Celandine for cleansing the intestines and the body. The celandine is big. Feedback on treatment with celandine

For therapeutic purposes, plants, rhizomes and juice are used. The milky juice of celandine contains up to 20 alkaloids and is very poisonous. The concentration of alkaloids in the roots is about twice as high as in the aerial parts of the plant.

The grass of the plant is harvested from May to August. Drying - in dry, warm rooms with good ventilation thin layer 1-2cm in tight closed banks kept up to 3 years.

The juice is prepared from all parts of the plant, for which the rhizomes should be washed especially carefully, allowed to dry well, and then, twisting in a meat grinder, squeeze the resulting slurry under pressure or through gauze. Juice in pure form or mixed with vodka 40° (1:1 ratio) stored in sterile vials with tightly fitting stoppers. Vials should be kept in the refrigerator at a temperature of +2°C to +4°C. Store pure juice for no more than 6 months, and prepared with vodka - up to 1 year. Celandine juice and ointment based on it are used for warts, calluses, lichen, scabies, skin cancer, lupus, skin tuberculosis. The ointment is prepared on the basis of vaseline (lanolin): 1 part of juice to 4 parts of vaseline, with the addition of 0.25% carbolic acid so that the ointment does not mold. Infusions and decoctions of herbs in a ratio of 1:20 (10 g per 200 ml of boiling water) are used in the form of lotions, compresses, baths. In the decoction bathe children with scrofula, skin diseases. Infusions and decoctions are used for seborrhea, psoriasis, dermatosis, as well as for rinsing the nasal cavity with polyps and throat with papillomatosis of the larynx.

The greatest care should be taken when treating children. 5% water infusion herbs are used orally for diseases of the liver, gallbladder, and also as a laxative and diuretic, with peptic ulcer. In folk medicine, celandine juice is taken orally for polyposis of the intestines, stomach, Bladder. This method of treatment is especially dangerous, so the dosages below can only serve as a guide, but not a guide to action. Take juice on an empty stomach, 40-45 minutes before meals, dissolving it in 1/2 cup cold water. Dosage: 6-8 drops 2 times a day - the first 7-8 days; 10-12 drops 2-3 times a day - 7-8 days; 15 drops 2-3 times a day - 7-8 days; 20-25 drops 3 times a day - 7-8 days. Then a break of 40-45 days.
Remember that celandine treatment should be carried out under the supervision of a physician.
Address: Ryapolov Igor Dmitrievich, 305000 Kursk, st. Zelenko, d. 6a, apt. 104.

I'll tell you how I cured uterine fibroids. Was registered for almost 18 years. And one of the employees advised me to use celandine grass.
Take 1 tbsp. a spoonful of dry celandine, brew a glass of boiling water and boil for just a few seconds, then insist for 40 minutes, strain. Add 1 tbsp to a glass of water. a spoonful of infusion, drink half a cup 3 times a day half an hour before meals for 10 days. Then 10 days break. And so 3 decades.
At the same time, I douched with celandine. The same solution: for 1 glass of warm boiled water 1 tbsp. a spoonful of celandine infusion. I douched 2 times a week for 3 months.
The gynecologist was surprised at my results, but advised me to continue douching for another month, alternating celandine infusion with cut grass in the same proportion. As a result, I was removed from the register, and I forgot about the fibroma forever.
Address: Elizarova L.P., 414051 Astrakhan, st. 6th boiler room, 23.

My wife has polyarthritis, abscesses appeared on the soles of the seams. She suffered for many years, but once I cut the celandine, passed it through a meat grinder, squeezed the juice through a rag and poured it into a bottle. I diluted it all with alcohol in a ratio of 1: 1, put it in a dark place. My wife soared her feet every evening, wiped her soles with the medicine she received, and for three years now she has been feeling well.
Address: Dyachenko Boris Ivanovich, 446186
Samara region, Bolshegluchitsky district, pos. South, st. Ozernaya, 13.

The juice of a freshly picked leaf of celandine is smeared with papilloma. It is advisable to moisten the sheet itself with saliva and attach it to the papilloma, fix it with a band-aid. It will all be over in 2 days.
Address: Grigorenko Marina Mikhailovna, 140073 Moscow region, Luberetskiy district, town. Tomilino, p. Poultry farm, 28, apt. 273.

Often appear under the eyes dark circles, or, as they are also called, bruises. You can get rid of them by washing your eyes with infusion of celandine. Pour 100 g of boiling water over one teaspoon of herbs, leave for 1-1.5 hours - the medicine is ready. I also bury this infusion in my eyes, I have been doing this for 10 years now. If it were not for the celandine, he would have found himself in the society of the blind long ago. And so - I still see well: I am 71 years old.
Address: Bukharov Makar B., 424915 Mari El, Kokshay boarding school.

Three years ago I was diagnosed with chronic autoimmune thyroiditis, nodal form. After six months of treatment with pills, an operation was proposed. But I initially decided not to meet with the surgeon's scalpel. And she began treatment with celandine.
I will describe in detail. Collect celandine grass along with flowers. Finely chop finely. Fill the bottle tightly (you can use a jar of dark glass) a little more than half and pour vodka. Infuse for 2 weeks, shaking occasionally, then strain. Take on an empty stomach 1 time per day (in the morning), starting with two drops per 50-70 ml of boiled water, adding 2 drops every day. Thus, bring up to 16 drops and continue to drink for a month. Then take a break for 7-10 days, and then drink 16 drops on an empty stomach every day for a month. I drank celandine for 4 months and did an ultrasound of the thyroid gland. The results of the examination convinced me even more of the correctness of the treatment. Nodes have shrunk. She continued to drink grass until 1 year 3 months. During the next examination, the doctor did not find any pathology in the thyroid gland. Along the way, the liver and gallbladder returned to normal. They had problems before. The doctor was genuinely happy with me.
Address: Antsiferova Maria Vasilievna, 141400 Moscow region, Khimki, st. Moskvina, 4, apt. 46.

This amazing story happened to my friend. I will tell the real truth, without a word of fiction.
Once he drove up to my house on a sports bike. It seems, well, what's wrong with that? And the thing is that this man three years ago could not only sit on a bicycle, he could not even walk without a stick, and then barely. His diagnosis was worse than any sentence - cancer. I stood as if stunned by thunder and could not believe my eyes.
“Listen,” I say, “after all, you yourself said that the doctors gave you a term only until autumn ...
“Yes, and it’s scary to remember,” the friend replies. - After all, then outside the window, spring was just coming, the cherry blossoms, and here such a verdict ...
Bought a bunch of books the next day healthy lifestyle life. I started by doing cleansing procedures (enemas with water, whey, herbs and lemon). In a word, thoroughly cleaned the intestines and the whole body. Then he decided to change his usual diet and switched to vegetarianism. And, finally, he began treatment with celandine juice. I drank according to the scheme: the first day - 1 drop, the second - 2, and so on up to 30 drops. Then in reverse order, after which he took a break for a month and continued treatment.
. And here is the result: after five courses of treatment with celandine juice, I survived the period that the doctors gave me, got rid of headaches. In general, as he was born again - age spots and those disappeared. So much for the celandine... Be that as it may, I decided to make friends with the celandine. I drink juice according to the scheme once a year for prevention. The head became clear, it can be seen that celandine and blood vessels cleanse. He brought down the fungus with juice, which annoyed me for 12 years. A sprig of celandine, brewed like tea, improves sleep.
So you are friends with celandine and store it for future use.
Address: Andrey Anatolyevich Avdeev, 301369 Tula region, Aleksin-9, PO box 9/4.

Attention! The plant is poisonous. When collecting celandine and working with it, the following rules should be followed:
. harvest the plant during the formation of seeds and pods;
. healthy plants without dry and yellowed leaves are to be collected (they should be cut off);
. the plant, except for the preparation of juices, is not washed;
. for medicinal purposes, all parts of the plant are used, uprooting it (they shake off the ground and cut off the rotten parts). The roots are cut and dried separately. After drying, the grass and roots are crushed to a size of 3-5 mm;
. collection of grass should be done with gloves and clothes (legs and hands should be covered);
. when grinding and working with dry grass, a mask and goggles are required;
. people with sensitivity to celandine or cases of an allergic reaction to the plant are not allowed to work with it.
Most effective dosage forms celandine prepared from a fresh plant.

Preparing a thick ointment (cream)

Option number 1
Equally vaseline and finely ground, celandine sifted through a sieve (by weight), mix, mix before use. The use of visceral fat as a fat base, butter and other animal fats allows you to use the ointment for only one week, provided it is stored in the refrigerator.

Option number 2
Prepare a thick extract of celandine: 2 tbsp. spoons of grass boil in 100 ml of water over low heat until half of the liquid has evaporated, strain, mix with an equal volume of water lanolin or any moisturizer ("Children's", etc.).


Fermented juice In folk medicine, it is customary to collect celandine grass during its flowering period. And celandine blooms for a long time, simultaneously forming pods. Studies have shown that the highest content active substances(alkaloids) in all parts of the plant occurs during the formation of seeds and pods.
The collected grass with roots is washed twice, the water is allowed to drain, and the grass is dried, chopped (chopped into pieces of 1-2 cm), passed through a meat grinder and squeezed through cheesecloth (nylon). The resulting juice is poured into a sterile container and left uncovered in a dark place for fermentation. The temperature should be maintained from +20° to 30°C. Fermentation time is usually 1-1.5 months. After that, the juice is filtered, and it is ready for use. Store in refrigerator, do not seal tightly. Canned juice After pressing, the juice is mixed with sugar 1:1 by weight and alcohol is added in the calculation so that the pure alcohol in this composition is 8-10%. For example: mix 500 g of juice with 500 g of sugar, achieve complete dissolution of sugar by stirring and add 8-10% alcohol to the resulting solution (it will be about 800 ml), i.e. from 64 to 80 ml 96 ° strength. Such juice can be stored for up to 2 years, it is preferable to use it until the next harvest, i.e. during the current year. Storage conditions - protection from light, at a temperature of +2° to 20°C, hermetically sealed.

Decoction preparation.

A decoction of celandine is rarely made. Cooking method: 1 tbsp. a spoonful of chopped dry grass with a top is placed in 200 ml of boiling water (distilled, purified). Keep in a water bath for 30 minutes, insist 20-30 minutes. Filter and take 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day (adult dose!).

Preparation of tincture

20 g of chopped grass is poured for 2 weeks with 200 ml of alcohol 40-70 degrees (vodka, moonshine) and insisted for two weeks, shaking occasionally. Filter. Take 10-20 drops 3-4 times a day before meals with water or herbal infusion. The tincture is also used to prepare a liquid celandine ointment: take the tincture and petroleum jelly equally, shake until a homogeneous mixture is obtained. Preparation of infusion 1 tbsp. a spoonful of crushed raw materials is poured with 1 cup of boiling water. After 1 hour of infusion, it is filtered. Take 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals. Dose selection for various diseases individual.


Readers constantly write to us about celandine (Chelidonium majus L.). He is truly an amazing healer, a gift to mankind from Nature. You will say: it’s poisonous ... Yes, but the simplest control over the norm allows you to successfully use it even in the treatment of children. Today we offer you two such recipes from readers.

I will share a good recipe. As soon as the celandine blooms, in dry, sunny weather, at 14 o'clock, cut off the entire aerial part, immediately cut and pass through a meat grinder (do not wash!). Leave the gruel until the evening in an enamel bowl. In the evening, squeeze the juice into a glass container and refrigerate until morning. In the morning, carefully, without shaking, drain the pure juice. How much juice turned out, so much to add honey and vodka (1:1:1). Everything should work out in equal parts. Stir so that the honey dissolves, the medicine is ready.
Take 1 time per day, in the morning, on an empty stomach. Do not eat anything for an hour, do not drink the medicine and do not seize. Drink 1 tbsp. spoon for 5 days, children under 6 years old - 1 teaspoon each, children under 12 years old - 1 dessert spoon each. Then take a break for 5 days and drink again for five days.
Heals everything colds: cough, runny nose, sore throat, neuralgia, bronchitis, pneumonia, pulmonary emphysema, tuberculosis, influenza. It is possible to drink every month for 5 days for prevention, especially those who have tumors: fibroids, cysts, polyps. This medicine should be in every family.
Both I and my children - I have three of them - are treated only with celandine and no pills. Address: Grishchenko Tamara Konstantinovna, 347900 Rostov region, Taganrog, Mariupol highway, s / t "Mayak", d. 69.

I have been prescribing "Zozhev" from the very beginning, and when I read a new issue, my conscience always torments me for the reason that I did not tell the Zozhev people very good recipe. My husband died, I began to sort through his filings and found this recipe, which was given to him by his 86-year-old grandmother, a former doctor.
In May-June, when the celandine blooms, it is necessary to cut the grass at a distance of 10-15 cm from the ground. It is better to do this in the morning, after dew. Wrap the chopped mass in a dark rag, put in a well-ventilated room for a day. Herbs, fighting for life, intensively develop in themselves useful material, which is what we need. Then I pass the whole mass through a meat grinder and squeeze the juice through gauze. Next, I do conservation. I mix a glass of juice with a glass of medical alcohol. I plug the bubble with a cork and put it in a dark, cool place.
I drink celandine tincture on an empty stomach, 10-15 drops per glass of green tea. After 5-7 days of taking the medicine, as a rule, it will take effect. The pain in the liver and stomach is relieved, the bile ducts and almost the entire genitourinary system are cleansed. Cystitis, for example, can be cured in 2-3 days.
Address: Plushenko Tatyana Alekseevna, 445046 Samara region, Tolyatti, st. Matrosova, d. 21a, apt. 28.


Among the people, celandine is often called "Russian) ginseng." He has interesting feature- he immediately searches for the root of the disease. If juice or powder is placed on a biologically active point, then an instant transformation is observed, its transfer to the source of the disease. It is the same inside the body - it immediately finds the diseased area and proceeds to its treatment. O healing properties celandine people have known since ancient times. Even in the Salerno "Code of Health" the following is written about him: "The swallow-mother chelidoni heals the chicks if, as Pliny noted, their eyes are scratched."

For the treatment of eye diseases, Avicenna recommended boiling celandine juice with honey in a ratio of 1: 1 over low heat until the foam stops and it becomes like honey. This liquid was used to lubricate the eyes from trachoma, cataract.
Ointment from the powder of celandine, lanolin and vaseline, called "plantazan B", cures skin tuberculosis, psoriasis, skin cancer, lupus erythematosus, calluses:

celandine -10 g, vaseline - 10 g, lanolin -10 g, carbolic acid 0.25% -10 drops.

Celandine has antitumor activity, dissolves scars after a heart attack and strokes. Infuse 1 tablespoon per cup of boiling water in a thermos for exactly 20 minutes. Take 2 tablespoons 3 times a day before meals.
Celandine infusion mixed with nettle and calendula prevents the growth of metastases. Take herbs in equal parts, chop, mix. 1 st. pour a spoonful of collection with a glass of boiling water, insist in a thermos. Drink 0.5 cups in the morning on an empty stomach, in the evening before dinner - the other half of the glass.
Fresh juice of celandine "cauterize" warts, warts, polyps, corns, periodontal disease, it is used for diseases of the liver and gallbladder.
With polyps of the rectum, an enema is made at night from 6-7 drops of celandine juice per 60 g of water. Celandine juice can be prepared for the winter. To do this, cut the stems with flowers, pass through a meat grinder, squeeze the juice. Per liter of juice - 500 g of vodka or 250 g of alcohol, clog well. For diseases of the stomach, they drink on the first day 1 teaspoon 3 times a day before meals, in the following days - 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day before meals.
At abdominal dropsy and shortness of breath 3 tbsp. spoons of celandine grass are poured with a glass of vodka, tightly closed with a cork, infused in a dark place for 6 days, the raw material is squeezed out, the tincture is filtered, poured into a bottle with a tight cork. Take 1/4 cup 4 times a day 10 minutes before meals.
For diseases of the bladder, place 100 g of fresh peeled chopped celandine roots in a bottle, pour 100 ml of vodka, close tightly, leave for 8 days, shaking occasionally, strain the tincture, store in a bottle with a tight stopper in a dark cool place (in the lower part of the refrigerator). Take 20 drops 3 times a day before meals.
For skin cancer: dry crushed celandine - 1 g, vaseline - 4 g, carrot juice- 1 g, prepare an ointment, mix thoroughly, lubricate sore spots. Or 300 g fresh roots pour 500 ml of vodka, close tightly with a cork, insist in a dark place for 7 days. Make compresses on sore spots. The same method is used for skin tuberculosis, lupus, to reduce warts, calluses, lichen, eczema.
And here is a wonderful recipe for the treatment (and prevention) of cancer, lymphogranulomatosis, pulmonary tuberculosis. Take 1 cup of chopped celandine greens and mix with 1 cup of granulated sugar. Fold in a gauze bag, where to put a pebble for weight, and lower the bag into a 3-liter jar of milk whey (remains after cooking the cottage cheese). Whey should not be boiled, if overheating is allowed, put 1 teaspoon of fresh sour cream in it. Close the jar with 3 layers of gauze and put at home for 3 weeks for fermentation. Drink half a glass 3 times a day. Drinking this pleasant-tasting kvass is possible and very useful for everyone: both the sick and the healthy.
celandine - perennial poppy family, unpretentious, grows anywhere, hardy. Contains orange milky juice in all parts. Easily propagated by seeds. It blooms with yellow flowers from May to autumn. The fruit is a pod up to 6 cm long, the seeds are ovoid, small, black, shiny. The root is especially healing, since alkaloids in the grass are up to 1.87%, and in the root - up to 4.4%.

Other names: warthog, chistukha, gladishnik, swallow grass, yellow milkweed, cleanliness, dog soap.

The plant is poisonous and requires serious attitude to him, observe the dosage.

Large celandine - it's perennial herbaceous plant the poppy family. It is found almost everywhere. Celandine grows in shady places, gardens, parks, yards, forests, etc.

For medicinal purposes, the whole plant is used, but more often its ground part. The grass is harvested during the flowering period, dried in the shade, under a canopy, in attics.

Raw materials are best stored in paper bags or boxes in a cool, dry and ventilated area. Shelf life of harvested raw materials - up to 3 years. Celandine should be used according to prescriptions, avoid overdose, and in some cases under the supervision of a physician.

The use of celandine. Celandine at the moment has gained great popularity and is a powerful tool in the treatment of many diseases. It contains, in addition to other medicinal components, about 20 toxic substances that have a detrimental effect on many (but not all) pathogenic bacteria, viruses, fungi, protozoa. This is one of the best remedies for cleaning the lymphatic system (lymph) from pathogenic infections.

When using celandine, it is important not to exceed the dosage, as this can lead to various side effects! And also, if you are using celandine for the first time - start taking small doses, gradually increasing to the optimum.

Generally speaking, the celandine plant has quite wide range action, it is used as an anticonvulsant, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, bactericidal, sedative, antitumor, diuretic, choleretic, wound healing, lactagon agent.

Large celandine is widely used for the treatment and prevention of malignant neoplasms (cancer). special value it is that it delays the growth of tumors and the development of metastases.

For better efficiency against the development of metastases celandine is used together with calendula and nettle. Chopped components (celandine, calendula, nettle) take in equal parts, mix and make an infusion, preferably in a thermos: 1 tbsp. Pour a spoonful of collection with 1 cup of boiling water, leave for 1-2 hours, then strain. Drink in the morning and in the evening half a cup 20-30 minutes before meals.

The ancient Greek physician Tiofos, a student of Aristotle, greatly appreciated celandine for its miraculous properties. He said that this herb is from 100 diseases and left his recommendations on how to use this plant correctly.

Treatment with celandine should begin with weak infusions so that the body gets used to it. And also, together with the reception of celandine, it is desirable to use milk and dairy products(kefir, cottage cheese, fermented baked milk), for better functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and reducing the toxicity of the plant.

Celandine large in small doses reduces blood pressure, slows down cardiac activity, calms the nervous system, it is taken for neurosis, convulsions, paralysis, epilepsy, pancreatic diseases.

Celandine is taken orally at bronchial asthma, gastritis, pulmonary tuberculosis, cough, whooping cough, allergies, angina pectoris, inflammation of the large intestine, stomach ulcers and twelve duodenal ulcer, with polyps in the stomach, intestines, gallbladder, with stomach cancer, ulcerative colitis as a choleretic agent in diseases of the liver, bile ducts and gallbladder, with cholelithiasis, hepatitis, goiter, rheumatic joint pains.

There are cases when celandine hopeless patients with tuberculosis were cured lungs, on which doctors gave up, traditional medicine was powerless. And the recipe used was as follows: fill a half-liter jar with chopped dry grass (1/4 of the volume), pour boiling water, cover and leave for 2 hours. Take this infusion 3 times a day for half a glass, washed down with kefir (from 3 or more bottles a day, half a liter of course).

Celandine infusion is used as a diuretic for dropsy, papillomatosis of the bladder, as well as for diseases of the joints, gout, rheumatism, polyarthritis, painful menstruation, menopause with hot flashes, to increase lactation in nursing mothers.

with polyps, ulcerative colitis infusion is used orally, sometimes in combination with horsetail, sage, St. John's wort, Mary's root. In addition, they make a microclyster, after a cleansing enema, then put a candle from the ointment. In more detail about polyps, treatment, the causes of their appearance, recipes -.

Infusion, decoction of celandine, celandine juice, diluted with boiled water (1 teaspoon per 1/2 cup), rinse your mouth, throat with inflammation, toothache, laryngeal papillomatosis (including in children), with periodontal disease.

Compresses, lotions, baths are made from the decoction for paralysis, gout, goiter, rheumatism, polyarthritis, as well as douching with trichomonas colpitis (plus taken orally), leucorrhea, cervical erosion, with infectious prostatitis (douching for men of the urethra: 20 ml syringe without a needle, draw up the solution and rinse ...).

Decoction of the plant is washed with wounds, ulcers and other skin lesions, wash your hair with hair loss or profuse dandruff (plus ingestion). Lotions are made from celandine juice for lupus erythematosus, psoriasis, lichen, scabies, various fungal diseases, itching, tuberculosis and skin cancer, ulcers, and various tumors (benign and malignant).

Chopped, powdered leaves of celandine, mixed with pork internal fat(1:5), used for psoriasis, skin tuberculosis, scabies, warts.

Celandine ointment : celandine grass, you can rinse with the root, cut into pieces, grind through a meat grinder and mix this gruel 1: 1 with baby cream. Use ointment for neurodermatitis, etc. Rub into problem areas. The course of treatment is 1-2 weeks.

Or, celandine ointment can be made on the basis of pork (or other) interior fat: melt 50 g of fat and mix with 10 ml of fresh celandine juice. Keep refrigerated.

With a toothache, a cotton swab dipped in tincture of celandine is applied - it temporarily relieves pain. Powder from dry leaves of celandine is sprinkled on wounds, weeping eczema.

Celandine decoction (for external use): take 2 tbsp. spoons rev. dry grass pour 1 cup of water, boil for 1 minute, remove from heat and leave for another 30 minutes, strain.

Infusion of celandine (weak): Pour 1 teaspoon of dry chopped grass with 1 cup of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes, strain before drinking. Take 1/4 cup, 3 times a day.

Infusion of celandine (concentrated): take 1 table. a spoonful of raw materials for 1 cup of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes, strain before use, take 1/4 cup, 3 times a day before meals.

Celandine tincture (on vodka): during the period of abundant flowering (preferably in initial phase) prepare fresh celandine grass, chop it (1-2 cm long) and fill a 1-2 liter jar with celandine, to the top, and pour vodka, also to the top. Infuse for 2 weeks in a dark place, strain, squeeze out the remnants and you can use it. Take tincture of celandine, with a prophylactic purpose - incrementally, from 1 to 16 drops per day (if you have never taken celandine), and then drink already in this dosage - 16 drops, diluted with boiled water - 0.5 cups, for 1 month. After a break of 2 weeks or more, and the course can be repeated. So you can do up to 4 courses per year ...
For therapeutic purposes - the dosage is increased by 2 times, and the amount of water for dilution - up to 2/3 cup. You can use tincture in the same cases as juice.

Celandine juice (alcohol tincture of celandine, drops) - they are cauterized for herpes, warts, condylomas, corns are treated, it is used for diseases of the liver and gallbladder, nodular goiter, for polyps, instilled into the eyes, with leukoma and trachoma, used for frostbite, etc. For polyps of the rectum, a microclyster is made from 5-7 drops of celandine juice per 50 ml of water.

To prepare and preserve celandine juice, it is necessary to prepare fresh grass, along with roots (it is possible without roots), rinse in water, then cut into small pieces of 1-2 cm. get the celandine juice from a cloth napkin - twisting it into a knot and squeezing it in your hands.

During this procedure, wear rubber gloves if you don't want to paint your hands in Brown color and get a slight burn, especially between the fingers, where the skin is delicate!

We close the jar of juice with a lid and let it stand in the refrigerator for a couple of days to separate the sediment. Next, carefully pour the juice into another bowl (it will be dark green at this stage), and use the sediment for other purposes, for example, for therapeutic baths.

Now we can preserve the celandine juice - add vodka at the rate of 1.5: 1, that is, pour 0.7 liters of vodka, approximately, or 0.35 liters of high-quality drinking alcohol (3: 1) into 1 liter of celandine juice. It is important that the juice does not ferment, and for this it needs 16-17% of the fortress, like wine. You can balance it with an alcohol meter.

You can preserve celandine juice without vodka, but then you need to let the juice ferment without access to oxygen, under a water seal, or simply by tightly closing it in plastic bottle and periodically (1-2 times a day or more) release fermentation gases until they cease to be released. After the juice has fermented, it has reached the same strength as the wine, and it is carefully poured and can be stored in a dark and cool place - a refrigerator, cellar, etc.

Fermented celandine juice in its medicinal properties is almost no different from canned alcohol. But, it tastes sour, juice canned with vodka is more pleasant to drink.

Celandine juice (alcohol tincture) is used to increase immunity, combat cancerous tumors(any), polyps and for the treatment of many other diseases.

If there is no harvested dry celandine grass, then the juice can also be used for medicinal baths, although this is more expensive. For a volume of water of 35-40 liters, add 100 ml of celandine juice, or, as mentioned above, use a thicker fraction of the juice (precipitate).

Treatment with celandine according to the royal method .

Method 1. We begin to take an alcohol tincture (canned celandine juice) with 5 drops a day, and then, every day, increasing one more.

Drops, before taking, pre-diluted in water, 50-100 ml. Having reached 15-20 drops (each has its own dose), LISTEN to your body, if there is any deterioration in well-being. As soon as we feel deterioration, we reduce the dosage by 4-5 drops and then take the tincture in that amount. The course of treatment is 1 month, then it is necessary to endure a break of 10-30 days, and you can repeat the course if necessary. AT preventive purposes, or with some restrictions, the course of treatment is sometimes done for 2 weeks, and then a break ...

In a row, depending on the disease, you can do up to 3 such courses, and one such series per year, more, if there is no urgent need - it is not desirable.

I also want to draw your attention: as practice has shown, everyone understands the concept of "own dose" differently, therefore, it is not recommended to exceed the dosage of more than 2 teaspoons of juice per day, and that is for cancer patients!

Method 2. We do everything in the same way as in the first method, but when we reach 20 drops, we do a countdown - we reduce the dosage. After decreasing to zero - a break of 10 days, and so on up to 3 cycles, if necessary. For prevention, one course per year is enough.

Celandine oil: we take dry chopped grass and place it in a glass jar, fill it with peach, apricot or sunflower oil so that the oil level is 2-3 cm higher than the level of the grass. Vegetable oil must be pasteurized in a water bath for 1 hour before use.

Put the herb oil for 1 hour in a warm place, and then transfer it to a dark, cool place (basement) and let it stand for 1 week, shaking it occasionally. Then strain the infused oil and dilute in a ratio of 1: 1 with pure oil. Celandine oil is used for external use, stored in a dark glass container, preferably in the refrigerator.

Celandine, contraindications . Overdose should not be allowed, as this can cause nausea, vomiting, paralysis, and others. unwanted effects. Long-term use celandine, without interruptions (more than 1 month), can lead to dystrophy of the mucous membrane of internal organs, intestinal dysbacteriosis, etc.

Preparations from celandine are contraindicated in people suffering from epilepsy, with bronchial asthma, angina pectoris, neurological diseases, pregnant women, with individual intolerance.

Although, in some cases, doctors with great care use celandine for bronchial asthma, angina pectoris, epilepsy and some neurological diseases, but this is a fine line between help and harm, and it is not recommended to use celandine for these diseases on your own!

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Tell me who treated the fungus on the goal. penis (balanoposthitis) alcohol tincture celandine. Does anyone have experience of using it to remove inguinal fungus?

and here, in principle, experience is not needed, a fungus is a fungus and it doesn’t matter where it appeared, on the legs or in the groin .. treatment - drink juice, or infusion, or tincture (preferably in case it has penetrated deep into the tissues) , and additionally make lotions, compresses, baths, washings, etc., to whom it suits how and what is convenient .. tincture or juice for lotions should be diluted with a little boiled water, at the rate of about 1 tsp. half a glass of water..
and underwear after treatment must be changed or disinfected so as not to become infected again, as well as use loose clothing so that there is ventilation and sweat dries out, plus underwear made from natural raw materials (cotton, etc.), as well as regular hygiene procedures (wash , and preferably after each toilet). the fungus appears (takes root) where there is moisture, heat and nutrition for it .... the fungus can be easily brought to the s / c also with dirty hands ..

How to start drinking celandine? My kidneys are supported by stencils. I change them every few months.

Hello. Are there any contraindications for celandine, for example, heart disease is a contraindication? The second question: I prepared celandine juice 3:1 with alcohol, drank 2 courses with a break of 2 weeks (1 tsp x 2 r. per day). I have a fibroid 50x40 mm. The dimensions have not changed. Does it make sense to continue taking celandine tincture?

Unless after a long break .. And now it’s better to use another herb, such as hemlock or something else ... you can drink burdock, drink juice or an infusion from the root ... perhaps fees, they are more effective .. And observe the dynamics further. .
Are there any contraindications for celandine - heart disease? Yes, there is already a risk of any heart disease, so if they drink, then under the supervision of a doctor, or at their own peril and risk .... which can end badly
And by the way, for Olga Haig, London - the kidneys, or rather the problem with the kidneys - is also a risk ....

She was diagnosed with cancer of the right lung, stage 4, and a lung biopsy was ordered. Is it possible to start drinking celandine before a biopsy, or is it better to start after?

A biopsy is a procedure that involves removing a very small amount of lung tissue for examination under a microscope and analysis, i.e. take a sample (sample of abnormal tissue) for examination and confirmation of the diagnosis .... Before the biopsy it is impossible (very undesirable) to eat and drink liquids for 6-12 hours. This is necessary in order to get the most objective picture. this may interfere with an accurate diagnosis.
P.S. And by the way, lung cancer is often due to a fungal infection, or caused by carcinogens from tobacco smoke if a person has been smoking for a long time .... Tuberculosis bacillus- can also eventually cause cancer.

Hello everyone. I give a prescription for polyps and other neoplasms (cysts, papillomas, etc.) Mix 7 yolks of hard-boiled eggs with 7 full tbsp. tablespoons peeled and chopped pumpkin seeds(dry, but not fried) and pour half a liter of homemade sunflower oil (ideally raw pressed), warm up for 20 minutes. in a water bath. Take in the morning on an empty stomach for 1 tsp. according to the scheme: 5 days of admission and 5 breaks until all the remedy is over.

Vera, please tell me this recipe really helps?

Celandine is probably the only plant where the name best matches its medicinal properties... It cleanses the body from skin infections, acne, herpes, warts, helps cleanse the body from the inside (polyps, inflammation, tumors...etc.), fights with viruses, improves metabolic processes, it is used in the treatment of intractable diseases: tuberculosis, cancer, psoriasis, lupus erythematosus, is used in the treatment of the spleen .... etc. etc.....

Hello, is it possible to take enam tablets with celandine?

Celandine should be taken at least once a year by everyone, by any method, it treats almost all diseases ... My mother drank celandine tincture 2 times a year, from 5 drops to 35 drops, diluted in 50 ml of water. Up to 25 drops, everything is fine, and after 25 to 35 there was a slight nausea, such an amount of juice should be diluted in more water - 150-200 ml ... You need to drink a lot of water. The skin is completely cleared of papillomavirus .....

Serge, Enam pills are usually taken by cores, and if there are heart problems, especially serious ones, they do not recommend drinking celandine ....

For those who are interested in longevity ... There is a statement that it is not genes that age a person (although something also depends on this), but bad habits .. Age according to the passport may differ from biological age, i.e. real - for 15-20 years!... Especially you need to pay attention to your health after 40 years, quit all bad habits, start doing preventive measures, and do not forget about movement - this is also very important for health, as well as warm relationships with friends, relatives (positive emotions), as proven, this also contributes to longevity. The love of loved ones, positive..., is very necessary for old and lonely people... In loneliness, people often fall into depression, which shortens their life. Therefore, do not forget to call and at least talk a little with people close to you ...

What happens if you drink alcohol during treatment?

Nothing will happen, in the sense of treatment!... Prokopyevsk - so you are going to be treated or drink alcohol... If alcohol is so dear to you that you cannot refuse it even during treatment - why be treated?... Go straight to heaven , this World is not nice to you, if you always go into a parallel reality ... You will already somehow decide - either put on your underpants, or take off your cross ....

I have blood cancer. is it possible to drink celandine.

Good afternoon. Whether prompt it is possible to accept a celandine and how long? Papillomas, there are papillomas and many moles on the body, also small growths of bumps such as lipomas, aitis and hypothyroidism, pancreatitis, gastrointestinal problems, uterine myomatosis, a mole is not liked on the stomach. She began to take alcohol infusion of celandine according to the royal method. Correctly? Or add something?

I look, many people drink celandine, and someone will write, specifically, are there any positive results ... ??? I have a cyst in the ovary, a small fibroid in the uterus ... I started drinking a decoction (1 tablespoon per glass of boiling water). I made a tincture, I wait two weeks until it brews ... I hope that the result will be ... I don’t want to be operated on.

Victoria, Odessa - that's right, and listen to your well-being to determine your dosage ...
Lilia - those who have positive results, they usually do not write ... The logic of many, unfortunately, is this - why, my problem is solved ... Although, not everyone writes only about their problems, you read the reviews, all 22 pages ( 1536 comments at the moment), I think you will see for yourself .. Celandine well dissolves tumors, including cysts, relieves inflammation ... I think it will help you .. Drink a course, and then you will see the dynamics ... Maybe some other then you use the collection .. You need to choose what helps best.

Thank you, Diana, for your support... And who knows, along with a decoction of celandine I drink propolis tincture (5-7 drops per tablespoon of water)... is it not harmful...???

A homeopathic doctor prescribed this to me a long time ago, as a powerful resolving agent (propolis tincture), I had a lump in my chest ... everything resolved ..., but I drank for two years, 3 times a day, without gaps ...

hello...can you please tell me eye diseases how to use?

for eye diseases - dilute the juice with boiled water (1 tsp for 1/3 cup) or make an infusion of celandine herbs, and rinse the eyes several times a day ... you can additionally drink more ..

There was a tumor 5.3 by 6.4 drank tincture of Chitotel for 3 months. The result is positive.

for Seryoga, the village of Pavlo-Maryanovka. Mykolaiv region... You write that you have been drinking for three months... In a row or at intervals... can you be more precise...???

Hello, tell me for the treatment of Osteoma of the frontal bone, according to what recipe is it better to prepare celandine juice in order to use it externally. And is it possible to use dry herbs bought in a pharmacy?

My husband has a 1 cm seal on his forehead. White bubbles and, as it were, a blood vessel are visible. Already 4-5 years. She categorically does not want to go to the doctors ... She began to put lotions from celandine. It's been two weeks now. It all brightened up. But it seems to be shrinking in size. But, the seal does not dissolve. My question is, is it necessary to take the infusion of celandine inside? I make lotions with celandine and 8% solution - lotions Himalayan salt. Can you recommend something else?

Is it possible to treat celandine pemphigus? And How

Hello, please tell me, my dad has pancreatic cancer, he is 44 years old, the doctor refused to do an operation, said that there are metastases, only the bile duct broke through, said that at first it would be easier for him to eat food, soon chemotherapy will again be available for tests, how to take it in such a situation correctly celandine? Tell me please. Now it's spring, we live outside the city, there is an opportunity to take fresh. But how to cook and take it correctly. We will be very grateful to you, please write.

Marina, if the word - vesicles means herpes, then yes, you can - lubricate with juice, you can also fresh, slightly diluted with water .... you can also drink ..
Natalia, Kyiv - prepare celandine juice (as described), put in the refrigerator and drink diluted bale. water (it can stand for a month without preservation, you can preserve part, and drink fresh part) .... Exit gradually (described in the article as) to the maximum possible dosage for HIM (this is within - 2 teaspoons a day, one - with in the morning on an empty stomach, and the second - in the evening, before going to bed) and drink for about a month, then a break ... Celandine should stop the further growth of the tumor, and the body will gradually absorb it ......
Do not take celandine during chemo ... if you decide to do it ..

Please tell me, with a "jumping" pressure, low in the morning, then normal, then it can rise and decrease again in the evening ... Against the background of menopause, as the doctors say. So, is it possible to use any technique with celandine? Or does he put a lot of pressure on?

Maybe someone is put under pressure by those who use large dosages, but I didn’t notice such an effect on myself, all the more pronounced ... Elena, you can try, do as the doctors say - a test, take a prophylactic dose (at 2 -3 times smaller) and drink for a while... and compare the state before and after... If the situation worsened, then of course you can't...

Thank you very much, Michael. And then I was afraid to start taking the tincture ...

Before starting any course of treatment, blood pH should be normalized with baking soda and monitored. In many cases, "acidic" blood is the cause of the disease. Especially in oncology. I take a half teaspoon in half a glass hot water in the morning on an empty stomach, Sat and Sun break. Two days later, dizziness disappeared, performance increased and improved general state organism.

Is it possible to fight helmetins with the help of celandine. Anyone with experience please post. Thank you in advance.

A plant such as celandine is a unique and amazing remedy that has a bactericidal, cleansing, and anti-inflammatory effect. Such a herb is able to quickly and efficiently cleanse the human body from all kinds of harmful substances and microbes, mucus, toxins and toxins, and has antioxidant qualities.

Celandine is used in folk medicine for high-quality cleaning human body. Therefore, it can be drunk with health benefits. However, before drinking celandine, you must remember that this herb is poisonous. When using it to treat and cleanse the body, it is necessary to follow strict instructions and dosage in order to avoid negative consequences and health problems. Also read about cleaning from toxins and toxins.

Chemical composition and its advantages

The cleanser contains active substances, how:

  • saponins;
  • various alkaloids;
  • various ethereal;
  • enzymes;
  • berberine and sparteine;
  • carotenoids and many other active ingredients.

The presence of these substances indicates that celandine has an antispasmodic and sedative effect. It can be used for bronchial asthma and bronchitis, jaundice, pneumonia, skin diseases, for example: warts, rashes. However, remember to consult your doctor before drinking it.

Such a plant is considered effective medicine for human health and an organism that can perfectly cope with a variety of problems and exacerbations: convulsions, pain in bile duct as well as spasms and cramping pains occurring in the gastrointestinal tract.

As for Western folk medicine, such a remedy can be drunk for indigestion, liver diseases, can be used for skin diseases, inflammatory processes throat and oral cavity. According to research and medical statistics, celandine effectively cleanses the human body, fights microbes, viruses, fungi and various harmful bacteria. It has anti-cancer and analgesic effects.

Cleansing methods and contraindications

The traditional method of using such a plant for the treatment and purification of the human body is the preparation of decoctions, teas, tinctures, and ointments. Before carrying out the procedure, it is necessary to consult with your doctor to avoid side effects.

Side effects have the following symptoms and manifestations:

  • there is damage to a very important internal organ - the liver;
  • jaundice develops;
  • sometimes liver failure develops;
  • bouts of nausea and profuse vomiting;
  • headache;
  • eyes and skin become yellow;
  • rapid fatigue and weakness;
  • lack of appetite;
  • severe pain localized in the epigastric region;
  • the stool becomes very pale;
  • urine becomes very dark.

If you stop using such a remedy, then the symptoms will disappear and everything will return to normal. Such situations and side effects can develop if there is a violation of the prescribed dosage. In order to prevent overdose, you must remember that the maximum daily dose is two and a half milligrams of alkaloids.

Contraindications to the use of a healing agent:

  • lactation period;
  • pregnancy;
  • the presence of blockage of the bile duct;
  • liver failure.

To do a deep cleansing of the whole body, you can use this easy method, namely: take one teaspoon of dried grass and pour boiling water over it, you will need two hundred and fifty milliliters of water. Leave for thirty minutes to infuse, then strain with cheesecloth. How to use: twice a day before meals, one tablespoon. You can drink this decoction for thirty days. A contraindication to this method is hypertension (high blood pressure).

There is another quite effective and effective way- kvass Bolotov, prepared on the basis of grass. Its peculiarity lies in the fact that a kind of fermentation of the plant with whey and sugar occurs. Kvass does not have any toxic effects. This is due to the fact that in the process of fermentation, all poisons die, and there is also an active formation of active bioelements, which have high medicinal qualities and properties.

Ready kvass will be much stronger if cooked with the addition of goat milk. However, it must be remembered that a single dosage of kvass is not more than one hundred milliliters. Its advantage lies in the fact that it actively cleans and renews the following human surfaces: ears, nasopharynx, stomach and intestines. Similar treatment is indispensable in the following cases: gastritis, colitis, pancreatitis, and cholecystitis.


The cooking method is quite simple, you will need the following ingredients:

  • sugar - two hundred grams;
  • sour cream with a low percentage of fat content - one teaspoon;
  • grass - half a glass;
  • whey - three liters;
  • auxiliary components - gauze, a sinker and a three-liter bottle.

After you have prepared all the components, you can start cooking. Grass wrapped in gauze with a weight - to the bottom of the jar. Then mix sour cream, whey and sugar, pour into a jar and cover with gauze. Remove to a dark place. When the bubbles go - kvass is ready! Most often, the drink reaches readiness in fourteen days. Application: three times a day, one tablespoon thirty minutes before meals. Do not self-medicate, consult your doctor before the procedure.

The health of the family is in the hands of a woman - a Simple Queen in the home kingdom

Hello, friends. The appearance of today's article about the medicinal, beneficial properties of celandine and contraindications was preceded by a letter from a blog reader Alexander. He wrote that he “rummaged through” the entire site in search of a recipe for Bolotov’s kvass on celandine, but, alas, he did not find such information. In turn, Alexander said that several years ago he was cured with the help of this a simple remedy from eczema and told a very simple recipe for making kvass on whey, which he uses all the time - he prepares a drink and uses it 2 times a year for prevention.

I want to express my deep gratitude to the attentive reader: both for the excellent topic for the article, and for the really excellent recipe for Bolotov's kvass. I decided that I need to write not only about healing drink, but also about all the useful and healing properties of celandine, be sure to also talk about contraindications, and give many recipes for the treatment of various diseases. I don't think there will be any objections.

Celandine: photos and unique facts

Did you know that celandine is also called swallow grass? This name was given to the plant by the ancient Greeks - because the flowering period of the grass coincided with the arrival of these cheerful birds. The Greeks fixed the “swallow” nickname for the celandine, giving it Latin name Chelidonium (Chelidon martin).

However, the Slavic people are inventive, and other names appeared among the people - warthog (it’s clear where it came from), yellow milkman, chistuha, damn milk, golden grass, chistoplot, witch grass, etc. That's how rich a simple celandine is in nicknames! They are very characteristic and betray the attitude of people towards the plant - from recognition and love (golden grass, cleanliness) to some fear and distrust (damn milk, witch grass). Paying tribute to the beneficial properties of celandine, people did not forget about the harm that the plant can cause if used improperly.

Photo of celandine

Celandine, medicinal properties and contraindications: recipes for treatment

Despite the fact that the plant is poisonous and can cause harm, the benefits of celandine are enormous - it is used to treat a number of diseases:

  • eczema, dermatitis, neurodermatitis, diathesis, psoriasis, scabies and skin cancer, lupus erythematosus;
  • impetigo, psoriasis, skin tuberculosis, vitiligo;
  • diseases of the stomach and duodenum (ulcers, gastritis, etc.);
  • hepatitis, cholangitis, cholecystitis;
  • gout, rheumatism;
  • bronchial asthma, whooping cough;
  • hemorrhoids, polyps in the rectum, fissures and cancer of the rectum;
  • papillomatosis of the larynx, goiter, thyroid diseases;
  • glaucoma, cataracts;
  • allergies different kind(on pollen, on the sun);
  • otitis, plugs in the ears;
  • papillomas in various parts of the body;
  • used after chemotherapy to consolidate the effect and prevent the growth of metastases;
  • dysbacteriosis and putrefactive processes in the intestine;
  • fibromas, fibromyomas;
  • tonsils, adenoids and other diseases of the nasopharynx.

Well, which of us in childhood did not remove warts with yellow celandine juice? I plucked the stem, waited a few seconds until a bright orange drop stretched on the tip, and lubricate the hated wart several times a day. You will do this for a week or two, you see - and the skin is clean! Warts and a trace caught a cold.

It turns out that celandine juice can be treated various diseases, and even harvest it for the future. It is suitable for instillation into the nose with polyps, as anticancer agent, for the treatment of hemorrhoids and rectal fissures. It has no equal in the fight against skin infections and rashes.

Celandine, contraindications

Many herbalists and herbalists believe that the harm of this plant is too exaggerated, and there are much more useful properties in celandine than contraindications. And yet, the plant is considered poisonous, and therefore exceeding the recommended doses and long-term use celandine can lead to intoxication. Symptoms of celandine poisoning:

  • nausea, vomiting;
  • dizziness;
  • diarrhea;
  • paralysis of the respiratory center is possible!

Celandine is contraindicated for external application with epilepsy, angina pectoris, with neurological syndromes.

Removal of papillomas with celandine

For treatment with celandine papillomas in the intestines 50 g of grass with stems, leaves and flowers should be passed through a meat grinder. Pour the resulting slurry with 500 ml of boiling water and insist under the lid until completely cooled. Cleanse the intestines with an enema 2-3 hours before the procedure. Then, with the infusion of celandine, microclysters are made, holding the liquid for at least 30 minutes in the rectum. In total, you need to do at least 10 procedures.

How to remove celandine papillomas on the genitals: fill half a half-liter jar with fresh grass, and pour vegetable oil to the top. Infuse for 21 days, strain through two layers of gauze. It is used in this way: a cotton ball is moistened in oil, squeezed a little and applied to the papilloma. Secure with a piece of cloth and underwear. Keep all night. Treat until you recover.

Recipes for the treatment of fibroids with celandine

This recipe is suitable for the treatment of celandine uterine fibroids, mastopathy and for the prevention of tumors.

Alcohol tincture with honey: with uterine fibroids, you need to mix 100 g of celandine with 100 ml of alcohol and 200 g of honey. Infuse the mixture for five days and eat a dessert spoon with a piece of butter. Do this three times a day - always half an hour before meals.

Douching with celandine: brew 2 tbsp. spoons of fresh chopped grass with flowers, a liter of boiling water, insist to room temperature and douche 2 times a day - in the morning and at bedtime.

How to treat psoriasis with celandine: recipes

This is a very insidious disease and it is not so easy to cure it. However, there is a very good recipe, but healing is possible with one condition - before starting psoriasis treatment with celandine, give up smoking and alcohol as soon as possible! Otherwise, everything is useless.

Buy plain sea salt (regular, gray-white) and a few packs of string grass and celandine (if they do not grow in your area) at the pharmacy. Take a handful of each herb, about 2 tbsp. spoons, and pour into a saucepan. Add a glass of water and boil for five minutes with the lid closed. Leave the broth for 4 hours, then heat it to be hot, and dissolve a handful of sea salt in it. Moisten a piece of sterile bandage in the solution and lubricate all ulcers and lesions. It will bake, but you have to be patient. The solution should dry on the skin.


  1. do not wet the wounds with water!
  2. don't scratch!

A crust will appear on the wound sites, which must be abundantly moistened with a solution of salt and herbs until completely cleansed. Lubricate itchy ulcers with a bandage with vegetable oil (dipped a sterile bandage in refined oil and wiped the wounds), but it’s better to be patient. The skin will clear up. At night, make compresses with the solution - moisten a sterile bandage and apply to the wounds, cellophane on top and fix ( elastic bandage, cloth, etc.). Store the solution in the refrigerator.

Another way: cut fresh celandine(two full handfuls) and pour 3 liters of cold water. Boil and insist hour. Pour into the bath and lie down in the healing solution for 10 minutes. Do it every other day for a complete cure.

♣ To recover from psoriasis as quickly as possible, you need to drink celandine juice 1 teaspoonful with a sip of water (taken one hour after eating). Drink a month, then a break of 10 days and repeat the course.

How to drink celandine to cleanse the body

To be always in good shape, get sick less and get rid of toxins, you need to regularly cleanse the blood and blood vessels. And swallow grass is the best suited for those regions where it grows everywhere. How to drink celandine to cleanse the body:

Treatment of prostate adenoma with celandine

Useful properties of celandine, as well as contraindications, are used to treat men from the most common disease - prostate adenoma. It is necessary to pick grass with leaves and flowers, rinse, pass through a meat grinder, squeeze out the juice, mix it with vodka 1: 1 and put in a cold place. For the treatment of prostate adenoma, celandine juice is taken according to the scheme:

  • 1 day - 1 drop of juice in a third of a glass of water
  • Day 2 - 2 drops of juice, etc. until you reach 30 drops (on the 30th day). Then in reverse order until you reach 1 drop again. Then a break of 12 days and repeat the treatment again. For prevention, conduct a course once a year.

Celandine and nail fungus treatment

First you need to steam the nail in a decoction of celandine: brew 50 g of grass with one and a half liters of water and leave for 10 minutes. Then add hydrogen peroxide (50 ml) to the solution and keep your finger in a tolerably hot solution for 10-15 minutes. Dry and smear the nail with celandine juice on the outside and how much it will turn out under the plate. If there is Money Tree(fat woman), then it is best to apply a fresh cut of a leaf of the plant to the nail after steaming and bandage it. Keep the night. Do until complete recovery.

Also, for the successful treatment of nail fungus with celandine, you need to drink an infusion of herbs, 1 tablespoon 4 times a day. The infusion is prepared as follows: pour 1 teaspoon of dry grass into a thermos and pour a glass of boiling water. They insist on an hour.

How to drink celandine to prevent metastases after chemotherapy


Mix equally celandine grass, calendula flowers and nettle leaf. Pour a tablespoon of the collection into a thermos, pour a glass of boiling water and insist overnight. In the morning on an empty stomach, drink half a glass of infusion, do the same before dinner. The course is a month. And so every year.

For the prevention of cancer and after oncological operations, celandine is drunk in courses according to the following system:

Kvass Bolotova on celandine, preparation and use

There are legends about the medicinal properties of this drink, but when reading the recipes, hands drop - they seem too complicated. But blog reader Alexander kindly shared a really simple and affordable recipe cooking kvass on celandine according to Bolotov, which, I am sure, everyone can do. Very accessible and simple - judge for yourself:

Serum celandine recipe

It has many useful properties and a minimum of contraindications for celandine whey recipe. For cooking, you need to buy two or three three-liter jars homemade milk, wait for souring - so that the whey separates. Pour a glass of granulated sugar into a clean 3l jar. Then my freshly picked celandine grass, dry with a towel and finely chop (about a glass of raw material should be in volume). Put this gruel of grass in a gauze bag, tie a load (a spoon, any clean heavy object) and also put a jar of sugar on the bottom. Then carefully pour the grass and sugar with the released whey to the top of the jar. We cover the neck with three layers of gauze and put the jar in a warm place for three weeks. Mold may appear - you just need to remove it and leave the kvass to ferment further.

Pour the resulting kvass into another bowl and store in the refrigerator. With eczema and neurodermatitis, use it in half a glass three times a day. Drink it, as a rule, 30 minutes before meals for two weeks. In addition, kvass is also good several times a day to wipe weeping places (if eczema) and rashes with dermatitis, neurodermatitis, etc.

In addition to the above, Bolotov's kvass on celandine has other medicinal properties. Its use reduces the risk of cancer, eliminates dysbacteriosis and problems in the intestines, relieves constipation. In order to prevent all these diseases, it is recommended to conduct a two-week course of "quasotherapy" 2 times a year.

Celandine oil for age spots

Cut fresh or dry celandine and put it tightly in a jar, without adding a third to the top. Pour vegetable oil (sunflower, olive, corn, etc.), put in a water bath and simmer for 3-4 hours. Cool down. Do not strain! Lubricate age spots with celandine oil 3-4 times a day and at night.

Polyp celandine

Treatment of celandine polyps of the rectum

There are many recipes for the treatment of rectal polyps with celandine. Basically, these are enemas with a medium decoction or infusion of herbs, but the best solution is a solution of freshly squeezed juice:

Squeeze the juice from fresh celandine grass, and dilute it with warm boiled water in half. Make a microclyster in the rectum and keep the solution for 20-30 minutes. Increase the amount of juice daily, and vice versa - reduce the amount of water. The course is 10-20 days.

The same solution is treated fibromyoma of the uterus Douching is carried out daily, and a tampon with a solution of juice and water 1: 1 is put at night.

Celandine from polyps in the uterus

Make a strong decoction of celandine - 1 tbsp. spoon per 1 liter of boiling water, cook for 5 minutes, insist until warm and strain. Douche with decoction twice a day. At night, you need to put a swab with celandine oil, and in the morning, douche with a decoction. The course is 15-20 days. If the polyps in the uterus did not disappear during the treatment with celandine, a five-day break should be taken and the treatment should be repeated.

Celandine treatment: short recipes

Ulcerative blepharitis

Infusion of celandine (1 tablespoon per one and a half cups of boiling water, leave for half an hour), moisten cotton pads, squeeze a little and put on the eyelids. Make such lotions up to 5 times a day.

Constipation, joint pain

Pick the top of the celandine (flower), brew a glass of boiling water and leave. Drink on an empty stomach in the morning. Do it every morning and constipation will stop bothering you. Joint inflammation is also treated.


Grind the color of one plant and boil in 0.5 liters of milk. Cool and gargle with warm decoction.

cataract, eyesore

Fill a mayonnaise jar to the top with celandine flowers and pour calendula tincture to the brim. Insist 12 days. To be treated like this: dilute 20 drops of the resulting tincture in 100 ml of boiled water and instill 1-2 drops into the sore eye. Also need Fresh Juice dilute the celandine in half with water, moisten the cloth and apply to the eyes for 2 hours. Do before bed.

Cyst on the kidney

Pick up fresh celandine, fill 2/3 of a half-liter jar and pour boiling water over it. Infuse for four hours and drink a tablespoon 3 times a day. Of course, you need to take it before meals - 30 minutes before. Drink according to the scheme:

5 days to drink - 2 days break and so on again. Then increase the rate to 2 tbsp. spoons at a time. Drink a month, then a break of 30 days and again treatment. Continue until the complete disappearance of the cyst.

For pancreatitis and fatty liver

Infuse a tablespoon of dry grass in a glass of boiling water. Strain and drink a tablespoon after any meal. Drink for a month and a half, then take a two-week break and be treated again. If the disease is severely neglected, 3-4 courses will be needed.

Celandine ointments for the treatment of various skin diseases

Ointment on interior fat (with water bath)

Dry the celandine and grind in a coffee grinder to a fine powder. Mix with pork fat(can be any interior) and put in a water bath for 2-4 hours. Pour into a glass jar and chill. Keep refrigerated. Lubricate itchy places with eczema, dermatitis, neurodermatitis, etc.

Celandine ointment with baby cream

Squeeze out the celandine juice and mix 1:1 with any baby cream. Lubricate wounds with neurodermatitis, dermatitis and other skin diseases.

Dear readers. I was glad to introduce you to medical and useful properties celandine, with contraindications and prescriptions for treatment, since the plant is available, it grows almost everywhere and can be useful for a variety of needs. Just be careful and do not exceed the indicated doses.

All health!

With love, Irina Lirnetskaya

Name in Latin: Chelidonium majus

Synonyms: Adam's rib, warthog, mountaineer, St. John's wort, night blindness, yaskolka; swallowweed, butterdish, euphorbia, orange milkweed, yellow grass, golden grass, cleansing grass, swallowweed, devil's milk, witch's grass, wartweed, gladushnik, prozornik, jaundice, warthog, yellow milkweed, glechkopar, chistoplot, medullary, glaudushnik, glakopar , red milkweed, cow grass, bloodweed, bloodweed, killer or gusset grass, gusset, gusset grass, gusset, buttermilk, yellow euphorbia, liverwort, podtynnik, prozornik, rosepaw, rostopash, rostopach, burst, silidon grass, silidonia, celidonia, selinomiya, gray potion, chistyak, yellow chistik, chistets, chistuha, chistoplot, chistokol, nutcracker, yaskovka, Adam's head, aksamet, volosnik, starodub, field mustard, wilt, larkspur, buttercup, gorse

Perennial herbaceous plant from the poppy family, up to 60 cm high, with a short multi-headed rhizome and a thick taproot. Stem erect, branched, covered sparse hairs or nearly naked. Leaves are alternate, odd-pinnate with 3-5 pairs of rounded, unevenly lobed lobes; basal and lower stem - long-leaved, upper - sessile. The flowers are golden yellow, four-petal, regular, collected at the top of the stem and branches in simple umbrellas. The fruits are pod-shaped capsules with shiny black-brown seeds. When damaged, pungent orange juice comes out of the plant. Blooms in May - July.

The plant is poisonous.

It grows in shady places, between bushes, in forests, along ravines, slopes and rocky river banks, on garbage heaps, gardens, in yards.

The herb contains a significant amount of Alkaloids (chelidonine, homochelidonine, sanguinarine, chelerythrin, protopine, spartein, etc.), Flavonoids, Saponins, Organic acids (chelidonic, malic, citric, succinic), Retinol, Ascorbic acid, Resins, Phytoncides.

Good day, dear spouses!
So you are all set!
Maclura tincture - for rubbing your joints. Lilac tincture is also suitable for this. But you have to choose compression underwear. And now, first of all, it is necessary to "extinguish" the manifestations of menopause and varicose veins:
1. Collection of herbs.
Roots: Baikal skullcap - 1, Angelica officinalis - 1; horse chestnut flowers - 1, heart-shaped linden color - 2, medicinal melissa - 2, pharmacy - 3, large celandine - 1 tsp, field yarutka - 2.

2. Add to this a very important herb, clematis chirkason. It is equally suitable for you and your husband.
- 1 tbsp chopped herbs, pour 400.0 ml of boiled water at room temperature and leave for 8 hours in a thermos. Squeeze, strain, top up to 400.0 ml. Divide the infusion in half and drink each 50.0 ml 4 times a day, after meals. Course - at least 1 month; break 2-3 weeks and repeat both.
Mummy You do not need to take.
HUSBAND. It will sound unpleasant, but it is necessary to exclude tuberculosis. And now restore immunity with sour-milk (Narine) and direct antifungal agents:
1. Propolis tincture, ready. Dilute with water and rinse the mouth at least 5 times a day, until the ulcers heal.
Drink according to the manufacturer's instructions. Course - 1 month.
2. Shilajit - his intake does not depend on any pills and helps to reduce their dosages. They drink Mumiyo, diluted in water, milk, or juices with high content carotenes - carrot, sea buckthorn; and depending on body weight:
Weighing up to 60 kg single dose equal to 0.1 g, daily - 0.3 g. Up to 70 kg, single dose - 0.2, daily - 0.6 g.
With a weight of up to 80 kg, the dose, respectively, is 0.3; 0.9 gr.
Dilute daily dose in 200.0 ml of water, juice or milk. Drink on an empty stomach, 40 minutes before or after taking medication, twice a day, 100.0 ml. Course - 28 days.
With regard to anemia - you need to understand where it comes from. I assume that this is a consequence of the tumor? Or hypothyroidism, despite taking thyroxine.
3. Infusion of Kirkazon clematis to drink, as indicated.
4. Locally. Rib cage. Rubbing is also ready for you. This is Adam's root, which must be diluted with water before use.
With best wishes, both of you, in anticipation of clarifications, see you soon!

08/30/18 Ekaterina

Candles can be used, but only in addition to the main therapy:
1. Tincture of the Boron uterus.
- 100.0 g of lightly chopped grass of the Borovoy uterus, pour 500.0 ml of vodka and insist for 2 weeks. Strain, squeeze. Drink 1 coffee liter three times per day. The course is 1.5-2 months.
2. Collection of herbs for drinking.
Roots: Large burdock - 1, marsh cinquefoil - 1; Prickly tartar - 1, Icelandic cetraria - 1 dess.l., Great celandine - 1 tsp.
Grind grass and fruits evenly up to 2-3 mm, roots up to 3-5 mm - at the beginning mechanically to small pieces, then on a coffee grinder; mix evenly.
Herbs without a dose should be taken in tablespoons.
- 1 tbsp mixture pour 300.0 ml of cold drinking water for an hour, then bring to a boil. Simmer over low heat or boiling water bath, covered, 15 minutes.
Cool, strain, squeeze and add to 300.0 ml.
Drink 100.0 ml three times a day, 30 minutes before meals. Course - 2 months.
3. Irrigation from the first dry day of the cycle, 10-12 times and repeat next month.
Cake from the collection of herbs for drinking pour 300.0 ml of water and cook for 20 minutes over low heat. Strain, pour in 1 tsp. tincture of Borovoy uterus to douche.
After 2 months, undergo ultrasound control.
All the best and good luck!

29.08.18 Victoria

Most recently, my husband, when taking blood tests, found very small amount platelets. He also began to darken his legs from the knee to the foot. The diagnosis was doubtful: thrombocytopenia. And they immediately offered a course of hormonal.
We have refused so far, because we said that hormonal drugs only raise platelets for a while. we have no bleeding, now we are sitting on healthy eating and drink beetroot juice on an empty stomach. And before meals, nettle and Rosehip. Please tell us how we can get rid of this scourge.
Thanks a lot.

Hello Victoria!
First, check your husband for cytomegalovirus and Epstein-Barr virus, which can suppress hematopoiesis. Protect him from any injury, let him shave only with an electric machine; keep a pharmacy at home in case of injury hemostatic sponge and Tranexam tablets. For daily intake beetroot juice add lemon. Only natural and at least a glass a day, with meals. Connect effective herbs:
1. Ginseng root tincture.
- Soak 30.0 grams of whole ginseng roots in boiled sweetened water at room temperature and leave for 4 hours. Drain the water, finely chop the roots and pour 500.0 ml of 40% alcohol or vodka. Leave for 21 days in a dark, cool place, shaking daily. Do not strain. Drink 10 ml once a day, 30 minutes before meals, without drinking water. After 2 weeks of taking, top up the drunk amount of tincture with vodka.
Course - 30 days, a break of 10 days and repeat the course two more times (90 days in total).
2. Collection of herbs.
Roots: Kopeck tea - 1 dec.l.; Three-leafed watch - 2, Sweet clover - 2, Yellow gentian - 1, St. John's wort - 2, Great celandine - 1 tsp, Rose hips - 3.
Grind grass and fruits evenly up to 2-3 mm, roots up to 3-5 mm - at the beginning mechanically to small pieces, then on a coffee grinder; mix evenly.
Herbs without a dose should be taken in tablespoons.
- 1 tbsp mixture pour 300.0 ml of cold drinking water for an hour, then bring to a boil. Simmer over low heat or boiling water bath, covered, 15 minutes.
Cool, strain, squeeze and add to 300.0 ml.
Drink 100.0 ml three times a day, 30 minutes before meals. Course - 2 months.
Keep an eye on platelets and hemoglobin, and keep me posted!

08/28/18 Evgeniya

I'm 40 years old. I take Tamoxifen for breast cancer, hormone-dependent estrogens. Problems began with the uterus and ovaries (cysts) and bleeding, doctors recommend removing everything.
Fibroids and endometrium began to grow. The uterus is also enlarged. Is it possible to support the uterus and ovaries with herbs?

Hello Evgenia!
Oh sure! But first, metastasis must be completely excluded. In addition, it is possible to replace Tamoxifen with Aromasin - consult your doctor.
And we will start with anti-hormonal herbs:
1. Comfrey medicinal.
- 3 tablespoons heat the roots crushed to grits for half an hour in 500.0 ml of water in a sealed container over low heat. Do not bring to a boil, loses properties! Insist 4 hours, strain.
1.1. Drink 2 tbsp. 3 times a day. Course - 3 weeks, break - 1 week and repeat twice under pressure control.
1.2. Irrigation with Comfrey officinalis.
For irrigation, 100.0-150.0 ml of infusion is needed.
Douche according to all the rules, lying in the bathroom, throwing your legs on the side (in the position of the woman in labor), for at least 10 minutes. At the end of the procedure, abundantly soak a cotton-gauze swab with the same composition and place the swab for 1.5-2 hours.
Course - 10 days in each month, general course- 3 months.
2. Collection of herbs for drinking.
Roots: Marsh cinquefoil - 1, Eleutherococcus prickly - 1 tsp; Zyuznik European - 2, Melissa officinalis - 2, Yarutka field - 2, Common colza - 2, Great celandine - 1 dess.l.
Grind grass and fruits evenly up to 2-3 mm, roots up to 3-5 mm - at the beginning mechanically to small pieces, then on a coffee grinder; mix evenly.
Herbs without a dose should be taken in tablespoons.
- 1 tbsp mixture pour 300.0 ml of cold drinking water for an hour, then bring to a boil. Simmer over low heat or boiling water bath, covered, 15 minutes.
Cool, strain, squeeze and add to 300.0 ml.
Drink 100.0 ml three times a day, 30 minutes before meals. Course - 2 months. Change of herbs.
Good luck, Evgenia, and see you soon!

08/27/18 Olga

Good afternoon.
Yulia Evgenievna, thank you very much for your work, valuable recommendations. At the moment, I have the following question for you: I have cervical erosion, help me heal it.
At the moment, I started taking Chistolon, I put tampons with Stone oil, there is a constant burning sensation. I can’t get to the doctor for an examination, she will only be after September 20th. I want to use heavy artillery. Please help with your valuable advice.
Thank you.

We must first exclude viral nature your erosion. I'll have to donate blood for TORCH infection. If HPV or HPV is detected, immediately start antiviral therapy with Acyclovir or Panavir injection.
And attach:
1. Thuja western tincture.
- 30.0 g of chopped needles insist in 100.0 ml of vodka for 10-12 days. Strain and drink 10 drops with water twice a day for 2-3 weeks.
2. Collection of herbs for drinking, at the same time:
Roots: Kopeck tea - 1 des.l., Meadowsweet ordinary - 1; Greater celandine - 1 teaspoon, Dioecious nettle - 2 Common cuff - 2, Echinacea purpurea - 1 teaspoon, Rosehip fruit - 2.
Grind grass and fruits evenly up to 2-3 mm, roots up to 3-5 mm - at the beginning mechanically to small pieces, then on a coffee grinder; mix evenly.
Herbs without a dose should be taken in tablespoons.

Drink 70.0 ml three times a day, 30 minutes before meals. Course - 1.5 months.
3. Oil swabs.
- Pour dry, slightly crushed herb Sushenitsa marshmallow with deodorized vegetable oil 1:5 and put in a boiling water bath under the lid. Stir, without allowing the oil to boil, for 2 hours. Cool, strain. One swab will need 10.0-12.0 ml of oil. Put at night, 2 weeks in a row.
Go to tampons with edible oil Walnut. And tampons with Stone oil should be canceled, since they are likely to irritate the damaged mucosa.
In case of non-viral origin of erosion, cancel the tincture of Tui western, and continue everything else!

08/26/18 Valentine

I have had eczema on my hands for five years now. Whatever she smeared, what kind of cleansing drugs she didn’t drink - nothing helps. To this day, the hands are in cracks and the edge is now. Don't know correct diagnosis set or not. But in the beginning they put allergies, and then chronic eczema. Can eat some herbs to cure?
Help me please.

Good afternoon, Valentina!
I recommend you not some separate means, but a complete complex, including food, drink, and local therapy:
1. Collection of herbs.
Roots: Couch grass - 2, Burdock large - 1; Tricolor violet - 3, - 3, Large celandine - 1 dess.l., Melissa officinalis - 2, Sage officinalis - 1.
Grind grass and fruits evenly up to 2-3 mm, roots up to 3-5 mm - at the beginning mechanically to small pieces, then on a coffee grinder; mix evenly.
Herbs without a dose should be taken in tablespoons.
- 1 tbsp mixture pour 300.0 ml of cold drinking water for an hour, then bring to a boil. Simmer over low heat or boiling water bath, covered, 15 minutes.
Cool, strain, squeeze and add to 300.0 ml.
Drink 100.0 ml three times a day, 30 minutes before meals. Course - 2 months.
Do a test before use:
Before drinking herbs, make sure you are not allergic to them. Prepare a decoction from a small amount of one herb and water, soak a natural cloth in the decoction and fix for an hour in the middle inside forearm. Lack of redness, swelling, itching - an invitation to safe use and vice versa.
2. Decoction of oats.
- Pour 1 glass of washed Oats with 1 liter of drinking water, leave for 10 hours. Bring to a boil and simmer over low heat for 2-3 minutes. Leave until cool. Strain, squeeze. Drink the entire volume during the day. Full course - 3 months.
OR daily use pumpkin pulp containing a lot of the zinc macroelement necessary for the skin (salads, baked, juice, grated, or soups, pies).
3. Trays for hands.
Chamomile pharmacy - 3, - 2, coltsfoot - 1.
Take in the indicated parts, grind and prepare an infusion.
- 1 tbsp mixture pour 300.0 ml of water, bring to a boil and after 5 minutes pour overnight into a thermos. Strain, use in the form of a warm bath, 20 minutes.
3.1. Hand cream.
Grind cocklebur (herb and fruits) into powder, mix 1:1 with any hypoallergenic cream, or cream for babies.
Apply 20-30 minutes after the hand bath. The course is at least 3 weeks, daily. Change herbs, or take a break for 10 days and repeat.
4. Eliminate washing with powders and switch to detergents. The same goes for cleaning - avoid direct contact with any cleaning and detergents. Work with gloves.
5. DIET is almost of paramount importance for you, Valentina!
In order not to be tormented by the question "What to exclude ?!", refer to special diet for all allergic conditions- elimination, and at least a month hold out on it. Get results even faster!
GOOD LUCK and post your results!

22.08.18 Natalia

My dad was diagnosed with stage 4 pancreatic cancer with extensive liver metastases. They didn't do a biopsy. They say it won't last. We give Tramadol tablets, 1 tablet a day.
There was also mechanical jaundice, they had an operation, they removed the tube from the gallbladder, the bile is now dripping into the bottle. He is not discouraged and wants to be cured. How can you help us?
What herbs to start taking? Thank you.

Hello, Natalia!
Tramadol is just a pain reliever certain time. Exit except plant poisons, I do not see. All of them one way or another, but suppress tumor growth. But choleretic herbs Try not to give to your father.
1. Tincture of Hemlock spotted flowers, 5%. Buy and drink according to the manufacturer's scheme.
2. Collection of herbs.
Roots: Marsh cinquefoil - 1, Large burdock - 1; Common agrimony - 2, Icelandic Cetraria - 1, Spotted milk thistle - 1, Rose hips - 2, Greater celandine - 1 dess.l., Flat-leaved eryngium - 1.
Grind grass and fruits evenly up to 2-3 mm, roots up to 3-5 mm - at the beginning mechanically to small pieces, then on a coffee grinder; mix evenly.
Herbs without a dose should be taken in tablespoons.
- 1 tbsp mixture pour 300.0 ml of cold drinking water for an hour, then bring to a boil. Simmer over low heat or boiling water bath, covered, 15 minutes.
Cool, strain, squeeze and add to 300.0 ml.
Drink 100.0 ml three times a day, 30 minutes before meals. Course - 2 months.
2.1. Separate reception, Chaga.
Wash the mushroom, soak in boiled water so that the body of the mushroom is immersed in water, leave for 4-5 hours, then pass through a meat grinder or grind on a grater. To prepare an aqueous solution:
- Pour 1/2 cup of chopped mushroom with 3 cups of hot water (no more and no less than 50 degrees) and insist in a thermos for a day. Strain, squeeze. The infusion can be stored and used for 3-4 days. The amount indicated is for a 2-day intake.
Drink 100.0 ml three times a day, 30 minutes before meals. Collection interval is 30 minutes.
Try to keep me informed, but you also need to worry about the local oncologist - only strong and modern painkillers are at his disposal!
GOOD LUCK to all participants, see you soon!

08/14/18 Olga

Good afternoon, Yulia Evgenievna.
Help, please, advice. What herbs can cure cervical dysplasia? In addition, I have a diagnosis: decompensated stenosis of the antrum of the stomach, after a duodenal ulcer. The pylorus lumen is 4-6 mm. Atonic, sluggish stomach.
What herbs can you try to dissolve the scars on the pylorus, because. would you like to have surgery?
Thank you in advance.

Good afternoon.
For now, we need to adapt to what we already have. You know the peculiarities of your diet better than me))) - eat liquid warm food in small portions; cold food and avoid drinks, even in extreme heat!
1. Use a semblance of a press. Fill up the heating pad a small amount hot water and lie down, laying it on epigastric region, 15-20 minutes before meals.
2. Reception of Enzymes like Wobenzym, 4-5 tablets 4 times a day, before meals.
3. In the first decade of September, carry out anti-relapse treatment of peptic ulcer.
4. Collection of herbs.
Roots: Rhodiola rosea - 1, Altea officinalis - 2; Mordovnik ordinary - 1.5, coltsfoot - 2, scepter-shaped mullein (grass and flowers) - 2, marshwort - 1, chamomile - 3.
Grind grass and fruits evenly up to 2-3 mm, roots up to 3-5 mm - at the beginning mechanically to small pieces, then on a coffee grinder; mix evenly.
Herbs without a dose should be taken in tablespoons.
- 1 tbsp mixture pour 250.0 ml of cold drinking water overnight. Bring to a boil in the morning. Simmer over low heat or boiling water bath, covered, 5 minutes.
Cool, strain, squeeze and add to 250.0 ml.
Drink a warm decoction of 80.0 ml three times a day, 30 minutes before meals - in small sips. Course - 2 months.
5. Irrigation.
Dryweed marsh, Stinging nettle
Grind, take evenly and mix.
- 1 tbsp mix pour 300.0 ml of water and cook over low heat for 5-7 minutes. Insist, strain. For irrigation, 150.0 ml of warm broth is needed.
Douche according to all the rules, lying in the bathroom, throwing your legs on the side (in the position of the woman in labor), for at least 10 minutes. At the end of the procedure, abundantly soak a cotton-gauze swab with the same composition. Leave the tampon on overnight (or, if uncomfortable, for 2-3 hours). Do irrigation from the first dry day of the cycle, 12 times in a row and repeat in next cycle.
FROM sincere wishes do without surgery, Olga!
We will be glad to see you in the Staroslav Ecofactory brand stores in your city, as well as in our online store.
GOOD LUCK and keep in touch!

08/14/18 Vadim


I turn to you out of desperation. I have a disease that originally arose in 2012 was called MDS. This is a blood disease (myelodysplastic syndrome) with a breakdown of the 5q DNA chromosome. This year there was a transformation into acute myeloid leukemia. Hematologists say that chemotherapy cannot be done because of weak immunity based on this DNA damage. And the fact that the first chemistry will be the last. They left me alone with this deadly disease.

Help, please, if there is any hope for treatment with your advice. Thanks in advance. I'm 52 years old.

Hello dear Vadim!

I think you can’t wait, you need to look for "..." Periwinkle rose tincture), from which the drug was previously made for the treatment of leukemia, and start taking it according to the drip scheme.

1. While waiting for this tincture, you can quickly make a tincture of Great Celandine:

2.0 g of dry grass pour 100.0 ml of 60% alcohol, leave for 7 days, strain and drink 12 drops 3 times a day, before meals, in 1 tbsp. water. The course - until you get Periwinkle tincture.

2 tbsp heat the roots crushed to grits for half an hour in 400.0 ml of water in a sealed container over low heat. Do not bring to a boil, loses properties! Insist 4 hours, strain. Drink 2 tbsp. 4-5 times a day. UAC control - every week. From here, the duration of the course will be clear.

3. Collecting herbs, at the same time.

Grind grass and fruits evenly up to 2-3 mm, roots up to 3-5 mm - at the beginning mechanically to small pieces, then on a coffee grinder; mix evenly.

Herbs without a dose should be taken in tablespoons.

1 tbsp mixture pour 300.0 ml of cold drinking water for an hour, then bring to a boil. Simmer over low heat or boiling water bath, covered, 15 minutes.

Cool, strain, squeeze and add to 300.0 ml.

Drink 100.0 ml three times a day, 30 minutes before meals. Course - 2 months.

But it is necessary to address to other hematologists. Even in the same city, 2 hospitals give different recommendations.

Don't lose heart and send us your CLA and cytogram.

08/13/18 Alexandra Ivanovna

My treatment according to your recommendations of 03/10/17 dragged on: for a long time I could not collect the herbs that needed to be included in the collection and put the tincture. And since the state of health did not improve, she turned to a neurologist and began to receive traditional treatment: injections, pills. The condition improved a little when I added swimming 2-3 times a week to this treatment, Nordic walking 20-30 minutes a day and kneading the muscles of the entire back with tennis balls.

The load was increased gradually. Then I connected the tincture of Arnica mountain and the collection of herbs that you recommended to me. By the end of May 2018, I completed the intake course. The tincture of Arnica mountain took 1 month, the collection of herbs - 2 months. I took the collection of herbs with pleasure, then I didn’t really like the taste and smell of Arnica mountain tincture (it looks like calendula - I have an allergy from it) - I drank, but there was no desire to drink.

Currently, I continue to swim in the pool for 40 minutes, 2 times a week (I swim only on my back), on other days I do Nordic walking for 30-40 minutes, in addition, once a day I stretch my back muscles with tennis balls. As a result, I don’t feel dizzy, the heaviness in my head also disappeared, but there were pains in the neck, sometimes it hurts between the shoulder blades. These pains intensify if I sit at the computer or read a book or magazine. I start kneading with my hands and tennis balls, then it gets better.

I try to keep the pressure normal. In addition, at the end of 2017, peeling, redness, and then severe itching appeared on my scalp. Has addressed to the dermatologist. He first diagnosed: seborrhea, prescribed treatment in the form of Elokom lotion and shampoos with zinc, but it did not help. He has now been diagnosed with psoriasis. I prescribed treatment in the form of Belosalik hormonal ointment and Etrivex hormonal shampoo, the course is 14 days, but I don’t want to be treated with hormonal drugs right away.

Yulia Evgenievna, I don’t know what to do, because psoriasis is practically not treated. Advise with what to me to begin treatment. The doctor says that the cause of this disease was severe stress - a car accident with a broken collarbone and hormonal imbalance - menopause.

And also, is it necessary to continue drinking courses of Arnica mountain tincture and collection of herbs with Tribulus, Borovoy uterus and other herbs?

Thank you in advance.

Hello, dear Alexandra Ivanovna!

I sympathize, but there is no need to dramatize psoriasis like that. If this is indeed him, then a very limited form. Despite this, we must always start from the inside, which we will do. And the collection for dizziness can be changed, or repeated, if you like - closer to October. From mountain Arnica, we, too, can easily refuse in favor of white mistletoe, or Nipponian Dioscorea, or even the old Kremlin drops remedy.

And now we will drink such a collection:

Mix 1:0.5 with baby cream and rub into the scalp 2-3 times a day.

And immediately write about the results of rubbing.

Goodbye, I'm waiting!

08/07/18 Elena

Good day, Elena!

Get and start taking according to the slide scheme. Choose your own manufacturer.

2. Locally.

Irrigation with Celandine large:

Pour 30.0 g of dry chopped celandine grass with 1.0 liter of water, bring to a boil and cook for 20 minutes over low heat. Let cool, then strain and squeeze.

For irrigation, 150.0 ml of warm broth is needed.

Do them from the first dry day, 10 times in a row, if the periods have recovered; or 10 times from any day and repeat in the next cycle, or month.

Good afternoon.

Your endothelium, Tatyana, is rather thin. heavy periods can be caused by weakness of the myometrium. Let's try this:

Pour 30.0 g of dry grass with 150.0 ml of 60% alcohol (or pharmacy Gerboton). Insist in the dark for 10 days, strain. Drink 15 drops 3 times a day, before or during meals. Course - 4 weeks.

Grind grass and fruits evenly up to 2-3 mm, roots up to 3-5 mm - at the beginning mechanically to small pieces, then on a coffee grinder; mix evenly.

Herbs without a dose should be taken in tablespoons.

1 tbsp mixture pour 200.0 ml of cold drinking water for an hour, then bring to a boil. Simmer over low heat or boiling water bath, covered, 15 minutes.

Cool, strain, squeeze and add to 200.0 ml.

Drink 70.0 ml three times a day, 30 minutes before meals. Course - 2 months.

3. Irrigation, from 5-14 d.c.

Grind and take equally.

1 tbsp mix pour 350.0 ml of water, bring to a boil and cook for 5 minutes. Leave for 30 minutes, strain.

Douche according to all the rules, lying in the bathroom, throwing your legs on the side (in the position of the woman in labor), for at least 10 minutes. At the end of the procedure, abundantly soak a cotton-gauze swab with the same composition. Leave the tampon on overnight and repeat on the next cycle.

The default amount of herbs is in tablespoons.

Keep me posted, Tatyana!

We will be glad to see you in the Staroslav Ecofactory brand stores in your city, as well as in our online store.

GOOD LUCK and keep in touch!

02.08.18 Julia

Hello Yulia Evgenievna!

In search of competent help, I came across this site and decided to contact you immediately - for two serious problems.

The first concerns the father. In March 2015, he was diagnosed with adenocarcinoma of the middle lobe of the right lung (pT2N0M0). An operation was performed to remove the middle lobe and lymph nodes. There was no chemotherapy after the operation, because histology showed that the removed lymph nodes were clean. All this time, dad periodically underwent scheduled examinations.

Since February of this year, constant complaints of coughing began. But during a (cursive) examination at a scheduled appointment with an oncologist in March, X-rays revealed nothing suspicious. Complaints of coughing, general weakness were not given any importance.

Hello Julia!

I think that Aconite should be taken as the basis of alternative therapy, but only at the end full course chemotherapy. Everything else makes perfect sense to take in the process and on breaks.

With regard to any recommendations from the forums, including amaranth oil, I can say that a lot takes away from the main goal. But, if you believe in the naturalness of this oil, you can take it for food purposes. Just be aware that the prices are inflated. I would prefer .

Drink 100.0 ml three times a day, 30 minutes before meals. Course - 2 months.

Pour 50.0 grams of crushed roots with 500.0 ml of vodka or cognac and leave for 10 days in a dark place, shaking occasionally. Strain.

Nothing inhibits lung metastasis better than topical cocklebur. And best of all, as practice shows, smoke works.

Pour 10.0 g of chopped mushroom with 500.0 ml of 40% alcohol, close tightly and leave in a dark, cool place for 3 weeks. Shake periodically.

Drink, diluting with a small amount of water, 1 tsp. three times a day, on an empty stomach. The dose can be increased according to well-being up to 1 tbsp. 3 times a day. The course is 1.5-2 months.

Take Preductal without a doubt, this is a good remedy and will not interfere with the main therapy.

It is necessary to reduce the level of fluid in the pleura without punctures.

In addition to taking Veroshpiron (every other day, 2 tablets in the morning), dietary restrictions on salt and the total volume of liquid, try lotions with high Larkspur:

5 g of a well-chopped root, or herb Larkspur high, pour 100.0 ml of boiling water, cook for 10 minutes on low heat under the lid, add up to 100.0 ml hot water and strain. The cake is placed in a gauze napkin, moistened in a decoction at room temperature and fixed on the hypochondrium area for thirty to forty minutes, 2 times a day. Course - 3 weeks.

Additions are possible in the process.

GOOD LUCK and keep in touch!

07/25/18 Dmitry

It is necessary to limit bodily and intimate contacts, have separate towels, and use disposable accessories when processing.

Pour 100.0 g of chopped grass with 500.0 ml of vodka and insist in a dark, cold place for 10 days, shaking occasionally. Strain. Drink 1 teaspoon, diluted in 1 tbsp. water, 2 times a day, before meals. The course is 1 month, a break of 2 weeks and go to the tincture of thuja.

Pour young shoots of thuja with vodka 1:10 and insist in the dark for 10 days, shaking occasionally. Strain, squeeze. Drink 8 drops in 2 tbsp. water, within 14 days.

3. Finish the course with Celandine tincture:

Tincture of Great Celandine.

Grind grass and fruits evenly up to 2-3 mm, roots up to 3-5 mm - at the beginning mechanically to small pieces, then on a coffee grinder; mix evenly.

Herbs without a dose should be taken in tablespoons.

1 tbsp mixture pour 300.0 ml of cold drinking water for an hour, then bring to a boil. Simmer over low heat or boiling water bath, covered, 15 minutes.

Cool, strain, squeeze and add to 300.0 ml.

Drink 100.0 ml three times a day, 30 minutes before meals. Course - 2 months.

5. Locally.

Extinguish the rashes with tincture of Lespedeza kopechnikova, alternating with the spraying of a special drug - Epigen intima (for any localization); or apply Epigen gel. The course is the entire period of rashes.

We will be glad to see you in the Staroslav Ecofactory brand stores in your city, as well as in our online store.


07/25/18 Vera

Hello Yulia Evgenievna!

But the ESR is 3, leukocytes and eosinophils are normal, hemoglobin is 148! Further: increased erythrocytes - 5.5, increased hematocrit - 47 and basophils 0.06 and 1.3%, reduced average concentration of Hb in erythrocytes - 31.6. From biochemical analysis reduced immunoglobulin A - 17.8, and increased G - 1585 and M - 143.6. Of the hormones, antibodies to microsomal thyroperoxidase were increased - 15.14. Increased antibodies to the Epstein-Barr virus IgG - 44.59. The rest of the tests are normal.

Hello Vera!

But words to God that the aft is less!

The child grows very quickly and eats poorly, therefore, and thin. Changes in the blood, this is a sign of iron deficiency - you need to donate blood for Ferritin. Immunoglobulins G will be elevated, that's their job to fight viruses. But we will lower the level.

It is necessary to begin the next round of therapy:

1. Tincture of Great Celandine.

2.0 g of dry grass pour 100.0 ml of 60% alcohol, leave for 7 days, strain and drink 10-12 drops 3 times a day, before meals, in 1 tbsp. water. Course - 1 month, break 14 days and repeat if necessary. Celandine is moderately poisonous, do not exceed the dose!

2. Collection of herbs.

Roots: Valerian officinalis - 1, Burdock - 2; Swamp duckweed - 2 (exactly 3 weeks later, remove from the collection),

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