What fruits and vegetables can be fed. When the soul knows the measure. Which fruits to choose

Many nursing mothers are wondering if it is worth eating vegetables while breastfeeding, and if so, which ones. Of course, any product eaten by a mother will affect the digestion of her child, but it is simply unreasonable to exclude all vegetables or fruits from the diet. A breastfeeding mother must eat well in order to grow healthy baby and not deplete your body, and vegetables contain many vitamins and other useful substances. In addition, by replacing this valuable product with more high-calorie foods, you run the risk of noticeably getting better, and by depriving the body of the fibers that vegetables are rich in, you can provide yourself.

Vegetables and fruits in the diet of a nursing mother are indispensable - they supply fiber, a complex of vitamins and microelements

Probability of Allergy

The first rule that a nursing mother needs to learn is to use vegetables growing in her area (see also:). They will be fresher and more natural than those brought from afar, which are processed chemicals for better preservation. Plus, local vegetables are familiar to the body, which reduces the risk of allergies in the baby. In summer and autumn, when vegetables are ripe and still rich in vitamins, it is better to eat them raw, and for winter and spring - a period of beriberi - it is advisable to freeze a sufficient amount. Buying any vegetables and fruits in winter is generally not worth it. There is nothing useful in them, but there is plenty of harmful.

Another important rule- do not experiment with unusual exotic vegetables and fruits. From some of them, an allergy can manifest itself even in an adult, and in a newborn child, this risk increases significantly.

The third is to include in the diet not all at once, but gradually. Each new vegetable can be tasted 2-3 days after the previous one. The baby's digestion will also gradually adapt to new foods, and in a few months you will be confidently eating all foods. If some kind of reaction nevertheless manifested itself, the product should be immediately excluded from the diet and tried again only after a while.

Only one is fed at a time New Product, and in absolutely a small amount- just a couple of pieces

In general, any vegetables very rarely cause allergies, therefore, when breastfeeding, only fruits that slow down or accelerate intestinal motility are limited (to avoid the formation of gases or constipation in the baby). If you don't fit raw vegetables, find recipes for their preparation. Of the ways heat treatment stewing and baking is preferable.

As you can see, everything is good in moderation. You should not get too carried away with one thing, but excessive caution will also be inappropriate. Still, lactation is just a slightly different way of life, not a disease. You need to adapt to it, just like to other changes in the body associated with pregnancy and childbirth. Then both mother and baby will feel comfortable.

Required products

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What vegetables can a nursing mother eat? The list consists mainly of what we are used to eating almost every day:

  • potato;
  • carrot;
  • vegetable marrow;
  • Bell pepper;
  • eggplant;
  • celery;
  • green onion.

The most useful for a nursing mother will be local fruits and vegetables, but fruits that are too bright red should be avoided.
  • Potatoes contain thiamine and phosphorus. They are necessary for the full development of the child. It also contains a lot of magnesium, calcium, iron and vitamins.
  • Beets are indispensable in the prevention of constipation, as well as for those who suffer from anemia. Plus it is rich in vitamin C.
  • Carrots are just a storehouse of substances useful for vision (we recommend reading:). Carotene, vitamin B6, vitamin A will provide proper development baby's eyes. Mom will also not know problems with the eyes.
  • Zucchini is rich in trace elements - copper, magnesium, iron, potassium, calcium (we recommend reading:). They can be stored for a long time fresh without losing useful substances.
  • Sweet pepper is necessary to strengthen capillaries (we recommend reading:). This action is provided by rutin and calcium, which are present in the composition. It is better to wait a little with red peppers, as red and orange vegetables can become allergens, but yellow and green are just right.
  • Eggplants contain pectins. They help improve metabolism, so if you periodically eat eggplant, you can regulate your digestion well.
  • Celery will be useful for bloating. It also contains useful substances - carotene, vitamins B, E.
  • Cauliflower, easy to digest, is very useful not only for the intestinal microflora, but also for the mental development of the baby. It contains folic acid.
  • Green onions, like any greens, are rich in vitamins, trace elements and flavonoids. It can and should be eaten while breastfeeding.

Cauliflower - light dietary product, which contains folic acid

Be careful!

  • White cabbage;
  • legumes;
  • garlic and onion.

Although cucumbers are not allergens, there are few benefits from them (more details in the article:). The composition of this vegetable can provoke increased gas formation The child has.

Raw and sauerkraut white cabbage causes fermentation in the intestines and bloating, so it is also advisable to refuse it in the first months. If you do not want to exclude it from the diet at all, you can stew it or add it to soups to eat it boiled.

Any legumes (peas, lentils, beans) are introduced into the diet no earlier than the third month, as they contribute to gas formation and can provoke colic. For the preparation of legumes, stewing or boiling is also used, however, you need to start eating them gradually, while always observing the reaction of the child's body.

Onions and garlic are undesirable because of the pungent odor. Their presence in the food of a nursing mother affects the taste of milk - the child may simply refuse to breastfeed. They are introduced into the diet in very moderate amounts, not for the sake of spiciness, but only because of the presence of many useful substances.

We mentioned exotic vegetables above. It is not worth taking risks and trying something unknown during the period breastfeeding.

Separately, it should be said about canned vegetables. Their use is completely incompatible with lactation, since salt, vinegar, and spicy seasonings are added during salting. All this is absolutely not suitable for the still unformed digestion of a newborn baby.

Onions and garlic themselves are very useful, but they give the milk a specific smell - the baby may refuse to breastfeed (we recommend reading:)

Rules for eating vegetables

It is good to eat vegetables raw, but not all of them are suitable for this. For example, eggplant and legumes require mandatory heat treatment. In addition, digestion baby still not very suitable for the digestion of raw food.

Also, not all cooking methods are acceptable for a nursing mother. In order to preserve the maximum of useful substances and not cause any discomfort, you can make vegetables:

  • boiled;
  • steamed;
  • baked;
  • stewed.

AT spring period when vitamins are not enough, you can germinate and add any grains and legumes to salads. Sprouted grain is very useful and contains many useful substances. At breastfeeding such food is not only not contraindicated, but also necessary, since the mother needs to maintain her health, and the child needs to fully develop. If you provide yourself good diet, you can easily achieve both.

Everyone knows that the nutrition of a nursing mother affects the composition, quantity and taste of breast milk. After all breast milk for a newborn, this is nutrition, health, protection, this is life. With mother's milk, the baby grows and develops. Milk protects the baby from diseases, with it the mental peace of the baby is formed.

A well-nourished mother's milk is tasty and healthy, lactation lasts as long as the baby needs. The child is healthy, active, cheerful. Him normal stool, no diathesis and others infant problems. The most crucial time in this regard is the first month of a baby's life.

What can mom eat in the first month

The most difficult and responsible in the life of a baby and in breastfeeding is the first month. For the baby, everything is new, unusual, incomprehensible. And if mom's milk changes taste every day, the baby gets scared. Therefore, mothers make their menu with great care. If new products are introduced, then not immediately, but gradually. After each new product, moms wait a couple of days to see how the child has accepted the change.

The nutrition of a nursing mother consists of useful products filled with vitamins and microelements. Daily calorie content rises by a third compared to pre-pregnancy nutrition. Women on breastfeeding choose products containing enough proteins, fats, carbohydrates, fiber. All this is necessary for nursing for lactation of milk and for good nutrition to kid.

In the early days, when breastfeeding is just beginning, diversify your diet. Mom's menu includes cereals, vegetables, meat, bread, a lot of liquid. All products only boil and stew, forget about fried potatoes and other fried foods.

Boil porridges in milk, vegetable broth or water. Meat choose lean, lean, fresh. Set aside rich soups. Cook the soup in a light broth without frying. Choose natural milk and dairy products without preservatives and additives. Bread for nursing is necessary for intestinal motility. Choose the least sweet varieties. Do not limit yourself in drinking: the more liquid, the more milk.

Let's talk about vegetables separately.

What vegetables can be fed

It has long been proven that fruits and vegetables that grow in the region where you live permanently are the most useful for you and safe for your baby. If your region is not rich in fruits and vegetables, you are accustomed to imported fruits and use them all the time, then they are familiar to your body, and the baby will accept them calmly.

It is better if the vegetables are thermally processed, raw can cause allergies in the baby

Without vegetables, our diet will not get enough vitamins, acids, carbohydrates, active elements. Necessary vegetables for breastfeeding are potatoes, carrots, onions, cauliflower, zucchini. In the first 2-3 months, it is very important for mothers to receive just such vegetables. Then the menu diversifies, complemented by other products.

Try not to eat brightly colored vegetables. bright fruits often cause allergic reactions in infants. Therefore, choose green or yellow, not red bell peppers. Supplement the diet with eggplant, light pumpkin, beets, corn, greens. Thermally processed vegetables have a less aggressive effect on the body, do not increase gas formation in the mother, and do not cause colic in the baby.

From fruits, also choose soft apples, pears, currants, gooseberries. Try to eat what is grown around you. Avoid imported goods from distant countries. From fruits and berries, it is also better to cook compotes, casseroles, cereals, pies, and other dishes. Choose your favorite recipe and cook according to it.

The motherhood of the first months is not easy for a young woman. Sleepless nights, anxiety for the child, soreness after childbirth, children's crying, tension and fears - all this affects health and nervous system mothers. And if the food is not high enough in calories, not balanced, unhealthy, the state of health and mood worsens, neuroses and family troubles begin. Therefore, fresh vegetables and fruits are essential for nursing.

For a breastfeeding woman, it is important to get daily vegetable menu, where fresh, steamed, boiled, stewed vegetables and fruits are in the dishes. fried foods exclude from the menu until at least the sixth month, when you begin to introduce full-fledged complementary foods.

What vegetables should not be breastfeeding

We are talking about what is possible, but what is impossible for mothers during breastfeeding, especially in the first month? We reviewed the vegetables allowed by doctors and nutritionists. Now let's talk about forbidden.

Harmful to health not only for mothers, but also for all adults, and even more so for children, products with preservatives, dyes, improvers and other additives. These chemical additives harm the mother and negatively affect immune system crumbs.

  • Babies do not like onions and garlic because of the smell and bitter taste.
  • Bloating, flatulence and colic cause legumes in mom and baby.
  • White cabbage often causes heartburn, bloating.
  • Radishes and radishes also spoil the taste of milk with their essential oils.
  • Tomatoes and other brightly colored vegetables often cause allergic rashes in babies.

Some easy vegetable recipes

Vegetables are necessary for mother and child. Vegetables contain almost everything necessary for the growth and development of the baby, for lactation of milk. On the day, mom needs to eat at least 600 grams of vegetables or dishes from them.

Most of all in vegetable dishes we use potatoes. It gives the dishes taste, satiety, usefulness. Every woman knows a lot of potato dishes; this is the main product in our country for several centuries. Therefore, we will first talk about its benefits for a nursing mother.

The best vegetables for a nursing mother are those that she eats every day, which she has become accustomed to since childhood. They are the safest

Potato, our native, beloved by everyone, is the main supplier of potassium. The mineral content in potatoes is over 80%. Potassium salts in potatoes regulate metabolic processes are removed from the body excess water, unnecessary salts. Potato starch, because of which girls often refuse this vegetable, gives the body glucose, which means energy. vegetable proteins are full essential amino acids. Given the high usefulness and calorie content, it is advisable for lactating women to introduce potato dishes into the menu. Only green and very old potatoes are harmful, in which poisonous solanine is formed.

Potatoes, like many other foods, contain a rapidly disappearing vitamin B 1, thiamine. It is required for work of cardio-vascular system for muscle work and nervous activity. Lack of thiamine in the body affects mood deterioration, sleep disorder, depressive states and stress.

A baby for normal development up to 6 months needs 200 mcg of thiamine, and by the age of one it is already 300 mcg. Since in the first month the baby receives all the food from the mother, her menu should have 4 medium-sized potatoes daily.

Recipe for this vegetable soup simple. Take the vegetables you like or have on hand. Peel, throw in boiled water, cook until tender. The soup will taste better if the onions, garlic, sweet peppers and carrots are fried until golden brown. But frying is harmful to both mother and baby, especially in the first or second month. When all the vegetables are ready, remove them from the broth. Grind vegetables for puree soup in a blender. Dilute the broth to the desired density, salt, add herbs.

Vegetable puree soup. You can use any vegetables allowed for HB in the recipe.

Vegetable stew

Another simple recipe is potato and zucchini stew. For a delicious stew, vegetables are first fried, and then simmered over low heat. Usually vegetables for stews are cooked for 15-20 minutes, then infused under the lid. But mothers on breastfeeding during the first or second month are not recommended to eat fried foods. Therefore, let the vegetables in a pan without oil, stirring quickly. Then add some water and simmer until done. So the stew will be useful for you and the baby.

There are a lot of sites different descriptions vegetable dishes. But the taste of each person is individual. Therefore, it makes no sense to exactly repeat the described recipe, experiment. Decide for yourself what dishes you cook, what vegetables you take for them. After all, you and your family will eat them. And your baby will eat delicious mother's milk.

The diet of a young mother who is breastfeeding a child should be correct and balanced, because a baby with breast milk receives all the vitamins and minerals necessary for its normal development and growth. But some foods can cause allergies, skin rashes, or digestive problems in a baby, so mom should be especially careful when planning her menu. And since vegetables make up the bulk of the diet of a nursing mother, she needs to know which fruits from the garden can be consumed, and which ones should be discarded during this period.

Vegetable crops are rich not only in useful trace elements and vitamins, but also contain substances such as pectins, fiber and flavonoids . The role of these products is especially important for a woman who has recently become a mother. After all, vegetables are not only enhance lactation and strengthen the immunity of mother and child, but also have a positive effect on female body, allowing a woman to quickly restore strength in the postpartum period.

Vegetable crops are rich in useful trace elements and vitamins.

Vegetables are especially indispensable for nursing mothers in winter-spring period when the body lacks vitamins and nutrients.

Besides, vegetable crops contribute to weight loss, which is especially important for the mother of a newborn, and also have a beneficial effect on the skin, hair and teeth, helping a woman to maintain youth and beauty.

How and with what to eat vegetables

In order for these products to be only beneficial, a mother during lactation needs to know not only how to properly consume vegetables, but also what foods they are combined with.

  • Each new vegetable should be introduced into your menu carefully and gradually. . It is best to eat a small piece of the fruit in the morning and observe the baby's reaction for two to three days. If the baby does not have allergic rashes or redness of the skin, and no symptoms such as diarrhea are noticed, you can safely include this product in your diet.
  • Before trying the next vegetable, you need to do a break of three or four days so that the child's body has time to get used to and adapt to the previous product.
  • When preparing vegetable salads, from sauces such as mayonnaise or sour cream must be discarded . It is better to fill dishes with olive or refined sunflower oil.
  • The greatest benefit will bring to the mother's body steamed vegetables or baked in the oven. In raw form, fruits should be consumed in a minimum amount.
  • If a the period of childbirth falls in the autumn or winter months, it is advisable to take care of fresh vegetables and freeze them in the summer. But, it should be remembered that you can defrost these products only once.
  • Before use fruits must be thoroughly washed and peel off the skin.
  • To diversify your diet, you can vegetable stews and casseroles add some meat low-fat varieties(chicken, rabbit or veal).

When preparing vegetable salads, mayonnaise must be discarded.

The main rule that a nursing mother should adhere to is not to overeat. After all, overeating will not only spoil the figure, but can also adversely affect the quantity and nutritional value of milk.

Recommended vegetables in the diet of a nursing mother of a newborn

Consider in more detail what you can eat and what you can’t!


Phosphorus, potassium and thiamine contained in potatoes are excreted from the body extra salt and stabilize the metabolism, so it is very useful for nursing mothers.

Potatoes are good for nursing mothers.

But due to the large amount of starch, potatoes are quite a high-calorie vegetable and you should not abuse it.

The daily norm for a woman during this period is three to four tubers.

Broccoli and cauliflower

These vegetable crops are very useful for nursing mothers, as they contain a large amount of folic acid, amino acids and vitamin C.

Cauliflower and broccoli can be used to cook various casseroles and stews, these steamed products are especially useful.

You can make a casserole out of cauliflower and broccoli.

They should not be consumed raw, because cabbage can lead to bloating in the baby and the occurrence of colic.


Thanks to the large number vitamin A contained in carrots improves eyesight and skin condition, so it is indispensable for mothers who breastfeed their newborns.

Carrots contain a large number of vitamin A.

Carrots are useful, both boiled and raw, they can be added to any vegetable salads and stews.

But for many babies this vegetable causes allergies so it must be used with caution. If the baby does not have symptoms such as itching, redness of the skin or rashes, you can safely cook dishes from these root crops.


Beetroot has a beneficial effect on the blood, improves digestion and is an excellent prophylactic against constipation.

Beetroot has a beneficial effect on the blood.

In its raw form, beets are practically not consumed. The vegetable is boiled and soups and salads are prepared from it.

Beets should be introduced into your menu carefully, as the baby may be allergic to it. because of high content this sugar the root crop is contraindicated in nursing mothers suffering from diabetes.

vegetable marrow

Zucchini is just a storehouse vitamins A, C and B Moreover, this vegetable is easily absorbed by the body and does not cause allergies.

Zucchini contains vitamins A, C and B.

Useful stews are prepared from zucchini fruits, and also baked in the oven. You can also eat it raw by making a salad out of it.

This vegetable is useful not only for mom, but also for the baby, as strengthens his immune system and contributes normal development child.


Pumpkin helps to normalize bowel function.

Mashed potatoes, cream soup or porridge are prepared from pumpkin.

You should carefully introduce this vegetable into your diet, because a baby can have it. to have an allergy.

Adhering to a certain diet during lactation does not mean giving up delicious meals. Properly cooked vegetables will delight mom not only with benefits, but also with a rich taste.

What vegetables are not contraindicated for a nursing mother

All vegetables are rich in vitamins, and some of them also have healing properties. But there are such vegetable crops that a nursing mother should refuse to use in the first month of a newborn's life.

  • Garlic and onion have a sharp taste and a strongly pronounced specific aroma, and these vegetables can give breast milk bad smell and bitter taste. During lactation, they should not be consumed.
  • You should exclude from your diet tomatoes. These vegetables can cause diarrhea or allergies in an infant.
  • It is strictly forbidden to eat a nursing mother white cabbage . It causes bloating in the baby, which can cause colic.
  • cucumbers contain a lot of water, they have practically no nutrients, in addition, these fruits can cause increased gas formation in infants. During the lactation period, it is better to refrain from using them.
  • It is undesirable to prepare meals using bell pepper . These fruits are also strong allergens and can harm the baby.
  • Especially harmful to mothers who breastfeed their newborns. legumes (beans, lentils, peas, soybeans). These cultures cause increased gas formation and bloating in both mother and baby.
  • Refrain from using turnips, radishes and radishes , since they contain essential oils harmful to the baby.
  • You should not include overseas vegetables in your diet during lactation, for example, artichokes or avocados . They can harm gastrointestinal tract child and cause allergies.
  • Not to be eaten by breastfeeding mother pickled, salted and pickled vegetables . They are prepared using seasonings, spices and preservatives that adversely affect digestive system baby.

Garlic and onions can give breast milk an unpleasant odor and a bitter taste.

It is undesirable to buy greenhouse vegetables, as they are treated with harmful chemicals and growth stimulants.

To always be able to enjoy beneficial fruits, better them in seasonal period prepare for the future, for example, freeze or dry.


Together with mother's milk baby gets vitamins and nutrients.

Breastfeeding is not only the happiest period in the life of every mother, but also the most responsible.

After all, together with mother's milk, the baby receives vitamins and nutrients, which are so necessary for its full development. Healthy vegetables will help a nursing mother recover faster after childbirth, strengthen the child's immunity and help him grow up strong and healthy.

Video about vegetables for a nursing mother

It is not in vain that responsible nursing mothers scrupulously monitor the diet, since everything that the mother eats enters breast milk and directly affects the condition of the baby.

Vegetables while breastfeeding- foodstuffs included in one of the main food groups diet of a nursing mother.

What vegetables can you eat while breastfeeding?

Some vegetables while breastfeeding can cause allergies. It can be both ordinary vegetables growing in local fields, and exotic ones brought from afar - allergies are unpredictable, and it is not known how the baby's body will behave in each individual case.

It is important that breast milk is filled with beneficial substances from vegetables, and not to provoke food allergies. Therefore, if one of the family members has allergic manifestations on some of the vegetables, it is better to exclude them from the diet.

Vegetables are a storehouse of vitamins, and you can and should eat them. However, there are a number of cautions for nursing mothers.

  • Eat only unspoiled vegetables visible damage and rot.
  • Do not buy vegetables in spontaneous markets and other dubious outlets. They may have been treated with chemicals, and imported vegetables may contain pesticides and nitrates, which will harm the child's body.
  • Popular packaged and bulk frozen vegetables sold in supermarkets are a popular product during the winter season. It would seem that they should be more useful compared to canned ones, because when frozen, large quantity useful substances. If the vegetables are frozen by you, you can be sure that they are not treated with chemicals for better preservation. But if the freezing is industrial, you have no guarantee in this.
  • Ideal vegetables - grown by yourself, or by people you trust completely.
  • Before use, it is recommended to rinse the vegetables well, clean the roots with a brush and pour water for an hour. Then pour boiling water over and only then can they be eaten, stewed or boiled.

What vegetables should not be eaten while breastfeeding? What vegetables will be useful for HB?

More often, a ban is usually introduced (especially in the first months of a child's life) on spicy vegetables, or vegetables with a pungent odor - White cabbage, wild garlic, onion and garlic. Cabbage also causes violent processes during digestion. Other varieties of cabbage have a milder effect on digestion, so it is useful to use them. Of course, at great desire, all of the above can be consumed, but in small doses and monitoring the reaction of the child.

It is believed that brightly colored vegetables should be used with caution during the feeding period. This statement does not apply to beets. Beetroot in the diet of a nursing mother is a necessary and irreplaceable product. Red borscht with beets or beet caviar, as well as simply boiled root crops, is indicated for anemia and serves as a prevention of constipation.

Boiled, baked and stewed vegetables are best absorbed. Steamed vegetables are most preferable, since they retain the largest amount of vitamins, especially when cooking fat and oil are not used. It is convenient, useful and quick to use a double boiler for cooking vegetables.

It is better not to use pickled, pickled, fried vegetables, there is little benefit in such products, and the baby can get problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

Speaking of vegetables that are prohibited for consumption, we also mean derivatives of these vegetables - juices and purees, which also need to be limited.

Some love vegetable dishes with mayonnaise and other sauces based on it - this is unacceptable for a nursing mother.

Hello dear readers!

Traditionally, after childbirth, women are prescribed the strictest diet. You can't eat anything but clean water and air. It is not surprising that after a while the hair begins to leave the head in friendly tufts. And going to the toilet becomes either a myth from prenatal life, or a major nightmare. Let's try to move away from the myths, stereotypes and the list of "nothing to eat" and try to consider more or less scientific facts. Let's find out which vegetables and fruits can be eaten after childbirth, and which cannot.

To take a few books and pamphlets published by the World Health Organization and the La Leche League - international organization to support breastfeeding. Visiting the official medical sites that are friendly to mother and child, one can discover an interesting fact.

There is no list limiting the menu of a nursing mother.

There are clear and logical recommendations to limit caffeine intake, avoid alcohol, tobacco and other harmful substances. However, not a word about the fact that a nursing mother should not eat cabbage or cucumbers. On the contrary, there is a recommendation to include vegetables and fruits in the diet - this will help to improve the functioning of the intestines. American mothers are advised to eat oranges as good source vitamin C.

Now that we are completely confused, let's put everything on the shelves.

The first conclusion: we limit caffeine, avoid alcohol, nicotine and drugs.

When a woman is breastfeeding a newborn baby, she needs additional energy, vitamins and minerals. The simplest and safe way to meet this need - eat a little more than usual (based on appetite) and take some vitamins and minerals. Why exactly some, we discussed in the article "Vitamins for mom during lactation".

Doctors limit food choices for fear allergic reaction from the side of the child. In the case of the big eight allergens, this fear is quite justified. It's good that they do not include any fruits or vegetables.

We are still unfamiliar with a newborn baby. We just have to learn about his tastes and instill some preferences. Therefore, we so carefully protect the child from obvious toxins, aggressive microorganisms and obvious allergens.

It is also worth remembering that the best prevention inappropriate immune responses to food products is diversity. Do you know what happens to those who eat only strawberries in season? That's right - they get a rash - this is in best case. At worst, some kind of intolerance reaction develops. In this case, they will no longer be able to eat strawberries without consequences for many years.

If a breastfeeding mother whole month eat boiled veal and oatmeal, then she may begin to react to these products.

The second conclusion: we eat everything, but we observe the measure and strive for diversity. Special attention we give products from the big eight allergens - we eat them less often.

It is far from news that exotic products are poorly perceived by our body. Therefore, for women who grew up in the tropics or subtropics, oranges are a good choice. For us, not so much. Blackcurrant is closer to us than citrus fruits. By the way, it contains 3 times more vitamin C.

The big eight allergens include wheat. However, this is not a reason to completely exclude it from the diet. For us, it is a local product that our ancestors ate. And we will remove it completely only in case of proven necessity.

Reactions to dairy products are quite common. There, too, everything is not clear. But in case of a reaction from the child, the mother should think about them first.

If there have been cases of a true allergic reaction in the family, it is better to play it safe and consult a nutritionist and find an adequate replacement for “forbidden” foods.

Third conclusion: we focus on local fruits.

It is no secret that modern agricultural technologies involve the use of fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides. The risk of finding these substances in vegetables and fruits is especially high, for which now is not the time to ripen. So, for example, summer cucumbers are useful, and in early spring they can do significant harm. The same goes for early strawberries and watermelons. It is better to wait for the high season and eat heartily.

Fourth conclusion: seasonal fruits and vegetables will bring maximum benefit to mother and child.

Before the appearance of a newborn baby in our lives, we may not be too closely monitoring the reactions of our body to certain foods. With the advent of the child, the mother begins to look for a connection between her own food and the behavior of the crumbs. Sometimes such a connection exists. But you need to start somewhere else.

The first step is Attentive attitude to yourself. Pay attention to which foods you have a reaction to. You may not be able to tolerate certain vegetables yourself. Or you eat a decent portion of something in one sitting, and then flatulence begins. If the mother's digestion is not going too smoothly, the child can feel it on herself.

It is useful for a nursing mother to eat a few cucumbers, but if there are unusually many of them or the woman herself does not tolerate them well, it is better to choose something else.

The second step is to look for foods that the newborn cannot tolerate. Most often these are dairy products, but my son did not tolerate kiwi, which, however, is not surprising. See your doctor for dietary adjustments. Remember that breastfeeding women should not exclude many foods from their menu at once. The standard hypoallergenic diet is contraindicated for them.

Fifth conclusion: first we look at our reaction and only then - at the child. Remember moderation.

And, of course, all fruits must be washed in the most thorough way.

2. The most useful vegetables and fruits for nursing mothers

As mentioned at the beginning of the article, a nursing mother needs not only more energy, but also more beneficial vitamins and micronutrients. Therefore, food should be the most useful.

Rating of healthy vegetables, fruits and herbs


  • Asparagus
  • Avocado
  • beet greens
  • Beet
  • bell pepper
  • bok choy
  • Broccoli
  • Brussels sprouts
  • white cabbage
  • Carrot
  • Cauliflower
  • Celery
  • Corn
  • cucumbers
  • eggplant
  • Dill
  • Garlic
  • string beans
  • Green pea
  • Kale
  • Leek
  • Mushrooms
  • mustard greens
  • Olives
  • Potato
  • Romaine lettuce
  • sea ​​vegetables
  • Spinach
  • Squash
  • Pumpkin
  • Sweet potato
  • swiss chard
  • Tomatoes


  • Apples
  • apricots
  • Bananas
  • Blueberry
  • Cantaloupe
  • Cranberry
  • figs
  • Grapefruit
  • Grape
  • lemon and lime
  • oranges
  • Papaya
  • Pears
  • A pineapple
  • Plums and prunes
  • Raspberry
  • Strawberry
  • Currant
  • Watermelon

Beans and legumes

  • black beans
  • Peas
  • White beans
  • Lentils
  • Lima beans
  • spotted bean


  • Basil
  • Dill
  • Ginger
  • oregano
  • Parsley
  • Rosemary
  • Thyme
  • Turmeric

Remember, the maximum benefit and minimum risk for a nursing mother will bring local seasonal products.


Delicious, healthy, fresh and baked vegetables can only benefit a nursing mother. They can and should be eaten immediately after childbirth. Gradually introduce new foods into your diet, choosing the fruits that are most familiar to you.

If before the birth of the child you rarely ate vegetables and fruits, introduce them gradually and carefully. Unusual amounts of fiber in the diet can disrupt digestion.

Thank you for sharing the article in social networks. All the best!

Sincerely, Elena Dyachenko

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