Shpanka is not only a pest, but also a poisonous beetle. How to get rid of a spur: traditional and folk methods of treatment River or sea sand

A heel spur or plantar fasciitis is a painful lesion where the ligaments attach to the foot. Spike-like proliferation of bones gives a person excruciating pain when the legs are loaded. There are corns, skin growths.

A heel spur is a dangerous symptom, accompanied by an inflammatory process. Osteophyte occurs for several reasons. At the first sign of a change in the calcaneus, a course of preventive treatment is required.


From sharp pains in the heel, resembling a prick with a sharp object, many people suffer, especially the elderly. After 50 years, the joints are subject to pathological processes, the bones are more deformed.

In recent years, more and more often the disease is diagnosed in young women. The fault is high heels, fashionable, but uncomfortable shoes.

Health is often neglected when it comes to beauty. The result is a deterioration in the condition of the musculoskeletal system, deformation of the joints, corns, and other misfortunes.

Leads to the development of a heel spur:

  • longitudinal flatness. Improper distribution of the load on the tendons, bones in the foot area leads to the appearance of spike-like growths;
  • tight shoes, high heels, uncomfortable shoe;
  • overweight. It is difficult for the legs to withstand excessive weight; after forty years, many obese people notice changes in bones and cartilage;
  • regular high loads on the feet. Risk group - athletes;
  • calcaneus injury;
  • walking with heavy bags, huge heels. Everything passes without a trace for the time being. Two factors increase the negative effect on the legs;
  • diseases of the spine, injuries, chronic pathologies of the lower extremities.

Note! Lack of timely treatment leads to serious consequences. In advanced cases, the patient has to use crutches to ease the load on the sore leg.

Symptoms and signs

A heel spur is a dangerous phenomenon, accompanied by an inflammatory process. Plantar fasciitis rarely occurs as an independent disease. A pathological change in the calcaneus is observed in some joint diseases, such as arthritis. Despite its modest size - from 3 to 12 mm, the outgrowth causes pain in the heel area, and growths appear on the skin. (Read the page about spikes on the leg).

How to recognize a spur on the heels? Remember the signs:

  • when the foot is loaded, the body is pierced by a sharp, severe pain. It seems that a nail has fallen under the foot;
  • the initial stage is characterized by severe pain in the morning, weakening during the day. In the evening the sensations are even more painful;
  • the development of the inflammatory process in the heel region causes pain not only at a certain time of the day, but also with every step;
  • the patient has to lean on the toe, to avoid the pressure of the sharp end of the spur on the soft tissues. For many, crutches are the only way out.

Diagnosis of the disease

The doctor determines the presence of an outgrowth by palpation. Mandatory conversation with the patient to clarify the time of day when symptoms appear. It is important to find out the intensity of pain.

In most cases, appoint:

  • radiography. The picture clearly shows a spike-like outgrowth, with a sharp end injuring soft tissues. Perhaps the cause of the change in bone tissue was a fracture. X-ray will confirm or rule out this assumption;
  • blood test for biochemistry. Don't give up on research. Without it, it is impossible to exclude rheumatic diseases that cause pain in the heel.

How to treat spurs on the heels

The search for the cause of the pathology determines the further course of therapy. Identification of background diseases requires their treatment. In many cases, sharp pain is caused not by the formation of a spike-like shape, but by inflammation inside the heel.

How to get rid of a spur on the heel? Treatment methods:

  • medications. Effective gels, ointments, creams will reduce inflammation. After two weeks, the inflammatory process should fade. Recommended - Ibuprofen, Indomethacin, Hydrocortisone ointment for heel spurs, Diclofenac gel. Before applying, be sure to steam the sole. Read the instructions - there are contraindications;
  • physiotherapy. Under the guidance of an orthopedist, study a set of exercises that improve the blood supply to the lower extremities;
  • physiotherapy. Facilitate the patient's condition, reduce pain physiotherapy procedures: laser therapy, electrophoresis, magnetotherapy, mineral baths, the use of high frequency waves;
  • massotherapy recommended for orthopedic referral. Mobility of the feet, elasticity of the ligaments is important to prevent blood stasis, reduce the risk of injury;
  • heel pads, medical insoles. Orthopedic remedies for spurs distribute the load over a large area of ​​the foot, significantly relieve pain in the heels.

Important! Follow the procedures regularly. Alternate different ointments as directed by the doctor - this is how you prevent addiction to a particular drug. The course of treatment is at least two weeks. Preparations with herbal ingredients have fewer contraindications, but the therapeutic effect is less pronounced.

Folk methods and recipes

Many rely on homemade recipes. It is impossible to cure a heel spur with folk remedies alone. The inflammation will gradually go away, the pain will subside, but achieving the result will take a lot of time.

How to cure a spur on the heel at home with folk remedies? Doctors recommend a combination of basic and alternative treatment. Baths, compresses, dry heat will bring relief.

Important! Natural ingredients work well in the early stages of the disease. Advanced cases require the application of potent anti-inflammatory ointments.


Simple Recipes:

  • take 500 g of coarse salt, pour on a baking sheet. Heat well in the oven. Pour the salt into a bowl, dip the sore heel, warm it up well;
  • boil 5 liters of water, pour 1 kg of salt. Immerse the foot in the solution, cooled to an acceptable temperature. Do hot baths daily. Course - 10 procedures;
  • you will need a tablespoon of table salt, the same amount of liquid honey, 10 ml of iodine. Mix the components, apply a compress to the painful area, hold for a quarter of an hour. Do a session 2-3 times a week.


Natural solution is effective during the treatment of many diseases. With a heel spur, the remedy relieves inflammation well. Minerals, trace elements penetrate deep into the tissues, have a beneficial effect on the skin of the legs.

How to make a compress with bischofite:

  • warm the affected foot with a heating pad or immerse it in hot water for 5 minutes;
  • soak gauze or a napkin folded in several layers with bischofite brine;
  • attach to the heel, cover with plastic wrap, put on a sock;
  • do a compress in the evening. Wash your foot in the morning;
  • course of treatment - 15 procedures, frequency - every other day.


The healing properties of natural remedies have been known for a long time. Compresses with propolis relieve pain, prevent relapses of the inflammatory process.

Cooking method:

  • heat a piece of propolis in a water bath;
  • make a cake;
  • apply to the sore spot, secure with a clean cloth;
  • the best result was noted with daily evening procedures;
  • in the morning, remove the propolis compress, wash the foot.

River or sea sand

If possible, get out to the river or the sea, take longer “sand baths”. The heat is perfectly preserved, the legs warm up "to the bone."

In moments of exacerbation, keep sand on hand. It can be brought from a trip out of town or bought at a pet store. Warm your feet before going to bed, the pain will ease.


In some cases, all the proposed methods do not bring noticeable relief, the attending physician suggests surgery. So you can stop a pronounced inflammatory process.

Note! Surgical intervention is recommended when the inflammation progresses, the pain intensifies.

We offer you to read an interesting article about treatment in adults and children.

How and how to remove freckles on the face? Read the answer page.

Prevention measures

The treatment of heel spurs is a laborious, lengthy process. It is easier to follow simple rules and not worry about the condition of bones, skin and joints.

  • wear comfortable shoes, choose not only according to the parameters "fashionable - unfashionable", but also "harmful for feet - safe";
  • do not run all day in high heels, especially stilettos. As a last resort, wear platform shoes or low heels for at least a couple of hours;
  • walk barefoot regularly - at home, on grass, sand, on uneven terrain. So you train your feet, prevent the risk of bone tissue deformation;
  • treat diseases of the spine in a timely manner, monitor the condition of the joints. Weak musculoskeletal system is the cause of many bone tissue lesions;
  • check for flat feet. This foot defect can develop not only in childhood. Regular wearing of flat shoes provokes insufficient bending of the foot;
  • watch your weight. A high degree of obesity provokes excessive pressure on the feet, creates an unnecessary load on the musculoskeletal system;
  • choose sports with a dosed load on the feet. High intensity training is a load not only on the cardiovascular system, but on the musculoskeletal system. Think about the future, the coming old age. Crutches? No, it's easier to take care of the health of the feet.

Having found a slight soreness inside the heel, do not sit at home, go to a dermatologist, orthopedist, traumatologist, surgeon. Any of these doctors will give good advice. Be surveyed, accept a course of therapy. Get ready for a long treatment. Getting rid of a spur on the heel is quite difficult. Only complex treatment will give a result.

Here is a medical video guide from which you can learn a few more tips for treating heel spurs:

How to get rid of a spur in the heel quickly? It will take time to get rid of the spur, in a couple of days the spur will not go away. Spurs can be treated with medication or with surgery. But the operation is not the best option, it is better to try to cope with the spur at home. You can get rid of the spur on the heel with the help of traditional medicine. There are ways to get rid of a spur on the heel in just 2-3 procedures, but sometimes you have to fight it for more than a month.

How to deal with this disease? First of all, you need to eliminate the symptoms. The main symptom is considered to be a sudden aching pain in the heel area, stiffness in movements. The pain may subside and increase. Spurs can appear on one or both legs at once. Be sure to unload the joints, do massage, therapeutic exercises, baths, relax the legs to the maximum. An effective method is physiotherapy and warming up. Prepared legs are easier to treat. Usually, heel spur removal takes place without surgery, with the help of folk remedies and sometimes medicines, but when compresses, medicines and baths do not help, surgery is inevitable.

There are many ways to treat spurs, mainly spurs on the legs are removed with the help of heating. Not one person got rid of this disease with the help of baths. Baths well soften the skin of the legs, increase blood circulation and dilate blood vessels. Here are some types of baths:

  1. Serum heating. We take milk whey, heat it and cool it to a temperature tolerable for the legs. We put the legs in a container and steam them, the procedure lasts until the water cools. We repeat 5-8 times.
  2. Salt bath. We dissolve a kilogram of salt in 5 liters of hot water. Bring the water to a boil, cool slightly, put your feet down and hold until the water cools down. Repeat the procedure 10 times, do not change the solution, just warm it up.
  3. Alcohol solution. Pour alcohol into a frying pan or pan, heat (constantly monitor, ignition is possible). Dip your feet in warm alcohol and hold for half an hour. Do not wipe your feet after the procedure.
  4. Soda bath. In hot water, put 10 drops of iodine with 5 tablespoons of baking soda and 3 tablespoons of salt. We warm the legs in the solution until it cools.
  5. Vinegar bath. Pour half a glass of 9% vinegar into hot water, warm your feet until the water cools. You can add 100 grams of melted butter to this solution. Repeat at least 5 times.

There are many ways to get rid of a heel spur using compresses.

Compresses can be made from all known products, such as:

  1. Onion. Grate 3 onions on a grater, put the onion puree in a bag and lower the leg there, wrap the bag with a cloth. Keep the compress overnight, wipe your leg in the morning, no need to wash. Repeat 2-3 times.
  2. Black radish. Rub the radish with the peel on a grater, attach to the heel at night. Wash your feet in the morning with warm water. It takes 3-4 procedures to remove a heel spur.
  3. Horseradish. Rub the horseradish on a grater, cover the spur on the heel with gruel from it. Very effective way, excellent blockade of the heel spur.
  4. Potato. Boil 5 medium potatoes in their skins, crush without peeling. Fill with kerosene until the consistency of thick sour cream. Lower the legs into the resulting mass, hold for 20 minutes, then wipe the legs with a damp warm cloth and put on woolen socks. The pain passes quickly, only 4-5 procedures are required. Also, this compress helps to remove the spur on the toe.
  5. Lilac. Take a lilac tincture (lilac flowers are poured with alcohol and insisted in a dark place for 2 weeks), moisten a cotton pad and make a compress.
  6. Beef meat. Beat the meat with a hammer and attach it to the heel spur, oilcloth and fabric on top. Leave overnight.
  7. Garlic. Grate 3-4 cloves of garlic and tie to the heel spur for 3-4 hours. If it burns, then it is worth trying another method of blockade with a heel spur.
  8. Sunflower oil. Mix 1 tablespoon of sunflower oil and 3 tablespoons of ammonia. Apply every day a swab soaked in this solution, keep for half an hour.
  9. Pepper. Pour red pepper into your socks and keep those socks on all day. Especially good for toe spurs.
  10. Cottage cheese. We spread 2-3 tablespoons of cottage cheese on gauze and tie this compress on the heel for the night. Repeat three or four times.

This is not the whole list of products from which compresses can be made.

Compresses with honey

How to get rid of spurs in softer, more gentle ways that do not bring discomfort to the sore spot? Can a spur be cured? This can easily be done with honey compresses. Heel spur removal is quick and painless with traditional methods of treatment. There are several types of honey compresses for blockade with a heel spur:

  1. With sea salt. We mix a tablespoon of honey with a tablespoon of salt (if there is no sea salt, ordinary table salt will do), lubricate the spurs on the legs, cover with a bandage, polyethylene and leave overnight.
  2. Cabbage. Lubricate a cabbage leaf with honey and apply to the heel overnight. Apply at least 3 times.
  3. With flour. Make a cake out of flour and honey and apply to a sore spot, cover with oilcloth, cloth for the night. Course - 10 procedures.

There is a lot of information on how to remove a spur with ordinary household soap, but the most correct and effective is rubbed, not diluted, melted soap applied to a sore spot. You can also walk in felt boots on a bare foot, with the help of a massage effect, pain goes away.

Prevention of spurs

Often spurs appear in overweight people, so it is worth controlling your weight so that the load on the legs is as small as possible. Frequent stress on the legs, such as long walking and running, can also trigger this disease. Let your feet rest more often, do a relaxing massage, take care of your feet. Very often, this disease affects people who have leg diseases, with this disease there is an overstrain of the tendons, they need to more carefully follow the above measures, it is recommended to wear orthopedic insoles. A leg injury can also cause a spur. Often the legs are affected in patients with arthritis. You should always choose comfortable shoes. At the slightest sign, it is worth starting preventive treatment. Take care of your feet!

A heel spur is a growth of bone on the surface of the sole of the heel bones in the area where the ligaments or tendons are attached. The disease progresses in middle or old age.

With an increase in the load on the heel region, acute pain occurs. The pain extends not only to the heel area or is localized on the inside. Often a person experiences pain of a burning nature after waking up at night or in the morning, as well as after a long stay in a sitting position. After a person walks around, the pain decreases, however, it intensifies in the evening. Such pains do not occur immediately, but as the disease progresses, they sometimes cause unbearable pain in a person. If you do not take timely treatment, the disease becomes chronic.

Such patients have difficulty walking, which affects their level of performance.

In appearance, when a spur occurs, the foot is no different from a healthy one. But with diagnostic palpation, a tubercle is observed, and pressure on the lateral zones causes unbearable pain. If the spur is located in the back, then the patient feels pain in the tendon area, especially when walking. In this case, even swelling of the lower leg is possible.

The parameters of the spur are determined by X-ray examination. Experience has shown that the size of the tubercle does not affect the degree of pain. A large growth may not cause concern for a person for a long time, and a small tubercle, on the contrary, can cause severe pain.

All symptoms of heel spurs are associated with ongoing changes in the soft tissues of the foot due to inflammation of the deep mucous bags and periosteum.

It is important to note that people who are overweight and have articular diseases are most prone to the disease.

Athletes involved in activities that cause heel overload may also suffer from this condition.

Heel spur treatment

How to cure a heel spur? The treatment process begins with a diagnostic study, during which the presence of the disease is found out.

After identifying the source of pain, the specialist prescribes a competent distribution of the load on the foot. For these purposes, it is necessary to purchase special insoles, arch supports and thrust bearings. Orthotic insoles help reduce pressure on the foot.

The main treatment is the appointment of a complex of physiotherapy procedures. Such procedures are aimed at eliminating inflammation in the foot area and subsequent softening of soft tissues. A full range of procedures leads to relief of the patient's condition.

Also effective methods in the treatment of heel spurs are low-intensity therapy, various mud applications, x-ray therapy and mineral baths.

If it is impossible to get rid of the growth with the help of therapeutic methods, surgical intervention is used. During this operation, the growth and altered tissues are removed.

The process of treating a heel spur requires the following conditions:

Folk remedies for heel spurs

Effectively helps to get rid of the heel spur foot baths, followed by the imposition of medical pads. To do this, it is necessary to steam the foot in the evening using hot water. Then cover the affected area with a clay cake and leave for a while.

Use saline solutions effectively. For such purposes, it is more relevant to use sea salt, since it has the maximum softening effect on the affected area.

The positive effect of compresses based on has been proven. Consider the simplest and most effective recipe. It is necessary to mix a teaspoon of salt, 50 grams of honey and 50 ml of iodine. The resulting mixture must be applied to the affected area, isolated with cellophane. It is recommended to walk with such a bandage after waking up in the morning. The prepared substance is designed for five compresses.

It is very important to prevent the appearance of a heel spur. First of all, it is necessary to take all possible measures to prevent wear of the calcaneus, traumatization of the ligaments, prevention of flat feet and inflammatory processes in the foot.

Learn from the video the opinion of a specialist on the treatment of heel spurs:

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    Discussion: 2 comments

    A very annoying disease! Many who suffer from a heel spur believe that nothing but surgery will help, and therefore endure to the last.

    I ask people who suffer from small heel spurs and who have treated it with the methods of shock wave therapy to respond. I doubt the effectiveness of this method and ask for advice from everyone who used it.
    In 2015, he unsuccessfully fell from a fence about 2 meters high fell from the very top, landed on his left heel, walked several steps, felt a sharp pain in his left heel, hardly reached home the next morning, he began to get ready for work because of pain, he could not step on his heel and I couldn’t walk, I went to the emergency room (by car with my father) they took a picture of the heel and foot, nothing special, they said that it was a bruise, damage to the ligaments of the foot. They gave me a sick leave for a week. within a month I did so, however, after a month the pain completely disappeared, and I decided to warm up with a rope slightly with a gentle minimum load. The next morning, the pain appeared again. I went to the emergency room again and was diagnosed with plantar fasciitis heel spur. The doctor prescribed a course 10 sessions of physiotherapy with the use of ultra sound. These sessions did not give any results. After that, the doctor recommended wearing insoles and doing shock in The pain intensified with the use of the insoles, after the first SWT session it was accompanied by severe pain, after a slight improvement in a week, the pain in the heel reappeared, plus pain appeared on the same left leg in the upper part of the foot (arch of the foot, I don’t know how to call it correctly) because of this pain in the arch of the foot, I almost could not walk, after looking at the information about the arch of the foot, I didn’t really find anything. in this bandage it hurts less, probably due to depreciation, I don’t know what it is connected with and the outer arch of the foot does not hurt in this bandage, the question is whether one procedure of shock wave therapy could harm the ankle or is it the result of improper walking due to pain in the heel. After another visit to the surgeon the doctor advised an injection of diprospan in the heel. After looking at the reviews and side effects of this drug, I decided for myself that it should be used I won’t. I’m asking people with a similar problem to respond, how effective is SWT for me and should it be used in my case with such a small spur as the doctors say? About Me 27 years old, a heel spur occurs in people after 40 years old. The question is where did I get it if it was already visible on the first picture that I took the day after the fall in the emergency room. After asking the doctor and looking for information about the heel spur, the doctor said that the heel spur is formed within a month, however, the spur was already visible the next day after the injury (fall) the question is how could the heel spur form so quickly in one day? if it is formed in a month?
    Asking the doctor, he said the spur had been there for a long time. The question is, I go in for wrestling and weightlifting amateurly (unprofessionally for myself with sparing minimal health loads). How then can I go in for sports with this spur without experiencing any discomfort and without feeling pain .If I hadn’t fallen that day, I wouldn’t have known about the existence of this problem. I haven’t been training because of this spur for more than a year I really want to resume training due to inactivity I gained 10 extra pounds I began to feel worse without physical activity and without movements. The question is what should I do next? what should I do better in this situation. Write back who had the same similar problems as in my case!

A dangerous and unpleasant disease common among people of all ages.

Women are 3 times more likely to experience a lump on the heel than men. Such "injustice" is associated with wearing shoes with heels, as well as with the destabilization of the water-salt balance.

An effective cure for plantar fasciitis is possible only under the supervision of an orthopedist, however, there are ways to successfully treat a heel spur at home, which also give a positive result.

How to treat a heel spur with folk remedies and is it possible to get rid of it completely? You will find detailed answers to these and many other questions in the article.

Is home remedies for heel spurs effective?

The debate about whether the heel spur is treated with folk methods has been going on for a very long time. Supporters of home treatment cite evidence that traditional medicine is highly effective in getting rid of fasciitis, while their opponents argue that success is impossible without drug therapy.

As always, the truth is somewhere in the middle, so most orthopedic doctors do not reject folk methods, but strongly recommend combining them with traditional treatment.

It is known that the spur on the heel is a bone growth that can appear in anyone (see photo). During such a disease, a person experiences severe pain when walking and cannot fully step on his foot. To understand how to treat a heel spur and find an effective method for your case, you need to understand the main points of the disease.

What is a foot spur

The disease is a violation of the musculoskeletal system. Its appearance provokes plantar fasciitis, which occurs when the powerful fascia of the sole becomes inflamed. If it is not determined in time, salt deposits will begin to form. High heels, excess weight and other factors increase the level of stress on the foot, leading to cracks and pain. Inflammation of the fascia must be treated immediately, otherwise the formation of a spur on the foot cannot be avoided.

Heel spur symptoms

The presence of spikes on the foot is indicated by pain. They may be intermittent or permanent. In the first stages, the foot in the heel area hurts in the morning after waking up, and then subsides. After the focus has grown, unpleasant sensations will make themselves felt more often, which indicates the progression of inflammatory processes in the foot, an increase in salt deposits. If you do not see a doctor in time, then because of the heel spike, it will be difficult for a sick person to walk.

The reasons

A spur on the foot can appear in any person. The disease manifests itself in adulthood, it is very rare in young people. The main causes of spurs on the back of the foot are:

  • overweight;
  • uncomfortable shoes;
  • sport;
  • circulatory disorders;
  • standing work.

How to treat a heel spur at home

You need to be diagnosed by a doctor to figure out how to get rid of a heel spur. An effective therapy will be prescribed by a specialist. In some cases, the treatment of heel spurs is limited to such folk methods as rolling out chicken eggs. In running cases, it is necessary to resort to surgery. To prevent the latter, it is better to make an appointment with a doctor at the first pain signs.

In order for the spur on the foot to go away, first you need to minimize the load on the sore leg. For this it is recommended:

  • observe bed rest;
  • diet;
  • reduce walking time, standing posture;
  • the use of special fixators for the foot;
  • orthopedic shoes and insoles.

Foot massage

The method will help alleviate discomfort, remove the problem in its first stages. You can perform massage yourself or contact a professional. The procedure is painful, but in a couple of sessions it gives an effect. For best results, it is recommended to use special warming ointments and creams. The following techniques can bring the foot out of a painful state:

  1. Grasp the heel firmly with your fingers on both sides. With strong pressure, move the pads up and down.
  2. Strongly squeezing the foot, carry out circular movements inside the heel and around it.
  3. Knead the heel with the phalanges, trying to move it in different directions.
  4. Rub the rest of the foot with your palms, paying attention to each finger, starting from the little finger and ending with the big one.
  5. Knead the shin in a circular motion.
  6. Finish the massage by lightly stroking the lower extremities up to the knee.

Orthopedic insoles for heel spurs

An anatomically correct addition to the shoe will help relieve the load from the foot, alleviate the pain. Orthopedic heel pads and insoles are made of silicone or leather. Which option is needed in a particular case can only be determined by a doctor. The device helps the foot to take the correct shape, so that the load from the sore spot subsides. The remedy will not help to get rid of the heel spur, but it is an excellent prevention.


Exercises should begin with a light warm-up of the feet. After that, the following exercises are performed:

  1. Lean your palms against the wall, push your healthy leg forward, and leave the patient behind. Bend your knees slightly higher than with a simple lunge and hold for 15 seconds.
  2. Socks must be placed on a step or similar elevation, heels remain below. Slowly rise up on toes. Run 10-15 times.
  3. Place your foot on a water bottle, rolling pin, or other round object. Roll along the entire plane.

Medical treatment for heel spurs

Before taking medication, a doctor's consultation is required. The most effective drugs for heel spurs are:

  1. . Relieves pain in just a few steps. It is taken after meals 3 times a day.
  2. . Drink 3 times a day, 25 mg after meals.
  3. Dimexide. The tool is used as compresses. The drug must be diluted with water, applied to the heel spikes and sealed with a plaster for 15 minutes.

Shock wave therapy for heel spurs

One of the most effective methods for removing salt deposits in the foot area. After a few sessions, the leg will look healthy. Shock wave therapy for heel spurs allows the impulses to penetrate deep into the tissues where loosening of calcifications occurs. Unlike laser and ultrasound, this treatment has minimal contraindications. It is not suitable for patients with violations of the integrity of the skin, exacerbation of chronic diseases. The number of sessions of shock wave therapy for foot spurs is prescribed by the doctor.

Novocaine injections

Blockade is an effective way to eliminate pain, which gives instant results. With it, the spur on the foot will not bother for a long time. The disadvantage of this method of treatment is the pain of the procedure. The patient is injected with kenalog or diprospan into the focus of the problem. These types of glucocorticosteroid hormones help eliminate heel spur inflammation, swelling, prevent the formation of antibodies and reduce vascular sensitivity.

Traditional medicine offers many options for treating salt deposits on the bones of the foot. One of the most famous is compresses with bile and iodine. This method refers to cardinal methods and requires special care. It is necessary to mix 3 drops of iodine, a spoonful of bile and a little shampoo, then apply the mass on the heel. The foot is wrapped in foil, held for 40 minutes, then washed off with water.

Effective for complications and other folk remedies for heel spurs. Consider homemade ointment. For the recipe you will need the following ingredients:

  • salt - 1 tsp;
  • honey - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • iodine - 1 tbsp. l.

How to do:

  1. Mix all components.
  2. Apply the drug to the sponge, apply to the surface of the formation of spurs on the foot.
  3. Wrap with a bag, put on a sock and leave for 15 minutes.
  4. This treatment of spurs must be carried out 5 to 15 times until relief is felt.

Video: how to cure a heel spur

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