Can painful teething be relieved? How to Relieve Teething Pain in Babies

Teething in childhood and at a more mature age brings many problems. There are no means to make this process completely painless. But at the same time, there are many folk methods that are able to quickly alleviate the general condition, remove malaise, eliminate soreness and relieve severe itching.

The following folk remedies for teething can help adults during teething of wisdom teeth and children, during the appearance of their first teeth.

improvised means

In the process of teething, there is no need to panic, it is important to remember that this is a natural process for the body. You just need to be patient and somehow survive the unpleasant time, using various improvised means. In order to somehow alleviate the condition, especially if it is impossible for one reason or another to take painkillers, you can use the following methods:

  1. Cool vegetables and fruits. This is a great gum massager. Many centuries ago, adults used it for themselves and to help children, when there were no special toys. It is enough just to take small pieces of a carrot or an apple and hold them between the gums. Products will not only massage the gums, but also effectively cool them. Crackers to achieve this goal are not entirely suitable, since they can injure the gums.
  2. Cold lotions from gauze soaked in clean chilled water. You can also use a soft toothbrush. This is a great tool for adults and kids.

If you need to alleviate the condition not at home, but at work, for example, if there are no vegetables at hand, you can purchase inexpensive products at the pharmacy. These are special anesthetic gels that have a unique local anesthetic effect. As a rule, this is lidocaine, which can only be used by adults.

If the gel is purchased for children, the content of lidocaine should be minimal. In addition to the anesthetic component, these products include antiseptics, as well as natural ingredients - healing chamomile or other plants. Modern gels of this kind are able to relieve pain for about 30 minutes.

Important! Do not use the gel before breastfeeding. The use of such funds leads to a loss of sensitivity not only in the gums, but also in the tongue, which will prevent the baby from sucking the breast.

Folk remedies for pain relief

It is possible to quickly and effectively defeat pain and discomfort during teething with the help of various folk remedies. All of them are simple, affordable and easy to use. Here are the most popular folk remedies for teething teeth and eliminating unpleasant symptoms:

  1. Soothing warm tea. It can be drunk by both adults and kids. Properly prepared tea has a pronounced calming effect, and also greatly relieves pain. To make tea, you need to take chamomile, lemon balm, lavender or catnip in equal amounts. A tablespoon of the resulting mixture is poured with a glass of boiling water and infused for 15 minutes. You need to take the remedy after filtering. The advantage of this tea is that it can be taken in absolutely any quantity, since the composition is classified as safe;
  2. Clove oil. This product is characterized by a unique analgesic effect, reduces inflammation in the gums. Pure oil can burn the gums a little, so the product must be diluted in a ratio of one and a half to one before use. It is necessary to dilute the product not with water, but with almond or olive oil;
  3. Chamomile. The herb has an ideal analgesic and soothing effect. A more concentrated composition can be rubbed into the gums, and a diluted one can be drunk, even for children;
  4. Valerian. The product has a calming effect. This remedy can be used by adults, as the herb is infused with brandy during the preparation of the composition. To prepare the solution, you need to crush 30 grams of valerian roots to a powder state and then pour all half a glass of brandy. The product is infused for three days, and then the gums can be lubricated with the resulting composition. The tool ideally removes itching and mild pain;
  5. Chicory or strawberry roots. These roots can be chewed on by a child to quickly get rid of pain and quench annoying itching;
  6. Sage. Babies during teething can be given a weak decoction of sage. The composition can simply be rubbed into the gums, thereby not only eliminating all unpleasant phenomena, but also strengthening the gums and teeth. A decoction can be added to the bath when bathing and thereby achieve a high sedative effect;
  7. Herbal tea based on lemon balm, lavender, chamomile, catnip and primrose. A spoonful of the resulting mixture is poured with a glass of boiling water and infused for 30 minutes. This tea can completely replace the water for a child. The baby after the reception will not be capricious and cry;
  8. The gums can be treated with a composition of chamomile, chickweed and burdock roots. Plants must be infused with water. This tool can be used by adults;
  9. Mummy gives a powerful analgesic effect. Finding this folk Altai remedy is not difficult, it is sold in every pharmacy;
  10. Propolis. The tool is ideal for adults and children. To prepare a useful remedy, you will need to take the substances and dissolve it in a small amount of water. The tool can not only wipe the gums, but also take the composition inside;
  11. Lubricating the gums with honey helps a lot, it is important that there is no allergy to this product.

To achieve a lasting positive effect, it is worth supplementing these treatment methods with simple rules that will facilitate the general condition. You need to sleep on a small hill. This will take blood away from the gums, so they will be much less bothersome.

It is also worth finding a tool that will effectively distract during a difficult period. For kids, this can be an interesting toy, book or cartoon.

gum massage

From time to time, clean hands should massage the gums. An adult can do it on his own, and a mother's finger will help the baby. This is an ideal opportunity not only to alleviate the general condition, but also to significantly speed up the process of teething. Special toys with a cooling effect are also suitable for children.

In terms of effectiveness, gum massage can be equated to lubricating teeth with special medicines. It perfectly copes with pain and helps the teeth come out faster. It must be done carefully, without much pressure, it is important not to injure the gum. Hands must be sterile clean, as there is a risk of serious infectious complications.

You need to start the massage from the area as far as possible from the place where the tooth erupts, gradually approaching the epicenter of pain. In time, the massage should take an average of 20 minutes.

Baby Care

If teeth are cut in adults, this is unpleasant, but it is quite possible to survive, since there are more than enough remedies available to eliminate pain and itching. There are a huge number of painkillers alone. With kids, things are much more difficult. The process is often accompanied by such unpleasant phenomena as intestinal upset and fever. All this brings even more problems.

If the temperature begins to rise against the background of teething, you need to act as with a common cold. With a very serious increase, you can wipe the baby with vinegar or vodka. You can also take various children's remedies that lower fever or relieve pain.

During teething, the child has increased salivation. This is not a simple phenomenon that effectively prevents the appearance and development of infection in the mouth.

Important! Parents in this difficult time should make sure that there is no rash and a phenomenon such as maceration on the surface of the skin. To prevent this phenomenon, a small amount of a special hygiene product or protective cream should be rubbed into the skin.

Summing up

Eliminating pain during teething is not a difficult task. There are a huge number of different methods. The most important thing is to choose the right remedy so that it matches the age of the person and the characteristics of his body. All folk remedies presented to the attention have been tested by many years of experience of various generations, therefore the possibility of just such a therapy cannot be neglected.

The most important thing is not to panic and not despair. For each person, such processes are the norm. The main thing is to direct all your efforts to bringing serious relief to both the adult himself and the baby in all possible ways.

It is necessary to carry out medical procedures with maximum constancy. The best option would be to receive a preliminary consultation with a doctor who will monitor the process for unpleasant pathologies.

How to ease teething in a baby - video

A small child is a source of joy for every parent. But at an early stage of his development, situations often arise in which he experiences problems of a physiological nature. One of them is teething. This natural process causes a lot of trouble for both the child and parents, as it is accompanied by pain, inflammation of the gums and often high fever. How to relieve teething pain safely and effectively?

Signs of teething

Someone notices the appearance of the first tooth in a five-month-old baby, for someone the process does not begin until 10-11 months. Usually, with normal development, by a year or a little older, a child acquires eight pairs of fully visible teeth. On average, each of them erupts within a month.

In babies who have not reached the age of one, the signs of the appearance of teeth are similar to the signs of some ailments.

The child begins to cry, especially at night, he has a fever, which is often accompanied by diarrhea.

These symptoms develop against the background of a change in the usual diet and pathogens entering the body along with foreign objects that the child drags into the mouth.

Specific signs of teething include:

  • increased salivation;
  • swelling of the gums at the site of eruption, the appearance of a white ball on the gum;
  • rejection of the breast or other source of nutrition;
  • cough and runny nose, which appears due to the flow into the nasopharynx of a large amount of saliva;
  • bad sleep;
  • the desire of the child to chew or bite something.

Some babies who go through painful teething begin to demand the mother's undivided attention. And when you try to break contact, they cry loudly and act up for any reason.

The first thing parents should do to help teeth erupt painlessly is to maintain a normal atmosphere in the family, not raise their voice even with constant whims and spend enough time with the child.

During this period, the baby is very sensitive to changes in the mood of the mother and, if he does not find proper support, suffers even more.

  • Special teethers made of safe plastic in a variety of forms that are attractive to children can be useful. Manufacturers provide for the possibility of placing some teethers in the refrigerator, after removal from which they remain cool due to the gel-like substance contained inside. But this procedure should be resorted to as a last resort, since excessive cooling can lead to colds.
  • Often, parents are advised to give the baby a bagel, an apple, a carrot to chew on to massage the gums. However, small food particles can become dangerous if inhaled. Therefore, it is necessary to use products for this purpose only under supervision.
  • A gentle massage of the gums will help not only relieve pain, but also complete the teething process faster. To do this, an adult with a finger wrapped in a clean bandage strokes the painful area, pressing a little on it. Overdoing in this case is not worth it in order to avoid injury to the gums.
  • You can also try to attach a cool object to the site of inflammation - a silver spoon or a pacifier cooled in water, preventing the object from biting. This method can help only temporarily, but with a mild pain syndrome, it eliminates discomfort well.

Medical preparations

In search of an answer on how to relieve the pain of teething in babies, parents need to seek the help of a pediatrician. He will prescribe medications that will help to cope with the problem safely for the child.

Special gels or ointments that can reduce discomfort include anesthetics such as lidocaine or menthol. They are applied to the gums, relieving pain at the local level.

Among them, the following are the most popular:

  • Kalgel. Produced in the form of a gel in a tube, it has a pleasant smell and a yellowish uniform color. It has a complex anesthetic and anti-inflammatory effect. Approved for use for children from five months no more than six times a day. In case of an overdose, vomiting, blanching of the skin and urticaria are possible. Contraindicated in renal or hepatic insufficiency, bradycardia, individual intolerance to lidocaine.
  • Mundizal. It has analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic effects, bringing relief to the baby. Contraindicated for use in case of hypersensitivity to the main components of the drug. In some cases, it increases the burning sensation at the site of application. It is necessary to apply the gel by rubbing into the gums no more than four times a day after meals or at bedtime.
  • Dentinox. Gel with a local effect, the action of which is based on the anti-inflammatory properties of chamomile and anesthetic lidocaine. It has a greenish color and a homogeneous consistency, a menthol-chamomile smell is characteristic. It has practically no contraindications, with the exception of individual sensitivity to the components. It is prescribed as a gel that relieves discomfort during teething in infants and older children. It is applied up to three times a day after meals. The tool can be used without fear of getting caries, since it does not contain sugar and dyes.

To eliminate the inflammatory process, doctors often prescribe antipyretics based on paracetamol or ibuprofen. They are effective during teething, accompanied by a high temperature, over 38 ° C, but only in a certain daily dosage, which should not be exceeded.

Herbal medicines

Among the pharmaceutical remedies for relieving pain during teething, homeopathic preparations, which include natural plant components, can be separately distinguished. These include:

  • Gel Doctor Baby. The anesthetic, disinfectant and antiseptic effect is based on the action of the natural components of the gel - extracts of calendula, echinacea, chamomile, plantain and marshmallow. The gel does not have a pronounced smell and taste, which makes it easier to apply to young children. It is indicated for use in babies from the age of three months without limitation on the number of applications per day. In rare cases, there is an individual sensitivity to the components, expressed in skin rashes.
  • Drops Dontinorm Baby. The main active ingredients are chamomile, Indian ivy, rhubarb. To eliminate symptoms, 2-3 doses of the solution should be taken per day between feedings for no more than three days. If after this period of relief has not come, you should consult a doctor for further recommendations.
  • Tablets Dentokind. The composition of the drug includes extracts of belladonna, chamomile, pulsatilla, the complex effect of which provides analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects. Children under one year old should be given 1 tablet no more than six times a day, after dissolving it in water. The break between use should be at least an hour.
  • Candles Viburkol. This dosage form is most convenient to use for infants. The composition of candles includes plant components: chamomile, belladonna, solyanum dulcamara, calcium carbonicum, which provide not only a calming effect, but also help to reduce fever. Babies under the age of six months are given 1 candle twice a day, for older children also 1 candle, but up to six times a day.

Traditional medicine recipes

If there is no desire to use medications because of their many contraindications and side effects, you can resort to alternative methods. How to facilitate teething with traditional medicine?

For this purpose, the following recipes are used:

  • Tooth tea. It has anti-inflammatory and sedative effects, safe for the baby. As a sedative, it can also be used by the mother, since the increased nervousness of a loved one adversely affects the child's condition. To prepare, mix dry chamomile flowers, lemon balm, catnip, lavender in equal parts. Grind the plants until smooth and pour a tablespoon of the mixture with a glass of boiling water. We insist under a closed lid for half an hour. After cooling the tea to room temperature, we give the drink to the child. You should start with a small amount, so that if you identify individual intolerance to the components, stop taking it.
  • Valerian tincture. It is used as a local anesthetic, which must be rubbed into the gums in small portions. It has a pleasant smell and taste, which is attractive to young children.
  • Sage tincture. It relieves pain well, while strengthening the tissues of inflamed gums. We insist a tablespoon of crushed flowers in a glass of boiling water, after which we give the baby a drink in small portions.

Despite the fact that milk teeth are temporary, caring for them is no less important than for permanent ones. So that they can erupt painlessly, parents should remember to remain calm, as this is the key to a successful passage of the process. During the use of drugs and traditional medicine, you must strictly adhere to the recommendations of the doctor. And if symptoms of intolerance to the components occur, stop taking them, or completely abandon such methods, or switch to another drug.

The first year of a newborn's life is the most nerve-consuming for his parents. The child's body is actively developing, adapting to the world around him - and all this does not happen without difficulties. Especially in those moments when the first teeth begin to appear.

If your baby's gums hurt because he's teething, you can numb them with an anesthetic gel or other prescription drug. About what means help eliminate discomfort during teething, and will be discussed in the article.

How to understand that a child is teething

The first teeth erupt at the age of 4-8 months. But the timing of eruption, as well as the behavior of infants during this period, may differ. The process is partly influenced by genetics. To find out if a child is expecting painful teething, it is worth asking his grandparents about how things were with their children.

In newborns, the rudiments of milk teeth are already laid. They are just biding their time to erupt.

When the first milk tooth appears in a newborn, a whole range of symptoms is observed. But far from always restless behavior and capriciousness are the result of this painful phenomenon. It is worth looking at the behavior of the child. The following signs indicate that his teeth will soon come out:

  • the child behaves restlessly more often than usual;
  • the baby often cries, does not sleep well;
  • his gums swell and redden;
  • the temperature rises in the baby;
  • the baby pulls into the mouth all the objects that come to hand;
  • he secretes a large amount of saliva;
  • the baby often wakes up in the middle of the night;
  • he has a poor appetite;
  • the child touches his ears and face with his hands;
  • due to the abundant secretion of saliva, the child begins to cough;
  • Hematomas form on his gums.

How to Relieve Teething Pain in Babies

Teething is accompanied by severe discomfort: the child often cries, refuses food offered to him, cannot fall asleep. Few people are able to look indifferently at the suffering of a baby, but this is not necessary - the pain during teething can be alleviated.

There are three ways to ease the process of teething in babies:

  • use of teethers bought in departments of children's goods or made at home;
  • the use of pharmaceutical drugs: tablets, creams, ointments, gels, suppositories;
  • use of traditional medicine recipes.

Pharmaceutical and homemade teethers

The stores offer a wide variety of teethers of different shapes and sizes. They can be made from latex, rubber, silicone, plastic and wood. Some of them are equipped with holes for laying painkillers in the form of gels that can be cooled in the refrigerator.

To facilitate the process of teething in infants, not only specialized tools help, but also home-made ones. Instead of a teether, you can use any cold object: a teaspoon, a frozen banana, an apple, or a carrot. A piece of gauze soaked in chamomile infusion and cooled in the refrigerator helps to relieve swelling of the gums and reduce pain.

To help the teeth cut through the gums faster and relieve pain, an ordinary massage can be done, which can be done both with a silicone brush purchased at the pharmacy and with a clean finger.

Do not give your child frozen fruits straight from the freezer. It is necessary to warm them up a little, otherwise they will cause frostbite of the gums.

Medications for relieving toothache

All medications to facilitate the process of teething of milk teeth in children, which can be bought in pharmacies in Moscow, are divided into three types:

  • local analgesics: ointments and gels;
  • syrups and candles;
  • homeopathic preparations for teething in babies.

Before using medicines designed to relieve pain during teething in children, it is worth consulting with a pediatric dentist. Make sure that the child is actually teething, because any of the many internal and infectious diseases could be the cause of the fever and restless behavior.

Local analgesics: gels and ointments

In any pharmacy, you can find gels and ointments that are applied to the gums and have an analgesic effect. Many local anesthetics not only relieve pain but also kill bacteria.

The most popular medications used for teething in babies include Kalgel, Dentol and Kamistad. The effect of the gels is observed in just a few minutes, but quickly passes. Holisal is famous for the longest period of exposure (up to 2–3 hours).

Varieties of gels

Gels that can be used to anesthetize the gums during teething in children are divided into several categories:

  • Antiseptics that stop inflammation. With their help, they disinfect the oral cavity and destroy bacteria. Such formulations should not be applied to the child's gums more than six times a day.
  • Anesthetic drugs. The main component of such drugs is an anesthetic, for example, lidocaine hydrochloride. Usually the effect occurs within a minute after applying the gel.
  • Homeopathic remedies. They contain only natural ingredients (plant extracts).
How to use the gel correctly

When using anesthetic gels for teething, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • the remedy should be used only with severe discomfort;
  • the gel should be applied to the gums every 3 hours, but not more than 5 times a day;
  • a small amount of gel is enough to achieve the result;
  • before applying the product to the baby's gums, you need to thoroughly wash your hands with soap and water;
  • to apply the drug, it is supposed to use a cotton pad;
  • the effect of the medicine will increase if the gums are massaged during its application.
Before using the anesthetic gel, you should read the instructions. Such drugs may have age restrictions, many of them are contraindicated in newborns.
Dental gels popular with parents

Below is a list of the most popular gels in the field of dentistry to combat the discomfort that occurs when teething in children:

  • Kalgel. The active ingredients are lidocaine hydrochloride and chamomile flower extract. Chamomile neutralizes inflammation, lidocaine has an analgesic effect. The drug is gently rubbed over the gum in the place where the tooth climbs, no more than 3 times a day. You can use it only after reaching 5 months. The main advantage of Calgel is a quick effect: almost immediately after application.
  • Dentol. Has a pleasant fruity aroma. The main ingredient that acts as an anesthetic is benzocaine. The drug can be used from the age of 4 months, when the first teeth begin to come out of the child. It is also effective in the treatment of stomatitis and small burns on the oral mucosa.
  • Kamistad. The basis of Kamistad is lidocaine and an extract of chamomile flowers. Lidocaine quickly anesthetizes the gums, and chamomile reduces inflammation and accelerates tissue regeneration. The drug is applied to the painful area three times a day. Kamistad is categorically contraindicated in children with lesions on the oral mucosa.
  • Dentinox. The gel is made on the basis of fructose and does not contain sugar. It quickly reduces pain, eliminates the inflammatory process and eliminates signs of gum irritation in the place where new teeth have come out. The drug should not be applied to the gum if it is damaged.
  • Holisal. An analgesic gel used in dentistry to reduce inflammation and reduce pain. The tool can be used before eating, so that the baby does not hurt to eat, or at night.

Local anesthetics, which contain lidocaine, should not be applied to the gums of infants before feeding. They can cause numbness in the mouth, as a result, the child will not be able to swallow food or bite the tongue.

All drugs that facilitate the process of teething in children cause a copious flow of saliva.

Syrups, suppositories and tablets for teething

To eliminate the heat and alleviate the condition of a child whose gums hurt due to teething, you can use rectal suppositories. They are easy to use and quickly reduce the temperature. In addition to candles, it is permissible to give the child children's syrups and tablets.

The list of the best candles, tablets and syrups used for teething includes:

Homeopathic preparations

The process of teething in young children can be facilitated with the help of homeopathy. Such drugs stop inflammation and reduce pain. Their main advantage is the absence of contraindications, with the exception of allergic reactions to individual ingredients. Homeopathic remedies can be used as often as needed.

The list of the best homeopathic remedies for gum pain includes:

  • Baby Doctor "First teeth". The active ingredients of the drug are calendula, marshmallow root, chamomile, echinacea and plantain.
  • Homeopathic ointment Traumeel. A significant disadvantage of this homeopathic product is that it is not recommended for pain relief during teething in children under 3 years of age due to the lack of clinical research data.
  • Drops Dantinorm Baby from the French company Boiron. Made from chamomile, Indian ivy and rhubarb. This homeopathic remedy is given to children during teething 2-3 times a day for 3 days. Thanks to the dosed plastic containers, you can not be afraid to give the baby more of the drug than necessary.

What painkillers can be done at home

Many parents use folk remedies to relieve pain during teething in infants, not medicines. To calm a baby who has a teething toothache, you can give him herbal tea or an infusion of a mixture of chamomile, lemon balm, lavender and catnip to drink. To prepare the medicine, take a tablespoon of herbal collection, pour a glass of boiling water and let the mixture brew for 15-30 minutes. After that, give her baby two teaspoons.

Toothache can be relieved by rubbing into the gums tincture of valerian, burdock root and chickweed, a mixture of clove and almond oil (in a ratio of 2 to 1), a composition of honey and soda (one teaspoon), diluted in a glass of water.

Amber beads help to remove toothache. You need to put them on the neck of a newborn, but do not forget about safety: the baby can easily get confused in the decoration.

How to deal with a baby who is teething

When trying to help a baby who is teething, do not forget about your own mood. Children acutely feel the indignation and excitement of their parents. It is better to show the greatest possible care and patience, because during this period the baby needs special support. Try to distract him from discomfort with games and bright objects.

You should not lubricate the baby's gums with alcohol-containing painkillers and give him an aspirin-based antipyretic. If the baby refuses food, cool it to a cool state so that it causes him less discomfort.

Teething in children usually begins at 4-7 months and continues until 2.5-3 years. This is a natural physiological process, and usually it does not worsen the health of the baby, however, in some cases, there may still be a deterioration in well-being, especially when the most painful of the teeth are climbing - the first incisors. They, as a rule, cut through the most painfully, and their appearance in a child can often be accompanied by anxiety, increased salivation, swelling and soreness of the gums, loss of appetite, and sometimes a violation of the stool and an increase in temperature up to 37-38, and sometimes up to 39 ° C .

Next, we will consider the most effective means and methods by which you can to some extent anesthetize the gums during teething and at the same time not harm the baby. At the same time, we also note the most common mistakes of parents, which can only aggravate the situation.

Remedies and methods commonly used for painful teething in children

All the means that are used for painful teething in babies can be divided into drug and non-drug.

Medications used for pain relief include the following:

The use of drugs alone for pain relief of gums in babies is not always sufficient, therefore, in addition to medication, non-drug drugs and pain relief methods are also used. Here, first of all, it is worth noting the use of various teethers, as well as gum massage.

On a note

In addition, it so happened that many parents actively use various folk remedies, such as soothing warm tea, cool mashed vegetables and fruits, diluted clove oil, cold gauze lotions, and even breast milk. With the right approach, such methods of gum pain relief in babies also have a right to exist - it is only important to understand that in most cases they are relatively ineffective.

Pain-relieving ("cooling") gels

Among the "cooling" gels for gum pain relief, one of the most popular today are Kalgel and Dentol Baby.

Calgel contains lidocaine hydrochloride (anesthetic) and cetidylpyridinium hydrochloride (antiseptic). Lidocaine is quite effective in relieving the pain in the gums during teething, and sometimes completely eliminates it for a while. Cetidylpyridinium hydrochloride protects the gums from bacterial damage.

On a note

Lidocaine injections were previously widely used in dentistry for pain relief during dental treatment (today they have been replaced by even more effective drugs). It should be noted that this substance sometimes causes an allergic reaction, therefore, for the first time, it is better to use a gel with its content in a minimal amount - for a test.

The advantage of Calgel is rapid pain relief, which occurs only a few minutes after its application, as well as the ability to use in infants from 3 months.

Like other anesthetic gels, Kalgel is used topically: a small amount is applied to the inflamed gum area (no more than 6 times a day). When using this drug, it must be borne in mind that there is a small chance that the baby will develop an allergic reaction to its components - therefore, after using the drug, the child must be carefully observed.

On a note

Based on lidocaine, Kamistad anesthetic gel is also popular, but it is important to consider that it is used only for children over 12 years old (for example, with stomatitis, gingivitis). The fact is that the concentration of the anesthetic in it is increased, and in the baby it would cause too much numbness of the mouth and tongue, as well as increased salivation (there may be problems with swallowing this saliva).

As for the "cooling" gel Dentol Baby - its main active ingredient that relieves pain is benzocaine. It provides a quick analgesic effect that appears within a couple of minutes after rubbing into the gums and can last up to 20 minutes.

According to the instructions, Dentol Baby gel can be used in infants from the age of 4 months (no more than 4 times a day and no longer than 7 days in a row). As in the case of Kalgel, it is worth remembering the possibility of developing an allergic reaction to the components of the drug.

In general, we can say that a significant advantage of "cooling" gels based on anesthetics is a well-pronounced and rapidly onset analgesic effect (in this respect, many anti-inflammatory and, especially, homeopathic preparations are much inferior). Meanwhile, many parents still avoid the use of anesthetic gels, not wanting to "stuff the child with chemistry."

Anti-inflammatory drugs

Of the anti-inflammatory drugs used to relieve pain during teething, the most used in infants today is Holisal gel. Its main active substance - choline salicylate - has a combined effect: local analgesic (relieves pain), anti-inflammatory and antipyretic.

Holisal also includes:

  • Cetalkonium chloride (provides bactericidal, antiviral and antimycotic action);
  • Gel ethanol-containing base, which helps to keep active active substances on the mucous membrane for a long time, prolonging the overall effect.

The analgesic effect can last from 2 to 8 hours. As for age restrictions, the instructions only note the need for careful use in children under 1 year old.

The drug is used no more than three times a day.

On a note

Although the instructions say that the pain can be relieved within two to three minutes after applying the gel, in reality everything can be far from so rosy. The effect does not come as quickly as when using gels based on lidocaine or benzocaine. In addition, the baby may not like the burning sensation that is felt for some time when Holisal gets on the oral mucosa (imagine that the baby’s gums will already be painful and inflamed).

Homeopathic remedies - gels, suppositories, tablets, drops and syrups

Of the homeopathic remedies that facilitate teething, Dantinorm Baby baby drops, Baby Doctor First Teeth Gel, Pansoral First Teeth Gel, and sometimes also Viburkol candles are often used. These preparations are based on plant components (as a rule, extracts of certain plants).

It should be understood that when evaluating the effectiveness of homeopathic remedies, there is often no difference at all between a placebo (dummy) and the “medicine” itself. This means that any positive effect of treatment is often due to natural recovery from illness, and not to the effect on the body of one or another remedy.

Simply put, there is no guarantee that homeopathic remedies will actually relieve pain when a child is teething. To some extent, the mere fact of using any of these drugs can be seen as a distraction procedure (the child may calm down a little just by observing his sensations while using these drugs). It is also a way for parents to convince themselves that they are not just sitting around twiddling their thumbs, but are doing something useful - giving their child harmless herbal "medicines".

How effective and safe are teethers?

Of the non-drug remedies that facilitate teething in infants, so-called teethers are often used. In addition to performing their main function, biting them is a kind of preparation for the child to eat adult food and the chewing process, and also helps in the correct formation of the bite and jaw growth.

Such procedures contribute to the massage of the gums - the teether acts as a massager, due to which the blood flow to the gums increases and, as a result, teething is facilitated.

On a note

The principle of operation of these devices is that when a child is teething, he constantly tries to bite something with his gums, and at this moment he is given a teether - the baby enthusiastically chews it and thereby massages the gums. At the same time, due to the shape and material, the teether is completely safe, pleasant for the child, stimulates the outflow of blood and lymph from the inflamed gums, followed by pain relief, and also speeds up the process of teething.

It is clear that it will not be possible to quickly anesthetize the baby's gums with the help of such means, but in general, during the teething period, they can significantly alleviate the child's condition.

Teethers vary in shape, size, and the material used to make them. They can have various modifications: in the form of a toy, a rattle, a book or a special fingertip with a brush. You can also find cooling teethers filled with water (they are put in the refrigerator for a while and then given to the baby), and even vibrating. There are many varieties, and the best option in each case can be selected individually, depending on the age of the child, his level of development and preferences.

Like other means, teethers have their advantages and disadvantages.

The main advantage is that when they are used, the gums are massaged and teething is really facilitated to a certain extent.

The disadvantage is the inability of teethers to quickly and clearly relieve pain in the baby. It should also be borne in mind that cheap models may contain harmful substances that can cause allergic reactions and gum irritation.

gum massage

Another way to reduce the pain of teething to some extent is to massage the gums. Its effectiveness is approximately the same as that of teethers, but the advantage is that with proper conduct, you can be sure that the force is applied to the zone that currently needs it most.

Usually, for the first time, massage is done before lunch to track the baby's reaction to a new procedure. At the same time, the child should feel good and be disposed to communicate. If the baby feels unwell, has a fever, or has problems with stools, then it is better to postpone the gum massage.

On a note

Another contraindication for massage is difficult teething, which is accompanied by bleeding. In this case, it is usually recommended to avoid any additional mechanical impact on the gum.

If the condition of the child is normal, then the massage will be pleasant and useful for him.

Before the procedure, it is necessary to prepare:

  1. Hands are washed thoroughly (with a disinfectant);
  2. Nails are trimmed;
  3. If the massage will be carried out using a special fingertip massager, then it will be disinfected beforehand (you can also carry out the procedure using a special fingertip napkin, which is specially designed for such cases).

The massage is carried out from the edges of the areas that bother the child to the area of ​​teething, but without affecting it. At the same time, such techniques are used: rubbing the gums, stroking, pressing, and a combination of these actions.

At the end of the procedure, oral hygiene is performed (teeth cleaning and mouth rinsing with water). It is recommended to teach the baby to hygiene from the neonatal period, so by the time active teething begins, the child is already getting used to it.

Folk remedies to ease teething

As noted above, often parents of babies resort to the use of various folk remedies, presumably to reduce pain in a child with difficult teething. Typically, such methods of pain relief are used due to their availability and popularity with older relatives (grandparents), who often act as authoritative consultants.

A classic example is that they often try to anesthetize the gums of a child with diluted clove oil. It is believed that it can relieve inflammation in the gums and has an analgesic effect. There is nothing wrong with this (as in the use of homeopathic remedies), but it is only important to consider that clove oil in its pure form is never used, as it can lead to burns of the mucous membrane.

The “pain-relieving” effect attributed to breast milk is also widely known. So, it is known that if a child is teething, it is enough just to give him a breast so that he calms down. In reality, of course, the actual pain relief does not occur here - the child, upon contact with the mother's breast, calms down reflexively, even if his gums continue to hurt. Nevertheless, the procedure is really effective, and it makes it easier for the baby and his parents to go through a difficult period.

On a note

The popular method of relieving toothache by applying garlic to an aching tooth, which is popular among the people, should not be applied to a child in any way. At best, this will lead to a chemical burn of the gums, and at worst, to pulp necrosis in a baby tooth that has not yet erupted, followed by the development of pulpitis and (or) periodontitis.

Features of nutrition during teething

With the appearance of milk teeth, the correct selection of complementary foods becomes very relevant, so that it not only does not increase the pain in the gums of the baby, but also helps to calm him down.

It is useful during this period to give the child fibrous purees of fruits and vegetables - apples, pears, carrots - which, when the baby tries to chew, provide gum massage and pain relief. It’s good if such purees are not that cold, but at least slightly cool - this will not lead to a cold, but it will help ease the pain.

It is advisable to give complementary foods to the child before milk, and if the entire portion of food consists only of complementary foods, then after it, give the child water to wash off the remnants of food from the gums - bacteria can develop in them due to the large amount of carbohydrates that can increase inflammation during teething teeth.

Surgical diseases of teething

The process of teething (character and timing) is one of the indicators of the normal development of the baby. However, sometimes serious violations can be observed in teething.

For example, retention - difficult eruption, refers to the pathologies of tooth development and may be associated with diseases and injuries of the teeth and jaws. Depending on whether complete retention is observed in a child, or incomplete, different diagnoses are possible, sometimes associated with the general work of the whole organism.

Another pathology is dystopia, in which a completely erupted tooth is located in the wrong place where it should be (sometimes even goes beyond the dentition).

Supernumerary teeth can also be observed - an example is shown in the photo below:

Serious violations of the timing of the appearance of milk teeth can also be attributed to pathologies. So, there are concepts of early, premature or belated teething. Of these, the early one is quite rare, and the late one is more common.

On a note

There are cases when a child can be born with milk teeth already erupted. Most often these are central incisors.

Premature teething can be explained by the individual characteristics of the child, and such cases are less often than others considered as a pathology.

Belated eruption can be considered a disease if its terms are very long. Various reasons can lead to this: disorders in mineral metabolism, heredity, diseases of the bone and cartilage base, digestive disorders, decreased activity of the thyroid gland, etc.

Pediatric and surgical dentistry is engaged in the treatment of these diseases. Depending on the cause of the eruption disorder, treatment methods are individually selected, and these can be both means aimed at improving the general condition of the baby's body, and surgical intervention.

Common mistakes parents make

Among the most common mistakes of parents during the period when the child is teething, the following can be noted:

When to see a doctor

In general, parents need to remember that the doctor, as a professional with extensive experience, will prescribe the most effective and safe remedy for their child. Moreover, in this case, it is not at all necessary to consult a pediatric dentist - the appointment of a pediatrician, who has already seen such situations many times, will be quite effective.

It is necessary to consult a doctor in the following cases:

  • If it is obvious that the methods used to relieve pain in a baby are not effective enough (it is possible that the problem may not be associated with teething alone);
  • If the baby has a high temperature for a long time against the background of painful teething;
  • If bluish swelling is observed in the area of ​​eruption on the gums (these may be eruption cysts);
  • With the development of severe side effects from taking medications - rash, itching, redness, swelling.

In all these cases, it is necessary that the doctor examine the child and give further recommendations - attempts to cope with the problem on your own will be fraught with too high a risk of aggravating the situation.

If you have personal experience of using certain methods of relieving pain during teething in a baby, be sure to share the information by leaving your review at the bottom of this page.

First aid for teething in a baby

What is important for parents to know about the appearance of the first teeth in a child

The first months of a baby's life bring a lot of trouble to parents. As the child grows and develops, many questions arise, one of them is how to facilitate teething in infants? In this article, we will look at the correct causes of teething pain and how to deal with it, as well as how to speed up the process of the appearance of milk teeth in a child.

At what age do baby teeth normally erupt?

The formation of the rudiments of milk teeth in the jaws occurs even before the birth of the child. In most children, milk (or temporary) teeth erupt in a strictly defined order. The exact time of their appearance may vary slightly in one direction or another. The first teeth are the lower central incisors. They appear at the age of about five months. This figure should not be taken too strictly, in some children teeth begin to erupt as early as three months, while in others they appear only by the first birthday. Tempering time is a hereditary trait, so most often a baby will be able to boast a full smile by the same age as his parents.

Table. Timing of eruption of milk teeth.

TeethEruption age
Lower central incisors4-7 months
Upper central incisors8 months - 1 year
Upper lateral incisors9-13 months
Lower lateral incisors10-16 months
First upper chewing teeth13-19 months
First lower chewing teeth14 months - 1.5 years
upper fangs16-22 months
lower fangs17 months - 2 years
Upper and lower second chewing teeth2-3 years

A slight deviation from the generally accepted timing of the appearance of teeth is not a problem. It is worth worrying only when there is a delay in the eruption of one of the two symmetrical teeth, since normally they should erupt in pairs. In this case, you should contact your dentist to find out the reason for the delay. Another case that serves as a reason for going to the doctor is the complete absence of teeth after the child reaches one year.

Do not forget that even the very first teeth of a child need to be cleaned regularly and thoroughly. By the age of three, a child should have all 20 milk teeth. This is the right time to start teaching your child how to brush their own teeth little by little. Of course, he will not be able to cope with the task at first, so parents should help the child until they are at least 6 years old.

What are the signs of teething?

In some children, the period of teething proceeds quite calmly and without shocks. For others, this natural process causes a lot of discomfort. When your baby is teething, you may notice:

  • profuse salivation (leading to the formation of irritation on the skin of the chin and on the lips);
  • swelling and redness of the gums, as well as their soreness when touching and eating;
  • slight redness of the cheeks or face;
  • touching the face and ears on the side of the erupting tooth;
  • irritated, whining and capricious behavior of the child;
  • attempts to bite fingers and foreign objects;
  • decreased appetite, refusal to eat;
  • restless sleep, frequent nocturnal awakenings and crying at night.

Swelling and itching of the gums are the first signs of imminent teething

Vomiting, loose stools, fever are not normal symptoms of teething. When they appear, it is worth showing the child to a pediatrician.

How to cure skin irritation of the chin during teething?

Try to wipe the dripping saliva off the baby's chin as often as possible with a very soft cloth. At the same time, avoid friction, movements should be as gentle and accurate as possible. Before putting the baby to bed, lubricate irritated skin with hypoallergenic baby cream, panthenol or petroleum jelly. Protect your baby's skin with ointments before walking in the cold season.

Why does teething hurt?

The rudiments of temporary teeth are formed during the development of the fetus. After birth, these rudiments develop further, they are saturated with minerals and gradually turn into hard teeth, which are pushed from the jawbone through the gums into the oral cavity. This causes swelling and redness of the gums. The same pain occurs in adults when teething wisdom.

Pressure on the gums and chewing can relieve the pain of teething. Despite this, the gums will still be somewhat sensitive at this time, and, therefore, the child may refuse to feed.

What are the ways to relieve pain during teething?

Before resorting to the help of special devices and teething products, try simpler and more affordable methods:

  1. Cold significantly reduces pain and inflammation. Wet a clean cloth with boiled water or a weak decoction of chamomile and place in the freezer, and then wipe the baby's gums with a cold cloth.

  2. If the child is already 6 months old, offer him to chew on a cold apple or carrot. Always be there when the child is eating, as it is important to ensure that he does not choke.
  3. A baby up to six months can be given chilled fruit puree or yogurt.
  4. Have your child chew on a chilled spoon in the refrigerator. Do not freeze it, as too cold metal can stick to the oral mucosa.

  5. Massage your child's gums with your finger after washing your hands thoroughly with soap and water. Massage should temporarily relieve pain.
  6. Offer your baby a bottle of cool water.
  7. Another well-known remedy for alleviating any pain in children is the love and affection of parents, so during times of stress, try to hug and comfort the child more often. Games and walks will also distract the baby from annoying sensations.

    Teething aids

    There are teethers - special devices made of various materials designed to massage the gums of babies. They can be made of rubber, wood, plastic and silicone, have different sizes, suitable for only one group of teeth, or be universal. They also differ in shape - these can be rings, bracelets from small parts, fingertips, component parts of toys. Solid silicone teethers are better than liquid-filled ones because they can be sterilized. To cool down, put the teether in the refrigerator for a while, this will help reduce inflammation in the baby's gums. It is highly recommended not to tie anything around the child's neck as this increases the risk of suffocation.

    Teething gels

    In pharmacies, you can buy special gels for teething. They contain a local anesthetic (turns off pain sensitivity of the gums) and an antiseptic (kills germs), which together relieve pain and reduce inflammation. The gel is easy to use - you need to apply a small amount on the gum in the right place and lightly massage with a clean finger, or with a cotton or gauze swab.

    Teething gels do not last very long and are often simply washed off by the baby's saliva. If you still lean towards using a gel, choose one that does not contain sugar and is made specifically for babies. Always check the instructions on the package. Don't be tempted to apply more gel than the directions say, and don't use it too often. If your baby is under four months of age, check with your pediatrician before choosing a teething gel or other medication.

    Is it possible to use homeopathic and non-traditional remedies?

    There is a wide variety of homeopathic granules and teething powders. They are available in small sachets that are placed in the baby's mouth, or mixed with cold boiled water, which is then fed to the baby.

    There is no evidence that homeopathic medicines are effective, despite the fact that some parents will swear that such remedies have helped their children. You should not experiment on children and use untested drugs, as the reaction to them can be unpredictable - from allergies to burns and poisoning.

    What medicines can be given to a child when teething?

    If the baby has a slight fever (up to 38 degrees), you should give him an anesthetic and antipyretic medicine without sugar, made especially for young children. They usually contain small doses of paracetamol or ibuprofen - these substances are safe for children in limited concentrations. Do not use two different medicines at the same time, unless this type of administration has been prescribed by your doctor.

    Always remember that children under 16 should never be given aspirin to avoid life-threatening complications.

    Always check the instructions for each specific medication. If you're not sure if it's right for you, check with your pediatrician. Specific dosages for each age, as well as the frequency of administration, can be suggested by a pharmacist at a pharmacy.

    If the drug is not effective enough and only briefly stops adverse symptoms in an infant, it is recommended to consult a doctor. Often the symptoms of various diseases (for example, otitis media) can be confused with the symptoms of teething.

    How long does it take for baby teeth to erupt?

    There is also no way to determine how long each individual tooth will break through the gum. It may take just a couple of days and you will notice tiny hard bumps of teeth on the gum. In other cases, this process can take months and be difficult, but without any signs of the appearance of teeth above the gum.

    The good news is that only the first teeth cause the most problems. All other teeth should erupt easily and without pronounced symptoms.

    Your baby may also have a hard time at about one year of age, at the time of teething. These are the largest teeth and furthest away in the mouth, and their appearance can be accompanied by some discomfort.

    Video - How to ease teething in a baby

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