When the baby starts sleeping on his stomach. What to do if the child rolls over in a dream on his stomach. The child sleeps on his stomach. Negative points

Your baby eats well, wrinkles his eyebrows and nose funny, sniffs comfortably, burying his nose in the pillow. And you, like many other restless parents, google the Internet, looking for answers to your many Hows and Whys? Caring grandmothers, aunts throw you their portions of horror stories: “You can’t sleep on your stomach for such a baby, he can suffocate.”. and other horror stories. If you are also haunted by such fears, let's try to figure out together whether it is possible for a newborn baby to sleep on his stomach.

Sleeping on your stomach - cons

  • American doctors in the 90s of the last century described Sudden Infant Death Syndrome(SVMS). The cause was called spontaneous respiratory arrest, which can occur if a newborn sleeps with his face buried in a pillow, and his breathing is difficult. Breathing skills at this age are poorly developed, the nasal passages are narrow, lying face down in the pillow, the child does not understand and cannot, cannot turn his head to one side. Crusts or mucus in the sinuses of the nose can also make it difficult to breathe. The fact that this syndrome is directly related to sleeping on the stomach has not been proven, but experienced pediatricians advise being very careful.
  • Another argument against - the baby can suffocate with vomit. Often after feeding a baby, it is important for parents to prevent swallowing of vomit in a timely manner. Some parents are sure that the child can choke if he lies on his stomach. But this is not true. The most dangerous from this point of view is sleeping on your back. When spitting up, vomit enters the respiratory tract, the baby may develop aspiration pneumonia, which is difficult to cure.
  • The next argument against is that during sleep on the stomach, chest compression occurs, it is difficult for the child to breathe. This opinion can be attributed to prejudices, and even, calm breathing will be a marker here. And if something scares you, consult a pediatrician.

Sleeping on your stomach benefits

  • It is in this position that the child releases gases more easily, self-massage of the tummy occurs, and decreases.
  • The baby's arms rest against the mattress, he does not make involuntary movements with them, shudders less in a dream.
  • Sleeping upside down as much as possible reduces the pressure on the hip joints, and even the thin bones of the skull. The risk of their deformation is reduced.
  • In the fetal position (the head of the child is lowered, the pelvis is raised, the arms and legs are tucked under him ( see photo above)) blood quickly flows to the brain.
  • It is in this position that the baby is least likely to choke from regurgitation.

Your baby likes to sleep on his tummy, he is calm, breathes evenly, does not jerk his legs. The child sleeps sweetly, which means he is well and comfortable. Throw prejudices and fears aside - grow up healthy and happy!

Baby sleep - safety rules

In the first months of life, parents will have to decide for themselves how to put the baby to sleep. Forewarned is forearmed. Remember that while sleeping on your side, compression of the hip joint occurs, dysplasia may occur. If you sleep on your back, then deformation of the bones of the skull, swallowing of vomit is possible. Sleeping on your stomach can cause you to stop breathing. Such cases happen very rarely, the probability is negligible, just be vigilant and follow the recommendations:

  • Organize the right place to sleep. A hard mattress () and the absence of a pillow (yes, children under one year old do not need a pillow. We read at what age a child can sleep on a pillow -) will allow your child to breathe freely through his nose. Approach the baby during sleep and turn the head from one side to the other.
  • If, nevertheless, fears and anxiety haunt you, put the baby to sleep on its side, and put a soft roller under the tummy and back. The position of the crumbs will be fixed, breathing will be free. Be sure to put the baby on the tummy during the day. Very soon you will notice how quickly the muscles of the shoulders, neck, back, and abs have strengthened (see). Before peers, the baby will begin to hold his head, roll over, crawl.
  • After feeding, carry the baby in your arms in a “column”, let the air that got into the esophagus with food come out and the baby will not spit up during sleep.
  • Carefully, especially if the baby is sick, inspect the nasal passages,. Try to maintain an optimal microclimate in the room (the air is clean, humidified).
  • While sleeping on his back or stomach, the child involuntarily turns his head towards the room, people. Periodically lay him in the crib with his head in the opposite direction. So you will avoid deformation of the bones of the skull.
  • Very soon your baby will grow up, and he will choose his favorite poses. Then no matter how much you turn it over, it will fit as it is comfortable for him. So leave him the choice!

Afterword: Up to a month (!) It is better if the baby sleeps on its side, and then start laying it on the tummy. Over time, the baby will choose his favorite poses. Adults will only have to make sure that the conditions for sleep are safe. Colorful dreams to you!

Video: The position of the newborn during sleep

One of the questions that young mothers often ask is: what is the correct position of the newborn during sleep? It is difficult to give a definite answer to this question, since there are many opinions and recommendations. However, after studying them, the conclusion suggests itself: you should not stop at one option, the baby needs to be periodically shifted and its position changed during sleep.

Larisa Sviridova (Mother Lara) answers:

Here is what moms write on the forums:


If it is comfortable for the child to sleep on his stomach, let him sleep, it is completely safe for him! It's not scary. Let him sleep well.

Stop, stop, stop - in no case - newborns should not sleep on their stomachs or on their backs, just the same you can see in the photo - they are all slightly turned on their side!

See? And why?

Yes, simply because it is typical for newborn babies to spit up sometimes, and if he sleeps on his back, he may choke, and on his stomach the child may simply suffocate.

I slept on my stomach all three in turn, alive and well. Control, of course, is needed, but sleeping on your back is much more dangerous than on your stomach.

Of course, I'm not a doctor, but based on my own experience, sleeping on the stomach (with constant parental supervision, kaneshnA:winks:) is not contraindicated for babies. Among the obvious advantages are a decrease in the intensity of colic, a sounder sleep (for adults, according to doctors, this also applies). The only thing I constantly made sure that Ryo did not bury his face in the sheet, so that there was free access to air.

The child spends the first months of his life lying down. He still does not know how to sit, roll over, crawl and really play. No one will like lying in one position 24 hours a day, so caring mothers turn the baby from one side to the other from time to time, put cushions under the back and entertain the baby when he is awake.

It is useful to lay the baby on the tummy during joint games, but is it possible for a newborn to sleep on his stomach at night? In this seemingly simple question, various important nuances are hidden. Let's consider this question in more detail.

The first step is to pay attention to the possible dangers that can occur when the baby sleeps on the tummy:

SIDS- Sudden Infant Death Syndrome was covered in the nineties of the last century by American doctors. The cause was an unexpected cessation of breathing during the sleep of a child who turned his face into a pillow. Indeed, due to the small age of the baby, it will be difficult to roll over in case of danger. There is no actual evidence that SIDS is caused by sleeping on the stomach. But medical experts recommend to be very careful.

Another negative argument indicates that the baby can choke on vomit. Feeding often ends with regurgitation. Many are sure that this will happen if you put the baby on the stomach. This is a wrong assumption. It is much more dangerous in this situation for him to sleep on his back. Vomit enters the respiratory tract by regurgitation, and aspiration pneumonia may develop. It is very difficult to treat her.

Some believe that in this position the chest is compressed and it becomes difficult to breathe. Such an opinion is misleading. But if you're worried, check with your pediatrician.

Let's look at the positives:

  • This posture facilitates the passage of gases, helps to reduce intestinal colic and self-massage of the tummy.
  • The emphasis of the handles in the mattress allows you to get rid of involuntary movements, which eliminates flinching.
  • The pressure on the hip joints and weak cranial bones is relieved. There is no risk for their deformation and development of dysplasia.
  • The flow of blood to the brain is faster in the position of the embryo.
  • Decreases the chance of choking from regurgitation.

Baby Sleep Safety Rules

  1. When buying a crib, pay close attention to the gaps between the slats. It should not exceed ten centimeters. At long distances, the head may get stuck.
  2. Provide for a competent organization of the bed, the presence of a hard mattress, a sheet that is smooth without wrinkles and no pillow. At this age, it is not needed. Avoid covering with a thick blanket. If you accidentally find yourself under it with your head, then there will be a chance to be left without air.
  3. Consider clothing. There should be no blouses with strings. They can wrap around the neck.
  4. In the presence of fear and anxiety should be put to sleep on the barrel. It is good to put a soft roller under the tummy and back. The posture will become fixed and the breathing freer. During the day, you need to lay the baby on the tummy. So the strengthening of various muscle groups will occur faster and the child will soon learn to crawl from side to side;
  5. Take the baby in your arms after eating and vilify with a “column”. Air that has entered the esophagus will be released. The baby will not spit up when he falls asleep;
  6. Look through the nasal passages carefully, especially during the period of illness. Carefully remove mucus and crusts to maintain free access to oxygen.
  7. It is important to maintain optimal temperature conditions. It should be equal to 23 degrees.
  8. Keep clean. When working in the room of central heating radiators, the air will become too dry. It is worth using moisturizers.
  9. A sleeping child involuntarily turns his head to the voices of people. Constantly change the location so that there is no deformation of the bones of the skull. After all, they are still too mobile and soft thanks to an ungrown fontanel. If there is a habit of lying on one side, a dent may appear on the head, and in the future an irregular shape. Therefore, during the day, periodically keep the baby in sight, and turn it in different directions.
  10. It is better for babies up to a month to sleep on their side. Then start laying out on the stomach;
  11. In the near future, the child will grow up, and will sleep the way he wants. Let him have the right to choose.

What is the main threat of SIDS

The study of SIDS was not enough. Statistics show that about a third of the newborns who have died on the planet die in their sleep for reasons that have not yet been determined. This happens with perfectly healthy children. The cause of death is instantly stopped breathing. Presumably, such a disaster occurs when some factors coincide at the same time, which are dangerous precisely during interaction. And sleeping on your stomach is one of them.

It is important to take into account that doctors have established only an indirect relationship between sudden infant death syndrome and the sleep of deceased babies on the tummy. Still, they caution that this posture increases the risk of SIDS by a factor of three. But it is by no means certain that this will happen. Therefore, it is better not to take risks.

Parents who are interested in the topic of whether it is possible to sleep on the stomach of a newborn child should take into account such well-known facts:

  • boys die more often from sudden infant death syndrome than girls;
  • the most dangerous are the first months of a baby's life;
  • at risk are those with low weight or premature babies, as well as those with general weakness;
  • mothers create problems themselves. They showed inattention due to their young age, or bad habits of coffee, smoking and drugs.

How to avoid sleeping on your stomach

When the baby does not even seek to turn into this position, it is better to play it safe anyway in his very first months of life.

Consider a situation in which the airways are blocked. It seems that the child will reflexively turn his head and take a comfortable position, or open his mouth a little, as adults do with a cold. But research shows that babies don't. Even if you squeeze the nostrils, they will not try to free themselves. They just stop breathing. Minor pauses in breathing can last up to fifteen seconds. And when they bury their face in a pillow or mattress, they can die.

In the USA, babies are placed on special braces that have side rails. This bed allows you to sleep only on your back. The baby will not be able to accidentally turn in it.

Our parents are also able to provide, for example, a pillow. She will support the child on her back in one position. It is important to take everything into account and create an obstacle to turning over.

So, answering the question, is it possible for a newborn to sleep on his stomach, the answer is no.

In the event that the baby has grown enough and loves to fall asleep in this position, do not worry, nothing dangerous will happen to him. The main thing is that during sleep he is calm, does not groan and does not spin, breathe evenly and does not twitch his legs. So let him sleep as long as he wants.

More about the look at this question from an experienced mom:

Some moms and dads are wondering if it's okay to put a newborn baby to sleep on the mother's stomach. Doctors do not give categorical refusals and even welcome. It is good when he has whims or pain. Mom's body will warm and take it off. It is useful for a child to feel the heartbeat of a loved one. After all, it calmed him during fetal development. Sleeping on dad's stomach is also not contraindicated. In this position, it is even easier to monitor children's safety.

Special contraindications for pediatricians

The baby, according to doctors, should not be laid on the tummy when there is:

  • stomach, intestinal and bladder diseases;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • problems with the formation of the cervical region;
  • circulatory disorders (micro - blood circulation will decrease).

Thus, close attention during sleep should be given to the baby after birth for three months. At this time, he sleeps up to twenty hours a day. In the first twenty-eight days, it is important to leave it on its side. Then you can lay on your back. But be sure to turn your head to the side. Now you fully own the information on the issue of whether a newborn can sleep on his stomach.

The benefits and dangers of sleeping a newborn on his stomach. Alternative postures.

  • Huge joy overwhelms the inhabitants of the house! A new man appeared and filled the space with his sound and smell
  • Young parents bent over the baby with tenderness and caution. They rejoice and marvel at him
  • But after a while, an increased burden of worries for the kids will fall on the shoulders of dad and mom. Bathing, feeding, dressing, walking and many related issues will begin to swarm in their heads. Even bedtime is no exception.
  • Everyone knows the importance of resting in a comfortable position. And for a newborn baby - especially
  • Maternity hospital posters, flyers, doctors' warnings, advertisements and the media trumpet the dangers of baby sleeping on the tummy

Let's talk more about this topic.

The newborn sleeps on his stomach. Isn't it dangerous?

newborn baby sleeping on tummy
  • A young mother of her first child worries about every occasion with her baby. She constantly hears an inner mentor who demands ideal conditions and actions for the baby. Mom wants to know more about how to properly handle the baby so that he is comfortable
  • We, adults, often forget that our children are little future adults, people, people who, like us, have their own preferences. The same goes for sleeping positions.
  • Yes, young parents have an increased responsibility for the physical comfort and development of the baby's body. Until he learns to fully control and hear his arms, legs, head, torso
  • On the other hand, it is important for the sleep of a newborn to properly organize the space in order to avoid trouble and even death.
  • If the child sleeps on his own in the crib, then he should be avoided for a long time on his tummy during sleep. The only question is how to do it? How to measure this very duration? Therefore, pediatricians recommend avoiding general poses on the tummy during the sleep of a newborn baby.
  • Proponents of lucidity are in favor of co-sleeping with a child from the first minutes of life. Then mom, and later dad, control his position and comfort during sleep. Even if the baby fell asleep on his tummy, they listen and help him take a different position
  • Or, for example, one of the methods of nursing weak babies after birth is the phone position, or tummy to tummy. In this case, the baby sleeps on the mother’s stomach and feels great both physically and emotionally.

Can I put my baby to sleep on his stomach?

little baby sleeping on stomach
  • This question can be answered both in the affirmative and in the negative. Interestingly, both options will be correct for specific parents.
  • Think about it, do you specifically put yourself on your stomach before going to bed? You probably unconsciously choose this position because you feel more comfortable in it.
  • The baby feels the same way. Even if he fell asleep on his back or side, after a while he may well roll over on his tummy

And yet, there are specific reasons that encourage young parents to abandon this crumb position during sleep:

  • premature infant death syndrome (IPDS). Due to the physiological characteristics of the neck muscles in a newborn child, which in the first month of his life weakly hold his head and are not able to quickly turn it around, medical statistics are regularly updated with data on SDPS. Therefore, in maternity hospitals, obstetricians instruct, under the signature of a young mother, about the rules for organizing a baby’s sleep in a crib in the first months of his life at home.
  • soft mattresses and/or pillows are also causes of SPDS. Young parents should know that before the celebration of the first year of life, their child does not need a pillow. It is enough to put a diaper folded several times under the head. Mom is psychologically more familiar, and for the baby - more practical. If he burps while laying down or in a dream, then it is easy to wipe it with a diaper and not stain the mattress. The latter should be chosen with moderate hardness so that the baby does not drown its spouts in it, if it manages to roll over on its tummy
  • he can choke on what he vomits. Yes, if at this time the baby lies on the back or tummy, then the likelihood of such a scenario is high. Exit - after feeding, carry the baby upright, like a soldier, so that excess air and food can calmly come out
  • in case of illness, dry microclimate of the children's room, he may suffocate due to crusts in the nose. A young mother tries her best to keep up with all the hygiene instructions of the pediatrician every day. But there are days when she does not have time for various good reasons. And if the spout of the crumbs is at least a little clogged, then the passages for air to enter are reduced. And it's dangerous to suffocate

An alternative answer to the question about putting the baby to sleep on the tummy is to do it during the day, and choose other positions at night in the first month of the baby's life. And from the second month, practice boldly sleeping on your tummy. So the gaziki will come out faster, and the handles are pressed to the mattress without chaotic movements, and the baby’s sniffing is even and measured, which means that sleep is stronger and healthier.

How can a newborn sleep?

baby sleeps sweetly on side
  • Your grandmothers and parents will unanimously say - on the side, which must be changed after each feeding
  • And children's doctors specializing in the skeletal system will answer that for a baby with hip dysplasia, such postures create an increased load on sore spots and cause pain or provoke the progress of the disease.
  • Therefore, the classic pose - on the back with the head laid out in different directions remains relevant for all generations.
  • A good option is a half barrel. When you lay your baby on its side at a 45° angle to the surface of the crib. Place fabric rollers under the back and in front of the tummy so that it does not roll over onto the back or tummy
  • Let your baby sleep how he likes if you are a supporter of co-sleeping
  • How many fears and restrictions live in our subconscious, so many experiments and mistakes we will make with our children. Of course, common sense and awareness of parents is the key to the health and happiness of the baby.
  • Therefore, listen to yourself, your heart! You will hear answers to all your questions regarding the care of a newborn baby. And determine for yourself whether the position on the tummy is acceptable for his sleep

Lyudmila Sergeevna Sokolova

Reading time: 4 minutes


Article last updated: 04/16/2019

Medical science is constantly improving and revising many of its recommendations. This is especially true of such age as the period of newborn and infancy. The first year of a child's life is only conditionally divided into these two periods. In psychology, they use the criterion for the appearance of a revitalization complex in a baby. Before its appearance, the baby is considered a newborn (4-6 weeks from the moment of birth), after - a baby.
In many cases, psychology and pediatrics expresses considerations “for” and “against” this or that action, phenomenon or fact and recommendations. Responsibility for making decisions in this case lies with the parents. This fully applies to the issue of the sleeping position of the newborn.

Sleep positions for newborns

The classic sleeping position for a baby of the first month of life is the position on the back with half-bent arms and legs and the head turned to the side. The baby is still trying to get closer in sleep to the position he occupied for the previous 9 months, in addition, he still cannot fully relax due to increased muscle tone. Saying that the newborn is in this position and should sleep. In fact, a baby does not owe anyone anything. There are no strict contraindications for sleeping in a different position for a healthy child, for example, on the stomach. There are tips on how to properly organize such a dream, warnings and restrictions. Many infants prefer a different position. For example, the position "on the stomach" is preferred by newborns suffering from intestinal colic and flatulence. This situation is possible if the parents do not swaddle the baby. Otherwise, he will sleep on his back or on his side.

Sleeping on your back: pros and cons

If parents practice swaddling, sleeping on their back with their head turned to the side is the position in which the baby will have to rest. If parents allow the baby loose clothes (undershirts, sliders), there is more choice. But from the point of view of classical medicine, a newborn, until he has learned to roll over himself, needs to be laid on his back to sleep. This is the most natural position for him. Its advantages are:

  • free breathing (no pressure on the chest);
  • the inability to block the nasal passages with foreign objects (pillow or sheet);
  • it is easy for a mother to observe the quality of a baby’s sleep and notice possible unpleasant moments (for example, interruptions in breathing).

The disadvantages include the possible aspiration. If the baby turns his head straight and burps profusely at this moment, he may suffocate.

If the baby sleeps in this position, you need to make sure that the head is turned on its side - this will prevent aspiration. It is also necessary that the child change the position of the head (do not choose a favorite side), since the bones of the baby are still very soft and turning the head to one side can lead to skull deformity and torticollis.

Sleeping on your side: pros and cons

There is nothing wrong with the fact that the baby sleeps on his side, no, if he is able to roll over on his own. Laying the baby on its side, if the parents do not practice swaddling, is not necessary. But there are also no strict contraindications if the parents turn over the newborn, who himself cannot yet turn around.

If a child sleeps on the same side all the time, he may develop a deformity of the hip joint, a beveled skull and the same torticollis may appear.

If the child is put on the same side 3-4 times in a row, then he will become a favorite for sleep and deformation processes will begin. A child at the age of a newborn is very easy to injure.

Doctors consider this position potentially dangerous due to possible squeezing of the nasal passages. Also, if the baby lies on the left side for a long time, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe heart is compressed, and this can lead to inadequate rest and worsen the baby's well-being.

The positive point is the fact that aspiration does not occur when milk is burped.

Sleeping on your stomach: pros and cons

  • provides sound sleep;
  • development of back muscles;
  • is a self-massage pose;
  • relieves intestinal colic.

These are all the positive things that a baby gets if he sleeps on his stomach. If a child prefers to sleep on his stomach, he physically develops faster: he begins to raise and hold his head earlier. There are different ways to sleep on your stomach.

When a baby sleeps on his tummy, with his pelvis raised, his arms resting on the bed (in the fetal position), with his head turned to the side, this is considered to be the best sleeping position for the baby. Because:

  • the baby presses the handles with his body, he, shuddering, will not be himself as a result of the Moro effect;
  • in this position, minimal pressure is placed on the pelvic joints, which are not fully formed;
  • pressure on the small and thin bones of the skull is minimized;
  • blood quickly and freely enters the brain (no hypoxia);
  • the risk of choking is minimal;
  • intestinal colic is less of a concern.

However, for a newborn, official medicine does not approve of such a position. Since it is believed that it is associated with SIDS. This is a syndrome that describes the sudden death of a baby in a dream. Relationships with sleep posture are indirect, so this issue is still controversial.
There is also an alternative opinion, which is sudden infant mortality due to the removal of the mother (her being in another room). The break in energy, psychological and physical contact is perceived by the baby's body as a stress that not every child experiences. In addition, being at a distance, a mother may simply not notice any negative changes happening to her baby.
The reasons why up to 30% of seemingly healthy infants die in a dream are not fully understood. Breathing stops, not necessarily, by the way, in a position on the stomach, and the child dies. Although, if the baby sleeps on his back, according to statistics from European countries, the risk of premature death from SIDS is reduced by up to 2 times. For some reason, boys are more likely to die.

In newborns, even healthy ones, short-term arrhythmias (failures in the heart rhythm) and interruptions in breathing are possible. Additional pressure on the chest or the position when the baby rests his face on the sheet can negatively affect his well-being up to respiratory arrest.

In connection with the above, a legitimate question arises, is it possible for a newborn to sleep on his stomach? A healthy, strong newborn is shown to sleep on his stomach, at least a few hours a day. There are no strict contraindications to this position. The key word here is "healthy".

When should you not put your baby to sleep on your stomach?

When the child is sick. Respiratory infections, respiratory diseases, all conditions that affect the act of breathing and the ability of the airways to pass air, including the presence of crusts in the nose, are conditions in which sleeping on the stomach is not recommended.
The baby does not know how to clear the airways on its own, it has practically no cough reflex. Up to 3 months of age, the infant does not respond, as an adult, to blocked nostrils. Therefore, in case of difficulty breathing, the presence of a runny nose, allergies, etc. categorical it is impossible to lay an infant in the first months of life on the stomach. In the case of a mild physiological runny nose, it is necessary to clear the nasal passages before going to bed. When else is sleeping on your stomach contraindicated? Main aspects:

  • developmental anomalies;
  • diseases of the central nervous system;
  • heart disease;
  • prematurity;
  • small whole child in multiple pregnancy.

You should not put the child to sleep on his stomach if both parents are smokers, prone to alcoholism or drug addiction. Because it increases the risk of SIDS.

Healthy sleep on the stomach: basic rules

The child sleeps the way he likes. When he begins to roll over on his own, getting him to sleep in any position is difficult. To ensure a sound and healthy sleep on your stomach without consequences, it is enough to follow a few simple rules:

  • put the baby to sleep in a well-ventilated room;
  • observe the temperature regime;
  • up to a year, do not put the child on the pillow;
  • do not wrap the baby;
  • sleep with him in the same room;
  • turn over in a dream;
  • the bed (mattress) of the baby should be hard and even.

If you are afraid that the baby, when he starts to roll over on his own, will not sleep correctly or will suffocate in his sleep while you sleep, you can purchase a special baby cocoon. It provides a fetal position in the supine position, which children like, as it creates a feeling of being close to that which the child had in the mother's womb. At night, you can put the baby in this cocoon on the bed next to you. And during the day, let him sleep the way he wants.

Read more:

Many mothers note that the child sleeps on the stomach much longer and calmer than in any other position. So the baby has better gasses, and he does not interfere with his hands in a dream. But almost all pediatricians declare the danger of a baby sleeping in this position, and, of course, this is very scary for young parents. Pediatricians say that a child lying on his tummy during sleep can suffocate, burying his nose in a pillow or mattress. The fact is that newborn children up to about 3 months do not have a respiratory reflex and, moreover, do not know how to breathe through their mouths. Sleeping an infant in a prone position is fraught with sudden death - the main evidence for the theory of sleep aversion in such a position. However, the position on the back is also considered unsafe, since, spitting up, the baby can also suffocate. Remains on the side. And it is she who is considered the safest for babies, and it is on the side that pediatricians recommend laying newborns. But even here there are pitfalls. In this position, the baby, as it were, squeezes his still unformed hip joints, and lying mainly on one side provokes the development of torticollis. So how to be? How to put a baby to bed, because until about 5-6 months old he cannot take a position that is comfortable for himself, and sleeps the way his mother puts him. And what if the baby rolls over on his own and sleeps persistently only on his stomach - to reconcile or constantly turn him back?

The child sleeps on his stomach. positive points.

The personal experience and observations of many mothers (including the author of this article), as well as people associated with young children by virtue of their profession, prove that sleeping on the stomach has a number of positive aspects. A baby laid on his tummy sleeps more calmly, longer and more soundly than in any other position, because:

  • he does not interfere with his hands and does not start at sharp sounds and noise;
  • he has better gaziki;
  • he is less worried about colic;
  • it improves bowel function;
  • he cannot choke when spitting up;
  • his abdominal and neck muscles develop faster, respectively, he begins to hold his head earlier and gets on all fours more confidently.

In addition, if the child sleeps on his stomach upside down:

  • he has better and faster hip joints;
  • and there is no sweating, since nothing breaks and everything is perfectly ventilated.

Such things explain why many newborn children sleep on their tummy with pleasure, and older babies (after six months), laid by a caring mother on their side or on their back, diligently roll over onto their stomach, tucking their knees under them and exposing their ass.

The child sleeps on his stomach. Negative points.

The only, but very weighty argument against infant sleep on the stomach is the likelihood of sudden death syndrome. A similar diagnosis is made to an infant in the event of his sudden death in the absence of health problems and any visible reasons for that. This happens, as a rule, with children under 6 months old, mainly during the cold season and always during sleep. The medical literature indicates that in 90% of all cases of sudden death, the deceased child slept on his stomach. It is believed that if a child sleeps on his stomach, he overheats and cannot fully breathe, as he inhales the carbon dioxide-saturated air that he just exhaled, and then completely suffocates. Is it so? Let's figure it out!

The Truth About Sudden Infant Death Syndrome.

As mentioned above, newborn babies up to 3 months are not able to breathe through their mouths and, in the absence of the ability to breathe through their nose, cannot release it or at least begin to swallow air through their mouths. In this sense, a soft pillow, mattress, blanket, and even a thick diaper that prevents air from entering a child's nose can indeed cause the death of a small child. If a child sleeps on his stomach, you must admit that the likelihood of developing such a tragedy may well be. However, a common cold, combined with high temperature and low humidity in the room in which the child is located, can also provoke the same situation. Moreover, sleeping on your stomach is just one of (!) A number of factors that affect the occurrence of a child's death syndrome, including:

  • age up to 6 months;
  • predominantly male;
  • cold time of day;
  • too soft surface of the bed on which the child sleeps on his stomach;
  • overheating of the baby during sleep due to excessive wrapping;
  • colds and nasal congestion;
  • prematurity or low weight of the baby;
  • dryness in the room where he sleeps;
  • parental smoking during and after pregnancy;
  • abuse of medicinal and psychotropic drugs, as well as mother's alcohol during pregnancy and after;
  • birth trauma and problems during childbirth;
  • a child born to a mother under 20 and over 40;
  • ethnicity (more common among African-American children).

As you can see, there are a lot of factors provoking an increased risk of infant death syndrome, and the statement that a child can die just because he sleeps on his stomach is unfounded and unproven!

It is better to lay babies under 3 months of age on their side or control the baby's sleep on the stomach.

So that the baby sleeps better, he is not tormented by colic, and you are completely confident in the safety of the baby - put him with his tummy on your tummy and relax together. Such a joint sleep will be useful for both the child and for you.

Remember! A separate baby bed should be of good quality, firm and safe. No soft mattresses and especially pillows. For a baby of 2-3 months, a double-folded diaper is enough.

Be sure to ventilate the room in which the baby sleeps, and monitor the humidity.

Treat a runny nose and constantly clean the nose for dry crusts that interfere with the child's breathing.

Do not wrap the child too much and do not overheat him.

Lead a healthy lifestyle!

Every time you put your baby to bed, turn his head to the side, while constantly changing sides.

Always be on the lookout and sleep in the same room with the baby, so that you have the opportunity at any time to make sure that the baby is safe and, in which case, come to his aid.

And remember that every child is an individual, and the desire of the individual must be taken into account. If your baby is already rolling over on his own and does not want to sleep in any other way than on his tummy, let him do it. Do not worry about the fact that the child may suffocate, because if he finds himself a position for sleeping, then he himself can get rid of discomfort with difficult breathing, or at least make it clear to you.

Is the baby sleeping on his stomach? If he is not yet 3 months old - be careful and attentive. Take all measures to ensure that nothing interferes with the breathing of the baby through the nose. Is the baby already tossing and turning and sleeping only on his stomach? Don't hinder him. Respect his wishes, but provide him with a proper bed and a safe place to sleep. Sweet dreams, peace and long life to you!

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