Medicinal plants - a natural pharmacy. Research tasks

What plants are called medicinal? Plants containing biologically active substances, which can be used for therapeutic purposes, are called medicinal. What plant organs are used by humans medicinal purposes? Plant organs root stem leaf flower fruit seed

All herbs - doctors - marjoram, And St. John's wort, and lungwort, And strawberries, and blueberries, And lingonberries with blueberries. Celandine, wormwood, viburnum, Flax, calendula, nettle. All medicinal plants We know without exception You just need not be lazy, You just need to learn To find plants in the forest That are suitable for treatment! MEDICINAL PLANTS

Treatment of diseases, sources of aromatic substances in perfumery and Food Industry, wood, tannins for leather production, spinning fibers for the textile industry and dyes, pet food, are used by humans as vegetables, fruits, ornamental plants THE SIGNIFICANCE OF MEDICINAL PLANTS FOR HUMANS

Trees Shrubs Herbs Hawthorn Raspberry Black currant Oak Linden Scotch pine Chamomile Shepherd's purse Mother and stepmother Great celandine Highlander bird Calendula medicinal Nettle dioecious Plantain large Origanum vulgaris MEDICINAL PLANTS

In Russia, it was considered "grass from ninety-nine diseases." AT traditional medicine John's wort is one of the most commonly used medicinal plants. It is mainly used as a treatment for stomach ulcers. peptic ulcers on the skin, and the so-called St. John's wort oil is used, and for stomatitis, etc. CELANDINE

AT literal translation from Chinese the word "ginseng" means "man-root" (jen - man, shen - root). This name was given for the striking resemblance of the ginseng root to the human figure. Ginseng preparations are prescribed for fatigue, overwork, neurasthenia. Their use in hypotension to increase blood pressure is widely known. GINSENG

Plantain Plantain is used for inflammatory conditions of the stomach and intestines. leaves render astringent action. They prevent bleeding, and when dried, they promote the healing of old and fresh ulcers, have a wound healing and bacteriostatic effect in the treatment of wounds. Plantain has some calming effect, lowers arterial pressure. Used for tachycardia, headache and toothache, earache

This plant can stop the blood and saturate our body with vitamins. It is used for various diseases of the heart, tuberculosis, bronchial asthma, bronchitis, allergies. Outwardly - for wounds, skin diseases, to strengthen hair Nettle is both a weed and a medicine at the same time. NETTLE

LILY OF THE VALLEY Lily of the valley (poisonous) - helps with chronic diseases heart, cardiac weakness after suffering infectious diseases and also acts as a nerve calming agent. Lily of the valley tea is used as a diuretic for edema and, to a lesser extent, for blood purification.

A decoction of the kidneys is taken for bronchitis, rheumatism, and especially as an antiscorbutic. A decoction of the kidneys is used as a remedy for impaired metabolism, accompanied by various skin diseases. Pairs of decoction of the kidneys are anti-inflammatory, disinfectant and make breathing easier for coughs. PINE

Exercise. Select plants according to their effect. Therapeutic action Names of plants Containing vitamins Anti-inflammatory Astringent Diaphoretic Expectorant Hemostatic Cardiovascular Soothing - stepmother, shepherd's bag. currant, wild rose calendula oak, mountaineer bird linden, chamomile, raspberry coltsfoot, plantain, pine nettle, yarrow hawthorn motherwort, oregano

Rules for the collection and processing of medicinal plants The first rule: what to collect. Rule two: when to collect. R and in and l about the third: how to collect. R e a t i o n t e f o r e: where to collect. R e a l o f f e s: collecting, preserving

Ground parts of plants - grass is usually harvested by hand using knives, scissors. Flowers and inflorescences - at the beginning of flowering. Leaves - when they have fully unfolded and reached their development. The best period is the period of the initial flowering of the plant. Fruits and seeds - are collected selectively, as they fully ripen. Roots and rhizomes - harvested mainly in autumn, when the ground part of the plant wilts. The plant is shaken off the ground, the entire aerial part is cut off, and then washed under running water until clean. The washed roots are laid out on a matting, slightly dried, turning over, several times a day. Rules for the collection and processing of medicinal plants

WHERE CAN I COLLECT? Each plant has a specific place of growth that you need to know. You can not collect plants near highways, in places that have been treated with pesticides, as well as in places where there are very few medicinal plants.

1. What plants are called medicinal a) Plants that contain toxic substances b) Plants that grow, multiply and spread without human intervention c) Plants that people use for medicinal purposes 2. Medicinal plants are a) Herbs b) Shrubs c ) Herbs, shrubs, trees 3. Does not apply to medicinal plants a) Thistle b) Stinging nettle c) Chamomile 4. Poisonous medicinal plants include a) Coltsfoot b) Calendula officinalis c) Datura vulgaris 5. To stop bleeding is used a) Linden flowers b) Nettle leaves c) Leaves and flowers of oregano 6. Plants containing vitamins include a) Motherwort b) Shepherd's purse c) Cinnamon rosehip Task. Choose the correct answer Answers: 1 c, 2 c, 3 a, 4 c, 5 b, 6 c

For many years of its existence, mankind has learned to live in more or less tolerable harmony with the outside world. We receive from nature a huge amount of various substances we need, among which there are far from last place occupied by plants. Various plant cultures are used by us as food products, they are used in industry, cosmetology and medicine. The world is the concentration of a large number useful gifts nature, which include cultural medicinal plants, which are a wonderful source of vitamins and other useful substances.

So, to eliminate beriberi, it is not at all necessary to go to the pharmacy for multivitamin preparations, or to buy early and, as you know, of little use vegetables on the market. On an ordinary wasteland, in forests and meadows, there is a huge amount of wild-growing edible plants. In addition, such representatives of the flora are actively cultivated by humans in medicinal purposes.

In principle, vitamins are present in all plants, but only those cultures that are able to selectively accumulate vitamins in a volume capable of exerting a pronounced effect are classified as vitamin-containing. pharmacological effects. Such a dose is usually five hundred, or even a thousand times more than in other plants.

Despite the fact that scientists are able to synthesize most vitamins synthetically, vitamin-containing plant cultures have retained their importance for humanity. Such plants are widely used, especially in the treatment of babies, the elderly, as well as patients prone to allergic ailments.

Scientists argue that vitamins from vegetable raw materials are extremely well combined with polysaccharides, as well as with saponins and flavonoids, respectively, they are easily absorbed by the body. In addition, such vitamin particles are much less likely to give allergic reactions compared to synthetic counterparts. Also, when consuming plant materials, the human body can easily protect itself from an overdose of vitamins, which is almost impossible when taking pharmaceuticals.

Medicinal crop plants that are concentrators of vitamins

Lion's amount of vitamin C or ascorbic acid contained in the fruits of blackcurrant, rose hips and mountain ash. In addition, the sources of such a useful substance are considered to be raspberry fruits, nettle leaves, and strawberry fruits and leaves.

Concentrators and sources of vitamin P are considered to be buds or fruits. Japanese Sophora, berries chokeberry and blackcurrant. In addition, the mass of such a substance is contained in tea leaves.

Great amount carotenoids (provitamin A) is found in rose hips, sea buckthorn and mountain ash. In addition, it is rich in herbs of succession and marsh cudweed, as well as calendula flowers. A slightly smaller amount of this vitamin is present in parsley, raspberry leaves and pumpkin.

Known concentrators of vitamin K are considered to be nettle leaves, shepherd's purse grass and yarrow. Also, a significant amount of this substance is found in the bark of viburnum and corn silk.

Excellent sources of vitamin E, or as it is also called tocopherol, are sea buckthorn and rose hips, as well as oils based on these plants. In addition, a significant amount of this element is present in pumpkin and flax seeds, peanut and golden root.

As for the B vitamins, they are found in many medicinal crops. So thiamine is rich in cereal germs and cabbage, pyridoxine is present in peas, potatoes and heather, get folic acid can be from plantain, lettuce and broccoli.

Vitamins all year round

Of course, maximum amount vitamins are in fresh plants. However, you can replenish your body with the necessary set of vitamin substances all year round. For this, medicinal crops can be harvested for future use, in addition, they can be bought in pharmacies in the form of dried raw materials and in the form of various medicines- capsules, tablets, tinctures and dietary supplements.

To combat beriberi, you can collect fresh medicinal plants and use them for food. So, young nettles appear in the forests first of all, its sprouts can be found in thawed patches long before the snow has completely melted. Such a plant can be used in the preparation of salads, cabbage soup, and also added to pies. But already ten days after germination, the nettle becomes unfit for consumption.

Following the nettles, bluebells and dandelions appear in the fields. The former are used in the form of leaves, which are eaten by themselves or added to salads. And dandelions are used almost completely - the leaves are soaked and used in cooking, jam is made on the basis of flowers, and the root is used for therapeutic purposes.

At a later time, to saturate the body with vitamins, you can use the flowers of levkoy, leaves of primrose and krasnodnev. An excellent find will also be gout, wild onion and wild garlic. In addition, sorrel, bracken, and shepherd's purse are excellent edible sources of vitamins.


Of course, our world around us is multifaceted and many-sided, but cultivated plants make up a significant part of it. They feed us, they can still heal us from a variety of pathological conditions… And therefore, as you understand, it is important to understand their value for our life and protect them from getting into the Red Book… And we are on this page of the site www.! Plants are our very life.

Target: To form students' understanding of medicinal plants and their importance in human life.


1. Developing:

  • development of mental operations: analysis, synthesis, generalization, comparison, classification;
  • development of autonomy, mindfulness, logical thinking;
  • formation of the ability to independently obtain information in the relevant literature;
  • the formation of the ability to logically and consistently express a thought;
  • development of the horizons of children;
  • enrichment of students' vocabulary;
  • development of the ability to work in a team.

2. Educational:

  • to introduce students to medicinal and poisonous plants, their importance in human life.

3. Educational:

  • fostering respect for nature;
  • fostering a positive attitude towards learning.
  • fostering interest in the subject "the world around";
  • developing the ability to work in a group.

Equipment: board, presentation (Appendix 1), illustrations of medicinal plants, illustrations of poisonous plants, plan (on cards) for practical work, illustrations for practical work (hemlock spotted, coltsfoot, wild rosemary), crossword puzzle (on the board), herbarium (rosehip, stinging nettle, lingonberry, raspberry, blueberry), PC, multimedia installation.

During the classes

1. Organizing moment

Greetings. Check readiness for the lesson.

Students sit in groups of 4.

2. Learning new material.

Teacher: You know that human life is closely connected with nature. nature gives us necessary materials for the manufacture of houses, cars, clothes, provides food and, most importantly, helps to prolong our lives. And how this happens, I suggest you find out by mentally moving a few centuries ago, when there were no traces of civilization, and people lived in caves. What do you think Tony did to cope with various diseases?

Students: There were sorcerers. They were looking different ways treatment of diseases. They influenced people with ritual dances, spells, and most importantly, they used various herbs as medicines.

Teacher: Really. After all, people always got sick, always got injured and, accordingly, they needed to medical care. But hospitals and pharmacies were not always and not everywhere. And the “Green Pharmacy” or plants that have medicinal properties. And today in the lesson we will talk about medicinal plants and their importance in human life.

Teacher: Today we are working with you in groups. For each correct answer of a representative of a particular group, the group receives. At the end of the lesson, we will calculate the number of points. Let's look at the board. What do you see here?

Students: Various plants.

Teacher: I now propose to you to divide these plants into groups. What suggestions do you have?

Pupils (1-2 at the blackboard) distribute plants at the blackboard on the basis of medicinal - poisonous:

Teacher: Good. We found out that the first group of plants is medicinal. We look at the screen. (Attachment 1. (slide 2)). Medicinal plants and plant names are presented here. Your task is this list plants choose the name of medicinal plants and match these names with their images.

Students from the list of plants, select the necessary ones (those that relate to the presented medicinal plants) and arrange them in the desired order.

Teacher: For what purposes do we use these plants?

Students: Healing wounds, stopping bleeding, relieving pain.

Teacher: Where can we find these plants? (Attachment 1. (slide 3))

Students: Forest, meadow, along the roads.

Teacher: Right. These are medicinal plants. We can collect them for our first aid kit. Collecting medicinal plants is a necessary and very interesting thing. But when collecting, you need to know the time when a particular plant is harvested, that is, the time of collection. You need to know how to properly store and dry the plant. Remember that the plant must be collected in such a way as not to harm nature.

Teacher: We have the second group of plants left. What did we name them?

Students: Poisonous plants.

Teacher: What plants are shown here? (Attachment 1. (slide 4))

Students from the remaining list of plants, select those that are poisonous plants and arrange them in the desired order.

Teacher: Why do you think they are called poisonous?

Students: These plants contain substances that, when they enter the body of humans and animals, cause painful changes in it.

Teacher: You are absolutely right. And severe poisoning can even lead to death. Moreover, in some plants, the poison is contained in the leaves, in others - in the seeds, in others - all parts of the plants are poisonous. It is necessary to remember them and be able to recognize them among other plants, so as not to harm yourself.

Teacher: Where can we find these plants?

Students: Forest.

Teacher: We have found out that this group belongs to poisonous plants. But I know for sure that these plants can be divided according to one more feature. What do you think, on what grounds?

Students: Poisonous medicinal - non-medicinal.

Teacher: Medicinal - wolf's bast, lily of the valley, non-medicinal - crow's eye. (Appendix 1. (slide 5)). Imagine, these plants are also medicinal. The substances contained in them are valuable therapeutic agents who find wide application in medicine. Therefore, these plants, although poisonous, are considered medicinal. But when collecting them, you need to be extremely careful, because they can harm a person.

- The influence of the wolf's bark on Airways and human skin.

Teacher: All the plants that we talked about today are found on the territory of Karelia. But I would divide each group of plants into groups. What do you think, on what grounds?

Students: Listed in the Red Book of Karelia - not listed in the Red Book of Karelia. (Attachment 1. (slide 6))

Teacher: Right. You know that there is the Red Book of Karelia, which lists rare, protected species of plants growing on the territory of the republic. In this regard, which plants among medicinal plants will be included in the number of protected ones?

Students: St. John's wort.

Teacher: And among the poisonous ones?

Students: Lily of the valley, wolf's bast.

Teacher: What is the importance of protecting these plants, please?

Students offer their options.

Teacher: It must be remembered that these plants are protected, in no case should they be torn for bouquets, broken. After all, some of them are found in small quantities and in certain places. And indifference to plant life will entail serious consequences: the disappearance of plants not only in the republic, but also on Earth.

3. Physical Minute(musical).

4. Practical work.

Explains the plan for the implementation of practical work.


  1. The name of the plant.
  2. Place of growth.
  3. medicinal or poisonous.
  4. Is it listed in the Red Book.
  5. Use in medicine.

Reminds me of rational use time.

Pupils do practical work in groups for 5 minutes, using herbariums and illustrations. After completing the work, 1-2 students from each group speak to the class.

5. Consolidation of the studied material.

Teacher: You did a good job, and now I suggest you remember the material you have studied. Game "Guess the word". Here is a hidden word that you need to guess by answering questions.

Why do we breathe freely
And they are happy with their fate.
Though we grow along the roads
And we are trampled by hundreds of feet? (Plantain)

And if you happen to catch a cold
There will be a cough, a fever will rise,
Move the mug towards you, in which
a slightly bitter fragrant broth smokes. (Chamomile)

Was green, small,
Then I became scarlet,
I turned black in the sun
And now I'm ripe. (Currant)

Name a deadly plant with one dark blue berry. (Crow's eye)

Red, sweet, fragrant
Grows low, close to the ground. (Strawberry)

Herb from 99 diseases. (St. John's wort)

Students: The word "Rule" is encrypted.

Teacher: And if we remember our conversation about medicinal plants, how can we connect this with the word "rule"?

Students: Collection of medicinal plants.

Teacher: What do you think the rules will be?


  1. Collect only those plants that are allowed to be collected. Protected do not touch.
  2. Find out the timing of the collection of plants.
  3. Harvest plants in dry weather. Make sure they are clean.
  4. Collect plants in those places where there are a lot of them. Leave some plants to grow.
  5. Learn how to properly dry and store plants.

6. Generalization of the studied material.

The teacher conducts a conversation during which knowledge about medicinal and poisonous plants; classification of plants according to characteristics: medicinal - poisonous, listed in the Red Book of Karelia - not listed in Red Karelia. Importance of medicinal plants in human life. Plant protection.

The number of points for each group is calculated. Those who have more points are marked.

Putting marks.

7. Homework.

  1. Work with the textbook pp. 19–21.
  2. Make rules for collecting medicinal plants in a workbook.
  3. Make an album medicinal plants Karelia" with drawings, photographs, necessary explanations.

slide 2

Hypothesis: Most of the plants in our region are medicinal. Purpose: To find out which plants of our area are medicinal and whether they are used by the local population.

slide 3

Research tasks

Get acquainted with medicinal herbs growing in the vicinity of the rural settlement of Peregrebnoye. Learn the rules for collecting medicinal herbs. Conduct a population survey to find out if they use medicinal plants to treat diseases. Share the results of your research with your classmates. Research methods Collection of information. Definition of medicinal herbs of our area. Interview. Study period May 2011 – February 2012

slide 4

Rules for collecting medicinal plants

The roots are dug up in autumn after the leaves have fallen or in early spring, cleaned with cold water. The above-ground part of plants containing volatile aromatic substances is collected at the beginning of summer, when the leaves have fully blossomed and the buds have started. Green leaves and grass can be harvested all summer, but better in spring. Flowers tear fully bloomed and only in clear weather. Fruits and seeds are harvested only when ripe.

slide 5

Types of medicinal raw materials

Cardiovascular drugs Expectorants Hemostatic drugs Gastrointestinal drugs Vitamin remedies

slide 6

Vitamin remedies

  • Slide 7


    They called calendula marigolds, Like the suns, these flowers, They collected the seeds, So similar to claws! And the smell is such that you can hardly confuse it with another. We can tart a thick aroma! - And how it heals! Worthy of a medal! That's what people say about her.

    Slide 8

    Rose hip

    Everything wakes up, green buds swell, Brooks murmured - they run far to the river. Tender mother-and-stepmothers yellow color flowers Smile at the bright warm sun easily, And they dance, whirl, to the songs of birds in a round dance, They try - it’s not easy for them to sing without a conductor ... A dazzling ball in the sky flares up, Embraces with its rays, in the hope of warming ... Heaven inspires you to bare your heart , Woolen clothes of winter to scatter and forget, From the surging feelings - you understand that there is nowhere to go, Appears intense thirst love each other... And dream and sigh about your unearthly soul mate; In anticipation of the hands of a wreath of spring weave. Come quickly along the cheerful green path!.. Yellow coltsfoot will bring flowers....

    Slide 9


    Look, she hid, And pretended to be "fluffy"! We know you, nettle, We will not pluck for anything. “There are many healing properties in me. I treat the poor animals, For the whole living kingdom, I am an excellent medicine!”.

    Slide 10


    The celandine has grown in a lush color In the fields, forests and gardens It has filled with yellow juice luxuriantly For the joy of Mother Nature. To know there is a reason or trouble That, despite the drought, it is more magnificent they smear the body With everyone, he is on “you” and enters the house to anyone It’s a pity, only you won’t wash your soul with celandine

    slide 11


    White basket, Golden bottom. In it lies a dewdrop And the sun sparkles. We'll take it home And put it on the table. If suddenly we get sick We will brew it.

    slide 12


    Roadside dandelion Was golden like the sun. But faded and looked like Fluffy white smoke.

    slide 13


    Juniper, juniper, what is sad, like a hermit? Powdered with white snow Alone among slender pines? And you guard the front steps like a faithful dog.

    Slide 14

    wild rosemary

    Somewhere rosemary is blooming on the hills, Cedars are piercing the sky... It seems as if a land where I have never been has been waiting for me for a long time.

    slide 15


    Mother and stepmother on the way, the sky is clear on the water... Having wet my knees, I go through the forest to you...

    slide 16

    Sociological survey

    Does your family use medicinal plants? The more you are treated: herbs or medicines? Where do you get herbs for treatment? What kind medicinal herbs use for treatment?

    Subject World around 4th grade

    Lesson topic

    Chapter"You and Your Health"


    "Explanatory note"

    Explanatory note

    Teacher Melnikova Galina Alexandrovna

    Subject The world around grade 4 (EMC "School of the XXI century")

    Lesson topic

    Chapter"You and Your Health"

    Target: To acquaint with medicinal plants of the area;



      expanding the horizons of students


      education of respect for the nature of the native land

      cultivating respect for the opinion of comrades

      development of students' speech, horizons, cognitive interest

      development creativity junior schoolchildren

      formation of the ability to work with textual information, dictionaries, reference books

      the formation of the ability to work in a group of peers.

    Educational institution: MBOU "Komsomolskaya secondary school No. 1" Chamzinsky district, Republic of Mordovia

    Lesson type: lesson learning new .

    Means of education: presentation, explanatory and spelling dictionaries, handouts for checking homework, self-assessment, herbarium "Medicinal plants", envelopes with assignments for group work, materials for design work

    This lesson compiled for the 4th grade on the subject "World around" (EMC "School of the XXI century"), in the section "You and your health", after familiarizing students with various types diseases (flu, allergies) home first aid kit.

    The amount of material involves the use of both one and several lessons, depending on the preparation of the class, the characteristics of the development of children, taking into account sanitary regulations and norms (7 - 10 min)

    The organization of the work of children in groups allows you to develop the ability to work in a team, fostering respect for the opinions of comrades. The formation of groups is carried out by the teacher, attention is drawn to the ratio of groups according to intellectual and communicative abilities, interpersonal relations.

    Checking homework in the form of a test allows you to check the material studied earlier, is aimed at developing the ability to work with test tasks, developing students' ability to check and evaluate their work.

    Group work with the materials of the "Home Encyclopedia" is aimed at the search activity of students, independent study new material, the development of cognitive activity of students, the ability to work with a large amount of information.

    The exercise "We write competently" provides an interdisciplinary connection with the lessons of the Russian language, consolidates students' knowledge about writing words with the studied spelling.

    The “Literary Page” introduces children to the works of Kuban poets, at this stage you can continue to develop the skill expressive reading to offer students creative work(come up with a poem, a fairy tale about medicinal plants.)

    The quiz "Know the plant" allows the development to analyze, compare the studied material. At this stage of the lesson, the ability to classify plants into groups is formed: trees, shrubs, herbs.

    Working with various types of dictionaries is aimed at developing students' ability to find necessary information in encyclopedias, dictionaries, working out the ability to work with electronic reference books, dictionaries. It is possible to use dictionaries and reference books on the Internet.

    The "Test Yourself" slides can also be varied by applying various ways checks (self-check, mutual check, teacher control, etc.).

    Entertaining material can be offered to be solved both in pairs and in groups of students, offered for independent solution in an extended day group.


    Pyramids of Egypt

    Ivan the Terrible

    Peter 1




    Rose hip



    St. John's wort


    Dictionary Ozhegov

    Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

    Portrait of Ozhegov

    Portrait of Dahl








    forest sounds

    Slide 4 Flower

    View document content
    "medicinal plants"

    View document content

    P __D__ROZHNIK



    Oak has been used as a medicinal plant for a very long time. Baths from oak bark help with general weakening of the body. Undiluted decoction is suitable for rinsing with stomatitis, to strengthen the gums.


    perennial herbaceous plant up to 60 cm high. It grows in meadows, field edges, along roads, among shrubs, on mountain slopes. Has a calming effect. Oregano grass is used as a seasoning instead of black pepper.


    annual plant. Rarely found as a wild plant. It has an anti-inflammatory, soothing effect. Used for children's diathesis, dizziness, cough, burns, bruises, diseases of the oral cavity.


    Perennial herbaceous plant up to 1 meter high. It grows like a weed in gardens, orchards, throughout the region. Celandine juice is used to remove warts, corns, freckles and treat various skin diseases.

    Rose hip

    Shrub 100-150 cm high, with red-brown shiny branches. An infusion of rose hips helps with colds, coughing

    Rose hip.

    At dawn, the ruddy dog ​​rose woke up.

    He stretched every leaf towards the dawn.

    And the dawn reached out to him in response,

    Buds dyed in pink color.

    And in each bud, just in the middle,

    She put in a blue dewdrop.

    If you accidentally hit a rosehip with your shoulder,

    He will shower you with fragrant rain.

    Tatiana Golub


    Runs away hastily

    nettles deep in the yard.

    The wheatgrass is surprised:

    Well, why in such a distance?


















































    And nettle:

    So that children

    Do not sting inadvertently.

    Vladimir Nesterenko


    Rules for the collection of medicinal plants.

    Plants are harvested in dry weather, when the dew has already disappeared. It is necessary to ensure that there is no dust and dirt on the plants.

    You can not collect medicinal plants along the roads, on the streets of cities, in squares. These plants accumulate harmful substances that are thrown into the air by cars.

    The flowers are harvested at the beginning of flowering; leaves - before flowering or at the beginning of it; roots and rhizomes - in spring and autumn; bark - in the spring, at the beginning of sap flow, when it is well separated;

    View presentation content
    "environment world 4 class medicinal plants"

    Rose hip.

    At dawn, the ruddy dog ​​rose woke up.

    He stretched every leaf towards the dawn.

    And the dawn reached out to him in response,

    The buds are dyed pink.

    And in each bud, just in the middle,

    She put in a blue dewdrop.

    If you accidentally hit a rosehip with your shoulder,

    He will shower you with fragrant rain.

    Tatiana Golub


    A decoction of 1 teaspoon of chicory roots

    boil for 500 ml of water for 10 minutes,

    insist 2 hours, filter.

    Used for warm rinses

    with toothache.

    Prepared from chicory roots

    drinks, coffee.

    Fresh nettle leaves are applied to wounds to heal them. Candied roots are used for coughs.

    Salads and soups are prepared from young shoots and leaves. Delicate inflorescences are brewed as tea .

    Dandelion leaf infusion

    great remedy for freckles.

    2 tablespoons boil for 10 minutes.

    Cold infusion wipe the skin

    2-3 times a day.

    n __ d __ horn

    c __ cory

    cr __ beer

    z __ r __ fight

    road builder

    c and kary

    cup of beer

    beast fight



    • Prepare a family recipe

    using medicinal plants;

    • Write a story, a fairy tale, a poem about a medicinal plant.
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