What is the percentage of hepatitis C infection. Hepatitis C - how it is transmitted, symptoms, first signs, complication, treatment and prevention of hepatitis C. Ways of spread and infection with hepatitis C

Let's look at how hepatitis C is transmitted and whether it is possible to get infected sexually. It only takes a few seconds of contact with blood to become infected with the virus. Knowing how the virus is transmitted from person to person, you can reliably protect yourself and your loved ones from the disease, as well as from the prejudices associated with this disease. It is the common misconceptions that main danger because they interfere effective measures prevention and create unnecessary tension in society.

How hepatitis C is transmitted - an overview

There are three main routes of transmission of the virus:

  1. blood contact (through the blood),
  2. sexual,
  3. vertical (from mother to child)

The virus is unstable in the external environment, therefore it is not transmitted by household means when using common household items, clothes and utensils. The pathogen is found in blood, semen, vaginal secretion and mother's milk, but does not multiply on the skin and in saliva, is not released into the external environment, therefore, it is impossible to become infected with hepatitis C by airborne droplets or through touch.

Misconceptions about virus transmission by contact common among the population, which leads to ostracism of people diagnosed with hepatitis C. Therefore, doctors do not get tired of explaining what are the true ways of transmitting the infection and what moments should actually be feared.

The incubation period for hepatitis C is long, which is why it can be difficult to establish the true source of infection. At the same time, a person can for a long time not suspect that he is sick, being a carrier of the virus. for a long time and such a patient, without knowing it, can pose a threat to the people around him.

Who is at risk?

The following populations are at high risk of contracting the hepatitis C virus:

  • Patients who received a transfusion of blood and its components. But in percentage terms, the probability of this is small, since blood donors are tested for hepatitis, and manipulations are carried out with disposable instruments. The risk increases with emergency operations when the patient can transfuse untested blood.
  • Persons with drug addiction. Drug addicts do not comply with sterility requirements and inject with one syringe. In this case, the probability of infection depends on the amount of infected blood remaining in the needle, the viral load (that is, the amount of virus in the blood).
  • Patients on hemodialysis or undergoing organ transplantation.
  • Persons who allow promiscuity and do not use methods of barrier contraception.
  • Children of infected mothers to whom the virus is transmitted during delivery and breastfeeding.
  • Medical workers who, due to their professional duties, come into contact with blood or patients, virus-infected hepatitis C.

Ways of transmission of infection

There is a dangerous misconception that mostly drug addicts, people of non-traditional sexual orientation and lovers of promiscuity are sick. In fact, this is not the case, although these categories of the population fall into the risk group. But in fact, there is a risk of infection during various medical procedures if sterility requirements are not met. You can become infected in the following situations:

  • various surgical interventions;
  • injection procedures;
  • gynecological manipulations, including abortions;
  • transfusion of blood and its components;
  • diagnostic manipulations with blood sampling;
  • dental procedures;
  • manicure, pedicure;
  • stuffing tattoos;
  • unprotected sex with a person with hepatitis;
  • during childbirth and lactation (vertical route of infection from mother to child).

During medical, dental and cosmetic manipulations, there is a risk of infection both for the patient (if the instruments are poorly processed), and for the doctor or master if the patient is sick with hepatitis. Therefore, doctors, nurses, and medical laboratory workers are at risk for contracting hepatitis C.

Hemocontact way

This is the most common option, giving an idea of ​​​​how you can get hepatitis C. For the virus to penetrate, a short contact with the patient’s blood is enough, for example, a small cut on the surgeon during an operation. The risk group for infection with hepatitis by blood contact includes health workers, employees of cosmetic and tattoo parlors, lovers of manicure and tattoos.

Many chronically ill patients who have to undergo regular medical procedures (such as hemodialysis) can also become infected with hepatitis. Oddly enough, on this list, injecting drug users occupy one of the last places, refuting the widespread belief that it is this antisocial group that is the main carrier of the virus.

A small infectious dose of the virus is partly compensated by its instability in the external environment. It is believed that as soon as the drop of blood dries up, the virus dies. Therefore, the risk of infection through clothing and bed linen, even stained with blood, is practically absent.

It is the instability in the external environment that causes the absence contact-household way virus transmission. Personal belongings, clothes, dishes of the patient are completely safe if there is no fresh blood on them. Once again, it should be noted that the virus does not penetrate through intact skin, infection is possible only through injuries, cuts, injections and other damage to the skin.

Sexual way

There are the most false and erroneous opinions, as well as recommendations on what to do to avoid contracting hepatitis C.

This route of infection is due to two factors. In the first case, the virus is contained not only in the blood, but also in the semen, as well as in the vaginal secretion (in a much lower concentration). Secondly, during intercourse, there is a high probability of microtrauma of the mucosa, through which the virus penetrates. It is believed that the risk of infection in the receiving partner is higher, that is, a woman is more likely to become infected from a man, and not vice versa.

Another stereotype is connected with this, namely the opinion that people of non-traditional sexual orientation mainly suffer from hepatitis C. Indeed, among homosexuals, the risk of infection is higher than among people with traditional preferences in sex. At the same time, lesbians have a lower risk of infection due to low content virus in vaginal secretions.

There are many opinions on how to avoid infection through casual sexual contact. Actually the most reliable waybarrier contraception using a condom. Doctors strongly recommend avoiding casual sex and having a permanent sexual partner. If both partners are healthy, then mutual fidelity will allow them not to contract the virus, regardless of orientation. The risk of virus transmission in traditional and anal sex the same.

It is impossible to get infected with the hepatitis virus when kissing, since the virus is not contained in saliva, or is located in such minimum quantities not enough for infection. By at least, confirmed cases of hepatitis infection during such contacts have not been recorded.

As for the question of whether hepatitis C is transmitted through oral sex, here the opinion of experts is ambiguous. Many believe that certain risks still exist, since this type of intimacy also does not exclude the possibility of injury and damage to the integrity of the mucous membranes.

vertical path

This route of infection involves the transmission of the virus from a sick mother to her child during childbirth or breastfeeding. All children whose mothers are infected with the hepatitis virus are at risk of infection. Infection is also possible with caesarean section. But you should know that the virus does not penetrate the placental barrier, so the child in the womb is not infected and even born from a sick mother may be healthy.

Infection by the vertical route is due to two mechanisms - firstly, microtrauma of the child's skin and mucous membranes of the mother's genital tract during childbirth, and secondly, the content of the virus in mother's milk. While doing caesarean section possible infection through microtrauma and contact with the mother's blood, but with proper conduct operations, the risk of infection is minimal.

To prevent transmission of the virus to the infant, mothers with hepatitis C are advised to have a caesarean section. After childbirth, an analysis is made to determine the virus in the baby's blood. Until the results of the analysis, breastfeeding is not allowed. If the results are negative, then the child is transferred to artificial mixtures from the first days of life. In this case, he has every chance to remain healthy, even being born from an infected mother.

Questions and answers about how hepatitis C is transmitted

Here is a selection of the most common questions that patients ask the doctor. This makes it possible to get accurate answers that will help the patient understand in which situations the risk of infection is high.

  • Is hepatitis C sexually transmitted?? Yes, and with a high degree of probability, with the neglect of contraceptive methods and the frequent change of sexual partners. At the same time, even unprotected sexual contact with an infected person does not always result in the partner becoming infected with the hepatitis virus.
  • Can you get hepatitis from anal or oral sex? During anal sex, the risk of infection is the same as during genital. There are no confirmed cases of hepatitis during oral sex, but the possibility of infection still exists.
  • Can hepatitis C be transmitted through kissing?? It is impossible to catch the hepatitis virus through kissing.
  • Is it possible to get infected if you live in the same apartment with the patient? You can, if you enter into a regular, unprotected sexual intercourse. Household way (through dishes, common towel and bed sheets) cannot be infected.
  • Is hepatitis C transmitted through saliva?and airborne way? No, the virus is not found in saliva and secretions from the nose and throat.
  • Can hepatitis C be passed on to the baby during pregnancy?? During pregnancy - no, because it is not able to penetrate the placental barrier. But there is a high risk of infection of the child during childbirth.
  • Do sick mothers always give birth to sick children? Not always. There is a chance of avoiding infection if delivery is carried out by caesarean section. In addition, if treatment is started on time, even an infected child can fully recover and live for many years.
  • Can you get hepatitis C again? It is possible, since the body is not able to develop immunity to the virus and the risks reinfection are fully preserved.

Can you get hepatitis in a hospital? Yes, if done surgical intervention or medical manipulations, and the rules for processing instruments were violated.

Prevention methods

By understanding the dangers of hepatitis C and how it spreads from person to person, infection can be effectively prevented. Prevention measures can be divided into personal and public. Personal prevention includes:

  • intelligibility in sexual relations;
  • the use of a condom during casual sexual intercourse;
  • periodic .

All persons at risk should definitely undergo an annual examination and take a blood test for hepatitis C. It is necessary to check the blood even after a single unprotected sexual contact with an unknown partner.

In addition, always try to make sure that the instrument used for medical and cosmetic procedures is sterile. All tools should be disposable and it is better if the package with it is opened before your eyes.

If there are damages, scratches, wounds on the surface of the skin, you should not contact a beautician or hairdresser until they are completely healed. In small salons and private hairdressers, sterility rules are often violated and tools are not properly processed. Therefore, try to contact well-established salons and monitor the sterility of the procedures performed.

public measures

Public prevention measures include the rules for processing instruments, laboratory glassware, and the safety of medical personnel that exist in hospitals and laboratories.

It should be remembered that when favorable conditions the virus can survive for 96 hours. During washing, it dies at a temperature of 60 ° C for 30 minutes, and when boiled, in just 2 minutes. If there is a patient with hepatitis C in the family, it is necessary to observe elementary rules preventing the transmission of infection.

If blood gets on clothes, bedding and other surfaces, it is necessary to immediately treat it with any chlorine-containing household product (for example, Whiteness, Domestas). If blood gets on the skin, it is removed with a solution of Chlorhexidine.

The carrier of the virus must also adhere to certain rules, namely:

  • In case of injury skin accompanied by bleeding, a wound or abrasion should be immediately sealed with a plaster or bandaged. When rendering medical care the other family member must be sure to wear gloves.
  • A patient with hepatitis C should have individual hygiene items (toothbrushes, razors, manicure tools) and never use similar household items belonging to other family members.

Otherwise, an infected person is not dangerous and cannot transmit the virus through dishes, clothes, towels and other household items.

Check blood for virus

With the aim of timely detection patients with hepatitis, it is recommended to regularly check the blood for the virus (once a year). In addition, when a patient enters a medical facility, a blood test for hepatitis C is mandatory. It often happens that the patient does not know that he is infected and is a source of danger to others. This is due to the fact that the virus does not manifest itself for a long time, and characteristic symptoms may appear only a few years after infection.

Additionally, it should be noted that a person who knows about the presence of the hepatitis C virus should not hide this information from medical workers- this can lead to infection of other people.

Among the many different infectious diseases hepatitis C is of great importance. Few people know what the ways of infection with hepatitis C are. Today, several mechanisms of transmission of pathogens are known infectious pathology: fecal-oral, aerosol, transmissible (through an insect bite), contact, blood-contact, percutaneous (through the skin) and artificial (artificial).

Hepatitis C can be transmitted both naturally and artificially. This disease is transmitted only from person to person, while the parenteral mechanism of transmission of the virus is the leading one. Around the world, hundreds of thousands of people suffer and die from this pathology every year. it dangerous disease which is difficult to treat. How is the virus transmitted from one person to another?

Source of infection and routes of transmission

source viral infection are sick people who have active form diseases. The virus can be shed in environment and from virus carriers. The latter have the greatest epidemic significance. To natural ways transmission of the hepatitis C virus include:

  • domestic;
  • sexual;
  • vertical (from mother to fetus during pregnancy or when the child passes through the birth canal).

Artificial paths are of no small importance. They are implemented through intravenous administration drugs, diagnostic and treatment operations, transfusion of blood and its components. risk groups possible infection in this situation are blood donors, pregnant women, recipients of blood and its components, newborn children, personnel of organizations that procure, process, store donated blood. This also includes all medical personnel of surgical, urological, obstetric and other departments of hospitals. The risk group includes patients with chronic liver diseases, patients of hemodialysis centers, kidney transplants. Very often, hepatitis C is found in drug addicts.

Natural transmission routes

Among all ways of infection with hepatitis C, the sexual route is of great importance. Despite the fact that the risk of contracting hepatitis in this case is small, many people do not attach it of great importance and lead a disorderly sexual life. According to studies, viral particles are found in seminal fluid, vaginal secretions, and saliva. But the concentration of the virus is low. Infection of a partner is most often observed with damage to the skin and mucous membranes, in the presence of inflammatory diseases genitals. Biggest Risk available in those people who have more than 1 sexual partner. Do not forget about homosexual relationships.

There is also a home path. In this case, the virus can be transmitted through household items (toothbrushes, washcloths, scissors). Transmission of the pathogen through the skin and kitchen appliances is not excluded. Transmission through the skin can be realized in accidents, injuries (industrial and domestic). Special place occupies a vertical path. When a baby is infected with hepatitis C, the virus enters from an infected maternal organism. In most cases, infection occurs during childbirth or prenatal development, less often - when caring for a baby.

Of great importance is the fact that with concomitant HIV infection in a mother with hepatitis, the risk of the disease in the baby increases significantly. The highest risk occurs in the third trimester of pregnancy. If the mother has been ill with an infection 2 months before the birth, then the child may be born infected. As for breastfeeding, the risk of infection is low, since the concentration of the virus in milk is low.

Artificial routes of infection

In most cases, when infected with hepatitis C, there is a blood-borne mechanism of transmission of the virus. This occurs as a result of the use of non-sterile instruments. This is observed when sanitary regulations in medical institution. Similar situation may be during tooth extraction, some endoscopic operations when blood infected with the hepatitis C virus remains on the instruments. This is often observed in cosmetology. Hepatitis C, which is transmitted in a variety of ways, can be transmitted through piercings or tattoos.

These manipulations are often accompanied by skin injuries and bleeding. It is necessary to ask the master and check the availability of equipment for sterilizing instruments. When applying tattoos and piercings, the specialist must use personal protective equipment (gloves). Sometimes hepatitis C is contracted in hairdressers, with acupuncture. The most common route of infection is through blood transfusion. Today, before receiving blood and its components, a hepatitis test is mandatory for the donor, so the number of infections has decreased significantly.

The problem is that in the case of a recent infection, the analysis can be false negative. It has been established that the infectious dose of blood is 0.0001 ml. Virtually all injecting drug users are infected with the hepatitis C virus. Those who use drugs regularly are most susceptible to the disease. It is important that injections cause hepatitis C and during the introduction of various medicines in medical institutions. The reason is the negligence of medical workers.

Prevention of hepatitis transmission

To prevent the spread of the disease, a number of anti-epidemic and preventive measures are required.

They involve examination of blood donors and recipients, examination of workers medical organizations those involved in the storage and sale of blood, the exclusion of close contacts with patients and carriers of infection, the sterilization of medical instruments. Personnel subject to examination medical organizations, newborn children from sick mothers, blood donors, pregnant women.

Prevention of the implementation of the sexual tract includes maintaining healthy lifestyle life, the exclusion of casual sex, the use of a barrier method of contraception. If a person with hepatitis C lives in the family, then a strict disinfection regimen must be observed. Do not use scissors, washcloths, toothbrushes together with the patient.

Implementation Prevention artificial ways transmission of the virus involves the use of disposable instruments, compliance with the rules of sterilization, disinfection and pre-sterilization cleaning. Limitation of indications for transfusion of blood components and its quarantine are also important. Thus, hepatitis C is predominantly transmitted by the parenteral route.

When hepatitis is diagnosed, many perceive it as a sentence for themselves, they worry about the health and safety of loved ones. Can you get infected through kissing? To understand the mechanism of transmission of infection, it is worth getting acquainted with the features of the disease in detail.

Features of the disease and kiss

Viral hepatitis is the name of a group of diseases that share common features:

  • viral nature;
  • ability to attack liver cells.

Their transmission routes do not always coincide, as well as the symptoms and ways of influencing the organ, therefore they are divided into several types, the main of which are A, B and C.

Hepatitis A is known as jaundice. The disease always passes in an acute form, it is cured in a month, giving a person strong immunity. People can become infected with the virus, which is transmitted:

Knowing the high contagiousness of the disease, there are hardly any who want to kiss a patient with jaundice.

Great danger for human body represent viruses B and C because:

  • often have a chronic form;
  • difficult to treat;
  • infection is fraught with serious complications.

Virus B has an aggressive form and high resistance; it remains active in the external environment for up to several months. hepatitis B in people with strong immunity causes sharp shape, in the presence of adequate treatment often ends with a complete recovery, a stable immunity is acquired. In people with a deficiency immune protection the acute phase passes implicitly, the disease smoothly flows into the chronic stage.

Virus in in large numbers is present in the patient's blood, during periods of exacerbation, its concentration in a cubic milliliter of blood reaches a billion copies of the virus. A drop is enough for 100 people to get an infection. He is active in biological fluids patient, especially a lot of it in semen and saliva. You can get infected:

Only people who have been ill and vaccinated are protected from this type of hepatitis. You can get infected from patients with both acute and chronic forms.

The presence of the virus in the secreted fluids increases the risk of infection at the time of sexual intercourse, this happens in 30% of cases. Infection is most likely during periods of exacerbations, when the number of agents increases dramatically. For people practicing frequent shift partners and non-traditional entertainment, the danger increases many times over.

A kiss is an active exchange of saliva of partners, and since in both variants of hepatitis the presence of a virus in it has been proven, the question of whether it can be passed on to another person remains relevant. But there are some nuances here.

The saliva of a patient with hepatitis B contains a virus, but if it gets on a healthy mucosa, it will not bring harm. Studies by American scientists have shown that its activity and amount increases with severe course sickness when there is inflammatory foci on the gums. Bleeding wounds in both kissers increase the risk of infection by several times.

Therefore, with type B, in some cases, a kiss can be considered real threat the introduction of the virus into the blood, so it would be useful to take security measures.

The virus of this type is considered the most dangerous, the list of complications caused by the disease is wide, the disease often goes without symptoms for years.

An infected person often learns about the disease by accident.

Immunity to this type of virus is not developed.

With a strong immune system and a small amount of the agent, one can count on a complete recovery, but in most cases its course is chronic.

The method of transmission of the virus is hematogenous, which means that all manipulations with the patient's blood and its entry into the bloodstream healthy person carry the risk of infection. Previously positive reactions were detected during blood transfusion, measures have now been taken to prevent the situation, and a test for the presence of the virus is being carried out before it is donated.

Risk factors:

Virus C is able to exist in the external environment at moderate temperatures from several hours to several days.

It is found in semen, as well as menstrual blood. But its quantity is insignificant, so the sexual transmission option is possible, but rare (about 5%), this usually happens if the patient's genitals have lesions that secrete blood, and the partner also has wounds.

The risk increases when people practice anal and non-traditional sex, constantly change sexual partners.

Virus C is present in the saliva of an infected person, but its concentration there is negligible and insufficient to initiate the disease, it is usually not transmitted in this way. official statistics does not have data, but this does not mean that such a possibility is excluded.

Theoretically, a kiss can cause infection, but only if:

  • when there are wounds on the lips or in the oral cavity, both partners must have them, since the infection is transmitted through the blood:
  • the danger exists when a healthy partner has damage in the stomach: an ulcer or unhealed postoperative sutures.

How to avoid infection?

If it turns out that a carrier of type B or C infection has appeared in the family, this is not a reason to turn away from the person, to isolate him from society. It is impossible to get infected:

  • by airborne droplets:
  • through dishes;
  • through household items;
  • when touched on healthy skin.

First of all, the patient himself must observe safety measures so as not to accidentally transmit the virus to loved ones. An infected person should:

Healthy people should also take steps to prevent infection:

  • first aid can only be provided with gloves;
  • minimize the number of sexual partners;
  • use condoms;
  • vaccinate.

It must be remembered that according to appearance a person cannot be understood whether he has hepatitis or not. Promiscuity in relationships sometimes leads to a sad result.

If you got sick close person, compliance with countermeasures, attention to its condition, timely treatment will help to avoid infection and take an active part in his recovery.

There are many ways to get hepatitis C. And this question is asked by many people, because our health is at stake. Getting infected with hepatitis C is easier than you thought. The route of transmission may be a recent tattoo or piercing in tattoo parlors, but according to statistics, drug addicts who inject drugs together are still more likely to get sick. Hepatitis C is also often transmitted "in places not so remote."

How is hepatitis C transmitted?

It has long been noted that with a strict selection of donors (those infected with hepatitis B were excluded from donation), when their blood was transfused, for some reason, 5–8% of recipients developed viral hepatitis (although with the most careful laboratory research they did not have markers of hepatitis A and B). In 1988–1989 The virus responsible for this type of hepatitis was isolated and was soon named hepatitis C virus.

The virus is heterogeneous, as it consists of 6 (and according to some sources, 10) genotypes and many subtypes. Different genotypes circulate in different regions of the world, making it difficult to develop a single vaccine.

MF hepatitis is transmitted by injection, mainly through transfusion of infected blood, administration of drugs derived from blood, injections with non-sterile syringes (hence the high incidence of drug addicts, up to 20%). Less commonly, the virus can be transmitted vertically (from mother to newborn in utero or during childbirth), as well as parenterally and sexually.

Classification of modes of transmission of hepatitis C

Possible routes of transmission:


Parenteral (through the blood). The reason may even be strong bite;

How is hepatitis C transmitted in the hospital?

Doctors, nurses, surgeons and other medical staff have a chance of contracting hepatitis C at work, (hospital or clinic), as injuries occur while working with patients, and contact with infected blood can lead to the disease. Less common for hepatitis C are blood transfusions (blood transfusion to another person), the chance is only 4%.

At medical manipulations if sanitary standards are violated, the risk of infection with hepatitis. C may persist in well-developed countries. Any office where people neglect their obligations can become a place of infection. Often the source of hepatitis C cannot be identified.

Hepatitis C is usually transmitted through medications, non-sterile instruments, surgical scalpels, in the dentist's office, and intravenous injections- all this is an increased risk of infection through the blood.

A few years ago, this way of getting infected with hepatitis C was the main one, but in the new millennium it has faded into the background, and even into the background.

How is hepatitis C transmitted sexually?

Transmission of the virus sexually with a carrier of the virus is unlikely, it is only 3-5%. In a monogamous marriage, even less, but the chance of contracting hepatitis C increases with large quantity random partners. Doctors are still debating about this, but it exists. This is possible with microtrauma of the genital organs, as well as as a result of having sex during menstruation. There is a risk of transmission for a man or a woman. It is not known how hepatitis C can be transmitted through oral sex.

For the prevention of hepatitis C, it is recommended to use condoms if you want to avoid infection through sexual contact with a carrier of the virus or a person with hepatitis. At the same time, to identify a person with hepatitis C by outward signs impossible. Therefore, even if the risk is minimal, consultation with a qualified doctor is necessary at a minimum.

Ideally, everyone should be tested for hepatitis C, as the number of infected people is growing, and in the near future this will become a worldwide problem. It is possible to recover from this, but there is no specific vaccine for it, although vaccinations are made against other forms of hepatitis.

How is hepatitis C transmitted in the home?

At home, the hepatitis C virus can be transmitted into your body just as easily as through the blood. It is very important to use only your own items in personal hygiene (washcloth, toothbrush, manicure set, razor, etc.). Do not neglect these, albeit minimal requirements. The fact is that the virus after entering the body does not disappear completely. For some time, it "sleeps", going into a chronic form, and may appear in 2-3 years, or in 5-8 years (depending on the therapy you choose).

Hepatitis C is contracted through a piercing

Now it has become very popular (mainly among girls) to do piercings. Both in the navel and in intimate areas. This is very dangerous because not every tattoo parlor can make such a puncture with high quality.

Today, the most realistic way to become infected with hepatitis C is through a needle when applying a tattoo or piercing. Unfortunately, in modern salons beauty and tattoo parlors, sterile treatment of instruments is often completely absent, which has led to a sharp jump in the incidence of hepatitis C. The master must wear medical gloves and thoroughly alcoholize the needle. In addition, in the case of anesthesia, syringes should be disposable, as well as instruments.

How is the disease transmitted from mother to child?

The possibility of transmission of hepatitis from mother to fetus is not significant in the region of 5%. Great chance occurs during childbirth, when the child passes birth canal. To avoid this while medicine is not possible.

During pregnancy, hepatitis C can be transmitted to the unborn child from an infected mother, but there are different opinions qualified doctors. There is a risk, but it's rather small. When feeding baby The hepatitis C virus is not transmitted by milk, but it can pass if a woman's nipples are damaged (a child may accidentally bite during feeding, being carried away by the feeding process) and all these factors must be taken into account. Therefore, it is better to use methods artificial feeding, in order to avoid accidental violations of the skin and the ingress of blood to the child.

Other possible ways get hepatitis C

Eating food in in public places and canteens, hepatitis C can also be transmitted to you. Of course, everything cannot be foreseen, and since there is no vaccine for this hepatitis, even given the high prevalence of the disease, you can prevent the disease. The cost of treatment varies and it depends on the indicators of tests (forms of diseases, etc.) to accurately determine the amount that will need to be spent on treatment, so nothing can be said for sure without a doctor's examination.

However, on average, 10% of those infected acute hepatitis C, as well as in 30% of patients with chronic hepatitis C, it is not possible to find out the ways of infection.

How can you not get hepatitis C?

Hepatitis C is NOT TRANSMITtable -

by airborne droplets (when sneezing, talking with saliva),

when shaking hands

sharing utensils, food, drinks,

as well as kisses and hugs.

If, nevertheless, the transmission occurred in everyday life, then, undoubtedly, there is a hit of the blood of the patient, the blood of the infected person (whether it be an injury, cut or abrasion). People with hepatitis C virus should not be limited or create some special conditions in work, school, or caring for them based solely on the fact that they have the virus.

Epidemiology of hepatitis C

According to the forecasts of the World Health Organization (WHO), in the next 10–20 years, chronic hepatitis C will become a major public health problem in most countries. Viral hepatitis C is also sweeping Russia, the frequency of occurrence is 4.5%. Among chronic liver diseases, viral hepatitis C ranks first and covers 40–60% of patients.

The transmission of hepatitis C virus during family contacts occurs much less frequently than hepatitis B, which is explained by its significantly lower concentration in the blood.

Groups at risk of contracting hepatitis C

At least 150–200 million people are infected with hepatitis C worldwide. In the next 10 years, a marked increase in chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis and primary liver cancer caused by this virus is predicted worldwide.

In addition to drug addicts, the most pronounced risk group for hepatitis C (as well as for hepatitis B) includes patients with hemophilia, since the antihemophilic factors 8 and 9 used to treat one such patient are prepared from the blood of very a large number donors. In many countries, in the absence of these drugs, cryoprecipitates and frozen plasma are used. Although these drugs are tested for antibodies to the hepatitis C virus, however, due to the so-called "diagnostic window" (antibodies most often appear only 3-4 weeks after infection), the virus slips into every tenth plasma or cryoprecipitate. To prevent infection in last years all these blood products began to be subjected to prolonged heating in order to destroy the virus.

to contingents with high risk to become infected with hepatitis C include medical workers (especially surgeons, gynecologists, hematologists, resuscitators, transfusiologists, nurses, etc.), patients in hemodialysis units, etc.

Hepatitis C virus genotypes

Different genetic variants or strains of hepatitis C are referred to as genotype. Genetic differences between genotypes are one-third. The main groups, there are six of them, are designated by numbers from one to six, but many scientists believe that there are at least eleven of them. Within each of them there are even smaller subgroups and they are called subtypes. Example: 1a or 1c. And there are also quasi-species in them.

As the hepatitis C virus replicates, it constantly mutates and changes—more than one trillion virions are produced each day. When a virus replicates, it makes "wrong" copies and makes mistakes at the genetic level of the new viruses. Due to the constant changes of this virus, it is difficult for the immune system to fight it, or rather, it is impossible on its own. As soon as it destroys one quasi-species, another immediately comes to replace it. Therefore, our immunity is forced again and again to find, recognize and destroy new variants of the virus. For this reason, most people have hepatitis C chronic form. According to experts, in each individual person infected with hepatitis C, there are millions of different quasi-species and all of them are unique. Also, there is an assumption that they affect the process of the course of the disease, and its treatment. However, these theories need further research. But, although constant mutations and changes make it difficult to find alternative treatment, progress does not stand still, and already gives optimistic forecasts.

Types of virus genotype C and their distribution in the world

The hepatitis C virus is the most common of all viral hepatitis. If we consider everything chronic diseases liver, their most common cause is this type of hepatitis. The number of its carriers in our country is several million people.

The hepatitis C virus is not immediately detectable. Often the first signs of hepatitis C are liver cancer or cirrhosis. In chronic hepatitis C, the likelihood of developing cirrhosis can reach 50%.

The hepatitis C virus can be of different types, which can sometimes occur several at once in the same patient. These pseudo-species are formed due to the mutation of the initial virus that entered the patient's body, since they have a high degree of variability. This property allows them to be elusive immune system organism. It is known that in apartment conditions the hepatitis C virus can remain active for up to four days.

The distribution of HCV genotypes and subtypes around the world is uneven. Some hepatitis C viruses predominate in some areas, while others progress in others.

For example, there are genotypes of the hepatitis C virus 1,2,3 and it can be found in all parts of the world, the first subtype is only in:

both Americas;


some places in Asia.

The second genotype of the hepatitis C virus prefers more developed countries, but is less common than the first. It has become known from some studies that the types of hepatitis C virus genotype can possibly be sorted by the way they transmit the virus. After all, it is clearly known that the third genotype prevails among drug addicts who become infected with hepatitis using injection drugs. There is an opinion that the virus was brought by drug couriers to North America along with heroin somewhere in the 1960s. The fourth captured the Middle East and part of Africa. The fifth is predominant in South Africa. Southeast Asia has become a haven for the sixth genotype of the hepatitis C virus.

Among viral diseases especially highlight different types hepatitis, as they are considered the most contagious. People are quite interested in the mechanisms of transmission of all kinds of this virus. This is important to protect yourself from infection. Let's deal with the most frequently asked questions: how is hepatitis transmitted, and is infection possible through saliva or other household methods?

Hepatitis C risk group

Doctors divide all people into three risk groups. Most high percentage the likelihood of infection in cases of:

  1. Until 1992, before a blood transfusion, it was not tested for the presence of the hepatitis virus. If you had surgery or blood transfusions prior to this period, you are more likely to have hepatitis C.
  2. Constant monitoring is essential for health care workers who often have to take blood samples or work on research into this virus.
  3. Drug addicts who inject stimulants.
  4. Those who have the status of HIV-infected, since their immunity is weakened and even a small amount of causative agents of hepatitis can provoke the disease.

Less risky people from the second group:

  1. Having unexplained liver disease. They need to undergo a thorough examination to determine the cause of the malfunction of this body. In 25% of cases, it can be hepatitis C or B.
  2. Patients on hemodialysis. The chance that infected blood will enter the body during the procedure is extremely low.
  3. Children born to mothers with hepatitis C. right action obstetricians and doctors, the virus is practically not transmitted this way.

Weak risk in those who belong to the third group:

  • medical workers;
  • employed in the sanitary and epidemiological service;
  • leading an active sex life (having random connections or one infected partner).

Other people have a lower risk. Let's figure out how the virus is transmitted so as not to get hepatitis C by accident.

How is hepatitis C transmitted?

The causative agents of hepatitis are extremely viable; they accumulate:

  • in blood;
  • lymph;
  • sperm;
  • saliva
  • menstrual and postpartum discharge.

However, scientists have found that you can get hepatitis C only through blood. In other human fluids, the number of pathogens is extremely small, and they appear only in those cases when the disease is at its peak. Through saliva, for example, only people with a weakened immune system can become infected.

In the vast majority of cases, the disease is transmitted through the blood:

  • during medical procedures(including when performing dental procedures);
  • when using others hygiene products(toothbrushes, razors, manicure sets);
  • when visiting hairdressing, manicure and pedicure salons (if they neglect the rules for instrument sterilization);
  • during the manufacture of a tattoo (now it is a very fashionable way to make a long-lasting make-up, but private offices and salons neglect the rules for processing tools and rarely use disposable devices).

It is important to seek dental and cosmetic services from trusted locations that accurately use disposable and reprocessed instruments. Due to the lack of sterility, people in correctional colonies and pre-trial detention centers and drug addicts can be attributed to the risk group.

Sexual transmission: when is the risk high?

The probability of infection through sexual contact is only 3-5%. The use of a condom and the satisfaction of one's sexual needs can completely exclude the possibility of getting the virus in this way. traditional ways. Increase the risk of infection traumatic types of sex: anal and hard. With them, small abrasions and cracks appear on the genitals, through which the virus is transmitted. Sexual contact during menstruation also increases the chances of getting hepatitis.

If you are protected barrier methods and have permanent partner, then even if it is infected, the risk of getting hepatitis C through sexual contact is practically zero. As for kisses, the virus is not transmitted through saliva, but you should be wary of such contacts with oral diseases in both partners: bleeding gums, broken teeth, and mucosal injuries.

What to fear if there is a patient with hepatitis C in the family

If during the medical examination it is revealed that one of your family members has hepatitis C, then first of all you need to remember in what ways the virus is not transmitted:

  • airborne;
  • through hugging, coughing or sneezing;
  • during a conversation;
  • through the use shared drinks and food;
  • through household items;
  • with insect bites.

In everyday life, you can only become infected through hygiene items and bleeding wounds. Therefore, all infected hepatologists explain general rules living in a family and interacting with others:

  1. If you have been injured in which a bleeding wound has formed, then it must be urgently bandaged. For first aid, healthy households should wear thick rubber gloves.
  2. If blood gets on clothes, household items or the environment, it is necessary to remove the stain with chlorine (use Domestos or Whiteness). Clothes should be washed at a temperature above 60 degrees, and the skin should be treated with Chlorhexidine.
  3. It is worth getting personal hygiene items and not letting other family members or acquaintances use them. Do not lend your razor, epilator, toothbrush, manicure set.

Remember, if you have successfully recovered from hepatitis, then there is a risk of getting the disease again. Try to keep the risk of transmission to a minimum. After treatment for this disease, immunity is not produced.

Separately, it is worth mentioning situations when a woman is infected. In the family, she should be more vigilant, as she has a greater risk of cutting herself while cooking, and is also the continuer of the family.

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