daily diuresis. Labor Standards Yield Formula for the Food Industry

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Timesheet - All the time in one report!

The report allows you to get a summary of the number of hours worked per month for employees of organizations for any period. The data is generated both on the basis of the data of the document "Time sheet of employees of organizations", if the hours worked by employees of organizations are recorded according to the time sheet, and on the basis of data on work schedules established for employees of organizations, if records are kept according to the schedule.

The period is set absolutely any. You can set a filter for one or more organizations, departments of organizations, employees of organizations. These fields are formatted as a list of values.

You can also specify the following options in the settings:

Types of working time: One or more types of working hours are set, according to which the time worked by an employee of the organization will be summarized. Usually it is turnout, evening hours, night hours and so on. Default value: Turnout.

Empty value: Defines the character that will be displayed in the report cell with an empty value of hours worked. Default value: "-".

Grouping by departments: Contains the attribute whether or not to group the output data of the employee, taking into account the departments of the organization. With the checkbox checked, the report looks clearer, as it contains data on the position of the employee of the organization, the work schedule, according to which the number of hours worked is calculated, and all changes that occur to the employee for the specified period of time are visible: changes in position, work schedule, recorded by the documents "Personnel movement of employees of organizations. If the checkbox is unchecked, the data is displayed for each employee in one line with the total number of hours worked.

Decryption output by type of time: Specifies whether detailed records by type of working time will be displayed. Detailing contains all types of time that were used by the employee when maintaining a time sheet. The specified summable types of time are tinted in red for clarity. It is on them that the summation takes place. Data for other types of time, not colored in red, are displayed for information. There are also two columns in the detailed records for hours worked: the first is the number of hours, the second is the number of days in the specified month.

Show results by year: Contains a flag of whether to group data by years of the report output period. If the option is set, then when the report is displayed after each year, a column will appear with a total of the number of hours worked for the corresponding year. It is convenient when the report contains data for several years, and you need to find out the total data for each year, as well as summary data for the entire period. If the parameter is not set, a summary total for the entire period will be displayed.

Round values: If the parameter is set, then the fractional values ​​of the output data will be rounded up to integers according to the rule 1.5 as 2.

Landscape print: Specifies the type of report printing: if the parameter is set - landscape, otherwise - portrait printing.

Show rate: Determines the need to display the norm of working hours according to the established work schedule.

The settings are set in the window called by pressing the button "Settings" of the main menu of the report.

P.S.: All set parameters are saved for the current user, and are restored when the report is reopened in the form in which they were at the time the report was closed.
Displaying information on a large list of employees over a long period of time can take a long time. Data output for the year for 10 organizations with about 200 employees took me a little more than 5 minutes.


Fixed a bug when calculating hours by departments with several selected types of time.


What's new:

- The query has been optimized, thanks to which the report output time has been reduced by about 3 times;

- Fixed a bug with displaying employees with selection by a group of departments (remark from );

- Added the norm of working hours according to the schedule (optional);

- Added display of overtime hours (remark from ). Moreover, in a typical T-13 report, overtime is displayed next to the turnout, for example, 8/2 (Y/S). In this report, Overtime hours are a separate type of working time, which makes the data clearer. Overtime hours are included in the turnout, so the days worked are not counted for them;

- Changed the mechanism for managing groups. Thanks for the idea;

- Added information on hours worked.


- Fixed a bug when outputting data without a norm.


- Fixed a bug when outputting data with the norm when grouping by departments is disabled;

- A bug was fixed when an employee was hired not from the beginning of the month or fired not at the end of the month, or there were employee movements in departments, then the norm was displayed for the full month. Corrected.

- If access restriction by organization is used, then the report may generate an error when opened. Corrected.

Thanks for pointing out the bugs


- The norm of working time is derived taking into account personnel deviations during the month (vacation, sick leave, etc.);

- Made it possible to group data by subdivisions, i.e. display information about the hours worked in summary by department, without detailing by employees.

Thanks for helping me improve


- A demo version of the report has been released with a limited output for a specific month.

Demo version limitations: the ability to generate a report only for January 2012 or January 2013.


- Added a setting that allows you to display the calculation of leave for harmful working conditions.

Money Back Guarantee

Infostart LLC guarantees you a 100% refund if the program does not correspond to the declared functionality from the description. The money can be returned in full if you declare it within 14 days from the date of receipt of money to our account.

The program is so tested in work that we can give such a guarantee with full confidence. We want all of our customers to be happy with their purchase.

The production rate for 1 worker is calculated quite simply. The formulas are simple, but you need to understand how and when they need to be applied at all.

The effectiveness of human labor is characterized by production.

As quantitative performance indicators, natural and cost indicators are used, such as: tons, meters, cubic meters, pieces, etc.

The productivity of labor characterizes the development. The output is calculated for one main worker, for one worker and one worker. In different cases, the calculations will be carried out in different ways.

  • For one main worker - the number of products produced is divided by the number of main workers.
  • Per worker - the number of products produced is divided by the total number of workers (main plus auxiliary).
  • For one worker - the number of products produced is divided by the number of total employees.

Labor productivity indicators characterize the effectiveness of the use of employees in the enterprise. One of them is the rate of production.

The output rate is the amount of work (in units of production) that a worker or a group of workers needs to complete in a specified time in specific organizational and technical conditions. It is set when the same operation is regularly performed during the shift (the same products are created). Based on it, you can already assign a salary to an employee.

Specific indicators of the production rate are set by the enterprise - the state only gives general practical recommendations (they are set out in regulatory documents).

For each industry, the rate of output per person is calculated slightly differently, despite the existence of one simple "general" formula.

Formula for 1 worker

Production rates can be determined for one worker by dividing the time fund by the time rate.

As a fund, you can take a year, a month, a week, or the duration of a shift.

For mass production, large enterprises, the norm of time for the manufacture of a product is equal to the norm of piece-calculation time. For industries where the same workers perform the main, preparatory and final work, the time standards will be different.

It is best to take the duration of the shift as a fund. From here, the average output per month or per hour is calculated.

The calculation formula looks like this:

H vyr \u003d T cm / T op,

where T cm is the shift time,

T op - time to manufacture one product.

This is the same “general” formula that was mentioned earlier. It works great for mass production. It is worth noting that, although it is customary to take time in minutes, you can choose other units of time.

For serial or single production, the formula will be different:

H vyr \u003d T cm / T pcs,

T cm - change time,

T pcs - time for the manufacture of one product, calculated taking into account its cost.

For industries where the preparatory stage is calculated and normalized separately, the production formula must be modified:

H vyr \u003d (T cm - T pz) / T cm,

where H vyr is the operating time rate in natural units,

T cm is the working time fund for which the operating rate is set (here: shift time),

T pz - time for the preparatory stage in minutes.

In cases of working with automated equipment, it is necessary to take into account the service time (which is also normalized):

N vyr \u003d N o * N vm,

where H vyr is the operating time rate in natural units,

N vm - the rate of production of equipment, which is calculated:

N vm \u003d N vm theor * K pv,

where H vm theor is the theoretical output of the machine,

To pv - the coefficient of useful labor time for one shift.

If periodic hardware processes are used, the formula also changes.

H vyr \u003d (T cm - T about - T exc) * T p * H o / T op,

where H vyr is the operating time rate in natural units,

T cm - the duration of the shift,

T about - time for equipment maintenance,

T ex - the norm of time for personal needs of personnel,

T p - products manufactured in one period,

H o - normalized service time,

T op - the duration of this period.

It must be understood that the “general” formulas do not take into account the specifics of a particular production. For the food industry, for example, the calculations are slightly different.

It is not enough for us to measure how many dishes the chef prepared per day, this will not say anything about his productivity: there are different dishes, including complex ones. Therefore, in this case, special coefficients are used to calculate the production rate.

One "simplest" dish is taken and taken as a unit of labor input. For example, a portion of chicken soup is cooked in 100 seconds, taken as a unit. Soup, the preparation of which requires 200 s is taken as a deuce. And so on.

The cook needs to prepare the workplace, serve it. Prepare yourself for work.

The calculation formula looks like this:

H vyr \u003d (T cm - T pz - T obs - T exc) / T op,

where H vyr is the operating time rate in natural units,

T cm is the working time fund for which the operating rate is set,

T pz - time for the preparatory stage in minutes;

T obs - the time required to service the workplace, in minutes;

T ex - time spent on personal needs, in minutes;

T op - time per unit of production in minutes.

When calculating the rate of operating time, cleaning of industrial premises, it is taken into account that different surfaces are not washed equally well. Plus, cleaners need to move from one room to another.

H vyr \u003d (T cm - T obs - T ln - T otd) * K / T op,

where H in is the production rate,

T cm is the duration of the shift in minutes,

T obs - the time required to service the workplace during the shift, in minutes;

T otd - time spent on rest, in minutes,

T ln - time for a break for personal needs in minutes,

T op - time to clean 1 m 2 of area in seconds,

K is the coefficient that is taken into account when cleaning. It is determined with a stopwatch. It shows how much time is spent when moving between halls.

Calculation examples

For single production:

A craftsman who makes handmade teapots works 20,000 s a day. Time for one piece - 2500 s.

H vyr \u003d 20000 / 2500 \u003d 8 pcs.

The craftsman makes 8 handmade teapots per day.

For mass production:

The working shift time at the plant for the production of teacups is 28800 s. The time for the manufacture of one teapot, according to regulatory documents, is 1800 s.

H vyr \u003d 28800 / 1800 \u003d 16 pcs.

One worker must make 16 teapots in one shift.

For production, where the preparatory stage is normalized:

At another chapel plant, the time it takes workers to prepare the workplace and tools is taken into account. The duration of the shift is 28800 s. The time for making one teapot is 1700 s. Preparatory work time - 200 s.

H vyr \u003d (28800 - 200) / 1700 \u003d 16.82 pcs.

A worker at the second plant must produce 16.82 teapots during a shift.

For automated production:

Chapelnikov plant No. 2 began to use chapelnikov machines, in theory capable of producing 50 chapelniks during a shift. The coefficient of useful labor time per shift for machines is 0.95. The normalized service time is 0.85 work shifts.

H vyp \u003d 0.85 * 50 * 0.95 \u003d 40.375 pcs.

The chapelnikov machine will have to produce 40,375 pieces per day.

For periodic hardware processes in production:

Other workers in the same factory must attach automatic latches to the teapots - using machines. The duration of the shift is 28800 seconds. 1000 s is allocated for the maintenance of machines. For personal needs, you can leave for 900 seconds during the shift. In one period, the machine attaches 10 latches. Service time is 0.85 shifts. The duration of one period of using the machine is 500 seconds.

H vyr \u003d (28800 - 1000 - 900) * 10 * 0.85 / 500 \u003d 457.3 pcs.

Workers during the shift must attach 457.3 automatic latches to the teapots.

For the food industry:

Cooking oatmeal in the canteen for the workers of the teapot factory spends 28,700 s. The preparation time takes 1200 s. It takes the chef 1000 s to prepare the necessary ingredients and the workplace. In breaks for rest, 3200 s are spent. According to the regulations, it takes 1800 seconds to prepare one serving of oatmeal.

In a friendly fun company or at an event, it is very difficult to deny yourself the use of alcoholic beverages. Once in the human body, alcohol immediately begins to negatively affect all organs, the liver, kidneys and brain cells suffer the most. And many people ask the question: how can you find out the time for the complete removal of alcohol from the human body?

Removal of ethanol from the body

Alcohol is disposed of from the body in two ways: in its pure form or in the process of oxidation through the liver. Alcohol exits naturally through the kidneys, evaporation through the pores of the skin and lungs. Up to 30% of ethanol leaves the body in its pure form.

The oxidation process takes place in the liver. Alcohol is processed by the enzyme alcohol dehydrogenesis into acetic acid and excreted through healthy liver cells, leaving up to 90% of ethanol.

How long alcohol will be removed from the blood depends on several factors:

  1. The weight of a person.
  2. The amount drunk.
  3. Fortress of alcoholic beverages.
  4. Liver health.

In addition, the time of excretion is affected by gender. So, for an average man, the rate of ethanol processing is from 0.10 to 0.15 ppm / hour, for a woman everything is a little slower: from 0.085 to 0.10 ppm / hour.

If we consider the strength of drinks, then vodka, beer or wine will come out differently. And the elimination period for each individual is determined by the amount consumed and can range from two hours to several days.

The presence of a number of diseases also affects the withdrawal of alcohol.

How long the wine will leave the blood depends on other factors, which are mainly the individual characteristics of each organism. For example, in a person who drinks systematically, ethanol will be processed more slowly, since it is quite difficult for a damaged liver to cope with this task over time. In general, all this is individual. And do not think that if you drank 100 grams of vodka with a friend, then the period for cleansing the body will be the same. How long it takes - this also depends on your health. If the volume of alcohol drunk is quite large, the rate will increase to 0.25 ppm / hour.

The state of a person in the ratio of ppm in the blood:

  • 0.20–0.50. Attention retardation, it is difficult to understand how fast objects are moving. Driving at this dose is strictly prohibited.
  • 0.5–0.8 (beer - 1 liter). Decreased perception of red objects.
  • 1.2 (beer - 2.5 liters, vodka - 300 ml.). Loss of driving skills, coordination.
  • 5 (vodka - 1 l.). Such a dose of alcohol is officially considered lethal.

Ethanol withdrawal time table

If you do not consider the health of the liver of each person taken, you can make a table: how much ethanol comes out of the blood, depending on body weight.

The calculation is based on 100 grams of alcohol.

Alcohol / weight (kg)up to 6070 80 90 100+
Vodka5h 50m4h 55m4h 20m3h 50m3h 30m
Cognac6 hours5 o'clock4h 35m4h 5m3h 40m
Whiskey6h 15m5h 21m4h 40m4h 10m3h 45m
Liquor4h 30m3h 45m3h 16m2h 56m2h 35m
Gin6:50 a.m.5h 50m5h 10m4h 30m4h 5m
Tincture 23%3h 30m3 hours2h 35m2h 21m2h 5m
Vermouth 16%2h 21m2 hours1h 45m1h 35m1h 25m
Table wine1h 35m1h 21m1h 10m1h 5m1 hour
Champagne1h 35m1h 20m1h 10m1h 5m1 hour
Beer 6%50 m40 m25 m25 m21 m.
Beer 4%36 m30 m25 m20 m15 m.

It should be borne in mind that these tables are averaged, and you should not rely on them completely. Each person is an individual organism that perceives alcoholic beverages in its own way. Depending on how much you drink, the withdrawal time must be increased. If the amount of alcohol consumed is about 500 grams, then the data must be multiplied by 5.

How to remove alcohol from the blood

Even after the time has elapsed, it is not recommended to drive. If you do not feel the state of alcoholic intoxication, this does not mean that the body is completely cleansed, a quick reaction, good memory and normal coordination of movement have been restored. When you still need to go somewhere or there are other circumstances for which you should sober up, you can speed up the utilization of alcohol from the body with special preparations or decoctions that help you return to a healthy state.

In the case of a large amount drunk or after a couple of days of drinking, the surest way, of course, is to go to the narcological department. Doctors will instill droppers with a solution of glucose, salt, or others. So the period of withdrawal of alcohol from the blood will be reduced to 5-8 hours.

You can try to clear the blood of alcohol with folk remedies, if you drink a little:

Remember, no matter how much you drink, driving while intoxicated, and this is 0.17 milligrams of alcohol per liter of exhaled air, threatens to deprive you of your driver's license and a fine of 30 thousand rubles. Not only that, you can become a participant in an accident, but how many people suffered from drunk drivers. Don't risk yours or the lives of others!

allocated by the patient during the day.

Daily diuresis in adults ranges from 800 ml to 2000 ml and depends on age, ambient temperature and humidity, dietary conditions, physical activity and other factors and should be 75-80% of the amount of liquid drunk. 20-25% of the fluid is excreted with sweat, respiration and stool.

Daily water balance is the ratio between the amount of fluid introduced into the body and the amount of fluid excreted from the body during the day. The liquid contained in fruits, soups, vegetables, etc., as well as the volume of parenteral solutions administered, is taken into account.

Accounting for water balance

Indications: observation of a patient with edema. Identification of latent edema, increase in edema and control over the action of diuretics.

Mandatory condition: not only urine, but also vomit, feces of the patient is subject to accounting for the amount of excreted fluid.

Steps Rationale

Preparation for the procedure

1. Establish a trusting relationship with the papist, assess his ability to independently carry out the procedure

Ensuring meaningful participation in collaborative work

2. Make sure the patient can perform a fluid count

3. Explain the purpose and course of the study and obtain patient consent for the procedure

Ensuring the patient's right to


4. Explain to the patient the need to comply with the usual water-food and motor regimen

Ensuring the reliability of accounting results

5. Ensure that the patient has not taken diuretics for 3 days prior to the study

6. Give detailed information about the order of entries in the water balance sheet, make sure that you are able to fill out the sheet

7. Explain the approximate percentage of water in food to make it easier to account for the water balance.

Note: Solid foods can contain 60 to 80% water

Ensuring the effective implementation of the procedure

8. Prepare equipment


Performing a procedure

1. Explain that at 6.00 it is necessary to release urine into the toilet

Exclusion from the daily diuresis formed after

piss night

2. Collect urine after each urination in a graduated container, measure diuresis

Condition for the procedure

3. Fix the amount of allocated liquid in the accounting sheet

4. Fix the amount of liquid received in the accounting sheet

5. Explain that it is necessary to indicate the time of taking or introducing the liquid, as well as the time of the release of the Liquid in the water balance sheet during the day, until 6.00 the next day

6. At 6.00 the next day, hand over the registration sheet to the nurse

End of procedure

1. Identify a nurse. how much fluid should be excreted with urine (normal)

The calculation of the water balance accounting is determined by the formula: the amount of urine excreted x 0.8 (80%) \u003d \u003d the amount of urine that should be excreted normally

2. Compare the amount of excreted fluid with the amount of calculated fluid (normal)

Note: this may be the result of the action of diuretic medicinal diuretic foods, the influence of the cold season

5. Make entries in the water balance sheet

Note: a positive water balance indicates the effectiveness of the treatment and the convergence of edema. A negative water balance indicates an increase in edema or an ineffective dose of diuretics.


Date of__________

Name of hospital _________________________

Branch ______________________

Chamber Nt_________________________

FULL NAME. Ivanov Petr Sergeevich

Age 45 years_ _______________ Body weight 70_kg

Diagnosis Examination

Liquid quantity


in/in drip

Total drunk

Total allocated

Calculation: in this example, the daily diuresis should be: 1500x0.8 (80% of the amount of liquid drunk) U = 1200 ml, and it is 130 ml less. This means that the water balance is negative, which indicates the ineffectiveness of treatment or an increase in edema.

The rationing of the work of employees is carried out using the following types of labor standards: time standards, output standards, number norms, service standards, as well as standardized tasks.

Norm of time- this is a given value of the required time for the manufacture of a unit of product (unit of work) by one employee or a group of workers of a certain qualification in the appropriate organizational and technical conditions.

Production rate- this is a given number of units of products (volume of work) that an employee or a group of workers of a certain qualification must produce per unit of working time in the appropriate organizational and technical conditions.

population rate- this is a given number of employees of the corresponding profession and qualification, which is established necessary to perform the necessary work tasks (functions or scope of work) in certain organizational and technical conditions.

Service rate- this is a given number of units of means of production (equipment, devices, jobs, etc.) that an employee or group of workers of a certain profession and qualification must serve during a unit of working time in the appropriate organizational and technical conditions.

Normalized task- this is a given amount of work that an employee or group of employees must perform during a work shift or for another unit of working time.

There are also standard labor standards. These include intersectoral, sectoral and professional labor standards. Intersectoral labor standards are of a unified nature and are developed taking into account homogeneous organizational and technical conditions at enterprises in various industries. Industry labor standards are labor standards established for jobs specific to a particular industry. Their development is carried out through research at enterprises in a particular industry. Professional labor standards are developed for specific types of work in standard organizational and technical conditions. Local labor standards are labor standards developed directly at the enterprise itself for work that is specific to the organization and there are no typical intersectoral, sectoral, professional labor standards. The experience of Russian enterprises with examples and figures can be found in section Labor rationing portal libraries.

The setting of standardized worker assignments has become widespread in the past few decades to stimulate the productivity of hourly paid workers in the transition from mass and large-scale production to the production of a wide range of products in small batches. As a rule, normalized tasks are set by workers with time wages. For example, in the main production - workers employed on flow-conveyor lines, operators of automatic lines, electric and gas welders, in production service units - machine operators of repair, transport sections, machine operators of experimental and tool sections. Normalized tasks are developed on the basis of time norms (production) and are set in labor (standard hour) or physical indicators (tons, meters, units of repair complexity, etc.) within the framework of regulation of labor in production.

The norm of time (Nvr) and the norm of production (Nvyr) are inversely related, which is determined by the equations:

N vr =1/N vyr; H vyr \u003d 1 / H vr

Based on the norm of time per unit of output (work) and the estimated number of working hours in the time period, the standard output of the worker is determined.

Example . The worker manufactures the M-1 part in the mode of a 5-day working week lasting 40 hours. The estimated average monthly norm of working time is 168 hours. The norm of time for the manufacture of a part is 0.33 standard hours. The production rates for time periods are characterized by the data of scheme 1.

Application of the norm of time for the calculation of standard output

Time period name

Estimated working time, hour

Norm of time per unit of production, standard hour

Normative production for the time period, pieces

511 (168,6/0,33)

6130 (2023/0,33)

Norms of time and norms of production are used in determining prices under the piecework principle of remuneration. The piece rate is determined by dividing the hourly rate (C) corresponding to the category of work performed by the hourly rate of output (H vyr) or by multiplying the hourly rate by the established time rate (H vr) in hours.

P \u003d C / H vyr or

P \u003d C x H vr

Example. Based on the data of the example, the norm of time for the manufacture of a part is 0.33 standard hours, the hourly production rate is -3.03 units. Work is charged 5 categories. The hourly tariff rate of the 5th category is 16,000 rubles. Determine the piece rate in scheme 2.

Piece rate calculation

An example of calculating the piecework wages of a product assembler performing various work tasks is as follows (see diagram 3).

Sheet for calculating the piecework wages of the product assembler for the month

Process number

Tariff rate, rub

production rate,

Rate per unit of work, rub

Number of manufactured units

The amount of piecework payment, rub.

Total piecework wages for manufactured products

You can find practical examples of rationing at Russian and global enterprises in Almanac "Production Management"

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