Allergenic flowers list. Indoor plants that do not cause allergies. Causes of allergies from green decor

Tulips, gerberas or carnations. But some people have a rather strong allergy to flowers, and therefore, when choosing a bouquet, you should give preference to hypoallergenic plants, having previously read the list of suitable options. It would also be useful to find out the list of allergic plants in order to exclude the possibility of their inclusion in the composition.

Causes of allergy to flowers

Doctors identify two main causes of allergy to flowering plants:

  1. Pollen entering the body, settling on the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract and irritating. At the same time, pollen elements must have the so-called "permeability factor", that is, they must pass through the epithelial ball and disrupt protective functions mucosa of the upper respiratory tract.
  2. Activation of the reagin mechanism in case of allergies: pollen enters the body and causes a reaction of immunoglobulins E and G, and also increases the amount of serotonin and histamine in the blood.

To understand if there is an allergy to flowers (or rather, their pollen during flowering), it is worth knowing exactly how it manifests itself, that is, the symptoms of an allergic reaction of the body. The most pronounced are:

  • tearing;
  • skin itching;
  • dry cough;
  • runny nose;
  • sneezing
  • swelling of the eyelids and nose;
  • conjunctivitis.

In the most severe cases symptoms may be more severe, including angioedema and bronchial asthma. Please note: in some cases, a severe allergic reaction to flowers can cause sensitivity to other common allergens, such as household dust or pet dander. It is important to understand that any allergy, including to flowers, cannot be treated - you can only stop its symptoms with the help of certain medicines and avoid contact with allergens. For exact definition such substances, you should contact the laboratory for special skin tests (it is recommended to undergo this procedure from November to March, when there are no flowering plants outside). During the manipulation, shallow scratches are made on the skin, on which allergen concentrates are dripped, observing the reaction of the patient's body.

"Unsafe" and forbidden flowers for allergy sufferers

In medicine, about 7,000 species of flowers and about 11,000 species of flowering plants have been recorded, to which a person may be allergic. Moreover, in some countries there are even "floristic maps" showing the periods and territories of flowering of plants that cause allergies. The most famous allergic flowers and plants include:

  1. Cereals (rice, alfalfa, rye, wheat) that can cause cross-allergy to pollen from other plants.
  2. Ambrosia wormwood (weed grass) - its flowering can cause very severe allergies: at a concentration of only 25 pollen grains per 1 m³ of atmospheric air, there is a high probability of manifestation of hay fever (rhinoconjunctivitis) of moderate severity.
  3. Flowers from the Astrov genus - sunflower, dandelions, daisies, coltsfoot, common chamomile (not only its flowers, but also leaves can cause allergies).
  4. Plants with a strong aroma, especially lilies and bird cherry during flowering.
  5. Some indoor plants, due to the spread of essential oils, can also cause allergies - for example, geranium (pelargonium). When essential oils of geranium get on the mucous membrane respiratory organs an allergic person may experience swelling, itching and severe attacks cough.

It is worth remembering this list when choosing a bouquet not only for an allergic person, but also for discharge from the hospital - it is especially contraindicated to present strong-smelling plants to a young mother with a baby, which easily provoke a baby allergic reaction.

A bouquet that can be presented to an allergic person

Given the increase in the number of allergy sufferers, breeders from different countries peace in recent times intensively work on the creation of special hypoallergenic flowers for bouquets, without pollen and fragrance. AT this moment there is already one variety of such plants - these are ornamental sunflowers called "Cappuccino".

The rest of the flowers, to one degree or another, can cause allergies, but plants without a strong aroma and with a small amount pollens are less dangerous. Therefore, when choosing certain options, it is worth giving preference to plants in buds or double flowers - for example, carnations.

The following types of flowers practically do not cause allergies:

  • (the description of this flower can take more than one page, because in addition to the relative hypoallergenicity, orchids themselves are very beautiful and sophisticated, with an incredible variety of shades of petals);
  • climbing roses and rosebuds;
  • bougainvillea;
  • petunia;
  • phloxes.

Of course, when choosing a bouquet for an allergic person, it is also important to pay attention to the design of the composition as a whole, that is, the use of greenery. It is worth abandoning the ears (that is, cereals) and ferns - their pollen can cause feeling unwell recipient.

Order a bouquet with delivery

If you need to order a floristic composition at home in Moscow - inexpensively, but with a guarantee of exemplary quality - use the services of our company.

For more than 14 years we have been working in the field of floristry, making bouquets of incredible beauty exclusively from fresh and strong plants. A huge range of flower arrangements makes it easy to choose the right option for any special occasion: for an anniversary, March 8, New Year, birthday , graduation.

And of course we guarantee individual approach to every client. For example, if you need a bouquet of hypoallergenic flowers, you will be offered several options at once.

And convenient round-the-clock delivery throughout the capital allows you to present a pleasant present. close person in the most right time morning, afternoon, evening and even at night. We are waiting for your orders!

Spring, summer are not only favorite seasons, when everything is filled with life, seething, fragrant and developing. These are the seasons during which the flowering period falls for almost all plants. How nice it is to go out into the field and pick fragrant bright colors!.. And some of these benefits are not available, because due to physiological characteristics organism, people often develop an allergy to flowering plants. In this case, even an ordinary walk through the streets of the city can turn into torture! Scientifically, an allergy to flowers is called hay fever. it chronic illness, irritating mucous due to pollen from flowers. Allergy to flowers affects the functioning of many organs and systems - respiratory, digestive, nervous system, as well as the mucous membrane, skin and some internal organs.

AT medical practice It has been recorded that 700 species of flowers and 11,000 species of flowering plants can cause allergies. However, the period of their flowering does not coincide, and in each climatic zone the period of exacerbation of allergy to flowers is different. So, in many European, as well as in North American countries, “floristic maps” are specially compiled that display the period and territory of flowering of certain plant species that cause allergies.

Most auspicious time for the production and distribution of pollen - in the morning, when the air is sufficiently humid and not yet hot. Therefore, in the morning in the air, the highest concentration of pollen for the day. During a drought or vice versa during the rainy season, the concentration of pollen in the air is significantly reduced.

An allergy to flowers in a patient manifests itself when its particles fall on the nasal mucosa. When inhaled, dust particles enter the upper respiratory tract and gradually move to the lower ones. Beyond bright pronounced reaction respiratory tract to the allergen, the reaction of the mucous membrane of the eyes is also observed.

Flowers are all around us. Cultivars are planted in flowerbeds within the city to improve appearance streets, create a contrast with the dusty gray asphalt. wild species grow in fields, on neglected household plots, on the edge of the forest - wherever there may be seeds carried by wind currents, as well as birds, insects and animals. It is difficult to imagine a holiday without flower arrangements, and according to existing traditions, it is customary to celebrate the onset of solemn dates by presenting bouquets. In addition, for many people, the contemplation of bright peonies, fragrant roses or field daisies is a way to relax, immerse yourself in pleasant thoughts. However, if an allergy to flowers develops, any contact with them can seriously endanger health. Therefore, it is worth knowing what symptoms are alarm signal indicating the presence of pathological sensitivity.

The most common flower allergens

There is truly huge list plants that can cause intolerance reactions. However, several species can be distinguished from it, which are recognized as the most dangerous due to the fact that they are found literally everywhere. These include:

  1. Lily

    Extremely beautiful, feels comfortable both indoors and in the garden in open space. It is cultivated in almost every corner of the planet, sometimes wild varieties are observed. Valued for its graceful appearance and rich, delicate fragrance, which can affect flowers even without direct contact with buds, stems and pollen.

  2. Ambrosia

    Classified as a weed. Unpretentious, grows even in drought conditions, because of the unpleasant bitter taste is not eaten by animals. Its pollen spreads over considerable distances - on average, within a radius of 2 km. Seeds remain viable for up to four decades, which makes the plant practically invulnerable to all quarantine measures.

  3. Pelargonium, geranium

    They are similar to each other, often chosen for breeding at home - on the windowsill, balcony or veranda. They come in a variety of colors, making it easy for owners to add them as an extra touch to any home decor design.

It is worth remembering that absolutely any plant can become the cause of the reaction - it is necessary to focus, first of all, on the sensations of a particular patient who is faced with unpleasant symptoms.

Causes of Allergy

Color intolerance is associated with sensitivity to protein components (proteins) and essential oils, which are contained in:

  • in pollen;
  • in juice;
  • on stems;
  • in the roots.

The patient's immune system reacts to them as a threat and, upon contact, triggers the production of antibodies - special protective compounds that can be detected by laboratory research. Highest value have pollen particles that spread with air currents, settling on the mucous membranes of the nose, eyes and provoke inflammatory process. When thinking about which flowers you might be allergic to, you need to evaluate a particular plant in accordance with the criteria:

  1. Bright coloring.
  2. Intense, almost suffocating smell.
  3. The presence of wide-opening buds with numerous stamens.

If all of these features are present, most likely, you have a variety that is dangerous for sensitive patients. It "dominates" in the bouquet, is immediately noticeable on the windowsill or in the garden, it smells pleasant, but for some people, even without immunological intolerance, it can cause a headache. Less active as flowers are allergens devoid of a strong aroma of light-colored species.

Sometimes there is also a risk of cross-reactions due to sensitivity to a particular plant:

  • to lilies - onions, garlic, aloe;
  • to ambrosia - on sunflower, dandelion;
  • to wormwood - to dahlias, chamomile.

To check for an allergy to indoor flowers or outdoor species, it is necessary to temporarily interrupt contact with them - an improvement in the condition is considered a reliable indicator of intolerance.

To do this, you can take pots with "suspected" varieties to relatives, give them to neighbors. To avoid contact with plants located on the plot, it is enough to leave for a few days.


At the core clinical manifestations lies an inflammatory process, which is sometimes very similar to an infectious disease. For this reason, allergies to flower pollen may be mistaken for a cold. This opinion is confirmed by severe course, the occurrence of complications associated with damage to the skin and mucous membranes (for example, as a result of scratching).

There are features that are characteristic of allergies to lilies of the valley and other flowers:

  1. Dependence on contact with a provocateur plant.
  2. No admixture of pus in the discharge.
  3. Complaints about severe itching, irritation, swelling in the area of ​​the affected areas.

Dominant during infection intoxication syndrome- weakness, headache, decreased tolerance to physical activity. However, it is worth noting that even this manifestation can be observed in the case of a severe form of sensitivity to plants.

Respiratory disorders

Among them are such symptoms of an allergy to flowers as:

  1. Nasal congestion.
  2. Sneezing, liquid discharge.
  3. Shortness of breath, cough.
  4. Feeling short of breath.

Patients are concerned about the tickling of the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx, which also extends to the ears; sometimes the syndrome of conjunctivitis joins, including redness, itching of the eyelids, lacrimation, photophobia. Constant friction with a handkerchief and fingers of the nose, eyes leads to skin irritation over upper lip, microtrauma and the creation of "entrance gates" for infection. The result may be additional inflammation– e.g. in the area of ​​the cornea (keratitis). The symptoms described are often accompanied by an asthma attack, which is manifested by a dry cough with wheezing and difficulty exhaling.

Dermatological signs


  • redness, swelling;
  • peeling, rashes (spots, bubbles, blisters);
  • dryness, itching;
  • sometimes pain.

Symptoms of an allergy to indoor flowers and outdoor species occur, as a rule, in close contact with stems, pollen, and sap.

They are characterized by a local lesion - for example, if a person decides to cut daisies without gloves, pathological changes are observed on the palms, hands, fingers with inside. Generalized disorders are also possible (affecting the entire skin as a whole), they are characteristic of cross-allergy that develops when provoking substances are consumed in food.

Features of the course in children

The child is more sensitive to juice, pollen and the smell of plants. He has delicate skin, which is easily damaged by combing, easily covered with scratches. You should also pay attention to the narrow lumen of the respiratory tract, due to which even a slight swelling of the mucous membrane leads to difficulty in passing air flow. In addition, children are curious, out of ignorance they can taste the plant of interest, violate the integrity of the leaves and stems. For this reason, the focus of the lesion is most often located:

  • on the palms;
  • on the brushes;
  • in the nasal cavity, mouth.

Depending on the type of contact, the child may be disturbed by:

  • the appearance of a rash (spots, blisters, nodules, blisters);
  • swelling and itching of the skin, mucous membranes;
  • runny nose, sneezing, cough, shortness of breath.

This is a syndrome characterized by the presence of a set of symptoms resembling a picture infectious disease. Observed the following symptoms allergies to lilies of the valley and other flowers:

  1. General weakness, sweating.
  2. Decreased physical activity.
  3. Nervousness, sleep disturbance.
  4. Lack of appetite.
  5. Headache.
  6. Subfebrile fever (37.1-37.9 ° C).

These manifestations are often supplemented by local pathological changes. If a flower allergen gets on exposed skin, dermatitis (redness, itching, rash) develops, and rhinitis (runny nose) and / or conjunctivitis develops on the mucous membranes.


To find out which flowers a child or adult may be allergic to and pick up proper treatment, it is necessary to use a set of studies. To begin with, you need a survey that allows you to clarify information about the nature of sensitivity, to compile a list of alleged provocateur plants. Inspection of the affected areas and the use of special tests are also required.

They have accuracy and reliability, make it possible to evaluate the results immediately after the study is completed (takes about 30 minutes). They consist in applying selected allergens to the forearm or back, where, with the help of a small puncture, scratch or injection, direct contact with them is ensured. The weight advantage is that the patient does not feel pain or feels minimal discomfort - all manipulations are carried out very carefully, with small tools.

The doctor draws attention to the appearance of:

  • redness (hyperemia);
  • swelling;
  • sensations of itching, irritation;
  • rash element (blister).

signs positive reaction in the presence of sensitivity to colors are noted, on average, after 20 minutes from the moment of contact.

This period may be shortened or somewhat lengthened, however, the appearance of the symptoms named in the list indicates that the patient still has an allergy. Sometimes delayed effects are possible - numbness, swelling and redness of the skin at the site of application of the provocateur, which occur several hours after the test. They keep up to two days.

Laboratory tests

It involves taking a blood sample from a vein to test serum for antibodies. Helps to determine the presence of sensitivity to different colors(lily of the valley, etc.) without direct contact with allergens. This makes it possible to diagnose patients with dermatological diseases or having high level risk anaphylactic shock during a skin test. Analysis has other advantages:

  1. Have no age restrictions.
  2. Allow to check for allergenicity of a large number of plants at the same time.
  3. Can be used to monitor the condition during treatment without the risk of provoking a reaction.

plan diagnostic search possible under the guidance an experienced doctor. Discuss with a specialist in advance medicines(especially antihistamines, glucocorticosteroids) - they can distort the results.

Many people have heard that a garden or indoor flower can cause allergies. But not everyone knows how to avoid it. There are a number of activities involved:

  • refusal to grow at home, on a personal plot;
  • timely removal of weeds around the perimeter of the dwelling, especially under the windows;
  • notification of relatives, friends that bouquets may pose a threat.

If intolerance is associated with the flowering of seasonal plants, it is worth considering the option of a temporary departure to a safer region. You can also consult with your doctor about the use of barrier preparations (for example, Nazaval based on micronized cellulose), which protect the nasal mucosa from contact with the allergen. A person who knows about the likelihood of a reaction should always carry antihistamine recommended by a specialist.

Allergy to plants (hay fever or hay fever) is an increased sensitivity of the body to airborne pollen microparticles. Every year, a large number of people suffer from such allergies - mostly between the ages of 12 and 40, both female and male. Cases of symptoms of allergy to flowering plants in childhood are less common.

Allergy to plants: causes

Causes and features of allergy to pollen of flowering plants

The main prerequisite for the development of plant allergy is the massive release of pollen into the air, which occurs from March to September. Depending on the sensitization of the organism, an allergy can be observed to a particular plant, to several herbs of the same family, or to the pollen of a number of trees, weeds and cereals.

Pollen is the male sex cells of grasses and trees, which include plant proteins. It is these protein compounds that cause the development of an allergy to plants: getting on the mucous membranes and skin of people, pollen causes irritation. Due to its low weight and small size, its microparticles are able to be carried by the wind to long distances. They can also be spread by insects and animals.

The main difference between pollen allergy and other atypical allergic reactions is its pronounced seasonal nature. Patients who are diagnosed with an allergy to flowering plants suffer from its symptoms at the same time for several years.

Symptoms of plant allergy in children and adults have not only a noticeable seasonality, but also some others. distinctive features. The most pronounced signs of plant allergy are observed in dry, windy weather, when pollen spreads unhindered over long distances. In addition, it is possible to single out the daily periods of the greatest activity of pollen: from the moment of sunrise and up to 9-11 am, the signs of allergy are most noticeable.

Predisposition to plant allergies can be due to the following factors:

  • heredity;
  • weakened immunity;
  • bad habits: smoking and alcohol abuse;
  • frequent acute respiratory diseases and bronchial asthma;
  • living in an urban environment.

As regards the last point, the following should be noted. The number of plants that cause allergies on the skin and mucous membranes in large cities is much less than in countryside. However, this does not mean that city dwellers are immune from plant allergies. On the contrary, due to the relatively rare contact with allergens, the city dweller's body is more vulnerable to pollen exposure.

There may also be so-called cross-allergies. It's about about the consumption of certain vegetables and fruits by a person and the appearance of reactions similar in symptoms to an allergy to plants. Similar allergic reactions can be observed when taking herbal remedies.

It must be borne in mind that plant allergy can develop not only as a response to pollen inhalation, but also as a reaction to contact with other parts of herbs and trees - stems, leaves, seeds and essential oils contained in them.

Sunflower is dangerous for allergy sufferers

Allergic Plants

To be ready for possible emergence an atypical reaction, you need to know in advance which plants cause allergies. There are three main groups that are potentially dangerous for allergy sufferers:

  • cereal plants: sunflower, corn;
  • shrubs and trees: birch, alder, cypress, olive, poplar, hazel, cherry;
  • weeds: ambrosia, wormwood, wheatgrass, quinoa, timothy grass, bluegrass, nettle.

Allergy to flowering plants by month (spring, summer and autumn) also has some features. In central Russia, there are three waves of hay fever:

  • Spring wave of allergies. It lasts from March to May, due to the flowering of trees and bushes.
  • Summer. It lasts from the beginning of June to the end of July, caused by the pollen of meadow plants.
  • Summer-autumn. Starts in August, ends in September. The reason for the appearance is the pollen of weeds.

Allergy to indoor plants

Houseplants that cause allergies

Not only meadow plants, weeds and cereal crops capable of causing unusual reactions immune system. Allergy to houseplants is not so common, however, it can bring a lot of trouble to an allergic person. Please note: allergies at home can occur not only during the flowering period. Some indoor plants emit essential oils capable of causing an atypical reaction of the body. Below is a small list of indoor plants that cause allergies:

  • Geranium.
  • Home ferns.
  • Azalea.
  • Kalanchoe.
  • Oleander.
  • Hydrangea.
  • Sedum.
  • Rhododendron.
  • Quarantus.

If you know in advance which indoor plants you are allergic to, you can decorate your home or work office with exceptionally safe flowers.

Plant Allergy: Symptoms

Plant Allergy Symptoms

The first signs of a plant allergy usually appear within an hour of exposure to the allergen. Their duration depends on general condition the health of the patient, as well as the degree of his sensitization in relation to a particular plant. There are cases when the symptoms of allergy to pollen of domestic, indoor and wild plants in children and adults do not stop for several months.

Among the signs of an allergy to plants, the following are noted:

  • From the mucous membranes: swelling and tingling in the mouth and throat, severe sneezing, discharge from the nose liquid mucus may develop sinusitis and sinusitis.
  • From the side skin: allergic rash on the body, accompanied by itching, redness of the skin, its swelling (up to Quincke's edema), in some cases - dryness and peeling. Due to selection a large number liquid secretion from the nose, patients rub their nose strongly. This leads to reddening of the skin above the upper lip and on the wings of the nose, its peeling and increased sensitivity. To cope with these unpleasant symptoms, it is recommended to use La Cree cream.
  • From the side of the eyes: redness of the whites, allergic conjunctivitis, lacrimation, photophobia, possibly purulent discharge, dark circles under the eyes.
  • From the side respiratory system: allergic dry cough, shortness of breath with possible seizures suffocation, a feeling of heaviness and squeezing in the chest; in the presence of bronchial asthma, its exacerbation may occur.
  • On the part of the ears: the appearance of crackling and noise in the ears, decreased hearing acuity.

In addition to these signs, plant allergies may cause symptoms such as lethargy, irritability, loss of appetite, headache, dizziness, slight increase fever, nausea, sleep problems.

Plant Allergy: Treatment and Diagnosis

The choice of means for the treatment of allergies to flowering plants depends on the course of hay fever. Experts distinguish three degrees of severity of this reaction:

  • Easy. AT lung case Patients with an allergy to plants practically do not suffer from its symptoms. Treatment may be limited to taking drugs for the period of exacerbation (flowering).
  • Average. Average degree The severity of the course of an allergy can cause noticeable discomfort. In this case, drugs are prescribed before the flowering period (preparation).
  • Heavy. This is the most dangerous view allergies to plants, in which the symptoms of hay fever can significantly affect the quality of life, work and rest of the patient. In especially severe cases, hospitalization is possible.

How to treat an allergy to flowering plants, the allergist must decide. Based on the severity of the symptoms and overall picture development of an atypical reaction, the specialist will be able to prescribe appropriate therapy. However, it should be borne in mind that the treatment of symptoms of pollen allergy can take for a long time. In some cases, specific immunotherapy may be required, which continues for several months. Therefore, before starting treatment, you need to be patient - especially in cases of severe allergies.

If you experience the first manifestations of allergies, it is recommended to consult a doctor as soon as possible. Because hay fever (especially on initial stage) has many similarities with respiratory diseases, it is important to put accurate diagnosis. The following methods can be used to diagnose plant allergy:

  • blood test for the determination of igE;
  • analysis of the secret released from the nose;
  • analysis of sputum released when coughing;
  • skin tests;
  • provocative tests(mostly performed in a hospital setting).

Depending on the results of the tests, antihistamines, vasoconstrictors, decongestants, corticosteroid drugs for allergies, as well as local non-hormonal and hormonal agents may be prescribed.

Particular attention should be paid to the use of ointments, gels and creams for allergies: how well they are chosen depends on how quickly the itching of the skin will pass. Itching with allergies leads to scratching of the rash, and infection can get into the places of scratching. Infection of combed areas of the body can lead to the appearance of inflammation and suppuration inside the focus.

Recently, doctors are increasingly offering allergy sufferers a course specific immunotherapy. This refers to the systematic introduction of small doses of the allergen into the body. For successful treatment allergies may require about 3-5 courses of specific immunotherapy. Procedures are carried out during the period of attenuation of allergies - in autumn and winter.

During the treatment of allergy to plant pollen, you must follow a diet. It is recommended to refrain from eating seafood, fish, smoked meats, products with artificial colors and preservatives, ketchup, mayonnaise, mustard, honey, alcohol, chocolate, sweet yeast pastries, red and orange vegetables and fruits. To avoid cross-allergic reactions, it is worth temporarily eliminating tomatoes, leeks, carrots, celery, garlic and sweet peppers from the diet.

Patients who decide to try allergy treatment should be especially careful. medicinal plants. Due to what they see hypersensitivity to herbs, phytopreparations, medicinal fees and herbal tinctures may not have the desired effect. When choosing herbal medicine, you should consult a doctor.

Folk treatments for pollen allergy can be used as additional therapy. Unfortunately, it is impossible to rely entirely on him alone, since "grandmother's" recipes cannot be compared in terms of efficiency with the means traditional medicine. You can try the following people's councils against plant allergies:

  • Onion cut in half and pour clean cold water(4 medium onions per liter of water). Let it brew overnight, then drink during the day.
  • Drop a few drops of laurel oil on a teaspoon of sugar or a piece of refined sugar. Consume half an hour before meals.
  • A decoction made from oats helps to cope with allergy symptoms. It is necessary to rinse 200 g of oats (not flakes, namely oats), place in a two-liter thermos and pour boiling milk. After the night, strain and take the resulting broth for one day in small portions.
  • Another option for dealing with pollen allergy is shilajit. Take 1 g of mummy, dilute in a liter of pure warm water and take once a day for half a cup. It is recommended to drink mummy solution with warm milk.

How to get rid of pollen allergy: useful tips

Allergy to plant pollen: treatment

During a seasonal exacerbation of allergies, it is recommended to spend as little time as possible on the street. The highest activity of pollen is observed in morning time and late evening: from sunrise to 11 am and approximately 8 pm to midnight.

If possible, at the time of flowering plants that cause allergies (see the list above), it would be useful to move to a place with more favorable climate. For example, in humid regions or on the coast, there is usually a lower concentration of pollen in the air.

Dry windy weather creates ideal conditions to spread pollen particles. If it rains or the weather is wet, the likelihood of an exacerbation of allergies is much less.

Wash your hands and face thoroughly upon returning to the premises. cool water to remove pollen residue. If you are allergic to plants, it is recommended to take a shower and rinse your hair daily.

It is advisable to install an air conditioner with an air purification system or a home humidifier in the house. If this is not possible, you need to carry out wet cleaning as often as possible, remove carpets and close windows with wet gauze cuts.

If you are allergic to flowering, you should not bring bouquets of field and meadow plants into the house.

At the time of an exacerbation of allergies, you will have to abandon trips to nature, out of town, walks in forest park areas.

For allergies, it is advisable to reduce close contact with pets if they go outside for a walk. Cats and dogs can bring into the house particles of pollen that have settled on their fur.

Cream "La Cree" - your assistant in the fight against skin symptoms of plant allergy

To cope with itching, redness and rashes that appear on the skin when allergic to plants, we recommend that you use. Thanks to its constituent extracts of violet, succession, walnut, avocado oil, as well as panthenol and bisabolol, the cream fights against skin manifestations allergies. It provides the necessary hydration and nutrition of the skin, helps to cope with inflammation and itching, and has a softening effect. The composition of the cream is completely safe, so its use is allowed even for children and pregnant women.

Houseplants- an invariable attribute of home comfort for every hostess. Beautiful flowers decorate, give mood, beauty and comfort to our home. The more factories, industry and pollution of our atmosphere, the more people trying to decorate their abodes with a variety of green flowers and shrubs. The trouble comes from where they were not expected and many people are allergic to flowers. In this article, we will find out the causes of an allergy to indoor plants, symptoms, types of indoor flowers, the allergens of which are extremely dangerous, as well as treatment and diagnosis. this disease.

The occurrence of allergies does not occur in all people, but only in those who have genetic predisposition to the disease. list especially dangerous plants for allergy sufferers has long been known, but you should not immediately get rid of your home flowers. Green flowers have no great danger for our body than household chemicals and medications. An allergy to flowers is unlikely to occur unless you decide to consume the flowers (or their juice) internally.

There are some types of indoor plants, the allergens of which are in their poisonous juice and it is impossible to use these remedies in traditional medicine or food. It is also not uncommon for cases when the cause of an allergy is not flowers, but the soil on which the plant grows.

If you are going to transplant a seedling, then do it with gloves and wash your hands thoroughly after the procedure. Since soil or plant residues can get into the mucous membranes and thereby cause an allergic reaction in the body.

During flowering periods, thoroughly ventilate the room, since the release of substances and pollen into the air at high concentrations can have negative impact on the human body. In any case, if the suspicion of feeling unwell fell precisely on indoor plants, then we advise you to carefully study the symptoms and, if you find them in yourself, immediately consult a doctor.

Causes of allergy to indoor flowers

Plants are living organisms that have their own life processes. It is these processes that contain indoor plant allergens, and a person may experience an allergic reaction to them. The main reason for the development of reactions is pollen, which appears at the time of flowering. Also, if you do not properly care for your flowers, they turn into dust collectors. As a result, this can cause a disease in humans, and also harms the flowers. An allergy to indoor plants can also appear from the plant itself, for no apparent reason. Let's look at some basic plant care rules:

  • Water in time (depending on the type);
  • Dust the leaves regularly. To do this, you will need a dry towel or napkin. This procedure will help maintain the health of the plant and eliminate the appearance of an allergy to dust in humans;
  • Irrigate the leaves with water (about once a week in the hot season and once every two weeks in the cold). This procedure helps retain moisture and extra care plant. To carry out the manipulation, it is necessary to have a container with a spray gun;
  • Choose the right pot depending on the size and characteristics of the flowers, as well as transplant in time;
  • Remove dried and faded parts of green crops.

Such simple manipulations help keep the flowers in looking good, as well as reduce the possibility of allergies to a minimum.

Another reason for allergies to indoor flowers can be fertilizers. No matter how the sellers of "flower food" assure you of its naturalness, remember that one way or another it contains an impressive amount chemical substances, which are not always useful for both plants and humans.

Houseplant allergens: a list of the most popular

What indoor flowers cause allergies? This question is probably asked by many people who know about this type of allergy. Of course, there are indoor flowers allergic people and here are some of them:

  • Azalea;
  • Hydrangea;
  • Philodendron;
  • Adenium;
  • Mandevila;
  • Carissa;
  • Primrose;
  • Geranium;
  • Fern.

When asked which indoor flowers you may be allergic to, remember this list. The list is not complete, however, these are the most common allergens for our area.

You have learned which indoor flowers cause allergies, and now you can easily choose the plant you need for yourself. If you hesitate in choosing a flower to create comfort, then here is a list of indoor plants that do not cause allergies:

  • Begonia;
  • Homemade pineapples;
  • Heather;
  • Palm plants.

Here are some allergy-friendly flowers that will help you avoid unpleasant allergic sensations, as well as create a green corner in the house.

Allergy to flowers - symptoms

It is quite difficult to identify an allergy in yourself, because if you have not encountered this disease before, its symptoms will be incomprehensible to you. Most often, symptoms are attributed to such diseases as: colds, SARS and acute respiratory infections. A neglected allergy can cause the development of pathologies dangerous to human health and life.

We figured out which indoor plants cause allergies, let's now look at the main symptoms of an allergic reaction in humans:

  • The appearance of signs of pollinosis. Characterized by the occurrence of increased tearing, swelling, copious excretion mucus from the nose, swelling in the eyelids, excessive frequent sneezing, dry, prolonged and irritating cough, as well as respiratory allergies;
  • Eating disorders are more common in people with weak stomach and young children - vomiting and nausea are possible;
  • There are somatic reactions of the body. Severe itching appears, which leads to scratching of the skin surface, dryness and inflammation;
  • Skin manifestations are represented by urticaria, atopic dermatitis, neurodermatitis. Dermatitis occurs in various forms(erythematous-squamous, exudative, lichenoid or prurigo-like). There is a violation of pigmentation of the skin, the appearance of inflammation, erosion. Damaged areas of the skin are covered with scales and ulcers.

If you find yourself experiencing these symptoms, we recommend that you contact your doctor. He will spend necessary diagnostics will advise you and prescribe the appropriate treatment. If this disease is ignored, it can become chronic and constantly remind of itself.

Allergy to indoor plants - treatment

Treatment of this allergy is standard and has no special features. Your doctor will prescribe you antihistamines, which will help get rid of allergy symptoms, and also advise you to remove plants containing allergens from your environment. As additional measures immunostimulants may be prescribed therapeutic techniques such as massage or acupuncture.

Carry out treatment folk remedies do not recommend. Because the this method may develop an allergic reaction and worsen your condition. In order to take advantage folk medicine necessary

To use traditional medicine, you need to consult a doctor, which will help you pay attention to a particular decoction or completely exclude this method from treatment.

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