Composition of the new first aid kit. Requirements for a first aid kit for a car. Legislation on the composition of the first-aid kit

According to paragraph 44 of Chapter 7 of the List of TC malfunctions and the conditions under which their participation in road traffic(), the lack of a first aid kit and a fire extinguisher is the basis for a ban on participation in road traffic.

List (list) of investments (medicines, medicines, preparations, products medical purpose) included in the first aid kit for equipping vehicles (automotive), approved by the Decree of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus on December 4, 2014 No. 80 “On establishing lists of first aid kits, first aid kits, attachments included in these first aid kits, and determining order of their completion” (as amended by the Decree of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus dated February 17, 2016 No. 31).

According to the said Decree, the list of investments included in the first aid kit for equipping vehicles (automobile) includes:
1 Ammonium solution 10% - 1 ml No. 10 (1 pc.).
2 Yoda alcohol solution 5% - 10 ml or 5% - 1 ml No. 10 (1 pc.).
3 Non-sterile bandages:
- 5 m x 5 cm (2 pcs.).
- 5 m x 10 cm (2 pcs.).
4 Sterile bandages 5 m x 10 cm (1 pc.).
5 Medical elastic non-sterile tubular bandage No. 1, 3, 6 (1 pc.).
6 Cotton wool hygroscopic 50.0 (1 pc.).
7 Esmarch's tourniquet (1 pc.).
8 Bactericidal adhesive plaster:
- 2.5 x 7.2 cm (3 pcs.).
- 4 x 10 cm (6 x 10 cm) (1 pc.).
9 Roll-on adhesive plaster 1 x 500 cm (2 x 500 cm) (1 pc.).
10 Blunt scissors with a length of at least 13 cm (1 pc.).
11 Hypothermic cooling package (1 pc.).
12 Deleted.
13 Sterile napkin no less than 10 x 10 cm in size No. 1 package (4 pcs.).

How to use the contents of the car first aid kit!?

1. A solution of ammonium 10% (ammonia) is used to remove from a state of fainting. It is necessary to moisten a small piece of cotton wool or gauze with the solution and gently bring it to the nose.
2. Iodine is applied externally, as antiseptic for disinfection of scratches, abrasions, wounds, by treating the edges of the wound.
3. Sterile medical bandage is used for open wounds, for fixing dressings.
4. A non-sterile medical bandage is used to secure dressings. There should be two packs available.
5. Bandage medical elastic tubular non-sterile No. 1, 3, 6. All three types are used for various types of bandage fixation.
6. Hygroscopic sterile cotton wool is used as a dressing, with other dressings, also used for cotton-gauze dressings and cotton balls.
7. Esmarch's hemostatic tourniquet is used to stop bleeding from the vessels of the limb. When applying a tourniquet in a note, be sure to indicate exact time its imposition.
8. Bactericidal adhesive plaster is used for wounds, abrasions, cuts and other damage to the skin.
9. Coil adhesive tape is used mainly for holding (fixing) dressings, as well as for minor skin lesions.
10. Blunt scissors 14 cm are necessary for cutting bandages, dressings, and clothing in first aid.
11. Latex gloves are used to protect hands.
12. A portable hypothermic (cooling) package is used to cool impact sites, as well as injuries, bites, etc.
13. Sterile wipes are used for skin treatment.

You can buy a car first-aid kit in almost any pharmacy. And you can assemble it yourself, be sure to take into account the above List of investments.

The full text of the Decree of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus on December 4, 2014 No. 80 “On the establishment of lists of first aid kits, first aid kits, attachments included in these first aid kits, and determining the order of their completion” (in the current version) is officially published on the National Legal Internet portal of the Republic of Belarus.

The car often takes us to places far from civilization. If health problems arise on the way or in the wilderness, then the driver willy-nilly becomes “his own doctor”, trying to find a first-aid kit in the trunk, which he often ... never looked into! How to make sure that in a difficult moment the first-aid kit rescued, and did not turn out to be useless?

First aid kit from the store - what's in it?

The current requirements for automobile first-aid kits, which excluded medicines from them and left only dressings, are effective from 07/01/2010. After their introduction, there was a lot of noise that the first-aid kit, which was useless before, became even more useless, but, unfortunately, these conversations have long died down. And many of the neophyte drivers who increase the number every year simply do not think about the fact that a ready-made first-aid kit bought on the machine according to the principle “it is necessary, then it is necessary ...” is only a “disclaimer” for technical inspection. Excuses, that is. There is a first aid kit, there is a certificate - it means that everything is in order. However, the real contents of medical boxes can only cause nervous laughter among those who understand ... Let's see how the composition of three different first-aid kits that we bought for 100, 200 and 250 rubles looks like.

A hundred-ruble first-aid kit the size of a fist and a half attracts with its compactness - it can be conveniently placed in the glove compartment or door pocket. But filling it out is a complete failure ... Obviously, the main element of the content is a certificate of conformity valid until November 2017. It, of course, is necessary during technical inspection - but it will only help in it: in case of real injuries, the first-aid kit can not even be opened ...

  • Non-sterile gauze bandage 5 m x 7 cm - 2 pcs.
  • Adhesive plaster-sticker - 1 pc.
  • "Hemostatic tourniquet" is a natural piece of gum from panties, there are simply no sterile bandages, and the adhesive plaster is represented by one pathetic plate!

Such a set immediately after the inspection should be given to a child to play doctor - it is no longer good for anything.

We take a set twice as expensive - for 200 rubles. But is it twice as good?

  • Hemostatic tourniquet - 1 pc.
  • Adhesive plaster-sticker - 2 pcs.
  • Device artificial respiration"mouth to mouth" - 1 pc.

In this styling, at least there is already a sterile bandage, there are not one, but two “patches” patches, and a thin roll of patch-tape has also been added. But, to be honest, it's almost the same... And the verdict is the same - the child's toys!

And the last set - for 250 rubles. A large suitcase with a handle, giving hope for more or less decent content. What's in it?

  • Hemostatic tourniquet - 1 pc.
  • Non-sterile gauze bandage 5 m x 7 cm - 1 pc.
  • Non-sterile gauze bandage 5 m x 5 cm - 1 pc.
  • Sterile gauze bandage 5 m x 7 cm - 1 pc.
  • Sterile gauze bandage 5 m x 5 cm - 1 pc.
  • Adhesive plaster-sticker - 2 pcs.
  • Adhesive plaster roll - 1 pc.
  • Mouth-to-mouth artificial respiration device - 1 pc.
  • Scissors - 1 pc.
  • Non-sterile gloves - 1 pc.

But here, in fact, the set shows its complete failure: there are still two patch patches, a little more bandages, and a slightly more serious hemostatic tourniquet - a nylon tape with Velcro in a vacuum bag. To call this set essential language does not turn. And after you take scissors and gloves in your hands, you understand that a first-aid kit for 200 rubles is even more honest than the one for 250! Scissors - some kind of mockery: crooked and skewed, it is impossible to cut even a slice of cheese with them. Gloves are made of the thinnest packaged polyethylene - these are the ones that are free of charge at some glamorous gas stations so as not to get your hands dirty on a gun ...

In a word, a first-aid kit for 100 rubles is enough to pass the technical inspection - those that are two or three times more expensive have similar certificates of conformity and are just as useless for their intended purpose as a hundred-ruble box, so there is not the slightest sense in paying more than a hundred . This means that we will independently assemble a normal first-aid kit, which can really help out in case of medical problems along the way.

Assembling a first aid kit!

When collecting the components of the first-aid kit, we will divide its contents into three groups:

  • dressings
  • Disinfectants
  • Medications

“In a modern first aid kit, the filling is a very imperfect first aid kit for injuries and various bleeding”, - says Nikolai Nikitenko, a rescuer with 20 years of experience, head of the department of the service for software and information support for the work of the Centrospas detachment.

“In the set of a first-aid kit, there is a categorical lack of so-called individual dressing bags and cooling bags. It is extremely difficult to bandage a wound more serious than a cut with thin gauze ribbons of bandages - this is precisely what the dressing individual package is designed for. And the cold with bruises will provide hypothermic packages, chemical composition which, when mixed by crushing, gives an ice compress.

Following the advice of an experienced rescuer, let's add several rolls of sterile and non-sterile bandages, a roll of cotton wool, as well as a plate with a dozen adhesive-stickers and a plaster-roll to the symbolic bandages of the first-aid kit. By the way, if you take all the dressings from all three first-aid kits gutted by us for research purposes, then at the very least there will be enough bandages for one more or less normal styling! Bandages are stored for a long time, so you only need to renew them as you use them.

Far from every modern pharmacy you can buy an individual dressing bag - the same one, army, in sealed packaging made of rubberized fabric. First-aid kits were equipped with these before, and they were widely sold. Today, finding this package in a pharmacy is possible, but not easy. Its easily accessible analogue is bandage patches with dimensions of 15x9 centimeters and 8x6 centimeters. In principle, this is actually the same - the bandage is molded onto the wound and, to be sure, is bandaged over it with a non-sterile or sterile bandage. You should have several of these in the first-aid kit, especially since they are cheap and can be safely stored for several years.

In case of bruises or fractures, cold should be applied to the injured area. For this, chemical cooling packs are used. In the general package there is a powder of banal ammonium nitrate and a separate bag of water. A container of water is destroyed by a blow of the palm, after which water and saltpeter are mixed. During the dissolution reaction, heat is actively absorbed - the package becomes very cold.

Hypothermic packages are cheap, it is desirable to have 3-4 of them in the first-aid kit. They are stored for a year or two, but they are frail structurally: they require a first-aid kit in the form of a hard suitcase to protect them from the unfortunate proximity to the cargo in the trunk - so that they do not leak.

Now oh disinfectants. As the hero of “High Security Vacation” performed by Bezrukov said, “we choose the classics”, namely, iodine, hydrogen peroxide and alcohol. Oddly enough, the classic packaging in medical bottles with a volume of 40–50 milliliters is most convenient for a first-aid kit, unlike expensive “pencils” and the like. The good old bottles are the cheapest, their double stopper (plug + screw cap) is reliable, and the glass walls are thick - the risk of breaking in a car first-aid kit is extremely low. Hydrogen peroxide costs less than 10 rubles - therefore it is advisable to use one bottle as a container for alcohol - just pour out the peroxide, fill the bottle with alcohol and stick the appropriate label.

“Heart medications, vascular, anti-allergic and other specialized medicines in the car first-aid kit do not need to be constantly kept “just in case,” says Anatoly Belov, an ambulance doctor.

“For a lone driver who knows his diagnoses, it is vital important medicines it is worth having in a separate mini-case, stored not in the car, but in a purse with documents and keys. The passenger should act similarly if he is a stranger to the driver. If a family trip is planned, then the medicines needed for each medicine must be temporarily added to the first-aid kit, and after returning, everything unused should be taken from there in order to avoid damage.

Constantly keeping in the car first aid kit is worth a minimum of drugs for sudden problems that are not related to chronic diseases, which are inexpensive and can be replaced without much damage at least once a year due to difficult conditions storage. AT long road, in the outback, away from settlements, pharmacies and hospitals with a driver most often occur:

  • Various kinds of pain - headaches, muscle, etc.
  • Stomach problems, diarrhea, poisoning
  • Colds, sore throat

From pain different nature banal analgin, baralgin and No-Shpa are enough, which, even if expired, will not turn into poison, although they will reduce their effectiveness. Painkillers will allow you to safely get to the place, thinking about the road, and not about the pain, and then see a doctor. From gastrointestinal problems the well-known Ftalazol, Smecta, Mezim, Imodium and the like will help. In case you have a sore throat on the way, a “runny nose”, a cough has begun, or even a temperature has risen against this background - again, take with you all conceivable medicinal products to nothing. You need to get home without having an accident due to weakness and temperature, and already there you can begin to fully heal! Therefore, in the first-aid kit in such a case, it is worth having only a couple of bags of soluble express powders like Teraflu or analogues. Load doses paracetamol and ascorbic acid will not cure, but relieve the symptoms and bring to life. Well, put a blister of a simple aspirin, too. That, in general, is everything you need to know about the basic medicinal part of the first-aid kit!

It is very necessary and useful in the car first-aid kit "anti-anxiety" kit in a separate bag. It should include a sewing needle or pin and manicure tweezers. And for the disinfection of instruments and the place of the “operation”, the same small bottle with alcohol is used.

Another useful drug, which you will not find in the first-aid kit, is a powdered streptocide. It is sold in small paper two-gram bags. They should plentifully sprinkle torn or cut wounds before bandaging - this will disinfect the wound and help it dry quickly.

Oh yes - and don't forget the scissors! Good brand new stationery scissors that can not "chew" bandages and plasters, but cut them effectively. Well, the rubbish that lies in most first-aid kits and is called scissors by mistake can be safely thrown away.

Well, the most important thing is to know what exactly of the funds you have available, to be sure of the safety of the contents of the first-aid kit, checking it regularly, and, of course, to be able to use it! Indeed, without basic knowledge of the rules of first aid and the action of common over-the-counter drugs, you will find yourself in a dead end, even with everything you need in your hands.

Most drivers do not care about having a car first aid kit in their vehicle, because no one expects an accident to happen to him. Nevertheless, a first aid kit is not just a formality, but a necessity, since timely first aid can save a person's life. Driving a car is dangerous, so the presence of medicines in the vehicle is the main requirement of the traffic police service, which is regulated by law. Let's look at how to assemble a first aid kit for a car and what threatens the driver with its absence.

What is it for?

Not a single driver is insured against accidents and car accidents. Even the most experienced car owner can, through the negligence of another road user, get injured. In this case, the car must have medicines for first aid.

Ministry of Health formed the following criteria to standard car first-aid kits:

  • It should contain drugs and agents that help stop bleeding. According to the traffic police, more than half of the people involved in an accident died at the scene due to a large loss of blood. If the bleeding is stopped in time, deaths can be avoided;
  • drugs should also be present that will help the victim to be "in a sense" before the arrival of doctors;
  • aids (scissors, sterile gloves).

According to the above criteria, a car first-aid kit is necessary in order to refuse an emergency to the victim at the scene of an accident. medical care before the arrival of the ambulance.

Standard kit

As of 2017, the car first aid kit has remained unchanged for eight years. The last amendments were made by the Ministry of Health in 2009: then many medicines and drugs that were not intended for emergency first aid were excluded (aspirin, hydrogen peroxide, Activated carbon etc.).

Let's see what it looks like new composition car first aid kit after the latest changes:

  1. Dressing tourniquet to stop the blood - 1 pc.;
  2. gauze bandages 5 cm wide, 5 m long - 2 pcs.;
  3. gauze bandages 10 cm wide, 5 m long - 2 pcs.;
  4. gauze bandage 14 cm wide, 7 m long - 1 piece;
  5. sterile gauze bandage 7 cm wide, 5 m long - 2 pcs.;
  6. sterile gauze bandage 10 cm wide, 5 m long - 2 pcs.;
  7. sterile gauze bandage 14 cm wide, 7 m long - 1 piece;
  8. roll adhesive plaster;
  9. package of sterile medical wipes - 1 pc.;
  10. bactericidal adhesive plasters - 10 pcs.;
  11. dressing package - 1 pc.;
  12. device for emergency cardiopulmonary resuscitation;
  13. a pair of medical sterile gloves;
  14. scissors;
  15. first aid kit case.

This should be the composition of the first-aid kit according to GOST. Traffic inspectors do not require expensive medicines, but, oddly enough, most drivers forget about the first-aid kit. It is enough that it contains the above medicines, and then in case unforeseen situation you can provide first aid.


In 2017, no new requirements were presented by the Ministry of Health for the contents of car first-aid kits. It is enough to have all the tools listed above with you.

This list has been valid since 2009, when the last amendments were made to the composition of the first aid kit. So, earlier, drivers were required to have medicines that cannot be called first aid to the victim: activated charcoal, validol, brilliant green, etc. Thus, the requirements are much relaxed, and therefore it is not difficult to assemble a travel medical kit.


As you can see, more than 85% of the standard travel medical kit consists of dressings. This is due to the fact that the Ministry of Health has determined that the main criterion for a first-aid kit is the presence of things that will be able to stop bleeding at least for a while. After all, according to statistics, the lack of the necessary dressing material leads to lethal outcomes accident victims.

That is why when collecting medicines, be sure to stock up on the following items:

  • Gauze bandages, both sterile and non-sterile;
  • at least one hemostatic dressing tourniquet;
  • bactericidal adhesive plasters;
  • roll adhesive.

Thus, when collecting a first aid kit for a car, you should focus on dressings.

Legislation on the composition of the first-aid kit

First of all, a first aid kit must be present in every car, otherwise penalties will be applied to the driver who allowed this for its absence. According to the law Russian Federation, each driver is obliged to independently complete and subsequently control the contents of the first-aid kit.

It means that:

  1. Medicines and improvised first aid should not be expired;
  2. should be in the first aid kit complete list medical materials and preparations that were listed above. The absence of at least one component is equated to the absence of a first aid kit;
  3. case must be tightly closed.

The legislation makes logical requirements for drivers that must be observed in order to avoid fines.


According to the current legislation of the Russian Federation, any traffic police inspector can check the driver for the presence of a first aid kit. Any vehicle, including a car, must be completed with the necessary medicines otherwise, you will be fined. So, according to the clause of the Code of the Russian Federation on administrative violations, the amount of penalties for the lack of a first-aid kit is 500 rubles. At the same time, a similar fine can be applied to those drivers whose first-aid kit does not contain the necessary dressings or medicines.

Therefore, it is important to take care of the correct staffing of the first-aid kit, otherwise sooner or later you will have to pay a fine.

Terms of use

Not only do you need to collect a first aid kit for the car, you need to be able to use it correctly.

It is worth remembering the basic rules so that in the event of an accident, do not harm the victim:

  • All first aid manipulations should be carried out only with sterile medical gloves, especially if the victim has open wound, because touching the damaged part of the body dirty hands can later become the cause of internal infection;
  • if the victim is not breathing, it is imperative to use the device for emergency cardiopulmonary resuscitation, which should be in the first aid kit;
  • at blood pressure you must first pinch the damaged vessel with your fingers, then use a hemostatic tourniquet and tightly fix the wound with gauze bandages and napkins;
  • any bleeding wound must be fixed with a bandage;
  • if the wound does not bleed, it can be sealed with a bactericidal plaster.

From the contents of the first-aid kit and your ability to act when attacked emergency situations a person's life may depend, so it is important to take note of the above rules.

How long is good?

In addition to having all necessary elements, you need to pay attention to the expiration date of the car first-aid kit and, if necessary, replace it. So, if you buy a ready-made first aid kit with all the medicines, the expiration date is written on the case itself. As a rule, it is 5-6 years.

If you collect the first aid kit yourself, the expiration date is written on the package of the drug. Bactericidal patches are suitable for use for no more than five years. As for bandages and tourniquets, they can be stored for an unlimited amount of time.

Due to the fact that medicines were excluded from the first-aid kit, its shelf life has increased significantly. But still, medicines should be checked from time to time: if they are no longer suitable for use, then they must be replaced immediately.

When assembling a car first-aid kit, the following nuances should be considered:

  • You cannot replace one element with a completely different one, or even exclude it altogether. necessary funds. It is necessary that the first-aid kit be completed according to all state standards;
  • it should not contain expired medicines. Expired funds must be immediately replaced with new things, and old ones must be disposed of;
  • if you have used any remedy, you will need to purchase it and put it in the first aid kit. It must be ensured that it is always fully stocked;
  • a ready-made first aid kit, assembled according to all state standards, is recommended to be purchased from a trusted manufacturer. For example, the FEST company is one of the most popular manufacturers of car first-aid kits. The price of the goods, as a rule, does not exceed 500 rubles. You can buy the company's product at any pharmacy in your city.

Remember that at any time your car can be stopped by a traffic police officer and inspect the car. In the absence of a first-aid kit, you will get off with a fine, but its presence, first of all, is in your interests. Therefore, if you still do not have the necessary medical kit, get it and drive safely.

Medical devices and materials are considered an indispensable attribute of each vehicle. At the same time, the composition of the car first-aid kit is strictly regulated and any car owner is obliged to know which elements should be present in the set. Recently, according to GOST, it has been used new list components, the study of which will allow the driver to prepare a full-fledged medical unit for a car.

Why do you need a first aid kit for a car

A car first aid kit or a first aid kit is a block of devices, materials, dressings intended to provide immediate help citizens in emergency situations on the road. Some drivers believe that such an attribute is useless, but any adequate person understands that a medical unit may really be needed in the event of a serious accident or other situation, health threatening anyone.

In addition, without a first aid kit, no car will be able to pass a technical inspection and issue a diagnostic card. As you know, without the latter, you cannot get a compulsory insurance policy, which means that access to driving a vehicle will be prohibited.

The law governing the composition of the first aid kit

Until recently, the first-aid kit for vehicles was equipped not only with the appropriate tools, but also with all kinds of medicines.

According to the decree of the Ministry of Health of September 8, 2009, the list of the medical block was reduced as much as possible. Now the following drugs are completely excluded from the list of its components:

  • analgin;
  • aspirin;
  • validol;
  • brilliant green;
  • corvalol or valerian;
  • ammonia solution (ammonia);
  • nitroglycerine;
  • Activated carbon

The new first aid kit contents include different kinds dressings aimed at providing emergency care injured in an accident.

Why has the composition of the first-aid kit changed?

A significant change in the composition of the car first aid kit is due to the fact that most drugs require certain conditions storage, which is quite difficult to maintain in the vehicle. In particular, this applies to the temperature regime.

Another reason - side effects and contraindications of drugs. The body of people reacts differently to the medicine - what works for one, will have an extremely negative effect on the other. Legislation determines what to appoint medical supplies only a medical professional is eligible.

First aid kit

Based on the same decree of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, the following components should be included in the medical unit for cars according to GOST:

  • 1 tourniquet to eliminate or reduce blood loss;
  • ordinary bandages with a length of 5 m and a width of 5 and 10 cm - 2 pieces, as well as a size of 7 m × 14 cm in the amount of 1 piece;
  • sterilization bandages 5 m long, 7 and 10 cm wide, 2 pieces each, with parameters 7 m × 14 cm - 1 bandage;
  • 1 sterilization bag for dressing;
  • 1 package of sterile gauze wipes measuring at least 16 cm × 14 cm;
  • 2 bactericidal patches 4 cm × 10 cm and 10 pieces with parameters 1.9 cm × 7.2 cm;
  • 1 adhesive plaster in a roller measuring 1 cm × 250 cm;
  • unit for restoring lung activity "Rot-Device-Rot";
  • 1 pack of gloves;
  • scissors;
  • guide for the use of the medical block;
  • bag or case for storing materials.

In addition, the first-aid kit is not forbidden to supplement with any materials. It can be:

  • disinfectants;
  • cooling packs;
  • means against poisoning;
  • antiseptics;
  • antiallergic drugs.

The presence of medicines is not required, but acceptable. It all depends on the personal needs and health of the driver. The main thing is to have a list of devices and means regulated by the decree of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.

Where to buy a first aid kit for a car

You can buy a first-aid kit both in an already completed state, and assemble it yourself. In the first case, the price will vary from 100 to 500 rubles. Accordingly, the higher the price, the better and more complete the contents of the first-aid kit. To avoid problems, you should spend a little time and check the availability of all necessary components with a regulated list.

If you assemble the kit yourself, perhaps the price for a full-fledged composition will be slightly higher, but in this case the driver may not worry about the integrity of the materials or the serviceability of the devices.

On the video about the composition of the first aid kit

The composition of the first-aid kit for vehicles for the current year according to GOST completely excludes medicines. The list needs to be expanded dressings. But the car owner is not forbidden to supplement the medical unit with the necessary, in his opinion, drugs. A more complete first-aid kit in emergency situations can play an important role and contribute to the provision of assistance to the victim.

Many car enthusiasts are interested in the question of what a car first-aid kit 2018 - 2019 should contain. The composition in accordance with GOST allows you to pass the next inspection without unnecessary difficulties and provide the required assistance to victims in an emergency in time. The list of items included in the first aid kit for cars changes periodically.

Such changes are regulated by an order issued by the Ministry of Health and social development RF. The document is dated 2010 and according to it, the contents of the medical kit are maximally adapted for various situations on the road.

There are models of three main sizes for several types of cars

Russian law requirements

The availability of the kit and its appropriate configuration should be taken care of by the driver himself. Not only his life, but also the lives of passengers depend on this fact.

The main direction of the document is an indication of the list of necessary components in the first-aid kit, the frequency of its renewal and penalties for non-compliance. The fact of entry of foreign drivers into the territory of the Russian Federation is also stipulated by the regulatory document - the set must be present in such a car.


According to the provisions of Part 1 of Article 12.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses (CAO), for the lack of a vehicle with such a set, the driver is warned, and then fined 500 rubles.

Without a first-aid kit in the equipment of the vehicle, or if its validity has expired, it will not be possible to pass a scheduled technical inspection.

first aid kits


In the cabin of the vehicle today there should be a car first-aid kit of 2018, approved by the order of Russia “Order No. 697n”. It was signed in September 2009, and the law came into force on July 1, 2010. The main idea is the changes regarding the configuration of the first aid kit made earlier current Order No. 325 of 1996.

The composition of all kits approved for use on the territory of the Russian Federation is carried out in accordance with Specifications– closed standards that are the subject of intellectual and commercial property of their developer.

Car first aid kit 2018 - 2019: composition according to GOST RF

According to the requirements of the current legislation, the kits, just like a fire extinguisher and an emergency sign, must be present in the equipment of a transport unit moving along the roads of the Russian Federation. A separate item is a list of items that a car first aid kit 2018-2019 should include.

Along with the name on the box you will find the composition and the mark of compliance with GOST

The composition according to GOST of the kit provides for the content of products that allow you to provide first aid.

Airline first aid kit

What should be in a first aid kit

From the table below, it is easy to find out what should be in a modern car first-aid kit without fail.

Name Regulatory document (GOST, ISO) Release form (dimensions), cm Quantity
tourniquet 10993-99 1
Non-sterile gauze bandage 1172-93 5 m x 5 2
Non-sterile gauze bandage 1172-93 5 m x 10 2
Non-sterile gauze bandage 1172-93 7 m x 14 1
Sterile gauze bandage 1172-93 5 m x 7 2
Sterile gauze bandage 1172-93 5 m x 10 2
Sterile gauze bandage 1172-93 7 m x 14 1
Dressing sterile package 1179-93 1
Gauze sterile wipes 16427-93 No less than No. 10 (16x14) 1
10993-99 4 x 10 (at least) 2
Bactericidal adhesive plaster 10993-99 1.9 x 7.2 (at least) 10
Adhesive plaster roll type 10993-99 1 x 250 (not less) 1
Device for artificial respiration “Mouth-Device-Mouth” 10993-99 1
Medical gloves 10993-99, 52238-2004, 52239-2004, 3-88 Size not less than "M" 1
Recommendation for the use of the products contained in the first aid kit 1
Case 1

It is not uncommon for situations when the standard equipment of inexpensive kits includes low-quality products: scissors with blunt blades, bandages from insufficient thick fabric and others. Drivers complete such medical kits on their own, independently acquiring high-quality products.

The automobile first aid kit may contain additional items not specified by the approved order. These products include painkillers, drugs that stop bleeding and eliminate inflammatory processes of a different nature.

The list of drugs for a motorist is different. Additional medicines selected and purchased by the driver at his discretion.

Having decided to equip the transport medical kit with new drugs, the driver must know how to use them and monitor the validity of the drugs.

What should not be in the first aid kit

It is important for every law-abiding driver not only to have information about what is included in the 2018-2019 car first aid kit, but also to know what should not be included in it. Set of new medical kits for transport does not contain medicines. Their absence is due to a number of reasons, namely:

  • the majority of people who are the first to provide assistance to victims of road accidents do not have medical education and don't know precise application medicines under certain circumstances;
  • many people have contraindications to certain medicines, therefore, their use, without appropriate knowledge and experience, will harm;
  • the interior of the car, where significant temperature changes occur, does not provide appropriate conditions for storing medicines;
  • medicines in old-style kits do not act as means for providing emergency assistance medical nature.

car first aid kit MIRAL

According to statistics, most deaths after road accidents are associated with the loss of a large number blood, so the set of new first-aid kits focuses on tools that help quickly stop it. New medical kits do not include pharmacological preparations, ammonia, iodine and greens.

Video: the composition of the first-aid kit of the Russian Federation

The video below clearly shows the composition of a standard first aid kit.

The expiration date of a car first-aid kit of a new sample

The shelf life of a new car first-aid kit has almost tripled and is 4.5 years. It was possible to achieve a significant increase due to the exclusion from the composition medications becoming unusable. After the expiration of the term, the motorist is given six months to replace the kit.

Knowing when to change the first aid kit for a vehicle is easy. Necessary information indicated on front side case. The minimum period of permitted use (5-6 years) in the updated first-aid kit is for plasters and tourniquets.

Recommendations for using the car first aid kit

When purchasing and using a first aid kit, the driver should know:

  • The products included in the list of mandatory items for the first-aid kit cannot be replaced by others selected by own will. You can supplement this set yourself by purchasing the necessary medicines.
  • Do not use products that have expired or have damaged labels.
  • If some of the items from the first-aid kit are used, it should be re-equipped as soon as possible.
  • The item should be purchased at pharmacies or dealerships.

The suitcase is divided into several zones for ease of use.
  • Put on the medical gloves included in the kit.
  • If the victim in an accident has arterial bleeding, squeeze the wound with your fingers and fix the tourniquet above it. Then apply a tight bandage of bandages and napkins to the affected area. Important: it is necessary to remember the time when the tourniquet was applied in order to inform the ambulance workers.
  • If the victim is not breathing, try to restore his breathing using a device for artificial respiration.
  • On lightly bleeding wounds, apply tight pressure bandages to prevent the ingress of dust and dirt.
  • Small wounds and abrasions, if they are present on the body of the victim, cover with a bactericidal patch of a suitable size.
  • Call an ambulance.

Where to buy and how much

Today, the number of places where you can buy such a set is limited. Before purchasing a kit, we recommend paying attention to both the quality of the products included in it and the case itself. You must be sure that the complete set of the car first-aid kit is observed. Prices on the official website and on other sites vary greatly, which is explained by the difference in the quality of products.

Prices for first aid kits start at 160 rubles, but you should think carefully about the quality of such kits. The cost of reliable kits, produced, for example, by the well-known company FEST, starts from 300 rubles.

car first aid kit FEST

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