The first-aid kit is medical universal. First aid kit: description and composition

Even if you consider yourself an experienced tourist and have never taken a first aid kit with you in 10 years of your travel experience, take a few minutes to this article in order to have an idea of ​​​​what should be in a tourist’s first aid kit. After that, you will be able to give advice on this issue to your fellow beginners who are just starting to master the subtleties of camping. After all, if they take an example from you and do not take any first aid funds, in case of any injuries, you will be guilty (even if behind the scenes) of the fact that there is absolutely nothing to provide first aid with.

The instructor (if any) usually has a basic first aid kit, which contains almost everything, including a set of more serious medical supplies, but its volumes are also limited. Therefore, each participant must have his own, individual first-aid kit. It should include remedies for the most common injuries and illnesses, the most consumable materials (a plaster or bandages, for example, the instructor does not have enough for everyone), as well as medicines for your personal (chronic) diseases, which it is advisable to inform the instructor in advance.

Now on the market there is a fairly wide range of individual travel kits, the composition of which differs slightly. You can compare their content and choose the most suitable one, post the medicines you don't need and add your own. But the most economical and effective way is to collect a first aid kit yourself.
At the same time, it is imperative to study the instructions for all medicines that you buy for the first time (contraindications, interactions with other drugs, side effects etc.), so as not to take too much with you and not harm your health if they are used. Instructions can be found on the Internet so as not to waste time at the pharmacy. When choosing some drugs, you can focus on your own preferences, that is, choose those drugs that usually help you. If you take medicine from your home first aid kit, pay attention to expiration dates, as some of them are sometimes stale.

So, let's list the main, most common composition of a tourist first-aid kit for each member of the group:

Sterile bandage - 1-2 pcs.
Non-sterile bandage - 1-2 pcs.
Elastic bandage - 1 pc.
Bactericidal patch - 10-20 pcs.
Plaster in tape (wide) - 1 pack.
Medical alcohol - 1 vial.
Iodine, brilliant green, potassium permanganate, hydrogen peroxide or chlorhexide bigluconate - 1 vial.
Activated carbon- 1-2 pack.
Diazolin or Suprastin - 1 pack.
Paracetamol - 1 pack.
Analgesics - 1 pack.
Validol - 1 pack.
No-shpa - 1 pack.
Naphthyzinum, Nazivin or Nazol - 1 vial.
Cough lozenges - 1 plate
Antiseptic, hemostatic, atraumatic wipes - 1 pack.
Hemostatic tourniquet - 1 pc.
Condoms - 1-3 pcs.
Tweezers — 1 pc.
Medicines and remedies that you usually use and use in case of exacerbation of your chronic diseases (gastritis, hyper- or hypotension, pyelonephritis, allergies, asthma, epilepsy, dysbacteriosis, habitual dislocation and much more).
Various ointments and balms (1 tube): Levomekol ointment, Rescuer Balm, Panthenol ointment, Ambulance Wound Balm, Balm Golden Star, Troxevasin ointment
Protective creams and sprays (for ticks, insects and sunburn)
Other drugs.

The average weight of such a first aid kit, packed in a dense plastic bag, is only 300 g. Agree, not so much.

Now let's take a closer look at each item.

Bandage: sterile and non-sterile. A sterile bandage is used when applying a bandage to open wounds and burns; it can be used as a tampon to stop bleeding. Sterile bandages are applied only to the aseptic field or after preliminary surgical treatment. In any other case, the bandage automatically becomes non-sterile. That is, the wound and the area around it are first washed and treated, and then a sterile bandage is applied. Sculpting a sterile bandage on a finger with pieces of dirt does not make sense *negative* . Non-sterile bandages are used for immobilization of fractures, in plaster-gauze bandages, splints, etc.

Elastic bandage. It is useful for bruises and sprains, with torn ligaments, dislocations that occur as a result of unsuccessful movements or as a result of an unusual load on the joints and ligaments. An elastic bandage helps not only fix the affected area, but also relieve pain and swelling. Used when applying normal and plaster bandages. Indispensable for those who have any problems with the joints. Take the instructions for use with you. elastic bandage, this will help to more effectively apply a tight bandage.

Bactericidal patch. Issued in various forms, for example, in the form of a gel or in the form of an adhesive plaster. The active substance is chlorhexidine. Refers to antiseptic agents, exhibits bacteriostatic or bactericidal action against gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. The gel is applied to the wound, after which a gauze bandage is applied. The patch can be of different widths, has a gasket in the middle, soaked in this same gel, has antimicrobial action and at the same time protects the wounds from mechanical impact, allows the affected area to “breathe”. There are contraindications and side effects, read the instructions.

Plaster in a tape (tape-plaster in a roll). Available in various widths, the most comfortable in the campaign - about 50 mm. A plaster is an adhesive tape that is used to bring the edges of a wound together or as a dressing to cover damaged areas of the skin. Composed of lead salts fatty acids mixed with wax, rosin, drugs and other substances. It can be used for dressing an open wound (“window” and “frame” dressings using aseptic napkins or gauze), for fixing the edges of gauze dressings and in the household for repairing or tying some things. Bactericidal patches are more convenient and faster to use, but to save money and space in the first aid kit, you can get by with a regular patch.

Alcohol. Multifunctional: in addition to the main use as an antiseptic (treatment of wounds, insect bites, tools), it is used for local anesthesia (for example, by rinsing your mouth with an alcohol solution, you can soothe an untimely sore tooth), as a fuel for alcohol lamps, for compresses for sunburn , as a means for warming rubbing and rubbing with high temperature bodies, for resuscitation of wet phones. Strong alcohol can be used instead of medical alcohol.

Iodine, brilliant green, potassium permanganate, hydrogen peroxide or chlorhexide bigluconate. All these drugs belong to the group of antiseptics. open wounds and the mucous membrane cannot be washed with alcohol - for this, the tourist’s first aid kit should have more than soft remedies. Iodine solution and a solution of brilliant green only shallow cuts or wound edges are treated, in addition, they stain hands and clothes. For washing and disinfection superficial wounds, burns and inflammation sites prepare a 0.1-0.5% solution potassium permanganate(dilute it to the color of thick red wine), for some poisonings, a solution of potassium permanganate is used as an emetic for oral administration. A solution of potassium permanganate can disinfect water. The difficulty in using it lies in maintaining the correct proportions when diluted (at a high concentration during the treatment of wounds, you can get a burn, when taken orally - poisoning, and at a low concentration - no effect at all). Hydrogen peroxide can be used to treat deep cuts, for washing wounds. Damaged areas of the skin or mucous membrane are treated with a cotton or gauze swab moistened with a solution of the drug. Tampons should be held with tweezers. Perhaps jet irrigation of the wound surface. When treating a wound with hydrogen peroxide, burning and allergic reactions are possible. Chlorhexidine bigluconate is colorless or light yellow clear liquid used as a preventive and remedy at various infections(in surgery, urology, obstetrics and gynecology), for antiseptic treatment and disinfection (treatment of wounds, burns, mucous membranes, treatment of medical instruments, etc.). It rarely causes allergic reactions, irritation of the skin and tissues, does not have a damaging effect on objects made of glass, plastic and metals. From all of the above, choose the option that suits you best. Let me remind you that all these, at first glance, harmless and familiar means, have contraindications and side effects Read the instructions for use.

Activated carbon. This is the most affordable enterosorbent agent used to cleanse the body of toxins, toxins, allergens. Activated charcoal is widely used in the treatment intestinal diseases(diarrhea, constipation, bloating), skin diseases (acne, allergies), and also as an aid to weight loss. Activated charcoal can be used to clean drinking water. You can take a more familiar remedy for indigestion and poisoning.

Diazolin or Suprastin. These are allergy medications (antihistamines). They are used not only for allergic reactions, but also in the treatment of colds to relieve swelling from the mucous membrane. Even if you are not allergic, it is worth having products on hand similar action. It is difficult to predict the body's reaction to insect bites, plant pollen and wild berries, and the onset of allergies in a previously healthy person can be sudden. To antihistamines still refer Diphenhydramine(it is also used as a sleeping pill and sedative) Ketotifen, Tsetrin, Cetirizine Hexal and etc. Daily dose the last two drugs - 1 tablet, so one plate will be more than enough. All drugs have their contraindications, so choose the most suitable for you.

Paracetamol. Good old Paracetamol is an antipyretic and analgesic that has a weak anti-inflammatory effect. It is used in case of an increase in body temperature, some use it as a drug for headaches. For colds, you can use various derivatives of paracetamol in tablets or powders ( Theraflu, Paracetomol Extra, Rinzasip, Coldrex, Panadol, Ibuklin and etc.). It is impossible not to mention Naise. This drug has anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antipyretic effects. The most popular drug can be recommended to you in a pharmacy, pay attention to those drugs that your therapist usually prescribes for you.

Analgesics (pain relievers).Analgin, Aspirin, Citramon(which contains aspirin) Paracetamol and etc. Ketanov (Ketanol, Ketarol)potent drug, without which not a single first-aid kit of a tourist can do. This is due to the fact that this drug is usually prescribed for postoperative rehabilitation, after tooth extraction, to relieve pain during fractures. That is, this spectrum of action is directed precisely at those injuries that most often occur on hikes or during active rest. It is available in the form of tablets and capsules for injection. Ledocaine in ampoules can be used for local anesthesia. Each of these drugs has its own pharmacological action, from the whole variety of painkillers, choose the most versatile and suitable for the situation.

Validol. A drug with a reflex vasodilating effect. It is used for pain in the heart. It is prescribed for neuroses, hysteria, neurocirculatory dystonia by cardiac type, angina pectoris (as part of combination therapy), for the treatment of sea and air sickness (symptomatic therapy).

No-shpa. No-shpa recommended as an antispasmodic, which has a powerful antispasmodic effect on smooth muscle. There are other antispasmodics that have an analgesic effect. For example, Spazgam, Spazmalgon and etc.

Naphthyzinum, Nazivin or Nazol. Drops in the nose with vasoconstrictor action. Not necessary at all, but in the event of a cold or allergic rhinitis, they will help you continue on your way without breathing problems.

Cough drops. Help with the first symptoms of cough, sore throat. Antimicrobial lozenges will prevent infections from developing. Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract can also occur from a burn with accidental inhalation of fire smoke. This can also lead to the development of a runny nose or cough. In any case, cough drops will soften the damaged oral mucosa, and especially mint candies will even make it easier to breathe through the nose.

Antiseptic wipes, hemostatic, atraumatic. Convenient and quick to use, do not take up much space, retain their sterility in intact packaging. Used for the intended purpose. You can simply wipe your hands with antiseptic wipes if there are no sources of clean water.

Hemostatic tourniquet. A device for temporarily stopping bleeding from the vessels of the limb by pulling it around and squeezing the tissues of the limb together with the blood vessels. It is a strong, relatively narrow and long strip of any material applied to press the vessel to the bone protrusions, reduce its lumen, and, as a result, stop or significantly reduce bleeding. The tourniquet is applied above the wound, since it is used only for arterial bleeding. The time elapsed from the moment the tourniquet was applied should not exceed 1-2 hours. In the cold season - no more than half an hour. When applying a tourniquet, a note is placed under it indicating the time of application. Improvised means can be used as a tourniquet.

Condoms. They are used to stop bleeding as a tourniquet, to carry and boil drinking water, to make a fire without matches and a lighter (using the lens method). Can be used for its intended purpose.

Tweezers. They are removed from the skin of ticks and splinters, having previously been treated with alcohol or another antiseptic. It is better not to get debris from wounds in order to avoid its deeper penetration and the development of infection.

Various ointments and balms. Usually used for rapid wound healing and other purposes.
Most Popular Today wound healing ointmentPanthenol. It is applied to both wounds and burns. This tool helps them tighten without scarring. There is another very good remedy for wound healing balm for wounds "Ambulance". Both products are quickly absorbed into the skin.
Ointment Levomekolcombination drug for local use, has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects, easily penetrates deep into tissues without damaging biological membranes, stimulates regeneration processes. In the presence of pus and necrotic masses (dead cells) antibacterial action is saved. The consistency is slightly greasy and more fluid than the previous ones.
Balm Rescuer (Ratovnik)- a drug with a highly effective regenerating and soothing effect. Effectively soothes various kinds irritation and reduces redness of the skin, can be applied to insect bites.
Balm Gold Star It is a smell familiar to us from childhood. Balm is produced in the form of a pencil for inhalation, ointment and liquid balm. Symptomatic local irritant for external use to alleviate the condition with acute respiratory infections, allergic rhinitis, influenza: dizziness, headache, shortness of breath. Relieves itching in places of insect bites and scares away their culprits. Some are used for headaches. Pencil for inhalation is used as an antiseptic in the complex therapy of rhinitis. Helps well with unpleasant sensations in the nasopharynx at the first symptoms of acute respiratory infections. Designed for external use only. Do not allow the balm to get into the eyes, on the mucous membranes, on the open wound surface.
Ointment Troxevasin- used for diseases of the veins (varicose veins or varicose veins, venous ulcers and dermatitis, thrombophlebitis), treatment and prevention of hemorrhoids and hemorrhoids. In addition, troxevasin ointment can be effectively used for a variety of bruises, dislocations, sprains and bruises. It relieves swelling well and promotes rapid healing.

Protective creams and sprays (against ticks, insects and sunburn). Methods of protection against insects and treatment of bites are discussed in more detail in the article "Insect bites: prevention and treatment." There are such companies as DETA, Moskitol, Fumitoks, Taiga, Gardeks. When choosing, it is important to know which insects are present in the area where the route passes. For sunburn protection, choose a cream or spray with high level SPF (30-50). Don't forget to rub them on your shoulders, ears, neck and nose - they burn first.

Other drugs.

Rimantadine. Antiviral agent, effective against various strains of influenza A, herpes simplex types I and II, tick-borne encephalitis (Central European and Russian spring-summer from the group of arboviruses of the Flaviviridae family). It has antitoxic and immunomodulatory effects. In this preparation, we are most interested in the prevention of tick-borne encephalitis: for adults, no later than 48 hours after a bite, 100 mg 2 times a day with an interval of 12 hours 3-5 days.

Anti-infective agents (antibiotics). Camping is always unsanitary conditions. Dirty hands, unwashed dishes, poor quality water and food. If symptoms are found gastrointestinal infection(nausea, severe diarrhea), you need to take antibiotics. For example, tetracycline. It will also help against pneumonia, sore throats, if during the trip you are not lucky to get cold and get sick. It is better to use some kind of broad-spectrum drugs, for example, amoxiclav or ofloxin. Doses can be viewed in the annotation, but if antibiotics are used, then you need to give an adequate dose and complete the course of treatment, that is, take 5-7 days, and not quit on the second day against the background of visible improvement. However, antibiotics should be used as last resort and in general it is not worth prescribing to oneself (without consulting a doctor). In case of any serious diseases or complications, in any case, it is best to go to the nearest honey. paragraph.

Regidron. Regidron and other similar drugs containing a set of essential salts are used to restore the water-salt balance in the body during dehydration during poisoning (with vomiting and prolonged diarrhea). Sometimes it is used to compensate for the lack of salts during prolonged heavy physical exertion accompanied by profuse sweating.

Ammonia. It is used as an ambulance for fainting or other situations that led to loss of consciousness and breathing (loss of consciousness due to carbon monoxide poisoning, suffocation, drowning, alcohol poisoning). To do this, a solution of ammonia is applied to a piece of cotton wool or gauze, and they are very carefully brought to the nasal openings of the victim. Can be used as a lotion to reduce itching in places of insect bites.

Drugs that regulate blood pressure. Such medicines are more related to personal medicines, but if you do not know how the body will react to drops atmospheric pressure in the mountains or for increased physical activity, it is better to take something from this spectrum with you.

The list can go on and on, but all the most necessary funds have already been listed. When collecting a first aid kit, it is necessary to take into account the specifics of the trip: the season (insect repellent is not needed in winter), the climate and the weather forecast (how your body will react to wet feet and cold night), the number of days in a hike, if you travel by bike, then falls are possible, etc. If you are hiking for the first time, then your first aid kit may be slightly larger than the next time. Soon you will learn to feel and understand your body and will be able to narrow down the list of drugs to the most necessary. However, do not rush to lay out those medicines that you did not need. A first aid kit exists in your backpack not to be sure to use it, but for emergency or unforeseen situations. If you follow some precautions, you will only need protection against insects and sunburn. With the right selection of shoes, even the band-aid will remain intact.

Let's return to the question again: why is it important to study the instructions for medicines in advance? So you save space in your first aid kit, get rid of unnecessary drugs that duplicate each other's action, you can choose a medication that is not contraindicated for you (even Naphthyzin and Zelenka have contraindications), you can get rid of boxes and an extra pile of pieces of paper. If you are afraid of getting confused in medicines, stick papers with instructions, methods of application and dosage: “From the heat - 1 tab. 3 p. per day”, etc. This is much more convenient than overcoming headache or suffering from fever, to study the indications for the use of unknown tablets with an incomprehensible name.

The route does not always pass near sources of drinking water, often you have to move away from it for quite a long time. Therefore, if you take any pills on time, make sure you have a small supply of water in a bottle or flask, fill them up whenever possible.

Now about packaging. The most important requirements are lightness, tightness and strength. Here, too, individual preferences come into play. In a plastic case, order is easily kept, the medicines are not subjected to mechanical stress, but it takes up a lot of space and weighs more than a regular bag. The fabric case also has more weight, does not always have sufficient tightness and does not protect medicines from mechanical impact. The bags have the least weight and price, but they are constantly torn and it is not convenient to look for something in them, they do not always maintain tightness, and do not protect against mechanical damage. There is a way out of any situation. You can find the most suitable plastic container with dividers in size and weight (found in the household departments and departments for needlework), choose a flexible fabric case with hermetic protection (or put medicines wrapped in a bag in it), use denser (not disposable) plastic bags , put the first aid kit in a place where it will be exposed to external influences to the least extent.

Packaging examples

For convenience, the first aid kit can be divided into 2 parts: an emergency first aid kit and a basic one. An emergency first aid kit should always be at hand, for example, in the outer pocket of a backpack or in a fanny pack. The main first aid kit should be in an easy access area, but can be stowed away in a larger compartment.

It is advisable to exclude glass bottles from the first-aid kit. This is the heaviest and most unreliable package. If the first-aid kit still contains medicines in glass packaging, they must be pasted over with adhesive tape. This creates some cushioning, and if the glass breaks, then the fragments for the most part will remain on the patch.

Before you go on a route, you need to assess your health. On any trips or during rafting human body subject to the most stress physical exercise, sharp drops atmospheric pressure and temperature, climate change, change in daily routine, unusual diet. All these factors with a weakened immune system can serve as an additional impetus to a common cold or exacerbation of chronic diseases, which is more serious. If you notice any symptoms of a weakened body before traveling, take this Special attention: support your body in the ways you are used to (vitamins, herbal teas or immunomodulatory drugs), after consulting with your doctor. As a rule, in extreme conditions, the body opens a "second wind" and activates reserve forces. It is thanks to this that you rest faster on a halt, you recover faster during a short sleep, your muscles “clog” less after exercise and hurt less the next day. In order for these reserve forces to be activated, your body must be relatively healthy: during illness, this extreme reserve is used to fight viruses and to maintain strength. If you have any serious illness, contact your doctor who will give you specific instructions.

Remember that only you yourself are responsible for your health, not an instructor, not a physician, not a doctor. All these people can only provide you with first aid or prescribe treatment (depending on qualifications).

From personal experience

My first aid kit mountain hike for 4-6 days:

Bandage sterile 1 pack.
Bandage non-sterile 1 pack.
Bandage elastic 1 pc.
Adhesive tape 50 mm
Bactericidal plaster 10 pcs.
Chlorhexidine bigluconate 1 vial
Activated carbon 1-2 pack.
Paracetamol 1 pack. (antipyretic, analgesic)
Nimesil powder 4-6 sachets (anti-inflammatory, analgesic)
Cetrin 1 blister (antihistamine)
Spazmalgon 1 blister (for spasms and spasmodic pain)
Ketorol 1 blister (toothache or traumatic pain)
Agisept 1 blister (antimicrobial antiseptic cough lozenges)
Nazivin 1 bottle 10 ml (from the common cold and swelling of the nasal mucosa)
Jar of "Golden Star" (for insects and colds)
Troxevasin ointment 1 tube (for sprains, bruises, muscle pain, bruising)
Levomekol ointment 1 tube (anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial ointment with a regenerating effect, can be applied to fresh wounds)
Baby cream 1 tube (for dryness, skin irritation, sunburn, diaper rash and instead of hygienic lipstick)
Sun protection cream 40 SPF 1 tube
Peppermint oil (homemade) 1 bottle (saves from insects no worse than store-bought products)

Whenever possible and not always:
Rimantadine in case of a tick bite, if there is no vaccination (a rather expensive drug, but if it is not useful, then you can then drink it to prevent influenza during an epidemic)
Wound balm "Ambulance" 1 tube (for shallow and healing wounds, scratches)
Nise (if available in the first aid kit)

What is packed in: a plastic bag + an opaque bag made of synthetic water-repellent material (something like a bag for shoes). The weight of my first aid kit without sun protection cream was 260 g.

For several trips there were different situations, some medicines were requested by someone from the group. What was useful and what was used for:
Paracetamol as an antipyretic
Golden Star - inhalation to prevent the development of cough and runny nose
Cough lozenges - for prevention
Nimesil for the prevention of colds (all day in the rain)
Spazmalgon - for headaches
Troxevasin - knee problems (chronic)
Baby cream - chapped lips and nose
sun cream
Peppermint oil - almost every hour as long as there were midges and mosquitoes. Homemade oil is softer in consistency and does not irritate the skin.
The patch in the tape - from corns.

It's just personal experience given as an example. As a result of timely actions taken, no one fell ill.

That's all. All good health!

 First aid kit: camp equipment

First aid kit: camp equipment

Considering the particular importance emergency resuscitation and first medical care, we strongly advise everyone to undergo short-term training at appropriate training centers (for example, such as TsOKHRAT, etc.). The life of your children, your loved ones depends only on you, your knowledge, your skills! Remember this!

Option 1

Bandage non-sterile wide - 10; Bandage non-sterile narrow - 10; Gauze - 5 m; Adhesive plaster wide and narrow - 2x5 m; Cotton wool - 50 g; Bandage elastic - 5 m; Mesh bandage - set; Medical tourniquet - 1; Chloroethyl - 3 ampoules; Furoplast (glue BF-6) - 1 can; Synthomycin emulsion - 50 g; Iodine tincture - 25 g; Medical alcohol - 1 l; Norsulfazol (sulfadimezin) - 6x10 tablets; Tetracycline (oletethrin) - 40 tab. ; Analgin - 20 tab. ; Spazmalgon - 20 tab. ; Besalol - 15 tab. ; Validol - 20 tab. ; Nitroglycerin - 20 tab. ; Valerian extract - 20 tab. ; Levomycetin - 20 tab. ; Enteroseptol - 20 tab. ; Imodium - 20 tab. ; Viprosal - 1 tube; Furacilin - 20 tab. ; Hand cream - 1 tube; Hygienic lipstick - 1 pc. ; Vitamin "C" with glucose - 16x10 tab. ; Toothpaste - 1 tube; Shaving machine, blades, shaving brush, - 1 set. ; mirror, comb - ; The weight of the first-aid kit is 1.6 kg (in a sealed package).

Option 2


1. Painkillers, anti-inflammatory and anti-shock drugs for trauma (bruises, fractures, dislocations), wounds, shock:

1.1. Analgin (or analogue) - 1 pack.

1.2. Portable hypothermic (cooling) bag-container - 1 pc.

1.3. Sodium sulfacyl solution - 1 vial.

2. Means for stopping bleeding, treating and dressing wounds:

2.1. Tourniquet to stop arterial bleeding by compression (compressed) for self- and mutual assistance - 1 pc.

2.2. Sterile bandage 10 x 5 cm - 1 pc.

2.3. Bandage non-sterile 10 x 5 cm - 1 pc.

2.4. Bandage non-sterile 5 x 5 cm - 1 pc.

2.5. Atraumatic dressing MAG 8 x 10 cm with dioxidine or silver nitrate for dressing dirty wounds - 1 pc.

2.6. Bactericidal adhesive plaster 2.5 x 7.2 or 2x5 cm - 8 pcs.

2.7. Sterile wipes for stopping capillary and venous bleeding "Coletex GEM" with furagin 6 x 10 cm; 10 x 18 cm - 3 pcs.

2.8. A solution of iodine alcohol 5% or brilliant green 1% - 1 vial.

2.9. Adhesive plaster 1x500, or 2x500, or 1x250 cm - 1 pc.

2.10. Bandage elastic tubular medical non-sterile? 1, 3, 6 - 1 pc.

2.11. Cotton wool 50 g - 1 st.

3. Remedies for pain in the heart:

3.1. Nitroglycerin tablets or capsules (trinitralong) - 1 pack.

3.2. Validol in the table. or caps. - 1 pack.

4. Means for cardiopulmonary resuscitation in case of clinical death:

4.1. Device for artificial respiration "mouth-device-mouth" - 1 pc.

5. Remedies for fainting (collapse):

5.1 Ammonia solution (ammonia) - 1 vial.

6. Means for detoxification in case of food poisoning, etc.:

6.1. Enterodes - 2 pcs.

7. Remedies for stress reactions:

7.1. Corvalol - 1 vial

8. Scissors.

9. Instruction.

10. Plastic case.

When using any means, the first-aid kit urgently needs to be replenished.


Bruises, fractures, dislocations - pain, swelling, pathological mobility, shortening of the limb, protrusion of fragments into the wound with an open fracture. Anesthesia (1.1), immobilization (tires, improvised means) or fixation of the arm to the body, leg to leg; cold at the site of injury (1.2). Shock - the same signs plus pallor, euphoria or confusion, the presence of fractures, bleeding. Give painkillers.

Wound and bleeding

a) arterial bleeding(scarlet blood flows out in a pulsating stream). Apply a tourniquet (2.1) above the wound, leave a note indicating the time the tourniquet was applied, bandage (2.2, 2.3, 2.4) on the wound. Immobilize the limb, give the patient an anesthetic (1.1).

b) Venous. Capillary bleeding (blood is dark, does not pulsate). Apply a dressing to the wound and pressure bandage bandage (2.2, 2.3, 2.4). With a large blood loss, dilute one powder salt composition(1.3) for 1 liter of water and give the patient a drink, cold (1.2) at the site of injury.

c) Apply a sterile dressing (2.2, 2.5) to the wound, give an anesthetic (1.1). Treat minor wounds and abrasions with iodine or brilliant green and seal with a bactericidal plaster (2.6).

For extensive burns, apply a sterile dressing (2.2), give an anesthetic (1.1). Dilute the salt composition powder (1.3) in 1 liter of water and give to the patient to drink.


Dilute one tablet of validol (3.2), or nitroglycerin, or trinitralong (3.1), 15 drops of Corvalol (7.1) in 50 ml of water and let the patient drink.

Put the patient on the floor, raise his legs, give a sniff of ammonia (5.1) on a cotton swab.

stress reactions

Dilute 30 drops of corvalol (7.1) in 50 ml of water and give to the patient to drink.

Cardiopulmonary resuscitation

It is carried out in the absence of consciousness, breathing and pulse in the patient. carotid artery (indirect massage hearts and artificial respiration using the device (4.1) until the arrival of a paramedic or recovery of breathing and pulse.


Rinse the stomach. Dilute in 100 ml of water 1 tbsp. spoonful of enterodesis (6.1) and give the patient a drink.

Eye damage (hitting foreign bodies and substances)

Rinse eyes with water, drip 3-5 drops of sodium sulfacyl.

Option 3


Mercury thermometer.

Inhaler - for colds, coughs, runny nose.

Rubber pear, Esmarch's mug - for douching and enemas.

Bandages, cotton wool, sterile gauze wipes.

The adhesive plaster is ordinary and bactericidal.


Hydrogen peroxide (3% solution) - for washing wounds, abrasions, stopping nosebleeds (packed with cotton wool moistened with hydrogen peroxide solution).

Zelenka - for lubrication of shallow wounds, pustules and scratches. Partly it can be replaced by iodine.

Potassium permanganate - for washing wounds, stomach in case of poisoning. Be careful! Use a pale pink solution.

Alcohol tinctures calendula, chamomile, eucalyptus or propolis - for lubricating pustules, abrasions, cuts, gargling and washing the nose - 1 tsp. to a glass of water. Salicylic-zinc paste (Lassar paste) - for the treatment of scratching, scuffs, especially weeping, diaper rash and pustules.

Remedy for burns (panthenol) - for spraying the affected areas, heals shallow wounds.

Warming rubbing (apizartron, eucamon, ben-gay, tiger ointment) - for injuries, radiculitis, lumbago.

Eye drops(Vizin) - with itching, redness of the eyelids, irritation and lacrimation.

Drops in the nose (kontak, sanorin, naphthyzin, pinosol) - with a runny nose, nasal congestion.

Analgin, efferalgan, nurofen or solpadein - for headache, joint, toothache. Do not use for abdominal pain!

Aspirin (preferably soluble with vitamin C) - with fever, colds, chills, joint pain. Ulcers must not be used!

No-shpa - for pain and spasms in the stomach, intestines, bladder, headache, heart pain, pain during menstruation, etc. - 1-2 tablets per dose.

Corvalol or valocordin - with palpitations, stabbing and squeezing pains in the heart, anxiety, restlessness, bad dream, intestinal colic- 20-40 drops.

Nitroglycerin - with strong, burning, pressing pains in the chest. Take until the pain disappears. After calling the doctor, lie down, put the pill under the tongue.

Validol - with psycho-emotional overload, discomfort in the region of the heart - a pill under the tongue.

Broncholitin, tusuprex or libexin - with a debilitating cough. It is impossible to cure pneumonia with them!

Activated charcoal - for poisoning, increased gas formation- 4-5 tablets crushed and washed down with water.

Maalox, phosphalugel or remagel - for heartburn, pain and a feeling of fullness in the stomach.

Festal or panzinorm - with a feeling of heaviness in the stomach, overeating of fatty heavy foods, nausea, gases - 1-2 tablets with meals.

Imodium (lopedium, loporamide) - for diarrhea without fever and bloody stools - 1 capsule after each liquid stool. Not recommended for children under 5 years old!

Furagin (nitroxoline) - with pain and pain in the bladder, frequent painful urination- 2 tablets 4 times a day.

Multivitamins - take in winter and spring.

Suprastin, tavegil or diazolin - for any allergic reactions (rash, itching, swelling of the soft tissues of the face, suffocation).

Herbs: sage - for gargling with sore throats, oral cavity with stomatitis; chamomile - for gargling, washing eyes, orally for pain in the abdomen; bearberry - diuretic, anti-inflammatory inside for pain and pain during urination; coltsfoot - inside when coughing. All herbs are brewed according to the instructions.

First aid

First aid is:

Providing immediate medical attention until the arrival of qualified medical personnel. This is treatment given to victims before qualified medical assistance arrives. Most often, first aid involves keeping the victim alive until help arrives.

When the need arises for first aid, adhere to the following rules:

  1. Don't panic. Keep calm.
  2. Never move a severely injured casualty unless the casualty needs fresh air or to protect against further injury.
  3. Conduct a careful examination of the victim.
  4. If immediate life-saving measures are required (artificial respiration, bleeding control, etc.), provide appropriate assistance without delay.
  5. Call the required services.

The composition of the first-aid kit for exits and hikes:

  1. Hydrogen peroxide

The more the better - min. 100 ml. for 10 people. Any wound is washed.

Enough 1-2 bottles. The skin is treated only around the wound. You can also use alcohol, vodka.

  1. Sterile gauze pad

The bigger, the better. Apply cotton wool anywhere.

  1. Bandage sterile

At least 2, one narrow, the other wide. We bandage fingers with a narrow bandage, everything else is wide. If there is no narrow bandage, cut a wide one. Easy to use individual dressing package.

  1. Patch

Better wide, if necessary, can be cut

  1. Bactericidal adhesive plaster

The bigger, the better. Very helpful and versatile.

  1. Activated carbon

60-80 tablets. It is used for poisoning, it is advisable to take 30-40 pieces at once with water.

  1. Loparinitis

Used for diarrhea

  1. Eye drops

One jar. Apply for any eye injury. You can use chloramphenicol 0.5%.

  1. Loratadine

10 pieces. Antiallergic. It is used for insect bites, especially with severe redness and swelling at the site of the bite, as well as for bites in the neck, face, tongue - immediately take one pill.

  1. Painkillers

Paracetamol-500mg. Takes away a lot of pain.

Ketanov (up to 4 per day) relieves severe pain, or you can have 3-4 ampoules of the drug ketanov or ketolong-darnitsa + 5 syringes is a must.

  1. Panthenol

Ointment or spray. It is used for burns, applied to the wound, which began to fester.

  1. Carvalol

Heart drug. Apply 20-40 drops very well soothes, helps with abdominal pain.

  1. Elastic bandage.

1-2 pieces. Convenient for various uses.

  1. Dexamethasone or prednisolone or hydrocortisone

Internal injection for insect bites in the neck, mouth, tongue, face - 0.5-1.0 ml. 2 syringes and novocaine

  1. Ointment for bruises.
  2. Tweezers, scissors, needle, thread
  3. Anti-inflammatory

Now there are a lot of them: Tera-flu, U dog, Flu-cold and others.

Wounds, calluses - dressing

Danger that brings wounds:

heavy bleeding

Possible injury to internal organs, tendons, muscles, etc.


Development of gangrene

Therefore, the wound must be examined by a doctor.

What do we need to do.

  1. Plant or lay down the wounded
  2. Get rid of clothes
  3. Examine the wound
  4. If bleeding
  • Wash the wound: with hydrogen peroxide or clean water
  • Lubricate the skin around the wound: with iodine or alcohol
  • Apply to the wound: a sterile gauze or folded bandage, the main thing is to stop the bleeding, with corns, you can apply a bactericidal adhesive plaster
  • Bandage the wound: with a sterile bandage or clean rag

5. If there is a need to transport the wounded to the nearest hospital or first-aid post

The key is to stop the bleeding.

Clothing for examining the wound can not be removed, but cut

If there is a foreign object in the wound (metal, glass, wood or other), it is not removed from the wound so as not to damage internal organs, apply a bandage and transport to the hospital.

Pain, swelling, redness near the wound indicates suppuration. You need to see a doctor.


Signs of stretching:

Around the joint small swelling, moreover, the joint does not differ externally from a normal joint

The pain is not strong

Movement in the joint occurs normally, only may be accompanied by slight pain

What do we need to do:

  1. Apply a tight bandage that practically does not allow the joint to move
  2. You can apply cold or a special ointment
  3. Give painkillers

Sometimes you can confuse a sprain with a crack near the joint, so it is advisable to see a doctor.


Signs of dislocation in the joint:

Sharp deformity in the area of ​​the joint

Unnatural position of the limbs

The pain is strong

There is no way to make any movements in the dislocated joint

If you want to act with a limb in the region of a dislocated joint, it leads to increasing pain

What do we need to do:

  1. Immobilize the limb in the area of ​​dislocation without changing its position
  2. Give painkillers
  3. Deliver to the hospital

It is not necessary to set the dislocation on your own, let the doctor do it.


Signs of fracture of the bones of the limbs:

Deformity or reduction of limbs

Unusual position of the limbs

Movement in an unusual place

No ability to move independently or rely on a limb

What do we need to do:

  1. Immobilize the injured limb. Be sure to strengthen the two closest joints
  2. Give painkillers
  3. Give to drink: water, tea
  4. If there is a wound at the fracture site that reaches the bone, then such a fracture is called open. Open fracture very dangerous and requires urgent medical attention. The first thing to do before immobilizing the limb is to apply a tight bandage in order to stop the bleeding.

For any injury, check whether the fingers of the injured limb move.

and skin sensitivity below the injured limb

Loss of consciousness

Fainting can lead to:

Nervous tension


Sometimes serious illness

Signs of fainting:

Man turns pale

Cold sweat

Weakness in the limbs

Loss of consciousness

What do we need to do:

  1. Lay the victim on their back, horizontally with legs slightly raised
  2. Unfasten the collar or free from clothing that interferes.
  3. Provide access fresh air
  4. Wipe the face, neck with a handkerchief moistened cold water
  5. If it happened outside, move it to a cool place, and if it happened indoors, open the windows

Call your doctor if you don't feel better within 7-10 minutes, or if you have pain in your chest, stomach, headache, etc.

You can use T-26 point (in the center of the nasolabial fold) 30-40 quick pressures with the tip of the thumbnail


Hypothermia is the cause of DEATH, remember this!

Hypothermia can lead to:

Long stay at a temperature less than +14C

Not warm enough clothes


Strong wind

Wet clothes

High humidity

Being in cold water

Signs of hypothermia:


slurred speech

Delayed response to questions

Movement coordination is impaired

It's getting cold and starting to get cold

What do we need to do:

  1. Stay
  2. Think about help, and start implementing it
  3. Prepare parking
  4. Provide fire, hot water and everything necessary for parking
  5. Give the victim a hot drink, as well as something sweet
  6. think about the rest
  7. Relax

How to warm up the victim?

Change wet clothes

Give hot drinks and food


You can sit around the victim, or lie naked in his sleeping bag

How to protect yourself from hypothermia?

Rest and sleep

Carry a supply of chocolate, sugar, condensed milk, sweets

Drink and eat hot food during the day

Always take warm clothes with you

Warn others about your driving routes, if anything, they will start looking for you.


Burns can result from:

High temperature exposure, both on the skin and on the respiratory tract through smoke

Solar radiation

Chemical exposure

Burn signs:


The appearance of blisters on the skin

Skin becomes whitish, yellow-brown, or black

Loss of skin sensitivity

What do we need to do:

  1. Remove the victim from the affected area, if clothing is on fire, extinguish it
  2. Quickly cool the affected area with cold water, cool for 15-30 minutes, chemical burn cool with running water
  3. Remove clothing, but it is better to cut it, if there are areas where clothing has stuck to the skin, cut it off at the edges and leave
  4. Give painkillers
  5. Make a bandage, but not tight, just so that dirt does not get in
  6. Immobilize the damaged surface
  7. Give plenty of sweet tea or salted water
  8. Deliver to the hospital

It is undesirable to pierce the bubbles

Do not peel off sticky clothes

It is advisable not to lubricate the affected skin with anything

eye injury

chemical burn

What do we need to do:

  1. Wash your eyes large quantity water
  2. Bandage
  3. Transport to hospital

Various eye injuries:

The voice turns red

Eyelids swell and redden

What do we need to do:

  1. Drop into the eye the composition of sulfatsil - sodium (albucid)
  2. Apply a clean bandage
  3. Give painkillers
  4. If vision deteriorates, transport to hospital

Wear safety goggles where there is a possibility of eye injury

Nose bleed

Signs of bleeding:

Nosebleeds on impact

Or the appearance of blood itself for no apparent reason

What do we need to do

  1. Plant the victim
  2. Tilt your head forward
  3. Squeeze the nostrils from the sides for 10 minutes
  4. After stopping the bleeding, do not remove blood clots, do not do heavy physical exertion

Seek medical attention if bleeding does not stop within 15 minutes

Insert swabs into your nose before going to the doctor

Seek medical attention if nosebleeds recur several times or if blood begins to drain down the back wall pharynx


Insects (wasps, spiders, hornets, scorpions, etc.)

Bite signs:


What do we need to do:

  1. Pull out the sting
  2. Attach something cold, or a napkin soaked in vinegar
  3. If the bite is accompanied severe pain- give painkillers
  4. Lubricate with anti-inflammatory ointment
  5. For bites in the face, neck, mouth - quickly inject Dexamethasone or Prednisolone, or Hydrocortisone. Transport the patient to the hospital

Highly dangerous bites in the neck, face, mouth, tongue - a tumor occurs that blocks the airways and a person can suffocate.

Poisonous snakes

Bite can lead to:

If you don't touch the snake, it won't attack first, but if you touch it, it will defend itself.

If you do not look at your feet while driving and resting

Do not stick your hand into holes, bushes, under stones, if you do not see what is there

Bite signs:

Pain in the wound

Minor swelling around the bite

Tumor of the bitten limb



Abdominal pain

Breathing and more

What do we need to do:

  1. Deliver to the hospital
  2. If the hospital is far away, then put the patient to bed and not allow him to get up, walk, sit
  3. Make a parking lot
  4. Let's drink to the sick
  5. Try every opportunity to help, signal trouble
  6. It's hard to predict what's next

Observe the patient for 2 hours, if symptoms of poisoning do not appear, then the bite was not poisonous

With the bite site, carry out the same actions as with the wound

If the bite was in the neck, face, mouth, then give an injection: Dexamethasone, Prednisolone, Hydrocortisone


Drowning can lead to:

Swimming in unfamiliar waters

Jumping into water in unfamiliar places

Skating on thin ice

What should we do if there is no breathing:

  1. Check for a pulse
  2. Remove dirt and grit from mouth and nose
  3. Begin artificial respiration.
  4. When water appears in the mouth, put it on the stomach, then with both hands lift it up and shake it so that water pours out of the stomach and respiratory tract
  5. Main artificial respiration and cardiac massage
  6. If it is possible to call ambulance

There are cases of drowning even in a puddle or in shallow water in the bathroom, where drunkards, epileptics during an epileptic attack, or small children sometimes drown.
Drowned even when quickly removed from the water by appearance looks like a dead one. When rescuing a drowning person, there is no time to waste, so in some cases it is possible not to pump out the water.

At the same time, every second is precious!


Severe injuries and illnesses can lead to cardiac arrest, breathing, and then death of a person.

Signs of clinical death:

No pulse

Loss of consciousness

Lack of spontaneous breathing

Wide pupils

What do we need to do:

  1. Check pulse, breathing, pupils
  2. Lay the casualty on their back (hard surface)
  3. Unbutton your clothes
  4. Clean mouth and nose
  5. Throw your head back
  6. open mouth
  7. Start artificial respiration and cardiac massage
  8. Call an ambulance if possible

Artificial respiration

The essence of artificial respiration is the artificial introduction of air into the lungs. It is performed in all cases of respiratory arrest, as well as, in the presence of wrong breathing. The main condition for successful artificial respiration is the free airway and the presence of fresh air.
Heart massage

Cardiac arrest occurs with a direct blow to the region of the heart, with drowning, suffocation, gas poisoning, with electric shock, with inhibition of the blood circulation control center located in the medulla oblongata, with some heart diseases, mainly with myocardial infarction, with insufficient prolonged breathing . Cardiac arrest is also seen in heat stroke, blood loss, burns and freezing.
Due to cardiac arrest, blood circulation is interrupted, resulting in clinical death. In this case the only possibility to save the victim's life is to massage the heart.
When the heart stops, it is necessary to cause its contraction and stretching artificially. Cardiac massage is an effective measure of revitalization when combined with artificial respiration; It is necessary to carry out artificial respiration, because when a person’s heart stops, respiratory activity also stops. If the revival of the victim is carried out by only one person, then he is obliged to do both heart massage and artificial respiration at the same time. At 15 s pressure chest 3 artificial breaths are made.
Heart massage is a measure that requires great care, so it is resorted to only in cases of emergency.

Created Jun 13, 2011

In 2017, the set of car first-aid kit, in comparison with the previous period, did not undergo any changes, and its components correspond to the approved list in 2010. The requirements of the new documents exempt drivers from being in their medicine cabinet most of the pills. At the same time, it should include means to help with injuries, stop bleeding, plasters, bandages and dressings to fix the limb in case of fractures and other injuries.

Ten years ago, the car first-aid kit was much more voluminous: it contained various pills that, in fact, almost no one had ever used, and their absence was a reason for unnecessary nit-picking by traffic inspectors. In addition, experts have found that the use of these tablets by people who do not have a medical education in emergency situations when available serious injury, brings more harm than benefit.

Therefore, in 2010, the composition of the first-aid kit changed significantly, and all the pills were deleted from it, which significantly increased the shelf life of the first-aid kit. Today it is 4.5-5 years. Therefore, if the car owner purchased new first aid kit after the release of the law, then last year its expiration date expired, and it's time to update all its contents. For the absence of a first-aid kit, or if its composition is overdue or it is not fully equipped, a fine of 500 rubles is provided. Therefore, let's decide what means, pills or other medical products should be in it.

The composition of the first-aid kit and the specifics of injuries: fractures, bleeding

According to emergency doctors and experts, the main injury that requires the use of a first aid kit is a fracture or bleeding. To provide first aid with it, pills or any other medicines are not required. Those who were eyewitnesses of the accident and provide assistance to the victims before the arrival of the "ambulance" should not use drugs, this can only do harm. But to fix the fracture with a splint and dressings, stop bleeding with a tourniquet - for this, the first-aid kit should always contain the necessary components.

Today's first aid kit contains the mandatory components that will help in case of injuries and accidents to people who have received various injuries. Moreover, if it is a fracture of a limb or a concussion, bruises or wounds, no one will treat wounds with iodine or brilliant green. There are more important urgent action- you need to stop the bleeding (especially if damaged large vessels), fix the victim so that he does not receive additional injuries, put splints on the area of ​​fractures of the limbs. Subsequently, the necessary measures required by the injury will be carried out by doctors on the spot or in the hospital.

So, based on everything that was said above, today's kit in the first-aid kit looks like this:

  • Rubber tourniquet, hemostatic 1 piece.
  • Non-sterile bandages, 50 mm wide, 5 m long - 2 pieces.
  • Non-sterile bandages 140 mm wide and 7 m long - 1 piece.
  • Non-sterile bandages 100 mm wide and 5 m long - 2 pieces.
  • Sterile bandages 140 mm wide and 7 m long - 1 piece.
  • Sterile bandages 100 mm wide and 5 m long - 2 pieces.
  • Sterile bandages 70 mm wide and 5 m long - 2 pieces.
  • Bactericidal patches measuring 40 mm by 100 mm - 2 pieces.
  • Bactericidal plasters 19 mm by 72 mm - 10 pieces.
  • Plaster roll 10 mm x 25 m - 1 piece.
  • Gauze napkins - 1 pack.
  • Disposable bag (sterile, dressing) - 1 piece.
  • Device for resuscitation "mouth-to-mouth" - 1 piece.
  • Scissors medical purpose- 1 piece.
  • Sterile medical gloves - 1-2 packs.

A case for packing all components is acceptable as plastic, fabric, or any other type. The main requirement for it is that when inside the machine, the contents are not subjected to deformation and violation of sterility. In addition, the first aid kit must have detailed instructions for the use of all means.

We draw your attention to the fact that the composition of the first-aid kit does not include any medicines such as ammonia, antiseptic solutions or tablets.

Are additional medications needed?

The described composition is a standard first aid kit, which should be available to any car owner who has perfect health. However, many of the drivers also have various somatic pathologies, chronic diseases, allergies or other problems. At their discretion, the standard set can be supplemented with tablets that are indicated to provide assistance in case of health problems in a particular family. For example, it may contain medicines to help if you develop anaphylactic shock if there is an insect allergy, or heart pills if the driver has heart problems.

Today, a first aid kit for a car can be purchased ready-made, assembled in pharmacies or car dealerships, but nowhere is it regulated that it cannot be assembled by yourself. The second option is more acceptable due to the fact that many manufacturers of first-aid kits, in order to reduce the cost of its cost, put components that are not of the highest quality into it. So, for example, it can be an extremely uncomfortable tourniquet to stop bleeding or too small soft metal scissors, with which it is almost impossible to cut the victim’s clothes.

Plus, collecting a first-aid kit on your own allows you to buy all its necessary components cheaper, as well as with a known expiration date. You can check the quality of bandages and plasters, tourniquets and all other components yourself, visually, while a standard ready-made first-aid kit is usually packed in plastic when sold, and many sellers simply do not allow opening it before purchase. On average, it takes from 300-400 rubles to collect a first-aid kit, depending on whether it will be a standard set of medicines, or supplementing it with the components necessary for the individual needs of your family members.

First aid is a set of simple and urgent actions aimed at temporarily eliminating the causes, health threatening and the life of the victim (suddenly ill), and the prevention of the development of severe complications.

First aid for abrasions and abrasions

An abrasion is a violation of the integrity of the surface layers of the skin, accompanied by pinpoint bleeding. Abrasions most often occur on hikes. In most cases, abrasions are small and heal quickly.

First aid for abrasions:
■ clean the abrasion with hydrogen peroxide or soap and water;
■ lubricate the wound with a solution of brilliant green (brilliant green);
■ apply a sterile bandage, or attach a plantain leaf, or stick a bactericidal patch.

Abrasion is damage to the upper layer of the skin that occurs under the influence of skin friction.

The main cause of scuffing in hiking trips is ill-fitting shoes or underwear (panties, swimming trunks).

First aid for abrasions:
■ wash the worn surface with hydrogen peroxide;
■ smear with brilliant green or baby cream;
■ stick on a bactericidal adhesive plaster.

First aid for bruises

A bruise is a mechanical injury to the soft tissues of the human body.

A bruise occurs from a blow with a blunt object and is accompanied by hemorrhage into deep-lying tissues, resulting in a bruise. To reduce hemorrhage and pain, cold is applied to the bruised area. They also make cold lotions, which are changed after 1-2 minutes.

If there are abrasions on the skin due to a bruise, then the bruised area should not be wetted. It must first be bandaged with a sterile bandage, then put a bubble (cellophane bag) with cold water on top.

After lotions, a pressure bandage is applied to the bruised part of the body.

The arm is hung on a sling, and the leg is attached horizontal position- provide the affected part of the body with complete rest.

With minor bruises, lubrication of the damaged area with butadion ointment helps well. This lubrication reduces the pain of a bruise and promotes the resorption of bruising.

First aid for dislocations

A dislocation is a displacement of a bone from its normal position in a joint. Dislocations usually occur when strong impact on a joint when the head of the bone is out of its normal position. So, hip dislocation is possible when falling on a bent leg, shoulder dislocation - when falling on an outstretched arm.

Signs of dislocation: pain in the limb, swelling, axis displacement and change in the length of the limb, its forced position (lack of mobility).

First aid for dislocations:
■ fix the limb in the position that it has taken (put on the hand bandage, on the leg - a tire);
■ put ice (bubble, plastic bag with cold water) on the area of ​​the injured joint to reduce pain, swelling and bruising.

During first aid, the dislocation should not be reduced. This will be done in the hospital after an X-ray examination.

First aid for sprains and torn ligaments

Sprains occur when a bone extends beyond its normal range of motion or changes direction of motion in a direction that is not intended for it. These injuries most often occur to the limbs. For example, if a person stumbled and twisted his leg. Muscles are also prone to stretching. Sometimes they say: "I pulled a muscle." Such sprains can be caused by heavy lifting, sudden or awkward movement. The most common are stretching the muscles of the neck, back, thigh or lower leg.

Signs of sprain: pain at the slightest movement in a joint or muscle, inability to perform normal movements, swelling.

First aid for sprains:
■ put a tight bandage on the injured part of the body and keep the injured arm or leg still and at rest. Try not to cause additional pain to the victim;
■ put a plastic bag with cold water on the damaged area to reduce pain;
■ give the injured part of the body (arm or leg) an elevated position.

If the injury is serious and requires medical intervention, all possible measures transporting the victim to locality where he can get medical help.

Test yourself

■ How should first aid be given for abrasions and abrasions?
■ How should first aid be given for a bruise if there is an abrasion on the bruised area?
■ How should I give first aid for sprains?

After lessons

Your camping buddy sprained his leg. How will you provide him with first aid for a dislocation?

Make a list of funds from your individual first aid kit to be used when providing first aid for injuries. Specify which medicinal plants that grow in your area can be used for these purposes and how. When answering, you can use the Internet and literature from the library. Record your answer in the form of a table in the safety diary.



I. Rules for the provision of first aid

When injured

The consequences of accidents depend on how quickly and skillfully the first medical (pre-medical) aid is provided to the victim. Delay first aid or incorrect (inept) provision of it may lead to serious complications in the treatment, disability and even death of the victim. It is impossible to refuse to help the victim and consider him dead only by the absence of such signs of life as breathing and pulse.

Almost always, trauma occurs suddenly and leaves the person feeling helpless. Not everyone knows what to do, how to quickly determine the nature and severity of the injury. In such cases, calmness, determination, the ability to quickly and correctly organize first aid before arrival are necessary. medical workers. The speed and quality of the provision of first aid are determined by the preparedness of the people who are nearby, their ability to use improvised and special means. Therefore, every student and employee should know how to provide first aid: stop bleeding, make artificial respiration and outdoor massage heart, splint a fracture, bandage the wound, rinse the eyes, take the necessary measures for acute poisoning steam, gas, etc.

There is a certain sequence of first aid, with various variations, that is acceptable for most situations. It is much more difficult to provide assistance if the victim has only one person. In this case, it is not always necessary to run after the doctor, sometimes it is simply impossible to do this (on the site, in the forest, on the river). In situations such as electric shock, drowning, multiple injuries, urgent action, can be decisive for saving the life of the victim. For example, in the aforementioned cases, the victim may be out of breath, impaired cardiovascular activity to the point of cardiac arrest. At the same time, the task of the one who provides assistance is to immediately begin to restore breathing and cardiac activity in the victim, and only then resolve the issue of transportation.

The sequence of actions in the provision of first aid:

1. Remove the victim from the environment where the accident occurred.

2. Give the victim the most comfortable position providing peace.

3. Determine the type of injury (fracture, wound, burn).

4. Determine the general condition of the victim, establish that the functions of vital organs are not impaired.

5. Start hosting necessary measures:

Stop the bleeding;

Fix the fracture site;

Provide resuscitation measures: artificial respiration, external heart massage;

Treat damaged parts of the body.

6. Simultaneously with the provision of first aid, it is necessary to call an ambulance, send for an employee of an educational institution, prepare transport for sending the victim to the nearest medical facility.

7. Notify the heads of the institution about what happened.

It is important to know the circumstances under which the injury occurred, the conditions that led to its occurrence and the time - an hour and even minutes, especially when the victim lost consciousness. Knowing this can help not only to recognize the nature of damage, to choose the right means of assistance, but also in the future, in conditions medical institution right to make a diagnosis.

The first thing to do to provide assistance is to remove (carry out) the victim from the scene (from the sports hall of the sports ground, stop the action electric current, remove from the room in which carbon monoxide). This should be done carefully, trying to disturb the victim as little as possible, especially when there are spinal fractures. In such cases, it is impossible to turn the victim over, because this increases pain, leads to severe complications, such as shock, severe bleeding with vascular damage.

In case of some injuries and sudden illnesses, it is necessary to remove clothes from the victim, for example, when thermal burns and wounds. Better to do it indoors. First, clothes (coat, jacket, trousers, blouse) are removed from a healthy part of the body. If it is difficult to remove clothing, it is ripped or cut. This is how they act in cases of severe trauma with bone damage, when it is necessary to quickly stop the bleeding. During bleeding, clothing is sufficient to cut above the wound. In case of a fracture of the spine, when it is impossible to disturb the victim, clothes are not removed.

It is necessary to provide for the protection of the victim from hypothermia, especially if there is a significant loss of blood, a serious general condition, or during transportation of the victim over long distances. This is not difficult to do, for this they use sheets that are laid on a stretcher in such a way as to cover the victim with a free edge. In wet weather, use a tarpaulin, tent, or materials that do not allow water to pass through.

The victim always needs the moral and psychological support of others. Attention, sincerity, care are factors that will help overcome the consequences of trauma, misfortune. Rudeness, irritation, accusations of negligence, non-compliance with safety regulations, and the like are unacceptable. Right psychological impact and the behavior of those who surround the victim, who support him, is already first aid.

II. First aid kit, its composition, purpose, rules of use

Name medical devices and medicines Purpose Quantity
Individual dressing antiseptic bag For dressing 3 pcs.
Bandages For dressing 3 pcs.
Cotton wool (in bags) For dressing 2 pcs.
tourniquet To stop bleeding 1 PC.
Iodine tincture For the treatment of wounds and cuts on the skin 1 vial or 10 ampoules
Ammonia Apply in case of loss of consciousness, drip 2-3 drops onto cotton wool and bring it to the victim's nose 1 vial or 10 ampoules
Solution (2-4%) boric acid For washing the eyes, for lotions on the eyes for electric arc burns, for rinsing the mouth, for burns with alkaline compounds 1 vial 250 ml
Petrolatum For treatment of skin with burns of the 1st degree 1 tube.
Validol Apply with heart pain 1 tab. until complete absorption 1 tube.

The set of measures providing for the provision of assistance at the scene of an accident includes not only training in the rules of conduct, but also appropriate material support, which includes first aid kits. First aid kits should be in places largest concentration people and in hazardous areas.

AT gym the first-aid kit is placed in a special cabinet; while working on the sports ground, the first-aid kit is kept in a bag or in a place convenient for carrying. The condition and completeness of the first-aid kit must be checked, paying attention to the expiration date of medicines. The first aid kit should always have first aid for bruises, minor injuries: iodine solution, boric acid, potassium permanganate, dressing material.

Rules for using an individual dressing package:

1. When unfolding the package, do not touch the side that will be applied to the wound.

2. If there is one wound, then two pads should be applied, if there are two wounds - one per wound, then bandage.

3. To prevent the bandage from slipping, you need to secure the outer end of the bandage with a pin.

4. After opening the package, it must be used immediately, because it quickly loses sterility.

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