Aliana Ustinenko about the death of her mother: “There was no worse event in my life. Svetlana Ustinenko died after a long illness Where is Aliana Gobozova's mother from home 2

At the age of 48, ex-participant of the show "Dom-2" Svetlana Ustinenko, mother of Aliana Gobozova, died of brain cancer.

“Today your heart stopped ... But you will forever be in our hearts and souls, my bright, gentle, kind, sincere mother ... Mom, you hear, I feel bad without you ... I love you more than life, I love you like no other ... I am always there, I feel you ... I ask all those who are not indifferent to read with me the “Prayer for the Repose of the Soul” by the servant of God Fatinya, ”wrote Aliana.

For a long time, Svetlana Mikhailovna Ustinenko struggled with brain cancer. She underwent several courses of chemotherapy, underwent several surgeries and even turned to traditional medicine. In an interview with the media, the woman noted more than once that she was determined to fight and would try her best to recover.

In May 2016, Svetlana Ustinenko underwent a second operation to remove the tumor, but it did not bring any improvement. After surgery, she was in critical condition. The woman was worried about her well-being and was completely depressed.

“I don't know what they did to me. I can't see or hear anything, I'm completely at a loss... Thanks to my daughter and relative, who came from Volgograd and helps me, sits with me. There is no money for medicines - I have now been prescribed an expensive drug, the course of which costs 100 thousand rubles, and I need to take it every month. Of course, these are unbearable amounts for my daughter and me. What will happen to me - I don’t know ... My life is over, ”said Ustinenko.

The doctors diagnosed him with glioblastoma of the brain. Relatives, together with Svetlana, tried all the methods of treatment. Svetlana's daughter Aliana constantly reported how her mother was doing, and never lost hope that her mother would get better and cope with the disease. After the operation, Svetlana became worse, she began to see and hear poorly, but continued to enjoy life around her.

diagnosis of Svetlana Ustinenko

All this time, next to Ustinenko were her beloved daughter Aliana, son-in-law Alexander Gobozov and his mother Olga Vasilievna.

Former Dom-2 participant Irina Agibalova said about Ustinenko's death: “The last time I saw Sveta was six months ago on the program, when they raised money for her treatment. She then hoped that she would be able to recover, because after treatment for only a week in the mountains, the tumor had halved. She dreamed of going there again for a longer period. But subsequent treatment did not help her. Today our mutual friend informed me that Sveta was gone. She has been unconscious lately. Paramedics came, but it was all in vain. Despite the fact that in her hometown she could be treated according to the quota, the whole family preferred that Sveta be in the capital - here the drugs are different, and the care is better. But recently she left Moscow for Volgograd. It's very hard for me to hear the news of my death right now. I have not yet called Aliana to express my condolences. I think she’s just not up to it now, I don’t want to disturb her. ”

Knowing about her fatal diagnosis, Svetlana Ustinenko repeatedly tried to charge others with optimism, she wrote that people should appreciate every minute of life:

At all stages of treatment, the former participant of the reality show shared the details of how exactly her struggle with a serious illness is going. It is known that at some point the Ustinenko family even turned to when she was still alive. Svetlana Mikhailovna said that she had a chance to talk about treatment methods with. He shared with the woman the experience of his family, the conclusions that he and his wife had made while trying to defeat the disease.

“Dima said that they did not do a single chemotherapy, because it wears out the body. All their methods are aimed at increasing immunity. They were in China and America. Plus, he told me where you can buy the nanovaccine that helped Jeanne. She was experimental, Jeanne tried it at her own peril and risk, and the medicine helped, ”she said.

Svetlana Ustinenko was born in Volgograd in July 1967. She studied and worked there, met her first love. Arthur Asratyan beautifully looked after Svetlana and loved her more than life itself. Despite numerous obstacles from the future husband's parents, Svetlana and Artur become husband and wife.

Svetlana's family life was not always cloudless and beautiful. She could be like that, because Arthur loved his wife very much, who reciprocated him. However, Arthur had a too hot temper, and he was jealous of his wife even to her friends. Often his jealousy ended in outbursts of rage and aggression.

In 1993, Aliana was born into the family. Young parents loved the girl very much. In 2001, Svetlana gave birth to Arthur's son Gegham. However, the happiness did not last long. And a few years later, Svetlana decided to leave her despot husband, taking her children with her. Arthur hoped to the end that Svetlana would return to him and forgive him. But that did not happen.

Svetlana was brought to the Dom-2 project by her daughter Aliana. At the end of August 2013, Svetlana Ustinenko became a full member of House 2.

Fans, meanwhile, do not quite understand why a woman needed to participate in a television set. However, thanks to her participation, the rating of the project has increased significantly. Svetlana dreamed of meeting her life partner, but her dreams were not destined to come true.

The exact date and place of the funeral is still unknown. Most likely, Svetlana will be buried in Volgograd, in her homeland.

Mom in his native Volgograd. Her little son Robert helps her survive the tragedy. “I don’t know how to return to life ... Probably, only God knows why and why ... It’s sad, lonely, empty in my soul,” the grieving daughter shared her grief with Instagram subscribers. “If not for my Robik, then everything would lie next to me. But he is my little engine in life. I can’t leave him, because I’m also his mother ... And he is also afraid to be left without me. "


Gobozova thanked all those who are not indifferent (the ex-participant of Doma-2 has a million subscribers in Instagram alone) for the kind words. "Thank you for your sympathy and words of support ... Like a warm spark in my heart ... Thank you so much. It is comforting to think that mommy no longer suffers and does not suffer from this terrible and ugly disease ... I believe that mommy next to me, I believe that it is good and easy for her there, every day I help her with my prayers and alms to those in need ... I will do everything so that she is proud of me from above and does not worry about me, - Aliana promised. - She is my angel 👼🏽".

Recall that Gobozova found out about when she was on the set. The producer gave her the heavy news at the end of the broadcast. A little later, the former member of "House-2" shared her grief with subscribers on social networks by posting a photo of Svetlana with a mourning ribbon.

"Today your heart stopped ... But you will forever be in our hearts and souls, my bright, gentle, kind, sincere mother ... Mom, you hear, I feel bad without you ... I love you more than life, I love you I love like no other... I am always there, I feel you... I ask all those who are not indifferent to read with me a prayer for the repose of the soul of God's servant Fatinya," Gobozova addressed subscribers.

Ustinenko underwent several operations to remove a tumor (glioblastoma), underwent chemotherapy courses and turned to traditional medicine. Gobozova's mother tried not to lose her presence of mind, said that she was determined to win, and believed that she would be able to recover.

As Dni.Ru wrote, Svetlana came to the Dom-2 project to her daughter Aliana Gobozova at the end of 2014. However, health problems during the filming of the reality show forced her to leave the "perimeter". Ustinenko fainted several times on the site, after which she turned to specialists for help.

At the first stage of treatment, after a course of chemotherapy, she showed positive dynamics. However, knowing the dangers of such a method, Ustinenko refused it. But it only got worse. Then Svetlana again had to return to chemotherapy.


"Today your heart stopped ... But you will forever be in our hearts and souls, my bright, gentle, kind, sincere mother ... Mom, do you hear, I feel bad without you ... I love you more than life, I love you like no other... I am always there, I feel you... I ask all those who are not indifferent to read with me the "Prayer for the Repose of the Soul" by God's servant Fatinya," Aliana laments.

Until the last day, Ustinenko was next to her daughter, Aliana's husband Alexander Gobozov and his mother Olga. Ustinenko underwent several operations to remove a tumor (glioblastoma), underwent chemotherapy courses and. Gobozova's mother tried not to lose her presence of mind, she said that she was determined to win and believed that she would be able to recover.

In May, Svetlana underwent a second operation to remove the tumor. After surgery, she There was no improvement. During this period, the frustrated Ustinenko admitted that she felt very bad.

“I don’t know what they did to me. I don’t see or hear anything, I’m completely at a loss ...,” the former star of “House-2” told reporters. “Thanks to my daughter and relative, who came from Volgograd and helps me, sits with me. There is no money for medicine - I have now been prescribed an expensive remedy, the course of which costs 100 thousand rubles, and I need to take it every month. Of course, these are unbearable amounts for my daughter and me. What will happen to me - I don’t know ...

    Yes, indeed, this tragedy happened today, October 14th. The mother of Aliana Gobozova, a member of the House of Two, bravely struggled for two years with a terrible diagnosis, glioblastoma, underwent several courses of chemotherapy and operations. And now her heart stopped...

    Yes, alas, it is.

    Alina Gobozova's mother was sick with cancer and fought for her life for two years.

    The diagnosis is a brain tumor of the third degree.

    Alas, the disease could not be overcome.

    Alina wrote about it on Instagram.

    It's a pity - a beautiful, young woman left so early.

    On October 14, on the bright holiday of the Intercession, Svetlana Ustinenko passed away. She failed with cancer. For several years she fought cancer, but alas ... few people manage to emerge victorious from this struggle. It's a pity. And that she left so early, it’s a pity for the children who still really need a mother.

    Member of House - 2, Svetlana Ustinenko, died of brain cancer. Her daughter said that her mother fought cancer for two years and died on October 14th. that is, today. Ustinenko underwent several courses of chemotherapy, underwent several surgeries and even turned to traditional medicine. The woman was worried about her well-being and was completely depressed. After the second operation, she did not see or hear anything.

    She was only 48 years old, had no two children, and a grandson. She always looked good, a beautiful woman, she was calm. At House 2, she was always for her daughter, supported as best she could, protected from everyone. The disease overtook suddenly, that's how it happens in life.

    Unfortunately, this is true. Svetlana Ustinenko died on October 14 from brain cancer. I really sympathize with Aliana, losing the dearest and most beloved person is very difficult, bitter. the main little man is his son Robik.

    Yes it is.

    Today, the daughter of Svetlana Ustinenko, Alianna Gobozova, shared this sad news in her networks.

    The woman has been battling brain cancer for a long time.

    She repeatedly underwent treatment at the clinic, underwent several courses of chemotherapy, everyone was in a positive mood and hoped for a miracle.

    Svetlana has recently lost a lot of weight, but she kept herself well to the last.

    Unfortunately, this is not a newspaper duckquot ;. On October 14, 2016, a former participant in the Dom 2 project, the mother of Aliana Gobozova, Svetlana Mikhailovna Ustinenko, died. She was 48 years old and for several years she had been living with a diagnosis of Glioblastoma of the brain. Svetlana Mikhailovna fought to the end, at one time she even wrote about some improvement in her condition, but she still failed to defeat cancer.

    Condolences to all her loved ones.

    Yes, unfortunately it's true. Aliana Gobozova's mother died of cancer on October 14, 2016. The girl wrote about this sad event in her microblog. Svetlana Ustinenko was treated for a long time, underwent several surgeries and chemotherapy courses. She had the same form of brain cancer as the singer Zhanna Friske. Our condolences to her family and friends.

    Svetlana Ustinenko died today on October 14 (she was 48 years old), she fought brain cancer for two years. This disease was diagnosed back when she was at the site of House-2, she became ill and very often lost consciousness, after the examination it turned out this ... It's a pity for her, she is a calm, quiet woman, she always did not get into relationships, but I only worried about her daughter and grandson .. She has two children, Aliana and a boy, I don’t remember his name, he is 16 years old ...

    It's a pity ... such a bright woman was ...

    Svetlana Ustinenko is the mother of Alina Gabozova, who also for some time first helped and lived on the Dom-2 television project, and then became a member of the television project where she lived and helped with the child and taught Alina family life. Alina Gabozova announced the death of her mother on her Instagram. Svetlana Ustinenko had brain cancer with which she fought for more than two years and at first successfully and always was only for the victory over the disease and did not give up, but in the end the disease took its toll. To help Alina, you can contact her through Instagram, or by buying NL energy, which she does. You can read more about how Svetlana Ustinenko fought and how the Gabozov family helped Alina's family on this site. On the body of the project, only positive memories remained about Svetlana, since she was always sincere and honest with everyone

    The death of her mother, Svetlana Ustinenko, was reported by Aliana Gobozova.

    On Instagram, Aliana posted a photo of Svetlana and a farewell inscription.

    It is known that Svetlana Ustinenko fought cancer for two years, but unfortunately the disease turned out to be invincible.

    When Svetlana was on the project, all participants and viewers noted how good she looks for her age. She was such a fine fellow, she always took care of herself and her character was normal. I'm very sorry for her...

    On the evening of October 14, Alina Ustinenko-Gobozova, a former member of House 2, shared on social networks the sad news that her mother, who had also participated in House 2, had died.

    Svetlana Ustinenko-Gobozova died of a long illness - brain cancer, which she fought for several years. Svetlana no longer had the strength to fight, expensive treatment no longer helped.

    Very sorry for Svetlana! She was a kind and bright person.

    Here is Aliana's post:

    Unfortunately, Alina Gabozova's mother died from a serious illness of the brain, which had been tormenting the woman for several years, at first after chemotherapy, as always, there was a positive effect, but then everything worsened with even greater force. Her daughter announced her death on Instagram, everything happened on October 14, 2016 ... Svetlana was 48 years old and she had previously been a participant in the DOM-2 television project, where she helped her daughter Alina Gabozova cope with children and help around the house mainly.

Reading this article:

Despite the fact that the famous reality show "House 2" is a fun and scandalous show in concept, unfortunately, tragedies also happen there, just like in life.

There were several such cases when former participants died for various reasons. Among them, I was unexpected and the terrible death of Aliana's mother, Ustinenko Svetlana.

Svetlana Ustinenko, a beautiful, sophisticated, educated woman, appeared on the famous television set when her daughter urgently needed help, moral support. At that time, the explosive girl constantly quarreled with her, no less emotional, young man -.

All viewers, and the participants themselves, almost immediately imbued this mother with respect and even sympathy. By the way, I must say that mothers appear on the project from time to time and, unfortunately, almost none of them left pleasant, respectful impressions about themselves.

It’s ugly, and I don’t really want to write badly about adult women. But what if these women, having come to a youth project, and realizing that they are being filmed around the clock by more than twenty video cameras, sometimes behave indecently.

Since they become full-fledged participants in the reality show, they are also subject to ALL, without exception to age and status, the rules of the famous TV show. This is the Law. So, let's briefly recall the "adventures" of each of them.

For example, then still nicknamed "grandmother-transformer" (because of the many successful and not very plastic surgeries done "for free" at the expense of the project). She was exposed on a lie detector in that she molested, hinted at an intimate relationship with a young man, a participant in the project.

Disgraced more than once on a TV project. One of the most unforgettable moments is duck diving into the pool with other participants for some small prize. Not only did she just heat up to win this competition, but her “fifth point”, filmed at that moment, walked around the Internet for a long time.

Mom was also noticed in the "sympathy" for the young people of the famous television set. Fortunately, she quickly left the TV project. And mother . She generally competed for a man with her own daughter, fought for a date with him and Maya.

Unforgettable and Tatyana Vladimirovna, mother, nicknamed "nationwide ladle", even mother, has established herself on the youth television project not only as a wonderful caring grandmother, but also as a brawler and fighter. What is only her brawl and verbal swearing with, and constant "showdown" on mats and fists with her own son-in-law.

Each of the mothers, unfortunately, one way or another, ugly "lit up" on the reality show "Dom-2". Each, except for Aliana's mother - Svetlana Ustinenko. TV hosts tried to arrange her personal life as well., and at the same time "hype" at her expense. On assignment, almost by force, they organized a date for Svetlana Ustinenko with an equally intelligent and quiet participant in the Dom-2 reality show, Vasily Toderik.

The young people sat modestly on the bench for about seven minutes and talked on abstract topics. All! The organizers of the TV show did not touch her anymore. Useless! Too correct. And, indeed, she is on the project only in order to maintain such a shaky happiness of her Aliana.

This article is often read:

This quiet, unassuming, and sophisticated young woman struggled to keep her beloved daughter and hot boyfriend in such a nervous and unbalanced relationship. Recall that the couple married three times and divorced the same number of times.

It is a pity that the poor mother spent her last years in a hassle, in constant scandals and showdowns. Whether she knew that she was seriously ill is not known for certain. Svetlana Ustinenko took up the treatment of a serious illness only after she left the TV set. But it was apparently too late.

Not once, while still on the project, did she say a word about the terrible pains that tormented her.

Svetlana Ustinenko did not live long ... She tried to fight a serious illness, but could not defeat her. Cancer is stronger. At the age of 48, in her prime, the young beautiful intelligent Svetlana quietly died in the hospital ...

There was no limit to the grief of relatives and friends. Her daughter, Aliana Gobozaova, suffered the most. The farewell post was with these words:

“You will forever be in our hearts and souls, my bright, gentle, kind, sincere mother ... Mom, do you hear, I feel bad without you ... I love you more than life, I love you like no other ... I feel you!”.

All the participants of the TV project, with whom Svetlana Ustinenko lived for some time, and the viewers who fell in love with this beautiful and modest woman, regretted her premature death. The kingdom of heaven to this bright little man ...

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