Where fly agarics grow. Fly agaric all kinds. Traditional medicine recipes

There is an opinion that all fly agarics are poisonous mushrooms. However, there are several types of edible fly agaric that are eaten after pre-treatment. Since the taste qualities of edible fly agarics are controversial, they are most often classified as conditionally edible mushrooms.

Amanitas belong to the genus of agaric fungi in the family Amanitaceae. The Slavic name of the mushroom "fly agaric" is associated with the massive use of the red fly agaric in sanitation, as an insecticide against flies. Initially, only the red fly agaric had such a name, but later it spread to the entire genus of mushrooms. The Latin name of the genus "Amanita" comes from the name of the mountain Amanon, where many edible mushrooms grew.

Characteristics of the fly agaric edible


The cap is fleshy, sometimes with a tubercle, easily separated from the stem. The color of the hat is white, red or green, on top it is covered with shreds and flakes from a common bedspread. The edge is smooth or ribbed.


The pulp is white, on the cut in some species it changes color, the smell is expressed in different ways.


The leg is cylindrical, straight, expanding towards the base.

Edible fly agaric grows in light deciduous and mixed forests, on any soil, in temperate zones of the Northern Hemisphere everywhere, except for the western regions of North America. At the end of the 20th century, the mushroom, along with seedlings from Europe, was brought to South Africa.

The fruiting period begins in June and continues until October.

Edible fly agarics are used fresh after boiling, they are also pickled, salted, and dried. Young mushrooms with unopened caps are grilled.

The most popular of the edible fly agarics since ancient times is Caesar's fly agaric, which is used fresh for food, as well as fried, boiled, dried and frozen, salted, pickled and preserved, extracts and dry powder are made on its basis.

Types of fly agaric edible

Also known as pink fly agaric, blushing fly agaric or pearl fly agaric.

The cap diameter is 6-20 cm. Its shape in young mushrooms is hemispherical or ovoid, later convex and flat-prostrate, without a tubercle. The color of the cap is grayish-pink or red-brown, the surface is shiny, slightly sticky. The pulp is white, fleshy, the taste is weak, the smell is not pronounced. On the cut, it immediately becomes light pink, and then gradually - wine-pink. Leg 3-10 cm in height, 1.5-3 cm in thickness, cylindrical in shape, solid in young mushrooms and hollow in mature ones. It is painted in white or pinkish color, the surface is tuberculate. At the base there is a tuberous thickening.

It grows in small groups or singly next to deciduous and coniferous trees, on any soil, in the temperate climate of the Northern Hemisphere. The season lasts from spring to late autumn, massively fructifies in July-October.

Conditionally edible mushroom. It is not used fresh, it is used fried after boiling.

The cap is 8-20 cm in diameter, ovoid or hemispherical in shape, in mature mushrooms from convex to flat, the edge is furrowed. The color of the cap is golden orange or bright red, the surface is dry. The pulp is fleshy, light yellow in color, white in the leg, the smell and taste are not expressed. Leg 8-12 cm long, 2-3 cm thick, tuberous base, yellow-orange color, smooth surface. There is a ring.

It grows next to beech, oak, chestnut, in deciduous, less often in coniferous forests, on sandy soils. It lives in warm regions of northern latitudes, sometimes in the subtropics. The fruiting season continues in summer and autumn.

An edible, delicacy mushroom that is grilled, fried, dried, and used fresh.

The hat is 6-20 cm in diameter, fleshy, ovoid, semi-rounded, later convex-prostrate, the edge is even. The skin is white or off-white in color, the surface is shiny, dry, in young mushrooms in white flakes. The pulp is white, dense, does not change color on the cut, the smell and taste are weakly expressed. The leg is solid, dense, 10-15 cm high, 3-5 cm thick, expanding towards the base. The surface is white, with a flaky-powdery coating.

It grows in deciduous and coniferous forests of Europe, the Mediterranean, the British Isles, Western Siberia, and Japan. Fruiting begins in August and ends in October.

Edible mushroom.

Poisonous and inedible species of edible fly agaric

Hat 8-20 cm in diameter. The shape of young mushrooms is hemispherical, later it opens and flattens or dents. The color is bright red, the surface is shiny with white flakes. The pulp is white, light orange or light yellow under the skin, the smell is light. The leg is cylindrical, 8-20 cm tall, 1-2.5 cm thick, white or yellowish, tuberous-thickened at the base, hollow in old mushrooms.

Mycorrhiza forms with birch and spruce. It grows on acidic soils, in temperate forests in the northern hemisphere. The collection season runs from August to October.

Poison mushroom.

The hat is 4-12 cm in diameter, dense, hemispherical, later convex or prostrate, the edge is thin, ribbed, with flakes. The skin is brownish, the surface is smooth, shiny, with small white flakes that are easily separated. The flesh is white, does not change in air, watery, brittle, smells unpleasant, taste is sweetish. Leg 4-12 cm tall, 1-1.5 cm in diameter, white, cylindrical, tapering upwards, expanding downwards, hollow, with a ring. The surface is fleecy.

Grows in coniferous, mixed and broad-leaved forests of the temperate climate of the Northern Hemisphere, under pines, oaks, beeches, on alkaline soils. The season runs from mid-July to the end of September.

Poison mushroom.

The cap is 6-10 cm in diameter, hemispherical in shape, later it opens to convex and flat, the structure is fibrous, the edge is smooth. The surface becomes mucous in wet weather, it is usually silky fibrous, grayish or brownish in color, darker in the center. Leg 5-12 cm high, 1.5-2 cm thick, cylindrical in shape, thickens towards the base, solid or hollow, with a ring. The flesh is white, in young mushrooms with a slight anise smell, in mature mushrooms with a rare smell.

It grows next to coniferous trees (fir, spruce, pine), or with broad-leaved trees (beech, oak).

Poison mushroom.

For the cultivation of edible fly agaric, several dried or fresh caps are taken that are ready for sporulation, they are carefully cut and mixed with the soil surface under a symbiote tree (pine, spruce).

Sow mushrooms in early spring or autumn. In dry weather, it is good and regularly moisten the soil in the area.

Calorie edible fly agaric

The calorie content of 100 g of fresh edible fly agaric is about 22 kcal. Energy value:

  • Proteins……………..0.5%;
  • carbohydrates………….0.3%;
  • fats………………0.2%.

  • Fly agaric gray-pink grows even in Africa, in the Congo, Zambia, Zimbabwe.
  • Caesar fly agaric actively accumulate heavy metals: arsenic, cadmium, lead, mercury and selenium.
  • Known antibacterial activity against Staphylococcus aureus and hay bacillus and antitumor activity of fly agaric. An alcohol extract from fly agaric stops the growth of sarcoma.

The message about the fly agaric can be used in preparation for the lesson. The story about the fly agaric for children can be supplemented with interesting facts.

Fly agaric report

fly agaric- a poisonous mushroom from the genus Amanita. This handsome man has a luxurious, usually bright red hat with white spots, a fringe ring on the stem, and scales or a lash at the very base of the leg. This beautiful, but poisonous mushroom is found in almost all forests of our planet.

Why is the fly agaric so called? The origin of the name of this mushroom is historical - since it has long been used to repel flies. These mushrooms were ground finely, the powder was added to sweetened water and smeared with it on those places where the flies were the most. Stupid flies flew for sweets and died after tasting poisoned water.

Description of fly agaric

Fly agaric is a rather large mushroom with a fleshy body and a leg. In young specimens, the hat has a domed shape, and in the process of growth it opens in the form of an umbrella. The foot of the fly agaric is expanded to the base, easily separated from the cap. From above, the leg is framed by a “skirt” - the remains of a shell in which very young individuals are enclosed. The fly agaric mushroom reproduces by spores that look like a white powder.

There are more than 600 species in the fly agaric family. The color of the fly agaric depends on its type and age. Fly agaric hats can be red, yellow, white, green, brown, orange. The most famous fly agaric are red fly agaric, pale grebe, smelly fly agaric, royal fly agaric, Caesar mushroom. Almost all fly agarics are very poisonous, the most poisonous member of their family is the pale grebe.

The fly agaric mushroom is known for its hallucinogenic properties, and some types of fly agaric are deadly poisonous. Blame for this ibotenic acid, muscarine and other components. Fly agaric poison spreads through the body quickly, so that signs of fly agaric poisoning appear about 15 minutes after eating poisonous mushrooms. Even children know about fly agaric and its poisonous properties.

Everyone is familiar with such as fly agarics. They are found in literature, in children's fairy tales. The red-capped fly agaric is the most recognizable mushroom in the world. Today we will take a closer look at the main types of fly agaric, talk about their appearance, and also talk about where they grow. Find out if there are types of fly agaric.

Let's start with the most recognizable type of fly agaric, which is familiar to every person. It is he who is found in fairy tales and it is with him that everyone is associated.

Edible or not

It would seem that the fly agaric cannot be edible in any way, because it is not only the strongest poison, but also causes hallucinations.

In the scientific literature, the following names of the fungus are found: Agaricus muscarius, Amanitaria muscaria, Venenarius muscarius. All names are associated with the use of the mushroom against flies.

What does it look like

The appearance of the fungus does not need a detailed description, but it is worth pointing out the most basic points.

Important! In old mushrooms, white warts can be washed off by precipitation.

When and where it grows, twins

This variety can be found exclusively in those forests where or grows. All for the reason that the mycelium enters into symbiosis with these trees, after which it develops and forms the aerial part. Amanita muscaria is found only in the temperate climate of the Northern Hemisphere. Grows on oxidized soils. The above-ground part is formed from August to October.
Separately, it should be said about what other mushrooms this species can be confused with. The Caesar mushroom, which is not very common in our country, is very similar to the poisonous "brother", although it is quite edible. He also has a kind of "skirt" on the leg, but differs in that his hat is similar in color to.

Found only in Southern Europe.

Edible or not

Eat pale toadstool prohibited in any way. Even after boiling with a change of water, this mushroom retains its toxicity.
To kill an adult, it is enough to give him about 30 g of pulp. Death occurs as a result of the most powerful intoxication, which causes the appearance of toxic hepatitis (liver fails), as well as acute heart failure. As a result of the action of toxic substances, the liver begins to rapidly collapse. The kidneys do not have time to remove toxins and simply refuse.

Important! The danger lies in the absence of symptoms of poisoning in the first day. The lethal outcome after the use comes in 1,5 weeks in any case.

Other name

The pale grebe is also called the green fly agaric or the white fly agaric. The Latin name of the species is Amanita phalloides.

What does it look like

When and where it grows, twins

You can meet the most dangerous mushroom in the world on fertile soils, where it feels best. As in the case of the red fly agaric, the toadstool enters into a symbiosis with trees, so you can find this mushroom in any deciduous forest where beeches grow,. Sometimes found in open areas, where often.

Distributed in the temperate climate of Eurasia, and also found in North America.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the twins. The fact is that because of the toadstool, a huge number of people die every year for the sole reason that it is confused with.

If the toadstool is painted pure white, then an inexperienced mushroom picker, having cut off only a hat, can easily confuse and eat an incredibly dangerous mushroom. Also, the toadstool is confused with green russula, floats and.
In order not to confuse champignon with grebe, you should first of all look at the color of the plates, which darken with time in champignons. In the green fly agaric, they always remain white. As for, they never form a Volvo, and there is also no ring at the top of the leg. The pulp of the russula is brittle, while that of the fly agaric is fleshy, dense.

Video: how to distinguish between pale grebe and green russula

In greenfinch, not only the outer part of the hat is colored, but also the plates. They are greenish in color. Also, the greenfinch lacks a Volvo.

fly agaric battarra

Another type of fly agaric, which is not very toxic.

Amanitas of Battarra are classified as conditionally edible mushrooms. It means that they are poisonous raw, however, after proper heat treatment, they lose their toxicity and can be eaten.

Important! Toxicity depends not only on the correct preparation, but also on the age of the fungus, as well as the place of growth, so experimenting with this variety is highly discouraged.

Other name

This species is also called the battarra float. The Latin name is Amanita battarrae.
What does it look like

When and where it grows, twins

You can meet a conditionally edible mushroom in mixed and coniferous forests. The formation of the fruiting body occurs from July to October.

Important! Battarra is not found on alkaline soils, which is worth remembering.

You can confuse the variety under discussion with a "brother" from the genus Amanita - a gray float, which is completely edible. The gray float has a white base and legs, and its plates are much lighter.

Consider an unusual variety that is not typical for our climate. Let's talk about the features of Vittadini.
Edible or not

A rather contradictory characteristic of the fungus in terms of edibility. Some scientists claim that it can be eaten, since it does not contain poisons, others classify Vittadini as slightly poisonous.

In any case, given the rarity of the mushroom, it is dangerous to collect it, since there is a high chance of confusing it with toxic varieties of the same fly agaric.

Other name

The Latin name is Amanita vittadinii. This species has a large number of alternative names, namely: Agaricus vittadinii, Armillaria vittadinii, Aspidella vittadinii, Lepidella vittadinii, Lepiota vittadinii.
What does it look like

The mushroom has a very strange appearance, so it is very difficult to confuse it with mushrooms familiar to our zone.

When and where it grows, twins

Let's start with the fact that this is one of the few species that does not enter into symbiosis with trees or shrubs. It occurs in the steppe and forest-steppe regions.

As for the climate, vittadini loves warm, mild weather, so it is common in southern Europe. Rarely found in southern Asia, as well as in some regions of Russia (Stavropol Territory and Saratov Region).

This species can be confused with deadly white fly agaric, which differs from the mushroom under discussion in smaller sizes. Also, a deadly "brother" grows exclusively in the forest, forming.

May be confused with umbrellas, which do not belong to poisonous mushrooms, so this error will not affect health in any way.

The fruit body is formed for about 7 months - from April to October.

Fly agaric white smelly

Edible or not

This deadly poisonous mushroom, the use of which leads to death. No processing will help to make the fruiting body edible for humans, and even extremely small doses will cause organ failure and intoxication of the whole organism.
Other name

This variety is known to us under the alternative names of white grebe or snow-white grebe. It is also called fetid fly agaric. The Latin name is Amanita virosa.

What does it look like

When and where it grows, twins

You can meet this smelly variety in coniferous and deciduous forests, where the fungus enters into symbiosis with trees and shrubs. Prefers moist sandy soils. Distributed in the northern part of the temperate zone in Europe and Asia. The formation of the above-ground body occurs from June to October.
Let us omit the similarity of this species with other fly agarics, since most of them are not eaten, and if they are used, then only by experienced mushroom pickers. But the similarity with champignons is worth talking about. The fact is that inexperienced mushroom pickers can mistake white toadstool for champignon, especially if the collection is carried out at dusk. Champignons have a short stem and a more fleshy cap, and the mushroom plates are painted black or pink. Also, the champignon does not have a vulva, which the white grebe has (hidden in the ground).

Did you know? The Vikings drank an infusion based on fly agaric before the battle, after which their minds clouded and they did not feel pain or fear, even if they were going to certain death.

Fly agaric spring

The next species got its name for the reason that it massively forms above-ground bodies in the spring, and not at the end of summer or autumn, like most other fly agarics.

Edible or not

The spring fly agaric is deadly poisonous mushroom, similar in toxicity to white toadstool. The use of even an extremely small amount of pulp leads to death.
Other name

Since the toxicity is similar to the white toadstool, this fly agaric is called the spring toadstool and the white fly agaric. The Latin name is Amanita verna. Scientific synonyms: Agaricus vernus, Amanitina verna, Venenarius vernus.

What does it look like

When and where it grows, twins

The spring toadstool loves a warm climate, so it can be found in the southern parts of the temperate zone. The variety grows exclusively in deciduous forests.

Important! The fungus loves alkaline soils. Doesn't grow on acids.

You can confuse the spring toadstool with a white float. A poisonous mushroom differs from an edible one in an unpleasant odor, as well as the presence of a ring on the leg. There is also a resemblance to the beautiful Volvariella. The main differences are the color of the cap and the smell. Volvariella has a sticky substance that is absent in the toadstool.

Consider the type of fly agaric that is found in the forest zone. Let's talk about the differences and features.


A controversial variety, listed as an edible mushroom in some sources and inedible in others. Given that the species are similar to each other, it is highly discouraged to eat even after repeated heat treatment.
Other name

The Latin name is Amanita excélsa. The following names are also found in the scientific literature: Agaricus cariosus, Agaricus cinereus, Amanita ampla, Amanita spissa and others.

What does it look like

When and where it grows, twins

Most often it grows in coniferous forests, where it forms a symbiosis with trees. Sometimes it can be found in deciduous plantings, but quite rarely. The species is distributed in the temperate zone. The formation of the fruiting body occurs in summer and autumn.

We wrote above that although the mushroom is edible, it is very easy to confuse it with another “brother”, which is highly toxic. The problem is that the panther fly agaric, which the tall fly agaric looks like, differs only in snow-white warts on the cap. It is for this reason that it is very risky to collect, and even more so to eat, the species under discussion.

Fly agaric yellowish brown

Let's discuss the properties and appearance of a completely edible fly agaric, which is still ignored not only by novice mushroom pickers, but also by experienced ones.

Another conditionally edible mushroom that can be eaten, but only after heat treatment. In its raw form, it is dangerous to humans.

It is not particularly popular, not only because it can be confused with dangerous specimens, but also because of the lack of fleshiness of the cap.

Did you know? The poisonous fly agaric contains two dangerous ingredients: muscarine and muscaridine. Interestingly, the first causes kidney failure, and the second has an intoxicating effect, but at the same time blocks the action of the first. As a result, a person survives if the amount of muscarine and muscaridine is approximately the same.

Other name

The people called this species “float”, which is why the following alternative names appeared: red-brown float, brown float, orange fly agaric. The Latin name is Amanita fulva.
What does it look like

When and where it grows, twins

The variety loves waterlogged waterlogged soils, therefore it forms mycorrhiza with those trees that grow in such places. Found in both pine and deciduous forests. It is interesting that you can meet a float not only in Eurasia, but also in North America, as well as in Africa. The fungus also reached the Japanese islands.

The formation of the above-ground body occurs from July to October.

Important! There are both single mushrooms and groups.

It is quite easy to confuse with other types of the so-called float, but this is not critical, since they are conditionally edible. The absence of a ring helps to distinguish from poisonous fly agarics.

Fly agaric royal

Next in line is a hallucinogenic species of fly agaric, which at the beginning of the 2000s was chosen as the “mushroom of the year”. Let's take a closer look at the appearance and properties.
Edible or not

In extremely small quantities, the royal variety causes severe hallucinations, which last about 6 hours, after which a severe hangover occurs. But if you use a sufficiently large amount of pulp, then a lethal outcome is guaranteed. In terms of toxicity, it is comparable to the red and panther varieties.

Other name

The Latin name is Amanita regalis. This mushroom is also called royal in England, but in other European countries the species received its alternative "names": the king of the Swedish fly agaric, brown red fly agaric, Agaricus muscarius, Amanitaria muscaria.
What does it look like

When and where it grows, twins

As is the case with many other types of fly agaric, the royal forms mycorrhiza with coniferous and deciduous trees (spruce, birch). Distributed in Europe and Russia, and also found in Alaska and Korea. The fruiting period is from July to October.

You can confuse the royal mushroom with the red and panther fly agaric, but this does not change the situation in any way, because all three species are dangerous to humans, so it makes no sense to consider the differences.

In the previous sections, we recalled this species, which is also not safe for humans. Next, we indicate a detailed description.

The mushroom is comparable in toxicity to henbane and. When using even an extremely small volume, it causes failure of organs and organ systems, which ends in death.

Other name

In the people, this species is called gray fly agaric. The Latin name is Amanita pantherina. Other scientific synonyms: Agaricus pantherinus, Amanitaria pantherina, Agaricus pantherinus.
What does it look like

Important! The hat can have several colors, namely: brown, light brown, gray, dirty olive.

When and where it grows, twins

It enters into symbiosis with coniferous and deciduous trees, therefore it is found in the corresponding plantings in the temperate zone. You can find panther fly agaric under, beech, oak. Feels great on alkaline soils, but does not like acidification. The fruit body is formed from the beginning of July to the end of September.

We turn to another interesting species of fly agaric, which belongs to a separate subgenus Lepidella.

Edible or not

Even if the mushroom were edible, you would hardly eat it, given the disgusting appearance of a ripe above-ground body.
There is no unequivocal answer about edibility, since the variety has been little studied. Given this, it is dangerous to eat fly agaric rough tap, because you do not know how to properly prepare the product and how your body will react to it.

Important! There is no information on deaths after eating this mushroom.

Other name

This variety has no alternative names, but only the Latin version - Amanita franchetii.

What does it look like

When and where it grows, twins

To meet this mushroom in nature is very difficult, but possible. It forms mycorrhiza with oak, beech, hornbeam. Grows in mixed forests. It is found throughout Europe, as well as in Central and South Asia, Japan, the USA, Algeria and Morocco. The above-ground body is formed from June to October.

As for the similarity with other mushrooms, then, perhaps, this is the only type of fly agaric that is not similar to other mushrooms. You can't confuse it even with "brothers". And given the rarity, this mushroom will be more of a valuable find for collectors than an unpleasant surprise for a novice mushroom picker.

Next, let's talk about the type of fly agaric, which from a distance resembles a white hedgehog. Let's discuss the features of the bristly fungus.
Edible or not

The bristly fly agaric is classified as an inedible mushroom. It does not differ in monstrous toxicity, however, it will cause poisoning even after heat treatment.
Other name

Other names of this species are common, namely: bristly fat man and prickly-headed fly agaric. The Latin name is Amanita echinocephala.

What does it look like

When and where it grows, twins

The bristly fly agaric is common in both deciduous and coniferous forests, but prefers to form mycorrhiza with oak. It grows on alkaline soils near rivers and lakes, loves a well-moistened substrate. It is most often found in Southern Europe, as there is the most suitable climate for it. Rarely enough can be found on the territory of Israel and in the Caucasus. The ripening period is from July to October.

You can confuse this variety with the pineal fly agaric. The pineal has a pleasant smell, as well as the white color of the plates, which does not change with aging.

A colorful variety of fly agaric that an inexperienced mushroom picker may confuse with common edible mushrooms even when raw. Let's discuss the features and uses of the fungus.
Edible or not

There is no specific answer to this question, since in some countries it is eaten, while in others it is classified as either conditionally edible or poisonous. The bright yellow fly agaric exhibits varying degrees of toxicity, which varies depending on the area and region of growth. It is for this reason that the mushroom is eaten in France, and in neighboring Germany it is classified as poisonous.

The problem lies not only in toxicity, but also in the fact that after using the product there are serious hallucinations, and if you use too much, then there is a high chance of falling into a coma.

Important! In case of poisoning, the symptoms are similar to panther fly agaric.

Other name

The Latin name is Amanita gemmata. Alternative names are represented by scientific synonyms, namely: Agaricus gemmatus, Amanitopsis gemmata, Venenarius gemmatus.
What does it look like

When and where it grows, twins

The bright yellow fly agaric enters into symbiosis mainly with coniferous plants, but it can also grow in deciduous forests. It likes sandy soils, so it does not occur on loams. Widespread in temperate climates. The formation of the above-ground body occurs from May to September.

This variety can be confused with the float discussed earlier. The difference is in the size of the hat. The float has a clearly visible membranous volva, and the leg does not have a thickening. It can also be confused with the fly agaric. The main difference is the smell. The toadstool mushroom has a distinct smell of raw.

Next, we will consider a rather strange species of fly agaric, which belongs to a separate subgenus Lepidella. Let's talk about what is special about this mushroom.
Edible or not

The mushroom is considered edible, but cases of poisoning have been recorded, so it is better for beginner mushroom pickers not to use it for cooking various dishes. Also, the mushroom should not be collected for the reason that it is very similar to other poisonous types of fly agaric.

Important!The egg-shaped fly agaric will be listed in the Red Book of the Russian Federation for the Krasnodar Territory.

Other name

There are no alternative names. There is only a Latin designation - Amanita ovoidea.
What does it look like

When and where it grows, twins

You can meet both in deciduous and coniferous forests, but most often the fungus comes into symbiosis with oak, beech and. Found in the southern part of the temperate zone. The egg-shaped fly agaric prefers alkaline soils. The formation of the above-ground part takes place from August to October.

It is easy enough to confuse the species under discussion with deadly poisonous "brothers", such as: smelly fly agaric, spring or close. The main difference is the wavy belt around the hat, as well as the presence of a ring.

Did you know? An ointment based on fly agaric is produced, which is used for radiation damage to the skin and mucous membranes (radiation).

Fly agaric Caesar

In conclusion, we will discuss in more detail the Caesar fly agaric, which we recalled in the previous sections. Let's talk about his qualities.

A completely edible mushroom, which has been considered a delicious delicacy since ancient times. Cooking is not limited to boiling. It can be dried, fried, grilled. Young fruit bodies are used in their pure form, adding to salads. Perhaps this is the only type of fly agaric, which in all sources is classified as a completely edible mushroom.
Other name

There are quite a few alternative Russian names: Caesar mushroom, Caesar mushroom, Caesar mushroom, Royal mushroom. The Latin name is Amanita caesarea.

What does it look like

Important! An overripe mushroom stinks of hydrogen sulfide (rotten eggs).

When and where it grows, twins

Forms mycorrhiza with oak, beech and chestnut. It occurs more often in deciduous forests, but has also been seen in coniferous forests. He likes sandy, not waterlogged soils, as well as a warm mild climate. The distribution area converges with the cultivation of grapes. You can meet him in Azerbaijan, Georgia, in the Carpathians, as well as on the Mediterranean coast. The formation of the fruiting body occurs in summer and autumn.
It is very easy to confuse the Caesar mushroom with the red fly agaric, since at a certain stage of development the mushrooms are similar in color. In order to prevent a fatal mistake, you need to carefully examine the plates and the leg. In the red fly agaric, they are white, not yellowish. Also, do not forget about the white warts, which are absent in the Caesar fly agaric.

10 times already

fly agaric belong to the family fly agaric (Amanitaceae). These are one of the most mysterious mushrooms growing in our forests. There are beautiful fly agaric, but poisonous. Others are less attractive but are edible. Among the fly agarics there is even one that is considered a delicious edible mushroom of the first category.

How not to make a mistake when collecting these mushrooms? There are many types of fly agaric, among them poisonous, inedible and edible mushrooms stand out. We will describe only a few of those that are often found in our forests. Although the list of edible fly agarics is solid. Let's start with poisonous fly agarics, gradually move on to edible ones.

Fly agaric red, poisonous

(Amanita muscaria) grows in different forests, especially beautiful is born under birches. It belongs to poisonous mushrooms that cause suffocation, fainting, severe indigestion, and occasionally fatal cases of poisoning are noted. R.B. Akhmedov, whose opinion can be trusted, writes:

The fungus is poisonous, but deaths from poisoning by it are rare. An absolutely lethal dose of poison is contained in 3-5 fly agarics.

R.B. Akhmedov successfully uses "fly agaric" tinctures, ointments, extracts, etc. in the treatment of various diseases, including cancer.

Hat. The elegant mushroom has a red, orange-red hat (up to 20 cm in diameter) with dazzling white or yellowish specks-pine forests. In young mushrooms, its shape is spherical ("red egg"). With age, the hat straightens and becomes flat. On the underside of the cap of the red fly agaric, frequent white or cream plates are visible. The flesh is white, yellowish-pink under the skin, with a slight mushroom smell.

Leg(up to 25 cm high) strong, white, decorated with a white or yellowish hanging ring. Rows of white or yellowish warts are clearly visible on it. In the lower part of the leg there is a thickening-club with flakes. The mushroom grows in a variety of forests and appears en masse from to.

Usage. Amanita muscaria is used in everyday life for destruction. His hat is placed on a plate, poured with hot water and sprinkled with sugar. It turns out poisonous syrup, flies flock to it to feast on and ... die.

Fly agaric bright yellow, poisonous

(Amanita gemmata) is considered deadly poisonous in most countries. It grows from early summer to autumn.

Hat has a bright yellow, lemon or orange-yellow color. There are many white "flakes" on its surface, which are the remains of the bedspread. At a young age, the cap plates are white, later they can turn brownish. The aroma of the pulp resembles the smell of a radish.

Leg. The leg is fragile, not always velvety, often elongated. Her ring may disappear completely as the fungus matures. The base of the leg is expanded. It is on him that you need to pay attention so as not to confuse the poisonous fly agaric with russula.

Fly agaric bright yellow, photo from Wikipedia

Fly agaric panther (leopard), poisonous

Fly agaric leopard (Amanita pantherina), sometimes referred to as "leopard mushroom", refers to poisonous mushrooms. Their poisoning is serious, although deaths are rare. This mushroom should not be confused with the edible grey-pink fly agaric. The pleasant smell of pulp can be misleading. Its color does not change at the break.

Panther fly agaric, a very poisonous mushroom, grows in coniferous and deciduous forests. It bears fruit from July to October.

Hat(up to 9 cm in diameter, rarely more) gray-brown, ocher-brown and even black-brown. On its surface there are many small white warts resembling small drops of milk. The plates are white. The pulp of young fly agarics is white, with the smell of radish.

Leg thin, hollow, cylindrical (up to 13 cm long), at the end there is a tuberous thickening with two to three belts. A membranous ring is noticeable (sometimes very weakly) on the leg.

Fly agaric panther, photo from Wikipedia

Amanita grebe (lemon, white fly agaric), inedible

(Amanita citrine) does not look as attractive as the red fly agaric. This mushroom is smaller. Amanita grebe has long been considered unambiguously poisonous. Recently, however, mycologists in some countries have removed it from the number of poisonous ones, transferring it to the "camp" of inedible ones (due to bitterness, unpleasant smell and taste of raw potatoes).

Hat(up to 10 cm in diameter) becomes not whitish with age, but yellowish-greenish and even brownish with large off-white growths. In adult mushrooms, they look like hanging shreds. The plates are white or cream, with a flocculent coating along the edges. The flesh is white or lemon.

Leg(up to 12 cm high) thin, with flakes, has a yellowish-beige hanging ring. At the base, it expands and forms a tuberous thickening.

White fly agaric appears towards the end of summer, grows from October to October. It has a variety - inedible fly agaric lemon white (Amanita citrine alba). A feature of this fly agaric is a pure white color. Such fly agarics look pretty: neat, clean mushrooms with a tuber at the base of the leg.

Amanita grebe, photo from Wikipedia

Fly agaric orange, edible

(Amanita fulva) in some regions they are eaten (only after preliminary boiling), in others they are not collected, considering it a poisonous mushroom. It is dangerous to confuse it with bright yellow fly agaric.

Hat young mushrooms has an ovoid shape. Later, it straightens and becomes flat (up to 10 cm in diameter). A darker tubercle in the central part remains for the entire life of the fungus. The color of the cap varies from gray to orange. Her skin is smooth. There are grooves or tatters along the edges of the cap. White plates do not grow to the leg.

Leg fragile and elongated (up to 15 cm). Most often pure white, although brown dots and flakes may be present. In the lower part it is expanded (to a greater or lesser extent).

Fly agaric orange grows from late summer to autumn. Some mycologists attribute the orange fly agaric to the independent genus Float (yellow-brown float).

Fly agaric orange, photo from Wikipedia

Fly agaric gray-pink (blushing), very tasty

(Amanita rubescens) looks unappetizing, although it is a very tasty edible mushroom. It is fried and marinated. I know people who consider the grey-pink fly agaric one of their favorite mushrooms. Such brave lucky ones have few competitors among mushroom pickers. They regret that many people kick or stick these common fly agarics, believing them to be poisonous toadstools. The blushing fly agaric is loved by flies and worms, so it is often wormy.

Hat(up to 10 cm in diameter, less often up to 18 cm) gray-pink fly agaric at a young age hemispherical. A mature mushroom has a cap of a hump-shaped, bulging, dirty-pink or grayish-pink color. It has many dirty gray or brownish warty growths resembling flakes. The plates are frequent, wide, white. With age, they become slightly pinkish.

pulp fleshy, thick, white or slightly pink. At a break, it slowly turns pink or acquires a wine color. Hence the second name of the fly agaric - "blushing fly agaric." The taste is slightly sweet. There is no special smell.

Leg(up to 15 cm high) is light, it has a soft falling ring. Over time, the leg turns pink or dark wine. The base is thickened, but not always tuberous.

Fly agaric gray-pink often grows in open grassy places. Its fruiting time: - October.

You can cook this mushroom only after preliminary boiling, and the first water must be drained. When collecting, it is important not to confuse the gray-pink fly agaric with the panther fly agaric.

Fly agaric gray-pink, photo from Wikipedia

There are other edible mushrooms, but they should be left for those mushroom pickers who know these mushrooms "by sight". Among them, edible fly agaric lonely (Amanita solitaria), which is similar to the deadly poisonous fly agaric close ( Amanita proxima) and fly agaric white smelly ( Amanita virosa). Edible fly agaric thick (Amanita spissa) is easily confused with panther fly agaric ( Amanita pantherina).

Treatment of fly agaric poisoning

Symptoms of fly agaric poisoning depend on the amount of toxins contained in a particular mushroom. The most dangerous is the panther fly agaric.

Removal of fungal toxin from the body is carried out by washing the stomach and intestines, increasing the amount of urine excreted, and carrying out the sorption of poison in the stomach and intestines. In severe conditions, hemodialysis, hemosorption, plasmapheresis are used.
In pediatric practice, treatment is carried out until full recovery of consciousness, normalization of cardiovascular activity and respiration.
In a state of excitement and aggression, sedatives are prescribed (seduxen, chlorpromazine, sodium hydroxybutyrate, haloperidol, droperidol). In case of respiratory failure and the absence of a positive effect from oxygen inhalation, artificial (hardware) ventilation of the lungs is indicated (Prof. S.G. Musselius "Poisonous mushrooms").

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Such a poisonous mushroom as fly agaric can be used for a variety of diseases, if prepared correctly, taking into account existing contraindications and the required dosage. Some of its species are edible, but, in order to avoid consequences, they must undergo a full heat treatment.

Description of the mushroom and its features

Fly agaric belongs to the amanita family of agaric fungi. The bright elegant appearance of this forest dweller is very deceptive - it is a poisonous mushroom root, which is a symbiosis of mycelium (mycelium) with the roots of various plants and trees. At the moment, there are more than 600 species of fly agaric in nature, and their color is not always bright red, hats can be brown, yellow and white. The most famous varieties are royal, Caesar, panther, red fly agaric.

Outwardly, the usual red fly agaric is a large, fleshy mushroom, its hat can be thinner or thicker, sometimes with a small tubercle. White flakes are located along it - these are the preserved tissue segments in the process of formation. The base of the leg expands towards the ground. The ring or "skirt" in the upper part of the leg is a shell in which young individuals are enclosed; reproduction occurs with the help of spores.

Not everyone knows that the most poisonous mushroom, the pale grebe, whose poisoning can be fatal, also belongs to the fly agaric family. In diameter, the size of its cap can be 10-14 cm, the leg is high - up to 12 cm. Just a few grams of this mushroom is enough for poisoning to lead to death. A feature of the toadstool is the presence of a membranous ring, thanks to which it can be distinguished from such similar floats, russula and champignons.

Composition and properties

The body of the fungus contains several types of toxic components, which are mainly found in the cap and its skin, the stem has a lower content of them.

The chemical composition of the most common red fly agaric is represented by the following substances:

  • muscimol- a hallucinogen that has a hypnotic, sedative effect, can disrupt the work of consciousness;
  • ibotenic acid- a toxic substance that has a destructive effect on brain cells;
  • muscarine- a natural alkaloid, leading to vasodilation and the inability of the heart to fully contract, as a result of its entry into the body, poisoning occurs with all the characteristic symptoms - a decrease in blood pressure, nausea and vomiting;
  • muscarufin- an antibacterial substance, which, moreover, has anti-inflammatory and antitumor properties, which makes it possible to use the fungus for medical purposes;
  • muscazone It is formed as a result of the breakdown of ibotenic acid and is characterized by a weak effect on the functioning of the nervous system.

Most toxic substances accumulate in the fly agaric in spring and summer, and at this time it is especially dangerous.

Amanitas feed on organic matter, since they are not able to absorb carbon dioxide from the air, and they also do not contain chlorophyll.

Microscopic amounts of these poisons are successfully used in pharmacology to create drugs for insomnia, joint diseases, colds, infectious and cancerous diseases. Preparations created using fly agaric successfully heal wounds, relieve pain and spasms, increase immunity, and prevent bleeding.


Amanitas live, in fact, everywhere - species of this fungus can be seen in the deciduous and coniferous forests of Russia and many other countries. They are also found in colder regions, such as the tundra.

In addition to the red fly agaric, which grows everywhere, there are other varieties of it that differ in appearance:

  1. Amanita muscaria or pale yellow grebe. The mushroom has an unpleasant smell, a hemispherical white hat with snow-white spots. Most often, you can meet him in a coniferous or deciduous forest, from July to October.
  2. Panther fly agaric. It has a brown color, a hat from 5 to 12 cm and a cylindrical leg of about the same height with a porous surface and a low, fragile frill. It has an unpleasant smell, the flesh is white.
  3. Fly agaric royal. You can see it in an oak or beech grove, in a pine forest. This variety, when poisoned, can cause severe hallucinations. It is a large (brown or olive) mushroom with a cap diameter of up to 20 cm and yellow flakes. The flesh is yellow-brown in color and does not darken when cut. This fungus loves forests dominated by birch, spruce and pine, is common in our country, in Europe, comes across in Korea, England, Alaska.
  4. Amanita rough. It is a small, fleshy, yellowish or olive-colored mushroom with a thick stem. In young mushrooms, the cap is almost round and resembles a ball, in adults it is flat, and the edges may slightly bend upwards. On the cut, the white flesh quickly turns yellow and its smell, unlike other species, is pleasant. Fly agaric grows both in Europe and America, Japan, South and Central Asia. In nature, however, it can be difficult to see him, he prefers to grow next to hornbeams, beeches, in oak groves.
  5. Prickly-headed fly agaric (bristled, fat man). This fungus is distinguished by an umbrella-shaped fleshy head, in young individuals it is round. The hat is covered with gray warts. A distinctive feature is a white leg thickened in the middle with scales at the base. The plates of an adult fly agaric are pink, the flesh is dense and has a pungent odor. Prefers symbiosis with coniferous trees and oaks, often grows near water bodies. This is a poisonous variety that can cause poisoning even after heat treatment.

Amanita muscaria

panther fly agaric

Fly agaric royal

Fly agaric rough

spiny fly agaric

Almost all types of mushroom are unusually beautiful - this is a kind of warning that they are deadly poisonous.

Is it possible to eat fly agaric?

Some species of fly agaric are considered conditionally edible. These include the following mushrooms:

  1. A yellowish-brown fly agaric, which is also popularly called a fly agaric. It is not particularly popular due to the fact that it has a thin hat and is not fleshy, at the same time, it looks so much like a toadstool that many do not want to risk it. In its raw form, the float is poisonous and, indeed, is dangerous, but after careful heat treatment it is quite suitable for food.
    The mushroom has a cap up to 8 cm in diameter, brown or brown-orange in color, it is flat, and in the center of its small darker tubercle. The leg is fragile and high up to 15 cm with a thickening at the base. A distinctive feature is the absence of a ring on it. To the touch, the fly agaric is watery, with a touch of mucus, there is no smell.
  2. Pineal fly agaric is a thick-meaty mushroom with a hemispherical hat, white or gray, covered with pointed pyramidal warts. The leg is cylindrical, wide at the base. This fungus grows in coniferous and broad-leaved forests, often forming mycorrhiza with linden, beech, and oak. It contains a small amount of muscimol and ibotenic acid, so it is boiled before use, and the broth is drained.
  3. Caesarean mushroom is also edible, and has excellent taste. Its differences from poisonous counterparts:
    • the cap is red-orange in color, smooth and without growths;
    • plates and legs are golden yellow;
    • the fungus has a wide sac-like cover in the lower part of the leg.

Mushroom "Float"

Pineal fly agaric

Caesarean fly agaric

Also, edible varieties are brown, gray, snow-white floats, fly agaric pink and tall. Of course, they all require proper preparation and pre-boiling.

The use of mushrooms

As it turns out, the proper use of poisonous mushrooms can save a person from many ailments. They are used both externally and internally.

With a strictly calculated dosage, fly agaric is recommended for problems such as:

  • skin diseases - diathesis, eczema, neurodermatitis;
  • muscle and joint pain;
  • headache;
  • sciatica and rheumatism;
  • male impotence;
  • eye diseases;
  • diabetes;
  • tuberculosis;
  • epileptic seizures;
  • oncological lesions.

And this is not a complete list of all the diseases in which this mushroom can help.

Ordinary red fly agaric, which is the most common, can be used in the form of alcohol tincture, juice, dried raw materials, ointment. All these drugs are used externally for varicose veins, for healing wounds that do not heal for a long time, from burns, bruises, inflammation of the joints.

The tincture can be prepared with alcohol or vodka. Shredded hats should be kept in the refrigerator for three days, after which they fill a jar and pour 1 cm above the mushrooms. Leave the mixture for 15 days in a dark place and filter.

The ointment can be prepared from fresh mushrooms by grinding them into a pulp and mixing with sour cream. Or, first prepare the powder by drying the fly agaric caps, then grind them, and add petroleum jelly or vegetable oil to them.

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