Money tree medicinal properties. Could there be harm? Getting rid of varicose veins

The fat woman is also known to fans of indoor plant growing as the "money tree". Another name for this indoor flower- krasula so it has a reddish tint lower parts fleshy leaves.

According to the belief of the "Feng Shuists", the fat woman brings wealth, prosperity and success to the owners in the house.

According to the eastern cult, fat girl is able to absorb bad energy and is therefore very actively used in the teachings of Feng Shui.

Today for you, dear readers, medicinal properties fat women, money tree.

Crassula, money tree medicinal properties

A fat woman is very popular among flower growers because of her unpretentiousness. external conditions growing this plant. Krasula is resistant to many diseases and pests. This was noticed by traditional healers and the fat woman began to be used in traditional medicine like scarlet and kalanchoe. Over time, in folk medicine, their own developments appeared on the successful use in the treatment of this plant.

Since traces of arsenic compounds were found in the fat woman, the use of this plant in folk medicine is not very extensive. And in official medicine, arsenic is used extremely rarely due to increased toxicity, except perhaps in dentistry to kill the nerve in the tooth. And therefore, treatment with a money tree with ingestion is used extremely moderately and carefully.

In the past, physicians were less adamant about the use of arsenic in medical practice and successfully treated with the "money tree" various wounds, sprains, bruises, burns and other human skin diseases, some gastrointestinal diseases and even external forms of cancer.

Crassula plant medicinal properties and contraindications

The fat girl, in addition to medicinal properties, also has contraindications. Since there are traces of elements of arsenic in the fat woman, which has the properties accumulate in the body, directly in the tissues of the bones, and this led to the rejection of its use in human treatment.

Between scientists in scientific circles, there are still serious disputes about the use of arsenic in the treatment of certain diseases. The risk of self-treatment with a fat woman remains high. And therefore it is necessary to weigh all the benefits and all the harm in the treatment of "money tree".

Medicinal properties fat women are very extensive. In folk medicine, the "money tree" is used, as already discussed above, mainly for external use in the treatment of skin ailments, injuries and injuries. Inside, use only after consulting a doctor.

To use funds from the fat woman, it is necessary to prepare a mushy drug from the leaves of the plant and apply directly to wounds, sprains and other skin lesions in the form of a compress.

Another name for the fat woman is the corn. This name speaks for itself about the use of the plant - this is the removal of corns. The money tree copes with this very well, because it removes even very old corns and all thanks to the caustic properties inherent in arsenic, which was used by folk healers in the distant past. To do this, remove the film from the leaf, attach it to the corn with a bandage and leave it overnight. In the same way, it is recommended to apply for shallow burns.

It turns out how much valuable properties at the fat woman.

Crassula money tree medicinal properties

The fat woman or money tree has medicinal properties of extensive use and is used in various options. It can be an infusion, tincture, ointment or just juice. The juice from the leaves of the fat woman is widely used. Juice from the leaves of the money tree or krasula is used to treat the following ailments:

  1. Elimination of pain in the joints;
  2. Gout;
  3. arthrosis;
  4. Arthritis;
  5. Edema with insect bites;
  6. Herpes;
  7. Angina (gargle);
  8. Dental diseases (rinsing);
  9. Polyps in the nose (douching);
  10. Hemorrhoids (tamponage);
  11. Varicose veins (compress);
  12. Ulcer of the stomach and duodenum.

To douche the nasal cavity, it is necessary to dilute the juice from 10 leaves of the fat woman in water (150 ml). Douche 3-5 times a day.

For tamponage with hemorrhoids, you need to mix the juice with liquid petroleum jelly until the emulsion is thick. Then soak cotton swabs and apply to hemorrhoids. Carry out the procedure 2 - 3 times a day.

For the treatment of varicose veins, it is necessary to apply a compress from the tincture of the fat woman. To prepare the tincture, you need to take a glass container and fill it by a third with finely chopped leaves of the money tree. Then pour alcohol or high-quality vodka (40%). Insist 3 - 4 weeks. This tincture can be rubbed with rheumatism, inflammation of the ternary or facial nerve, for pain relief.

Although ingestion of the money tree is not welcomed by some doctors, data have been collected that when daily use two leaves, healing of the mucous membrane occurs. Thus, gastric and duodenal ulcers are treated.

In the same way they treat traditional healers kidney disease. It's already being cooked here water infusion. To prepare the infusion, you need to take 5 leaves of the money tree, pour 200 gr. boiling water and leave for 1 hour. Use 3 times a day, 1 tablespoon for 15 minutes. before meals.

Money tree not only beautiful plant, but also useful, as proven by many folk healers. They should only be treated after consultation with personal doctor and in moderation, in order to use the properties of the fat woman with benefit.

The fat girl has a pretty solid Latin name, quite convenient for Russian hearing - crassula, however, the name “money tree” stuck to it most of all. Thanks to final victory feng shui fat woman is known and valued as a plant that brings wealth, not health.
Although in reality it is just the opposite: financial usefulness of this plant, as they say, science is not known, in contrast to the usefulness of the medical. What attracts in it, first of all, is the elegance and variety of forms, the utmost unpretentiousness and resistance to disease, as well as the promised financial well-being, while not everyone realizes that they can be successfully treated. But in terms of strength and spectrum healing effect a fat woman can be safely compared even with such a pillar of folk healing, like aloe.

    The Crassulaceae family belongs to succulents and is extremely rich (about 350 species), the most famous representative of this family in medical terms is Kalanchoe, healing power which is also used by mainstream medicine. Folk medicine is best known for such types of fat women as Crassula ovata (oval) and Crassula portulacea (purslane), she is also a "money tree".

    Chemical composition and pharmacological properties

    Although serious scientific research chemical composition and pharmacological properties Crassula has not yet been carried out; traces of arsenic compounds have been found in it. This circumstance is main limiter to use the fat woman official medicine. However, the ancient doctors quite widely used arsenic for the most various diseases. The flavonoids found in Crassula help to strengthen the vascular wall.

    The remedies used in folk medicine for the treatment of fatty are associated with its anti-inflammatory, regenerating, antimicrobial, antiviral, antipruritic properties.

    Application in traditional medicine

    One of the definitely useful properties money tree is associated with its name. No, they didn’t guess, not a “money tree”. This is her Latin name. If our lovely ladies were more often told that in Latin a fat woman is Crassula (from crassus - fat), they would be much less complexed because of extra pounds, but, on the contrary, would call themselves beautiful referring to authority ancient language, is not it? And complexes are nerves, and nerves are those extra pounds...

    But seriously, the presence of a fat woman on the windowsill healing effect already due to its ability to purify the air due to its pronounced phytoncidal properties (the ability to kill pathogens). There is also an opinion that in the house where the fat woman grows, there is very good energy.

    With antimicrobial and antiviral purposes in folk medicine, the juice of the leaves of the money tree is used for sore throats, tonsillitis, runny nose in the form of gargles with infusion of leaves of the throat and instillation of juice into the nose.

    Most wide application fat women - external. This is how they treat wounds, cuts, bruises, suppurations, using the regenerating and antimicrobial property of the fat woman. Lubricate the juice of the plant, apply crushed leaves. Wounds are disinfected and heal quickly.

    At arthritis, arthrosis, osteochondrosis, gout Crassula in the form of applications from gruel or rubbing with leaf juice has an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect.

    Another well known vernacular name fat women - "cornflower", which is associated with the successful disposal of this plant from calluses and corns, for which compresses are made, applying gruel from the leaves at night.

    The fat woman is a real find for people who often suffer from herpetic eruptions on the lips. To do this, it is enough to lubricate the affected area with a fresh cut of the leaf, it is advisable to do this at the first symptoms of the disease. The high antiviral activity of the fat woman will relieve you of discomfort and external defect rather quickly.

    Crassula juice is also treated varicose veins, hemorrhoids, applying gruel compresses to the inflamed areas, in the case of hemorrhoids - with olive oil. For the treatment of fat varicose disease also used alcohol tincture from leaves.

    The antipruritic property of the fat woman is also valued by folk medicine: it can be used with insect bites, allergic dermatitis , simply lubricating the itchy place with the juice of the plant.

    An aqueous infusion of the leaves of a fat woman in folk medicine is treated inflammatory diseases kidneys and stomach.

    Contraindications and precautions

    Self-medication is not only harmful, but also dangerous!

    The fat woman is not poisonous. However, it continues to cause unceasing controversy in the scientific and pseudo-scientific environment. After all, the arsenic contained in it - even in such meager amounts - does not give reason to consider it completely safe plant. Advice should be taken with great care. chew two or three leaves of raspberry before eating". Arsenic is a poison, its compounds - arsenides are able to accumulate in bone tissue, and this sharply limits the use of fat women inside. In addition, it can cause individual intolerance. It is best to prevent your beloved money tree from being accidentally eaten by your even more beloved children and pets - in significant quantities this can cause symptoms of poisoning.

    And we must first of all remember that the disease is always easier to prevent than to treat, therefore, at the first signs of the disease, one should not delay the visit to the doctor.

    Summarizing, I would like to say, dear readers, if you still do not have this wonderful plant in every sense in your house - true friend and healer, and extremely picky and very grateful - hurry up! Now the fat woman can be purchased at any flower shop. And if there is, but you expect something vague like cash flow from it, we are happy to tell you how to use it amazing plant smart, specific and healthy. After all, health is the greatest wealth!

    Useful video

    In these videos you can get acquainted with the healing properties of Crassula:

A fat woman, or, as the people call this plant, a money tree, can be found in almost every home. And this is no coincidence. According to legend, the money tree brings prosperity to the house. In addition, the plant is unpretentious and very attractive. In the conditions of the house, as a rule, a tree-like fat woman is grown. However, few people are familiar with its medicinal properties.

leaves it houseplant it is recommended to use for scratches and small wounds, after cutting and applying to the place of damage. It also has healing properties in the elimination of inflammatory processes in the kidneys. When applied medicinal plant it is necessary to make a decoction from its leaves. It should be taken before meals (fifteen to twenty minutes) three times a day. Single dosage - a tablespoon.

Crassula shows medicinal properties, improving the energy of the room in which it grows. In the event that one of the people living in the room is sick, the plant, drawing in negative energy, sheds its leaves. After recovery, a person is immediately transformed.

Crassula has medicinal properties that allow it to have an antiviral, bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effect on the body. It is recommended to use the juice of the fat woman when getting rid of the manifestations. In this case, the lesions are lubricated healing agent every half hour. Crassula juice is used for tonsillitis and tonsillitis. With these pathologies, it is diluted with water, rinsing the throat with the resulting solution. Crassula medical is recommended for peptic ulcers stomach and duodenum.

The juice of a medicinal plant helps with arthritis of the joints of the hands (they lubricate sore spots before going to bed). Removes the plant fat woman itching and burning in places of stings of bees, mosquitoes or wasps. In this case, juice squeezed from the leaves of the money tree is used.

The fat woman also finds its application for burns. Cut leaves are applied to sore spots, which must be fixed with a bandage. The bandage changes periodically. Crassula shows medicinal properties and with problems of an ingrown nail. With this pathology, it is necessary to apply a cut leaf of the plant to the inflamed area, which is then covered with cellophane and fixed with a plaster. The bandage changes periodically. After some time, it becomes possible to remove the ingrown nail without much difficulty.

Contribute healing properties fat women and removal of corns. In this case, it is necessary to apply a leaf of a plant from which the upper film is removed to the sore spot. Crassula juice helps with bruises and sprains. They need to rub the sore spots.

The fat woman is a houseplant, better known as the money tree. It is believed that it brings well-being and prosperity to the house, and also positively affects its energy. But the benefits of the money tree are not limited to these properties: the plant is able to cure a number of diseases. This is not mentioned in official sources, but traditional healers confirmed this.

Crassula plant: description, photo

The fat woman is also called the krasulla, the coin tree, the fat woman and the tree of happiness. Is it annual, biennial, or perennial with over 300 species. Homeland of Crassula - South Africa, now in nature it is found in almost all countries of the Southern Hemisphere.

The leaves of the fat woman are juicy and fleshy, they have unique property- the ability to accumulate moisture, this allows the plant to survive in drought conditions. The stem is hard, woody, in most cases erect. The flowers are small, solitary or collected in inflorescences, white or pinkish in color.

The most common types of money tree grown at home are the oval crassula, tree crassula, Schmidt crassula. Each has its own characteristics.

is a perennial succulent tree that is distinguished by dark green oval leaves with a pale red rim. It grows to a height of up to 1 m. It rarely blooms.

- perennial plant, reaching 1.5 m in height. The leaves of this species are gray with a red border. Tree crassula flowers have salient feature: at the beginning of flowering they are white, and gradually turn pink over time.

- An annual tree. Features of the species are bright coral flowers and pointed leaves.

The fat woman is unpretentious, tolerates drought and heat well. Caring for her is not difficult, but it is important to follow the basic requirements.

Flower care at home

In order for the money tree to grow well, a rounded crown is formed, and many leaves appear, follow the following rules.

by Notes of the Wild Mistress

Money tree, crassula or crassula are the names of the same houseplant with a lignified trunk and small coin-like leaves. Few people know that not only the money tree is famous for its decorative effect, the healing properties of this culture have long been used in folk medicine.

Money tree and its healing properties

Traditional healers and representatives of Eastern religions claim that the money tree can absorb negative energy, heal the soul and attract wealth to the house. An unpretentious tree in care has long become an adornment of almost every apartment and house.

AT medicinal purposes juicy fleshy leaves of crassula are used. The value is the juice of the money tree, which contains arsenic. This explains the analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antiviral effect of the plant. The fat woman helps to cure skin diseases and trauma, inflammation of the mucous membranes and relieve pain.

What and how the money tree treats: folk recipes and tips

Even just being in the apartment, the money tree purifies the air and destroys bacteria. Crassula leaves are crushed into gruel, juice is squeezed out, lotions are prepared from them and even taken orally.

1. Treatment skin diseases fat woman

People treat herpes, eczema, lichen, allergies and even psoriasis with the help of lotions from the juice of the money tree:

1) prepare a piece of gauze or a bandage for a compress;

2) pick a few leaves of crassula and rinse them with water;

3) chop the leaves with a blender and put on a clean gauze;

4) apply lotions on sore skin for 4 hours.

Rashes on the lips and insect bites should be lubricated with fatty juice every 1-2 hours, or cotton swabs should be applied. Your money tree can also save you from corns. It is only necessary to fasten a cut of a sheet of a fat woman to a corn that bothers you at night.

2. Money tree: benefits for the stomach and intestines

The wound-healing effect of the fat woman allows it to be widely used in gastroenterology. For ulcers, colitis and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, it is recommended to eat 2 leaves of the money tree every morning. Chew the medicine slowly, do not drink it, and do not eat breakfast for an hour.

3. Crassula leaves for kidney treatment

From inflammation of the kidneys, an infusion of crassula leaves helps well. You can prepare it as follows:

1) Grind 5-6 leaves of the fat woman into gruel;

2) pour the mixture with 250 ml of boiling water;

3) insist about an hour.

The resulting broth should be consumed before meals in a tablespoon.

4. Money Tree Juice for Sore Throats

Angina, tonsillitis and others inflammatory processes in the mouth and throat can be quickly cured by rinsing with the crassula nipple. To do this, mix warm water with money tree juice 1 to 0.5. Gargle with this liquid 6-8 times a day.

5. Crassula in the treatment of arthritis and varicose veins

For the treatment of joint diseases, prepare alcohol infusion fat women:

1) finely chop or grind 20 crassula leaves;

2) fill the porridge with a glass of vodka and leave for a week.

Such a composition can be used as a rubbing before bedtime, or a compress on sore joints. Varicose veins are also treated with money tree sap. It can be mixed with baby cream or rubbed neat on the skin.

6. Money tree - help with injuries, bruises and abrasions

You can quickly get rid of scratches, bruises and bruises with fresh juice or crushed fatty leaves. Lubricate the sore spots with healing liquid or make lotions with crassula gruel every 3 hours. You can moisten the bandage in the juice of the money tree and wrap it around the injured area. From above, warm the bandage with a cloth, and change the bandage every 2 hours.

7. Treatment of hemorrhoids with Crassula

lighten discomfort and speed up recovery from hemorrhoids will help tampons with fatty juice. mix Fresh Juice from 4-5 sheets of money tree with vaseline oil 1 to 1. The solution can be used to lubricate the hemorrhoids, as well as put gauze swabs soaked in the solution inside for 15-20 minutes.

Can a money tree harm health?

Let's not forget about arsenic, which is contained in the leaves of the fat woman. Exceeding the norm of the use of this substance can cause a deterioration in the well-being of a person. The result of an excess of arsenic in the body can become: diarrhea, dizziness, vomiting and clouding of consciousness. These same symptoms can cause too long-term treatment fatty juice.

"Use self-medication methods only with the permission of a doctor, strictly observe the required doses of medicinal lotions and solutions with money tree juice, and nothing will harm your health!"
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