Why dream of glass in the body. How does the dream book interpret broken glass? Broken glass why dream

Modern dream books help to consider what broken glass is dreaming of without the help of a professional fortuneteller. To date, there are a huge number of meanings, and in this article we will discuss the interpretation of just such a dream.

Modern dream books help to consider what broken glass is dreaming of without the help of a professional fortuneteller.

Almost all modern dream books interpret such a dream from an unfavorable side, symbolizing it with danger, fear and deceit. Often, any broken object is dreamed of before any significant business in the dreamer's life. Such a dream hints to a person that one should not make hasty conclusions and should not take risks.

The main interpretations should be considered:

  • to a dreamer who is planning trips in the near future, such a dream speaks of some danger on the road. It may be worth postponing the trip for a while;
  • such a dream also indicates a person’s fear, perhaps he is afraid for the safety of a close relative;
  • pregnant women promise some difficulties during childbirth: women who are on their last term should be more careful;
  • also to see broken glass in night dreams means for the owner of the dream the resumption of old relationships that are unpleasant for him;
  • such a dream warns a person about the deceit of people from the environment, it is worth taking a closer look at colleagues, acquaintances and friends;
  • believers should go to church and light a candle for health.

Basically, such a dream is not accidental, and for a more detailed decoding it is necessary to remember all the small details.

What is the dream of glass (video)

Break glass with your feet in a dream

Broken glass in itself is an unfavorable sign, and when actions are taken to break it, then it is worth looking at which part of the body is being destroyed. Breaking glass with your feet is marked by the attraction of new troubles, and means that a second one will come after one trouble. Therefore, when you wake up, you should be more attentive.

When a dreamer breaks a glass door with his foot in a dream, this means that he needs to understand himself. The tormenting thoughts that torment the human mind will actually turn out to be not so serious.

Broken glass in itself is an unfavorable sign.

If the dreamer breaks a glass object, then in the real world he will receive bad news about a loved one.

Break glass with a fist in a dream

When the dreamer breaks glass with his fist, then he will create problems for himself with his own hands, which will haunt him in the near future. The cause of such troubles is irritability and anger. Having seen such a dream in night dreams, one should be restrained and try to calm down. It is also necessary to be careful in statements and actions in order to avoid scandals and problems.

When the dreamer breaks the glass with his fist, then he will create problems for himself with his own hands.

Breaking glass is a dangerous act in itself, because you can cause serious cuts. Such a dream has a warning character, hints that in real life one should be more attentive and careful. Sometimes a fist can act as a symbol of a loved one (husband or wife), such a dream promises all of the above troubles for a soulmate.

Break glass with a ball

The ball is a symbol of childhood and carelessness associated with it. There are several interpretations of such a dream:

  1. When the ball breaks the glass, children will be the cause of the upcoming failures.
  2. Glass that was broken by a small children's ball means that the problems that have arisen on the path of life will not be serious and a person can easily overcome them.
  3. To break glass in a window with a soccer ball is to undeservedly offend a close and good person.

See broken phone glass in a dream

Broken glass in the phone promises the dreamer some financial losses in the real world. Loss or breakage of expensive items is also possible. Some modern dream books signify such a dream with the loss of contacts and the cessation of communication with a loved one. Perhaps, waking up, you should call a dear person with whom there has been no communication for a long time.

Broken glass in the phone promises the dreamer some financial losses in the real world

The meaning of such a dream should also be considered according to the interpretation of the American psychologist Gustav Hindman Miller, who explains this dream in his own way. He claims that such a dream is for the dreamer a harbinger of the appearance of deceitful and two-faced people on the path. Soon such personalities will meet on the life path of a person, it is necessary to be more careful and prudent.

Why dream of broken glass in the window of the house

The windows themselves symbolize the barrier between the outside world and man. Breaking the glass in the window of the house, the dreamer lets some trouble into his life. Dream books help to consider the meaning of broken glass in the window, according to which there are several interpretations of such a dream:

  • for innocent girls, such a dream promises a loss of virginity in the near future;
  • predicts to women that betrayal of a husband or lover is possible;
  • also such a dream sometimes hints that close people suspect the owner of the dream of betrayal;
  • when you dreamed that the glass had received a large number of cracks, but was still whole, then the dreamer would withstand the upcoming problems with dignity, and they would not be able to break him;
  • if a child accidentally breaks a window, this means that the transitional age will be an unfavorable period;
  • broken glass in the window indicates that misunderstanding between spouses can lead the family to divorce.

Collect glass fragments in a dream

  1. Attempts to collect broken pieces of glass mean that the owner of the dream risks health and life in an attempt to return irretrievably lost things. You should make every effort and time to create something new, and not waste precious time trying to restore the lost. You should not be attached to past events, you need to look to the future from a positive side and find reasons for joy.
  2. There is also another interpretation of the collection of fragments, which predicts the dreamer to collect the problems of strangers. Such a dream prophesies the solution of other people's problems, for which the dreamer will not be grateful.

Attempts to collect broken pieces of glass mean that the owner of the dream risks health and life in an attempt to return irretrievably lost things.

Watching fragments under your feet in a dream - such a dream has a warning character, it hints that you need to be careful. Before you make an important decision, you should weigh the pros and cons. Holding a piece of glass in your mouth tells the dreamer about the onset of a difficult period in life, serious illnesses and failures are possible.

Break glass in a car

Cars are both a means of transportation and an object of human luxury. Broken car glass promises failures and problems related to work and business, there may be some difficulties in implementing the plan.

There is another meaning of such a dream associated with travel. Such a dream suggests that a planned important business trip will fail in the near future. Perhaps it should be postponed for a while, so as not to bring bad luck.

Glass in a dream book (video)

Based on all of the above, a small logical conclusion should be drawn. Dreams with broken glass do not bode well for a person's life. Having seen such a dream, one should prepare for the onset of sad events, but one should not immediately be very upset, because dreams give us hints and hints, the main thing is to interpret correctly.

Attention, only TODAY!

Glass shards in a dream most often reflect the consequences that happened after a conflict. At the same time, the more acute they were, the worse the current circumstances. Why else dream of such an image? The dream interpretation will reveal all his secrets.

Don't get excited!

Dreamed of broken glass? In real life, you quarrel with household members or colleagues. The dream book advises not to get excited, otherwise a ridiculous quarrel will develop into open enmity.

Broken glass can also appear in a dream as a sign of an imminent quarrel due to well-founded jealousy. Seeing broken glass means that you have to solve some problem by force, which is unlikely to bring pleasure to others.

Did you happen to hold large pieces of glass in your hands or, worse, mirrors, and look into them? Prepare for a global catastrophe.

Decoding by type

A more accurate interpretation of the dream will be given by the quality and condition of the fragments in the dream.

  • Dirty - conflict with outsiders.
  • Clean - a sober assessment of the situation.
  • Matte - false illusions.
  • Shiny - luck in love.
  • Colored - variety.
  • Mirror - the collapse of hopes.

Everything will change!

Why dream of numerous pieces of broken glass? Dream Interpretation believes that your dreams are shattered.

Pieces of broken glass in a dream warn that experiences from the past will come up and hurt you again.

Remove the fragments - to the good changes that will come after it seems that life has completely collapsed.

Don't even try!

Did you happen to collect glass fragments? The interpretation of sleep is literal. In reality, you will try to restore what you yourself previously destroyed.

Collect broken glass - to the desire to change the current situation. Alas, the dream book believes that all attempts will be useless.

Did you have to collect and throw away glass pieces in a dream? You probably got rid of what bothered you, it remains only to give up memories and negative experiences.


Why do you dream of glass fragments in your mouth? Soon you will get an extremely negative experience, which, however, will turn out to be useful much later.

Did you dream that there were tiny pieces of glass in your mouth? The dream interpretation believes that invisible obstacles will appear on the way, requiring decisive action.

In a dream, did you clearly feel glass in your mouth? Talk less and especially do not spread gossip.

What are you thinking about?

Had a dream that you had to literally spit out the glass? A lot of ideas are brewing in your head, but you are clearly not able to implement them.

Have you ever seen broken glass in your food? The dream interpretation is sure - you will receive bad news.

If in a dream you managed to eat glass, then in real life you will do unpleasant work, which will cause a lot of suffering.

Be careful!

If in night dreams you walked on broken glass and the smallest grains stuck into your feet, then the dream book warns of great danger.

Did you dream that a piece of glass was stuck in your leg? You have to pay a visit to a person who is very unpleasant to you, or he himself will come to visit.

In addition, a glass splinter in the leg marks an old resentment, which after a while will certainly remind of itself.

Did you accidentally get hurt in dreams? In reality, you will become an object for slander and slander.

Open up!

Why do you dream of glass fragments in your hand? Own negligence and bad behavior will cause a major quarrel or unexpected troubles.

If in a dream you felt how a fragmentary glass was moving in your hand, then the dream book is convinced that problems will be caused by family or the envy of friends.

Accidentally cutting yourself in the night with a piece of glass means that your talents, which you have been hiding for a long time and stubbornly, will delight others.

According to Miller

I had to see how the glass pieces stuck into the body and blood flowed, then Miller's dream book is sure that the nitpicking of a loved one will bring him to a stressful state.

Get ready!

Did you happen to pull glass fragments out of your body in a dream? In the near future, an extremely unpleasant situation will be resolved.

Had a dream that you helped another character pull out the glass? The dream interpretation promises a meeting with a person who will become a great friend and change his usual views.

Why dream that you had a chance to remove glass fragments from the body? In real life, you will know the name of someone who has been harming you for a long time and stubbornly. Sometimes taking out a glass splinter means receiving an unexpected gift.

Why dream of collecting fragments ▼

If in a dream I had to sweep the fragments ▼

Dreaming that glass fragments means you are on the right track. The decision was finally made and now you just need to follow it. Do not be afraid of the upcoming changes in - they will only bring. If it is very difficult, you can turn to the right one for help, he will not let you down.

Where were the fragments in a dream?

Why dream of a shard of glass in your hand ▼

A piece of glass in a dream speaks of your being too naive for life. The people around you use it. You need to trust people, but not as blindly as you. Try to use logic and common sense to realistically assess the situation.

What does a fragment in the mouth mean according to the dream book ▼

If you dreamed that you had glass fragments in your mouth, it means that many difficulties lie ahead. Disagreements on, discord in relationships with loved ones, lack of understanding in the family circle. Before judging others in your own, take a look at your mistakes. Perhaps this will help to establish relationships with others who sincerely love and respect you.

What does a shard of glass symbolize in the body in a dream ▼

A dream in which glass fragments stuck into says that you have a lot of envious people and ill-wishers who are always trying to prick and hurt. Not everything is going smoothly at work either - management will be dissatisfied with your work and criticize it in every possible way.

What do the glass fragments on the floor say in a dream ▼

To see fragments of glass scattered on the floor in a dream means many tears will be shed. Family relationships will be severely tested. However, if you do not break down and endure all the hardships together, a long and happy family life is guaranteed.

How many fragments did you dream about?

Seeing a lot of glass fragments in a dream ▼

If you dreamed of many small pieces of glass, it means that painful memories of the past will visit you. It is possible with a person with whom it was difficult and unpleasant and whom you would not like to see, or you will find out some unpleasant news.

Do not let go of thoughts in the past, it will not bring anything good. Live in the present, then no memories can shake your attitude to life.

If you dream of glass fragments, this is a negative sign. Failure in work affairs, quarrels, conflicts, internal discomfort - this is what such a night vision promises. However, the correct interpretation depends on many details seen by the dreamer: where did the broken glass come from, the type of fragments, the size and number of them, actions, the mood of the sleeping person, people, plot. A small piece of glass portends minor domestic troubles, and a huge one portends a global catastrophe.

Interpretation of sleep about fragments by popular predictors

The meaning of broken glass in various dream books:

  • Female: a failed business situation, a professional defeat, an unsuccessful completion of an important event. Cut yourself with a small fragment - open your creative potential, arouse the admiration of others, general recognition. Losing a lot of blood due to a cut is the need for proper rest, moral exhaustion. If the shard is stuck in the leg and cannot be pulled out in any way, there will be an unpleasant meeting, an important conversation that will not please the dreamer.
  • Small Velesov dream book: to break the glass on purpose - to unravel the insidious plan of the ill-wisher, to prevent the negative impact of others, to expose the liar. Stepping barefoot on broken glass is in great danger, risking your life. To look at a stranger through broken glass is to hope for the best, to be in anticipation of change.
  • Interpreter Tsvetkova: confusion, strong fear, excitement.
  • Ukrainian: stepping on fragments is a threat to the dreamer's health, getting seriously ill through his own fault. Break glass - feel unwell, tired, prostration. Accidentally get hurt - ruin your reputation due to other people's gossip and intrigue.
  • Dream Interpretation of Smirnov: small fragments portend a family quarrel, and large ones - global problems in personal relationships, parting with a lover.
  • French: misunderstanding, coldness, alienation, the emergence of conflict situations in all spheres of the dreamer's life.
  • Interpreter of Medea: looking through broken glass - not noticing obvious things, self-deception, illusory perception of real life. To see a lot of fragments - to quarrel with household members and colleagues.
  • Large: broken glass symbolizes the safety of a sleeping person. To purposefully break a window and cut yourself with a small fragment - disturb the peace of a loved one, cause anxiety and excitement among people for their state of health.
  • Miller's dream book: Breaking window glass - being disappointed in the end result, a waste of time and energy on an unsuccessful business. Cut yourself - get respect and general recognition, surprise others with your abilities and talents.
  • Esoteric: old friendships, events from the past, exposing an old secret. Broken color - to spray, not to notice the main thing, a waste of time, uncertainty. To beat the dishes and cut yourself at the same time - to establish relations with relatives, harmony and mutual understanding in the dreamer's house.
  • Interpreter of Catherine II: gloomy mood, pessimism, depression, negative reaction to any events.

To get out through a broken window glass - to fulfill a cherished dream, to successfully overcome life's obstacles on the way to the goal.


If you dreamed of muddy and dirty fragments - a serious illness, internal tension, subconscious fears and anxieties. Darkened or matte - misunderstanding in the family, an awkward situation. Distorted - not to notice obvious things, to be in the dark, to be deceived, to build castles in the air. Mirror - lose heart, fail, unfavorable life period. Sparkling in the sun - luck, family happiness, harmony.

If the dreamer is watching a stranger who deliberately begins to break window panes, someone will purposefully interfere with the implementation of the plan, someone else's interference in personal relationships. Cleaning up broken glass is a change that will have a positive effect on personal relationships and in the work area. Throw away - get rid of negative emotions, spiritual cleansing. To swallow a tiny shard is to do extremely unpleasant and hard work.

Snow-covered fragments with a crust of frost portend great and pure love. Collecting them in a dream is not taking care of your health. Talking with fragments in your mouth - expressing yourself sharply, being rude and ignorant, offending your loved ones with words. If they dig into the skin and a person begins to bleed, you should pay attention to your emotional state and let go of past grievances, as this can have a very negative impact on health.

To help a stranger pull a shard out of his hand - to find a faithful and reliable friend, out of the body - to feel the help and support of loved ones in a difficult life situation.

Seeing fragments of shells and other ammunition in a dream portends failure in the business sphere. Being wounded by a fragment from an explosion predicts that your imaginary friends will take advantage of your trust and abuse it for their own selfish purposes.

To be wounded by peaceful fragments, that is, they say, to cut themselves with glass or run into other sharp fragments - such a dream means that picky household members will pester you with their nit-picking and remarks. Shards of a broken mirror portend sad news of tragic events.

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Dream Interpretation - Glass

If in a dream you looked through the glass - expect trouble.

Broken window glass portends an unsuccessful completion of a business to which you have given a lot of effort. Cloudy glasses dream of failure.

Cut yourself with glass - show your abilities and very quickly win the admiration of others.

They admired the cleanly washed window panes - you will get a prestigious place, but you will earn a lot of conflicts.

Interpretation of dreams from
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