Bruise and contusion under the eye. How to quickly remove a bruise under the eye. Decoctions from dry medicinal plants

Many people have experienced this at least once in their lives. an unpleasant problem like a black eye. Moreover, in this place they can appear not only due to injuries inflicted directly on the eye. May be injured frontal part, nose, bridge of nose or cheeks. After an accidental or deliberate blow to the face, blood vessels rupture and blood enters the surrounding tissues with its further accumulation in upper layers skin. The epidermis in the eye area is very delicate and thin, it is also located there great amount blood vessels that feed our visual system- therefore, even a small injury in any area of ​​​​the face often leads to the appearance of a hematoma under the eye.

Bruise under the eye from a blow

Classification of bruises under the eyes

Since anyone looks completely unattractive, many people are interested in the question - how long does a bruise go under the eye. To answer this question, it is necessary to qualify each specific case and the reason for the appearance, it is necessary to be based on the following factors:

  • what was the force and place of impact;
  • play a role individual characteristics organism;
  • whether first aid was provided in a timely manner and whether appropriate treatment was carried out;
  • even the weather outside the window affects the rate at which the bruise disappears. Traumatologists note that bruises under the eyes last longer in summer.

A special place among bruises near the eyes is occupied by dark circles, which do not appear due to injuries, but for other reasons. For example, due to pathologies of the kidneys, as a result of nervous shocks, alcohol and smoking abuse, and there are also bruises inherited due to the special structure of blood vessels and skin faces.

The timing when such dark circles under the eyes disappear depends on other indicators - good rest, treatment of diseases that cause dark circles or complete failure from bad habits.

IMPORTANT! If dark circles are caused by hereditary factors, then getting rid of them is almost impossible. In this case, only cosmetic preparations which will mask the problem to some extent.

Bruises caused by the disease disappear only after treatment

How quickly do bruises resulting from an injury go away?

Hematoma under the eye as a result severe bruise persons without first aid and full treatment can be visible to others for up to 2-3 weeks. And if the bruise is accompanied painful swelling, then the period of its "prosperity" may increase by another week.

A small black eye in the eye area will pass on its own for at least 8-10 days.

According to doctors, timely first aid and other methods of treatment will significantly reduce the time unpleasant consequences a blow, although bruises are also treated for a long time, since the tissue around the eyes is very thin and easily damaged. How to help get rid of a bruise modern drugs and recipes traditional medicine.

Stages of resorption of a bruise under the eye

What is the first aid after an injury

To prevent an increase in bruising on the face, do the following:

  1. After a blow or a fall, cold should be applied to the site of injury as soon as possible. If it is ice, it must be wrapped in cloth. A cold object should be applied to the cheek, and not under the eye. The duration of exposure to cold on the face should not be more than 20 minutes for an adult and 10-15 minutes for a child in order to avoid tissue frostbite. Then you need to take a short break and repeat the procedure.
  2. A blow to the bridge of the nose usually causes profuse bleeding from the nose and bruises under the eyes. It is necessary to lie down, cotton swabs should be inserted into the nose and cold should be applied. You can’t blow your nose, otherwise the swelling and bruising under the eyes will greatly increase.
  3. As soon as possible, you need to start taking vitamins C and P, which strengthen the walls of blood vessels and accelerate the process of tissue repair.
  4. Do not take aspirin to relieve pain. Its main property is blood thinning, which cannot be increased with bruises.

Cold application reduces hematoma

Rehabilitation treatment

Most often, it will not work to remove the problem from the face with cold alone, and if the affected person does not use other methods of treatment, recovery will take a long time.

On the second day after the impact, it is necessary to carry out treatment with the help of heat. You can use heated salt or sand. Also, during the following days, bruises after bruises can be treated with special ointments that are sold in pharmacies. A good result is shown by such means:

  • Heparin ointment - perfectly eliminates edema, normalizes blood flow and strengthens the walls of blood vessels. Thanks to the active treated components, it is quickly absorbed into damaged tissues and helps to resolve the hematoma.
  • Ointment "Troxevasin" - eliminates puffiness and effectively relieves hemorrhage;
  • Ointment "Rescuer";
  • and bruises "Badyaga" in the form of an ointment or powder. By using this drug blood in trouble spot begins to circulate more actively, and the nutrition of bruised tissues improves.

Healing ointments for bruises

Folk recipes for the speedy removal of a hematoma

When treating a hematoma at any stage of development, one should try to speed up the process of resorption of blood clots in the tissues. Many folk recipes are excellent at this task. the best and effective recipes are as follows:

  • Prepare a mixture of onion and salt. Place the composition in several layers of gauze and apply to the problem area for 20 minutes. Do the procedure 2 times a day.
  • Therapeutic compress from ordinary salt. Cotton swab moisten in water with salt and apply to the hematoma.
  • Well removes the multi-colored effects of a blow with a compress consisting of salt, iodine and vinegar.
  • Decoctions from medicinal herbs also relieve inflammation and help. You can use chamomile, St. John's wort, calendula, sage, or regular black tea.
  • Helps cure the problem cabbage leaf or a leaf of aloe, which must be applied to the bruise.

It is possible and necessary to deal with bruises on the face, there are many ways and methods of struggle. The main rule is that you can not delay the treatment of a hematoma, otherwise the problem can drag on for quite a long period of time.

In order to quickly get rid of a bruise under the eye resulting from an injury, you can use several methods - medications and traditional medicine recipes. The rate of resorption of the bruise depends on the degree of skin damage and on how timely measures were taken to reduce subcutaneous hemorrhage. In the first minutes after the injury, it is necessary to apply cooling compresses, which can significantly reduce the area of ​​the hematoma. There are some symptoms in which you need to see a doctor so as not to lose your sight and not get severe complications from traumatic brain injury.

Why is a bruise formed and what is its danger?

A bruise under the eye from a blow can form not only during a fight, but also with domestic injuries. When hit or bruised, damage to the blood vessels occurs - they burst and blood under pressure enters the subcutaneous tissue without breaking the integrity of the skin. The size of the bruise depends on how much blood has flowed from the damaged vessels. According to the mechanism of formation, a bruise is a hematoma - the formation of a cavity in the tissues containing liquid or clotted blood.

With a strong blow to the eye, the skin becomes painful and begins to swell, appears small swelling. The color of the hematoma is different - from bright red (immediately after the impact) to purple. After 2-3 days, the color becomes darker and then yellowish green. The color of the skin changes due to the breakdown of hemoglobin in the process of its utilization in damaged tissues. A bruise forms at the site of impact within 1-2 hours. Therefore, to stop the formation of hematoma and swelling under the eye, you must immediately use cold compress- ice or a wet bandage (gauze) dipped in cold water. They are applied for 5-10 minutes every half hour to an hour. Breaks should be taken in order not to freeze the skin. Ice constricts blood vessels, thereby reducing the volume of the hematoma. Instead of ice, you can use a bottle of cold water wrapped in a napkin or towel, as well as a cold spoon.

In the following hours, agents are used that improve the condition of the vessels and restore blood supply to the tissues. Bruises usually go away on their own in 1-2 weeks. To improve blood circulation on the second or third day after injury, use dry heat. At the same time, they begin to massage the skin around the eye socket in circular motions.

Bruises are not as harmless as they might seem. If, after a fight, a child or an adult has bruises under both eyes (“a symptom of glasses”), then this indicates a fracture of the base of the skull. characteristic symptom is nasal discharge cerebrospinal fluid transparent color. In this case, you must immediately contact medical care because the lack of treatment leads to lethal outcome. The bones of the orbit have a fragile structure, which can crack from a strong blow, and the retina can peel off. With absence curative measures the person will lose their sight. If a blow to the eye causes a rupture of the vessels inside the skull, then this leads to a cerebral hemorrhage.

If you have the following symptoms, you should contact a traumatologist or admission department hospitals:

  • bilateral symmetrical bruising on both eyes;
  • dizziness;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • deterioration of vision.

In the hospital, an examination by an ophthalmologist will be scheduled, which examines the fundus of the eye. Doctors will do an examination using a CT scan or ultrasound of the brain to rule out cerebral hemorrhage. In other cases, the treatment of hematoma under the eye can be carried out at home using medicinal ointments or folk remedies.

The use of medications

To eliminate a bruise, the following pharmacy products are used:

  • Troxevasin gel and its analogues - Troxerutin Vetprom, Troxerutin-MIC, Troxevenol, Troxerutin Vramed, Troxerutin Zentiva. The main component troxerutin contained in their composition strengthens and restores the walls of blood vessels, improves blood circulation in tissues, and has an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Heparin ointment (gel) and its analogues - Venitan Forte, Trombless Plus. Heparin stimulates the restoration of skin cells and blood vessels, helps relieve swelling and reduces the "bloom" of the bruise. The ointment is applied to the skin every 3 hours with circular massaging movements, while trying not to get into the eyes. Heparin helps to get rid of light bruises quickly in 2-3 days, severe injuries will require longer treatment.
  • Gel Bruise Off based on extract medicinal leech has an anti-inflammatory effect and helps to cure bruises on the face and body in short time. There is a variation of this drug with a tinting effect that allows you to "disguise" the bruise under a thick layer of gel.
  • Ointment Badyaga or gel Badyaga Forte, Badyaga 911 based on the extract of freshwater sponges activates local blood circulation, has exfoliating properties. The drug is not recommended for dry skin. In case of contact with mucous eyes, they must be rinsed large quantity water. Badyaga Forte contains small particles of silica, which penetrate into the upper layers of the skin and have irritant effect, due to which blood circulation improves and a resolving effect is manifested.
  • Balm Rescuer is based on natural ingredients. The regenerative effect is provided by the sea buckthorn and essential oils, carotenoids and tocopherol included in its composition, as well as a decoction of calendula.

These ointments dry the delicate skin under the eyes quite strongly, so it is recommended to additionally use moisturizers. There are also contraindications for the use of these drugs - individual intolerance and open wounds(for medicines based on heparin and badyagi). Before the first application of ointments and gels, you need to test on the bend of the elbow.


In the absence of special medications to eliminate a bruise, you can use the advice of traditional medicine:

  • Applying an iodine mesh to a bruise. On the second day after the bruise on the damaged area cotton swab apply a grid of 5% iodine tincture. Iodine has a disinfectant, anti-inflammatory and warming effect, improves blood circulation. If you apply the mesh at night, then by morning it will be absorbed into the skin.
  • Fresh cabbage leaves are beaten so that they begin to secrete juice. The leaves are wrapped in gauze and applied to the bruise. Compresses need to be changed as they dry out. Since the leaves are inconvenient to hold in front of your eyes, you can use gruel from chopped and washed cabbage as a compress. Gauze with gruel is fixed on the face with plasters. This folk remedy is one of the most effective.
  • Boiled beans are mashed to a puree state. The resulting slurry is used as a compress for the night.
  • Green radish is rubbed on a fine grater and gruel is applied to the damaged area several times a day.
  • The enzyme bromelain contained in pineapple is widely used in cosmetology as an anti-inflammatory and decongestant. At home, the bruise is wiped with freshly squeezed juice or pieces of this fruit.
  • 1 st. l. honey is heated in a water bath and 1 tbsp. l. dried leaves plantain. The resulting slurry is applied to the bruise. You can use pure honey, as well as its mixture with aloe.
  • Potato starch has a softening, soothing effect and helps to remove excess water from edematous tissues. To treat a bruise, starch powder is diluted warm water until creamy and applied to the skin. Can be used instead of powder raw potatoes- Grate it on a fine grater and apply to the bruise.
  • Wash banana with soap and peel. Cut it into small pieces and apply to the hematoma under the eye. Banana peel has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.
  • A cut leaf of aloe is applied to the damaged area or a compress is made from gruel of finely chopped leaves. For treatment, it is better to use an old plant, as it accumulates more useful substances. The compress can be fixed with gauze and plaster.
  • 2 tsp badyagi powder (it can be purchased at a pharmacy) is mixed with 1 tsp of warm water. It is applied to the skin under the eye and kept on the bruise until the product dries. Then it is washed off with warm water and applied again.
  • For 2-3 days after the formation of a bruise, you can start warming it up with dry heat. To do this, a large pan is heated in a pan. table salt or clean, washed river sand, pour them into a small linen bag and apply to the bruise for 15 minutes 3 times a day.

Alcohol or vinegar tinctures to eliminate a bruise under the eye are not recommended, as they can cause eye irritation. Essential oils also help remove bruises. For fresh hematomas, lavender, thyme oil is used, and for old ones, rosemary.

None of us are immune from getting an accidental black eye. Such injuries can occur at home, at work, while playing sports or in a fight. If a man can tolerate such a “decoration” on his face, then women do not want to become an object heightened attention surrounding.

As a result of damage to blood vessels and soft tissues, hemorrhage occurs. Basically, a bruise is internal bleeding, while the blood does not come out, but accumulates under the skin.

If during damage eyeball not affected, the problem is purely aesthetic. Hematoma in this case does not require special treatment and disappears on its own in one to two weeks. And how to quickly cure a bruise under the eye?

First you need to figure out what provokes the appearance of a hematoma. The most common cause of bruising under the eyes is a blow to the nose or eye area. Injury to the nasal cavity causes severe swelling under both eyes. Surgery on the face often causes hematoma under the eyes. Darkening of the skin can result from insect bites, angioedema, or dental infections.

Blueness may appear due to natural causes. These include features anatomical structure, age-related changes, dramatic weight loss, as well as dry and thin skin from nature. Dark circles may be associated with in the wrong way life.

Chronic lack of sleep, abuse of fast food, spicy, fried, fatty foods, bad habits, stress, hypovitaminosis, poor-quality cosmetics, prolonged exposure to the sun negatively affect the condition of the skin around the eyes. But the periorbital zone is one of the most sensitive in our body.

cause an appearance dark circles may internal diseases: anemia, hernia of the eyelids, allergies, metabolic disorders, as well as pathologies of the heart, kidneys, liver. It can also provoke the appearance of blue long-term use potent drugs.

Genetic predisposition also plays an important role. Dark skinned women are more susceptible to dark circles. A long stay in front of a TV screen or computer monitor causes eye fatigue and provokes the formation of blue.

The people leading sedentary image life, blood circulation is disturbed, muscle congestion occurs and vascular tone decreases. All this is fraught with a deterioration in the condition of the skin of the face, including the periorbital zone. These are not all the reasons that can cause cosmetic defect on the face.

Understanding the true provoking factors will help you qualified specialist. Yet most often a bruise on the eye appears after a blow. In this article we will talk about how to quickly get rid of a hematoma.

First aid

The skin around the eyes is very delicate, so the impact mark will be noticeable. It is rather problematic to disguise an aesthetic defect. If you let the situation take its course, the hematoma can last up to three weeks and will change its shades.

Following an injury, the following actions should be taken as soon as possible:

  • first of all, the patient must be calmed, seated or laid on the bed;
  • apply something cold. It could be ice, a cold water bottle, frozen food from the freezer, or even a cold metal object. Ice must be wrapped in something to prevent tissue frostbite. It is important that the affected area be cooled for twenty minutes. Cold is applied not only to the hematoma itself, but also to the cheek. Experts recommend doing cold lotions every hour during the first day after the injury;
  • at acute pain give some kind of painkiller, for example, Analgin or Spazmalgon. Do not give Aspirin, as the drug thins the blood. This can lead to the fact that the blood will not clot for a long time, which will lead to an increase in hematoma in size and edema;
  • eliminate heat exposure. Warm compresses are allowed on the second day. Excessive heat on the first day can cause an increase in bruising;
  • stop nose bleed. Do not blow out excess blood, this can lead to the spread of a hematoma to the nose and cheek area;
  • in the first hours after the bruise, you should purchase a drug at the pharmacy to reduce swelling and resorption of the hematoma.

ATTENTION! Low temperatures constrict blood vessels. As a result, less blood collects under the skin. Cold will help to cope not only with swelling, but also with severe pain.

If there are no open wounds, warming up is allowed from the second day. For this, a boiled egg or heated salt wrapped in a bag is suitable. Such warm-ups are best performed throughout the healing period.


Bruising medications are often found in home first aid kit. If they are not available, purchase suitable remedy available at your nearest pharmacy.

The active substance - heparin - prevents blood clotting and prevents platelets from sticking together, accelerates the resolution of edema and inflammatory process. The composition of the drug also includes anestezin - a substance that relieves pain. If you apply the ointment twice a day, the result will be obvious in a few days. It dilates blood vessels and increases blood circulation. Heparin accelerates the movement of blood flow, enhances metabolism and restores the deep layers of the skin.

Do not forget about some warnings in connection with the use of Heparin ointment:

  • regular application to the skin of the face can lead to blackheads and clogged pores;
  • increased risk of rosacea, as heparin makes vascular walls more fragile and increases their permeability;
  • there are risks of developing allergies in the form of redness and swelling;
  • after using the product, tightness, inflammation, irritation, urticaria may occur.

Ointment should be applied thin layer. It is necessary to process only problem areas. Avoid contact with eyes. No need to rub Heparin ointment, make light driving movements. Residues must be removed with a napkin. Maximum duration treatment is ten days. The drug is not intended for continuous use, it should be used only as needed.

If you have never used Heparin ointment, it is better to do a tolerance test. To do this, apply a small amount of funds for inner surface wrists and watch the reaction. Burning, itching, redness indicate an increased sensitivity of the body to heparin.

If you have dry sensitive skin, you can mix Heparin ointment with a moisturizer. Consider a number of restrictions under which the use of the drug is prohibited:

  • suppuration;
  • skin damage;
  • rosacea;
  • hemophilia;
  • allergy;
  • use of tetracycline ointment.

Masks and compresses based on heparin from bags and dark circles are very popular. Before and after the procedure, the skin must be cleaned and treated with an alcohol-free lotion. Then apply the product with patting movements. After twenty minutes, the ointment must be removed with a cotton pad.

It can also be mixed with peach oil either use jojoba oil, argan oil or grape seeds. The resulting mixture should be applied for ten minutes.

Heparin ointment is used to eliminate a hematoma under the eye


This gel is known to many as a remedy for the treatment of legs. Indeed, Lyoton is struggling with varicose veins and swelling of the legs. But often in cosmetology, the drug can find unconventional applications.

The gel contains high concentrations of heparin, due to which there is fast action. This substance is of animal origin. It prevents blood clotting, which leads to resorption of the hematoma. The blood liquefies and therefore circulates better at the site of injury.

The remedy should be applied three times a day. Avoid contact with open wounds and mucous membranes.


This gel is often used by athletes. The composition of the product includes extracts from leeches. Active substances quickly neutralize the color of the bruise. The gel additionally has a masking effect, since its color is identical to the natural skin tone.

Bruise-Off has a tonic effect on blood vessels, and also improves lymphatic drainage and microcirculation in tissues. The tool quickly eliminates the black eye, swelling, swelling and inflammation.

Troxevasin ointment

It has absorbable properties, and also strengthens the walls of blood vessels. This will help in the future to prevent the appearance of a new hematoma with the slightest damage. You do not need to rub the ointment, it will be absorbed on its own. The product is applied every two hours in a thin layer.

Doctors often prescribe a remedy for venous insufficiency and varicose veins. The ointment makes the vessels more elastic and elastic. It also has antioxidant properties.


In general, the Rescuer is complex tool from burns and bruises. This remedy can even treat a child. The balm consists of natural ingredients, including sea buckthorn oil, milk lipids and bee products. Already ten minutes after application to the skin, it stops pain syndrome. It is better to apply the product under the patch and cover with a bandage.


The drug has received wide recognition due to its anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. In addition to badyagi extract, the gel contains an extract of plantain and yarrow. Moreover, Badyaga-Forte has a bactericidal, healing and anti-allergic effect. The product should be rubbed into the skin for twenty minutes. Then the gel is washed off with water.

Folk remedies

If for some reason you are unable to purchase medication in a pharmacy, the treatment of bruises under the eyes can be carried out using traditional medicine recipes.

Hematoma treatment can be carried out with folk remedies

Let's talk about recipes that have proven themselves and received good feedback. Peel the potatoes and then grate them. For remedy we need potato juice. Soak a cotton pad in it and apply it to the damaged area for half an hour. Also, as an alternative, it is recommended to attach a potato cut into two parts to the hematoma.

If several days have already passed after the bruise, make contrasting lotions. To do this, alternately apply a cotton pad soaked in cold and hot water. This will improve local circulation. Nevertheless, such a procedure cannot be done in the presence of swelling, as well as in the first days after the impact.

You can get rid of a bruise under the eye at home with the help of onion. This recipe helps to get rid of even a big bruise in just a few days. To prepare it, take one medium-sized onion, six plantain leaves and three tablespoons of honey. Grate the onion on a fine grater, and pass the plantain leaves through a meat grinder. Then all the ingredients should be thoroughly mixed in a glass container and placed in the refrigerator. Use healing mixture necessary in the form of compresses.

Aloe will help speed up the process of resorption of the bruise and eliminate swelling. To prepare the product, you can use both the slurry and the leaf itself. You can simply cut off the top leaf of the plant and fix it with adhesive tape on top of the bruise. After two hours, the sheet must be removed. This recipe helps if the bruise has a small area.

With an extensive hematoma, it is better to use aloe vera gruel. To do this, you need to pass the leaves through a meat grinder, and wrap the resulting slurry in a gauze napkin. The compress is applied to the bruise for two hours and fixed with adhesive tape.

Every housewife has salt in her kitchen. This product has healing properties. Pour ten grams of salt with one hundred milliliters of water. Soak in saline solution a piece of tissue and attach to the site of injury. Iodine has known warming properties. Apply to darkened area iodine grid and leave to dry.

At extensive hematomas help honey compresses. natural honey must be mixed with vegetable oil, egg yolk and a handful of flour. The resulting mixture is applied for three hours in the form of a compress.

So, it is possible to quickly cure a bruise under the eye, everything is in your hands. In the first ten minutes after the bruise, it is necessary to apply cold to the injury site. It can be ice, frozen food or a metal spoon. Never apply ice to pure form. This can cause tissue frostbite. Be sure to wrap it in fabric. For severe pain, take an analgesic. Thermal procedures are allowed from the second day. It can be a boiled egg or heated salt in a bag. Help speed up the healing process medications. Popular remedies for hematomas are Bruise-Off gel, Heparin ointment, Badyaga-Forte, Troxevasin. As aid traditional medicine recipes can be used.

You can remove a bruise under the eye in just one day, in other cases they get rid of it in three days, and if not treated at all, then the hematoma disappears in a week. The appearance of a bruise causes not only pain, but also psychological discomfort due to an extensive cosmetic defect on the face, and the need to get rid of it as soon as possible comes first. By following a certain sequence of actions, you can achieve positive result already on the 2nd day of treatment.

    Show all

    Causes of bruising

    The formation of a hematoma under the eye is promoted not only by a punch to the eye. There are many other reasons for bruising:

    • swipe head or on the head;
    • unsuccessful injection under the conjunctiva;
    • fracture of the base of the skull;
    • in old age, bruising is formed from light blow or strong touch;
    • the use of anticoagulants;
    • vascular problems.

    However, regardless of why a bruise appeared under the eye - from a blow, from a bruise, from an injection - it causes a mass negative emotions and requires emergency treatment. If you start the procedure immediately after the impact (injection), then you can avoid the formation of an extensive hematoma.

    Hematoma under the eye from a blow to the head

    Treatment algorithm

    Treatment of hematomas in the eye area will require compliance with a certain sequence of actions. Following a clear algorithm will help you quickly get rid of a hematoma. The process consists of three stages:

    1st stage

    Immediately within 20 minutes after the impact, it is necessary to apply cold to the sore spot. For this, ice from the freezer, frozen meat or chilled cabbage leaves are suitable. The essence of this procedure is to stop the bleeding.

    Torn under the skin small capillaries and blood flows out of them. The faster the process is stopped, the smaller the hematoma will be and the faster it will resolve. However, it will not be possible to completely get rid of the bruise, because some part of the blood will still have time to flow out.

    Apply cold strictly for 10 minutes, then you need to take a 2-hour break. This is necessary in order not to damage the skin around the eyes: it has hypersensitivity to the cold.

    Clinical signs of a skull base fracture

    2nd stage

    After we managed to stop the bleeding and the hematoma stopped growing, you can start treatment.

    After about 3 hours, the impact site can be smeared with an anti-bruising agent. It could be:

    • heparin ointment;
    • Bruise OFF;
    • First aid for bruises and bruises;
    • Rescuer;
    • Arnica.

    On the first and second days after the impact, you will need to alternate ice with lubrication of the bruise with ointment. The cold will not only stop the bleeding, but also help to remove the swelling.

    If everything is done correctly, then the bruising will be small and will come off on the third day.

    In the case when the hematoma is extensive, the eye will be painted different colors: at first the bruise will turn red (due to red blood cells- leukocytes), then he will acquire greenish tint, then it will become yellowish and eventually brown - this is because the body will begin to “clean up” and the hematoma will begin to resolve.

    3rd stage

    It will be required in cases where the bruise is still noticeable after two days of treatment. During this period, they begin to warm it up, but not earlier. Thermal treatments alternate with ointments. Do 3-4 warm-ups per day. Among the absorbable agents indicated for use during this period, in addition to those already mentioned, there will be others:

    • Troxevasin;
    • Lyoton;
    • Troxerutin;
    • Indovazin.

    Salt is used for heating flax-seed, boiled in shell and peeled egg. It is intense heat that will accelerate blood flow, and the process of resorption of the blood clot is activated, and ointments will help in this.

    Bruising from injection

    Folk recipes

    Folk remedies help to effectively remove bruising at home.

    So, good result has the application of a diluted powder bodyagi (you can buy such a cream), but these lotions should be done very carefully. The delicate skin around the eyes can be easily burned.

    For heat compresses traditional healers recommend herbal decoction from calendula, St. John's wort, plantain, coltsfoot, and sage. 2 tbsp. l mixtures are brewed with boiling water, strained and applied warm on the 3rd day.

    Parsley juice has a good absorbing effect. They lubricate the bruise several times a day.

    The following compositions help to effectively reduce the hematoma:

    • Mix 2 tbsp. l table vinegar (9%), 1 tbsp. l. salt and 5 drops of iodine.
    • Flaxseed decoction: 2 tbsp. l. for 200 ml of water.
    • Squeeze out the juice of a medium onion and add 1 tbsp. l. salt.

    Mixtures for compresses are wrapped with several layers of a bandage or a bynt is moistened in them and applied carefully.

    Procedures in the eye area should be carried out with particular care, since contact with the conjunctiva medicinal formulations will cause severe burning and redness of the sclera.

    About children

    Treatment of bruises in a child should not include complex and burning compounds. Children are smeared with hematomas pharmaceutical ointments, and at the very beginning they use cold.

    In order for the bruise under the eye to pass in one or two days, it is necessary to apply cold at the beginning of treatment, lubricate the hematoma with absorbable ointments throughout the treatment. If it was not possible to get rid of it in 2 days, they proceed to warming up.

A blow under the eye is fraught with the fact that the consequences can be “on the face” for a long time. Today on the website you will learn what to do if there is swelling in the eyelid area.

It's no secret that it is in this area, around the eyes, that the skin is especially delicate. This is because there are no subcutaneous fat cells in it. Therefore, even a minor injury leads to bruising, swelling.

Blow under the eye: what to do?

Stop panicking and see if you have at home, bodyagi powder or gel, raw potato. Just remember that if there are still wounds on the skin after the impact, then absorbable ointments and compresses should not be done. It is important to seek qualified medical attention. The doctor will prevent the formation of an unaesthetic scar in the area of ​​\u200b\u200btender skin.

And be careful when applying certain gels, ointments. Try not to get in the eye!

Cold: ambulance number one

Immediately try to apply some cold object to the sore spot. Everything will suit you here: from a copper coin to a simple spoon.

Due to the effect of cold, puffiness spreads more slowly around the eye. It is especially good to do this if the blood vessels are damaged from this blow. Otherwise, then the bruise will be too obvious.

Great if there is ice. Only from contact with warm skin will it begin to melt too much. Therefore, it is worth putting it in a simple bag, and then wrapping it in a layer of thin cotton fabric.

Lotions from medicinal plants

After you applied the cold, good action will have herbal lotions. From the same St. John's wort, heather, plantain, tansy. Prepare an herbal decoction, soak a bandage or gauze in the solution and apply to the area after the impact. Only attention: the compress needs to be cooled, otherwise if you apply warm bandages, the process will only get worse.

Tea compress

If there is neither time nor opportunity to prepare decoctions of medicinal herbs, the site may advise you to brew strong. In order to remove the tumor after a strong blow, you need a strong infusion.

Potato lotions

To remove puffiness under the eyes after a blow, it is necessary to make lotions. Grated is an excellent anti-inflammatory agent that will help to cope with the effects of a blow to the eye.

Take one potato and grate 1/3 of it. Now take the gauze and wrap the resulting mass in two or three layers. Apply a similar lotion to the sore spot for five minutes, you can hold it for another two minutes longer.

After this procedure, the skin should be gently wiped with warm water. Then be sure to apply a cream with a light texture.

If there is no time or opportunity to grate a potato, then just cut it into two parts. Attach the vegetable to the area where the bruise and swelling occurred with the place of the cut.

How to use bodyagu?

Swelling from a sharp blow to eye pass if try . The tool is quite effective. Bodyaga enhances blood circulation - it is this property of the product that determines such a resolving effect.

You can buy bodyagi gel at any pharmacy. You can just put it on and then take it off just as easily.

Please note that after some time after application, the skin will pinch a little. That is why keeping it longer than a quarter of an hour is not worth it. It is better to do the procedures more often, but for a shorter period, than vice versa.

As a rule, the use of bodyagi gel allows you to reduce puffiness under the eyes from the second day of use.

How to remove swelling with medicines?

Of course, there are medications that can usually be prescribed for swelling. And they really help to quickly remove the tumor. But it is still advisable to consult a specialist before use, carefully read the instructions. Because some of the products are characterized by a warming effect. And this means that for the first time after an injury, they should not be used. Otherwise, the vessels will expand, and the hematoma will only become even larger.

The following drugs can help you:

  • Fastum gel or Bystrumgel - will relieve swelling and pain.
  • Dolobene - removes, basically, soreness.
  • Ketonal - among other things, is characterized by an anti-inflammatory effect.

It is important to understand that a bruise in some other area where the skin is not so tender is one thing. But the swelling under the eye after the impact is completely different. And if for short span time after the use of simple folk remedies, the whole problem was not resolved, you should consult a doctor. It may be necessary to use special ointment, resemble physiotherapy procedures or.

  1. Reduce fluid intake in the afternoon and do not drink at night.
  2. When you go to bed, turn to healthy side faces. If the skin is in contact with the fabric of the pillow, then it will definitely heat up. And this can increase swelling, even if some time has already passed since the injury.
  3. Accept antihistamines. But be careful and only after consulting a doctor.

By the way, consultation with a specialist - necessary measure if it is not a simple bruise, but a strong blow. When after him double vision, all upper jaw numb, there is bleeding, it is difficult to open the mouth. Or, for example, there are fractures of the cheekbones, bones of the nose - then you cannot do without a surgeon.

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