Is it possible to drink tsetrin and suprastin together. List of cheaper structural analogues. Suprastin storage conditions

Briefly, first-generation antihistamines are characterized by a powerful anti-allergic effect and a pronounced side effect in the form of drowsiness.

Modern remedies for allergies and belonging to the 2nd generation do not have the same consequences as those of Suprastin. And yes, they are much more expensive. These drugs include Loratadine. If we compare Suprastin and Cetrin, then the results obtained will differ little from the table above. Doctors believe that Cetrin is more suitable for home use.

Not everyone is well helped by the same remedy. Cetrin belongs to the group of selective (selective) antihistamines, which are also called histamine blockers. The syrup is often referred to as "children's Cetrin" because it is this form that is used to treat allergy symptoms in a child.

In this case, “Cetrin drops” = “Cetrin syrup”, that is, we are talking about the same dosage form, just named differently. Tablets and syrup contain the active ingredient cetirizine. The dosage of cetirizine in one tablet is 10 mg, and in syrup - 1 mg per 1 ml. Therefore, if you need to take Cetrin in small doses (less than 10 mg), it is better to use syrup rather than tablets.

Tsetrin refers to the second. The first generation of antihistamines (Suprastin, Tavegil, Diazolin, Fenistil, etc.) has a non-selective effect on receptors. The therapeutic effects of Cetrin are due to the active substance - cetirizine, which is a blocker of histamine receptors. In addition, Cetrin reduces the amount of released histamine and reduces the migration of eosinophils to the site of an allergic reaction.

Cetrin also has a general anti-inflammatory effect, inhibiting the production of cytokines that support the inflammatory response. In the same way, Cetrin suppresses the development of an allergic skin reaction in people suffering from urticaria and dermographism. Elderly people who do not suffer from kidney disease can take Cetrin at the usual adult dosage.

Adults should refrain from drinking alcohol while using Cetrin. When treating an overdose, first of all, gastric lavage is performed to remove drug residues from the body. Children can take the drug in the form of tablets only from the age of 6. Since the drug can lead to the development of drowsiness, any activity that requires a high concentration of attention and speed of reactions should also be avoided.

Hemodialysis should not be performed as this procedure is not effective in removing Cetrin from the blood. Cetrin is allowed to be used in children from 2 years of age. From 2 to 6 years old, Cetrin is allowed to be used exclusively in the form of a syrup, and after 6 years old children can also take tablets. Removing the painful itching, Cetrin normalizes the child's sleep and indirectly prevents the development of skin infections.

That is why doctors talk about the ability of Cetrin to prevent atopic march in young children. If the child has impaired renal function, then the daily dosage of Cetrin should be reduced by half. Doctors recommend using Cetrin syrup for children, since it is more convenient to dose it, and it is better perceived by the child.

Both syrup and Cetrin tablets are contraindicated for use during pregnancy and during lactation. When breastfeeding, the drug passes into the mother's milk in large doses. That is why Cetrin is prohibited for use by pregnant women and nursing mothers.

The duration of the use of Cetrin depends on a number of factors, the determining of which is the severity and nature of the course of an allergic disease. Doctors recommend taking Cetrin for prevention throughout the entire period of the presence of a potential allergen in the surrounding space.

Cetrin can also be used to treat bronchial asthma as a basic antihistamine in combination with other drugs. Tablets and syrup Cetrin have exactly the same side effects, which appear mainly from the central nervous system. Relative contraindications to the use of Cetrin are renal failure and advanced age.

How to take Cetrin tablets

Synonyms of Cetrin include antihistamines, which also contain cetirizine as an active ingredient. Most of the reviews about Cetrin are positive, since the drug helps to eliminate allergy symptoms quickly and for a long time. Many people note that they switched to Cetrin tablets after using Parlazin or Zodak, which are also effective, but are much more expensive.

A large number of antihistamines on the pharmaceutical market sometimes puts the consumer into a stupor. You always want to make such a choice so that the money is not spent in vain, and health recovers quickly. Consider some antiallergic drugs and find out all their good and bad sides. However, this is not always possible to do, and then you have to decide how to stop the production of histamine.

However, it is recommended to carefully combine the simultaneous use of Cetrin tablets and drugs with a sedative effect. The drug Cetrin is an antihistamine that is designed to eliminate the symptoms of an allergic reaction in children and adults. Cetrin in the domestic pharmaceutical market has both analogues and synonyms.

"Cetirizine": analogues, their comparison and reviews

Various pharmaceutical companies are engaged in the production of modern medicines. The same drug may have a different trade name and differ in use. Today's article will help you learn about the drug "Cetirizine". Analogues of this medicine in different forms will be presented for your review.

The drug "Cetirizine": reviews

Reviews of drugs are good. The undoubted advantage is the absence of a sedative effect, which many other antihistamines give. Taking "Cetirizine", you can not give up your usual lifestyle: do important work and drive a car. Patients are also satisfied with the convenient application. You only need to take the tablets once a day. This fact pleases busy people, as many of them usually forget to take the next portion of the medicine.

Tablets "Cetirizine", the composition of which is represented by the substance cetirizine hydrochloride (10 mg), should not be given to children under 6 years of age. Drops are suitable for children from one year old. The use of the drug is contraindicated in kidney diseases, during pregnancy and lactation.

Popular "Cetrin"

The current drug based on cetirizine hydrochloride is Cetrin. It is available in the form of tablets and syrup. The cost of 20 capsules is 200 rubles, which gives reason to call the medicine expensive. This drug should not be taken by patients with lactase deficiency. Tablets are intended for adults and children from 6 years. The syrup can be used with two. Any kind of drug "Cetrin" is prohibited during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Consumers are wondering: "Cetirizine" or "Cetrin" - which is better? It is quite difficult to answer it, since the medicines are almost the same. "Cetrin" is a running, proven and expensive drug. "Cetirizine" is a cheaper remedy. An important difference between antihistamine drugs is the use in pediatrics. "Cetirizine" can be used in children from one year old, and "Cetrin" only from two years old. The rest of the medicines are identical.

Zyrtec or Zodak?

The medicines "Zirtek" and "Zodak" are no less in demand. For those and the drug "Cetirizine" instructions for use are the same. These funds have similar indications and contraindications. The cost of Zodak tablets is 160 rubles, and Zirtek costs 250 rubles.

A distinctive feature of the "Zodak" is that the tablets are available in a lower dosage (5 mg). Drops can be used from 6 months. The drug "Zirtek" in liquid form is used for children from the age of one.

First generation substitutes

The drug "Cetirizine" contraindications is not as voluminous as the first generation antihistamines. Such medications should not be taken for glaucoma, prostate adenoma, some pathologies of the bladder, diseases of the lower respiratory tract. The most popular remedies include: "Suprastin", "Tavegil", "Dimedrol", "Diazolin". Unlike tablets "Cetirizine", indications for the use of these medicines are emergency cases. Many of them are available in the form of a solution for injection.

What unites the drug "Cetirizine", analogues of the first generation is that these drugs have an antihistamine effect. The cost of drugs differs. Many of these antihistamine substitutes are cheaper. The disadvantages of such medicines can be called:

  • the need to apply several times a day (usually three times a day is recommended);
  • forced refusal to perform important work and drive vehicles;
  • pronounced sedative effect;
  • impossibility of long-term use.

The substance loratadine and medicines based on it

"Loratadin" or "Cetirizine" - which is better? To answer this question, it is necessary to conduct a comparative analysis of medicines.

"Loratadin" - tablets with the same active ingredient. The cost of the drug is from 30 to 100 rubles and depends on the manufacturer. The antihistamine belongs to the second generation. The drug acts by analogy with the tablets "Cetirizine". However, these tools have differences. Which drug to buy for the treatment of allergies: "Loratadine" or "Cetirizine"?

  • What is best for a small child? Children under 2 years of age are not prescribed any of the drugs presented. After 2 years, preference can be given to anyone.
  • With an allergic reaction to insect bites, Loratadin copes better. If you carefully study the leaflet of the tablets "Cetirizine", the instruction does not include this indication at all.
  • If treatment is necessary for the expectant mother, then Loratadin tablets are preferred. It is important to take the drug as directed by your doctor.
  • It is unacceptable to combine "Cetirizine" with alcohol. If you have drunk alcohol and suddenly there is a need for an antiallergic agent, then it is better to use Loratadin.

Which allergy medicine to choose?

You already know how the instruction describes the drug "Cetirizine". Popular analogues of this drug have also become known to you. So what medicine to choose, so as not to be mistaken?

To achieve a positive result in the treatment of an allergic reaction, you should consult a specialist. The doctor will select the appropriate drug for you after the examination. Depending on the complaints, the effectiveness of different means will vary:

  • In case of emergency therapy, severe edema or shock, first-generation agents are used. They cannot be used for a long time, therefore, the treatment of such pathologies as hay fever or rhinorrhea is not justified by these means. As soon as the patient feels better, they try to replace the first generation medicines with others.
  • Medicines "Zodak" and "Zirtek" are often used for children. They are prescribed for allergies caused by nutrition, vaccination. They can also be used in the complex treatment of ENT diseases: otitis, sinusitis, sinusitis.
  • "Cetirizine" and "Cetrin" are more often used in the treatment of adult patients. These drugs show a good result in allergies, accompanied by swelling of the mucous membranes and redness.

Reviews of antiallergic drugs are formed very different. One person was approached by such a drug, and the other - a different one. You should not rely on the experience of your friends and acquaintances, using the medicine recommended by them. Remember that the body of each person is individual.

Let's summarize

Second-generation antihistamines, led by the drug Cetirizine, are a success. These medicines are approved for long-term use. Some medicines can be used for years. "Cetirizine" and its analogues have a minimum of contraindications. These histamine receptor blockers rarely cause side effects. The drugs are well tolerated by patients, are relatively inexpensive and are available commercially. If you suffer from allergies, you need to consult a doctor and find out which drug is right for you. Good health!

Cetrin tablets instructions for pregnancy, analogues for children

Cetrin (name in Latin "Cetrine") is a medicinal antihistamine. Antiallergic, antipruritic, stops muscle spasms.

The principle of operation is this: if the body irritates something, it releases the hormone histamine. Sometimes he confuses ordinary things (such as dust) with bacteria and it turns out allergies. And this tool acts as a blocker.

Pharmacologically called H1-histamine blocker.

These tablets are included in the group of vital drugs. Description, information on the use and dosage are in the insert. (material provided by the Wikipedia page)

From what pills, indications for use

Indications for use: allergic reactions that manifest as rhinitis, dermatitis, urticaria, edema and dermatitis. It is prescribed for colds, with symptoms of chickenpox, when you need to take antibiotics (for tonsillitis, for urticaria, joint diseases), allergic conjunctivitis.

  • It is also necessary to appoint when replacing the lens (for intraocular lenses), so that allergies do not occur.
  • Helps with allergies to animal hair. For example, cats. Effective for all types of allergies.
  • It can also be used in the treatment of asthma.
  • Cetrin ointment is used for eczema.

Composition, how much does it cost?

Release form: coated tablets, syrup. This is a 2nd generation antihistamine.

The tablet contains 10 mg of cetrizine dehydrochloride (the active ingredient is a metabolite of hydroxyzine) and additionally: lactose, povidone, magnesium stereate and corn starch. The shell also consists of excipients: talc, hypromellose, ascorbic acid, polysorbate and demitekon.

The composition of the syrup contains components such as sugar and water.

Produced in a cardboard box. Quantity - 20 tab. in a film sheath.

Manufacturer India. Shelf life 2 years. The average cost of tsetrin is 170 rubles. The Russian analogue is cetirizine.

Cetrin analogues are cheaper

What manufacturer can not be found on the market. Cetrin analogue can be found in any pharmacies. The most common allergy medicines: suprastin, loratadine, claritin, zodak, zyrtec (drops), tavegil, erius, diazolin, fenkarol, kestin. All these drugs are antihistamines, but there is no active ingredient, not everyone has the same. And another difference of these medicines in a generation. A more detailed and complete list by generation can be found on the Internet. These tablets like to be covered with a film.

The cheapest analogues can be noted Zodak, Letizen and cetirizine (Russian). Their prices are up to 100 rubles. How to replace the medicine should be decided by the doctor.

Suprastin or Tsetrin which is better to take?

Doctors recommend cetrin for home use, as it is not as strong. While suprastin is an old, proven drug, it belongs to the first generation and is more used if the patient is in the hospital. It blocks all receptors indiscriminately and it is not known what kind of reaction, whether it is an adult or a child. This way you can observe the patient's reaction.

On average, the effect of the drug will begin no less than an hour after ingestion. But it is worth considering each organism separately. One will help someone, and another will help someone.

What is better Tsetrin or Zodak?

The active substance of the drugs is the same. But the difference is in the release form. Zodak goes in drops. And many people say that it is more effective and faster acting. Zodak Czech production. But when taking, you need to take into account the age and reaction of the body to a particular drug.

Instructions for use Cetrin for adults

When using the drug, consult your doctor.

Adults should take one tablet daily with a glass of water. Drink before or during meals. And you can divide the dosage in half and drink half twice a day. With severe allergies, treatment requires a hospital.

Drinking pills during pregnancy and breastfeeding (lactation period) is contraindicated.

  • Give to children from the age of 6. The dose is the same as for an adult. 10 mg once a day.
  • Syrup can be given from the age of 2, but only as directed by a doctor. Give to drink 5 ml in the evening.
  • If you need to remove an acute allergic reaction, then the course of treatment is days.
  • For the treatment of dermatitis, they are taken without interruption from one to one and a half months.

In the form of tablets, they are taken from the age of 6. And as a syrup with 2x. Syrup has a one year shelf life.

Reviews of doctors

Cetrin belongs to the second generation drugs. This means that it selectively acts on receptors in the nervous system and does not injure it so much. Therefore, doctors can often recommend and point to cetrin, as well as prescribe it to both children and adults for home use. It is also convenient that the reception is needed only once a day. In the reviews there are many photos of what this drug looks like. And the same clearly shows what effects it gives.

Contraindications, overdose

Alcohol and antibiotic are not compatible with cetrinum. They depress the nervous system. Also, a contraindication is intolerance to the components and it is impossible for pregnant women.

In case of overdose, there may be drowsiness, nausea, dry mouth, constipation and panic conditions. An overdose is considered to be 50 mg.

Side effects

Unfortunately, there is often a side effect. These are drowsiness, swelling, allergic reactions, gastrointestinal upset and headaches.

What is stronger suprastin or tsetrin

Loratadine belongs to the new generation of antihistamines, it is enough to take the drug once a day to completely rid yourself of the manifestations of any allergy. The disadvantages of the tool can be attributed only to its relatively high cost. Perhaps it is better to replace Loratadine with analogues? Let's try to figure it out.

Features of antihistamine drugs

When an allergy occurs, our body reacts by releasing histamine, a hormone that is produced by the body, but for the time being does not manifest itself. Histamine, in turn, causes allergy symptoms that we are all familiar with:

You can stop allergies only by completely limiting contact with the allergen. If this is not possible, antihistamine drugs are prescribed, which block the H1 receptors and stop the release of histamine. As a result, manifestations of allergies become less. Loratidine belongs to the third generation selective histamine blockers, this is a new drug that is one of the best to date. If you want to save money, you can use the usual Diazolin or Suprastin. However, in this case, do not blame the large number of side effects.

Analogues and substitutes for the drug Loratadine

Which is better - Loratadin or Suprastin?

It is not difficult to answer this question, Loratadin is many times superior to its older counterpart. However, if you tolerate Suprastin well, it is quite possible to use it. The disadvantages of this medication include the need to take it 3-4 times a day, as well as a strong sedative effect. Driving during therapy with Suprastin is undesirable.

Which is better - Loratadine or Claritin?

Imported drug Claritin is very fond of prescribing doctors from private clinics. The effectiveness of the drug is indeed very high. In addition, it can be used during pregnancy, and this is important. But not everyone knows that Claritin is a synonym for Loratadine, these drugs have the same active ingredient. This means that the effect is identical. Despite the fact that the cost of Loratadine is also quite high, it is still significantly lower than that of Claritin, since the drug is produced by domestic factories.

Which is better - Loratadin or Cetrin?

Cetrin is also a product of the latest developments, the effect of this drug is very strong - the effect can persist for three days. Also, like Loratadine, Cetrin blocks H1 receptors responsible for the production of histamine, and it does this very quickly - already 20 minutes after taking the pill. The drug is contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation, and is not used to treat children under 6 years of age.

Which is better - Loratadine or Cetirizine?

Cetirizine is a domestic analogue of the foreign Cetrin. The regimen of the drug, indications for use and side effects are the same. The price is somewhat lower. The advantages include the absence of a detrimental effect on the respiratory system, which allows the use of the remedy for bronchitis and inflammation. It is not recommended to use the remedy for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Which is better - Loratadin or Diazolin?

Diazolin is the most popular allergy remedy and can be found in almost every first aid kit. The use of tablets is justified when you have minor symptoms, such as a runny nose. But if the desired effect is not achieved, it is better to give preference to a newer and more effective medicine. The disadvantages of Diazolin include the following factors:

  • low speed;
  • short-term effect;
  • drug-induced drowsiness.

Which is better - Tavegil, or Loratadin?

Tavegil also belongs to the drugs of the previous generation, however, in comparison with Suprastin and Diazolin, it is more effective. The drug should not be used by pregnant women.

The principle of action of antihistamine drugs

When the human immune system reacts to factors that irritate it, then at this moment the body begins to produce a protective hormone - histamine. The receptors that produce it are called H1. Sometimes the process gets out of control, as the defense confuses the most common phenomena with the real enemies of the body (bacteria and viruses), such as industrial dust, some food, plant pollen, etc. Trying to overcome such an “enemy”, the immune system shows very violent activity, as a result, all of it is manifested by different symptoms:

Such manifestations stop only after the elimination of contact with the irritant. However, this can not always be done, and then you have to decide how to stop the production of histamine. Antihistamine drugs are designed to block H1 receptors. Existing antiallergic drugs today are not a small choice. However, each of them has its own good or bad properties. Therefore, you need to choose based on several factors: availability, duration of action, the absence of undesirable consequences and other individual characteristics.

Loratadin and Suprastin - which is better

Suprastin is an effective antihistamine. The drug has been used for a long time and has proven itself well, and besides, it has an affordable price. This is the first generation of antiallergic drugs. It is allowed for children from 1 month old, but, since it is available in tablets, it is recommended for babies to crush them and give them with some food. There is also an injectable form, which is very useful if you need an urgent introduction of the drug into the body. The medicine cannot overdose if it is used for a long time, as it is well excreted from the body.

Suprastin has some more useful properties:

  • the possibility of relieving symptoms in non-allergic rhinitis (sneezing, nasal congestion, discharge of liquid mucus, mucosal edema);
  • local anesthesia;
  • anti-sickness and antiemetic;
  • removal of itching;
  • mild sedative.

Suprastin has a not too good side effect, it dries the mucous membranes, and everything would be fine, but the sputum in the lungs also dries up and becomes viscous. And in the presence of a cold and cough, this is already a bad property. Also, these pills have a sedative effect, that is, after taking them, people may want to sleep. In the case of children, this, of course, is not so important, but for drivers or conveyor line workers at a factory, for example, it becomes a big minus.

Modern remedies for allergies and belonging to the 2nd generation do not have the same consequences as those of Suprastin. That is, they do not cause drowsiness and the mucous membrane does not dry out, but there is a cardiotoxic effect. And yes, they are much more expensive. These drugs include Loratadine.

Loratadine is not allowed to be given to children under two years of age, as the drug has a negative effect on the cardiovascular and gastrointestinal system of babies.

To make it easier to compare these two drugs, we will display all the data in a table.

When comparing drugs, it should be borne in mind that each may have intolerance in some people, and disorders in the liver or kidneys may be contraindications to use. It is better to clarify all points with a doctor.

Suprastin or Cetrin - which is better

Cetrin, like Loratadine, is a 2nd generation antihistamine. In its composition, the drug contains the substance cetirizine, which acts similarly to loratadine. However, the medicinal effect begins, in most cases, an hour after consumption. If we compare Suprastin and Cetrin, then the results obtained will differ little from the table above. Doctors believe that Cetrin is more suitable for home use. As for Suprastin, because of its more potent properties, it has proven itself well when used within the walls of hospitals, where doctors can control the relief of acute allergies. Because sometimes even more expensive products help worse.

When choosing a drug, it is necessary to keep in mind the individuality and age characteristics of each person. Not everyone is well helped by the same remedy.

This drug is available in the form of white tablets and a clear white liquid - syrup. For the treatment of children, syrup is more often used.

The composition of the tablets includes the active substance cetirizine, auxiliary components - magnesium stearate, corn starch, lactose and povidone.

The composition of the syrup includes the active substance cetirizine, auxiliary components - sucrose, sodium edetate, sodium citrate, glycerin, sorbitol, natural fruit flavor.

One tablet of the drug contains 10 mg of cetirizine, 1 ml of syrup - 1 mg. If you need to take a small dosage, then the syrup is more comfortable to use, because it contains a measuring spoon. And the tablet is not always possible to split into equal exact shares.

The drug "Cetrin": instructions, price

The cost of medicine in tablets (for one pack of 10 pills) is 215 rubles. The price of syrup (60 ml bottle) is 130 rubles.

Tablets and syrup are taken orally strictly according to the instructions of the drug. Children from two to six years of age are prescribed medicine only in the form of syrup.

Therapy with this drug lasts no more than two weeks. The daily dosage of syrup for children from two to six years old is from 5 to 10 ml, divided into several times, often into two - for taking in the morning and evening; for children over six years old and adults - 10 ml, divided into two doses - in the morning and in the evening.

The dose of medicine in tablets for adults is one 10 mg pill to be taken in the evening, for children - one 10 mg tablet is divided into two doses, half a tablet (5 mg each) in the morning and evening.

Therapeutic properties of the drug "Cetrin"

Cetirizine is a histamine blocker that contributes to the onset of signs of allergy - skin itching, redness of the skin, a small rash, swelling of the skin and internal tissues. Therefore, blocking these substances, the drug "Cetrin" inhibits any possibility for allergies to develop at the cellular level, and therefore reduces swelling, possible pain, unbearable itching.

Along with the function of blocking histamines, this medicine relieves inflammation in the focus of allergic manifestations.

This drug affects the signs of allergies, both external and internal. The antihistamine begins its effect twenty minutes after its administration, the relief effect lasts for a whole day, after which the therapy is continued again.

To summarize, we should focus on the fact that the remedy "Cetrin" (a cheap analogue should also have these properties) removes itching, affecting at the cellular level, relieves tissue swelling, inflammation.

It is prescribed for frequent colds caused by allergens, allergic conjunctivitis, eczema, urticaria, hay fever, bronchial asthma, in the treatment of dermatoses with severe itching, Quincke's edema.

This medicine belongs to the group of second-generation antihistamines, which have a smaller list of side effects on the human body than first-generation anti-allergens. However, the drug "Cetrin" is an imperfect remedy for allergies, more gentle medicines are third-generation antihistamines. You need to know about this.

Side effects of the drug include drowsiness, dizziness, frequent headaches, digestive disorders, bloating, and the drug can cause itching and urticaria, therefore, it is not suitable for every patient.

Synonymous drugs that replace the syrup "Cetrin"

A solution of "Cetrin" in the form of a syrup infusion can be replaced with drugs similar in composition to it. These are synonyms. Their cost is not lower than the original drug. These include syrups "Zetrinal", "Zintset", "Geksal", as well as "Zodak", the price of which ranges from 130 to 200 rubles.

What is the best synonym for medicine?

Despite the fact that all synonyms are identical to the original, there is still a small difference in them. In synonyms, the concentration of cetirizine is less. But this does not affect their effectiveness in any way, so you can use any that suits the price.

Cheap analogues of syrup

From inexpensive substitutes for the drug "Cetrin", containing other active anti-allergic substances in its composition, you can choose the following syrups: "Loratadin", costs 100 rubles, "Ketotifen", its price is 86 rubles, and "Erolin", it can be bought for 110 rubles .

For example, the drug "Cetrin" cheap analogue - syrup "Ketotifen" - contains ketotifen fumarate, which also has an antihistamine and anti-inflammatory effect on allergy foci.

It is prescribed for allergic rhinitis, bronchial asthma, dermatitis, urticaria, conjunctivitis. May cause headache, affect inhibition reactions, may cause drowsiness.

It is used to treat both adults and children.

Synonymous drugs that replace the tablets "Cetrin"

Medicines-synonyms in the form of tablets are not cheaper than the original remedy. These include tablets "Alerza", "Cetirinaks", "Parlazin", "Levocetirizine", "Zodak", the price of which ranges from 190 to 300 rubles. There are drugs and cheaper.

So, from a fairly wide list of replacements for the Cetrin drug, the synonymous medicine Allertec, the price of which is 160 rubles, is by far the most in demand. It is good for chronic and seasonal allergic reactions.

Cheap analogues of tablets

There are, of course, also means that repeat the properties of the effect on the human body, which are indicated by the instructions for the Cetrin preparation. Their price is lower. These include Loratadin tablets, they cost 60 rubles, Ketotifen capsules and tablets, they can be bought for 90 rubles, and Erolin tablets, which cost 195 rubles.

For example, Loratadin tablets contain the active substance loratadine, which has the same properties as cetirizine, namely, it relieves inflammation, blocks histamines, and prevents skin itching.

They are prescribed for allergic rhinitis, urticaria, dermatosis, accompanied by severe itching, hay fever, Quincke's edema. Suitable for the treatment of adults and children.

Medicines "Tavegil", "Suprastin", "Diazolin"

Often, the drug "Cetrin" is put on a par with these drugs. They belong to the class of antihistamine drugs, but have a longer list of side effects. These drugs were created long before "Cetrin", that is, they are included in the group of first-generation antihistamines. And the drug in question is an improved modification of them.

Let's take a look at each of these drugs. The drug "Tavegil" (tablets) includes clemastine, which is active in relation to the inhibition of histamines. It is prescribed for mosquito bites, urticaria, dermatoses, drug allergies, allergic rhinitis. Means "Tavegil" (tablets) costs 180 rubles, is more suitable for the treatment of adults, has a large number of contraindications. Therefore, it is better to still use the medicine "Cetrin".

The drug "Suprastin" (tablets) has a larger list of side effects, however, it has a stronger anti-allergic property compared to the "Cetrin" remedy.

Since it is a strong antihistamine, it is more often prescribed by doctors to patients who are treated in a hospital and undergo daily medical examinations. Since this drug is the cause in many cases of dryness of the respiratory mucosa, the treatment of allergic reactions with it goes into the treatment of bronchitis or tonsillitis. This first-generation antihistamine causes drowsiness and has a strong effect on the central nervous system, up to confusion. The medicine "Suprastin" (tablets) costs 120 rubles.

If the tablets "Tavegil" and "Suprastin" are prescribed in rare cases, then "Diazolin" is very often, even today, when there are many more gentle drugs. It is used in the treatment of both adults and children. Attract to a greater extent not only the properties thereof, but also the price of the drug "Diazolin". Reviews of those who use it note the speed of its effect on the human body, even with the most complex allergic manifestations. There is a package of tablets "Diazolin" 50 rubles.

Never prescribe antihistamines to yourself, this should be done by a doctor, having a reliable diagnosis before his eyes.

Description of the medicinal substance

The active substance cetirizine, an analogue of other antihistamines, has an antiallergic effect. The medicine is available in the form of tablets, suspensions and drops. The liquid preparation is more often intended for use in pediatrics, but can also be used by adult patients. The active substance cetirizine hydrochloride reaches its maximum concentration in the body in an hour after taking it. Its action is long-lasting. Within 10 hours, the dose taken is only halved, which indicates a long therapeutic effect.

Preparations, which include such a component as cetirizine (analogues), have an antipruritic effect, relieve swelling, eliminate hyperemia and rash. Their use is advisable for allergic rhinitis, conjunctivitis, hay fever, urticaria, dermatitis and dermatosis.

The drug "Cetirizine": reviews

The drug "Cetirizine" in the form of tablets costs about 70 rubles. Drops cost more than rubles. A medicine with this trade name is produced by Russian, Vietnamese, Swiss and other foreign companies. The domestic remedy is the cheapest of all.

Cetrin is a drug from the group of antihistamines that eliminates the symptoms of allergies in itching, sneezing, profuse lacrimation in children and adults.

Unlike cheaper analogues of the 1st generation, Cetrin acts selectively and manifests pronounced anti-allergic properties without inhibiting the functioning of the central nervous system.

The medicine is used to eliminate allergy symptoms from the age of 2: a dosage form is presented especially for children - a syrup for internal use. Tablets are recommended for adults.

Cetrin is a representative of the second generation of antiallergic drugs, which are characterized by the following features:

  • Less sedative effect on the central nervous system.
  • Selective effect on receptors.
  • Adverse reactions in the form of drowsiness and other side effects are less pronounced than when using 1st generation medications.
  • At the same time, antihistamine properties are also manifested to a lesser extent compared with representatives of the 1st generation.

The active substance is ceterizine, which blocks histamine, which provokes allergic reactions in the form of itching, swelling, rash, redness.

Syrup and tablets are indicated for patients with:

  • Bronchial asthma.
  • Eczema.
  • Skin itching provoked by any conditions (with the exception of cholestasis).
  • Dermatoses accompanied by intense itching: with neurodermatitis, atopic dermatitis.
  • Seasonal and year-round runny nose.
  • Allergic conjunctivitis.
  • Pollinoses.
  • Quincke's edema.
  • Urticaria of any origin.

The medicine is used regardless of the meal, washed down with water. The syrup is allowed to patients from 2 years old, and tablets - from 6.

The active substance acts for a long time, so it is enough to use the medicine once a day, before going to bed.

During treatment with Cetrin, it is forbidden to drink alcohol. It is also recommended to refrain from activities that require increased concentration.

The average duration of use is up to 1 month.

When the allergy is transformed into a chronic form, the doctor may recommend a longer intake of Cetrin (up to six months).

The medicine is not intended for self-medication, prior consultation with a doctor is required.

Contraindications and side effects

Instructions for use states that Cetrin is not recommended for use in case of intolerance to the active substance, during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

It is also necessary to take into account the age restrictions for each of the dosage forms.

List of cheaper structural analogues

The cost of Tsetrin in April 2018 is formed as follows:

  1. Tablets 10 mg, 20 pcs. - from 160 rubles.
  2. Tablets 10 mg, 30 pcs. - from 240 rubles.

List of more budgetary generics of the drug:

  • "Cetirizine" (tab. Replekpharm) - the Russian analogue is cheaper, from 50 rubles. for 20 pcs.
  • "Cetirizin-Teva" - from 110 rubles. for 20 pcs.
  • "Cetirizine" (Vertex) - from 110 rubles. for 20 pcs.
  • "Cetirizine" (Sandoz) - an analogue cheaper than Cetrin, from 70 rubles. for 10 pcs.
  • "Letizen" - from 100 rubles. for 10 pcs.
  • "Cetirizin DS" (Vietnam) - an inexpensive substitute, from 70 rubles. for 10 pcs.

List of inexpensive substitutes with a different active ingredient

As cheaper analogues of Cetrin with other active ingredients, the doctor may suggest the use of:

When choosing a suitable medicine, it is necessary to pay attention to age restrictions, tolerability of the drug, the active substance and its concentration.

Patients with a history of other diseases (especially chronic ones) should pay attention to the possible drug interaction of the antihistamine with the active substances of drugs from other pharmacological groups.

Preparations to replace Tsetrin for children

As analogues of Cetrin for children, a pediatrician may recommend the use of drops for internal administration with the same active ingredient:

  • "Zodak" - from 200 rubles. for 30 ml;
  • "Cetirizine" Sandoz German production - from 235 rubles. for 20 ml;
  • "Parlazin" - from 266 rubles per 20 ml;
  • "Zirtek" - from 328 rubles per 10 ml.

As substitutes with another active ingredient, it is recommended to discuss the possibility of using syrups:

  • "Erius" (485 rubles per 60 ml);
  • "Loratadin" (125 rubles per 100 ml);
  • "Claritin" (239 rubles for 60 ml);
  • and drops "Fenistil" (417 rubles per 20 ml).

Cetrin or Loratadine

Loratadine - like Cetrin, a 2nd generation drug, but with a different active ingredient, which is used for seasonal allergic rhinitis, conjunctivitis, urticaria, edema.

Helps to eliminate allergies provoked by food, dermatoses. Syrup is used for treatment, adults are recommended to take regular or soluble tablets.

The drug begins to act after 15 minutes and remains effective for 24 hours. Reception is carried out once a day.

Loratadine has more dosage forms than Ceterizine, which allows you to choose the right remedy for each category of patients, but it is not recommended to take an analog during pregnancy.

If necessary, use during breastfeeding should stop breastfeeding.

Simultaneous medication with alcohol and some antibiotics (Erythromycin and
Rifampicin) is not prohibited, but reduces the antiallergic effect of the tablets.

If the patient does not want to overpay, preference should be given to Loratadin - it is two times cheaper than Cetrin.

Zodak or Tsetrin - which is better?

Zodak - a drug that is produced in the Czech Republic, is an exact structural analogue of Cetrin.

Both antihistamines are representatives of the 2nd generation, do not provoke the development of unwanted side reactions in the form of drowsiness and depression of the central nervous system.

The list of indications, contraindications and undesirable side reactions for drugs is similar, before starting use, you must carefully study the instructions.

Zodak is presented in the form of drops, tablets and syrup for internal use. The medicine is prescribed for allergic rhinitis, dermatoses, urticaria, hay fever.

The therapeutic effect develops within 20 minutes and lasts for 24 hours. Unlike Tsetrin, Zodak (in the form of drops) is allowed for children from 1 year old.

If a patient or doctor refuses to use Indian-made antihistamines, then preference will be given to the European counterpart - Zodak. Reviews about the drugs are mostly positive, it is recommended to entrust the selection of the appropriate medication to the doctor.

Zyrtec or Cetrin

Zyrtec is an original Swiss drug based on cetirizine, similar to Cetrin. Medicines have a similar composition and indications for use.

Zyrtec is available in tablets and drops for oral administration. The dosage form in the form of a syrup, unlike Cetrin, is not presented.

Features of the action of Zirtek tablets and drops:

  • The active substance prevents the development of allergic reactions and facilitates their course.
  • Demonstrates antipruritic and antiexudative properties, affects the development of the "early" histamine-dependent stage of an allergic reaction.
  • It does not allow the release of inflammatory mediators in the "late" stages of allergy.
  • It helps to eliminate skin reactions to histamine, reduce spasms of smooth muscles and brochoconstrictions in mild bronchial asthma.
  • The use of the drug in the recommended therapeutic dose does not cause sedative reactions and addiction.
  • After completion of the course of administration, the effect persists for 72 hours.

Undesirable side reactions may develop in the form of drowsiness, migraine, dry mouth, dizziness, stool disorders (in rare cases).

It was reported that most often the drug provokes a headache. This reaction is transient and resolves on its own after discontinuation of the use of the drug.

The comparative characteristics of drugs are similar. The disadvantage of Zirtek may be its cost, the quantitative content of tablets in the package is only 7 pieces.

Cetrin or Claritin

Both drugs are modern antihistamines that can replace each other, but differ in composition.

The active component of Claritin is loratadine, which is well tolerated and demonstrates pronounced antiallergic properties.

When choosing the right medicine, it is worth considering the individual characteristics of the body, the presence of concomitant diseases, the tolerance of one or another active substance.

Special care is required in the treatment of patients with severe liver dysfunction. Experts consider Claritin to be one of the safest antihistamines.

Claritin in the form of a syrup, as well as Cetrin, is recommended for children from 2 years of age. Both drugs show a therapeutic effect within 20 minutes and retain a therapeutic effect for a day.

Claritin is a Belgian drug that acts gently, without causing addiction and drug dependence, even with prolonged use. Tablets are available in 7 and 10 pieces per pack, but their cost is higher than that of Cetrin.

Claritin is used in multicomponent treatment regimens, the drug helps various types of dermatitis, eczema, bronchial asthma, insect bites.

The total duration of treatment is 14 days. Depending on the indications and tolerability of the drug, the course may be extended.

Erius or Tsetrin

Erius is an analogue of Tsetrin only in terms of the pharmacological group. The drugs differ in composition, the active component of Erius is desloratadine.

This is a third-generation substance: non-toxic, effective, non-addictive and non-addictive. Does not provoke drowsiness, does not affect the speed of the psychomotor reaction.

However, the cost of Erius is several times higher than the price of Tsetrin.

In pediatrics, preference is given to modern and high-quality drugs, including 3rd generation antihistamines, of which Erius is also a representative.

Syrup is allowed for children from 1 year old: small patients tolerate the drug well, the therapeutic effect develops half an hour after the drug is used.

In rare cases, Erius can provoke undesirable reactions in the form of increased fatigue, headache, tachycardia, palpitations, dry mouth.

In small children, in isolated cases, the body temperature rose, stool disorders were observed, and insomnia developed. According to studies, exceeding the dose by more than 4 times did not cause any adverse reactions.

Unlike Cetrin, Erius does not enter into drug interactions with drugs that include ketoconazole, azithromycin, erythromycin, fluoxetine, cimetidine. This expands the possibility of using Eritssa in people with comorbidities.

Tavegil or Tsetrin

Tavegil is a 1st generation drug that is prescribed to eliminate hives, pruritus and other manifestations of allergies. The active ingredient is clemastine.

The drug is used for the secondary prevention of Quincke's edema and anaphylactic shock.

The active ingredient has a powerful anti-allergic effect, while it can cause severe drowsiness and inhibition of the functioning of the central nervous system.

The main undesirable reaction against the background of the use of Taegil is a strong inhibitory effect. To reduce its severity, the medicine is used at bedtime with a small amount of liquid.

The drug can also provoke increased anxiety, incoordination, feeling weak and tired, irritability, insomnia, frequent or difficult urination.

If you choose which drug to give preference to, then most experts will agree that Cetrin is better tolerated by all categories of patients. But at the same time, Tavegil injections can save you from angioedema.

Cetrin is an antihistamine drug that is prescribed for allergic diseases and pathologies of the respiratory tract, which are accompanied by severe edema. This drug is well tolerated by patients, it does not cause drowsiness and does not affect the nervous system at all. Cetrin is often prescribed not only for adults, but also for children. The drug is relatively inexpensive, so you need to know the analogues of Cetrin not in order to buy the medicine cheaper, but in order to replace the drug if it is not in the pharmacy. Do not forget that any replacement of drugs is desirable to coordinate with the doctor.

General description of Cetrin

The drug is available in several forms. On the shelves of pharmacies, you can find such forms of release - tablets, syrup and drops. All these drugs contain the same active ingredient - cetirizine.

The antihistamine begins to act very quickly. A pronounced anti-allergic effect is observed already 15 minutes after ingestion. The maximum concentration of the drug in the blood is determined after about an hour.

Cetrin well blocks the synthesis of histamines, due to which all allergy symptoms are eliminated. Thanks to the medicine, the human immune system ceases to perceive allergens as foreign agents.

Cetrin does not cause drying of the mucous membranes and drowsiness, in addition, it does not affect the cells of the nervous system. The main indications for the appointment of this medication are:

  • allergic rhinitis.
  • Conjunctivitis.
  • Pollinosis.
  • Dermatitis.
  • Bronchitis.
  • Laryngitis.
  • Sinusitis.
  • Bronchial asthma.

This medication is prescribed by specialists quite often. You need to take the medicine only once a day. If the patient has chronic kidney disease, he should inform the doctor. In some cases, the dosage is reduced.

The liquid form of the drug is taken in the same dosage as the tablets. Children over 12 years of age and adults should drink 10 ml of syrup once a day. But if there are kidney pathologies, then the dose is reduced to 5 ml.

The duration of treatment with Tsetrin depends on the patient's condition. For preventive purposes, Tsetrin is drunk for only a couple of weeks, and if a person is being treated for allergies, then therapy can take up to six months.

Tablets and syrup are drunk without reference to a meal. You need to drink the medicine with a sufficient amount of water.

List of similar drugs

Cetrin has analogues that have a similar therapeutic effect. All such drugs are sold at different prices. If you need to choose an analogue with an identical active substance, then you can choose from the following list:

  • Allertec - this medication is produced in Poland, its cost is about 150 rubles.
  • Cetirizine - this drug is a domestic analogue of Cetrin. Its purchase will cost approximately 60 rubles.
  • Zyrtec is an allergy remedy produced in Switzerland, its price is approximately 230 rubles.
  • Parlazin is a Hungarian-made medicine. It costs a little more than 120 rubles.
  • Zodak - produced in the Czechs, the price ranges from 140 to 160 rubles.
  • Letizen - produced in Slovenia, the purchase will cost about 100 rubles.

Cetrin has other analogues that are similar to the original drug in their action, but contain other active substances. These antiallergic drugs can be distinguished by a separate list:

  • Loratadine is a cheap analogue of Cetrin. For such a drug, you need to spend approximately 20 rubles for 10 tablets.
  • Tavegil is made in Spain. Its purchase will cost almost 170 rubles.
  • Suprastin - a familiar remedy for allergies, costs up to 130 rubles.
  • Erius - produced in Belgium, the price is slightly more than 360 rubles.
  • Claritin is also produced in Belgium. You can buy it for 170 rubles.

When choosing analogues of Tsetrin, you should carefully read the composition of the drug and the instructions for it. In addition, it is worth paying attention to the generation of the drug.

It should be borne in mind that 2-3 generation drugs have fewer contraindications and side effects.


Sometimes allergy sufferers wonder what is better than Cetrin or the usual Suprastin? Both of these drugs can be prescribed for the treatment of allergies, but they belong to very different generations of drugs.

Suprastin belongs to the first generation, and Citrine to the second, therefore, the second drug has fewer side effects and is more preferable. But you should know that Suprastin is considered a stronger medicine, so it is still used if the patient's condition is critical.

Suprastin is always present in the complex treatment of pneumonia and other pathologies in which bronchospasm is observed. But Cetrin has a milder effect, so it is more often prescribed for the prevention of allergies.

The disadvantage of Suprastin is that it causes severe drowsiness and excessive dryness in the oral cavity.


Zirtek is considered another effective analogue of Cetrin, but it is not cheap at all, relative to the latter. Both of these drugs belong to the second generation of antiallergic drugs and have an identical composition. Thanks to Zirtek, the synthesis of histamine receptors is also blocked.

But there is a difference between Zirtek and Tsetrin. The first drug is not available in the form of a sweet syrup, but you can buy Zirtek in drops, this drug can be used in children from six months of age.

Despite the fact that Zyrtec is a similar drug, it often leads to persistent headaches.


Zodak also contains the active ingredient cetirizine, so its effect on the body is similar to Cetrin. Zodak is also available in the form of tablets, sweet syrup, drops, which can be prescribed from the age of one year old baby.

The cost of Zodak is slightly lower than Cetrina. In addition, many doctors believe that drugs produced by European companies are more effective.

Do not start taking any antihistamines without a doctor's prescription.


Claritin is also a second-generation antiallergic agent, but its active substance is not the same as that of Cetrin. Claritin contains loratadine. This component has no effect on the heart, blood vessels or nervous system. Many experts prefer to prescribe this drug, considering it as harmless as possible.

This analogue of Cetrin has a prolonged action and stays in the blood longer. It is impossible to say that Claritin is very cheap. This drug is more expensive than the original drug.

If an allergy is manifested by hives or other skin rashes, it is better to stop at Cetrin. This drug penetrates the skin better.


Loratadine is an analogue of Claritin. These two preparations contain one active ingredient, and are characterized by the same medicinal properties. Loratadine is considered one of the most inexpensive antihistamines. But its efficiency is quite high, compared with more expensive counterparts.

Loratadine is a long-acting drug. To eliminate the manifestations of allergies, adults need to take one tablet of the drug per day, and children only half a tablet.

If you do not want to pay too much, then you can give preference to Loratadin. Do not forget that any replacement drugs must be agreed with the doctor.

Before taking any antihistamines, you should consult your doctor. It should be borne in mind that all drugs have a number of contraindications.


Another analogue of Tsetrin is Erius. This drug is produced by an Italian pharmaceutical company and its price is almost twice as high as the original drug.

Erius belongs to the third generation of antiallergic drugs, so it is better than Tsetrin in all respects. The active substance of this medication is desloratadine. Patients do not get used to this component even with long-term treatment. The drug begins to act in the first minutes after administration, while the action of Erius is prolonged.

Erius does not cause drowsiness and does not have any toxic effect on the body. Erius syrup can be prescribed for children from the age of one. This drug has a minimum of contraindications and side effects.

Aerius is often prescribed for the treatment of young children. This is due to the high efficiency and harmlessness of the drug.


The cheapest analogue of Tsetrin is Diazolin. The active substance of this drug is mebhydrolin. It blocks histamine receptors, eliminates lacrimation and reduces swelling.

Diazolin has contraindications and all side effects are very similar to Cetrin. This drug should not be given to pregnant and lactating women and young children. Diazolin cannot be considered a strong antiallergic agent, so treatment with such a drug can be very delayed.

Diazolin can be taken as a preventive measure for seasonal allergies. The course of preventive treatment should not be more than 2 weeks.


Tavegil belongs to the group of antiallergic drugs of the first generation. Such a drug rarely causes drowsiness, and is generally well tolerated by patients of different age groups.

Tavegil is available in the form of pills and solution for injection. The active substance of the drug is clemastine. The maximum allowable concentration of this substance in the body is observed after approximately 3 hours. At the same time, this figure for Tsetrin is only an hour. The peak of Tavegil's effectiveness is observed only after 6 hours and lasts only 12 hours after administration. At the same time, Tsetrin is active for 24 hours.

Tavegil should not be given to children under 6 years of age. And Tsetrin is allowed to be used from the age of six months.


The active substance of this drug is levocetirizine. This substance is considered stronger than cetirizine, so the drug begins to act faster and relieves allergy symptoms for a long time.

The medicine can be prescribed to children from 6 months. If the patient has severe kidney disease, then the dosage is slightly reduced. During treatment, it is better to refuse to drive a vehicle, as drowsiness and impaired concentration are possible.

Allergolic is available in the form of drops. After opening the vial, the shelf life is 3 months.


This drug blocks the synthesis of histamine and quickly eliminates all allergic phenomena. The active substance is levocetirizine. The effect of the treatment is observed already a few minutes after taking the medication. You need to take the drug only once a day, as it has a prolonged effect.

You can prescribe a similar drug for children from 6 years old and adults. L-cet is not prescribed for pregnant women, nursing mothers and people with severe kidney disease.

Headache, dizziness and abnormal drowsiness are sometimes observed during treatment with L-cet.


The active substance of this drug is cetirizine. Allercetin is produced in Germany and belongs to the second generation antiallergic drugs.

Allercetin is rapidly absorbed and begins to act within a few minutes after ingestion. The maximum permissible concentration in the blood is observed after approximately 4 hours and the therapeutic effect persists for a whole day.

The drug is well tolerated by patients of all age groups. The doctor should determine the dosage and duration of treatment.

Cetrin is a highly effective drug for the treatment of any manifestations of allergies. In some cases, the medicine needs to be replaced with analogues, of which there are many on the shelves of pharmacies. When choosing, you should pay attention to the generation of the drug, its composition, side effects and contraindications.

When choosing an effective remedy for allergies, the patient asks the question: what is more effective to choose Suprastin or Cetrin? To begin with, it is necessary to emphasize that both drugs are from different generations and have distinctive features. Which ones we will consider right now.

Pharmacological properties of Suprastin

This drug contains chloropyramine hydrochloride- This is an antihistamine substance that has an antiemetic effect, helps to cope with spasms. The action begins immediately after 15-30 minutes after ingestion, the work of the drug can reach 3-6 hours.

When it enters the gastrointestinal tract, Suprastin is quickly and evenly distributed throughout the tissues, also entering the structures of the central nervous system. All components of the drug are tested by research and are absolutely harmless to human health and life. It is excreted through the kidneys, naturally, and in children much faster than in adults.

Indications for use

Indications for use are various types of allergies, such as:

  • Eruptions like urticaria.
  • Skin itching.
  • Conjunctivitis.
  • Serum disease.
  • Dermatitis.
  • Perennial or seasonal rhinitis.
  • Food or drug allergies.
  • Dermatological pathologies.
  • Reaction to insect bites.

When choosing a drug, it is necessary to pay attention to the limitations of the drug. It is unacceptable to be taken by pregnant women, children with kidney disease, infants and children under the age of three. It is also not prescribed for allergies to medicinal components of drugs.

Advantages and disadvantages

Suprastin is a proven remedy trusted by doctors and prescribed to patients who suffer from various types of allergies. It is produced by Hungarian pharmacists in several forms: tablets for oral administration and ampoules for injections.

However, despite its good reputation, it has a small baggage of shortcomings. These include adverse reactions to the drug, many patients experience severe drowsiness after taking the pills. It can not be used by babies under 3 years old, including premature babies. It also has a large number of contraindications: loss of strength, increased eye pressure, nausea, vomiting, impaired stool and many others. When such symptoms appear or in case of an overdose, urgent hospitalization of the patient to the hospital is necessary, since self-treatment is meaningless.

It cannot be used as a prophylactic against allergic reactions, and only a doctor should deal with the appointment and dosage of the drug.

Pharmacological properties of Cetrin

Cetrin is a newer generation anti-allergy drug. It contains the substance cetirizine, which has preventive properties and facilitates the course of allergies. It helps to cope with swelling and itching, relieves muscle spasms, eliminates skin reactions.

The effect of the use of tablets appears after 10 minutes, and after taking the syrup in 50% of patients, the effect occurs after 20 minutes. This is quite a big breakthrough in the achievement of pharmaceuticals, since this drug can also be used to prevent allergic reactions.

After ingestion, it is rapidly absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract and dissolves in the stomach without residue. Eating does not affect the work of Cetrin, although the rate of splitting is slightly reduced. It is excreted naturally: 10% is excreted in the urine and 10% is excreted along with the feces.

Indications for use

For the use of the drug, the following diseases can serve as a cause:

  • Seasonal or perennial rhinitis.
  • Hives.
  • Allergic conjunctivitis.
  • Pollinosis.
  • Dermatitis.
  • Quincke's edema.

Before taking it is necessary to consult a doctor. The drug can not be used during pregnancy, lactation, increased renal failure, and there are also some nuances when used in children. It is not recommended to use in case of hypersensitivity to one of the components of the drug.

Advantages and disadvantages

Cetrin is produced by an Indian pharmaceutical company, it belongs to second generation antihistamines. This may mean that the drug has fewer side effects when consumed. The patient has virtually no drowsiness, as well as less effect on the central nervous system.

It is more effective than first-generation drugs and more quickly copes with allergy symptoms, which quickly gained trust and popularity among doctors and their patients.

It should be handled with care when using, the dosage should be prescribed only by a doctor. In the instructions for use, it also carries a number of side effects the same as those of Suprastin.

What to choose?

As a result, we can say that when choosing a remedy for allergies, preference should be given to the drug Cetrin. This can be easily explained by their generations of antihistamines: Suprastin belongs to the first generation and has more side effects in its composition, and Tsetrin belongs to the second generation and is in great demand among consumers.

In developed countries, Suprastin is generally prohibited for sale for children under 12 years of age. It greatly dries the mucous membranes, which can lead to infections and the development of other diseases. There are many cases in the example when, after treatment with Suprastin, patients developed: bronchitis, tonsillitis and other similar diseases. In addition, it strongly affects the central nervous system, which prevents a person from properly perceiving information, learning and doing his job.

Cetrin, in turn, does not cause such side effects, although it fights allergy symptoms less effectively, but when choosing between two drugs, it should be preferred.

Article outline:

Suprastin is a drug well known to people with allergies. This medicine is constantly in the home first-aid kits for allergy sufferers. The main advantages of the drug are low cost and good therapeutic effect. But in pharmacies you can also find analogues of Suprastin. Analogues are cheap. But how much better are they than the original?

Chemical composition and dosage forms

Suprastin is a drug that has an antiallergic effect. It belongs to the blockers of histamine H1 receptors. The active ingredient is chloropyramine hydrochloride. The medicine is sold in tablet form, as well as in the form of a solution for injections.

Tablets are sealed in blisters of 10 pieces, two blisters fit into the package.

Ampoules are sealed in blisters of 5 and 10 pieces. One tablet contains 25 mg of the active substance, 1 ml of solution for intramuscular and intravenous administration contains 20 mg of chloropyramine hydrochloride.

Instructions for use Suprastin

Indications for use

Suprastin is prescribed for the following diseases and conditions of the body:

Contraindications for use

You can not use the drug in the following cases:

  • During pregnancy, while breastfeeding;
  • With a lack of lactase in the body, lactose rejection;
  • In the acute phase of bronchial asthma;
  • With intolerance to the components of the drug.

Children are allowed to take medication in tablet form only from the age of three. It is undesirable to use the medicine for the elderly, as well as for people with narrow-angle glaucoma and serious pathologies of the heart, blood vessels, liver, and kidneys. It is not recommended to use Suprastin for prostate adenoma and impaired urine output.

Dosage of the drug in tablet form

Children from three to fourteen years old per day usually rely on 25 mg of the active substance, that is, one tablet. Doctors allow children from six years of age to take one and a half tablets. It is advisable to divide the daily dose into two parts, that is, the child should take half a tablet twice a day.

Adults are supposed to take 100 mg of the drug per day. The daily dose is divided into three doses.

Dosage of the drug in the form of a solution

Intramuscular and intravenous administration of the solution is carried out in the following doses:

  • Infants from a month to a year - 0.25 ml;
  • Children from one to six years old - 0.5 ml;
  • Children from six to fourteen years old - 1 ml;
  • Adults - 2 ml.

Overdose and side effects

It is forbidden to exceed the dose of medicine recommended by the instruction. The optimal dose is 2 mg per kilogram of human weight. The duration of the therapeutic course is determined only by the doctor. The following side effects are most often noted:

If at least one of the above symptoms appears, you must stop taking the medicine and consult a doctor. With severe side effects, the doctor prescribes sorbent medications and gastric lavage to the patient.

It should be borne in mind that Suprastin is able to activate the action of narcotic analgesics, blockers of M-cholinergic receptors, barbiturates. Also, the drug negatively affects the concentration and clarity of consciousness.

The cost of the drug

Suprastin is inexpensive. A package containing 20 tablets costs an average of 130 rubles. A blister with 5 ampoules will cost the buyer about 150 rubles.

What are the analogues of suprastin

Suprastin refers to cheap medicines, but many allergy sufferers want to find anti-allergic medicines even cheaper. But the price of therapy is not the only reason for the search for analogues.

  1. Many patients are not satisfied with the chemical composition and side effects of the drug. A big drawback of Suprastin is its sedative effect on the body.
  2. The drug reduces the tone of the central nervous system, causes migraine, drowsiness, lethargy, dizziness. With such side effects, it is impossible to engage in intellectual work, and it is dangerous to drive a car.

But what can be used to replace Suprastin? Pharmaceutical companies produce many anti-allergic drugs in tablet form, as well as in the form of syrup and injection solution. The following is a list of the most popular Suprastin analogues.

Diazolin or Suprastin - what to choose?

Diazolin is an inexpensive and high-quality analogue of Suprastin. This anti-allergic drug, which reduces swelling of the mucous membranes, has practically no effect on the nervous system, therefore it does not give a soporific effect. May have a slight anesthetic effect. The drug is sold in the form of tablets and dragees. The active ingredient is mebhydrolin.

Diazolin is used to treat the following diseases:

  • hay fever;
  • The consequences of insect attacks;
  • eczema;

The drug is often used in the complex therapy of bronchial asthma. When using the medication, the following side effects are noted:

  • Violations of the functioning of the digestive tract;
  • Drowsiness or, conversely, agitation;
  • Slowing down reactions to external stimuli;
  • Feeling of dryness in the mouth.

Diazolin should not be taken by children under the age of three. Also, the medicine is contraindicated in pregnant women, breastfeeding mothers, people with pathologies of the stomach and intestines. The drug is cheap, it costs an average of only 75 rubles.

Loratadin or Suprastin - which is better to buy?

Loratadine is a second-generation antihistamine that is faster and more effective than Suprastin. It has a weak effect on the nervous system, does not give a soporific effect. The drug is sold in the form of tablets for oral administration, effervescent tablets, sweet syrup. The active ingredient is loratadine.

The drug is used to treat the following diseases:

  • eczema;
  • Dermatosis.

Of the side effects in rare cases, there are urge to vomit and drying of the mouth. Loratadine is allowed to be taken by children who have reached the age of two. Do not use the drug for pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers.

It is undesirable to use the medicine for people with liver failure. Loratadin is one of the cheapest drugs: 10 tablets cost 10-30 rubles, 30 tablets cost 50-70 rubles.

Cetrin or Suprastin - which is cheaper and more effective?

Cetrin belongs to the second generation antihistamines. It significantly weakens the course of an allergic reaction, has an anti-inflammatory effect. Tsetrin, unlike Suprastin, does not depress the nervous system at all. The drug is sold in the form of drops, tablets and sweet syrup. The active substance is cetirizine.

A medication is prescribed for the treatment of the following diseases:

  • allergic rhinitis;
  • hay fever;
  • Urticaria;
  • Edema.

The drug is allowed to be taken by children from six years of age. Cetrin can be used both for the treatment and for the prevention of allergic processes in the body. The cost of a package with 20 tablets is 130 - 160 rubles.

Tavegil or Suprastin - which is better to buy?

Tavegil is a worthy analogue of Suprastin, a highly effective antiallergic drug. It quickly extinguishes an allergic reaction, relieves swelling, reduces itching, has an anesthetic effect, but does not have a soporific effect. The drug is sold in tablet form, as well as in the form of a solution for intravenous and intramuscular injections. The active substance is clemastine.

Tavegil is used to treat the following pathologies:

  • hay fever;
  • eczema;
  • Dermatosis;
  • Allergies of any origin;
  • edema;
  • Anaphylactic shock;
  • consequences of insect attacks.

The drug is allowed to be taken by children from the age of six. When treated with Tavegil, the following side effects may occur:

  • Drying out of the mouth;
  • migraine, dizziness;
  • Difficulty breathing;
  • problems with passing urine;
  • Tachycardia;
  • Hearing loss, visual impairment.

A package with ten tablets costs 135 - 155 rubles, with twenty tablets - 175 - 200 rubles. Five ampoules will cost the buyer 200 - 220 rubles.

Suprastin or Zyrtec - what to buy?

Zirtek is an anti-allergic drug that does not give a soporific effect, subject to the dosage indicated in the instructions. The drug is sold in tablet and drip form. The active ingredient is cetirizine dihydrochloride.

With the help of the drug, the following diseases are treated:

  • Hives;
  • Angioedema;
  • Hay fever;
  • Dermatosis.

It is forbidden to take medicine for pregnant women, breastfeeding mothers, children under six years of age. Also, you can not use the medication for people who have lactose intolerance, glucose-galactose malabsorption syndrome, lactase deficiency in the body, suffering from kidney diseases.

It is undesirable to take Zyrtec for the elderly, epileptics, as well as with frequent convulsions and urinary retention. Zyrtec is the most expensive antiallergic drug. Seven tablets cost 180 - 200 rubles, 20 tablets - 350 - 450 rubles, drops - about 300 rubles.

Zodak or Suprastin - what to choose?

Zirtek and Zodak are analogues in composition. The active ingredient in these drugs is cetirizine dihydrochloride. Therefore, the effect of medicines is the same. Zyrtec is a Swiss drug, and Zodak is Czech. Zodak is sold in tablet and drip form. Tablets are allowed to be used by children from the age of six, drops - from the age of one. The zodak has a depressing effect on the nervous system, negatively affects the concentration and clarity of consciousness.

Unfortunately, the drug, unlike Suprastin, is not produced in the form of an injection solution, so it cannot be used in severe cases of allergies. Ten tablets cost 120 - 150 rubles, drops - 200 rubles.

Fenistil or Suprastin?

Fenistil is a drug often used in pediatrics. The medicine is sold in the form of capsules, gel, drops. The drop form of the drug is allowed to be used to treat infants from the age of one month. Suprastin in the form of drops is not produced, and this is its disadvantage. The active substance is dimentidene maleate. Fenistil helps to cure the following diseases:

  • Pollinosis;
  • Urticaria;
  • Food and drug allergies;
  • Angioedema;
  • eczema;
  • Consequences of insect attacks;
  • Dermatitis.

Fenistil is allowed to be taken by women in the last months of pregnancy. Drops cost 400 - 450 rubles, gel - about 350 rubles.

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