Medical scanner device. Indications for the use of skenar. Why is it so effective

SCENAR - this abbreviation is deciphered as follows: self-controlled energy neuro-adaptive regulator. The name SCENAR, which is so difficult to pronounce, reflects the principles of the impact on the human body and, in general, the treatment itself without medicines.

Like many non-traditional methods recovery, SCENAR-therapy is based on the principles alternative treatment without the use of chemicals. The operation of the SCENAR device is similar to the operation of bioresonance therapy devices.

How the SCENAR-therapy device works

The SCENAR therapy device regulates body functions by sending electrical impulses similar to signals to its skin. nervous system person. Then the device monitors the body's reaction to the impact of impulses and changes them in such a way as to cause the most active reaction and achieve the maximum therapeutic effect.

Each new impulse is different from the previous one, and this contributes to the intensive self-healing of the body.

Impulses from the SCENAR device are transmitted even to the thinnest nerve fibers. In all fibers there are special substances - neuropeptides, which are mediators in the transmission of impulses. They are considered strong regulators of all biological functions body: affect pain, memory state and blood pressure, perception new information, body temperature, sexual activity, appetite, etc.

SCENAR therapy and its features

A big plus when using SCENAR therapy is that the device is harmless to the human body: its impulses are similar to the impulses in the fibers nervous tissue, and the effect is so insignificant that it cannot cause damage to the treated skin surface. In addition, the patient is not exposed to heat, which is especially important in the treatment of patients with oncological problems (the action of SCENAR cannot provoke a crisis of the disease).

Another feature of the therapy under consideration is the presence of positive side effects and the ability to regulate all life processes in general. For example, when treating gastritis with SCENAR, you can simultaneously get rid of infertility. The most common side effects are the cure of the syndrome chronic fatigue, stress, normalization of metabolism.

Application possible complex therapy using other methods.

Indications for SCENAR therapy

Since SCENAR-therapy is actually a universal regulator of the functions of the human body, the scope of such therapy is very wide. It can be used to influence the immune system, cure and control many diseases, reduce their symptoms, accelerate the course of the disease (if necessary), and restore impaired functions. various systems organs. The results of using SCENAR are normalization of blood circulation, nervous and immune systems, regulation of metabolism and recovery physiological functions organism.

Side effects from the use of SCENAR-therapy are absent.

SCENAR therapy is used to treat:

Nervous system - circulatory disorders in the brain, functions of the spine and sensory organs, epilepsy, sciatica, Parkinson's disease, disorders of the nervous system, dystonia;

Of cardio-vascular system- hypertension and hypotension, arrhythmias, atherosclerosis, trophic ulcers, varicose veins veins, endarteritis, blood circulation disorders;

Musculoskeletal system - arthritis, arthrosis, osteochondrosis, violation of the integrity of bones, muscles and ligaments;

Respiratory system- SARS, tonsillitis, tracheitis, laryngitis, bronchitis, pneumonia; pleurisy, bronchial asthma;

Digestive system- gastritis, colitis, cholecystitis, hepatitis, enteritis, esophagitis;

Genitourinary system - nephritis, urethritis, cystitis, enuresis, improper development organs in children, disorders menstrual cycle, infertility, toxicosis during pregnancy.

With the help of SCENAR, diseases are treated:

Eye - myopia, strabismus, retinal diseases;

Teeth - periodontal disease, toothache, "complications in dental treatment;

Skin - eczema, dermatitis, neurodermatitis, burns and frostbite, rheumatism, allergies (including psoriasis);

Relieve pain of various origins;

Increase immunity.

In addition, SCENAR-therapy is used as an additional effect on the body in case of complex treatment orthopedic diseases, various injuries, infections.

New method recovery is used even in cosmetology: with its help, a facelift is done without surgical intervention and micromassage, as well as accelerate recovery processes after plastic surgery.

Contraindications to SCENAR-therapy

However, there are contraindications to the use of the device. Scenar treatment cannot be used in acute mental illness, drunkenness(it may increase).

Avoid exposure to:

If there is individual intolerance (such cases have not yet been identified);

If the patient has a pacemaker (perhaps a violation of his work); if not set accurate diagnosis(the device may interfere with its placement in the future, as the patient's condition will change).

Application of SCENAR-therapy in medicine

SCENAR therapy is very convenient to use. Therefore, now it is widely distributed throughout the world and is popular with many physicians. There are still few doctors who have adopted this method of treatment and the devices themselves in Russia. However, people who are not experts in the field of SCENAR can already use a device designed specifically for them. This version of the appliance is very easy to use and can become part of the home or car first aid kit. It works from a charged battery, the action of which lasts for 10-15 hours.

Using the SCENAR device, you can quickly and efficiently provide first aid. This is done by specialist doctors who have studied the method of applying therapy. Others can use the device to treat various diseases, following the instructions. A positive effect is usually achieved after 7-8 sessions, and in some cases even after the 1st procedure.

Today, SCENAR therapy is recommended by the Ministry of Health of Russia, and skenar devices practical application And what is important, they have passed the official certification. This device is now used by thousands of doctors around the world. The effect he produces is often compared to the work of a tuner: he quickly and skillfully adjusts all systems. human body on the performance of its functions, i.e., it is not the disease that is affected, but the person. And the result exceeds all expectations.

SCENAR therapy is new approach to the study of the possibilities of treatment of the human body. SCENAR treatment in medicine appeared at the junction 2 different cultures and combines Eastern wisdom and the latest developments of Western scientists in the field of electronic technology. This method was founded in 1986, although developments have been going on since the 1960s, during the era of space exploration. The creation of conditions that allow cosmonauts to fly safely pushed Soviet scientists to create new methods of treatment. Developers worked for more than 20 years, the first experiments and research were carried out in the strictest secrecy. Now closed developments are already used in medicine and are actively practiced for the treatment of patients.

Device of SCENAR-therapy device

Initially, SCENAR appeared as a replacement of a person (masseur) with a device. As you know, massage is carried out as a result of pressure on the most important energy points bodies, which, as a result of exposure to them, contribute to the launch of certain mechanisms in the human body. Stimulation of important "points" is an integral part of the treatment process.

The SCENAR device, unlike a human being, is able to capture the slightest changes, i.e. the signals of the body that it sends in response to pressure on these points. AT Eastern countries the so-called "contact massage" is practiced, which is carried out in certain zones and points of the body. The device really not only passes all these points, but also supports " feedback", which contributes to the establishment correct diagnosis and treatment.

The SCENAR therapy device is designed in such a way that its output signal carries the response “information” that it receives from the human skin as a result of interaction with the device. The change in the output signal varies depending on the results of pressing on the skin.

This device is used for various diseases. It weighs no more than 300 g. When used, it is able to detect painful changes in the body. Externally, the device is very similar to a television remote control.

SCENAR should interact with the diseased organ by applying the device to this place. In this case, external impulses become "information" that is read from the surface of the patient's skin. The signals are processed by the device, and then returned to the affected area (organ) in an altered form. There is a so-called "dialogue" connection between the device and the patient. This increases the frequency of transmission (recoil) of impulses to the patient. SCENAR treatment "distinguishes" and fixes the signals coming from the patient. His response impulses can be directed to the cure of the patient.

Advantages of SCENAR methodology

Many doctors who use SCENAR therapy in their practice speak about the following data. The device is able to completely cure more than 60-65% of diseases, while in official medicine this figure is only 32-33% of similar diseases. At the same time, the most high performance doctors have achieved in the treatment genitourinary system, various eye diseases.

The SCENAR-therapy device, according to the data of various studies, is able to show its effectiveness also in mastitis (in traditional medicine this disease is called breast cancer), prostatitis (inflammation prostate), as well as diseases of the female genital area, in particular inflammation of the appendages.

According to various studies, SCENAR is a device that is safe in terms of its performance. The device works almost silently, the patient feels a slight tingling in the affected area.

In any case, before starting SCENAR therapy, it is necessary to undergo a thorough examination and get advice from a specialist doctor.


SCENAR is an abbreviation of the method of influencing the human body and the name of the device is self-controlled energy-neuroadaptive regulation (self-controlling energy-neuroadaptive regulator). What is SCENAR-therapy? is physiotherapy.
The term physiotherapy, as you know, comes from two Greek words - nature and therapy, literally translated - the treatment of patients with natural (physical) factors. Over time, artificial (man-made) factors began to be used to treat patients, and physiotherapy is considered as a field of medicine that studies the effect on the body of natural and artificially created physical factors used to treat patients, prevent diseases and medical rehabilitation.

SCENAR — generates impulses on the electrodes electrical nature and, in terms of physiotherapy, it is pulsed electrotherapy. SCENAR affects small areas of the skin, which allows us to call this effect reflex therapy.

Irritation of the peripheral nervous apparatus of acupuncture points by SCENAR triggers a cascade of reflex neurohumoral (biochemical) reactions that form a certain integral response of the organism. The treatment effect is based on the body's functional response to SCENAR treatment. SCENAR devices, in interaction with the body, activate the mechanisms of self-healing (sanogenesis).

SCENAR is a device that:
- effective for many pathologies;
- allows you to quickly therapeutic effect;
- can be used in the absence of other methods of treatment;
– well combined with other methods of treatment;
- practically has no contraindications;
- easy to learn;
- easy to use.

Use of SCENAR at home, even by people who do not have medical education helps to alleviate the patient's condition. At the same time, SCENAR-therapy can be used in the order of self-help and mutual help. The main and recognizable feature of the SCENAR device is the obligatory positive result of SCENAR therapy.


The development of SCENAR devices, the development of SCENAR-therapy is closely connected with OKB "Ritm", Taganrog (now CJSC "OKB "Ritm").
In 1989 OKB "Ritm" registered the trademark SCENAR (in 2000 it was extended with priority from 1997). It was important point, since many firms are now using it illegally for speculative purposes.
In the 80s, the first active supporters of SCENAR therapy appeared, doctors of various specialties. Their practical observations strengthen confidence in the correctness of the chosen direction.
SCENAR devices are actively used outside of Russia in more than 40 countries of the world.


The transcutaneous electrostimulator SCENAR is designed to provide therapeutic effect on a person through the skin, accessible mucous membranes and even open wounds.
In any emergency situations requiring restoration of health, especially in the absence of a qualified medical care, SCENAR will help you:
- reduce pain of any origin;
- fight domestic injuries (wounds, abrasions, scratches, bruises, sprains, burns and frostbite);
- reduce the severity of acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections, edema;
- get the patient out of shock, fainting, heart attack, syndrome prolonged squeezing, help with intoxication and wounds;
- decrease side effects medicines and eliminate the development of post-vaccination complications in children and adults, and even use a device to accompany chemotherapy and radiotherapy in cancer patients;
– make a “lift” of the face, eliminate wrinkles, prevent skin aging.
The device significantly improves defensive forces body, strengthens the immune system.
SCENAR therapy is also used in combination with other methods of treatment.
SCENAR is a polyclinic and Ambulance in the pocket!


The high efficiency of SCENAR devices has been scientifically confirmed – research work published in collections scientific and practical conferences and are based on the experience of hundreds of physicians who use SCENAR-therapy in medical practice.

There are contraindications for SCENAR-therapy: individual intolerance, presence of artificial driver the patient's heart rhythm (working with the device in the heart area), severe mental illness, self-help for alcohol intoxication, acute infectious diseases with an unexplained diagnosis. Most of these limitations are determined by the lack of necessary research.

Thus, SCENAR-therapy is a universal method of non-specific assistance to a patient who applied with specific health complaints, regardless of acute or chronic course diseases. As a result of the accumulated experience, the main directions of SCENAR application in various diseases were determined:
1. Anti-pain effect.
2. Decongestant and anti-inflammatory effect.
3. Spasmolytic effect.
4. Detoxification effect.
5. The effect of the formation of anti-stress adaptive reactions of the body.
6. The effect of regeneration of damaged tissues.


CJSC OKB RITM produces several modifications of devices aimed at different users. All SCENAR devices are manufactured in Taganrog. SCENAR is a trademark owned by CJSC OKB RITM, Taganrog. As an example, we give the technical data of the device:
CHENS - "SCENAR" (version 02)

household appliance

Two exposure modes: the first - with a fixed frequency of 90 Hz, the second - with a fixed frequency of 60 Hz (in this mode 3:1 amplitude modulation and IDM are implemented).

SCENAR procedure- technological complex, including:
1. Questioning and inspection;
2. Direct exposure to the device.
The survey includes finding out current active complaints and sensations projected onto the skin; clarification and fixation of the patient's attention on "triggers" that change the nature of complaints and sensations.
Examination (detection on the skin hallmarks).

Interrogation – examination is carried out before, during and after the procedure, with a mandatory comparison of changes in dynamics and informing the patient about the positive changes that have appeared in the area of ​​SCENAR treatment.
For example, when examining the spine, it is necessary to take into account the presence of deforming changes in the spine and limbs before, during and after the procedure; fix the patient's attention on the signs of the disease that were present before treatment, correlate them with current complaints, sensations and trigger (pain) zones. It is these signs that the operator should pay attention to. Special attention, providing an additional effect of SCENAR on the places of their manifestation

To take into account the dynamics of the reactions of the body, one should pay attention to the distinguishing features: primary and secondary features, asymmetries and small asymmetries.

Primary signs - skin areas of a small area that are present before treatment, different from the rest skin surface(color, itching, pain, scars, wounds, erosion, age spots, trophic disorders).
Secondary signs are differences that occur during treatment outside its zone: hyperemia, pallor, itching, focal pain, or other actual complaint, as well as localization of the pain focus after treatment.
Typical for SCENAR therapy are: asymmetries – local changes found in the treatment area:
“sticking” (the electrode seems to stop “moving over the skin”, or there is a feeling that the skin under the electrode is sticky);
color changes skin(hyperemia or pallor) or patient sensations (painful or insensitive area);
change in the sound of the device when the electrode is moved over the skin (amplification or absence of sound);
different dynamics of reaching the dose during individually dosed exposure.

Small asymmetry - asymmetry with a small area of ​​manifestation of differences. In the complaint of the patient - the whole disease, but in it you need to find a small asymmetry. Asymmetry should be looked for even before the impact of SCENAR and work should be started from it.
For example, the palm hurts, but most of all in the center of the palm - this is a small asymmetry. Or, when the device is processing a focus of skin redness, a pale skin color appears in the redness zone (white surrounded by red), we put the device there. Or, a diabetic leg ulcer - this is treated first, and then other areas of the skin.
To tune, with the help of SCENAR therapy, a pathological functional system (for example, in diabetes) to a more optimal healing regime diabetic ulcers, dynamics and stability are needed: the dynamics of the operator's thinking and the dynamics of the treatment process. These categories must be stable i.e. change dynamically.

Secondary factors (HF) are areas of the skin of a small area that differ in some characteristics from the rest of the skin surface. These include:
- difference in coloring;
skin sensations(itch, pain);
- cicatricial changes;
- plots hypersensitivity;
- the presence of wounds, erosions, acne, age spots, trophic disorders.
WFs are also subject to mandatory processing. The choice of places for processing is carried out throughout the body. Priority is given to symmetrical parts of the body, opposite, according to the principle: right - left, top - bottom.

The final touch (FS) is skin areas that differ in any characteristics from the rest of the skin surface, but appear during SCENAR therapy from the first session and are located outside the treatment areas. PN can be very different, as well as WF. PS is the skill of a SCENAR therapist multiplied by his powers of observation and raised to the level of his intuition. PSh - should mature, gaining a maximum of distinctive features. PS should disappear along with symptoms and complaints. PS is processed until the complete disappearance of its manifestations.
Use the following additional information when working:
1. If MA, VF or PN are located above the glands internal secretion, the effectiveness of therapy increases dramatically.
2. When treating zones on a bare skull, the effectiveness of therapy increases.
3. If all SCENAR rules are followed, the probability of "exacerbations" is sharply reduced.

criterion normal course recovery process in the body, is the compensation of impaired functions. SCENAR accelerates the restoration of impaired function. For example, after an injury, the joint "did not move." As a result of SCENAR impact, movement appeared in the joint. This is not a recovery yet, but already an improvement, that is. a functional pathological system has been formed, which gradually, in the course of treatment, can become a normal functional system (NFS) and recovery will occur. It needs stability positive effect treatment after each SCENAR procedure – impact (“achieve at least a small success”) and the cyclicity of the procedures (“in which zone did the treatment yesterday, start treatment with it today”).
The patient is an active participant in the therapy process. The patient is the "environment" in which functional changes occur and where the activity of the functional pathological system (FPS) is formed. From the conscious participation of the patient in the treatment process, the speed and quality of the FPS transformation depends.
The device and the specialist (doctor, non-professional user) are only correctors of this process. And it is very important to create trust in the device and the specialist (to explain to the patient his position and task from the very beginning). The patient should stop being "afraid" of the device and start fighting the disease together with the SCENAR operator. The operator must orient the patient to carefully monitor changes in state and well-being, the dynamics of complaints and functional changes that reflect changes in self-regulation processes and inform the operator about this, which may affect tactics further treatment. It is necessary to explain to the patient that during the course of treatment there may be temporary exacerbations, especially when chronic diseases. no recovery from chronic illness without aggravation. The body must, as it were, “get sick again easily in order to recover.
The patient must be prepared for the fact that under the influence of SCENAR, changes in the work of the body's self-regulation mechanisms may occur, other pathological processes that have been dormant for years may “wake up”. As the adaptive reactions of the body improve and the work of adaptive mechanisms is optimized, positive changes will be observed in the course of other chronic diseases, and the patient can get rid of them (treated one, and in addition, cured the other).

From the point of view of a SCENAR therapist pathological process- not a disease, but an adaptive reaction (AR) of the body to changing conditions environment, which affects internal environment organism. Functionality organisms are limitless, therefore, at the current level of development of resonant wave diagnostic methods (for example, electropuncture according to R. Voll, vegetative resonance test), in a perfectly healthy-looking person, pathological processes can be diagnosed that pass almost imperceptibly, i.e. clinically unmanifested. This suggests that the pathways for the passage of information in the body are free and not overloaded. Therefore, the manifestation of pathological processes is minimal. What happens in the human body with a pronounced adaptive reaction?

1. The overall energy consumption is increasing.
2. The area of ​​energy concentration is localized.
3. The energy supply of the whole organism outside this area suffers.
4. Due to the lack of energy, the transmission of information deteriorates.
5. There is an additional consumption of energy and its additional concentration in a single section of the system (pathological focus).

Yes, it turns out vicious circle: effective PR requires energy, which is taken from other parts of the body, which, in turn, leads to a deterioration in the adaptive reaction (slowing down the passage of information), i.e. to the strengthening of the "pathological process".
Our task is to reduce the exposure of PR as much as possible (thus, to transfer the pathological process into an asymptomatic form). How to achieve this?

1. Clear the pathways for information in the body (replenish the missing energy).
2. Use the hyperenergy of the "pathological focus" for these purposes (item 1).
3. Restore the integrity of information links in the body (maximum reduction of extraneous influences, such as drugs).
4. Restore the interaction of the cortex and subcortex (relieve psychological stress). For example: reduction of pain during the first SCENAR procedure: “it means it helps, you can hope for recovery”!

General regulatory methods for individually dosed regimen.
General impact areas

"Three tracks"
Frequency - constant: 60 or 90 Hz, the impact is comfortable. Determination of a comfortable threshold of impact energy is carried out near the zone on which the impact is carried out. The order of movement of the electrode along the lines (one of options) is shown in the explanatory diagram. The numbers in the circles determine the order in which the zones are processed.
The number of zones depends on the length of the patient's spine.

Diagram explaining how to move the electrode

For a child, this can be 6 zones, for an adult -18, etc. (see picture).
1. Install the device at the level of the spinous process VII cervical vertebra(this is the most protruding vertebra at the point of transition of the cervical spine to the thoracic) (indicated by point 1 in the figure) so that the long part of the electrode is located along the axis of the body. Do not remove the electrode until the light and sound dose signal is received.
2. Move the electrode down the spine one length of the electrode as shown. After each dose signal, move the device down along the spine to the crease between the buttocks.
3. Return to the beginning thoracic and install the device on the paravertebral line to the left of the spine at the level of the spinous process of the VII cervical vertebra. Then process the symmetrical line in the same way.
4. Move the electrode to the border of the hair along the midline, treat the cervical spine in the same way (one or two positions along the length of the neck).
5. Process cervical region along the paravertebral lines (see item 3)

"Six dots" on the face

Six dots on the face

The "six points" are the exit points trigeminal nerve from the bones of the skull. The order of processing is as follows: the areas on the mandible, then - near the nose, and last - supraorbital.
If necessary, you can start processing from the side where there are local manifestations.
When processing other skin areas in the IDM, move the electrode of the apparatus on the area from top to bottom and from the left hand of the operator to the right.

"Information cleaning of the spine"

Information cleaning of the spine

The technique is indicated for fatigue, stress, autonomic disorders, general malaise.
The position of the patient is lying on his stomach. Frequency - constant, 60 or 90 Hz; impact is intense.
Place the device electrode on the border of the hair along the midvertebral line so that the elongated side of the electrode is perpendicular to the body axis.
Pressing the electrode firmly against the skin, slowly guide it along the spine from top to bottom to the coccyx.
Repeat this several times until hyperemia (reddening of the skin surface area) appears in all parts of the spine.
The procedure takes at least 15-20 minutes.

Additional common impact areas

If you act on the place of manifestation pain impossible (interfering plaster bandages etc.), then treat symmetrical zones located at the same horizontal distance from the spine.
If there is no effect from exposure for 3-5 minutes on the above zones, then influence the general zones and additional general zones.
The duration of one procedure is no more than 30 minutes.

SCENAR-therapy is a regulatory procedure and implements its action through adaptive systems (AS), which include nervous, endocrine and immune system. The basic concept of regulative, functional, "holistic" medicine is that a person is a whole at the physical, emotional and mental levels. Vithoulkas proposes to present the disease as a kind of cone. The top of the cone lies in the mental layer, expanding as the disease progresses and is located at the base on the physical layer. When sick, symptoms appear on physical level, on the physical body. In reality, the disease begins at the mental level and the body seeks to protect vitality for as long as possible. important organs and keep the disease as far away from the center as possible. After some time, due to the most different reasons, the disease spreads to physical body, and the same ones appear clinical symptoms that disturb the patient with whom he comes for treatment. If you work only on patient complaints, using local techniques work can be thankless and unproductive.
About local processing, i.e. work on the local areas relevant to the complaint can only be discussed if acute illness, in acute situation, when the cone did not have time to grow, its top and bottom are one zone. We are not talking about a situation of exacerbation of a chronic disease (with its inherent cones), when an acute complaint does not always correspond to the problem. Therefore, in most cases, it is necessary to alternate the impact of SCENAR on local and general areas. Applying various methods SCENAR-therapies, which are technologies that guarantee to receive varying degrees positive result treatment.



Over the past 10 years in medical literature published information on the use of SCENAR-therapy in more than 400 cancer patients. As a result of the analysis of the accumulated clinical material the main tasks that SCENAR can solve in the process of treating an oncological patient were determined: 1. Formation of anti-stress adaptive reactions of the body (training or activation according to L.Kh. Garkavia et al., 1997). 2.Immunomodulatory effect.3. Anti-pain effect.4. Anti-edematous and anti-inflammatory effect.
5. Antispasmodic effect.6. Detoxification effect.7. Improved tissue regeneration. Of course, these effects of SCENAR therapy cannot be considered strictly in isolation. The body as a multi-level, self-regulating functional system, reacts to the impact of SCENAR with those reactions, which in this moment optimally restore the function of a pathologically altered organ or system and which the body is able to provide energetically. Therefore, SCENAR therapy in combination with other methods of radical and palliative treatment improves the quality of life of cancer patients and, in some cases, prolongs the patient's life.

Formation of anti-stress adaptive reactions of the body (training or activation according to L.Kh. Garkavi et al., 1997) in experiment and clinic.
At the Rostov Research Oncological Institute, experimental studies(on rats) to study the antitumor effect of SCENAR-therapy in Pliss lymphosarcoma. (The research was carried out by G. A. Zhukova, researcher at the Russian Research Institute of Science and Technology, who kindly agreed to present us with a fragment of her doctoral dissertation for inclusion in the report on SCENAR therapy).
In experiments on 64 male rats using transplanted Pliss lymphosarcoma, the effects of SCENAR therapy were studied both in combination with chemotherapy and in the absence of cytostatics. As a chemotherapeutic agent, cyclophosphamide (CF) was used, administered intraperitoneally once at a dose of 80 mg/kg. Influences began when the tumors reached the size of 0.1-0.5 cm3 3-4 days before the introduction of the cytostatic. Experimental animals were divided into groups: 1st group - control (n=12), 2nd group - administration of cyclophosphamide (n=12), 3rd group - administration of cyclophosphamide and SCENAR therapy (n=15), 4 group - SCENAR-therapy in the absence of cytostatic effect (n=15), group 5 - intact animals (n=10). The duration of the experiment is 2.5 weeks.
The SCENAR-therapy session was held in the first half of the day, at 9-11 o'clock, the experimental animals were exposed to the action of a pulsed electric field using the SCENAR-97.1 device, which had an external "comb" electrode, which made it possible to achieve contact with the animal's skin. At the same time, the animal was not rigidly fixed, although the freedom of its movements was limited - it was in the hands of one of the employees. The impacts were general and local character. General impacts they started with the so-called "three tracks" - processing the skin surface vertebral (from the beginning of the tail to the frontal bone and back) and paravertebral on each side (also in both directions). Then they acted on the projection area of ​​the hypothalamus, changing the exposure time from procedure to procedure in the range of 15-5 seconds according to algorithms that take into account the patterns of development of general non-specific adaptive reactions (Selye G, 1960; Garkavi L.Kh., Ukolova M.A., Kvakina E B., 1975) and providing for a change in the exposure value by 15 - 20% or exponentially (Garkavi L.Kh., Kvakina E.B., 1990).
In SCENAR-therapy, the area of ​​skin projection of the liver and the area of ​​skin above the tumor were referred to the zones of local influence. The area above the liver was treated to activate detoxification processes, and the area above the tumor was treated to provide local (along with general) antitumor activity. At the same time, the treatment of the area above the tumor was carried out from 3 fields, and for large tumors - from 4 to 5 fields, corresponding to the area of ​​the “comb” electrode.
General exposure was carried out in a continuous pulsed mode with a pulse repetition rate of 15 Hz. The intensity of exposure was individually comfortable, which was assessed by the behavior of the animal. Local exposures were performed at the same frequency of 15 Hz in intermittent mode: 2 seconds exposure, 1 second pause (2:1). The exposure dose was 3-5 bursts of pulses on the projection of the liver and 3-5 bursts of pulses from each field above the tumor.
It should be noted that during the first week after the introduction of cyclophosphamide in the 2nd group, where there was no SCENAR therapy, as a result toxic action 42% of the animals died of the chemotherapy drug, in which deep leukopenia was recorded the day before - the content of leukocytes did not exceed 2050 / mm3. In the 3rd group, where SCENAR therapy was used, there were no cases of death of animals and a decrease in the content of leukocytes in the peripheral blood below 3100 /ml, which indicated protective influence used exposure (p<0,05, Z-критерий).

Clinical application of SCENAR-therapy

Immunomodulatory effect of SCENAR therapy

On the example of a large clinical material (1128 patients with various diseases), I.A. Minenko and A.A. Voronkov (2005) showed the effectiveness of SCENAR-therapy methods, including on immunity. SCENAR therapy increases the number of T-active lymphocytes, normalizes the balance of immunoglobulins, restores the normal ratio of healers and suppressors, slightly increases the number of B-lymphocytes and the total content of immunoglobulins. Therefore, the use of SCENAR-therapy during chemo-radiation treatment and during the rehabilitation of oncological patients is an auxiliary method of immunity correction along with drug therapy.

Analgesic effect SCENAR therapy.

SCENAR-therapy can be actively used by doctors to reduce or relieve pain in various diseases accompanied by pain syndrome. In oncological patients, SCENAR-therapy is used as an independent method of pain relief or in combination with analgesics, especially in chronic pain syndrome. The mechanism of the analgesic effect of SCENAR therapy has not yet been studied enough, but there are hypotheses explaining the analgesic effect of SCENAR. A.V. Tarakanov (2005) believes that the morphological substrate of the analgesic effect of SCENAR is the antinociceptive systems of the brain, triggered from different parts of the skin. SCENAR acts on biologically active points, "choosing" the most problematic areas, in the process of its movement over the skin surface. At the same time, opiodergic, serotonergic, catecholaminergic, and probably other mechanisms of pain relief are activated, for example, the hypothesis of activation of thick myelin fibers with subsequent "blocking of the pain entrance". It has been shown that the effect of analgesia during dynamic neurostimulation is naloxone-dependent.

Many authors report on the successful use of SCENAR-therapy for the relief of chronic pain in cancer patients. It should be noted that in an oncological patient, pain syndrome can be caused directly by a malignant tumor, and pain can be of non-oncogenic origin in an oncological patient, caused, for example, by a migrating ureteral stone or intestinal paresis that occurs after surgery. Therefore, the analgesic, antispasmodic and anti-edematous effect of SCENAR therapy in varying degrees of severity can be when SCENAR is applied to the area of ​​the skin where pain is projected. Many doctors dealt with the problem of anesthesia of oncological patients. Zaydiner B.M. and Savina S.A. (2001) shared their experience of relief of chronic pain syndrome of oncogenic etiology in 19 patients. The analgesic effect of SCENAR lasted from 3 weeks to 8 (!) months. Developing this direction of anesthesia in oncology, Zaydiner B.M. and Liang N.V. (2005) reported on 194 oncological patients of the 4th clinical group (subject to palliative treatment only) who underwent SCENAR therapy. The course of treatment consisted of 9-10 procedures. During the session, SCENAR affected the skin projections of painful foci for 7-15 minutes and the paravertebral zones corresponding to these foci for 2-3 minutes. As a result of SCENAR therapy, pain decreased in 165 (85%) patients out of 194, which was accompanied by a decrease in the use of pharmacological analgesics, an increase in appetite and an increase in sleep time. The duration of the analgesic effect lasted from several hours to 3 months. The authors give a clinical example of successful anesthesia in a 57-year-old man with a tumor of the right iliac bone. Pain history 4 months. After SCENAR-therapy, the patient refused from drug pain relief and continued to relieve pain with SCENAR on his own. The patient was followed up for more than 3 months. ZK Milkevich (1997) reported on the use of SCENAR-therapy in 35 cancer patients during or after special antitumor treatment. The author noted an improvement in the general well-being of patients, up to a comfortable state. In two cases, SCENAR therapy was performed for tumor metastases to the spine with a good analgesic effect.

My (V.P. Zaderin) own 10-year experience of using SCENAR-therapy for mitigation of acute and chronic pain syndrome in oncourological patients (more than 200 people) showed that: 1. SCENAR relieves acute pain in various tumor localizations (possible analgesic effect after one procedure); 2. Chronic pain requires several sessions of exposure to obtain a clinically significant effect of pain relief; 3. The combination of medicamentous analgesics and SCENAR-therapy allows strengthening and accelerating the effect of analgesia. 4. The duration and strength of the analgesic effect cannot be predicted in a particular patient, but analgesia occurs to varying degrees in 83% of cancer patients. 5. The non-invasiveness of the method and the possibility of repeated use of SCENAR-therapy should be emphasized..6. SCENAR therapy can be used in cancer patients with some forms of acute pain syndrome of non-oncogenic etiology in cancer patients (for example, renal or intestinal colic), when spasmolytic, decongestant and analgesic effects are achieved simultaneously.

Several clinical examples of the use of SCENAR-therapy for the relief of pain in cancer patients (performed by V.P. Zaderin).

1. Patient N., diagnosis: prostate cancer, metastasis to the 3rd lumbar vertebra, acute pain syndrome. Receives hormone therapy and narcotic analgesics 1-2 times a day. SCENAR therapy was performed on the projection of the metastasis in continuous mode for 20 minutes. The pain has been relieved. Didn't use painkillers for 2 days.

2. Patient G., diagnosis: cancer of the left kidney, chronic prostatitis. Getting ready for a nephrectomy. Before the operation, exacerbations of prostatitis with pain syndrome occurred. The operation was postponed until the pain relief. 2 sessions of SCENAR-therapy (without medicines) were performed on the perineum, lower back and suprapubic area. After the first procedure, the pain significantly decreased, and after the second procedure, it completely stopped. The patient's condition improved, which made it possible to perform nephrectomy on the third day after SCENAR therapy. It is clear that chronic prostatitis is not cured by two sessions of SCENAR-therapy, but the symptomatic effect of the treatment made it possible for the oncological patient not to delay the terms of the operation.

3. Patient O., diagnosed with metastasis of transitional cell carcinoma of the left kidney (nephrectomy 2 years ago) in the postoperative scar. Complaints of severe pain and inflammation in the area of ​​metastasis, accompanied by hyperthermia. 4 sessions of SCENAR-therapy were carried out in the metastasis area in an individually dosed and continuous mode. Pain disappeared, swelling of the tissues around the tumor decreased significantly. During the operation, a dense, encysted infiltrate surrounded by a membrane was found. On the section, in the center of the preparation, a tumor tissue (transitional cell carcinoma) surrounded by a dense capsule with elements of pus was found. Histological examination - transitional cell carcinoma, the connective tissue around the tumor is intensively infiltrated with leukocytes (leukocytic roller).

4. Patient G., diagnosis: prostate cancer, condition after radiation therapy. Concomitant diagnosis: arterial hypertension, exertional angina. The patient is receiving hormone therapy. At the next dispensary examination, the doctor complained of acute pain in the region of the heart extending to the left arm, left shoulder, tachycardia. An urgent ECG diagnosed: myocardial infarction. Along with drug therapy, SCENAR therapy was started in the mode of continuous action on the projection of pain in the region of the heart, then the left arm was “treated” with SCENAR in the direction from the periphery to the center and the area of ​​the left shoulder. The pain was localized in the region of the heart, but the intensity of pain became much less. The SCENAR therapy procedure took 30 minutes. The arrived cardiological ambulance team performed an ECG, which revealed minor myocardial ischemia. The patient was transferred to the cardiology department, where this diagnosis was confirmed. The case is interesting due to effective SCENAR therapy of acute heart pain with positive ECG dynamics within a short time (1.5 hours passed from the first to the second ECG).

5. Patient L., diagnosis: cancer of the right kidney, condition after removal of the kidney. On the second day after the operation, after removal of the catheter draining the bladder. Urination has not recovered, despite the filling of the bladder with urine (bladder atony). Conducted SCENAR-therapy in continuous mode of the bridge of the nose, suprapubic area and kidney area from the waist for 40 minutes. Urine passed on its own 2 hours after the procedure. On the 9th day after the operation, the patient developed pain in the left lumbar region with irradiation to the distal end of the 12th rib, no urine in the bladder (renal colic with impaired passage of urine from the kidney). SCENAR therapy was urgently performed in the area of ​​the left kidney and along the ureter in a continuous and individually dosed mode for 30 minutes. The pain subsided and after 2 hours urine appeared. Subsequently, the calculus passed with urine.

6. Patient Ch., diagnosis: cancer of the left kidney, condition after radical nephrectomy. On the 3rd day after the operation, after the administration of analgesics, itching of the skin and small papular rashes appeared on the arms, legs and abdomen. The patient's condition is regarded as an allergic reaction to medications. The introduction of antihistamines did not relieve the itching of the skin. SCENAR-therapy was carried out in continuous mode in the areas of skin rash and hyperemia. The skin in the most "itchy" areas was treated in an individually dosed regime, and the "most itchy" area of ​​the skin was treated with SCENAR last. At the end of the procedure, which lasted 25 minutes, the itching of the skin began to subside and almost completely stopped after 1 hour. However, the rashes on the skin persisted for another 2 days, gradually disappearing.

7. Patient K., a doctor with a diagnosis of recurrent colonic obstruction, was admitted to the clinic of the Rostov Research Institute for examination. The duration of intestinal obstruction is more than a day. The patient's condition is grave. The abdomen is swollen, painful on palpation, the skin is dry, the tongue is dry with a brown coating. Due to general weakness, the patient cannot move independently. An attempt to remove intestinal paresis with medication and with the help of a cleansing enema failed. The patient was scheduled for a diagnostic laparotomy according to vital indications. The patient refused the operation, so I suggested SCENAR therapy to resolve intestinal paresis. Areas of SCENAR impact: back (“three tracks”), the surface of the abdomen, especially in the projection of the large intestine, the inner surface of the palms. Exposure mode: continuous and individually dosed. The exposure time of SCENAR is 1 hour. During the procedure, the patient felt somewhat better, and 45 minutes after the end of SCENAR therapy, the intestinal paresis resolved. The patient is examined. Cancer of the sigmoid colon was diagnosed. An operation was performed, after which the patient has been alive for 5 years. The case is interesting because in an urgent situation the patient was treated with SCENAR, despite the fact that the drug treatment was ineffective. The use of SCENAR for anesthesia of oncological patients is the most demanded procedure in the practice of an oncologist. Attention should be paid to the fact that a doctor who owns SCENAR technology can provide emergency non-invasive assistance to a patient even before drug therapy. SCENAR is an "ambulance in your pocket"

Improvement of blood microcirculation after SCENAR-therapy

Local effects of pulsed current are manifested by activation of blood microcirculation processes and improvement of tissue trophism not only in the area of ​​local impact of SCENAR (persistent moderate hyperemia), but also in the internal organs associated with this area of ​​the skin (according to the skin-visceral reflex principle). Improving microcirculation is the morphofunctional basis of the anti-inflammatory, anti-edematous, absorbable and hypotensive effects of the method. With the help of rheovasography and the reflectance of laser radiation of the skin conducted after exposure to SCENAR, Minenko IA, Voronkov AA (2005) showed an increase in the degree of blood filling of blood vessels and blood oxygenation in 71% of healthy people tested. This conclusion is supported by clinical examples published by physicians who have treated cancer patients. Examples of messages. 1. After complex treatment of breast cancer, two patients developed persistent lymphorrhea from the surgical wound. After 6 sessions of SCENAR-therapy, lymphorrhea completely stopped. However, SCENAR failed to remove lymphostasis of the upper limb (Milkevich Z.K., 1997). 2. The decongestant effect of the device improved the condition of 7 out of 12 oncological patients with ascites: the volume of the abdomen decreased, breathing improved and tachycardia decreased; After exposure to SCENAR in the projection of the liver, pancreas, intestines, it was possible to reduce the intoxication syndrome in 20 out of 23 cancer patients of the 4th clinical group and reduce the intensity of the inflammatory reaction in 16 out of 26 cancer patients after treatment of the sternum, calf muscles, spleen, which was confirmed by immunograms and clinical course of the disease (Zaidiner B.M., Savina S.A., 2001). The same authors reported that the symptom of respiratory disorders in 14 out of 17 cancer patients was mitigated due to the reflex regulatory effect of SCENAR on the cervical-collar area, spine and skull.

Examples from his own medical practice Zaderin V.P.).
1. Patient P., diagnosis: breast cancer, condition after chemotherapy (complicated by hair loss on the head) and mastectomy on the left. During the operation, at the site of the removed mammary gland, under the skin, the patient was implanted with an expander in order to create a cavity for the subsequent implantation of a prosthesis imitating the mammary gland. On the 2nd day after the operation, tissue edema occurred in the area of ​​the postoperative scar, body temperature increased. The skin over the expander has lost sensitivity (test for sensitivity with a needle prick), pale. At the same time there were complaints of pain in the lumbar region, pain in the parietal-temporal region. SCENAR therapy was started in the area of ​​the postoperative scar, lumbar region and the surface of the skull (craniotherapy), alternately, with an interval of 12 hours between procedures. A total of 6 procedures were performed in continuous and individually dosed regimens. On the 2nd day of treatment, tissue edema in the area of ​​the postoperative scar significantly decreased, skin sensitivity and elasticity appeared, and body temperature returned to normal. These changes in the wound made it possible to inject 100 ml of saline into the expander and additionally stretch the skin over the expander. The pain in the lumbar region disappeared and the headache softened. On the skull, in the parietal-occipital region, two points were identified, when processed by SCENAR, a reflex “recoil” (slang of the patient) to the postoperative wound was noted. On the 4th day of treatment, the growth of vellus hair appeared on the head (further hair growth continued). On the 6th day, pain appeared in the area of ​​the expander, and about 100 ml of serous fluid was evacuated from the wound, while the volume of the expander was preserved. A few days later, the wound healed, the wound healed, a cavity formed at the place of the expander, where a gel imitating the mammary gland was introduced. This case is interesting because with the help of SCENAR therapy, a multilevel regulation of body reactions was obtained: anti-inflammatory, anti-edematous, analgesic and regenerative effects. As a result, favorable conditions have been created for the healing of the postoperative wound and the acceleration of hair growth on the head, which fell out after chemotherapy.

2. Patient Z., diagnosis: bladder cancer, condition after removal of the bladder with the formation of a colonic urinary reservoir. In the course of postoperative therapy, the patient received an intramuscular injection of a drug into the anterior surface of the left thigh. On the second day, in the injection zone, hyperemia and skin edema appeared with foci of necrosis, loss of tactile sensitivity of the skin around the wound, and hyperthermia. At the same time, the pain in the thigh and the inability to move the left leg began to increase, which forced the patient to stay in bed constantly. Diagnosis of complication: Post-injection neuropathy with impaired trophism of the tissues of the anterior surface of the left thigh . Neurologist prescribed appropriate treatment. There was no rapid recovery effect from the treatment. The patient was forced to move his left leg in bed with the help of his hands. On the 4th day after the onset of the complication, the patient underwent a session of SCENAR therapy in continuous and individually dosed modes for 35 minutes. The sequence of movement of the apparatus is from the periphery to the center along the perimeter of the wound. During the procedure, tactile sensitivity of the skin and some mobility of the leg appeared, which was regarded as a positive dynamics of the treatment and was a positive psychological incentive for the patient. The next day, the 2nd session of SCENAR-therapy was performed in the same mode. At the end of the procedure, the device was placed over the place where the drug was injected, which led to nerve injury. A few minutes later, in the process of exposure to SCENAR, the patient developed an independent movement of the leg, which allowed him to stand up and walk around the ward (as the patient said, “a miracle happened”). The patient's condition improved rapidly and he was discharged from the hospital for outpatient treatment. This case is interesting in that a weakened oncological patient with post-traumatic neuropathy accompanied by a violation of the trophism of the skin of the anterior surface of the thigh and a violation of the motor function of the leg, after SCENAR therapy, received a very rapid therapeutic effect (anti-edematous, anti-inflammatory and stimulating tissue regeneration).

Analgesic and antispasmodic effect

SCENAR-therapy can be successfully used for healing postoperative wounds and radiation damage to the skin. V.G. Osinsky (1999) reported on the treatment of a radiation ulcer of the shin with SCENAR in a 77-year-old patient. The duration of the disease is 30 years. Various treatments have been tried, but without significant

effect. The patient underwent 22 sessions of SCENAR-therapy, after which epithelialization of the healing ulcer began.

My own experience (V.P. Zaderin) includes more than 50 cases of SCENAR application for healing festering postoperative wounds. It is known that in order to stimulate the regeneration of damaged tissues (reparative regeneration), a set of measures is needed to improve tissue trophism and increase the overall resistance of the body. Therefore, therapeutic procedures should stimulate hematopoiesis, improve the detoxification function of the liver, have a desensitizing, anti-inflammatory and anti-edematous effect, and restore the innervation of the area of ​​damaged tissues. To some extent, SCENAR therapy has all these properties and can optimize the healing of surgical and tophic wounds against the background of drug treatment.

A clinical example of the healing of a postoperative wound against the background of a general severe condition of the patient. Patient X., diagnosis: cancer of the urethra with spread to the scrotum and metastases to the inguinal lymph nodes. The patient underwent surgery - removal of the vulva and regional lymph nodes (emasculation with lymphadenectomy). The postoperative wound healed poorly, despite anti-inflammatory therapy, suppuration occurred, and on the 15th day after the operation, the wound was a purulent cavity 12 x 8 x 5 cm with foci of tissue necrosis, loss of sensitivity of the skin around the wound at a distance of 1.5-2 cm, pain in suprapubic area with irradiation to the legs (a symptom of inflammation of the articulation of the pubic bones), the inability to move independently due to weakness of the legs. Against the background of drug therapy aimed at stimulating the immune system and detoxifying the body, the patient underwent SCENAR therapy in an individually dosed and continuous mode for 25 minutes daily. The main zones of SCENAR exposure are the skin around the wound at a distance of 3-4 cm from the edge of the wound, the inner and front surface of the thighs, the front wall of the abdomen from the womb to the navel. A total of 7 procedures were performed. After two procedures with SCENAR, the sensitivity of the skin around the wound was restored, the movement of the legs improved, purulent-necrotic masses began to be torn away from the wound cavity. After 5 procedures of SCENAR-therapy, the patient began to walk independently, the wound cleared of purulent-necrotic masses, pink granulation tissue appeared, the general condition of the patient improved (appetite, sleep, pain in the wound decreased). After 7 procedures with SCENAR, the healing of the wound accelerated rapidly, its size decreased two times compared to the initial ones. The patient was discharged from the hospital in a satisfactory condition.

It is interesting to note that SCENAR not only dilates the vessels when they are in a state of spasm, but also constricts the vessels when they are dilated (arteries). In the practice of a surgeon, there are cases when, at the end of a long operation, in the process of suturing a skin wound, bleeding occurs from the puncture sites with a surgical needle. This phenomenon can be explained as a reaction of the blood coagulation system to surgical trauma. These conditions are usually treated with medication. We asked ourselves the question, is it possible to reduce bleeding from subcutaneous vessels by treating the edges of the skin wound with SCENAR before skin suturing? To do this, before suturing, the edges of the skin wound 25 cm long were treated with SCENAR continuously for 15 minutes. As a result, a decrease in bleeding of the puncture sites with a surgical needle by about 50% was obtained. Of course, the result obtained is unreliable in terms of statistics, but it suggests that SCENAR probably regulates hypo- and hyperergic reactions of the body, bringing them closer to the physiological norm.

The presented clinical examples show that the healing effect of surgical wounds with the help of SCENAR therapy is obvious. Therefore, along with drug treatment, the use of SCENAR in the surgeon's clinical practice (in a hospital or polyclinic) can improve the results of treatment of patients.

Detoxification effect of SCENAR-therapy

The development of a malignant tumor is to some extent accompanied by intoxication of the body. An experienced oncologist can suspect a cancerous tumor in a patient even before receiving clinical examination data. The liver, intestines, kidneys, lungs, skin remove waste products of the tumor from the body, as well as toxins that accumulate in the tissues after chemo-radiation therapy. Therefore, supporting the body's detoxification system is part of the cancer treatment strategy.

SCENAR-therapy of malignant tumors

Is it possible to cure a tumor with SCENAR? Probably any oncologist will say “no” rather than “yes”. However, individual observations of physicians who successfully use SCENAR in such situations may give an encouraging prospect for the use of SCENAR in complex and combined treatment of tumors. Of course, special antitumor treatment is a necessary and unconditional standard of tumor therapy, but this treatment is not always effective, especially in patients with generalized forms of cancer. Such patients move into the category of palliative care, which gives hope to a dying person, despite the hopelessness of his prospects for a long life. In this situation, the adage that "Desperate patients require hopeless drugs" is probably valid. Therefore, each report of a doctor about the treatment of oncological patients with SCENAR in combination with special antitumor therapy or independently, as a way of palliative treatment of a hopeless patient, is of practical interest. So, for example, E.V. Grigorieva (1999) attempted to help patient I., aged 57, with a diagnosis of central cancer of the right lung, multiple metastases. SCENAR-therapy was carried out: along three paths, over tumor foci, over the liver, kidneys, large intestine. SCENAR-therapy was combined with wrapping in OLM. The patient's condition after the first session became comfortable, productive cough, increased vitality, calm sleep, depressive moods disappeared. The treatment was interrupted for reasons beyond the control of the doctor and the patient. One and a half months after treatment, the patient died from bleeding. According to relatives' reports, the condition began to worsen sharply after the SCENAR therapy was cancelled. Z.K. Milkevich (1997) reports on SCENAR-therapy for 35 cancer patients. The main goal of treatment is to improve the quality of life of patients. Even very seriously ill patients after SCENAR therapy notice an improvement in their state of health up to a comfortable level, a surge of strength, the disappearance of pain or a significant decrease in their intensity, an improvement in appetite and sleep, the disappearance or smoothing of the clinical manifestations of metastases (cough, shortness of breath, swelling, etc.), increase in vitality. At the same time, a wave-like change in the size of metastatic foci accessible to palpation is observed: during SCENAR therapy, they significantly decrease in size, but after a two-three-week break they begin to increase again. An attempt to perform treatment without interruptions leads to the fact that the dynamics of the size of the tumor nodes becomes sluggish, the therapeutic effect seems to be inhibited. The author concludes that it is likely that the patient's body gets tired of the powerful stimulating effect of SCENAR, which quickly depletes adaptive reserves.

B.M. Zaidiner and N.V. Liang (2005) reported on the treatment of 11 patients with disintegrating, bleeding skin tumor ulcers. A tumor ulcer and standard zones of general impact on the body were treated with SCENAR. In 8 patients, after 4-5 sessions, the release of blood and putrefactive-ichorous fluid stopped. Pathological foci were dried, the unpleasant odor was significantly reduced. In 2 patients, after 8-9 sessions, a slight decrease in the size of the cancerous ulcer was noted. This effect of using SCENAR allowed patients to receive a positive emotional message and hope for the possibility of continuing treatment.

E.N. Kuptsova (2000) reports a completely amazing example of successful treatment of embryonic rhabdomyosarcoma with SCENAR. We provide an example of this message with slight abbreviations. Rhabdomyosarcomas in children are extremely malignant tumors and account for 7% of all childhood tumors. Depending on the histological structure, embryonic, botryoid, alveolar, pleomorphic types of rhabdomyosarcomas are distinguished.

The choice of treatment tactics also depends on the localization of the tumor, the stage of the disease. However, it is very difficult to find a radical method leading to the cure of a malignant tumor, but not crippling the patient morally and physically.

This paper presents the results of SCENAR therapy for a 6-year-old girl diagnosed with rhabdomyosarcoma of the liver with metastasis to the right lung.

From the anamnesis: in June 1999, the child was admitted to the oncohematological department of the regional children's hospital with complaints of fever to subfebrile figures, weakness, loss of appetite, weight loss.

Complete blood count (CBC): er -2.2, Hb - 71, tr - 116.6, lx - 5.4, n - 5, s - 58, lf - 30, mn - 7, ESR - 75.

Chest x-ray - darkening over the right dome of the diaphragm, thickening of the parasternal pleura. The lung pattern is thickened. The right sinus and dome of the diaphragm is not visible.

Computed tomography of the abdominal organs - volumetric formation of the liver 15 x 15 cm.

The girl underwent laparotomy and tumor biopsy.

Cytology is a malignant mesenchymal tumor, marked anaplasia of tumor cells. Myxomatosis.

Histological analysis - embryonic rhabdomyosarcoma.

The child underwent 3 courses of polychemotherapy without effect. Discharged from the hospital for palliative care with a hopeless prognosis. At the time of the examination by the SCENAR-therapist, the girl is non-contact, tearful, subfebrile temperature, complete hair removal on the head, partial hair removal - eyebrows and eyelashes, exhausted, the taste of food is perverted. Walks with assistance and with great difficulty, quickly gets tired.

Against this background, in August 1999, SCENAR therapy was started to improve the quality of life of the child.

The first course consisted of 20 procedures. The impact was carried out on the skull (the main zone of the 1st course), the area of ​​the postoperative scar, the spine, 6 points on the face, eyes, distal limbs (the choice of the optimal zone is determined by the indicators of the initial reaction, asymmetry in the impact zone). Techniques of the 1st and 2nd levels were used (Pirogov's circles, ascending spiral). The therapy was carried out with devices 97.0 and 97.4. The procedure took from forty to ninety minutes. After the first course of treatment, the child's body temperature returned to normal, the girl became calmer, appetite appeared, taste and smell returned to normal. Additionally, activation therapy with ASD, fraction 2 (antiseptic-immunomodulator) was prescribed. The survey was carried out in September.

Complete blood count (CBC): er-3, lx-8.4, Hb-105, p-7, s-53, mn-5, ESR-35. Chest radiograph: lungs without infiltrative changes. The pulmonary pattern is reinforced in the basal regions. Roots are structural. The right dome of the diaphragm is located higher than usual, at the level of the anterior segment of the 3rd rib.
The second course started in October, 10 procedures were performed. The girl is cheerful, has gained weight, her hair is being restored. A painless fistula with mucus discharge without pathological impurities opened in the area of ​​the postoperative scar. On ultrasound, the size of the formation decreased to 8.7 x 7.9 cm. The general blood test improved. In December SCENAR-therapy was continued. There are no complaints.
In the general blood test: Hb-135, ESR -25.
CT scan of the abdominal organs dated January 18, 2000 - the liver is moderately enlarged, in the right lobe of heterogeneous density the formation is 5 x 6 cm, the lymph nodes are not enlarged, the intrahepatic bile ducts and vessels are not dilated.
In February 2000, against the background of an adenovirus infection, the 4th course of SCENAR therapy was started. The course of the disease was relatively mild. Acute purulent conjunctivitis passed in 1 day. The cough that appeared did not cause inconvenience to the child, it was painless, sputum came out .. During the illness, the girl was active. The course of SCENAR-therapy was 7 procedures.
In April, the 5th course of treatment was carried out. There are no complaints. The therapy was carried out according to the 2nd rule of SCENAR therapy. During this period, the child was examined by specialists of the oncohematological department of the regional children's hospital. An objective examination of the signs of the disease was not found. In the lungs, vesicular breathing is heard in all departments. Palpation and percussion of the liver revealed no abnormalities.
On April 12, 2000, the child underwent a clinical and laboratory examination. KLA - no features, ESR - 10. X-ray of the chest: lungs and heart without pathological changes. Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity: the size of the liver is normal. The edge is even, the parenchyma is homogeneous, without areas of pathological formation.
During the treatment, the child was examined on the reflex diagnostic complex "RISTA-EPD" in order to obtain a comprehensive assessment of the state of vegetative functions and to identify among them those whose relative activity was pathologically changed.
Thus, SCENAR-therapy in this clinical case not only improved the child's quality of life, but also continued his life.
From the above reports, we can conclude that SCENAR therapy is a method of non-specific assistance to an oncological patient, regardless of the location of the tumor, the stage of the tumor process, the acute or chronic course of the disease, and the method of carried out or ongoing special antitumor treatment. SCENAR-therapy can be combined with surgical and chemo-radiation treatment, as well as independently, as a method of palliative therapy in symptomatic patients. Treatment with SCENAR of somatically severe and psychologically weakened cancer patients should be carried out taking into account the adaptive reserves of the body, so as not to transfer the patient into an even more severe stress reaction. Such patients need to find a mode of SCENAR exposure, which allows increasing the body's internal reserves in “small steps” and achieving an improvement in the patient's condition, when it would seem that all methods of treatment have been exhausted. Even a “hopeless” medicine in the hands of a doctor who wants to help a cancer patient, a believing doctor, sometimes leads to an improvement in the health of even a hopeless patient.

SCENAR - benign tumor therapy

This section presents the experience in the treatment of mastopathy, uterine fibroids and ovarian cysts (the latter are conditionally called benign tumors for the convenience of presenting the material), tumors of the thyroid gland.
Mastopathy at the current level of knowledge about this disease is interpreted as a state of the body that entailed changes in the mammary gland of a cystic or fibrous nature. The mammary gland in mastopathy can be represented as a target organ that implements pathological conditions in other organs. Therefore, the search for cause-and-effect relationships in the body with mastopathy is essential. The main "causal" points affecting the development of mastopathy are: diseases of the liver, ovaries, thyroid gland and spine (pain syndrome with osteochondrosis, more often with gout). The presented reasoning is borrowed from the reports of other doctors dealing with the problem of treating mastopathy and my own experience.
B.M. Zaydiner and S.A.Savina (1998) reported on the treatment of mastopathy with SCENAR in combination with homeopathy. Under our supervision there were 22 women who asked for help with a diagnosis of mastopathy. The benign nature of the process in the mammary glands was verified by the data of a cytological study in 14 patients, in 8 more patients the diagnosis was established by a council of oncological institutions or a qualified mammologist.
There were 2 patients under the age of 30 years, 11 patients from 30 to 40 years old, 6 patients from 40 to 50 years old, and 3 patients over 50 years old. There were 10 (45%) nulliparous patients, 14 (64%) unmarried and divorced. Genital pathology was detected in 20 women.
Clinical manifestations were most often reduced to the presence in the glandular tissue of a single (9 patients) or multiple (11 patients) nodes with pain, spontaneous or on palpation. 2 patients had pains in the mammary gland without detectable nodal "substrate".
SCENAR-therapy consisted of 18…20 procedures, during which painful areas and nodes that do not cause pain, as well as “3 tracks”, suprapubic and adrenal zones, areas identified during the examination, were treated. 4 patients received repeated courses.
Homeopathic preparations were prescribed after 1-2 SCENAR procedures. When choosing a treatment program, we took into account the principle of similarity, modality, features of the clinical manifestation of the disease, constitutional characteristics of the patient. With fibrous forms, Graphites, Calcarea fluorica (which slow down the formation of collagen fibers), as well as Fitolacca, Silicea, were prescribed.
Conium was recommended for patients with glandular forms; in cystic forms - Fitolacca, Apis (these funds, among other things, regulate the function of the appendages).
Nux vomica, Nux moschata, Hydrastis canadensis were used to act on the motility of glandular smooth muscle ducts, hormonal balance was normalized with Cimicifuga, Lilium tigrinum, Ignatia, Sepia, Pulsatilla, liver function was improved with Licopodium, Carbo animalis; in some situations - additionally Helidonium, Brionia, Phosphorus.
Sulfur, Thuja, Silicea, Tuberculin, Arsenicum were used to reactivate the reticuloendothelial system, Secale cornutum, Cuprum, Helleborus (Conium is also known to affect lymphatic circulation) in case of microcirculation disorders.
In patients with mastodynia (pain syndrome without detectable changes in the glandular tissue), the horizontal line corresponding to the Th3-6 innervation zones was additionally treated: in this disease, as we recently found, the function of these spinal nerves is impaired, which contributes to the occurrence and maintenance of disorders.
The results were evaluated in 3 categories: recovery (nodules cease to be determined, pain disappears), improvement (nodes are significantly reduced, pain almost does not bother, but pain persists, especially in connection with the menstrual cycle), without changes (there is no particular dynamics in the size of the nodes, persists quite distinct pain).
Recovery was noted in 6 patients, improvement - in 15, in 1 case the effect was not achieved.
TV Denisova (1999) believes that the treatment of mastopathy, as a rule, lasts no more than one course. In many ways, the effect of treatment depends on the duration of the disease and the harmony of family life. Treatment with SCENAR is carried out on the SU-JOK zones, the mammary gland, 3 lanes, according to the recommendations of the Rista-EPD computer program, as well as the zones of autonomic innervation of the mammary glands. In addition, projections of the ovaries and adrenal glands are necessarily processed. The author does not report on the number of patients who received SCENAR therapy for mastopathy.
My own experience includes more than 20 patients with mastopathy. Diagnosis includes: examination of the mammary glands, ultrasound, mammography, puncture biopsy of the tumor and electropuncture diagnostics according to R. Voll. After that, the patient is necessarily consulted by a mammologist - an oncologist for the need for surgical intervention. there are cases of breast cancer, especially with fibrous forms of mastopathy. If the patient is not recommended surgical treatment or she refuses it, then the patient is informed about the possible treatment options: standard drug therapy, homeopathy, SCENAR-therapy or their combinations. As a rule, the treatment of mastopathy is a long process. Recovery from one or even more courses is rare. A quick therapeutic effect can be obtained with pain syndrome, when pain in the mammary gland occurs as a result of osteochondrosis in the upper thoracic spine (directed pain). Algorithm of SCENAR-therapy: 1. Three tracks with obligatory working out of the parallel "spine - mammary gland"; 2. The entire surface of the mammary gland; 3. Zone of ovaries and adrenal glands.
The mode of exposure to SCENAR is mainly individually dosed. As a result of the treatment, a decrease in tumor size by 10-50% occurred in 14 patients out of 22. In one case, fibrocystic mastopathy 10 x 8 cm in size was fragmented into three small tumors. Subsequently, the patient was operated on and the diagnosis was confirmed. Symptomatic improvement occurred in 7 patients, but the size of the tumor did not change. The follow-up period for patients was from 6 months to 2.5 years.
Doctors should pay attention to the fact that with mastopathy it is necessary to treat the whole body, understanding the cause-and-effect relationships of the disease (pathogenetic and sanogenetic chains).
Myoma of the uterus. We would like to draw the attention of SCENAR therapists to the fact that fibroids can be treated only for those patients who have refused medical or surgical treatment by a gynecologist or undergo SCENAR therapy in combination with drug therapy.
Grigorieva E.V. (1999) reports on the treatment of fibroids in two patients. Patient E., 34 years old. Rapid growth of fibroids within six months, indications for surgical treatment. A short circuit has been applied. Menstruation returned to normal, the pain disappeared. After 2 months, according to ultrasound data, fibromyoma of the same size, growth stopped.
Patient S., 56 years old. Menopause six months, uterine fibroids. Long term treatment. According to ultrasound data after 5 months, fibromyoma in the uterus was not detected, the echo was linear. Denisov T.V. (1999) successfully treated one patient. Fibromyoma of the uterus (12 weeks). Treatment is long term. In this patient, this was 28 days. The treatment was carried out on the basis of a complaint, so during this time everything was treated - from sinusitis to hemorrhoids. In order to normalize relations in the family, she talked with the patient and her relatives. A month after the end of treatment, a gynecologist and ultrasound were examined. No uterine tumor was found. Family relations have improved. It is very important to bring relationships in the family into full harmony in parallel with SCENAR therapy. Bakaras V.V., Petrov Yu.A., Petrova S.I. (2003) report on the treatment of 12 women aged 35-45 years with uterine fibroids. All patients were with preserved menstrual function. The diagnosis of fibromyoma in patients was confirmed by bimanual examination and ultrasound. Women received SCENAR electropulse therapy from 3 to 6 courses according to a long scheme (in the first menstrual cycle - 20 sessions, in the second menstrual cycle - 7 sessions) or in a short scheme (7 days before and 7 days after menstruation). SCENAR-therapy method: three tracks, six points on the face, collar, lumbosacral, suprapubic areas, liver, adrenal glands, kidneys, pancreas. Exposure mode: continuous and individually dosed. The duration of the procedure is 20-40 minutes. As a result of treatment, in 7 patients the size of the uterus returned to normal, in 5 patients the uterus decreased to 5-6 weeks of pregnancy against the background of an improvement in the general condition.
Follicular cysts. One of the most common diseases in gynecology are follicular cysts. Diagnosis is based on bimanual examination and ultrasound. Petrov Yu.A., Bakaras V.V., Petrova S.I. (2003) reported the treatment of 11 patients aged 19 to 38 years with ovarian cysts ranging in size from 30 to 70 mm in diameter. Treatment was carried out by SCENAR from the end of menstruation to the beginning of the next, a break for 1 month and another 7 days of treatment. Subsequent sessions were performed 7 days before and 7 days after menstruation. All patients underwent two to four courses. The duration of one session of SCENAR therapy is from 30 to 50 minutes. As a result of treatment, cysts disappeared in 5 patients, in 3 patients with bilateral cysts, the full effect of treatment was on one side. On the opposite side, the complete disappearance of cysts occurred after 2 months. In one patient, the cyst decreased by 50%. In general, the effect of the treatment of follicular ovarian cysts is good.
Bakaras VV (2000) also reports on the successful treatment of a liver cyst with a diameter of 90 mm and a kidney cyst with a diameter of 23 mm in a 57-year-old patient who underwent 15 sessions of SCENAR therapy.
Nikitin K.V. (1999) gives an example of the complete disappearance of thyroid cysts after SCENAR therapy in two women, and in two more patients, the induration in the thyroid gland disappeared after a course of SCENAR therapy.
SCENAR-therapists often encounter the effect of disappearance or reduction of cysts of parenchymal organs in the process of treating other pathologies with the help of SCENAR.
Thus, SCENAR-therapy can be used for the treatment of benign tumors and cysts of various organs, provided evidence-based diagnostics and sufficient awareness of the patient about the possibilities of medical and surgical treatment and SCENAR-therapy.

Implementation of SCENAR in clinical oncology

Having got acquainted with the technical and clinical characteristics of the SCENAR device, I doubted its universal possibilities for treating diseases. Therefore, I asked one of the developers of this device A.N. Revenko to give me SCENAR for testing in an oncological clinic. The first patient I helped with SCENAR was a woman who had just been stung by a bee. Probably everyone knows how painful and even dangerous it is. Having attached the device to the place of the bee sting, I was surprised to find that after 15 minutes the beginning swelling of the tissues and the pain disappeared completely. At the site of the bite, there was slightly reddened skin and an insect sting almost coming out. My skepticism about the effectiveness of SCENAR treatment was dispelled. I purchased this wonderful device and have been using it in my medical practice for more than 10 years, and in particular, in the process of treating cancer patients. Of course, SCENAR cannot save a patient from a cancerous tumor. But it is very promising to use its analgesic, anti-inflammatory, decongestant, antispasmodic, detoxifying and adaptive effects in the process of surgical and chemoradiation treatment of cancer patients. This is evidenced by my own experience and the experience of other doctors. More than 500 cases of SCENAR use in the rehabilitation of oncological patients are currently reported in scientific publications. It is likely that this figure can be increased tenfold, but not all doctors using SCEN in oncology report this in scientific publications. It's a pity! My own experience includes more than 100 cases of using SCENAR for the treatment of complications of anticancer therapy in cancer patients. Including: erysipelas of the skin, drug allergy, renal colic, acute pyelonephritis, chronic bronchitis, pneumonia, radiation damage to tissues, lymphostasis, suppuration of the postoperative wound, bleeding from the tumor, pain in the area of ​​the tumor and metastasis, exacerbation of osteochondrosis, intestinal colic, gallstone disease, hypertensive crisis, myocardial infarction and other cases. A positive effect was observed in 65-85% of cases. SCENAR acts faster in acute conditions and slower in chronic ones. For example, relief of erysipelas of the skin of the forearm occurred after SCENAR therapy for 2 days, renal colic with the passage of a stone in the intramural ureter took 45 minutes. At the same time, SCENAR therapy enhances the effect of drug treatment and thus reduces the time to obtain a positive effect of therapy in chronic processes. In none of the cases did SCENAR use cause tumor generalization or severe complications.

Thus, the use of SCENAR therapy in the treatment of cancer patients is possible, safe and gives a positive result.

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SCENAR is reflexology. The work goes on acupuncture points, methods of Chinese traditional medicine, as well as Western methods - on functional systems and zones of reflected pain.

SCENAR - the name of the method of influence and the device that implements it; stands for Self-ControlledEnergyNeuroAdaptiveRegulator.

The SCENAR device generates electrical impulses that are close in their characteristics to the signals of the human nervous system, with which it acts on the patient's skin. Then, SCENAR monitors the body's reaction to its impact and changes it in such a way as to cause the most pronounced adaptive reaction of the body and achieve the greatest therapeutic effect.

SCENAR devices are universal regulators of body functions, which makes it possible to use SCENAR therapy in the widest range of diseases. SCENAR is able to regulate and normalize the disturbed functions of various organs and systems, compensate for already existing organic changes, accelerate the course of the disease and reduce the severity of symptoms, as well as increase the body's resistance.

Indications for SCENAR therapy

The use of SCENAR devices is indicated at any stage of diseases, with pathologically altered body functions and violations of adaptation processes:

  • nervous system (various diseases of the spine with secondary disorders of nervous activity, disorders of statics and dynamics of the spine; radiculitis, neuritis, arachnoiditis, acute and chronic disorders of cerebral circulation and their consequences; autonomic nervous system disorders; sensitivity disorders; parkinsonism, epilepsy);
  • musculoskeletal system and musculoskeletal system (myositis, arthritis, arthrosis, osteochondrosis, spinal deformity, soft tissue bruises, fractures);
  • respiratory system (laryngitis, tonsillitis, tracheitis, bronchitis, acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections, pneumonia, pleurisy, bronchial asthma, decompensation conditions with pulmonary emphysema and bronchiectasis);
  • cardiovascular system (all forms of ischemic heart disease, hypertension of all stages, hypotension, various forms of arrhythmias), limb vessels (endarteritis, atherosclerosis, varicose veins, peripheral microcirculation disorders, trophic ulcers);
  • digestive organs (esophagitis, gastritis, enteritis, colitis, cholecystitis, hepatitis, hepatosis, decompensation in liver cirrhosis);
  • pain syndromes of various etiologies;
  • immunodeficiency states in children, disorders of the immune system of various origins;
  • allergic diseases (allergorinosinusitis, allergic dermatitis (urticaria), psoriasis);
  • skin diseases (dermatitis, eczema, neurodermatitis);
  • eye diseases (spastic strabismus, retinopathy, retinal angiopathy, myopia);
  • rheumatic diseases (rheumatism of all types at any stage, collagenoses, infectarthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, etc.);
  • genitourinary system (nephritis, cystitis, urethritis; developmental disorders of the reproductive system, menstrual cycle disorders, adnexitis, metroendometritis, infertility, toxicosis of pregnant women);
  • dental diseases (paradontosis, periodontitis, removal of inflammatory processes and complications after the treatment of pulpitis and periodontitis, elimination of pain syndrome).

The use of SCENAR devices is indicated in the complex for complex therapy:

  • in traumatology and surgery in the treatment of fractures, bruises, purulent processes, as well as as an aid in the primary surgical treatment;
  • in the complex therapy of various infectious diseases;
  • in traumatology - orthopedics as one of the main means in the rehabilitation of patients with injuries and diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
  • in sports medicine as the main tool in the treatment of sports injuries and disability prevention,
  • in cosmetology for performing micromassage and non-surgical facelift, accelerating rehabilitation after cosmetic surgery.

The action of the SCENAR device is completely harmless to the body due to the fact that the signal of the device is as close as possible to the signals of the patient's nervous system, and during treatment, the effect is mainly on the surface skin receptors. Thermal or any other type of radiation does not come from SCENAR, therefore the SCENAR device can be used even for the treatment of cancer patients without fear of worsening their condition.

SCENAR action activates most of the nerve fibers, including thin C-fibers. Chemical mediators of nerve impulse transmission (neurotransmitters) in these fibers are numerous groups of special substances - neuropeptides. Modern research has proven that neuropeptides, together with other factors, ensure the operation of all biological functions of the body. For example: endorphin provides an analgesic effect; vasopressin and adrenocorticotropin affect learning, memory, and blood pressure regulation; vasoactive intestinal peptide affects the secretion of the gastrointestinal tract, while reducing appetite; somatostatin helps to lower the temperature; luliberin regulates sexual activity; thyroliberin improves respiratory function, etc.

How SCENAR affects the human body

SCENAR-therapy is a method of non-drug, non-invasive (non-damaging) therapeutic effect on the human body.
SCENAR-impact is aimed at activating the internal forces of the body; regulation of metabolism, blood circulation; normalization of the nervous system.

Effects of SCENAR exposure:

  1. A significant improvement in the general condition with an increase in the adaptive capabilities of the body is a phenomenon of systemic adaptation. This effect is known as the three "X" effect according to Gorfinkel: good sleep, appetite, mood.
  2. The analgesic effect is the most pronounced. In addition to the highest efficiency proven for any short-pulse transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation for pain, SCENAR has high-quality feedback. The implementation of biofeedback not only leads to the absence of the addiction phenomenon characteristic of any physiotherapeutic methods. Moreover, over time, the effectiveness of SCENAR therapy for a particular patient even grows. You can verify this from your own experience.
  3. anti-inflammatory
    1. Antipyretic
    2. Decongestant
    3. Antiallergic
  4. Vascular
    1. Vascular-regulating - narrowing and expanding, depending on the needs of the body at the moment. For example, during a hypertensive crisis, SCENAR constricts paretically dilated cerebral veins and expands peripheral arterioles, which contributes to lowering blood pressure and relieving headaches.
    2. An increase in collateral circulation is important not only in case of injury to the main vessels, but also, especially in strokes, since it is the increase in blood supply from neighboring regions of the brain that prevents massive brain damage and the most severe complications.
  5. Normalization of the hormonal status allows you to adjust the cyclic fluctuations of the hormones of the female sphere. Also, with a full course, it is possible to reduce dependence on hormone replacement therapy and prevent its complications.
  6. Normalization of metabolism allows you to create conditions for recovery, if there are
    1. gallbladder stones
    2. bladder stones, kidney stones
    3. atherosclerosis
    4. salt deposits of joints, ligaments
    5. overweight
    6. chronic and acute intoxication
  7. Restoration of other functional activity of organs and systems - secretion of the digestive system, intestinal motility, muscle tone - all these are areas of application of SCENAR therapy.
  8. Stimulation of regeneration - With fresh wounds, as well as with burns, bedsores, trophic ulcers, fractures, a significant, at times, reduction in the time of healing, recovery and rehabilitation occurs.
  9. Cosmetic effect - Improving lymphatic drainage and microcirculation has a beneficial effect both on the appearance of the skin and on the state of metabolic processes in it and underlying organs and tissues. The nuance is that during the treatment the body must be cleansed, including through the drainage effects on the skin. These periodic inconveniences, however, accompany any cosmetic procedure.
  10. Economic effect - strengthening the body as a whole is a more profitable investment of time and money than attempts to correct each emerging deviation separately.

Contraindications to SCENAR-therapy

  • individual intolerance (occurs extremely rarely);
  • the presence of an artificial heart pacemaker in a patient (there is a theoretical possibility that SCENAR may disrupt its normal operation);
  • self-help with alcohol intoxication (there is a risk of aggravation of the degree of intoxication);
  • acute infectious diseases with an unexplained diagnosis (the SCENAR-therapy procedure can change the patient's condition and thus make it difficult to make a diagnosis);
  • symptom complex of "acute abdomen" at the prehospital stage;
  • acute mental illness.

All contraindications are relative.

The action of the SCENAR device is completely harmless to the body due to the fact that the signal of the device is as close as possible to the signals of the patient's nervous system, and during treatment, the effect is only on superficial skin receptors (1-2 mm deep into the skin). Thermal or any other type of radiation does not come from SCENAR, therefore the SCENAR device can be used even for the treatment of cancer patients without fear of worsening their condition.

The peculiarity of SCENAR-therapy lies in the fact that with local exposure, general regulatory effects are observed (when treating a furuncle on the lower leg, a side effect is the cure of infertility of hormonal origin, which was not amenable to drug therapy before; in the treatment of osteochondrosis, the cure of a stomach ulcer, etc.).

SCENAR-therapy has no negative side effects.

Of the positive side effects, one can single out an increase in the general tone, normalization of metabolism, removal from a state of stress, removal of chronic fatigue syndrome.

Clinical Trials.

SCENAR devices have been tested in the following medical institutions:

  • Committee for New Medical Equipment of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation (USSR);
  • Moscow Medical Academy. Sechenov, departments: "Obstetrics and Gynecology", "Neuropathology", "Non-drug methods of treatment and clinical physiology", "Therapy", "Traumatology and Orthopedics", "Surgery";
  • Research Institute of Pediatrics and Pediatric Surgery, Moscow;
  • Central Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics. N.N.Priorova, laboratory "Bioenergetics and reflexology"
  • Rostov Oncological Institute, Laboratory of Cancer Biophysics;
  • Departments of medical institutes and universities in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Odessa;
  • Yu.V.Gorfinkel Medical Center for SCENAR-Therapy (Regional Center for Systemic and Organic Biocorrection).
  • SCENAR devices are recommended for use by the Commission on New Technology of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.

Abstracts of dissertations

  • Minenko I.A. Non-drug treatment of the consequences of stress of various origins. Abstract of the dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Medical Sciences. 2003
  • Kolobova S.O. Efficiency of SCENAR-therapy in complex treatment of miscarriage of infectious genesis. Abstract of the dissertation for the degree of candidate of medical sciences. 2009
  • Guskova E.N. Influence of SCENAR-influence on free radical processes in tissues and membranes of erythrocytes under oxidative stress. Abstract of the dissertation for the degree of candidate of biological sciences. 2009
  • Kholmogorova I.E. The use of pulsed electrotherapy in the early postoperative period after surgical treatment of tubal-peritoneal infertility. Abstract of the dissertation for the degree of candidate of medical sciences. 2009
  • Kartasheva N.V. Influence of non-adaptive modulator "SCENAR" on metabolic processes in the blood of patients with acute myocardial infarction. Abstract of the dissertation for the degree of candidate of medical sciences. 2007
  • Slyusareva I.V. Features of changes in metabolic processes in erythrocytes and saliva in ischemic stroke before and after correction. Abstract of the dissertation for the degree of candidate of medical sciences. 2007
  • Barbaeva S.N. Neuroadaptive electrical stimulation in the complex rehabilitation of patients with cerebral palsy with spastic diplegia. Abstract of the dissertation for the degree of candidate of medical sciences. 2007
  • Kochurova I.A. Complex treatment of patients with duodenal ulcer using SCENAR-therapy. Abstract of the dissertation for the degree of candidate of medical sciences. 2005

Extracts from the protocols of medical tests of SCENAR

  1. Institute of Neurosurgery. N. P. Burdenko.
    The device was used on patients with the consequences of spinal cord injuries of various prescription (from 6 months to 4 years), with limb paresis, pelvic disorders, bedsores.
    As a result of the tests, the volume of active movements of the paretic limbs increased in all patients and the pain decreased or disappeared. In patients with impaired urination function, a positive effect was obtained. Without special treatment of additional zones, the activity of the cardiovascular and digestive systems returned to normal.
    Approved by Deputy director for scientific work professor Serbienko F.A.
  2. Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.
    Research Institute of Pediatrics and Pediatric Surgery.
    In the department of psychoneurology of early age, medical tests were carried out with children from 4 months to 3 years old with delayed motor development, the consequences of birth injuries.
    In all cases, an excellent clinical effect was obtained. Children became active, emotionally stable, vegetative disorders decreased. There were no habituations to regulatory electropulse therapy.
    Approved by the Director of the Research Institute, Professor Yu.E. Veltishev.
  3. Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.
    Russian Research Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics. R. R. Vreden.
    Approbation of the Scenar D-VX 611 E apparatus was carried out in the 14th department of NIITO on a group of patients who had undergone various surgical interventions on bones and joints. All patients showed a decrease in edema of the operated limb, rapid resolution of inflammation, and closure of fistulous passages. Patients with pain and radicular syndromes noted the rapid disappearance of pain and improvement.
    Approved by the Director of the Institute, Professor N. V. Kornilov
  4. St. Petersburg State Medical University. Academician I.P. Pavlov.
    The study was conducted for three months (XII-97, I and II 98) on the basis of the 14th children's clinic of the Petrogradsky district of St. Petersburg by the staff of the Department of Pediatrics. Used model Scenar D - UH611E (series 35). During the scientific and clinical experiment, 25 children with nocturnal enuresis syndrome were treated. The group did not include children with urological form of enuresis. Each child received 4 to 10 sessions, 2 sessions per week. In all cases, a positive effect was observed. Enuresis stopped, or the episodes became isolated. Treatment of enuresis with SCENAR therapy can be recommended in outpatient practice.
    Approved by Department of Pediatrics, St. Petersburg State Medical University. acad. I. P. Pavlovadoctor med. Sciences Moskvichev O. K.
  5. Central Military Research Aviation Hospital.
    Scenar-032 was used on a group of patients with diseases of the spine and joints, with lesions of the central and peripheral nervous system in varying degrees and duration of vegetative-trophic disorders, impaired pain and surface sensitivity. In all cases, there was a rapid decrease in neurological disorders, more pronounced in acute processes. The positive reaction of the body in response to the impact of the apparatus continues even after, for several days.
    Approved by the head of the hospital for research, MD. Kozlovsky A.P.

Supplement to SCENAR therapy are ULM products (multilayer medical devices), the main of which is OLM-01 - multilayer medical blanket. They enhance the effects of SCENAR exposure.

Therapeutic blanket OLM-01 and all medical products ULM are designed to restore and improve the body.
The procedure is very simple and pleasant, after it you feel relaxation and uniform warmth throughout the body.
OLM-01 increases the body's natural forces to maintain health by creating a local ecological environment, which is formed when the patient is wrapped in a blanket.

The artificially created local environment does not allow the patient's own radiation to scatter, but transforms and reflects them, acting on biologically active points. The specific properties of the local environment provide the activation of self-regulation and self-healing of the body.

How does SCENAR-therapy differ from other methods of treatment?

The main differences between SCENAR therapy and other treatment methods:

  • SCENAR device has the widest indications for use among all methods of electrotherapy;
  • treatment with the SCENAR device is the most harmless for the human body. SCENAR device pulses are similar in characteristics to electrical signals in nerve fibers, and their duration is so short that even with a significant impact energy there is no possibility to damage the cells of the treated surface. SCENAR does not have any thermal effects, so even in the treatment of cancer patients there is no possibility to aggravate or provoke the process;
  • With SCENAR-therapy there are no negative side effects that are unavoidable with conventional drug and physiotherapy treatment.
  • SCENAR-therapy is a method of drug-free treatment. Since SCENAR affects the patient's skin with electromagnetic signals, SCENAR therapy is an electrotherapy method. Its difference from other methods of electrotherapy (Bernard currents, interference therapy, TENS, Acuhealth, etc.) lies in the fact that the problem of accommodation is solved in the SCENAR device in the most optimal way (today). Due to the presence of biological feedback on changes in skin impedance, the pulses of the device, which are as close as possible in their form to the pulses of the nervous system, change during exposure so that the next pulse always differs from the previous one. This, in combination with a high-amplitude (but not damaging) effect, causes the most pronounced adaptive reaction with the activation of the regulatory structures of the body.

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Due to the fact that with the help of SCENAR-therapy the work of all organs of the human body is regulated, treatment with SCENAR device quite widely. The device affects the immune system, treats and controls a large number of diseases, alleviates the symptoms of many ailments, and restores the functions of almost all human systems and organs.

treatment with SCENAR device

After using the device, the work of the nervous system is normalized and metabolism and blood circulation, and many other functions of the body, return to normal. However, the most important thing is that no side effects were noted during SCENAR therapy! Many diseases are cured by the device, among the diseases one can single out parkinsonism, epilepsy, and all kinds of dystonia - that is, diseases of the nervous system.

Of the diseases of the heart and blood vessels, one can distinguish hypertension and hypotension, SCENAR and atherosclerosis are subject to, even trophic ulcers are cured, which are very difficult to treat, as well as endarteritis - treatment with SCENAR device. They also treat arthrosis, restore bones and muscles with tendons with the help of the apparatus, treat and. Many diseases of the respiratory system are subject to treatment with SCENAR, and among them are bronchial and pleurisy, pneumonia and all kinds of viral infections.

Each recovery from a serious illness is already a joyful event not only for the patient himself, but also for his family and friends. And even today, one of the main conductors of such a miracle is skenar therapy, reviews of which have flooded almost the whole world.


It is no secret that one of the main methods of treatment in ancient times was to stimulate the body's internal reserves with minimal exposure to drugs. This is exactly what the ancient motto of physicians says, which says that the patient should be treated first, and not his disease.

Centuries passed, but the expediency of this statement was only confirmed. This became especially relevant after recent studies that confirmed the theory that the skin of the human body is its kind of information field, where information about the state of all internal organs is sent. In addition, there are biologically active points on the human skin, which are highly sensitive to various external influences. It is precisely on the manipulation of this that scenar therapy is built, which allows you to influence the diseased organ and the functional system as a whole from the outside.


The device itself weighs about 300 g and in its appearance resembles a remote control from a TV. But, as they say, it's not the size, but the result that is achieved with the help of the device. It is unusual that such a cutaneous effect not only leads to functional changes, but also allows you to reverse the processes that led, it would seem, to irreversible organic changes. Also worth mentioning is the fact that such body therapy is an ideal method for both electrotherapy and reflexology.

What can be combined with?

As recent studies show, the useful coefficient of such therapy was 90% (moreover, in 60% of cases, a complete recovery of patients was stated, and in 30% there was a positive trend). In addition, it has been scientifically proven that the use of this method accelerates recovery by at least 3 times, and most importantly, there has not been a single case where, at the end or during the treatment, the patient's health was harmed.

Physiotherapy treatment using this device is perfectly combined with all medical procedures (at least, it significantly reduces the negative impact of the use of other methods of treatment). But, unfortunately, practice shows that the combination of this technique with some medical procedures in the final stage does not achieve their goal by 100%. So, ideally suited are:

  • Therapeutic blanket OLM-1.
  • Psychotherapy.
  • electromagnetic therapy.
  • Hirudotherapy.
  • Cleansing procedures.

Acupuncture and various methods based on the use of reflexology are recognized as problematic for combining. The decrease in the therapeutic effect occurs due to the fact that the information load on the body increases.

Compounds with drugs that violate self-regulation (antibacterial, hormonal and chemotherapeutic drugs) are recognized as unjustified. But it should be taken into account that even in the case of their use, scenar therapy significantly reduces their negative impact.


The effects of such therapy include: normalization of disturbed functions, faster time reduction of pathological processes, which were previously pronounced. In addition, it should be borne in mind that more than 95% of patients who underwent such physiotherapy treatment experienced a significant improvement in their overall well-being. Also, in most cases, anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, antiallergic and immunomodulatory effects were observed. In addition, the result achieved is not temporary, as evidenced by recent studies. It is also worth noting that such a general therapy has one key feature - the complete elimination of all the consequences of any stressful condition and the activation of all the regenerative functions of the human body.


To date, almost all diseases of orthodox medicine serve as indications for this therapy, but it is most successful in the rehabilitation and recovery field. In addition, it is also used in cosmetology.

The scenar device is essentially a universal panacea, which is used to restore various body functions that were previously considered almost lost. Unfortunately, the functions that were completely lost are no longer subject to restoration, but cases of a decrease in the severity of the pathology have been recorded.

In addition, due to the absence of destructive properties, this device is ineffective in cases where it is necessary (operative cosmetology).

Also, such a general body therapy lies in the fact that it can be used both for emergency care (withdrawal from a state of shock, restoration of cardiac activity, instant pain relief), and in the treatment of long-term chronic diseases.

It is worth noting that numerous studies confirm the effectiveness of scenar both during preparation for surgery and in treatment after it. In addition, he quite successfully proved himself in preventive measures for trauma, burns, frostbite, immunodeficiency and recovery procedures after heavy loads, chronic fatigue syndrome.

Scenar therapy is also often used to eliminate the following pathologies:

  1. Respiratory systems (tracheitis, pneumonia, tuberculosis).
  2. Digestive systems (gastritis, gastric ulcer, dyskinesia, hepatitis,
  3. Urinary tract (pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis, urolithiasis, renal colic, cystitis, urethritis).
  4. Obstetric and gynecological (pain relief and stabilization of childbirth, prevention in the pre- and postpartum period, treatment of birth injuries in infants, prevention of various diseases in pregnant women).
  5. Genital organs in men (prostatic phenomena, inflammatory processes in the urethra, problems associated with inflammatory processes in the reproductive sphere).
  6. Cardiovascular diseases (myocarditis, pericarditis, hypotension, vegetovascular dystonia, varicose veins).
  7. Circulatory system (certain forms of anemia, hematopoiesis suppression, diathesis).
  8. Nervous system (neuralgia, neuritis, sciatica, plexitis, herpes on the back, numerous asthenovegetative disorders, epilepsy, paralysis, hypothalamic syndrome).
  9. Musculoskeletal systems (various diseases of the spine, arthrosis, arthritis, damage to muscle ligaments, fractures and dislocations of varying severity, swelling).
  10. Surgical diseases (abscess, furuncle, lymphadenitis, trophic ulcer, hematoma).
  11. Laryngootorhinology (rhinitis, tonsillitis, sinusitis, frontal sinusitis, certain diseases of hearing loss).
  12. Visual (vascular inflammation, various eye injuries, reduction of complications and fatigue after surgical interventions).
  13. Dental (periodontal disease, periodontitis, toothache, trismus after dental procedures, inflammation and possible complications).
  14. Neonalogical (underdevelopment of organs and systems, cephalohetomas, pneumopathy, asphyxia).
  15. Skin diseases (neurodermatitis, alopecia areata, erythema nodosum, atopic dermatitis).

As practice shows, this physiotherapeutic treatment has achieved particular success in pediatrics, namely in the pathology of delayed psychological and physical development, dysbacteriosis, torticollis, diathesis.

Without a doubt, such a more than impressive list of pathologies is doubtful, but it is worth adding that scenar treatment is not aimed at treating a specific disease, but at restoring the functional system of the body as a whole.

Scenar therapy: contraindications

We can say that contraindications to such therapy are purely theoretical. So, in the presence of a pacemaker, the procedure should be carried out with caution. With mental illness, treatment with scenar is also undesirable. With symptoms of an "acute abdomen" it is not worth the risk, you need to go to the doctor and find out the nature of the pain. There are no other unconditional contraindications to the use of this treatment method. On the other hand, there is a high probability that after the treatment, positive dynamics appear in cancer patients, newborns, pregnant women ... But it should be understood that the result of treatment is not always instantaneous, and sometimes stretched over time. In addition, the duration of recovery primarily depends on the initial state of health of the human body.

Why is it so effective?

Few people know that scenar therapy, reviews of which have already reached European countries, is provided with a whole system of innovative technical and methodological elements. As an example, high-amplitude (non-harmful) effects, the presence of biological feedbacks that change the skin impedance and eliminate (reduce) dependence can be mentioned. Ultimately, with such exposure, almost all nerve fibers are activated, including thin C-fibers, and, as you know, neuropeptides are chemical conductors in them.

Reference: recent studies prove the fact that it is neuropeptides, together with various humoral factors, that are responsible for all biological functioning.

How is the treatment going?

Scenar therapy is carried out as follows. First of all, the most optimal position for the patient is determined, which satisfies in its accessibility for processing. After that, it is necessary to release from clothing that part of the body on which the therapeutic effect will be performed. If it is necessary to shave off the hair, then they are shaved off or, if this is allowed in this situation, they are slightly moistened with water. In addition, it should be borne in mind that if it is not possible to act directly on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bpathology (for example, if gypsum is applied), then it is necessary to treat the parts of the body adjacent to it. In particularly severe cases, such bodily therapy is possible only with the help of an external electrode.

The time period of the procedure depends on the tasks set: from 30 seconds (the fastest possible elimination of attacks of severe pain) and up to several days, when you need to save some organ. As a rule, one procedure takes from 15 minutes to half an hour. It is especially recommended under no circumstances to exceed these methods of physiotherapy by more than 40 minutes, since with an excessive duration of the procedure, the body soon ceases to respond to manipulations performed with it.

Important! The use of two devices at the same time significantly increases the therapeutic effect.

The duration of the course is determined by the course of the disease. So, for an acute disease, one standard course will be enough. For sluggish diseases that tend to frequent and sudden exacerbations, it is recommended to conduct several courses after a certain period of time, usually 60 calendar days. It is important that positive dynamics may occur already during the first course, but the healing effect itself is achieved after a certain time after the completion of the treatment, which uses the skenar device, reviews of which only confirm this statement.

It should also be borne in mind that in order to achieve the maximum effect from the treatment of the procedure, it is recommended to start at the onset of an exacerbation of a disease.

One of the unique features of the treatment is the fact that during the entire course of procedures, all the manifestations of the disease are observed in reverse order (as in a film scrolling backwards). By the way, most patients note the resumption of pain that they experienced long before the start of treatment, but in the future, as they claim, the pain disappeared, and improvement occurred. It can be assumed that scenar fully replaces medical equipment, the prices of which are quite high.

There are two categories of exacerbations that occur during treatment:

  1. Coming during the passage of procedures and subsiding after 1-2 days.
  2. Appearing after the completion of therapeutic measures.
  • collapses.
  • General weakness, fever, vomiting, trembling all over the body.
  • Pain of various localization.
  • Pain in internal organs.
  • Feeling of numbness, slight itching.
  • Diarrhea, cough, various rashes on the skin.
  • Changes in coordination, hearing, smell.

But as practice shows, all exacerbations are of a short-term nature. Each of them has a positive dynamics, and all of them are quite easily tolerated. It is also worth noting that scenar therapy may not cause any exacerbations in about 10% of patients.

Who can use scenar today?

Today in our country this device is actively used by doctors of various fields. It is in special demand among traumatologists, surgeons, therapists, gynecologists, neurologists. In addition, a simpler version is now available for ordinary citizens who do not have a special medical education.

Scenar therapy: the price of pleasure

One of the first questions of a simple layman sounds something like this: “Is such an effect possible for such money?” And this is really surprising, given that by buying one device, you get almost an entire clinic - and it's all in one pocket. The price of the device, depending on the modification, ranges from 900 to 3480 rubles. It would seem fantastic, if it were not confirmed by scientific studies and thousands of positive results in people across the country.

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