Bed bug plant. Medicinal properties and description of the herb with a photo. Junk bug (Lepidium ruderale L.) Junk bug: medicinal properties

Weed bug(corolla) – Klapoўnik smetseva – Lepidium ruderale

Cruciferous - Cruciferae

Any city dweller and villager will find bed bugs without difficulty, slightly looking at what grows under their feet not far from his house. The habitats of this low dry grass are well described by the species epithet - these are embossed spaces near roads, fences, housing, wastelands, asphalt crevices and other inconveniences. Shows a startling disregard for soil quality - often grows in lands whose consistency and fertility is already approaching stone. Koschey is immortal in the plant world. A very common species, whose general range is the whole of Europe and Siberia (with a thinning of the population density to the north), the Caucasus, Asia Minor and Central Asia.

A plant with a one-two-year development cycle. The root is thin but long. Stem 10 - 40 cm in height, straight, strongly branching from the base with splayed shoots, which makes it look like a miniature compact broom (hence whisker, sweeper at Dahl, as well as white. wreaths). Basal rosette leaves on long petioles, doubly pinnatipartite. Their life is even shorter than the already fleeting life of the entire bedbug: by the beginning of flowering, they are already dying off. The upper leaves are sessile, linear, they are also not long-lived - by the period of active fruiting they are practically absent. The bedbug blooms all summer with inconspicuous, petalless flowers in short racemes, completing each shoot. At the beginning of flowering, the shoots are short, but they all lengthen, lengthen, and when the first flowers have long turned into fruits and even showered seeds, more and more new ones appear at the top. The whole plant has an unpleasant smell, and it is pollinated by flies. The bed bug becomes most expressive not in flowers, but in fruits-pods on spaced legs. These fruits are small, naked, round-oval, with a small notch at the top, also unpleasantly smelling - well, clean bugs. In pods, round-oval flattened seeds of dark yellow color.

The plant is known to folk medicine and brought household benefits. Fresh bedbug juice is an antiscorbutic, rich in vitamin C. Before the invention of aspirin, a decoction of the herb was used as an antipyretic, and the bedbug had names feverish(Dal) lihamankaya grass(white sources). In a hot decoction of bedbug grass, hands covered with warts soar. Green bulls are food for rabbits. Juice and decoction of the plant - an insecticide, incl. against bedbugs. They smeared cracks and other potential places of accumulation of uninvited pets. In the old, pre-industrial times, brooms were massively knitted from bedbugs, which were used both for sweeping small rooms, and as clothes whisks, and for hanging in rooms in order to repel insects.

Actually in the title bedbug with a high probability, it is not the "bug-like" fruits that are reflected, but their acoustic features - dry pods crackle. The name is associated by etymologists with Russian. rivet or Old Slavic klopot "noise". In Dahl's dictionary, the plant also has names stinker, wild watercress and colorful dog belongings. At Annenkov's smelly potion, dog droppings, dog marks and an indication: "Dal mistakenly has dog belongings." In the Belarusian environment, in addition to those mentioned above, - bugs.

The generic Latin name reflects the shape of the fruits of the bedbug, from the Greek. λεριδιον (lepidion) "scale". Species ruderalis from lat. rudus, ruderis "garbage", according to habitats.

Encyclopedia "Medicinal herbs"

Weed bug (brooms) Lepidium ruderale L.

cruciferous family


1. An annual herbaceous plant 15-30 cm high, with a branchy stem and a strong unpleasant odor. The lower leaves are double-pinnate; upper - sessile, solid, linear. Sepals narrowly oval, yellow. Fruits - pods, small, round-oval, notched, with a very short column, collected in loose brushes. Seeds are small, yellow. Blooms in May - August. The plant is poisonous!

2. Grows along roadsides, pastures and weedy places almost everywhere in Russia.

3. Grass is harvested during flowering; fruits - after their ripening.

4. Contains thioglycosides, which, during enzymatic decomposition, separate volatile substances containing sulfur.

5. It has anti-febrile, diuretic, wound-healing and insecticidal effects.


Decoction: 1) 1 tsp herbs and bedbug seeds per 250 ml of water are boiled for 10 minutes, insisted for 2 hours. Take 2 tbsp. l. 4-6 times a day 30 minutes before meals for diabetes, fever and as a diuretic; 2) 2 tbsp. l. herbs and bedbug seeds per 500 ml of water are boiled for 20 minutes, insisted for 1 hour. Used for baths for rashes, small wounds, warts, etc.

What is a trash bug? What properties does the plant have? In what areas is this herb used? We will talk about all this further in our material.

general description

The bedbug plant, the photo of which is presented in the article, is widely known under the popular names of brooms or febrile. It is an annual grass, the shoots of which are capable of reaching a height of about 50 cm. It has a rich repulsive aroma. Contains a small concentration of toxic substances that are safe for humans, but can harm insects and small animals.

The stems of the plant are branched, splayed to the sides. The lower leaves are pinnate, dissected at the ends, and the upper ones are entire, linear. Oval sepals form on the shoots.

The trash bug gives fruits of an oval shape, located in notched pods. The latter are connected to the stem by short bridges and are collected in brushes. The seeds are small and dark in color. The stink bug blooms in May. At the end of summer, the plant begins to bear fruit.


The bedbug plant, the photo of which can be seen in this section, grows throughout the territory of Moldova, Ukraine and Belarus. Extensive thickets of such grass can be found in the west of Siberia, in Central Asia, in the Caucasus. Junk bug is widespread in the European zone of Russia.

Such odorous grass prefers to grow on arid soils near roads, in weedy places. You can see the bedbug on pastures with solonetsous soils, as well as in the steppe regions.

Chemical composition

The shoots and rhizomes of the plant contain the following active substances:

  • Alkaloids.
  • Steroids.
  • organic acids.
  • Cardenolides.
  • Vitamin C.
  • Saponaretin.
  • Kaempferol.
  • Quercetin.
  • Isothiocyanate.
  • Fixed oils.

Bed bug garbage: medicinal properties

Traditional medicine, prepared on the basis of plant juice, has long been used in the treatment of purulent rashes. Decoctions are effective in the development of febrile conditions. When fresh, bedbug can be used to eliminate warts. Moreover, the plant has an anti-febrile, diuretic, insecticidal, wound-healing effect.

Bed bug is effective in the treatment of inflammation of the prostate gland. Therefore, it is often used in the manufacture of medicines to combat impotence. This herb also helps with female diseases, in particular, uterine bleeding.

Bedbug garbage: application in medicine

As noted above, the plant is used to prepare medicines for the development of diseases of the male genital area. In the event of manifestations characteristic of impotence, prepare the following remedy. Take a few tablespoons of crushed dry bed bugs. Grass is poured with several glasses of water. The resulting composition is boiled over low heat for 5 minutes. The decoction is infused for 2 hours. The resulting composition is carefully filtered through gauze or a fine strainer. For impotence, the medicine is taken 2-3 times a day for a quarter cup.

An infusion of bedbugs is used as a diuretic. To prepare such a composition, use a tablespoon of grated dried seeds, which are poured into a glass of water. Boil the mixture for 6-7 minutes. Then wait until the liquid has cooled, and then carefully filter. Take the resulting remedy several times a day for a tablespoon.

Garbage bug also helps with the development of paralysis, which is accompanied by a partial loss of speech. To prepare the medicine, take a tablespoon of seeds in a glass of boiled water. The remedy is insisted for an hour, after which it is filtered. To alleviate the general condition with paralysis, the medicine is taken one spoonful 3 times a day.

You can use the bedbug in order to eliminate wounds and abscesses, warts and rashes. For these purposes, 2 tablespoons of the crushed plant are used for half a liter of boiling water. The composition is boiled for 20 minutes. Infuse the remedy for an hour. Once the decoction has cooled, they can treat problem areas on the skin.


With excessive use of medicines based on bedbugs, poisoning may develop inside. The main signs of an overdose are bouts of nausea, severe headache, frequent urge to vomit, discomfort in the abdominal cavity.

If intoxication has occurred with the active substances of the plant, it is extremely important to immediately perform a gastric lavage. For these purposes, an aqueous suspension of activated carbon is used. The victim is offered mucous herbal decoctions, for example, an infusion of flax seeds. Salt laxatives also help in this situation. And, of course, you should definitely consult a doctor.

Sometimes used as a remedy for bedbugs - hence the name.

The Latin name of the genus comes from the Greek word lepis - scales, after the shape of the fruits of some species.

The genus includes about 150 species.

Other plant names:

Brief description of the bed bug:

Klopovnik garbage (broom) - This is a one- or two-year-old plant 10-30 cm high with a sharp unpleasant odor when rubbed. The stem is erect, splayed-branched from the base, pubescent with short hairs.

The lower leaves are double-pinnate, the leaflets are incised into broadly linear or almost spatulate lobules. Upper leaves sessile, entire, linear. The flowers are collected in brushes, elongated with fruits. Sepals with white border. There are no petals. Pedicels naked. Petals are very small, yellowish. Stamens 2–4. The fruits are small, round-oval (3 mm long and up to 2.5 mm wide), at the top are notched two-seeded bare pods with a very short column, sitting on deflected legs. Collected in loose brushes. Seeds are small, yellow. Blooms from May to August.

Places of growth:

Distributed mainly in the south of the European part of Russia, in the Caucasus and Central Asia. It grows mainly in dry places near roads, pastures, weedy places, near housing, as well as in the steppes, on saline and sandy soils.

The most common are the trash bug and the broad-leaved bug, or sunny horseradish (L. latifolium), used as a salad and spice.

Bedbug preparation:

For medicinal purposes, the entire aerial part is collected during flowering and seeds.

The chemical composition of the bedbug garbage:

Traces of alkaloids, saponins, coumarins, flavonoids were found in the plant.

All these active substances form the basis of the chemical composition of the stink bug (broom).

Pharmacological properties of the bedbug garbage:

Pharmacological properties of bed bugs are determined by its chemical composition.

The plant has a diuretic, anti-febrile, wound-healing and insecticidal effect.

The use of bedbugs in medicine, treatment with bedbugs:

With prostatic hypertrophy, impotence, with female diseases (leucorrhea, bleeding), fever, dropsy and paralysis with loss of speech, preparations from bedbugs are used.

With gout, to destroy warts, it is applied externally as a poultice.

Dosage forms, method of application and doses of preparations of bed bugs:

From the herb and seeds of the bedbug, effective medicines and forms used in the treatment of many diseases are made. Let's consider the main ones.

Bedbug herb infusion:

Brew 0.7 liters of boiling water 2 tbsp. l. dry chopped herbs, insist, wrapped, 2 hours, strain. Drink 1/2 cup 3 times a day, 20 minutes before meals with prostatic hypertrophy.

Bedbug herb decoction:

Brew 1 cup boiling water 1 tbsp. l. chopped dry herbs, put in a water bath for 15 minutes, leave for 30 minutes, strain. Take orally 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day, 30 minutes before meals for female diseases (leucorrhea, bleeding), fever, impotence.

Bed bug seed powder:

Bedbug seed powder, 2–3 g, is taken orally 2–3 times a day for ascites and paralysis with loss of speech.

Bedbug Grass:

Fresh herb bugs is applied externally as a poultice for gout, to destroy warts.

Contraindications for bed bugs:

With excessive ingestion of bedbug preparations, poisoning is possible. Symptoms: headache, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain. In case of poisoning, it is necessary to wash the stomach with an aqueous suspension of activated charcoal, give a saline laxative and mucous decoctions. Apply high enemas. Further treatment is symptomatic.

The use of bedbugs on the farm:

Some species (watercress, solar horseradish) are eaten. Bed bugs are sometimes used as a remedy for bed bugs.

is one of the plants of the family called cabbage or cruciferous, in Latin the name of this plant will sound like this: Lepidium ruderale L. As for the name of the garbage bug family itself, in Latin it will be like this: Brassicaceae Burnett.

Description of the trash bug

Junk bug is also known under the following popular names: fever grass and brooms. The trash bug is an annual or biennial herbaceous plant, the height of which will fluctuate between five and thirty centimeters. It is noteworthy that this plant will be endowed with a very strong and extremely unpleasant odor. The stem of the trash bug is splayed-branched, the lower leaves of this plant will be pinnate and double-pinnate. At the same time, the upper leaves of this plant are linear, sessile and whole. The sepals of the calyx will be narrowly oval. The fruits of this plant are small, round-oval in shape, notched pods, endowed with a very short column. The pods will gather into loose clusters. The seeds of this plant are quite small in size, and they are painted in dark colors.
The flowering of the trash bug falls on the period starting from May and ending in the month of August. Under natural conditions, this plant is found on the territory of Ukraine, Western Siberia, Moldova, Central Asia, the Caucasus, Belarus and in the European part of Russia. It should be noted that the trash bug is a low-toxic plant.

Description of the medicinal properties of the bed bug

The trash bug is endowed with very valuable healing properties, while it is recommended to use the seeds, grass juice and grass of this plant for therapeutic purposes. The concept of grass includes flowers, stems and leaves of this plant. The presence of such valuable healing properties should be explained by the content of alkaloids, organic acids, steroids, vitamin C, cardenolides, as well as the following flavonoids in the plant: saponaretin, quercetin and kaempferol glycosides. The seeds of this plant contain fatty oil, glucotropeolin and isothiocyanate.
An infusion prepared on the basis of the grass of the bedbug is recommended for use in case of impetigo or a purulent rash. The juice or decoction of the herb of this plant is used for fever, and fresh is used for various female diseases, impotence, bleeding, scurvy, warts and gout. A decoction of the seeds of the rubbish bug is used for ascites and paralysis, which will accompany the loss of speech.
For fever, it is recommended to use the juice of the herb of this plant once or twice a day, one teaspoon.
With impotence, you should use the following remedy based on the bedbug garbage: to prepare such a remedy, you will need to take two tablespoons of chopped dry grass of this plant per three hundred milliliters of water. The resulting mixture should be boiled for three to four minutes on a fairly low heat, then left to infuse for two hours, after which this mixture should be very carefully filtered. Take the resulting remedy two to three times a day, one third or one fourth of a glass.
With ascites and as a diuretic, it is recommended to use the following remedy: for its preparation, one tablespoon of seeds is taken per two hundred milliliters of water. The resulting mixture is boiled for five to six minutes, then infused for one hour and filtered very carefully. Take such a remedy based on the bedbug garbage three times a day, one tablespoon.
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