How can you examine the intestines other than colonoscopy. How can you examine the intestines without a colonoscopy. How to check the small intestine: methods

Colonoscopy is an examination that no one likes, and patients very often ask, how can you check the intestines without a colonoscopy? What is there besides a colonoscopy? How to replace this unpleasant procedure?

Doctor Alla Garkusha answers

Of course, there is an alternative to colonoscopy, the intestines can be checked in different ways, however, the information content of all studies is inferior to this most unpopular colonoscopy. - the grandmother of colonoscopy - is also not marked by the love of patients, so this article will focus on other, more pleasant studies.

How to check the intestines other than colonoscopy

Why is an unpleasant colonoscopy prescribed? For the early diagnosis of cancer. This is the most informative study, because the doctor personally, so to speak, examines the intestinal mucosa, can take a piece of tissue for examination if something bad is found, and immediately during the diagnosis can remove almost everything, for example, polyps.

Colonoscopy - endoscopic examination of the colon allows you to establish the correct diagnosis or colon cancer, rectal polyps in 80-90% of cases. But there are those very 10-20% when even a very sensitive device, the colonoscope, misses the problem. The study is unsuccessful most often due to poor bowel preparation. There are also cases where the patient's bowel is so long or so narrow that the colonoscope is unable to pass through the entire bowel. And some patients have contraindications to colonoscopy.

It is in such cases that the

Their main difference from colonoscopy is that they only diagnose a tumor, and then, in order to take a biopsy, you still have to do a colonoscopy.

Imaging exam

Intestinal examination without colonoscopy is possible with the help of special studies. These tests use sound waves, X-rays, magnetic fields, and even radioactive substances to create images of internal organs.

CT scan allows you to check the intestines without a colonoscopy, as it produces detailed layer-by-layer pictures of your body. Instead of taking one picture like a regular x-ray, a CT scanner takes many pictures.

You will need to drink contrast solution and/or receive a bolus of contrast before the scan.

CT scans will take longer than regular x-rays. The patient lies motionless on the table while they are being made. Sometimes fear of closed spaces is possible. Very, very fat patients may not fit on the table or in the examination chamber.

But, let's say, not every tomograph can catch rectal cancer in the very initial stages, but colonoscopy can! During computed tomography, it is impossible to do a biopsy, so if your doctors suspect something, you still cannot avoid a colonoscopy, you will have to pay for the diagnosis twice!

Occasionally, computed tomography is combined with a biopsy, but this is not a routine examination. It is called the diagnosis of CT with the use of a biopsy needle. They do it to those in whom the tumor has already been detected and is located deep between the organs, intestinal loops. If the cancer is deep inside the body, then a CT scan can determine the location of the tumor and take a biopsy exactly in a given area.

Virtual Colonoscopy- This is also computed tomography, but using a program that processes images and presents them in volume. Virtual colonoscopy allows you to identify polyps larger than 1 cm. The method is good, but not all centers are equipped with the appropriate equipment and, like other methods, there is no way to take a biopsy and remove the detected polyp. Patients who test negative benefit from this study, they are spared the discomfort associated with colonosopia for five years. But those who have a polyp found will have to fork out and undergo an additional colonoscopy. Read more about this study article:.

ultrasound- this inexpensive study is very popular with patients, but with its help it is good to examine dense organs - the liver, kidneys, uterus, ovaries, pancreas. And to detect precancer, polyps in a hollow organ in the large intestine, ultrasound is not used. Of course, a large dense tumor in the abdominal cavity can be “caught” by ultrasound, but not early colon cancer. Ultrasound cannot replace not only colonoscopy, but even barium enema barium enema.

An ultrasound examination is sometimes used to assess the spread and metastasis of colon and rectal cancers. Which is better: bowel ultrasound or colonoscopy? It is impossible to answer this question unambiguously. In each case, the question of the examination is decided by the doctor. Colonoscopy reveals pathology on the mucosa, and ultrasound - other areas of the intestine.

Endorectal ultrasound This test uses a special probe that is inserted directly into the rectum. It is used to see how far a lesion has spread through the rectal wall and whether nearby organs or lymph nodes are affected. It is not used for the primary diagnosis of colorectal cancer.

Capsule endoscopy is a modern, expensive procedure that uses tiny wireless cameras to take pictures of the lining of your digestive tract. She uses the camera, which is in the device - a tablet. Its size is such that the capsule is easy to swallow. As the capsule passes through the digestive tract, the camera takes thousands of pictures, which are transferred to a recording device on the patient's belt.

Capsule endoscopy allows doctors to see the small intestine in places that are not easily accessible by the more traditional method, endoscopy.

With the help of capsule endoscopy, you can examine the mucous membranes, muscle membranes, find abnormal, enlarged veins (varicose veins). The method is rarely used so far, because there is quite a bit of experience with it, the devices are imported. But the future of the endoscopic capsule is very big. In the future, the method will undoubtedly move colonoscopy. The patient experiences absolutely no discomfort during the procedure. However, a biopsy cannot be done either.

Magnetic resonance imaging - MRI. Like CT scans, MRI scans show sections of the body. This method uses radio waves and strong magnets. The energy is absorbed by the body and then reflected. The computer program translates the template into a detailed image. For research, a drug based on gadolinium is administered to the patient, which is distributed differently in healthy and diseased tissues. Allows you to distinguish a polyp from healthy tissue. If we compare MRI and CT, then MRI visualizes soft tissues 10 times better, and does not have a radiation load on the patient's body, but MRI has its own side effects, gadolinium drugs act on the kidneys, causing serious complications.

An MRI is slightly more uncomfortable than a CT scan. Firstly, the study is long - often more than 60 minutes. Secondly, you need to lie inside a narrow tube, which can upset claustrophobic people. New, more open MRI machines can help deal with this. MRI machines can make buzzing and clicking noises that can frighten the patient. This study helps plan surgeries and other procedures. To improve the accuracy of the test, some doctors use an endorectal MRI. For this test, the doctor places a probe called an endorectal coil inside the rectum.

MRI cannot replace colonoscopy in terms of information content.

Positron emission tomography- PET. For PET, a radioactive sugar, fluorine deoxyglucose or FDG, is used, which is administered intravenously. The radioactivity that is used is within acceptable limits. Cancer cells grow quickly, so they absorb large amounts of this substance. After about an hour, the patient is placed on the table in the PET scanner for 30 minutes.

PET scan is not used to diagnose polyps and early cancer, but it can help the doctor check how abnormal the area is if it is detected on a tomogram. If bowel cancer has already been diagnosed, your doctor may use this test to see if it has spread to the lymph nodes or other organs. Special devices are able to perform PET and CT simultaneously. This allows the doctor to compare areas with higher levels of radioactivity with the CT scan of that part of the bowel.

The old classic procedure irrigoscopy with barium enema, has faithfully served medicine for a century, but it also has its limitations:

  • firstly, a very large experience of the radiologist is required to decipher the images;
  • Secondly, barium enema is insensitive to small polyps(less than 1 cm), to polyps in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe bends of the intestine. Sometimes it is combined with sigmoidoscopy, but even this combination of methods is not informative enough, as it allows you to check only the area of ​​the sigmoid colon;
  • thirdly, patients do not favor barium enema either.

There are modern modifications of this x-ray study - barium enema with air, with double contrast. The examination gives a three-dimensional black and white image of the intestines, barium is used in minimal quantities. It is possible to check the intestines instead of a colonoscopy with the help of such a study, but it is necessary to prepare for it as for a colonoscopy, during the study, air will be pumped into the rectum to straighten the bowel loops. Small polyps, less than 1 cm are difficult to determine. After the procedure, pain and cramps in the abdomen for another day. It is used when it is necessary to see the location of intestinal loops in the abdominal cavity. I especially like this study when it is visible, sometimes it is found that the entire intestine is turned, twisted.

So, now you know how to check the intestines without a colonoscopy, but only capsule endoscopy and virtual colonoscopy can compete a little with this unpleasant, but such an informative procedure.

In addition to visual methods, additionally you can check the intestines without colonoscopy for the presence of a tumor with the help of a fecal occult blood test. But these studies only complement colonoscopy, not replace it.

But in the end, it is not you who prescribes an examination for yourself, but your doctor, and only the doctor determines which examination needs to be done in order to clarify the diagnosis.

    Dear friends! The medical information on our website is for informational purposes only! Please note that self-medication is dangerous for your health! Sincerely, Site Editor

  • stomach ache;
  • constipation;
  • diarrhea;
  • blood, pus, or mucus in the stool;
  • haemorrhoids;
  • bloating;
  • a sharp drop in weight or vice versa its set;
  • constant belching and heartburn;
  • bad breath that is not related to dental health;
  • the appearance of plaque on the tongue.

Often patients go to the doctor too late, when the discomfort can no longer be tolerated. Someone is afraid of the painfulness of the procedure, someone believes that it is difficult to get to a narrow specialist. One way or another, a late visit to a doctor leads to the fact that the disease has already developed well and requires more serious and expensive treatment. In the case of cancerous tumors, any delay may be the last.

Important! Modern diagnostic methods are developed well enough to detect pathology at the earliest stage of development and eliminate it in time.

Laboratory studies help to detect pathology, however, more reliable instrumental diagnostics are required for an accurate diagnosis.

Colonoscopy allows you to get more information, with its help you can detect inflammation, polyps, tumors, and also check the condition of the mucosa. A colonoscopy is relatively painless, but it can be uncomfortable for some. In rare cases, the procedure is performed with local anesthesia. A flexible tube with a camera is inserted into the anus, with its help you can not only examine the intestines, but also, if necessary, take tests. Most often, the examination is performed while lying on the stomach, but if necessary, the doctor may ask the patient to turn on his side or lie on his back.

A more modern method of examination is capsule diagnostics. Compared to a colonoscopy, it is completely painless and does not cause discomfort. It is enough for the patient to swallow a small capsule with a camera, it passes through the stomach and intestines, and is excreted from the body naturally. During the movement along the gastrointestinal tract, the camera takes about 50 thousand images, which are transmitted to a special device attached to the patient's waist. The capsule allows you to explore the small and large intestines, stomach and rectum.

Important! Colonoscopy and capsule diagnostics are performed on an empty stomach. You can't eat anything the day before the procedure.

If necessary, in addition to testing and colonoscopy or capsule diagnostics, an ultrasound, CT scan, or x-ray of the intestine can be prescribed.

  1. Increased body temperature, fatigue, sudden weight loss - all this may indicate the presence of a disease.
  2. When probing the abdomen, there are seals.
  3. Constant pain in the intestines.
  4. The appearance of spots on the skin, a change in shade, a rash.
  5. Stool disorders, blood from the anus.
  6. fluctuations in body weight.
  7. Hunger.
  8. Nervousness, insomnia.

If you have any of these symptoms, you should definitely consult a doctor. The earlier the treatment of the disease is started, the more successful it is.

Which doctor is better to contact?

First of all, you need to contact a gastroenterologist. To exclude gynecological causes of abdominal pain, women will also need to visit a gynecologist. If pain and other unpleasant symptoms are localized in the area of ​​the rectum, an examination by a proctologist is needed. The diagnostic methods of a gastroenterologist and a proctologist are identical:

  • palpation;
  • laboratory research;
  • instrumental examination.

Important! An acute attack of appendicitis requires urgent surgical intervention. In such cases, you should immediately call an ambulance or contact the surgeon yourself, if possible.

One of the new ways to examine the gastrointestinal tract without colonoscopy on video:

Colonoscopy is a diagnostic method that allows you to examine the surface of the intestinal mucosa and, if necessary, perform a biopsy (collection of cells for microscopic examination). It is most often used when a tumor process or polyps is suspected. But this method is painful for the patient and requires painstaking preparation. To date, there are a number of methods that are just as informative and less painful.

Colonoscopy is a method of visual examination of the intestinal mucosa using a specially designed device - a colonoscope. With the help of colonoscopy, it is easy to detect polyps or tumors in the intestine, to take tissue sampling (biopsy). If the size of the tumor or polyp allows, then the neoplasm can be removed immediately. The examination is convenient for the doctor, but uncomfortable for the patient. Medicine today offers other methods that are no less informative, but painless. The only disadvantage of these studies is the impossibility of a biopsy.

Intestinal examination without colonoscopy

Before proceeding to instrumental research methods, it is necessary to undergo a laboratory examination of the intestine. For this purpose, the following are assigned:

  • Analysis of feces for dysbacteriosis. Allows you to examine the patient for an imbalance between beneficial and pathogenic microflora in the intestine.
  • Analysis of feces for occult blood. It is prescribed before instrumental methods of examination if bleeding from any part of the intestine is suspected.
  • Analysis of feces for worm eggs. It is prescribed to all patients with suspected intestinal pathology. Often complaints of abdominal pain, bloody or mucous discharge from the rectum occur with helminthic invasion. When the diagnosis of helminthiasis is confirmed, there is no need for other examination methods.
  • Blood test for intestinal tumor markers. It is always prescribed if a tumor process is suspected. Certain markers are determined in the blood, the number of which can be used to judge cancer. The method is convenient in that it determines the disease in the early stages, even before the appearance of any complaints.

Cancer tumors are increasingly being diagnosed in the later stages, when the patient comes with complaints. Colonoscopy is the most convenient method for diagnosing this disease. But there are contraindications to this examination, such as ulcerative colitis, acute infectious diseases of the intestine, low blood clotting, pulmonary or heart failure, peritonitis.

There are methods for examining the intestine, in addition to colonoscopy:

  1. Irrigoscopy is one of the very first instrumental research methods that have been used for intestinal diseases since the 60s of the last century. It is based on filling the intestines with air or an x-ray contrast agent (barium), and then taking an x-ray. Preparation for the examination is the same as for a colonoscopy. This method is usually prescribed to confirm dolichosigma (congenital lengthening of the sigmoid colon).
  2. Sigmoidoscopy. This is a study of the rectum and lower parts of the large intestine using a sigmoidoscope. It allows you to determine the neoplasm or polyps in the intestine, if necessary, take material for microscopic examination (biopsy).
  3. Computed tomography is a modern alternative to colonoscopy, the closest research method to it. Allows you to carefully check the intestines without introducing additional substances into the patient's body, without pre-cleaning the intestines and without introducing devices into the intestine. Diagnosis is based on layer-by-layer photographing of the human body. Each slice is displayed on the monitor screen in turn, which helps the doctor determine the location of the pathological focus or tumor. The disadvantage of the method is the impossibility of a biopsy. If the doctor suspected a tumor process, then colonoscopy is indispensable.
  4. Virtual colonoscopy is a more modern version of computed tomography. A special program displays a 3D image on a computer monitor. The doctor gets a complete picture of the state of the intestine as a whole. But this method also does not allow you to take a biopsy and perform a micro-operation.
  5. Endoscopic examination (esophagogastroduodenoscopy, EFGDS). This is a hardware study using a probe. Allows you to examine the surface of the mucous membrane of the small intestine, as well as the stomach and esophagus. It is prescribed for suspected ulcerative process in the gastrointestinal tract. If polyps or tumors are confirmed, the method allows for a biopsy.
  6. Capsule study of the intestine. This is the most modern research method developed by Israeli scientists. The patient needs to swallow the capsule on an empty stomach, which is equipped with a video camera. Before the examination, a recording device is attached to the patient. With the help of peristaltic movements of the intestines, the capsule moves along the digestive tract, recording everything that it meets on its way. After eight hours of the study, the capsule is excreted from the body along with the feces. In case of weak intestinal motility or the presence of constrictions along the digestive tract, a special capsule with an integrated microchip is used. When hitting a bottleneck, the capsule dissolves and the microchip remains in the body, allowing the location of the narrowing to be identified. Subsequently, the microchip is removed from the body. This is the simplest, but at the same time the most expensive research method. During the procedure, the patient leads a normal life.

Traditionally, people are not accustomed to taking care of their health. A very small percentage of patients prefer to undergo early diagnosis, including examination of the large intestine, to prevent disease. Any technique has a certain range of indications, its capabilities and limitations. The main task of the doctor is to clearly represent these conditions and goals when performing an examination. Thus, after receiving the results, the specialist has a final diagnosis and is able to prescribe adequate treatment.

If during palpation of the abdomen, the doctor suspects the appearance of pathology, the next step is the gold standard of diagnosis - colonoscopy. But it is not always possible to check the condition of organs in this way. Not all clinics are equipped with equipment, in addition, there are contraindications: the anatomical features of the patient, Crohn's disease, pregnancy, remission of devirticulitis or specific ulcerative colitis (in the last two cases, the examination is postponed). There are several other methods besides colonoscopy:

1. Hydrogen test.

  • The technique consists in the fact that the patient should sit in one place for three hours, exhaling into a special device every 30 minutes. In this way, the hydrogen level is calculated, which reveals an excess amount of bacteria in the small intestine.
  • The procedure is based on the fact that microorganisms disrupt the flow of fluid into the mucous membrane, which leads to diarrhea and bloating. Carbohydrates are quickly broken down, and hydrogen is absorbed into the blood and excreted along with breathing.
  • In case of dysbacteriosis, before examination, the patient is given lactulose to drink, since the maximum portion of the output air falls on the first hour.

2. Sigmoidoscopy.

  • To conduct an examination of the intestine without a colonoscopy in this way, a special instrument is used. Usually, diagnosis is prescribed for bleeding and pain in the sphincter area. An identical technique is also used - anoscopy. They differ from each other in small features of the devices. In the second case, the proctologist can lead the tube to a depth of no more than 10 cm, while in the first case, the immersion value is up to 35 cm.
  • The rectoscope is a plastic device with circular illumination and a depth scale. Through the device, the doctor sees the color of the mucosa, its blood vessels, the diameter of the intestinal lumen, cracks, nodes, scars, polyps.
  • The tube with the obturator is inserted into the anus, then the eyepiece is directed. For a good view, the medic pumps air. The procedure is quite uncomfortable, so anesthesia is often prescribed for it.

  • This is another technique in which you can check the intestines, in addition to colonoscopy. When it is carried out, the location of the walls is examined, the degree of their stretching is established, and the state of transport of the contents is assessed.
  • The patient is prescribed a special diet three days before the procedure, and is cleansed with an enema. The doctor prepares a mixture of barium, which fills the intestines.
  • The solution allows you to straighten the wrinkles and stains the inside of the organ for high-quality images. Double contrasting is important in order to check the intestines for cancer.

4. Capsule endoscopy.

  • This bowel examination is a good alternative to a colonoscopy if a person cannot undergo a standard procedure for any reason. The main element is a miniature camera with a light source, covered with a special shell.
  • The patient must swallow the capsule, then put on a cuff equipped with a recording device that checks and records the readings of the tablet. While the camera travels through the mucosa and takes pictures, the patient goes about his business.
  • After 6 - 8 hours, the capsule leaves the body naturally, the doctor receives complete information about the state of the intestine. The only drawback of the examination is the inability to take tissue for analysis.

5. Ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging.

  • Ultrasound cannot completely replace bowel colonoscopy, as this method does not allow you to check and identify tumors at an early stage. More often used to analyze the germination of metastases of rectal cancer and pathology of the colon. But its variety - ultrasonography examines violations in the functioning of the organs of the entire digestive system with a probability of 100%.
  • MRI is suitable for diagnosing large formations, detecting foreign objects. In addition, with the help of a preparation based on gadolinium (which is administered to the patient before the procedure), a polyp is distinguished from healthy tissues. The technique helps to plan operations and prescribe timely treatment.

Positive and negative points

If the intestine is checked by colonoscopy, the doctor must warn the patient about the advantages and disadvantages of the study, which are the following factors:

1. Today, this is one of the most effective ways to obtain the most accurate information on the state of the mucosa and walls.

2. High visualization provides an almost complete view of the organ and loops.

3. Possibility of removal of polyps and coagulation of bleeding vessels without surgical intervention.

4. Carrying out a biopsy - tissue sampling for further analysis for oncological formations.

5. The duration of the procedure is no more than 30 minutes.

There are not so many disadvantages of manipulations, they mainly complain about the following factors:

  • Difficult preparation. The patient must tune in psychologically, often the fear of diagnosis causes great excitement. Also, not all people calmly perceive a thorough cleaning with an enema.
  • Painful sensations. Particularly sensitive people do not tolerate intervention well without sedatives or anesthesia.

Cost of procedures

The price of colonoscopy of the intestine and similar studies depends on the complexity and the need to perform additional manipulations. In addition, in different clinics, the cost can vary between 2,000 - 3,000 rubles. To check the body and get a complete picture, you need to navigate the prices.

Name of service Cost, rubles
Colonoscopy 7 000 – 10 000
Hydrogen breath test 3 000 – 4 000
Flexible sigmoidoscopy (sigmoidoscopy) without anesthesia

With anesthesia

5 000
Irrigoscopy 1 000 – 2 500
Capsule endoscopy 30 000 – 35 000
Intestinal ultrasound 3 000 – 4 000
MRI of the intestine

Contrast tomography

3 000 – 6 000

8 000 – 12 000

Polypectomy 16 000 – 18 000
Sampling material for histological analysis 3 000 – 5 000
Definition of Helicobacter pylori 1 500 – 2 000
Stopping intestinal bleeding 8 000 – 10 000
Removal of foreign bodies 6 000 – 8 000

Despite the fact that colonoscopy is not always a comfortable method for examining the intestines, it is difficult to overestimate the effectiveness of diagnostics. The doctor makes the decision to prescribe an additional procedure, based on the completeness of the picture of the disease. In case of doubt, with contraindications, individual intolerance, or if more detail is needed, the physician may resort to alternative methods of examining internal organs.

The number of cancer patients is increasing every year. Colon cancer ranks third in the number of deaths. Oncology affects people from 45 years old, the younger generation often gets sick. Persons with oncological heredity should carry out prophylaxis every six months in a medical institution. It is necessary to check the intestines if there is a genetic predisposition to neoplasms.

Patients are afraid of this research method (colonoscopy) and try to find alternative methods. The presented methods are informative and will help to examine the organ. Colonoscopy research method is unpleasant, requires long and special preparation. Use other methods of diagnosing bowel diseases that come to the aid of the patient in addition to colonoscopy. The peculiarity of these methods is that when a pathology is detected in the intestine, it is impossible to take a piece of material for analysis. No analogue can replace a full-fledged study.

Before any diagnostic method, you should not eat food and drink plenty of fluids. The results will be more reliable. Patients who have had a colonoscopy are looking for other alternative methods for diagnosing bowel disease. Any alternative method can exist separately. But in severe cases, colonoscopy is indispensable.

The procedure does not reveal all neoplasms. Colonography does not damage the mucosal wall. It is possible to study and consider the contours of the foci and the state of nearby organs. The procedure for a CT scan is similar to an x-ray. The apparatus takes several shots, performing a systematic storage in large numbers. Tomography without colonoscopy is not able to detect cancer in the first stage. For this method, you need to drink a solution or inject the composition. The technique is carried out longer than an x-ray, a person should be quietly in a lying position for a while, without moving.

Virtual tomography operates using a special computer program that analyzes the results of CT and is able to detect polyps, growths of more than 1 cm. This method is not used in any center, early detection of diseases with its use is excluded.

Ultrasound examination (ultrasound)

This diagnostic method is used instead of colonoscopy in some situations. There is a registration of sound waves reflected from the boundaries of tissues. The study will allow you to explore the lesion of the neoplasm. The device sees nodes ranging in size from 0.5-2 cm.

Two methods are used to examine the body. Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity, but in 20% of cases it is difficult to analyze the rectum due to the low filling of the bladder. An alternative ultrasound method is to examine the colon using a transducer that is inserted through the colon.

The indications are:

  • constant stool retention;
  • lack of stool management;
  • the presence of blood in the feces;
  • on palpation, formations in the rectum are felt;
  • during the x-ray, a deviation of the organ was detected, with sigmoidoscopy, a change in the shape of the intestine was detected;
  • colonoscopy showed cancer;
  • for the diagnosis of pathology of the large intestine;
  • the patient is at risk for oncology;
  • a person is treated with clinical signs of a lesion of the digestive system.

Indications for the method: growth of formations in the intestine continues, an increase in the number of malignant formations, elimination of invasion of prostate cells into the intestinal region, examination of complications after tumor removal.


The technique is able to study the intestines without the use of colonoscopy - to assess the location of neoplasms, tumors, their dimensions, shape and maneuverability. The method is carried out by introducing an enema of a barium solution with a bright substance. Then the doctor takes an x-ray. When barium sulfate is removed, air is introduced. Thanks to this, it is possible to examine the outlines of organs, detect fistulas, ulcers. It turns out to evaluate the structural features and functionality of the large intestine. The procedure is safe and painless.

It is carried out by doctors using conventional x-rays. You will first need to carry out preparatory manipulations:

  • Perform bowel cleansing with an enema and a special drug.
  • Do not shower before the procedure.

The examination is characterized by signs: discomfort and pain in the anus, a bloody mass is released from the anus during or after stool. The indication for the procedure will be long-term diarrhea, chronic stool retention, discharge from the anus of various etiologies, acute pain in the abdomen, flatulence. It is possible to detect an outward formation, but it is impossible to examine the structure and take a biopsy.

Capsule examination

This is an innovative diagnostic method. If the patient has individual characteristics of the intestine, and the diseased organ cannot be examined by standard methods, then this method of examination is used. A capsule 10 mm in size, 30 mm long, which is equipped with cameras, is swallowed by the patient. The device moves through the intestines, takes a picture and is brought out. Snapshots occur frequently - from 4-40 shots per second. It depends on the speed of movement. With the help of waves, information is transmitted to special specialized equipment.

The procedure takes 5-8 hours, painless. It is impossible to get infected with diseases, the capsule is sterile and disposable. It is prescribed for hidden bleeding, neoplasms and other pathologies. The procedure finds the cause of the disease in the intestines and gastrointestinal tract. Pretty comfortable for the patient. For example, it is possible to read a book, walk and watch TV.


Using the method, up to 10 cm of the lower segment of the rectum is examined. A medical optical device with illumination is inserted into the intestine - an anoscope. Neoplasms, nodes, inflammations, polyps are determined. You can take a biopsy.


Endoscopic diagnostic method. The procedure is carried out every five years. Examine only 30 cm of the intestine. You can take neoplasm tissue. Inaccurate diagnosis of diseases. After the procedure, a number of other methods are prescribed, many of which are more effective.

Hydrogen test

The procedure takes place within three hours. Every 30 minutes, the patient exhales into a special tube. They study a significant number of bacteria that enter the small intestine. The principle of operation of the method: bacteria do not allow liquid to penetrate into the intestinal mucosa in a normal amount, therefore defecation is disturbed. When there are common symptoms, the indicated method is needed:

  • irritable bowel syndrome;
  • sugar intolerance;
  • the intestines do not absorb products (cow's milk, some fruits, honey);
  • increased accumulation of bacterial flora;
  • small production of juice for the function of digesting food;
  • symptoms of altered and disturbed microflora (flatulence, diarrhea, constipation);
  • evaluation of the effectiveness of the treatment of intestinal diseases that are associated with atrophy of the intestinal villi lining the walls.

Magnetic resonance imaging and colonography

MRI is an alternative to colonoscopy, but more expensive. This procedure is prescribed in addition to the examination. MR colonography is a procedure for examining the intestines for diseases. Two liters of liquid with a bright color are injected into the rectum, with the help of the device they look at the state of the organ in a three-dimensional image. The procedure takes an hour. Contraindication to the procedure of colonography - persons with kidney disease.

PET - positron emission tomography

The procedure lasts 1.5 hours. One hour the patient waits for the results. Radioactive sugar is used in the examination method. Enter intravenously. With its help, it is possible to diagnose oncological diseases, tumors. Pathological cells absorb the substance - it is easy to see their location.

This is from the field of nuclear medicine, created by using a special type of scanner and atoms to establish an assessment of the functioning of organs. The effectiveness of the method depends on the drug used.

The method is prescribed together with CT. The combination of PET results with CT images allows you to acquire detailed information about the location of radioactive elements. Determine the stages of oncology, check the function of blood flow or the functioning of organs. in the survey. They are needed to detect the initial stages, for an accurate diagnosis one cannot do without the PET technique. If the disease is mild, the examination takes place with the help of palpation, tapping, examination and listening. Often diseases are determined by laboratory tests of urine, feces, blood. Replacing colonoscopy in some cases will be considered an underexamination.

Today, a number of alternative diagnostics have been developed that complement colonoscopy. It is impossible to completely replace the method, alternative methods are not so accurate. Some are used only in a narrow specialty, others are not allowed and contraindicated due to staining substances, but the patient needs to go through a colonoscope. This device is the only way to diagnose diseases, take samples for analysis and prescribe the right treatment.

At the diagnostic stage with the method of colonoscopy, the possibility of ridding the body of feces, growths and other benign polyps is considered. Helps to cleanse the intestinal spaces, the function of which is complicated by accumulated toxins. Research is also significant in the field of premature testing of oncological diseases, which gives the possibility of healing at an early stage, further complete cure of the disease.

Alternative methods - methods of the preparatory stage before colonoscopy, can help and detect diseases, but will not replace colonoscopy.

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