Camphor: instructions for safe and effective use. Camphor: properties and uses

Camphor is a colorless crystalline mass obtained from camphor, basil or fir oil by synthesis. Used for external and internal treatment.

When applied topically, it is possible to relieve itching, inflammation, and accelerate wound healing.

To eliminate problems with the heart and breathing, the drug is prescribed internally, the specific form of camphor is determined by the doctor.

In childhood and adulthood, it is prescribed in the absence of hypersensitivity, allergies, contraindications.

The dosage is determined for each patient after diagnosis.

Instructions for use

pharmachologic effect

Camphor has a beneficial effect on tissues and organs, improving their trophism. The drug stimulates nervous excitement. After the first injection, it increases the sensitivity of nerve endings. When applied topically, an anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, analgesic effect is achieved.

parenteral administration stimulates an increase in blood pressure, increased breathing and heart rate. There is a noticeable vasoconstrictor effect, the contractility of the myocardium increases. The respiratory organs react to the administration of camphor by increased expectoration of secretions and accumulated mucus.

With subcutaneous administration, a beneficial effect on the myocardium is noted, it heals and contracts better. The speed of metabolic processes increases. Camphor provides saturation of organs and tissues with oxygen, nutrients, blood. This improves their function, accelerates the process of cellular renewal.

Release form and composition

The main active ingredient is camphor.. Available in several pharmacological forms. It is prescribed taking into account the diagnosis of the patient and the tolerability of the active substance.

  • Powder camphor in small sachets
  • Racemic camphor
  • Oil solution of 1, 2, 10 ml
  • Camphor oil 30 ml
  • Alcohol tincture 40, 60, 80 ml

Indications for use

The drug is prescribed in the presence of the following indications:

  • emergency care for acute and chronic heart failure;
  • collapse and the need to excite the respiratory function;
  • emergency assistance in stimulating blood circulation;

  • treatment of low blood pressure and breathing problems;
  • therapy of infectious diseases of the blood, in which there are problems with the heart and breathing;
  • development of purulent pleurisy;
  • asphyxia of any type;

  • muscle pain and fatigue;
  • stress and unstable mental state;
  • poisoning of the body, most often in the treatment of carbon monoxide intoxication and sedatives;
  • treatment of freckles and skin rashes;
  • therapy to eliminate near-wound eczema;
  • relieving itching and inflammation from the skin;
  • cosmetic procedures.

Method of application and dosage

When using the medication for subcutaneous injection It is recommended to warm Camphor in hands. The classic dosage of the drug for adult patients is 1-5 ml up to three times a day.

To relieve pain or tension, rubbing in the active substance is recommended, best during massage sessions. The dose is 4-5 drops of camphor oil. The active substance is mixed with 15 ml of any massage oil.

For serious heart conditions and breathing problems, the form of the medication and the dose are selected individually. To stimulate breathing for one procedure, 2 drops of the active substance are required, it is placed in an aroma lamp.

Attention! For children, the dosage of the active substance is selected according to age and weight. Self-administration subcutaneously in this group of patients is strictly prohibited, as there is a high risk of an allergic reaction.

Interaction with other drugs

  • It is used with great care at the same time as other stimulants, as delirium and excessive nervous excitement may occur.
  • The use of Camphor at the same time as cardiac drugs and to stimulate the respiratory function requires a more careful dose selection so as not to excessively increase blood pressure and prevent respiratory overload.
  • For external application, it is not recommended to use the drug at the same time as creams, ointments and lotions. Such use can increase the irritant effect and provoke a rash and redness.

Video: What helps camphor oil?

Side effects

And did you know that…

Next fact

When using Camphorthere is a risk of the following side effects:

  • live embolism, which is characterized by acute blockage of vessels with oil;
  • irritation and redness of the skin;
  • swelling and swelling of the injection site;
  • anaphylactic shock;
  • rash resembling scarlet fever;
  • severe headache and dizziness;
  • convulsive state and delirium;
  • a sharp jump in blood pressure and acute excitability.

Attention! If side effects occur, you should immediately consult a doctor in order to accurately determine the cause of the violation. In some cases, it is sufficient to reduce the dose of the active substance and conduct a small course of symptomatic treatment.


Excessive use of the drug leads to the side effects described above. The probability of developing a live embolism increases several times. Treatment is symptomatic, carried out under the supervision of a physician.


Camphor is not suitable for the following problems:

Use during pregnancy and lactation

The drug is usually not prescribed during pregnancy, since there is a risk of an allergic reaction due to changes in hormonal levels. During lactation, it is also necessary to consult a doctor about the possibility of using Camphor, since it can penetrate into the baby's body through breast milk.

special instructions

When using Camphor, there are several mandatory factors to consider:

  • in the presence of wounds on the skin and abrasions, it is necessary to consult a doctor before using the drug, since contact with an open wound can cause severe inflammation and irritation;
  • in childhood, Camphor causes side symptoms several times more often, which is associated with the special sensitivity of their body;
  • the drug does not affect the ability to drive vehicles and complex mechanisms, except in cases where the active substance provoked headaches, dizziness and delirium.

Video: "The use of camphor alcohol"

Terms and conditions of storage

Camphor should be stored, taking into account the form of its release, away from direct sunlight. The maximum storage temperature is +25 degrees, can not be kept at negative temperatures.

  • The shelf life of the ointment is 4 years.
  • The granules should be used within 24 months.
  • Alcohol tincture can be stored for 12 months.
  • Camphor powder is used for 6 years.
  • Oil solution for external use has a shelf life of 2 years.

Price and terms of dispensing from pharmacies

Camphor is released from the pharmacy network without a doctor's prescription. The average cost of a drug in Russia is 15-300 rubles. In Ukraine, the drug can be purchased at a price of 5.5 to 120 hryvnia.

Camphor analogs

The drug has no analogues. Given the diagnosis, the patient may be replaced with Camphor forms, if possible. In the treatment of heart failure, intoxication, blood infections and purulent processes in the respiratory system, only the subcutaneous method of therapy can be used.

To enhance the impact, you can try replacing Camphor with Viprosal B. An expensive substitute for a medicine, since it additionally contains viper venom and turpentine. It is used only externally in the treatment of muscle diseases,

Camphor is a drug from the group of analeptics.

What is the composition and form of release of Camphor?

The pharmaceutical industry produces the drug in a solution for subcutaneous administration, it is an oily liquid that is placed in glass ampoules. You can buy a drug on a prescription form.

The active substance camphor is presented in a dosage of 200, 400 milligrams, and there are also ampoules of two grams. The date of manufacture is affixed to the container with the drug, in addition, there is also a sales period, after which the drug must be disposed of.

What is the effect of Camphor?

The drug Camphor is of plant origin. It has an analeptic effect, has a cardiotonic and expectorant effect, in addition, a vasoconstrictor effect of the drug on the body has been recorded, that is, vasoconstriction occurs.

The drug stimulates the centers located in the medulla oblongata, we are talking about the respiratory and vasomotor. In addition, the drug enhances metabolic processes in the heart muscle, increasing the sensitivity of the myocardium.

The tool increases the tone of blood vessels, mainly veins, increases blood flow directly to the heart, improves coronary blood flow, normalizes blood supply to the brain and lung tissue. The action of the drug is also aimed at suppressing platelet aggregation.

The active substance contributes to a better separation of sputum, standing out directly through the respiratory tract. Sufficiently high permeability of the drug through the placental barrier and the blood-brain barrier, in addition, the drug is secreted with mother's milk.

The drug Camphor leaves the body through the urinary system, in particular, up to 70% of the drug compounds are excreted with the kidneys, up to ten with bile, and 20% through the lungs.

What are the indications for the use of Camphor medicine?

The drug Camphor is indicated for use in chronic heart failure, the drug is prescribed when a collapse occurs. In addition, when the respiratory center is depressed during severe pneumonia and other infectious diseases, as well as when the body is poisoned with sleeping pills and narcotic analgesics.

What are the contraindications for Camphor?

Among the contraindications of Camphor, the instructions for use indicate that the patient has epilepsy, as well as hypersensitivity directly to camphor. With caution, the medication is used in pediatrics, during pregnancy, in addition, during the lactation period.

What are the uses and dosages of Camphor?

The drug Camphor is used parenterally, in particular, the solution is administered subcutaneously, while adults are usually recommended to administer one or two milliliters of the drug every 2 or 3 hours, or 4 or 5 ml twice a day. In pediatrics, the remedy is used with caution, while the amount of medication is determined by the attending specialist, based on the age of the child.

Before direct administration of the drug solution, it is recommended to leave it for two to three hours at room temperature, after it warms up, you can inject it subcutaneously.

Overdose from Camphor

During an overdose of Camphor solution, the patient will develop reddening of the skin of the face, motor excitation joins, the occurrence of delirium is characteristic, as well as the so-called epileptiform convulsions. In this case, the patient should be given symptomatic treatment, if necessary, the patient is hospitalized in a hospital.

What are the side effects of camphor?

During the introduction of the solution, the patient may experience side effects that will manifest themselves as a headache, dizziness may join, if the drug enters the blood vessel, a fat embolism develops.

Local negative manifestations in response to the introduction of the solution are also characteristic, which is expressed by the development of the so-called oleogranuloma, when a rather dense formation forms under the skin, which is provoked by the introduction of an oily solution. This condition usually requires surgical treatment, as it rarely resolves on its own.

special instructions

If the medicinal solution is not stored correctly, its medicinal qualities may be lost, respectively, it is worth refraining from further use of such a drug. In addition, if a flocculent precipitate appears in the preparation, or the color of the liquid changes, then the subsequent administration of the Camphor medication must be abandoned.

How to replace Camphor, what analogues?

Camphor alcohol, Camphor ointment, Camphor oil, Synthetic camphor, Camphor oil, in addition, Camphor-valerian drops, as well as Racemic camphor, are analogues of medicines, they must be administered as directed by a doctor.


It is recommended to administer the drug only as prescribed by a qualified specialist, adhering to the dosages prescribed by the doctor. If any side effects occur from the administration of the solution, the patient should urgently consult a doctor who will take the necessary symptomatic measures.

Name: Camphor (Camphora)

Pharmacological effect:
It excites the central nervous system, stimulates blood circulation and respiration, and also has a positive effect on metabolic processes in the myocardium (heart muscle).

Camphor - indications for use:

Acute and chronic heart failure, hypotension (low blood pressure), collapse (a sharp drop in blood pressure); for the prevention and treatment of circulatory disorders in infectious diseases, pneumonia (pneumonia), purulent pleurisy (inflammation of the membranes of the lungs), drug poisoning, sleeping pills.

Camphor - how to use:

Subcutaneously, 1-5 ml of a 20% oil solution.

Camphor - side effects:

It is likely that the drug enters the lumen of the vessels and the development of oil embolism (blockage of blood vessels with oil). Sometimes urticaria, scarlet-like rash, agitation, delirium, convulsions.

Camphor - contraindications:

Subcutaneous administration for epilepsy, a tendency to convulsive reactions, insufficient lactation (milk secretion). It is used with caution in acute endocarditis (inflammation of the internal cavities of the heart), aneurysm (bulging of the wall) of large vessels.

Camphor - release form:

20% oily solution in ampoules of 1 ml and 2 ml in a package of 10 pieces.

Camphor - storage conditions:

In a dry place protected from light.

Camphor - synonyms:


Camphor - optional:

Camphor is also part of the preparations vitaon, denta, cameton, camphocin, capsicam, cardiovalen, coldrex broncho, liniment (balm) “sanitas”, M.J. magic balm, camphor ointment, sunoref ointment, camphor oil for external use, pulmex, renervol, camphor alcohol, forapin E.

Before using the medicine, you should consult your doctor. This manual is for informational purposes only.

Camphor is an organic compound of natural origin containing oxygen.

It looks like a white or transparent powder, whose granules are in the form of a crystal. It also has a strong specific smell.

Camphor origin

In nature, camphor is found in the essential oils of various plants. Its largest amount was found in the wood and resin of camphor laurel. It is from it that camphor, called natural, is extracted. There is also semi-synthetic camphor, obtained from fir oil, and synthetic camphor, for the manufacture of which turpentine is processed.

Many believe that the most useful and safe camphor is natural. However, medicines are made from it only for internal use. Synthetic and semi-synthetic camphors are included in products for external use only, but they are not inferior to natural ones in terms of their impact.

Camphor: properties

Camphor is an analeptic, that is, a substance that excites the central nervous system, namely its respiratory and This is manifested in increased breathing, increased heart rate, increased blood pressure and constriction of peripheral vessels.

In addition, when applied topically, camphor acts on body tissues and has an irritating, distracting, disinfecting, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. This helps to improve tissue nutrition, accelerate the removal of decay products and heal the affected areas.

During inhalation treatment with the aroma of camphor, improvement of cerebral circulation, removal of fatigue and depression, elimination of general weakness and improvement of sleep are noted.

It is for these properties of camphor that it is so valued in medicine.

Camphor: use in medicine

Camphor is used as a solution for injection and administered subcutaneously with a decrease in vascular tone and respiratory depression.

These symptoms are characteristic of deadly health conditions: collapse, hypotension, shock, fainting, chronic heart failure, myocarditis, endocarditis, sleeping pills and narcotic drugs.

Through the administration of camphor, it is possible to revive a person who has been harmed and begins to suffocate or faint from weakness.

In addition, when exposed to camphor, the body improves the condition of the heart muscle and accelerates the metabolism in cells, increases blood flow in the vessels leading to the brain and lungs, which can significantly improve the patient's condition.

There are preparations of camphor for external use, such as camphor alcohol or What are they used for?

Topical application of these drugs is indicated for damage to tissues, muscles, nerves and joints. The healing effect is observed in the treatment of burns, purulent wounds, frostbite, bruises, bruises, trophic ulcers. Treatment occurs by applying compresses, ointments or lotions with camphor to the affected areas. The same method is indicated for the prevention of pressure sores in immobile patients.

In complex treatment, camphor preparations help to get rid of pain in muscles and joints that occur with arthralgia, myalgia, sciatica, sciatica, and neuralgia.

Camphor: methods of application

To relieve pain in muscles or joints, as well as neuralgia, mix 5 drops of 10% camphor oil and 1 tablespoon of any massage oil. Rub this mixture on the affected area and cover it with a clean cloth. Well suited for these purposes and the drug camphor ointment, which can be used in its pure form.

Aromatherapy helps with overwork, prolonged insomnia, stress: place 2 drops of camphor essential oil in the aroma lamp bowl and inhale the aroma.

For otitis (ear inflammation), swabs soaked in camphor oil and applied behind the sore ear can help. From above they are covered with polyethylene and insulated with a wool bandage. Hold such a compress for 30 minutes, then remove.

To heal ulcers, wounds and hematomas, it is necessary to dilute camphor alcohol in half with water, moisten a sterile cloth with this solution and make compresses on the affected areas of the body. From above, it is desirable to cover the compress with a warm bandage. Instead of alcohol, you can also use camphor oil for external use, it is advisable to mix it with sunflower oil in equal proportions so as not to cause an allergic reaction in the body.

In case of colds with a strong cough, one should rub the chest, back and feet of the patient with camphor oil at night and wrap it warmly.

Or dilute camphor alcohol is prescribed for immobile patients. The procedure is carried out after hygiene measures. The patient needs to treat those parts of the body that are subjected to pressure (blood flow is disturbed in them). These places are rubbed with camphor oil or ointment, or camphor alcohol mixed with water, two or three times a day to prevent the formation of bedsores. This must be done daily while the patient is in this state.

Beware of camphor!

There are many recipes using camphor inside, but this is fraught with side effects. For example, with otitis media, it is recommended to drip camphor oil into the sore ear, for which undiluted 10% oil is used for external use. However, otitis media can be complicated by perforation of the eardrum, and ingestion of oil can aggravate the patient's condition.

Attention! If you are not sure if the camphor in your first aid kit is natural, then you should not bury it in your ears, nose or drink it, as this can cause serious consequences. It is better to limit yourself to external use and aromatherapy.

Camphor has a slight sedative effect, so it is not recommended for patients whose activities require attention and quick response.

Remember that after contact with camphor, you need to wash your hands, as it quickly absorbs into the skin, and if careless, it can get into your eyes or mouth.

Before self-medicating, test your sensitivity to camphor by placing a small amount on the skin and observing the body's reaction.

Do not self-administer camphor for injection under the skin, as this can only be done by a competent medical officer. Camphor for injection is diluted with fatty oil, which can solidify when it enters the vessel and clog it.

It is better not to use camphor preparations without consulting a doctor.


Since camphor is a powder, for ease of use it is diluted in various substances.

Solution for injection 20% - a solution of camphor in olive or peach oil for subcutaneous administration.

Before use, the solution should be heated to body temperature to prevent it from solidifying. Do not allow the solution to enter the vessel, this may lead to its blockage.

Camphor essential oil is a concentrated product that should be used only in a highly diluted form.

Camphor oil 10% for external use - a solution of camphor in sunflower oil.

Camphor ointment - a mixture of camphor, petroleum jelly, paraffin and lanolin for external use.

Camphor alcohol - a solution of camphor in 90% alcohol for external use.

Camphor alcohol 2% - a solution of camphor in weak alcohol.

Alcoholic solution of camphor and salicylic acid.

"Camphocin" - a mixture of camphor, salicylic acid, turpentine oil, methyl salicylate, castor oil, tincture of capsicum.

"Denta" (tooth drops) - a mixture of camphor with chloral hydrate and alcohol. Prescribed for toothache.

With camphor, peppermint oil and valerian tincture - soothing, analgesic, distracting.

"Kameton", "Kamfomen" - aerosols for the treatment of diseases of the upper respiratory tract, containing camphor.

"Camphorphene" is a liquid used in dentistry and contains camphor.

There are many more drugs where the active substance is camphor. The composition of other components in them can be very diverse. For example: ointment "Kapsicam", "Revma-gel", "Finalgon", "Sanitas" and others. All of them are prescribed mainly for external use to relieve inflammation and pain relief.

All camphor preparations lose their properties when exposed to ultraviolet radiation, therefore they require storage in a dry, dark and cool place.

Released without a prescription.

Camphor: contraindications

There are contraindications to the use of drugs that contain camphor. The instructions for use contain the following warnings.

Contraindications for subcutaneous administration of camphor: sensitivity to the drug, a tendency to convulsions (epilepsy), insufficient lactation in lactating women, chronic heart failure, aneurysm (bulging wall) of large vessels.

Contraindications for topical application of camphor: open wounds on the skin, hypersensitivity to the drug, a tendency to allergic reactions.

Camphor: use with caution

It is undesirable to use camphor during pregnancy, as it easily crosses the placental and blood-brain barrier.

When breastfeeding, camphor can enter the baby's body through milk, in addition, its use reduces the amount of breast milk.

Camphor is contraindicated for children under the age of 2 years, but children in general should be careful when using preparations containing camphor.

Camphor side effects

For drugs, which include the application, it must be observed strictly, in order to avoid the following negative reactions from the body.

With subcutaneous administration, blockage of blood vessels with an oily solution may occur - oil embolism. In addition, the wrong dosage or individual sensitivity to the drug can cause respiratory arrest and convulsions, headache, dizziness, and irritability.

When applied topically on the skin, allergic reactions may occur: rashes, irritation, itching.

In case of any side effects, you should stop using camphor preparations and consult a doctor.

Camphor reflexively excites the respiratory and vasomotor centers, thereby showing analeptic activity. When administered subcutaneously, it increases vascular tone and stimulates respiration. It also has a direct effect on the heart muscle, increasing its sensitivity to sympathetic impulses and enhancing metabolic processes in it. Reduces platelet aggregation. Has peripheral vasopressor activity. Camphor promotes expectoration when excreted from the body through the respiratory tract. When applied topically, it exhibits a distracting property. After subcutaneous administration, camphor passes well through the placental and blood-brain barriers, and is excreted in breast milk. 70% is excreted by the kidneys, 20% through the lungs and 10% with bile.


Complex treatment of acute and chronic heart failure, collapse, depression of the respiratory center in pneumonia and other infectious diseases, in case of poisoning with narcotic and sleeping pills; locally: myalgia, arthritis, rheumatism, bedsores.

Method of application of camphor and dose

Subcutaneously (first heating the solution to body temperature), only extravasally (to avoid embolism). Enter 1-3 times a day 20% oily solution for adults 1-5 ml; children 10–14 years old - 2.5 ml, 7–9 years old - 2 ml, 3–6 years old - 1.5 ml, 1–2 years old - 1 ml, up to 1 year old - 0.5–1 ml. Rub externally on the affected area.
If you skip the next use of camphor, do it, as you remember, make the next use after the set time from the last use. Use with caution in children.

Contraindications for use

Hypersensitivity, tendency to convulsive reactions, epilepsy, fat embolism (when administered subcutaneously).

Application restrictions

No data.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

Considering that camphor penetrates well into breast milk and through the placental barrier, the use of camphor during lactation and pregnancy should be carried out with caution, strictly according to indications when prescribed by a doctor.

Side effects of camphor

Infiltration at the injection site, dizziness, allergic reactions, headache.

Interaction of camphor with other substances

No data. You should consult your doctor if you are using other drugs.


With an overdose of camphor, hyperemia of the skin of the face, delirium, motor excitation, epileptiform convulsions occur. Symptomatic therapy is necessary.

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