Pain during pregnancy as during menstruation. Causes of menstrual pain in pregnant women Menstrual pain during pregnancy

Pain during pregnancy

During pregnancy, a woman's body undergoes many changes. The life of a little baby appeared in her tummy. Starting from the first month and before childbirth, a woman usually complains of aching pains in the abdomen or lower back, sometimes digestion is disturbed, and constipation appears.

Women often wonder why pregnant women have a stomach ache like during menstruation? Throughout the entire period of bearing a child, abdominal pain may occur. Often they are similar to the same pain as during menstruation. There are several reasons for this feeling:

  • Pulling sensations in the abdomen and lower back, tingling below, dizziness and nausea are most often associated with ectopic pregnancy. When the same sensations are accompanied by bleeding, spontaneous abortion is possible. In these cases, you need to call an ambulance.
  • At about 1-2 months, a woman feels pulling pains in the abdomen and lower back. During these days, the fertilized egg is attached to the walls of the uterus. But often this process is asymptomatic and painless.
  • As the fetus grows in the woman's belly, the uterus enlarges. This happens at the beginning of pregnancy. Strong pressure falls on the ligaments that hold the uterus, which causes aching pain in the abdomen. Doctors believe that this is a normal physiological process that does not require concern.
  • With the wrong diet or overeating, women experience gas, colitis, and constipation. Accordingly, the stomach begins to hurt like during menstruation. You should eat right, the products should be fresh and healthy. Do not drink alcohol, drugs, smoke, drink coffee. Eat less fried and spicy foods, completely abandon fast foods, carbonated drinks.
  • A cramp in the lower abdomen and slight bleeding indicate an early placental abruption. This happens with physical overwork, stress, severe toxicosis, in the case when a woman suffers from hypertension. It is necessary to immediately call an ambulance to stop the bleeding and save the child. Often in such cases there are premature births.
  • If an infection gets into the genital tract, the pregnant woman feels the same abdominal pain as during menstruation. It is necessary to consult a doctor and proper treatment.
  • Pain in the abdomen, as during menstruation, accompanied by fever, is characteristic of pancreatitis, appendicitis. In the later stages of appendicitis, pain can be felt in a completely different part of the abdomen.

Girls and women who want to get pregnant are very attentive to their health. At the beginning of pregnancy, many have a stomach ache, like during menstruation. This condition should not be ignored, especially if the pain is severe. In the first weeks after the conception of a child, there is a great threat of miscarriage. To prevent the irreparable from happening, you need to call an ambulance team for emergency care.

At a later date, from time to time there is pain as during menstruation in the abdomen. As the fetus develops, the abdomen becomes more rounded, the uterus enlarges, the woman has a stomachache as before or during menstruation.

In the last month of pregnancy, some organs may move slightly. And any pain is usually incomprehensible. Some women think that their stomach hurts, but in fact they feel pain in the stomach. My stomach also hurts during contractions.

After a woman finds out about her pregnancy, she clearly knows that there will be no menstruation for some time. This is usually before childbirth and after them until breastfeeding.

But it happens that bloody discharge appears, sometimes with clots. At the same time, there is aching pain in the lower back, pain in the abdomen of a diverse nature. Such symptoms are very dangerous for the body. There should be no bleeding during pregnancy. In case of any deviation from the norm, an urgent consultation of a specialist is necessary.

How to get rid of stomach pain during pregnancy

At the beginning of pregnancy, it is very unusual for a woman to get used to a new position. And if the stomach also hurts, then everything is bad. But is it possible to get rid of aching pain in the abdomen? Surely this question was asked by many women. Unfortunately, it is possible to completely get rid of aching pain in the case when its cause is malnutrition. You need to monitor your diet and the stomach will not hurt, constipation and bloating will disappear. Another thing is when the cause of pain is an increase in the uterus and abdomen. Nothing can be done here. This physiological process is accompanied by slight abdominal pain.

Every woman throughout pregnancy, and even after childbirth, should monitor her health. The life of a child depends on it. During pregnancy, mild abdominal pain of this nature, as with menstruation, is most often considered normal. It's understandable, because the stomach grows, the ligaments stretch, the muscles undergo changes. But if the pain is severe, growing or constant, it is better to play it safe and consult a specialist for advice.

It pulls below the abdomen, as during menstruation - this condition is not alien to almost any girl or woman.

When a painful feeling appears on critical days, this is quite normal, since the exit of the inner layer of the uterus is associated with active contractions of her body.

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At the very beginning of pregnancy, a woman listens with special attention to her body, noticing changes in its work. And any, even a slight manifestation of discomfort causes her anxiety, first of all, for the unborn child. Pulling sensations in the lower abdomen are especially frightening for young mothers. After all, it is known that such pains, especially in a short period of pregnancy, mean a threat of miscarriage.

Pain on the right side of the abdomen during pregnancy should be taken more seriously. It can be caused by:

  1. The fertilized egg is attached to the uterus on the right side, which causes painful spasms in the pregnant woman
  2. Overstretching or pinching of the muscle and ligaments that support the pregnant uterus
  3. The child moves in the uterus on the right side, his tremors for the mother can sometimes be painful for her
  4. The fertilized egg implanted in the right fallopian tube (some symptoms of this: pain in the right abdomen, bleeding, weakness of the woman)
  5. Appendicitis
  6. Infringement of muscles and ligaments, adhesions
  7. Right cyst rupture
  8. Inflammatory processes in the internal organs

In the middle of pregnancy, the belly of the expectant mother may hurt, again, due to natural causes. But it can also signal varying degrees of serious problems with bearing a baby.

Physiology can be explained if the lower abdomen of a woman is slightly ill and hurts:

  • occasionally
  • when changing the position of the body
  • overexertion of the abdomen, back or legs

Perhaps there is a threat of placental abruption or spontaneous abortion if:

  • pain syndrome increases
  • the pain doesn't go away for a long time
  • it radiates to the lower back
  • discharge appeared

Perhaps the uterus began to contract and there is a risk of premature birth. Also, training contractions can give some soreness. To make sure that everything is fine, it is better to contact the gynecologist leading the pregnancy, or call an ambulance.

At 37 - 38 weeks, the expectant mother's stomach may hurt for quite understandable reasons. Her body is preparing for childbirth, the cervix begins to gradually open. This process is accompanied by cramping aching pains. At this point, you need to relax, take a comfortable position or take a shower.

Drawing pains in the lower abdomen at 38 weeks means that the uterus is preparing for childbirth, coming into tone and relaxing.

The pregnancy period has come to an end, and if a woman has a stomach ache, she may have contractions. Contractions may be minor at first, with significant intervals of time between them. Then they become more frequent, and the period of time between them is reduced. Giving birth soon!

Non-gynecological causes

The female body is built differently than the male body. Often, women are exposed to such difficulties as: menstrual irregularities, complications during pregnancy. This is not typical for men.

A painful feeling is not a pathology, but its manifestation.

With a normal ratio of hormones, women do not feel discomfort at any period of the menstrual cycle. When a woman has a painful feeling, similar to that which accompanies menstruation in the lower abdomen and back, prostaglandins become the cause.

It is not at all necessary that pain in the lower abdomen during pregnancy indicates gynecological problems. Banal reason - you want salty or sweet.

Peculiar taste preferences in an interesting position can cause bloating and various intestinal disorders. Normalization of digestion, planning a healthy menu, including the necessary foods in the diet will relieve flatulence, constipation or diarrhea, pain in the lower abdomen in early pregnancy.

A regular menstrual cycle is a clear indicator of a woman's normal health. An annual examination by a gynecologist is mandatory for every woman, because for some conditions a wide variety of diseases can be determined.

Depending on the phase of the menstrual cycle, a woman's general physical and moral-psychological state also changes. Well, regular menstruation is the most obvious indicator of the onset or non-occurrence of pregnancy, so women with special trepidation expect the beginning of a new cycle every month.

Premenstrual syndrome

Most women know what premenstrual syndrome is with all the ensuing consequences. Others, however, determine the imminent onset of menstruation by swollen and slightly enlarged breasts, aching pains in the lumbar region and abdomen, and a slightly swollen abdomen. But sometimes it also happens that the stomach hurts, as during menstruation, but they are not. What to do in such cases?

Delay, abdominal pain and pregnancy

The first step is to take a pregnancy test. Most test strips show results from the first days of a missed period.

At the same time, the first signs of pregnancy are very often similar to the signs of premenstrual syndrome, so the delay should be taken very seriously. There is a huge possibility that a new life is developing in a woman’s tummy, and aching pains indicate a pathology in the development of pregnancy or a baby.

It should be remembered that an ectopic pregnancy is not detected by a pregnancy test, and signs of premenstrual syndrome, as a rule, persist even if there are no periods themselves.

Reasons for the absence of menstruation with abdominal pain and a negative pregnancy test

Pain in the lower abdominal cavity during pregnancy can be divided into 2 types: obstetric and non-obstetric.

The first type includes pain associated with ectopic pregnancy, placental abruption, risk of miscarriage.

The second type of pain is associated with tension in the abdominal muscles, stretching of the ligaments of the uterus, and problems in the gastrointestinal tract.

Confirmation of a planned and desired pregnancy in a future mother causes a storm of various emotions - joy, delight, excitement, pride and the desire to do everything according to the rules. The baby should be born healthy, strong and the most intelligent - it should not be otherwise.

But joy is overshadowed by incomprehensible sensations that cause anxiety and bewilderment. Do pains in the lower abdomen threaten in early pregnancy with troubles? And should I consult with my doctor?

Stomach hurts during pregnancy as during menstruation - when you should not sound the alarm

Pulling pain in the lower abdomen during pregnancy always causes fear and horror in women in position. Yes, losing a pregnancy, especially a long-awaited one, or getting critical complications that are fraught with impaired development of the baby is a gloomy prospect.

And sometimes it is very difficult even for a specialist to figure out what is the cause of such a symptom and how dangerous it is.

Therefore, pregnant women with such manifestations should definitely talk about this complaint to the gynecologist. And the doctor, in turn, must examine the patient and exclude the pathological course of pregnancy.

The doctor will purposefully interview the future mother about the nature of the pain, their intensity, exact localization. It will definitely clarify what the pregnant woman herself associates with the appearance of pain.

From the moment of fertilization of the egg and up to the birth itself, processes occur in the body of the expectant mother that can give painful sensations. And although these feelings are not very pleasant for the expectant mother, neither she nor the baby is in danger.

Pain as a sign of pregnancy

Unpleasant sensations in the lower abdomen are not uncommon. Expectant mothers feel:

  • pulling sensations;
  • bursting;
  • light "shooting".

Yeah, remember PMS? This joy has not bypassed you, and you know how your stomach can hurt before menstruation, there is a desire to swallow chocolate and you want to crack someone in the head with a frying pan? And this, my dears, is our girls and women hormonal brawlers.

Oh, there is no menstruation, how not, and the stomach behaves like during menstruation. Why is that, you ask? Answers - all the fault of HORMONES. Have you seen your hCG (gonadotropin), but what about the amount of progesterone? Well, here is your soreness in the lower abdomen and its swelling, discomfort in the chest and nipples, and also abundant gas formation.

And now let's talk:

  1. Is it dangerous?
  2. And what should be done in this case?

If at the beginning of pregnancy you are plagued by constant pain in the lower abdomen - run to the gynecologist! The causes of discomfort are varied and you yourself cannot determine them. Do not define the degree of danger more precisely, although we talk about it.

Unfortunately, there are plenty of reasons for an urgent appeal to a gynecologist when the stomach hurts during pregnancy. All of them have characteristic symptoms, which are best familiarized with in advance. After all, sometimes the life of a long-awaited baby, and the health of his future mother, depend on the timely help of doctors.

1. Frozen pregnancy

- pallor of the skin and weakness, nausea;

- temperature increase;

- quite severe pain in the lower back, groin, lower abdomen.

At a later date, the reason for contacting the doctor should also be the lack of active movement of the crumbs for four to six hours. Diagnosis of a missed pregnancy at any time is carried out using a blood test for hCG and ultrasound. When establishing the diagnosis, the uterus is cleansed of the remnants of the fetal egg.

2. Miscarriage and pain in the lower abdomen in early pregnancy

Pregnant women often have stomach pain. It is he who becomes the center of attention for these nine months.

And it is in it that the main events and changes in the body of a woman take place. Often, all these processes are accompanied by various pains, which some gynecologists call normal, while others say that nothing should hurt.

However, it is very common for women to experience period pain during pregnancy. And understandably, it worries them.

You have probably already heard that many pregnant women can often have a stomach ache. And in fact, it is he who can become the real center of attention literally for all nine months of pregnancy. As you understand here, or rather, all the most important events and real changes in the female body will take place in it.

I must say that quite often passing innovations and processes will be accompanied by pains of various intensity. By the way, some gynecologists call such people absolutely normal, while at the same time others say with confidence that nothing and nowhere should hurt at all during pregnancy.

But, nevertheless, quite often pregnant women can feel pain resembling pain during menstruation, but this may cause some concern, since we are talking about pregnancy. And of course, such situations cannot but alarm any woman.

We hasten to reassure you right away, among the very first signs of pregnancy there are so many symptoms that truly resemble the approach of a normal menstrual cycle. And of course, if these symptoms appear prematurely, or rather, before the due date of menstruation, then this is the very first thing that can make a woman suspect pregnancy.

Definitely, among such signs and symptoms, there may be so-called pulling pains directly in the lower abdomen, they, then, just resemble pain during menstruation. This, first of all, can occur during the implantation period, in terms of the 6th or 12th day immediately after conception. This is the time when an already fertilized egg was able to reach the uterus and simply tries to firmly attach to its wall.

Far from everyone, but for many of us, on the eve of menstruation, sips in the lower abdomen. In addition or at the same time, other sensations may appear, collectively called premenstrual syndrome. This is soreness of the chest and increased sensitivity of the nipples. nausea, increased appetite, drowsiness, irritability and others.

Any of these symptoms can equally indicate both the approach of menstruation and the conception that has occurred in this cycle. And therefore, if you have every reason to suspect the latter, then you should not think that the very first signs of pregnancy - when the stomach pulls, as before menstruation, or the chest fills up and hurts - indicate a threat or danger.

Aching, pulling pains in the lower abdomen in the early stages have a physiological explanation.

Modern women know a huge number of symptoms, clues, hints and signs that tell them that they are probably pregnant. These symptoms and signs may appear individually or all at once.

And if a woman suspects or does not exclude the possibility of conception, she will undoubtedly be able to recognize the signals that her body will give. But, as you know, most of the early signs of pregnancy are very similar to the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome.

Therefore, do not rush to take them as a diagnosis.

In cases where the next menstruation is delayed, and at the same time there are still a number of other signs of pregnancy, then we can talk about a high probability of its onset. But it often happens that women begin to build their assumptions without waiting for a delay in menstruation.

In cases where there is a reason to expect pregnancy, then, as a rule, a woman can feel an early sign of pregnancy - pulling the lower abdomen. This can be observed at the earliest stages.

Why is this happening?

The reason for this sensation can be either an approaching menstruation, or the fact that a fertilized egg is attached to the wall of the uterus. In order to thoroughly gain a foothold in the uterine cavity, a fertilized egg (zygote) begins to scrape out epithelial cells, thereby preparing a place for its attachment.

This process is called implantation, it may be accompanied by some signs that a woman will tell about her pregnancy even before the onset of menstruation. Mainly we are talking about the fact that the main sign of pregnancy is pulling the lower abdomen.

At this time, the woman's uterus is experiencing a violation of the integrity of its wall and the invasion of a foreign body into it.

Feelings, signs and symptoms in early pregnancy

The onset of pregnancy rarely gives itself away by any signs that can be detected on your own. Is that only. delayed menstruation, but many young girls do not pay much attention to this: “Cycle failure, who doesn’t happen to!” More attentive girls are looking for any signs that are not too reliable at the beginning of pregnancy. Let's look at all the changes that a lady expecting a baby (in the early stages) can notice.

And if you suspect or do not exclude that conception could occur, then you will certainly recognize some of the signals that your body gives. However, they should not be taken as a "diagnosis" because many of the early signs of pregnancy are very similar to the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome in women.

Of course, if the next menstruation is delayed, and you observe several early signs of pregnancy at once, then the probability of its onset is very high. However, we often begin to make assumptions even before the delay of menstruation. And if you have a reason to expect pregnancy, then most likely you will feel the earliest sign of pregnancy.

This can indeed be observed from a very early date. Why pulls the lower abdomen at the beginning of pregnancy?

The way to the future home takes on average 6-12 days (these terms may differ for different women). Most often, fertilization occurs during the period of ovulation, which falls approximately on the 10-12th day of the cycle (options are also possible here).

Thus, it turns out that the fertilized egg reaches the uterus at the end of the cycle, when there are several days left until the next expected period. And in most cases, a woman feels a pulling pain in the lower abdomen - either due to impending menstruation, or because of the “housewarming” of the egg.

Of course, pregnancy is a happy time of waiting for a baby and a period of time when a woman is in a special emotional and physical state. However, the fact remains that the first weeks of pregnancy are considered the most difficult, especially if the pregnancy is the first, since many sensations for a woman in an “interesting” position are new and unfamiliar.

One of these sensations is pulling pain in the lower abdomen. To understand what these sensations are connected with and whether it is worth worrying about this, read the article to the end.

So, let's look at the causes of pulling sensations in the lower abdomen.

Of course, if the next menstruation is delayed, and you observe several early signs of pregnancy at once, then the probability of its onset is very high. However, we often begin to make assumptions even before the delay of menstruation. And if you have a reason to expect pregnancy, then most likely you will feel the earliest sign of pregnancy:.

There are a wide variety of signs, symptoms, hints, and clues that can indicate a woman is likely to be pregnant. They can appear individually or as a combination of several signs.

And if you suspect or do not exclude that conception could occur, then you will certainly recognize some of the signals given by your body. However, they should not be taken as a "diagnosis" because many of the early signs of pregnancy are very similar to the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome in women.

Of course, if the next menstruation is delayed, and you observe several early signs of pregnancy at once, then the probability of its onset is very high. However, we often begin to make assumptions even before the delay of menstruation. And if you have a reason to expect pregnancy, then most likely you will feel the earliest sign of pregnancy: pulling the lower abdomen.

This can indeed be observed from a very early date.

Why pulls the lower abdomen at the beginning of pregnancy?

Let's imagine that the egg meets the desired sperm and together they form a zygote. Now the zygote will move through the fallopian tubes to reach the uterus and gain a foothold on its wall for further growth and development.

The way to the future home takes on average 6-12 days (these terms may differ for different women). Most often, fertilization occurs during the period of ovulation, which falls approximately on the 10-12th day of the cycle (options are also possible here).

Thus, it turns out that the fertilized egg reaches the uterus at the end of the cycle, when there are several days left until the next expected period. And in most cases, a woman feels a pulling pain in the lower abdomen - either due to impending menstruation, or because of the “housewarming” of the egg.

This is an abbreviated approximate ideal scenario of the events taking place.

Pregnancy is a condition that is accompanied by significant changes throughout the body. Change, and from the very first days, the work of all organs and systems, and especially the genitals. All this is accompanied by certain sensations, including pain, which are considered normal. But pain can also be a sign of trouble.

Pain in the abdomen in the first days after conception

In the first 7-10 days after fertilization of the egg, the embryo moves along the fallopian tube towards the uterus, and the uterus at this time is preparing for its implementation. Under the influence of sex hormones, the uterus rapidly increases in volume due to an increase in the number and volume of muscle fibers - the middle layer of the uterus. At the same time, the ligaments on which the uterus is suspended in the small pelvis swell and slightly stretch.

All these physiological changes are accompanied by certain sensations, the degree of which depends on the sensitivity of the woman.

More sensitive women may feel significant pulling pains in the lower abdomen. Less sensitive women usually do not feel pain at all.

Every expectant mother knows that the development of the unborn baby depends on her health. Therefore, it is so important to closely monitor changes in well-being from the earliest stages of gestation.

Women often complain that the stomach pulls in the first weeks of pregnancy. The reasons may be different, so it is best to seek the advice of a doctor.

But it will be useful to know what can cause such discomfort at the very beginning of this crucial period.

Why does the stomach pull in the first weeks of pregnancy?

This condition can have several explanations, with some being harmless and others requiring medical attention.

Some time after fertilization, implantation of the fetal egg occurs. This process may be accompanied by pain. This happens before the expected menstruation, because the woman at that moment does not yet know about her situation.

  • Features of the initial stage of pregnancy
  • Causes
  • Character of pulling pains

Pulling sensations, which appear mainly in the lower abdomen, are often characteristic of expectant mothers. Such a phenomenon can be associated with many reasons, both quite natural and pathological. If the lower abdomen pulls in the first weeks of pregnancy, it is strongly recommended to visit a gynecologist to confirm the positive trend and refute the likelihood of any problem.

Immediately after the fertilization of the egg, very interesting things happen in the female body. The egg and the sperm that fertilized it form a zygote - a kind of future fetus, which goes on a journey through the uterus, where it must eventually attach to one of the walls. It is there that the further development of the fetus begins, slowly turning into a long-awaited child.

This process can and almost always manifests itself externally. A woman experiences subjective sensations that indicate the onset of pregnancy. Among them is a pulling pain in this area. All this can significantly disturb the expectant mother, who begins to wonder what it is and whether it is worth seeking help from a doctor.

It is worth noting that such sensations may indicate various processes taking place inside the female body. It is strongly not recommended to read on the Internet that this is necessarily associated with the threat of termination of pregnancy, despite the fact that such a possibility exists.

An experienced doctor will tell you in detail what these sensations may be associated with, conduct the necessary clinical and laboratory tests, and, ultimately, help eliminate them.

Pregnancy, especially the first, is rich in new symptoms and unknown sensations. Some of them may alert the expectant mother - for example, pain in the lower abdomen in the early stages. It is important to know what causes this symptom, and when a doctor's consultation should be immediate.

Lower abdominal pain

Very often, pain in the lower abdomen appears even before the news of pregnancy. We are talking about implantation - the process when a fertilized egg is introduced into the uterine wall. At the same time, the sensations are similar to those during menstruation, more precisely, premenstrual syndrome - it pulls the lower abdomen. However, unlike the latter, menstruation never occurs, and the pain continues.

In the third or fourth week of pregnancy, they can become more intense and make the expectant mother anxious. The pain is different in nature and duration - dull, pulling or sharp, cramping. It can be present almost always, even at rest, or appear only when moving, changing the position of the body, physical activity. The causes of this symptom are manifold.


Why pulls the lower abdomen in the third or fourth week of pregnancy? Unpleasant sensations in this zone do not always indicate pathology, they are often associated with physiological changes characteristic of the period of bearing a baby. After all, it is at this time that the load on the female body increases significantly, and many of its organs are being restructured.

The causes of pain in the lower abdomen or lumbar region during pregnancy can be divided into two groups - physiological and pathological.

The fortieth week of pregnancy can only be called the “finish line”. Behind nine months of waiting, worries, worries, pleasant moments.

But, in fact, the main work is still ahead - the upcoming birth. Therefore, you should not relax much, but you should not worry that something will happen either. Soon, you will meet with the baby, whom you so reverently protected the entire period of pregnancy.

Despite the fact that the fortieth week is the last, even now a woman can expect danger and discomfort, for example, pain in the lower abdomen.

The query in search engines - "40 weeks of pregnancy, the lower abdomen hurts" is one of the most asked for the entire period of bearing a child. In fact, you should not be afraid of this. Painful sensations, most often, are a physiologically justified reaction of the body to the upcoming birth. However, with any slightest discomfort and pain, you should immediately contact a gynecologist.

The baby is ready to be born! Most often, it is in a bent position with the buttock up and head down. There are exceptions when the baby is placed legs forward, this is already a pathology, because of which a woman is often prescribed a caesarean section.

The placenta is already significantly "aged" and cannot fully perform its functions. Oxygen starvation, infections - the fate of some babies born after the fortieth week (post-term pregnancy).

Most often, these are Braxton Higgs contractions or, in other words, training contractions. Most women experience these uncomfortable sensations before childbirth, so you should not be scared. Often, along with them, you will notice that "the stomach is turning to stone." These are symptoms of increased tone, which is also to some extent

Pregnancy is a natural physiological process that occurs in a woman's body after conception for procreation. In the fallopian tube, the male and female reproductive cells merge, resulting in the formation of the fetus.

The duration of pregnancy is 40 weeks from the end of the last menstrual cycle. The whole period is divided into three periods, called trimesters. Each stage is accompanied by its own changes in the body and symptoms. For example, during early pregnancy, a woman may feel pain in the lower abdomen.

Starting from the first days of pregnancy, the female body undergoes numerous hormonal changes. This is manifested in symptoms that appear from the first weeks.

The most important sign of pregnancy is the delay in menstruation. This is the first thing any woman pays attention to. In the first trimester, the fertilized egg begins to develop.

Associated symptoms

In the first trimester, the following signs can be distinguished:

  • Breast augmentation;
  • The appearance of fatigue and rapid fatigue;
  • Frequent mood swings;
  • Nausea in the morning;
  • Aversion to certain foods, change in taste sensations;
  • Weight gain or loss;
  • The possibility of constipation;
  • Frequent urination;
  • Heartburn and headache are possible.

The nature of pain

Pain in the lower abdomen in the early stages of pregnancy occur quite often. The reasons can be both serious and completely harmless. In the first months, pain can be physiological. The stomach and lower back can hurt.

A week after conception, the fetal egg begins to take root in the endometrium. At this point, microscopic damage to the mucous membrane may occur, which results in pain.

In the first days of pregnancy, the hormonal background changes. The amount of progesterone in the blood increases - this can also cause pain. During this period, the center of gravity of the body changes, the ligaments are stretched, which causes pain in the lower abdomen.

Drawing pains

During pregnancy, a woman's body produces hormones that affect bowel function. Food begins to move more slowly, constipation may occur. A woman notes dull pains in the lower abdomen, most often on the right, there is increased gas formation.

To avoid such problems, you need to drink more fluids, consume more fiber, dairy products. A good prevention of constipation can be light physical activity.

Stitching pains

Very often, a woman can feel stabbing pains in the lower abdomen during early pregnancy in the uterus. Pulling painful sensations can turn into stabbing.


  • In increasing the tone of the uterine myometrium. It is necessary to lie down, calm down, the pain will subside;
  • If the stabbing pain is accompanied by constipation, flatulence, then this is due to a violation of the functioning of the intestine;
  • When filling the bladder, there are pulling pains that can turn into stitching. This may be the cause of cystitis;
  • Uterine bleeding;
  • Spontaneous abortion;
  • Ectopic pregnancy, if a stabbing pain appears on the left lower abdomen.

Pain on the right side

Sudden pain in the right side should be taken very seriously. If the pain continues for more than half an hour, then urgent medical attention is needed.

On the right side are such organs: the liver, part of the intestine, gallbladder, part of the diaphragm. Disease of these organs can cause pain in the upper abdomen.

If you are worried about pain in the right hypochondrium, then this is probably a liver disease. Pain can be after eating fatty foods. If the pain in the right side lasts more than 12 hours, and then is localized near the navel, then most likely it is appendicitis. Also, a painful sensation in the right side is possible with an ectopic pregnancy or a sexually transmitted infection.

If it hurts on the left

Pain on the left side of the abdomen may indicate intestinal obstruction or pancreatitis. Pain may radiate to the left side.

Aching pains, as during menstruation

Such pain occurs at the moment when the egg begins to attach to the walls of the uterus. This occurs between 6 and 14 days after fertilization. A woman feels pulling pains, blood impurities may appear in the vaginal discharge.

Pain symptoms come and go within 2-3 days, this is normal and nothing to worry about. If the pain does not go away, and their intensity increases and is accompanied by other symptoms, then you need to look for the cause.

In the early stages, with pain in the lower abdomen, nausea and dizziness appear, this may be a sign of an ectopic pregnancy. The pains are sharp, strong, the woman feels weak and may lose consciousness. If the pain is accompanied by bleeding, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Perhaps the reason is the detachment of the fetal egg or the incipient miscarriage. Allocations, in this case, have shades of brown - from light to brown. Red discharge, accompanied by pain, as with menstruation, may indicate a spontaneous miscarriage.

Sharp pains in the inguinal folds

During pregnancy, a woman experiences pain not only in the abdomen, but also in the groin.

Such pain can be divided into:

  1. Physiological;
  2. Pathological.

In the first case, discomfort in the groin is caused by increasing physical stress on the body. They are not associated with any disease. Pain appears during the formation of a temporary gland or corpus luteum at the site of a fertilized egg. Its main function is to produce progesterone and estrogen - hormones needed by the body.

Sometimes a cyst forms in place of the corpus luteum, which can also cause pain. After the formation of the placenta, in the second half of pregnancy, the cyst resolves without leaving any consequences.

Pathological causes of groin pain:

  • Ectopic pregnancy. The fertilized egg stops in the fallopian tube, begins to grow - this causes pain. Surgical intervention is necessary, in the early stages there is a possibility of saving the tube. If you do not intervene in time, the pipe may burst, and this is fraught with bleeding and a threat to the woman's life;
  • Inguinal hernia. Symptoms: pain in the lower abdomen, aggravated by walking, a bulge on one side of the abdomen. The growing fetus presses on the hernia, causing pain. A hernia can be removed only after childbirth, so it is recommended to wear a special bandage that supports the stomach;

  • Inflammation of the lymph nodes. It can occur in the presence of infection, while there is an increase in lymph nodes, the temperature rises;
  • Genitourinary infections, kidney or ureter stones;
  • Genital herpes;
  • Injury in the groin area;
  • Aneurysm of the femoral artery.

Natural causes of pain

In the first 12 weeks of pregnancy, a woman's body undergoes various changes. The pains that appear during this period are the result of the physiological restructuring of the body. They do not threaten pregnancy.

Pain during this period should not be sharp and sharp. Aching pain means the introduction of the embryo into the wall of the uterus, that is, a successful conception process.

Physiological causes

Physiological causes of abdominal pain can be:

  • Malfunctions in the work of the stomach and intestines, accompanied by bloating, flatulence, constipation;

Pain in the lower abdomen during early pregnancy, which is of a physiological nature, can be caused by problems in the gastrointestinal tract, in particular, constipation
  • Stretching of the uterine ligaments, under the influence of hormones produced during pregnancy;
  • The growth of the uterus and the rise to the abdominal cavity causes pain in the abdomen, due to muscle strain.

All these pain symptoms are not dangerous, however, a pregnant woman should report them to a gynecologist.

Pathological causes of pain

Pain in the lower abdomen during early pregnancy is not always the result of physiological changes in the body. Sometimes they can be a symptom of a serious illness.

The most common pathological source of pain is:

  • hypertonicity of the uterus, at an early stage can cause a miscarriage. With increased tone, severe pains appear in the lower abdomen, the lower back aches. The abdomen “hardens”, blood discharge may appear - this is already a sign of an incipient miscarriage;

  • frozen pregnancy;
  • exacerbation of gynecological diseases.

Frozen pregnancy

One of the pain symptoms can be missed pregnancy.

The main signs of a missed pregnancy:

  • spotting (pink, red, brown);
  • pain in the lower abdomen or back;
  • suddenly stopped all the symptoms of toxicosis (nausea, vomiting, dizziness, etc.);
  • the chest stops hurting;
  • during the inflammatory process, the temperature rises.

All of these causes occur in the normal course of pregnancy, as well as in ectopic pregnancy. An accurate diagnosis can only be established by a doctor after additional diagnostics (ultrasound, blood test for hCG). With this diagnosis, a pregnancy test may be positive for a few more days, so this method is unreliable.

Causes of missed pregnancy:

  1. Genetic - due to a problem with genes or chromosomes, even if both parents are healthy;
  2. Anebryonia. The cells responsible for the development of the embryo stop dividing, and the placenta continues to form;
  3. Hormonal disorders;
  4. Certain types of infectious diseases;
  5. Pathology of the uterus;
  6. Pregnant women who drink alcohol and smoke are more likely to have miscarriages;
  7. Excess or lack of body weight;
  8. Taking certain hormonal, anti-inflammatory and contraceptives;
  9. Intoxication with chemical fumes (necessity associated with work);
  10. chronic diseases;
  11. More often than not, pregnancy with more than one child results in constipation;
  12. For unknown reasons, IVF is more likely to result in miscarriages.

Ectopic pregnancy

An ectopic pregnancy is when a fertilized egg stops in the fallopian tube and begins to grow. This happens during early pregnancy.

During this period, a woman feels pain in the lower abdomen, radiating to the rectum and sacrum. As a result, the tube may burst, and profuse bleeding begins. You need to see a doctor urgently.

Risk of miscarriage

The diagnosis of "threat of miscarriage" at an early stage is made due to the increased tone of the uterus, the reasons may be the following:

  • Nervous excitement, stress;
  • Increased physical activity, causing tension in muscle fibers;
  • Low production of progesterone.

Symptoms that a woman feels:

  • Pain in the lower abdomen, similar to menstruation;
  • The stomach becomes "stone";
  • Pain radiating to the lower back and sacrum.

Sometimes bleeding may appear. If cramping pains appear with an interval of several minutes, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Cyst of the corpus luteum

The corpus luteum is a temporary gland that produces progesterone and tarragon, hormones needed during pregnancy. The corpus luteum cyst has a benign basis, it is formed at the site of a burst follicle.

Usually the cause is poor circulation and lymph in the corpus luteum. It is often difficult to determine the true cause of a cyst. In most cases, the appearance of a cyst does not cause any symptoms.

Some women report the following symptoms:

  1. The appearance of pain during sexual intercourse or physical activity;
  2. Small bleeding;
  3. Feeling of heaviness in the place where the cyst is located.

Usually, when a corpus luteum cyst is detected, doctors choose expectant management for 3 months. Nothing threatens either the mother or the unborn child, since in the second trimester the cyst usually resolves on its own.

Deficiency or excess of hormones

Low progesterone levels early in pregnancy can lead to miscarriage. In this case, there are pulling pains in the lower abdomen. One of the possible reasons is the lack of development of the corpus luteum, which is due to the peculiarity of development against the background of inflammation of the appendages.

The cause of hormone deficiency against the background of a favorable development of pregnancy may be:

  • Improper development of the fetus;
  • Violation of the formation of the placenta;
  • Frozen pregnancy;
  • Risk of miscarriage.

A decrease in progesterone levels is possible with an ectopic pregnancy.

The increased content of hormones is also unfavorable, the reasons are:

  1. cyst of the corpus luteum;
  2. Violation of the placenta;
  3. Pathology of the kidneys, which delays the excretion of hormones;
  4. Adrenal disease;
  5. Taking certain medications.

The consequences of an increased content of hormones can be fetal pathology or abortion.

Surgical pathologies

Pain in the lower abdomen during early pregnancy may have a different nature. This may be due to disruption of the internal organs and surgical pathologies.

List of the most common:

  • During exacerbation, the pains are localized in the upper part of the abdominal cavity, but can also be given down the abdomen;
  • Cholecystitis;
  • Cystitis. The woman feels pain in the upper part of the pubis, urination is difficult;
  • Appendicitis. There is aching long-term pain that radiates to the lower back, lower abdominal cavity. Vomiting and fever may occur.

The true cause of pain in the abdominal cavity can be identified only after special examinations.

Premature placental abruption

Premature abruption of the placenta in the first period of pregnancy can cause severe bleeding. This poses a danger to the mother and fetus.

Main symptoms:

  • Abundant bleeding from scarlet to dark in color, depending on the period of detachment;
  • Pain in the uterus and lower abdomen;
  • Tension of the uterus;
  • low blood pressure, dizziness and weakness;
  • Change in fetal heart rate: increase or slowdown.

There are several reasons for placental abruption during pregnancy:

  • Regular increase in maternal blood pressure (above 130/90 mmHg);
  • Violation of blood clotting;
  • Increased pressure is accompanied by constant swelling and impaired kidney function;
  • placental insufficiency;
  • Nervous overload;
  • Mechanical impact of the uterus.

Non-gynecological causes

Abdominal pain in a pregnant woman may be associated with chronic diseases of the kidneys, liver, gallbladder.

When to call an ambulance

In what situations is an ambulance needed for a pregnant woman?

There are several situations:

  • With the appearance of heavy bleeding;
  • Pain in the abdomen is accompanied by discharge, a sharp decrease in blood pressure, palpitations;

  • Leakage of amniotic fluid;
  • Severe headache, flies before the eyes, high blood pressure, convulsions;
  • Decreased fetal activity;
  • Abdominal trauma.

First aid

For pain in the abdomen you need to lie down, relax, eliminate sources of noise. With pulling pains in the abdomen, accompanied by bleeding, you can take no-shpu, papaverine or metacin to relax the tone of the uterus.

With high blood pressure, you need to take the drugs recommended by your doctor. The best recommendation: wait for a doctor and do not self-medicate.


At an early stage of pregnancy, a diagnosis is made to exclude Down's syndrome, Edward's syndrome, and neural tube defects. This procedure is called biochemical screening.

Biochemical screening is carried out for:

  • Threat of abortion;
  • The presence of previous miscarriages;
  • The presence of hereditary diseases.

A test for the analysis of two hormones is carried out at 11-13 weeks. If necessary, at 15-20 weeks, the procedure is repeated for the analysis of 3 hormones.

Ultrasound examination is performed at an early stage to confirm pregnancy, the size, shape and location of the ovum. With the help of this study, the presence or absence of defects on the part of the central nervous system, pathologies of the spine, Down syndrome, and other anomalies is determined. With the help of ultrasound, the condition of the cervix, placenta, and uterine muscles is determined.

An invasive diagnostic method makes it possible to verify the normal development of the fetus, to exclude genetic abnormalities and defects.


In case of involuntary miscarriage, medication is prescribed, possibly in a hospital. The woman is recommended bed rest, hormonal therapy, painkillers and sedatives.

Frozen pregnancy and ectopic require surgical intervention. With gestosis, treatment in a hospital is prescribed.

Folk remedies

During pregnancy, every woman tries to think about the child first. Therefore, in the event of headaches, toothaches and other pains, he tries to avoid taking medications. There are several remedies that can help relieve or relieve some of the pain.

For example, you can independently remove the increased tone of the uterus. It is given to most pregnant women. The main reason is an active lifestyle. That's why the most important thing is to give the body a rest. There are exercises, the purpose of which is to relax the whole body, face.

Exercise 1

It is necessary to lie down in a comfortable position, completely relax the whole body, breathing should be calm, eyes closed. The muscles of the face are not tense. You need to feel how the energy of the body leaves through the hands.

Breathing should be even and calm. This exercise must be done in the morning and evening.

Exercise 2

Get on your knees, arms bent at the elbows. Lower your head and relax completely. While inhaling, gently raise your head, bending back, linger for a few seconds. As you exhale, slowly take the starting position. Do 4 times and lie down for an hour in a calm state.

Aromatherapy helps to relieve tension and stress if you are not allergic to herbs. With a headache, tea with the addition of lingonberry leaf helps. The proportion of tea / lingonberries: ½.


To prevent unwanted complications during pregnancy, you must follow a number of rules:

  • Pass a preliminary examination for infections to both spouses;
  • In the presence of a chronic disease, control it, try not to exacerbate the disease;
  • Exclude any diet, the food should have a sufficient amount of vitamins, minerals;
  • Pregnant women must undergo a multi-stage examination.

The early pregnancy period is considered the most important. To avoid unpleasant complications, incl. pain in the lower abdomen, gynecologists advise to adhere to a number of rules.

In early pregnancy, follow these recommendations:

  1. Register as soon as possible;
  2. Adhere to proper nutrition;
  3. To refuse from bad habits;
  4. Favorable emotional background;
  5. It is forbidden to take drugs.

Article formatting: Natalie Podolskaya

Video about pain in the lower abdomen during pregnancy

Video about pain in the lower abdomen during early pregnancy:

In the early stages of pregnancy, a woman may experience pulling, unpleasant, and sometimes sharp pains. In the vast majority, all this is directly related to the fact of pregnancy: changes in female organs, an increase in the uterus, the influence of hormones. But do not forget that the pain may be due to ectopic pregnancy and the threat of abortion.

In the early stages of pregnancy, a woman may experience pain

Most often, pain occurs in the lower back, and then in the abdomen. Such pain can occur throughout pregnancy, which is due to the action of the hormone progesterone, under the influence of which softening of the intervertebral discs and ligaments occurs.

However, pain can also be associated with the presence of bladder infections. Also, pain in the lower abdomen may indicate inflammation of the fallopian tubes or uterine hypertonicity.

But no matter what causes pain, whatever the cause, if pain occurs during pregnancy, you should consult a doctor who will conduct examinations and, if necessary, prescribe treatment.

If the pain resembles that of menstruation

If during pregnancy you notice pain in the lower abdomen, as during menstruation, this condition should not be neglected. However, in the earliest stages of pregnancy, these pains are no exception, as they are associated with the process of implantation of a fertilized egg into the uterine wall. Usually it is a pulling, aching pain. But if these pains are accompanied by dizziness, fainting and discharge, reminiscent of those during menstruation, then you should be wary.

In this case, it is imperative to call an ambulance, since such pain is most often caused by an ectopic pregnancy or a threatened miscarriage. That is why medical care is essential. After any trauma to the abdomen, as well as with certain diseases (toxicosis, arterial hypertension) and a number of other reasons, premature detachment of the placenta may develop. In this case, there is pain as during menstruation and spotting appears. In this case, you need to immediately call an ambulance, since placental abruption is a very formidable condition that requires medical intervention up to urgent delivery.

There can be several reasons for pain.

If short-term pain sensations of a pulling nature arose during the second trimester during the normal course of pregnancy, then this is due to the growth of the uterus.

Pain during pregnancy, similar to pain during menstruation, occurring in the third trimester, signals that the abdominal muscles are in tension. To relieve pain, just relax and have a good rest.

If the pain is sharp

Sharp pains in the abdomen can only be a manifestation of the body's adaptation to a developing pregnancy. In the early stages, this pain is due to the introduction of the egg into the wall of the uterus. If pain occurs in the third or fourth month, then this is a manifestation of softening of the spinal discs and ligaments under the action of hormones. Most often, these pains are intermittent, aggravated by movement, sudden movements, sneezing.

Also, sharp pain during pregnancy can be caused by digestive disorders, flatulence or constipation. These unpleasant phenomena occur due to the fact that the growing uterus presses on the rectum. Hormones also play a role in disrupting the digestive processes. All these unpleasant moments are easily corrected by changes in the diet of a pregnant woman.

In addition, pain may be due to false contractions, which can occur starting from the twentieth week of pregnancy.

Pain in the lower abdomen can also occur with a urinary tract or kidney infection. In such cases, there is pain and pain when urinating, blood in the urine, chills, fever, nausea and vomiting. It can hurt not only the lower abdomen, but also the lower back or side.

Another common cause of severe pain during pregnancy is placental abruption, which most often develops in the later stages. That is why a woman in late pregnancy should be extremely attentive to her health and not turn a blind eye to the signals that her body gives her.

A pregnant woman should be extremely attentive to her health.

Do not forget that both in early and late pregnancy there is a risk of miscarriage, as well as other pathological conditions that pose a threat to the health of mother and baby.

If you are not completely sure what exactly is causing the pain, or if you observe any additional symptoms, then it is better not to risk it, but be sure to consult a doctor. There are many reasons why a pregnant woman may have a stomach ache like during menstruation. Many of the causes are quite harmless, the pain goes away on its own and does not carry any consequences. But you never know for sure how much pain that has arisen can be dangerous for your baby and for you.

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It would be surprising if during the whole pregnancy a woman would not notice any sensations in her stomach. After all, the mother's body, and primarily the abdominal cavity, is constantly being rebuilt to meet the needs of a growing child. But it is not always possible to determine which of the sensations are normal and safe, and which indicate violations in the course of pregnancy or in the health of the mother.

Pain as during menstruation during pregnancy can also be both harmless and dangerous. Therefore, they should never be ignored. But you shouldn’t worry in advance either: most likely, this is a normal reaction to pregnancy and the changes taking place inside the womb.

Pain like menstruation in early pregnancy

If such pains arose in the first days of pregnancy, then most likely they mark the implantation of the fetal egg. When a fertilized egg reaches the uterine cavity and begins to attach to its wall, a woman may feel slight pulling pains in the lower abdomen in the implantation area. Sometimes this process is accompanied by the appearance of blood impurities in the vaginal discharge (this phenomenon in obstetrics is called implantation bleeding, although it does not look like real bleeding at all!). Such pain is barely perceptible, it may appear and disappear again, but it does not last more than 2-3 days.

Implantation occurs between 6 and 14 days after fertilization, and therefore such pains as during menstruation occur at the beginning of pregnancy, when a woman may not even be aware of what happened and perceive them as premenstrual syndrome or not feel at all. By the way, pulling pains and other sensations, reminiscent of premenstrual, belong to the earliest signs of pregnancy.

In the future, under the influence of hormones, pain, as during menstruation, can occur in the first trimester of pregnancy on days when you usually had your period. Such pains are not dangerous and will soon disappear, however, during these periods it is better to exercise extreme caution: the risk of miscarriage increases.

Pain in the lower abdomen during pregnancy, as during menstruation

If the pain in the lower abdomen does not go away within 2-3 days, and especially if it grows or is accompanied by other symptoms, you should definitely look for the cause of such pain.

In the early stages, at the beginning of pregnancy, sharp intense abdominal pain, accompanied by nausea and dizziness, may be a sign of an ectopic pregnancy. Such a pregnancy has no chance of further development, and it should be terminated as soon as possible. Pain during an ectopic pregnancy is acute, severe, and can radiate backwards. A woman feels unwell, weak, and often even loses consciousness. The exact location of the attachment of the egg will be determined by ultrasound.

If the pulling pains in the lower abdomen are accompanied by bloody discharge from the vagina, then a doctor should be consulted immediately. This may be the beginning of the detachment of the fetal egg or the beginning of a miscarriage for other reasons (and spotting does not always appear). In such cases, the discharge will have a brown color - from light to dark, or brown. Red bleeding that accompanies pain as during menstruation during pregnancy indicates a spontaneous abortion that has begun.

Pain, as during menstruation, in the second trimester of pregnancy

In the second trimester of pregnancy, the risks of miscarriage are somewhat reduced, and pain in the lower abdomen is more often caused by other causes. The uterus begins to increase, which leads to tension of the ligaments holding it - this causes pain in the lower abdomen on the sides. The skin and muscle tissues of the peritoneum are also stretched.

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  • Nifedipine during pregnancy

Often, expectant mothers are already faced with the problem of bowel movement. Constipation and increased gas formation lead to the accumulation of feces and intestinal gases, which put pressure on the lower abdomen, causing discomfort and heaviness. Such pains can also be associated with nutritional errors: overeating, overeating fatty and fried foods, eating low-quality foods, that is, with food poisoning. If you have suffered from dysbacteriosis or colitis before, then after eating you may experience pain in the lower abdomen, as with menstruation. It is better to establish proper healthy nutrition from the first days of pregnancy.

In combination with other signs (increased or painful urination, vaginal discharge, itching or swelling of the genital organs, etc.), pain in the lower abdomen may indicate the development of genitourinary infections. It is necessary to take tests for an accurate diagnosis.

As the term increases, the risk of placental abruption increases. Due to vascular damage, brown discharge from the vagina may appear, accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen, as during menstruation. With placental abruption, a pregnant woman is usually hospitalized. She is shown absolute physical rest. A similar clinical picture is observed with placenta previa, but detachment is much more dangerous and requires immediate medical intervention.

Quite rarely, but nevertheless, such painful conditions as appendicitis, pancreatitis, and intestinal obstruction can develop or worsen during pregnancy. Pain in this case can also give down the abdomen with sharp and rather noticeable spasms. They usually do not stop, but only intensify and grow. Pain in the lower abdomen caused by appendicitis may be accompanied by fever, chills, fever. Often there is vomiting or nausea.

Pain, as during menstruation, in late pregnancy

All the above causes of pain, reminiscent of pain during menstruation, are also relevant in the third trimester. Similarly, in the second trimester, pain in the lower abdomen may appear, which will be discussed later.

The larger the tummy becomes, the more pain may appear due to physical exertion. Even at rest, the pressure on the lower abdomen increases all the time with increasing time. If the expectant mother suddenly stands up, turns around or lifts something heavy, such as coughing or sneezing, then sudden pain may occur, but it usually passes quickly.

In the later stages, the load on the back also increases greatly, and therefore, along with pain in the abdomen, pain in the coccyx, back, and lower back may also appear. Wearing a prenatal bandage can alleviate the condition of the expectant mother.

In the third trimester, under the influence of various factors, premature birth may begin. They begin with sharp cramping pains in the lower abdomen, which do not stop, but, on the contrary, increase, often give to the region of the sacrum and lower back. Vaginal discharge at the first stage may be absent, although it is still observed more often, but you need to go to the hospital without delay: doctors will stop the unwanted premature birth process.

However, you should also know that in the third trimester, many women experience so-called training contractions: their goal is to prepare the pregnant woman's body for the upcoming birth.

In general, pain during pregnancy, as during menstruation, even without any apparent reason, often occurs and does not threaten either the woman or the child. This part of the body has a colossal load, the muscles and ligaments are subject to great changes, the functioning of the internal organs also sometimes “gives” pain to the lower abdomen. But the problem is that many pathological conditions dangerous for pregnancy are accompanied by this type of pain. Therefore, always play it safe: now is not the time for irresponsibility and self-confidence.

Proper nutrition, a healthy lifestyle, enough sleep and rest, and a favorable psychological atmosphere will help prevent and alleviate certain types of pain. If you do not associate spasms with dangerous causes, lie on your left side and rest a little. The knee-elbow position can also alleviate a painful attack in late pregnancy. If your doctor allows, then in some cases you can take a No-shpa tablet. However, all your actions should be coordinated with him.

Especially for - Larisa Nezabudkina

Pain as during menstruation during pregnancy

Pregnant women often have stomach pain. It is he who becomes the center of attention for these nine months. And it is in it that the main events and changes in the body of a woman take place. Often, all these processes are accompanied by various pains, which some gynecologists call normal, while others say that nothing should hurt. However, it is very common for women to experience period pain during pregnancy. And understandably, it worries them.

Among the first signs of pregnancy there are many symptoms reminiscent of the approach of the menstrual cycle. And if they appear prematurely, this is the first thing that makes a woman suspect what happened. Among these signs may be pulling pains in the lower abdomen, reminiscent of sensations during menstruation. This happens during the implantation period, 6-12 days after conception, when the fertilized egg has reached the uterus and is trying to attach itself to its wall. Many women do not experience any sensations at all at this time, but it is not uncommon for the pains characteristic of menstruation to appear in the lower abdomen and even in the lower back. This is perhaps the only case when such pain is considered normal and not a cause for concern. Although various physiological changes that occur throughout pregnancy in a woman's body can also provoke similar pains. The weight and volume of the abdomen is constantly growing, the uterus is enlarged and may ache. Yes, and the ligaments holding it are stretched and hurt. The sprain becomes especially noticeable in the later stages, and pain occurs with sudden movements, sneezing, and changing position. Such pain is sharp, but short-lived and does not pose a danger to the woman and the unborn child.

Also Read: Uterine Pain During Pregnancy

However, you should not relax. Pain in the lower abdomen, as with menstruation in early pregnancy, may be evidence of an ectopic pregnancy. If it is also accompanied by dizziness, fainting and nausea, you should speed up the visit to the doctor and do an ultrasound. And if, against the background of pain, you also started bleeding, urgently call an ambulance, because the situation can only be resolved by urgent surgical intervention. Similar symptoms appear with the threat of spontaneous abortion, which also requires a visit to a gynecologist and inpatient treatment. In this case, the pain is aching, cramping, radiates to the lower back and is almost always accompanied by vaginal discharge. After an abdominal injury, physical overexertion, with certain diseases (for example, hypertension, toxicosis of the second half of pregnancy) and for a number of other reasons, a woman may experience premature detachment placenta, which also hurts like menstruation and bleeds. An ambulance should be called immediately, since detachment is extremely dangerous for the mother and fetus and requires early delivery and stop bleeding.

But there are also non-obstetric pains in the lower abdomen during pregnancy. Very often, pains like during menstruation can occur due to spasms of the digestive organs. This phenomenon usually occurs as a reaction to maternal malnutrition: colitis and dysbacteriosis, increased gas formation, overeating, followed by a feeling of heaviness in the abdomen. In addition, the growing uterus compresses the intestines, as a result of which its patency and peristalsis deteriorate and constipation develops. It can also give pain in the lower abdomen. Everything can be easily fixed by adjusting the regimen and diet.

In the later stages, pain may occur as during menstruation due to overstrain of the abdominal muscles. In this case, it is enough just to relax and rest, and the pain will subside. Pain like during menstruation during pregnancy may be evidence of urinary tract infections. Rarely, but it still happens that appendicitis, pancreatitis, intestinal obstruction and other surgical diseases worsen in pregnant women. The pain in this case grows and intensifies, and is also accompanied by other signs characteristic of each of them: fever, nausea, dizziness.

If you are not sure about the nature of your pain, if something bothers you about this pain, or if you observe any additional symptoms, do not risk it and consult a doctor. There are thousands of reasons why a pregnant woman has pain like during menstruation. Many of them are quite harmless and the pain goes away on its own. But you never know for sure how dangerous it can be for you and your baby. It is better not to joke with such pains.

Especially for - Elena Kichak

Pain as during menstruation during pregnancy

You have probably already heard that many pregnant women can often have a stomach ache. And in fact, it is he who can become the real center of attention literally for all nine months of pregnancy. As you understand here, or rather, all the most important events and real changes in the female body will take place in it.

Pain relief during menstruation

I must say that quite often passing innovations and processes will be accompanied by pains of various intensity. By the way, some gynecologists call such people absolutely normal, while at the same time others say with confidence that nothing and nowhere should hurt at all during pregnancy. But, nevertheless, quite often pregnant women can feel pain resembling pain during menstruation, but this may cause some concern, since we are talking about pregnancy. And of course, such situations cannot but alarm any woman.

We hasten to reassure you right away, among the very first signs of pregnancy there are so many symptoms that truly resemble the approach of a normal menstrual cycle. And of course, if these symptoms appear prematurely, or rather, before the due date of menstruation, then this is the very first thing that can make a woman suspect pregnancy.

Definitely, among such signs and symptoms, there may be so-called pulling pains directly in the lower abdomen, they, then, just resemble pain during menstruation. This, first of all, can occur during the implantation period, in terms of the 6th or 12th day immediately after conception. This is the time when an already fertilized egg was able to reach the uterus and simply tries to firmly attach to its wall.

However, many women at this time will not experience any pain at all. However, such cases are not uncommon at all, when directly in the lower abdomen and possibly even in the lower back, pains characteristic of ordinary menstruation will appear. And this, perhaps, can be called the only case when such pain can be considered completely normal or physiological, which, of course, will not be a real cause for the slightest concern. Although it must be said that various physiological changes that will occur in a woman’s body during the entire pregnancy can also provoke menstrual pains similar to menstruation.

Agree, the weight and volume of your abdomen is constantly growing actively, the uterus itself is increasing dramatically and may well ache at the same time. Yes, in fact, the ligaments that tightly hold it are somewhat stretched and hurt just the same. Such a sprain can become especially noticeable precisely in the very late stages of pregnancy, and the pain itself can occur with some sudden movements, or when sneezing, sometimes simply when changing position. As a rule, such a sharp pain, but only if it is short-term, does not pose a real danger to a pregnant woman and her unborn child.

But do not rush to relax right away. A sharp pain in the lower abdomen, resembling pain as during menstruation, especially in the early stages of the onset of pregnancy, may also indicate an ectopic pregnancy. And if such pain is also accompanied by constant dizziness, fainting or even nausea, you should definitely speed up your visit to the doctor and then do an ultrasound. And, for example, if, against the background of such severe pain, you, for example, begin to bleed, then you urgently need to call an ambulance. Just understand that it is sometimes possible to resolve such a situation only by extreme urgent, and sometimes by surgical interventions. Indeed, similar symptoms can also appear with a real threat of miscarriage or spontaneous abortion, which will definitely require a visit to a gynecologist and even then inpatient treatment. In such cases, the pain manifests itself as aching, cramping, and radiating to the lower back, as it will almost always be accompanied by dark vaginal discharge.

It should also be said that, for example, after an abdominal injury, as well as after physical overstrain, and even with some serious diseases (for example, with hypertension, or with toxicosis of the second part of pregnancy), and for a number of other serious reasons a pregnant woman may begin premature detachment of the placenta. This is an extremely dangerous condition, in which pain can also appear, resembling pain like during menstruation, and at the same time, bleeding also occurs. In such a situation, you need to immediately call an ambulance and go to hospital, since detachment can be extremely dangerous both for the mother herself and for the fetus itself and may definitely require early delivery and a complete stop of bleeding.

However, sometimes there are completely non-obstetric pains (not related to pregnancy) in the lower abdomen of a pregnant woman. So very often pains resembling pain as during menstruation can also appear due to spasm of individual organs of the digestive tract. Such phenomena can usually occur as a protective reaction to the not quite proper nutrition of the expectant mother. It may well be colitis and dysbacteriosis, as well as increased gas formation, and simply overeating, followed by a sharp feeling of heaviness in a woman's stomach.

In addition, the constantly growing uterus compresses the intestines somewhat, and as a result of this, its patency and normal peristalsis may well worsen, and as a result, painful constipation develops. All this, as you understand, may well give off unpleasant pains in the lower abdomen. However, all this could easily be corrected by simply establishing the correct regimen and daily diet.

But already in the late stages of pregnancy, pain can occur that resembles pain as during menstruation, also due to the usual overstrain of the muscles of your abdominals. And of course, in such cases, it will be enough just to get rid of the pain. To do this, just relax and lie down to rest, and believe me, the pain will subside and gradually go away.

Pain that resembles period pain during pregnancy may well be evidence of certain urinary tract infections. It is extremely rare, but still it may be that a pregnant woman has exacerbated appendicitis, or pancreatitis, and sometimes even intestinal obstruction and other serious surgical diseases. In such complex cases, pain can only increase and constantly intensify, and they will definitely be accompanied by other symptoms and signs that are quite characteristic of each of these diseases. Among these symptoms, one could list fever, nausea, as well as dizziness during pregnancy.

And of course, in those cases when you are not completely sure of the nature of the pains that arise in you, and also if something suddenly worries and worries you in such painful sensations, immediately go to the doctor. In addition, even if you just observe any of the additional symptoms that confused you, do not take risks and do not wait, contact your doctor. There may simply be thousands of real reasons why a pregnant woman may experience period-like pain. Very many of these causes will remain quite harmless, and such pains will pass on their own very soon. But, unfortunately, you can never know for sure or be absolutely sure how dangerous it can be in reality, both for you and for your future crumbs. Agree, with such pains it would be better not to relax, which will allow you not to miss the danger.

And how did you deal with pain during pregnancy, which is very similar to pain before menstruation?

Lower back pain like during menstruation during pregnancy

The stomach pulls, as before menstruation

Drawing pains in the lower abdomen and in the lower back are familiar to every woman. Most often they are characteristic of the first days of menstruation. On the rest of the cycle, healthy women feel good. However, pulling pains, as with menstruation, can appear on any day of the menstrual cycle. If this happens, they become a cause for concern for women. So, let's figure out what is the cause of pain and when you need to see a specialist with this symptom.

Causes of pulling pains in women

If a woman’s stomach pulls and hurts like during menstruation, but wait a long time before the onset of menstruation, the cause of this condition may be:

The first days of pregnancy are characterized by sensations of premenstrual syndrome: the lower abdomen can hurt, and the lower back pulls like during menstruation. Irritability, nausea, and a feeling of swelling of the mammary glands may also be observed.

As a rule, all symptoms are observed within a week, while the fertilized egg is fixed in the uterine cavity. Sometimes during this period, slight brown spotting may appear, which women can also confuse with the onset of menstruation.

As pregnancy progresses, pulling sensations may periodically appear due to stretching of the muscles of the uterus. Normally, they should not be strong and last more than a week.

Weak pains, as during menstruation, are also characteristic of an ectopic pregnancy, especially if the tubes are narrowed.

In early pregnancy, the risk of miscarriage is high, especially if the woman is not yet aware of her situation. In this case, a failed attempt by the egg to gain a foothold in the uterine cavity may result in normal menstruation. However, if you already know about pregnancy and the lower abdomen and lower back hurt like during menstruation, you should consult a doctor. Most often, such pain gives an increased tone of the uterus. If you ignore this, the outcome of pregnancy may be unfavorable.

Inflammatory processes can cause pain as before menstruation. They are not pronounced, more often, these are pains that are pulling, aching, sometimes radiating to the lower back. But this condition is typical only for the initial stage of inflammatory processes. As the disease progresses, the pain increases.

Cysts with partial twisting of the leg can also give mild pain. This is due to impaired blood supply.

Pain, similar to menstruation, can provoke urinary tract infections and the activity of pathogens, sexually transmitted diseases.

With the right balance of hormones, women do not experience discomfort in any of the periods of the menstrual cycle. If a woman's lower abdomen and back hurt like menstruation, prostaglandins can be the cause. This hormone, when produced by the body in excess, increases the contraction of the uterine muscles, making this process painful. With such a violation of the body's work, pulling pains most often appear at the end of menstruation.

The cause of hormonal disorders is most often an overactive thyroid gland. As a rule, other symptoms also join, for example, insomnia, changes in weight, and so on.

Also, the use of hormonal drugs can affect the balance of hormones. In this case, with complaints about the symptoms that have appeared, you should contact your doctor.

Inflammation of the appendix can also be manifested by pulling pains in the lower abdomen, similar to the onset of menstruation. This is the result of a shift in the localization of pain sensations.

Do I need to see a doctor for pain in the lower abdomen?

In the presence of pulling pains unusual for the body, similar to menstrual pain, in any of the periods of the cycle, it is worth contacting a specialist to find out the cause. The help of the latter will be especially needed if additional symptoms have joined the pains. Both diagnosis and treatment in this case must be entrusted to a specialist.

Pain as during menstruation during pregnancy

Very often, pregnant women complain of pain, while the pain can be located on different parts of the body. But, basically, most pregnant women complain of pain in the abdomen, which immediately after conception becomes the center of attention until the birth of the baby. When abdominal pain occurs in a woman's body, various changes can occur. At the same time, many pregnant women characterize this pain as pain during menstruation. These pains can be different in intensity, depending on the ongoing process inside the abdomen.

There are gynecologists who accept such pain as the norm, while other specialists argue that a normal pregnancy should proceed without pain. But, nevertheless, most pregnant women claim that from time to time they feel pain like during menstruation. This scares them a lot, since we are talking about pregnancy. Any woman is wary of pain as during menstruation during pregnancy. There can be several reasons for the occurrence of pain during menstruation during pregnancy. If such pains appear at the beginning of pregnancy, then there is nothing to worry about.

Pain like menstruation first trimester

The first signs of pregnancy are very similar to the signs of an approaching menstrual cycle. And if you notice pain like during menstruation before the due date of menstruation, you can check for pregnancy with a regular test.

It is clear that a woman feels pulling pains in the lower abdomen, this symptom can be confused with pain as during menstruation. Basically, very sensitive women feel such pulling pains during the implantation period, when the fertilized egg reaches the uterus and makes attempts to attach to its wall, this falls on 6-9 days after conception. Of the 100 pregnant women surveyed, only 7 felt such pulling pains at the beginning of pregnancy. This suggests that not every woman is given to feel the implantation period.

Also, in the second week after conception, some women begin to experience pain not only in the lower abdomen, but also in the lower back - these are characteristic symptoms of normal menstruation. It should be noted that almost all doctors consider such pain to be quite normal (that is, physiological) and do not see any harm in it.

Pain like menstruation in the second trimester

If you feel pain like during menstruation during pregnancy, while your period is quite long, say 3-4 months, then such pain most likely occurs due to the constantly increasing volume of the abdomen, which presses on the internal organs. At this time, the ligaments do not keep up with the enlarging uterus, so they stretch. As a result, the pregnant woman feels pain in the lower abdomen, they can be pulling and long, or they can be instant, but sharp. In addition, it is likely that a pregnant woman begins to have lower back pain as during menstruation. All due to the fact that a pregnant woman with an increase in the abdomen, without noticing it, changes her posture and the main load falls on the lower back, hence the pain in this area occurs.

Pain like menstruation in the third trimester

Also, pains like during menstruation during pregnancy can also occur in the third trimester, when a woman makes sudden movements, sneezes or changes position. At these moments, the pregnant woman feels a sharp, short-term pain. Do not worry about such a symptom, because it does not threaten the baby. Most likely, with a sharp movement or change of position, you pinched a nerve. If the pain quickly subsides and does not appear again, then there is no reason to worry. But if a sharp pain is repeated from time to time, then you urgently need to see a doctor who, after an ultrasound scan, will find out the cause of the pain during pregnancy.

Pregnant women often have stomach pain. It is he who becomes the center of attention for these nine months. And it is in it that the main events and changes in the body of a woman take place. Often, all these processes are accompanied by various pains, which some gynecologists call normal, while others say that nothing should hurt. However, it is very common for women to experience period pain during pregnancy. And understandably, it worries them.

In the later stages, pain may occur as during menstruation due to overstrain of the abdominal muscles. In this case, it is enough just to relax and rest, and the pain will subside.
Pain like during menstruation during pregnancy may be evidence of urinary tract infections. Rarely, but it still happens that appendicitis, pancreatitis, intestinal obstruction and other surgical diseases worsen in pregnant women. The pain in this case grows and intensifies, and is also accompanied by other signs characteristic of each of them: fever, nausea, dizziness.

If you are not sure about the nature of your pain, if something bothers you about this pain, or if you observe any additional symptoms, do not risk it and consult a doctor. There are thousands of reasons why a pregnant woman has pain like during menstruation. Many of them are quite harmless and the pain goes away on its own. But you never know for sure how dangerous it can be for you and your baby. It is better not to joke with such pains.

Especially for- Elena Kichak

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