What diseases can mosquitoes carry and where are they most common. Types of mosquitoes. How to effectively treat a mosquito bite? Why are mosquito bites dangerous?

Mosquitoes, or real mosquitoes, or blood-sucking mosquitoes (lat. Culicidae) are a family of two-winged insects belonging to the long-whiskered group (Nematocera). Legless larvae and mobile pupae of mosquitoes live in stagnant waters. There are over 3,000 species of mosquitoes in the world. Representatives of 100 species belonging to the genera of real mosquitoes (Culex), biters (Aedes), Culiseta, malarial mosquitoes (Anopheles), Toxorhinchites, Uranotaenia, Orthopodomyia, Coquillettidia live in Russia.

Why do mosquitoes bite and why do their bites itch?

Not all mosquitoes bite!

Male mosquitoes spend their days peacefully drinking flower nectar. Females also do not mind eating nectar.

But before laying eggs, females of some species of mosquitoes need to drink warm blood. Large, clumsy human beings are an excellent source of warm blood. Mosquitoes find people by their movements, by the warmth we radiate and by smell.. When a mosquito flies past our ear, we hear a high-pitched, ringing buzz, which is the sound of tiny mosquito wings working. Scientists believe that the buzzing attracts members of the opposite sex, but it is especially tiring for us at night, when the heat is already keeping us awake. According to scientists, mosquitoes most often go on their bloody hunt at night. At dawn, the opposing sides can calm down and sleep, instead of exchanging deadly blows.

Having made a soft landing on the surface of human skin, the mosquito lightly taps its proboscis on it, as if knocking on a door. The proboscis of a mosquito is more like a snout. Then, raising its hairy lip, the mosquito gently pierces its stylet, which is hollow inside, into the skin. With its surgical tool, the mosquito gropes for small veins and capillaries in search of blood. The process of saturation of the mosquito with blood lasts less than a minute. Before starting to suck blood through a straw, the mosquito injects a special substance into the blood that prevents it from clotting (so that the blood does not clot while the mosquito sucks it). A mosquito can swallow four times more blood than it weighs itself. At the end of a bloody mosquito dinner, his stomach is unimaginably distended. If you watch a female dining on your hand, then by the end of dinner, blood shines through the wall of the mosquito's abdomen. According to one zoologist, a blood-sucking mosquito looks like a red ball on a Christmas tree.

Only female mosquitoes bite!

It is better, of course, not to observe a mosquito, but simply to swat it. Together with saliva, this blood-sucking can introduce an infection into your blood, which the mosquito carries from one of its victims to another. The most serious illness carried by mosquitoes is malaria. Malaria affects 300 million people worldwide, mostly in tropical countries.

Having sucked blood, the female mosquito takes her tube out of the puncture and flies away. If this was your first mosquito bite in your life, then you will not feel anything at all and will never know that your blood was eaten. But if this is not the first contact with a mosquito, then the body has already become sensitive to the proteins contained in mosquito saliva. The bite site will swell and itch, that is, it will develop allergic reaction.

A mosquito can swallow four times more blood than it weighs!

The female mosquito drinks blood because it contains in large numbers Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins that are necessary for the full development of eggs. Having sucked blood, the female can lay about 100 eggs. If the female is deprived of the blood diet, then she will still lay fertilized eggs, but there will be no more than ten, and more often only one.

Although we do not much like to know that we are being eaten alive on warm summer evenings, it must be said that a person is by no means the most favorite dish mosquito. Human blood contains little of the amino acid isoleucine, which is essential for the formation of eggs. Therefore, for a mosquito preferably blood buffalo or rat. But man has driven animals out of their usual habitats, so mosquitoes have to depend on us. We provide them with accommodation (waste bottles and tins, old clothes) and food (own warm blood). We are not buffaloes, but the position obliges ...

Why don't mosquitoes bite everyone?

It turns out that mosquitoes sometimes show the habits of real gourmets: they do not rush to drink the blood of the first person or animal that comes across, but choose a victim with certain characteristics. Special Studies made it possible to find out what is the selection criterion for a bloodsucker. Oddly enough, it's a smell. Not without reason, the indigenous northern inhabitants practically do not suffer from insect bites, while a stranger who has fallen into the summer tundra is subjected to their massive attack and risks losing an impressive dose of blood in just a few minutes.

Scientists were able to determine which substances secreted from the surface of human skin make it invulnerable to bloodsuckers. In the future, natural repellents will be developed based on these compounds.

Together with sweat, various substances are excreted from the human body, each of which has its own smell. Mosquitoes are attracted to the smell of lactic acid released from the surface of our skin. Apparently, people who are not bitten by insects exude some other smells that mask such an appetizing aroma.

These same happy representatives of humanity turn out to be protected from the bite of tropical mosquitoes that carry yellow fever, and biting midges rampant on the west coast of Scotland. It is possible that all people have these smells, but in different proportions.

What diseases are carried by mosquitoes?

Few insects are as annoying to humans as mosquitoes. And if before they pestered people mainly in countryside and in dachas, now even in the city center there is no peace from them. And most importantly, mosquitoes not only bite painfully, but also carry various dangerous diseases.

As doctors and biologists now believe, mosquitoes carry three main types of diseases. This is, firstly, malaria, which is mainly distributed in tropical latitudes. In Africa, more than a million children die of malaria every year.

Secondly, this a group of diseases caused by microscopic filamentous worms. These worms, getting into the lymphatic or circulatory system, cause blockage of blood vessels, blood clots, accumulation of lymph in the limbs, because of which the arm or leg monstrously swells (this is the so-called "elephant's disease"). The mosquito sucks the blood of the patient, in which there are many such worms, and transfers it to healthy people, biting them. Such diseases are widespread in South America, Africa and Asia.

Finally, mosquitoes also carry contagious diseases that are caused by various microbes and viruses. This, for example, tropical fever, yellow fever, various encephalitis.

Particularly disturbing is the fact that, despite the efforts of scientists to defeat these diseases, mosquitoes continue their dangerous activities. Even if in some period the number of patients with these dangerous diseases is reduced, then in the next period, with the help of mosquitoes, the number of patients becomes the same, if not more.

Current data on malaria:

〉 Malaria is home to 2.4 billion people, or 40% of the world's population.

〉 Between 300 and 500 million people are infected with malaria every year, and according to WHO, this number is increasing by 16% annually. 90% of cases are recorded in Africa, of the rest - 70% of cases occur in India, Brazil, Sri Lanka, Vietnam, Colombia and the Solomon Islands.

〉 Every year, 1.5 to 3 million people die from malaria (15 times more than from AIDS).

〉 Over the past decade, malaria has moved from third place in terms of the number of deaths per year (after pneumonia and tuberculosis) to the first among infectious diseases.

〉 Every year, about 30,000 people visiting dangerous areas fall ill with malaria, 1% of them die.

〉 One death from malaria costs 65 dollars for treatment and research in the world. For comparison, one death from AIDS accounts for $3,400.

Why does a mosquito squeak?

“Flies - squeaks, sits down - is silent.” Who is it? Of course a mosquito. But so far we have solved only half the riddle. You also need to guess why the mosquito squeaks only when it flies, and sits down - is silent?

Mosquitoes don't have a voice, so they don't squeak, they make sound... their wings. When the wing of a mosquito flies in one direction, it drives the air in front of it, and it shrinks a little, and behind the wing there is a void, because the wing drove the air away. This void is immediately filled with air from those places where there was no mosquito, but this takes a little time. Until this time has passed, the number of air particles behind the winglet is less than around it, so it turns out that the air behind it seems to have expanded. In all directions from the place where the mosquito flaps its wings, these seals and expansions of air diverge, which are also called waves, they are the sound that we hear.

In flight, mosquito wings flutter, oscillate, and so quickly that they make a sound. In a mosquito, it is thin, because it flaps its wings very quickly. The fly flaps its wings more slowly - therefore it does not squeak, but buzzes. The bumblebee's voice is even bassier - it hums. This is because the bumblebee flaps its wings even more slowly.

Where do mosquitoes go in winter?

In winter, in places where winters are cold enough, you will not see mosquitoes, but they continue to live. Only they live in other forms in which we may not recognize the flying and buzzing insect known to us.

Mosquitoes spend the first part of their lives in water and the rest on land and in the air. Their life begins at the moment when the female lays her eggs in a reservoir of stagnant water. Soon, larvae hatch from them, which immediately begin to swim and look for food.

Soon the larvae turn into pupae, the pupae, in turn, become adult insects and fly away.

The entire journey from egg to adult takes only nine to fourteen days!

But when the winter cold sets in, the eggs and larvae "hibernate". Nothing comes out of them. And females of some species of mosquitoes also fall into a kind of hibernation for the winter. Thus, eggs, larvae, pupae, and adult insects wait out the winter.

An interesting fact is that, although the hot climate is most favorable for these insects, and especially the tropics, where mosquitoes are a real disaster, they are even more of a disaster in the northern regions of Canada, Alaska and Siberia. This is due to the ability of mosquito eggs to survive the winter in the snow. When the snow melts, the insects begin to hatch in such numbers that cases are told when a person went crazy, bitten by a midge!

Of course, the danger that mosquitoes pose to humans is not only that they bite painfully, but even more so that they transfer diseases from sick people to healthy people. The mosquito sucks out disease-causing microbes along with the blood of a sick person. Then, when a mosquito bites a healthy person, it introduces microbes into the body along with its saliva. The mosquito does not need these microbes: what it needs is blood.

Hello dear readers! Summer pleases us with sunny warmth and vacations, warm rains and picking mushrooms and berries in the forest. Many will agree with me that the joy of summer is overshadowed by hordes of mosquitoes, thanks to which it is impossible to go outside in the evening, and at night to sleep peacefully with open windows. Especially "unlucky" for those who live near water bodies or swamps. These are favorite places where female mosquitoes lay their eggs to continue their kind. Yes and on upper floors houses, these blood-sucking monsters are able to fly into. But do you know how dangerous mosquito bites are?

Mosquitoes can annoy us not only with their squeaks and painful bites. Main trouble lies in the fact that they are carriers of many dangerous infectious diseases. And today I want to tell you what diseases small, but such annoying insects can reward us with.

AT modern world There are more than 3,000 species of mosquitoes, of which representatives of 100 species live in Russia, mainly mosquitoes of the genus Culex, Aedex, Culiseta, malarial mosquitoes of the genus Anopheles and many others. But for people who are not connected with medicine, the names of mosquitoes are not so important, they are more interested in what they are dangerous and how to deal with them.

Female and male mosquitoes usually feed on flower nectar and plant juices. But many female mosquitoes have mouthparts adapted to pierce the skin of mammals to feed on blood. It has been established that only female mosquitoes feed on blood.

Females from the blood receive the nutrients necessary for the production and deposition of b about more eggs. In addition, plant juices and blood serve as sources of energy due to the sugars (carbohydrates) present in the blood of the victim. And the blood for females is also a source of more concentrated and useful nutrients- lipids and proteins.

The life cycle of mosquitoes includes four stages: egg, larva, pupa and adult. Imago is otherwise an adult. Only an adult can feed on the blood of humans and warm-blooded animals and birds. Although some species of mosquitoes can even feed on the blood of reptiles, amphibians and ... fish.

How does a mosquito find its prey?

Mosquitoes live in swampy and damp places. They prefer to be in dark places in rooms for animals, basements, where it is humid and warm. In houses, they can be seen on windows and walls, during the day in an inactive state, but at night, when it is dark, they fly out and look for their prey. Optimum temperature for them 15-25ºС, at a temperature of 0ºС they fall into a state of stupor.

Female mosquitoes find their prey by the following signs:

  • The smell of lactic acid, which is contained in sweat, and which they smell at a distance of several kilometers;
  • Carbon dioxide exhaled by a person is felt at a distance of hundreds of meters;
  • Thermal radiation and body movement at a distance of several meters;
  • The female reacts to light, so she prefers poorly lit places.

Feeling her victim, the female, before starting to drink blood, when biting, along with saliva, introduces a substance (anticoagulant) that prevents blood clotting. It is this substance that causes itching, redness, swelling and pain at the site of the bite. Sometimes this substance can cause an allergic reaction. varying degrees gravity.

What diseases are carried by mosquitoes

Mosquitoes are carriers of many, sometimes very serious infectious diseases, and these mosquitoes are dangerous. Infection occurs by the transmission of infected blood from a sick person to a healthy person through bites. Such an infection is called transmissible transmission.

Here are some of the diseases our mosquitoes transmit.


The causative agents of malaria - malarial plasmodia are carried by mosquitoes. The disease occurs with fever, chills, an increase in the size of the liver (hepatomegaly), spleen (splenomegaly), and severe anemia.

Previously, this disease was called swamp fever. Currently, up to 500,000 cases of this disease are registered annually in the world, of which an average of 1.5-3 million are fatal. The majority of malaria cases occur in countries Central Africa, where most of patients are children under 5 years of age.

On the territory of Russia, malaria is registered in the lower reaches of the Volga, and it is also ill in the countries of the former Soviet republics, Afghanistan, and India.

The incidence of malaria is growing, but single cases of imported malaria are recorded even in those regions where there are no conditions for the habitation of malarial mosquitoes. Due to the cessation of reclamation work and the drainage of marshes, conditions have now been created for the reproduction of mosquitoes, so the incidence of malaria will increase in the near future.

Lymphatic filariasis

Lymphatic filariasis is helminthic invasion humans and animals, caused by nematodes - filariae. Such an invasion is widespread in the countries of South America, Africa and Asia. Due to the wide geography of tourism, there is a chance of getting this invasion through the bites of local mosquitoes and residents of other countries.

Tularemia is a natural focal disease characterized by severe intoxication, fever, and lymph node damage.

The carrier of the causative agent of tularemia are hares, rabbits, field mice, water rats, and the carriers of infection from them to healthy person through blood-sucking insects (ticks, mosquitoes, horseflies). Of course, tularemia is possible not only through mosquito bites. They become infected with tularemia even when a person has direct contact with infected animals, for example, when cutting skins, through infected food products and by aspiration, by inhalation of dust during grain threshing.

AT last years the transmissible way of transmission of tularemia through the bites of blood-sucking insects, especially mosquitoes, has become the main one, which is facilitated by manifestations weather conditions in the form of a long spring flood, heavy rainfall in the spring-summer period, leading to an increase in the number of mosquitoes and midges, an increase in their contact with infected hosts.

Tularemia refers to especially dangerous diseases. It should be noted that for prevention, there are vaccinations against tularemia, which are carried out according to epidemiological indications in regions that are endemic foci of this infection. Outbreaks of tularemia were recorded in the Rostov, Smolensk, Orenburg regions, Bashkortostan, Moscow, etc. And in Khanty-Mansiysk in 2013, more than 800 people were infected with tularemia.

West Nile fever

Carriers from the reservoir of infection - birds and rodents - are also mosquitoes and ixodid ticks. You can read more about this fever and its symptoms in this article.

Yellow fever or amaryllosis

It's spicy hemorrhagic disease transmitted only through mosquito bites. Up to 90% of all diseases occur in Africa and South America. It is considered a particularly severe quarantine disease that occurs with high temperature body and accompanied by bleeding in gastrointestinal tract, kidney and liver damage. Every year, the disease is registered in 200,000 people, of which approximately 30,000 people die.

An interesting fact that I found in the Wikipedia of this disease.

“August 14, 11881, at a public meeting of the Havana Academy, the Cuban physician Carl H. Finlay stated his hypothesis that yellow fever was transmitted by a certain type of mosquito. Two decades later, fighting a yellow fever epidemic in Havana in 1900, Walter Reed and James Carroll (at the cost of their lives) confirmed it was transmitted by a mosquito bite.Aedesaegipti, and a detachment led by William Crawford Gorgas methodically destroyed all breeding centers of mosquitoes and after 90 days there was not a single case of yellow fever in Havana, for the first time in 200 years.

Against yellow fever in 1937, the American virologist Max Theiler created a vaccine against yellow fever, for which he received in 1951 Nobel Prize about the field of physiology and medicine. Yellow fever vaccinations are still available National calendar preventive vaccinations according to epidemiological indications.


And this is not all infections, the transmission of which occurs with the participation of mosquitoes. There are a lot of these diseases, and even to list them, it will take a lot of time and space in this article. Basically, these are various fevers and encephalitis, which are very difficult, sometimes ending in death.

AT recent times It has already been established that the hepatitis C virus (gentle killer) can be mechanically transmitted by mosquitoes. Scientists are working on the issue of transmission by mosquitoes of the causative agent of Lyme disease - tick-borne borreliosis. The transmission of the HIV virus can be attributed with the same probability. But this is yet to be proven.

Despite the fact that scientists are making a lot of effort to prevent and eliminate diseases transmitted by mosquitoes, these diseases are not becoming less. Because mosquitoes cannot be defeated. If in some year the incidence of these dangerous infections decreases, then the next year, thanks to mosquitoes, these infections again raise their heads. Are mosquitoes dangerous, we figured it out. And how you can get rid of mosquitoes, we will continue the conversation in the next article.

Dear my readers! If this article was useful to you, then share it with your friends by clicking on the social buttons. networks. It is also important for me to know your opinion about what you read, write about it in the comments. I will be very grateful to you.

With wishes of good health Taisiya Filippova

Mosquitoes and the diseases they carry

Disease vectors

Mosquito- a two-winged insect that is found everywhere and causes a lot of trouble. Scientists have counted several hundred species of mosquitoes, they are carriers of serious diseases such as yellow fever, malaria, encephalitis. AT medical practice there are many cases when the bites of these insects led to the death of a person. Therefore, it is important to know not only what diseases mosquitoes carry, but also remember and not neglect the means of protection against mosquitoes when relaxing outdoors or walking in a forested area. Almost every person, including a child, knows about the possibility of infection through an insect bite. However, despite this awareness, they often cannot tell what diseases mosquitoes carry.

Ways of transmission of diseases from mosquitoes to humans

What diseases are carried by mosquitoes? The answer to this question can be found in this article.

Dangerous diseases such as HIV, hepatitis, malaria, encephalitis cannot survive in the body of a mosquito, therefore, they do not cause any harm to the insect itself. This is due to two factors:

  • Many diseases that are dangerous to humans die very easily in the absence of certain conditions. The question arises: what diseases do mosquitoes carry? And which of them are able to survive within the body of a mosquito? For example, favorable environment for hepatitis is the liver, and in the blood there is very mediocre.
  • When a mosquito bites, some of the insect's saliva enters the human body, and this, in turn, can store many viruses, although HIV and yellow fever cannot survive in it.

What diseases are carried by mosquitoes? Most of the infectious diseases carried by mosquitoes are not common in our climate, although they are on everyone's lips, for example, malaria. This is one of the most dangerous infections, carried by mosquitoes, capable of destroying all mankind on the globe. Fortunately, their habitat is small and their numbers too. Often, centipede mosquitoes are called malarial, but this is a big misconception, mosquitoes of this type do not pose any danger to humanity.

Various types of fever, including yellow fever, are also diseases spread by these small insects. Surprisingly, some of them are still not subject to modern medicine, which is why it is necessary to know what diseases mosquitoes carry. These are all at least different diseases, but, in principle, they all look like malaria.


Encephalitis is another infection mosquito-borne. Mosquito encephalitis is difficult to treat. A person can consider himself lucky if this ailment leaves him on his own, but if this does not happen, then the patient will face inevitable death as a result of cerebral edema.
These were all infections transmitted by mosquitoes.

As noted earlier, when a mosquito bites, its saliva enters the human body, and if hepatitis cannot exist in such an environment, then microfilariae feel great in this genetic fluid. How does a mosquito become a vector? The answer to this question is simple: when a carrier of an infection bites, pathogens are stored in saliva, and then along the chain they are transmitted to the next victim. Therefore, it is very important to know what diseases mosquitoes carry and try to prevent them from becoming infected.

What harm can this do to a person?

In fact, the consequences are more than sad. When infected, the patient can be diagnosed with lymphatic filariasis (elephantiasis), in which lymph stagnation is observed. Consequence this disease there may be a complete or partial loss of vision, a person may remain disabled for life. At severe form diseases, doctors may resort to amputation of limbs. In order to exclude the possibility of infection, first of all, it is necessary to know what diseases mosquitoes carry.

It is noteworthy that infections carried by mosquitoes can only be transmitted to humans by a certain type of these insects. It is thanks to this fact that humanity still exists on planet Earth. What diseases are carried by mosquitoes? And what are their types? So, the Anopheles species is a carrier of malaria, and this species lives only in a certain climatic zone, therefore, the entire population of the globe cannot suffer from its bites. But despite this, malaria is found in many countries such as India, China, Africa, Latin America. In some African and Asian countries today, the treatment of such a dangerous disease is carried out folk methods based on dubious recipes, not quinine and its modern substitutes. Needless to say, the effectiveness of such treatment is very low.

Before visiting any country, you need to find out what diseases are carried by mosquitoes in this region, and take all necessary measures security.

Thus, when going to a place typical for the habitat of malarial mosquitoes, it is worth taking a prophylactic drug with you, for example, Larim. Reception this drug will allow the disease to be transferred to more mild form, its symptoms and severity of the course will be similar to the common cold. If you follow all the recommendations specified in the instructions for the drug, namely, start taking the medicine before the trip and finish a month after returning, then infection is almost impossible.

Aedes- the mosquito, which is the carrier of yellow fever, lives in North Africa, up to the subtropics. This type of mosquito is very dangerous. Since it tolerates not only yellow fever and encephalitis, but also other equally dangerous diseases. In infected regions, it is customary to vaccinate against yellow fever.

common mosquito, which is widespread in our strip, is a carrier of lymphatic filariasis, so the risk of contracting this disease is quite high.

Now you not only know what diseases mosquitoes carry, but also know how to avoid infection with them.

Mosquitoes are very widespread, they are found on all continents except Antarctica. These insects often bite a person, and the bite sites are unpleasant and itch for some time. But do mosquitoes carry disease?

Yes, these insects are carriers of a number of infections, some of them can be dangerous to humans. And although in Russia there is a small number of species that can seriously harm, it is worth knowing what diseases mosquitoes carry. We will look at what infections can be obtained with a bite, what are their symptoms, and what steps should be taken to effectively treat them.

What diseases are carried by mosquitoes in Russia?

On the territory of the Russian Federation, the risk of being bitten, for example, by a malarial mosquito is dozens earlier than on the African continent. However, in our area there are individuals infected with viruses and bacteria that are transmitted to humans. What mosquitoes are carriers?

  • genus Culex ー can carry meningitis;
  • genera Culex and Culiseta ー tularemia;
  • genus Aedes ー Zika virus, yellow fever, chikugunya, dengue fever;
  • genus Anopheles ー malaria.

Let us consider in more detail the diseases carried by mosquitoes living in our regions.


Inflammation of the meninges, is bacterial and viral in nature. The disease is quite common, more often they suffer from men and children. The first symptoms of the disease are fever, intoxication, weakness. In infants, a bulging fontanel may appear.

It is quite difficult to get infected with meningitis from a mosquito, since not all species that live in our country are carriers of infections.


This disease is caused by protozoa. Human infection occurs at the time of the bite, when the female Anopheles injects her saliva with the infection into the puncture. The disease is characterized by fever, chills, cramps, joint pain. Possible headache, tingling sensations on the skin. Attention: malaria is very dangerous for children and pregnant women! At the first symptoms of a fever, be sure to consult a doctor! Medical treatment.

In Russia, malarial mosquitoes are mainly represented by Anopheles messeae. This is a small, nondescript mosquito that lives in the European part of Russia, the Urals, the Far East and Western Siberia.

Please note that when bitten by malarial mosquitoes, the abdomen slightly raises. This is their main difference from ordinary insects of this family.

Anopheles messeae is a vector for malaria, but there is little evidence that it is transmitted in temperate areas. Perhaps due to the peculiarities of the life cycle of malarial plasmodia, this disease does not spread in areas with cold winters.


This disease is quite common in Russia, but not only mosquitoes carry it - rodents, horseflies, ticks are also carriers of the disease. Nevertheless, it is possible to get infected by a mosquito bite, especially since tularemia is carried by common species in our country, for example, the pisk mosquito.

The disease is caused by bacteria, is acute, with characteristic features intoxication, muscle pain, sweating. Later on the mucous appear small hemorrhages, the tongue is covered gray coating. Fever can be from a week to 30 days. Medical treatment takes place in a hospital.

Zika disease

This disease is spread by mosquitoes of the genus Aedes, has viral nature. Symptoms of Zika virus activity are weakness, general malaise, skin rash, fever, possible conjunctivitis, joint pain. The disease lasts 3-5 days, then the symptoms disappear. There is no specific treatment, the therapy is symptomatic. There is evidence that the virus is dangerous to the fetus. As of January 2016, no disease outbreaks were recorded in Russia.


This infection is transmitted with the saliva of mosquitoes of the genus Biter. The disease occurs rapidly, accompanied by an increase in body temperature up to 40 degrees, chills, nausea, rash and pain in the head. Sometimes there are pains in the muscles and joints. The disease lasts 3-7 days, but the symptoms, for example, discomfort in the joints, can accompany a sick person for a long time. Chikungunya is dangerous for its complications.

The disease is common in countries with a mild climate. It was previously considered characteristic of Asia and Africa, but outbreaks have been recorded in Europe.

Dengue fever

An acute illness caused by a virus. You can become infected through the bite of the Aedes mosquito. In Russia, insects of this genus are not very common; they can be found in regions with warm winters.

Dengue fever is accompanied by fever, rash, muscle, bone, and joint pain. It is noted that the spine and knee joints. The rash may be blistered and itchy. Diagnosis of the disease is carried out by a doctor on the basis of blood tests. Hospital treatment, but there is no specific cure for the virus. Plentiful drinking is recommended.

Please note that although these diseases are not often found on the territory of the Russian Federation, they can easily become infected when traveling through the countries of Asia, Africa, and South America. Most of them have an incubation period of 7 to 15 days (some ー up to 21 days). If you experience symptoms such as fever, sweating, headaches, or muscle pain after a trip, contact your doctor immediately.


flying blood-sucking insects is an inevitable part of our environment. No matter how we save ourselves from them, they bite us regularly. First of all, it is, of course, mosquitoes.

The bite of a mosquito or a fly is unpleasant, but in most cases it is not dangerous to health. However, it must be remembered that these insects can still carry many diseases, including fatal ones. In Russia and Europe, such diseases are rare. But the rapid development of tourism, including to exotic countries, has led to the fact that imported cases of such infections are increasingly being recorded.

We should also be afraid of flying insects. You don’t need to panic at every bite, but just in case, it won’t hurt to know what you can get infected with a mosquito or fly bite, and what you can’t.

Why do they bite?

Here the answer is obvious: to receive our blood. Contrary to popular belief, not all mosquitoes and flies are blood-sucking. Many mosquitoes feed on plant juices, only females bite. certain types. So are flies - only some species are aggressive and only at certain times.

When bitten, the insect first pierces the skin with its proboscis, then injects saliva with an anticoagulant into the wound. It is she who causes a local allergic reaction (swelling, itching). And it is with saliva that some pathogens can enter our body.

Can HIV be transmitted from a mosquito?

Many people believe that mosquitoes can transmit AIDS. After all, this virus is transmitted through the blood. But this is not possible for several reasons:

  • The AIDS virus is very unstable in the external environment, it will not be viable in an hour.
  • For other mosquito-borne diseases, the insect is intermediate host. Pathogens are simply genetically programmed for such life cycle, they penetrate the saliva of the mosquito precisely for further distribution. HIV does not go through such a cycle.
  • In order for the blood of the patient to enter the blood of a healthy person through a bite, it is necessary that the pumped mosquito immediately stick to another person. This, in principle, cannot be, he needs several hours to digest.

Basic moments

  • It is possible to get infected with something from the bite of flies and mosquitoes, but this is still not typical for our area.
  • If immediately after the bite, this place is unusually swollen and reddened, this is most likely an allergic reaction. You should consult a doctor, but there is no need to panic.
  • If on vacation in subtropical or tropical countries you are bitten by some kind of insect, you will need to carefully monitor your well-being. Any disease has an incubation (asymptomatic) period.
  • Flies and mosquitoes do not spread AIDS.
  • The main danger from flies is not bites, but the contamination of products with pathogens of intestinal infections.

Video: Why mosquito bites are dangerous

Diseases transmitted by mosquito bites

Many are concerned about the question of whether it is possible to become infected with something from a mosquito if it alone (or not alone) has bitten us on a walk, outside the city, in the forest. And if it happened on vacation in Turkey, Tunisia or Thailand? Is it possible to get HIV from a mosquito? What should be feared and how to protect yourself from it?

The most common and well-known mosquito bite disease is malaria. Next in frequency are dengue fever, yellow fever, West Nile fever, and some encephalitis. Other diseases are less common.


The pathogen enters with the saliva of a mosquito of the genus Anopheles. From the moment of the bite to the manifestations of the disease, it takes from a week to a month. Some species of Plasmodium are able to hide and appear only after a few years. Clinical symptoms- These are attacks of fever with severe chills, repeated at regular intervals (after 48 or 72 hours). tropical malaria without treatment can cause death.

When planning a trip to tropical countries It is recommended to start taking antimalarial drugs a week before the trip. Any flu-like symptoms should be tested for malaria upon return.

Yellow fever

Distributed in Africa and the jungles of South America. It is caused by a virus that is carried by special tropical mosquitoes. The virus from a mosquito bite penetrates the skin and travels to The lymph nodes. After 3-6 days, it enters the bloodstream, and manifests itself clinically: fever, muscle pain, abdominal pain, vomiting, rash, jaundice. There is no specific treatment. About 15% of those who get sick die.

Yellow fever is one of the few tropical diseases for which a vaccine exists. Immunity from vaccination lasts up to 10 years.

Dengue fever

This disease is also caused by an arbovirus (the so-called viruses transmitted by insects). It is typical for certain regions of South America, Mexico, Africa and Asia. Approximately five days after the bite of an infected mosquito, fever, muscle pain, and headaches are observed. After a few days, the temperature subsides, but then returns again, and a rash is also characteristic.

Dengue fever is not so dangerous, in most cases it heals itself, as specific treatment no. However, the hemorrhagic variety of this infection is fatal. dangerous disease(luckily rare).

West Nile fever

The disease in most cases proceeds like influenza with self-recovery within a few days. Endemic to many countries in Asia and Africa, however, its outbreaks are periodically recorded in the USA, Canada, and Mediterranean countries. In 1999 there was an outbreak of this disease in southern Russia. About 6% of cases end in death.

Zika fever

Another viral disease transmitted through the bite of a mosquito. Until recently, it was a little-known and rare infection. However, in recent years it has begun to spread rapidly around the world. The epidemic in 2015-2016 in Latin America is widely known.

The disease is generally mild, but Zika virus infection is great danger for pregnant women, as it causes congenital deformities in the fetus.

Mosquito summer-autumn (Japanese) encephalitis

Rare but dangerous disease. The distribution zone is the countries of Southeast Asia and the Far East. In Russia, it is found in Primorye. Caused by arbovirus, transmitted by mosquitoes. The incubation period is from 5 to 15 days.

Clinically manifested by a sharp rise in temperature up to 40 degrees, symptoms of damage nervous system- paralysis, convulsions, impaired consciousness up to coma. In 40% of cases, patients die.

Mosquito (Crimean) fever

It is also a tropical infection, in Russia it is found in the North Caucasus, Crimea. Caused by a virus that enters when bitten by mosquitoes. Incubation period- about a week. Manifested by flu-like symptoms, lasts 3-5 days. The outcome is favorable.


A worm grown from a larva can live under the skin, and it easily moves under it. But most often they block lymphatic ducts and cause edema ("elephantiasis"). Filariasis of the eye can cause blindness.

Why are flies dangerous?

These two-winged flying insects, in addition to buzzing and other inconveniences, can cause great harm health.

Truth in our area more harm represent not the bites of flies, but their ability to carry pathogens various diseases. Due to their omnipresence, flies quickly fly from one place to another, sit on various waste and sewage. A lot of different bacteria and worm eggs stick to their furry paws.

If the fly sits on food, the pathogen can enter the human body and cause serious illness, mainly intestinal infections and helminthiases. It is believed that in the spring-summer period it is the flies that are the main carriers of dysentery, typhoid fever, salmonellosis. Also, flies can carry tuberculosis, diphtheria, anthrax, and during epidemics - cholera. Of the helminthiases, ascaris eggs are most widely distributed through flies.

Can you get something from a fly bite?

A few weeks after the bite of such a fly, the body temperature rises, the lymph nodes swell, the strongest muscle pain. The person becomes lethargic, drowsy and lethargic (hence the name). Without treatment, death usually occurs.

But there are also biting flies in our area. The most famous:

  • this is flies(bite in autumn)
  • also gadflies and horseflies.

Stinger flies are those annoying flies that give us painful bites in August-September. Many people are concerned about the question, is it possible to get AIDS, tuberculosis or, for example, whooping cough when bitten by a fly? No, it's basically impossible. These flies are not able to tolerate diseases, the only nuisance from them is quite painful bites.

Persons with hypersensitivity and a tendency to allergies can strongly comb the bite site and can get into the wound secondary infection: may develop streptoderma, furuncle or erysipelas. But flies have a very indirect relation to this.

Gadflies and horseflies feed mainly on the blood of animals, but they can also attack humans. Accordingly, they can carry zooanthroponic infections - tularemia, anthrax.


A person can become infected with tularemia, including through the bites of horseflies, mosquitoes and ticks, if he got into the natural focal zone of this disease. The incubation period is from several days to 3 weeks. The disease is manifested by fever, intoxication, inflammation of the lymph nodes, enlargement of the liver and spleen. The duration of the fever can be several weeks. The prognosis is often favorable.


Included in the list of the most dangerous infections in the world, its outbreaks are still being recorded, including in Russia. bacilli anthrax enter the body through damaged areas of the skin. A carbuncle is formed at the injection site - a huge skin ulcer with inflammation of the nearest lymph nodes. it skin form illness.

When it enters the bloodstream, the bacillus releases a powerful toxin. Almost all organs are affected, sepsis develops. The generalized form almost always ends in death.

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