Good and inexpensive remedy for dandruff. What is the best shampoo for dandruff. Pharmacy medicated dandruff shampoos

The problem of dandruff is familiar to many today. This is not only a cosmetic defect that spoils the hairstyle, but also serious illness men, women and even children. It requires treatment. If you let the situation take its course, then over time you may encounter hair loss. Anti-dandruff products that are offered in stores in huge number, designed to deal with the "snow" on the hair. Medicinal shampoos are considered effective, for example, Sebozol, Alerana, Pure Line and some others.

What shampoos are used?

There are a lot of high-quality dandruff shampoos, which are divided into several types according to their action. The most popular brands include:

  • shampoo brands Estel, Squanorm, Vichy, Clear, Vita, Abe, Sebazol, Nizoral;
  • depending on their components, they are designed to fight the fungus. The main components are ketoconazole, pyrithione and others;
  • shampoos, which are produced under the Pure Line brand, are also intended for oily hair and can be used against dandruff;
  • to purchase the best pharmacy products;
  • tar shampoo has proven itself well.

Far from always dandruff is caused by fungi, there are many microorganisms that live on the skin. Under certain circumstances, they begin to actively multiply. The use of products such as Clear, Vita, Abe, Nizoral allows not only to cure dandruff, but also to get rid of the disease that caused it with shampoo.

Why does dandruff appear on the head?

Dermatologists call the disease in which dandruff appears - seborrhea, and consider it a very serious problem. According to statistics, one third of the world's population suffers from dandruff. There are many reasons for the appearance of seborrhea:

  • stressful situation;
  • violation hormonal background in the body;
  • malnutrition;
  • frequent use of gels and hair sprays;
  • regular blow-drying of hair, which leads to the fact that the skin on the head becomes too dry;
  • improperly selected hair care product;
  • allergic reaction;
  • in men, it may be associated with increased level hormones.

Suitable for the treatment of dandruff: Clear, Vita, Abe, Sebazol, Nizoral. However, they must be chosen correctly.

So, dandruff appears as a result of a malfunction sebaceous glands. A large amount of fat on the hair leads to the fact that fungi and microorganisms actively multiply in it. If the scalp and hair are healthy, then the body suppresses their vital activity. But after dandruff, a fungus can occur. Ketoconazole, which is found in many medicated shampoos, is very effective.

Of course, you can go to the pharmacy and buy Sebozol or Sulsenu anti-dandruff products, but it is better to be examined by a doctor. In addition, you need to choose the right men's shampoo Clear, Vita.

So, the representatives of the stronger sex also often suffer from this disease. But ketoconazole in large numbers they are contraindicated. Often people write on the forums: "advise" the best shampoo to fight dandruff. However best advice can give a trichologist, after examination. Medicines include: Clear, Vita, Abe, Sebazol.

The doctor will prescribe an examination and select effective shampoo. It can be "Sebozol", "Tar", Estel, "Clear", "Squanorm" and some others. One of effective components incoming medicinal products, is ketoconazole. Estel offers not only hair dyes, but also therapeutic shampoos.

As a rule, dandruff occurs when the cells of the scalp are disturbed. The life cycle of a cell becomes much shorter and is only a week. dead cells do not dry out and stick to the hair. Hair gets unkempt appearance. High-quality Vita and Clear products will help solve the problem.

Dandruff on the head - why dandruff appears, how to treat dandruff | beautyguild

How to choose a shampoo for seborrhea?

Seborrheic dermatitis can be of several types. Seborrhea is divided into three types:

  1. At oily dandruff skin glands are not very active. In this disease, the scales have a yellowish tint and are large in size. Hair quickly becomes greasy, and an unpleasant itch appears.
  2. If the skin glands work poorly, then the skin becomes dry. The scales are dry and small in size. The most common cause of dry dandruff is the wrong shampoo or perm;
  3. With mixed dandruff, the skin is too dry in some parts of the head, and oily in others. In this case, it is extremely difficult to choose a dandruff shampoo with zinc on your own. The product should also contain ketoconazole. Therefore, you need to seek help from a doctor.

Which dandruff shampoo to choose?

What shampoo treats seborrhea?

Seborrheic dermatitis is far from such a harmless disease as is commonly believed. However, dandruff not only spoils the appearance of the hair, but also harms the hair. The problem may be oily or dry scalp. Cell particles turn into a real crust in men and women.

Therefore, the hair does not receive nutrition, over time they begin to fall out. At the same time, the growth of new hair in men and women stops. Small hairs do not break through the crust. Means "Sebozol", "Sulsena", Estel and other medicated shampoos containing ketoconazole can quickly and effectively eliminate the problem, as well as help dry skin. "Squanorm" treats several types of dandruff.

Not everyone understands the seriousness of this problem. People believe that getting rid of dandruff will help folk remedies. However, they only alleviate the condition, but do not cure. Buying cosmetic shampoo for men against dandruff also turns into a waste. Swanorm is universal remedy. It is better to give preference to products that contain ketoconazole. The scalp does not become dry. You need to buy Sulsena or Estel anti-dandruff shampoo only at a pharmacy.

What ingredient should every good dandruff shampoo contain?

  1. Ketoconazole. Almost all therapeutic anti-dandruff shampoos contain this component in an amount of 1-2%. Ketoconazole interferes with the intake nutrients fungal cells. Use a therapeutic agent no more than one or two times within two weeks. Ketoconazole is contained in shampoos of such well-known brands as Nizoral, Mycozoral, Perkhotal, Sebozol.
  2. Cycloperox. This component penetrates the habitats of the fungus and kills it. The medicinal product containing this component is effective.
  3. selenium disulfide. This component contains the tool "Sulsena". The use of selenium disulfide products allows you to suppress the fungus and slows down the renewal of scalp cells.
  4. Zinc Perition. Anti-dandruff shampoos that contain this component are aimed at eliminating the inflammatory process in the scalp and help suppress the fungus. One of the best means from dandruff are "Keto-Plus" and Estel.
  5. Separately, tar dandruff shampoo can be distinguished. He considers it a folk remedy, but its components are suitable for the treatment of dandruff.

Video test purchase:

Control purchase. Dandruff shampoo. Issue dated 05/17/2018

How to choose the right shampoo?

As we have already said, in order to effectively deal with seborrheic dermatitis, you should choose not a cosmetic, but a therapeutic anti-dandruff shampoo, for example, Sebozol, Sulsena or Squanorm. You need to purchase such funds in pharmacies. The composition of such drugs contains components that can fight the fungus. If one remedy does not fit, then Clear, Vita, Abe, Nizoral can help. However, remember that the components and their purpose may vary.

What effect do Clear, Vita, Abe, Nizoral therapeutic shampoos have on hair:

  • suppress the vital activity of the fungus;
  • help reduce oily or dry scalp;
  • eliminate dead skin cells.

It is very important that dandruff shampoos such as Sebozol and Vita do not contain aggressive chemical compounds among the components. Components such as zinc, tar, climbazole eliminate inflammatory process and do not irritate the scalp. However, ketonazole medicated shampoos are not suitable for long-term use. In addition, they should not be used by children under 12 years of age.

In addition, ketonazole has a negative effect on men. They decrease the amount of sex hormones. In order for the treatment to be effective, it is recommended to alternate Abe Anti-Dandruff Treatment Shampoos. For the treatment of the stronger sex, it is necessary to choose the male version of the remedy correctly.

How to choose the right shampoo? Which shampoo is better and the harm of shampoo

Shampoos "Alerana"

Medicinal products "Alerana" are intended for effective treatment dandruff. Anti-dandruff shampoo contains ingredients that destroy the fungus, help strengthen hair and restore balance in the skin. But other shampoos for men and women against dandruff, such as Sebozol, Vichy, Clear, Sulsena, Squanorm, Abe, Nizoral, should also be used.

The active ingredients that make up the Alerana product include:

  1. Olamine piroctone in Alerana shampoo. This component treats fungus, skin itching and peeling. In addition, Alerana shampoos destroy the crust on the head and provide oxygen access to the hair follicles.
  2. Dexpanthenol activates the growth of new hair, nourishes the scalp.
  3. Matrikine, aligegyg and oleic acid are plant components found in olive leaves.

Thus, Alerana shampoos are also suitable for the treatment of dandruff.

Alerana shampoo against hair loss reviews

Vichy shampoos

As evidenced by the numerous reviews of people who use anti-dandruff shampoos, Vichy branded products are quite effective. Cosmetics practically useless. Therefore, it is better to purchase medicine, a remedy for dandruff in pharmacies. Vichy Dercos Shampoo contains an updated formula that treats fungus and eliminates the appearance of dandruff. This series presents a men's shampoo to combat dandruff.

This tool is devoid of bad smell Selena. According to the manufacturers, the result of using Vichy anti-dandruff shampoos appears after 6 weeks when using the product 4 times a week. The main component is laureth sulfate. In addition, Vichy anti-dandruff shampoos include coco-betaine. Estel and Abe shampoos are similar in quality.

The product contains salicylic acid and selenium, which effectively help against the fungus. Sodium hypochlorite has a bactericidal and disinfecting effect. If Vichy doesn't fit, try Estel. To choose the best shampoo, consult your doctor. In the reviews of customers who have already tried these products, there is often a request: advise. You need to choose Vichy shampoos taking into account the peculiarities of your skin.

VICHY.shampoo that heals.(Germany)

Shampoo with tar

Tar shampoo, which includes birch tar, is no less effective for dandruff. It is rich in phenols and organic acids, which disinfect and have an insecticidal effect. In addition, the “Tar” shampoo contains valuable Burr oil, which affects the condition of the hair and promotes growth.

The product also contains allantoin, which eliminates pruritus and stimulates the processes of restoration of the surface of the scalp. In order for tar shampoo to be effective, it must be used correctly. Well proven "Clean Line" against dandruff with tar.

Instructions for the treatment of dandruff:

  1. Tar shampoo is applied to the hair, lathered thoroughly, but gently. This helps soften the crust.
  2. After washing, rinse the scalp well with lemon juice or apply conditioner from the same series.
  3. Frequent use of tar shampoo is not recommended. It should be combined with conventional cosmetics.
  4. Usually vitamins, folk remedies are added, add directly to the shampoo.

Birch tar from dandruff, seborrhea, dermatitis, fungus. 1-2 times use and NO PROBLEM!

How are medicated shampoos used?

In order for dandruff treatment to be effective, the purchase of Sulsen or Pure Line products is not enough. They need to be used correctly:

  1. The water for washing your hair should be warm, but not hot. Its temperature must not exceed the temperature human body.
  2. A bottle of Fitoval shampoo or another manufacturer should be shaken well.
  3. To begin with, a small amount of the product is applied to the head, rubbed for about a minute, and then distributed over the entire length of the hair.
  4. Leave the shampoo on for a few minutes and then rinse your hair thoroughly.
  5. Then Fitoval shampoo or another agent is applied a second time and left for 8-10 minutes.
  6. After that, the hair is washed.
  7. The regularity of using therapeutic shampoo is twice a week.
  8. The course of using any dandruff shampoo is about a month.
  9. In order to achieve a greater effect, it is recommended to add several shampoos to the treatment regimen. For example, alternate Sebozol with Vichy.
  10. Otherwise, treatment will be a waste of time.

How to use dandruff shampoos correctly

What shampoos can be used for children

The treatment of dandruff in children has its own characteristics, which lie in the fact that many Sulsena therapeutic shampoos are intended for adults and adolescents. It is also not recommended to delay a visit to a trichologist with seborrheic dermatitis in children. The causes of the disease in children are the same as in adults. The instructions on the packaging must be read carefully.

No less effective for children's dandruff "Skin-cap". It comes in several forms: cream, spray and shampoo. This drug effective at different types dandruff and completely hypoallergenic. It should be added here that traditional medicine also effective against dandruff. Fitoval shampoos are also effective.

For a child over 10 years old, Bifon lotion and Sebozol shampoo can be advised. They have an antifungal effect, restore the sebaceous glands and eliminate itching. Lotion is recommended to use daily, applying to cleansed skin. You can alternate with the tool "Sulsena".

Baby shampoos. Eared nannies / Bubchen / Natura Siberica.

Prevention of seborrhea

It is important to start treatment on time and correctly. This is a disease that requires consultation with a specialist. After the end of treatment, you must follow the rules that will avoid the reappearance of dandruff.

  1. You need to rethink your diet.
  2. Exclude smoking and alcohol.
  3. Choose the right shampoo and hair care products depending on their type.
  4. Regularly use the means of "Sulsen".
  5. If there are signs of dandruff, then treatment should be started immediately.
  6. It will be useful to take multivitamin preparations that will maintain the necessary balance of vitamins in the body.
  7. As a preventive measure, shampoos, Fitoval capsules are recommended.

Shampoos for hair loss! treatment and prevention of seborrheic dermatitis

What's better all-still choose?

When choosing a shampoo in a pharmacy, remember that there are a lot of effective remedies. Clear, Vita, Abe enjoy well-deserved popularity. However, it must be remembered that each person's hair has its own characteristics. In addition, each tool has its own characteristics.

"Nizoral Shampoo" is practically indispensable not only against dandruff, but also in the treatment of candidiasis. It is well suited for the defeat of yeast microorganisms. The cost of Nizoral shampoo is low, but it is effective.

Head Seborrhea Treatment: My Methods

Such a phenomenon as dandruff is considered a medical problem. The most popular way to treat it is to use shampoo. Which one is the best? The answer to this question will be individual for each person. Someone finds their only option the first time, and someone is forced to try many different manufacturers. Often good remedy chosen by trial and error. The surest tactic is to choose the right shampoo at the pharmacy. Such tools are convenient in that they are designed for use in a course, there is no need to use them constantly. In addition, most of them fix the problem the first time.

Causes of dandruff

Often the cause of the disease is external factors. This can be hypothermia, regular use of curling irons, hair dryers, abuse of styling products, frequent staining, improper selection of care products. Modern research showed that the causative agent of dandruff is a fungus. It is constantly on the scalp, and any disruption in the body's work provokes its reproduction.

At the first symptoms right decision will buy dandruff shampoo at the pharmacy. But to do this, you need to determine the source of the problem. It is in most cases located inside the body and can be different:

  • Hypovitaminosis.
  • hereditary predisposition.
  • Improper scalp care.
  • Hormonal imbalance.
  • Violation of the sebaceous glands.
  • Mental or physical stress.
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, neurological diseases.

Types of shampoos

Based on the composition, the best shampoos can be divided into several types. This is a conditional classification, since many products contain a complex of components to combat the disease. So, all funds are divided as follows:

  • containing selenium sulfide. Such agents reduce activity and reduce the rate of cell renewal. If you want to buy dandruff shampoo in a pharmacy, Sulsena is one of the leaders in this field. It should be used with caution. Shampoo is able to discolor gray, bleached or previously dyed hair.
  • Containing zinc pyrithione. Effectively reduce the number of fungi that cause seborrhea, dandruff
  • Containing salicylic acid. It should be borne in mind that such products can greatly dry out the scalp. Usually using a moisturizing conditioner solves this problem easily.
  • Containing ketoconazole. These are effective Often they are effective in situations where other means have not given the desired result.

How to choose a shampoo?

According to most experts, it is best to buy anti-dandruff shampoos in a pharmacy. Which of these remedies is the most effective? First of all, it is desirable that it has a thick consistency and does not contain fragrances. The composition should not contain aggressive surfactants, parabens and many other irritating substances. There must be substances that normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands, as well as at least one of such components as zinc, sulfur, tar or selenium. They contribute to the destruction of the fungus and normalize the process of cell renewal. Treatment should take place in a course, only after its completion it will be possible to use ordinary cosmetic shampoos.

It is also necessary to pay attention to the type of hair indicated on the product label. Right choice will allow you to quickly cope with the disease. The effect of the remedy usually becomes noticeable after two to three weeks. If there is no improvement, buy another dandruff shampoo from the pharmacy. "Keto Plus", "Sebozol", "Nizoral" are recognized leaders in the fight against the disease, according to numerous positive reviews.

"Keto Plus"

The tool can rightfully be considered one of the most popular therapeutic shampoos. It not only washes away dandruff, but completely eliminates the cause of its appearance. The uniqueness of the drug lies in its composition. Unlike most similar products, it contains two active ingredients: zinc and ketoconazole. This combination gives excellent double effect- the symptoms of the disease (itching, peeling) quickly go away and is eliminated by itself (fungus). In addition, the tool has nice smell, well washes hair, quickly foams. Contrary to popular belief, it is recommended to apply a conditioner and a mask to the hair after using the product. The idea that they neutralize the healing effect of shampoo is an unsubstantiated myth.


Another famous dandruff shampoo in the pharmacy is Nizoral. Ketoconazole and many other components that make up its composition eliminate itching, flaking and destroy the population of pathogens. The effect of using the product remains even after using cosmetic shampoos. This is due to the fact that its components are able to persist in the epidermis. for a long time. The detergent composition is quite hard, so it should be used with caution on dry, brittle hair. Not suitable for frequent use. Does not cause adverse reactions well tolerated.

Applying the shampoo is easy. It is applied to clean, slightly damp hair, foaming. Wash it off after five minutes. large quantity warm water. The tool can be used as a prophylaxis two to three times a month. The only contraindication is sensitivity to its components. It is not recommended to use frequently for men, because it causes In general, if you need an effective dandruff shampoo, you can buy very quality drug even without medical advice.


The tool is also one of the best for eliminating dandruff, suitable for deep cleansing of the scalp. Perfectly copes with disorders in the work of the sebaceous glands. Strengthens the resistance of the scalp to the reproduction of the fungus. Not to mention medicinal qualities, has an antihistamine effect - relieves itching, skin irritation. The composition includes cinnamon alcohol and burdock extract. They increase the blood supply to the follicles, strengthen the hair, give it elasticity and shine. Obviously, thanks to the use of "Sulsena" you will be able to get rid of dandruff.


In addition to the need to buy dandruff shampoo in a pharmacy, an important factor is healthy eating. If possible, for the duration of treatment, it is worth switching to light diet. Eliminate salt, hot spices from the diet. Drink more water, do not abuse alcohol, smoking. Meat and fish should be lean. Eat more greens, fruits, vegetables, cereals. Improper nutrition undermines defensive forces organism. And the cause of dandruff is often a decrease in immunity and protective functions organism. A good prevention is regular massage, physical exercise, hardening and active image life.

Some people treat dandruff as a temporary cosmetic problem without wondering how to get rid of it. Meanwhile, scaly exfoliation on the scalp can signal disorders in the body and cause psychological disorder.

The most effective remedy for dandruff

When a person is faced with the problem of dandruff, the first thing that comes to mind is to go to the pharmacy for a suitable drug to get rid of it. Buy effective remedy doesn't always come out. Falling for advertising, we often purchase an expensive drug that does not justify our hopes. You need to choose a remedy for dandruff in pharmacies after determining the cause of the appearance of white flakes, a trichologist will help to establish it.

The main active ingredient of sulsenic paste is selenium disulfide, which has a triple action against small scales on the head:

  • cytostatic, in which the process of cell formation is normalized;
  • keratolytic, due to which there is a rapid exfoliation of the epidermis, prevents the appearance of dandruff;
  • fungicidal against yeast fungi, which selenium disulfide does not allow to multiply, reduces growth.

Anti-dandruff shampoo

Among the products that help get rid of dandruff, shampoos occupy the first place in popularity. They are divided into three types:

  1. Tar. The tar included in the composition is birch, pine, juniper and coal tar. Tar antifungal shampoo helps to slow down the formation of flaking scales.
  2. Antifungal. They contain substances that prevent the reproduction of fungi: clotrimazole, pyrithione, ketoconazole and others. Antifungal shampoo is used no more than once a week.
  3. Zinc. Zinc shampoo is recommended for oily seborrhea. The tool will help regulate the secretion of sebum, dry the scalp, stimulate metabolic processes. Medicated shampoos with zinc should not be used unnecessarily.


Pharmacy ampouleseffective remedy for seborrheic dermatitis and hair loss. Treatment of dandruff is noticeable after the first application: irritation of the scalp disappears, inflammation decreases. In addition, the active substances olamine, white lupine extract and PP vitamins protect hair from excessive ultraviolet radiation, fight bacterial and fungal flora, stimulating fast growth strand. Use this medicine for dandruff strictly according to the instructions.


These medications may be home cooking or professional, which are sold in a pharmacy. Active substances lotions are salicylic acid, sulfur, zinc and others. The funds are applied to the scalp, kept for 15 to 40 minutes, then washed off. The lotion not only helps with dandruff, but also contains ingredients that heal and soothe the skin.

Medicated dandruff shampoo in a pharmacy

Almost all men and women who are faced with the problem of dandruff immediately go to the pharmacy for medicated shampoos. Their popularity lies in the short-term use and rapid achievement positive result. A second course of treatment is carried out only after certain time. These dandruff remedies are sold in pharmacies and shopping malls on affordable price.


In the ranking of the most popular therapeutic shampoos, Nizoral is in first place. The active ingredient of the drug is ketoconazole, which is used as an antifungal agent to get rid of seborrhea and other diseases of the scalp. According to the instructions, you need to wash your hair with Nizoral for 14 to 30 days a couple of times a week. According to consumer reviews, the tool helps to remove dandruff for a long time after 2-3 applications.


It has properties that can disrupt the synthesis of triglycerides and phospholipids that form the cell walls of the fungus. With the help of shampoo, both adult and children's dermatitis is successfully treated. AT modern medicine shampoo "Keto plus" and tablets "Ketoconazole" are used for the treatment of candidiasis, dermatophytosis, versicolor. Before using this medicinal product It is advisable to go to a consultation with a dermatologist.


To active means from dandruff in the pharmacy is shampoo "Sebazol". It not only washes away the exfoliated epidermis, but also removes the cause of the disease. In addition, the drug has an effect in the fight against yeast lesions, improves the condition of the scalp, has wonderful detergent properties. With regular use (2-3 times a month) it improves general condition hair.


The fungicidal properties of ciclopiroxolamine are more powerful than those of ketoconazole, since ciclopirox is active against all types of pathogenic fungi. As part of medicinal preparations, the component has an antipruritic and anti-inflammatory effect. Shampoos based on ciclopiroxolamine treat seborrheic dermatitis for which other drugs cannot help. After the first application, you can get rid of itching, increased oiliness of the hair, and after 2-3 shampoos, dandruff disappears.

Tar shampoo

Tar has multiple medicinal properties: drying, antiparasitic, antiseptic. Tar shampoo is a remedy known for a long time to combat fungal manifestations, which has antimicrobial action. As part of the domestic medicinal product includes birch tar, organic acids, burdock extract, allantoin. All these components enhance the effect of tar, and also promote skin renewal and relieve itching.

As paradoxical as it sounds, every second European and every sixth inhabitant of the planet has experienced or is experiencing problems with dandruff. The main reason for its appearance, and probably the only one, is excessive production of sebum by the dermis. And this is not even a cosmetic problem, but a medical one. Wanting to get rid of it, each person is trying not only to improve the condition of the skin of the scalp, but also to leave behind the aesthetic and social inconvenience that is experienced when dandruff appears. The answer to the question of how it arose and how to treat it can be given by a dermatologist. But at the initial stage, high-quality tools can help to get rid of the problem on your own. Especially medicinal shampoos for dandruff, which are sold in pharmacies.

Disease Definition

Dandruff is pathological condition, in which the mode of production of sebum (sebum) and desquamation of dead horny cells of the epithelial layer of the dermis is disrupted. Scales of silver-gray appear on the scalp, yellowish color. Numerous studies have proven that fungi that live on the skin can be the cause of the failure of sebum production. If some malfunctions begin in the body, then they increase the intensity of reproduction, provoking the occurrence of dandruff. The appearance of flakes on the hair can be the beginning of a disease such as seborrhea. And if you do not make efforts to restore the health of the skin, then the disease turns into seborrheic dermatitis. And with the same etiology and pathogenesis, more pronounced manifestations diseases. Seborrhea has three forms:

  1. Oily.
  2. Dry.
  3. Mixed.

And dandruff can also be, depending on the physico-chemical composition of the secretion of the sebaceous glands, dry and oily. Choose a shampoo for oily skin head is possible.

There are several types of seborrhea.

Dandruff appears on all skin types, not just dry ones. It can upset a person at any age, and regardless of gender.


Dandruff in your own way physical and chemical composition may be dry or oily.



In most cases, it has a greasy, melted stearin-like consistency. The color is yellowish. The flakes are larger than with dry seborrhea. The hair looks untidy. Shine already on the second day after washing your hair. The follicles are enlarged and dirt and sebum get into them. This can lead to intensive development of pathogens in those places. With often formed comedones, atheromas. After surgical intervention scars remain on the skin.

Liquid oily seborrhea

Basic provisions for treatment

The appearance of dandruff cannot be ignored. Just like it seems aesthetic problem can lead to alopecia. Especially the fatty form. Therefore, it must be remembered that:

  • even when it appears a small amount dandruff, in order to avoid irritation of the scalp, it can only be washed with a mild shampoo;
  • if this does not work, you need to urgently switch to the use of dandruff shampoos;
  • detergents for hair with zinc pyrithione are well suited, since its action is directed against mycosis;
  • tar shampoos will also perfectly cope with the problem. They must be used strictly according to the instructions. That is, lather your head and hold for at least 15 minutes. And then rinse with warm water.

Tar shampoos are best not used for gray hair. They are able to color them.

  • special products must be alternated with a mild shampoo, as long-term use can lead to addiction;
  • never wash your hair hot water. Only warm (up to 37 degrees) and try not to use electrical appliances (ironing irons, curling irons);
  • in addition to pharmacy shampoos, you can regularly use folk remedies. For example, infusions of chamomile, celandine, sage and others.

Chamomile infusions effectively help fight seborrhea.

How to treat dry scalp can be found in.

Shampoo features

In anti-dandruff shampoos, there should be ingredients that would not only effectively cope with the problem that has arisen, but also moisturize the skin. Therefore, in the composition of therapeutic agents may be: antifungal components. Fungicides that successfully fight the cause of dandruff - fungi of the Malassezia group. These are zinc pyrithione, ciclopirox, clotrimazole, ketoconazole, climbazole. As well as:

  • selenium disulfide. Not only fights fungus, but also exfoliates dead cells;
  • kerato-reducing agents (regulate the mode of cell renewal): tar, ichthyol;
  • suppressing the secretion of the sebaceous glands and drying the skin. Example: salicylic acid.

It must be remembered that the higher the component in the announced composition, the greater its specific gravity in the shampoo.

Depending on the main active ingredient, there are four types of dandruff treatment shampoos:

  • antifungal(ketoconazole);
  • exfoliating(salicylic acid);
  • antibacterial(zinc pyrithione);
  • hair shampoos with active extracts herbal ingredients (Birch tar, extracts of oats, barley, brewer's yeast and more).

Dandruff is not only aesthetic, but also medical problem. Therefore, it is better to buy shampoos in a pharmacy. What you need to pay attention to first of all:

  1. The composition should not contain synthetic fragrances, dyes, aggressive parabens.
  2. Don't reach desired effect if you use a product with only one active ingredient. When there is antifungal component, then there should also be a regulator of the sebaceous glands, exfoliating.

There is a huge selection of dandruff shampoos, but when buying one, you should pay attention to the composition


According to the principle of action, there are such pharmacy therapeutic dandruff shampoos:

Based on ketoconazole

Not only inhibit the reproduction of harmful microorganisms such as fungi, but also gently care for skin. An example of such detergents for hair:

  • « » . Contains 2% ketoconazole. it antifungal agent. After application, peeling of the skin decreases and itching disappears. For prevention, you can use 1% shampoo;
  • "Mycozoral". Antifungal drug. Main active substance- ketoconazole. Suppresses the activity of gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms;
  • "Keto Plus". Contains ketoconazole, zinc pyrithione, Coconut oil. It washes hair well, moisturizes the skin, adversely affects the reproduction of fungi, causing education dandruff;
  • « ». Active antifungal agent. It is intended for the treatment of dandruff, seborrheic dermatitis. It is recommended to apply 5 ml of shampoo to the hair for 15 minutes. Then rinse until the foam disappears completely.

Shampoo against dandruff “Sebazol”

Shampoos containing ketoconazole are not recommended for children under 12 years of age.

Based on zinc pyrithione

An ingredient in shampoos that destroys harmful microorganisms by inhibiting their growth. Serves as a sorbent, absorbing excess secretion.

Friederm Zinc. Nourishes the scalp, eliminates peeling. Apply twice a week for 14 days. Then the pattern changes. Shampoo is used once a week for two months. Recommended for all types of dandruff.

"Friderm zinc" - shampoo based on zinc pyrithione

An exception for use can only be intolerance to the active substance.

Based on salicylic acid

"Algopix". The main components are juniper tar and salicylic acid. Ingredients reduce the production of sebum and cleanse the skin of dead cells.

Algopix has a rather unpleasant smell, which can stay on the hair for some time.

With selenium disulfite

selenium disulfide- a substance that not only has an antifungal, but also an exfoliating effect is part of the "Amalgam Sulsen Shampoo". Effectively eliminates dandruff, restores the function of the sebaceous glands. Removes peeling and irritation. Cleanses hair well. Instructions for using Sulsen shampoo can be found at .. Contains brewer's yeast, oat and barley extracts, wheat proteins. Regulates the production of sebum, nourishes and moisturizes the dermis;

  • « Dandruff Shampoo "(Israel. Dr. Nona). Composed of: mineral complex, peppermint oil, lemon acid, klimazol, mild surfactant. Removes dandruff, moisturizes and cleanses the scalp;
  • "Mild anti-dandruff shampoo" (Leonor Greyl. France). As part of the product propolis, wild artichoke. Proazulene soothes the skin and has an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • "Tar Shampoo". It has antimicrobial, antimycotic, drying effect. Ingredients: tar, burdock extract and more. After application, the peeling of the skin disappears and the itching disappears. You can find out more about the benefits and dangers of tar shampoo at.
  • Video

    This video provides an overview of the most effective budget shampoo.


    The skin contains glands that produce sebum (sebum). It is necessary for the normal functioning of the dermis, hair. But it often happens that its production increases or, conversely, decreases. Then there is dandruff. Hair is split, thinning, dry or itchy. When the first signs appear, treatment should be started immediately. Because dandruff is not only an aesthetic problem, but also a medical one. Medicated shampoos, which can be bought at the pharmacy, will help get rid of it. They have different active ingredients aimed at solving a specific problem: the destruction of the fungus, the removal of inflammation, moisturizing the skin, and so on. Therefore, which one is better to buy, you need to ask a dermatologist.

    Dandruff as a cosmetic defect is a serious cause of psychological and social discomfort. Its treatment requires systemic integrated approach, taking into account external influence, disorders in the human body and local processes that contribute to the development of this pathology. Among the external means, despite their great variety, the most effective and easy-to-use form is anti-dandruff shampoo, which combines hygienic and therapeutic functions.

    General characteristics of therapeutic shampoo

    Pharmaceutical and cosmetic companies, in addition to shampoos, also offer various conditioners, creams and lotions for dandruff. However, these tools are only of auxiliary value and help, in best case, on the initial stages illness. They are mainly designed to reinforce or reinforce therapeutic effect shampoo. Unfortunately, many of the companies producing cosmetic preparations, do not carry out serious scientific research in terms of their effectiveness in dandruff. Often in the annotations for products released different companies, the same active ingredients are called different names, and sometimes the ingredients included in them are not indicated at all.

    Most of the shampoos sold in specialized departments of stores and beauty salons, have a preventive effect, while it is the dandruff shampoo that has the necessary pronounced effect, which can be purchased mainly in pharmacies. It is produced, as a rule, not by cosmetic, but by pharmaceutical companies with significant experience in the production of medicines. Medicated shampoos are not designed for continuous use. They are used for a certain period of time with (if necessary) repeated courses of treatment.

    The following basic requirements are imposed on the therapeutic agent:

    • effective impact on the main mechanisms of dandruff formation, including severe form a disease that manifests itself in the form;
    • wide range of security;
    • ease of use;
    • hygienic benefits.

    The main components of shampoos for the treatment of dandruff

    Medicated shampoos include products that have:

    1. Local fungicidal (antifungal) action.
    2. Bactericidal (suppressing the development pathogenic microbes) properties.
    3. Anti-inflammatory effect.
    4. Keratoregulating (eliminating excessive keratinization and desquamation of the epithelium) action.

    Out of many antifungal drugs local action preference is given to those that have the property of accumulating in the layers of the skin in which it is the fungal process that develops. They do not penetrate deeper, where there are no conditions for the development of these microorganisms.

    Characteristics of the main components

    Pyrithione zinc- the most common antimicrobial and fungicidal agent. It has a high activity against yeast-like fungi, and also inhibits the development of gram-negative and gram-positive microorganisms.

    Climbazole and selenium disulfide with activity equal to zinc pyrithione.

    Octopirox, or piroctone-olamine. His chemical structure similar to the DNA structure of microorganisms. Penetrating into the cells of the fungus, mold and microorganisms, it changes their functions, leads to disruption of cellular metabolism, delay in development and reproduction. The drug has a particularly pronounced effect on propionbacteria of the skin, overdevelopment which contributes to the formation of dandruff, irritation and itching.

    Ketoconazole and clotrimazole- inhibit biosynthetic reactions cell membranes and change the lipid composition of the membranes of yeast and oval-shaped yeast-like fungi located on the skin of the scalp. Their action is manifested in slowing down the reproduction and death of these microorganisms.

    Cyclopirox- a synthetic drug that damages the cell wall and cell structures fungi of the genus Pityrosporum, M. Globosa and M. Restricta, leading to their death after 3 minutes from the start of exposure. The drug also has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect, due to the inhibition of the synthesis of leukotrienes and prostaglandins. In addition, ciclopirox is also active against many types of gram-negative and gram-positive microorganisms.

    Ichthyol, containing sulfonic acids and being a product of processing shale rocks. It has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, keratolytic (exfoliating) and inhibitory effects on the development of keratinocytes.

    Birch tar- obtained by dry distillation of birch bark. It contains various organic resins, phenol, xylene, toluene and other elements, due to which it has a disinfectant, improves blood circulation due to local irritation, exfoliating and anti-inflammatory action.

    Salicylic acid- inhibits the function of sweat and sebaceous glands, is characterized by antimicrobial and mild and fungicidal properties. AT high concentrations it also has a keratolytic effect, and in low doses it promotes regeneration of the epithelium and reduces inflammation.

    The best dandruff shampoo is a product that, in accordance with the requirements listed above, includes a combination of ingredients that have an active effect on microorganisms and the pathogenetic aspects of the development of seborrheic dermatitis.

    Popular Medicated Shampoos

    1. Shampoos for dandruff Nizoral, Sebozol, Dermazol
    2. Sulsen.
    3. Shampoos developed in the Vichy laboratory.

    "Nizoral" from the company "Johnson & Johnson", containing in its composition 2% ketoconazole, is one of the most powerful and safest remedies that affects the fungus, that is, the root cause of dandruff and seborrhea. Its washing base has a very mild effect and does not cause irritation at all. Pronounced effect in the form of a noticeable reduction in dandruff, redness and itching, it appears after only a few uses. It is applied to the scalp for 3-5 minutes and applied with therapeutic purpose 2 times a week for 1 month. The above Sebozol and Dermazole have the same effect.

    Sulsena dandruff shampoo is a drug complex impact. It is effective for oily and dry seborrhea. Its main component is chemical compound trace elements sulfur (45%) and selenium (55%) - selenium disulfide. This substance has pronounced antimicrobial and fungicidal effects. In addition, the shampoo contains burdock extract and cinnamon alcohol, which improve blood circulation. hair follicles, strengthening the hair roots and giving the hair elasticity, softness and shine. The shampoo also normalizes the function of the sebaceous glands, eliminates painful itching and irritation, and has a keratolytic effect. Active ingredients shampoos are fixed on the scalp and remain long time after washing it off.

    Vichy anti-dandruff shampoo has therapeutic effect due to the presence of:

    • the active component of octopiroxom, which has an antibacterial, antifungal and anti-inflammatory effect, as well as relieves irritation and itching;
    • lemon oil, which has an astringent effect;
    • LHA, or beta-lipohydroxy acid, which is a derivative of salicylic acid, which is characterized by a pronounced keratolytic property.

    It should be borne in mind that medicated shampoos contain highly active substances that act at the cellular level. They require careful correct application, taking into account the causes of dandruff and the degree of development of the disease. Therefore, it is advisable to coordinate the choice of shampoo with a trichologist.

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