monitor not the indicators of the thermometer, but his well-being and, if possible, if the temperature is not so high, be patient.

It is important to follow what the baby himself requires: if the temperature quickly becomes elevated, he is shivering, then you need to help him warm up as soon as possible. For this, warm clothes, a blanket and hot plentiful drink in small portions are perfect. During the period when the temperature reaches its maximum, the chills will disappear, the child's skin will turn a little red, and sweat will come out on the forehead, it would be good if possible to open it so that the baby can bear the heat more easily. You can also go for rubdowns or a warm bath. All this will help to lower the temperature even more. But at the same time, one should not forget that a sharp drug-induced decrease in temperature can be replaced by a sharp increase in it, which is fraught with febrile convulsions. Among other things, with strong temperature changes, the load on the heart becomes higher and stronger.

The conclusion suggests itself. The temperature should begin to decrease when it becomes above 38 - 39 degrees. It is better to use suppositories or syrups in an age dose for this procedure, but it is very risky to use aspirin and analgin for lowering the temperature in young children.

If the child caught a cold at 8 months

If a child catches a cold at the age of 8 months, then you should immediately pay attention to the following signs: discoloration of the skin, respiratory failure, cough, weakness, violation of the feeding regimen. All of the above include: changes in body temperature, the appearance of a rash, loss of appetite and stool disorders. Mom should certainly notice and take appropriate measures if the child looks more excited than usual, or, on the contrary, too lethargic and immobile. A long sleep, screaming in a dream are also not the most pleasant signs and signals to start fighting a cold.

Temperatures above 38.5 "C and below 36" C deserve special attention. They are the most dangerous of all. In addition, if the baby has a temperature of 37.1-37.9 "C for more than 3 days, this is another exciting symptom, which can sometimes indicate a slowly developing inflammatory process.

Other dangerous symptoms include: a sharp cry, pallor, sudden lethargy with low temperature. There may be an unusual rash, repeated vomiting, and stools that become loose and frequent. It is scary to say, but the child may suddenly begin to have convulsions, fainting, impaired consciousness. The baby’s voice may suddenly become hoarse, breathing will be disturbed, swelling may appear on the face, and sharp pains in the abdomen.

If your child has a cold and you notice any of these symptoms, contact your doctor immediately. And if they also increase sharply, then it is better in this case to call an ambulance altogether. This will prevent dangerous complications of the child's body, or even worse, a situation that could become a threat to the child's life.

But the main thing is not to worry, not a single baby has developed without a cold. Therefore, in the case of ARVI, be patient, any disease is treated, the main thing is not to start it, but to provide the child with help in time, both the first urgent, which the parents themselves can do, and the second, from a qualified doctor who will give useful recommendations for further treatment and successful recovery.

How to treat if a child has a cold?

So, let's sum up. Do not worry and create panic if you suddenly feel that the child has caught a cold. At the first cold in his life, it is necessary to consult a doctor, further on as the baby is.

At whatever age the child is, it is important to create favorable conditions for him, ventilate the room and not bring down the temperature unless absolutely necessary. Also, compliance with the daily routine, good nutrition and hardening will help to avoid endless colds. These are general conditions for a speedy recovery, and how to treat more specifically if the child has a cold, in more detail in these tips:

  • As soon as parents notice that the baby's condition has worsened, they immediately have a desire to follow the advertisement and buy something that will quickly help get rid of a cough or runny nose. But this is the wrong decision. Not always quickly - means qualitatively. Yes, pharmaceuticals can relieve a symptom, but they are not able to heal the disease as a whole. This is especially true of cough, which is strictly forbidden to suppress. The child must cough up all the sputum from the lungs, and this takes time. All these medications can only reduce immunity, but not vice versa. Herbs for this can be suitable, after all by the way.
  • Infants are very mobile, this has a beneficial effect on the disease, since it contributes to the effective drainage of the lungs. Plentiful drink, decoction of wild rose, St. John's wort helps well with colds.
  • If the child has a cold, the temperature has risen, you should remove all excess clothing from him, and then change into light cotton. If the temperature reaches 38.5 "C, then it is necessary to carry out air baths, periodically it is worth wiping the baby with a diaper that has been moistened with water at room temperature. You can put a damp cloth on the baby's head. If the temperature does not decrease, but rises every hour, you can carry out a wet wrapping of the entire body of the baby.If desired, you need to rub it with vodka.At high temperatures, an enema with water at room temperature again will be useful.
  • During illness, many babies do not want to eat. Don't force him to eat. You can just apply it to your chest or give it more to drink plenty of it. As it can be used juice, decoctions of berries, compotes, tea.

If a runny nose has appeared, then it is important to clear it of mucus by dripping breast milk there. If it is absent, vasoconstrictor drops can be used for these purposes. Which is better to use can be suggested by the attending physician, who will take into account the condition and age of the child before writing a prescription. In order to drip drops into the baby's nose, you need to lay it on the barrel in the direction in which half of the nose you will drip, and then change position. In each nostril it is necessary to drip 1-2 drops.

  • Also, it is very important for any kid, at what age he was not, to feel a positive attitude, the support of his parents, and then recovery will come immediately. Often play with the baby in the doctor, the hospital. Steam legs with funny toys, distract him by launching boats, instill in him confidence that it's just a cold. This sense of security will be transferred to the little one and any disease of the neck or nose will pass quickly and without sad consequences.
  • Taking care of your feet is also important. Before the child falls asleep, prepare a bath for him in order to stimulate the reflex points on his small feet. After that, wipe the legs, wearing socks on them, in which you can put dry mustard in advance.

With a cold in folk medicine, you can use:

  • pieces of cotton, previously moistened with onion juice, which are also placed in the nose several times a day for 10-15 minutes;
  • carrot juice and vegetable oil (in a ratio of 1: 1) will also be an excellent adjunct to combat the common cold. All this must be mixed with a couple of drops of garlic juice and dripped into the nose several times a day;
  • Three tablespoons of finely chopped onions are poured into 50 ml of warm water, combined with half a teaspoon of honey. The mixture is infused for 30 minutes.

If, after applying all these useful, and at the same time simple recommendations, your child’s mood improved, appetite appeared, temperature stabilized and activity increased, and also no longer bothered by a runny nose, cough, shortness of breath, vomiting or diarrhea, then we can assume that the treatment disease was successful.

Colds in children during viral epidemics are quite common. With timely measures taken, the viral infection disappears after 7-10 days, if complications do not occur.


  1. At the first signs a cold sore child create conditions for him to fight the infection. Observe bed rest, a viral infection cannot be carried on your feet, the body needs strength to fight it.
  2. Give your baby more to drink. Give babies water from a bottle. For an older child, prepare cranberry juice, rosehip infusion or tea with lemon. Drinking plenty of water flushes out toxins from the body, which are produced by viruses and cause malaise.
  3. Watch your body temperature carefully. With its increase, the child becomes lethargic, naughty. If there is no convulsive reaction to hyperthermia, do not bring it down until 38 degrees. This is a natural reaction of the body; when the temperature rises, most viruses die.
  4. Start taking antiviral drugs and immunostimulants according to the scheme indicated in the instructions for the drug. Lubricate the nasal passages with an antiviral ointment.
  5. If a runny nose occurs, ensure the outflow of contents from the nasal cavity. Rinse the nasal passages with saline or ready-made pharmaceutical aerosols based on sea water. To prepare your rinse, dissolve half a teaspoon of salt in a glass of warm water. Then draw the solution into a small pear and rinse each nasal passage in turn. In this case, the child’s head should not be thrown back, the water should pour back through the nose. Try not to use vasoconstrictor drops only if there is a copious mucus secretion that constantly interferes with normal breathing.
  6. Feed the child at his will, if he does not want to eat - do not force him. Include fermented milk products in your diet, the bacteria they contain help to cope with viruses. For older children, give onions and garlic, they contain phytoncides that have a bactericidal property. Babies after three years, let's drink half a glass of garlic infusion. To prepare it, boil 1 clove of garlic in a glass of boiling water and insist for an hour.
  7. If the temperature rises above 38 degrees, wipe the child with a bite solution or give him one of the antipyretic drugs containing paracetamol. They are available in the form of tablets, rectal suppositories and syrups. Read the instructions carefully before use.
  8. If a child has a cough, give him eucalyptus oil inhalations. Give licorice root syrup 3 times a day, up to 2 years - 2 drops in a teaspoon of water, from 2 to 12 years - half a teaspoon per glass of water.
  9. If the temperature persists for more than 3 days or bacterial complications occur (tonsillitis, otitis media, etc.), consult a doctor, in this case antibiotics will need to be added to the treatment.

Children suffer from colds up to five times a year, and this is considered a kind of norm. But in the case of young children under the age of one year, the situation is much more complicated than it might seem. In this case, children cannot tell what is bothering them, and it is quite difficult to get them to take medicine. Breastfeeding provides children with strong immunity, so they get sick less often than usual, but they can be quite difficult to endure. In order to provide high-quality and timely assistance without the development of complications, it is necessary to know which drugs and means can and should be used in therapy.

Disease Definition

The common cold is the common name for a large group of acute respiratory infections provoked by a variety of pathogens (viruses, bacteria), which are characterized by universal prevalence and susceptibility.

Source of infection

The most common source of an infectious disease is a patient with symptoms of a cold, sometimes a carrier of a virus (adenovirus, etc.) or bacteria (pneumococcus, Haemophilus influenzae, staphylococcus aureus). The disease reaches its maximum infectivity in the first days of infection, however, the infectious period can appear 1-2 days before the first symptoms of a cold are detected and last 1.5-2, and sometimes more than weeks (for example, adenovirus infection).

Route of infection

The most common route of infection is airborne (when sneezing and coughing with microparticles of nasopharyngeal mucus, sputum infects others). Less commonly, the contact-household route (in the dried mucus of the nasopharynx and sputum, viruses can remain viable for a long time on household items).

Causes of the disease in a one-year-old child

This disease is commonly called a cold by the people, experts operate with a more accurate term - ARVI. All doctors enter such a diagnosis in a children's card. ARVI - the cause of which is most often a virus with an airborne infection. When this pathogenic microorganism enters the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract of a small child, it begins to actively influence all systems when favorable conditions appear. Under the condition of weakened immunity, a small draft will be enough for the development of malaise in the body of a small one-year-old child.

When breastfeeding, milk provides a strong immune system for small children, it is this mechanism for ensuring the health of the child that reduces the likelihood of falling ill with colds.

How a cold begins - the first signs of the disease

The common cold has its own specific symptoms, the definition of which contributes to the effectiveness and timeliness of therapeutic measures. Symptoms of colds are known to almost every mother, their manifestation will be difficult to overlook:

  • Sneezing as the first sign. In the first hours of the development of the disease, the child begins to react to the virus entering the body through sneezing. There are cases when even experienced mothers may not take this symptom into account.
  • . It is this symptom of colds that is the most prominent representative of the disease in children under the age of one year. Mucous discharge from the nasal cavity can be quite abundant, which in itself prevents the implementation of normal breathing.
  • Temperature. In children under one year old, during a cold, the body temperature exceeds 38.5 degrees in rare cases.
  • Cough. This symptom is a constant companion of colds in young children until the final recovery. Cough in children under one year old is quite serious and, since independent coughing up of mucous secretions is difficult, the child may choke on sputum.
  • Weakness. Such a symptom often accompanies infectious viral diseases in childhood, but in a child under one year old it may not appear. This feature is associated by experts with the presence of increased body temperature, at which it is difficult for children to remain active.
  • Capriciousness. A small child became whiny, naughty.

In the case of a cold, young children under the age of one year experience a loss of appetite, they are reluctant to take milk or refuse it altogether.

Possible Complications

If the first disturbing manifestations of a viral illness occur in a baby, it is necessary to immediately contact a specialist who will help to avoid the development of negative complications, which are much more difficult to get rid of than the cold itself. The most common complications are:

  1. This serious disease is characterized by a violation of healthy breathing and the appearance of severe wheezing.
  2. . This disease can be observed in a small child for a rather long period of time, accompanied by the release of a large amount of mucus from the nasal cavity, as well as a hysterical cough (both dry and wet) and fever. In more rare cases, one can observe the development of swelling in the cheekbones and nasal cavity.
  3. Streptococcal or viral infection of the throat. Often, with infectious diseases, doctors observe an increase in regional lymph nodes in the neck, as well as an inflammatory process in the throat cavity, mucus secretion. More rarely, redness of the throat and pharynx is observed, coupled with a characteristic white coating on the tonsils. Thus it develops.
  4. . The development of such a complication in a small child can be accurately determined by the characteristic redness of the epithelium of the hands, neck, face, as well as tearing and irritability of the eyes.

A cold in children under one year of age should be under the regular supervision of medical personnel, since the child cannot independently indicate anxiety. In this case, only the doctor will accurately determine the type of infection and prescribe effective therapy.


Most mothers are familiar with the rules for treating their child under the age of one year. Children's treatment of colds differs significantly from treatment in adults, so the use of most antibacterial and antiviral drugs is on the list of contraindications for young patients.

Medical treatment

Treatment of colds in childhood with the help of pharmaceuticals should be based on individual manifestations of malaise. More often than others, doctors prescribe:

  • Immunomodulators. To restore the working capacity of the immune system, use "Interferon", as well as "Grippferon". The drugs are used as a drip through the nasal cavity (less often the mouth). Babies over the age of six months are recommended "Anaferon for children" for the purpose of therapy and preventive measures for influenza and colds. Experts prescribe the tablet form of this drug for colds 3 times a day.
  • Vasoconstrictors. It is not recommended to use such drugs for small children, but there are certain remedies that help eliminate a runny nose: “Aquamaris” or “Solin” (saline solutions are allowed to be used quite often), herbal preparations, “Isofra” with the most prolonged runny nose. In serious cases, accompanied by severe nasal congestion or a runny nose, it is recommended for small children to use aloe extract (available at the pharmacy), aloe juice with warm water or chamomile decoction.
  • Cough remedies. In children up to one year of age, there are no contraindications for cough medicines "Mukaltin".
  • Antipyretic. If the baby's body temperature does not exceed 38 degrees, and the child himself does not experience serious illness, it is not recommended to take antipyretic drugs, since viruses and bacteria die in this case. When the temperature exceeds the mark, it is lowered with paracetamol in the form of rectal suppositories and suspensions.

For free uncomplicated breathing and to prevent coughing, the child is shown active movements, as well as a change in body position.

folk therapy

Among the recipes of a household nature, you can find effective and safe remedies for the baby's health:

  1. It is necessary to make a kind of tampons from cotton wool, which are soaked in onion juice and placed in the nostrils for about 10 minutes. The procedure is performed at intervals of 3-4 times a day.
  2. Squeeze juice from carrots and garlic, vegetable oil and a couple of drops of garlic juice are added to the first in equal proportions. This mixture is dripped into the nasal cavity 3-4 times during the day.
  3. The child is shown a warm and fairly plentiful drink, as which it is necessary to use herbal decoctions, fruit drinks, compotes, they will help prevent dehydration, especially during the heat.
  4. To improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract during infectious diseases, it is necessary to give the child a rice-carrot decoction.
  5. To lower the temperature, make a decoction of dried cherries, for this, they take 100 g of cherries, insist on 0.5 liters of boiled water.

Before using traditional medicine for the treatment of colds in infants, it is necessary to be examined by a doctor and obtain his approval for treatment. Household recipes can be used in conjunction with medications.


The number of colds in children under one year of age is determined by the work of the immune system. That is why the baby should receive all the necessary vitamins along with food. It is very important to avoid, especially during outbreaks of epidemics of colds, being in public places, it is in them that the infection spreads most actively. It is necessary to carefully and regularly ventilate the room and observe the temperature and humidity conditions in it.



Quite rarely observed in young children under the age of one year, this feature is due, during which the child develops strong immunity. In the event of an infection, it is necessary to seek medical help, as there is a limited list of medicines approved for use at this age. You should not write off traditional medicine, as household recipes are safe.

Sooner or later, all parents face colds in a child. The common cold, which includes a whole list of varieties of acute respiratory diseases, is considered one of the most common problems of childhood. That is why many parents face the question of how to treat a cold in children quickly and effectively.

Acute respiratory disease can be manifested by various symptoms - cough, runny nose, sneezing, sore throat, fever. Depending on the manifestations of the disease, the optimal method of treatment is selected, which is most often complex and consists of the use of drugs and traditional medicine.

Basic rules for successful treatment

In order to quickly cure a cold in a child, it is necessary to start treatment as soon as possible, as soon as the baby is sick. And if an adult perfectly feels the approach of a cold, then for children this can be a serious problem, especially if we are talking about a baby under the age of one year.

In most cases, the first symptoms of the disease can be quite "vague" and are expressed in the form of lethargy, rashes on the lips, increased drowsiness, capriciousness, loss of appetite. The kid can become restless, he has sharp mood swings - from excessive activity to apathy, in the loss of interest in others.

Important! If the child's body temperature rises above 38°C, intense headaches appear that can "give" to the eyes - this is most often not the onset of an acute respiratory disease, but a full-fledged picture of the flu. In such cases, you should immediately seek medical help.

If parents find a cold that is starting to develop, it is necessary to provide the child with bed rest, not forgetting to regularly ventilate the children's room and do wet cleaning there. Be sure to measure the body temperature. If it does not exceed 38 °, it is not recommended to give the baby antipyretic drugs.

In order to cure a cold, you need to provide the child with plenty of fluids - it is best to give weak herbal or chamomile tea, mineral water without gas, fruit drink, compote. Breast milk and a small amount of water are enough for a baby. The nutrition of children with a cold should be light, but complete, saturated with useful vitamins and trace elements.

Drug treatment of the common cold in children

How to treat a child at the first sign of a cold? It all depends on how acute respiratory disease manifests itself.

With a runny nose, difficult nasal breathing, the following medications can be used:

  • Washing the nasal passages with special solutions based on sea salt - No-salt, Aqualor, Aquamaris.
  • In the presence of purulent mucus, bactericidal drops or herbal preparations are used - Pinosol, Kollargol. Drops with a vasodilating effect - Farmazolin, Nazol-baby, Galazolin.

If a small child has a cold, the accumulated contents from the nasal passages can be removed using a special syringe.

Important! Drops against the common cold should never be used for more than 7 days, as they can be addictive and cause the development of the so-called drug rhinitis.

It is very important to monitor the child's body temperature and use antipyretic drugs in a timely manner if it has risen above 38 °

Medicines for cough and fever

Drug treatment of a cough in a child with a cold directly depends on what type of cough is wet or dry. Depending on this, expectorant or mucolytic drugs may be used.

  • With a dry cough - Alteyka, Gerbion, Prospan.
  • With a wet cough - Lazolvan, ACC, Mukaltin, Bromhexine.

In case of inflammation, redness of the throat, and difficulty swallowing, sprays with anti-inflammatory or antibacterial action, such as Oracept or Chlorafilipt, can be used. The use of inhalations, both steam and carried out using a special device - a nebulizer, is considered quite effective.

In order to know exactly how to treat a cold in children, in order to get rid of it faster, it is imperative to carefully monitor the child's body temperature, since steam inhalations and other warming procedures are strictly prohibited at high temperatures.

Important! If the child has an elevated body temperature that is not controlled by antipyretic drugs for more than 2 days, further treatment is carried out in a hospital.

To reduce body temperature at home, it is best to use antipyretic drugs in the form of syrups - Ibuprofen, Paracetamol, Efferalgan.

If the temperature persists for more than 2 days, the child must be urgently shown to the pediatrician

The treatment of a cold in children, including the initial stage, should never be dealt with on your own. Even with minimal symptoms of the disease, it is necessary to call a pediatrician, since only a doctor can choose the best treatment option.

Treatment with folk remedies

An effective addition to the treatment of drugs can be therapy with folk remedies. For this purpose, you can use herbal preparations, infusions and decoctions, freshly prepared juices from medicinal plants and other means.

Runny nose treatment:

  • At the first symptoms of a runny nose, you can use a recipe with onions - finely chop a large onion, after which the child should inhale its aroma 5-6 times a day.
  • To treat a runny nose in babies, you can use freshly squeezed beetroot juice, which must be instilled in 3-4 drops.
  • For the same purpose, you can use aloe juice - for newborns and children of 3 years of age, the juice is diluted with water in equal proportions.
  • Children can wash their nasal passages with salted water with calendula tincture (a teaspoon per 500 ml of water).
  • An infant is recommended to instill 2 drops of slightly warmed mother's milk 2-3 times a day.

To date, there are several thousand folk recipes for coughs and colds in children that can be used at home.

Mint infusion is one of the most effective and fast-acting cough remedies. To prepare it, a tablespoon of peppermint should be poured with 200 ml of hot water, placed on a small fire and simmered for 5 minutes. When the broth cools down a bit, it must be filtered, combined with a spoonful of honey and freshly squeezed lemon juice. The drug should be drunk before bedtime.

Milk with butter is often used to treat colds in children, which are accompanied by a cough with phlegm that is difficult to separate. Pour ½ teaspoon of natural butter and soda into a glass of boiled milk, stir and let the child drink.

Rowan with honey is an excellent diaphoretic, which is recommended to drink before bed

Garlic with milk - this healing drink is no less useful. 2-3 cloves of garlic must be peeled and passed through a press, then poured into a small saucepan with milk. The drink should be brought to a boil and given to drink to the baby. Garlic has strong antimicrobial properties, and you can add lemon juice and honey to improve its taste.

With an increase in body temperature, decoctions and infusions with a diaphoretic property, for example, linden or mountain ash, can be prescribed. Linden decoction is an effective folk remedy for reducing fever. It is prepared very simply - dry or fresh lime blossom must be poured with 2 cups of boiling water, cover tightly and let the product brew. The medicine is taken in a tablespoon three times a day, for children over 3 years old, the recommended dosage is increased to 2 tablespoons.

Rowan, both red and chokeberry, is distinguished by diaphoretic and anti-inflammatory properties. A tablespoon of pre-crushed berries should be poured into a bowl with 200 ml of hot water, left to infuse for 2-3 hours. Before use, it is recommended to warm the berry syrup again and drink a tablespoon an hour before each meal.

Black radish is a popular folk remedy that is used to treat flu and colds in children. Radish juice has extremely useful properties. To get it in the root crop, you need to make a small round recess, put a spoonful of honey in it. After some time, the hole will be completely filled with juice, which should be taken in a spoon 4-5 times throughout the day.

The common cold in children is a common problem that worries every parent. Comprehensive treatment of the disease, consisting of drug therapy and the use of folk remedies, allows you to quickly get rid of the disease, prevent its further development and strengthen the body's defenses.

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