Leaves of common colza. Common colza: description, application and meaning. Useful properties of colza

Ancient healers and doctors have always practiced herbal medicine. Herbal medicine is a traditionally recognized therapy, a gift from nature itself. Witch doctors, druids, shamans - they all healed the sick with infusions and decoctions from medicinal plants. Many useful herbs are able to restore the body after an illness, cleanse it of toxins.

One of the brightest representatives of biennial medicinal plants from the cabbage family is Barbaréa vulgáris or common colza. With a wide halo of distribution, from Europe to the West of Siberia, this herb has been introduced even to neighboring continents. An inconspicuous plant up to 80 cm in height with thick tassels of inflorescences and pod fruits turned out to be very accommodating.

Familiar grass-ant?

In early spring, the first shoots of fragrant yellow flowers appear. Modest, rich yellow flowers can be seen along the roads, in the fields, even in your own garden. The bittercress is a weed that clogs the soil, despite its ability to treat human diseases. This grass can be dangerous for domestic animals: cows, horses, chickens. The threat lies in the toxic colza seeds - mustard oils and erucic acid lead to severe poisoning in cattle. Farmers try to mow this weed before pollination begins.

Beekeepers, on the contrary, value colza for the abundance of honey plants. Flowers give a lot of pollen and nectar, and honey is obtained with a gentle, unobtrusive aroma of meadow flowers. Due to the high glucose content, colza honey is good only in season, as it crystallizes too quickly.

For the treatment of various ailments, the flowering stems and leaves themselves, collected during the flowering season, the roots of young annual plants are used directly. Gathered in spring, dried in a thin layer in a ventilated area, usually on verandas, attics. You can store such a dried flower for up to 1 year, in paper bags or linen bags.

What is treated with common colza?

With the help of this herb, kidney, biliary diseases are treated, as the plant gives a diuretic, choleretic effect. The bittercress acts as an aphrodisiac and regenerating agent. Due to the large amount of vitamin C, the plant is recommended for chronic fatigue, stroke, partial paralysis. It tends to improve blood flow in the pelvic organs in both men and women. It also stimulates sexual desire.

Varvarka, as it is popularly called, is rich in ascorbic acid, which is maximally accumulated in the leaves. Therefore, it is used as an antiscorbutic drug.

In folk medicine, for the treatment of impotence and stimulation of sexual reactions, colza is used in the form of infusions, the juice of a fresh plant. The decoction is recommended for abdominal dropsy.

Cooking and decor

It turns out that rapeseed can be eaten like a regular salad. Its green leaves taste like young mustard. The stems are added to soups, various purees and vegetable side dishes. The overwhelming majority of cooks use tender young leaves and ovaries of colza flowers. It should be consumed in limited quantities due to the likelihood of poisoning. Despite this sad fact of poisonousness, barbarian is popular throughout the United States and Canada.

In the design of backyard landscapes, decorative forms of colza are used. For example, Barbara rock "Golden Crown" takes root well on alpine hills, in decorative vases in sunny space. To improve the appearance of a rock garden or a plain lawn, Mexican Barbara is planted. Due to the unpretentiousness in care and watering, these types of colza grow freely in any soil.

Recipes for recovery

To get rid of sexual weakness, you need to brew one and a half tablespoons of colza roots with 340 ml of water and boil for five to seven minutes. Infuse for three hours and take one-third of a glass up to three times a day. The same recipe is also suitable for violations of the reproductive organs in women, weakness and paralysis.

You can take colza in the form of a powder. With progressive impotence, half a teaspoon of the powder is washed down with warm water once a day.

A collection of seeds of colza, coriander, parsley and plantain is taken for prostatitis and epididymitis. According to the recipe, you should mix the seeds of coriander, black onion, colza and plantain in equal amounts. Crush three tablespoons of the mixture in a mortar and simmer for half an hour over low heat. The broth is drunk in a third of a glass twice, during breakfast and dinner.

With hypovitaminosis, the grass is crushed, brewed with a liter of boiling water 4 tablespoons, insisted in a warm place for about three hours and taken four times a day after meals. For a diuretic effect, raising the tone and excitation of the nervous system, colza is brewed like tea, in small portions (one or two teaspoons) per glass of boiling water. Drink two to three cups a day.

Also popular for the treatment of male infertility is a tincture of barbarian, preferably with vodka: 30 grams per half liter of liquid, leave for two weeks in a dark, dry place, shaking occasionally. Strained medicine to use a tablespoon before each heavy meal.

Delicious vegetarian delights

You can cook a variety of delicious dishes from colza. Most vegetarians grow it at home, using it for toppings, salads, soups, and even rolls. The taste of this herb is similar to spicy arugula salad. If the plant is boiled, all the bitterness from the stems disappears.

You can try to make a healthy vitamin salad: finely chop the shoots and leaves of the colza together with plantain leaves, mix with chopped dill and add a little oil. Spicy herbs are stewed, for example, with carrots and served as a side dish puree.

Another salad recipe will fit even for a festive dinner: colza leaves are mixed with chopped tomatoes, green onions, parsley and dill. Then add sweet pepper cubes and pine nuts. Cheese cheese will be very good in this salad, preferably not salty. Drizzle with extra virgin olive oil and lemon juice.

Skillful housewives make rolls from colza with zucchini. Courgettes are thinly cut into layers and sprinkled with salt, leaving overnight in the refrigerator. Separately, the filling is prepared from colza leaves, garlic, cottage cheese and walnuts. All ingredients are carefully ground into a puree, which is then laid out on a layer of zucchini. Gently rolling the stuffing in a zucchini into a roll, you get delicious vegetarian rolls.

Salad for replenishing the body with vitamins is suitable for everyone suffering from beriberi: colza, onion, sesame seeds, juice of one lemon, grated ginger, garlic.

Green soups with barley are also good, usually they are in a strong broth, with potatoes, celery for flavor and sautéed carrots and onions. You can cook in this way and fish soup from white fish. And the paste from the leaves of the colza is breaded on the fish fillet to give it a piquant taste.

In conclusion, I would like to remind you that any edible herb can be useful in moderation and dangerous in excess. So it is with colza: it is desirable to add it to the diet, but without fanatical zeal. Treatment with this plant is best done under the supervision of a general practitioner or a professional phyto-homeopath.

The bittercress is a herbaceous plant from the Cabbage family. It is distributed almost throughout Europe, including Russia. The colza was brought to Japan, as well as to the African continent and even to Australia. In our country, three subspecies of colza are widespread - arcuate, ordinary, straight. Many nationalities know it as the so-called grass of St. Barbara. In botany, there is even a special section that studies this plant. It's called the Super Series.


What does this mysterious plant look like? Its height reaches 80 centimeters. The colza stalk is usually covered with hardly noticeable fluff. The leaves of the plant are lyre-shaped, and the flowers have a yellow-golden color. They have four petals and five stamens. The fruit of the colza is oblong, inside it hides oval-shaped seeds about 3 millimeters long and 1 millimeter wide.

People who are not well versed in plants often mistake colza for a common weed that grows along roadsides and in the garden. But in vain, because this herb is very valuable, as it has many useful properties. The colza shows itself especially well in the treatment of reproductive organs in the stronger sex.

The composition of the plant is rich in organic acids, essential oils, fiber, flavonoids and vitamins. Flowers, leaves and stems of colza are used in herbal medicine. Gourmets use this plant even as a seasoning, but this should be done in moderation so as not to spoil your dish.

As for growing colza, this is a very simple task. Since it is a weed, it will grow well in moist soils.

Advice! When harvesting raw materials, avoid plants that are damaged by insects and other pests.

Surepka is a very good honey plant. During its flowering period, the plant produces a lot of pollen and a large amount of nectar, which bees love to collect. One hectare of this grass can bring 30-50 kilograms of honey. At the same time, the sweetness will have a greenish-yellow color and a weak, but quite pleasant aroma. Such honey is quickly candied because it contains a high percentage of glucose.

Young colza leaves are suitable for salad. Their taste is vaguely reminiscent of mustard. The green part of the herb can be added to a soup or side dish.

The list of useful properties of colza and its individual components

In folk medicine, colza is actively used, because it allows you to fight a number of diseases.

  1. The seeds of this herb are an effective antibacterial agent due to the fact that they contain thioglycosides. They also increase the production of gastric juice and increase appetite. Fatty oils of colza seeds can also be used in the food industry, for example, when baking bread. Such a product is recommended for those who suffer from asthenic syndrome or have disorders of the nervous system.
  2. The colza root boasts an antiseptic effect. Its infusions are drunk with prostatitis and infertility. It is also an excellent diuretic.
  3. The colza flowers will improve the body's immune system. Their influence on the genitourinary system will also be positive. You can harvest them in spring, summer, and autumn. It does not affect the useful properties in any way.
  4. The leaves of the colza not only give a piquant taste to dishes in the kitchen, but are also very rich in vitamin C and organic acids.
  5. Juice squeezed from colza leaves will help heal and disinfect the wound.
  6. Researchers have proven that this plant improves sleep, fights chronic diseases, increases oxygen levels in brain tissues, and tones the entire body. They recommend using colza during the rehabilitation of a patient after a heart attack or stroke.

In what cases can colza be harmful?

As mentioned above, this plant has found its application in cooking. However, it must be used very carefully and in no case be abused. A large amount of consumed colza can poison the human body.

Important! If you live in the private sector and have a household, do not use this grass to feed your animals and birds. In the seeds of the colza there are substances that are poisonous to them.

Since this plant has a diuretic effect, its use should be abandoned by those who are diagnosed with urolithiasis. The colza strengthens the work of the kidneys and the stones that are in them can begin to move to the bladder at the wrong moment. This is especially dangerous in the case of large stones. The presence of sand in the kidneys is not a contraindication to the use of colza. But increased bleeding and stomach ulcers are just among them.


  1. Infusion of dry colza. Bring 200 grams of water to a boil and pour them 20 grams. herbs. All this should be infused for at least three hours. The resulting liquid is filtered. This infusion will help strengthen the body and relieve swelling. It is worth taking it 4 times a day for 40-50 milliliters.
  2. Effective infusion against prostatitis. Grind 1 tablespoon of colza root. Bring 300 grams of water to a boil. We combine these ingredients and let it brew for a couple of hours. Take before meals. Dosage - 1/3 cup. This infusion is also good for a general breakdown.
  3. Turnip for adenoma. Grind 1 teaspoon of plant seeds and pour them with a glass of water. Put on fire, bring to a boil. After the seeds have boiled for 6-7 minutes, let the liquid brew for at least an hour. You need to take 2 times a day at least 20-30 minutes before a meal. The recommended dose is half a glass.
  4. Infusion that improves spermatogenesis. We mix colza with seeds of carrots, parsley, plantain, black onion and coriander. The proportions are kept equal. Pour the mixture with boiling water (500 grams) and cook on low heat for half an hour. The resulting substance must be infused for at least 8 hours. You need to take it in the morning and in the evening, getting ready for bed. The recommended dosage is half a glass.
  5. Tonic colza tea. For one and a half cups of boiling water, we need 2 teaspoons of chopped herbs. We insist this for half an hour and filter. You can consume 2-3 cups of this infusion daily.
  6. Infusion against infertility in men. We grind the grass (about 30 grams) and fill it with vodka (a half-liter bottle is enough). It is not worth saving on a drink, it must be of high quality. After 2 weeks of infusion, filter the resulting liquid. It will need to be taken 3 times a day before meals. Dose - 1 tablespoon.
  7. Vitamin salad from colza. This dish is not only tasty, but also good for our health. In equivalent proportions, mix colza leaves with green onions. Add finely chopped egg and season with sour cream. Salt, pepper depending on personal preference.

Video: medicinal properties and use of colza

Common colza is a herbaceous plant that belongs to the Cabbage family and the genus Surepka. The plant has a wide habitat, is found in the European part of Russia, in Western Siberia, grows everywhere in Europe, brought to Australia, Africa, Japan and other countries. In many European countries, this plant is also called St. Barbara's herb.

The colza blooms in late spring and early summer, and begins to bear fruit from early July. Fruiting occurs only in the second year of life. The plant can reproduce by seeds and roots. Seeds begin to germinate when the ground temperature reaches 5C. Moreover, only one colza bush can be thrown into the environment. more than 15 thousand seeds.

Surprisingly, there is even a separate highly specialized section in botany that deals with the study of colza. This section is called Surepseliya.

Surepka: description and photo

The colza is a bush that can reach a height of more than 70 cm. The stem of this plant is usually bare, although in some cases it can be covered with fine fluff. The grass leaves are lyre-shaped, the tip of the leaf is larger than its parts on the sides. Whole leaves with serrated edges, the upper ones are sessile, and the lower ones are petioled.

The flowers of the shrub are yellow-golden in color, the petals reach a length of about 8 mm, there are five stamens directly in the flower, which are surrounded by 4 petals. There are flowers at the top of the bush.

The fruits of the plant are oblong pods, round tetrahedral shape, inside the fruit are seeds. Seeds are almost flat, slightly depressed, oval. The color of the seeds is gray, sometimes brown. The size of one seed is not more than 4 mm, and the width is not more than 2 mm. The bittercress is a weed, but people often use it as a medicinal plant.

Surepka: Useful properties

The colza has quite various useful properties:

Useful properties of the root, seeds, leaves and flowers of colza:

  • Root. Substances that are part of the root have antiseptic properties and have a diuretic effect. Decoctions and infusions from the root are used as an aid during sexual dysfunction, prostatitis, infertility, etc.
  • Seeds. They contain trace elements (thioglycosides), which are able to fight pathogenic microorganisms. In addition, the same trace element has the ability to improve appetite, as it contributes to increased formation of gastric juice. Therefore, infusions and decoctions of seeds are used to improve appetite and to eliminate inflammation. Also in the seeds are fatty oils used in the industry for baking bakery products. It is useful to use this bread for asthenic syndrome, for disorders in the nervous system.
  • Leaves. In addition to the fact that the leaves can give dishes a spicy and piquant flavor, they contain vitamin C and other acids of organic origin, which favorably affect the work of the whole organism. The juice extracted from the colza has disinfecting and wound-healing properties.
  • flowers. Flowers have a positive effect on the nervous and genitourinary systems, on human immunity. You can collect and dry them for the preparation of decoctions and infusions from the end of winter to the beginning of autumn.

Treatment with colza

The medicinal properties of this plant are anti-inflammatory, wound healing and diuretic effect. For therapeutic purposes, infusions and decoctions are prepared, using different parts of the shrub for this.

Medicinal properties for men

For men, this plant is especially valuable because it allows you to fight diseases such as: prostatitis, impotence, impaired sperm synthesis, which is caused by hormonal imbalance.

The problem of erectile dysfunction is known to many men. Such a violation in the genital area can appear for many reasons: as a result of frequent stress, due to poor environmental conditions in the area of ​​​​residence, as a result of unhealthy eating, etc. Therefore, when a man feels that sexual desire is deteriorating due to fatigue, weakness, it is necessary to brew this plant and use it as a tea. It will give you strength and improve vitality.

This drink also helps during blood circulation disorders. This is possible thanks to the flavonoids that are part of the plant. They help to normalize the amount of cholesterol, strengthen blood vessels. As a result, blood circulation in the genitals is normalized, erection is restored.

To defeat infections that can lead to a malfunction during spermatogenesis, quercetin, which is part of the turnip, makes it possible. This substance works as an antiseptic, negatively affecting bacteria.

As for prostatitis, infusions and decoctions from this shrub act directly on the cause of this disease of the prostate gland. With the help of medicinal products based on colza, it is possible normalize blood circulation, help the body fight sexual infections, strengthen immunity, make it easier to endure stress and other psycho-emotional influences.

We must not forget that it will not work to cure prostatitis using only preparations based on colza. It will be necessary to carry out the treatment prescribed by the doctor in parallel, and use decoctions and infusions as additional means. In addition, a preliminary consultation with a doctor is considered mandatory.

Alas, not many men are in a hurry to see a doctor even after determining the signs of prostatitis. For this frivolity, they often pay with impotence, prostate cancer, infertility and even kidney failure. But if you start a timely fight against the disease, you can get rid of it in a short time. And colza is one of the safest and most effective ways to improve your health.

Kidney treatment with colza

The plant during kidney disease is useful in that it has antiseptic and diuretic properties. It is no secret that the kidneys in the body are the main filters that rid a person of toxins and other harmful elements, removing them with urine. The flavonoids found in this shrub enhance urine filtration, promote vasodilation of the kidneys.

Thus, puffiness subsides, excess fluid leaves the body. In the case when there is a kidney infection, the body will cope with it faster thanks to the antiseptic components contained in the herb. At the same time, ascorbic acid helps to strengthen the immune system.

Recipes for decoctions and infusions

Decoctions and infusions are prepared from various parts of the shrub. Before preparing any remedy, colza must be rinse well and dry.

Contraindications for admission

Contraindications to taking colza are as follows:

In addition, colza, like other representatives of the cabbage class, contains mustard oils capable of causing diarrhea and enteritis. Most of these oils are found in the seeds of the shrub, so they must be consumed with caution. It is no secret that livestock often suffers from poisoning when a lot of seeds of this weed get into their food.

Turnip is an effective remedy in the fight against many diseases in men. With the help of teas, infusions and decoctions based on this plant, you can cope with prostatitis, insufficient spermatogenesis, impotence, and even prostate adenoma. But before using colza for medicinal purposes, need to consult a doctor. Despite the fact that colza has no significant contraindications, its regular use by people can adversely affect health.

May 16th, 2013

(Barbarea vulgaris) is a perennial herbaceous weed of the cruciferous family, up to 60 cm high. It blooms from May to June, but can also be found in July-August. Grows in fields, meadows, parks, wastelands, ditches, along roads. Weeds vegetable gardens and orchards, as well as crops of winter grain crops.

Bloom common colza is not the same in different years. Either it blooms massively, or it comes across almost single specimens. In our apiary, it is massively found in meadows near the forest. The flowering of the colza coincides with the flowering of the spring rank, the three-stamen willow, the common bird cherry, the pedunculate oak and, of course, garden fruit and berry honey plants.

From afar, you can confuse what blooms in the clearing - colza or dandelion (both plants cover glades and meadows, sometimes with an almost continuous, yellow carpet). But you can tell the difference - dandelion flowers curl up in the evening, and the clearing becomes not so yellow. But there is no colza, and the meadows continue to please the eye with a bright yellow color.

The top photo is a side view; lower - view of the colza from above.

In the first year, the colza forms a rosette of leaves. In the second year from which flowering stems grow. The stem is tall, branched, glabrous or slightly downy. The leaves are alternate: the lower ones are petiolate, the upper ones are oval. Small fragrant flowers of bright yellow color are collected in compressed brushes. The fruit is a multi-seeded oblong tetrahedral pod.

- a herbaceous plant belonging to the genus Surepka, the Cabbage family. The grass is widespread, grows throughout Europe, is found in Western Siberia, in the European part of Russia, brought to Japan, Africa, Australia and other countries.

In most European countries, this plant is called St. Barbara's herb.

The plant blooms in spring and in the first month of summer, and bears fruit in mid-June, in July. Fruiting is possible in the second year of the plant's life. The colza propagates by roots and seeds. Seeds begin to germinate at a temperature of +6 degrees. At the same time, only one colza bush is capable of distributing up to 10,000 seeds into the environment.

It is interesting that in botany there is even a highly specialized section dealing with the study of colza. This section is called surepselia.

What does a colza look like?

The colza is a plant that reaches a height of 80 cm. The grass stalk is most often bare, although sometimes it can be covered with a small fluff. The leaves of the plant are lyre-shaped, the top of the leaf is larger than its lateral parts. The lower leaves are petiolate, the upper leaves are sessile, entire, with serrated edges.

The flowers of the colza are golden yellow, the petals are up to 7 mm long, the flower itself has 5 stamens, surrounded by four petals. Flowers are located at the top of the plant.

The fruits of the colza are oblong pods, rounded-tetrahedral in shape, seeds are located inside it. Seeds are oval, slightly depressed, almost flat. The color of the seeds is grayish, may be brown. The length of one seed is not more than 3 mm, the width is not more than 1 mm.

Is colza a weed or a medicinal plant?

The bittercress is a weed, but people use it as a medicinal plant.

Useful properties of colza

Useful properties of colza are very diverse:

    First, this plant is melliferous. Bees collect a lot of pollen and nectar from it, which the grass reproduces during its flowering. From one hectare of continuous herbage, colza bees bring from 30 to 50 kg of honey. Its aroma is weak, but pleasant, the color is greenish-yellow. It contains a large amount of glucose, so it is quickly candied.

    Secondly, colza is used in cooking. Soups, side dishes, mashed potatoes are prepared from the green part of the plant. For salads, young grass leaves are excellent, which taste somewhat reminiscent of mustard. However, when including colza leaves in the diet, it should be remembered that the plant can cause poisoning of the body if consumed in large quantities. The herb is very popular in cooking in countries such as Canada and the United States.

    Thirdly, some types of plants are used for decorative purposes.

    Fourthly, colza is used in medicine for the treatment of various diseases.

Useful properties of seeds, root, flowers and leaves of colza:

    Useful properties of plant seeds. The seeds contain substances (thioglycosides) that can fight bacteria. In addition, the same component of the plant has the ability to increase appetite, as it contributes to increased production of gastric juice. Therefore, decoctions and infusions of colza seeds are used to eliminate inflammation and improve appetite. The seeds also contain fatty oils, which are used in industry for the manufacture of bakery products. It is useful to eat such bread for violations in the functioning of the nervous system, with.

    Useful properties of colza root. Substances that make up the colza root have a diuretic effect and have antiseptic properties. Infusions and decoctions from the root of the plant are used as an adjuvant for sexual dysfunction, etc.

    Useful properties of colza flowers. Colza flowers are able to have a positive effect on the immune system of the body, on the genitourinary and nervous systems of a person. You can collect and dry them for the preparation of useful infusions and decoctions from the beginning of spring to the end of autumn.

    Useful properties of colza leaves. In addition to the fact that the leaves of the plant give dishes a piquant spicy taste, they contain vitamin C and other organic acids, which have a positive effect on the functioning of the body as a whole. The juice squeezed from the colza has a wound-healing and disinfecting effect.

Medicinal properties of colza

The medicinal properties of colza are diuretic, wound healing and anti-inflammatory effect. For therapeutic purposes, decoctions and infusions are prepared using various parts of the plant.

Colza for men

The colza for men is a particularly valuable plant, as it helps to deal with such problems as: impotence, prostatitis, impaired sperm production due to hormonal disruptions.

The problem of erectile dysfunction is familiar to many men. This violation of sexual function can occur for a number of reasons: as a result of malnutrition, due to poor environmental conditions in the area of ​​​​residence, as a result of frequent stress, etc. Therefore, if a man feels that sexual desire is reduced due to weakness, fatigue, colza should be brewed and drink the drink like tea. It increases vitality, gives strength.

A drink based on colza also helps with circulatory disorders. This is possible due to the flavonoids that make up the plant. They help to normalize cholesterol levels, strengthen blood vessels, including the smallest ones. As a result, blood flow to the genitals is normalized, potency is restored.

Quercetin, which is part of the colza, helps to cope with infections that can lead to malfunctions in the process of spermatogenesis. This substance works as an antiseptic, adversely affecting microbes.

As for prostatitis, decoctions and infusions of colza act directly on the cause of this male disease. With the help of herbal medicines, it is possible to help the body in the fight against sexual infections, normalize blood circulation, and make it easier to endure stress and other psycho-emotional stress.

It is important to understand that it will not be possible to get rid of prostatitis by taking exclusively colza-based products. It will be necessary to undergo the treatment prescribed by the doctor in parallel, and use infusions and decoctions as an adjuvant. In addition, a preliminary medical consultation is mandatory.

Turnip for kidney disease

The bittercress in kidney diseases is useful in that it has a diuretic and antiseptic effect. It is known that the kidneys are the main filters in the body, which rid a person of toxins and other harmful substances, removing them with urine. The flavonoids contained in the colza contribute to the expansion of the renal vessels, enhance the filtration of urine. Thus, excess fluid is removed from the body, swelling subsides. In the event that there is a kidney infection, the body will cope with it faster due to the antiseptic components that make up the colza. In turn, ascorbic acid will help strengthen the immune forces.

Infusions and decoctions are prepared from all parts of the colza. Before preparing any medicinal product, the plant should be thoroughly washed and dried.

    Turmeric-based tincture for normalizing hormonal levels, for the treatment of mastopathy and fibroids. To prepare the tincture, you need to add two tablespoons of dried leaves of the plant to a liter of boiling water and leave to boil for another 20 minutes, after reducing the heat to a minimum. Then pour the resulting composition into a hermetically sealed container and leave for 2 hours. The course of treatment with tincture is 3 months, it should be taken up to 4 times a day, 50 ml at a time.

    Turmeric-based tincture for getting rid of edema, for the treatment of neurotic disorders and epilepsy. Add 4 tablespoons of dried leaves of the plant to a liter of boiling water and leave to boil over low heat for half an hour. Then strain the composition, bring to the original volume and incubate for eight hours. The course of treatment is 14 days, it is necessary to take the drug 30 minutes before meals in a volume of 50 ml. For a day you need to drink 200 ml of tincture.

    Turmeric-based tincture to relieve pain during urination. In 200 ml of boiling water, add 20 g of the plant (leaves and stems), then turn off the gas and pour the resulting composition into a hermetically sealed container. After two hours, the tincture can be taken in a volume of 50 ml, no more than three times a day after each basic meal.

    A colza-based tea that lowers blood pressure and increases vitality. In 300 ml of boiling water, you need to add 2 tablespoons of dried raw materials of the plant (you can take not only leaves, but also stems). After ten minutes of boiling, the product should be allowed to stand for another half an hour. Tea can be drunk in a cup, no more than three times a day.

    A recipe based on colza for the treatment of impotence in men. The full course of treatment is 21 days. It is necessary to grind the dried roots of the plant into powder and eat it 0.5 g 2 times a week with a small amount of water. A positive effect can be seen after the first course of therapy.

    Colza juice for the treatment of prostatitis and disorders of spermatogenesis. Grind grass, flowers, seeds, plant stems in a blender or pass through a meat grinder, after which the juice must be squeezed out of the resulting mass. It should be drunk 150 ml per day, dividing this volume into three doses, that is, 50 ml at a time. You need to use the remedy after eating. The full course of treatment is 14 days.

Contraindications to the use of colza

Contraindications for colza are as follows:

    Blood clotting disorders.

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