Scalp care - take care of the beauty of the hair correctly. Scalp: treatment and care at home

Thick, beautiful and shiny hair always in fashion. And what about the scalp? Does this affect the condition of the hair? Yes, scalp care is no less important than the curls themselves. Therefore, several simple recipes no one will be disturbed.

Scalp care: why is it important?

In fact, it is in the skin that hair follicles and bulbs are laid. Here is the hair growth zone, the center of their nutrition and blood supply. Scientists from all over the world agree that it is impossible to become the owner of healthy, strong hair, having problematic skin heads.

In modern beauty salons There is a range of procedures that can be used to improve her condition. But some ways of care are available to everyone. The main thing here is regular attention. Care products will depend on

Dry scalp care

Be sure to pay attention to the water with which you wash your hair - it must be purified, it must not contain calcium and magnesium salts. Chlorinated water is bad for the skin and hair. Carefully choose a brush: it is desirable that it be made of natural material (wood) and have soft, non-sharp tips.

Scalp care: several useful advice

Of course, shampoos, masks and lotions are an important part care. But the health of the skin and hair directly depends on the state of the whole organism.

  • Rational healthy eating, active organization of the working regime, lack of stress - all this will have a wonderful effect on the condition of your hair.
  • Do not forget to take vitamins and mineral complexes at least twice a year.
  • Flaxseed oil and fish organism necessary fatty acids thus making hair strong and healthy.
  • Try to use styling products as little as possible, as well as a hairdryer, curling irons and other devices that heat your hair.
  • Do not forget about hats - the scalp needs protection from both the sun and cold and wind.

Adhering to these simple rules, you can not only make your hair radiant, but also improve the entire body.

The condition of the scalp greatly affects how our hair will look. Cherishing and nurturing only hair, we make a serious mistake and may never achieve their satisfactory condition. But if you improve the condition of the scalp, you can get an amazing effect.

Complain about excess fat hair, their excessive loss and fluffiness? When looking for solutions to problems, think exclusively about beautiful hair and shampoos that will provide the desired, albeit short-term, effect? This is the wrong way.

To maintain the health and beauty of the hair, a good condition of the scalp is simply necessary, and we must start with the care of it.

We must think of the skin of the head in the same way as of the integument of the whole body and face. Do we ignore them when problems arise, do we try to ensure that they are sufficiently cleansed and moisturized? So it is with the scalp: if it is irritated, excessively dry or oily, itchy, you should react. How exactly?


I mean healthy state skin on the head, it should be remembered that the task of the shampoo should be to cleanse the hair of impurities, and not to deprive them of their natural moisture. Therefore, in regular care, gentle cleansers, devoid of strong detergent components that can dry out the skin and lead to an increase in sebum production, have proven themselves best.

In scalp care, especially if it is dry or shows signs of seborrheic dermatitis, it is worth adding exfoliating products, for example, shampoo with salicylic acid. Suitable for skin hydration linseed oil, which regulates the secretion of fat and prevents clogging of pores.

Washing frequency

Equally important is the frequency of shampooing. For years, we've been told that shampooing too much causes your hair to become greasy, which in turn leads to less volume. More than one woman noticed that daily washing in the evening, the hair does not produce the best effect.

On the other hand, some experts believe that you can wash your hair as often as you like, or, in other words, as soon as the need arises. There is only one condition - the use of professional products.

And yet it is generally accepted, however, that the head should not be washed every day. If necessary, their freshness can be extended with dry shampoo. His big fan is Karl Lagerfeld himself!

Scalp health and nutrition

The condition of the scalp (as well as nails or skin) is also affected by eating habits. Therefore, if it is problematic, then you should consider introducing a diet rich in:

  • omega-3 fatty acids (fish);
  • biotin, i.e. vitamin H (found, for example, in liver, eggs, walnuts, peanuts and almonds);
  • foods containing vitamins E and A (yam).

Such a diet is recommended, first of all, in the fight against dry scalp, which is the cause of hair loss. For example, sweet potato helps to reduce dandruff, and iron-rich foods (salmon, egg yolk, pumpkin seeds, beef) oxygenate hair follicles, accelerate the growth of healthy, strong hair.

healthy skin scalp is the most important component of the health of your hair. If you have problems with your scalp, your hair will become thin, dull and brittle. Maintaining a healthy scalp is daunting task, which requires a lot of effort, and perhaps even drug treatment. However, if you do everything right, you can save attractive appearance for many years.


Proper Diet for a Healthy Scalp

    Need to get enough squirrel. Protein is very important for maintaining a healthy scalp and hair. Try to use protein food, which contains other nutrients necessary for the scalp and hair, such as zinc, iron and vitamin B. These can be: beef, eggs, shrimp, bacon, pumpkin seeds, cottage cheese and salmon.

    Eat vitamins. Vitamins A and C contribute to the supply of oxygen to the scalp. To include these vitamins in your diet, eat blueberries, carrots, sweet potatoes, spinach, walnuts And Bell pepper. All these products contain several nutrients that contribute to the health of the scalp. Better yet, supplement your diet with a multivitamin.

    • You can get vitamin C from sweet peppers, blueberries, and dark leafy vegetables.
    • Vitamin A is found in potatoes, carrots, and dark-leafed vegetables.
  1. Include iron, zinc and folic acid in your diet. Zinc helps strengthen hair and fight dandruff. Folic acid stimulates the renewal of scalp cells. Iron helps fight thinning and dull hair. Sources of these nutrients include oysters, peas, lentils, and prunes.

    Limit your sugar intake. Eating a lot of sugar can increase the amount of dandruff. Limit your consumption of carbonated drinks bakery products and sweets. Many processed foods contain a large number of Sahara.

    Wash your hair every two or three days. Too frequent washing robs hair of their natural oils. Infrequent washing contributes to the accumulation of oils, due to which the hair begins to grow more slowly. If you have greasy hair You can wash them every day with a mild, sulfate-free shampoo.

    Moisturize your scalp. The conditioner helps moisturize the scalp. This is especially important after using shampoo, as it dries out the surface layer of the scalp. Make sure to use the conditioner after every hair wash and massage it thoroughly into the skin.

    Use essential oils. Essential oils such as oil tea tree, should be rubbed into the scalp before going to bed and washed off in the morning. Carrying out this procedure once every two to three days will help stimulate hair growth.

    Use an exfoliating shampoo once a month. Gradually, dead skin cells will accumulate and block hair growth. Over time, this will lead to their thinning. To keep your hair always thick and beautiful, buy an exfoliating shampoo and cleanse your skin of dead cells.

    Do a scalp massage. Vigorous rubbing of the scalp stimulates blood circulation and prevents hair loss. Massage using essential oils will be even more useful. You can do this procedure yourself or consult a specialist for the best effect.

TEXT: Daria Burkova

WE USE A VARIETY OF MEANS for hair care, we groom and cherish them in salons, but at the same time we often forget about the scalp. The maximum that she receives in most cases is the use of shampoo and a massage comb. At the same time, the appearance of the hair largely depends on the condition of the scalp. Yes, already regrown and damaged proper care for the scalp will not change, but it will definitely affect the quality of future hair. With the help of Svetlana Kobzeva, O’right Leading Technologist in Russia, Tevoli dermatologist and cosmetologist Victoria Sokolova, and art director of the Matrix creative team, Mila Zyukova, we understand the intricacies of caring for this part of the body.

Healthy scalp care

The hair consists of two parts: the visible part - the shaft - and the hair follicle located in the skin. The follicle, or bulb, is the root of the hair, which is responsible for its nutrition, growth and restoration. On good quality growing hair can be hoped for when enough protein, fats, vitamins and trace elements enter the follicle, and the level of blood supply remains constant. If the follicle dies, then the hair dies as well. Also attached to the follicle sebaceous glands through which the sebaceous secret is excreted. If it is too much or not enough, the skin renewal process is disrupted, the hair shaft becomes weaker, and the hair can begin to thin and fall out. You can understand that everything is in order with your scalp, by the absence of dandruff, itching, excess fat and any discomfort, as well as the satisfying quality of the hair that grows from it.

In this case, you can not bother much and follow fairly simple rules in caring for this area. First, you need to decide which shampoo to look for based on the needs of the scalp, not the hair. At the same time, even a healthy scalp in different people may differ - be drier or fatter due to natural causes, such as invincible genetics. Shampoo for every day should be selected, paying attention to the type of scalp and balanced. Despite the simplicity of the rules, choosing a cleanser is still a difficult task for many. If over the years of torment and thought you have not found your one-same-shampoo, then it's time to go to see a trichologist: do not neglect the advice of a professional, which will be given to you personally.

For a healthy scalp, it is enough to do peeling once a month, and at the same time conduct a head massage session.

When the shampoo issue is resolved, you should think about another product for deep cleansing. The scalp should sometimes be pampered just like the facial skin, on which we often use acid peels and cleansing masks. These can be scrubs or special peels for the scalp, which are applied before washing the hair or even at night. Trichologists agree that the latter option is the most optimal. Look for acids already familiar to you in the composition of such products: glycolic and salicylic. By the way, peeling can be replaced with an additional shampoo with acids, which can be applied in advance to dry scalp five to ten minutes before washing. For a healthy scalp, it is enough to do peeling once a month, and at the same time conduct a head massage session. However, this free option should not be neglected on permanent basis: massage enhances local blood circulation, which affects the nutrition of the bulbs. In addition, scalp peels are often included in salon procedures hair care products, so if you regularly combine cutting and coloring with extra care, then you can neglect home peels.

Victoria Sokolova says that the skin on the head is completely self-sufficient and special care does not require. To maintain her good condition, the most important thing is to monitor her health in general: eat right, drink enough water, monitor the level of essential vitamins and minerals. In addition, it is important not to negative impacts environment on the scalp: prolonged exposure to the sun or frost, frequent washing too acidic or too alkaline water, aggressive dyes. If you are often in the sun or go to the sauna - wear a hat. If you often dye your hair at the roots and the composition gets on the scalp, do it only in a trusted salon and be careful with self-coloring.

When something went wrong

As in the case of the skin of the face and body, there are many diseases of the scalp, their causes, too, and, as a rule, they are associated with a violation of the body. IN rare cases the causes of troubles with the scalp are improper care, abuse of styling products and chemical procedures. Moreover, problems with the scalp usually go hand in hand with problems with the skin of the whole body. There can be a lot of reasons, from hormonal imbalance and infections to diseases of the organs and the circulatory-lymphatic system. In such cases, you should immediately consult a doctor: the treatment of excessive oily scalp and acne will not be successful without addressing the root cause.

There are also a number of scalp conditions caused by external factors: fungi and bacteria. The most popular example is the familiar dandruff. In addition to the fungus, which is normally present in the microflora of the scalp in small quantities, but under the influence various factors its content may increase, dandruff can provoke changes in work sebaceous glands, skin diseases, hormonal disbalance. Alas, popular anti-dandruff shampoos act only cosmetically and are quite capable of harming, so it’s better to consult a specialist who will prescribe pharmacy remedy. Other common ailments include eczema, seborrhea and psoriasis - you guessed it, this is also a direct way to get a ticket to the doctor.

Alas, popular anti-dandruff shampoos act only cosmetically and are quite capable of harming, so it’s better to consult a specialist who will prescribe a pharmacy remedy.

However, sometimes we ourselves provoke problems with the scalp. It can be hypersensitivity, itching, dryness or, conversely, excessive oiliness. “When washing your hair, the water should not be hot, and masks and conditioners are applied only to the length - the exceptions are specialized products for the scalp. It is also necessary to dry your hair on a cool setting of the hair dryer, because high temperatures stimulate the work of the sebaceous glands, ”advises Mila Zyukova. In addition to incorrectly similar care products, water and air temperatures of the hair dryer, the condition of the scalp is not in the best way frequent dyeing, the abuse of styling products for hair volume and the usual dry shampoos. Choose products without ignoring the characteristics of your skin.

If your scalp has become sensitive and itchy, use serums, lotions and ampoules with soothing properties. If you're feeling unusually dry, look for products that moisturize and nutritional properties, found fat content - look at the mark "seboregulatory". With flaky scalp and excessive oiliness, it will also be useful to use peels more often (once every one to two weeks, depending on the situation) - this will help the serums work better. Of course, it is worth eliminating the means and procedures that provoke the problem, and if this is not possible, then at least reduce the frequency of their use. Don't expect instant results additional funds, but if scalp care becomes a habit, after a couple of months the result can be assessed by the quality of freshly grown hair.

What to do with fallout

Hair loss may be due to big amount reasons: both genetic, and external, and internal. General recommendations reduced to increased nutrition hair follicles with the help of special preparations that are rubbed into the scalp. Appointments for nutrition, reception medicines and additional procedures should be carried out by a doctor based on the patient's tests,” says Mila Zyukova. Changes often lead to hair loss in women hormonal background, improperly chosen diet, frequent chemical procedures and stress. The last factors are the most harmless, and the problem is solved by their elimination. It is worth remembering that the hair reacts to everything with a delay of several months. Falling out from stress or the abuse of fast food is just worth enduring. If the hair has been shedding for several months and do not plan to stop, this is already a good reason to visit the doctor and take a hormone test.

hair loss due to hormonal changes can happen by natural causes during adolescence, during and immediately after pregnancy and, of course, during menopause. “In order to prevent such problems, it is very important in preventive purposes start skin care as early as possible. Then this process can be suspended and controlled,” says Svetlana Kobzeva. Anti-hair loss products work in two directions at once: they hold the follicles stronger in the skin and stimulate the growth of new hair from inactive follicles. To see the result of hair growth products, they need to be used for a long time (at least three months) and other problems with the scalp should be excluded, and if they are, then combine drugs. For example, one day use a sebum-regulating serum, and the next - a hair growth product. It will also be useful to take an analysis for vitamins and trace elements. For example, often hair can grow slowly due to a lack of zinc.

The cold wind with the rain has intensified a hundredfold, and the first to suffer from the cold, the heat of the batteries and hats are our hair. Often aevit and Burr oil cannot cope with the problem, and without a quality examination, even vitamin A will work against us - at any time of the year. We talked with Olga Pobezhimova, a dermatovenereologist and trichologist at the Korytseva Clinic, and found out why we can’t grow Rapunzel’s braids, how to choose “our own” shampoo, how a towel turban harms us, and what to do if the bathroom is constantly strewn with hair.

Who is a trichologist
And what does he treat?

A trichologist is a doctor who deals with the prevention and treatment of hair loss, improving their structure. Moreover, it fights not only with their loss in the view of most people - when they see three to five hairs on a comb, but also with baldness. In addition to the hair on the head, specialists are engaged in the restoration of eyebrows and beards.

Most often, Samarans turn to a trichologist, trying to cure dandruff, diseases of the scalp and different types hair loss. Another reason to visit a trichologist is various allergic reactions: all the problems that arise on any other part of the skin are on the head.

At the same time, the competence of the trichologist is the selection of care programs: he not only treats dryness caused by the wrong shampoo, but also selects the most suitable products.

When should you sound the alarm?

Women carefully monitor their image and come, having begun to regularly lose a small amount hair per day. Men start: usually the trichologist sees them at the reception when the hair is already thinned and sparse to such an extent that the scalp is visible. Children are also brought in late - when bald patches appear.

Normal at healthy person 100-120 hairs should fall out per day. If the loss has intensified, you will immediately notice it: running your hand through the dry combed hair, you will see ten hairs in the palm of your hand each time. If the hair began to fall out in whole tufts - this is a reason for an emergency response.

Can you handle it yourself?

Coping with the problem of falling out on your own is almost impossible. Yes, pharmacies today provide a large selection of cosmeceuticals and vitamins, but to understand what you need, you should consult a doctor, not a pharmacist. Pharmacy staff can advise drugs that are not suitable in this particular case. For example, in case of hair loss, everyone is advised to drink vitamin D3, but if it is initially sufficient in the body, an increase in the level can lead to the appearance of pigmentation. In the clinic, the patient is offered trichoscopy or a genetic trichological test, which shows what exactly your body needs and in what quantity.

It's never too late to save your hair. Even if for some reason you lost all your hair, and the skin pattern of the head was preserved, it means that dormant follicles remained in the skin itself. Hair can still grow, and our task is to stimulate them to do so.

What affects health
hair and how to achieve it?

Hair growth is primarily influenced by genetics. It doesn't matter how often you cut your hair - if your whole family's hair grows to a maximum of shoulders, then no "light hand" of the master will help: reaching a certain length, your hair will also break.

In the "Clinic Korytseva" genetic test, the purpose of which is to reveal the details that affect appearance hair. A number of the genomes of our cells are responsible for hair growth and their condition, and the test allows you to identify all the predispositions of the body to certain substances and vitamins as well. After an extended analysis, the patient receives a conclusion from the trichologist, where, based on each gene, it is described how the body absorbs vitamin C, folic acid or omega-3 acids. Such a deep diagnosis can tell you what to do to make your hair grow faster.

If we consider the problem of hair loss, then first of all it is influenced by stressful situations, somatic diseases and lifestyle: if you smoke and do not sleep at night, no burdock oil will stop the fallout.

The trichologist usually starts the examination with simple questions: finds out how long a person has been losing hair, what reason could contribute to this, in particular, whether the person experienced stress. People often remember not only the fact of great anxiety, but also the exact date with which the problems started. In my practice, there was even a case when each day in the patient's calendar corresponded to a bag of fallen hair.

Also, when diagnosing, doctors use a trichoscope, which shows the root cause of the loss - the problems experienced by the hair and scalp. They are viewed under magnifying glass varying degrees magnification. For a deeper diagnosis, a trichogram is used: it shows how old hair behaves and those that have just begun to grow, and their quantitative ratio.

The cause of hair loss in the absence of stress is the accompanying autoimmune diseases And chronic diseases, information about which the specialist also finds out from the client. After collecting anamnesis, you can put provisional diagnosis and refer the patient to hormonal analysis blood and to related specialists- gynecologists, endocrinologists. Then, based on surveys and collected results treatment is being built.

How to choose the "right" shampoo?

Shampoo must be chosen according to the type of scalp: it is she who is responsible for the production of fat. Therefore, if you have oily roots, but dry ends, you need a shampoo for oily hair, and it is better to solve the problem with the ends with a mask.

You can stop at this criterion, the rest does not matter. For example, there is no difference in which segment to look for shampoo - in the mass market or professional brands; Korean brands are also no different from the rest.

A good shampoo can be bought at average price. But, of course, not all popular mass market products are effective and safe. Take at least one of the most popular brands in the fight against dandruff, declaring itself as the "number one" shampoo in the fight against it. In my practice, I was convinced that because of the sulfates, propylene glycol, benzenes and dietanolamines in the composition, it is addictive: when you stop using it, dandruff returns. Also, I do not recommend shampoos with nettle in the composition - they cause peeling.

It is necessary to proceed from the composition, not marketing. For example, a product that promises a horse's mane is the simplest shampoo in terms of composition, stuffed with silicones. Immediately after washing, you get shiny and weighted hair, and after - a broken fluff. It can be used as an express help before a party, but I would not recommend anyone to wash their hair with it regularly.

It is important that the shampoo does not contain sulfates and silicones - they clog the hair scales. Of course, if you "solder" them, you will immediately notice a positive effect - the hair color will improve, they will become more elastic. But silicone is foreign to hair Chemical substance, which poisons his core, which eventually turns into regular trips to the trichologist.

Also, contrary to stereotypes, best shampoo the one that lathers worse: it has less chemicals, and in particular surfactants that degrease the hair and scalp, but act aggressively.

You don’t need to change the product periodically - I found “my” shampoo, mine them. The trichologist, after examining and collecting an anamnesis, will help you find the most suitable line of care.

How often should you wash your hair and how to do it right?

Since you remove the shampoo from the hair, it cannot moisturize and nourish it, so all the prefixes "restoring" and "giving volume" on the shampoo label are, again, marketing. In this case, it will be enough to wash your hair once: apply shampoo twice, as many do and advise, only in case of severe pollution - if you planted potatoes in the field, and the dust flew right at you.

You need to understand that shampoo only cleanses the hair. No matter how expensive it is, after applying it must be thoroughly washed off, otherwise it, that is, all the chemistry in its composition, will remain in the hair scales - and if you solder them with a balm, it will remain until the next wash. But the mask and balm, unlike shampoo, can not be completely washed out of the hair: they close the scales after cleansing. Conditioner should be used after each wash, mask - once or twice a week. It is especially important to pamper your hair in summer period when the sun turns them into surfer hair. And in winter, you just need to wear a hat: the hair does not tolerate the cold.

In this case, the head does not need to be washed every day. It's all about the skin: it has a protective lipid layer where microorganisms live their lives. With constant intervention, their number will decrease or increase - due to such an imbalance, problems begin. Frequent washing helps to reduce the fat layer, and therefore - the rapid evaporation of the subcutaneous fluid. This leads to dehydration and vulnerability of the skin: its immunity is reduced, and even from ordinary combing or washing, it will become inflamed and flaky - which means it will get dirty even faster. Of course, it all depends on the type of skin, but no matter how much you want to wash oily hair daily, do it at least every other day.

What else affects the condition of the hair?

First of all, the quality of water: too soft water does not wash the hair, leaving a feeling of greasy, hard water contains magnesium, iron, and most importantly, calcium, which make our hair dry and naughty. Some houses in Samara have very old pipes, and people living in such areas constantly complain about brittle hair. In this case, water must be boiled - despite all the inconveniences, this the only way keep hair healthy.

The most common grooming mistake is using a hair dryer. If possible, the hair should dry on its own. A towel can also do harm: they can get your hair wet after washing, but you shouldn’t leave it twisted on your head for a long time - this way the hair dries in an unusual folded state, which leads to brittleness.

The curling iron and iron should be thrown away completely. The thermal effect of the forceps destroys the protective shell of the hair, and no sprays with thermal protection can prevent this. As a result, at frequent use With such devices, the hair becomes fluffy, wavy and begins to split from the middle.

It is just as difficult to restore hair after a perm. We do not recommend keratin straightening either. The hair, in itself mobile and flexible, after such a procedure acquires a frame that easily breaks along with the whole hair. So the results of straightening with keratin becomes a section of the hair.

As for coloring: the appearance of gray hair makes people resort to this procedure every three weeks. Yes, it's bad for hair, but society asks for it, and modern brands are ready to adapt to these requirements. At good care and with the right balm, you can not be afraid of staining. The exception is blondes: hair lightening is more aggressive than simple dyeing.

How is hair loss treated?

We include peelings as part of our skin care routine - they will be useful for regular exfoliation, even for those who do not suffer from hair loss. Such a "cleansing" allows you to free the pores from the husk, help in the treatment of dandruff and simply "give air" for the growth of new hair. In our clinic we work on the line professional care Optima and Nioxin: it includes both treatment ampoules and shampoos, balms and sprays of three types - for oily, dry hair and hair prone to falling out.

More serious problems plasma therapy solves (Microinjections of one's own plasma into problematic foci to awaken hair follicles - ed.), enriched with platelets - hair growth factors. She copes with the loss at any stage.

Also at all stages of hair loss, with severe dandruff and psoriasis, we use mesotherapy. For example, for severe dandruff, we recommend vitamin cocktails With high content zinc. Another method of struggle is photodynamic therapy.

Folk remedies -
harm or benefit?

I have never seen positive effect from homemade masks egg yolk or from rubbing brewer's yeast. Moreover, such methods can harm the hair due to errors in concentration, especially in the case of dyed hair: due to the use various oils or dairy products change hair color.

Exception - pepper tincture. We recommend it to patients with patchy alopecia. Such a remedy warms up and dilates blood vessels, irritates hair follicles. However, a prescription for each person should be prescribed by a doctor so that the "pepper" irritates rather than burns the skin.

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