How to get rid of a sore. What is swelling of the lower extremities? Mandatory wound care information

Human skin has the ability to regenerate, large and small wounds heal quickly enough if they are properly looked after. But how to remove dark spots after sores, not everyone knows, it is especially unpleasant if such traces remain on the face. If a dark spot remains after the sore, it is advisable to contact experienced specialist able to name a remedy such a nuisance. It should be understood that the treatment of dark spots left after wound healing will take quite for a long time. Moreover, the later a person began to be treated, the longer he will have to apply various means and do procedures. If the stain has appeared recently, you can wipe it castor oil, perfectly restoring the skin. Citrus or bergamot have the same effect. essential oils, which is recommended to lubricate the damaged areas 3 or 4 times a day.

In pharmacies, you can find many products with which many people whiten the skin or its darkened areas. Some women suggest using bodyagu by diluting it with hydrogen peroxide. Rub the stain with this mixture, wait for it to dry, then moisten it with pure hydrogen peroxide. Twenty minutes later, the damaged area is washed warm water and apply whitening cream. People who have experienced this remedy on myself, they say it's pretty painful procedure, therefore, you should probably consult a doctor before using it, or limit yourself to other means. For example, with small spots, "Detox" will perfectly help, it will whiten the skin and will not cause discomfort. There are several varieties of cream, the best is considered to be a whitening mask with the addition of bodyagi, which will quickly and effectively remove traces of teenage acne from the face.

A wonderful remedy for getting rid of dark spots after sores is considered to be 2% salicylic acid. This tool needs to lubricate damaged areas of the skin, however complete cure come no sooner than six months later. To whiten dark areas faster, it is recommended to use a 5% solution, but there is a risk of burns. healthy skin. Therefore, the drug should be applied cotton swab directly on the stain and wait for it to dry. To avoid burning healthy tissues, it is necessary to lubricate the areas around dark spot, which will not allow the acid to seep further than necessary. It should be understood that old scars and spots, therefore, cannot be cured, in such cases it is necessary to go to an experienced doctor who will remove the scar or dark spot with a laser. If the scar is small, an ointment called Mederma, which is rubbed into the skin a couple of times a day, will help to avoid surgery.

small spots, remaining on the face after squeezing acne can be whitened with zinc ointment, it is recommended to use it for all teenage girls who are faced with such a phenomenon. If a stain appears on the body after depriving, it makes sense to try to get rid of it with an ointment called "Ansil", such advice is given by a person who has tried this remedy on himself and is extremely pleased with it. Cosmetologists recommend starting to treat dark spots that have arisen on the skin after sores as early as possible. If you get down to business immediately after the appearance of such traces, then the treatment will be much more successful and faster. Old scars are very difficult to heal, and the process can drag on for months, if not years. Sometimes creams and ointments cannot cope with such a defect, and you have to resort to surgical intervention or removing the stain with a laser.

Sores on the face - not only aesthetic problem. Sometimes they indicate a serious illness requiring emergency treatment.

Why there are sores on the face: possible causes

The causes of the rash are divided into two types: those arising from skin diseases; appeared due to malfunctions in the functioning of internal organs.

An unhealthy lifestyle can be a trigger. Abuse junk food, alcohol, smoking - all this negatively affects appearance faces.

Any malfunction in the body can lead to acne, acne, ulcers on the face and body. Most often, this occurs due to diseases of the digestive system, circulatory and sexual.

Skin diseases occur against the background of ignoring the rules of hygiene and due to infection from the carrier of the infection.

What are sores on the face?

Major skin diseases:

  1. Dermatitis: allergic, oral, contact, atopic (eczema);
  2. Herpes;
  3. Acne;
  4. Streptococcal infection - streptoderma.

Sores on the face with dermatitis

Dermatitis - serious illness accompanied by unpleasant symptoms and prone to progression.

Varieties of dermatitis have similar symptoms:

  • skin redness;
  • peeling;
  • the appearance of blisters / bubbles.

If at least one of the listed symptoms appears, you need to contact a dermatologist, otherwise the inflammatory process will spread to healthy tissues.

Manifestations of herpes on the face: how to get rid of them?

Herpes simplex and the causative agent of herpes zoster may appear on the face. They occur with diseases of the hematopoietic system, decreased immunity, hypothermia / draft, stress, and also after close contact with a person who has an exacerbation of a herpes infection.

Herpes simplex mainly affects the lips, especially in the corners. Severe course the disease is accompanied by the spread of sores to the oral mucosa and healthy skin.

Herpetic eruptions are watery vesicles with transparent contents. Around them, the skin turns red, forming a rim. Such sores itch and hurt.

Shingles looks similar herpes simplex, but the bubbles have larger size. Over time, they burst, ulcers and crusts form.

They are localized along the way. facial nerve. This type of disease is distinguished by severe soreness, which remains even after the disappearance of sores.

It is impossible to get rid of herpes forever. The disease is transferred to the stage of remission. It becomes harmless and non-infectious. Under the influence negative factors the pain reappears.

Treatment and prevention of sores with herpes includes:

  1. Correction of lifestyle, nutrition;
  2. Drying with antiseptics: iodine, fucorcin, brilliant green, alcohol until a crust forms;
  3. Moisturizing crusts with cream, petroleum jelly;
  4. Treatment of sores antiviral ointments: Zovirax, Acyclovir, Valtrex, oxolinic;
  5. Taking antiviral drugs orally (Zovirax, Gerpevir, etc.);
  6. Reception homeopathic remedies: Engystol, Anaferon;
  7. Reception of interferons: Laferon, Viferon;
  8. The use of immunomodulators: Imunofan, vitamin C, products with echinacea.

It is forbidden to squeeze bubbles that itch. This will lead to the spread of rashes.

How to cure acne?

Acne is red pimples. acne affects people of all ages. More prone to her appearance oily skin whose pores are constantly clogged sebum. Bacteria multiply in clogged pores, causing inflammation - acne. Also the latest on early stages developments look like black dots.

At easy course diseases, you can try to fight it yourself with the help of folk recipes:

  1. Lemon. A piece of citrus treats the face pointwise. After applying sunscreen, since lemon increases the skin's sensitivity to ultraviolet light;
  2. Masks for the whole face of raw grated potatoes;
  3. Toothpaste. It is applied pointwise;
  4. Frozen decoctions of chamomile, calendula, succession. Wipe the whole face with cubes;
  5. Oil tea tree apply pointwise in its pure form;
  6. Aspirin quickly relieves redness. The tablet is crushed, water is added, bringing to the state of slurry. Apply topically twice a week.

From pharmaceutical products you can use drugs such as Skinoren, Adapalen, Geparsulfur-GF. Acne can be masked with foundation, unlike other types of rashes.


This infectious disease provokes streptococcus. It is activated under the influence of overwork, stress, vitamin deficiency, reduced immunity, poor hygiene.

Streptoderma can occur after an insect bite, scratch.

The infection develops rapidly and is contagious: it is transmitted through household items that the patient has touched. Symptoms of streptoderma: vesicles filled with liquid appear on the face, transforming into abscesses; the skin is flaky; body temperature rises; observed general malaise loss of appetite; sores on the face itch, burn, pigment spots remain in their place.

In the initial stages of development, the disease is similar to chicken pox. It progresses quickly.

You can get rid of streptococcus in a complex way, using local and systemic drugs. Visit excluded public places due to the infectiousness of the disease.

Local therapy - treatment of sores with drying agents. These will relieve burning and itching. As the temperature rises, it shows plentiful drink. You can not swim, as a humid environment is favorable for the spread of infection.

Lotions are made on sores with a solution of tannin, resorcinol or boric acid. Antibiotic powder will help to overcome itching and burning. You can use ichthyol and salicylic ointment. You can speed up the drying process of sores with the help of spot application of iodine.

Sores can be lubricated with 5% hydrogen peroxide or brilliant green twice a day. Bubbles and the skin around them are also treated with infusion of calendula and clover (for 2 tablespoons of the mixture a glass of boiling water).

Blisters and erosions that ooze can be treated with a decoction of yarrow. To prepare it, you need to pour 1 tbsp. l. herbs 200 ml of boiling water, soak in a water bath for a quarter of an hour and strain.

Healing occurs quickly - within a week. AT advanced cases takes more time. If the patient's condition is severe, it is required to place him in the hospital of the dermatovenerological dispensary.

Probably everyone in their life faced with a similar phenomenon - unpleasant itchy pimples, spots, sores appeared on the face. They incredibly spoil the mood and simply poison our lives.

Although there is a statement that you should not drink water from your face, we all want to look attractive and just be healthy.

Moreover, the occurrence of any sore on the face can tell about serious internal problems or the presence of viral diseases in the body. That is why they are divided into two types.

  1. As a result of skin viral diseases.
  2. Consequences of improper operation or inflammatory processes of internal organs.

What can tell sores on the face

To say that nasty sores arose on their own is to lie.

If you think carefully, you can almost always find the causes of this trouble. These may be:

Often a person knows in advance what is wrong with him. Indeed, by the time the problem, as they say, is evident, the disease is already progressing.

The only exception can be infectious diseases skin that appeared suddenly.

Most often, sores on the face can tell about malnutrition and just about unhealthy way life, as well as the presence urinary infections or other inflammatory processes in the body.

  • above upper lip and eyebrows can tell about malfunctions in the work of the heart
  • in the corners of the lips and on the forehead they will tell about poor bowel function
  • on the chin indicate inflammatory processes in genitourinary system
  • between the eyebrows and on the temples - about problems with the liver and the work of the gallbladder

What are sores on the face

Of course, if unaesthetic phenomena occur on the face, it is better to immediately consult a doctor. This is especially important if dermatitis, herpes or streptococcal infection has settled on the skin of the face. Let's take a closer look at these enemies of beauty and health.

Dermatitis can be of several types:

  • allergic
  • contact
  • eczema
  • preoral

This is a fairly serious disease, and therefore it is not recommended to treat it on your own.

Symptoms of all types of dermatitis are similar to each other. It:

  • redness
  • peeling strong or weak
  • blisters single and in groups

It's important to know that running dermatitis is very difficult to treat. In particular severe forms the whole face is covered with non-healing sores.

There is another insidious enemy- streptococcal infection. The sores on the face that occur as a result of infection with this bacterium are small red vesicles, inside of which there is pus.

This infection is very contagious and extremely dangerous, because it can penetrate into the bloodstream, and then infect everything. internal organs including the brain. If you experience the above symptoms, you should immediately seek medical help.

And finally, the familiar herpes. These sores on the face are sometimes called common colds or fevers. Actually it is very dangerous. viral disease. It should be noted that the herpes virus lives in the body of 95% of the world's population.

organism healthy person It's like dealing with a virus. He behaves quietly, and for this he receives the substances he needs. It becomes like a part of the body.

However, when the immune system weakened, it shows its vile essence, forming ugly itchy and weeping ulcers on the skin. In some cases, they can be accompanied by severe pain.

During the period active phase development viral infection a sick person can pass the disease on to another.

The most unpleasant thing is that it is almost impossible to get rid of the herpes virus completely. All drugs are aimed at weakening its influence and strengthening immunity.

There are others, not so dangerous sores on the face, such as acne or its effects. In this case, a beautician can help.

Individual acne and group rashes most often appear in adolescence against the background of the formation hormonal system. They occur due to excessive production of subcutaneous fat and clogging of pores and hair follicles.

Such rashes are treated with special anti-inflammatory and drying agents. Most often it turns out to cope with the problem at home.

What to do if there are sores on the face

As mentioned above, in the event of the appearance of dermatitis, herpes and streptococcal infection you must immediately seek medical help.

It is strongly not recommended to treat these ailments on your own. Here we need an active complex drug treatment. Otherwise, the disease can progress and affect new areas of the skin.

However, if it is impossible for one reason or another to obtain qualified assistance doctor, you can try to cure the sores on the face with known folk methods ..

The most common recipe is a mask from equal parts garlic and honey.

The mixture should be infused for two days, after which it is necessary to lubricate the damaged areas of the skin of the face with it several times a day.

Dry sensitive skin The mask is used with extreme caution.

Great for treating sores on the face Fresh Juice aloe.

They can lubricate the affected areas, and in the event of the appearance of single ulcers, a piece of freshly cut aloe is applied with pulp to the sore and fixed with a plaster. This should be done regularly until the cessation of the inflammatory process.

In no case should you neglect your health and wait for everything to go away on its own.

Very often, the appearance of spots and ulcers on the face is the result of serious internal disorders. Exact reason disease can only be seen by a doctor.


There are many causes of acne on the skin - hormonal imbalance, malnutrition, violation fat metabolism. When an abscess appears, most people try to quickly get rid of the defect by squeezing out the contents of the follicle. After a pimple, a wound remains. If the wound is not treated, bacteria will get into it, and the inflammatory process will begin. How to speed up the healing of a teased area, everyone who has ever faced the problem of acne is thinking.

Traditional medicines that accelerate the regeneration process

The pharmaceutical industry offers a large selection of drugs that have a healing effect on problem areas. The most popular medicines that are used if required fast elimination problems are:

Having wondered how to get rid of sores after acne, first of all, you should consult a doctor
  • gel "Pheniran". This tool starts the regenerative processes of the skin, eliminating inflammation. If the gel is applied immediately after squeezing out the abscess, there will be no trace of the wound after 6-12 hours. The main advantage of the drug is that it quickly acts on the problem area, healing the skin without crusting, even if the girl picks it up a lot;
  • "Alazol". This wound healing product comes in the form of a spray. It is convenient for them to treat acne wounds. Thanks to sea buckthorn oil, the basis of the spray, the remedy eliminates acne wounds that do not heal for a long time;
  • "Algofin" and "Levomekol" - an ointment for wound healing. The drugs are made from natural ingredients, penetrating deeply into the layers of the skin, acting at the cellular level. Acne ointment quickly relieves inflammation, starts the regenerative processes of the epidermis. Active ingredients prevent reproduction harmful bacteria, disinfecting damaged follicles;
  • zinc ointment for acne has been used for a long time. Before applying it, the wound from the abscess is treated alcohol solution. Then a thick layer of ointment is applied, leaving it for several hours. The tool perfectly disinfects, stopping inflammation, dries the damage, which allows you to accelerate the healing of the epidermis.

Having wondered about the prevention of acne holes, the girl should purchase a series of medicines

Thinking about how to quickly heal an ulcer, most people opt for drugs that have alcohol base("Dimenside", iodine, "Fukortsin"). They quickly dry the skin, leaving colored, hard-to-remove traces on it. And if you use an incorrectly diluted "Dimexide", you can get burns.

Traditional medicine

Secrets will help in deciding how to quickly heal an acne wound traditional medicine. Now, as in the old days, everything more people use herbal decoctions, plant juices to improve the condition skin, make the complexion healthy without additional cosmetics. Here are the most popular and effective recipes.

When thinking about how to get rid of acne wounds, people often use improvised means - toothpaste, shaving foam. These products are made on the basis of antiseptics, so they heal superficial injuries perfectly.

A good healing effect is given by a home plant - aloe.

What to do if the sore is inflamed

Sometimes inflammation provokes the growth of acne wounds. How to get rid of the problem and pain without a visit to the doctor? In this case, it is necessary to use special preparations based on Vishnevsky ointment. These drugs have a sharp bad smell Therefore, it is recommended to apply them before going to bed. Vishnevsky's ointment draws pus out, stopping inflammation. In the morning, the compress is removed, and the contents of the boil are squeezed out until a drop of blood appears. The problem of how to remove pus and pain is solved.

Now you can choose how to heal the wound. The best option- disinfect it with an alcohol solution, apply zinc ointment(another drug that has a drying effect). To relieve swelling, you can wipe the place with a decoction of rosemary. The healing power of the infusion, thanks to its regenerative effect on tissues, promotes quick recovery skin cover.

If there are 10–20 simultaneously inflamed abscesses, antibiotics cannot be dispensed with. A popular remedy containing erythromycin (antibiotic a wide range actions) - "Zinerit" in the form of a lotion. The action of the main component is enhanced by zinc acetate, which eliminates inflammation and dries up irritation.

The affected area should be smeared with Vishnevsky or Ichthyol ointment.

If 30-40 pustules are inflamed at the same time, you should consult a doctor. Based on results laboratory tests antibiotics are prescribed internal use(suspensions, tablets, capsules).

What absolutely cannot be done

To avoid long-term treatment and the appearance at the site of a small pustule of an ulcer with advanced inflammatory process, looking for ways to get rid of wounds after acne, you can not:

  • squeeze out the contents, scratch, scratch the damaged area;
  • steam out the skin. Contrary to popular belief, enlarged pores do not help eliminate the ulcer, but contribute to the deep spread of inflammation, exacerbating the situation;
  • peel off the crust formed over the healing wound. By negligence, you can bring an infection into the body and then think about how to cure a running inflammatory process.
  • mask pustules with cosmetics. Powder or foundation clogs the pores, does not allow air to pass through, which only increases swelling.

Do not apply acne ointment to dirty skin. Together with the remedy, bacteria will get inside the open sore, infecting it.

Pyoderma - chronic or acute illness skin, caused by staphylococci, streptococci, less often - by other microorganisms. Insect bites, diaper rash, scratching and other microtraumas of the skin contribute to the occurrence of pustular pathologies. Some forms of the disease are caused by metabolic disorders, gastrointestinal tract, nervous system.

You will need

  • - hydrogen peroxide 3%, Solcoseryl, Vulnuzan, Levomikol;
  • - viburnum berries;
  • - black poplar buds, olive oil;
  • - resin;
  • - "Vinilin";
  • - leaves walnut, succession grass, strawberry leaves, tricolor violet grass;
  • - burdock root, elecampane root, walnut leaves.


Traditional treatment aimed at boosting the immune system restorative means, vitamin therapy. Outwardly recommended: treatment of sores with hydrogen peroxide, further use of drugs that accelerate scarring - Solcoseryl, Vulnuzan, Levomikol, etc.

Traditional medicine will come to the rescue. Fast healing and the removal of damaged tissues is facilitated by their treatment with viburnum juice. Apply berry pulp to the sore 2-3 times a day, not forgetting to wash it off with warm water an hour and a half after application. Sores heal very quickly, leaving no scars or scars.

Grind 2 cups of black poplar buds to a powder. Fill them with 120 ml olive oil and put for 2 hours on a slow boil water bath. Cool, filter. After treating the sores with hydrogen peroxide, lubricate them with cooked oil. The sores disappear quickly and leave no traces.

Very effective method to get rid of sores is to lubricate them with resin. After treating the damaged areas of the skin with hydrogen peroxide, apply on them thin layer spruce resin. Repeat the procedure 3-4 times a day.

No less effective is the use of ready-made pharmaceutical preparation"Vinilin", which is also made on the basis of resin. Lubricate sores 3-4 times a day, and they will heal very quickly.

At frequent relapses pyoderma recommended next remedy. Take an equal amount of walnut leaves, strawberry leaf, succession grass, tricolor violet grass, chop and mix. Pour 50 grams of the prepared mixture into a thermos and pour a liter of boiling water. After insisting for 40-45 minutes, strain. Take during the day in between meals 0.5 cup 5-7 times. The course is 5-7 days.

Also, to cleanse the body of coccal infection, prepare the following composition. Take 50 grams of burdock root, elecampane root, walnut leaves, chop and mix. Pour a tablespoon of the prepared composition with a glass of boiling water and boil over low heat for 10 minutes. Strain after cooling. Take a glass every 3 hours during the day. Repeat the procedure every month for six months, and you will forget about the sores for a long time.

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