Tourist's personal first aid kit

First of all, put those medicines that you or your family take constantly for any disease, so that you always have a supply, even if the disease itself is not exacerbated. Keep in mind that any medicines, including "tested" ones, should be taken only after examination by a doctor or, according to at least, telephone consultation. Otherwise, you should use the funds from the first-aid kit on your own only in case of emergency.

Remedies for fever and pain

In order not to give antipyretics in vain, not to trust intuition, be sure to put a thermometer, which should be in a special case, regardless of whether you use a mercury or electronic model.

It is necessary to stock up on antipyretics, as the temperature can rise at any time and for any reason. Antipyretics also have an analgesic effect, so they can be considered in one group. What drugs to choose? First of all, in pediatric practice, drugs are recommended for use. paracetamol : drops Tylenol, syrups - Kalpol, Panadol, Aqua-Teva, Efferalgan, Cefekon D and others, also the same remedy in the form of tablets and suppositories (suppositories). Paracetamol can be used in children from 3 months life. At the age of 3 months to 1 year, the drug is prescribed in a single dose of 24-120 mg; from 1 to 6 years - 120-240 mg; from 6 to 12 years - 240-360 mg. This should be kept in mind when only adult tablets are on hand, usually containing 500 mg. active substance. In second place in terms of frequency of use can be put Ibuprofen, also known as Nurofen. Children are allowed to use it from 6 months . You can also use homeopathic candles Viburkol, their use is allowed from birth.

Be sure to put in the first aid kit No-shpu. This is an antispasmodic drug and should be used in combination with antipyretics if the temperature rise is accompanied by a spasm of the vessels of the extremities (in this case, the child will have cold extremities and high body temperature). For kids over 2 years old you can also use drugs that combine the action of antipyretic and antispasmodic drugs, – Baralgin, Maxigan, Spazgan, Pentalgin, Tempalgin, and children over 6 years oldSpazmalgon. Children 2-6 years old should be given 1/4 tablet, over 6 years old - 1/2. The same drugs can be used for toothache and headache, for trauma - for pain relief.

But even if the temperature drops after the use of antipyretics, the child must be shown to the doctor.

Medicines for injuries and wounds in children

Babies are often injured. They are of various origins: bruises, wounds, scratches, abrasions, burns, etc.

With bruises and bruises (bruises), gels will help you Troxevasin or Venoruton(apply 2 times a day), ointments Hepatrombin(apply 1-3 times a day), Heparoid Lechiva(apply 2-3 times a day) or Heparin ointment(apply 2-3 times a day). Apply one of these remedies to the bruised area, rub gently in a circular motion. Swelling and soreness of the damaged area will quickly decrease. These drugs must be used for several days until edema will pass fabrics.

For cuts, abrasions and scratches, use 3% hydrogen peroxide solution for primary processing a contaminated wound, stop bleeding from a wound, or nosebleed. If there is no hydrogen peroxide, then you can treat the wound with water, in which you need to dissolve the tablet furatsilina , or weak solution potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate) . The edges of the scratch or cut can then be finished 3% alcohol solution of iodine or lubricate the edges of the wound brilliant green solution . In the first-aid kit, it is convenient to have special lakers containing iodine or brilliant green (they look like felt-tip pens). On top of a scratch or abrasion can be glued bactericidal plaster . For more deep wound must be bandaged with sterile wipes , bandage or dressing package , fastening on top tubular bandage .

In addition, in case of injuries you will need: cotton wool(it is more convenient if it is already in the form of sterile cotton balls), cotton buds , bandages different sizes and elastic bandage , patches . Just in case, put a hemostatic tourniquet .

Useful for injuries scissors for opening packages, cutting bandages, etc. - you can take small or medium size, they should be sharp.

Remedies for burns in children

Another type of injury is burns . The affected area should be cooled as soon as possible by placing in cold water or under running water. cold water for at least 10 minutes. Never apply on burns. oil solutions or ointments, since the fatty film prevents the affected area from cooling down, keeping warm. Use sprays: Panthenol, Olazol, "Rescuer". Special ointment with burns Dermazin has antimicrobial action, and also contributes to the preservation of fluid at the site of injury, which is actively lost at the site of the burn. Silvederm(analogue Dermazina), Acerbin- solution with a spray - have an antimicrobial and wound-healing effect. For severe pain, one of the pain relievers mentioned above can also be given. After providing first aid, be sure to show the injured doctor. When sunburn can be used Panthenol, "Rescuer" or special cosmetic creams. But to avoid sunburn, be sure to use before going out into the sun. sunscreens: there are special creams for children. Some of them also combine mosquito repellent, which is very convenient. After sunbathing use moisturizer or milk.

Remedies for motion sickness for children

If your child is motion sick in transport (the so-called " seasickness”), then 30 minutes before the trip or flight, give him a remedy for motion sickness - Dramina, homeopathic remedy "Avia-sea" or Kokkulin. The use of all these funds is allowed for children from 1 year . On the road, you also need to stock up on packages in case of vomiting, hard candies and drinking water with napkins.

Medicines for the intestines and stomach on a trip

With a change in climate, on the road, a change in the nature of the water, you may be overtaken by trouble with the intestines - diarrhea or stool disorders. In what cases and what will help? Ercefuril- an antimicrobial agent that destroys the microbial cell wall, reduces the production of toxins, activates the immune system - this drug can be used for babies already from 2nd month life. With flatulence (bloating), smectite can be used, it has an adsorbing and antidiarrheal effect - it precipitates on itself and removes toxins when intestinal infections, eliminates liquid stool. Smecta can be given to children since birth : up to 1 year - 1 sachet per day; from 1 to 2 years - 1-2 sachets per day; over 2 years - 2-3 sachets per day. The contents of the sachet are dissolved in a 50 ml baby bottle (used throughout the day) or can be mixed thoroughly with semi-liquid food.

can be accepted Activated carbon- can also be given since birth , because he has different forms release: tablets, capsules, powder bags, paste.

Take enzymes with you - Mezim-forte, Creon, Enzistal, Festal, Abomin, their main action is the breakdown of proteins, fats and starch. These drugs are given on the 2-3rd day after the first symptoms of poisoning appear, especially if the baby has no appetite. They are also used as replacement therapy, that is, they help the baby's digestion when expanding the diet.

If diarrhea or vomiting was profuse, then it is necessary to restore the amount of fluid lost. To do this, you need to take salt preparations with you: Regidron, Trisol, Enterodes, Gastrolit, which will help restore the volume of lost fluid, including during heat stroke(overheating in the sun). It is more convenient to use those products that are available in powder form ( Regidron, Gastrolit), as in this form they are more convenient to store and their shelf life is longer.

Salt solution can also be prepared at home: for 1 liter of boiled water, take 20–40 g of sugar, 3.5 g table salt and 2.5 g baking soda, and to add potassium, replace 1/3 - 1/2 of the water with raisin or carrot broth. To prepare carrot broth, you need to take 200 g of peeled carrots, chop, pour 1 liter of cold water, bring to a boil and simmer for 20 minutes. Then wipe the carrots through a sieve, pour in the carrot broth and bring the volume of the resulting mixture to 1 liter boiled water, cool. If the child does not have allergic reactions to citrus fruits, 1/3 of a lemon can be squeezed into the mixture. Raisin broth is prepared from 100–150 g of thoroughly washed raisins (preferably white varieties) and 1 liter of water, brought to a boil, boiled for 20 minutes, filtered and cooled to room temperature.

At the same time, it is necessary to use means that can absorb (sorb) toxins from the intestines, - Smektu and Activated carbon . Just note that sorbents must be taken one hour before or one hour after eating or taking any medication so that absorption does not occur.

Then you need to restore the intestinal microflora using Linex, Hilak-forte. These preparations contain ingredients normal microflora intestines, contributing to its normalization.

Successfully combines a sorbent and a preparation for restoring the microbial flora Pobifor due to the fact that it includes activated carbon and bifidumbacterin. Can be given to babies from 1 year : children 1-3 years old - 1 sachet 2 times a day, 3-7 years old - 1 sachet 3 times a day. Course - 3-5 days from the first day intestinal poisoning. The medicine is given simultaneously with liquid food, preferably fermented milk, or with 30–50 ml of boiled water at room temperature, or with mother's milk. If necessary, the drug is taken regardless of the meal.

In reverse situations, that is, when constipation occurs, it is good to have a pear with you for setting cleansing enema. Help also candles with glycerin , children over 2 years old you can use candles or dragees Bisacodyla.

Remedies for the common cold for children

Despite the hot summer, no one is immune from colds, in particular from the common cold. It would be a shame to spend even part of the holiday with clogged nose. Therefore, take with you means for washing the nasal cavity: aqua maris, salin(replace them can non-carbonated mineral water), which can be instilled into the nose of children up to 1 year in the form of drops older than 1 year - in the form of nasal sprays. To soften and remove contaminant accumulations and nasal secretions, these agents are sprayed or instilled into each nasal passage for as long as the situation requires, eliminating the resulting excess fluid with cotton wool or a handkerchief. The procedure can be repeated many times until the accumulation of contaminants is successfully softened and removed. With nasal congestion, remedies such as xylene, For the nose, Otrivin(xylometazoline 0.5% solution - since birth ), Nazivin, Nazol(oxymetazoline 0.01% solution - since birth , 0.025% - after 1 year and 0.05% - after 3 years ), Naphthyzin, Tizin, Sanorin(naphazolin 0.05% solution - after 1 year ) can be used for 5-7 days up to 3-4 times a day. It should be borne in mind that these drops only improve the baby's well-being, but do not affect the cause of the disease in any way, their intake should be minimized. At long-term use it is possible to develop dryness of the nasal mucosa or, conversely, hypersecretion. These drugs are vasoconstrictive, therefore, after instillation, nasal congestion is removed, but a pronounced watery discharge appears, which must be blown off. Then dry the mucosa to reduce re-swelling and prevent the growth of bacteria in the inflammatory nasal discharge, using Protargol(silver proteinate) or Vibrocilom. If necessary, that is, when the runny nose has become purulent (green) discharge, drip anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial agents: Polydex, Isofra.

In cases where you live in an area with a dry climate, increased dustiness, and you are overtaken by a runny nose or you feel increased dryness in the nose, it is better to use drops on oil basedPinosol, but this drug can be used in children older than 1 year.

So that the eyes do not hurt ...

A stuffy nose is often accompanied by a violation of the patency of the nasolacrimal canal, which leads to stagnation of tears and the occurrence of conjunctivitis. Also, conjunctivitis can occur for any other reason (infection dirty hands, ingress of foreign particles, contact with infection). What to do? Do you already have pills in your medicine cabinet? Furacilina. Dissolve 1 tablet in a glass of water, soak a cotton swab in the solution and rinse the eye with smooth movements from the outer corner to the inner. Change the swab after each wash. Then drip Sulfacyl sodium (Albucid) (antimicrobial, antibacterial and bacteriostatic agent), Sofradex(antibacterial, antiallergic, antipruritic and anti-inflammatory agents) or place an antibacterial agent behind the lower eyelid eye ointmentErythromycin.

Remedies for ear pain in children

At the most inopportune moment, your child may complain of ear pain. You can provide first aid by putting a cotton swab or turunda (rolled gauze napkin) soaked in Otipax, Sofradex or Polydexoy, which have an anesthetic, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect.

Please note that in ear canal you don’t need to bury anything, soak with a medicine cotton swabs or turundas. direct instillation ear drops dangerous, because at home it is impossible to examine the ear the way an ENT doctor does, and to clarify the nature of the inflammation on this moment- the tympanic membrane is damaged or not. If at break eardrum droplets enter the middle ear cavity, they can cause damage auditory ossicles or lead to defeat auditory nerve which will cause deafness. Instead, it is necessary to make a turunda from dry cotton wool, gently insert it into the external auditory canal and drip on it. warm medicine 3-4 times a day. A portion of the drops should be heated to a temperature of 36 0 C. You can, for example, heat a pipette in warm water, and then draw the medicine into it or first draw the preparation, and then heat the pipette with it in warm water.

Cough remedies

If the cough is dry, you need to make it wet, for this, mucolytic (sputum thinning) agents are used - Acetylcysteine, ACC. And when wet cough it is necessary to facilitate the excretion of sputum. For this it may be suitable Ascoril, which includes both a bronchodilator (eliminating bronchospasm) and a mucolytic (thinning sputum and facilitating its removal from the bronchi). Also improve the excretion of sputum drugs such as Ambrobene, Halixol, Lazolvan, Tusuprex, Bromhexine.

Allergy Remedies

Even if you are not prone to allergic reactions, take with you to the first aid kit antihistamines: Suprastin, Tavegil, Fenkarol, Diazolin, Diphenhydramine in tablet form and/or solution or gel Fenistil. These remedies can be useful for acute allergic reactions, for example, those that occur with insect bites, plant burns.

Insect bite remedies

The scourge of summer in almost any place of rest is insects (mosquitoes, horseflies, gadflies, midges, bees). So that your vacation is not spoiled by these winged creatures, put in your first aid kit various means from insects repellents . For exposed parts of the body - creams, balms, lotions, ointments and sprays.

But what about walks in the forest, fishing? Ticks ... Epidemiologists begin to warn about them in early spring. They can carry the virus tick-borne encephalitis. How to protect yourself from them? There are also repellents against ticks. So don't forget to put a tick repellent in your first aid kit.

What to do if mosquitoes managed to bite and leave itchy marks? There are remedies that soothe itching: balms that contain menthol oil. Or you can use alcoholic solution of boric acid (it is sold in pharmacies), which soothes the skin at the site of the bite. There are alcohol solutions of boric acid in combination with novocaine, that is, in addition to the calming effect, they also have an analgesic effect.

Antibiotics for children

It is difficult to predict which antibiotic may be needed. So it's better to take an antibiotic a wide range actions - Amoxiclav, Augmentin, Erythromycin, Suprax, Rulid Summamed, macrofoam in pediatric dosage. Such a need may arise with the appearance of angina, purulent otitis media, abscesses (boils), especially on the face, with burns. And if it is not possible to immediately show the child to the doctor, then the antibiotic can be given independently.

What drugs should not be given to children

  • Aspirin, or acetylsalicylic acid . This drug may cause increased bleeding if used with high temperature, as well as exacerbation peptic ulcer; the drug is contraindicated for children under 12 years of age, and according to some sources - up to 15 years.
  • Analgin. Despite the fact that this is the most common antipyretic and analgesic drug, it should also not be given to children, as it can cause a violation of blood formation. In addition, after the use of analgin can cause hypothermia, that is, a decrease in body temperature below normal, and a prolonged decrease blood pressure which may cause the child to lose consciousness.
  • Candles cefekon N. The composition of these suppositories (candles) includes salicylate, that is, acetylsalicylic acid, which was mentioned above.

What else should be in a child's first aid kit on a trip:

Not prevent baby cream , which softens delicate baby skin, heals, soothes redness, and also protects face and body areas prone to climatic aggressions: wind, cold, protects against overdrying, forming a thin protective film. Talc , zinc ointment or having zinc oxide in its composition will help with the occurrence of diaper rash and chafing, which can appear with excessive sweating.

I also want to remind you of ammonia (ammonia solution), which, if necessary (stuffiness, pre-syncope or fainting) will help to bring to life.

There are always a lot of impressions and emotions on the road and on vacation, which can lead to overexcitation of both children and adults. Therefore, the presence in the medicine cabinet sedatives it won't be redundant. What to take? Alcohol solutions motherwort , valerian . As well as Valocordin, Corvalol: children are prescribed at the rate of 1 drop of an alcohol solution per year of life. Alcohol solutions of these drugs not only can have a sedative effect on the central nervous system but also soothe pruritus. That is, these drugs can also be used externally for insect bites.

Do not forget also such necessary trifles as rubber gloves, fingertips, pipettes, tweezers, vent tube, medical pears - for a cleansing enema and for suction of discharge from a cold. In the first aid kit, you can also put wet wipes , as well as hand washing without water - They are also sold in pharmacies. As such means suitable and medical alcohol, but it dries the skin.

Everyone has a flashlight on a hike, it can also come in handy in the first aid kit - look at the neck, look into the nasal cavity or ear canal.

How to store children's medicines while traveling?

Well, the medicines have been prepared. And what to store them in? Often medications stored in plastic bags, which is completely wrong. If you are relaxing in the country or in the village, then the first-aid kit should be a lockable box, located in a place inaccessible to children.

If you are traveling or hiking, then in this case, as a place for medicines, there should be a box, light but durable, which can be washed. Never throw away annotations to drugs, always carefully read before use not only the indications for use and doses, but also contraindications! The annotation always indicates the method and conditions of storage medicinal product- consider this.

Please note that it is better to buy the above drugs in children's dosages - you can easily calculate the dose needed for the baby (usually it is calculated based on the age or weight of the child), according to the instructions. If an adult needs to use the drug, then the dose can be increased, again according to the instructions.

On a separate piece of paper, write what remedy you need to take and in what case.

Try to update the first-aid kit before going on vacation: throw away funds that have expired without regrets or hesitation. Also, throw away medicines that you can't read the name of, that have changed color, crumbled or got wet, or that have broken packaging. Ointments, creams, solutions, balms, emulsions can be stored in the refrigerator door, if there is no refrigerator, then store them in a cool place.

When everything is prepared and checked, you can safely go on vacation, having a collected first-aid kit as a guarantee.

| Schedule for the academic year | Providing PHC for injuries

Fundamentals of life safety
6th grade

Lesson 26
Providing PHC for injuries

First aid is a set of simple and urgent actions aimed at temporarily eliminating the causes, health threatening and the life of the victim (suddenly ill), and the prevention of the development of severe complications.

First aid for abrasions and abrasions

An abrasion is a violation of the integrity of the surface layers of the skin, accompanied by pinpoint bleeding. Abrasions most often occur on hikes. In most cases, abrasions are small and heal quickly.

First aid for abrasions:
■ clean the abrasion with hydrogen peroxide or soap and water;
■ lubricate the wound with a solution of brilliant green (brilliant green);
■ apply a sterile bandage, or attach a plantain leaf, or stick a bactericidal patch.

Abrasion is damage to the upper layer of the skin that occurs under the influence of skin friction.

The main cause of abrasion in hiking trips is ill-fitting shoes or underwear (panties, swimming trunks).

First aid for abrasions:
■ wash the worn surface with hydrogen peroxide;
■ smear with brilliant green or baby cream;
■ stick on a bactericidal adhesive plaster.

First aid for bruises

The bruise is mechanical damage soft tissues of the human body.

A bruise occurs from a blow with a blunt object and is accompanied by hemorrhage into deep-lying tissues, resulting in a bruise. To reduce hemorrhage and pain, cold is applied to the bruised area. They also make cold lotions, which are changed after 1-2 minutes.

If there are abrasions on the skin due to a bruise, then the bruised area should not be wetted. It must first be bandaged with a sterile bandage, then put on top of a bubble (cellophane bag) with cold water.

After lotions, a pressure bandage is applied to the bruised part of the body.

The arm is hung on a sling, and the leg is attached horizontal position- provide the affected part of the body with complete rest.

With minor bruises, lubrication of the damaged area with butadion ointment helps well. This lubrication reduces the pain of a bruise and promotes the resorption of bruising.

First aid for dislocations

A dislocation is a displacement of a bone from its normal position in a joint. Dislocations usually occur when strong impact on a joint when the head of the bone is out of its normal position. So, hip dislocation is possible when falling on a bent leg, shoulder dislocation - when falling on an outstretched arm.

Signs of dislocation: pain in the limb, swelling, axis displacement and change in the length of the limb, its forced position(lack of mobility).

First aid for dislocations:
■ fix the limb in the position that it has taken (put on the hand bandage, on the leg - a tire);
■ put ice (bubble, plastic bag with cold water) on the area of ​​the injured joint to reduce pain, swelling and bruising.

During first aid, the dislocation should not be reduced. This will be done in the hospital after an X-ray examination.

First aid for sprains and torn ligaments

Sprains occur when a bone extends beyond its normal range of motion or changes direction of motion in a direction that is not intended for it. These injuries most often occur to the limbs. For example, if a person stumbled and twisted his leg. Muscles are also prone to stretching. Sometimes they say: "I pulled a muscle." Such sprains can be caused by heavy lifting, sudden or awkward movement. The most common are stretching the muscles of the neck, back, thigh or lower leg.

Signs of sprain: pain at the slightest movement in a joint or muscle, inability to perform normal movements, swelling.

First aid for sprains:
■ put a tight bandage on the injured part of the body and keep the injured arm or leg still and at rest. Try not to hurt the victim extra pain;
■ put a plastic bag with cold water on the damaged area to reduce pain;
■ give the injured part of the body (arm or leg) an elevated position.

If the injury is serious and requires medical intervention, all possible measures transporting the victim to locality where he can get medical help.

Test yourself

■ How should first aid be given for abrasions and abrasions?
■ How should first aid be given for a bruise if there is an abrasion on the bruised area?
■ How should I give first aid for sprains?

After lessons

Your camping buddy sprained his leg. How will you provide him with first aid for a dislocation?

Make a list of items from your personal first aid kit that you need to use when providing first aid for injuries. Specify which medicinal plants that grow in your area can be used for these purposes and how. When answering, you can use the Internet and literature from the library. Record your answer in the form of a table in the safety diary.

I. Rules for the provision of first medical care

When injured

The consequences of accidents depend on how quickly and skillfully the first medical (pre-medical) aid is provided to the victim. Delay first aid or incorrect (inept) provision of it may lead to serious complications in the treatment, disability and even death of the victim. It is impossible to refuse to help the victim and consider him dead only by the absence of such signs of life as breathing and pulse.

Almost always, trauma occurs suddenly and leaves the person feeling helpless. Not everyone knows what to do, how to quickly determine the nature and severity of the injury. In such cases, calmness, determination, the ability to quickly and correctly organize first aid before arrival are necessary. medical workers. The speed and quality of the provision of first aid are determined by the preparedness of the people who are nearby, their ability to use improvised and special means. Therefore, every student and employee should know how to provide first aid: stop bleeding, make artificial respiration and outdoor massage heart, splint a fracture, bandage the wound, rinse the eyes, take the necessary measures for acute poisoning steam, gas, etc.

There is a certain sequence of first aid, with various variations, that is acceptable for most situations. It is much more difficult to provide assistance if the victim has only one person. In this case, it is not always necessary to run after the doctor, sometimes it is simply impossible to do this (on the site, in the forest, on the river). In situations such as electric shock, drowning, multiple injuries, urgent action, can be decisive for saving the life of the victim. For example, in the aforementioned cases, the victim may be out of breath, impaired cardiovascular activity to the point of cardiac arrest. At the same time, the task of the one who provides assistance is to immediately begin to restore breathing and cardiac activity in the victim, and only then resolve the issue of transportation.

The sequence of actions in the provision of first aid:

1. Remove the victim from the environment where the accident occurred.

2. Give the victim the most comfortable position providing peace.

3. Determine the type of injury (fracture, wound, burn).

4. Determine general state the victim, establish that the functions of vital organs are not impaired.

5. Start hosting necessary measures:

Stop the bleeding;

Fix the fracture site;

Provide resuscitation: artificial respiration, external heart massage;

Treat damaged parts of the body.

6. Simultaneously with the provision of first aid, it is necessary to call ambulance send for worker educational institution, prepare transport to send the victim to the nearest medical facility.

7. Notify the heads of the institution about what happened.

It is important to know the circumstances under which the injury occurred, the conditions that led to its occurrence and the time - an hour and even minutes, especially when the victim lost consciousness. Knowing this can help not only to recognize the nature of damage, to choose the right means of assistance, but also in the future, in conditions medical institution right to make a diagnosis.

The first thing to do to provide assistance is to remove (carry out) the victim from the scene (from the sports hall of the sports ground, stop the action electric current, remove from the room in which carbon monoxide). This should be done carefully, trying to disturb the victim as little as possible, especially when there are spinal fractures. In such cases, you can not turn the victim over, because this increases the pain, leads to severe complications such as shock, heavy bleeding with vascular damage.

In case of some injuries and sudden illnesses, it is necessary to remove clothes from the victim, for example, when thermal burns and wounds. Better to do it indoors. First, clothes (coat, jacket, trousers, blouse) are removed from a healthy part of the body. If it is difficult to remove clothing, it is ripped or cut. This is how they act in cases of severe trauma with bone damage, when it is necessary to quickly stop the bleeding. During bleeding, clothing is sufficient to cut above the wound. In case of a fracture of the spine, when it is impossible to disturb the victim, clothes are not removed.

It is necessary to provide for the protection of the victim from hypothermia, especially if there is a significant loss of blood, a serious general condition, or during transportation of the victim over long distances. This is not difficult to do, for this they use sheets that are laid on a stretcher in such a way as to cover the victim with a free edge. In wet weather, use a tarpaulin, tent, or materials that do not allow water to pass through.

The victim always needs the moral and psychological support of others. Attention, sincerity, care are factors that will help overcome the consequences of trauma, misfortune. Rudeness, irritation, accusations of negligence, non-compliance with safety regulations, and the like are unacceptable. Right psychological impact and the behavior of those who surround the victim, who support him, is already first aid.

II. First aid kit, its composition, purpose, rules of use

Name medical supplies and medicines Purpose Quantity
Individual dressing antiseptic bag For dressing 3 pcs.
Bandages For dressing 3 pcs.
Cotton wool (in bags) For dressing 2 pcs.
tourniquet To stop bleeding 1 PC.
Iodine tincture For the treatment of wounds and cuts on the skin 1 vial or 10 ampoules
Ammonia Apply in case of loss of consciousness, drip 2-3 drops onto cotton wool and bring it to the victim's nose 1 vial or 10 ampoules
Solution (2-4%) boric acid For washing the eyes, for lotions on the eyes for electric arc burns, for rinsing the mouth, for burns with alkaline compounds 1 vial 250 ml
Petrolatum For treatment of skin with burns of the 1st degree 1 tube.
Validol Apply with heart pain 1 tab. until complete absorption 1 tube.

The set of measures providing for the provision of assistance at the scene of an accident includes not only training in the rules of conduct, but also appropriate material support, which includes first aid kits. First aid kits should be in places largest concentration people and in hazardous areas.

AT gym the first-aid kit is placed in a special cabinet; while working on the sports ground, the first-aid kit is kept in a bag or in a place convenient for carrying. The condition and completeness of the first-aid kit must be checked, paying attention to the expiration date of medicines. The first aid kit should always have first aid for bruises, minor injuries: iodine solution, boric acid, potassium permanganate, dressing material.

Rules for using an individual dressing package:

1. When unfolding the package, do not touch the side that will be applied to the wound.

2. If there is one wound, then two pads should be applied, if there are two wounds - one per wound, then bandage.

3. To prevent the bandage from slipping, you need to secure the outer end of the bandage with a pin.

4. After opening the package, it must be used immediately, because it quickly loses sterility.

Similar information.

The term first aid kit is understood as a set of devices and medicines intended for providing medical care in emergency situations.

Composition of a first aid kit

There are several options for completing a first aid kit. The main element that defines it is the purpose of the emergency dial. Also, the composition may vary depending on the diseases and the place of application (automotive, industrial, etc.)

What is included in the basic composition of the first aid kit:

  1. Funds intended for emergency. It can be different bandages and dressings, tourniquets, adhesive plaster;
  2. Sterile and non-sterile rubber gloves. Must be used when in contact with any alien biological fluids;
  3. A special or simple gauze mask to provide different types pre-medical artificial ventilation lungs ();
  4. Antiseptic preparations. Their first purpose is disinfection of the skin. It can be: ethanol, hydrogen peroxide, alcohol iodine solution, boric acid in powder or liquid form, brilliant green;
  5. Analgesics and antipyretics: aspirin, analgin, paracetamol, ketanov, citramon;
  6. Antimicrobials system-type action to provide emergency care for infections: chloramphenicol, streptocide, ampicillin;
  7. Heart remedies: validol, corvalol, corvalment, nitroglycerin;
  8. Antispasmodics (myotropic or combined): baralgin, spasmalgon, no-shpa, drotaverine;
  9. Detoxification (adsorbent) pre-medical preparations in the following composition: tablets activated carbon, atoxil, enterosgel;
  10. Chemical antidotes against acids and alkalis. The first of them: soda and boric or lemon acid;
  11. Antiallergic and antihistamine substances: diphenhydramine, suprastin, tavegil;
  12. Ammonia;
  13. Tools and additional emergency devices: tweezers, clamp, scissors, cooling bag, syringe;
  14. Advanced devices and medicines: the first anti-shock drugs (adrenaline, dexamethasone), infusion solutions and a system for their administration, antidotes (unithiol, thiosulfate);
  15. Pen and notepad or blank paper. Needed to register the time of certain manipulations (the application of a tourniquet).

Important to remember! The composition of the first aid kit for first aid can be selected individually depending on the diseases that a person has!

Download the standard composition of the Universal First Aid Kit general purpose for first aid with a brief description

A universal general-purpose first-aid kit can be used as needed to provide first aid (relevant for 2018 and 2019):

  • at enterprises
  • in the office
  • at home
  • on trips
  • in educational institutions
  • in social services, etc.

base of medical universal first aid kit general purpose can be expanded to suit your needs.
Before moving on to the composition of a standard universal first aid kit, consider the main situations for first aid.

1. Cut, wound. Treatment with an antiseptic (, brilliant green), application of an adhesive plaster is required. If the wound is large, it is necessary to apply a bandage from a bandage (if necessary, also a tourniquet). With a strong pain syndrome and fever, take an anti-inflammatory agent. If an infection is suspected, antibiotic therapy should be started. Apply in the future wound healing ointment or Pantestin.
2. Fractures, injuries, bruises. The patient should be immobilized until the ambulance arrives. Give an anesthetic. Apply ice. To reduce swelling and the appearance of a hematoma (bruise), apply heparin ointment at the site of injury.
3. Headache. Enough to take an analgesic. At high blood pressure- antispasmodic.
4. Burn. Depending on the degree of damage, first aid should be provided for burns. Required Funds: Panthenol, Levomekol ointment.
5. Pain in the region of the heart. If you suspect an attack of angina pectoris, you need to take Nitroglycerin. Before the ambulance arrives, take Validol, Corvalol.
6. Poisoning, indigestion, vomiting. The intake of sorbent () is shown, Regidron - to restore the water and electrolyte balance + if infectious poisoning is suspected,. With greasy diarrhea (diarrhea) - or.
7. Spasms of the stomach. Reception or is shown.
8. stressful situations. Tablets with extract of Valerian, Corvalol or.
9. Increased body temperature, cold. Paracetamol, complex teas for colds: Theraflu.
10. Allergic reaction. With a strong allergic reaction(extensive edema, shortness of breath, loss of consciousness) - carry out activities as in anaphylactic shock. It is necessary to have adrenaline, Dexamethasone (or hydrocortisone) in ampoules, Suprastin.

The final composition of a standard universal first aid kit for general use.

NAME PURPOSE number of packages HOW TO APPLY
1 solution of iodine 5% Treatment of the area around the wound 1 With the help of cotton wool, applied to the area near the wound
2 solution of hydrogen peroxide 3% Treatment of the area around the wound 1 With the help of cotton, the wound is treated
3 Bandage 7x14 sterile For dressing 2*
4 Bandage 5x10 sterile For dressing 2*
5 Cotton wool sterile 50 g For the treatment of wounds 1
6 Levomekol ointment Wound healing ointment for burns 1 Apply under the bandage in a thin layer
7 Heparin ointment From bruises, hematomas 1 Apply to the affected area, 4-5 times a day
8 Citramon tablets For a headache 2 Apply 1 TB. After meal.
9 Nimesil Powder For toothache, joint pain 5 Apply 1 pack in water, 2 times a day
10 Nitroglycerin tablets With angina pectoris 1 Apply under the tongue 0.5-1 tablet
11 Validol For heart pain 1 Apply 1-2 tablets under the tongue
12 activated carbon In case of poisoning 2 Calculation: 1 tablet per 10 kg of weight.
13 Regidron In case of poisoning, vomiting, diarrhea 1 1 sachet per 1 liter of water, drink instead of water
14 Nifuroxazide With infectious poisoning 1 Drink 200 mg 3 times a day
15 loperamide For severe diarrhea 1 Initial dose - 2 tablets
16 No-shpa Stomach cramps 1 Take 2 tablets
17 Valerian extract tablets With stress, anxiety 1 Take 2 tablets 3-4 times a day
18 Paracetamol At elevated temperature body, above 37.8 degrees 1 1-2 tab. No more than 3 times a day.
19 Adrenaline ampoules 5 ampoules 0.3-0.5 ml IM or 0.5 ml under the tongue
20 Dexamethasone ampoules With a severe allergic reaction (anaphylactic shock) 10 ampoules IM 8 mg-20 mg (2-5 ampoules)
21 Suprastin ampoules With a severe allergic reaction (anaphylactic shock) 5 ampoules 2 ml - IM, DO NOT USE WITH OTHER DRUGS IN THE SAME SYRINGE
22 Syringes 2 ml 5
23 Medical alcohol 1
24 small scissors 1
25 Tweezers 1
26 Device for artificial respiration"Mouth-device-mouth", pcs. 1
27 Instruction-memo 1

* minimal amount bandages in the first aid kit- 2 pcs.

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