Chinese plasters for the treatment of inflammation. Chinese patches for osteochondrosis. Indications for use

Pain in the joints is an extremely unpleasant phenomenon, everyone who has encountered it can confirm this. Sharp or aching, they exhaust a person and push him to search for different ways and means that can bring relief. Not so long ago, a Chinese patch for joint pain appeared on our market. Centuries-old traditions and experience of oriental medicine show its high efficiency in the treatment of diseases of the muscles, bones, cartilage tissue.

Transdermal treatment

Before starting treatment, consult with a therapist. When using the patch, it is recommended to observe some dietary restrictions. Avoid fatty, fried, spicy, salty foods. Alcohol and other psychoactive substances are contraindicated. Do not use the patch during the course of antibiotic therapy.

Chinese patch for joint pain. Reviews

People who used this remedy note that it helped to completely get rid of the disease or greatly facilitated its course. The Chinese plaster for joints showed particular effectiveness in eliminating aching and pulling pains in osteochondrosis. User feedback indicates that significant relief has been obtained in the treatment of heel spurs, exacerbation of sciatica, arthritis and sciatica. The intensity of pain decreases within a few hours after sticking the patch to the skin in the affected area.

In treatment chronic ailments(arthritis, polyarthritis, rheumatism, osteochondrosis) there is progress. Can be achieved significant reduction pain syndrome but they are not completely cured. Those who applied the patch note that therapeutic effect rarely occurs in the first minutes after gluing. Sometimes it takes at least 12-24 hours. To negative points can be attributed to the difficulty of removing the product from the skin, especially from areas with vellus hair and not the most nice smell medicinal substances, which are part of the patch, which occurs within a few minutes after sticking to the skin. Users note that orthopedic patches are very easy to use, unlike ointments, they do not stain clothes and do not require repeated application.

Chinese patches for joint pain (types, prices are presented in the article) suit users, since conventional therapy using official medicine is not much cheaper. And the absence of side effects from mandatory anti-inflammatory drugs, especially pain in the stomach, heartburn, nausea, many users consider one of the main advantages of treatment with the described drug.

The Chinese plaster for joint pain, the composition, the price of which differs slightly from different manufacturers, has about the same effect as its counterparts. Users note that medicinal properties drugs are often dependent on price, because cheap products can simply be fake, from which there will be no benefit.

Today, we are increasingly turning to oriental medicine in search of effective and safe healing agents. Which is not surprising, because in China medicine has centuries of history, and the experience of ancient pharmacists is not lost. Medicines are still produced today on the basis of proven recipes, but already with the involvement of modern technologies. So, Chinese medical plasters, which include extracts of plant and animal origin, mineral components without the addition of preservatives and other synthetic substances, are very popular.

What do Chinese transdermal patches treat, how effective is such therapy, and what do doctors and patients think about this, what feedback do they leave? About the things listed today in our review.

Patches in Chinese medicine: types and purpose

Chinese medical plasters are a large group of products for the treatment and prevention of the most various diseases. It should be noted that we are not talking about medicines or products. medical purpose. These products have been certified, but are not registered as medicines or medical devices, they do not apply to biological active additives. According to the quality documents, Chinese patches are health-improving and prophylactic agents. This indicates that the claimed therapeutic effect has not been confirmed. clinical trials, but does not indicate its absence.

There are many brands and manufacturers that produce such products, among the most famous are "Tianhe" and "Happiness" (Happiness). They make therapeutic adhesive plasters for various purposes: urological, corn, for weight loss and cleansing, but the most popular and widely represented line is anesthetic plasters for the joints and spine. Their action is aimed at eliminating inflammation, swelling, pain of various etiologies, in particular with osteochondrosis and arthritis. Here is some of them:

  • Tianhe Zhufeng Gao (relieves any pain, including pain in the muscles, back, joints).
  • Tianhe Guanze Zhitong Gao (used for colds and inflammatory diseases).
  • Tianhe Sheksyang Zhuangu Gao (joint plaster eliminates pain in arthritis, rheumatism).
  • Healthy foot patches Happiness (suitable for cleansing, improving blood circulation).
  • Orthopedic patches for joints Happiness (reduce pain, improve metabolism in diseases of the joints and spine).

According to the instructions for use, Chinese patches are safe, effective means who act quickly and purposefully. What is the reason for all these effects?

Benefits of transdermal (TDS) products

The main advantage of TDS painkillers is that they do not have a negative effect on other organs and systems in the body.

I would like to note the three main advantages of Chinese pain relief patches, which are mentioned by the manufacturers of Happiness and Tianhe:

  1. Healing herbs. The composition of Chinese patches includes a huge amount of herbs (extracts of more than 50 medicinal plants). Their combination, the quantitative ratios of the components are also important. The production technologies are based on time-tested recipes of Chinese medicine.
  2. Modern technologies. The process of obtaining extracts from medicinal raw materials is now automated, which makes it possible to make better extractions even on an industrial scale. The use of modern technologies increases the bioavailability of active substances.
  3. Dosage form. Transdermal therapeutic systems provide a gradual and uniform release, distribution of active substances in the body, and a long-term analgesic effect. In addition, the medical patch allows you to influence the problem pointwise, which is especially important when it comes to relieving pain.

Chinese plasters in their composition contain mainly herbal ingredients, which, according to the instructions for use, are not addictive, are not accompanied by the appearance of serious side effects and therefore are sold over the Internet absolutely freely. But, despite the many positive reviews, the declared effectiveness and safety of the patches, we would recommend that you consult a doctor before use, because herbal ingredients can cause allergic reactions.

Method of application and special instructions

Anesthetic TDS must be applied to clean, undamaged skin where it hurts.

Plasters are an external remedy. The method of application is detailed on the packaging, it is individual for each individual product, but at the same time there are general recommendations:

  1. Before application, the skin should be wiped with a damp cloth, then degreased.
  2. Do not apply Chinese plaster on damaged, sore skin (unless it is a healing agent).
  3. Keep on the body no longer than the time specified by the manufacturer.
  4. During the first application, carefully monitor the condition of the skin at the site of attachment, in case of severe redness, itching, remove it.
  5. Pregnancy and breast-feeding- These are usually contraindications for use.
  6. In some situations, the plate can be divided into several parts without loss of efficiency.

In the case of Chinese plasters, the place of attachment is of particular importance: the application is often associated with an impact on certain areas and points of the body that are responsible for the health of a particular organ or system. Therefore, during application, it is important to focus not only on the localization of pain, but also on the instructions.

Cost, opinions of buyers and specialists

The price is one of the advantages of Chinese patches. It is almost impossible to buy such a product in a regular store, it is ordered on the Internet or brought from China. After analyzing the assortment and price lists, we found the following figures:

Tianhe Pain Relieving Patch is intended for periodic use (if there is pain), so the cost of the course is not indicated.

Availability: are available 14 pcs.


Very convenient to use!

  • It cleanses the body of toxins and toxins, restores beauty and health to the body, promotes weight loss, improves metabolism and increases the body's immunity.
  • Improves sleep, relieves fatigue, eliminates constipation, bad breath and bloating.
  • Removes foreign substances from the body harmful substances, cleanses the blood, relieves age spots, acne, eliminates unpleasant body and foot odor.
  • It removes excess fluid from the body, relieves heaviness and aching in the legs and joints.
  • Accelerates the growth and regeneration of cells, restores healthy radiance and elasticity to the skin, slows down the aging process.
  • Improves the functioning of all organs, gradually reduces blood fat, reduces blood pressure and stabilizes blood sugar levels.
reviews 24 reviews 3 reviews 7 reviews 1

Availability: are available 10 sachets of 2 masks.


Plaster based medicinal herbs Chinese medicine.

It is indicated for such diseases as: cataract, glaucoma, clouding of the vitreous body, senile farsightedness and other similar eye diseases in the elderly, as well as myopia, strabismus, astigmatism, etc.

reviews 17

Availability: are available 6 pcs.


Treatment of dry corns (flat and cone-shaped).

The components of the Chinese patch for corns in the complex have antifungal, antiseptic, sterilizing and analgesic effects, effectively relieve itching, and heal corns.

reviews 4

Availability: are available 4 patches 5.5 x 12 cm


The fever reduction patch is used as an aid for high fever, as well as headache/toothache and bruises. Keeps the cooling effect for 8 hours.


  • Ready to use immediately and always at hand on the road.
  • Quickly starts to cool and brings freshness for a long time.
  • Easy to use for everyone, even the smallest children.

reviews 3
reviews 8

Availability: not in stock 4 plates 12 cm × 5 cm

380 rub.

Naturally reduces fever, relieves headache, toothache and other painful symptoms that have arisen against the background of microcirculation disorders.

It also has an invigorating effect, activates the brain, relieves drowsiness.

reviews 1

Availability: are available 8 patches


  • Expands the nasal passages (can be used for nasal congestion against the background of a cold, rhinitis, allergies, deviated nasal septum; breathing will become free and deep).
  • Helps with sleep disorders as a result of the curvature of the nasal septum, improves the quality of sleep.
  • Small, designed specifically for baby noses.
  • Warm, easy to remove, suitable for baby's skin.

reviews 4
reviews 1 reviews 1

Availability: are available 10 patches


  • For the treatment of age-related rheumatoid arthritis.
  • Provides thermal protection during field work, camping in the mountains, polar expedition, winter tourism, skiing, fishing, etc.

leave feedback
reviews 1 reviews 1 leave feedbackreviews 12 leave feedbackleave feedbackreviews 19 reviews 7

Availability: are available 4 patches


Effective treatment of varicose veins, vacculitis, thrombosis.

Restores normal thickness walls of blood vessels, blood flow in the extremities.

Dissolves blood clots in the vessels.

reviews 2

Availability: are available 4 things. (Two pairs)

330 rub


Expiration date May 2019. 30% discount.

Made on the basis of handed down from generation to generation secret recipes using high quality medicinal materials.

Indications for use:

  • acute and chronic mastitis,
  • swelling of the breast due to tuberculosis of the mammary glands,
  • fever, pain and engorgement of the mammary glands,
  • hardening in the breast resulting from fibroma of the mammary glands,
  • chest pains, etc.
reviews 8 reviews 6 leave feedbackreviews 3

Availability: are available 5 plates of 7.5 g


According to the theory of traditional Chinese medicine, the drug is intended for the treatment of pain caused by cold and dampness in the cervical region, shoulders, lower back, legs.

Effective in the treatment of osteochondrosis, colds and toothache.

reviews 5
leave feedbackreviews 10

Availability: are available 8 patches 7*10 cm.


  • Effectively eliminates pain in chondrosis, excellently helps with tumors, bruises, sprains, has an analgesic effect, prolapse of the lumbar intervertebral disc, cervical spondylopathy, rheumatoid arthritis.
  • A feature of this patch is that it contains not only extracts medicinal herbs, but also valuable scorpion venom, bee venom and black ant powder.

reviews 8
leave feedbackreviews 3 reviews 2 reviews 1 reviews 4

China has a rich history of medicine, which includes traditional and alternative methods. The recipes that have come down to us today are truly unique, because they contain the experience of millennia. Chinese doctors have devoted a lot to the treatment of the musculoskeletal system, because it is the basis of well-being and the key to active life. Chinese patches for joints are a simple but effective remedy in the fight against manifestations of arthritis, rheumatism, sciatica and other associated diseases.

Operating principle

The action of the Chinese patch is based on the gradual penetration of active ingredients into the deeper layers of the skin. This is provided by the transdermal therapeutic system of exposure, when the medicine enclosed under the film begins to act upon contact with the skin. Due to a certain temperature of the outer layer of the skin, the patch heats up, and the beneficial substances begin to act on the inflammation, removing it and soothing the pain.

The high efficiency of transdermal patches lies in the fact that the effect on the sore spot occurs long time. The medicine is dosed, in microscopic portions, one patch is enough for 3 days of continuous treatment.

Indications for use:

  • with arthrosis of the knee and hip joints;
  • with sciatica (inflammation of the sciatic nerve);
  • joint pains of various localization;
  • muscle clamps;
  • diseases of the joints of the legs;
  • lumbodynia at different stages;
  • heel spurs and corns;
  • numbness of the limbs;
  • pain caused by deformities of the musculoskeletal system;
  • intervertebral displacement, exacerbation of a hernia.

Treatment can occur alone or in combination with therapeutic activities. As a prophylactic, they are good for athletes who often receive minor injuries (bruises, sprains, dislocations).

The composition of the patches

The main secret of medical patches from China lies in a special healing composition, which is hidden under the film. Their plastic mass is a mixture of plant extracts, the combination of which gives an excellent therapeutic effect.

One of the popular Chinese pain relief patches for joints, Zb Pain Relief, consists of several herbal extracts.

  • Millennium reticulated. Improves blood circulation in the inflamed area.
  • Bornean camphor. Relieves spasm and reduces pain.
  • Cistanche saline. Has an anti-inflammatory effect; strengthens tendons and bones.
  • Ginura pinnatifid. Activates blood circulation; restores cell activity.
  • Angelica is large-serrated. The essential oils of the plant provide pleasant aroma and have a warming effect.
  • The crest is deceptive. Eliminates pain, helps to quickly and gently relieve inflammation.
  • Drinaria. It has a tonic effect on the inflamed area; promotes recovery.
  • Cybotium. Soothes pain; good for acute inflammatory processes.
  • Safflower. Strengthens blood vessels from the outside and relieves swelling; improves blood circulation.

The listed plants are exotic for Russia and Europe, but in Asia their properties are studied in detail, and extracts are widely used in pharmacology and alternative medicine.

Instructions for use

All patches are packed in sealed bags that protect the product from external adverse factors(moisture, microbes, etc.). Using a Chinese patch for joint pain is very simple:

  1. We wash our hands and the area where the patch will be applied with soap and water.
  2. We take it out of the package and remove the protective film from the active side.
  3. Glue to the sore spot. If the area of ​​inflammation is large (for example, the whole spine hurts or shoulder joint), you can use 2 or more products.

Instructions - how to use the patch.

Duration of wearing one patch: 3 days. During this time, it is not recommended to wet the product. After 72 hours, the patch is removed and discarded. The area where it was glued is washed with soap and water. If she blushed a little - this is the norm. After 3-5 hours, you can glue a new one.

The point of gluing the patch for various pains

The prophylactic course is 3 weeks, i.e. it will require a minimum of 10 patches. Acute inflammation should be treated until all symptoms are completely eliminated.

Patches for the treatment of joints have contraindications:

  • phlebeurysm;
  • the presence of open wounds at the site of exposure (incl. convex moles and birthmarks)
  • individual intolerance; allergy.

Keep patches in a dry place out of the reach of children. It is not necessary to put them in the refrigerator; room temperature does not affect the properties of the product.

To determine the area where to stick the patch, just listen to your feelings. The area that hurts the most and needs to be treated with a medical patch.

While wearing, a person does not feel any discomfort, only pleasant warmth. You can wear clothes on top - it will not get dirty.

Where to buy Chinese patch for joints?

Pharmacies have patches for joint and muscle pain. But they give only a temporary analgesic effect. Real Chinese nano plasters are sold only via the Internet. Orthopedic treatment strips Zb Pain Relief, which are ideal for the treatment of diseases of the spine, are sold in online stores.
Important: In order not to fall for scammers who sell useless surrogates under the guise of healing Chinese plasters, you should buy products from an official supplier.

Price, delivery, payment

You can order Chinese patches with just a few clicks. There is a form on the official website that you need to fill out by entering your full name and contact number. Managers contact the client as soon as possible. This is convenient because the buyer does not have to spend extra money on a long-distance call.

The price of Chinese orthopedic patches Zb Pain Relief is 1980 rubles per box. But now there are promotions, so you can have time to buy products at a reduced cost with a 50% discount - 990 rubles, plus delivery 300 rubles.

Chinese patches will help reduce inflammation and bring recovery closer. They are suitable for the treatment of the back and knee joints, for sciatica and arthrosis, as an auxiliary orthopedic therapy.

Such strips should be at home for the elderly and for those whose occupation is associated with physical activity. Although, office workers also experience congestion in the neck and lumbar region, so a box of Zb Pain Relief will not be superfluous in their first aid kit.

A large number of people are starting more and more often to look for effective and natural medical supplies. Most often, with such search criteria, people turn to oriental medicine and its remedies.

Everyone knows that the Chinese, with their wisdom in the field of treatment, have become famous for a very long time, and already have a century-long history, as well as experience that is passed down from generation to generation. A large number of Chinese medicines they are still made from natural ingredients according to old recipes, but new technologies are already being used.

Description and application of Chinese patches

Today, therapeutic Chinese plasters are often chosen for the treatment of joints.

They contain components of animal and vegetable origin, minerals. They also contain no synthetic ingredients or preservatives.

Chinese healing plasters for the joints give a positive effect on problems such as:

  • Arthritis.
  • Rheumatism.
  • Sciatica.

The action of the patch occurs through the penetration of components and active substances into the deep layers of the dermis. This is due to the transdermal therapeutic system, when under the film the healing property increases significantly and has a positive effect.

Since the outer part of the skin has certain temperature, the patch begins to warm up and its components reduce joint pain, relieve inflammation.

Such a Chinese remedy traditional medicine you need to use small doses, so one patch can be used for three days.

Indications for the use of Chinese medical plaster for joints

Chinese medical plaster is used for:

  • inflammation of the sciatic nerve;
  • displacement of the spine;
  • arthrosis of the hip / knee joints;
  • hernia (and associated exacerbations);
  • heel spurs and corns;
  • lumbalgia;
  • joint pain of various origins;
  • numbness of the limbs;
  • pain with deformities of bones and muscles;
  • pain in the joints (in the legs).

Treatment of joints with the help of a Chinese medical plaster is carried out in combination with other methods, or separately. As a means of prevention, it can be used for bruises, dislocations, sprains.

Classification of plasters and their tasks

There are a huge number of manufacturers of medical patches on the world market. The most famous are Happinness and Tianhe.

Therapeutic agents of this type are different types appointments:

  • Urological.
  • Corns.
  • For weight loss.
  • To cleanse the body.

But perhaps the most famous are anesthetic patches for the joints and spine. It eliminates swelling, inflammation pain, characteristic of osteochondrosis and arthritis.

Some types and tasks of patches:

  • Tianhe Zhuifeng Gao - for the treatment of pain in the back, joints and muscles.
  • Tianhe Guanze Zhitong Gao - for the treatment of colds and inflammation.
  • Tianhe Sheksyang Zhuangu Gao - to relieve joint pain in arthritis and rheumatism.
  • Happinness foot patches to cleanse and improve circulation.
  • Happinness - an orthopedic product for joints is needed to relieve pain and normalize material metabolism.

Positive aspects of Chinese plasters for joints

These treatments have such main Benefits:

  • The presence of medicinal herbs in the composition (by the way, there are more than 50 of them), while their ratio and combination is important. The recipes are based on the recipe of ancient Chinese medicine.
  • The production uses new technologies, it is now fully automated, and the quality does not suffer from mass production.
  • Tool form. Due to the fact that the product is made in the form of a patch, it helps to evenly distribute the active substances, and gives a long-term effect.

Such products from the Middle Kingdom for the treatment of joints and other organs contain mostly plant components, and they are according to the instructions:

  • They do not give side effects.
  • Doesn't cause addiction.

For this reason, you can freely order them through specialized shops on the Internet.

Chinese plasters have already managed to collect a huge number of laudatory reviews, and 9 out of 10 confirm their healing effect and safety.

What is the composition of medical patches?

The main secret of the effect of the patches lies in the therapeutic composition, which is hidden under the film. The soft mass is a mixture of herbal ingredients that together have an excellent effect.

In order to treat joints, most often they choose an anesthetic patch from the company ZB Rain Relief. It combines several extracts that have the following effects:

  • Reticulated millennium - improves blood circulation in the inflamed area.
  • Bornean camphor and relieves spasm and pain.
  • Solonchakovskaya cistanche- has an anti-inflammatory effect, strengthens tendons and bones.
  • Pinnatifid ginura- improves blood circulation and restores cellular activity.
  • Large-serrated angelicaessential oils This plant warms and smells good.
  • Corydalis deceptive- quickly relieves inflammation and pain.
  • safflower- relieves swelling, strengthens blood vessels, normalizes blood circulation.
  • Cybotium- relieves pain and acute inflammation.
  • Drinaria- has a tonic property and quickly copes with diseases.

In European countries, these plants are little known, but in Asia they are used everywhere in both traditional and alternative medicine.

Since Chinese medicinal plasters for joints are external products, they always write on the packaging how they should be used and some additional notes for this or that remedy. But still there are general recommendations that are the same for all patches:

  • Before use, you first need to wipe the skin with wet wipes, and then degrease it.
  • Chinese patches should not be applied to diseased or damaged areas unless it is used as a healing agent.
  • The patch should be kept on the body for as long as it is written on the package.
  • Do not use patches during pregnancy and lactation.
  • In some cases, the plate can be divided into parts and used without loss of effect.

When using a patch, it is important where exactly it needs to be attached. It is necessary to focus not only on where the pain is, but also on what is written in the instructions.

One patch can be used for no more than three days. Note that at this time it should never be wetted. After the time of use is up, it must be removed and thrown away, and the area where it was glued should be washed with soapy water. Do not be afraid of redness - this is a normal reaction. After five hours at least, you can stick the patch again.

The course of treatment lasts a total of three weeks, so 10 patches should be purchased. Acute inflammation is usually treated longer, until the moment when all the symptoms of the disease disappear.

The price of Chinese patches for joints

The price is the main advantage. You cannot buy these products in ordinary pharmacies, but they can be ordered in online stores or ordered from China.

The price largely depends on the brand:

  • Tianhe Shexiang Zhuanggu Gao - 140 rubles / pack (4 pieces), i.e. 10 pieces 350 rubles.
  • Tianhe Zhuifeng Gao - 145 rubles / pack, i.e. 290 rubles 10 pieces.
  • Happyness (orthopedic patch) - 325 rubles / piece, 1725 rubles = 10 pieces.
  • Happyness for the foot - 1350 rubles / piece.

Feedback from doctors and patients

On the web you can find many positive feedback about patches, but this is not only on store websites, but also on ordinary forums. Patients say that effectiveness primarily depends on the place of use. Most people noted that this product:

  • Economical.
  • Has a long-term effect.
  • Relieves pain quickly.

But there is always a downside to the coin, and sometimes there are negative reviews. They are usually associated with the fact that not everyone buys original products, but they fall for fakes, as well as patches that are very difficult to peel off.

It is quite natural that potential buyers are keenly interested in the opinion of doctors about Chinese patches for joints. Some doctors believe that this is an effective remedy, and many other specialists support them.

Chinese medical patches - varieties, cost, reviews

On the territory of the Russian Federation, transdermal preparations in the form of adhesive plasters, that is, products that allow the drug to enter the human body through the pores, appeared quite recently, about 10 years ago. The first attitude towards them was wary, because many did not understand how a product that needs to be glued to the body can help in the treatment of diseases of internal organs and systems?

Chinese patch for arthrosis and osteochondrosis

Initially, many people, acquiring Chinese patches, went to the experiment, and having convinced themselves of the effectiveness of the product, they recommended it to their relatives and friends, who were waiting for news from the more courageous "testers". Today, as a result of such chain reaction”, a transdermal medical patch from China is used by a huge number of people to treat and prevent various diseases:

  • Arthrosis, skin problems, hemorrhoids.
  • Used for potency in men.
  • For the spine.
  • To cleanse toxins and more. others

So let's look at the principle of operation and types of Chinese patches in more detail.

The principle of action of transdermal drugs

Chinese medical plaster orthopedic

Applying Chinese plasters is very simple. To do this, just pull the product out of the box and stick it with an adhesive surface on the desired area of ​​the body. According to many who have tested adhesive plasters on themselves, using the product, you do not feel any inconvenience: it is invisible on the skin, odorless, does not leave a sticky residue after removal.

The medicinal patch consists of three layers:

  1. Porous hypoallergenic material.
  2. Medical adhesive containing base.
  3. Medicinal impregnation.

Since, self-heating with body heat, the adhesive material begins to melt, through the pores on the body the medicine enters the vessels, after which it is transferred by blood to the necessary damaged internal organ. After three hours after use, the patient becomes better, and the first symptoms of his recovery may be noticeable.

Advantages of patches from China

Chinese Tianhe patch

Chinese medical plasters reviews are very positive. Their popularity can be explained by pointing out the following benefits:

  • Chinese plasters have a very large list of appointments. For example, the Chinese plasters Tianhe and Maozheng are effective foot patches for relieving joint pain. There are also Chinese transdermal patches for hypertension, Chinese patches for the treatment of the genitourinary system in men, an arthritis patch, a runny nose patch, and many others. I would like to say that adhesive plasters have such a unique composition that allows them, in addition to their main purpose, to provide many additional “services”: they strengthen immunity, neutralize inflammatory processes, remove toxic substances from the body, etc.
  • Using the Chinese patch is very simple and convenient. The used adhesive plaster will not bring discomfort during sports activities and in everyday life. You need to stick the adhesive plaster for 1-2 days, while medicinal product will hit its destination all the time. Agree, such treatment is much more convenient than taking different pills or, worse, giving injections.
  • Due to the fact that Chinese patches are 100% natural ingredients, they have a minimum of contraindications, respectively, and adverse reactions too. Each patch contains about 40 natural ingredients. All of them are effective, which has been tested and proven for centuries.
  • Treatment with Chinese plasters makes it possible to direct maximum amount useful substances specifically to the diseased organ, without injuring the gastrointestinal tract and liver with their effects.

Product varieties

Chinese pain relief patch for knees

Today, the pharmacy and retail outlets in general are overflowing with a huge variety of adhesive products from China for various diseases. Of course, we will not be able to tell in detail about each product, but we will focus on the most popular and sought-after ones, which turned out to be in the find of many patients and medical personnel.

Detox patches:

Such Chinese patches are applied to the feet, because it is the foot that is rich in the presence of reflex points. Also, patches are applied to the knee, back, navel area, etc. The main ingredient is wood or bamboo vinegar, olive or almond oil, etc. The cost for such a product starts from 850 rubles.

A transdermal cold remedy means a foot adhesive plaster, which contains ginger. The patch from the common cold and cold contains vitamin C in high concentration, orange oil, bamboo vinegar. The course of treatment with such a product is at least 4 days, and you can buy it for 75 rubles / unit.

Hyperostosis on a human leg

The Chinese patch for hyperostosis is a Chinese magnetic patch that is used to treat diseases of the musculoskeletal system. They use a patch for sciatica, osteochondrosis, arthrosis and arthritis, etc.

Also from this category, a patch from bones is widely used, which often grow on thumbs stop, this problem is especially common in older people. A pit patch will help soften the growth, and it removal will pass as painless as possible.


The Chinese patch for gout is one of the most advanced methods of treating this disease. main feature- it eliminates the crystallization of uric acid, which provokes the development of the disease. Patches to help overcome a hypertensive crisis.

Chinese medicine also uses plasters in the treatment of migraines, headaches, high blood pressure, etc. The impregnation consists of more than 30 herbs that can cope with all types of pain. How much does such a wonderful product cost? Inexpensive. Its cost is about 50 rubles / piece.

Chinese patch for psoriasis and others skin diseases- this is unique remedy, which has a strong anti-inflammatory effect, because it contains more than 15 varieties of herbs. Buying the drug will cost you about 60 rubles / pack. (4 things.).

Chinese patch for varicose veins

The Chinese patch for varicose veins has a targeted effect. It is easy to use, safe and hypoallergenic. With its help, you can restore the elasticity of blood vessels and nourish them with useful substances, restore skin structure and remove blood clots.

The Chinese transdermal patch for hemorrhoids is a unique remedy that helps not only to neutralize the symptoms of the disease, but also lead to a complete recovery.

Urgo adhesive plaster is a reliable Chinese magnetic plaster for the treatment of diseases of the genitourinary system in men and women. Uro adhesive plasters help not only in getting rid of ailments of the genitourinary system, but also solve problems with the male prostate.

Since men are often concerned about the problem of prostatitis, the uro patch will help maintain male power for many years. Uro patch helps men and women relieve frequent visits to the toilet, painful urination, swelling and pain in the lumbar region. Please note that the medical uro adhesive plaster has absolutely no contraindications for use.

Patch dog skin chinese

The wart patch is the cheapest and most effective wart treatment found to date.

If the soles of your feet suffer from corns, this is the easiest way to eliminate them. This Chinese magnetic patch is made on the basis of salicylic acid, which softens the skin as much as possible, after which the rejection of dead tissue is absolutely painless.

Also, I want to be sure to tell about the Chinese patch dog skin. This tool is unique, because it allows you to solve problems with the work of the heart, stabilizes blood pressure and blood flow, relaxes muscles and tendons, fights colds, and many others.

A table of the approximate cost of some types of adhesive plasters is given below.

Adhesive plaster nameCost (rub.)

As you can see, the Chinese magnetic patch can be used to combat various ailments and always has an immediate positive impact.

But even though the product is as natural as possible, it cannot be used as the only medicine for the treatment of an ailment, especially if the disease has severe form(cancer, metastasis formation, diabetes, heart problems, etc.). A used band-aid will only produce maximum results when used in tandem with more traditional treatment techniques, so it's best not to self-medicate or put off seeing a doctor.

In our country, transdermal therapeutic patches (that is, patches that ensure the flow of the drug through the pores) began to appear relatively recently - 8–10 years ago.

At first, they were treated with caution, since it was not clear how the means pasted on the skin could help against diseases of the internal organs. People tried patches as an experiment, and surprised by the high result, they advised their friends and relatives.

As a result, today thousands of people in our country have become fans of the transdermal method of treating diseases through various Chinese medicinal patches.

A very popular and budgetary way to treat and prevent various diseases.

How does a transdermal agent work?

Chinese medical patches are easy to apply to the skin: you just need to get the patch out of the package and fix it with the sticky side on the area indicated in the instructions. According to the reviews of people who have tried medicinal patches on themselves, the product does not cause inconvenience, is not noticeable under clothing, has a neutral smell and does not leave marks after removal.


Chinese medical plasters have several unique advantages, for which patients praise them in their reviews:

  1. Chinese patches are different. For example, Tianhe Gutong Gao relieves joint pain, Zb Prostatic Navel Plaster helps get rid of prostatitis, Huaxin Breast Plaster treats mastopathy. But their composition is such that, in addition to the main action, they have a lot of additional ones - for example, they help to remove toxins, strengthen immunity, remove inflammation, etc.
  2. Chinese medicinal patches are easy to use. Attaching them to the body, you can do the usual things. One patch must be kept for 1-2 days and all this time medicinal substances will enter the body. It is much more convenient than taking pills (you must always remember to take them) and much more pleasant than giving painful injections.
  3. Due to the 100% natural composition, Chinese patches have a minimum number of contraindications and side effects. Each patch contains 15 to 40 natural ingredients! The effectiveness of plant components has been proven for centuries - they have been used in alternative medicine in various countries since ancient times.
  4. The transdermal method of treatment allows you to achieve the maximum concentration of nutrients in the area of ​​the diseased organ. Unlike tablets and capsules that pass through the stomach and liver, medicinal substances are immediately “directed” with the blood to the desired area.

What are they like

To date, several hundred Chinese medicinal patches are being produced for the prevention and treatment of a wide variety of ailments. Naturally, we cannot list all types, but we will focus on the most effective ones (according to the reviews of patients and doctors).

Removal of toxins:

Helps cleanse the body of waste and toxins.

  • Chinese medical plaster Mutsute. Cleanses the body of toxins and toxins, helps in the fight against overweight improves metabolism. It is applied to the feet, where many reflex points are concentrated. The main ingredient is wood vinegar extract. The price of 14 Mutsute pieces is from 820 rubles.
  • Master Herb Tiande makes the organs that remove toxins work more actively, collects harmful substances through the sweat glands of the feet. Medicinal impregnation consists of bamboo vinegar, angelica, olive and almond oil. The cost of one plate is approximately 196 rubles.
  • Foot patch. Works like other types of medicinal foot patches. The effect of the application is achieved through wood and bamboo vinegar, tourmaline, chitosan and corn starch. Price - 1200 rubles. for 20 pcs.

Strengthening immunity (anti-cold effect):

  • Foot patches with ginger. In addition to ginger, medicinal impregnation contains chitosan, concentrated vitamin C, orange oil, bamboo vinegar. Apply to the feet. The course is 4 days. Price - from 600 rubles for 8 pieces.

Hypertension, migraines:

Eliminates pain in the spine and headaches.

  • Chinese patch Bang De Li. In the reviews they write that after 15 minutes of use there is an improvement - the headache disappears, the pressure equalizes. One piece costs 150 rubles. Ingredients: gastrodia, eucommia bark, sage, mistletoe, etc. Apply to the abdomen.
  • Tianhe Zhuifeng is a perforated plaster that relieves all types of pain, including migraines. It costs about 500 rubles for 10 pieces. Impregnation of the Tianhe Zhufeng patch consists of 30 medicinal herbs.

Skin problems:

Helps fight dermatological diseases.

  • Bingzhngan Fugingsong Tiegao is a unique Chinese healing patch for the prevention and treatment of eczema and psoriasis. Has a strong anti-inflammatory effect. Composed of more than 15 herbs, the main components are borneol, camphor oil, Eucalyptus oil. The price is affordable - 54 rubles for a pack of 4 pieces (for more details, follow this link).


Normalizes metabolism and blood sugar levels.

  • Dzhi Dao (Dzi Dao) - reduces and stabilizes blood sugar levels due to licorice root, anemarrhena, brown rice seeds and koptis root. Its price is only 120 - 200 rubles per sachet (for more details, follow this link).


It is used in the treatment and prevention of diseases of the prostate gland.

  • Anyao - suitable for the prevention and treatment of prostatitis. It is applied to the area of ​​the 2nd cervical vertebra or below the navel. Prostatitis helps to treat mint oil and turmeric, which are part of the medicinal impregnation. It costs from 700 rubles. for 12 pcs.
  • Zb Prostatic Navel Plaster is a Chinese remedy for prostatitis. To undergo a course of treatment, the patient must buy at least 6 patches (the price of a package is from 1000 rubles). The composition includes camphor, verbena, cinnamon, corydalis hollow, mustard, plantain, Amur velvet, safflower oil (more on this link).

Joints, muscle pain:

Eliminates joint pain.

  • Shangshi Zhitong Tianhe is a strong anti-rheumatic and analgesic agent (for all types of pain in the joints and muscles). The medicinal part consists of aconite root, belladonna extract, myrrh resin, cloves, ginger, menthol, camphor, pine resin. The price of 8 plates is 400 rubles.
  • Yungzhi Gaopi Tianhe - used for pain in the joints and muscles, severe bruises and dislocations, arthritis. The composition of Tianhe impregnation: ginger root, aconite tubers, galanga, corydalis tubers, red pepper, camphor, petroleum jelly, menthol, warming toad poison, etc. 6 plasters cost about 600 rubles.

Chinese patch for joint pain: composition, application features and reviews

Joint pain is an extremely unpleasant phenomenon, everyone who has encountered it can confirm this.

Sharp or aching, they exhaust a person and push him to search for different ways and means that can bring relief. Not so long ago, a Chinese patch for joint pain appeared on our market. Centuries-old traditions and experience of oriental medicine show its high efficiency in the treatment of diseases of muscles, bones, cartilage.

Transdermal treatment

Traditional Chinese medicine in the treatment of diseases of the joints is based on a method that involves the local effect of the drug on painful areas. Strictly speaking, this method is the basis of joint therapy with ointments, gels and creams. Official medicine calls it transdermal.

A Chinese patch for joint pain is glued to the appropriate area. Under the influence of body temperature, medicinal substances, penetrating through the skin, begin to actively influence the problem that causes pain. The therapeutic effect lasts up to three days, while Negative influence medicinal product for internal organs person is reduced to a minimum.

Not for all diseases of the joints, ointments and tablets help to effectively get rid of pain and discomfort. Chinese medicine for treatment uses mainly natural ingredients, the properties of which have been studied and used for several millennia.

Operating principle

The Chinese joint pain patch is based on a transdermal method of treatment.

Natural components, crushed to the smallest possible fraction, contained in the composition of this product, are absorbed through the pores of the skin and begin to affect the inflamed area of ​​the joint. The combination of the latest medical technologies and the experience of Oriental medicine allows you to quickly get rid of pain of various origins in 1-5 hours.

The complex of substances that make up the patch is dosed and, most importantly, continuously enters the inflamed areas of the joint throughout the entire time that the agent interacts with the skin. This is a definite advantage.

The use of an orthopedic patch does not irritant on other human organs and systems, because the active substances are concentrated exclusively in the affected tissues.


The Chinese patch for joint pain can be safely attributed to new, convenient, safe and side-effect-free remedies. They are becoming increasingly popular due to the high therapeutic effect and the absence of discomfort during use.

Orthopedic plasters are non-toxic, do not contain hormones or antibiotics, do not cause irritation or skin manifestations of allergies. They are very easy to use, and at the same time they are effective in the treatment of the most common diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Orthopedic patches are categorized as health products after passing all the required clinical trials.

Features of treatment

The effect of using most Chinese patches comes in quite short time, but do not immediately end therapy. Joint diseases are often characterized chronic course with seasonal exacerbations.

And if the pain syndrome has become less pronounced, this does not mean at all that the inflammation is suppressed. chronic diseases suggest long-term treatment and prevention, so you need to use the patch in courses of up to 10-15 days.

The composition of the product

Chinese joint pain patch ZB PAIN RELIEF is one of the most popular remedies on the market for such products. Consider the principle of operation and composition on its example (they will be almost the same as in other samples of similar products).

The natural substances that make up the patch are actively absorbed through the skin and begin to act immediately on painful areas.

At the heart of the therapeutic action are the healing properties of cybotium, drinariya, reticulated milletia, saline cistanche, angelica large-serrate, dubious corydalis, pinnatifid ginura, safflower, Bornean camphor. These components have long been proven to be effective in the treatment of joint diseases. They help to reduce pain, regenerate cartilage tissue, increase blood flow, reduce swelling, activate regenerative processes in tissues, restore motor functions joints.

In addition to the above properties, the medicinal substances of most Chinese plasters have a tonic effect and have a beneficial effect on the functions of the genitourinary and circulatory systems, activate the immune system and metabolic processes in the body.

Indications for use

Chinese Joint Pain Patch, which can be started if you do not have concomitant diseases from the list of contraindications, helps with intervertebral hernia, arthritis, periarthritis, osteochondrosis of the cervical, lumbar or thoracic region, sciatica, heel spurs, sprains, bruises, rheumatism, displacement of the spinal discs, neurological pains.

Who should not use the tool

Despite the fact that the Chinese patch for joint pain is made using exclusively natural ingredients, its use is not recommended for pregnant and lactating women, children under the age of 6 years.

Treatment with this remedy is contraindicated for people suffering from varicose veins veins. The use of the patch is not recommended for diseases of the circulatory system. It is worth stopping treatment in case of detection of individual intolerance to the components of the drug. Do not apply the patch to areas with open wounds and skin lesions.

How to use Chinese plaster for joint pain

According to the instructions for use, this remedy applied topically in areas with severe pain, depending on which of the affected joints needs treatment.

Before using the patch, it is necessary to remove sweat and fat contamination from the skin with soap and water. warm water. After thoroughly drying the surface, apply the product, after removing the protective film from the sticky layer. Smooth the patch well to avoid wrinkles and creases.

The product should be worn for at least 3 days until a therapeutic effect is achieved. After this period has passed, you need to repeat the procedure. The course of treatment averages 15 days.

To achieve a stable therapeutic effect, manufacturers of the patch recommend taking at least 2-3 courses. Thus, the Chinese patch for joint pain, the price of which fluctuates around 200-300 rubles per unit, in general course treatment will cost at least 1000-1500 rubles when buying one package.

With severe pain, you can use two patches at the same time. For example, with discomfort in the elbow joint, one of them is applied directly in this place, and the second is glued to the shoulder joint.

Before starting treatment, consult with a therapist. When using the patch, it is recommended to observe some dietary restrictions. Avoid fatty, fried, spicy, salty foods. Alcohol and other psychoactive substances are contraindicated. Do not use the patch during the course of antibiotic therapy.

Chinese patch for joint pain. Reviews

People who used this remedy note that it helped to completely get rid of the disease or greatly facilitated its course. The Chinese plaster for joints showed particular effectiveness in eliminating aching and pulling pains in osteochondrosis.

User feedback indicates that significant relief has been obtained in the treatment of heel spurs, exacerbation of sciatica, arthritis and sciatica. The intensity of pain decreases within a few hours after sticking the patch to the skin in the affected area.

In the treatment of chronic ailments (arthritis, polyarthritis, rheumatism, osteochondrosis), progress is being made. You can achieve a significant reduction in pain, but they are not completely cured. Those who applied the patch note that the therapeutic effect rarely occurs in the first minutes after sticking. Sometimes it takes at least 12-24 hours.

The negative aspects include the difficulty of removing the product from the skin, especially from areas with vellus hair and not the most pleasant smell of medicinal substances that make up the patch, which occurs within a few minutes after sticking to the skin. Users note that orthopedic patches are very easy to use, unlike ointments, they do not stain clothes and do not require repeated application.

Chinese patches for joint pain (types, prices are presented in the article) suit users, since conventional therapy using official medicine is not much cheaper.

And the absence of side effects from mandatory anti-inflammatory drugs, especially pain in the stomach, heartburn, nausea, is considered by many users to be one of the main advantages of treatment with the described drug.

The Chinese plaster for joint pain, the composition, the price of which differs slightly from different manufacturers, has about the same effect as its counterparts. Users note that the medicinal properties of the drug often depend on the price, because cheap products can simply be fake, from which there will be no benefit.

How to use Chinese plaster for joint treatment

The difference between Chinese plasters from each other is in size, content of the sticky layer and, of course, in the purpose. In appearance, these products differ little. Annotation on the package in Chinese. There are several types of plasters:

Moisturizing patch. It has no special analgesic effect. Used in fitness classes, has the effect of retaining heat.

Orthopedic patch. It has anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, analgesic and immunomodulatory effects. Widely used in the treatment of joints.

Magnetic nanoproducts. The light analgesic effect of these patches is achieved due to the content of small magnetic particles in them. It is used as a preventive measure against muscle microtrauma during training.

patches containing snake or bee venom. Pain relief is due to the paralyzing effect on nerve endings skin.

The active ingredients in the patches often cause unpredictable allergic reactions when applied. It is also forbidden to use these products for pregnant and lactating women, children, with a tendency to bleeding, in the presence of any tumors, with pustules on the skin.

The most pronounced effect on the treatment of diseases of the joints has an orthopedic plaster. It can be used as an aid in the treatment of these ailments.

Treatment of joints with Chinese plaster

The active components of Chinese patches that enter the body through the skin continue to act for up to three days, and the possibility of side effects with such treatment is minimal.

Patches can be recommended to those for whom the use of ointments and tablets did not help, and it is no longer possible to endure the discomfort caused by the disease. Treatment is necessary, because its absence will lead to serious consequences.

During treatment, it is possible to apply two patches at once. For example, if the elbow joint is affected, then for best result, the product is attached at the elbow and shoulder joint.


With this method, there is an improvement in blood circulation and an increase in the effectiveness of the action of active components.

With the penetration of active ingredients under the skin, the Chinese patch has a complex effect on pain relief. It can help in removing puffiness, stopping the inflammatory process, normalizing metabolism and blood circulation, improving tissue elasticity, as well as preventing relapses and complications.

Everyone faces joint diseases all the time. more people. However, in most cases, a person experiences severe pain, for the relief of which one has to resort to a variety of means and look for different methods of treatment.

Chinese medicine has a centuries-old tradition and rich experience, so Chinese plasters are especially effective in the treatment of joints.

Features of the active components

Eastern medicine, unlike Western medicine, uses mainly natural ingredients and natural products for the treatment of any disease. The basis of Chinese medicine is medicinal plants, the properties of which have been studied for several millennia.

The experience of healers was passed on to the next generations, thanks to which it is now possible to create an effective, convenient, useful and safe remedy for joint diseases - a Chinese healing patch.

The combination of modern medical technology and the experience of traditional medicine in China made it possible to create a Chinese patch high efficiency to fight many diseases.

But this remedy has found a special place in the treatment of osteochondrosis, arthritis, arthrosis and other diseases of the musculoskeletal system. With the help of modern scientific approaches, it was possible to ensure that medicinal plants have acquired maximum efficiency in the treatment of various diseases.

Chinese medical patches are used not only for orthopedic purposes. They have found application in the treatment of diseases of the reproductive system, skin, hemorrhoids, etc.

The composition of the patches

For the manufacture of the means are used useful herbs, the healing properties of which are only multiplied as a result of the use of modern technologies for their processing.

All components that ensure the effectiveness of the use of the patch in medicinal purposes, selected according to the prescriptions of medicines of Tibetan monks

For the treatment of joints are used:

  • barney camphor;
  • donnaria;
  • cistanche saline;
  • corydalis doubtful;
  • ginura;
  • large-serrated angelica;
  • safflower;
  • cybotium;
  • reticulated millennium.

The combination of the properties of these medicinal plants makes it possible to achieve a pronounced therapeutic effect from the use of medical orthopedic Chinese plasters.

Treatment of joint pain by transdermal method

Treating diseases by applying a remedy to the skin is a traditional Chinese technique. The action of active components that enter the body through the skin lasts up to 3 days, and the possible negative effect of the drug on the body with this form of administration is minimal.

You can use the remedy for such diseases:

  • heel spur;
  • arthritis and arthrosis;
  • intervertebral hernia;
  • disc displacement;
  • rheumatism;
  • radiculitis;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • muscle strain;
  • corns;
  • numbness of the limbs;
  • fracture;
  • trauma to bones and muscles;
  • recovery after vertebroplasty of the spine.

Usually more expensive patches can always be bought at special offers at a discount, that is, in reality, patients pay less

Application features

The effect of using the product becomes noticeable very quickly. As a result of using the remedy, you can get rid of pain in the joints or muscles, restore their functions, eliminate stiffness of movements. Depending on which joint needs treatment, sometimes two patches can be applied at once.

Yes, in defeat elbow joint For maximum effect, you can put a patch on the elbow and shoulder joint. This method will improve blood circulation and increase the effectiveness of the active components.

The patch has a complex effect, eliminating pain when active ingredients begin to penetrate the skin. The patch helps:

  • remove swelling;
  • stop the inflammatory process;
  • normalize metabolism and blood circulation;
  • improve tissue elasticity;
  • prevent relapses and complications.

Reviews of Chinese patches

In most cases, Chinese patches are very effective. This is evidenced by the numerous reviews of patients whom they have helped. Negative reviews are usually written by people who have encountered fake patches. They are less effective than the original Chinese products.

Vladimir, 52 years old. A diagnosis of osteochondrosis was made. The back hurt constantly, there was no rest with her. But after a course of treatment with patches, I felt much better. Relief came immediately, and over time, the pain completely disappeared.

Marina, 64 years old. I'm suffering heel spur not the first year. Only with the help of a plaster was she able to get rid of unbearable pain. Thanks to my friend for recommending such an effective remedy.

Oleg, 48 years old. I got rid of severe pain in arthritis, thanks to a course of treatment with Chinese patches. Very happy to have found this tool.

Before taking another pill, we suggest you find out what it is patch chinese,medical.

From the history of oriental medicine

Traditional medicine in China has existed for more than five thousand years. All this time, folk remedies, the behavior of the human body and interaction with the outside world were studied.

To live in harmony is to be healthy. Then classical medicine was banned, and only Mao Zedong made it possible to flourish. Now oriental medicine is known all over the world and in some countries it is given more importance than modern medicine.

The knowledge gained over millennia is still being applied today. The accumulated experience allows you to make an extract from plants, this made it possible to create the most powerful remedy- Chinese patch, which turned out to be more effective than pills and injections, and for many diseases it is just a panacea.

Healing Chinese patches

The entire range of products

Medical Chinese plasters are the most convenient and easy to treat. The composition includes only natural ingredients, no chemicals, fragrances and extracts. Nothing can affect the human body from the negative side.

The herbal origin of the patches are perfectly tolerated and have therapeutic effect. Unlike injections and tablets, the entire body of a sick person receives healing, all internal organs are affected, due to this all functions are activated: restorative and immune.

Plaster: instructions for use

Instructions for use for medical patches are included in the box. First of all, the place where the Chinese plaster is applied must be clean and dry. This is not only important for hygiene, just dirty skin will not allow penetration of all the necessary plant extract.

Chinese medical patches

transdermal drug

AT recent times Increasingly, Chinese medicinal plasters are used for treatment and recovery.

This is explained by the fact that the extract medicinal plants, in contact with the skin, begins to heat up to body temperature. Thus, blood circulation is activated. The incoming extract through the blood vessels begins to draw out toxins, radicals and toxins. After a while, the patch becomes wet.

When slagged, the patch gets wet quickly and can stain clothes. Sometimes the patches are changed more often at the beginning of treatment than after some time.

You don’t have to use a patch and change your usual lifestyle. The only thing for recovery to come faster is to make sure that they do not peel off.

Buy patch, price

If you decide to buy a Chinese patch, the price of it should be compared with the pills you take. The cost is small, but the effect is huge. But you can’t buy it at a pharmacy or just on websites. Quality products are sold only from regional representatives. We will provide links.

Transdermal healing patch combines all the best: ancient recipes of oriental medicine, herbalism. All this became available modern man thanks to advanced technology and manufacturing. This tool is a real salvation in the treatment of joints and orthopedic diseases.

The uniqueness of this method of treatment lies in the fact that the skin, like a sponge, absorbs the extract of herbs. If we compare tablets, then they enter the gastrointestinal tract, begin to gradually be absorbed into the blood. Some of the beneficial properties are lost, some have a therapeutic effect.

As for the transdermal agent, the properties of the skin and the arrangement of thousands of blood vessels allow the drug to be distributed very quickly throughout the body. It turns out that the path to the diseased organ is reduced several times, due to the bypass of the gastrointestinal tract and liver.

The specifics of the Chinese plaster for the joints

Chinese joint patch advertised as good remedy with diseases of the spine, bone joints. Anyone who has used these products gives a variety of, sometimes completely contradictory, reviews about their effect. So what causes such heterogeneity of the result that these patches provide?

Types of patches

Chinese plasters differ in their size, the content of the sticky layer. They have different purposes depending on the presence of plant, chemical, and other particles of the treatment coating. The appearance of these products is hardly distinguishable. Information on how to use the product can be found on the packaging (it is in Chinese). There are several types of products:

  1. Moisturizing Chinese plaster as part of the sticky layer has a water gel. Used for fitness. It has a shielding effect of heat retention. Perhaps this explains the lack of the expected result of anesthesia when using the drug for the treatment of joints. The size of such a product is the smallest - 10 × 7.5 cm. There are 6 of them in the package.
  2. Orthopedic Chinese patch has about 10 plant components in the therapeutic layer. These are herbal extracts of anti-inflammatory effect (cistanche, milletia, cybotium), antispasmodic (drinaria), analgesic (angelica), immunomodulatory (ginseng) action. Its size is the most impressive - 14 × 10 cm. This product is used for the treatment of joints. The package contains 6 pcs.
  3. Chinese plasters have a different variety in the form of magnetic nanoproducts. Their healing layer contains small particles of magnets with a slight analgesic effect. Recommended for use by athletes for the prevention of muscle microtrauma during intense training. Less often, such a patch is used for joint pain. The size of such a product is 9 × 7 cm. The most expensive option of the entire group.
  4. Other varieties of Chinese plasters used for pain relief contain snake or bee venom. The effect of anesthesia is associated with a paralyzing effect on the nerve endings of the skin. The therapeutic layer of such products may contain additional plant components.

This combination of active substances can cause allergic reaction when using these products. Mysterious names (Green Tiger, Lao Gaoyao, Black Jade) distinguish them with no less unpredictable allergic reactions.

Chinese plasters used for urological problems are very popular. Products are produced in two varieties: similar to orthopedic ones with sticking to the lumbar region, for fixation in the umbilical zone (they have a hole for the navel, a round shape). This modification of the product is used in the treatment of prostatitis, cystitis, potency disorders.

Improving the circulation of the areas where this product is used helps in the treatment serious problems in men, women. The therapeutic layer of the urological patch contains extracts of:

  • plantain;
  • safflowers;
  • gem;
  • corydalis;
  • cinnamon;
  • camphor (package has 5 pcs.).

When is it used?

The scope of Chinese plasters is extensive. They are popular because of their ease of use, good effect when used correctly.

They are used in all sports to reduce muscle heat transfer, increase endurance while improving blood circulation. Used for minor muscle injuries knee joint, with sprains.

Another area of ​​application is inflammatory, degenerative diseases of the joints and spine. main goal the use of products is called anesthesia. The most pronounced such effect is observed in the orthopedic patch. It can be used as an adjunct in the treatment of any stage of the course of osteochondrosis, osteoarthritis.

Almost 60% of people over the age of 50 suffer from manifestations of these ailments. The causes of degenerative diseases are associated with in a sedentary manner life, high loads on the joints (including overweight). According to orthopedic doctors, damage to the knee joint (gonarthrosis) is in second place in frequency after osteochondrosis.

This is due to the presence of active components of the therapeutic layer. Plant extracts can be allergens in case of individual intolerance. Orthopedic plasters are also not used:

  • during pregnancy;
  • breastfeeding women;
  • in children;
  • with a tendency to bleeding;
  • at the time of any tumor processes;
  • if abscesses are noticed on the skin at the site of application.

How to apply?

The patch must be applied to the area of ​​pain (for example, on the skin of the back along the spine, large muscles, joints). The sticky layer has a good quality of adhesion, retention on the skin after its preliminary treatment. It is necessary to wash the place of application of the product with soap. If there are suspicions of microtrauma of the skin, it should be treated with an alcohol-containing solution and allowed to dry.

You can apply 2-3 products at the same time, if necessary. The use time of one patch is 72 hours (3 days). The application of the next patch is possible in the same place after a break of 5-6 hours (better if it is a day).

Before the next gluing, it is necessary to repeat the treatment of the skin for better contact with the adhesive layer. In total, the manufacturer recommends using no more than 6 sessions of applying the product in one place with a further break of 1-2 months.

If the product is used in fitness activities, the action of the product is limited only to moisturizing, keeping warm. The term of application is determined by the individual desire of the person. The sticker can be removed immediately after training, after a while, left on the skin for up to 3 days.


Magnetic Chinese patch can be used as a moisturizer. It is considered more rational to use it for a time similar to the duration of the use of an orthopedic patch. The analgesic effect is more modest, but there is no likelihood of allergic reactions.

The urological option can be used to reduce pain of any localization (for example, on the joints) in the absence of contraindications. Its use is usually equal to 2-3 days after gluing. The mandatory break before applying the next product is 24 hours. The total time of use is at least 2-3 months.

Chinese foot patches have caused a stir in the alternative medicine market. The foot detox patch is developed according to Chinese acupressure and reflexology techniques that are over 5000 years old.

Over the past 500 years, medicine has made a huge leap from medieval methods of treatment to the discovery of penicillin and the decoding of the human genome. So why are thousands of people turning back time and using traditional Chinese medicine methods to alleviate their physical ailments 5,000 years ago?

Numerous methods of detoxifying the body have been practiced in China for thousands of years. The methods of Chinese medicine are aimed at restoring the balance and free flow of vital energy Qi in the body. To do this, according to the theory, it is necessary to remove the accumulated toxins and ensure the free flow of energy through the human body.

If you want to detoxify your body by following the methods of Chinese medicine, then you will have to drink detox tea, put cups, undergo acupuncture and massage sessions, clear the meridians, do Qigong exercises and glue Chinese bamboo patches at night to remove toxins.

Far from always western medicine I agree with such methods, but, in most cases, ancient Chinese methods work!

Bio patch or how to detox in Chinese

The Chinese use herbs to cleanse the liver, kidneys, lungs and blood. Regular drinking of cleansing tea will help you feel calmer, give you more energy and improve your complexion.

Banking treatment is a well-known method of traditional medicine in Russia. Until recently, banks were placed at home with the slightest cold. Banks are a Chinese invention, like gunpowder and paper. Cupping originated in Ancient China. The method became famous in Europe thanks to the Jesuit monks in the 13th or 14th century.

This is a kind of "form of acupuncture." A thick glass jar is placed upside down on the skin. As the air inside the cup cools, it creates a vacuum. The Chinese theory says that this process stimulates blood flow and sucks out "toxins" from the body. The resulting pressure releases the channels and removes obstacles to the flow of vital energy.

Cleansing by banks, in general, is painless method detoxification. It has been practiced in China for thousands of years. In recent years, the method has become widespread in many countries.

Like acupuncture, cupping stimulates circulation and treats colds, infections, muscle and joint pain. Note that in many countries official medicine against cans.

According to Chinese medicine, hundreds of meridians run through the body and energy centers are concentrated. Meridian cleansing removes waste accumulated deep in the muscles. Chinese massage techniques are complex and varied. This is a large, serious section of Chinese medicine. Qigong gymnastics is also a method of cleansing the body. The goal of qigong is to achieve balance and purity of body and mind.

Why the foot is the second heart

According to Chinese medicine, there are 360 ​​acupuncture points on the body. There are more than 60 points on the feet. In China, the foot is considered the second heart.

There is slow circulation in the foot, and this leads to stagnation of "positive energy". The use of cleansers "opens" the energy channels. Points on the feet serve as channels for the removal of toxins. Chinese reflexology claims that all points on the feet are connected to the corresponding organs of the body.

Place Chinese herbal patches on your feet before going to bed. While you sleep, the active components of the patch will draw out toxins through the acupuncture points. When you remove the patch in the morning, it will be brown or black in color from the detoxification process. It will leave a pronounced "hood" of dark color, sticky and wet in structure.

With each time, after the next application, the patch will be lighter. The longer you apply phytopatches, the stronger the effect will be. Some people need only five treatments.

Others will have to take more courses. Much depends on the place of residence, immunity and general health. It is especially recommended to use phytopatches for residents of large cities with a polluted atmosphere.

How to apply a cleansing patch

Each bio patch is packed in a transparent bag. Release the phytopatch from the film, fix it on the adhesive side and stick it on the feet. Press the perforated side of the patch to the foot.

  • Before going to bed, you remove the bio patch from the package.
  • On the clean feet apply sachets with healing herbal collection.
  • Attach the bags to the feet of both feet.
  • In the morning, after waking up, remove the patch and wipe your feet with a damp towel.

You will find dark discharge on the patch. The patch gradually draws accumulated toxins from the body through the pores of the skin.

Color depends on age, pollution of the place of residence, general health. Regular use of the bio foot patch has a rejuvenating effect. The patch is glued to both feet. You can stick the patch to sore spots: shoulder, joint, arm, back, muscles.

What will happen if I put plasters on

Cleansing patches are a tool for overall wellness and energy levels. They remove excess fluid from the body, which helps relieve swelling and speed up metabolism. A wellness foot patch detoxifies and promotes rejuvenation. No, this is not a joke, but a scientific development based on traditional oriental medicine.

Composition of detox patches or why bio

The cleansing recipe is taken from the ancient methods of Chinese medicine. The history of the use of plasters has several thousand years. The modern detox patch is made according to the latest technologies on the the latest equipment. The result is a solid alloy of ancient knowledge and modern technology. Fitopatch is non-toxic, only herbal ingredients are included in the composition, without side effects.

Composition of Tiande bio foot patch

bamboo extract- active ingredient. Bamboo is a natural adsorbent. It helps relieve swelling and has antibacterial properties.

Chitinorganic product which is extracted from shellfish. Chitin promotes the elimination of fats, heavy metals and toxins. natural absorbent.

Adzuki bean extract- helps to remove excess fluid.

Forest beech bud extract– binds toxins, stimulates blood microcirculation. Reduces inflammation and moisturizes.

orange extract- a tonic.

Dextrin- absorbs moisture, opens pores.

The action of the patches is based on the process of osmosis

In this case, the patch contains concentrated plant extracts. After the patch is glued to the foot, the components begin to draw out the accumulated toxins. This principle underlies the cleansing process. As a result of the osmotic process, equilibrium is established. Useful substances pass through the pores, and “dirty” secretions remain on the patch.

When a Cleansing Band-Aid Doesn't Help

  1. The patches are designed to remove toxins from the body and act as a supportive and prophylactic agent.
  2. Are not a drug
  3. Band-Aids Won't Help You Lose Weight
  4. Plasters are not recommended to be placed on the feet if there are wounds, cuts, deep cracks
  5. Individual intolerance to the components
  6. Not recommended for small children

The most famous plaster is adhesive plaster. It was invented by the German Paul Karl Beiersdorf in 1882. But now is the 21st century – 120 years have passed. Now a patch is not just a piece of cloth that can be used to “stick up” something - our scientists are our way of introducing active substances into these stickers and this has changed people's lives.

Chinese patches are a reliable remedy that combines the latest advances in traditional Chinese medicine and reflexology. This is a popular method of treating a wide variety of diseases by delivering active substances through the skin.

Ancient recipes of Chinese medicine, combined with modern advances in pharmacology, make the patches a truly powerful and safe remedy.

The effectiveness of patches in the treatment of many diseases is explained by the fact that the active elements help to normalize the movement of blood and other fluids, and also activate acupuncture points - an important element in the treatment of various ailments.

Medical patches relieve pain, increase the rate of enzymatic reactions and activate metabolism. A quick therapeutic effect is achieved due to the high penetration rate of active substances into the skin.

The safety of the impact of the patches is ensured by the fact that natural medicinal components enter directly into the affected area, bypassing the stomach, intestines and liver - in the shortest way.

Affordable price is just one of the advantages that make patches an indispensable tool. Chinese medical patches provide fast and noticeable results, are safe to use and easy to use.

How do patches work?

For a better understanding of how patches work, watch this short video from the popular Health show:

Transdermal ("trans" - through, "derma" - skin) patches provide rapid delivery of drug components through the skin.

The range of use of patches is very wide. For example, we will consider the effect of a patch that relieves pain and mobilizes the body's defenses.

Therapeutic components with analgesic properties provide pain relief, which occurs as the active substance is absorbed into the peripheral nociceptive C-fibers and A-delta nerve fibers when the patch is fixed to the skin.

Elements that provide a local irritating effect affect acupuncture points and stimulate non-specific reactions of the body.

In scientific studies conducted by domestic and foreign experts, there are five main mechanisms for the impact of acupuncture points on the human body:

  1. Vasodilating action.
  2. Distracting action.
  3. Reflex effect on the Zakharyin-Ged zones.
  4. Reflex effect on active zones (points) on the feet and palms.
  5. Reflex launch of universal defensive reactions organism.

These mechanisms are well studied and experimentally confirmed by modern medicine, but they cannot fully explain the therapeutic effect of therapeutic patches.

Particular attention should be paid to the fifth mechanism, because it is thanks to him that the effect of therapeutic patches is comparable to the most potent drugs, but at the same time it is safe.

The reflex triggering of the body's universal defense reactions is the leading and one of the most interesting mechanisms of action that Chinese patches have. It has a systemic effect, accelerating recovery, increasing resistance to pathogenic factors and improving well-being.

Chinese transdermal patches - systems that have a healing effect, both on individual bodies as well as for the entire body.

Treatment with patches has a cumulative effect, due to which the results are only enhanced. In other words, over time, the patch helps better and better. Unlike other means, which certain time completely stop working.

How to use

The way of application of various transdermal systems is very similar. The main differences: the time of fixing the patch, the place of application. In order to understand how to use a particular type of patch, you should refer to its instructions. In general, we can distinguish some basic rules for use:

  1. Apply the patch after removing the previous one.
  2. The place to which the patch is attached should be the minimum amount hair.
  3. It is necessary to clean and dry the skin before applying the patch.
  4. Before use, make sure that the packaging is not damaged.
  5. The protective film must be removed and the transdermal patch applied to the skin.
  6. You should smooth and lightly press down on the patch for 30 seconds to make sure it is securely in place.
  7. After sticking or removing the patch, you should wash your hands - it is necessary to wash off the active substances that could get on the skin.

Chinese medicine

Traditional Chinese medicine is considered one of the most ancient, because it has been developing for three millennia. However, only some 60-70 years ago, the Western world began to seriously discuss these methods of treatment. It turned out that many folk healing principles were recognized as effective and they began to be adopted in standard medical practice.

For various diseases, the Chinese often use herbs. Despite the fact that herbal medicine is also used in Russia, it is in China that doctors have achieved truly impressive results in compiling various fees aimed at treating specific ailments.

We can distinguish the following mechanisms of the positive effect of herbs on the body.

  • Strengthening immunity.
  • Normalization of pressure.
  • Normalization of sugar levels.
  • Strengthening the body's defenses.
  • Bringing the metabolism back to normal.

Since the mechanisms of work of Chinese medicine began to be used in the official practice of doctors, we can safely say that they help.

TAO works with a well-known university such as Henan Medical University, and Chinese doctors came to us on the recommendation of this university. There are doctors with great achievements and a strong reputation in medical circles.

It was at the junction of the ancient knowledge of traditional Chinese medicine and modern science, as well as the experience and achievements of our and foreign doctors, that the famous Chinese healing plasters appeared.

Transdermal patches have gained popularity because they are easy to use, affordable, and more effective than even strong drugs.

According to the World Health Organization, every third man in our country after 40 complains about prostate health. For the treatment of urological diseases modern medicine proposes a holistic approach.

One of its components are external products, such as the Chinese patch for prostatitis. The manufacturer claims that the product is effective, painless and devoid of side effects. Let's figure out together what underlies this therapeutic method, how to properly apply Chinese urological patches, and what is their average cost.

Chinese medicine help

Experts explain that since ancient times, Chinese medicine has used medicinal herbs to treat diseases.

Initially, Chinese patches for prostatitis were fixed in the navel area, since it was this area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe abdomen that was considered associated with urological organs. In addition, the navel in the East was listed as the energy center of the body, through which all the "threads" of its systems pass.

The photo shows that a modern Chinese urological patch for prostatitis is a rectangular piece of perforated fabric impregnated with active substances from extracts of medicinal plants, crushed to the size of nanoparticles.


It easily attaches to the skin, after which there is a slight heating, allowing the smallest particles to penetrate deep into the dermis. The action of one drug is designed for 72 hours of continuous intake of biologically active substances into the body. As a result, the following changes occur in the genitourinary system:

  1. Blood circulation and metabolism are activated.
  2. The pain symptom is stopped.
  3. Inflammatory processes are extinguished.
  4. Strengthens potency.
  5. The process of urination is normalized.

The power of natural ingredients

Let's take a look at the composition of the products using the zb prostatic navel plaster as an example.

This component has a pronounced bactericidal property. Under its influence, metabolic activity decreases harmful bacteria, which is especially useful in the treatment of infectious prostatitis. To a lesser extent, viruses and fungi are destroyed, which accelerates the treatment of a disease caused by a mixed form of infections.

The composition of the patch includes Bornean camphor

According to doctors, this plant has a pronounced antispasmodic and thrombolytic effect on blood vessels. As a result, increased blood flow will bring additional oxygen to the pelvic organs, nutrients and medicinal components, so that the prostate gland will quickly restore its health.

This seasoning is very popular among cooks for stimulating appetite and speeding up metabolism. In medicine, these properties were also noticed and began to be put into practice, including cinnamon in various preparations for internal use and external use. For example, with prostatitis, the substance activates the latent abilities of the body to resist the disease.

Many urological diseases are treated by herbalists using the extract of this plant. In medicine, it is called a natural antibiotic and is added to preparations to restore prostate tissue. In the Chinese plaster, the gem and camphor complement and enhance each other's actions, creating a powerful antibacterial effect.

The extract of this plant can be seen in the instructions for many painkillers. In the countries of the East, it has long been prescribed to eliminate the pain symptom of ulcers, urological and gynecological ailments. Corydalis normalizes increased muscle tone and has a calming effect. As a result, urination becomes natural and painless.

The main action of the plant is the elimination of toxins. This effect is achieved with increased sweating, urination, intestinal motility. All these processes can lead to a natural cleansing of the body, so that all internal forces will be directed directly to the fight against inflammation of the prostate.

One of the components of the patch is Safflower dye

Using the extract of this plant, the manufacturer took care of prevention urolithiasis. So, the Asian plantain has long been used to treat urinary tract, as well as for breaking stones in the kidneys and bladder at the initial stage of the disease. Therefore, Chinese patches can cure not only the prostate, but the entire genitourinary system.

Mode of application

Due to the fact that the Chinese plaster for the treatment of prostatitis has a complex therapeutic effect, it can be used as the main or auxiliary tool to get rid of the following pathological processes:

  1. Inflammation of the prostate.
  2. BPH.
  3. Renal failure.
  4. Weak potency.
  5. male infertility.
  6. Diseases of the bladder and urinary tract.

Please read the instructions before using the patch.

Experts recommend gluing a patch for prostatitis on the navel area. So, in the packaging of the product there is a detailed instruction for use, indicating the method of treatment with this product. It says that the lower abdomen must be washed and shaved.

Next, the man should tear the individual packaging with clean hands in a specially designed place, take out the patch, remove the protective layer and attach it to the skin the first time. Remember that when re-gluing the product will not hold.

You should also know in advance how long such treatment lasts. The instructions say that for the prevention of prostate diseases, it is enough to use two or three products, and for the treatment of urological ailments, a man should wear seven to eight Chinese remedies in a row. Remember that the duration of one patch is 72 hours, after which you need to take a break for a day.

According to doctors, treatment will be more effective if certain conditions. So, the diet of a man should be devoid of spicy and salty dishes, causing delay fluids in the body.

In addition to heavy food, alcoholic and carbonated drinks are prohibited. During the period of wearing the patch, it is worth abandoning the heavy physical labor, strength sports training, endurance exercises.

Experts note the safety of such a procedure, so the product is prohibited for use only by those men who have damage to the integrity of the skin at the site of application of the patch, as well as allergy sufferers with a negative body reaction to the components used.

Speaking about the patch, it is worth considering that the product is not sold in pharmacies, and in specialized stores its price is much higher than on the manufacturer's website on the Internet. Remember, wherever you purchase a product, make sure it's authentic.

To do this, compare the image on the package, check the expiration date and the presence of instructions where it will be written in Russian how to use the prostatitis urological patch, and also make sure that the price is not unnaturally low or high. After all, only the original quality product will be effective and safe for health.

Chinese patches: a miracle or a hoax?

The internet is filled with stories of miraculous healings from Chinese plasters. Thousands of rave reviews, dozens of sites dedicated to them. There are no legends about them anymore. But what is it? Let's talk!

From all diseases First of all, the most important thing: as Center Plus was informed by the Society for the Protection of Consumer Rights (OZPP), not a single company has received licenses to distribute the so-called “Chinese plasters” in Russia, which means that, in fact, everything that we are offered is counterfeit. This should alert you right away. However… On some forums, people write that the Ministry of Health specifically does not allow the sale of patches, because they will bring down the entire pharmaceutical market. After all, if they are able to cure any disease, then you won’t have to spend money on other medicines ...

“As we know, there are no cures for all diseases, and therefore the assertion that anything can be cured with a band-aid is already a consumer deception,” says OZPP expert Ivan Polyakov.

- In addition, due to the lack of legal sales, you can only buy patches illegally - in dubious online stores, through ads and from your hands. That is, in case of fraud, you will not be able to return the goods and somehow protect your rights. In addition, you will not have a guarantee that you are buying a safe product, and not some kind of poison.

What is the secret So what is the secret of miraculous patches? “When a real boom began on Chinese plasters, we specifically studied several samples - for headaches, which were prescribed to be glued to the forehead or neck, for pain in the joints and for leg swelling,” says Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Valery Shibanov. In the end, we managed to unravel their secret. At the heart of the miracle remedy is the most common plaster, or adhesive tape, or mustard plaster (depending on the manufacturer). A strip of active substance is applied to it from the adhesive side. This powder is nothing more than a mixture of herbs that can be bought at any homeopathic pharmacy. According to the professor, Chinese doctors, having studied the properties of plants and the ability of some of them to influence people, simply picked up mixtures of plants. For example, with a headache, powders that normalize blood pressure. For pain in the arms or legs - anesthetics ...

“In fact, we are offered an anesthetic that is absorbed through the pores of the skin and has a local effect,” continues Valery Shibanov. – The patch does not provide any treatment, there is no magical miracle of healing.

It just masks the pain like a painkiller. Can they hurt themselves? Yes, if you are allergic to any components of the powder (after all, they are indicated only in Chinese). Can they be cured? Of course not. You will only drive the disease deeper and then you will have to undergo more serious treatment.

The patches are produced by about 10 Chinese pharmaceutical companies. They are all equal and the cost of their products is the same - remember this. If on the Internet you are offered any of the patches at an inflated price, because they are in the “VIP” category, feel free to look for another seller. If you start looking for patches on the Internet or through ads, the first thing you will stumble upon are sites that offer the most expensive products. For example, 600-1000 rubles for one patch (that is, at least 6 thousand rubles for a pack of 10 pieces).

Chinese patches for osteochondrosis: composition and therapeutic effect, how to apply, where to buy

  • Ankle
  • Carpal
  • Knee
  • Elbow
  • Brachial
  • Hip
  • Spine

Osteochondrosis is a degenerative-dystrophic pathology of the spine and related organs, manifested by a number of symptoms affecting both organs and tissues directly adjacent to the spine, and on the periphery. It is mostly due to the wrong way of life, poor posture, low motor activity and other reasons. Osteochondrosis is treated in a complex, conservative therapy, surgery and physiotherapy methods. Nice results also give methods of reflexology and oriental medicine in general. An example of such methods is Chinese patches for osteochondrosis, the principle of which is a transdermal effect on diseased areas, that is, the penetration of medicinal substances through the layers of the skin to the diseased area.

Composition and therapeutic effect

The composition includes active substances of extracts of medicinal plants, beeswax and other biologically active components.

Previously, in the treatment of osteochondrosis, a mixture of useful substances was applied to the skin of the patient's back and covered with a blanket, now the method has been improved and medicinal composition is in a plaster, when applied to the skin, it begins to penetrate into the subcutaneous layers and affects the diseased organs. In addition to the direct action of medicinal substances, in this type of treatment, the effect of reflexology is observed, for example, in the presence of hot pepper or other substances with similar action, receptors of the skin of the back are affected, stimulating many metabolic processes in the organs.

The therapeutic effect is as follows:

  • Removal of painful phenomena. Osteochondrosis is characterized by pain, which can be different depending on the localization. pathological process such as osteochondrosis cervical characterized by pain in the neck, head, arms, lumbar - severe pain in the legs, lower back. The Chinese medical plaster can eliminate pain in a course of application, it is often recommended to apply it at night to normalize sleep and relieve pain in the morning.
  • Reducing inflammation. The composition includes such agents as menthol and myrrh, which remove signs of inflammation, relieve spasm, swelling, blood stasis at the site of the lesion, which eliminates the symptom of pain and spasm.
  • Normalization of metabolism. Due to circulatory disorders in osteochondrosis, areas of blood stagnation are formed, characterized by pain, numbness, dysfunction. The Chinese plaster works on the principle of a compress, warming up the back and neck, which improves blood flow and the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to the tissues.

How to apply Chinese patches

The packaging is removed immediately before the overlay procedure. The place where it is planned to glue the Chinese patch for osteochondrosis is pre-washed, dried and degreased with a cotton swab with alcohol so that the patch sheet stays on the skin.

The Chinese patch is attached in two ways:

  • The simplest - a large sheet of patch is applied to the skin of the inflamed area, capturing the area where pain is not felt, for better coverage and impact on the back.
  • The second method is considered more effective - the patch sheet is cut into square pieces (the side of the square is 1 cm), they are applied to the entire affected area where pain occurs. For example, it could be the entire upper back or lower back. At this method exposure covers a large area of ​​the skin and the penetration of medicinal substances is faster.

A sheet or piece of patch is applied to the skin and smoothed with the palm of your hand. Wearing the product is 8-12 hours a day, no more, the course of treatment is from 5 to 9 days. During this time, complete penetration under the skin and delivery of medicinal substances to the diseased organ is achieved. The final regulation depends on the disease and the severity of pathological phenomena, which is desirable to coordinate with the doctor.

Despite the naturalness of the components used in the composition, some of them can cause an allergic reaction, so the first application involves monitoring the skin area on which it is glued.

In case of severe hyperemia, itching of the skin, the duration of the patch on the skin must be reduced by several hours. If intolerance phenomena - burning, itching, appear within the first hour of wearing, it must be removed and a product of a different brand should be used.

Click on the picture to enlarge

Even “neglected” joint problems can be cured at home! Just don't forget to brush it once a day...

When not to use the Chinese medical patch:

  1. With skin diseases and with a history of allergies.
  2. At open wounds on the back, infectious processes on the skin, fresh scars, moles.
  3. During pregnancy and lactation, since such an active effect can cause bleeding, and patches that improve blood flow can cause metabolites and toxins to enter breast milk.

What patches to use

The most common and effective are Chinese plasters containing red hot pepper in the composition.

Pepper patch works well for manifestations of osteochondrosis of the cervical and lumbar regions, warming the affected area, stimulating blood flow, which relieves pain and muscle spasm. It is safe and easy to use, it can be taken with you by people who travel frequently. With cervical osteochondrosis, the patch is placed in the region of the cervical vertebrae, with lumbar osteochondrosis - in the lumbar region. Applying the remedy after just a few minutes can give the patient relief from pain.

The choice of patch depends on the disease, its severity and symptoms. It is advisable to coordinate its use with a doctor, study the composition and clarify the patient's tolerance of active substances. Chinese medicinal patches are usually not used in isolation, especially in case of chronic systemic lesions spine, so conservative therapy is necessary.

According to reviews, the Chinese patch for osteochondrosis relieves pain well during exacerbations of the disease, at those moments when going to the doctor is impossible or the intensity of pain is pronounced and greatly complicates movement. Also in the reviews of patients, the advantages include relative safety and ease of use.

Nevertheless, it is worth considering more restrained reviews, when more is expected from patches than they can give - for example, this remedy cannot eliminate the cause of osteochondrosis, deep complex therapy is needed here. According to research, Chinese patches have little effect in the treatment in case of pronounced subcutaneous fat or muscular frame backs - active substances weakly penetrate into the diseased area.

How to buy a Chinese plaster

This is a treatment for this moment is considered little known on the market, so not every pharmacy has them on active sale so that they can be safely bought. Therefore, it is recommended to buy Chinese patches from the manufacturer, through his online store, in order to avoid buying a fake.

The price of Chinese patches for osteochondrosis depends on the manufacturer, composition, delivery time. When placing an order on the manufacturer's website, it is usually possible to contact a company representative in order to determine the price of packaging and shipping costs in advance before buying.

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