GOST 13109 97 voltage deviation. Terms and Definitions

energy saving

For more than forty years, the only regulatory document in the country that establishes in Russia both the nomenclature of electric energy quality indicators (PQ) and PQ standards, as well as the fundamental requirements for control, methods and means of measuring PQ indicators, is the standard GOST 13109 “Electric energy. Compatibility of technical means is electromagnetic. Standards for the quality of electrical energy in general-purpose power supply systems ”(successively in the editions of 1967, 1987 and 1997).
Since 2013, a new standard will come into effect - GOST R 54149-2010. For more information about its main provisions and differences from the current document, see the material of one of the developers of the standard, Vladimir Vasilievich Nikiforov.

Main provisions and differences from GOST 13109-97

Vladimir Nikiforov, Deputy General Director, Scientific Director of LINVIT LLC, Moscow

The value of GOST 13109 for the organization of work to ensure CE is indisputable, especially in the last decade, when new means of measuring CE indicators (PQE) have appeared, based on the requirements of GOST 13109-97 and detailed methods for measuring and processing measurement results in RD 153-34.0-15.501- 00 “Guidelines for monitoring and analyzing the quality of electrical energy in general-purpose power supply systems. Part 1. Quality control of electrical energy. To a large extent, this was facilitated by the introduction of mandatory certification of electricity, which led to a sharp increase in demand for PQ measurement tools and methods for organizing the control and management of PQ.

However, in the 2000s, structural changes took place in the electric power industry, and a transition to market relations was made. A number of legislative and regulatory legal acts have been adopted, including Federal Law No. 35-FZ of March 26, 2003, “On the Electric Power Industry,” Federal Law No. 27.12.2004 No. 861 and dated 31.08.2006 No. 530, which established the need to provide power supply by electric power industry entities within their responsibility.

In addition, in recent years, the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) published new standards that establish provisions related to the nomenclature of CE indicators, methods and means of measuring CE: IEC 61000-4-30: 2008, IEC 61000-4-7: 2002 with Amendment 1:2008. In this regard, GOST R 51317.4.30-2008 and 51317.4.7-2008 harmonized with international standards were put into effect in the Russian Federation. Thus, for the first time, we have special standards for measurement methods and requirements for PQ measuring instruments, which, however, differ significantly from GOST 13109-97. In September 2010, a European standard was approved that establishes the CE standards used in the EU countries - EN 50160: 2010.

Finally, large-scale tests of electrical energy conducted over the past five years in distribution networks in various regions as part of periodic PQ control and certification tests have revealed some shortcomings in GOST 13109-97 that need to be corrected. These include, in particular, not taking into account the differences in the requirements for PQ in local isolated general-purpose power supply systems from the requirements for PQ in general-purpose power supply systems connected to the Unified Energy System of Russia, the responsibility of consumers for providing PQ, the difficulty of ensuring regulatory requirements for voltage deviations on terminals of end electrical receivers.
These facts and circumstances necessitated a radical revision of GOST 13109-97, in fact, the development of a new standard for CE.

Purpose of development

The purpose of developing the standard was to put into effect in the Russian Federation a new regulatory document on the requirements for PQ that meets market relations in the electric power industry and the country's economy, taking into account the recommendations and provisions of international standards and new national standards on methods and means of measuring and evaluating PQ indicators, as well as convergence of the structure and the provisions of this standard with the European standard EN 50160: 2010.

New standard according to KE GOST R 54149-2010 “Electric energy. Compatibility of technical means is electromagnetic. Power Quality Standards in General Purpose Power Supply Systems” was developed by LINVIT LLC and the Technical Committee for Standardization TC 30 “Electromagnetic Compatibility of Technical Equipment” as part of the National Standardization Program approved in 2009 by the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology, which provides for the revision of GOST 13109 -97.

By order of Rosstandart, the entry into force of GOST R 54149-2010 is determined from 01/01/2013 with the simultaneous termination of GOST 13109-97.

The developers of GOST R 54149-2010 set themselves the task of maintaining continuity with GOST 13109, taking into account a number of basic regulations of EN 50160: 2010.

The structure of the new GOST

The main differences between GOST R 54149-2010 and the current GOST 13109-97 relate to:

  • scope of the standard;
  • its structure and content;
  • terms and their definitions;
  • definitions and standardization of SQE;
  • responsibility for PQ of grid organizations and consumers;
  • taking into account the requirements for PQ in isolated power supply systems;
  • requirements for control and measurement of SQE.

The structure and content of GOST R 54149-2010 is determined by the following sections:

  • Application area.
  • Normative references.
  • Terms and Definitions.
  • Indicators and norms of the quality of electrical energy.
  • Reference applications (statistical data).

Sections on methods for calculating and measuring PQ indicators, on the requirements for appropriate measuring instruments, methods for monitoring PQ in power supply systems contained in GOST 13109-97 are not included in this standard. They are contained in the above special national standards GOST R 51317.4.30-2008 and GOST R 51317.4.7-2008.

Thus, the structure of GOST R 54149-2010 is brought into line with generally accepted international practice: requirements for CE - in some standards, measurement methods and requirements for measuring instruments that meet these methods - in others. In this sense, the new standard is similar in structure to EN 50160:2010.

Scope of GOST R 54149-2010: this standard establishes the indicators and norms of PQ at the points of transmission of electricity to users of low, medium and high voltage networks of general-purpose power supply systems for three-phase and single-phase alternating current with a frequency of 50 Hz.

This requirement significantly distinguishes the new standard from GOST 13109-97, in which the CE standards are related to the points of general connection (with the exception of the steady-state voltage deviation), and is more in line with the conditions of a market economy. It is at the transmission points that electricity is circulated in accordance with the contract for the supply or transmission of electricity of the established quality, for which the grid organization is responsible. The provision of the standard is consistent with the Federal Law "On the electric power industry" and Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 27, 2004 No. 861. The same points include the CE standards established in the European standard EN 50160: 2010.

The norms of the steady voltage deviation in GOST 13109-97 are related to the conclusions of power receivers, which are connected, as a rule, to consumer networks that are not covered by the responsibility of the grid company. GOST R 54149-2010 obliges the consumer on its side to ensure the conditions under which the deviations of the supply voltage at the terminals of electrical receivers do not exceed the permissible values ​​​​set for them, if the requirements of this standard for PQ at the point of transmission of electrical energy are met. That is, consumers are also responsible for ensuring the required PQ. This is consistent with the requirements that electricity suppliers be responsible for ensuring PQ supplied to consumers, and manufacturers of electrical installations and electrical equipment and consumers who purchase it are responsible for ensuring that these equipment and installations do not create unacceptable conducted electromagnetic interference during commissioning. power networks.

The KE standards in GOST R 54149-2010 are established both for electrical networks of general-purpose power supply systems connected to the Unified Energy System of Russia, and for isolated general-purpose power supply systems. In the requirements of GOST 13109-97, there are no differences in the norms for PQ indicators in these power supply systems, which led, for example, to the impossibility of ensuring the established norms for frequency deviations in electrical networks powered by autonomous AC sources (for example, diesel generators), for which these rules are unnecessarily strict.

Unlike GOST 13109-97, the CE norms established in the new standard are not considered as electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) levels for conducted electromagnetic interference in general-purpose power supply systems. Requirements for EMC levels of technical means are the subject of separate regulatory documents.

Terms and Definitions

The section "Terms and definitions" includes some new terms and clarified the old ones, taking into account the relations of the participants in the electricity market. In particular:

Grid organization - an organization that owns, by right of ownership or on another basis established by federal laws, electric grid facilities, with the use of which it provides services for the transmission of electric energy and carries out, in accordance with the established procedure, technological connection of power receiving devices (power installations) of legal entities and individuals to networks, as well as exercising the right to conclude contracts for the provision of electricity transmission services using power grid facilities owned by other owners and other legal owners;

electrical network user- a party that receives electrical energy from the electrical network or transmits electrical energy to the electrical network. The users of electrical networks include network organizations and other owners of electrical networks, consumers of electrical energy, as well as generating organizations;

electrical energy consumer– a legal or natural person using electric energy (capacity) on the basis of a concluded agreement;

transmission point- a point of the electrical network located on the dividing line of electric power facilities between owners on the basis of ownership or ownership on another basis provided for by federal laws, determined in the process of technological connection;

matched power supply voltage U With - voltage that differs from the standard rated voltage of the network according to GOST 29322, agreed for a specific user of the electrical network during technological connection as a power supply voltage;

quality of electrical energy- the degree of compliance of the characteristics of electrical energy at a given point of the electrical system with a set of normalized KE indicators;

labeled data- a term used to denote the results of measurements of PQ indicators and the results of their averaging over time intervals within which interruptions, voltage dips or overvoltages occurred. When assessing the compliance of electrical energy with the CE standards established in this standard, the marked data are not taken into account.

Power characteristics

Changes in the characteristics of electrical energy related to frequency, values, voltage shape and voltage symmetry in three-phase power supply systems are divided in the standard into two categories:

  • continuous changes in voltage characteristics;
  • random events.

Continuous changes in power supply voltage characteristics are long-term deviations of voltage characteristics from nominal values ​​and are mainly due to load changes or the influence of non-linear loads. These include: frequency deviation, slow voltage changes, voltage fluctuations and flicker, voltage non-sinusoidality, voltage unbalance in three-phase systems, voltage signals transmitted over networks. With regard to continuous changes in the characteristics of the supply voltage, this standard establishes indicators and standards for PQ.

Random events are sudden and significant changes in the voltage shape, leading to a deviation of its parameters from the nominal ones. They are usually caused by unpredictable events, which include voltage interruptions and dips, overvoltages, surge voltages.

CE indicators

The definitions of a number of KE indicators in this standard differ from those used in GOST 13109-97.

Thus, the CE indicators related to voltage deviations are defined as the values ​​of negative and positive deviations of the power supply voltage from the nominal / agreed effective voltage value, including harmonics, interharmonics, information signals in electrical networks, etc., which corresponds to international standards and, accordingly, GOST R 51317.4.30-2008:

δ U (–) = [(U 0 – U m(–)) / U 0] 100;
δ U (+) = [(U m(+) - U 0) / U 0] 100,

Where U m(–) , U m(+) – power supply voltage values ​​less than U 0 and large U 0 respectively, averaged over a time interval of 10 minutes in accordance with the requirements of GOST R 51317.4.30, subsection 5.12;
U 0 - voltage equal to the standard rated voltage U nom or matched voltage U With.

For the above PQ indicators, the following standards are established: positive and negative voltage deviations at the power transmission point should not exceed 10% of the nominal or agreed voltage value during 100% of the time interval of one week.

In GOST 13109-97, the steady-state voltage deviation is calculated taking into account only the 1st voltage harmonic U (1) :

δ U= (U (1) – U nom) / U nom

and is characterized by normally permissible and maximum permissible values ​​at the terminals of electrical receivers, equal to ± 5 and ± 10%, respectively.

Norms (numerical values) for permissible frequency deviations in synchronized power supply systems are the same as in GOST 13109-97: ± 0.2 Hz during 95% of the interval time of one week and ± 0.4 Hz during 100% of the interval time in one week.

The norms for permissible frequency deviations in isolated power supply systems with autonomous generating sets not connected to synchronized power transmission systems are less stringent: ±1 Hz for 95% of the time of a one-week interval and ±5 Hz for 100% of the time of a one-week interval. week.

The KE indicators related to the harmonic components of the voltage are:

  • values ​​of coefficients of voltage harmonic components up to the 40th order TO U(n) as a percentage of fundamental voltage U 1 at the power transmission point;
  • the value of the total coefficient of the harmonic components of the voltage (the ratio of the rms value of the sum of all harmonic components up to the 40th order to the rms value of the main component) K U , % at the power transmission point.

The norms (numerical values) of the PQ indicators related to the non-sinusoidality and voltage asymmetry in this standard are kept unchanged by the same as in GOST 13109-97, but the PQ indicators related to the non-sinusoidal voltage are measured and evaluated taking into account the influence of not only higher harmonics, but also groups of closely spaced combinational (interharmonic) components in accordance with GOST R 51317.4.7-2008, subsections 3.2, 3.3.

Taking into account the requirements of GOST R 51317.4.30-2008 for classes and measuring instruments of KE indicators, this standard establishes the norms for KE indicators in the form of values ​​measured over a single measurement time interval of class A, equal to 10 periods of mains voltage 50 Hz (0.2 s) s averaging over each time interval of 10 min during the week.

According to the requirements of GOST 13109-97, CE indicators should be measured over the main time interval from 0.1 to 0.5 s with averaging over a time interval of 3 s or 1 min (for voltage deviations) during every 24 hours of a weekly cycle.

Thus, the estimated time interval for measuring CE indicators to assess their compliance with the requirements of the new standard is 1 week, and not 24 hours, as required by GOST 13109-97.


The main differences between GOST R 54149-2010 and the European standard EN 50160: 2010 are in the requirements for a number of PQIs: EN 50160 does not contain maximum permissible values ​​for some of the PQ indicators, an indicator that is important for our networks is the zero-sequence voltage unbalance factor, less stringent compared with GOST R 54149-2010, the requirements for frequency and voltage deviations that are unreasonable for Russian networks, incomplete data on PQ indicators in high voltage networks, etc.

The requirements of the European standard are designed for use in the electrical networks of countries that have different requirements for the design of electrical networks and a different level of state of these networks compared to the Russian one.

During the revision of GOST 13109-87 and the development of the revision of GOST 13109-1997, the indicators and standards of CE were analyzed and discussed in detail and were reasonably accepted. In the period from the entry into force of GOST 13109-1997 (1999), the technical condition of our networks does not yet give grounds for revising the PQ standards in the direction of their softening and harmonization with European ones.

As for the structure and content of the standard, general approaches to standardization of CE and requirements for methods for measuring CE indicators, the provisions of the new domestic and European standards are quite close.

The approved GOST R 54149-2010 is included in the national standardization program of the Russian Federation for its re-registration into the interstate standard of the EurAsEC organization.


  1. IEC 61000-4-30: 2008 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 4-30: Testing and measurement techniques - Power quality measurement methods.
  2. IEC 61000-4-7: 2002 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) – Part 4-7: Testing and measurement techniques – General guide on harmonics and interharmonics measurement and instrumentation, for power supply systems and equipment connected thereto.
  3. GOST R 51317.4.30–2008 (IEC 61000-4-30:2008). Compatibility of technical means is electromagnetic. Methods for measuring indicators of the quality of electrical energy.
  4. GOST R 51317.4.7–2008 (IEC 61000-4-30:2008). Compatibility of technical means is electromagnetic. General guide to measuring instruments and measurements of harmonics and interharmonics for power supply systems and the technical means connected to them.
  5. EN 50160:2010 Voltage characteristics of electricity supplied by public electricity networks.
  6. GOST 29322-92. standard voltages.







1 DEVELOPED by the Technical Committee for Standardization in the Field of Electromagnetic Compatibility of Technical Equipment (TC 30 EMC)

INTRODUCED by Gosstandart of Russia

2 ADOPTED by the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (Minutes No. 12-97 of November 21, 1997)

3 The standard complies with international standards IEC 868, IEC 1000-3-2, IEC 1000-3-3, IEC 1000-4-1 and publications IEC 1000-2-1, IEC 1000-2-2 in terms of electromagnetic compatibility levels in systems power supply and methods for measuring electromagnetic interference

4 By the Decree of the State Committee of the Russian Federation for Standardization, Metrology and Certification dated August 28, 1998 No. 338, the interstate standard GOST 13109 was put into effect directly as the state standard of the Russian Federation from 01.01.1999.

5 INSTEAD OF GOST 13109-87

IPK Standards Publishing House, 1998

This standard cannot be fully or partially reproduced, replicated and distributed as an official publication on the territory of the Russian Federation without the permission of the State Standard of Russia


Introduction date 1999-01-01


The standard establishes indicators and norms for the quality of electrical energy (QE) in electrical networks of general-purpose power supply systems for three-phase and single-phase alternating current with a frequency of 50 Hz at points to which electrical networks owned by various consumers of electrical energy, or receivers of electrical energy (points of general accessions).

The PQ limits set out in this standard are the EMC levels for conducted electromagnetic disturbances in general-purpose power systems. If these standards are observed, electromagnetic compatibility of electrical networks of general-purpose power supply systems and electrical networks of consumers of electrical energy (receivers of electrical energy) is ensured.

The norms established by this standard are mandatory in all modes of operation of general-purpose power supply systems, except for modes due to:

Exceptional weather conditions and natural disasters (hurricane, flood, earthquake, etc.);

Unforeseen situations caused by the actions of a party that is not an energy supply organization and consumer of electricity (fire, explosion, hostilities, etc.);

Conditions regulated by government authorities, as well as related to the elimination of consequences caused by exceptional weather conditions and unforeseen circumstances.

The norms established by this standard are subject to inclusion in the technical specifications for the connection of consumers of electrical energy and in contracts for the use of electrical energy between power supply organizations and consumers of electrical energy.

At the same time, in order to ensure the norms of the standard at the points of general connection, it is allowed to establish in the technical specifications for the connection of consumers that are responsible for the deterioration of the PQ, and in contracts for the use of electric energy with such consumers, more stringent standards (with smaller ranges of changes in the corresponding PQ indicators) than those established in this standard.

By agreement between the energy supply organization and consumers, it is allowed to establish in the specified technical conditions and contracts the requirements for PQ indicators, for which the norms are not established in this standard.

The standards established by this standard are used in the design and operation of electrical networks, as well as in establishing the levels of noise immunity of electrical energy receivers and the levels of conducted electromagnetic interference introduced by these receivers.

PQ standards in electrical networks owned by consumers of electrical energy, regulated by industry, standards and other regulatory documents, should not be lower than the PQ standards established by this standard at points of common connection. In the absence of these industry standards and other regulatory documents, the norms of this standard are mandatory for electrical networks of consumers of electrical energy.

GOST 721-77 Power supply systems, networks, sources, converters and receivers of electrical energy. Rated voltages over 1000 V

GOST 19431-84 Energy and electrification. Terms and Definitions

Power supply systems, networks, sources, converters and receivers of electrical energy. Rated voltages up to 1000 V

GOST 30372-95 Electromagnetic compatibility of technical means. Terms and Definitions


3.1 This standard uses the terms given in GOST 19431, GOST 30372, as well as the following:

General purpose power supply system - a set of electrical installations and electrical devices of an energy supply organization designed to provide electrical energy to various consumers (receivers of electrical energy);

General-purpose electrical network - an electrical network of an energy supply organization designed to transmit electrical energy to various consumers (receivers of electrical energy);

Power center - a generator voltage switchgear of a power plant or a secondary voltage switchgear of a step-down substation of a power system, to which the distribution networks of a given area are connected;

Point of general connection - a point of a general-purpose electrical network, electrically closest to the networks of the considered consumer of electrical energy (input devices of the considered receiver of electrical energy), to which the electrical networks of other consumers are connected or can be connected (input devices of other receivers);

Consumer of electrical energy - a legal or natural person who uses electrical energy (capacity);

Conductive electromagnetic interference in the power supply system - electromagnetic interference propagating through the elements of the electrical network;

The level of electromagnetic compatibility in the power supply system is a regulated level of conducted electromagnetic interference, used as a reference for coordination between the permissible level of interference introduced by the technical means of the power supply organization and consumers of electric energy, and the level of interference perceived by the technical means without disturbing their normal functioning;

Envelope RMS voltage values ​​- step time function formed by the RMS voltage values, discretely determined on each half-cycle of the voltage of the fundamental frequency;

Flicker - a subjective perception by a person of fluctuations in the luminous flux of artificial lighting sources caused by voltage fluctuations in the electrical network that feeds these sources;

Flicker dose - a measure of a person's susceptibility to exposure to flicker over a set period of time;

Flicker perception time - the minimum time for a subjective perception by a person of a flicker caused by voltage fluctuations of a certain form;

The frequency of repetition of voltage changes - the number of single voltage changes per unit of time;

The duration of the voltage change is the time interval from the beginning of a single voltage change to its final value;

Voltage dip - a sudden drop in voltage at a point in the electrical network below 0.9 Unom, followed by voltage recovery to the original or close to it level after a period of time from ten milliseconds to several tens of seconds;

Duration of a voltage dip - the time interval between the initial moment of a voltage dip and the moment the voltage is restored to its original level or close to it;

The frequency of occurrence of voltage dips - the number of voltage dips of a certain depth and duration for a certain period of time in relation to the total number of dips for the same period of time;

Voltage pulse - a sharp change in voltage at a point in the electrical network, followed by the restoration of voltage to its original or close to it level over a period of time up to several milliseconds;

Pulse amplitude - the maximum instantaneous value of the voltage pulse;

Pulse duration - the time interval between the initial moment of the voltage pulse and the moment of restoration of the instantaneous value of the voltage to the original level or close to it;

Temporary overvoltage - an increase in voltage at a point in the electrical network above 1.1 Unom for more than 10 ms, which occurs in power supply systems during switching or short circuits;

Temporary overvoltage coefficient - a value equal to the ratio of the maximum value of the envelope of the amplitude values ​​of the voltage during the existence of a temporary overvoltage to the amplitude of the rated voltage of the network;

The duration of a temporary overvoltage is the time interval between the initial moment of the occurrence of a temporary overvoltage and the moment of its disappearance.

3.2 The following designations apply in this standard:

Uy - steady voltage deviation;

Ut - range of voltage change;

Pt is the flicker dose;

PSt - short-term flicker dose;

PLt - long-term flicker dose;

КU - coefficient of distortion of the sinusoidal curve of the phase-to-phase (phase) voltage;

KU(n) - coefficient of the n-th harmonic component of the voltage;

K2U - voltage unbalance factor in reverse sequence;

K0U - coefficient of voltage asymmetry in the zero sequence;

F - frequency deviation;

Tp - voltage dip duration;

Uimp - impulse voltage;

КperU - coefficient of temporary overvoltage;

U(1)t is the effective value of the phase-to-phase (phase) voltage of the fundamental frequency in the i-th observation;

UAB(1)i, UBC(1)i, UCA(1)i - effective values ​​of phase-to-phase voltages of the fundamental frequency in the i-th observation;

U1 (1)i - effective value of the phase-to-phase (phase) voltage of the direct sequence of the fundamental frequency in the i-th observation;

Uy - average voltage value;

N is the number of observations;

Unom - rated interphase (phase) voltage;

Unom. f - rated phase voltage;

Unom. mf - nominal phase-to-phase voltage;

Uskv - rms voltage value, determined on the half-cycle of the voltage of the fundamental frequency;

Ui, Ui+1 - the values ​​of the extremums following one after another or the extremum and the horizontal section of the envelope of the RMS voltage values ​​of the fundamental frequency;

Uai, Ua i+1 - the values ​​of the extremums following one after another or the extremum and the horizontal section of the envelope of the amplitude values ​​of the voltage at each half-cycle of the fundamental frequency;

T is the measurement time interval;

m is the number of voltage changes over time T;

F?? Ut - frequency of repetition of voltage changes;

ti, ti+1 - initial moments of voltage changes following one after another;

Ti, i+1 - interval between adjacent voltage changes;

ps - smoothed flicker level;

P1s, P3s, P10s, P50s - smoothed flicker levels with integral probability equal to 1.0; 3.0; 10.0; 50.0% respectively;

Tsh is the time interval for measuring the short-term flicker dose;

TL is the time interval for measuring the long-term flicker dose;

n is the number of the harmonic component of the voltage;

РStk - short-term flicker dose at the k-th time interval Tsh during a long observation period TL;

U(n)i - effective value of the n-th harmonic component of the phase-to-phase (phase) voltage in the i-th observation;

KUi - coefficient of distortion of the sinusoidal curve of the phase-to-phase (phase) voltage in the i-th observation;

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Price 5 kop.

Official edition


UDC 621.311:621.332: 006.354 Group E02



Requirements for the quality of electrical energy in electrical networks of general purpose GOST

electrical energy. Requirements for quality of 13109_87

electrical energy in general-purpose electrical networks

Date of introduction 01.01.89 Non-compliance with the standard is punishable by law

The standard establishes requirements for the quality of electrical energy in general-purpose electrical networks of alternating three-phase and single-phase current with a frequency of 50 Hz at points to which receivers or consumers of electrical energy are connected.

The standard does not establish requirements for the quality of electrical energy in electrical networks: for special purposes (for example, contact traction, communications); mobile installations (eg trains, aircraft, ships); autonomous power supply systems; temporary appointment; connected to mobile power sources.

The terms used in the standard and explanations for them are given in Appendix 1.


1.1. Power quality indicators (PQI) are divided into two groups: basic PQI and additional PQI.

Official edition

The main SCEs determine the properties of electrical energy that characterize its quality. Additional SCEs are forms of recording the main SCEs used in other regulatory and technical documents.

Copyright © 1988 Standards Publishing House

Note. The ranges of voltage changes, normalized by this standard, include single voltage changes of any form with a repetition rate of more than two times per minute (1/60 Hz) and swings with a repetition frequency from two times per minute to one per hour, having an average voltage change rate of more than 0.1% / s for incandescent lamps and 0.2% / s for other electrical receivers.

1.3. The dose of voltage fluctuations (f) as a percentage squared is calculated by the formula

where gf is the coefficient of reduction of the actual range of voltage changes to the equivalent, determined in accordance with Table. 2;

@- averaging time interval equal to 10 min;

S(f,t)-frequency spectrum of the process of voltage change at time t.

With periodic or close to periodic voltage changes, it is allowed to calculate the dose of voltage fluctuations (f) according to the formula

Г VgfhUj* dt, (6)

0 f±0

where 6Uf are the effective values ​​of the components of the Fourier expansion of voltage changes with a range of 6U t, in accordance with paragraph 1.2 of Appendix 2).

Table 3

Frequency of voltage changes,


Frequency of voltage changes,


1.4. The coefficient of non-sinusoidality of the voltage curve (Kaeu) as a percentage is calculated by the formula

*HCt/=100 V 21 ^(2 R)/^nom, (7)

where U(n) is the effective value of the l-th harmonic component of the voltage, V, kV;

n-order of the harmonic component of the voltage;

N is the order of the last of the considered harmonic voltage components.

1) not to take into account the harmonic components of the order n>40 and (or) the values ​​of which are less than 0.3%;

2) calculate this SCE according to the formula

* N s.s/=1°0 Y £ 'Uf a) IU ( (8)
g P=2

where (7(1) is the effective value of the voltage of the fundamental frequency V, kV.

Note. The relative error in determining Kasi by formula (8) compared with formula (7) is numerically equal to the voltage deviation 1/(1) FROM Unom.

1.5. The coefficient of the l-th harmonic component of the voltage Kiy) in * percent is calculated by the formula

where U(n) is the effective value of the nth harmonic component of the voltage V, kV.

It is allowed to calculate this SCE by the formula

/C u(i r=100

where U(i) is the effective value of the voltage of the fundamental frequency V, kV.

Note. The relative error of determination by formula (10) compared with formula (9) is numerically equal to the voltage deviation

0(\) FROM Unom*

1.6. The coefficient of the negative sequence of stresses (K 2 and) as a percentage is calculated by the formula

^2(1)/^nom" 00

where U 2 (d is the effective value of the negative sequence voltage of the main frequency of the three-phase voltage system, V, kV;

Ubovl - nominal value of phase-to-phase voltage, V, kV.

The effective value of the negative sequence voltage of the fundamental frequency (£ / 2 n>) is calculated by the formula

SVP) ^AC(1)

where C / vap), Vvsp ^acsh - effective values ​​of phase-to-phase voltages of the fundamental frequency. V, kV

When determining this SCE, it is allowed:

1) calculate U2(o by the approximate formula

^2(1)”®"® [^NB (1)1* O 3)

where £ / nb sh, Un mp) - the largest and smallest effective values ​​of the three phase-to-phase voltages of the fundamental frequency, V, kV.

Note. The relative error in determining Kp using formula (13) instead of formula (12) does not exceed ±8%;

2) to use when calculating U20) instead of the effective values ​​of the phase-to-phase voltages of the fundamental frequency, the effective values ​​of the phase-to-phase voltages, determined taking into account all harmonic components, if the coefficient of non-sinusoidality of the voltage curve (in accordance with the requirements of clause 1.4 of Appendix 2) does not exceed 5%;

Krs;-1000 ^2(1)/^1(1) 0 4)

where Uko is the effective value of the positive sequence voltage of the fundamental frequency. V, kV

Note. The relative error in determining Kiu by formula (14) in comparison with formula (11) is numerically equal to the voltage deviation Uni) from and in ohms.

1.7. The zero-sequence voltage coefficient of Ko and a three-phase four-wire system as a percentage is calculated by the formula

K oi \u003d 100 and W1) / and a0M "f, (15)

where £ / o (p-effective value of the zero sequence of the fundamental frequency B, kV;

Ud, ohm-ph is the nominal value of the phase voltage V, kV.

where Uvash, ^sv(1), ^Asp) are the effective values ​​of the phase-to-phase voltages of the fundamental frequency, V, kV;

C/a(i>, C/b(i>) - effective values ​​of the phase voltages of the fundamental frequency, V, kV.

When determining this SCE, it is allowed:

1) calculate (Jon) using an approximate formula

£/0(^=0.62 [^nv.f(1) ^nm.f(1)1* 0 7)

where £/nb. f(1) (^nm.f(1)” the largest and smallest operating values

of three phase voltages of the fundamental frequency, V, kV.

and A u^aMUcs-U,)! V 3

Uv np \u003d £ VH ^ c - ^ i) / VI "s wg ^ c + ^ va-) / V 3

If there is a negative sequence voltage in the phase-to-phase voltages, the values ​​of C/NB# f(1) and Tssh.fsh are determined as the largest and smallest values ​​of the given phase voltages (with the negative sequence voltage excluded). The reduced phase voltages are determined by the formula

Note. The relative error in determining Koi using formula (17) instead of formula (16) does not exceed ±10%;

2) instead of the effective values ​​of the phase-to-phase and phase voltages of the fundamental frequency, apply the effective values ​​of the voltages, determined taking into account all harmonic components, if the coefficient of non-sinusoidality of the voltage curves does not exceed 5%;

3) calculate this SCE according to the formula

100 V 3 SG 0 (1)1(/ C)) , (19)

where L/id) is the effective value of the positive sequence voltage of the fundamental frequency. V, kV

Note. The relative error in determining Koi according to formula (19) in comparison with formula (15) is numerically equal to the value of the voltage deviation £/cp from U nom.

1.8. The frequency deviation (L /) in hertz is calculated by the formula

A / \u003d \u003d / - / nom "

where / is the frequency value, Hz;

/nom - nominal value of frequency, Hz.

1.9. The duration of the voltage dip (A / n) in seconds (Fig. 3) is calculated by the formula

where / n, / k - the initial and final moments of the voltage dip, s.

1.10. Impulse voltage in relative units (fit / * them) in accordance with fig. 4 is calculated by the formula

a £ A" imp = D imp ~. (22)

where Uimp is the value of the impulse voltage. V, kV

2. Additional SCEs

2.1. The amplitude modulation coefficient (/(mod) as a percentage in accordance with Fig. 5 is calculated by the formula


where Unv.a, t/nm.a - the largest and smallest amplitudes of the modulated voltage. V, kV

With periodic voltage modulation, the ratio between the amplitude of the voltage change (fit / *) and the amplitude modulation coefficient is determined by the formula

bU t =2 /(mod- (24)

2.2. The phase-to-phase voltage unbalance coefficient (/(neb) as a percentage is calculated by the formula

where U H b * U nm is the largest and smallest effective value of the three phase-to-phase voltages. V, kV

When the coefficient of non-sinusoidality of the voltage Kis and (determined in accordance with the requirements of clause 1.4 of Appendix 2) does not exceed 5%, the ratio between the negative sequence coefficient (Ki) and the phase-to-phase voltage unbalance coefficient K ke b is determined by the approximate formula

K 2u \u003d 0.62 / C „ eb. (26)

Note. The relative error in calculating Kiu using formula (26) does not exceed ±8%.

2.3. The phase voltage unbalance coefficient (Kneb.f) as a percentage is calculated by the formula

^HB, φ~~^HM. f ^nom. f

where Unm.f - the largest and smallest effective values ​​from

three phase voltages. V, kV;

^nom.ph - nominal value of the phase voltage. V, kV

With a non-sinusoidal voltage coefficient Kis and (determined in accordance with the requirements of clause 1.4 of Appendix 2) not exceeding a "5% ratio between the zero-sequence voltage coefficient (/ (oo) and the phase voltage unbalance coefficient / Snev.F, is determined by the approximate formula

Koir=0.62 Kev. f. (28)

Note. The relative error in calculating Koi using formula (28) does not exceed ±8%.

3. Auxiliary parameters of electrical energy

3.1. The frequency of voltage changes (F), s -1, min-1, h ~ 1, is calculated by the formula

where /u is the number of voltage changes over time T;

T - measurement time interval, s, min, h.

3.2. The time interval between voltage changes (At it t+1) in accordance with Fig. 2, s, min, h, calculated by the formula

where t i+ 1, fi are the initial moments of successive voltage changes, s, min, h, in accordance with Fig. 2.

If the time interval between the end of one change and the beginning of the next one occurring in the same direction is less than 30 ms, then these changes are considered as one in accordance with Fig. 2.

3.3. The depth of the voltage dip (U a) in percent in accordance with fig. 3 is calculated by the formula

6th r n== .Unou7-Utt, 100| (31)

where Umin is the minimum effective voltage value during the voltage dip. V, kV

TP (YG p, M p) M

3.4. The intensity of voltage dips (t #) as a percentage is calculated by the formula

where m(bS/n, D*n) is the number of dips of depth 6£/c and duration for the considered time interval T;

M is the total number of voltage dips for the considered time interval T.

3.5. The duration of the voltage pulse at a level of 0.5 of its amplitude (D * imp o, b) in microseconds, milliseconds in accordance with Fig. 5 is calculated by the formula

d ^ imp o,5 "^ to 1

where t Hi t K are the moments of time corresponding to the intersection of the voltage pulse curve with a horizontal line drawn at half the pulse amplitude, ms, ms.

APPENDIX 9 Mandatory


The condition for the admissibility of a set of ranges of voltage changes, each of which does not exceed the values ​​determined in accordance with features. 1 is

where D * d * - the minimum allowable time interval between amplitude swings 6Ut, determined by the lower scale of the lines. 1;

T is the total time of observation of the ranges.

Example. For 10 min, 12 swings with an amplitude of 4.8% (first group of swings), 30 swings with an amplitude of 1.7% (second group) and 100 swings with an amplitude of 0.9% (third group) were registered in the network. Determine the admissibility of power supply from this network of fluorescent lamps.

1. Along the curve 3 lines. 1 we determine: for 6C / l ~ 4.8% Dg d1 \u003d 30 s, for 6C / # 2 \u003d “1.7% D * d2 \u003d 1 s, for bShz -0.9% A / dz-0.1 With.

2. Determining by (34) the minimum time for which a given number of swings with a specified amplitude is permissible:

12*30+30-1+100-0.1 =400 s<600 с.

Conclusion. Power supply from this point of the network of fluorescent lamps is permissible.

Permissible voltage ranges

F - frequency of voltage changes; M d - time interval between swings

Voltage fluctuations

6C / ^ P - range of periodic oscillations (7 ranges of voltage changes over time T p fit / 81 / ^ 5 - ranges of non-periodic oscillations

voltage dip

Periodic amplitude modulation

1.2. The main PCEs include: voltage deviation b U, voltage change range bUt, dose of voltage fluctuations f, coefficient of non-sinusoidality of the voltage curve /Sv/, coefficient of the n-th harmonic component KiY), negative sequence voltage coefficient /Cri, zero-sequence voltage coefficient Koi, frequency deviation Df, voltage dip duration Dt n , impulse voltage )

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