Reduksin analogs are cheaper. Is there a safe analogue of "Reduxin"

Overweight is a problem that affects more than half modern people. If a we are talking about a few kilograms, then cope with out overweight can be done with diet and sports exercises. But in the case when the cause of the problem is a malfunction of the body and a diagnosis of obesity is made, medical treatment is necessary.

An effective drug for the treatment of obesity, according to doctors, is Reduxin. The drug is expensive, so the question of cheaper analogues of Reduxin is quite relevant.

Characteristics of Reduksin

Medication Reduxin, Russian production, intended for the treatment of people suffering from obesity. The prescription of the drug is permissible only if standard methods weight loss (diet, fitness, etc.) did not give a result, and for three months the patient lost less than five kilograms.

Reduxin is released in capsule form, but there are two types of the drug that have different colour capsules and dosage active component(sibutramine hydrochloride monohydrate):

  • blue - 10 mg;
  • blue - 15 mg.

Despite the fact that Reduxin is designed for weight loss, it is not recommended to use it if the excess weight is only a few kilograms. A direct indication for taking the remedy is alimentary obesity diagnosed by a specialist with a human body weight index of 30 kg / m2 or in excess of weight norms under the influence of concomitant diseases(dyslipoproteinemia or type 2 diabetes).

The drug Reduxin has an effect on many body systems, therefore, before starting therapy, which involves long-term use(from 6 months to 2 years) of the medication, you should familiarize yourself with the list of contraindications:

  • bulimia or anorexia;
  • hypothyroidism;
  • tick generalized;
  • psychical deviations;
  • pheochromocytoma;
  • thyrotoxicosis;
  • dependence on drugs, alcohol, or drugs;
  • closed glaucoma;
  • pathology of the kidneys or liver;
  • unstable hypertension blood pressure;
  • allergy to the drug composition;
  • heart and arterial diseases;
  • breast-feeding;
  • age up to 18 and after 65 years;
  • period of pregnancy.

Reduxin in rare cases may cause signs of an adverse reaction:

  • feeling of dryness in the mouth;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • stagnation of feces;
  • increased perspiration.

At long-term use the drug Reduxin, a drug withdrawal syndrome may occur, which manifests itself in the form of migraine and sharp rise appetite.

Reviews about Reduxin confirm that the effect of the treatment justifies the cost of the drug. The price of the drug on average is 1500 rubles.


Contraindications, symptoms of side effects, as well as high price- the reason why patients diagnosed with obesity are interested in: what drug can replace Reduxin.

It is necessary to choose an analogue of Reduxin after consultation with your doctor and nutritionist. Do not trust prescriptions from a pharmacist. A drug to get rid of a significant excess weight are selected individually.

Cheaper effective analogues Reduksina:

  • Goldline.
  • Slimia.
  • Lindax.
  • Xenical.
  • Sibutramine.
  • Meridia.

All drugs in this group are intended to reduce the patient's body weight, however, take them without preliminary diagnosis Not recommended. Drugs, the action of which is aimed at combating obesity, have contraindications, and also often provoke a side effect, so any Reduxin Light substitute should be prescribed by a specialist.


Another Russian-made drug, Goldline, is capable of replacing Reduxin. The composition of the drug contains Chemical substance- sibutramine, which has a major effect in the treatment of obesity.

The mechanism of action of a cheaper analogue, produced in capsule form, is aimed at:

  • to accelerate the burning of calories during physical exertion;
  • to increase the mental and physical capabilities of the body;
  • to improve overall muscle tone.

Due complex impact drug is achieved overall result- weight loss of the patient.

Cheap capsules for weight loss Goldline are not desirable for the use of obese patients with concomitant diagnoses:

The manufacturer of the analogue, in the instructions for use, warns that the drug can provoke side effects:

  • headache;
  • increased anxiety;
  • heart rhythm failures;
  • insomnia;
  • hyperthermia of the epithelium;
  • gastrointestinal disorder;
  • altered perception of taste buds.

Preparation Goldline complete analogue Reduksina, only cheaper. Its price in pharmacies is from 900 rubles.


A cheap analogue of the drug Reduxin is also a drug intended for weight loss - Slimia. The medication has central impact to nervous and muscular system, accelerating the processes occurring in them.

The manufacturer releases this drug in the form of capsules with powder, which contains 15 mg - sibutramine.

An indication for the course intake of a cheap analogue is a significant excess of the body mass index, which cannot be eliminated using standard measures.

Contraindications to the drug - an analogue for weight loss:

  • deviations of mental type;
  • bulimia of the nervous type;
  • addiction to alcohol and drugs;
  • BPH;
  • disorders of the circulatory system;
  • glaucoma;
  • kidney disease;
  • pathological disorders in the liver;
  • prolactinoma;
  • age: under 18 or over 64 years old.

A cheap remedy can provoke signs of a side effect:

  • constipation, nausea, complete absence appetite
  • anxiety, migraine, convulsions;
  • tachycardia, feeling of heat, increased pressure.

Side effects from taking a cheap analogue of Reduxin disappear after a month of treatment. Cancellation of the drug is required only with increased intensity of the side effect.

Slimy's analogue is cheaper relative to the cost of Reduksin. The price of the Slimia drug is from 800 rubles.


Replacing Reduksin analogues are selected individually. Lindax is one of the effective medicines used to treat diseases such as obesity. An anorexigenic agent is designed to enhance the feeling of fullness and internal fat burning by increasing the activity of processes in muscle tissue.

Like other cheaper analogues, Reduxin Light Lindax is available in the form of capsules containing sibutramine hydrochloride.

An analogue is prescribed when the body weight is exceeded by more than 30 kg relative to the individual mass norm.

Contraindications to Lindax include:

  • nutritional pathology in the form of anorexia or bulimia;
  • obesity due to organic abnormalities;
  • tick of generalized type;
  • mental disorder;
  • diseases of the cerebrovascular form;
  • problems with cardiac activity;
  • circulatory disorders;
  • renal and hepatic insufficiency;
  • prostate tumor;
  • thyrotoxicosis;
  • glaucoma;
  • pheochromocytoma;
  • dependence on drugs, alcohol or medications;
  • age up to 18 years and after 60 years;
  • lactation;
  • bearing a fetus.

An adverse reaction to the cheap generic Reduxin is expressed in insomnia, pain in the head, tachycardia, dysfunction of the stomach or intestines.

In some pharmacies, a prescription from a doctor is required to purchase the drug. average price on the cheap analogue Lindax - from 1000 rubles.


Among the drugs for weight loss, experts also distinguish Xenical. The drug refers to drugs intended for the treatment of people not just overweight, but with an established diagnosis of obesity.

A cheap analogue of Reduxin, like many generics, is produced in capsules. But unlike other tablets, the drug contains a fat-burning component - orlistat. He renders complex action on the body, contributing to a gradual decrease in body weight.

Contraindications to cheap Xenical capsules, acceptable for use in the form of an analogue of Reduxin:

  • syndrome of cholestatic disorder or malabsorption;
  • allergy to the components of the composition;
  • pregnancy or breastfeeding.

A side effect on the drug occurs in the form of:

  • diarrhea;
  • flatulence;
  • pain in the epigastric region.

The cost of an analogue of Xenical is 1800 rubles.


A cheap drug for the treatment of obesity - Sibutramine, is a close analogue of Reduxin. The drug acts on the brain, creating a feeling of satiety.

They produce an analogue in the form of tablets, containing the active substance of the same name.

Contraindications to a cheap substitute for Reduxin:

  • bulimia;
  • psychical deviations;
  • anorexia;
  • generalized tick;
  • disorders of the cerebrovascular form;
  • cardiac pathology;
  • circulatory diseases;
  • kidney or liver failure;
  • benign tumor of the prostate;
  • glaucoma, thyrotoxicosis or pheochromocytoma;
  • pathological dependence on drugs or medicines or alcoholic beverages;
  • age (up to 18 years and after 60 years);
  • breastfeeding;
  • period of gestation.

Side effects on cheap Sibutramine tablets can provoke insomnia, tachycardia, gastrointestinal pathologies or migraines.

The price of the drug Sibutramine is an average of 1500 rubles.


Meridia is used to treat patients with overweight problems in excess of a body mass index of more than 27 kilograms.

A cheap drug in the form of a substitute for Reduxin is available in capsule form and contains the substance hydrochloride sibutramine monohydrate.

Contraindications to the analogue of Reduxin:

  • excess body weight due to organic causes;
  • neurological diseases;
  • dependence on medicines, alcohol or drugs;
  • closed glaucoma;
  • anorexia;
  • mental pathologies;
  • bulimia;
  • cardiovascular abnormalities;
  • thyroid, kidney or liver disease;
  • inflammation of the prostate;
  • breast-feeding;
  • age up to 18 years;
  • pregnancy;
  • age category up to 63 years;
  • allergy to the composition of the drug.

Side effects on the analog are most often observed from the intestines in the form of constipation. It can also be observed total loss appetite. Patients during treatment may experience problems with circulatory system, increased sweating and disruption of the nervous system.

The price of an analogue of Reduxin in pharmacies is from 900 rubles.


As can be seen from the article, not all analogues of the remedy are cheaper than the drug itself. This suggests that the fight against obesity will require a lot of money and time. If there are problems with being overweight, then buy Reduxin or its analogues. However, the use of the drug is permissible only if there is evidence and permission from a specialist.

The drug "Reduxin" contains two active substances that promote weight loss: sibutramine and microcrystalline cellulose. The first substance, in theory, is an antidepressant with an anorexigenic effect. This action lies in the fact that the body experiences a feeling of fullness more than usual. Let's try to figure out why.

Under stress or depression, the human body secretes the hormone serotonin in the very center of saturation, which is subsequently reabsorbed into the terminal of the synapse. Sibutramine slows down its absorption, and the concentration of serotonin increases, due to this stress is easier to bear. The experience of hunger during the diet is also related to stress. Naturally, sibutramine reduces stress, and a person experiences a feeling of satiety and calmness. Microcrystalline cellulose fills the stomach, which also creates a feeling of satiety and fullness. You do not want to eat at all, so you lose weight. "Great drug!" - many people who suffer from overweight problems and decide to lose weight with Reduxin think. They run to the pharmacy and sweep off the shelves miracle cure. You can buy either this drug or an analogue of Reduxin, for example, Lindax. True, it does not contain microcrystalline cellulose, but the effect of losing weight is the same.

"Reduxin" - a drug domestic production, and "Lindax" - Czech. The active substance in them is the same, only the price of "Lindax" is higher. There is another analogue of "Reduxin", which is widely used by people who are losing weight, - "Meridia". It is produced by the German pharmaceutical company Knoll AG. The results of the study of this drug proved it high efficiency with weight loss. The drug also affects the region of the brain responsible for satiety. In addition, Meridia lowers cholesterol levels and increases the amount of energy consumed by the body. This analogue of "Reduxin" is even more expensive than "Lindax".

On my own behalf, I would like to add that many of my friends took the Meridia drug, and there is an effect. Weight quickly goes away, the body flies, as if on batteries, you don’t feel like eating at all. Meridia is believed to be safer than others. medications containing sibutramine, which is why it has such a high price. "Reduxin" is cheaper than all other means. Nevertheless, the safety of drugs based on sibutramine is from the realm of fairy tales.

Sibutramine - narcotic substance that affects the brain. Remember the feature film "Requiem for a Dream"? The mother of the protagonist decided to lose weight and purchased miraculous pills, with the help of which she instantly lost weight. She didn't eat, she lost weight and became leaner and leaner. Now remember how it all ended. The woman could not sleep, did not eat anything, gnashed her teeth and moved her lips. Her gaze was completely meaningless, she began to see hallucinations. As a result, she ended up in the hospital, where she was taken by ambulance. The woman took substances based on amphetamines, which gave her a lot of energy. But at the same time, they destroyed the cells of her brain and nervous system.

Sibutramine is structurally similar to amphetamine-based substances, but does not possess them biological properties. However, the list side effects and contraindications of the drug is impressive. First of all, people taking the drug "Reduxin" note Then it manifests itself increased heart rate, increased blood pressure. Others develop constipation, sleep problems. You just can't sleep because the brain is overexcited by the drug. Body temperature may rise, irreversible damage to the heart, kidneys and liver may begin, gastrointestinal tract. All this is indicated in the instructions for the drug, but who will think about it? Our people are used to acting on "maybe", they say, others may get these side effects, but I don't! Russian roulette.

If you want to take the drug "Reduxin" or an analogue of "Reduxin" from the same series of substances with sibutramine, visit your doctor first. First of all, check the condition of your heart, liver and kidneys. The drug "Reduxin" is forbidden to be taken during pregnancy, breastfeeding. By the way, in Europe and the USA it is banned altogether. Because this drug can actually ruin your health. The drug "Reduxin" and its analogues can be used only in last resort- if you are really obese, if your weight just rolls over, and from this you have serious problems with health. In this case, an endocrinologist can write a prescription for you, but only if there is such a need. This medicine works, but it is dangerous, remember that. Read the reviews of people who just went and bought the drug at the pharmacy just because their weight was ten kilograms above the norm. How many side effects they received! And how many of them are irreversible? In some cases, the case ended in calling an ambulance, long-term treatment and a lifelong need to take medicine for dead kidneys or hearts. Do you want such a life? I doubt.

If we talk about really safe analogues of Reduxin, you can try to drink a course of Reduxin-Light capsules. This drug does not contain sibutramine, which means the effects on the brain and vital important organs ruled out. It contains conjugated, which helps to reduce body fat. Acid has a beneficial effect on the condition of muscle tissue, increases metabolism. The effect will be, but only when playing sports. In the same way as with the use of "L-Carnitine". Magic pills, which reduce weight without consequences, does not exist. You still need to watch your diet, include sports in your schedule and a lot of movement. Only in this case you will get a slender healthy body.

Total analogues: 82. Price and availability of Reduksin analogues in pharmacies. Before using any medicinal product you should definitely consult your doctor.

This page provides a list analogs Reduksin- these are interchangeable drugs that have similar indications for use and belong to the same pharmacological group. Before you buy analog Reduksin, it is necessary to consult with a specialist regarding the replacement of the drug, study in detail, read and a similar drug.

  • Turboslim day

    Taking the drug Turboslim day
  • Turboslim night

    Taking the drug Turboslim night relieves excess weight, strengthens the nervous system, improves immunity, restores the function of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Orsoten Slim

  • Pokhudin

    Pokhudin recommended as a food supplement - a source of zinc and magnesium for people who control body weight.
  • obegrass

    obegrass(Obegrass) is recommended for people who control body weight.
  • Xenalten

    Treatment of obesity, incl. reduction and maintenance of body weight, in combination with a low-calorie diet. Orlistat is also indicated to reduce the risk of re-gaining body weight after an initial weight loss. Orlistat is indicated in obese patients with a body mass index (BMI) ≥30 kg/m2 or ≥27 kg/m2 in the presence of other risk factors (diabetes mellitus (DM), arterial hypertension(AH), dyslipidemia).
    (BMI calculation: BMI = M/P2, where M is body weight, kg; P is height, m.)
  • Turboslim calorie blocker

    Turboslim calorie blocker recommended as a biologically active food supplement - a source of chitosan, chromium and hydroxycitric acid for people who control body weight.
  • XL-S Medical

    - Reducing excess body weight. Taking XL-S Medical Fat Blocker in combination with balanced diet and moderate physical activity increases the effectiveness of weight loss measures and helps to achieve the desired result. The drug regulates appetite and reduces the absorption of fats.
    - Preventing the appearance of overweight and maintaining the desired body weight:
    After reaching the desired level of body weight, you can continue to take XL-S Medical Fat blocker at every high-calorie meal to control body weight and prevent re-gain.
  • Meridia

    A drug Meridia are prescribed for complex maintenance therapy of overweight patients with alimentary obesity with a body mass index of 30 kg / m2 or more or with a body mass index of 27 kg / m2 or more, but in the presence of other risk factors due to overweight (type 2 diabetes mellitus, dyslipoproteinemia).
  • Sibutramine

    Complex maintenance therapy of overweight patients with alimentary obesity with a body mass index of 30 kg/m2 or more or with a body mass index of 27 kg/m2 or more, but in the presence of other risk factors due to overweight (diabetes mellitus type 2, dyslipoproteinemia).
  • Lindax

    A drug Lindax used for complex maintenance therapy of overweight patients with alimentary obesity with a body mass index of 30 kg / sq.m or more or with a body mass index of 27 kg / sq.m or more, but in the presence of other risk factors due to excessive body weight (diabetes mellitus type 2, dyslipoproteinemia).
  • Orsoten

    Long-term treatment of patients with the drug Orsoten under conditions such as:
    obesity (body mass index (BMI) ≥30 kg/m2);
    overweight (BMI ≥28 kg/m2), incl. the presence of obesity-associated risk factors, in combination with a moderately low-calorie diet.
    Orsoten may be given in combination with hypoglycemic agents and/or a moderately low-calorie diet in patients with diabetes type 2 overweight or obese.
  • Xenical

    A drug Xenical prescribed for:
    - long-term therapy of obese patients or overweight patients, incl. having obesity-associated risk factors, in combination with a moderately low-calorie diet;
    - in combination with hypoglycemic drugs (metformin, sulfonylurea derivatives and / or insulin) or a moderately hypocaloric diet in overweight or obese patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus.
  • XLS Professional Fat Burner

    A drug XL>S Professional Fat Binder on the plant-based to normalize weight. Promotes weight loss and figure improvement. Action:
    - normalizes digestion
    - reduces fluid retention in the body
    - burns excess fat, especially in the abdomen and thighs
    - normalizes blood circulation
  • Redews

    Redews recommended as: an additional source of tannins, bioflavonoids and polyphenols.
  • Lida Premium

    Indications for the use of the remedy Lida Premium are: aesthetic correction of body proportions for persons with a normal type of nutrition and weight; in a complex program for the treatment of cellulite; treatment of obesity of the first, second, third, fourth degree and overweight; correction of body weight of women after childbirth with the end of the period breastfeeding and aesthetic correction chest.
  • Chitosan Evalar

    Chitosan Evalar recommended as a dietary supplement for those who want to control their weight, as well as to cleanse the body of toxins and toxins allergic reactions, chronic and acute intoxications or for the purposes general health organism;
    And also: with atherosclerosis; to lower blood cholesterol levels; with type II diabetes mellitus, gout, osteoporosis; with dyskinesia of the biliary tract or colon, gallstone disease, intestinal atony, dysbacteriosis; with hypertension, coronary disease hearts; in oncological diseases.
  • Evalar BIO for appetite control

    Evalar BIO for appetite control recommended for weight loss, appetite control and fast elimination feelings of hunger.
  • Bodymarin

    A drug Bodymarin intended for prevention and complex treatment obesity (weight control and reduction of excess body weight), impaired cholesterol metabolism (atherosclerosis, hypercholesterolemia).
  • Hoodia

    Hoodia- a drug for comfortable weight loss and control of body proportions; to reduce appetite; as a source nutrients; for normalization metabolic processes; for the prevention of cellulite; to improve digestion; to achieve a lasting effect after weight loss.
  • Reduxin Light Strengthened formula

    Reduxin Light Strengthened formula recommended as a biologically active food supplement - a source of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), for weight loss, weight loss, appetite control.
  • Reduxin Met

    Reduxin Met recommended for weight loss in alimentary obesity with a body mass index of 27 kg/m2 or more in combination with type 2 diabetes mellitus and dyslipidemia.
  • Miracle 26 Lean Coffee

    Miracle 26 Lean Coffee an effective means to combat excess weight, promotes rapid and effective weight loss, as well as a decrease in appetite.
  • MCC

    MCC appoint and allow when:
    - obesity;
    - atherosclerosis;
    - diabetes;
    - ischemia;
    - intoxications (including food and heavy metals);
    - gastroenterological diseases;
    - as well as for effective prevention neoplasms.
    If your case is not on this list, it is better not to take MCC as a means for losing weight. After all, it is probably for this reason that some people who want to lose weight when taking microcrystalline cellulose do not lose their appetite at all. Although doctors say that this does not affect the healing effect of the drug.
  • Monastic collection for weight loss

    Monastery fee:
    - reduces appetite;
    - speeds up metabolism;
    - blocks calories;
    - blocks the formation of fats;
    - discourages cravings for food that is harmful to the figure;
    - stabilizes weight, preventing a person from recovering after the end of the treatment course.
  • Apetinol

    Indications for the use of capsules Apetinol are:
    - overweight and tendency to obesity;
    - increased appetite, the habit of "snacking" and late eating;
    - hyperphagic reaction to stress (“jamming” of stress);
    - holding low calorie diets(help reduce food intake).
  • Growsin

    Growsin promotes weight loss, breaks down and removes fats from the gastrointestinal tract, reduces appetite, suppresses hunger, lowers cholesterol levels in the blood and improves blood microcirculation, reduces the likelihood of thrombosis, promotes bowel movements.
  • Shapey

    Capsules Shapey recommended for overweight, hypercholesterolemia, metabolic disorders. Recommended for complex treatment of diabetes and obesity.
  • Orlistat

    A drug Orlistat used for weight loss in conjunction with a low-calorie diet.
  • Hoodia Slim

    Hoodia Slim used: for prevention overweight; as part of integrated programs for weight loss.
    Prevention of overweight is especially important with a hereditary predisposition to overweight body, sedentary manner life and unbalanced diet. The drug allows you to most comfortably switch to new mode nutrition when a strict diet is prescribed.
    Taking Hoodia Slim reduces appetite and hunger, especially "evening hunger" and hunger between main meals. The drug contributes to a smooth and safe weight loss, normalization of metabolic processes.
  • Hoodia Goji

    Hoodia Goji designed to reduce body weight and is an active fat burner.
  • Neuroslim

    A drug Neuroslim recommended for weight loss.
  • Porziola

    A drug Porziola recommended for:
    - weight loss,
    - maintaining a stable body weight,
    - prevention of excess body weight gain,
    - reduce food intake in the presence of overweight and obesity.
  • Slim On (Slim He)

    Product Slim On recommended for women who want to lose weight effectively and safely.
  • Turboslim Lose weight with taste

    Protein diet Turboslim Lose weight with taste created for those who decide to lose weight quickly, tasty and with visible result and lose up to minus 4 kilograms* of excess weight in 5 days.
  • Turboslim multivitamins

    Turboslim multivitamins It is recommended to take as an additional source of vitamins and minerals.
  • Tsefamadar

    Tsefamadar is intended for the treatment of overweight in alimentary obesity.
  • GrassFit

    Tablets GrassFit designed for weight loss.
  • Dietonica

    A drug Dietonics designed for fast and effective weight loss.
  • Citrimax

    Natural plant complex Citrimax created for effective reduction weight and body shaping.
  • Metabolic

    A drug Metabolic recommended to speed up the metabolic process, fat burning, appetite control, which leads to fast and safe weight loss.








  • Turboslim Alpha

  • Liprina

    Liprina recommended as a biological active additive to food for people who control body weight.
  • Turboslim tea

    Receiving tea Turboslim
  • lactomarin

  • Turboslim coffee

    Receiving coffee Turboslim with food relieves excess weight, strengthens the nervous system, improves immunity, restores the function of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Tropicana Slim. green coffee

    Tropicana Slim green coffee - biologically active food supplement. Recommended as an additional source of hydroxycinnamic acids, caffeine for people who control body weight.
  • Calorie Blocker Phase 2

    Calorie Blocker Phase 2 recommended for weight loss without changing the diet; to reduce the calorie content of food consumed; to make dieting easier.
  • Turboslim Coffee Cappuccino

    Turboslim Coffee Cappuccino Designed for safe and effective weight loss.
  • Lida

    Capsules Lida prescribed for overweight, swelling, bad exchange substances. The drug is appropriate for cleansing the body of toxins, to increase overall endurance, to overcome the effects of overeating, to stabilize the liver fat metabolism, as well as to reduce the subcutaneous fat layer.
  • Lida Maximum

    Capsules Lida Maximum are exclusively effective tool to get rid of excess fat. The most modest results were noted within 5-6 kg for 2 weeks of using the drug. In some cases, the result reaches up to 15-20 kg per month (for especially obese people).
  • Liquid Chestnut

    Liquid Chestnut It is recommended for use for effective weight loss, reducing appetite, normalizing digestion, burning and removing fats.
  • Dieton

    Dieton recommended for safe and effective weight loss.
  • Elavia Slim Balance

    Biologically active food supplement Elavia Slim Balance recommended as an additional source of flavonoids (catechins), caffeine.
  • Elavia Slim Express

    A drug Elavia Slim Express recommended for weight loss as a source of flavonoids, catechins, anthocyanins, tannins, caffeine.
    Elavia Slim Express helps to eliminate fatty deposits.
  • Elavia Slim Active

    Elavia Slim Active recommended for weight loss as a source of flavonoids (catechins, naringin, rutin), tannins.
  • Elavia Slim Intensive

    Elavia Slim Intensive recommended for use as a source of flavonoids (catechins, rutin, proanthocyanidins), hydroxycinnamic acids, caffeine.

Reduxin is a drug from the group of anorexigens, an indication for the use of which is alimentary obesity. The composition of the drug includes active substance sibutramine and microcrystalline cellulose.

The first affects the central nervous system, causing a feeling of fullness. The second fills the stomach, blocking the feeling of hunger. A person consumes less food without experiencing stress, as happens with strict diet. Therefore, reduxin is often taken for weight loss.

The drug reduxin is a medicine with an impressive list of contraindications. It should not be taken if there are problems with the kidneys, heart, liver, during pregnancy, during breastfeeding, in childhood. The Russian-made drug is banned in a number of European countries and the USA, but judging by the reviews of those who are losing weight, the remedy is popular in our country.

The high price for tablets is another disadvantage of reduxin. A package with 30 capsules costs 1900 rubles, and 90 capsules - 6300. A suitable replacement for a cheap weight loss drug is often sought among imported substitutes or Russian synonyms.

Analogues of Russian production

The table contains the answer to the query "Reducin analogues are cheaper" among the drugs from a domestic manufacturer.

Name of the drug Average price in rubles Characteristic
Reduxin Met 1900–6500 The drug is an improved modification of reduxin and has similar composition medicines.

The difference is the presence of metformin in tablets, which has sugar-reducing and fat-burning properties.

Therefore, the drug is prescribed in the treatment of obesity aggravated by diabetes.

Reduxin Light 1050–3200 The tool is not a medicine, it belongs to the category of biologically active food supplements.

Effective cheap substitute drug reduxin.

The active substance is linoleic acid, which successfully reduces the process of fat deposition.

Reduxin Light (strengthened formula) 1500–4000 A synonym for reduxin from the category of dietary supplements.

Based on the reviews of losing weight, these pills actively reduce appetite, and weight loss is faster.

Goldline Plus 1270–3920 Russian medicine for the treatment of obesity based on sibutramine and microcrystalline cellulose.

It is the best analogue of reduxin from a domestic manufacturer.

Turboslim 250–590 A line of products that are an auxiliary dietary supplement for weight loss.

Release form - tablets, capsules, creams, cocktails, bars, syrups, teas, granules, chewing sweets.

Inexpensive close substitute for reduxin light.

According to the manufacturers, turboslim improves the nervous system, optimizes the digestion process, and improves immunity.

Ukrainian substitutes

Among Ukrainian-made medicines, you can also find a drug that will help answer the question of how to replace reduxin.

  • Stifimol. Release form - capsules. The main component in the tablets is an extract of Garcinia Cambogia, which has long been known for its dietary function. Taking the drug reduces cholesterol, reduces appetite, regulates the absorption of glucose. The average price is 560–750 rubles.

Belarusian generics

The table contains a list of Belarusian generics of reduxin, which are actively used in the treatment of obesity, or in a set of measures for losing weight.

Name of the drug Average price in rubles Characteristic
Carnitine 320–730 The drug corrects metabolic processes in the body, activates fat metabolism.
Collection diuretic 30–150 The cheapest vegetable composition effective for weight loss.

The collection helps the body to quickly remove excess liquid, relieves edema, favorably affects metabolic processes.

It contains lingonberry leaves, corn silk, Birch buds, centaury, hellebore, bearberry, horsetail, dill, burdock roots.

Green coffee dietary supplement with ginger 350–500 Biologically active food supplement used for weight loss.

Other foreign analogues

Modern imported analogues of reduxin can be found in the category of cheaper drugs, as well as among expensive drugs. Consider the most effective of them.

  • Lindax. Anorexigenic drug designed to enhance the feeling of satiety. The country of origin is the Czech Republic. The average price is 1700–6800 rubles.
  • Slimia. The drug is manufactured in India. The cheapest imported analogue reduxin. It is made on the basis of sibutramine and is available in capsules. Applies only to medical purposes in the treatment of obesity. The average price is 140–350 rubles.
  • Meridia. The drug for weight loss, acts as an appetite regulator. The country of origin is Germany. The average price is 2500-3500 rubles.
  • Zelix. The cure for obesity. Country of origin - Poland. The average price is 1800–2500 rubles.
  • Waist. The product is available in the form of capsules. Belongs to the group of anorexigens. The country of origin is India. The average price is 780–950 rubles.

Sibutramine and its analogues are powerful psychotropic substances that can depress the central nervous system. Causing a narcotic effect, these pills can cause addiction in patients.

There are examples deaths after independent course these drugs in order to get rid of "extra" weight.

Please note that taking anorexigens for the aesthetic purpose of weight loss is strictly prohibited. Fat-burning drugs can only be used to treat obesity, strictly as directed by a doctor.

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Reduxin is a drug for the treatment of obesity. Due to its high price, many have to look for analogues in pharmacies in order to reduce costs.

Reduksin - description and indications

The drug Reduxin belongs to the group of drugs for weight loss with central mechanism actions. It is produced in the form of tablets, produced in Russia by the Ozone company. The composition includes 15 mg of sibutramine, 153.5 mg of microcrystalline cellulose. The cost of 30 capsules is 1700 rubles.

In composition and group, the drug Reduxin Met differs from Reduxin.

In Reduxin Met, which belongs to the biguanide hypoglycemic drugs, in addition to sibutramine, cellulose is added. It - unique medicine, the packaging of which contains tablets and capsules with different components (metformin is separated into a separate form). A box of such a drug 30 + 60 tablets costs 2800 rubles.

Under the Reduxin brand, another product from the dietary supplement group is also produced - Reduxin Light Reinforced formula, designed for losing weight. The difference between the means is cardinal, because Reduxin Light has the following composition:

The pharmacological action of Reduxin is due to the presence of sibutramine. This substance increases the content special elements in the body, due to which the activity of serotonin, adrenergic receptors increases. This causes a decrease in appetite, the appearance of a feeling of satiety. The substance also affects adipose tissue, provokes a decrease in cholesterol, triglycerides, uric acid.

Metformin in Reduxin Met reduces the effects of hyperglycemia, while not stimulating insulin production. The substance also helps to normalize fat metabolism, reduce blood cholesterol. Indications for taking drugs are the same:

The drug Reduxin Light has the same indications, and also serves additional source linoleic acid.

Contraindications, negative effects

Before starting treatment, it is better to clarify in advance the contraindications and side effects of Reduxin. You can not take the drug for allergies, intolerance to the components. There will be no effect from the reception, and harm is also possible when serious reasons obesity:

Among the list of contraindications is anorexia, bulimia - with such disorders, the medicine can only do harm, causing even greater appetite disorders. Other treatment restrictions include:

The tool can be harmful in case of heart pathologies - coronary artery disease, insufficiency of function, arrhythmias. You can not drink it with a stroke.

Side effects usually develop at the very beginning of therapy, in the first month, and then disappear or weaken. Most often these include dry mouth, headaches and dizziness. Many people have a change in taste, paresthesias are observed. The heart often reacts with tachycardia, increased pressure, and increased heart rate. Nausea, constipation, itching of the skin, changes in blood composition may also appear.

Instructions for use

Reduxin is enough to drink once / day, but the dose is set individually. To clarify tolerance, you should first drink the minimum dosage with a gradual increase. Treatment with Reduxin is carried out in the morning, without chewing, drink a tablet with a full glass of water.

In parallel, you can eat or take the drug on an empty stomach - the effectiveness will not change.

The initial dose is 10 mg, if side effects immediately occur, the dose is reduced to 5 mg.

With Reduxin therapy for a month, body weight regression should be at least 5%. Otherwise, add a dose of up to 15 mg or more. The course lasts 3 months, after which you can take a break. You can continue taking only with a stable positive response to therapy. Maximum duration receiving Reduksin - 2 years.

Reduxin Met is taken in this way:

After 2-3 weeks, you can increase the dosage of metformin to 2 tablets, maximum dose- 2550 mg / day. The total duration of therapy is 1 year, no more. Reduxin Light drink 2 capsules / day to control weight, 6 capsules - for serious weight loss. Treatment is carried out with meals, the course is 2 months.

Drug analogues

There are a number of analogues of the drug without a prescription, and only some of them are cheaper. Sibutramine-based products are quite expensive due to the complexity of production. There are also a number of drugs similar action that differ in composition. Here is a list of popular tools:

It is possible to replace Reduxin with a drug with a different active substance only after the approval of the new course by the attending physician.

goldline plus

Goldline - no more cheap drug, but is prescribed no less often, since Reduxin is often not available in pharmacies. He is complete structural analogue Reduxin, contains sibutramine (15 mg), cellulose (153.5 mg). Producer - Izvarino LLC.

Combined remedy, Goldline helps to achieve faster satiety and reduce the need for food.

Cellulose enhances the effect of the treatment. It serves as a sorbent, binding toxins, decay products, and is considered a good detoxifying component. It is cellulose that helps to remove metabolites that are responsible for the development of endogenous toxicosis.


This is another remedy based on sibutramine (10-15 mg) and cellulose (95.5 mg). As can be seen, there is a reduced amount of sorbent in comparison with Reduxin. The drug is available in the form of gelatin capsules. Its price is 1400 rubles. Like analogues, Slimia is widely recommended for the treatment of obesity, not provoked organic causes. as an element complex therapy, Slimia is indicated for the following conditions:

It is forbidden to be treated with Slimia for anorexia, bulimia, mental disorders, systemic tics, taking drugs that act on the central nervous system, with serious pathologies hearts. Additionally, in contraindications, the manufacturer indicates prostate adenoma, glaucoma, adrenal tumors. Dose per day - 5-15 mg. In case of an overdose, respiratory and cardiac disorders may occur.


This medicine is also used as a remedy for obesity, but has a different active substance and works in a different way. It contains orlistat, an inhibitor of lipases in the gastrointestinal tract. The price of the medicine is 850 rubles / 21 capsules. Xenical works for a long time, being localized in the stomach, small intestine. It prevents specific enzymes from breaking down fats into fatty acid, monoglycerides. Unsplit fats cannot be absorbed, as a result, food loses calories, body weight decreases.

Weight loss is observed after 2 weeks from the start of treatment. Side effects usually occur at the beginning of therapy and relate to the gastrointestinal tract - diarrhea develops, appear oily discharge from the rectum, gases, frequent urges to defecation. There may be pain in the abdomen. Later, such phenomena pass. Indications of the drug:

Xenical is contraindicated in cholestasis, malabsorption syndrome. It should also not be taken by pregnant or lactating women.

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