What to take for a headache in China. Illness in China: A to Z Guide to Chinese Medicines

Zhentian 999 Zhentian Wan 999 is a Chinese medicine preparation for the treatment of all types of headaches. It is used to treat headaches such as migraine, headaches caused by nervous diseases, high blood pressure, headaches due to stress, vascular headaches, headaches caused by diseases of the cervical spine, premenstrual headaches, blood circulation disorders (stagnation), colds, etc. The main therapeutic effect: enhances blood flow, “nourishes” the blood, “calms” the liver, relieves pain, enhances the circulation of “qi” energy along the energy meridians. relieves pain, enhances the circulation of “qi” energy along the energy meridians. Indications for use: headaches such as migraine, headaches caused by nervous diseases, high blood pressure, headaches due to stress, vascular headaches, headaches caused by spine, premenstrual headaches, circulatory disorders (stagnation) of blood, headaches, call colds, etc. Ingredients: uncaria tomentosa (goten), white peony (baishao), Sichuan ligusticum (chuanxiong), Chinese angelica (dangui), remannia (dihuang), baichi, apricot pit, cartamus tinctorius (honghua), asarum/hoof (xixin), Chinese angelica (duhuo), ephedra (mahuang), fupian, netted milettia (jixueten); excipients: starch, monosucrose, wax, activated charcoal. Method of application: orally after meals, 2-3 times a day, 6 gram (1 sachet) per appointment, course of treatment - 15 days. Side effects: during administration, a slight increase in hepatic transaminases is possible; in very rare cases, dry mouth, bitterness in the mouth, abdominal pain, loose stools are possible. Storage: in places not available for children.Course of use: 3-5 pack. Form of release: Packing of 10 sachets of 6 gr.Attention: while taking the drug, it is not recommended to drink alcohol, use spicy, fatty and bitter foods, you should take the drug strictly in accordance with the instructions , do not recommend long-term use of the drug, athletes should take it with caution, people with a tendency to allergic reactions should take it with caution, when taking other drugs, you should consult a doctor. Manufacturer: 999 Corporation, China. Attention! Information about the drug is provided for informational purposes and should not be used as a guide to self-medication. Please consult with your doctor! You can buy Zhengtian 999 Zhentian Wan 999 for all types of headaches in our online store of traditional oriental medicine Panda Bamboo. Please leave feedback about Zhengtian 999 Zhentian Wan 999!

"Zhen tan" - a natural highly effective remedy for all types of headaches, migraines, dizziness.

Zhentian main properties and indications for use: headaches of various etiology and localization (various types of headaches, such as migraine, headaches caused by nervous diseases and stress, vasospasm, high blood pressure, vascular headaches, headaches caused by diseases of the cervical spine, premenstrual headaches, manifestations of vegetative- vascular dystonia.

A huge variety of different causes that can cause the same end result - a headache.
Often the cause of a headache may be a viral infection or fever; in women, headache occurs during periods coinciding with the onset of the menstrual cycle. Headaches can occur due to an increase in pressure or an allergic reaction in the sinuses of the head, the so-called "sinus headache".
Also, stress can lead to a similar state. Sometimes a headache can be a signal of a dangerous condition in the blood vessels - an aneurysm or blockage, or of an incipient brain tumor.
Magnesium deficiency can contribute to the development of premenstrual headaches and possibly even migraine-type headaches caused by allergies.

Headaches are often caused by the abuse of those synthetic drugs that have been used to relieve headache symptoms, including ergotamines, narcotics (such as codeine) and even aspirin. All these synthetic western medicines deplete the natural painkillers in the brain and can lead to dangerous side effects: gastrointestinal disorders, liver and kidney damage, and allergies.

Boluses "Zhentian" comprehensively affects the causes of headache; the composition of the drug is rational, it can be used for all types of headaches. "Zhentian" has a pronounced therapeutic effect and has no side effects.
Zhentian stimulates blood circulation, circulates Qi energy along the meridians, eliminates blood stasis, relieves pain, improves microcirculation, protects vascular membranes, normalizes cerebral and coronary circulation, improves metabolic processes in the body, and has a mild calming effect.

The drug is also effective for various arching pains - with premenstrual syndrome, kidney pain, toothache, various joint pains.

"Zhen Tang" main composition: Fischer's aconite (aconitum Fischeri; fu-pian, fu-tzu, u-tou), vaginal girder (conioselinum vaginatum; chuan-gun), Daurian angelica (angelica dahurica; bai-chih),
angelica grosseserata; duho), European hoof (asarum europaeum), dye safflower (carthamus tinctorius; hun-hua),

Active ingredients "Zhen Tang":
essential oils; flavonoids; alkaloids; saponins; coumarins, glycosides; polysaccharides; organic acids; tannins; resins; proteins; vitamins; macro- and microelements

Pharmacological action: analgesic; has an analgesic, sedative, vasodilating, anti-stress effect

Indications for the use of "Zhen Tang":
headaches of various etiology and localization (migraine, headaches as a result of stress, as well as those caused by a disease of the cervical spine, premenstrual headaches, etc.)

The nature of the impact: bu energy of the stomach, fullness of the bladder, gallbladder; behold the emptiness of the small and large intestines; moves the blood of three heaters

"Zhen tang" influence on the meridians: stomach, bladder, gallbladder, small intestine, large intestine, three heaters

Features of "Zhen Tang"
: does not contain hormones and artificial colors; no side effects found

How to use: Take one sachet 1-3 times a day. Preventive course - 10 days. Treatment course -3 cycles of 10 days (from the 1st to the 10th day of each month)

Contraindications "Zhen Tang"
: individual intolerance to the components of the drug

"Zhen Tang" mode of application: 15-20 peas at a time, washed down with warm boiled water

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Moringa (Moringa lea ves) tablets 60 pcs


Moringa is effective in the treatment of:

"The plant has strong antibacterial and anti-viral properties, is rich in chloroform, and is a natural multi-vitamin and multi-mineral," says Dr. Bensimon.

It is estimated that dried moringa leaves contain:

  • in 17 times more calcium than in milk
  • 7 times more vitamin C than in oranges
  • 4-10 times more vitamin A than in carrots
  • 15 times more potassium than in bananas
  • 25 times more gland than in spinach
  • 36 times more magnesium * than in eggs

1. Improves eyesight,

2. Strengthens bones, immunity,

3. Treats anemia,

4. Contains a large amount of vitamins, especially A, C, potassium, calcium, amino acids and antioxidants.

5. Helps with stress,

6. Increases endurance,

7. Stimulates metabolism,

8. Rich source of fiber, protein, vitamins and minerals.

9. Even a small serving of five grams provides 2.4 grams of fiber (10% of an adult's recommended daily intake). Fiber plays an essential role in health and weight. Since soluble fiber does not break down and absorbs water, it increases the volume of the diet and makes us feel full for longer. Foods high in fiber, therefore, are a great way to control appetite and reduce overall calorie intake.

10. 100 g of powder contains: -95 mg of calcium (14% of the daily requirement). Calcium plays an important role in many bodily functions, including muscle contraction, blood clotting, transmission of information through the nervous system, development and maintenance of healthy bones and teeth.-5 mg vitamin E (166% DV for women, 125% DV for men) . Vitamin E is an antioxidant and supports cellular structure by protecting cell membranes from free radical damage. -300 mg Vitamin A (retinol equivalent) (50% DV for women, 43% DV for men). Vitamin A is essential for vision, normal functioning of the immune system and healthy skin. Moringa leaf powder is also high in protein, 23 g per 100 g of powder. It contains all eight essential amino acids, the building blocks of proteins. Essential amino acids cannot be produced in the body and must be obtained from our food.

Moringa powder is essential for: athletes, bodybuilders, people involved in sports, expecting and nursing mothers, growing children and chronically ill people!

“Knowledge is health” - this aphorism is directly related to the treatment of pain. Understanding the causes and mechanisms underlying it increases the arsenal of drugs used. Therefore, it is important to individually select such drugs that will be most effective with minimal side effects. But what to do when the cause of the pain is clear, and you are in China? The magazine asked for recommendations from a specialist, pediatrician Irina Shakhova from the Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinic in Shijiazhuang.

Causes of headaches in adults

The most common causes are tension headache (for example, during stress, prolonged tension of the muscles of the eyes and neck, which is characterized by constant bilateral painful pressure in the head, passing from the forehead to the back of the head) and migraine.

1. Exclude the infectious process and acute neurological pathology.
2. Determine if something like this has happened to you or if this is the first time you have experienced such pain.
3. Know your normal blood pressure.
4. Try to remain calm and act "from simple to complex."

What to do?

Before taking painkillers, it is worth measuring body temperature and blood pressure. If you doubt the causes of a headache, then do not self-medicate and consult a doctor.

Painkillers available in Chinese pharmacies without a prescription (for adults):

ibuprofen(Ibuprofen / Advil / Motrin / 布洛芬 / bù luò fēn)

Reception: a single dose for adults 400 - 800 mg, an interval of 4-6 hours, in 3-4 doses, the maximum dose is 2.4 g / day.


Paracetamol(Acetaminophen-Tylenol / 对乙酰氨基酚 / duì yǐ xiān ān jī fēn)

Reception: a single dose for adults 500 - 1000 mg, the minimum interval is 4 hours, 3-4 times a day, the maximum dose is 4 g / day.

Aspirin(Aspirin / 阿司匹林 / ā sī pǐ lín)

Reception: a single dose for adults 500 - 1000 mg, the minimum interval is 4 hours, up to 3 times a day, not more than 3 g / day.

Important! If there are problems with the heart, kidneys and with ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract, then the use of Ibuprofen and other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) is limited.

Important! Aspirin is prohibited for children under 18 years of age.

domperidone(Domperidone / 多潘立酮 / duō pān lì tóng)

Antiemetic drug. With a confirmed diagnosis - migraine, in case of vomiting, a combination of an analgesic with an antiemetic drug is allowed.

Reception: 20 mg.

Citramon analogue(阿咖酚散 / ā kā fēn sǎn)

Ingredients: aspirin 230 mg, paracetamol 126 mg and caffeine (咖啡因 / kā fēi yīn) 30 mg.

Reception: one sachet at a time, interval 4-6 hours, maximum 4 sachets (4 times) per day.

If you have a headache due to a cold, the pharmacy will offer you many remedies based on a combination of the above drugs with the addition of an anti-inflammatory and antihistamine substance (Chlorphenamine Maleate / 马来酸氯苯那敏). For example, capsules 氨咖黄敏 (ān kā huáng mǐn).

  1. Try to create the most calm environment, dim the bright light if it causes discomfort, rest and sleep are relevant.

2. Drink plenty of water.

3. If necessary, apply cold to the forehead, temples (dampened towel, ice pack).

4. Massage of the face, head, neck, back, and acupressure are excellent measures for tension headaches and migraines.

Urgently consult a doctor

  • If the headache is sudden, very strong, sometimes “thunderous”.
  • If the headache appeared after an injury, especially the head and neck, immediately or after a few days. For example, if there was a case of sudden braking in the car, when the head is sharply thrown forward and immediately back.
  • If the headache is accompanied by neurological symptoms: dizziness, confusion, impaired speech, asymmetric facial relief, salivation, etc.
  • If there are convulsions.
  • If after taking the drug, the headache became stronger, the drug did not help.
  • If a rash appears (especially hemorrhagic), there is stiffness, stiffness and soreness of the neck muscles, photophobia, vomiting (especially a "fountain").
  • If there is a change in vision (deterioration, narrowing of the visual fields, spots, etc.).
  • If the headache continues and increases for several days (weeks).
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