Can the chain mail complex detect f 22. Ukrainian "chain mail". Comparison with similar systems

The sensational "Kolchuga": who and how created it

Against the backdrop of political passions, few people noticed the modest announcement that a group of scientists and engineers from Donbass became the winners of the State Prize of Ukraine in the field of science and technology in 2004.

Science and engineering of Donbass have not known such a result in the field of radio engineering and computer-information technologies for a long time. Actually, as well as the breakthrough made by Donetsk experimenters-researchers in the literal and figurative sense, not only in domestic, but also in world science. We are talking about the creation of a new highly effective strategic intelligence system "Kolchuga", which has become the guarantor of the country's national security. What Ukrainian researchers and engineers have achieved in creating a new generation of strategic long-range electronic intelligence (manufactured by the state-owned Topaz holding company) caused real shock and panic among American competitors. After all, the new radio intelligence station "Kolchuga" surpasses all similar complexes of the United States. The technical characteristics of the complex make it possible to detect objects at a distance of 600-800 kilometers in the sky, at sea, and on land. The station was accepted for operation by the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

"Kolchuga" is an alloy of the latest achievements of science and technology, partnerships between leading enterprises of Ukraine and higher education. It is not surprising that among the winners of the State Prize of Ukraine is Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Vice-Rector for Research of the Donetsk National Technical University Evgeny Bashkov, with whom our correspondent spoke.

How the myth of "invisibility" was dispelled

Evgeny Alexandrovich, who else from the developers of "Kolchuga" became a laureate of the State Prize of Ukraine?

First of all, the head of the board of the State Joint-Stock Holding Company "Topaz" Yury Viktorovich Ryabkin, whose enterprise specializes in the production of this most complex science-intensive equipment. Among the laureates is Valeriy Ivanovich Malev, General Director of the state company Ukrspetsexport. Alas, the award was given to him posthumously. A group of leading specialists of JSC "Special Design Bureau of Radio Engineering Devices" of a subsidiary of JSC "Topaz" - Nikolai Mefodievich Grishko, Vyacheslav Valentinovich Korotkov, Vasily Vasilyevich Marchenko, Valery Vsevolodovich Karnaukh. Only nine people.

The creation of "Kolchuga" is a vivid example of creative collective work. The development and launch of such an innovative product required full, I would say selfless, return from everyone. People worked regardless of time, costs, often on the same enthusiasm. Only the tireless search for new scientific results, organizational, technical and technological solutions at each stage made it possible to obtain such an impressive result.

How is the new complex of the Ukrainian radar installation superior to American counterparts?

At one time, the United States put into production aircraft with a special coating and a special configuration that weakly reflect radio-electronic radiation, the so-called "stealth aircraft." It was difficult for air defense services to detect them in the air, since the very weak reflected signal could not be picked up by radar stations. With thousands of sorties (in the war with Iraq), these aircraft had a 100% survival rate. The United States spent a lot of money on these top-secret technologies.

And Donetsk scientists and engineers have created such a complex that, without revealing itself (this is also one of the significant advantages), accurately determines not only the coordinates of such an "invisible aircraft", but also determines its type. The station performs all operations for detecting and recognizing sources of radio emission automatically.

Can you say that we have surpassed the Americans in this matter?

Yes. If the Americans have invested, according to some estimates, more than a trillion dollars in their top-secret technologies, then the cost of the Ukrainian station is many times less. Thus, having created "Kolchuga", we dispelled the myth of the Americans about their invisibility to enemy radar and, therefore, invulnerability.

And what was the US reaction to your counterstrike?

In fact, this station was made in 1990-2000. After high ratings at international exhibitions, it has received demand from a number of foreign buyers. That's when the Americans got worried and accused Ukraine of selling a new installation to Iraq, announcing sanctions. However, the search for "Kolchuga" in Iraq, as you know, turned out to be fruitless.

All life is devoted to the improvement of developments

Do we have the right in principle to sell such products?

Undoubtedly, like any independent country. But, of course, this should be done taking into account all aspects, including political ones. The Americans brought some tension into this as well. In the class of passive radar, our station is the best in the world. Naturally, it is in demand, although the Americans stop the attempts of some countries to acquire it.

Tell me, who was the first to appreciate such work?

Buyers and - the same Americans. After the United States in such an indirect way gave the highest rating to Kolchuga, it was decided to nominate the development for the State Prize of Ukraine. And, finally, Decree of the President of Ukraine of December 9, 2004. But this is not the main thing, although it is certainly an honor and pleasure to receive such an award. The main thing, in my opinion, is that our developments are put into production. After all, it was with this complex that Donetsk scientists, designers, engineers, and production workers were able to enter the world market of science-intensive high-tech products, proving that Donbass produces not only coal.

When do you expect the official procedure for presenting certificates and awards?

This usually happens in February-March. Now the new president will present the awards. So we are looking forward to that day.

How much time did it take you personally to develop?

This is the result of many years of work. For almost thirty years I have been engaged in research in the field of creating effective hardware and software for special-purpose computer systems. Hence my contribution to the development.

Whose contribution, in your opinion, from the specialists was more significant?

- "Kolchuga" is an organic fusion of achievements in the field of microelectronics, radio engineering, measuring equipment and computer technologies. The processing of information in the complex takes place in the radio path, in the measuring blocks, in the computing part. The developers of all components of the complex, the production workers had to give everything "one hundred percent" to obtain such an impressive result.

A quarter of the income goes to science

Your view on Ukrainian science in general. How does it look against the general background of world achievements?

We do not feed the latter. There are countries that do not engage in science at all. At the time of the Union, Ukraine was one of the leading scientific centers. Unfortunately, it was not possible to preserve all this potential, but Ukraine, I believe, has world-class results in space technology, aircraft construction, radio engineering, and special equipment.

There are certain successes in the field of natural sciences, this also applies to research in the field of computer and information technologies. In general, in my opinion, fundamental science is developing poorly in our country, since it is very expensive. The same nuclear physics, for example. Here we need very expensive experimental facilities, modern computer systems, which one can only dream of. In this regard, we, unfortunately, cannot compete with any leading country in the world. I often attend various international conferences dedicated to higher education and research in European countries. Financing of universities, scientific research is simply incomparable with ours. Scientific laboratories are equipped with the most modern equipment. And we, as before, take everything at the expense of ingenuity and skillful hands. And in this we also have no analogues.

Life shows, and this is obvious from the example of your high-tech complex, that science can also earn its living and development.

Serious transformational processes are taking place in modern Ukrainian science. For example, if earlier applied science was financed from the budget, today the state is practically unable to support it, and perhaps now it should not do so. Undoubtedly, research in the field of fundamental sciences should be supported by the state. Applied science must live at the expense of those enterprises that need its results. It is the implementation of research results that predetermines the formation and level of modern science-intensive production. In Ukraine, not all enterprises understand that in order to grow and develop, it is necessary to put production on a modern scientific basis, which requires investments in science that will pay for themselves over time.

As an example of such an understanding, I will cite the Novokramatorsky Mashinostroitelny Zavod, where more than 15 percent of the income is invested in science, and two percent - in the training of workers. Leading firms and companies in the West invest in scientific research from 15 to 25 percent of their income. If an enterprise does not follow this rule, then it risks being thrown to the sidelines of progress. Alas, we have a different opinion: spending money on science is wasting money. Although the understanding that it is necessary to allocate money for research and development in any sector of the economy is already visible. There are also addresses of such mutually beneficial cooperation. Among them, I can name our Donetsk National Technical University, which receives interesting and practically demanded orders from a number of enterprises.

Do your students show interest in improving computer technology and science in general?

Our university has two faculties that deal with computer technology and information technology. The demand for these specialties among school graduates is very high. Here are the biggest competitions. As an example. The Department of Electronic Engineering has its own branch at "Topaz". Students do internships there, and after graduation, the best of them stay at this enterprise to work. Last year, under a special agreement with Topaz, our fifth-year students went to the Taganrog State Technical University, the leading Russian university in the field of radio electronics, to study with the best professors. It should be noted that since 2005 our university will be recruiting applicants in the specialty "Radio Engineering". So demand creates supply.

As for scientific work at the university, there are always smart, intelligent students who are very interested in scientific activities. Such students are entrusted with the execution of term papers and theses on topics related to production orders. By the way, the successful scientific work of students under the guidance of scientists from DonNTU, who work on the topics of industrial enterprises, largely affects the prospect of their employment.

Judging by your last name, you are destined to become a scientist by birth.

I think the surname does not play a big role, but I can proudly say that my father was a famous scientist, engineer, winner of two prizes - Lenin and State. Alexander Ilyich Bashkov was engaged in the design of coal equipment, for many years he was the director of the Dongiprouglemash Institute. My father brought up in me a love for engineering work, scientific research, although my field of science is completely different. I hope he would be proud of me now.

Ekaterina KUTSEVA

Operating frequency ranges in seven subbands, MHz

Receiver sensitivity from antenna inputs (depending on range), dB/W

Antenna system wrapping range in azimuth in manual and automatic mode, deg

Speed, min -1



Sector scanning range in any chosen azimuth direction, deg

Panoramic bandwidth, GHz

Analysis bandwidth, GHz

Detailed view bandwidth, MHz

Duration of continuous work, hour

The Kolchuga long-range electronic intelligence mobile station is capable of detecting and recognizing almost all currently known active radio equipment installed on land, sea and air objects, including those created on the basis of "stealth technologies"

The operation of a passive, ground, mobile station is based on the principle of "passive" radar. It consists in the fact that "Kolchuga" captures and analyzes the electrical signals emitted by various objects, regardless of where they are - on land, on water or in the air. Any anti-aircraft missile system, ship or stealth aircraft is similar in that they are all equipped with their own traditional radars. Their signal "lives" "Kolchuga", itself remaining invisible, without the risk of falling under fire from weapons of destruction. The "mail" kit includes three stations. Spaced at a considerable distance from one another, in the process of synchronous operation, all together they determine the exact coordinates of the target. This data can be transmitted to air defense systems. A complex of three stations makes it possible to determine the coordinates of ground and surface targets and the routes of their movement on the territory up to 600 km in depth (for air targets at an altitude of 10 km - up to 800 km) and up to 1000 km along the front, which makes it possible, in particular, to implement early warning of the country's air defense systems. The station has five antenna systems of meter, decimeter and centimeter ranges, providing the sensitivity of the radio path in the panoramic band from -110 to -155 dB / W, depending on the frequency. The parallel 36-channel detection receiver allows instantaneous frequency-free detection, analysis and classification of signals from radio sources without limiting the input flux density over the entire frequency range from 130 to 18,000 MHz.

The station performs all operations for detecting and recognizing sources of radio emission fully automatically, while a powerful on-board computer performs analysis and numerical processing, as well as recognition of detected targets by comparing their parameters with a data bank, and the results are displayed on a monitor with a map of the area. Special interfering selectors allow up to 24 interfering signals to be excluded from the corresponding processing, and tracking selectors allow synchronous selection and tracking of signals from 32 targets. For the station to perform all the main tasks of the normal mode, only one operator is needed (two others are included in the crew to ensure round-the-clock operation), who manages the station in an interactive mode with a personal computer. Stations "Kolchuga" are placed on off-road vehicles (in the Ukrainian version - KraAZ), equipped with autonomous power supplies, air conditioning, ventilation - and can operate in the temperature range from -50 to +50 degrees Celsius.

The complex of long-range electronic intelligence "Kolchuga" was adopted by the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Creation of the SRR "Kolchuga-M"

The active use of stealth technologies in the construction of military equipment comes down to one thing - to reduce the radio visibility of our own military equipment. But the saying, as old as the world, “for every sword, there is also a shield” justifies its centuries-old existence. "Kolchuga", as a means of electronic intelligence, was developed precisely in order to counter the new possibilities of reducing radio visibility. The principle of operation of the "Kolchuga-M" SRR is based on the passive processing of the radio signal of the enemy's radar equipment. These funds are mandatory for any military equipment in the performance of their immediate tasks for their intended purpose. Although the signals from such tools are quite diverse, they are there and you can use them to identify the object on which these tools are installed. This principle, although simple in presentation, turned out to be difficult to solve in reality. From theory, creation of a concept, development of algorithms for execution and calculation, projects and research to the implementation of all this in a working product, it took the specialists of JSC "Topaz" about eight years. Work on the project began in 1993. In 2000, work on the construction of a new radio intelligence station was completely completed (in the variant for export deliveries, and in 1998 Kolchuga-M was ready for production for the Ukrainian army). More than six enterprises and design bureaus participated in the work on Kolchuga-M. Today, it is able to detect almost all active RTS of any media. The main purpose is an air defense element. Passive detection of attacking military equipment nullifies the elements of "stealth technologies" installed on them. In addition, the detected objects will not be able to learn about their discovery and, accordingly, take action or detect the Kolchuga-M itself.

TTX SRR "Kolchuga-M":

- "Kolchuga-M" can be part of a complex of 3-4 stations, which detects and identifies objects of ground and surface type at a distance of up to 600 kilometers, and flying objects at a height of up to 10 kilometers and at a distance of up to 800 kilometers.
- the station uses 5 antennas m / dm / cm ranges with a sensitivity of 90-110 dB / W;
- has a 36-channel parallel receiver with instant detection of objects without frequency search, which analyzes and then classifies the detected signals in the frequency range of 130-18000 MHz;
- provides automatic detection and recognition, using the power of the on-board computer and a data bank of various parameters with the results displayed on the monitor;
- special selectors made it possible to exclude signals interfering with detection and determination and track up to 200 objects;
- sector scanning range from 30 to 240 degrees;
- bearing error (SKP) 0.3-5 degrees;
- measuring range of pulses in duration 0.5-31.25 µs;
- measuring range of impulses along the passage 2-79999 µs;
- error in measuring ranges (SKP) no more than 0.1 µs;
- frequency error ±11 MHz;
- warranty period 24 years;
- operating temperatures ±50 degrees;
- round-the-clock combat crew of 7 people, in peacetime 3-4 people;
- used chassis KrAZ-6322REB-01.

For the first time, Kolchuga-M was presented to the public at the Jordanian SOFEX-2000 exhibition. The cost of one station is 5.6 million dollars. There is no analogue of the Kolchuga-M CRR according to the OPH. Significantly surpasses the system in terms of parameters and the closest competitors:
- "Awax" manufactured by the United States is 200 kilometers behind in detection range, the lower band of the frequency range is 1900 MHz more;
- "Vera" of Czech production, lags behind in the detection range by 350 kilometers, the lower bar of the frequency range is 700 MHz more;
- "Vega" of Russian production, lags behind in the detection range by 400 kilometers, the lower bar of the frequency range is 70 MHz more;
This is where the practically unlimited RTS ceiling follows, which Kolchuga-M can detect and identify. But the specialists of Topaz OJSC did not stop there and are constantly conducting research to improve and modernize the Kolchuga-M SRR. This did not go unnoticed by potential foreign buyers, constant negotiations are underway on deliveries, contracts are being concluded. Constant cooperation with the Donetsk National Technical University and the state holding "Topaz" gives not only new ideas for the development of the complex, but also the influx of new specialists for production.

The creation of the Kolchuga-M SRR is not only the creation of a new air defense element, but also the successful solution of a number of tasks for the modernization of high-tech facilities for the production of high-frequency electronics, the creation of antenna structures and other high-tech machinery and equipment, as evidenced by patented solutions and technological know-how. how.
The demand for the Kolchuga-M air defense system makes it possible to increase jobs at the enterprise, attract young specialists and work on this and other innovative projects. Next in line is the Mandate communications countermeasures complex, also produced in Soviet times by the Topaz plant. According to the assurances of the designers, the modernized complex will outperform competing counterparts in terms of its characteristics.

It was the success of the Kolchuga-M long-range passive electronic intelligence system, with the full support of Ukrspetsexport, that gave impetus to the further development of all enterprises involved in its creation, including KrAZ, Orion and Iskra.

At the moment, the Kolchuga-M is in service and used for its intended purpose by the following states:
- Ukraine 2-4 units;
- China 4-8 units;
- Turkmenistan 4 units;
- Georgia 2-3 units;
- Ethiopia 3 units.

Creation of the SRR "Kolchuga-M"
The active use of stealth technologies in the construction of military equipment comes down to one thing - to reduce the radio visibility of our own military equipment. But the saying, as old as the world, “for every sword, there is also a shield” justifies its centuries-old existence. "Kolchuga", as a means of electronic intelligence, was developed precisely in order to counter the new possibilities of reducing radio visibility. The principle of operation of the "Kolchuga-M" SRR is based on the passive processing of the radio signal of the enemy's radar equipment. These funds are mandatory for any military equipment in the performance of their immediate tasks for their intended purpose. Although the signals from such tools are quite diverse, they are there and you can use them to identify the object on which these tools are installed. This principle, although simple in presentation, turned out to be difficult to solve in reality. From theory, creation of a concept, development of algorithms for execution and calculation, projects and research to the implementation of all this in a working product, it took the specialists of JSC "Topaz" about eight years. Work on the project began in 1993. In 2000, work on the construction of a new radio intelligence station was completely completed (in the variant for export deliveries, and in 1998 Kolchuga-M was ready for production for the Ukrainian army). More than six enterprises and design bureaus participated in the work on Kolchuga-M. Today, it is able to detect almost all active RTS of any media. The main purpose is an air defense element. Passive detection of attacking military equipment nullifies the elements of "stealth technologies" installed on them. In addition, the detected objects will not be able to learn about their discovery and, accordingly, take action or detect the Kolchuga-M itself.

TTX SRR "Kolchuga-M":
- "Kolchuga-M" can be part of a complex of 3-4 stations, which detects and identifies objects of ground and surface type at a distance of up to 600 kilometers, and flying objects at a height of up to 10 kilometers and at a distance of up to 800 kilometers.
- the station uses 5 antennas m / dm / cm ranges with a sensitivity of 90-110 dB / W;
- has a 36-channel parallel receiver with instant object detection without frequency search, which analyzes and then classifies the detected signals in the frequency range of 130-18000 MHz;
- provides automatic detection and recognition, using the power of the on-board computer and a data bank of various parameters with the results displayed on the monitor;
- special selectors made it possible to exclude signals interfering with detection and determination and track up to 200 objects;
- sector scanning range from 30 to 240 degrees;
- bearing error (SKP) 0.3-5 degrees;
- measuring range of pulses in duration 0.5-31.25 µs;
- measuring range of impulses along the passage 2-79999 µs;
- error in measuring ranges (SKP) no more than 0.1 µs;
- frequency error ±11 MHz;
- warranty period 24 years;
- operating temperatures ±50 degrees;
- round-the-clock combat crew of 7 people, in peacetime 3-4 people;
- used chassis KrAZ-6322REB-01.

For the first time, Kolchuga-M was presented to the public at the Jordanian SOFEX-2000 exhibition. The cost of one station is 5.6 million dollars. There is no analogue of the Kolchuga-M CRR according to the OPH. Significantly surpasses the system in terms of parameters and the closest competitors:
- "Awax" manufactured by the United States is 200 kilometers behind in detection range, the lower band of the frequency range is 1900 MHz more;

- "Vera" of Czech production, lags behind in the detection range by 350 kilometers, the lower bar of the frequency range is 700 MHz more;
- "Vega" of Russian production, lags behind in the detection range by 400 kilometers, the lower bar of the frequency range is 70 MHz more;
This is where the practically unlimited RTS ceiling follows, which Kolchuga-M can detect and identify. But the specialists of Topaz OJSC did not stop there and are constantly conducting research to improve and modernize the Kolchuga-M SRR. This did not go unnoticed by potential foreign buyers, constant negotiations are underway on deliveries, contracts are being concluded. Constant cooperation with the Donetsk National Technical University and the state holding "Topaz" gives not only new ideas for the development of the complex, but also the influx of new specialists for production.

The creation of the Kolchuga-M SRR is not only the creation of a new air defense element, but also the successful solution of a number of tasks for the modernization of high-tech facilities for the production of high-frequency electronics, the creation of antenna structures and other high-tech machinery and equipment, as evidenced by patented solutions and technological know-how. how.
The demand for the Kolchuga-M air defense system makes it possible to increase jobs at the enterprise, attract young specialists and work on this and other innovative projects. Next in line is the Mandate communications countermeasures complex, also produced in Soviet times by the Topaz plant. According to the assurances of the designers, the modernized complex will outperform competing counterparts in terms of its characteristics.

It was the success of the Kolchuga-M long-range passive electronic intelligence system, with the full support of Ukrspetsexport, that gave impetus to the further development of all enterprises involved in its creation, including KrAZ, Orion and Iskra.
At the moment, the Kolchuga-M is in service and used for its intended purpose by the following states:
- Ukraine 2-4 units;
- China 4-8 units;
- Turkmenistan 4 units;
- Georgia 2-3 units;
- Ethiopia 3 units.

Information sources:

Options "Kolchuga", "Kolchuga-M" Characteristics Crew (calculation), pers. 7 people (with round-the-clock work) Maximum
range, m 600 km (ground targets)
800 km (air targets) "Kolchuga" at Wikimedia Commons

Serial production started in 1987. The Kolchuga mobile station is based on two KrAZ-260 chassis.

History of creation and production

The Kolchuga station was designed in the 1980s. It was started at the Kursk Military Institute of the GRU of the USSR. At the same time, the main ideas of the complex were laid down: passive radar in the entire frequency range. In 1987, the documentation for the station was transferred to the Topaz plant in Donetsk. According to the head of the Topaz plant, Yuri Ryabkin, “In the form in which the documents were handed over, the Kolchuga is unsuitable for production ... The specialists of our design bureau completely redesigned the station.” After conducting state tests, the Kolchuga was put into service with the USSR.

In the early 1990s The Armed Forces of Ukraine were armed with about two dozen Kolchuga stations. This number made it possible to fully monitor the electronic environment around Ukraine to a depth of 300-400 km. In the late 1990s and early 2000s deliveries were made to a number of foreign countries. In particular, 3 stations produced in 1991 were modernized and delivered to Ethiopia in 2000 through Ukrspetsexport. At the time of 2007, the cost of the station was estimated at 5 million rubles.

After the start of production, development continued, which was completed in 2000. In 2001, the new "Kolchuga-M" was adopted by Ukraine. JSC Special Design Bureau, Donetsk National Technical University, Kiev enterprise Saturn, Poltava JSC Elsis, Orizon (Smila), KP NPK Iskra, Generator took part in the development of the new version of Kolchuga (Kyiv), "KrAZ", Department of TOR of the radio engineering faculty of NTUU "KPI".

The Kolchuga-M design is protected by 8 patents and 12 technological know-hows. The most important place among them is occupied by microelectronics technology, on the basis of which 96 microelectronic assemblies used in Kolchuga-M are manufactured.

As of 2003, at least 76 Kolchuga and Kolchuga-M stations have been manufactured since 1987. Until January 1, 1992, 46 stations were manufactured by order of the USSR Ministry of Defense, 14 of which were intended for Ukraine. From 1992 to 2003, 30 Kolchug and Kolchug-M were built: 18 stations were supplied to the RF Armed Forces, 8 to the Ukrainian Armed Forces and 4 were sold to China. At the same time, for 5 years from 1996 to 2001, "Kolchugas" were not produced in Ukraine.

In 2004, the product "Kolchuga" was awarded the State Prize of Ukraine. The team of the enterprise for the development of "Kolchuga" was awarded four international awards.

According to Yuri Viktorovich Ryabkin, director of the Donetsk State Joint-Stock Holding Company (GAHK) Topaz, in 2007 there was not a single workable complex on the territory of Ukraine:

There is not a single full-fledged complex in the whole country ... For 16 years of independence, there was no money in the state budget for the purchase of Kolchuga. In Ukraine, there is virtually no internal market for weapons and military equipment.


External images
Electronics "Kolchugi-M"
Picture of the station from the inside (indefinite) . Archived from the original on December 2, 2012.
Picture of the station from the inside (indefinite) . Archived from the original on December 2, 2012.

"Kolchuga", working on the principle of tropospheric propagation, is capable of not only detecting, but also recognizing ground (above-horizon) and air targets. A variety of patterns of intended targets are stored in the system's memory. The Kolchuga system is difficult to detect, since the system conducts reconnaissance in a passive mode, that is, it does not emit radio waves itself. In any case, "Kolchuga" cannot be detected by traditional methods of electronic intelligence.

The Kolchuga complex consists of three stations. It is able to determine with high accuracy the coordinates of ground and surface targets, the routes of their movement at a distance of up to 600 km inland and 1000 km along the front, and for air targets flying at an altitude of 10 km - up to 800 km.

The sensitivity of the radio path is from -110 to -155 dB / W in the panoramic swath. This is provided by five antenna systems designed for different (meter, decimeter and centimeter) wavelengths.

"Kolchuga-M" controls pulsed and continuous radiation at frequencies of 135-170, 230-470 and 750-18000 MHz. The system is equipped with a parallel 36-channel detection receiver and electronics capable of eliminating background signals and simultaneously tracking signals from 200 targets.

Comparison with similar systems

"Kolchuga-M" 85V6-A "VEGA" Vera-E CETC DWL002/YLC-20
Appearance Photo Photo Photo Photo
Year of adoption 2001 n/a 2004 2006
Chassis KrAZ-260 Ural-4320 Tatra 6x6 North Benz 6x6
Operating frequency range, GHz 0.135-0.170; 0.230-0.470 and 0.750-18 0.2-18.0 (expandable to 40.0 possible) 1.0-18.0 (can be extended from 0.1-1 to 18-40) 0,380-12,0
Maximum number of tracked targets 200 60-100 200 n/a
Air target detection range (Н=10 km), km 800 400 450 n/a
Standard deviation of frequency measurement, MHz 0,4 0,5-1,0 3,6-21,0 n/a
Deployment time, minutes n/a 5-10 60 60
Station cost 24 million (2011) n/a 4-10 million (2005) n/a


Participation in exhibitions and tenders

The first demonstration of the export version of Kolchugi-M took place at the SOFEX-2000 arms exhibition in Jordan. In 2001, a new version of the "Kolchuga" participated in the World Arms Exhibition in Abu Dhabi. "Kolchuga-M" was re-demonstrated in Jordan at the SOFEX-2002 exhibition. In September 2002, the US State Department and the Western media announced the sale of 4 Kolchuga complexes to the Iraqi armed forces through Jordan and accused Ukraine of violating the sanctions imposed against the Republic of Iraq. This information led to the "mail scandal", but was not subsequently confirmed.

"Kolchuga-M" was demonstrated in April 2002 in the Malaysian capital Kuala Lumpur at the international exhibition of arms and military equipment DSA-2002 (Defense Services Asia) - one of the largest in the region. Ukrspetsexport presented Ukrainian-made weapons, including Kolchuga-M, to potential customers in the Asia-Pacific region.

In October 2002, the complex was presented in Greece at the international exhibition of arms and military equipment Defendory International-2002. The system aroused great interest of visitors and exhibitors.

In March 2003, Ukrspetsexport demonstrated at the sixth international arms exhibition IDEX-2003 (International Defense Exhibition) the development of weapons and military equipment for about 40 enterprises of the military-industrial complex of Ukraine. The Kolchuga-M system became one of the most popular stands of the exhibition and attracted the attention of specialists and potential customers.

The Kolchuga-M system won the tender for the electronic intelligence system held by the PRC in 2001. The main competitor of the complex was the Zoo system, exhibited by the Russian company Rosoboronexport. According to the results of the comparison, Kolchuga-M demonstrated significantly higher performance characteristics. In January 2002, a contract was signed between Ukrspetsexport and China for the supply of four Kolchuga-M installations within a year.

The Kolchuga-M complex was demonstrated during MAKS-2009 in Russia.

"Kolchuga-M" was shown in September 2010 during the Africa Aerospace & Defense (AAD) exhibition of aviation equipment and weapons.

In February 2011, Kolchuga-M was presented as part of the 10th anniversary exhibition of weapons and military equipment IDEX-2011 in the UAE capital Abu Dhabi.

Since 2012, the TOPAZ enterprise has been fulfilling an order for the supply of the Kolchuga-M CRR to Azerbaijan. The contract for the supply to Azerbaijan of products manufactured at the Donetsk defense plant "Topaz" was concluded in the period 2009-2010.

In service

  • Ukraine Ukraine- 19 Kolchuga and Kolchuga-M stations, as of 2009
  • Vietnam Vietnam- 4 stations "Kolchuga", as of 2013
  • Georgia Georgia 2008
  • Turkmenistan Turkmenistan- since 2002, in 2004 there were 3 Kolchuga-M stations
  • China China- 4 Kolchuga-M stations, as of 2002
  • Ethiopia Ethiopia- 3 Kolchuga-M stations, as of 2002
  • Azerbaijan Azerbaijan- a number of Kolchuga-M stations, as of 2013
  • Israel Israel- a certain number of Kolchuga-M stations, as of 2018.

see also


  2. Arms billion
  3. "Kolchuga" - a blow to American combat capability (indefinite) . (November 29, 2006). Retrieved January 23, 2010. Archived from the original on March 17, 2012.
  4. R. Poberezhnyuk.// Weekly "2000". - 2007. - No. 52 (396).
  5. "Kolchuga" has been updated - "Mirror of the week. Ukraine" No. 35, 09/21/2007 (indefinite) . Archived from the original on June 24, 2013.
  6. Station RTR "Kolchuga-M" (indefinite) . Archived from the original on December 2, 2012.
  7. Mainland
  8. The army received the first electronic warfare systems produced in Zaporozhye
  9. (indefinite) . Archived from the original on December 2, 2012.
  10. STATION OF RADIO-ELECTRONIC INTELLIGENCE "KOLCHUGA-M" on the site "Ukrspetsexport" (indefinite) . Archived from the original on December 2, 2012.
  11. Electronic intelligence station Kolchuga-M, (indefinite) . Archived from the original on December 2, 2012.
  12. ELECTRONIC INTELLIGENCE STATION "KOLCHUGA-M" (indefinite) . Archived from the original on December 2, 2012.
  13. Three-coordinate station of electronic intelligence "VEGA" (indefinite) . Archived from the original on December 2, 2012.
  14. Czechoslovak passive electronic intelligence stations (indefinite) . Archived from the original on December 2, 2012.
  15. Radio intelligence station Vera on the manufacturer's website (indefinite) . Archived from the original on December 2, 2012.
  16. Technical characteristics of the electronic intelligence station Vera (indefinite) (unavailable link - story) .
  17. PLA Emitter Locating Systems/ELINT Systems (indefinite) . Archived from the original on December 2, 2012.
  18. VERA S/M Passive Surveillance System (indefinite) . Archived from the original on December 2, 2012.
  19. The right to fair arms (indefinite) . Archived from the original on December 2, 2012.
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