District newspaper "Urenskiye Vesti", Uren. The effect of alcohol on the brain. Methods of dealing with alcoholism

Such a phenomenon as alcoholism is shrouded in many conjectures and conjectures.

Watching the readers of my Diary and talking with them, I noted for myself some of their misconceptions (without specifics, please follow it to the forum) regarding alcohol addiction:

Alcoholism is promiscuity

The common belief that absolutely anyone who abuses alcohol can easily stop drinking whenever they want is not true. The craving for alcohol in an addicted person is so strong that the “will” about which they say that with the help of it you can cope with alcoholism, cannot cope with this craving.

Alcoholism is a disease on a mental level, which can be “beaten” only by working well with your head and thoughts, or by contacting a specialized institution.

After a long abstinence, you can again "drink like everyone else"

Unfortunately, this misconception is very common, but the alcoholic will never be able to. If this nevertheless happened once somewhere at a party or just at home in splendid isolation, and in the morning the alcoholic did not go into a binge and emerged as a “winner” in the fight against temptation; do not flatter yourself - the next time may be a breakdown.

You can humiliate, punish or intimidate an alcoholic and he will stop drinking

Relatives believe that threats, humiliation, scandals can somehow make an alcoholic stop drinking. But in the end: deprivation of support the only people, which the alcoholic counts on, does not provide any additional forces that he might have taken. However, relatives should not do what is said below.

An alcoholic is someone who needs help and patronage in every possible way.

It is not uncommon for relatives to take care of an alcoholic as a child. This is absolutely not necessary! No need to call and excuse an alcoholic at work when he is drunk or sleeping after drinking.

No need to rake his dirty clothes, clean up the vomit from the bed, let him see it, which will make him feel uncomfortable. Do not feel sorry for him, do not bring food to the bed, and even more so, do not buy alcohol for a hangover. All this implies "co-dependence", when relatives and relatives indirectly support the alcoholic by their behavior.

The main thing is to understand that an alcoholic is the same person, therefore he bears responsibility for his actions, and your desire to “help” in every way encourages you to continue “floating”.

You just need to get out of the binge and everything will work out

This is the very first step on a sober path, when an alcoholic begins to think with his head and make independent decisions. It is from this moment that the remission begins. By itself, everything will not work out, only the daily work of the “former” alcoholic on the “mistakes of the past” and the analysis of his non-alcoholic future leads to absolute sobriety.

Effective compulsory treatment for alcoholism

It happens that alcoholics are given conditions under which dismissal from their favorite job is inevitable, some other, not entirely pleasant events, when it is necessary to make a choice. Or or.

This was practiced in Soviet times, when they were sent to compulsory treatment in LTP. Perhaps then it was a success, because of the shame and stigma of "alcoholic" for life. Now this, unfortunately, will not surprise anyone.

Therefore, I repeat, only an independent decision of an alcoholic, who understands that fate may not give more chances for a new life, will lead to the desired result, which I will talk about below.

All attempts to cure an alcoholic are useless

I'll tell you about myself. After ten difficult years associated with the search for " magic pill”, “culture of drinking”, many days of hard drinking and the loss of a lot and expensive. When almost all the acquaintances turned their backs on me and waved their hand; when it seemed useless to my relatives to try to cure me and pull me out of the bottom; I myself, finally, was lucky enough to find something that allowed me to start a new sober life.

What was it?

Full and unconditional recognition of himself as an alcoholic and the determination to start everything from scratch. Do you want to know how I did it? Start reading the Diary from the very beginning or come to.

The fate of “codependents” is to endure an alcoholic all their lives

When life next to an alcoholic turns into a nightmare, you are obliged to save yourself and save all those who have become hostages of the situation. This does not mean that you leave the alcoholic in trouble. He quit when he allowed this situation.

And this, for some alcoholics, works, because, precisely, “quitting the alcoholic” is the starting point and the beginning of sobriety.

Perhaps this is not all, but only some misconceptions about alcohol addiction, but remembering them, you can avoid many mistakes!

Good sobriety and health to all!

Treatment of alcohol and drug addiction (narcotism) at the NarcoProf center, this is a huge range of services that will help an addicted person to finally find the desired freedom.

The health of newborns depends on the conditions for the formation of the germ cells of the parents, prenatal development, the course of childbirth and, finally, the conditions postpartum period. At all these stages, the contact of the fetus and newborn with alcohol is dangerous due to its physical and mental consequences, and the risk of deformity and disease is the higher, the greater the degree of influence of alcohol on a living organism.

Specific forms of damage are also determined by the stage of development at which alcohol intoxication. It was found that the effect of alcohol at the stage of intrauterine development leads to underdevelopment of the fetus or its individual organs (malformation), increased mortality newborns.

Consequences female alcoholism photo. Alcohol entering children's body with mother's milk, causes nervous disorders(including mental disorders, mental retardation), diseases of the digestive system (mainly the liver), of cardio-vascular system etc..

Female alcoholism and the child

The state of intoxication at the time of conception can have an extremely negative impact on the health of the unborn child, since alcohol is dangerous not only for maturing germ cells, but can also play its fatal role at the moment of fertilization of completely full-fledged (normal) germ cells.

Moreover, the strength of the damaging effects of alcohol at the time of conception is unpredictable: there can be both mild and severe violations. organic lesions various organs and tissues of the unborn child.

Doctors call the period from the moment of conception to 3 months of pregnancy critical in the development of the fetus, since at this time there is an intensive laying of organs and the formation of tissues.

The use of alcohol leads to a disfiguring effect on the fetus, and the damage will be the stronger, the more early stage critical period alcohol affected.

A special term has appeared in the medical literature, denoting a complex of malformations in children caused by the damaging effects of alcohol during fetal development - alcohol syndrome fetus (ASP), or alcoholic fetopathy syndrome.

ASP is characterized by congenital anomalies in the development of the heart, external genital organs, dysfunction of the central nervous system, low birth weight, and a child's lag in growth and development.

In children with alcoholic fetopathy syndrome character traits faces: small head, especially the face, narrow eyes, specific fold upper lip.

Female alcoholism is manifested by the inability to breastfeed children. According to experts, this deficiency occurs in 30-40% of women who regularly consume alcohol.

Alcoholic beverages have a significant effect on childbearing function. First, female alcoholism leads to early aging.

A woman who drinks in her 30s tends to look older, and an alcoholic by the age of 40 turns into an old woman. About negative influence wine for posterity has been known since antiquity.

Long before our days, it was noted that drinking people More often there are stillborn children and miscarriages. If the child was born alive, then often he lags behind in development and grows mentally handicapped.

It is no coincidence that laws Ancient Greece and Rome forbade young people to drink alcohol. It was forbidden for a drunken husband to approach his wife.

A law was passed banning newlyweds from drinking wine. In Rus', it has also long been considered a bad sign drink wine at your own wedding.

The connection between the health of children and the condition of parents has been noted in other countries.

Doctors about female alcoholism

A glass in the hands of a girl. A beautiful fragile glass on a thin stem, and the wine in it overflows and plays

in the light with warm amber highlights. Looking at her, a person who loves poetry might remember

Blok's lines about a glass of "gold as the sky." A gourmet would look forward to a slightly tart, cooling taste

and subtle fragrance.

“And I, a doctor, catch myself on associations of a completely different

kind, by no means pleasant and not poetic! I see

in front of him a gallery of flabby faces prostrate in

heavy intoxication of bodies, I hear a ringing broken glass,

hoarse scolding. What can you do. Profession of a psychiatrist

for many years confronted me with the ruins of human

fates, with illnesses and misfortunes, at the source of which

it was exactly that - golden as the sky. ".

These bitter words belong to the honored doctor of the RSFSR I.K. Yanushevsky, who devoted many years to the fight against the consequences of alcohol abuse.

There is evidence that the life expectancy of female alcoholics is 10%, and male alcoholics 15% less than non-drinkers. But this is not only the harm of alcohol.

The German doctor Kraepelin at the beginning of the century wrote that the consequences of alcoholism are not so terrible, while half of humanity - women are almost not involved in alcohol. But when female alcoholism becomes widespread, "our descendants will face complete destruction."

Unfortunately, the abuse of wine has ceased to be a sad privilege for men.

Social degradation reaches its maximum, as a person loses all life orientations and interests. Moral degradation is evident: this can be seen in the photo of alcoholics.

A person comes to the finish line, beyond which there is a direct road to eternity. For patients with the third stage of alcoholism, specialists usually give poor prognosis.

But we must fight, we must not give up. Treatment of alcoholism is a duty that falls on the shoulders of relatives of a sick person.

External signs of alcoholism

Additional Features dependence on alcoholic beverages and the stage of alcoholism. Signs that may indicate female alcoholism include:

  • looking for reasons to drink.
  • the behavior of a woman when drinking alcohol changes dramatically: he is cheerful and careless, jokes and jokes, talks a lot.
  • the topic of alcoholism in a woman causes lively emotions, tolerance to alcohol appears, which was not observed before.
  • search for arguments in favor of alcohol and its dependence on it in the event that it is still recognized by a person.
  • changing principles and thinking.
  • when talking with loved ones or with a specialist drinking woman does not always recognize his dependence, and also denies all of the above signs.

Exist various methods alcohol addiction treatment. The most common of them are coding with drugs of various effects and hypnosis according to Dovzhenko.

Visiting monasteries and staying there for a while plays a positive role in the treatment of a sick person. Of interest is the 12-step treatment program.

This technique is currently used not only in the treatment of cravings for alcohol and drugs, but also in other pathological conditions, for example, in the treatment of excessive cravings for food.

This program gained fame thanks to the society of Alcoholics Anonymous, which was first organized in the state of Ohio (USA). The program consists of certain postulates.

And they act on the patient

Specialists for the treatment of female alcoholism (as well as male) offer alternative ways. These include the following methods

This information is intended for healthcare and pharmaceutical professionals. Patients should not use this information as medical advice or recommendations.


ALCOHOLISM ( chronic alcoholism). A disease with a progressive (progressive) course, which is based on an addiction to ethyl alcohol. In social terms, alcoholism means the abuse of alcoholic beverages (drunkenness), which leads to a violation of moral and social norms of behavior, to damage to one's own health, the material and moral condition of the family, and also affects the health and well-being of society as a whole. Alcohol abuse, according to WHO, is the third after cardiovascular and oncological diseases cause of death.

First, a severe form of intoxication (alcohol poisoning) is a common cause of death at a young age.

Secondly, with alcohol abuse, sudden "cardiac" death can occur due to primary cardiac arrest or cardiac arrhythmias (for example, atrial fibrillation).

Thirdly, those who abuse alcohol are more prone to injuries - domestic, industrial, transport. Moreover, they suffer not only themselves, but can also contribute to injury to others.

In addition, the risk of suicide among alcoholics increases tenfold compared to the general population. About half of the murders are also committed while intoxicated.

For early stages alcoholism, such diseases as peptic ulcer, trauma, cardiovascular disorders are more characteristic, for later ones - cirrhosis of the liver, polyneuritis, brain disorders. High mortality among men is mainly associated with the growth of alcoholism. 60-70% of men who abuse alcohol die before the age of 50. The reasons for drinking alcohol are varied. One of them is the psychotropic effect of ethyl alcohol: euphoric (enhancing mood), relaxing (relieving tension, relaxing) and sedative (calming, sometimes drowsy). The need to achieve this effect exists in many categories of people: people with a pathological nature, suffering from neurosis, poorly adapted in society, as well as those working with emotional and physical overload. In the formation of addiction to alcohol, the social environment, the microclimate in the family, upbringing, traditions, the presence of psycho-traumatic situations, stresses and the ability to adapt to them play an important role. There is no doubt the influence of hereditary factors that determine both characterological features and predisposition to metabolic disorders.

Alcohol intoxication. The severity of intoxication depends on the quantity and quality of alcohol consumed, individual sensitivity to alcohol and psycho physical condition person. There are 3 degrees of intoxication: light, medium and heavy.

Mild degree. In typical cases, at the beginning of intoxication, the mood rises, communication is facilitated. A person is pleased with himself and those around him, becomes more self-confident and talkative. There is a feeling of muscle relaxation and physical comfort. Facial expressions become more expressive, movements less precise.

Average degree. When moving to medium degree Intoxication instead of a complacent mood, irritability, resentment, sometimes malice and aggressiveness may occur. Criticism towards oneself and others is reduced. Violated coordination of movements and gait. A person can commit unmotivated impulsive acts. Speech becomes slurred. Reduced pain and temperature sensitivity. After intoxication, symptoms of intoxication are usually noted: heaviness in the head and headache, thirst, weakness, fatigue, low mood with apathy or irritability. Memory for the period of intoxication is usually not impaired. There are also atypical forms of intoxication, when instead of euphoria from the very beginning of intoxication, a depressed mood appears, irritability with anger, discontent, which develops into aggressive actions towards others. In some cases, there is an increased mood with motor excitement, foolishness, or a caricature sharpening of character traits. Atypical forms intoxication is usually noted in persons who have suffered a traumatic brain injury in the past, suffering from oligophrenia, and psychopaths.

A severe degree of intoxication is marked by symptoms of turning off consciousness - from stunning to coma. Sometimes there are epileptic seizures. Involuntary urination and defecation are possible. Similar state, as a rule, completely disappears from the memory of a person.

Diagnostics alcohol intoxication is carried out on the basis of clinical data and special tests. clinical criteria intoxication are: breath odor, features of motor skills and speech, vegetative-vascular manifestations. Since the fact of drinking alcohol is often hidden in order to avoid undesirable consequences, experts have to investigate the alcohol content in the blood, urine using various express methods. Mokhov-Shinkarenko indicator tubes are also used to detect alcohol vapors in exhaled air.

Treatment. With an average degree of intoxication, it is necessary to wash the stomach with a weak solution of potassium permanganate (1.5-2 liters) and induce vomiting.

With a severe degree of intoxication, assistance is provided in a medical institution. Vomiting should not be caused, because. possible aspiration (inhalation into the lungs) of vomit.

Pathological intoxication is an acute mental disorder associated with alcohol intake. It usually develops in streets with an inferior nervous system - those suffering from epilepsy, encephalopathy, psychopathy, etc. Sometimes pathological intoxication can also occur in those who did not show signs of alcohol intolerance. In these cases it has great importance the influence of previous adverse factors (stress, forced insomnia, starvation, overheating), which weaken the adaptive capabilities of the body.

Symptoms and course. Pathological intoxication can occur after taking even small doses of alcohol (50-100 g) and is manifested by a kind of clouding of consciousness. The patient's behavior is not related to the real situation and is completely determined by the plot of delusional experiences. Note the pronounced affect of fear, anger or rage. The patient is agitated, he either defends himself by forcibly destructive actions, or trying to escape, avoiding the impending danger. The patient may make an attempt to commit suicide, being in a "hopeless" situation. The duration of pathological intoxication is from several minutes to several hours. Usually, excitement turns into general weakness and deep sleep. The memory of what happened is completely absent. Persons who have committed offenses in a state of pathological intoxication are recognized as insane by a forensic psychiatric examination, so the recognition of this form of psychosis is of great importance.

ALCOHOLISM. The systematic use of alcohol can lead to the development of the disease with certain mental and somatic manifestations.

Already in the first stage of alcoholism, an irresistible craving for alcohol appears with a loss of quantitative control ("loss of a sense of proportion"). A manifestation of alcoholism is also an altered reactivity of the body to alcohol in the form of increasing tolerance (tolerance) to alcoholic beverages and the transition to systematic drunkenness. With an overdose of alcohol, events associated with intoxication begin to fall out of memory.

In the second stage, alcohol tolerance reaches its maximum value (up to 1-2 liters of vodka per day). A hangover (withdrawal) syndrome is formed, which initially occurs only after severe alcoholic excesses or after several days of hard drinking. Its essence lies in the fact that the next day after "drinking" a small amount of alcohol removes bad feeling and alleviate the condition. At healthy people the next day after intoxication, symptoms of intoxication remain (see above), which can be aggravated by alcohol intake, which causes an aversion to alcohol.

Hangover syndrome manifests itself in the form of such symptoms as facial flushing, redness of the sclera, palpitations, increased blood pressure, sweating, pain in the region of the heart, trembling in the body and tremor of the limbs, weakness, weakness. A number of patients experience dyspeptic disorders: abdominal pain, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea. Initially, patients due to social and ethical circumstances may refrain from a hangover in the morning. However, this process can take place after work, in the afternoon. Sometimes during the whole day the patient does not work, but only dreams of the time when he can finally get drunk. Over time, mental manifestations join the somatic manifestations of the hangover syndrome. In a state of a hangover, mood changes with a predominance of depression, anxiety, fear. Thoughts arise about one's own guilt, universal condemnation. Sleep becomes superficial with nightmares and frequent awakenings. The early appearance of mental disorders in a state of hangover, as well as their predominance over somatic ones, indicates the possibility of developing psychoses in the future. Withdrawal symptoms reach their maximum severity on the 3rd day of abstinence from alcoholic beverages. In the second stage of alcoholism, patients drink daily for many years. Breaks in drunkenness are usually determined by external circumstances: lack of money, work complications, family conflicts. The attraction to alcohol and the physical ability to continue drinking remain.

The third stage of alcoholism. Decreased tolerance to alcohol. Intoxication arises from smaller doses of alcohol than before. Many patients begin to use fortified wines instead of vodka. In these cases, the patient is constantly in a state of intoxication, although not deep. Along with quantitative control, situational control is also lost. Alcohol is obtained by any means, without regard to ethical and social norms of behavior. In a number of patients, alcohol abuse takes on the character of true binges that occur spontaneously with an irresistible craving for alcohol. The first two days with fractional consumption of alcoholic beverages, the maximum dose of alcohol is taken. In the following days, intoxication comes from ever smaller doses of alcohol due to a violation of the process of ethyl alcohol metabolism in the body. Somatic and mental state worsens. There is a decrease in appetite, weight loss, a drop in blood pressure, shortness of breath, impaired speech, gait, cramps of the limbs, seizures. Deterioration of physical condition makes it impossible to continue drinking. Therefore, over time, binges become shorter (2-3 days), and the intervals between them are longer. Personality changes in alcoholism appear already in the second stage and reach the degree of alcohol degradation in the third stage. The so-called alcoholic character is formed. On the one hand, all emotional reactions (grief, joy, dissatisfaction, admiration, etc.) are sharpened, as it were, due to an increase in general excitability. Then there is weakness, tearfulness, especially in a state of intoxication. The patient cries for joy and grief. On the other hand, emotional coarsening occurs. The patient becomes selfish, indifferent towards his wife and children. The sense of duty and responsibility disappears, the value of ethical norms of behavior is lost. All the patient's attention is focused on only one thing - how to get alcohol. Drunkenness is always downplayed, and personal qualities are embellished. The patient, as a rule, does not consider himself an alcoholic (or does not admit it to others), arguing that "everyone drinks," and he is "like everyone else." At first, they find excuses, excuses, looking for reasons to drink. At the same time, they show resourcefulness, deceit in the argumentation of their actions. In the future, the alcoholic no longer hides his desire for a drink, he drinks in any environment, even not very suitable for this, i.e. situational control is lost. Any means are used to purchase alcoholic beverages. The patient begins to take things out of the house, sell them for next to nothing, steal, beg. The alcoholic humor peculiar to such patients becomes more and more flat, primitive, cynical, as well as behavior in general. Brutal (excessive, asocial) forms of response appear, such as aggression, malice, violence, outright cynicism. Increasingly, patients resort to the use of surrogates (denatured alcohol, cologne, medicinal tinctures, etc.).

Alcoholism in teenagers. A fairly common phenomenon, especially in those families where control over the behavior of adolescents is weakened, as well as in families of alcoholics. Equally important is the fact that they have free money, which they themselves have the opportunity to earn. It should be noted that alcoholism usually begins to develop at the age of 13-15, less often at an earlier age (children's alcoholism). Adolescents drink alcohol in the company of peers, less often - adults (for example, at work, with their parents). From the very beginning, large doses of alcoholic beverages are used, without self-control, to a severe degree of intoxication. Tolerance (tolerance) quickly increases, especially with systematic, sometimes daily, alcohol intake. Formed fairly quickly hangover syndrome, in the structure of which mental disorders predominate. The character also changes rapidly, acquiring psychopathic traits. This is expressed either in increased excitability, explosiveness with aggressive manifestations, or in a decrease in activity, initiative, intellectual capabilities, apathy. At this age, combinations of alcohol with drugs are frequent. There may be episodes of taking drugs ("on trial", "for the sake of interest").

Alcoholism in women. It is less common than among men, which is associated with the historical intolerance of female drunkenness in society. In addition, women themselves hide their alcohol problems to a certain extent by drinking alone or in a circle of close friends. Mostly middle-aged women (from 35 to 50 years old) suffer from alcoholism, and, at first, drunkenness is either episodic (situational) or cyclic, when women take alcohol as a medicine to improve mood, as a sedative to relieve tension, anxiety , irritability, tearfulness, sleep disturbances, which are often observed before menstruation ( Premenstrual syndrome- see below). In the future, in both cases, the intake of alcohol already becomes systematic (sometimes daily) or true binges develop. When a woman begins to appear drunk (or in a state of a hangover) at work or gets drunk in a circle of the same drunkards early in the morning at shopping "points", this already indicates far-reaching alcoholism and personality degradation. In these cases, the moral decline of a woman is usually strongly expressed, a decrease in social interests with their concentration only on the extraction and intake of alcohol; emotional hardening with loss of love for children and care for one's own family; sexual disinhibition with promiscuity without consideration of possible consequences.

If in men alcoholism is more often associated with cardiovascular disorders, then in women - diseases gastrointestinal tract(pancreatitis, hepatitis, cholecystitis, gastritis).

Treatment of alcoholism. Successful treatment alcoholism is possible only if the patient himself wishes it. Given the fact that alcoholics in most cases do not consider themselves as such, it is first necessary to conduct explanatory work with them. If this cannot be done in the family, then you can use the services of narcologists, psychotherapists, psychiatrists. Treatment can be done as outpatient settings as well as in the hospital. The choice of treatment conditions, on the one hand, is determined by the desire of the patient, and on the other hand, depends on his mental and physical condition. In cases of severe hangover syndrome, with pronounced somatic and mental disorders, in the presence of psychotic episodes in the past, inpatient treatment is indicated.


At stage 1, detoxification therapy is carried out, usually in cases where a hangover syndrome is expressed upon admission to a hospital or it is necessary to interrupt the binge. Used for detoxification various means, mainly using the parenteral route of administration (intravenous or intramuscular). They use unitiol, magnesium sulfate, vitamins B1, B6, C, nootropics (nootropil, piracetam, pyrroxan). With severe mental disorders, tranquilizers are prescribed (seduxen, relanium, phenazepam, tazepam). For sleep disorders, radedorm is used, and in cases of insomnia with nightmares, fear, anxiety, barbiturates (barbamil, luminal). The patient is recommended to drink plenty of water (mineral water, juices, fruit drinks) with the simultaneous appointment of diuretics. With severe somatic disorders (diseases internal organs) the patient is consulted by a therapist and an additional treatment is prescribed, aimed at eliminating certain disorders. You need a high-calorie, vitamin-rich diet. With severe exhaustion, the patient is prescribed small (4-6 IU) doses of insulin to increase appetite.

When a good condition, mental and somatic, is achieved, anti-alcohol treatment is carried out. Its choice is carried out together with the patient and his relatives, the essence and consequences of the proposed methods are explained. Throughout the entire treatment process, psychotherapy should be used, which contributes to the development of the patient's attitude towards treatment and a sober lifestyle. Treatment will be effective only if the patient believes the doctor, when the necessary contact, mutual understanding and trust are established.

One of the methods of treatment is conditioned reflex therapy. The essence of the method is to develop a conditioned reflex reaction in the form of vomiting to the taste or smell of alcohol. This is achieved by the combined use of emetics (sheep decoction, injections of apomorphine) and small quantities alcohol. Treatment is carried out daily or every other day. The course of treatment - 20-25 sessions. Conditioned reflex therapy is most effective in patients in the 1st stage, and especially in women, who usually do not tolerate vomiting and react with disgust to the treatment procedure itself.

Method of sensitizing therapy. Its purpose is to suppress the craving for alcohol and create conditions for forced abstinence from drinking alcohol. The patient is given daily the drug Antabuse (Teturam), which in itself is harmless. However, when alcohol enters the body (even a small amount of beer, wine), an interaction reaction occurs, the consequences of which can be very severe and unpredictable. One of the options for this type of therapy is the creation of a drug depot in the body, for which Esperal is implanted subcutaneously or intramuscularly (more often in the gluteal region). Esperal is a 10 coated tablets sealed in a sterile vial. The reaction to the drug in the body occurs only in the case of alcohol consumption. Fatal outcomes are possible. The patient is warned about the possible consequences of violating the sobriety regime, about which he gives a receipt, which, in turn, for the doctor is a legal document justifying his actions.

Psychotherapy is used from the first visit to the doctor and accompanies the entire treatment process. Explanatory psychotherapy is aimed at explaining the essence of the disease, its harm and harmful effects, the development of a setting for treatment and a long sober lifestyle. The patient must understand that he is no longer able to drink "like everyone else" and that he can no longer do without the help of a doctor. In addition to explanatory psychotherapy, other methods are used.

Hypnotherapy (hypnosis) - suggestion in a state of hypnotic sleep. Shown to patients easily suggestible and believing in the effectiveness of this method. It is used both individually and in specially selected groups (group hypnosis).

A special kind of psychotherapy is coding. Methods are copyright, for which doctors have exclusive rights.

Group rational psychotherapy. For this type of treatment, a small group of patients (about 10 people) is selected, united by a common psychological and social problems which contributes to the establishment of emotional ties between them, a sense of mutual trust, belonging to a special group. Patients discuss with the doctor and among themselves a variety of life problems, primarily related to alcoholism. Joint discussion of various issues allows patients to take a different look at themselves, evaluate their behavior. A special environment of mutual respect and trust allows you to develop a certain lifestyle, with other (sober) attitudes and aspirations, to believe in yourself and your abilities.

Remissions and relapses. After discharge from the hospital, the most difficult for the patient are the first 1-2 months, when you have to adapt to the new role of a teetotaler. During this period, it is necessary to rehabilitate at work, establish relationships in the family, compose a "legend" for your drinking companions as an excuse for a sober lifestyle. Moral support in the family, from friends, employees - necessary condition for the establishment of a qualitative remission.

The craving for alcohol can persist for quite a long time, depending on the severity of the disease. It is usually accompanied by the same vegetative and mental disorders that were observed in a state of hangover. Therefore, such a condition that occurs against the background of absolute sobriety is called a pseudo-withdrawal syndrome. The patient becomes irritable, agitated, "breaks down" on his wife and children, does not find a place for himself. The doctor usually at the time of discharge gives recommendations on what to do in such cases so that there is no "breakdown" - a return to drunkenness. If there were no recommendations, you need to see a doctor and, possibly, undergo a preventive course of treatment. The easiest way to avoid alcoholism: if there is a desire to "drink", you need to eat well and tasty, and with a full stomach, as you know, this desire disappears. In addition, you need to take a sedative (seduxen, phenazepam, sonapax - 1-2 tablets), and take them regularly until the condition improves and the craving for alcohol disappears. Psychotropic drugs and their doses must be agreed with the doctor.


Pharmacist I.B. Krasilnikova:

Previously, pharmacies sold hawthorn in 100-gram bottles, which was very popular with people suffering from alcohol addiction. Fortunately, a regulation has been issued that allows these heart drops to be sold only in a 25-gram package. And now, of course, there are cases when hangover sufferers buy hawthorn or motherwort tincture from us in 25-gram bottles worth 10-11 rubles (one per hand), but they are rare.

Local merchants of "death"

Illicit trade in alcohol-containing products flourishes in countryside. It is more difficult to find a job here, and the salary level does not allow you to buy expensive alcoholic products. Drinks are usually purchased from local distributors at home. great job heads of settlements are leading the fight against drunkenness. However, it is not possible to eradicate illegal dealers in alcohol-containing liquid, through whose fault people become drunk and die. We asked the head of the Gorevsky village administration V.E. Moiseev.
- Alcohol is terrible because a person quickly gets used to solving all his problems with it. They drink with us both for fun and for company, they celebrate joy with alcohol and fill grief. First, on holidays, then with the discharge or after the bathhouse, and then it went and went. And now, no family, no work, no health. What one has to see causes fear and despair. A guy in his twenties, one might say, of a heroic build, served in the army, could work as a machine operator, have a family, children. But he doesn’t want to work, sits on his parents’ neck, drinks everything that burns. Two or three years - and he is no longer recognizable. His face is swollen, his legs are swollen, there are ulcers on his body, the ability to think is lost, he cannot work, in fact, he is disabled. How many of these guys have already died from alcohol surrogate poisoning! A lot of women drink too much, young and old. Children, relatives and friends suffer. They come, ask us for help, demand to ban the sale of alcohol.
We, in turn, are trying to help. Each administration has lists of citizens selling technical alcohol at home. Moonshine is now unprofitable to drive; expensive and long. And technical alcohol is brought in canisters directly to the house by order. An enterprising merchant bottles it, diluting it with lemonade, mineral water, or even plain water. Based on the current legislation, it is possible to punish the illegal sale of alcohol-containing products only after a control purchase. It is very difficult to make this control purchase - each merchant has his own clientele, which he supplies both for money and on credit, and not a single client will give out his "savior". Judge for yourself, for 6 months of this year, only four protocols on this article were drawn up throughout the entire Urensky district, one of them is here, in Panfilov. Well, what do you think, having paid a fine, this woman stopped trading? Nothing like this. Analyzing who and why sells alcohol, I can say that almost always the basis is the thirst for profit. The pursuit of easy profit overshadows the mind, suppresses the conscience.
In the distribution network, drinkers buy bath products like Troyar. Those who sell them hide behind the fact that these alcohol-containing liquids are not intended for internal use. But the fact that they are drunk and poisoned by them is known to everyone. It is impossible to prohibit the sale of these funds under the current legislation, - said V.E. Moiseev.


Here is what an experienced narcologist, candidate, answered medical sciences to the letter of Anna Petrovna Volobueva, Voronezh.

"Hello. Three years ago, grief entered our family - my husband began to drink heavily. Nothing helps - no persuasion, no tears, no threats. I tried to treat him ... "


The modern world is full of temptations and temptations. Today it is quite difficult to find a person who has never tried alcoholic beverages. Some drink alcohol only on holidays. For others, it has become the norm of life and drinking alcoholic beverages is a common thing for them. The problem of alcoholism is the “plague” of the entire current society, which is itself to blame for the fact that this problem has grown into a public one. Through the constant advertising and availability of alcoholic beverages, alcohol addiction arises. Especially negative influence exposed to the younger generation. And it's not just teenagers who want to try everything. For some people, the experience of drinking alcohol has a value of several decades. Therefore, alcoholism and alcoholics is an acute problem that does not affect a particular family, but is a problem of the whole country.

Let's find out what are the symptoms and causes of alcoholism.

All about alcoholism

The basis of any alcoholic drink- This ethanol. Ethanol is a highly toxic poison. Therefore, regardless of the strength of the drink, it adversely affects the entire body. In addition, the systematic use of alcohol leads to addiction. As a result, a disease such as alcoholism develops. The concept of alcoholism and elitism, today, is a widespread term. It was invented in the middle of the eighteenth century by M. Huss. However, in medicine at the end of the nineteenth century, this term was called - alcohol addiction.

According to the World Health Organization, there are more than 140 million people in the world suffering from alcohol disease.

Let's see what alcoholism is and why it is dangerous for human life.

Factors causing alcoholism

Exists great amount opinions on the pathogenesis of alcoholism. Various studies have proven the difficulty of the emergence and development of alcoholism. Many authors believe that alcohol disease occurs as a result of the influence of not only social, but also other factors.

All causes of alcohol craving can be divided into three large groups: physiological, psychological and social factors.

Physiological reasons. Most important aspect- This genetic predisposition. It arises through a mutation that occurs in the genes. People with an altered chromosome set become alcoholics more often and faster. Over the past decade, drunkenness and alcoholism, elitism has greatly expanded its scope. Therefore, children born from such parents are more prone to alcoholism. But this factor by no means indicates a 100% guarantee of the occurrence of this disease. It all depends on the upbringing of the child and the position in society. Physiological factors also include human health. The pathogenesis of alcoholism is manifested as a result of diseases associated with a violation of the nervous system or metabolism.

Mental and mental changes are observed on initial stage diseases. People who abuse alcohol are characterized by changes in behavior, the development of depression and manic personality changes. Symptoms of depression become more pronounced. Most people start their alcoholic journey with no large doses alcohol and signs of the disease are not yet visible. In their opinion, alcohol will help to relax, unwind and forget about all the problems.

An alcoholic is a person whose personality is gradually but surely degrading. The systematic use of such drinks will soon cause addiction. Which is very difficult to deal with.

Hundreds of articles have been written about the treatment of Alcoholism, a lot of advice has been given. MARIA K. shared her personal experience of getting rid of addiction. Her personal experience husband's treatment for alcoholism.

The social factor is the conditions of human existence. These conditions include the way of life, upbringing and family traditions. alcohol disease more common in poor and unsettled people. However, in Lately development countries are seeing an increase in this disease along with economic growth. Alcoholism is a disease of the soul. And emotional experiences do not look at the status and position in society.

The main signs of the disease

As noted earlier, almost every person sometimes drinks alcohol. However, these people are distinguished from alcoholics by the absence of alcohol dependence. First comes the psychological alcohol addiction, and then the physical one.

External signs of people suffering from this disease are as follows:

  • Constant drinking.
  • Alcohol addiction. When taking large doses, vomiting is not observed.
  • Hangover.
  • External pathologies characterized by wilting and aging of the skin.

The neglected cases are distinguished by regular binges and the absence of their own opinion and philosophy. Heavy alcoholics slur words through injuries nervous tissue. In most cases, such people develop oncology (cancer or cirrhosis of the liver) and death occurs.

Stages of alcoholism

It is customary to distinguish two forms of dependence - psychological and physical.

The mental form appears due to the influence of ethanol on the central nervous system. Physical dependence on alcohol occurs as a result of the action of ethanol on metabolism. This disease develops at a slow pace and depends on the dosage and frequency of alcohol intake.

The definition of a pathological addiction to alcohol occurs on the following grounds:

  • degree of attraction.
  • Changing tolerance for alcoholic beverages.
  • hangover syndrome.
  • The level of damage to internal organs

To determine the severity of the patient's condition, doctors study the signs of the disease. The most important symptoms are the need and desire to drink alcohol alone. It is customary to distinguish three stages of alcoholism. However, a fourth stage is allowed.

Stages of addiction to alcoholic beverages: the story of a drunkard with experience

Signs of the first degree of alcoholism

The first is a slight psychological dependence. It's most likely a habit. If a person does not see alcohol in front of him, the addiction gradually decreases. Outwardly, no changes are observed. There is only a slight predilection. alcohol disease and bad habit the first stage is characterized enough mild manifestations diseases. The craving for ethanol disappears quickly.

Signs of the second stage of the disease

The second stage is characterized by obsession and strong desire drink up. The psychological picture becomes pronounced and the person constantly thinks about drinking. At this stage, there is an increase in the dose of alcohol. Alcohol for a person at this stage is mandatory. After it, the patient proceeds to the most dangerous stages.

Signs of the most dangerous stages

In the third stage, a person has withdrawal syndrome. Mental addiction is replaced by physical addiction. Alcohol leads to blockage of production natural hormones. The patient will no longer be able to stop drinking alcohol alone, without help. The dosage of the standard exceeds the permissible norm by several times. The hangover is eliminated with a new dose of alcohol and all the signs of drunken alcoholism are on the face. Occur in the human body pathological disorders nervous tissues. At this stage, cirrhosis of the liver occurs. Forced withdrawal causes symptoms that are observed in drug addicts - withdrawal and "withdrawal syndrome". The patient behaves aggressively and violently.

On last stage unhealthy structural changes occur circulatory system. A person has various tumors. For the patient, there is no longer any family or friends. He constantly wants to drink alcohol. All his thoughts are occupied with how to get another dose of alcohol. Alcoholics don't care what they drink. So he drinks everything indiscriminately. For such a person, words no longer mean anything. Radical measures are needed. Physical dependence is so great that the refusal of alcohol can cause his death.
Alcoholics of the fourth stage in 95 percent of cases are waiting for terrible death, which occurs due to cerebral hemorrhage or heart attack.
The last two stages are signs of the last point in the development of the disease. Having reached these stages, a person cannot cope on his own and he needs help.

Signs of addiction to alcohol

disease syndromes

Syndromes of alcoholism are divided into four groups.

  • The first group is mental addiction. She is characterized by an irresistible desire to drink and bring herself to a state of intoxication. A person experiences some discomfort without drinking alcohol.
  • The second group includes physical addiction. A person becomes well after drinking a dose of alcohol.
  • The third group is the syndrome of altered reactivity. For severe intoxication, the following symptoms are characteristic: memory lapses, slurred words.
  • The last one is chronic intoxication. It negatively affects the work of all organs. A person has social problems.

The causes of this disease are varied. Alcoholism can arise through stress or due to poor heredity. Despite all the factors, today alcoholism is curable. But first of all, it all depends on the person himself. If a person wants to drink, he will do it, and no one will force him to refuse a glass or a bottle. This is no longer a habit, but a real problem of alcoholism with which it is necessary and possible to fight. Words will not help in this situation. Need a doctor's help.

Outcome of the disease

Alcoholic disease slowly but surely leads to poisoning of the whole organism. Alcohol leads to metabolic disorders. In addition, it strikes the most important organs: heart, kidneys and liver. Alcoholic drinks are a poison that kills living cells, reduces the dynamism and mobility of spermatozoa.

Chronic alcohol poisoning has a complication in the form of cirrhosis of the liver, which later develops into cancer. For alcoholics, stomach ulcers are common. Long term use alcohol leads to mental disorders and personality degradation. A person begins to incomprehensibly and incomprehensibly pronounce words.

After the person has left long binge he develops acute psychosis. The main symptoms of delirium tremens appear. In this state, a person does not control his actions and is dangerous to society. Such a person needs to be hospitalized as soon as possible.

An important aspect in the treatment of alcoholism is the complete elimination of alcohol from life. In addition, the refusal should not be for a day, a year, but for life. Even drunk 100 grams return a person to where he could hardly get out. Alcoholism and its complications require not only drug therapy, but also intensive psychotherapy. Elitism also needs to be treated. The right words will help speed up the healing process.

The sooner a person realizes that it is not bad habit, and the disease, the easier it will be for him to refuse the bottle and return to normal life. If you cannot cope with the liquid plague on your own, you need to seek help from specialists.

Quitting drinking means regaining your identity and becoming a full member of society again. The duration of recovery depends on the severity of the disease.

Only numbers

According to the statistics, the following picture emerges. The problem of alcoholism is getting younger every year. In young people, the process of getting used to alcohol is faster than in adults. Teenagers who started drinking ethyl alcohol at the age of 15 after three years become hostages of this green beast. And for this it is no longer just a bad habit that you can quickly get rid of. And children who started drinking alcohol even earlier (12-14 years old) get used to alcohol in less than one year.


Alcoholism is not an individual problem. This disease is global in scope. Humanity has never been able to find effective way fight against alcoholism. People and entire families can only hope that in the near future medicine will take a big step forward towards healing from this terrible and insidious disease, which destroys almost everything in its path. The main thing is that it destroys health, which can be quite difficult or impossible to restore.

A lot depends on the patient. For him, the words spoken by friends and relatives are an empty place. He perceives the concept of a normal life in his own way. The alcoholic must realize and admit that he has problems. The realization that this is a problem and not a habit is the first and the right step on the way to a normal life. Very often, this step is very difficult to take. But for some patients, the importance of the family comes to the fore. And it is not just words.

And a little about the secrets of the Author

Do your family or friends have these symptoms? And you understand firsthand what it is:

  • The craving for alcohol becomes a priority desire, it is almost impossible to fight it.
  • Arises heavy brightly pronounced syndrome hangover.
  • The maximum dose of alcohol that the patient can drink is determined: contrary to the data on lethal for human body doses of alcohol (a little over a liter), an experienced alcoholic can drink up to one and a half liters of vodka and still stay alive.
  • Personality deformation progresses, the patient suffers from a whole complex a variety of disorders, among which:
  1. increased irritability up to aggressiveness;
  2. imbalance, rapid mood swings; general weakness, which occurs even at low loads;
  3. deformation of strong-willed character traits;
  4. decrease in the patient's ability to concentrate during periods of sobriety;
  5. a significant change in priorities in life: monotonous desires are formed, associated exclusively with the use of alcohol.
  • memory is significantly impaired and mental capacity drinking person.
  • The patient begins to suffer from severe episodic mental disorders, such as:
  1. delirium tremens;
  2. hallucinations;
  3. alcoholic
  4. epilepsy;
  5. paranoia.

Now answer the question: Would you like to save your neighbor? Can such pain be endured? And how much money have you already "leaked" for ineffective treatment? That's right - it's time to end this! Do you agree? That is why we decided to publish an exclusive interview with Yuri Nikolaev, in which he revealed the secrets of getting rid of alcohol addiction.

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