Treat fatty. Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. What is the difference between hepatosis and hepatic steatosis

Not focal diffuse changes liver parenchyma by type fatty hepatosis is a chronic disease. At the same time, there is a rebirth in adipose tissue normal cells of the organ (hepatocytes). This process is called metabolic degeneration at the level of liver cells. Learn about the specifics of the disease and methods of treatment.

What is fatty liver disease

Liver steatosis (fatty hepatosis) looks like this inside: large vacuoles (reserve places) of neutral fats accumulate in the cells. Collagen fibers appear. Areas of tissue become inflamed. The liver is affected by diseases associated with impaired fat metabolism organism. When conducting a biopsy, the content of neutral fats in the organ is more than 10%.

Approximate factors that indicate the need for treatment of fatty liver hepatosis:

  1. Food. Starvation, sudden weight loss in short periods of time, overeating.
  2. Medicines. The use of such drugs, especially expired: Fluconazole, Amiodarone, Methotrexate, Tetracycline (in the form of ointments, injections), Tamoxifen, Didanosine, Diltiazem.
  3. Alcoholic drinks and narcotic substances. More than 350 ml of vodka per week for men and 175 ml for women, the use of cocaine for the liver is extremely detrimental. excesses and dangerous substances provoke not only hepatosis, but also other diseases.
  4. Poisons, toxic substances. poisonous mushrooms, pesticides, various bacteria and fungus.
  5. Metabolism. The disease is detected in the presence of pathologies: Weber-Christian, Ray, Volman.
  6. Other factors. Gastritis, diverticula, papilloma.

Symptoms of the disease

The main signs and conditions by which hepatomegaly disease is diagnosed:

  1. pain in the liver;
  2. heaviness in the stomach;
  3. discomfort in the right hypochondrium;
  4. flatulence;
  5. vomiting and nausea;
  6. loss of appetite;
  7. body weakness;
  8. drowsiness;
  9. deterioration in coordination of movements;
  10. jaundice;
  11. diathesis;
  12. development abdominal dropsy;
  13. dystrophy of the body;
  14. convulsions;
  15. loss of consciousness;
  16. cirrhosis;
  17. oncological diseases.

Early hepatosis

The disease develops with constant alcohol abuse, wrong diet, obesity. In the process of developing steatosis, a person begins to show symptoms liver failure. The early period of the disease is expressed by mild periodic pain in right side belly under chest. At the same time, a person with an early stage of the disease does not have vomiting, jaundice, persistent nausea. Diseases associated with hepatosis are:


  • thyretoxicosis;
  • pancreatitis;
  • fibrosis;
  • hepatitis.

Progressive hepatosis

Timely treatment a disease that progresses will save a person from a tragic outcome of the situation. The majority of the population suffering from steatosis are women. The disease is often detected by chance, when diagnosing other diseases. It is clearly expressed by symptoms such as:

  1. the presence of nausea and vomiting;
  2. temperature rise;
  3. jaundice;
  4. pain in right side.

How to treat fatty liver disease

The specificity of the disease lies in several rules:

  1. Diet. Observe proper diet nutrition for the patient is a must! There are strict limits in partial or complete restriction from canned food, animal fats, food additives, dyes. A particularly strict diet for hepatosis of the liver should be observed by overweight people. It is important to avoid overeating.
  2. Medicines. Any additional treatment with tablets, syrups, tinctures affects the functioning of the liver, so you should not prescribe medications for fatty hepatosis to yourself. Be sure to consult a doctor (especially during pregnancy).
  3. Slimming. It is forbidden to lose weight dramatically: the process of getting rid of excess weight should be gradual in order to avoid stressful situations for the body. Fasting, the use of pills and drugs for weight loss in hepatosis of the liver is prohibited.

Medical therapy

The use of one type of therapy is not sufficient for complete cure pathology. Often hepatosis of the liver is accompanied by other diseases. How faster reason the development of the disease in the body will be identified, the more correct the treatment will be and it will be possible to avoid additional symptoms. The liver is treated with drugs that:

  1. increase insulin sensitivity;
  2. reduce the level of fat cells in the blood, liver;
  3. reduce the level of statin in the body;
  4. improve the movement of blood through the vessels.

Alternative Methods

There is not only medical direction treatment, but also an alternative therapy for hepatosis of the liver. It will not be possible to completely regenerate the cells of the organ in this way, but for the prevention and maintenance normal state this way is productive. Alternative therapies that stimulate the recovery of liver cells:

  1. autohemoozone therapy (high level of ozone);
  2. synhalant oxygen;
  3. hirudotherapy;
  4. treatment of hepatosis with ultrasound.

Folk remedies

Folk recipes are suitable for complex treatment. Fatty liver can be treated with the following recipes:

  1. Collection of herbs. Plantain, St. John's wort take three teaspoons each, and Eleutherococcus, immortelle, chamomile - two each. Mix all dry herbs and brew a tablespoon of the composition with a glass of boiling water. Infuse for half an hour, strain and take 1 tablespoon every day three times before meals. Sugar, honey and other sweet substances should not be added. For treatment with such a decoction, two months are needed.
  2. Tincture. Marigold, nasturtium, centaury, calendula, take 1 teaspoon. Pour everything with boiling water (0.5 liters), insist. You need to drink such a drink warm in 50 ml 10-15 minutes before a meal.
  3. Collection of herbs for excretion of bile (folk hepatoprotector). In equal proportions, mix dry rose hips, corn silk, immortelle, milk thistle and pour 0.5 boiling water. Leave for several hours, then take a glass before meals.
  4. Apricot. Normal operation The liver will provide a regular supply of vitamins that are in the apricot kernels, which you need to eat 5 pieces per day.


Dieting is the main part of the treatment of liver infiltration. Which foods are allowed, and which are better to immediately limit or exclude from the menu in order to stop moderate hepatosis:


Can you eat with hepatitis?

In most cases, fatty liver disease is treated conservative methods. The basis of therapy is weight loss, as well as taking medications aimed at improving the intercellular metabolic processes of hepatocytes. And how effective in this regard is not traditional medicine? Is it possible to treat fatty liver hepatosis with folk remedies?

Treatment of fatty hepatosis of the liver with folk remedies

Can fatty liver disease be completely cured? If the process of replacing organ tissues with fat has already begun, then it is not reversible. But this process can be almost completely stopped by moving the disease into remission. The main thing is to start treatment in a timely manner, since on late stages only surgical treatment or liver transplantation is allowed.

Don't just use traditional medicine. The best option is to consult with your doctor about this, using folk remedies as an addition to the main prescribed therapy.

A mixture of twelve herbs for rapid weight loss

This tool will remove body fat at the expense of . The decoction is prepared as follows:

  • mix 3 grams of lingonberry leaves, dicotyledonous nettle, birch, wild rose, hawthorn, red-fruited mountain ash, bearberry, licorice, fennel, St. John's wort, as well as marshmallow roots, dandelion (almost all of the above ingredients can be purchased at any pharmacy);
  • pour 1.5 liters of boiling water and cook for 20 minutes;
  • the resulting broth is insisted until it cools completely, then it is filtered through several layers of gauze.

The finished product should be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 2 weeks. Take 2 tablespoons 3 times daily between meals. It is worth considering that some of the herbs have a diuretic effect, so when chronic diseases urinary system should be used with caution this remedy. The course of treatment is 3 weeks, then a break of 5 days.

Pumpkin with honey to strengthen the liver

With fatty hepatosis, pumpkin with honey helps to normalize the balance of minerals and metals in the blood, as well as provide the body with a whole range of antioxidants (they just prevent the oxidation of hepatocytes with their subsequent destruction). This tool is prepared as follows:

  1. Take a medium-sized ripe pumpkin, cut off the top along with the tail (the incision is not large, indented literally 2-3 centimeters from the top).
  2. Gut the pumpkin completely, that is, remove the pulp and seeds from it.
  3. Pour honey into pumpkin. Honeydew is best suited, but this variety is quite expensive. Buckwheat can also be used instead of honeydew. The main thing is that he should not be subjected to heat treatment and be fresh.
  4. Next, the pumpkin with honey is closed with a previously cut “lid” and sent to infuse for 2 weeks at room temperature. Be sure to hide it in a dark place so that it does not get there sunlight(ultraviolet rays are highly likely to lead to spoilage of the product due to the breakdown of organic matter).
  5. After insisting honey - pour it into separate dishes. Keep refrigerated.

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The finished product is taken 1 tablespoon 3 times a day directly with meals.

Decoction of milk thistle seeds

In traditional medicine, Silymarin is prescribed to slow down the process of destruction of liver cells. But at the same time, it is produced by synthesis from milk thistle. Therefore, the so-called fatty liver can also be treated with a decoction based on the seeds of this plant. The therapeutic effect is no worse than from taking Silymarin. At home, the broth is prepared as follows:

  • rinse a teaspoon of seeds thoroughly under running water (or soak 2 times for 5 minutes);
  • pour the washed seeds with 1 cup of boiling water;
  • leave for 20 minutes, then strain.

The resulting broth should be drunk during the day in several doses. It is best to drink in small sips immediately before meals. The course of treatment is 4 weeks, then a break of 1 week. At the same time, liver dystrophy is significantly slowed down, but there is a possibility of adverse symptoms. These include: diarrhea complex disorder Gastrointestinal tract, nausea, shortness of breath, increased diuresis (diuretic effect). In the event of any similar symptoms you should consult with your doctor - it is quite possible that the patient has already been prescribed analogues of Silymarin and he has a banal overdose.

Carrots with milk to neutralize toxins

Such a remedy acts as one of the most powerful "natural" hepatoprotectors, that is, protecting liver cells from destruction. The tool is prepared as follows:

  • mix 100 ml of fresh carrot juice and milk (preferably with a minimum fat content);
  • add 1 grated apricot pit to the resulting mixture;
  • drink the finished product in one gulp on an empty stomach, 20 to 30 minutes before the planned breakfast.

This is indeed folk remedy, by the way, will help relieve inflammation of the fatty liver, thereby preventing the complication of hepatosis in the form of cirrhosis of the liver. Should not be used for cooking healing mixture goat milk - it has a much higher casein content (which creates an additional load on the liver).

A decoction of oats for the prevention of complications

This method of treating hepatosis is one of the most effective, but at the same time sparing. Its use is allowed even in the later stages of the disease, combined with excessively excess body fat. Main therapeutic properties this tool:

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Substances contained in oats What effect does it have on liver function?
Essential amino acids (arginine, valine) Accelerate the regeneration of hepatocytes
Polyunsaturated fats (, omega-6) Normalize the secretory function of the liver (bile production), which has a positive effect on metabolism, the rate of fat breakdown
Vitamin E Antioxidant, prevents oxidation of liver cells
Potassium, sodium These elements are responsible for normalization water-salt balance, prevent the development of complications of hepatosis affecting the activity of the cardiovascular system
Vitamin B 12 Speed ​​up work digestive system, prevent intestinal stagnation, which ultimately helps to normalize weight

How to prepare a decoction of oats? You will need 1 cup of unpeeled seeds (sold in almost all grocery stores) pour 2 liters of water, bring the mixture to a boil over low heat. Next - continue to cook until the liquid in the dishes remains 2 times less (that is, 1 liter of broth). Only after that the broth is removed from the stove and allowed to cool completely. It remains only to strain it. Store the finished broth in the refrigerator for no more than 3 days. Take 0.5 - 1 liter per day in 2 - 4 doses (30 - 45 minutes before meals). The course of treatment is 2 weeks, then a break is made for the same period of time.


In total, there are many folk methods for treating fatty liver hepatosis. All of them do not heal from the disease, but will contribute to the transition of the disease to the stage of remission. But the first thing to do is to remove fat from a person, lose excess weight. Without this, neither traditional medicine nor folk methods will not bring the desired effect. And in advanced stages hepatosis often causes cirrhosis, which is already considered a precancerous condition of the body.

Fatty hepatosis (steatosis) is characterized by fatty liver, the pathology is caused by fatty degeneration in the parenchymal cells of the epithelium. Excessive accumulation of fat provokes cellular rupture, with subsequent cystic formation in the extracellular tissue space of the organ, as a result - a violation of the functions of the liver.

AT medical practice There are two forms of steatosis:

  • Focal form - triglycerides (fat) are localized exclusively in the intracellular space, in the center of the cell, displacing the cell nucleus.
  • Diffuse manifestation is due to fatty infiltration, leading to cell rupture and the formation of cystic formations in the organ.

Different causes determine the type of disease - alcoholic or non-alcoholic character.

The reasons

  • genetic predisposition due to congenital enzyme deficiency cytochrome protein;
  • Alcoholic diseases liver, due to increased absorption of iron elements in the intestine and the absence of antibodies to hepatitis antigens - the "C" virus, which helps to accelerate the progression of the disease;
  • Metabolic disorders due to the high content of fatty acids in the diet.

The microscopic picture of the cells marks fatty lesions of the liver of two types - in the form of large-drop and small-drop fatty lesions. Atypical manifestations of fatty hepatosis of the liver are possible without obesity of parenchymal cells, manifesting only inflammatory processes, giving prerequisites for the development of non-alcoholic steatohepatitis - the last stage before the development of cirrhosis.


The disease is characterized by slow development and chronic form currents. May not show at the initial stage bright symptoms and is detected, in most cases, during a planned medical examination. Initial symptoms appear:

During the examination, a smooth, compacted, round body of the organ is noted, with painful manifestations when pressed. There are signs of an enlarged spleen, palmar erythema is expressed by reddening of the palms and soles.

Reduced protective immune functions organism, which exposes the patient to colds and infectious nature. Violations of the barrier function of the liver are manifested by:

  • stagnant processes bile (cholestasis);
  • yellowness skin;
  • the presence of bile in the vomit and the manifestation of intoxication;
  • signs of abdominalgia in the right hypochondrium.

Chronic alcoholism causes more vivid symptoms in the form of:

  • hyperlipidemia;
  • hemolytic anemia;
  • manifestations obstructive jaundice;
  • ascitic-edematous syndrome;
  • abdominalgia and fever;
  • manifestations of painful signs of intoxication.

Diagnosis and treatment of fatty liver

Caution, photo of the liver (click to view)

Human liver affected by hepatosis Schematic representation of fatty inclusions

Diagnostics includes:

  • examination of a specialist - palpation reveals an enlarged liver protruding from under the arc of the rib;
  • apply ultrasound diagnostics and dopplerography;
  • computed tomography and serological studies.

The main direction in treatment is the elimination of the provocative factor, the correction of nutrition and lifestyle. According to diagnostic indicators, a narcologist, an endocrinologist or a cardiologist are included in the treatment process. To facilitate the healing process, medication is prescribed.


In the initial stage of the disease, with a mild course of the disease, a combination therapy is prescribed, consisting of antioxidant protection, stabilization cell membranes hepatocytes, immunomodulation, providing anti-inflammatory protection and aimed at preventing and stopping dysfunction biliary tract.

Leading place among the drugs that improve the functional state of the body, occupies - "Ademetionine". The drug is considered complex, as it includes two natural substances - adenosine, which is part of some enzymes and methionine, which is an amino acid necessary for human health. "Ademetionin" - restores the destroyed cell walls liver. Prevents fatty oxidation. Stimulates protein synthesis. Possesses effective action not only with alcoholic fatty hepatosis, but also with hepatitis and cirrhosis, due to its mild antidepressant effect.

« », » - bile acid. The drug has a high acid-neutralizing and analgesic effect, regulates the action immune system, has the property of regulating cell proliferation (growth) and apoptosis (programmed cell death), affects the indicators of bile biochemistry and indicators of steatosis.

"Taurine"- an amino acid that accelerates the elimination of toxins from the body in the form of tablets "Dibikor" and , "Taufon" in capsules. They have membrane-stabilizing and antioxidant properties, help to increase hepatic blood flow, improve hepatocyte activity and bile excretion, dissolve bile acids and reduce performance total cholesterol.

Tablets Karsil contain plant extracts, is a natural drug that has an antitoxic and hepaprotective effect (improves metabolic processes).

The action of essential phospholipids - drug "Essentiale" aimed at increasing the resistance of the liver to the action pathological processes and for its gentle cleaning and restoration.

The doctor may prescribe "Heptral" or "Essentiale" in the form of injections.

As part of a comprehensive drug treatment includes an excellent membrane stabilizing agent natural preparation based on a leaf of a field artichoke - « » . Tablets "Hofitol" have a choleretic and protective effect. Provides resistance to the liver pathogenic microbes, normalize metabolic processes.

If there is a thickening of bile, a natural medication is prescribed to improve its outflow - « » . Its action removes the feeling of discomfort in the form of heaviness and fullness in the side, is prescribed for removal alcohol intoxication, has a strengthening effect.

The use of stanins and fibrates is due to a decrease in blood lipids (cholesterol).

Elevated glucose levels (insulin resistance) important role in the genesis of fatty liver. The use of insulin sensitizers - Metroformin and Rosiglitazone improves glucose uptake, activates liver enzymes, helps reduce obesity, and normalizes the effect of hypertension.

In the neutralization of various toxic substances, an important role is played by vitamins PP and B2.

The plan of drug treatment of fatty hepatosis of the liver, the dosage of drugs and the duration of the course, should be made by a therapist or gastroenterologist. You should not engage in self-selection of medicines from various sources. Many drugs are fraught with many "pitfalls" and, if used incorrectly, bring more harm than good. Trust your health to specialists.

Usage drug therapy will be untenable if you do not adjust the diet and lifestyle.


After the diagnosis is established, dietary adjustment is one of the main stages of treatment. It includes:

  • Complete exclusion of alcoholic beverages. If this is not immediately possible, alcohol should be diluted with juices or water.
  • Restriction in use fatty foods- cream, cheese, margarine, butter and mayonnaise.
  • replacement meat products for seafood and lean fish.
  • Cooking by steaming or baking.
  • Eating lean fermented milk products.
  • The diet should include various varieties cabbage.
  • Plentiful drink - two liters of clean water daily.


If there was magic pill, after taking which you can forget about hepatosis, we would talk about it in detail.

Whether people like it or not, drugs alone are usually not enough to remove fatty deposits from the liver. Diet and the absence of bad habits are important. Equally important is physical activity.

Human body it is arranged in such a way that movement is one of its main functions, accumulated over millions of years of evolution and completely forgotten only in recent years.

It is not necessary to torture your body with hard and long workouts. In most cases, it is enough to start with light but regular physical activity.

If you are well overweight, start walking. First, 30 minutes a day, then 60. If your weight allows, do jogging. It is also extremely useful exercise in the morning. If time allows you to sign up for a gym, then start with a treadmill and a stepper, gradually add weight exercises. And ideally, hire a coach who will help you achieve results in the shortest possible time. short term.

active image life will improve general state body, help to reduce body weight, and also help in healing your liver.

Hepatosis is a liver disease, which is based primarily on metabolic disorders in hepatocytes (cells) of the liver, against which dystrophic changes in hepatocytes develop. Dystrophic changes lead to the replacement of functional liver cells in adipose tissue.

Fatty liver occurs when liver hepatocytes accumulate fats, complex fats, turning them into fat cells. Fatty liver is a reversible process that can be prevented before irreversible processes can begin in the body. The main task of a patient with fatty liver is to pay attention to visual and visual symptoms as soon as possible. internal manifestations. Seek medical advice and start effective treatment with medicinal methods of treatment in combination with dietary nutrition and possible treatments in traditional medicine.

The process of transformation of liver cells into fatty

Fatty hepatosis, dystrophic changes in the liver cells, all these are synonymous with the process of accumulation of triglycerides (simple fats) in the liver cells.

Under the influence of alcohol, fatty and smoked foods, intake medicines, lazy lifestyle, factors that sooner or later lead to fatty hepatosis. Perhaps one of the most dangerous factors and causes of fatty liver are toxins that enter the body. Incoming toxic substances, toxins are directed directly to the liver.

The liver is an organ that includes many functions, and one of them is the function of processing, decomposition, and neutralization. Any substance or product that enters the body undergoes strict control by the liver, which converts them into simple fats by splitting them. With a constant flow of excess fat, the accumulation of fat in the liver is inevitable, hepatosis of the liver is the next step in the development of an unfavorable diagnosis.

The accumulation of simple fats in the liver hepatocytes gradually begin their process of degenerative degeneration into fatty, dense tissue. Adipose dense tissue becomes a significant barrier to the normal functionality of the liver to neutralize toxic substances and soon leads to liver dysfunction.

Liver dysfunction develops into fibrotic processes of the liver tissue (formation of scar tissue). Fibrosis is followed by cirrhosis of the liver. Liver cirrhosis is a disease that is quite difficult to treat with a final recovery, in advanced forms leading to lethal outcome. The growth of the connective parenchyma (liver tissue), captures the cells and completely replaces them. That is why it is so important to recognize in the early stages of development of hepatosis of the liver.

There are three stages in the development of the disease hepatosis:

  1. The first stage of fatty hepatosis is the occurrence of foci of accumulation of simple fats, fat cells. Fat cells can be localized in focal lesions at small distances from each other. The first stage is the process of diffuse formations of fatty hepatosis.
  2. The second stage of fatty hepatosis is the process of a significant increase in the area of ​​accumulation of hepatocytes, the first proliferation of connective tissue between hepatocytes.
  3. The third stage of fatty hepatosis is the process of formation of pronounced areas of the connective fibrous tissue, large cluster fat cells.

Obesity and other causes of hepatosis

To eliminate the disease means first of all to find the cause of the disease and try to completely remove it. The purpose of therapy depends on the primary cause of the disease. obesity, one of characteristic causes hepatosis of the liver, leading to fibrosis and cirrhosis of the liver. Consider various reasons, which lead to the degeneration of normal liver tissue into adipose tissue.

Causes of the disease due to impaired metabolism of fats, lipid metabolism. Lipid disorders include:

  • Type 2 diabetes mellitus (insulin-dependent patients);
  • Obesity 2-3 degrees;
  • An abnormal increase in blood lipid levels (hypertriglyceridemia).

The liver is our body's filter to neutralize toxic effects. All antagonistic substances, toxins that have entered the body, undergo a procedure of neutralization and decomposition. With an excess flow of such substances, the liver ceases to cope with this function. Excessive, systematic use of ethanol-containing drinks (alcohol) leads to fatty hepatosis.

The cause of the disease is hepatosis of the liver, including factors of radiation exposure in unfavorable areas with overestimated levels of background radiation.

Excessive consumption of fats in food, excessive passion for sweets, fatty meat, fish, smoked meats causes a violation of lipid metabolism in the body, including this applies to people who consume not enough protein in your daily diet.

It may seem strange that hepatosis of the liver can also occur during fasting, but fasting, like malnutrition, is the cause of lipid metabolism disorders and also leads to hepatosis of the liver. Moms of young girls should pay attention to the fact that the thirst for a model, not infrequently anorexic appearance leads to severe consequences from the reaction of the organism.

Drug-induced hepatosis is a form of hepatosis long-term use drugs aimed at antibacterial effects, in other words, drugs of the antibiotic group.

When taking antibiotics under the mandatory supervision of a doctor, it is imperative to follow a diet that should include prebiotics, substances that protect the healthy intestinal, bacterial flora of the body.

one more an important factor and the cause of the disease hepatosis of the liver is the excessive action of the hormones of the adrenal cortex, diseases endocrine system, lack of thyroxine, thyroid hormone. The drugs aldosterone, cortisol, corticosterones, which are prescribed, are taken under constant control according to dosages to avoid the possibility of a diagnosis - hepatosis of the liver.

Symptoms of fatty liver

It is impossible to unequivocally say about the symptoms of the course of the disease hepatosis of the liver. The characteristic symptoms of the disease can manifest themselves in different ways depending on the stage of the disease. In most cases, on early stage you can notice only some inconvenience in the body from the organs of the digestive system and visually. The appearance of fat deposits on the side of the thighs, the abdomen, the appearance of a second chin and other signs of obesity that has begun. Each stage, characterized by one or another symptom, the most complex and not always reversible, is the third degree of fatty liver, which develops, in addition to fibrosis of the liver tissues, into growth over the entire surface of the liver. connective tissue, which captures liver cells and leads to cirrhosis of the liver.

Consider the general, clinical symptoms of the manifestation of fatty hepatosis:

  • Heaviness in the right hypochondrium ();
  • Dull pain in the right hypochondrium (primary liver damage);
  • Seizures acute pain in the right hypochondrium (the process of fibrosis, cirrhosis of the liver);
  • Visual disturbances (decrease in good visual acuity);
  • General state of depression;
  • Sleepiness during the daytime;
  • Sleeplessness at night;
  • Bouts of nausea;
  • Vomiting reflexes with a taste of bitterness in the oral cavity;
  • Indigestion (dysbacteriosis, diarrhea);
  • Skin rashes like Urticaria;
  • Dull skin tone (pallor).

Only the acute and severe form of hepatosis usually manifests itself in the symptoms of the disease, the primary stages are asymptomatic, or with signs that can often be confused with "normal" holiday overeating, colds and acute respiratory diseases.

Methods for diagnosing the disease of hepatosis

Perhaps it was at this moment when you are reading this article that you noticed some signs of hepatosis. Do not hesitate, consult a doctor.

The most common diagnosis is an ultrasound examination of the liver, which shows characteristic changes in the liver towards an increase in size and good echogenicity of the organ. The echogenicity of any organ in the body with ultrasound indicates the inflammatory processes occurring in the diseased organ.

The doctor will prescribe a diagnosis, which includes:

  1. , captures echoes of fatty hepatosis, enlargement of the organ.
  2. A liver biopsy is a puncture of the liver tissue, taken by inserting a special needle with a tip to take a minimal piece of tissue from the affected liver tissue. The procedure is performed with anesthesia of the right hypochondrium (an injection with an anesthetic). positive result on hepatosis of the liver, is the detection of fat cells. A contraindication to a biopsy is poor blood clotting, a blood clotting test in without fail is taken from all patients before taking a puncture. Poor clotting blood - possible bleeding at the time of liver tissue puncture, after the procedural period.
  3. KTM - CT scan allows you to determine the affected, enlarged areas of the liver.
  4. MRI - magnetic resonance imaging using the physical phenomenon of nuclear magnetic resonance in the study internal organs and fabrics.

Pregnancy and hepatosis of the liver

Fatty hepatosis occurs during pregnancy, due to the hormonal background of a woman, namely failures in hormonal system organism. The use of excessive amounts of food during pregnancy is an integral reason for the possibility of hepatosis disease. Overeating, threatens with acute fatty hepatosis of a pregnant woman, briefly in medical terminology it is written as OGGB. Acute steatosis leads to serious complications during pregnancy. Possible death of a woman during labor activity, childbirth.

The dangerous period of fatty hepatosis is observed between 29 and 38 weeks of pregnancy. These dates are conditional, since the disease can also manifest itself in earlier stages of pregnancy, earlier than 29 weeks.

Icteric signs of the disease during pregnancy are one of the most important:

  • Yellowing of the skin;
  • Yellow color of the sclera;
  • The whites of the eyes are yellow;
  • Light feces;
  • Dark urine (the color of strong tea);
  • General weakness;
  • Malaise;
  • Bitterness in the mouth;
  • The appearance of heartburn with a constant manifestation;
  • Bouts of nausea;
  • Vomiting with and without bile;
  • Discomfort in the right hypochondrium, feeling of heaviness, dull pain;
  • Loss of appetite.

With any of possible symptoms Jaundice, it is necessary to consult a doctor who observes a pregnant woman throughout the pregnancy, for advice and further therapy for treatment.

Changing your habitual and not quite correct life in excessive consumption of sweets, fats, alcohol, the absence of any sports activities is the first step to recovery from fatty liver. Treatment of fatty liver disease is proper nutrition and adherence to special diet. The less fat, alcohol, toxins will enter the body, the maximum effect will be during treatment. To rid the liver of fats, the primary task of the patient with fatty liver.

It is best to start dietary nutrition at an early stage of the development of the disease hepatosis, but you should not assume that with obesity to a higher degree, you need to abandon diet food and take medication only.

The diet effectively fights triglycerides (simple fats) and prevents them from disrupting work. normal functions liver for processing and neutralization.

Dietary nutrition in the diagnosis of hepatosis of the liver must be boiled or steamed, baked dishes are allowed. Consumption of at least 1.5 liters of fluid per day, not counting drunk compotes, kissels, teas and other drinks. All drinks must be non-carbonated. Gas affects flatulence in the gastrointestinal tract, which negatively affects the functionality of the stomach and liver. Especially do not forget about this at the time of pregnancy for women. Salt in the diet should be kept to a minimum.

Everything that is in terms of products is FAT, a high percentage of anything, should be excluded.

Foods to be excluded in the diagnosis of fatty hepatosis:

All drinks and cooked meals must be room temperature. Cold use is strictly prohibited in the diagnosis of hepatosis of the liver.

Foods to include in your diet:

All products must be non-greasy, fat-free, with a minimum percentage of fat content.

  • Kefir;
  • Cottage cheese;
  • Yogurt;
  • Sour cream;
  • Milk;
  • Semolina;
  • Oatmeal, bran;
  • Buckwheat grain;
  • hard cheese;
  • Milk soup;
  • Vegetable soup;
  • Summer borscht without fatty meat and frying;
  • Broccoli;
  • red cabbage;
  • Zucchini;
  • Carrot;
  • Tomatoes (1-2 small per day);
  • Lazy dumplings;
  • Pasta in soups;
  • Potato (1-2 per day);
  • Eggs - scrambled eggs;
  • One boiled (medium softness) per day;
  • Paste;
  • Zephyr;
  • Kissel;
  • Uzvar;
  • Compotes from non-acidic fruits and berries;
  • Coffee with milk;
  • Not a strong tea;
  • The berries are not sour;
  • Fruit drink from berries;
  • Fruits are not acidic;
  • Rosehip decoction.

Rosehip decoction is one of the main drinks throughout the diet and further dietary nutrition, which you may have to adhere to throughout your life. Rosehip has excellent antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, hematopoietic properties. Rosehip decoction actively helps the liver to remove toxins from the body.

The recipe for making rose hips is very simple. To prepare, take 100-200 grams of rose hips, rinse, brew with boiling water in a thermos. Leave to infuse during the day. Every day, take a decoction before or after meals, 0.5 cups warm.

Pharmacies sell an extract from rose hips called "Holosas", which completely facilitates the preparation of a rosehip decoction. Dilute one teaspoon in a glass warm water. Take 0.5 cup before or after meals.

Medicinal properties pine nuts known from ancient times. Pine nut is a very good helper of antioxidant properties, pine nut oil strengthens liver hepatocytes well, providing them with a beneficial recovery effect. Tea spoon pine nuts per day for one month. In the future, you need to take a break, and be sure to consult with your doctor on the further scheme of using pine nuts.

Or the diagnosis of hepatosis of the liver with a characteristic increase in the organ, it stimulates very well in the direction of decreasing the size - juice, infusion of lemon. Method of preparation: 1-2 lemons, wash well under warm water. Using a fine blender grater, grind together with the zest to a gruel state. Pour 0.5 boiling water (1 lemon), respectively 1 liter of water per (2 lemons). Leave the prepared broth overnight, 12 hours. After the broth is infused, it must be filtered through cheesecloth and squeezed out. Take one tablespoon between meals. Take an infusion of lemon should be no more than 3 days. A break in taking lemon juice should be at least 3-4 days.

Dietary treatment, compliance with medications prescribed by a doctor, examination at the appointed time, medical tests on the fat content in the body, repeated procedures studies using ultrasound, CT, MRI can always determine the state of health of your liver, and will make it possible to control the effectiveness of the prescribed treatment.

Rhythm of life modern man dictates its terms. The average resident of a large city does not have the opportunity to set aside several hours a day for eating: our contemporary is too busy. In order to somehow satisfy the need for food, a person resorts to fast food, small snacks, etc. As you know, "bitching" never leads to good. The lack of a rational and thoughtful diet will certainly lead to various diseases gastrointestinal tract. Less than you can get off - gastritis, but there are more serious illnesses. One of them is fatty liver disease.

Fatty hepatosis of the liver is a degenerative disease of the organ with the gradual destruction of hepatocyte cells. Instead of hepatocytes in the liver, fat cells - lipocytes - take their place. Over time, lipocytes are destroyed, liver fibrosis begins, and this is a direct path to cirrhosis and death.

What you need to know about fatty liver hepatosis, so as not to miss the trouble?

Fatty hepatosis of the liver: causes

In the vast majority of cases, the causes of fatty hepatosis of the liver lie in the alimentary factor. This means that the disease itself develops due to malnutrition. However, not always. Among the factors that cause the disease, there are:

Alcohol abuse. Approximately 80% of all patients with hepatosis are persons without knowing measures in the use of alcohol. Especially often the problem of alcoholism occurs in men, so they are the main patients of the gastroenterologist. In women, hepatosis develops more rapidly and has a worse prognosis, especially against the background of alcoholism.

The use of narcotic and psychoactive substances. This includes not only drugs, but also the notorious energetic drinks, caffeine in general and even tea, due to the content of tannins in it (tea can be drunk without fear, we are talking on individual cases).

Another risk group is people with poor nutrition. In this case, we are talking about a shortage of normal food. This includes vegetarians, anorexics. The body is not adapted for such extreme loads. With prolonged malnutrition, the body begins to think that the "hungry year" has come and it's time to stock up on fat. This is extremely harmful not only to the liver, but also to the heart.

Lung and heart disorders can lead to hepatosis.

Diseases associated with impaired lipid metabolism in the body. The main culprit of hepatosis, among diseases, is diabetes mellitus (especially type 2). It causes both external and internal obesity affecting the organs.

The effect of toxins on the body.

There are many causes of fatty liver disease. Almost always, the person himself is to blame for violations of her work.

Fatty hepatosis of the liver: the first symptoms

Hepatosis of the liver is a silent disease. Often, until the process becomes running, a person develops cirrhosis of the liver, nothing is noticeable. However, this is only an appearance. If you listen carefully to own body, you can see something that was not observed before. The first symptoms of fatty liver disease include:

Slight pain in the right side under the ribs. This is where the liver is located. At initial stages damage, hepatocyte cells die. This is accompanied by inflammation and manifestation pain syndrome. The pains are of a dull aching nature and are almost imperceptible, unless hepatitis or cholecystitis is added in parallel to hepatosis.

peptic phenomena. Frequent signs of fatty hepatosis of the liver. Since the liver ceases to function normally, there is a high risk of developing problems with other organs of the gastrointestinal tract: nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, heartburn, belching. There may be pain in the side on the left, in the center of the abdomen in the epigastric region.

The manifestations of dysbacteriosis. Usually manifested in the form of constipation, diarrhea, or their alternation. Chair acquires greenish tint.

Dry skin. The skin with hepatosis becomes dry, hot and flabby. If we are talking about the later stages of the disease, then it completely turns yellow from the release of bile into bloodstream.

Sensory disturbances, in particular blurred vision.

All this - non-specific signs fatty hepatosis of the liver. You can only make a point by passing complete diagnostics.

Diagnosis of fatty hepatosis of the liver

At the first suspicion of the development of hepatosis, it is urgent to consult a doctor. Problems with the organs of the gastrointestinal tract are dealt with by gastroenterologists. On the initial appointment the doctor conducts a patient survey on the subject of complaints, their nature and prescription. So the specialist draws up a diagnostic strategy.

The list of necessary measures for an accurate diagnosis includes:

Ultrasound of the liver. Traditionally, an ultrasound examination of the liver helps to detect its enlargement, and this almost always indicates problems with the organ.

Tomographic study. MRI allows you to evaluate the structure of the liver. If fat is deposited in the organ, this will be visible on an MRI.

Biochemical analysis blood. The indicators of ALT and AST are evaluated. With their increase, we are talking about liver disease.

Biopsy. It doesn't happen that often. Allows you to find out if there is fat in the structure of the body.

In most cases, doctors do not encounter hepatosis, but hepatitis or cholecystitis. However, you cannot diagnose yourself. The doctor will take care of this. The task of the patient is to clearly and consistently talk about their complaints.

Treatment of fatty hepatosis of the liver

Treatment of fatty hepatosis of the liver presents many difficulties. To resolve the issue once and for all, A complex approach. Treatment includes a number of important aspects:

Elimination of the root cause of fat deposition in the liver. The most important step, without which the treatment will not have any effect. The first thing to do is to identify the root cause. It may be alcoholism, then you can not do without a complete rejection of alcohol, according to at least, for the period of treatment, there may be malnutrition, then fatty, fried and excessively salty foods should be abandoned. At this stage leading role plays the willpower and discipline of the patient.

Compliance with nutrition, diet and physical activity. If the fat is broken down, it will not be deposited in the liver. But in order for fat to break down, effort is required. First, you need to give up fatty foods and foods rich in "bad" cholesterol. This includes fatty varieties meat, sausages, pastries, etc. Secondly, it is necessary that the reserves that have entered the body are broken down. Therefore, hypodynamia should be avoided.

Taking medications. The main group of drugs used to treat hepatosis is the so-called hepatoprotectors.

Among them, preparations based on silymarin (milk thistle flavonoid) enjoy great confidence. For example, Legalon, an original German preparation containing milk thistle flavonoids (silymarin), special procedure purification and standardization. Compared to analogues, Legalon has high content active component. It helps the liver cope with the load, strengthens its structure and prevents destruction by stabilizing cell membranes and additional synthesis of phospholipids. Legalon is actively fighting against toxic substances without giving them excess harm the liver and the whole body.

In addition to the protective effect, hepatoprotector Legalon has a restorative effect and helps reduce inflammation factors. Also, Legalon is suitable for the prevention of liver dysfunction, since it significantly reduces the load on the organ when taking medicines, fatty foods and alcohol. In addition, the drug helps prevent the occurrence of fibrosis and other degenerative changes liver.

These drugs stop the destructive processes in the liver and help restore already dead cells. Antioxidant drugs have also proven themselves well, preventing liver cells from dying and being replaced by scar or fatty tissue.

Contrary to the opinion replicated on the Internet, hepatosis should be treated with herbs with great care. Only milk thistle is suitable. The reason lies in the fact that often this disease is accompanied by cholecystitis: choleretic drugs can cause gallbladder rupture.

Prevention of fatty hepatosis of the liver

Prevention of fatty hepatosis of the liver is not difficult. Enough to perform the following recommendations:

Eat often and fractionally, in small portions. So the liver will not be overstressed.

Minimize your intake of animal fats. A complete rejection of them is also unacceptable.

Use alcohol with caution, in no case abuse it.

Maintain at least a minimum level of physical activity: physical inactivity has an extremely negative effect on liver function.

All these tips will help you avoid liver problems in the future.

Fatty liver disease is characterized high danger due to the risk of degeneration into cirrhosis. To prevent problems, you should rationalize your diet and physical activity. And if trouble does occur, it is urgent to consult a doctor for advice. It is much easier to treat hepatosis in the initial stages. So the patient will help both himself and the doctor.

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